package problems.easy; import problems.utils.ListNode; /** * Created by sherxon on 2016-12-28. */ public class IntersectionofTwoLinkedLists { /** * Case: Find intersection node of two linked lists. * This can be recursively and iteratively. Iterative solution: find size of both lists and move pointer * of longer lists until it reaches the node whose length is the same as shorter list. * Then move both pointers forward one at a time until they reach the same value. if found return it * else there is no intersection point. Time Complexity is O(N) * */ public ListNode getIntersectionNode(ListNode x, ListNode y) { ListNode xHelper = x; ListNode yHelper = y; int sizeX = 0; int sizeY = 0; // get the size of each list while (xHelper != null || yHelper != null) { if (xHelper != null) { xHelper =; sizeX++; } if (yHelper != null) { yHelper =; sizeY++; } } xHelper = x; yHelper = y; if (sizeX > sizeY) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeX - sizeY; i++) xHelper =; } else if (sizeX < sizeY) { for (int i = 0; i < sizeY - sizeX; i++) yHelper =; } // find the intersection node while (yHelper != null && xHelper != null) { if (yHelper == xHelper) return xHelper; yHelper =; xHelper =; } return null; } /** * This is another iterative solution without knowing size of lists. * We can use two iterations to do that. In the first iteration, we will reset the pointer of one * linked list to the head of another linked list after it reaches the tail node. In the second * iteration, we will move two pointers until they points to the same node. Our operations in first * iteration will help us counteract the difference. So if two linked list intersects, * the meeting point in second iteration must be the intersection point. If the two linked lists * have no intersection at all, then the meeting pointer in second iteration must be the tail * node of both lists, which is null * */ public ListNode getIntersectionNode2(ListNode x, ListNode y) { if(x==null || y==null)return null; ListNode xhead=x; ListNode yhead=y; while (xhead != yhead){ xhead = xhead == null ? y :; yhead = yhead == null ? x :; } return xhead; } }