import cv2 import pandas as pd import numpy as np from skimage import color import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from skimage.color import deltaE_ciede2000 # Import for Delta E 2000 calculation # Function to convert LAB to LCH and back def lab_to_lch(L, a, b): C = np.sqrt(a ** 2 + b ** 2) # Chroma (C) H = np.arctan2(b, a) # Hue angle (in radians) H = np.degrees(H) # Convert hue to degrees H[H < 0] += 360 # Ensure hue is between 0 and 360 degrees return L, C, H def lch_to_lab(L, C, H): H_rad = np.radians(H) # Convert hue back to radians a = C * np.cos(H_rad) # Compute a from C and H b = C * np.sin(H_rad) # Compute b from C and H return L, a, b # Load the image and convert to LAB, then LCH def load_image(image_path): image = cv2.imread(image_path) if image is None: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Image not found at {image_path}") image_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image_lab = color.rgb2lab(image_rgb) return image_rgb, image_lab # Extract LAB to LCH and Convex Hull def get_lch_and_hull(image_lab): # Extract L, a, b from the image L_image = image_lab[..., 0].flatten() a_image = image_lab[..., 1].flatten() b_image = image_lab[..., 2].flatten() # Convert image LAB to LCH L_image, C_image, H_image = lab_to_lch(L_image, a_image, b_image) # Create convex hull for image data points_image = np.column_stack((C_image, L_image)) # Combine C and L values for image hull_image = ConvexHull(points_image) return L_image, C_image, H_image, hull_image # Function to check if a point is inside the CMYK convex hull def is_point_in_hull(point, hull): """ Check if a point is inside the given convex hull """ return np.all([:, :-1], point) + hull.equations[:, -1] <= 0) # Function to find the nearest point on the hull boundary def map_point_to_hull_boundary(point, hull_points): """ Map a point outside the hull to the nearest point on the hull boundary """ distances = cdist([point], hull_points, metric='euclidean') nearest_index = np.argmin(distances) nearest_point = hull_points[nearest_index] return nearest_point # Perform the compression and mapping to CMYK boundary and towards L=50 def compress_to_cmyk_boundary(L_image, C_image, hull_cmyk, points_cmyk, L_target=50, factor=0.5): compressed_L, compressed_C = [], [] for L, C in zip(L_image, C_image): point = np.array([C, L]) nearest_point = map_point_to_hull_boundary(point, points_cmyk) nearest_L, nearest_C = nearest_point[1], nearest_point[0] # Always move towards L_target = 50 direction_L = L_target - L # Check if point is inside the CMYK hull if is_point_in_hull(point, hull_cmyk): # In-gamut colors: compress towards L=50 and CMYK boundary proportionally compressed_L.append(L + factor * (nearest_L - L + direction_L)) # Proportional movement towards L=50 compressed_C.append( min(C + factor * (nearest_C - C), nearest_C)) # Ensure chroma doesn't exceed boundary chroma else: # Out-of-gamut colors: move directly to the boundary and compress L towards 50 compressed_L.append(nearest_L + 0.4 * direction_L) # Move directly to the boundary compressed_C.append(nearest_C) # After compression, ensure no point is outside the CMYK boundary compressed_L, compressed_C = np.array(compressed_L), np.array(compressed_C) for i in range(len(compressed_L)): point = np.array([compressed_C[i], compressed_L[i]]) if not is_point_in_hull(point, hull_cmyk): # If still outside the CMYK gamut, map it directly to the CMYK boundary nearest_point = map_point_to_hull_boundary(point, points_cmyk) compressed_L[i], compressed_C[i] = nearest_point[1], nearest_point[0] return compressed_L, compressed_C # Plot Gamut Convex Hulls for Original, CMYK, and Compressed Image def plot_gamut_convex_hulls(L_image, C_image, compressed_L, compressed_C, hull_image, hull_cmyk, points_cmyk): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) # Plot original RGB convex hull (solid blue line) image_hull_points = np.append(hull_image.vertices, hull_image.vertices[0]) points_image = np.column_stack((C_image, L_image)) plt.plot(points_image[image_hull_points, 0], points_image[image_hull_points, 1], 'b-', linewidth=2, label='Original image gamut') # Plot CMYK convex hull (dashed green line) cmyk_hull_points = np.append(hull_cmyk.vertices, hull_cmyk.vertices[0]) plt.plot(points_cmyk[cmyk_hull_points, 0], points_cmyk[cmyk_hull_points, 1], 'g--', linewidth=2, label='CMYK Gamut') # Plot compressed RGB convex hull (solid red line) points_compressed = np.column_stack((compressed_C, compressed_L)) hull_compressed = ConvexHull(points_compressed) compressed_hull_points = np.append(hull_compressed.vertices, hull_compressed.vertices[0]) plt.plot(points_compressed[compressed_hull_points, 0], points_compressed[compressed_hull_points, 1], 'r-', linewidth=2, label='Compressed image gamut') plt.xlabel("Chroma (C)") plt.ylabel("Lightness (L)") plt.title("Comparison of gamuts") plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.grid(True) # Display side-by-side comparison of the original and compressed images def display_images(original_rgb, compressed_rgb_image): plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8)) # Make the figure wider for side-by-side display # Display original image plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.imshow(original_rgb) plt.title('Original Image') plt.axis('off') # Display compressed image plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(compressed_rgb_image) plt.title('Gamut Compression towards L=50') plt.axis('off') # Show the combined plot # Calculate Delta E 2000 between the original and compressed images def calculate_delta_e(original_lab, compressed_lab): # Flatten the LAB images for calculation original_lab_flat = original_lab.reshape((-1, 3)) compressed_lab_flat = compressed_lab.reshape((-1, 3)) # Compute Delta E 2000 delta_e_2000 = deltaE_ciede2000(original_lab_flat, compressed_lab_flat) # Print the overall average Delta E 2000 value avg_delta_e = np.mean(delta_e_2000) print(f"Average Delta E 2000 between original and compressed image: {avg_delta_e:.4f}") # Main function to load images, perform compression, and display results def main(): # Load RGB image image_path = 'newdataset/sample.jpg' image_rgb, image_lab = load_image(image_path) # Get LCH values and convex hull for RGB image L_image, C_image, H_image, hull_image = get_lch_and_hull(image_lab) # Load Fogra39 CMYK LAB data csv_path = 'newdataset/lab.csv' data = pd.read_csv(csv_path) # Extract L, a, b from the CSV file L_csv = data['L'].values a_csv = data['a'].values b_csv = data['b'].values # Convert CSV LAB to LCH and get convex hull for CMYK L_csv, C_csv, H_csv = lab_to_lch(L_csv, a_csv, b_csv) points_cmyk = np.column_stack((C_csv, L_csv)) hull_cmyk = ConvexHull(points_cmyk) # Perform compression and mapping compressed_L, compressed_C = compress_to_cmyk_boundary(L_image, C_image, hull_cmyk, points_cmyk) # Visualize the convex hulls plot_gamut_convex_hulls(L_image, C_image, compressed_L, compressed_C, hull_image, hull_cmyk, points_cmyk) # Convert compressed LCH back to LAB, and then to RGB compressed_Lab_L, compressed_Lab_a, compressed_Lab_b = lch_to_lab(compressed_L, compressed_C, H_image) compressed_Lab_L = compressed_Lab_L.reshape(image_lab.shape[:2]) compressed_Lab_a = compressed_Lab_a.reshape(image_lab.shape[:2]) compressed_Lab_b = compressed_Lab_b.reshape(image_lab.shape[:2]) compressed_lab_image = np.stack([compressed_Lab_L, compressed_Lab_a, compressed_Lab_b], axis=2) compressed_rgb_image = color.lab2rgb(compressed_lab_image) # Display original and compressed images side by side display_images(image_rgb, compressed_rgb_image) # Calculate Delta E 2000 between the original and compressed image calculate_delta_e(image_lab, compressed_lab_image) # Run the main function main()