FROM node:8.11-slim as builder ARG DEVELOPER ARG STANDALONE ENV STANDALONE=$STANDALONE # Install build c-lightning for third-party packages (c-lightning/bitcoind) RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends git \ $([ -n "$STANDALONE" ] || echo "autoconf automake build-essential libtool libgmp-dev \ libsqlite3-dev python python3 wget zlib1g-dev") ENV LIGHTNINGD_VERSION=v0.6.3 ENV LIGHTNINGD_PGP_KEY=15EE8D6CAB0E7F0CF999BFCBD9200E6CD1ADB8F1 RUN [ -n "$STANDALONE" ] || ( \ git clone /opt/lightningd \ && cd /opt/lightningd \ && gpg --keyserver --recv-keys "$LIGHTNINGD_PGP_KEY" \ && git verify-tag $LIGHTNINGD_VERSION \ && git checkout $LIGHTNINGD_VERSION \ && DEVELOPER=$DEVELOPER ./configure \ && make) # Install bitcoind ENV BITCOIN_VERSION 0.17.1 ENV BITCOIN_FILENAME bitcoin-$BITCOIN_VERSION-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz ENV BITCOIN_URL$BITCOIN_VERSION/$BITCOIN_FILENAME ENV BITCOIN_SHA256 53ffca45809127c9ba33ce0080558634101ec49de5224b2998c489b6d0fc2b17 ENV BITCOIN_ASC_URL$BITCOIN_VERSION/SHA256SUMS.asc ENV BITCOIN_PGP_KEY 01EA5486DE18A882D4C2684590C8019E36C2E964 RUN [ -n "$STANDALONE" ] || \ (mkdir /opt/bitcoin && cd /opt/bitcoin \ && wget -qO "$BITCOIN_FILENAME" "$BITCOIN_URL" \ && echo "$BITCOIN_SHA256 $BITCOIN_FILENAME" | sha256sum -c - \ && gpg --keyserver --recv-keys "$BITCOIN_PGP_KEY" \ && wget -qO bitcoin.asc "$BITCOIN_ASC_URL" \ && gpg --verify bitcoin.asc \ && cat bitcoin.asc | grep "$BITCOIN_FILENAME" | sha256sum -c - \ && BD=bitcoin-$BITCOIN_VERSION/bin \ && tar -xzvf "$BITCOIN_FILENAME" $BD/bitcoind $BD/bitcoin-cli --strip-components=1) RUN mkdir /opt/bin && ([ -n "$STANDALONE" ] || \ (mv /opt/lightningd/cli/lightning-cli /opt/bin/ \ && mv /opt/lightningd/lightningd/lightning* /opt/bin/ \ && mv /opt/bitcoin/bin/* /opt/bin/)) # npm doesn't normally like running as root, allow it since we're in docker RUN npm config set unsafe-perm true # Install Spark WORKDIR /opt/spark/client COPY client/package.json client/npm-shrinkwrap.json ./ COPY client/fonts ./fonts RUN npm install WORKDIR /opt/spark COPY package.json npm-shrinkwrap.json ./ RUN npm install COPY . . # Build production NPM package RUN npm run dist:npm \ && npm prune --production \ && find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \ ! -name '*.json' ! -name dist ! -name LICENSE ! -name node_modules ! -name scripts \ -exec rm -r "{}" \; # Prepare final image FROM node:8.11-slim ARG STANDALONE ENV STANDALONE=$STANDALONE WORKDIR /opt/spark RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends xz-utils inotify-tools \ $([ -n "$STANDALONE" ] || echo libgmp-dev libsqlite3-dev) \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \ && ln -s /opt/spark/dist/cli.js /usr/bin/spark-wallet \ && mkdir /data \ && ln -s /data/lightning $HOME/.lightning COPY --from=builder /opt/bin /usr/bin COPY --from=builder /opt/spark /opt/spark ENV CONFIG=/data/spark/config TLS_PATH=/data/spark/tls TOR_PATH=/data/spark/tor COOKIE_FILE=/data/spark/cookie HOST= # link the hsv3 (Tor Hidden Service V3) node_modules installation directory # inside /data/spark/tor/, to persist the Tor Bundle download in the user-mounted volume RUN ln -s $TOR_PATH/tor-installation/node_modules dist/transport/hsv3-dep/node_modules VOLUME /data ENTRYPOINT [ "scripts/" ] EXPOSE 9735 9737