#!/bin/bash fname="ultimate-nmap-parser.sh" version="0.8" modified="05/03/2020" # TO DO: # BUG: cant handle paths with spaces. so far the makcsv function doesnt appear to write to temp.csv # **THINK I FIXED THIS -- Need lots more testing. go through and parse last projectes # -------------------- # - 1. check if tcp,udp,unique,up and down files are empty - if empty then say # - 2. more check of input file and exit if cant find open it. if no inputfile - exit # - 3. better checks for Up/Down hosts # - improve web-urls to check for http/https properly # - add check to closed ports if no closed ports than say and dont make file liek the rest # - take in xml file do checks and make more vauge... maybe make it pickup from folder location in future # - make the output echo out each host file # - improve closed ports - make a nice table # - better processing output... show lines # - create a vesions file of all the versions which can be looked up # - need to make the hosts files better .. dont like the output and the same port sometimes has multiple files # - lots more work needed on the output bit at the end maybe use the ifs # - make like a log file - time stats. input swtichees used files es.. all stats ports est # - fix the output at the end # - better error handling # - need to check if there is nothing in the file then delete it and sate no hosts # - output stating what files been picked up ...list them out ? # - fix and check ssl function # - closed ports needs sorting # - sort the port files - tcp, udp, unique # - have a bit at the end to print the output of files # - use less temp files try and keep things consistant in oneliner # - tidy up the script make it organised # - give the functions desicriptions so know what they are doing # - renames the hosts services for indvidual port file ftp,telnet,ssl,web,http/https/ssl,mysql,oracle,mssql,smb,snmp....est so they are a bit bteer # - create some error checking. file checks for each function. main file checks. fix the switches # - test every switch and options # - stop reusing code. make functions for repeats # - better input checks. all runs first - giant if statemnt to check switches are valid first # - add useful features from OLD nmap-parser # - change the if statements so that there is an all function so it will set all the varibles on and create the folder. this needs testing too # - TEST TEST TEST TEST TEST and check the output with lots of different scans and make sure it is all accurate. # add parse out versions of stuff and look them up # remove duplicates in hosts files # summary seems to show duplicates too # fix web parsing - seems to pickup 3389 - look @ CBS # unqiue all the hosts bit #----------------------------------------------------------------- START OF SCRIPT ----------------------------------------------------------------- # colours - https://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colors_and_formatting RED='\e[91m' RESETCOL='\e[39m' # doesnt seem to work that well so used version sort seems to be the best export sortip="sort -V" #export sortip="sort -t. -n -k1 | sort -t. -n -k2 | sort -t. -n -k3 | sort -t. -n -k4 | sort -u -V" #export sortip="sort -t. -k 1 -V | sort -t. -k 2 -V | sort -t. -k 3 -V | sort -t. -k 4 -V" #name of temp files inputtemp="temp.gnmap" csvtemp="temp.csv" #output folder createoutdir="N" #change to Y - if you always want mkdir outdir outdir="parse" outhostsdir="hosts" #output file names outputcsvfile="parsed_nmap.csv" outputsummaryfile="summary.txt" outputclosedfile="closed-summary.txt" outputipfile="parsed_ipport.txt" outputupfile="hosts_up.txt" outputdownfile="hosts_down.txt" outputuniquefile="ports_unique.txt" outputtcpfile="ports_tcp.txt" outputudpfile="ports_udp.txt" outputsmbfile="smb.txt" outputwebfile="web-urls.txt" outputsslfile="ssl.txt" outputreport1file="report1.txt" outputclosedsummaryfile="closed-summary.txt" # Menu Switches men_all="N" men_csv="N" men_summary="N" men_uports="N" men_tcpports="N" men_udpports="N" men_uphosts="N" men_downhosts="N" men_ipport="N" men_smb="N" men_ssl="N" men_web="N" men_hostports="N" men_closed="N" men_report1="N" men_htmlreport="N" function header () { # header function - used to print out the title of the script # need a better name i think echo -e "\e[1m _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ____ ___ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ ___ " echo " | | | | | |\/| |__| | |___ |\ | |\/| |__| |__] " echo " |__| |___ | | | | | | | |___ | \| | | | | | " echo " ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ " echo " |__] |__| |__/ [__ |___ |__/ " echo " | | | | \ ___] |___ | \ " echo " " echo -e "\e[39m\e[0m\e[96mVersion: $version - $modified" echo -e "Created By: Shifty0g https://github.com/shifty0g \e[39m" echo "" } function footer () { # footer to print out at the end of the script echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo " ___ " echo " _ _ .-' '-. " echo " (.)(.)/ \ " echo " /@@ ; " echo " o_\\-mm-......-mm\`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\` " echo " " echo } function helpmenu () { # prints out the header and help menu when --help switch is selected to show the options to use header echo echo "[*] Usage: $fname [input] [options]" echo echo -e "\e[95m[input]: Grepable nmap file(s) .gnmap - can have multiple\e[39m" echo echo -e "\e[93m[options]:" echo echo " --help Show this help menu" echo " --all Runs ALL options - **EXCLUDING: report1, --html**" echo " --csv Create .csv file - $outputcsvfile" echo " --summary Create host Summary report - $outputsummaryfile" echo " --closed Create Summary of hosts with CLOSED ports - $outputclosedfile" echo " --unique Parse open unique TCP & UDP ports - $outputuniquefile" echo " --tcp Parse open TCP ports - $outputtcpfile" echo " --udp Parse open UDP ports - $outputudpfile" echo " --up Parse 'Up' hosts - $outputupfile" echo " --down Parse 'Down' hosts - $outputdownfile" echo " --ipport Parse targets IP:PORT - $outputipfile" echo " --smb Generate smb paths smb://IP - $outputsmbfile" echo " --web Generate web URLS http://IP:PORT https://IP:PORT - $outputwebfile" echo " --ssl Generate ssl/tls hosts list IP:PORT - $outputsslfile" echo " --hostports Generate hosts/hosts_--.txt files" #echo " --html Generates a .html report for each scan (uses xml file - will auto pickup from \$pwd)" echo " --report1 Report - IP[PORT1,PORT2,PORT3, ] - parsip.pl" echo echo -e "\e[39m[*] Example:" echo echo "$fname *.gnmap --all" echo "$fname nmap_tcp_full.gnmp nmap_udp_def.gnmap --summary --unique" echo "$fname nmap_tcp_full.gnmp nmap_udp_def.gnmap --web" echo echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo } function diagnostics () { # diagnostics function used to help figure out whats wrong - will delete this when release the script echo echo echo "################################[ DIAGNOSTICS ]########################################" echo "\$0 - "$0 echo "\$1 - "$1 echo "\$* - "$* echo "inpputfile - "$file echo "inputfilepath - "$inputfilepath echo "tempfile - "$tempfile echo "outpath - "$outpath echo "filecheck - "$filecheck echo "#######################################################################################" } function mastercleanup () { # MASTER cleanup - lazy just to wipe the temp stuff before and after soo all fresh rm "${outpath}tempinput" "${outpath}ipptemp" "${outpath}closedtemp" "${outpath}summtemp" "${outpath}tempfile" "${outpath}tempfile2" "${outpath}$varTempFile2" "${outpath}inputfile" "${outpath}$varTempFile" "${outpath}$tempfile" "${outpath}$varSummTempFile" "${outpath}webtemp" "${outpath}webtemp2" "${hostportspath}hostptemp" "${outpath}$inputtemp" "${outpath}$inputtemp "${outputpath}$csvtemp > /dev/null 2>&1 } function makecsv () { # this is the main function which processes the inputfile and creates a csv file echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Creating CSV File" while read line; do checkport=$(echo $line | grep -e '/open/' -e '/closed') if [ "$checkport" != "" ]; then host=$(echo $line | awk '{print $2}') lineports=$(echo $line | awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4=""; print $0}') if [ -f "${outpath}"tempfile2"" ]; then rm "${outpath}"tempfile2""; fi echo "$lineports" | tr "," "\n" | sed 's/^ *//g' >> "${outpath}"tempfile2"" # Read the per-host temp file to write each open port as a line to the CSV temp file while read templine; do # check for open port checkport2=$(echo $templine | grep -e '/open/' -e '/closed') if [ "$checkport2" != "" ]; then port=$(echo $templine | awk -F '/' '{print $1}') status=$(echo $templine | awk -F '/' '{print $2}') protocol=$(echo $templine | awk -F '/' '{print $3}') service=$(echo $templine | awk -F '/' '{print $5}') version=$(echo $templine | awk -F '/' '{print $7}') echo "$host,$port,$status,$protocol,$service,$version" >> "${outpath}$csvtemp" fi done < "${outpath}tempfile2" fi done < "${outpath}$inputtemp" # finalise and move the file if temp.csv if [ -f "${outpath}$csvtemp" ]; then echo "HOST,PORT,STATUS,PROTOCOL,SERVICE,VERSION" > "${outpath}$outputcsvfile" # sort by ip address - 1st.2nd.3rd.4th cat "${outpath}"temp.csv"" | sort -u | sort -t"," -n -k1 | $sortip >> "${outpath}$outputcsvfile" echo " - $outputcsvfile" fi #cleanup rm "${outpath}$csvtemp" "${outpath}"tempfile2"" > /dev/null 2>&1 echo #end } function checkcsv () { # checks if the makecsv fu nction has already ran and then sets the tempfile varible - stops repition as most other functions use the csv file if [ "$men_csv" == "Y" ] then cp "${outpath}$outputcsvfile" "${outpath}$csvtemp" else makecsv > /dev/null 2>&1 mv "${outpath}$outputcsvfile" "${outpath}$csvtemp" fi # remove the head from the csv file sed -i -e "1d" "${outpath}$csvtemp" # remove lines that have closed ports sed -i '/,closed,/d' "${outpath}$csvtemp" export tempfile="$(realpath "${outpath}$csvtemp")" # end } function summary () { # creates the summary file of from the input of open ports echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Creating Summary" #check for csv file to process checkcsv #clear any old file - fresh rm "${outpath}$outputsummaryfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "+=========================================================================================+" >> "${outpath}$outputsummaryfile" printf "%-18s %-16s %-52.52s %-2s \n" "| HOST " "| PORT / PROTOCOL" " | SERVICE" "|" >> "${outpath}$outputsummaryfile" lasthost="" while read line; do host=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $1}') port=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') protocol=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $4}') service=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $5}') version=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $6}') if [ "$host" != "$lasthost" ]; then echo "+=========================================================================================+" >> "${outpath}$outputsummaryfile"; fi if [ "$version" = "" ]; then version="" else version="- $version" fi printf "%-18s %-16s %-52.52s %-2s \n" "| $host " "| $port / $protocol " " | $service $version" " |" >> "${outpath}$outputsummaryfile" lasthost="$host" done < "$tempfile" echo "+=========================================================================================+" >> "${outpath}$outputsummaryfile" echo " - $outputsummaryfile" echo #cleanup rm "$tempfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 #end } function ipport () { # creates a file of open ports IP:PORT echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Creating IP Port file " # check is csv is run and get a tempfile checkcsv #clear any old file - fresh rm "${outpath}$outputipfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 # finalise the file and clean up cat "$tempfile" | cut -d, -f1,2 | tr -d '"' | tr , : | $sortip > "${outpath}$outputipfile" #cleanup rm "$tempfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 echo " - $outputipfile" echo #end } function uphosts () { # creates a file with IPs for hosts with Up Statues - needs further checks to be better echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Parsing up hosts" cat "$inputfilepath" | grep -e 'Status: Up' -e '/open/' | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b" | sort -u -V > "$outpath$outputupfile" # check if there are actually any IP addresses in the file - if not delete it no point if [ -z "$(cat "${outpath}$outputupfile" | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b")" ] then echo -e "$RED - no up hosts $RESETCOL" rm "${outpath}$outputupfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 else echo " - $outputupfile" fi echo #end } function downhosts () { # creates a file with IPs for hosts with Down status echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Parsing down hosts" cat "$inputfilepath" | grep -e 'Status: Down' | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b" | sort -u -V > "${outpath}$outputdownfile" # check if there are actually any IP addresses in the file - if not delete it no point if [ -z "$(cat "${outpath}$outputdownfile" | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b")" ] then echo -e "$RED - no down hosts $RESETCOL" rm "${outpath}$outputdownfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 else echo " - $outputdownfile" fi echo #end } function uniqueports () { # creates a file listing out uniquie open TCP and UDP ports echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Parsing unique ports" cat "$inputfilepath" | grep -o -P '.{0,9}/open/' | awk '{ print $2}' | cut -d / -f 1 | sort -u -V | paste -s -d, 2>&1 > "${outpath}$outputuniquefile"; # check for a number if the file has them then likely has ports in if [ -z "$(cat "${outpath}$outputuniquefile" | grep '[0-9]')" ] then echo -e "$RED - no Unique ports $RESETCOL" rm "${outpath}$outputuniquefile" > /dev/null 2>&1 else echo " - $outputuniquefile" fi echo # end } function tcpports () { # creates a file of unqiue open TCP ports - 22,23,80,443... echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Parsing tcp ports" cat "$inputfilepath" | grep '/tcp/' | grep -o -P '.{0,9}/open/' | awk '{ print $2}' | cut -d / -f 1 | sort -u -V | paste -s -d, 2>&1 > "${outpath}$outputtcpfile"; # check for a number if the file has them then likely has ports in if [ -z "$(cat "${outpath}$outputtcpfile" | grep '[0-9]')" ] then echo -e "$RED - no TCP ports $RESETCOL" rm "${outpath}$outputtcpfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 else echo " - $outputtcpfile" fi echo # end } function udpports () { # creates a file of unqiue open UDP ports - 53,161... echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Parsing udp ports" cat "$inputfilepath" | grep '/udp/' | grep -o -P '.{0,9}/open/' | awk '{ print $2}' | cut -d / -f 1 | sort -u -V | paste -s -d, 2>&1 > "${outpath}$outputudpfile" # check for a number if the file has them then likely has ports in if [ -z "$(cat "${outpath}$outputudpfile" | grep '[0-9]')" ] then echo -e "$RED - no UDP ports $RESETCOL" rm "${outpath}$outputudpfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 else echo " - $outputudpfile" fi echo # end } function smb () { # createa file for URI smb:// # will only grab out OPEN 445 TCP echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Creating smb paths" cat "$inputfilepath" | grep '445/open/tcp/' | awk '{ print $2}' | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b" | sed -e 's/^/smb:\/\//' | sort -u | $sortip | sort -t'/' -k2 -V > "${outpath}$outputsmbfile" # check for a smb:// if the file has them then likely has ports in if [ -z "$(cat "${outpath}$outputsmbfile" | grep 'smb://')" ] then echo -e "$RED - no SMB ports $RESETCOL" rm "${outpath}$outputsmbfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 else echo " - $outputsmbfile" fi echo # end } function web () { # make a file of URLS to use with tools like nikto wafwoof est echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Creating web URLS" # start fresh rm "${outpath}$webfinalname" "${outpath}webtemp2" > /dev/null 2>&1 #check that the csv file has been created checkcsv for line in $(cat "$tempfile"); do host=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $1}') port=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') service=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $5}') version=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $6}') # a little overboard with the checks just to make sure all web ports are collected if [ "$port" = "80" ]; then echo "http://${host}:$port/" >> "${outpath}webtemp2"; fi if [ "$port" = "443" ]; then echo "https://${host}:$port/" >> "${outpath}webtemp2"; fi if [ "$port" = "8080" ]; then echo "http://${host}:$port/" >> "${outpath}webtemp2"; fi if [ "$port" = "8443" ]; then echo "https://${host}:$port/" >> "${outpath}webtemp2"; fi if [ "$service" = "http" ]; then echo "http://${host}:$port/" >> "${outpath}webtemp2"; fi if [[ "$service" == *"ssl"* ]]; then echo "https://${host}:$port/" >> "${outpath}webtemp2"; fi if [[ "$version" == *"Web"* ]]; then echo "http://${host}:$port/" >> "${outpath}webtemp2"; fi if [[ "$version" == *"web"* ]]; then echo "http://${host}:$port/" >> "${outpath}webtemp2"; fi done # if webtemp2 exists then sort it if [ -f "${outpath}webtemp2" ]; then sort -u "${outpath}webtemp2" | $sortip | sort -t'/' -k2 -V > "${outpath}$outputwebfile" 2>&1 echo " - $outputwebfile" else echo -e "$RED - no ports found $RESETCOL" rm "${outpath}$outputwebfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi #cleanup rm "${outpath}webtemp2" "$tempfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 echo #end } function ssl () { echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Creating ssl/tls list" # start fresh rm "${outpath}$outputsslfile" "${outpath}ssltemp2" > /dev/null 2>&1 #check that the csv file has been created checkcsv for line in $(cat "$tempfile"); do host=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $1}') port=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') service=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $5}') version=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $6}') # a little overboard again - just to get anything with ssl or tls in if [[ "$port" -eq "443" ]]; then echo "${host}:$port" >> "${outpath}ssltemp2"; fi if [[ "$service" == *"ssl"* ]]; then echo "${host}:$port" >> "${outpath}ssltemp2"; fi if [[ "$version" == *"ssl"* ]]; then echo "${host}:$port" >> "${outpath}ssltemp2"; fi if [[ "$service" == *"tls"* ]]; then echo "${host}:$port" >> "${outpath}ssltemp2"; fi if [[ "$version" == *"tls"* ]]; then echo "${host}:$port" >> "${outpath}ssltemp2"; fi done # if webtemp2 exists then sort it if [ -f "${outpath}ssltemp2" ]; then sort -u "${outpath}ssltemp2" | $sortip > "${outpath}$outputsslfile" 2>&1 echo " - $outputsslfile" else echo -e "$RED - no ports found $RESETCOL" rm "${outpath}$outputsslfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi #clean up function rm "${outpath}ssltemp" "${outpath}ssltemp2" "$tempfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 echo #end } function hostports () { # will create a folder hosts and generate ip lists for each open ports for example 80 http will be hosts/hosts_80-tcp-http.txt # need to reqord some fo the service names to make them a little better echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Generating host port files" # fresh folder rm "${outpath}$outhostsdir" -rf > /dev/null 2>&1 # make folder - this can be spammy mkdir "${outpath}$outhostsdir" > /dev/null 2>&1 hostportspath=$(realpath "$outpath$outhostsdir") #check that the csv file has been created checkcsv # loop through and Create split hosts files for each protocol for line in $(cat "$tempfile"); do host=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $1}') port=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') proto=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $4}') service=$(echo $line | awk -F ',' '{print $5}' | tr -d '-' | tr -d '?' | tr -d '|' ) # need to add better service names # check and tidy up the names for consistancy and to stop spam duplicates printout="Y" if [ "$port" == 445 ]; then service="smb" elif [ "$port" == 161 ]; then service="snmp" elif [ "$port" == 25 ]; then service="smtp" elif [ "$port" == 21 ]; then service="ftp" elif [ "$port" == 2049 ]; then service="nfs" elif [ "$port" == 22 ]; then service="ssh" elif [ "$port" == 23 ]; then service="telnet" elif [ "$port" == 111 ]; then service="rpc" elif [ "$port" == 137 ]; then service="netbios" elif [ "$port" == 139 ]; then service="netbios" elif [ "$port" == 3389 ]; then service="rdp" elif [ "$port" == 53 ]; then service="dns" elif [ "$port" == 113 ]; then service="ident" elif [ "$port" == 79 ]; then service="finger" elif [ "$port" == 5432 ]; then service="postgres" elif [ "$port" == 3306 ]; then service="mysql" elif [ "$port" == 1433 ]; then service="mssql" elif [ "$port" == 443 ]; then service="https" elif [ "$port" == 80 ]; then service="http" elif [ "$port" == 636 ]; then service="ldap" elif [ "$proto" == "udp" ] && [ "$port" == 161 ]; then service="snmp" elif [ "$proto" == "udp" ] && [ "$port" == 177 ]; then service="xdmcp" elif [ "$service" == "msrpc" ]; then # dont print out msrpc ..pointless - stop the spam printout="N" elif [ "$proto" == "udp" ] && [ "$service" == "unknown" ]; then # dont udp + unknown ... cant really do much with this - stop spam printout="N" elif [ -z "$service" ]; then # dont udp + unknown ... cant really do much with this - stop spam printout="N" fi # print out the IP in port files if [ "$printout" == "Y" ]; then echo $host >> "$hostportspath"/"$proto"_"$port-$service.txt" fi done #function cleanup rm "${hostportspath}/_-.txt" "$tempfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 echo " - "${outhostsdir}"/[PROTOCOL]_[PORT]-[SERVICE].txt" echo #end } function closedsummary() { # creates a little report of hosts with closed ports echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Generating Closed Ports Summary" rm "${outpath}$outputclosedsummaryfile" > /dev/null 2>&1 for host in $(cat "$inputfilepath" | grep "Host:" | grep "\/closed\/" | awk '{ print $2}'| sort --unique); do # will go through each host echo "Closed Ports For Host: $host " >> "${outpath}$outputclosedsummaryfile" echo -n " " >> "${outpath}$outputclosedsummaryfile" for port in $(cat "$inputfilepath" | grep -w $host | grep -o -P '.{0,10}/closed/' | awk '{ print $2}' | cut -d / -f 1 | sort --unique); do # go through ports echo -n $port", " >> "${outpath}$outputclosedsummaryfile" done # end ports loop echo -e "\n " >> "${outpath}$outputclosedsummaryfile" done # end hosts loop # old oneliner #cat $inputfilepath |awk '/closed/{ s = ""; for (i = 5; i <= NF-4; i++) s = s substr($i,1,length($i)-4) "\n"; print $2 " " $3 "\n" s}' |grep -v open |grep -v "-" |sed "s/[/].*//" | grep -e '[[:digit:]]*\|"\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b"' |sed 's/(//' |sed 's/)//' |sed "s/[a-zA-Z']/ /g" |sed -r '/^\s*$/d' |sed 's/\([0-9]\{1,3\}\.\)\{3\}[0-9]\{1,3\}/\nBREAK Closed Ports For Host: &\n/' |paste -s -d,| sed 's/Closed/\n&/g'|sed 's/^\(, ,\)*//' | sed 's/,*$//g' |sed -e 's/, ,/-/g' |tr - '\n' |sed 's/BREAK/\'$'\n/g' | sed 's/,,$//' > ${outpath}$closedsummaryname echo " - "$outputclosedsummaryfile echo #end } function htmlreport () { # Experminetal and made just # creates a .html report from each .xml file in current directory - ignored the gnmap file input # uses https://github.com/honze-net/nmap-bootstrap-xsl xmlfiles=$(ls | grep .xml) while read line; do # line is available for processing cat $line done < $xmlfiles } function report1() { # create a different type of report like parsip - will produce same output as nmap-parse.py echo -e "\e[1m\e[93m[>]\e[0m Generating Report1" # start fresh rm "${outpath}$outputreport1file" "${outpath}"reportemp"" > /dev/null 2>&1 for host in $(cat $inputfilepath | grep "Host:" | grep "\/open\/" | awk '{ print $2}'| sort --unique); do # will go through each host echo -n $host "[" >> "${outpath}"reportemp"" for port in $(cat $inputfilepath | grep -w $host | grep -o -P '.{0,10}/open/' | awk '{ print $2}' | cut -d / -f 1 | sort --unique); do # go through ports echo -n $port", " >> "${outpath}"reportemp"" done # end ports loop echo "]" >> "${outpath}"reportemp"" done # end hosts loop cat "${outpath}"reportemp"" | $sortip | grep -v "\[\]" > "${outpath}$outputreport1file" echo " - "$outputreport1file echo #end } function printresults() { # will print out the files generated at the end # if yes will print the output - maybe flip this around so ENTER is for yes # COMMENTED THIS OUT FOR EXAM #echo #read -p "[-] Display Output? : " prompt #echo prompt="Y" men_all="Y" if [ -z "$prompt" ] then if [ $men_all == "Y" ] then more "${outpath}"*.txt more "${hostportspath}"/*_*.txt else if [ "$men_csv" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputcsvfile" 2> /dev/null; fi if [ "$men_summary" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputsummaryfile" 2> /dev/null; fi if [ "$men_ipport" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputipfile" 2> /dev/null; fi if [ "$men_uports" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputuniquefile" 2> /dev/null; fi if [ "$men_tcpports" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputtcpfile" 2> /dev/null; fi if [ "$men_udpports" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputudpfile" 2> /dev/null; fi if [ "$men_uphosts" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputupfile" 2> /dev/null; fi if [ "$men_downhosts" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputdownfile"; fi if [ "$men_smb" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputsmbfile" 2> /dev/null; fi if [ "$men_web" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputwebfile" 2> /dev/null; fi if [ "$men_ssl" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputsslfile" 2> /dev/null; fi if [ "$men_closed" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputclosedsummaryfile" 2> /dev/null; fi if [ "$men_report1" == "Y" ]; then cat "${outpath}$outputreport1file" 2> /dev/null; fi if [ "$men_hostports" == "Y" ]; then more "${hostportspath}"/*_*.txt 2> /dev/null; fi fi fi #end } ######################## # MAIN ######################## #cleanup mastercleanup # look trough and check inputfile and switches for word in $(echo $*); do #echo $word if [[ $word == *".gnmap"* ]]; then #file+="$word " cat "$(realpath $word)" | sort -V >> $inputtemp fi if [ $word == "--help" ]; then helpmenu switch+="$word" exit fi if [ $word == "--csv" ]; then men_csv="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--summary" ]; then men_summary="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--unique" ]; then men_uports="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--up" ]; then men_uphosts="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--down" ]; then men_downhosts="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--ipport" ]; then men_ipport="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--smb" ]; then men_smb="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--web" ]; then men_web="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--ssl" ]; then men_ssl="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--tcp" ]; then men_tcpports="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--udp" ]; then men_udpports="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--hostports" ]; then men_hostports="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--closed" ]; then men_closed="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--report1" ]; then men_report1="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--html" ]; then men_htmlreport="Y" switch+="$word" fi if [ $word == "--all" ]; then #include men_all="Y" men_csv="Y" men_summary="Y" men_uports="Y" men_tcpports="Y" men_udpports="Y" men_uphosts="Y" men_downhosts="Y" men_ipport="Y" men_smb="Y" men_ssl="Y" men_web="Y" men_hostports="Y" men_closed="Y" #exclude men_report1="N" men_htmlreport="N" #Create $outdir to put all outout in - stop spam createoutdir="Y" switch+="$word" fi done # does some checks on the input file to make sure its .gnmap + inspects the file to see its finished and has the right output flags -oA or -oG if [ -z "$(file "$(realpath $inputtemp)" | grep -o -e ASCII && head "$(realpath $inputtemp)" | grep -o -e "\-oA" -e "\-oG" && cat "$(realpath $inputtemp)")" ]; then helpmenu echo echo -e "\e[1m\e[91m[X] No input files FOUND - \e[5m.gnmap \e[25mfilename required - Must be nmap grepable! [X]\e[0m" echo exit fi # check valid switches if [ -z "$switch" ] then helpmenu echo echo -e "\e[1m\e[91m[X] No Valid Switches FOUND - --csv, --all, etc.. [X]\e[0m" echo exit fi header # if all is selected make the outdir folder - stop the spam if [ "$createoutdir" == "Y" ] then export outpath="$(realpath $outdir)/" mkdir $outdir > /dev/null 2>&1 #mv inputfile $outdir mv temp.gnmap $outdir export inputfilepath="$(realpath "$outdir/$inputtemp")" else export outpath=$(pwd)"/" export inputfilepath="$(realpath $inputtemp)" fi #1 -- make csv file if [ "$men_csv" == "Y" ]; then makecsv; fi #2 - summary (uses makecsv) if [ "$men_summary" == "Y" ]; then summary; fi # rest if [ "$men_ipport" == "Y" ]; then ipport; fi if [ "$men_uports" == "Y" ]; then uniqueports; fi if [ "$men_tcpports" == "Y" ]; then tcpports; fi if [ "$men_udpports" == "Y" ]; then udpports; fi if [ "$men_uphosts" == "Y" ]; then uphosts; fi if [ "$men_downhosts" == "Y" ]; then downhosts; fi if [ "$men_smb" == "Y" ]; then smb; fi if [ "$men_web" == "Y" ]; then web; fi if [ "$men_ssl" == "Y" ]; then ssl; fi if [ "$men_hostports" == "Y" ]; then hostports; fi if [ "$men_closed" == "Y" ]; then closedsummary; fi if [ "$men_report1" == "Y" ]; then report1; fi if [ "$men_htmlreport" == "Y" ]; then htmlreport; fi # print footer once completed footer # if yet print the results printresults # remove comment to enable diagnostics function #diagnostics #cleanup mastercleanup # exit exit 0 #----------------------------------------------------------------- END OF SCRIPT -----------------------------------------------------------------