import os import sys from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageOps, ImageStat class HalftoneGenerator: def __init__(self, image_path): """ image_path is the file path to the image to be halftoned. """ self.image_path = image_path def generate_halftone( self, sample_size=10, scaling_factor=1, gray_component_ratio=0, filename_suffix="_halftoned", rotation_angles=[0, 15, 30, 45], mode="color", enable_antialiasing=False, output_file_format="default", quality=75, save_individual_channels=False, channels_file_format="default", channels_mode="color", ): """ Generates a halftone version of the image. Optional parameters allow customization. Arguments: sample_size: Size of sample box from the original image, in pixels. scaling_factor: Max output dot diameter is sample_size * scaling_factor. gray_component_ratio: Percentage of gray component to shift from CMY to K. filename_suffix: Suffix to add to the filename (before the extension). rotation_angles: List of angles for each channel's screen rotation. mode: 'color' or 'grayscale'. enable_antialiasing: Boolean for enabling antialiasing. output_file_format: "default", "jpeg", "png", "tiff". quality: Quality level for saving images, default 75. save_individual_channels: Boolean, whether to save separate channel images. channels_file_format: "default", "jpeg", "png", "tiff". channels_mode: 'color' or 'grayscale'. """ # Validate input parameters self.validate_params( angles=rotation_angles, antialias=enable_antialiasing, output_format=output_file_format, quality=quality, percentage=gray_component_ratio, sample=sample_size, save_channels=save_individual_channels, channels_format=channels_file_format, channels_style=channels_mode, scale=scaling_factor, style=mode, ) base_name, extension = os.path.splitext(self.image_path) # Determine the correct extension based on the output format if output_file_format == "jpeg": extension = ".jpg" elif output_file_format == "png": extension = ".png" elif output_file_format == "tiff": extension = ".tiff" output_file_name = f"{base_name}{filename_suffix}{extension}" try: original_image = except IOError as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to open the image file '{self.image_path}'") from e if mode == "grayscale": rotation_angles = rotation_angles[:1] grayscale_image = original_image.convert("L") channel_images = self.create_halftone( original_image, grayscale_image, sample_size, scaling_factor, rotation_angles, enable_antialiasing ) combined_image = channel_images[0] else: cmyk_image = self.apply_gcr(original_image, gray_component_ratio) channel_images = self.create_halftone(original_image, cmyk_image, sample_size, scaling_factor, rotation_angles, enable_antialiasing) if save_individual_channels: self.export_channel_images( channel_images, mode=channels_mode, format=channels_file_format, base_filename=output_file_name, quality=quality, ) combined_image = Image.merge("CMYK", channel_images) # Save the final combined image if extension == ".jpg":, "JPEG", subsampling=0, quality=quality) elif extension == ".png": combined_image.convert("RGB").save(output_file_name, "PNG") elif extension == ".tiff":, "TIFF", quality=quality) def validate_params( self, angles, antialias, output_format, quality, percentage, sample, save_channels, channels_format, channels_style, scale, style, ): """ Ensures all input parameters are valid. Raises TypeError or ValueError if any parameter is invalid. """ if not isinstance(angles, list): raise TypeError("The angles parameter must be a list of integers.") if style == "grayscale": if len(angles) < 1: raise ValueError("For grayscale, angles list must contain at least 1 integer.") else: if len(angles) != 4: raise ValueError("For color, angles list must contain exactly 4 integers.") for angle in angles: if not isinstance(angle, int): raise ValueError("All elements of the angles list must be integers.") if not isinstance(antialias, bool): raise TypeError("The antialias parameter must be a boolean.") if output_format not in ["default", "jpeg", "png", "tiff"]: raise ValueError("The output_format parameter must be 'default', 'jpeg', 'png', or 'tiff'.") if not isinstance(quality, int): raise TypeError("The quality parameter must be an integer.") if quality < 0 or quality > 100: raise ValueError("The quality parameter must be between 0 and 100.") if not isinstance(percentage, (float, int)): raise TypeError("The percentage parameter must be an integer or float.") if not isinstance(sample, int): raise TypeError("The sample parameter must be an integer.") if not isinstance(save_channels, bool): raise TypeError("The save_channels parameter must be a boolean.") if channels_format not in ["default", "jpeg", "png", "tiff"]: raise ValueError("The channels_format parameter must be 'default', 'jpeg', 'png', or 'tiff'.") if channels_style not in ["color", "grayscale"]: raise ValueError("The channels_style parameter must be 'color' or 'grayscale'.") if not isinstance(scale, int): raise TypeError("The scale parameter must be an integer.") if style not in ["color", "grayscale"]: raise ValueError("The style parameter must be 'color' or 'grayscale'.") return True def apply_gcr(self, image, percentage): """ Applies Gray Component Replacement to the image and returns a CMYK image. """ cmyk_image = image.convert("CMYK") if not percentage: return cmyk_image cmyk_channels = cmyk_image.split() cmyk = [] for i in range(4): cmyk.append(cmyk_channels[i].load()) for x in range(image.size[0]): for y in range(image.size[1]): gray_value = int(min(cmyk[0][x, y], cmyk[1][x, y], cmyk[2][x, y]) * percentage / 100) for i in range(3): cmyk[i][x, y] = cmyk[i][x, y] - gray_value cmyk[3][x, y] = gray_value return Image.merge("CMYK", cmyk_channels) def create_halftone(self, original_image, cmyk_image, sample_size, scaling_factor, rotation_angles, enable_antialiasing): """ Creates a list of halftone images for each CMYK channel. """ if enable_antialiasing: scaling_factor *= 4 cmyk_channels = cmyk_image.split() halftone_images = [] for channel, angle in zip(cmyk_channels, rotation_angles): rotated_channel = channel.rotate(angle, expand=1) new_size = rotated_channel.size[0] * scaling_factor, rotated_channel.size[1] * scaling_factor halftone_image ="L", new_size) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(halftone_image) # Generate the halftone pattern for x in range(0, rotated_channel.size[0], sample_size): for y in range(0, rotated_channel.size[1], sample_size): sample_box = rotated_channel.crop((x, y, x + sample_size, y + sample_size)) average_value = ImageStat.Stat(sample_box).mean[0] circle_diameter = (average_value / 255) ** 0.5 draw_box_size = sample_size * scaling_factor circle_draw_diameter = circle_diameter * draw_box_size box_x, box_y = (x * scaling_factor), (y * scaling_factor) x1 = box_x + ((draw_box_size - circle_draw_diameter) / 2) y1 = box_y + ((draw_box_size - circle_draw_diameter) / 2) x2 = x1 + circle_draw_diameter y2 = y1 + circle_draw_diameter draw.ellipse([(x1, y1), (x2, y2)], fill=255) halftone_image = halftone_image.rotate(-angle, expand=1) width_half, height_half = halftone_image.size xx1 = (width_half - original_image.size[0] * scaling_factor) / 2 yy1 = (height_half - original_image.size[1] * scaling_factor) / 2 xx2 = xx1 + original_image.size[0] * scaling_factor yy2 = yy1 + original_image.size[1] * scaling_factor halftone_image = halftone_image.crop((xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2)) if enable_antialiasing: halftone_image = halftone_image.resize( (int((xx2 - xx1) / 4), int((yy2 - yy1) / 4)), resample=Image.LANCZOS ) halftone_images.append(halftone_image) return halftone_images def export_channel_images( self, channel_images, mode, format, base_filename, quality, ): """ Save the separate CMYK channel images. """ channel_labels = ( ("c", "cyan"), ("m", "magenta"), ("y", "yellow"), ("k", "black"), ) base_name, extension = os.path.splitext(base_filename) if format == "jpeg": extension = ".jpg" elif format == "png": extension = ".png" elif format == "tiff": extension = ".tiff" for idx, channel_img in enumerate(channel_images): channel_filename = f"{base_name}_{channel_labels[idx][0]}{extension}" processed_img = ImageOps.invert(channel_img) if mode == "color" and idx < 3: processed_img = ImageOps.colorize( processed_img, black=channel_labels[idx][1], white="white" ) if extension == ".jpg": processed_img.convert("CMYK").save( channel_filename, "JPEG", subsampling=0, quality=quality ) elif extension == ".png":, "PNG") elif extension == ".tiff":, "TIFF", quality=quality) if __name__ == "__main__": # Example usage input_image_path = 'Y.png' halftone_gen = HalftoneGenerator(input_image_path) halftone_gen.generate_halftone( mode="grayscale", rotation_angles=[0], output_file_format="tiff", gray_component_ratio=20, sample_size=2, scaling_factor=5 )