import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull from skimage import io, color # Reference point in LAB space (typically the center of the gamut) REFERENCE_POINT = np.array([50, 0, 0]) # Pre-conditioning transformation function (based on Bala paper) def preconditioning_transform(lab_points, reference_point=REFERENCE_POINT, alpha=80, gamma=0.5, eps=1e-6): # Calculate the Euclidean distance from each LAB point to the reference point D = np.linalg.norm(lab_points - reference_point, axis=1) D_max = np.max(D) # Clamp D values to avoid division by zero D = np.maximum(D, eps) # Apply the pre-conditioning transform to the distances D_prime = D * ((D_max / np.maximum(D_max - D, eps)) ** gamma) # Transform the LAB points by scaling the difference vectors direction_vectors = (lab_points - reference_point) / D[:, np.newaxis] # Unit vectors in direction of LAB points transformed_points = reference_point + D_prime[:, np.newaxis] * direction_vectors return transformed_points # Inverse transform to bring points back to original LAB space def inverse_transform(transformed_points, reference_point=REFERENCE_POINT, alpha=80, gamma=0.5, eps=1e-6): # Calculate the Euclidean distance from transformed points to the reference point D_prime = np.linalg.norm(transformed_points - reference_point, axis=1) D_max = np.max(D_prime) # Clamp D_prime values to avoid division by zero D_prime = np.maximum(D_prime, eps) # Apply inverse of the pre-conditioning transform D = D_prime / ((D_max / np.maximum(D_max - D_prime, eps)) ** gamma) # Transform back to original LAB space direction_vectors = (transformed_points - reference_point) / D_prime[:, np.newaxis] original_points = reference_point + D[:, np.newaxis] * direction_vectors return original_points # Filter out NaN values def filter_invalid_points(points): # Remove points that contain NaN or Inf values valid_mask = np.isfinite(points).all(axis=1) return points[valid_mask] # Convert LAB to spherical coordinates (r, alpha, theta) def lab_to_spherical(lab_colors, E=REFERENCE_POINT): L = lab_colors[:, 0] a = lab_colors[:, 1] b = lab_colors[:, 2] # Spherical coordinates r = np.sqrt((L - E[0]) ** 2 + (a - E[1]) ** 2 + (b - E[2]) ** 2) alpha = np.arctan2(b - E[2], a - E[1]) * (180 / np.pi) # Convert radians to degrees alpha = alpha % 360 theta = np.arctan2(L - E[0], np.sqrt((a - E[1]) ** 2 + (b - E[2]) ** 2)) * (180 / np.pi) # Convert to degrees return r, alpha, theta # Segment maxima method to find the extrema points def segment_maxima(lab_pixels, n_alpha=1000, n_theta=500, alpha=80, gamma=0.5): # Apply preconditioning transform to the LAB points transformed_lab = preconditioning_transform(lab_pixels, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma) r, alpha_angles, theta = lab_to_spherical(transformed_lab) # Create finer bins for segmentation alpha_bins = np.linspace(0, 360, n_alpha) theta_bins = np.linspace(-90, 90, n_theta) maxima = [] for i in range(n_alpha - 1): for j in range(n_theta - 1): # Mask points that fall into the current segment mask = (alpha_angles >= alpha_bins[i]) & (alpha_angles < alpha_bins[i + 1]) & \ (theta >= theta_bins[j]) & (theta < theta_bins[j + 1]) segment_points = transformed_lab[mask] if len(segment_points) > 0: # Find the point with the maximum radius r_segment = r[mask] max_idx = np.argmax(r_segment) maxima.append(segment_points[max_idx]) maxima = np.array(maxima) # Apply inverse transform to bring points back to original LAB space maxima_points = inverse_transform(maxima, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma) # Filter out any invalid points (NaN, Inf) maxima_points = filter_invalid_points(maxima_points) return maxima_points # Create a convex hull def create_convex_hull(points): if len(points) < 4: return None hull = ConvexHull(points) return hull # Plot the GBD with colors based on LAB values def plot_gamut_boundary(hull, points): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Convert LAB points to RGB for coloring the segments lab_colors = points rgb_colors = color.lab2rgb(lab_colors[np.newaxis, :, :]).reshape(-1, 3) # Plot the convex hull triangles with color mapping for simplex in hull.simplices: triangle = points[simplex] rgb_triangle = rgb_colors[simplex] avg_rgb = np.mean(rgb_triangle, axis=0) # Average RGB color for the face ax.plot_trisurf(triangle[:, 1], triangle[:, 2], triangle[:, 0], color=avg_rgb, shade=True) # Set axis labels ax.set_xlabel('a* (Green-Red)') ax.set_ylabel('b* (Blue-Yellow)') ax.set_zlabel('L* (Lightness)') # Load image and convert to LAB space image = io.imread('lena.png') lab_image = color.rgb2lab(image) lab_pixels = lab_image.reshape(-1, 3) # Compute segment maxima points using modified convex hull method with more precise segmentation maxima_points = segment_maxima(lab_pixels, n_alpha=1000, n_theta=500) # Increased granularity for smaller triangles # Create convex hull from maxima points hull = create_convex_hull(maxima_points) # Plot the GBD if hull is not None: plot_gamut_boundary(hull, maxima_points) else: print("Not enough points for a valid convex hull")