import sys, json from itertools import cycle, izip rConfigPath = "/home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/config" def doDecrypt(): rDecrypt = decrypt() if rDecrypt: print "Server ID: %s%d" % (" "*10, int(rDecrypt["server_id"])) print "Host: %s%s" % (" "*15, rDecrypt["host"]) print "Port: %s%d" % (" "*15, int(rDecrypt["db_port"])) print "Username: %s%s" % (" "*11, rDecrypt["db_user"]) print "Password: %s%s" % (" "*11, rDecrypt["db_pass"]) print "Database: %s%s" % (" "*11, rDecrypt["db_name"]) else: print "Config file could not be read!" def decrypt(): try: return json.loads(''.join(chr(ord(c)^ord(k)) for c,k in izip(open(rConfigPath, 'rb').read().decode("base64"), cycle('5709650b0d7806074842c6de575025b1')))) except: return None def encrypt(rInfo): try: os.remove(rConfigPath) except: pass rf = open(rConfigPath, 'wb') rf.write(''.join(chr(ord(c)^ord(k)) for c,k in izip('{\"host\":\"%s\",\"db_user\":\"%s\",\"db_pass\":\"%s\",\"db_name\":\"%s\",\"server_id\":\"%d\", \"db_port\":\"%d\"}' % (rInfo["host"], rInfo["db_user"], rInfo["db_pass"], rInfo["db_name"], int(rInfo["server_id"]), int(rInfo["db_port"])), cycle('5709650b0d7806074842c6de575025b1'))).encode('base64').replace('\n', '')) rf.close() if __name__ == "__main__": try: rCommand = sys.argv[1] except: rCommand = None if rCommand and rCommand.lower() == "decrypt": doDecrypt() elif rCommand and rCommand.lower() == "encrypt": print "Current configuration" print " " doDecrypt() print " " rEnc = {"pconnect": 0} try: rEnc["server_id"] = int(raw_input("Server ID: %s" % (" "*10))) rEnc["host"] = raw_input("Host: %s" % (" "*15)) rEnc["db_port"] = raw_input("Port: %s" % (" "*15)) rEnc["db_user"] = raw_input("Username: %s" % (" "*11)) rEnc["db_pass"] = raw_input("Password: %s" % (" "*11)) rEnc["db_name"] = raw_input("Database: %s" % (" "*11)) print " " except: print "Invalid entries!" sys.exit(1) try: encrypt(rEnc) print "Written to config file!" except: print "Couldn't write to file!" else: print "Usage: [ENCRYPT | DECRYPT]"