// Learning Processing // Daniel Shiffman // http://www.learningprocessing.com // Example 3-1: Zoog as dynamic sketch // setup() runs first one time. // size() should always be first line of setup void setup() { // Set the size of the window size(480, 270); } // draw() loops continuously until you close the sketch window. void draw() { // Draw a white background background(255); // Set CENTER mode ellipseMode(CENTER); rectMode(CENTER); // Body stroke(0); fill(150); rect(240, 145, 20, 100); // Head fill(255); ellipse(240, 115, 60, 60); // Eyes fill(0); ellipse(221, 115, 16, 32); ellipse(259, 115, 16, 32); // Legs stroke(0); line(230, 195, 220, 205); line(250, 195, 260, 205); }