#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # Get the environment/OS environment=$(uname) # Function to exit with an error message exit_with_error() { echo "Error: $1" exit 1 } # Check the operating system and get the processor information case "$environment" in Linux) processor=$(uname -m) ;; Darwin) processor=$(uname -m) ;; *MINGW*) exit_with_error "$environment (Windows) environment not yet supported. Please use WSL (WSL2 recommended) or a Linux VM. Exiting installer." ;; *) processor="Unknown" ;; esac # Check for ARM processor or Unknown and exit if true, meaning the installer is not supported by the processor if [[ "$processor" == *"arm"* || "$processor" == "Unknown" ]]; then exit_with_error "$processor not yet supported. Exiting installer." fi # Print the detected environment and processor echo "$environment environment with $processor found." # Check if any hashing command is available if ! (command -v openssl > /dev/null || command -v shasum > /dev/null || command -v sha256sum > /dev/null); then echo "No supported hashing commands found." read -p "Would you like to install openssl? (y/n) " -n 1 -r echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # Detect package manager and install openssl if command -v apt-get > /dev/null; then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y openssl elif command -v yum > /dev/null; then sudo yum install -y openssl elif command -v dnf > /dev/null; then sudo dnf install -y openssl else echo "Your package manager is not supported. Please install openssl manually." exit 1 fi else echo "Please install openssl, shasum, or sha256sum and try again." exit 1 fi fi read -p "During this early stage of Betanet the Shardeum team will be collecting some performance and debugging info from your node to help improve future versions of the software. This is only temporary and will be discontinued as we get closer to mainnet. Thanks for running a node and helping to make Shardeum better. By running this installer, you agree to allow the Shardeum team to collect this data. (Y/n)?: " WARNING_AGREE # Echo user's response, or indicate if no response was provided if [ -z "$WARNING_AGREE" ]; then echo "No response provided." echo "Defaulting to y" WARNING_AGREE=y else echo "You entered: $WARNING_AGREE" fi WARNING_AGREE=$(echo "$WARNING_AGREE" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [ $WARNING_AGREE != "y" ]; then echo "Diagnostic data collection agreement not accepted. Exiting installer." exit fi read -p "What base directory should the node use (default ~/.shardeum): " input # Set default value if input is empty input=${input:-~/.shardeum} # Check if input starts with "/" or "~/", if not, add "~/" if [[ ! $input =~ ^(/|~\/) ]]; then input="~/$input" fi # Reprompt if not alphanumeric characters, tilde, forward slash, underscore, period, hyphen, or contains spaces while [[ ! $input =~ ^[[:alnum:]_.~/-]+$ || $input =~ .*[\ ].* ]]; do read -p "Error: The directory name contains invalid characters or spaces. Allowed characters are alphanumeric characters, tilde, forward slash, underscore, period, and hyphen. Please enter a valid base directory (default ~/.shardeum): " input # Check if input starts with "/" or "~/", if not, add "~/" if [[ ! $input =~ ^(/|~\/) ]]; then input="~/$input" fi done # Remove spaces from the input input=${input// /} # Echo the final directory used echo "The base directory is set to: $input" # Replace leading tilde (~) with the actual home directory path NODEHOME="${input/#\~/$HOME}" # support ~ in path # Check all things that will be needed for this script to succeed like access to docker and docker-compose # If any check fails exit with a message on what the user needs to do to fix the problem command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "'git' is required but not installed."; exit 1; } command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "'docker' is required but not installed. See https://github.com/shardeum/validator-dashboard?tab=readme-ov-file#how-to-install-and-run-a-shardeum-validator-node for details."; exit 1; } if command -v docker-compose &>/dev/null; then echo "docker-compose is installed on this machine" elif docker --help | grep -q "compose"; then echo "docker compose subcommand is installed on this machine" else echo "docker-compose or docker compose is not installed on this machine" exit 1 fi export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 docker-safe() { if ! command -v docker &>/dev/null; then echo "docker is not installed on this machine" exit 1 fi if ! docker $@; then echo "Trying again with sudo..." >&2 sudo docker $@ fi } docker-compose-safe() { if command -v docker-compose &>/dev/null; then cmd="docker-compose" elif docker --help | grep -q "compose"; then cmd="docker compose" else echo "docker-compose or docker compose is not installed on this machine" exit 1 fi if ! $cmd $@; then echo "Trying again with sudo..." sudo $cmd $@ fi } get_ip() { local ip if command -v ip >/dev/null; then ip=$(ip addr show $(ip route | awk '/default/ {print $5}') | awk '/inet/ {print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1 | head -n1) elif command -v netstat >/dev/null; then # Get the default route interface interface=$(netstat -rn | awk '/default/{print $4}' | head -n1) # Get the IP address for the default interface ip=$(ifconfig "$interface" | awk '/inet /{print $2}') else echo "Error: neither 'ip' nor 'ifconfig' command found. Submit a bug for your OS." return 1 fi echo $ip } get_external_ip() { external_ip='' external_ip=$(curl -s https://api.ipify.org) if [[ -z "$external_ip" ]]; then external_ip=$(curl -s http://checkip.dyndns.org | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b") fi if [[ -z "$external_ip" ]]; then external_ip=$(curl -s http://ipecho.net/plain) fi if [[ -z "$external_ip" ]]; then external_ip=$(curl -s https://icanhazip.com/) fi if [[ -z "$external_ip" ]]; then external_ip=$(curl --header "Host: icanhazip.com" -s fi if [[ -z "$external_ip" ]]; then external_ip=$(get_ip) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "The IP address is: $IP" else external_ip="localhost" fi fi echo $external_ip } hash_password() { local input="$1" local hashed_password # Try using openssl if command -v openssl > /dev/null; then hashed_password=$(echo -n "$input" | openssl dgst -sha256 -r | awk '{print $1}') echo "$hashed_password" return 0 fi # Try using shasum if command -v shasum > /dev/null; then hashed_password=$(echo -n "$input" | shasum -a 256 | awk '{print $1}') echo "$hashed_password" return 0 fi # Try using sha256sum if command -v sha256sum > /dev/null; then hashed_password=$(echo -n "$input" | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}') echo "$hashed_password" return 0 fi return 1 } if [[ $(docker-safe info 2>&1) == *"Cannot connect to the Docker daemon"* ]]; then echo "Docker daemon is not running" exit 1 else echo "Docker daemon is running" fi CURRENT_DIRECTORY=$(pwd) # DEFAULT VALUES FOR USER INPUTS DASHPORT_DEFAULT=8080 EXTERNALIP_DEFAULT=auto INTERNALIP_DEFAULT=auto SHMEXT_DEFAULT=9001 SHMINT_DEFAULT=10001 PREVIOUS_PASSWORD=none GITLAB_IMAGE_NAME="registry.gitlab.com/shardeum/server:latest" GITHUB_IMAGE_NAME="ghcr.io/shardeum/server:latest" # Check if container exists with GitLab image GITLAB_CONTAINER_ID=$(docker-safe ps -qf "ancestor=$GITLAB_IMAGE_NAME") # Check if container exists with GitHub image GITHUB_CONTAINER_ID=$(docker-safe ps -qf "ancestor=$GITHUB_IMAGE_NAME") # Determine action based on found container if [ ! -z "$GITLAB_CONTAINER_ID" ]; then echo "Existing GitLab container found. ID: $GITLAB_CONTAINER_ID" # Perform actions for GitLab container, e.g., copy settings, upgrade CONTAINER_ID=$GITLAB_CONTAINER_ID elif [ ! -z "$GITHUB_CONTAINER_ID" ]; then echo "Existing GitHub container found. ID: $GITHUB_CONTAINER_ID" # Perform actions for GitHub container, e.g., copy settings, upgrade CONTAINER_ID=$GITHUB_CONTAINER_ID else echo "No existing containers found. Proceeding with fresh installation." fi if [ ! -z "${CONTAINER_ID}" ]; then echo "CONTAINER_ID: ${CONTAINER_ID}" echo "Existing container found. Reading settings from container." # Assign output of read_container_settings to variable if ! ENV_VARS=$(docker inspect --format="{{range .Config.Env}}{{println .}}{{end}}" "$CONTAINER_ID"); then ENV_VARS=$(sudo docker inspect --format="{{range .Config.Env}}{{println .}}{{end}}" "$CONTAINER_ID") fi if ! docker-safe cp "${CONTAINER_ID}:/home/node/app/cli/build/secrets.json" ./; then echo "Container does not have secrets.json" else echo "Reusing secrets.json from container" fi # CHECK IF VALIDATOR IS ALREADY RUNNING set +e status=$(docker-safe exec "${CONTAINER_ID}" operator-cli status 2>/dev/null) check=$? set -e if [ $check -eq 0 ]; then # The command ran successfully status=$(awk '/state:/ {print $2}' <<< $status) if [ "$status" = "active" ] || [ "$status" = "syncing" ]; then read -p "Your node is $status and upgrading will cause the node to leave the network unexpectedly and lose the stake amount. Do you really want to upgrade now (y/N)?" REALLYUPGRADE REALLYUPGRADE=$(echo "$REALLYUPGRADE" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') REALLYUPGRADE=${REALLYUPGRADE:-n} if [ "$REALLYUPGRADE" == "n" ]; then exit 1 fi else echo "Validator process is not online" fi else read -p "The installer was unable to determine if the existing node is active. An active node unexpectedly leaving the network will lose it's stake amount. Do you really want to upgrade now (y/N)?" REALLYUPGRADE REALLYUPGRADE=$(echo "$REALLYUPGRADE" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') REALLYUPGRADE=${REALLYUPGRADE:-n} if [ "$REALLYUPGRADE" == "n" ]; then exit 1 fi fi docker-safe stop "${CONTAINER_ID}" docker-safe rm "${CONTAINER_ID}" # UPDATE DEFAULT VALUES WITH SAVED VALUES DASHPORT_DEFAULT=$(echo $ENV_VARS | grep -oP 'DASHPORT=\K[^ ]+') || DASHPORT_DEFAULT=8080 EXTERNALIP_DEFAULT=$(echo $ENV_VARS | grep -oP 'EXT_IP=\K[^ ]+') || EXTERNALIP_DEFAULT=auto INTERNALIP_DEFAULT=$(echo $ENV_VARS | grep -oP 'INT_IP=\K[^ ]+') || INTERNALIP_DEFAULT=auto SHMEXT_DEFAULT=$(echo $ENV_VARS | grep -oP 'SHMEXT=\K[^ ]+') || SHMEXT_DEFAULT=9001 SHMINT_DEFAULT=$(echo $ENV_VARS | grep -oP 'SHMINT=\K[^ ]+') || SHMINT_DEFAULT=10001 PREVIOUS_PASSWORD=$(echo $ENV_VARS | grep -oP 'DASHPASS=\K[^ ]+') || PREVIOUS_PASSWORD=none elif [ -f NODEHOME/.env ]; then echo "Existing NODEHOME/.env file found. Reading settings from file." # Read the NODEHOME/.env file into a variable. Use default installer directory if it exists. ENV_VARS=$(cat NODEHOME/.env) # UPDATE DEFAULT VALUES WITH SAVED VALUES DASHPORT_DEFAULT=$(echo $ENV_VARS | grep -oP 'DASHPORT=\K[^ ]+') || DASHPORT_DEFAULT=8080 EXTERNALIP_DEFAULT=$(echo $ENV_VARS | grep -oP 'EXT_IP=\K[^ ]+') || EXTERNALIP_DEFAULT=auto INTERNALIP_DEFAULT=$(echo $ENV_VARS | grep -oP 'INT_IP=\K[^ ]+') || INTERNALIP_DEFAULT=auto SHMEXT_DEFAULT=$(echo $ENV_VARS | grep -oP 'SHMEXT=\K[^ ]+') || SHMEXT_DEFAULT=9001 SHMINT_DEFAULT=$(echo $ENV_VARS | grep -oP 'SHMINT=\K[^ ]+') || SHMINT_DEFAULT=10001 PREVIOUS_PASSWORD=$(echo $ENV_VARS | grep -oP 'DASHPASS=\K[^ ]+') || PREVIOUS_PASSWORD=none fi cat << EOF ######################### # 0. GET INFO FROM USER # ######################### EOF read -p "Do you want to run the web based Dashboard? (Y/n): " RUNDASHBOARD RUNDASHBOARD=$(echo "$RUNDASHBOARD" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') RUNDASHBOARD=${RUNDASHBOARD:-y} if [ "$PREVIOUS_PASSWORD" != "none" ]; then read -p "Do you want to change the password for the Dashboard? (y/N): " CHANGEPASSWORD CHANGEPASSWORD=$(echo "$CHANGEPASSWORD" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') CHANGEPASSWORD=${CHANGEPASSWORD:-n} else CHANGEPASSWORD="y" fi if [ "$CHANGEPASSWORD" == "y" ]; then unset CHARCOUNT echo -n "Set the password to access the Dashboard: " CHARCOUNT=0 while IFS= read -p "$PROMPT" -r -s -n 1 CHAR do # Enter - accept password if [[ $CHAR == $'\0' ]] ; then if [ $CHARCOUNT -gt 0 ] ; then # Make sure password character length is greater than 0. break else echo echo -n "Invalid password input. Enter a password with character length greater than 0:" continue fi fi # Backspace if [[ $CHAR == $'\177' ]] ; then if [ $CHARCOUNT -gt 0 ] ; then CHARCOUNT=$((CHARCOUNT-1)) PROMPT=$'\b \b' DASHPASS="${DASHPASS%?}" else PROMPT='' fi else CHARCOUNT=$((CHARCOUNT+1)) PROMPT='*' DASHPASS+="$CHAR" fi done # Hash the password using the fallback mechanism DASHPASS=$(hash_password "$DASHPASS") else DASHPASS=$PREVIOUS_PASSWORD if ! [[ $DASHPASS =~ ^[0-9a-f]{64}$ ]]; then DASHPASS=$(hash_password "$DASHPASS") fi fi if [ -z "$DASHPASS" ]; then echo -e "\nFailed to hash the password. Please ensure you have openssl" exit 1 fi echo # New line after inputs. # echo "Password saved as:" $DASHPASS #DEBUG: TEST PASSWORD WAS RECORDED AFTER ENTERED. while :; do read -p "Enter the port (1025-65536) to access the web based Dashboard (default $DASHPORT_DEFAULT): " DASHPORT DASHPORT=${DASHPORT:-$DASHPORT_DEFAULT} [[ $DASHPORT =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || { echo "Enter a valid port"; continue; } if ((DASHPORT >= 1025 && DASHPORT <= 65536)); then DASHPORT=${DASHPORT:-$DASHPORT_DEFAULT} break else echo "Port out of range, try again" fi done while :; do read -p "If you wish to set an explicit external IP, enter an IPv4 address (default=$EXTERNALIP_DEFAULT): " EXTERNALIP EXTERNALIP=${EXTERNALIP:-$EXTERNALIP_DEFAULT} if [ "$EXTERNALIP" == "auto" ]; then break fi # Use regex to check if the input is a valid IPv4 address if [[ $EXTERNALIP =~ ^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then # Check that each number in the IP address is between 0-255 valid_ip=true IFS='.' read -ra ip_nums <<< "$EXTERNALIP" for num in "${ip_nums[@]}" do if (( num < 0 || num > 255 )); then valid_ip=false fi done if [ $valid_ip == true ]; then break else echo "Invalid IPv4 address. Please try again." fi else echo "Invalid IPv4 address. Please try again." fi done while :; do read -p "If you wish to set an explicit internal IP, enter an IPv4 address (default=$INTERNALIP_DEFAULT): " INTERNALIP INTERNALIP=${INTERNALIP:-$INTERNALIP_DEFAULT} if [ "$INTERNALIP" == "auto" ]; then break fi # Use regex to check if the input is a valid IPv4 address if [[ $INTERNALIP =~ ^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then # Check that each number in the IP address is between 0-255 valid_ip=true IFS='.' read -ra ip_nums <<< "$INTERNALIP" for num in "${ip_nums[@]}" do if (( num < 0 || num > 255 )); then valid_ip=false fi done if [ $valid_ip == true ]; then break else echo "Invalid IPv4 address. Please try again." fi else echo "Invalid IPv4 address. Please try again." fi done while :; do echo "To run a validator on the Sphinx network, you will need to open two ports in your firewall." read -p "This allows p2p communication between nodes. Enter the first port (1025-65536) for p2p communication (default $SHMEXT_DEFAULT): " SHMEXT SHMEXT=${SHMEXT:-$SHMEXT_DEFAULT} [[ $SHMEXT =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || { echo "Enter a valid port"; continue; } if ((SHMEXT >= 1025 && SHMEXT <= 65536)); then SHMEXT=${SHMEXT:-9001} else echo "Port out of range, try again" fi read -p "Enter the second port (1025-65536) for p2p communication (default $SHMINT_DEFAULT): " SHMINT SHMINT=${SHMINT:-$SHMINT_DEFAULT} [[ $SHMINT =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || { echo "Enter a valid port"; continue; } if ((SHMINT >= 1025 && SHMINT <= 65536)); then SHMINT=${SHMINT:-10001} break else echo "Port out of range, try again" fi done #APPSEEDLIST="archiver-sphinx.shardeum.org" #APPMONITOR="monitor-sphinx.shardeum.org" APPMONITOR="" RPC_SERVER_URL="https://atomium.shardeum.org" cat <./.env < docker-compose.yml sed -i '' "s/- '9001-9010:9001-9010'/- '$SHMEXT:$SHMEXT'/" docker-compose.yml sed -i '' "s/- '10001-10010:10001-10010'/- '$SHMINT:$SHMINT'/" docker-compose.yml else sed "s/- '8080:8080'/- '$DASHPORT:$DASHPORT'/" docker-compose.tmpl > docker-compose.yml sed -i "s/- '9001-9010:9001-9010'/- '$SHMEXT:$SHMEXT'/" docker-compose.yml sed -i "s/- '10001-10010:10001-10010'/- '$SHMINT:$SHMINT'/" docker-compose.yml fi ./docker-up.sh echo "Starting image. This could take a while..." (docker-safe logs -f shardeum-dashboard &) | grep -q 'done' # Check if secrets.json exists and copy it inside container cd ${CURRENT_DIRECTORY} if [ -f secrets.json ]; then echo "Reusing old node" CONTAINER_ID=$(docker-safe ps -qf "ancestor=local-dashboard") echo "New container id is : $CONTAINER_ID" docker-safe cp ./secrets.json "${CONTAINER_ID}:/home/node/app/cli/build/secrets.json" rm -f secrets.json fi #Do not indent if [ $RUNDASHBOARD = "y" ] then cat <:$DASHPORT 3. Go to the Settings tab and connect a wallet. 4. Go to the Maintenance tab and click the Start Node button. If this validator is on the cloud and you need to reach the dashboard over the internet, please set a strong password and use the external IP instead of localhost. EOF fi cat <