/*! * audio-support-level.js | MIT (c) Shinnosuke Watanabe * https://github.com/shinnn/audio-support-level.js */ define(["can-play-type-to-number"],function(canPlayTypeToNumber){ 'use strict'; var audio = new Audio(); function audioSupportLevel(subtype, codecs) { var opts; if (typeof subtype === 'object') { opts = subtype; if (opts.subtype === undefined) { throw new TypeError('subtype property is required.'); } if (typeof opts.subtype !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('subtype should be a string.'); } } else if (typeof subtype === 'string') { opts = { subtype: subtype, codecs: codecs }; } else { throw new TypeError('The first argument should be a string or object.'); } if (opts.codecs && typeof opts.codecs !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('codecs should be a string.'); } var mimeType = 'audio/' + opts.subtype; if (opts.codecs) { mimeType += '; codecs="' + opts.codecs + '"'; } return canPlayTypeToNumber(audio.canPlayType(mimeType)); } return audioSupportLevel; });