--- presentation: enableSpeakerNotes: true --- # Presentation Writer by **Markdown Preview Enhanced** powered by [reveal.js](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js)

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You can easily create beautiful presentation by running command `Markdown Preview Enhanced: Insert New Slide` Or just insert to your markdown file `` Multiple Presentation themes are supported, you can change it easily from the extension settings. - vscode @import "https://i.loli.net/2017/07/12/5965b5c7783fb.png" {width: 60%} - atom @import "https://i.imgur.com/lwaogVZ.png" {width: 60%} All features of **Markdown Preview Enhanced** are supported. $$ f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \hat f(\xi)\,e^{2 \pi i \xi x} \,d\xi $$ You can set initialization config for your presentation. Just add front-matter to your presentation markdown file. ```yaml --- presentation: width: 800 height: 600 controls: false --- ``` More information about front-matter settings can be found [here](https://shd101wyy.github.io/markdown-preview-enhanced/#/presentation). **Speaker notes** is also supported (not in preview). Press the s key on your keyboard to open the notes window. To enable speaker notes, set front-matter as: ```yaml --- presentation: enableSpeakerNotes: true --- ``` To add notes, simply set `data-notes` property: ```html ``` check [Reveal.js Speaker Notes](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#speaker-notes) section for more information. By default, all slides are aligned horizontally, but you can also create vertical slides by adding `vertical=true`. For example: ```html ``` You just discovered a vertical slide! You can set `id` and `class` for your slide like this: ```html ``` You can set slide background very easily. For example: ```html ``` Of course you can do more about slide **background**. - `data-background-image` URL of the image to show. GIFs restart when the slide opens. - `data-background-size` See [background-size](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/background-size) on MDN. - `data-background-position` See [background-position](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/background-position) on MDN. - `data-background-repeat` See [background-repeat](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/background-repeat) on MDN. You can also set **video background** and **iframe background**. - `data-background-video` A single video source, or a comma separated list of video sources. - `data-background-video-loop` Flags if the video should play repeatedly. - `data-background-video-muted` Flags if the audio should be muted. - `data-background-iframe` Embeds a web page as a background. Fragment is supported. ``` - Item 1 - Item 2 ``` - See [this doc](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#fragments) for different fragment animations - Item 1 - Item 2 For example, the markdown snippet below will generate slide like... ```html








It is also very easy to customize presentation css. Run command: `Markdown Preview Enhanced: Customize Css` then edit: ```less .markdown-preview.markdown-preview { .slides { // This will modify all slides. } .slides > section:nth-child(1) { // This will modify `the first slide`. background-color: blue; } } ``` You can check your presentation in browser by right clicking at the preview, then choose `Open in Browser` **Markdown Preview Enhanced** can also generate beautiful **HTML** or **PDF** files for your presentation. #### Star this project if you like it ;) - Github Repository can be found [here](https://github.com/shd101wyy/markdown-preview-enhanced) - Feel free to post issues and request new features [here](https://github.com/shd101wyy/vscode-markdown-preview-enhanced/issues) - Source code of this presentation can be found [here](https://github.com/shd101wyy/markdown-preview-enhanced/blob/master/docs/presentation-intro.md), [raw](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shd101wyy/markdown-preview-enhanced/master/docs/presentation-intro.md)