@Article{IFRC2005, Title = {Status report on fusion research}, Author = {International Fusion Research Council (IFRC)}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2005}, Number = {10A}, Pages = {A1}, Volume = {45}, Abstract = {At the beginning of the twenty-first century mankind is faced with the serious problem of meeting the energy demands of a rapidly industrializing population around the globe. This, against the backdrop of fast diminishing fossil fuel resources (which have been the main source of energy of the last century) and the increasing realization that the use of fossil fuels has started to adversely affect our environment, has greatly intensified the quest for alternative energy sources. In this quest, fusion has the potential to play a very important role and we are today at the threshold of realizing net energy production from controlled fusion experiments. Fusion is, today, one of the most promising of all alternative energy sources because of the vast reserves of fuel, potentially lasting several thousands of years and the possibility of a relatively 'clean' form of energy, as required for use in concentrated urban industrial settings, with minimal long term environmental implications. The last decade and a half has seen unprecedented advances in controlled fusion experiments with the discovery of new regimes of operations in experiments, production of 16 MW of fusion power and operations close to and above the so-called 'break-even' conditions. A great deal of research has also been carried out in analysing various socio-economic aspects of fusion energy. This paper briefly reviews the various aspects and achievements of fusion research all over the world during this period.}, File = {IFRC2005_0029-5515_45_10A_001.pdf.pdf:IFRC2005_0029-5515_45_10A_001.pdf.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.16}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/45/i=10A/a=001} } @Article{Abel2009, Title = {Resonant excitation of shear Alfvén perturbations by trapped energetic ions in a tokamak}, Author = {I. G. Abel and B. N. Breizman and S. E. Sharapov and JET-EFDA Contributors}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {102506}, Volume = {16}, Abstract = {A new analytic expression is derived for the resonant drive of high n Alfvénic modes by particles accelerated to high energy by ion cyclotron resonance heating. This derivation includes finite orbit effects, and the formalism is completely nonperturbative. The high-n limit is used to calculate the complex particle response integrals along the orbits explicitly. This new theory is applied to downward sweeping Alfvén cascade quasimodes completing the theory of these modes and making testable predictions. These predictions are found to be consistent with experiments carried out on the Joint European Torus [ P. H. Rebut and B. E. Keen, Fusion Technol. 11, 13 (1987) ].}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3237026}, File = {Abel2009_PhysPlasmas_16_102506.pdf:Abel2009_PhysPlasmas_16_102506.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i10/p102506_s1} } @Article{Adam1976, Title = {Destabilization of the trapped‐electron mode by magnetic curvature drift resonances}, Author = {J. C. Adam and W. M. Tang and P. H. Rutherford}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1976}, Pages = {561}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {Electron curvature drift resonances, ignored in earlier work on the trapped‐electron modes, are found to exert a strong destabilizing influence in the lower collision frequency range of these instabilities. Effects arising from ion temperature gradients, shear, and finite ion gyroradius are included with these ∇B drifts in the analysis, and the resultant eigenvalue equation is solved by numerical procedures rather than the commonly used perturbation techniques. For typical tokamak parameters the maximum growth rates are found to be increased over earlier estimates by roughly a factor of 4, and requirements on magnetic shear strength for stabilization are likewise more severe and very difficult to satisfy. For inverted density profiles, this new destabilizing effect is rendered ineffective, with the result that the modes can be stabilized for achievable values. of shear provided the temperature gradients are not too severe. Estimates of the particle and thermal energy transport are given for both normal and inverted profiles.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.861489}, File = {Adam1976_PFL000561.pdf:Adam1976_PFL000561.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.28}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v19/i4/p561_s1} } @Article{Albergante2011, Title = {Numerical modelling of electromagnetic turbulent transport of energetic ions in burning plasmas}, Author = {M Albergante and J P Graves and A Fasoli and M Jucker and X Lapillonne and W A Cooper}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {5}, Pages = {054002}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {We investigate the redistribution of the neutral beam driven current in the presence of small scale turbulence in the ITER steady-state scenario. Gyrokinetic simulations show that anomalous transport of beam ions can be larger than collisional estimates. The impact on the beam driven current in ITER is studied with a single particle following code. The results indicate that the current driven by the 1 MeV neutral beam injection is not significantly redistributed by the microturbulent fields. The numerical investigation shows that a larger impact is expected for lower energy neutral beams.}, File = {Albergante2011_0741-3335_53_5_054002.pdf:Albergante2011_0741-3335_53_5_054002.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=5/a=054002} } @Article{Albright2002, Title = {Quiet direct simulation of plasmas}, Author = {B. J. Albright and W. Daughton and Don S. Lemons and Dan Winske and Michael E. Jones}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2002}, Pages = {1898}, Volume = {9}, Abstract = {A new approach to particle simulation, called “quiet direct simulation Monte Carlo” (QDSMC), is described that can be applied to many problems of interest, including hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), and the modeling of collision plasmas. The essence of QDSMC is the use of carefully chosen weights for the particles (e.g., Gauss–Hermite, for Maxwellian distributions), which are destroyed each time step after the particle information is deposited onto the grid and reconstructed at the beginning of the next time step. The method overcomes the limited dynamical range and statistical noise typically found in particle simulations. In this article QDSMC is applied to hydrodynamics and MHD test problems, and its suitability for modeling semi-collisional plasma dynamics is considered.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1452732}, File = {Albright2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1898.pdf:Albright2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1898.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.23}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v9/i5/p1898_s1} } @Article{Alfven1942, Title = {Existence of electromagnetic-hydrodynamic waves}, Author = {H. Alfvén}, Journal = {Nature}, Year = {1942}, Pages = {405–406}, Volume = {150}, Abstract = {IF a conducting liquid is placed in a constant magnetic field, every motion of the liquid gives rise to an E M. F. which produces electric currents. Owing to the magnetic field, these currents give mechanical forces which change the state of motion of the liquid. Thus a kind of combined electromagnetic-hydro-dynamic wave is produced which, so far as I know, has as yet attracted no attention.}, Doi = {10.1038/150405d0}, File = {Alfven1942_150405d0.pdf:Alfven1942_150405d0.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.28}, Url = {http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v150/n3805/abs/150405d0.html} } @Article{Amarante-Segundo2001, Title = {Calculations of Alfv[e-acute]n wave driving forces, plasma flow, and current drive in the Tokamak Chauffage Alfv[e-acute]n wave experiment in Brazil (TCABR)}, Author = {G. Amarante-Segundo and A. G. Elfimov and R. M. O. Galvao and D. W. Ross and I. C. Nascimento}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2001}, Number = {1}, Pages = {210-215}, Volume = {8}, Abstract = {The current and plasma flows driven by ponderomotive forces are calculated for tokamak plasmas, using a kinetic code in the Alfvén range of frequencies. The rf (radio frequency) ponderomotive force is expressed as a sum of a gradient part and of a wave momentum transfer force, which is proportional to wave dissipation (electron Landau damping and transit time magnetic pumping). Finally, the rf force is balanced by the viscous force in the fluid momentum response to the rf fields in the plasma. The relative magnitudes of the different forces for kinetic and global Alfvén waves with low phase velocities are explicitly calculated. It is shown that, dissipating in electrons, Alfvén waves can drive ion flow via the gradient force, which is dominated in m = 0-sideband harmonic resonance induced by toroidal mode coupling. Estimates of power requirements to drive substantial poloidal flow in the Tokamak Chauffage Alfvén wave heating experiment in Brazil (TCABR) [L. Ruchko, M. C. Andrade, R. M. O. Galvão, Nucl. Fusion 30, 503 (1996)] are made.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1332813}, File = {Amarante-Segundo2001_PhysPlasmas_8_210.pdf:Amarante-Segundo2001_PhysPlasmas_8_210.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma Alfven waves; plasma flow; plasma transport processes; plasma kinetic theory}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.06.19}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/8/210/1} } @Article{Amundson2009, author = {J F Amundson and A Macridin and P Spentzouris and E G Stern}, title = {Advanced computations of multi-physics, multi-scale effects in beam dynamics}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, year = {2009}, volume = {180}, number = {1}, pages = {012002}, abstract = {Current state-of-the-art beam dynamics simulations include multiple physical effects and multiple physical length and/or time scales. We present recent developments in Synergia2, an accelerator modeling framework designed for multi-physics, multi-scale simulations. We summarize recent several recent results in multi-physics beam dynamics, including simulations of three Fermilab accelerators: the Tevatron, the Main Injector and the Debuncher.}, file = {Amundson2009_1742-6596_180_1_012002.pdf:Amundson2009_1742-6596_180_1_012002.pdf:PDF}, groups = {simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.13}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/180/i=1/a=012002}, } @Article{Anderson2001, Title = {A tutorial presentation of the two stream instability and Landau damping}, Author = {D. Anderson and R. Fedele and M. Lisak}, Journal = {American Journal of Physics}, Year = {2001}, Note = {See also: Comparison of Landau Damping in Two Computer Models_aaron_froese_bsc_thesis}, Number = {12}, Pages = {1262-1266}, Volume = {69}, Abstract = {A tutorial presentation is given of the interaction between a high frequency electrostatic wave and a plasma. The analysis is carried out in several consecutive simple steps, starting from electrostatic plasma waves in a cold plasma and successively introducing complications like streaming electrons, the two stream instability and eventually the Landau damping phenomenon. The analysis is based only on cold plasma fluid theory and does not involve kinetic Vlasov theory.}, Doi = {10.1119/1.1407252}, File = {Anderson2001_AJP001262.pdf:Anderson2001_AJP001262.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {teaching; plasma instability; plasma waves; plasma oscillations}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AAPT}, Timestamp = {2011.06.03}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?AJP/69/1262/1} } @Article{Andre1985, Title = {Dispersion surfaces}, Author = {André,Mats}, Journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, Year = {1985}, Number = {01}, Pages = {1-19}, Volume = {33}, Abstract = {ABSTRACT The dispersion relation of linear waves in a non-relativistic, collisionless and homogeneous magnetized plasma is solved by numerical methods. Both electrostatic and electromagnetic waves with frequencies from below the ion gyrofrequency to above the electron gyrofrequency are studied for all angles of propagation. Modes occurring in a cold plasma as well as waves dependent on thermal effects are included. Dispersion surfaces, that is plots of frequency versus wave vector components, are presented for some plasma models. This presentation shows all interesting waves clearly and reveals how different modes are related. The dispersion surfaces can be used as an aid, for example, when comparing wave observations and theory, and they may also help to avoid confusing nomenclature.}, Doi = {10.1017/S0022377800002270}, Eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377800002270}, File = {Andre1985_S0022377800002270a.pdf:Andre1985_S0022377800002270a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.09}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377800002270} } @Article{Antonsen1980, Title = {Kinetic equations for low frequency instabilities in inhomogeneous plasmas}, Author = {Thomas M. Antonsen and Barton Lane}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1980}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1205-1214}, Volume = {23}, Abstract = {Kinetic equations for low frequency, short perpendicular wavelength, electromagnetic perturbations in an inhomogeneous, magnetically confined plasma are developed. The analysis makes use of the recently developed high toroidal mode number expansion to reduce the lowest‐order system of equations to a set of ordinary (along the field line) integro‐differential equations. Included in these equations are the effects of finite Larmor radius, magnetic shear, trapped particles, and nonuniform magnetic curvature drifts. Perturbed fields are represented by a scalar potential and two components of the vector potential. Thus, the effects of the compressional component of the perturbed magnetic field are retained and the equations are valid for arbitrary values of the plasma pressure. The extension of the high toroidal mode number expansion to nonaxisymmetric configurations is discussed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.863121}, File = {Antonsen1980_PFL001205.pdf:Antonsen1980_PFL001205.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {INHOMOGENEOUS PLASMA; MAGNETIC FIELDS; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; PLASMA INSTABILITY; KINETIC EQUATIONS; PERTURBATION THEORY; ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS; NORMALMODE ANALYSIS; DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS; LARMOR RADIUS; SHEAR; POTENTIALS; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; AXIAL SYMMETRY; FOURIER ANALYSIS; BOLTZMANNVLASOV EQUATION; VARIATIONAL METHODS}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.07.09}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/23/1205/1} } @Article{Appert1982, Title = {Excitation of global eigenmodes of the Alfven wave in Tokamaks}, Author = {K Appert and R Gruber and F Troyuon and J Vaclavik}, Journal = {Plasma Physics}, Year = {1982}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1147}, Volume = {24}, Abstract = {Analytical and numerical results which demonstrate the existence of a new class of eigenmodes of the Alfven wave are presented. Possible implications for low frequency heating of Tokamaks are discussed.}, File = {Appert1982_0032-1028_24_9_010.pdf:Appert1982_0032-1028_24_9_010.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.12.21}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0032-1028/24/i=9/a=010} } @Article{Arber2002, Title = {A Critical Comparison of Eulerian-Grid-Based Vlasov Solvers}, Author = {T. D. Arber and R. G. L. Vann}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {2002}, Number = {1}, Pages = {339 - 357}, Volume = {180}, Abstract = {A common problem with direct Vlasov solvers is ensuring that the distribution function remains positive. A related problem is to guarantee that the numerical scheme does not introduce false oscillations in velocity space. In this paper we use a variety of schemes to assess the importance of these issues and to determine an optimal strategy for Eulerian split approaches to Vlasov solvers. From these tests we conclude that maintaining positivity is less important than correctly dissipating the fine-scale structure which arises naturally in the solution to many Vlasov problems. Furthermore we show that there are distinct advantages to using high-order schemes, i.e., third order rather than second. A natural choice which satisfies all of these requirements is the piecewise parabolic method (PPM), which is applied here to Vlasov's equation for the first time.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1006/jcph.2002.7098}, File = {Arber2002_A Critical Comparison of Eulerian-Grid-Based Vlasov Solvers.pdf:Arber2002_A Critical Comparison of Eulerian-Grid-Based Vlasov Solvers.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.25}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999102970981} } @Article{Armstrong1967, Title = {Numerical Studies of the Nonlinear Vlasov Equation}, Author = {Thomas P. Armstrong}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1967}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1269-1280}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {The nonlinear one‐dimensional Vlasov equation is solved numerically as an initial‐value problem. The problem is the same as that considered by Knorr, and is related to, but not the same as, various one‐dimensional model calculations using charged sheets. The electron distribution is doubly expanded, the spatial part being expanded as a Fourier series and the velocity part as a Gram‐Charlier series. In this representation, the Vlasov equation appears as a matrix ordinary differential equation for the expansion coefficients and is first order in the time. Problems considered are nonlinear Landau damping and the development of strongly unstable initial conditions (two‐stream instability). In the latter situation, the limiting amplitudes are computed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1762272}, File = {Armstrong1967_PFL001269.pdf:Armstrong1967_PFL001269.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.11.15}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/10/1269/1} } @Article{Armstrong1969, Title = {Numerical Study of Weakly Unstable Electron Plasma Oscillations}, Author = {Thomas P. Armstrong and David Montgomery}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1969}, Number = {10}, Pages = {2094-2098}, Volume = {12}, Abstract = {The initial‐value problem for an unstable electron plasma has been solved by numerically integrating the Vlasov equation in one dimension. The situation chosen is the familiar “bump‐on‐the‐tail” situation of quasilinear theory. The solution is followed well beyond the point at which the electrostatic field energy has reached its maximum value. The electric field spectrum is eventually dominated by the single most linearly unstable wavenumber, which lies in the middle of the allowed range of wavenumbers; it undergoes what appear to be the beginnings of gentle long‐period oscillations characteristic of trapped‐particle periodicities. It is argued that differences from quasilinear predictions may be explained in terms of the level of initial excitations, or “noise,” from which the instability is assumed to proceed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1692316}, File = {Armstrong1969_PFL002094.pdf:Armstrong1969_PFL002094.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.19}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/12/2094/1} } @Article{Artaud2010, Title = {The CRONOS suite of codes for integrated tokamak modelling}, Author = {J.F. Artaud and V. Basiuk and F. Imbeaux and M. Schneider and J. Garcia and G. Giruzzi and P. Huynh and T. Aniel and F. Albajar and J.M. Ané and A. Bécoulet and C. Bourdelle and A. Casati and L. Colas and J. Decker and R. Dumont and L.G. Eriksson and X. Garbet and R. Guirlet and P. Hertout and G.T. Hoang and W. Houlberg and G. Huysmans and E. Joffrin and S.H. Kim and F. Köchl and J. Lister and X. Litaudon and P. Maget and R. Masset and B. Pégourié and Y. Peysson and P. Thomas and E. Tsitrone and F. Turco}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {4}, Pages = {043001}, Volume = {50}, Abstract = {CRONOS is a suite of numerical codes for the predictive/interpretative simulation of a full tokamak discharge. It integrates, in a modular structure, a 1D transport solver with general 2D magnetic equilibria, several heat, particle and impurities transport models, as well as heat, particle and momentum sources. This paper gives a first comprehensive description of the CRONOS suite: overall structure of the code, main available models, details on the simulation workflow and numerical implementation. Some examples of applications to the analysis of experimental discharges and the predictions of ITER scenarios are also given.}, File = {Artaud2010_0029-5515_50_4_043001.pdf:Artaud2010_0029-5515_50_4_043001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.21}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/50/i=4/a=043001} } @Article{Atanasiu2004a, author = {C. V. Atanasiu and S. Günter and K. Lackner and I. G. Miron}, title = {Analytical solutions to the Grad–Shafranov equation}, journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, pages = {3510}, abstract = {Two families of exact analytical solutions of the Grad–Shafranov equation are presented by specifying the highest polynomial dependence of the plasma current density on the flux function Ψ in such a way that the Grad–Shafranov equation becomes a linear inhomogeneous differential equation. Both the pressure profile and the poloidal current profile each have two free parameters. X-points can be represented by superposition of solutions. Examples of the exact equilibrium solution are given for both a D-shaped plasma and a toroidally diverted plasma.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1756167}, file = {Atanasiu2004_PhysPlasmas_11_3510.pdf:Atanasiu2004_PhysPlasmas_11_3510.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.10.21}, url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v11/i7/p3510_s1}, } @Article{Auerbach1979, Title = {Energy of waves in a plasma}, Author = {Steven P. Auerbach}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1979}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1650-1656}, Volume = {22}, Abstract = {A formula is given for the energy of an arbitrary electrostatic or electromagnetic wave in a plasma which may be magnetized or unmagnetized, collisional or collisionless, and homogeneous or weakly inhomogeneous. The formula relates the energy of the wave to the magnitude of the electric and magnetic fields of the wave and derivatives of the frequency of the wave with respect to wavenumber and plasma parameters. This formula makes it possible to determine the energy of wave from its dispersion relation (and the magnitude of the fields). The derivation rests on a simple invariance property, related to dimensional analysis, of the Fokker–Planck equation, together with well‐known results from the theory of dispersive media.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.862799}, File = {Auerbach1979_PFL001650.pdf:Auerbach1979_PFL001650.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {PLASMA WAVES; ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION; ENERGY; COLLISIONAL PLASMA; COLLISIONLESS PLASMA; HOMOGENEOUS PLASMA; INHOMOGENEOUS PLASMA; DISPERSION RELATIONS; FOKKERPLANCK EQUATION; ELECTRIC FIELDS; FLUCTUATIONS; DISSIPATION; BOLTZMANNVLASOV EQUATION; POISSON EQUATION; GREEN FUNCTION; MAGNETIC MODE; BERNSTEIN MODE; ELECTRONS; WKB APPROXIMATION}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.04.15}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/22/1650/1} } @Article{Balescu1997, author = {Balescu, R.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, title = {Continuous time random walk model for standard map dynamics}, year = {1997}, month = {Mar}, number = {3}, pages = {2465--2474}, volume = {55}, abstract = {In standard map dynamics, the time series xt are analyzed for chaotic orbits bounded by Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser barriers, for subcritical values of the stochasticity parameter. They can be described as a succession of rather regular oscillations of bounded amplitude in basins located near island chains, and of jumps between basins, at ``random'' times. This motion can be adequately modeled by a continuous time random walk, using values of the parameters taken from the numerical data. The resulting theory describes a subdiffusive motion, for which the mean square displacement tends towards a saturation value.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.55.2465}, file = {Balescu1997_PhysRevE.55.2465.pdf:Balescu1997_PhysRevE.55.2465.pdf:PDF}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2011.07.08}, } @InCollection{Balescu1998b, Title = {Tokamap: A model of a partially stochastic toroidal magnetic field}, Author = {Balescu, R. and Vlad, M. and Spineanu, F.}, Booktitle = {Chaos, Kinetics and Nonlinear Dynamics in Fluids and Plasmas}, Publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, Year = {1998}, Editor = {Benkadda, Sadruddin and Zaslavsky, George}, Note = {10.1007/BFb0106958}, Pages = {241-261}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Physics}, Volume = {511}, Abstract = {We have shown that a simple Hamiltonian map can be constructed, fulfilling the minimum requirements for a representation of a magnetic field in toroidal geometry. This tokamap describes a structure that is very robust in the central region, the stochasticity starting (for increasing K) in the edge region: the map could therefore prove useful as a model of a tokamak with an ergodic divertor. The central region has some quite interesting topological features, which can change dramatically (including a bifurcation) as the value of the safety factor on axis is varied. Typical configurations known from tokamak physics are qualitatively reproduced by the map. Many more properties of the tokamap have been or will be studied in forth-coming works. These include questions such as the influence of the shape of the winding number, the dependence on of various physical properties, similarity and scaling properties. Last but not least, we intend to put charged particles in this magnetic field and study the transport properties in a partially chaotic tokamak configuration. This problem, which is very poorly understood, is of crucial importance for fusion physics.}, Affiliation = {Physique Statistique - Plasmas, Association Euratom - Etat Belge, Université Libre de Bruxelles, CP 231, Campus Plaine ULB, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium}, File = {Balescu1998b_fulltext.pdf:Balescu1998b_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.08}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BFb0106958} } @Article{Balescu1998a, Title = {Tokamap: A Hamiltonian twist map for magnetic field lines in a toroidal geometry}, Author = {Balescu, R. and Vlad, M. and Spineanu, F.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, Year = {1998}, Month = {Jul}, Number = {1}, Pages = {951--964}, Volume = {58}, Abstract = {A Hamiltonian twist map (tokamap) is constructed as a representation of the stroboscopic plot of magnetic field lines in a toroidal confinement device as used in fusion physics. This “tokamap” is compatible with minimal toroidal geometry requirements (in particular, the polar axis cannot be crossed upon iteration). It depends on two parameters: the stochasticity parameter K and the winding number on axis, w. With increasing values of K, chaotic regions appear mostly near the edge of the torus, while the zone near the magnetic axis remains very robust. The number and nature of the fixed points are studied in detail, as they determine the appearance of the phase portraits near the axis. It is shown that the topology undergoes several bifurcations as K and/or w are varied. The various phase portraits reproduce the qualitative features known in tokamak physics. The time series exhibit a typical behavior describable by a continuous time random walk, as found in previous works on the standard map.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.58.951}, File = {Balescu1998a_PhysRevE.58.951.pdf:Balescu1998a_PhysRevE.58.951.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {13}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.07.08} } @Article{Banks2011, Title = {Two-dimensional Vlasov simulation of electron plasma wave trapping, wavefront bowing, self-focusing, and sideloss}, Author = {J. W. Banks and R. L. Berger and S. Brunner and B. I. Cohen and J. A. F. Hittinger}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {052102}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Two-dimensional Vlasov simulations of nonlinear electron plasma waves are presented, in which the interplay of linear and nonlinear kinetic effects is evident. The plasma wave is created with an external traveling wave potential with a transverse envelope of width Δy such that thermal electrons transit the wave in a “sideloss” time, tsl~Δy/ve. Here, ve is the electron thermal velocity. The quasisteady distribution of trapped electrons and its self-consistent plasma wave are studied after the external field is turned off. In cases of particular interest, the bounce frequency, ωbe = k, satisfies the trapping condition ωbetsl>2π such that the wave frequency is nonlinearly downshifted by an amount proportional to the number of trapped electrons. Here, k is the wavenumber of the plasma wave and ϕ is its electric potential. For sufficiently short times, the magnitude of the negative frequency shift is a local function of ϕ. Because the trapping frequency shift is negative, the phase of the wave on axis lags the off-axis phase if the trapping nonlinearity dominates linear wave diffraction. In this case, the phasefronts are curved in a focusing sense. In the opposite limit, the phasefronts are curved in a defocusing sense. Analysis and simulations in which the wave amplitude and transverse width are varied establish criteria for the development of each type of wavefront. The damping and trapped-electron-induced focusing of the finite-amplitude electron plasma wave are also simulated. The damping rate of the field energy of the wave is found to be about the sideloss rate, νe~tsl-1. For large wave amplitudes or widths Δy, a trapping-induced self-focusing of the wave is demonstrated.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3577784}, File = {Banks2011_PhysPlasmas_18_052102.pdf:Banks2011_PhysPlasmas_18_052102.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.07}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i5/p052102_s1} } @Article{Bashir2010, Title = {Alfvenic modes in a bi-Maxwellian electron-ion plasma}, Author = {M. F. Bashir and Z. Iqbal and I. Aslam and G. Murtaza}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {102112}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {Employing linearized Vlasov–Maxwell system, we derive a generalized dielectric tensor for a magnetized nonrelativistic bi-Maxwellian electron-ion plasma. Assuming low frequency waves in a low β plasma, a new dispersion relation describing oblique propagation of the Alfvenic modes is determined, incorporating the temperature anisotropies of both the electrons and ions and their finite Larmor radii effects. From the resulting dispersion relation for kinetic Alfven waves, analytical expressions are determined for both the kinetic (vt∥i⪡ω/k∥⪡vt∥e and me/mi⪡β⪡1) and the inertial (ω/k∥⪢vt∥e,i and β⪡me/mi) regimes. We observe that in both cases, the Alfvenic modes stand modified due to the acoustic effect arising from the temperature anisotropy, which may enhance or reduce the Alfven speed depending on the strength and signature of the anisotropies. A number of special cases are also retrieved under appropriate conditions.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3499389}, File = {Bashir2010_PhysPlasmas_17_102112.pdf:Bashir2010_PhysPlasmas_17_102112.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.23}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v17/i10/p102112_s1} } @Article{Basu2009, Title = {Hydromagnetic waves and instabilities in kappa distribution plasma}, Author = {B. Basu}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {052106}, Volume = {16}, Abstract = {Stability properties of hydromagnetic waves (shear and compressional Alfven waves) in spatially homogeneous plasma are investigated when the equilibrium particle velocity distributions in both parallel and perpendicular directions (in reference to the ambient magnetic field) are modeled by kappa distributions. Analysis is presented for the limiting cases |ξα|⪡1 and |ξα|⪢1 for which solutions of the dispersion relations are analytically tractable. Here ξα(α = e,i) is the ratio of the wave phase speed and the electron (ion) thermal speed. Both low and high β ( = plasma pressure/magnetic pressure) plasmas are considered. The distinguishing features of the hydromagnetic waves in kappa distribution plasma are (1) both Landau damping and transit-time damping rates are larger than those in Maxwellian plasma because of the enhanced high-energy tail of the kappa distribution and (2) density and temperature perturbations in response to the electromagnetic perturbations are different from those in Maxwellian plasma when |ξα|⪡1. Moreover, frequency of the oscillatory stable modes (e.g., kinetic shear Alfven wave) and excitation condition of the nonoscillatory (zero frequency) unstable modes (e.g., mirror instability) in kappa distribution plasma are also different from those in Maxwellian plasma. Quantitative estimates of the differences depend on the specific choice of the kappa distribution. For simplicity of notations, same spectral indices κ∥ and κ⊥ have been assumed for both electron and ion population. However, the analysis can be easily generalized to allow for different values of the spectral indices for the two charged populations.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3132629}, File = {Basu2009_PhysPlasmas_16_052106.pdf:Basu2009_PhysPlasmas_16_052106.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.08}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i5/p052106_s1} } @Article{Batchelor2007, author = {D A Batchelor and M Beck and A Becoulet and R V Budny and C S Chang and P H Diamond and J Q Dong and G Y Fu and A Fukuyama and T S Hahm and D E Keyes and Y Kishimoto and S Klasky and L L Lao and K Li and Z Lin and B Ludaescher and J Manickam and N Nakajima and T Ozeki and N Podhorszki and W M Tang and M A Vouk and R E Waltz and S J Wang and H R Wilson and X Q Xu and M Yagi and F Zonca}, title = {Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction}, journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, year = {2007}, volume = {9}, number = {3}, pages = {312}, abstract = {I. Introduction (Z. Lin, G. Y. Fu, J. Q. Dong) II. Role of theory and simulation in fusion sciences 1. The Impact of theory and simulation on tokomak experiments (H. R. Wilson, T.S. Hahm and F. Zonca) 2. Tokomak Transport Physics for the Era of ITER: Issues for Simulations (P.H. Diamond and T.S. Hahm) III. Status of fusion simulation and modeling 1. Nonlinear Governing Equations for Plasma Simulations (T. S. Hahm) 2. Equilibrium and stability (L.L. Lao, J. Manickam) 3. Transport modeling (R.E. Waltz) 4. Nonlinear MHD (G.Y. Fu) 5. Turbulence (Z. Lin and R.E. Waltz) 6. RF heating and current drive (D.A. Batchelor) 7. Edge physics Simulations (X.Q. Xu and C.S. Chang) 8. Energetic particle physics (F. Zonca, G.Y. Fu and S.J. Wang) 9. Time-dependent Integrated Modeling (R.V. Budny) 10. Validation and verification (J. Manickam) IV. Major initiatives on fusion simulation 1. US Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) Program & Fusion Energy Science (W. Tang) 2. EU Integrated Tokamak Modelling (ITM) Task Force (A. Becoulet) 3. Fusion Simulations Activities in Japan (A. Fukuyama, N. Nakajima, Y. Kishimoto, T. Ozeki, and M. Yagi) V. Cross-disciplinary research in fusion simulation 1. Applied mathematics: Models, Discretizations, and Solvers (D.E. Keyes) 2. Computational Science (K. Li) 3. Scientific Data and Workflow Management (S. Klasky, M. Beck, B. Ludaescher, N. Podhorszki, M.A. Vouk) 4. Collaborative tools (J. Manickam)}, file = {Batchelor2007_1009-0630_9_3_13.pdf:Batchelor2007_1009-0630_9_3_13.pdf:PDF}, groups = {simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.13}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/9/i=3/a=13}, } @Article{Becoulet2003, Title = {Edge localized mode physics and operational aspects in tokamaks}, Author = {M Bécoulet and G Huysmans and Y Sarazin and X Garbet and Ph Ghendrih and F Rimini and E Joffrin and X Litaudon and P Monier-Garbet and J-M Ané and P Thomas and A Grosman and V Parail and H Wilson and P Lomas and P deVries and K-D Zastrow and G F Matthews and J Lonnroth and S Gerasimov and S Sharapov and M Gryaznevich and G Counsell and A Kirk and M Valovic and R Buttery and A Loarte and G Saibene and R Sartori and A Leonard and P Snyder and L L Lao and P Gohil and T E Evans and R A Moyer and Y Kamada and A Chankin and N Oyama and T Hatae and N Asakura and O Tudisco and E Giovannozzi and F Crisanti and C P Perez and H R Koslowski and T Eich and A Sips and L Horton and A Hermann and P Lang and J Stober and W Suttrop and P Beyer and S Saarelma and Contributors to JET-EFDA Workprogramme}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2003}, Number = {12A}, Pages = {A93}, Volume = {45}, Abstract = {Recent progress in experimental and theoretical studies of edge localized mode (ELM) physics is reviewed for the reactor relevant plasma regimes, namely the high confinement regimes, that is, H-modes and advanced scenarios. Theoretical approaches to ELM physics, from a linear ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability analysis to non-linear transport models with ELMs are discussed with respect to experimental observations, in particular the fast collapse of pedestal pressure profiles, magnetic measurements and scrape-off layer transport during ELMs. High confinement regimes with different types of ELMs are addressed in this paper in the context of development of operational scenarios for ITER. The key parameters that have been identified at present to reduce the energy losses in Type I ELMs are operation at high density, high edge magnetic shear and high triangularity. However, according to the present experimental scaling for the energy losses in Type I ELMs, the extrapolation of such regimes for ITER leads to unacceptably large heat loads on the divertor target plates exceeding the material limits. High confinement H-mode scenarios at high triangularity and high density with small ELMs (Type II), mixed regimes (Type II and Type I) and combined advanced regimes at high β p are discussed for present-day tokamaks. The optimum combination of high confinement and small MHD activity at the edge in Type II ELM scenarios is of interest to ITER. However, to date, these regimes have been achieved in a rather narrow operational window and far from ITER parameters in terms of collisionality, edge safety factor and β p . The compatibility of the alternative internal transport barrier (ITB) scenario with edge pedestal formation and ELMs is also addressed. Edge physics issues related to the possible combination of small benign ELMs (Type III, Type II ELMs, quiescent double barrier) and high performance ITBs are discussed for present-day experiments (JET, JT-60U, DIII-D) in terms of their relevance for ITER. Successful plasma edge control, at high triangularity (~0.5) and high density (~0.7 n GR ), in ITB scenarios in JET is reported. Active control of ELMs by edge current, pellet injection, impurities and external magnetic perturbations creating an ergodic zone localized at the separatrix are discussed for present-day experiments and from the perspective of future reactors.}, File = {Becoulet2003_0741-3335_45_12A_007.pdf:Becoulet2003_0741-3335_45_12A_007.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.12}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/45/i=12A/a=007} } @Article{Becoulet2005, author = {M. Becoulet and G. Huysmans and P. Thomas and E. Joffrin and F. Rimini and P. Monier-Garbet and A. Grosman and P. Ghendrih and V. Parail and P. Lomas and G. Matthews and H. Wilson and M. Gryaznevich and G. Counsell and A. Loarte and G. Saibene and R. Sartori and A. Leonard and P. Snyder and T. Evans and P. Gohil and R. Moyer and Y. Kamada and N. Oyama and T. Hatae and K. Kamiya and A. Degeling and Y. Martin and J. Lister and J. Rapp and C. Perez and P. Lang and A Chankin and T. Eich and A. Sips and J. Stober and L. Horton and A. Kallenbach and W. Suttrop and S. Saarelma and S. Cowley and J. Lönnroth and M. Shimada and A. Polevoi and G. Federici}, title = {Edge localized modes control: experiment and theory}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = {2005}, volume = {337-339}, number = {0}, pages = {677 - 683}, issn = {0022-3115}, note = {PSI-16}, abstract = {The paper reviews recent theoretical and experimental results focussing on the identification of the key factors controlling ELM energy and particle losses both in natural ELMs and in the presence of external controlling mechanisms. Present experiment and theory pointed out the benefit of the high plasma shaping, high q95 and high pedestal density in reducing the ELM affected area and conductive energy losses in Type I ELMs. Small benign ELMs regimes in present machines (EDA, HRS, Type II, Grassy, QH, Type III in impurity seeded discharges at high δ ) and their relevance for ITER are reviewed. Recent studies of active control of ELMs using stochastic boundaries, small pellets and edge current generation are presented.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jnucmat.2004.09.074}, file = {Becoulet2005_science.pdf:Becoulet2005_science.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ELM}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.12.11}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311504009705}, } @Article{Beidler2011, Title = {Model for Incomplete Reconnection in Sawtooth Crashes}, Author = {Beidler, M. T. and Cassak, P. A.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2011}, Month = {Dec}, Pages = {255002}, Volume = {107}, Abstract = {A model for incomplete reconnection in sawtooth crashes is presented. The reconnection inflow during the crash phase of sawteeth self-consistently convects the high pressure core toward the reconnection site, raising the pressure gradient there. Reconnection shuts off if the diamagnetic drift speed at the reconnection site exceeds a threshold, which may explain incomplete reconnection. The relaxation of magnetic shear after reconnection stops may explain the destabilization of ideal interchange instabilities reported previously. Proof-of-principle two-fluid simulations confirm this basic picture. Predictions of the model compare favorably to data from the Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak. Applications to transport modeling of sawteeth are discussed. The results should apply across tokamaks, including ITER.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.255002}, File = {Beidler2011_PhysRevLett.107.255002.pdf:Beidler2011_PhysRevLett.107.255002.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {25}, Numpages = {5}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.12.15}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.255002} } @Article{Belien2002, Title = {FINESSE: Axisymmetric MHD Equilibria with Flow}, Author = {A. J. C. Belien and M. A. Botchev and J. P. Goedbloed and B. van der Holst and R. Keppens}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {2002}, Number = {1}, Pages = {91 - 117}, Volume = {182}, Abstract = {The FINESSE code (finite element solver for stationary equilibria) computes axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic equilibria in poloidal elliptic flow regimes for a variety of astrophysical and laboratory plasma configurations. The obtained equilibria are accurate and are used to study the spectral characteristics of such flowing equilibria. The nonlinear partial differential equation for the poloidal magnetic flux is solved in a weak form via Picard iteration, resulting in a large-scale linear problem. The algebraic Bernoulli equation for the poloidal Alfvén Mach number is solved with a nonlinear root finder. Converged solutions are obtained by iterating on these two equations.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1006/jcph.2002.7153}, File = {Belien2002_sdarticle.pdf:Belien2002_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.29}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WHY-481662C-5/2/a5f340905e2b31a039b5e1db9562b869} } @Article{Belli2012, Title = {Full linearized Fokker–Planck collisions in neoclassical transport simulations}, Author = {E A Belli and J Candy}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {1}, Pages = {015015}, Volume = {54}, Abstract = {The complete linearized Fokker–Planck collision operator has been implemented in the drift-kinetic code NEO (Belli and Candy 2008 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion [/0741-3335/50] 50 095010 ) for the calculation of neoclassical transport coefficients and flows. A key aspect of this work is the development of a fast numerical algorithm for treatment of the field particle operator. This Eulerian algorithm can accurately treat the disparate velocity scales that arise in the case of multi-species plasmas. Specifically, a Legendre series expansion in ξ (the cosine of the pitch angle) is combined with a novel Laguerre spectral method in energy to ameliorate the rapid numerical precision loss that occurs for traditional Laguerre spectral methods. We demonstrate the superiority of this approach to alternative spectral and finite-element schemes. The physical accuracy and limitations of more commonly used model collision operators, such as the Connor and Hirshman–Sigmar operators, are studied, and the effects on neoclassical impurity poloidal flows and neoclassical transport for experimental parameters are explored.}, File = {Belli2012_0741-3335_54_1_015015.pdf:Belli2012_0741-3335_54_1_015015.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.24}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=1/a=015015} } @Article{Belli2008a, author = {E A Belli and J Candy}, title = {Kinetic calculation of neoclassical transport including self-consistent electron and impurity dynamics}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2008}, volume = {50}, number = {9}, pages = {095010}, abstract = {Numerical studies of neoclassical transport, beginning with the fundamental drift-kinetic equation (DKE), have been extended to include the self-consistent coupling of electrons and multiple ion species. The code, NEO, provides a first-principles based calculation of the neoclassical transport coefficients directly from solution of the distribution function by solving a hierarchy of equations derived by expanding the DKE in powers of ρ * i , the ratio of the ion gyroradius to system size. This includes the calculation of the first-order electrostatic potential via the Poisson equation, although this potential has exactly no effect on the steady-state transport. Systematic calculations of the second-order particle and energy fluxes and first-order plasma flows and bootstrap current and comparisons with existing theories are given for multi-species plasmas. The ambipolar relation ∑ a z a Γ a = 0, which can only be maintained with complete cross-species collisional coupling, is confirmed, and finite mass-ratio corrections due to the collisional coupling are identified. The effects of plasma shaping are also explored, including a discussion of how analytic formulae obtained for circular plasmas (i.e. Chang–Hinton) should be applied to shaped cases. Finite-orbit-width effects are studied via solution of the higher-order DKEs and the implications of non-local transport on the validity of the δ f formulation are discussed.}, file = {Belli2008_0741-3335_50_9_095010.pdf:Belli2008_0741-3335_50_9_095010.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.01.18}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/50/i=9/a=095010}, } @Article{Beniaminy1982, Title = {ABEL: Stable, high accuracy program for the inversion of Abel's integral equation}, Author = {Israel Beniaminy and Moshe Deutsch}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1982}, Note = {http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AAOK_v1_0.html}, Number = {4}, Pages = {415 - 422}, Volume = {27}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0010-4655(82)90102-3}, File = {Beniaminy1982_science[3].pdf:Beniaminy1982_science[3].pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.01}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465582901023} } @Article{Bergerson2011, Title = {Bifurcation to 3D Helical Magnetic Equilibrium in an Axisymmetric Toroidal Device}, Author = {Bergerson, W. F. and Auriemma, F. and Chapman, B. E. and Ding, W. X. and Zanca, P. and Brower, D. L. and Innocente, P. and Lin, L. and Lorenzini, R. and Martines, E. and Momo, B. and Sarff, J. S. and Terranova, D.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2011}, Month = {Dec}, Pages = {255001}, Volume = {107}, Abstract = {We report the first direct measurement of the internal magnetic field structure associated with a 3D helical equilibrium generated spontaneously in the core of an axisymmetric toroidal plasma containment device. Magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium bifurcation occurs in a reversed-field pinch when the innermost resonant magnetic perturbation grows to a large amplitude, reaching up to 8% of the mean field strength. Magnetic topology evolution is determined by measuring the Faraday effect, revealing that, as the perturbation grows, toroidal symmetry is broken and a helical equilibrium is established.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.255001}, File = {Bergerson2011_PhysRevLett.107.255001.pdf:Bergerson2011_PhysRevLett.107.255001.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {25}, Numpages = {5}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.12.15}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.255001} } @Article{Berionni2011, Title = {Predator prey oscillations in a simple cascade model of drift wave turbulence}, Author = {V. Berionni and Ö. D. Gürcan}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {112301}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {A reduced three shell limit of a simple cascade model of drift wave turbulence, which emphasizes nonlocal interactions with a large scale mode, is considered. It is shown to describe both the well known predator prey dynamics between the drift waves and zonal flows and to reduce to the standard three wave interaction equations. Here, this model is considered as a dynamical system whose characteristics are investigated. The analytical solutions for the purely nonlinear limit are given in terms of the Jacobi elliptic functions. An approximate analytical solution involving Jacobi elliptic functions and exponential growth is computed using scale separation for the case of unstable solutions that are observed when the energy injection rate is high. The fixed points of the system are determined, and the behavior around these fixed points is studied. The system is shown to display periodic solutions corresponding to limit cycle oscillations, apparently chaotic phase space orbits, as well as unstable solutions that grow slowly while oscillating rapidly. The period doubling route to transition to chaos is examined.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3656953}, File = {Berionni2011_PhysPlasmas_18_112301.pdf:Berionni2011_PhysPlasmas_18_112301.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.11}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i11/p112301_s1} } @Article{Berk1995a, Title = {Simulation of Alfven-wave-resonant-particle interaction}, Author = {H.L. Berk and B.N. Breizman and M.S. Pekker}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1995}, Number = {12}, Pages = {1713}, Volume = {35}, Abstract = {New numerical simulations are presented on the self-consistent dynamics of energetic particles and a set of unstable discrete shear Alfven modes in a. tokamak. The code developed for these simulations has been previously tested in simulations of the bump-on-tail instability model. The code has a Hamiltonian structure for the mode-particle coupling, with the superimposed wave damping, particle source and classical relaxation processes. In the alpha-particle-Alfven-wave problem, we observe a transition from a single mode saturation to mode overlap and global quasi-linear diffusion, which is qualitatively similar to that observed in the bump-on-tail model. A considerable enhancement in the wave energy due to the resonance overlap is demonstrated. The effect of global diffusion on the energetic particle losses is also demonstrated}, File = {Berk1995a_0029-5515_35_12_I36.pdf:Berk1995a_0029-5515_35_12_I36.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.20}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/35/i=12/a=I36} } @Article{Berk2005, author = {Berk, H. L.}, journal = {Transport Theory and Statistical Physics}, title = {Frequency Sweeping in Plasmas due to Phase‐Space Structures}, year = {2005}, number = {3-5}, pages = {205-224}, volume = {34}, abstract = {Abstract This review examines the nonlinear dynamics of a plasma near marginal stability where there is a balance between the destabilizing resonant kinetic drive and the stabilizing dissipation in the background plasma. Depending on the degree of extrinsic stochasticity of the resonant particles, different saturated states are analytically described. At low enough stochasticity, an explosive self‐similar solution is predicted. Numerical simulation shows this explosive behavior is a precursor to the formation of phase space structures in the form of holes and clumps, which cause up an down shifted frequency sweeping due to plasma dissipation. Experimental evidence for the predicted behavior is discussed.}, doi = {10.1080/00411450500274410}, eprint = {http://tandfprod.literatumonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00411450500274410}, file = {Berk2005_00411450500274410.pdf:Berk2005_00411450500274410.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.08.03}, url = {http://tandfprod.literatumonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00411450500274410}, } @Article{Berk1997a, Title = {Nonlinear theory of kinetic instabilities near threshold}, Author = {H. L. Berk and B. N. Breizman, and M. S. Pekker}, Journal = {Plasma Phys. Rep.}, Year = {1997}, Pages = {778}, Volume = {23}, Abstract = {A new nonlinear equation has been derived and solved for the evolution of an unstable collective mode in a kinetic system close to the threshold of linear instability The resonant particle response produces the dominant nonlinearity, which can be calculated iteratively in the near-threshold regime as long as the made does not trap resonant particles. With sources and classical relaxation processes included, the theory describes both soft nonlinear regime, where the mode saturation level is proportional to an increment above threshold, and explosive nonlinear regimes, where the mode grows to a level that is independent of the closeness to threshold. The explosive solutions exhibit mode frequency shifting, For modes that exist in the absence of energetic particles, the frequency shift is both upward and downward, For modes that require energetic particles for their existence, there is a preferered direction of the frequency shift. The frequency shift continues even after the mode traps resonant particles.}, Doi = {10.2172/510404}, File = {Berk1997a_1667512.pdf:Berk1997a_1667512.pdf:PDF;Berk1997a_Nonlinear_Theory787.pdf:Berk1997a_Nonlinear_Theory787.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.20}, Url = {http://www.osti.gov/bridge/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=510404} } @Article{Berk2001, Title = {Theoretical Interpretation of Alfv\'en Cascades in Tokamaks with Nonmonotonic $\mathit{q}$ Profiles}, Author = {Berk, H. L. and Borba, D. N. and Breizman, B. N. and Pinches, S. D. and Sharapov, S. E.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2001}, Month = {Oct}, Pages = {185002}, Volume = {87}, Abstract = {Alfvén spectra in a reversed-shear tokamak plasma with a population of energetic ions exhibit a quasiperiodic pattern of primarily upward frequency sweeping (Alfvén cascade). Presented here is an explanation for such asymmetric sweeping behavior which involves finding a new energetic particle mode localized around the point of zero magnetic shear.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.185002}, File = {Berk2001_PhysRevLett.87.185002.pdf:Berk2001_PhysRevLett.87.185002.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {18}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.11.02}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.185002} } @Article{Berk1990a, author = {H. L. Berk and B. N. Breizman}, title = {Saturation of a single mode driven by an energetic injected beam. I. Plasma wave problem}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1990}, volume = {2}, number = {9}, pages = {2226-2234}, doi = {10.1063/1.859404}, file = {Berk1990a.pdf:Berk1990a.pdf:PDF}, groups = {main}, keywords = {SATURATION; BEAMPLASMA SYSTEMS; ALFVEN WAVES; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; STABILIZATION; COUPLING; STEADYSTATE CONDITIONS; BUMPINTAIL INSTABILITY; PARTICLES; ANNIHILATION; PHASE SPACE; AMPLITUDES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/2/2226/1}, } @Article{Berk1990b, author = {H. L. Berk and B. N. Breizman}, title = {Saturation of a single mode driven by an energetic injected beam. II. Electrostatic ``universal'' destabilization mechanism}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1990}, volume = {2}, number = {9}, pages = {2235-2245}, doi = {10.1063/1.859405}, file = {Berk1990b.pdf:Berk1990b.pdf:PDF}, groups = {main}, keywords = {BEAMPLASMA SYSTEMS; ALFVEN WAVES; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; SATURATION; STABILIZATION; ELECTROSTATICS; NEUTRAL ATOM BEAM INJECTION; COLLISIONAL PLASMA; RELAXATION; AMPLITUDES; SHEAR; MAGNETIC FIELDS; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; ENERGY TRANSFER; ENERGY LOSSES; TRAPPING}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/2/2235/1}, } @Article{Berk1990c, author = {H. L. Berk and B. N. Breizman}, title = {Saturation of a single mode driven by an energetic injected beam. III. Alfv[e-acute]n wave problem}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1990}, volume = {2}, number = {9}, pages = {2246-2252}, doi = {10.1063/1.859406}, file = {Berk1990c.pdf:Berk1990c.pdf:PDF}, groups = {main}, keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; SATURATION; AMPLITUDES; EXCITATION; ALPHA PARTICLES; IGNITION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; ENERGY LOSSES; CORRELATIONS; THERMONUCLEAR REACTIONS; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; STANDING WAVES; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; DISTURBANCES; RESONANCE; INHIBITION; RELAXATION; COLLISIONAL PLASMA; DRAG}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/2/2246/1}, } @Article{Berk1999, Title = {Spontaneous hole–clump pair creation}, Author = {H. L. Berk and B. N. Breizman and J. Candy and M. Pekker and N. V. Petviashvili}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1999}, Pages = {3102}, Volume = {6}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873550}, File = {Berk1999_PhysPlasmas_6_3102.pdf:Berk1999_PhysPlasmas_6_3102.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.03}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v6/i8/p3102_s1} } @Article{Berk1990d, Title = {Wave‐particle power transfer in a steady‐state driven system}, Author = {H. L. Berk and B. N. Breizman and S. Hamaguchi}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids B}, Year = {1990}, Pages = {3212}, Volume = {2}, Abstract = {The general expression of the power transfer from a high‐energy ion beam to a background electrostatic plasma wave is obtained for arbitrary wave amplitude. It is verified that phase space gradients produced by a finite amplitude wave enhance the power transfer significantly.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.859232}, File = {Berk1990d_PFB003212.pdf:Berk1990d_PFB003212.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.24}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/pfbpei/v2/i12/p3212_s1} } @Article{Berk1996, author = {Berk, H. L. and Breizman, B. N. and Pekker, M.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, title = {Nonlinear Dynamics of a Driven Mode near Marginal Stability}, year = {1996}, month = {Feb}, number = {8}, pages = {1256--1259}, volume = {76}, abstract = {The nonlinear dynamics of a linearly unstable mode in a driven kinetic system is investigated to determine the saturated fields near the instability threshold. To leading order, this problem reduces to an integral equation with a temporally nonlocal cubic term. Its solution can exhibit self-similar behavior with a blowup in a finite time. When blowup occurs, the mode saturates due to plateau formation arising from particle trapping in the wave. Otherwise, the simplified equation gives a regular solution that leads to a saturation scaling reflecting the closeness to the instability threshold.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.1256}, file = {Berk1996_PhysRevLett.76.1256.pdf:Berk1996_PhysRevLett.76.1256.pdf:PDF}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2011.03.22}, } @Article{Berk1995b, author = {H. L. Berk and B. N. Breizman and M. Pekker}, title = {Numerical simulation of bump-on-tail instability with source and sink}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {8}, pages = {3007-3016}, abstract = {A numerical procedure has been developed for the self‐consistent simulation of the nonlinear interaction of energetic particles with discrete collective modes in the presence of a particle source and dissipation. A bump‐on‐tail instability model is chosen for these simulations. The model presents a kinetic nonlinear treatment of the wave–particle interaction within a Hamiltonian formalism. A mapping technique has been used in this model in order to assess the long time behavior of the system. Depending on the parameter range, the model shows either a steady‐state mode saturation or quasiperiodic nonlinear bursts of the wave energy. It is demonstrated that the mode saturation level as well as the burst parameters scale with the drive in accordance with the analytical predictions. The threshold for the resonance overlap condition and particle global diffusion in the phase space are quantified. For the pulsating regime, it is shown that when γL≳0.16 ΔΩ, where γL is the linear growth rate for the unperturbed system and ΔΩ is the frequency separation of neighboring resonances, overlap occurs together with an amplification of the free energy release compared to what is expected with the saturation of nonoverlapping modes. The effect of particle losses on the wave excitation is included in the model, which illustrates in a qualitative way the bursting collective losses of fast ions/alpha particles due to Alfvén instabilities.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871198}, file = {Berk1995_PhysPlasmas_2_3007.pdf:Berk1995_PhysPlasmas_2_3007.pdf:PDF;Berk1995a_0029-5515_35_12_I36.pdf:Berk1995a_0029-5515_35_12_I36.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {BUMPINTAIL INSTABILITY; PLASMA SIMULATION; ALFVEN WAVES; ALPHA PARTICLES; BEAMPLASMA SYSTEMS; HAMILTONIAN FUNCTION; PARTICLE LOSSES; TURBULENCE; SINKS; SOURCES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.11.13}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/3007/1}, } @Article{Berk1997, Title = {Spontaneous hole-clump pair creation in weakly unstable plasmas}, Author = {H. L. Berk and B. N. Breizman and N. V. Petviashvili}, Journal = {Physics Letters A}, Year = {1997}, Number = {3}, Pages = {213 - 218}, Volume = {234}, Abstract = {A numerical simulation of a kinetic instability near threshold shows how a hole and clump spontaneously appear in the particle distribution function. The hole and clump support a pair of Bernstein, Greene, Kruskal (BGK) nonlinear waves that last much longer than the inverse linear damping rate while they are upshifting and downshifting in frequency. The frequency shifting allows a balance between the power nonlinearly extracted from the resonant particles and the power dissipated into the background plasma. These waves eventually decay due to phase space gradient smoothing caused by collisionality.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9601(97)00523-9}, File = {Berk1997_sdarticle.pdf:Berk1997_sdarticle.pdf:PDF;Berk1997a_1667512.pdf:Berk1997a_1667512.pdf:PDF;Berk1997a_Nonlinear_Theory787.pdf:Berk1997a_Nonlinear_Theory787.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0375-9601}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TVM-3SPTGXR-9/2/afcfbba97a2c99aa6e2819f8bc5d67a9} } @Article{Berk1992, Title = {Scenarios for the nonlinear evolution of alpha-particle-induced Alfv\'en wave instability}, Author = {Berk, H. L. and Breizman, B. N. and Ye, Huanchun}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1992}, Month = {Jun}, Number = {24}, Pages = {3563--3566}, Volume = {68}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.68.3563}, File = {Berk1992_PhysRevLett.68.3563.pdf:Berk1992_PhysRevLett.68.3563.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22} } @Article{Berk1992a, Title = {Continuum damping of low-n toroidicity-induced shear Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes}, Author = {H. L. Berk and J. W. Van Dam and Z. Guo and D. M. Lindberg}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1992}, Number = {7}, Pages = {1806-1835}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {The effect of resonant continuum damping is investigated for the low‐mode‐number, toroidicity‐induced, global shear Alfvén eigenmodes, which can be self‐excited by energetic circulating alpha particles in an ignited tokamak plasma. Resonant interaction with the shear Alfvén continuum is possible for these eigenmodes, especially near the plasma periphery, leading to significant dissipation, which is typically larger than direct bulk plasma dissipation rates. Two perturbation methods are developed for obtaining the Alfvén resonance damping rate from the ideal fluid zeroth‐order shear Alfvén eigenvalue and eigenfunction. In both methods the real part of the frequency is estimated to zeroth order, and the imaginary part, which includes the damping rate, is then obtained by perturbation theory. One method, which is applicable when the eigenfunction is nearly real, can readily be incorporated into general magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) codes. In the second method, the zeroth‐order eigenfunctions may be complex; however, the application of this method to general MHD codes needs more detailed development. Also, an analytical estimate is found for the next‐order real frequency shift of the fluid global Alfvén mode. Analytical and numerical studies of this continuum damping effect indicate that it can substantially reduce the alpha particle‐induced growth rate. Thus, either it is possible to prevent instability or, if unstable, to use the Alfvén resonance damping to estimate the saturation amplitude level predicted from quasilinear theory.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860455}, File = {Berk1992a_PFB001806.pdf:Berk1992a_PFB001806.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; DAMPING; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PERTURBATION THEORY; EIGENFUNCTIONS; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; ALPHA PARTICLES}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/1806/1} } @Article{Berk1993b, author = {H. L. Berk and R. R. Mett and D. M. Lindberg}, title = {Arbitrary mode number boundary‐layer theory for nonideal toroidal Alfvén modes}, journal = {Phys. Fluids B}, year = {1993}, volume = {5}, pages = {3969}, abstract = {The theory of toroidicity‐induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) and kinetic TAE (KTAE) is generalized to arbitrary mode numbers for a large aspect ratio low‐beta circular tokamak. The interaction between nearest neighbors is described by a three‐term recursion relation that combines elements from an outer region, described by the ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations of a cylinder, and an inner region, which includes the toroidicity and the nonideal effects of finite ion Larmor radius, electron inertia, and collisions. By the use of quadratic forms, it is proven that the roots of the recursion relation are stable and it is shown how perturbation theory can be applied to include frequency shifts due to other kinetic effects. Analytic forms are derived which display the competition between the resistive and radiative damping, where the radiation is carried by kinetic Alfvén waves. When the nonideal parameter is small, the KTAE modes appear in pairs. When this parameter is large, previously found scaling for the single gap case is reproduced analytically.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860617}, file = {Berk1993_PFB003969.pdf:Berk1993_PFB003969.pdf:PDF;Berk1993a_PFB003969.pdf:Berk1993a_PFB003969.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.10.18}, url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/pfbpei/v5/i11/p3969_s1}, } @Article{Berk1993a, Title = {Arbitrary mode number boundary-layer theory for nonideal toroidal Alfv[e-acute]n modes}, Author = {H. L. Berk and R. R. Mett and D. M. Lindberg}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1993}, Number = {11}, Pages = {3969-3996}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {The theory of toroidicity‐induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) and kinetic TAE (KTAE) is generalized to arbitrary mode numbers for a large aspect ratio low‐beta circular tokamak. The interaction between nearest neighbors is described by a three‐term recursion relation that combines elements from an outer region, described by the ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations of a cylinder, and an inner region, which includes the toroidicity and the nonideal effects of finite ion Larmor radius, electron inertia, and collisions. By the use of quadratic forms, it is proven that the roots of the recursion relation are stable and it is shown how perturbation theory can be applied to include frequency shifts due to other kinetic effects. Analytic forms are derived which display the competition between the resistive and radiative damping, where the radiation is carried by kinetic Alfvén waves. When the nonideal parameter is small, the KTAE modes appear in pairs. When this parameter is large, previously found scaling for the single gap case is reproduced analytically.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860617}, File = {Berk1993a_PFB003969.pdf:Berk1993a_PFB003969.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {BOUNDARY LAYERS; ALFVEN WAVES; TOKAMAK DEVICES; RECURSION RELATIONS; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; LARMOR RADIUS; PERTURBATION THEORY; SCALING LAWS; LOWBETA PLASMA; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/3969/1} } @Article{Berk1970, Title = {Phase Space Hydrodynamics of Equivalent Nonlinear Systems: Experimental and Computational Observations}, Author = {H. L. Berk and C. E. Nielsen and K. V. Roberts}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1970}, Number = {4}, Pages = {980-995}, Volume = {13}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1693039}, File = {Berk1970_PFL000980.pdf:Berk1970_PFL000980.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.20}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/13/980/1} } @Article{Berk1967, Title = {Nonlinear Study of Vlasov's Equation for a Special Class of Distribution Functions}, Author = {H. L. Berk and K. V. Roberts}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1967}, Number = {7}, Pages = {1595-1597}, Volume = {10}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1762331}, File = {Berk1967_PFL001595.pdf:Berk1967_PFL001595.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.20}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/10/1595/1} } @Article{Berman1983, Title = {Observation of self-binding turbulent fluctuations in simulation plasma and their relevance to plasma kinetic theories}, Author = {R. H. Berman and D. J. Tetreault and T. H. Dupree}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1983}, Number = {9}, Pages = {2437-2459}, Volume = {26}, Doi = {10.1063/1.864429}, File = {Berman1983_PFL002437.pdf:Berman1983_PFL002437.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma; plasma simulation; turbulence; fluctuations; phase space; plasma density; distribution functions; electron collisions; holes; lifetime; kinetic equations}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/26/2437/1} } @Article{Bernabei1999, Title = {Role of Alfvén instabilities in energetic ion transport}, Author = {S. Bernabei and M. G. Bell and R. Budny and D. Darrow and E. D. Fredrickson and N. Gorelenkov and J. C. Hosea and R. Majeski and E. Mazzucato and R. Nazikian and C. K. Phillips and J. H. Rogers and G. Schilling and R. White and J. R. Wilson and F. Zonca, and S. Zweben}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1999}, Pages = {1880}, Volume = {6}, Abstract = {Experiments with plasma heating by waves at the ion cyclotron resonance of a minority species have shown that the heating efficiency degrades above a certain power threshold. It is found that this threshold is due to the destabilization of a branch of shear Alfvén waves, the Energetic Particle Modes, which causes a diffusive loss of fast ions. These modes not only play a fundamental role in the transport of the fast ions, but appear closely related to the formation of giant sawteeth.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873446}, File = {Bernabei1999_PhysPlasmas_6_1880.pdf:Bernabei1999_PhysPlasmas_6_1880.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.06}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v6/i5/p1880_s1} } @Article{Bernabei2000, Title = {Nature of Monster Sawteeth and Their Relationship to Alfv\'en Instabilities in Tokamaks}, Author = {Bernabei, S. and Bell, M. G. and Budny, R. V. and Fredrickson, E. D. and Gorelenkov, N. N. and Hosea, J. C. and Majeski, R. and Mazzucato, E. and Phillips, C. K. and Schilling, G. and Wilson, J. R.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2000}, Month = {Feb}, Pages = {1212--1215}, Volume = {84}, Abstract = {A correlation is explored between the presence of energetic particle modes (EPM) and long-period sawtooth oscillations in tokamak plasmas heated by rf waves. The eventual crash of these sawteeth is explained in terms of the loss of the stabilizing fast particles due to the EPM. The absence of long-period sawteeth in high qa discharges is explained in terms of ion loss due to toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.1212}, File = {Bernabei2000_PhysRevLett.84.1212.pdf:Bernabei2000_PhysRevLett.84.1212.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {6}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.11.06}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.1212} } @Article{Bernstein1975, Title = {Geometric optics in space- and time - varying plasmas}, Author = {Ira B. Bernstein}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1975}, Number = {3}, Pages = {320-324}, Volume = {18}, Doi = {10.1063/1.861140}, File = {Bernstein1975_PFL000320.pdf:Bernstein1975_PFL000320.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.04.24}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/18/320/1} } @Article{Bernstein1958a, author = {Bernstein, Ira B.}, title = {Waves in a Plasma in a Magnetic Field}, journal = {Phys. Rev.}, year = {1958}, volume = {109}, number = {1}, pages = {10--21}, month = {Jan}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.109.10}, file = {Bernstein1958_PhysRev.109.10.pdf:Bernstein1958_PhysRev.109.10.pdf:PDF}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2010.12.24}, } @Article{Bernstein1957, Title = {Exact Nonlinear Plasma Oscillations}, Author = {Bernstein, Ira B. and Greene, John M. and Kruskal, Martin D.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, Year = {1957}, Month = {Nov}, Number = {3}, Pages = {546--550}, Volume = {108}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.108.546}, File = {Bernstein1957_PhysRev.108.546.pdf:Bernstein1957_PhysRev.108.546.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2010.12.24} } @Article{Bertrand1972, author = {P. Bertrand and J. P. Doremus and G. Baumann and M. R. Feix}, title = {Stability of Inhomogeneous Two-Stream Plasma with a Water-Bag Model}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1972}, volume = {15}, number = {7}, pages = {1275-1281}, doi = {10.1063/1.1694077}, file = {Bertrand1972_PFL001275.pdf:Bertrand1972_PFL001275.pdf:PDF}, groups = {waterbag}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.11.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/15/1275/1}, } @Article{Bertrand1976, author = {P. Bertrand and M. Gros and G. Baumann}, title = {Nonlinear plasma oscillations in terms of multiple-water-bag eigenmodes}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1976}, volume = {19}, number = {8}, pages = {1183-1188}, doi = {10.1063/1.861600}, file = {Bertrand1976_PFL001183.pdf:Bertrand1976_PFL001183.pdf:PDF}, groups = {waterbag}, keywords = {PLASMA WAVES; ELECTRIC FIELDS; ELECTRONS; OSCILLATION MODES; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; INHOMOGENEOUS PLASMA}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.11.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/19/1183/1}, } @Article{Besse2008, author = {N. Besse and P. Bertrand}, title = {Quasilinear analysis of the gyro-water-bag model}, journal = {EPL (Europhysics Letters)}, year = {2008}, volume = {83}, number = {2}, pages = {25003}, abstract = {The energy confinement time in controlled-fusion devices is governed by the turbulent evolution of low-frequency electromagnetic fluctuations of nonuniform magnetized plasmas. The necessary kinetic calculation of turbulent transport consumes much more computer resources than fluid simulations. An alternative approach is based on water-bag–like weak solution of collisionless kinetic equations, allowing to reduce the Vlasov equation into a set of hyrodynamic equations while keeping its kinetic behaviour. In this paper we apply this concept to gyrokinetic modeling, and focus on the weak turbulence theory of the gyro-water-bag model. As a result we obtain a set of nonlinear diffusion equations where the source terms are the divergence of the parallel fluctuating Reynolds stress of each bag. These source terms describe the process of correlated radial scattering and parallel acceleration which is required to generate a sheared parallel flow and may have important consequences for the theory of both intrinsic rotation and momentum transport bifurcations which are closely related to confinement improvements and internal transport barrier dynamics in tokamaks. Using the kinetic resonance condition our quasilinear equations can be recast in a model whose the mathematical structure is the same as the famous Keller-Segel model, widely used in chemotaxis to describe the collective transport (diffusion and aggregation) of cells attracted by a self-emitted chemical substance. Therefore the second result of the paper is the derivation of a set of reaction-diffusion equations which describes the interplay between the turbulence process in the radial direction and the back reaction of the zonal flow in the poloidal direction.}, file = {Besse2008_0295-5075_83_2_25003.pdf:Besse2008_0295-5075_83_2_25003.pdf:PDF}, groups = {waterbag}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.11.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0295-5075/83/i=2/a=25003}, } @Article{Betti1992, Title = {Stability of Alfv[e-acute]n gap modes in burning plasmas}, Author = {R. Betti and J. P. Freidberg}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1992}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1465-1474}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {A stability analysis is carried out for energetic particle‐Alfvén gap modes. Three modes have been identified: the toroidicity, ellipticity, and noncircular triangularity induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE, EAE, and NAE). In highly elongated plasma cross sections with κ−1∼1, the EAE may be a more robust mode than the TAE and NAE. It is found that electron Landau damping in highly elongated plasmas has a strong stabilizing influence on the n=1 EAE, while ion Landau damping stabilizes the n=1 TAE in high‐density regimes. Furthermore, the NAE turns out to be stable for all currently proposed ignition experiments. The stability analysis of a typical burning plasma device, Burning Plasma Experiment (BPX) [Phys. Scr. T16, 89 (1987)] shows that n>1 gap modes can pose a serious threat to the achievement of ignition conditions.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860057}, File = {Betti1992_PFB001465.pdf:Betti1992_PFB001465.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; STABILITY; LANDAU DAMPING; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; ALPHA PARTICLES; TOKAMAK DEVICES; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; ELLIPTICAL CONFIGURATION; HARMONICS}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/1465/1} } @Article{Betti1991, Title = {Ellipticity induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes}, Author = {R. Betti and J. P. Freidberg}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1991}, Number = {8}, Pages = {1865-1870}, Volume = {3}, Abstract = {It is shown that noncircularity of tokamak flux surfaces leads to frequency gaps in the magnetohydrodynamic Alfvén continuum. Within these gaps discrete modes having macroscopic structure are shown to exist and have many common features with toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmodes. The present work focuses on ellipticity. Since κ−1>ϵ in many tokamaks the ellipticity induced Alfvén eigenmode may indeed be a more robust mode. The most global mode couples the m=1, n=1 and m=3, n=1 ‘‘cylindrical’’ eigenmodes. The region of strong coupling occurs at the q(r)=2 surface and the width of the coupling region is finite and of order (κ−1)a. Furthermore, for typical limiter q(r) profiles satisfying 1≲q≲3, the dominant mode harmonics do not intersect the continuum Alfvén spectrum.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.859655}, File = {Betti1991_PFB001865.pdf:Betti1991_PFB001865.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; ELLIPTICAL CONFIGURATION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; LAGRANGIAN FUNCTION; JOULE HEATING; ASPECT RATIO; POTENTIAL ENERGY; KINETIC ENERGY; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; ALPHA PARTICLES; EIGENVALUES; FISHBONE INSTABILITY; PLASMA}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/1865/1} } @Article{Bhattacharjee2012, Title = {Stability and nonlinear dynamics of plasmas: A symposium celebrating Professor Robert Dewar's accomplishments in plasma physics}, Author = {Amitava Bhattacharjee}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {1}, Pages = {010201}, Volume = {54}, Abstract = {To celebrate Professor Robert Dewar's 65th birthday, a Symposium was held on 31 October 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia, just before the 51st Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society. The Symposium was attended by many of Bob's colleagues, friends, postdoctoral colleagues and students (present and former). Boyd Blackwell, Anthony Cooper, Chris Hegna, Stuart Hudson, John Krommes, Alexander Pletzer, Ellen Zweibel, and I gave talks that covered various aspects of Bob's wide-ranging scholarship, and his leadership in the Australian and the US fusion program. At the Symposium, Bob gave an insightful talk, published in this issue as a paper with D Leykam. This paper makes available for the first time unpublished results from Bob's M Sc Thesis on a general method for calculating the potential around a `dressed' test particle in an isotropic and collisionless plasma. The paper is interesting not only because it provides a glimpse of the type of elegant applied mathematics that we have come to associate with Bob, but also because he discusses some leitmotifs in his intellectual evolution since the time he was a graduate student at the University of Melbourne and Princeton University. Through his early encounter with quantum field theory, Bob appreciated the power of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, which he used with great effectiveness in nonlinear dynamics and plasma physics. A question that animates much of his work is one that underlies the `dressed' particle problem: if one is given a Hamiltonian with an unperturbed (or `bare') part and an interaction part, how is one to obtain a canonical transformation to `the oscillation centre' thatwould reduce the interaction part to an irreducible residual part while incorporating the rest in a renormalized zeroth-order Hamiltonian? One summer in Princeton, I worked with Bob on a possible variational formulation for this problem, and failed. I was daunted enough by my failure that I turned to MHD relaxation theory for my PhD thesis under Bob's supervision. It was a good decision because Bob showed me how beautiful MHD theory can be, but he did not himself give up the problem of formulating optimal oscillation-centre transformations. He has a singular ability to hold difficult problems like this in in his mind for many years until they crack open (or even if they do not!), a trait that many of us find altogether admirable. The impact of such thinking on plasma turbulence theory over the last four decades is described in the article by John Krommes in this issue. Stuart Hudson's article touches on some of the same themes in the pursuit of fully three-dimensional relaxed states in toroidal stellarators. Zensho Yoshida has contributed an interesting article on the interplay of Lagrangian and Eulerian representations of collective motions in a fluid, a theme that appears in Bob's work in several contexts. Underlying much of Bob's work on Hamiltonian systems is his deep knowledge and appreciation of Lie perturbation theory, and the article by Steven Richardson and John Finn, which discusses an example of symplectic integrators and their numerical implementation, reflects that interest. It is impossible to do justice to all of Bob's contributions to theoretical plasma physics in this short section. Bob's WKB theory of ballooning modes in three-dimensional toroidal systems (with Alan Glasser) is a classic paper that was in some ways years ahead of its time, especially in its exploration of the deep connections between KAM theory and the nature of the spectrum. In later work, he developed these ideas further by establishing connections with the phenomenon of Anderson localization in condensed matter physics. His papers on the subject of ballooning modes are gems of the plasma physics literature, and are unsurpassed in their mathematical elegance, insight, and their development of broad connections with other fields of theoretical physics. Some of this was covered in the talks at the Symposium. The paper by David Barmaz and coworkers published in this issue discusses the problem diamagnetic stabilization of ballooning instabilities in stellarators. It is not surprising that Bob's work on ballooning modes shows an accomplished master of WKB theory at work, for it is the culmination of a process that began many years earlier. His involvement in applications of WKB theory to problems involving instability and turbulence began in 1970, when he was a graduate student. At this time he wrote a very influential paper, discussed at the Symposium, on the interaction between hydromagnetic waves and a timedependent inhomogeneous medium. This paper is widely cited, especially in the astrophysical and space plasma literature, for it gives a rigorous method of evaluating the effects of lowfrequency hydromagnetic fluctuations on a slowly varying background medium. The method has found use in problems as diverse as the self-sustainment of molecular clouds, the heating and acceleration of the solar wind, and the effect of cosmic rays on the interplanetary medium. Attentive readers will note that Bob has been drafted as a co-author and participant in about half of the publications in this issue. This is a reflection of Bob's continued and tireless involvement in a wide spectrum of research problems that have their genesis in his fundamental contributions to plasma physics, as well as the eagerness with which we all welcome his involvement in our own projects. We hope to have this continue for many years to come.}, File = {Bhattacharjee2012_0741-3335_54_1_010201.pdf:Bhattacharjee2012_0741-3335_54_1_010201.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.24}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=1/a=010201} } @Article{Biancalani2011, Title = {2D continuous spectrum of shear Alfvén waves in the presence of a magnetic island}, Author = {Alessandro Biancalani and Liu Chen and Francesco Pegoraro and Fulvio Zonca}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {2}, Pages = {025009}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {The radial structure of the continuous spectrum of shear Alfvén modes is calculated in the presence of a magnetic island in tokamak plasmas. Modes with the same helicity as the magnetic island are considered in a slab model approximation. In this framework, with an appropriate rotation of the coordinates the problem reduces to two dimensions. Geometrical effects due to the shape of the flux surface's cross-section are retained to all orders. On the other hand, we neglect toroidal couplings but fully take into account curvature effects responsible for the beta-induced gap in the low-frequency part of the continuous spectrum. New continuum accumulation points are found at the O-point of the magnetic island. The beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (BAE) continuum accumulation point is found to be positioned at the separatrix flux surface. The most remarkable result is the modification of the BAE continuum accumulation point frequency, due to the presence of the magnetic island.}, File = {Biancalani2011_0741-3335_53_2_025009.pdf:Biancalani2011_0741-3335_53_2_025009.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.02}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=2/a=025009} } @Article{Biancalani2010, Title = {Continuous Spectrum of Shear Alfv\'en Waves within Magnetic Islands}, Author = {Biancalani, Alessandro and Chen, Liu and Pegoraro, Francesco and Zonca, Fulvio}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2010}, Month = {Aug}, Number = {9}, Pages = {095002}, Volume = {105}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.095002}, File = {Biancalani2010_PhysRevLett.105.095002.pdf:Biancalani2010_PhysRevLett.105.095002.pdf:PDF;Biancalani2010a_PhysPlasmas_17_122106.pdf:Biancalani2010a_PhysPlasmas_17_122106.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.23} } @Article{Biancalani2010a, Title = {Shear Alfv[e-acute]n wave continuous spectrum within magnetic islands}, Author = {Alessandro Biancalani and Liu Chen and Francesco Pegoraro and Fulvio Zonca}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122106}, Volume = {17}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3531689}, Eid = {122106}, File = {Biancalani2010a_PhysPlasmas_17_122106.pdf:Biancalani2010a_PhysPlasmas_17_122106.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {fusion reactor safety; plasma Alfven waves; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {8}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.23}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/122106/1} } @Article{Bierwage2007a, Title = {Dynamics of resistive double tearing modes with broad linear spectra}, Author = {Andreas Bierwage and Sadruddin Benkadda and Satoshi Hamaguchi and Masahiro Wakatani}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {022107}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {The nonlinear evolution of resistive double tearing modes (DTMs) with safety factor values q = 1 and q = 3 is studied with a reduced cylindrical model of a tokamak plasma. We focus on cases where the resonant surfaces are a small distance apart. Recent numerical studies have shown that in such configurations high-m modes are strongly unstable and may peak around m = mpeak ∼ 10. In this paper, it is first demonstrated that this result agrees with existing linear theory for DTMs. Based on this theory, a semiempirical formula for the dependence of mpeak on the system parameters is proposed. Second, with the use of nonlinear simulations, it is shown that the presence of fast growing high-m modes leads to a rapid turbulent collapse in an annular region, where small magnetic island structures form. Furthermore, consideration is given to the evolution of low-m modes, in particular the global m = 1 internal kink, which can undergo nonlinear driving through coupling to fast growing linear high-m DTMs. Factors influencing the details of the dynamics are discussed. These results may be relevant to the understanding of the magnetohydrodynamic activity near the minimum of q and may thus be of interest for studies on stability and confinement of advanced tokamaks.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2446420}, File = {Bierwage2007a_PhysPlasmas_14_022107.pdf:Bierwage2007a_PhysPlasmas_14_022107.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v14/i2/p022107_s1} } @Article{Bierwage2006, Title = {Nonlinear evolution of the m = 1 internal kink mode in the presence of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence}, Author = {Andreas Bierwage and Sadruddin Benkadda and Satoshi Hamaguchi and Masahiro Wakatani}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2006}, Pages = {032506}, Volume = {13}, Abstract = {The nonlinear evolution of the m = 1 internal kink mode is studied numerically in a setting where the tokamak core plasma is surrounded by a turbulent region with low magnetic shear. As a starting point, we choose configurations with three nearby q = 1 surfaces where triple tearing modes (TTMs) with high poloidal mode numbers m are unstable. While the amplitudes are still small, the fast-growing high-m TTMs enhance the growth of the m = 1 instability. This is interpreted as a fast sawtooth trigger mechanism. The TTMs lead to a partial collapse, leaving behind a turbulent belt with q ≃ 1 around the unreconnected core plasma. Although, full reconnection can occur if the core displacement grows large enough, it is shown that the turbulence may actively prevent further reconnection. This is qualitatively similar to experimentally observed partial sawtooth crashes with post-cursor oscillations due to a saturated internal kink.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2179772}, File = {Bierwage2006_PhysPlasmas_13_032506.pdf:Bierwage2006_PhysPlasmas_13_032506.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v13/i3/p032506_s1} } @Article{Bierwage2005a, Title = {Fast growing double tearing modes in a tokamak plasma}, Author = {Andreas Bierwage and Sadruddin Benkadda and Satoshi Hamaguchi and Masahiro Wakatani}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2005}, Pages = {082504}, Volume = {12}, Abstract = {Configurations with nearby multiple resonant surfaces have broad spectra of linearly unstable coupled tearing modes with dominant high poloidal mode numbers m. This was recently shown for the case of multiple q = 1 resonances [ Bierwage et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 65001 (2005) ]. In the present work, similar behavior is found for double tearing modes (DTM) on resonant surfaces with q ≥ 1. A detailed analysis of linear instability characteristics of DTMs with various mode numbers m is performed using numerical simulations. The mode structures and dispersion relations for linearly unstable modes are calculated. Comparisons between low- and higher-m modes are carried out, and the roles of the inter-resonance distance and of the magnetic Reynolds number SHp are investigated. High-m modes are found to be destabilized when the distance between the resonant surfaces is small. They dominate over low-m modes in a wide range of SHp, including regimes relevant for tokamak operation. These results may be readily applied to configurations with more than two resonant surfaces.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1989727}, File = {Bierwage2005a_PhysPlasmas_12_082504.pdf:Bierwage2005a_PhysPlasmas_12_082504.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v12/i8/p082504_s1} } @Article{Bierwage2008, Title = {AWECS: A Linear Gyrokinetic df Particle-in-Cell Simulation Code for the Study of Alfv´enic Instabilities in High-b Tokamak Plasmas}, Author = {Andreas Bierwage and Liu Chen}, Journal = {COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS}, Year = {2008}, Number = {3}, Pages = {457-495}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {A 1-D linear gyrokinetic code called AWECS is developed to study the kinetic excitation of Alfvenic instabilities in a high-beta tokamak plasma, with beta being the ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure. It is designed to describe physics associated with a broad range of frequencies and wavelengths. For example, AWECS is capable of simulating kinetic ballooning modes, Alfvenic ion-temperature-gradient-driven modes, as well as Alfven instabilities due to energetic particles. In addition, AWECS may be used to study drift-Alfven instabilities in the low-beta regime. Here, the layout of the code and the numerical methods used are described. AWECS is benchmarked against other codes and a convergence study is carried out.}, File = {Bierwage2008_AWECS A linear gyrokinetic delta-f particle-in-cell simulation code.pdf:Bierwage2008_AWECS A linear gyrokinetic delta-f particle-in-cell simulation code.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.12.01}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0801.0429} } @Article{Bierwage2010a, Title = {Pressure-gradient-induced Alfvén eigenmodes: I. Ideal MHD and finite ion Larmor radius effects}, Author = {A Bierwage and L Chen and F Zonca}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {1}, Pages = {015004}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {In the second magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) ballooning stable domain of a high-beta tokamak plasma, the Schrödinger equation for ideal MHD shear Alfvén waves has discrete solutions corresponding to standing waves trapped between pressure-gradient-induced potential wells. Our goal is to understand how these so-called α-induced toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (αTAE) are modified by the effects of finite Larmor radii (FLR) and kinetic compression of thermal ions in the limit of massless electrons. In this paper, we neglect kinetic compression in order to isolate and examine in detail the effect of FLR terms. After a review of the physics of ideal MHD αTAE, the effect of FLR on the Schrödinger potential, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues is described with the use of parameter scans. The results are used in a companion paper to identify instabilities driven by wave–particle resonances in the second stable domain.}, File = {Bierwage2010a_0741-3335_52_1_015004.pdf:Bierwage2010a_0741-3335_52_1_015004.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.10}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/52/i=1/a=015004} } @Article{Bierwage2010b, Title = {Pressure-gradient-induced Alfvén eigenmodes: II. Kinetic excitation with ion temperature gradient}, Author = {A Bierwage and L Chen and F Zonca}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {1}, Pages = {015005}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {The kinetic excitation of ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) discrete Alfvén eigenmodes in the second MHD ballooning stable domain is studied in the presence of a thermal ion temperature gradient (ITG), using linear gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulations of a local flux tube in shifted-circle tokamak geometry. The instabilities are identified as α-induced toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (αTAE); that is, bound states trapped between pressure-gradient-induced potential barriers of the Schrödinger equation for shear Alfvén waves. Using numerical tools, we examine in detail the effect of kinetic thermal ion compression on αTAEs; both non-resonant coupling to ion sound waves and wave–particle resonances. It is shown that the Alfvénic ITG instability thresholds (e.g., the critical temperature gradient) are determined by two resonant absorption mechanisms: Landau damping and continuum damping. The numerical results are interpreted on the basis of a theoretical framework previously derived from a variational formulation. The present analysis of properties and structures of Alfvénic fluctuations in the presence of steep pressure gradients applies for both positive or negative magnetic shear and can serve as an interpretative framework for experimental observations in (future) high-performance fusion plasmas of reactor relevance.}, File = {Bierwage2010b_0741-3335_52_1_015005.pdf:Bierwage2010b_0741-3335_52_1_015005.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.10}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/52/i=1/a=015005} } @Article{Bierwage2005, Title = {Nonlinear Evolution of $q=1$ Triple Tearing Modes in a Tokamak Plasma}, Author = {Bierwage, Andreas and Hamaguchi, Satoshi and Wakatani, Masahiro and Benkadda, Sadruddin and Leoncini, Xavier}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2005}, Month = {Feb}, Pages = {065001}, Volume = {94}, Abstract = {In magnetic configurations with two or three q=1 (with q being the safety factor) resonant surfaces in a tokamak plasma, resistive magnetohydrodynamic modes with poloidal mode numbers m much larger than 1 are found to be linearly unstable. It is found that these high-m double or triple tearing modes significantly enhance through nonlinear interactions the growth of the m=1 mode. This may account for the sudden onset of the internal resistive kink, i.e., the fast sawtooth trigger. Based on the subsequent reconnection dynamics that can proceed without formation of the m=1 islands, it is proposed that high-m triple tearing modes are a possible mechanism for precursor-free partial collapses during sawtooth oscillations.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.065001}, File = {Bierwage2005_PhysRevLett.94.065001.pdf:Bierwage2005_PhysRevLett.94.065001.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {6}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.065001} } @Article{BIERWAGE2011, Title = {Nonlinear Hybrid Simulations of Energetic Particle Modes in Realistic Tokamak Flux Surface Geometry}, Author = {Andreas BIERWAGE and Yasushi TODO and Nobuyuki AIBA and Kouji SHINOHARA and Masao ISHIKAWA and Masatoshi YAGI}, Journal = {Plasma Fusion Res.}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {2403109}, Volume = {6}, Abstract = {First results from nonlinear simulations of energetic particle modes and the resulting transport of energetic ions using realistic tokamak geometry are presented and compared with results obtained with a shifted-circle model equilibrium and otherwise equivalent parameters. The modes excited in both cases have similar frequencies and mode structures and cause a similar amount of energetic ion transport during the first few hundred Alfvén times of the nonlinear evolution. The similarity in transport is interesting since it stands in contrast to the reduced linear growth rate and saturation level in the non-circular case: for the parameters chosen, both are reduced by a factor of 2 compared to the circular case. These results motivate further studies, including a verification of our results with other codes, a clarification of the mechanisms underlying the linear stabilization, and a detailed analysis of the mode activity and particle redistribution during the nonlinear evolution.}, Doi = {10.1585/pfr.6.2403109}, File = {BIERWAGE2011_pfr2011_06-2403109.pdf:BIERWAGE2011_pfr2011_06-2403109.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {tokamak, equilibrium geometry, shear Alfvén wave, energetic particle mode, nonlinear simulation}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://www.jspf.or.jp/PFR/PFR_articles/pfr2011S1/pfr2011_06-2403109.html} } @Article{Bierwage2007, Title = {Comparison between resistive and collisionless double tearing modes for nearby resonant surfaces}, Author = {A Bierwage and Q Yu}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2007}, Number = {5}, Pages = {675}, Volume = {49}, Abstract = {The linear instability and nonlinear dynamics of collisional (resistive) and collisionless (due to electron inertia) double tearing modes (DTMs) are compared with the use of a reduced cylindrical model of a tokamak plasma. We focus on cases where two q = 2 resonant surfaces are located a small distance apart. It is found that regardless of the magnetic reconnection mechanism, resistivity or electron inertia, the fastest growing linear eigenmodes may have high poloidal mode numbers m ~ 10. The spectrum of unstable modes tends to be broader in the collisionless case. In the nonlinear regime, it is shown that in both cases fast growing high- m DTMs lead to an annular collapse involving small magnetic island structures. In addition, collisionless DTMs exhibit multiple reconnection cycles due to reversibility of collisionless reconnection and strong E × B flows. Collisionless reconnection leads to a saturated stable state, while in the collisional case resistive decay keeps the system weakly dynamic by driving it back towards the unstable equilibrium maintained by a source term.}, File = {Bierwage2007_0741-3335_49_5_008.pdf:Bierwage2007_0741-3335_49_5_008.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/49/i=5/a=008} } @Article{Bierwage2007b, Title = {Large-mode-number magnetohydrodynamic instability driven by sheared flows in a tokamak plasma with reversed central shear}, Author = {Andreas Bierwage and Qingquan Yu and Sibylle Günter}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {010704}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {The effect of a narrow sub-Alfvénic shear flow layer near the minimum qmin of the tokamak safety factor profile in a configuration with reversed central shear is analyzed. Sufficiently strong velocity shear gives rise to a broad spectrum of fast growing Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH)-like ideal magnetohydrodynamic modes with dominant mode numbers m,n ∼ 10. Nonlinear simulations with finite resistivity show magnetic reconnection near ripples caused by KH-like vortices, the formation of turbulent structures, and a flattening of the flow profile. The KH modes are compared to double tearing modes that dominate at lower shearing rates. The possible application of these results in tokamaks with internal transport barrier is discussed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2435319}, File = {Bierwage2007b_PhysPlasmas_14_010704.pdf:Bierwage2007b_PhysPlasmas_14_010704.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v14/i1/p010704_s1} } @Article{Biglari1991, Title = {Unified theory of resonant excitation of kinetic ballooning modes by energetic ions and alpha particles in tokamaks}, Author = {Biglari, H. and Chen, L.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1991}, Month = {Dec}, Pages = {3681--3684}, Volume = {67}, Abstract = {A complete theory of wave-particle interactions is presented whereby both circulating and trapped energetic ions can destabilize kinetic ballooning modes in tokamaks. For qualitatively different types of resonances, involving wave-precessional drift, wave-transit, wave-bounce, and precessional drift-bounce interactions, are identified, and the destabilization potential of each is assessed. For a characteristic slowing-down distribution function, the dominant interaction is that which taps those resonant ions with the highest energy. Implications of the theory for present and future-generation fusion experiments are discussed.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.67.3681}, File = {Biglari1991_PhysRevLett.67.3681.pdf:Biglari1991_PhysRevLett.67.3681.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {26}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.11.02}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.67.3681} } @Article{Birdsall1991, Title = {Particle-in-cell charged-particle simulations, plus Monte Carlo collisions with neutral atoms, PIC-MCC}, Author = {Birdsall, C.K.}, Journal = {Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on}, Year = {1991}, Month = {apr}, Number = {2}, Pages = {65 -85}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {Many-particle charged-particle plasma simulations using spatial meshes for the electromagnetic field solutions, particle-in-cell (PIC) merged with Monte Carlo collision (MCC) calculations, are coming into wide use for application to partially ionized gases. The author emphasizes the development of PIC computer experiments since the 1950s starting with one-dimensional (1-D) charged-sheet models, the addition of the mesh, and fast direct Poisson equation solvers for 2-D and 3-D. Details are provided for adding the collisions between the charged particles and neutral atoms. The result is many-particle simulations with many of the features met in low-temperature collision plasmas; for example, with applications to plasma-assisted materials processing, but also related to warmer plasmas at the edges of magnetized fusion plasmas}, Doi = {10.1109/27.106800}, File = {Birdsall1991_Birdsall1991TOPS.pdf:Birdsall1991_Birdsall1991TOPS.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0093-3813}, Keywords = {1D charged sheet models;Coulomb collision calculations;Monte Carlo collisions;electromagnetic field solutions;fast direct Poisson equation solvers;low-temperature collision plasmas;magnetized fusion plasmas;many-particle simulations;neutral atoms;partially ionized gases;particle-in-cell charge-particle simulations;plasma-assisted materials processing;spatial meshes;Monte Carlo methods;plasma collision processes;plasma simulation;}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.14} } @Article{Blokland2007, Title = {PHOENIX: MHD spectral code for rotating laboratory and gravitating astrophysical plasmas}, Author = {J.W.S. Blokland and B. van der Holst and R. Keppens and J.P. Goedbloed}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {2007}, Number = {1}, Pages = {509 - 533}, Volume = {226}, Abstract = {The new PHOENIX code is discussed together with a sample of many new results that are obtained concerning magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) spectra of axisymmetric plasmas where flow and gravity are consistently taken into account. PHOENIX, developed from the CASTOR code [W. Kerner, J.P. Goedbloed, G.T.A. Huysmans, S. Poedts, E. Schwarz, J. Comput. Phys. 142 (1998) 271], incorporates purely toroidal, or both toroidal and poloidal flow and external gravitational fields to compute the entire ideal or resistive MHD spectrum for general tokamak or accretion disk configurations. These equilibria are computed by means of FINESSE [A.J.C. Beli�n, M.A. Botchev, J.P. Goedbloed, B. van der Holst, R. Keppens, J. Comp. Physics 182 (2002) 91], which discriminates between the different elliptic flow regimes that may occur. PHOENIX makes use of a finite element method in combination with a spectral method for the discretization. This leads to a large generalized eigenvalue problem, which is solved by means of Jacobi-Davidson algorithm [G.L.G. Sleijpen, H.A. van der Vorst, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 17 (1996) 401]. PHOENIX is compared with CASTOR, PEST-1 and ERATO for an internal mode of Soloviev equilibria. Furthermore, the resistive internal kink mode has been computed to demonstrate that the code can accurately handle small values for the resistivity. A new reference test case for a Soloviev-like equilibrium with toroidal flow shows that, on a particular unstable mode, the flow has a quantifiable stabilizing effect regardless of the direction of the flow. PHOENIX reproduces the Toroidal Flow induced Alfv�n Eigenmode (TFAE, [B. van der Holst, A.J.C. Beli�n, J.P. Goedbloed, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 2865]) where finite resistivity in combination with equilibrium flow effects causes resonant damping. Localized ideal gap modes are presented for tokamak plasmas with toroidal and poloidal flow. Finally, we demonstrate the ability to spectrally diagnose magnetized accretion disk equilibria where gravity acts together with either purely toroidal flow or both toroidal and poloidal flow. These cases show that the MHD continua can be unstable or overstable due to the presence of a gravitational field together with equilibrium flow-driven dynamics [J.P. Goedbloed, A.J.C. Beli�n, B. van der Holst, R. Keppens, Phys. Plasmas 11 (2004) 28].}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2007.04.018}, File = {Blokland2007_sdarticle.pdf:Blokland2007_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Keywords = {Magnetohydrodynamics}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.29}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WHY-4NMC8FK-3/2/d5151069aa6664900208ff21533f1c7d} } @Article{Boedo2000, Title = {Suppression of Temperature Fluctuations and Energy Barrier Generation by Velocity Shear}, Author = {Boedo, J. A. and Terry, P. W. and Gray, D. and Ivanov, R. S. and Conn, R. W. and Jachmich, S. and Van Oost, G. and The TEXTOR Team}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2000}, Month = {Mar}, Pages = {2630--2633}, Volume = {84}, Abstract = {First measurements of temperature fluctuations in a region of high velocity shear show that absolute and normalized fluctuation levels are reduced across the shear layer, a result that is consistent with weak parallel electron thermal conduction in the electron temperature dynamics. The concomitant reduction of temperature, density, and electric field fluctuations reduces the anomalous conducted and convected heat fluxes.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.2630}, File = {Boedo2000_PhysRevLett.84.2630.pdf:Boedo2000_PhysRevLett.84.2630.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {12}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.12.12}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.2630} } @Article{Bohm1949a, Title = {Theory of Plasma Oscillations. A. Origin of Medium-Like Behavior}, Author = {Bohm, D. and Gross, E. P.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, Year = {1949}, Month = {Jun}, Number = {12}, Pages = {1851--1864}, Volume = {75}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.75.1851}, File = {Bohm1949a_PhysRev.75.1851.pdf:Bohm1949a_PhysRev.75.1851.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {13}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2010.12.24} } @Article{Bohm1949b, Title = {Theory of Plasma Oscillations. B. Excitation and Damping of Oscillations}, Author = {Bohm, D. and Gross, E. P.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, Year = {1949}, Month = {Jun}, Number = {12}, Pages = {1864--1876}, Volume = {75}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.75.1864}, File = {Bohm1949b_PhysRev.75.1864.pdf:Bohm1949b_PhysRev.75.1864.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {12}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2010.12.24} } @Article{Boozer2010, Title = {Mathematics and Maxwell's equations}, Author = {Allen H Boozer}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {12}, Pages = {124002}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {The universality of mathematics and Maxwell's equations is not shared by specific plasma models. Computations become more reliable, efficient and transparent if specific plasma models are used to obtain only the information that would otherwise be missing. Constraints of high universality, such as those from mathematics and Maxwell's equations, can be obscured or lost by integrated computations. Recognition of subtle constraints of high universality is important for (1) focusing the design of control systems for magnetic field errors in tokamaks from perturbations that have little effect on the plasma to those that do, (2) clarifying the limits of applicability to astrophysics of computations of magnetic reconnection in fields that have a double periodicity or have ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/52/12/124002/ppcf360275in001.gif] {\vec{B}=0} on a surface, as in a Harris sheet. Both require a degree of symmetry not expected in natural systems. Mathematics and Maxwell's equations imply that neighboring magnetic field lines characteristically separate exponentially with distance along a line. This remarkably universal phenomenon has been largely ignored, though it defines a trigger for reconnection through a critical magnitude of exponentiation. These and other examples of the importance of making distinctions and understanding constraints of high universality are explained.}, File = {Boozer2010_0741-3335_52_12_124002.pdf:Boozer2010_0741-3335_52_12_124002.pdf:PDF;Boozer2010a_0741-3335_52_10_104001.pdf:Boozer2010a_0741-3335_52_10_104001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.12.14}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/52/i=12/a=124002} } @Article{Boozer2010a, Title = {Control of non-axisymmetric toroidal plasmas}, Author = {Allen H Boozer}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {10}, Pages = {104001}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {The control of non-axisymmetric toroidal plasmas, stellarators, has a different character than the control of tokamaks for two reasons. Non-axisymmetric magnetic fields (1) can provide an arbitrarily large fraction of the poloidal magnetic field and (2) can strongly center the plasma in the chamber making it impossible to lose position control. The focus of stellarator design is on plasmas that are stable without feedback, need little or no change in the external magnetic field as the plasma evolves, and require no external power to maintain the desired magnetic configuration. The physics of non-axisymmetric fields is the same whether in a tokamak or a stellarator and whether introduced intentionally or accidentally. Fundamental physics indicates that plasma shape, which is controlled by the distribution of the external magnetic field that is normal to the plasma surface, is the primary control for fusion plasmas. The importance of non-axisymmetric control is set by the importance of toroidal plasma physics. Informed decisions on the development strategy of tokamaks, as well as magnetic fusion in general, require an understanding of the capabilities and difficulties of plasma control at various levels of non-axisymmetric shaping.}, File = {Boozer2010a_0741-3335_52_10_104001.pdf:Boozer2010a_0741-3335_52_10_104001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/52/i=10/a=104001} } @Article{Boozer1980, Title = {Guiding center drift equations}, Author = {Allen H. Boozer}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1980}, Number = {5}, Pages = {904-908}, Volume = {23}, Doi = {10.1063/1.863080}, File = {Boozer1980_PFL000904.pdf:Boozer1980_PFL000904.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {PLASMA DRIFT; CHARGEDPARTICLE TRANSPORT; GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION; ORBITS; MAGNETIC FIELDS; ELECTRIC FIELDS; KINETIC EQUATIONS; ENERGY CONSERVATION; COORDINATES; ADIABATIC INVARIANCE; HAMILTONIANS}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.01.01}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/23/904/1} } @Article{Borba1999, Title = {CASTOR-K: Stability Analysis of Alfvén Eigenmodes in the Presence of Energetic Ions in Tokamaks}, Author = {Duarte Borba and Wolfgang Kerner}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {1999}, Number = {1}, Pages = {101 - 138}, Volume = {153}, Abstract = {A hybrid magnetohydrodynamic-gyro-kinetic model is developed for the stability analysis of global Alfvén waves in the presence of energetic ions. The ideal MHD model is extended to take into account the perturbed parallel electric field and the finite Larmor radius which are relevant for high temperature plasmas. The gyrokinetic formulation fully includes the tokamak geometry and the effects of non-standard orbits of energetic ions, which experience large excursions away from the magnetic flux surfaces. The algorithms implemented in the CASTOR-K code are presented together with tests of the numerical accuracy. The orbit integration algorithms are optimized. An efficient algorithm is developed for evaluation of the wave-particle energy exchange expressed by the quadratic form δ Whot.}, Doi = {10.1006/jcph.1999.6264}, File = {Borba1999_science.pdf:Borba1999_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.02.06}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999199962642} } @Article{Borodin2011, Title = {ERO code benchmarking of ITER first wall beryllium erosion/re-deposition against LIM predictions}, Author = {D Borodin and A Kirschner and S Carpentier-Chouchana and R A Pitts and S Lisgo and C Björkas and P C Stangeby and J D Elder and A Galonska and D Matveev and V Philipps and U Samm}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {2011}, Number = {T145}, Pages = {014008}, Volume = {2011}, Abstract = {Previous studies (Carpentier et al 2011 J. Nucl. Mater . 415 S165–S169) carried out with the LIM code of the ITER first wall (FW) on beryllium (Be) erosion, re-deposition and tritium retention by co-deposition under steady-state burning plasma conditions have shown that, depending on input plasma parameter assumptions and sputtering yields, the erosion lifetime and fuel retention on some parts of the FW can be a serious concern. The importance of the issue is such that a benchmark of this previous work is sought and has been provided by the ERO code (Pitts et al 2011 J. Nucl. Mater. 415 S957–S964) simulations described in this paper. Provided that inputs to the codes are carefully matched, excellent agreement is found between the erosion/deposition profiles from both codes for a given ITER-shaped FW panel. Issues regarding the difficult problem of the correct treatment of Be sputtering are discussed in relation to the simulations. The possible influence of intrinsic Be impurity is investigated.}, File = {Borodin2011_1402-4896_2011_T145_014008.pdf:Borodin2011_1402-4896_2011_T145_014008.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/2011/i=T145/a=014008} } @Article{Botten1983, Title = {Complex zeros of analytic functions}, Author = {L. C. Botten and M. S. Craig and R. C. McPhedran}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1983}, Note = {http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AAOO_v1_0.html}, Number = {3}, Pages = {245 - 259}, Volume = {29}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0010-4655(83)90005-X}, File = {Botten1983_science[1].pdf:Botten1983_science[1].pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.03}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/001046558390005X} } @Article{Brambilla2003, Title = {Iterative solution of the Grad–Shafranov equation in symmetric magnetic coordinates}, Author = {Marco Brambilla}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {3674}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {The inverse Grad–Shafranov equation for axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic equilibria is reformulated in symmetric magnetic coordinates (in which magnetic field lines look “straight,” and the geometric toroidal angle is one of the coordinates). The poloidally averaged part of the equilibrium condition and Ampère law takes the form of two first-order ordinary differential equations, with the two arbitrary flux functions, pressure and force-free part of the current density, as sources. The condition for the coordinates to be flux coordinates, and the poloidally varying part of the equilibrium equation are similarly transformed into a set of first-order ordinary differential equations, with coefficients depending on the metric, and explicitly solved for the radial derivatives of the coefficients of the Fourier representation of the Cartesian coordinates in the poloidal angle. The derivation exploits the existence of Boozer–White coordinates, but does not require to find these coordinates explicitly; on the other hand, it offers a simple recipe to perform the transformation to Boozer–White coordinates, if required. Use of symmetric flux coordinates is advantageous for the formulation of many problems of equilibrium, stability, and wave propagation in tokamak plasmas, since these coordinates have the simplest metric of their class. It is also shown that in symmetric flux coordinates the Lagrangian equations of the drift motion of charged particles are automatically solved for the time derivatives, with right-hand sides closely related to the coefficients of the inverse Grad–Shafranov equation.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1600736}, File = {Brambilla2003_PhysPlasmas_10_3674.pdf:Brambilla2003_PhysPlasmas_10_3674.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.21}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v10/i9/p3674_s1} } @Article{Brandt2011, Title = {Spatiotemporal mode structure of nonlinearly coupled drift wave modes}, Author = {Brandt, Christian and Grulke, Olaf and Klinger, Thomas and Negrete, Jos\'e and Bousselin, Guillaume and Brochard, Fr\'ed\'eric and Bonhomme, G\'erard and Oldenb\"urger, Stella}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, Year = {2011}, Month = {Nov}, Pages = {056405}, Volume = {84}, Abstract = {This paper presents full cross-section measurements of drift waves in the linear magnetized plasma of the Mirabelle device. Drift wave modes are studied in regimes of weakly developed turbulence. The drift wave modes develop azimuthal space-time structures of plasma density, plasma potential, and visible light fluctuations. A fast camera diagnostic is used to record visible light fluctuations of the plasma column in an azimuthal cross section with a temporal resolution of 10 μs corresponding approximately to 10% of the typical drift wave period. Mode coupling and drift wave dispersion are studied by spatiotemporal Fourier decomposition of the camera frames. The observed coupling between modes is compared to calculations of nonlinearly coupled oscillators described by the Kuramoto model.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.84.056405}, File = {Brandt2011_PhysRevE.84.056405.pdf:Brandt2011_PhysRevE.84.056405.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {5}, Numpages = {9}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2012.02.03}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.84.056405} } @Article{Bravenec2011, Title = {Linear and nonlinear verification of gyrokinetic microstability codes}, Author = {R. V. Bravenec and J. Candy and M. Barnes and C. Holland}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122505}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Verification of nonlinear microstability codes is a necessary step before comparisons or predictions of turbulent transport in toroidal devices can be justified. By verification we mean demonstrating that a code correctly solves the mathematical model upon which it is based. Some degree of verification can be accomplished indirectly from analytical instability threshold conditions, nonlinear saturation estimates, etc., for relatively simple plasmas. However, verification for experimentally relevant plasma conditions and physics is beyond the realm of analytical treatment and must rely on code-to-code comparisons, i.e., benchmarking. The premise is that the codes are verified for a given problem or set of parameters if they all agree within a specified tolerance. True verification requires comparisons for a number of plasma conditions, e.g., different devices, discharges, times, and radii. Running the codes and keeping track of linear and nonlinear inputs and results for all conditions could be prohibitive unless there was some degree of automation. We have written software to do just this and have formulated a metric for assessing agreement of nonlinear simulations. We present comparisons, both linear and nonlinear, between the gyrokinetic codes GYRO [J. Candy and R. E. Waltz, J. Comput. Phys. 186, 545 (2003)] and GS2 [W. Dorland, F. Jenko, M. Kotschenreuther, and B. N. Rogers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5579 (2000)]. We do so at the mid-radius for the same discharge as in earlier work [C. Holland, A. E. White, G. R. McKee, M. W. Shafer, J. Candy, R. E. Waltz, L. Schmitz, and G. R. Tynan, Phys. Plasmas 16, 052301 (2009)]. The comparisons include electromagnetic fluctuations, passing and trapped electrons, plasma shaping, one kinetic impurity, and finite Debye-length effects. Results neglecting and including electron collisions (Lorentz model) are presented. We find that the linear frequencies with or without collisions agree well between codes, as do the time averages of the nonlinear fluxes without collisions. With collisions, the differences between the time-averaged fluxes are larger than the uncertainties defined as the oscillations of the fluxes, with the GS2 fluxes consistently larger (or more positive) than those from GYRO. However, the electrostatic fluxes are much smaller than those without collisions (the electromagnetic energy flux is negligible in both cases). In fact, except for the electron energy fluxes, the absolute magnitudes of the differences in fluxes with collisions are the same or smaller than those without. None of the fluxes exhibit large absolute differences between codes. Beyond these results, the specific linear and nonlinear benchmarks proposed here, as well as the underlying methodology, provide the basis for a wide variety of future verification efforts.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3671907}, Eid = {122505}, File = {Bravenec2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122505.pdf:Bravenec2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122505.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {discharges (electric); plasma collision processes; plasma fluctuations; plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, Numpages = {9}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/122505/1} } @Article{Bravo-Ortega1987, author = {Bravo-Ortega, A. and Swanson,D. G. and Glasser,A. H.}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {Asymptotic approximation for the dispersion relation of a hot magnetized plasma}, year = {1987}, number = {02}, pages = {275-286}, volume = {38}, abstract = {ABSTRACT An asymptotic expression for the dielectric tensor e of a hot magnetized plasma is obtained employing the steepest descents method, via the transformation of the components of ε into their integral representation. The electrostatic Bernstein dispersion relation for oblique and perpendicular propagation is discussed under this treatment. It is shown that with this procedure the computation of the dispersion relation is up to 20 times faster when it is compared with the original expression, and the relative accuracy is usually as good as O&middot;l% for a typical case.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377800012575}, eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377800012575}, file = {Bravo-Ortega1987_S0022377800012575a.pdf:Bravo-Ortega1987_S0022377800012575a.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.05.31}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377800012575}, } @Article{Breizman2006, Title = {Fast Particle Interaction With Waves In Fusion Plasmas}, Author = {Boris Breizman}, Journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, Year = {2006}, Number = {1}, Pages = {15-26}, Volume = {871}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2404536}, Editor = {Olivier Sauter}, File = {Breizman2006_APC000015.pdf:Breizman2006_APC000015.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma interactions; plasma Alfven waves; plasma instability}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.08.06}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APC/871/15/1} } @Article{Breizman2011a, Title = {Nonlinear Consequences of Energetic Particle Instabilities}, Author = {Boris Breizman}, Journal = {Fusion Science and Technology}, Year = {2011}, Note = {Fourth ITER International Summer School (IISS2010)}, Number = {3}, Pages = {549-560}, Volume = {59}, Abstract = {The buildup of the energetic particle population in fusion plasmas is typically slow compared to the growth times of energetic-particle driven instabilities. This feature draws special attention to nonlinear studies of unstable waves in the near-threshold regimes. The goal is to characterize the long-time behavior of the weakly dissipative waves and resonant particles in the presence of particle sources and sinks. There are numerous experimental observations of energetic-particle driven instabilities. In some cases the unstable modes grow to a level at which they cause enhanced transport and anomalous losses of the fast particles. In other cases the losses are small but the modes exhibit an intricate nonlinear behavior: generation of sidebands, quasi-periodic bursts, change of the mode frequency in time, etc. This lecture, presented at the 4th ITER International Summer School in Austin, Texas, provides a first-principles physics basis for understanding these phenomena.}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.02.01}, Url = {http://www.new.ans.org/pubs/journals/fst/a_11696} } @Article{Breizman2010, Title = {Nonlinear travelling waves in energetic particle phase space}, Author = {Boris N. Breizman}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {8}, Pages = {084014}, Volume = {50}, Abstract = {An exact nonlinear solution is found for long-time behaviour of spontaneously formed phase space clumps/holes in dissipative plasmas with a population of energetic particles. This solution represents a Bernstein–Greene–Kruskal mode with slowly varying shape and velocity. It describes a continuous transformation of a plasma eigenmode excited just above the instability threshold into an energetic particle mode with a significantly different frequency. An electrostatic bump-on-tail instability is chosen to illustrate the analysis. However, generality of the resonant particle dynamics makes the described approach applicable to other resonance-dominated instabilities, including rapid frequency-sweeping events for Alfvénic modes in tokamaks.}, File = {Breizman2010_0029-5515_50_8_084014.pdf:Breizman2010_0029-5515_50_8_084014.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.19}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/50/i=8/a=084014} } @Article{Breizman2003, Title = {Theory of Alfvén eigenmodes in shear reversed plasmas}, Author = {B. N. Breizman and H. L. Berk and M. S. Pekker and S. D. Pinches and S. E. Sharapov}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {3649}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {Plasma configurations with shear reversal are prone to the excitation of unusual Alfvén eigenmodes by energetic particles. These modes exhibit a quasiperiodic pattern of predominantly upward frequency sweeping (Alfvén cascades) as the safety factor q changes in time. This work presents a theory that employs two complementary mechanisms for establishing Alfvén cascades: (1) a nonstandard adiabatic response of energetic particles with large orbits and (2) toroidal magnetohydrodynamic effects that are second-order in inverse aspect ratio. The developed theory explains the transition from Alfvén cascades to the toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs), including modifications of the TAEs themselves near the shear reversal point.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1597495}, File = {Breizman2003_PhysPlasmas_10_3649.pdf:Breizman2003_PhysPlasmas_10_3649.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v10/i9/p3649_s1} } @Article{Breizman1997, Title = {Critical nonlinear phenomena for kinetic instabilities near threshold}, Author = {B. N. Breizman and H. L. Berk and M. S. Pekker and F. Porcelli and G. V. Stupakov and K. L. Wong}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1997}, Number = {5}, Pages = {1559-1568}, Volume = {4}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872286}, File = {Breizman1997_PhysPlasmas_4_1559.pdf:Breizman1997_PhysPlasmas_4_1559.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {PLASMA INSTABILITY; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; PERTURBATION THEORY; RESONANCE; DISSIPATION FACTOR; plasma Alfven waves; fishbone instability; plasma oscillations}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/1559/1} } @Article{Breizman1993, Title = {Collective transport of alpha particles due to Alfv[e-acute]n wave instability}, Author = {B. N. Breizman and H. L. Berk and H. Ye}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1993}, Number = {9}, Pages = {3217-3226}, Volume = {5}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860657}, File = {Breizman1993_PFB003217.pdf:Breizman1993_PFB003217.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; ALPHA PARTICLES; TRANSPORT; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; STOCHASTIC PROCESSES; RESONANCE; TOKAMAK DEVICES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; DIFFUSION}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/3217/1} } @Article{Breizman2011, Title = {Major minority: energetic particles in fusion plasmas}, Author = {B N Breizman and S E Sharapov}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {5}, Pages = {054001}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {This paper describes advances made in the field of energetic-particle physics since the topical review of Alfvén eigenmode observations in toroidal plasmas (Wong 1999 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion [/0741-3335/41/1/001] 41 R1–R56 ). The development of plasma confinement scenarios with reversed magnetic shear and significant population of energetic particles, and the development of novel energetic-particle diagnostics were the main milestones in the past decade, and these are the main experimental subjects of this review. The theory of Alfvén cascade eigenmodes in reversed-shear tokamaks and its use in magnetohydrodynamic spectroscopy are presented. Based on experimental observations and nonlinear theory of energetic-particle instabilities in the near-threshold regime, the frequency-sweeping events for spontaneously formed phase-space holes and clumps and the evolution of the fishbone oscillations are described. The multi-mode scenarios of enhanced particle transport are discussed and a brief summary is given of several engaging research topics that are beyond the authors' direct involvement.}, File = {Breizman2011_0741-3335_53_5_054001.pdf:Breizman2011_0741-3335_53_5_054001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.06}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=5/a=054001} } @Article{Bret2007, Title = {Beam-plasma dielectric tensor with Mathematica}, Author = {A. Bret}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {2007}, Number = {5}, Pages = {362 - 366}, Volume = {176}, Abstract = {We present a Mathematica notebook allowing for the symbolic calculation of the 3�3 dielectric tensor of an electron-beam plasma system in the fluid approximation. Calculation is detailed for a cold relativistic electron beam entering a cold magnetized plasma, and for arbitrarily oriented wave vectors. We show how one can elaborate on this example to account for temperatures, arbitrarily oriented magnetic field or a different kind of plasma.Program summary Title of program: Tensor Catalog identifier: ADYT_v1_0 Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADYT_v1_0 Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland Computer for which the program is designed and others on which it has been tested: Computers: Any computer running Mathematica 4.1. Tested on DELL Dimension 5100 and IBM ThinkPad T42. Installations: ETSI Industriales, Universidad Castilla la Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain Operating system under which the program has been tested: Windows XP Pro Programming language used: Mathematica 4.1 Memory required to execute with typical data: 7.17 Mbytes No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 33[thin space]439 No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 3169 Distribution format: tar.gz Nature of the physical problem: The dielectric tensor of a relativistic beam plasma system may be quite involved to calculate symbolically when considering a magnetized plasma, kinetic pressure, collisions between species, and so on. The present Mathematica notebook performs the symbolic computation in terms of some usual dimensionless variables. Method of solution: The linearized relativistic fluid equations are directly entered and solved by Mathematica to express the first-order expression of the current. This expression is then introduced into a combination of Faraday and Amp�re-Maxwell's equations to give the dielectric tensor. Some additional manipulations are needed to express the result in terms of the dimensionless variables. Restrictions on the complexity of the problem: Temperature effects are limited to small, i.e. non-relativistic, temperatures. The kinetic counterpart of the present Mathematica will usually not compute the required integrals. Typical running time: About 1 minute on a Intel Centrino 1.5 GHz Laptop with 512 MB of RAM. Unusual features of the program: None.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2006.11.006}, File = {Bret2007_sdarticle.pdf:Bret2007_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Keywords = {Plasma physics}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.03}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465506004140} } @Article{Bret2010a, author = {A. Bret and L. Gremillet and M. E. Dieckmann}, title = {Multidimensional electron beam-plasma instabilities in the relativistic regime}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {12}, pages = {120501}, doi = {10.1063/1.3514586}, eid = {120501}, file = {Bret2010_PhysPlasmas_17_120501.pdf:Bret2010_PhysPlasmas_17_120501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {filamentation instability; plasma dielectric properties; plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; relativistic plasmas}, numpages = {36}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2011.06.02}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/120501/1}, } @Article{Briguglio2000, Title = {High and low frequency Alfvén modes in tokamaks}, Author = {S. Briguglio and L. Chen and Jiaqi Dong and G. Fogaccia and R.A. Santoro and G. Vlad and F. Zonca}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2000}, Number = {3Y}, Pages = {701}, Volume = {40}, Abstract = {The article presents an analysis of the typical features of shear Alfvén waves in tokamak plasmas in a frequency domain ranging from the `high' frequencies (ω ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/cong.gif] {cong} v A /2qR 0 , where v A is the Alfvén speed and qR 0 is the tokamak connection length) of the toroidal gap to the `low' frequencies, comparable with the thermal ion diamagnetic frequency ω *pi and/or the thermal ion transit frequency ω ti = v ti /qR 0 (where v ti is the ion thermal speed).}, File = {Briguglio2000_0029-5515_40_3Y_334.pdf:Briguglio2000_0029-5515_40_3Y_334.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.06}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/40/i=3Y/a=334} } @Article{Briguglio2007, Title = {Particle simulation of bursting Alfvén modes in JT-60U}, Author = {S. Briguglio and G. Fogaccia and G. Vlad and F. Zonca and K. Shinohara and M. Ishikawa and M. Takechi}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {055904}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {The results of particle-in-cell simulations of a negative neutral beam heated Alfvén-mode experiment in the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokamak-60 Upgrade (JT-60U) [ H. Ninomiya et al., Fusion Sci. Technol. 42, 7 (2002) ; A. Kitsunezaki et al., Fusion Sci. Technol. 42, 179 (2002)] are presented. They seem to match quite well the dynamics of the abrupt large-amplitude event (ALE) experimentally observed in the reference JT-60U discharge. The time scale and frequency spread of the ALE are well reproduced too. The issue of the weaker Alfvén fluctuation phase following the ALEs, characterized by fast frequency sweeping modes, is also investigated and an interpretation of the full JT-60U bursting-mode phenomenology is presented. Finally, the simulation tool is exploited by ad hoc synthetic diagnostics on the fast ion distribution function to get a deeper insight into the ALE nonlinear dynamics. The underlying fast-growing energetic particle mode saturates as resonant energetic ions are scattered out of the resonance region and displaced outwards. The radially displaced ions resonate with outer Alfvén modes and enhance their local drive, consistently with the “avalanche” paradigm for mode nonlinear dynamics and energetic ion transports.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2710208}, File = {Briguglio2007_PhysPlasmas_14_055904.pdf:Briguglio2007_PhysPlasmas_14_055904.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v14/i5/p055904_s1} } @Article{Briguglio1995, Title = {Hybrid magnetohydrodynamic‐gyrokinetic simulation of toroidal Alfvén modes}, Author = {S. Briguglio and G. Vlad and F. Zonca and C. Kar}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1995}, Pages = {3711}, Volume = {2}, Abstract = {Resonant energetic particles play a major role in determining the stability of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE’s) by yielding the well‐known driving mechanism for the instability and by producing an effective dissipation, which removes the singular character of local oscillations of the shear‐Alfvén continuum and gives discrete kinetic Alfvén waves (KAW’s). Toroidal coupling of two counterpropagating KAW’s generates the kinetic analog of the TAE, the KTAE (kinetic TAE). The nonperturbative character of this phenomenon and of the coupling between TAE and KAW’s, and the relevance of finite drift‐orbit effects limit the effectiveness of the analytical approach to asymptotic regimes, which are difficult to compare with realistic situations. A three‐dimensional hybrid fluid‐particle initial‐value code for the numerical simulation of the linear and nonlinear evolution of toroidal modes of the Alfvén branch has been developed. It is shown that for typical parameters the KTAE is, indeed, more unstable than the TAE.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.871071}, File = {Briguglio1995_PhysPlasmas_2_3711.pdf:Briguglio1995_PhysPlasmas_2_3711.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.13}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v2/i10/p3711_s1} } @Article{Briguglio1998, Title = {Hybrid magnetohydrodynamic-particle simulation of linear and nonlinear evolution of Alfvén modes in tokamaks}, Author = {S. Briguglio and F. Zonca and G. Vlad}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1998}, Pages = {3287}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {Linear and nonlinear properties of moderate-toroidal-number (n) shear-Alfvén modes in tokamaks are investigated by using a hybrid MHD-particle simulation code, which solves the coupled set of MHD (magnetohydrodynamic) equations for the electromagnetic fields and gyrocenter Vlasov equation for a population of energetic ions. The existence of unstable toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE’s) and their kinetic counterpart is shown for low values of the energetic-ion pressure gradient. Above a certain threshold value, the energetic particle continuum mode (EPM) is destabilized, with growth rate fast increasing with increasing energetic-particle pressure gradient. The threshold shows an inverse dependence on n. High-n EPM’s could then be unstable in realistic plasma conditions. Neglecting MHD nonlinearities, for the sake of simplicity, it is shown that nonlinear TAE saturation appears to be due to the trapping of resonant energetic ions in the potential well of the wave. Saturation of the EPM occurs instead because of a macroscopic outward displacement of the energetic-ion population, with potentially dramatic consequences on α-particle confinement; such conclusions are not modified by the inclusion of MHD nonlinearities.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872997}, File = {Briguglio1998_PhysPlasmas_5_3287.pdf:Briguglio1998_PhysPlasmas_5_3287.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.04}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v5/i9/p3287_s1} } @Article{Brizard1989, Title = {Nonlinear gyrokinetic Maxwell-Vlasov equations using magnetic co-ordinates}, Author = {A. Brizard}, Journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, Year = {1989}, Pages = {541-559}, Volume = {41}, Abstract = {A gyrokinetic formalism using magnetic co-ordinates is used to derive self-consistent, nonlinear Maxwell–Vlasov equations that are suitable for particle simulation studies of finite-β tokamak microturbulence and its associated anomalous transport. The use of magnetic co-ordinates is an important feature of this work since it introduces the toroidal geometry naturally into our gyrokinetic formalism. The gyrokinetic formalism itself is based on the use of the action-variational Lie perturbation method of Cary & Littlejohn, and preserves the Hamiltonian structure of the original Maxwell-Vlasov system. Previous nonlinear gyrokinetic sets of equations suitable for particle simulation analysis have considered either electrostatic and shear-Alfvén perturbations in slab geometry or electrostatic perturbations in toroidal geometry. In this present work fully electromagnetic perturbations in toroidal geometry are considered.}, Doi = {10.1017/S0022377800014070}, File = {Brizard1989_S0022377800014070a.pdf:Brizard1989_S0022377800014070a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.28} } @Article{Brizard2008, Title = {Nonlinear finite-Larmor-radius effects in reduced fluid models}, Author = {A. J. Brizard and R. E. Denton and B. Rogers and W. Lotko}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {082302}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {The polarization magnetization effects associated with the dynamical reduction leading to the nonlinear gyrokinetic Vlasov–Maxwell equations are shown to introduce nonlinear finite-Larmor-radius (FLR) effects into a set of nonlinear reduced-fluid equations previously derived by the Lagrangian variational method [ A. J. Brizard, Phys. Plasmas 12, 092302 (2005) ]. These intrinsically nonlinear FLR effects, which are associated with the transformation from guiding-center phase-space dynamics to gyrocenter phase-space dynamics, are different from the standard FLR corrections associated with the transformation from particle to guiding-center phase-space dynamics. We also present the linear dispersion relation results from a nonlinear simulation code using these reduced-fluid equations. The simulation results (in both straight dipole geometries) demonstrate that the equations describe the coupled dynamics of Alfvén sound waves and that the total simulation energy is conserved.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2965827}, File = {Brizard2008_PhysPlasmas_15_082302.pdf:Brizard2008_PhysPlasmas_15_082302.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v15/i8/p082302_s1} } @Article{Brizard2009, Title = {KaufmanFest 2007: Plasma theory, wave kinetics, and nonlinear dynamics}, Author = {A J Brizard and E R Tracy}, Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, Year = {2009}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012001}, Volume = {169}, Abstract = {A symposium in honor of Professor Allan N. Kaufman's 80th year was held at the University of California at Berkeley on October 5-7, 2007. The meeting celebrated Allan's contributions to plasma physics as well as his friendship and guidance. The present paper very briefly summarizes the talks presented.}, File = {Brizard2009_1742-6596_169_1_012001.pdf:Brizard2009_1742-6596_169_1_012001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/169/i=1/a=012001} } @Article{Brunner1998, Title = {Global approach to the spectral problem of microinstabilities in tokamak plasmas using a gyrokinetic model}, Author = {S. Brunner and M. Fivaz and T. M. Tran and J. Vaclavik}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1998}, Pages = {3929}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {A solution to the full two-dimensional eigenvalue problem of electrostatic microinstabilities in a tokamak plasma is presented in the framework of gyrokinetic theory. The approach is the generalization of methods previously developed for a cylindrical system [S. Brunner and J. Vaclavik, Phys. Plasmas 5, 365 (1998)]. By solving the spectral problem in a special Fourier space adapted to the curved geometry, orbit width as well as Larmor radius can be kept to all orders. For a first numerical implementation, a large aspect ratio plasma with circular concentric magnetic surfaces is considered. A root finding algorithm for identifying the eigenfrequencies, based on a higher order Nyquist method, enables straightforward implementation on a parallel computer. Illustrative results for ion temperature gradient-related instabilities are presented. These include scaling studies of the radial width, and toroidicity and magnetic shear scans, as well as the effects of nonadiabatic trapped electron dynamics.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873113}, File = {Brunner1998_PhysPlasmas_5_3929.pdf:Brunner1998_PhysPlasmas_5_3929.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.10}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v5/i11/p3929_s1} } @Article{Brunner2000, author = {S. Brunner and E. Valeo and J. A. Krommes}, title = {Linear delta-f simulations of nonlocal electron heat transport}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2000}, volume = {7}, number = {7}, pages = {2810-2823}, doi = {10.1063/1.874131}, file = {Brunner2000_PhysPlasmas_7_2810.pdf:Brunner2000_PhysPlasmas_7_2810.pdf:PDF}, groups = {pic}, keywords = {HEAT TRANSFER; CHARGED-PARTICLE TRANSPORT; ELECTRON TRANSFER; PLASMA SIMULATION; FOKKER-PLANCK EQUATION; HYDRODYNAMICS; ELECTRON TEMPERATURE; plasma transport processes; plasma temperature}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/7/2810/1}, } @Article{Brunner1999, author = {S. Brunner and E. Valeo and J. A. Krommes}, title = {Collisional delta-f scheme with evolving background for transport time scale simulations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {12}, pages = {4504-4521}, doi = {10.1063/1.873738}, file = {Brunner1999_PhysPlasmas_6_4504.pdf:Brunner1999_PhysPlasmas_6_4504.pdf:PDF}, groups = {pic}, keywords = {COLLISIONAL PLASMA; CHARGED-PARTICLE TRANSPORT; PLASMA SIMULATION; ALGORITHMS; KINETIC EQUATIONS; KINETICS; COLLISIONS; plasma collision processes; plasma transport processes; plasma kinetic theory}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/4504/1}, } @Article{Budny2012, Title = {Benchmarking ICRF full-wave solvers for ITER}, Author = {R.V. Budny and L. Berry and R. Bilato and P. Bonoli and M. Brambilla and R.J. Dumont and A. Fukuyama and R. Harvey and E.F. Jaeger and K. Indireshkumar and E. Lerche and D. McCune and C.K. Phillips and V. Vdovin and J. Wright and members of the ITPA-IOS}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {023023}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {Benchmarking full-wave solvers for ion-cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) simulations is performed using plasma profiles and equilibria obtained from integrated self-consistent modelling predictions of four ITER plasmas. One is for a high-performance baseline (5.3 T, 15 MA) DT H-mode. The others are for half-field, half-current plasmas of interest for the pre-activation phase with bulk plasma ion species being either hydrogen or He 4 . The predicted profiles are used by six full-wave solver groups to simulate the ICRF electromagnetic fields and heating, and by three of these groups to simulate the current drive. Approximate agreement is achieved by four of the solvers for the heating power partitions for the DT and He 4 cases. Factor of two or more disagreements are found for the heating power partitions for the cases with second harmonic He 3 heating in bulk H cases. Approximate agreement is achieved simulating the ICRF current-drive 1D profiles.}, File = {Budny2012_0029-5515_52_2_023023.pdf:Budny2012_0029-5515_52_2_023023.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.02.02}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=2/a=023023} } @Article{Buneman1959, author = {Buneman, O.}, journal = {Phys. Rev.}, title = {Dissipation of Currents in Ionized Media}, year = {1959}, month = {Aug}, number = {3}, pages = {503--517}, volume = {115}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.115.503}, file = {Buneman1959_PhysRev.115.503.pdf:Buneman1959_PhysRev.115.503.pdf:PDF}, numpages = {14}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2010.12.24}, } @Article{Burke2010, Title = {Edge localized linear ideal magnetohydrodynamic instability studies in an extended-magnetohydrodynamic code}, Author = {B. J. Burke and S. E. Kruger and C. C. Hegna and P. Zhu and P. B. Snyder and C. R. Sovinec and E. C. Howel}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {032103}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {A linear benchmark between the linear ideal MHD stability codes ELITE [ H. R. Wilson et al., Phys. Plasmas 9, 1277 (2002) ], GATO [ L. Bernard et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 24, 377 (1981) ], and the extended nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code, NIMROD [ C. R. Sovinec et al.., J. Comput. Phys. 195, 355 (2004) ] is undertaken for edge-localized (MHD) instabilities. Two ballooning-unstable, shifted-circle tokamak equilibria are compared where the stability characteristics are varied by changing the equilibrium plasma profiles. The equilibria model an H-mode plasma with a pedestal pressure profile and parallel edge currents. For both equilibria, NIMROD accurately reproduces the transition to instability (the marginally unstable mode), as well as the ideal growth spectrum for a large range of toroidal modes (n = 1–20). The results use the compressible MHD model and depend on a precise representation of “ideal-like” and “vacuumlike” or “halo” regions within the code. The halo region is modeled by the introduction of a Lundquist-value profile that transitions from a large to a small value at a flux surface location outside of the pedestal region. To model an ideal-like MHD response in the core and a vacuumlike response outside the transition, separate criteria on the plasma and halo Lundquist values are required. For the benchmarked equilibria the critical Lundquist values are 108 and 103 for the ideal-like and halo regions, respectively. Notably, this gives a ratio on the order of 105, which is much larger than experimentally measured values using Te values associated with the top of the pedestal and separatrix. Excellent agreement with ELITE and GATO calculations are made when sharp boundary transitions in the resistivity are used and a small amount of physical dissipation is added for conditions very near and below marginal ideal stability.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3309732}, File = {Burke2010_PhysPlasmas_17_032103.pdf:Burke2010_PhysPlasmas_17_032103.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.19}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v17/i3/p032103_s1} } @Article{Busnardo-Neto1976, Title = {Ion-Cyclotron Resonance Heating of Plasmas and Associated Longitudinal Cooling}, Author = {Busnardo-Neto, J. and Dawson, J. and Kamimura, T. and Lin, A. T.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1976}, Month = {Jan}, Pages = {28--31}, Volume = {36}, Abstract = {We have investigated, via a 1-2/2 dimensional computer simulation, the possibility of forcing an initially isotropic, magnetized plasma into an anisotropic state by means of an external pump. Strong heating of the perpendicular ion temperature was observed together with a strong cooling of the longitudinal temperature. This mechanism could enhance particle trapping in tokamaks and increase confinement time in mirror machines. We use basic physical arguments to predict the maximum temperature ratio that can be obtained.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.36.28}, File = {Busnardo-Neto1976_PhysRevLett.36.28.pdf:Busnardo-Neto1976_PhysRevLett.36.28.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {1}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.36.28} } @Article{Busnardo-Neto1977, Title = {A self-consistent magnetostatic particle code for numerical simulation of plasmas}, Author = {J Busnardo-Neto and P.L Pritchett and A.T Lin and J.M Dawson}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {1977}, Number = {3}, Pages = {300 - 312}, Volume = {23}, Abstract = {A particle simulation code has been developed which is particularly well suited for the investigation of low-frequency plasma phenomena. The code is based on Darwin's formulation of Maxwell's equations in which the transverse displacement current is neglected. There is thus no radiation, but the self-consistent magnetic fields are retained. Use is made of the particle equation of motion to transform the Darwin field equations into a set that is stable under integration in time. An iteration procedure is developed for solving these equations at each time step. This scheme has been coded using finite-size particles and fast Fourier transform methods in both 12 and 21 dimensions. The codes have been checked by comparing the simulation results with the dispersion relations for Alfven, whistler, and magnetosonic waves. Good agreement was obtained.}, Doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(77)90096-1}, File = {Busnardo-Neto1977.pdf:Busnardo-Neto1977.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.14}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999177900961} } @Article{Bustos2011, Title = {Kinetic simulations of fast ions in stellarators}, Author = {A. Bustos and F. Castejón and M. Osakabe and L.A. Fernández and V. Martin-Mayor and J. Guasp and J.M. Fontdecaba}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {8}, Pages = {083040}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {The steady-state distribution function of neutral beam injection (NBI) fast ions is calculated numerically for the LHD and TJ-II stellarators using the code ISDEP (Integrator of Stochastic Differential Equations for Plasmas). ISDEP is an orbit code that solves the guiding centre motion of fast ions using Cartesian coordinates in position space, allowing arbitrary magnetic configurations and the re-entering of particles in the plasma. It takes into account collisions of fast ions with thermal ions and electrons using the Boozer and Kuo-Petravic collision operator. The steady-state distribution function is computed with a time integral following Green's function formalism for a time-independent source. The rotation profiles of the fast ions are also estimated, thus computing their contribution to the total plasma current. In addition, energy slowing down time and escape distribution are studied in detail for both devices.}, File = {Bustos2011_0029-5515_51_8_083040.pdf:Bustos2011_0029-5515_51_8_083040.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=8/a=083040} } @Article{Cai2011, Title = {Influence of Energetic Ions on Tearing Modes}, Author = {Cai, Huishan and Wang, Shaojie and Xu, Yinfeng and Cao, Jintao and Li, Ding}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2011}, Month = {Feb}, Number = {7}, Pages = {075002}, Volume = {106}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.075002}, File = {Cai2011_PhysRevLett.106.075002.pdf:Cai2011_PhysRevLett.106.075002.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.02.18} } @Article{Cai1997, Title = {The generalized Ohm's law in collisionless magnetic reconnection}, Author = {H. J. Cai and L. C. Lee}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1997}, Note = {Use A instead of B, PIC magnetic reconnection}, Number = {3}, Pages = {509-520}, Volume = {4}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872178}, File = {Cai1997_PhysPlasmas_4_509.pdf:Cai1997_PhysPlasmas_4_509.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {OHM LAW; MAGNETIC RECONNECTION; PLASMA SIMULATION; CHARGED-PARTICLE TRANSPORT THEORY; plasma pressure; plasma transport processes}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.06.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/509/1} } @Article{Cairns2011, Title = {Evolution of a short pulse using ray tracing}, Author = {R A Cairns}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {11}, Pages = {115012}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {In a recent paper (Cairns and Fuchs 2010 Nucl. Fusion [/0029-5515/80] 80 095001 ) we have shown how the asymptotic method of stationary phase can be used to find the radiation pattern from an antenna in the far field region. The novel feature of this work is that it describes how to obtain the wave amplitude and phase in complex geometries where an explicit solution in terms of a phase integral is not available. Instead the necessary information is obtained from ray-tracing methods. Here we show how this method can be adapted to give the evolution of a short pulse in a plasma with arbitrary space and time dependence. Again the exact wave form of the pulse, including phase information, can be obtained from ray tracing. This provides a computationally simple way of calculating the behaviour of a short pulse that may be useful in studying some problems in laser–plasma interactions.}, File = {Cairns2011_0741-3335_53_11_115012.pdf:Cairns2011_0741-3335_53_11_115012.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.26}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=11/a=115012} } @Article{Candy1996, Title = {A Numerical Method for Solution of the Generalized Liouville Equation}, Author = {J. Candy}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {1996}, Number = {1}, Pages = {160 - 169}, Volume = {129}, Abstract = {A numerical method for the time evolution of systems described by Liouville-type equations is derived. The algorithm uses a lattice of numerical markers, which follow exactly Hamiltonian trajectories, to represent the operatord/dt in moving (i.e., Lagrangian) coordinates. However, nonconservative effects such as particle drag, creation, and annihilation are allowed in the evolution of the physical distribution function, which is itself represented according to a [delta]fdecomposition. Further, the method is suited to the study of a general class of systems involving the resonant interaction of energetic particles with plasma waves. Detailed results are presented for both the classic bump-on-tail problem and the beam-driven TAE instability. In both cases, the algorithm yields exceptionally smooth, low-noise evolution of wave energy, especially in the linear regime. Phenomena associated with the nonlinear regime are also described.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1006/jcph.1996.0240}, File = {Candy1996_sdarticle.pdf:Candy1996_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.06}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999196902405} } @Article{Candy2011, Title = {Neoclassical Transport Including Collisional Nonlinearity}, Author = {Candy, J. and Belli, E. A.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2011}, Month = {Jun}, Pages = {235003}, Volume = {106}, Abstract = {In the standard δf theory of neoclassical transport, the zeroth-order (Maxwellian) solution is obtained analytically via the solution of a nonlinear equation. The first-order correction δf is subsequently computed as the solution of a linear, inhomogeneous equation that includes the linearized Fokker-Planck collision operator. This equation admits analytic solutions only in extreme asymptotic limits (banana, plateau, Pfirsch-Schlüter), and so must be solved numerically for realistic plasma parameters. Recently, numerical codes have appeared which attempt to compute the total distribution f more accurately than in the standard ordering by retaining some nonlinear terms related to finite-orbit width, while simultaneously reusing some form of the linearized collision operator. In this work we show that higher-order corrections to the distribution function may be unphysical if collisional nonlinearities are ignored.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.235003}, File = {Candy2011_candy2011prl.pdf:Candy2011_candy2011prl.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {23}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2012.01.18}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.235003} } @Article{Candy1999, Title = {Nonlinear modeling of kinetic plasma instabilities}, Author = {J. Candy and H. L. Berk and B. N. Breizman and F. Porcelli}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1999}, Pages = {1822}, Volume = {6}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873440}, File = {Candy1999_PhysPlasmas_6_1822.pdf:Candy1999_PhysPlasmas_6_1822.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.06}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v6/i5/p1822_s1} } @Article{Candy1997, Title = {Nonlinear interaction of fast particles with Alfvén waves in toroidal plasmas}, Author = {J. Candy and D. Borba and H. L. Berk and G. T. A. Huysmans and W. Kerner}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1997}, Pages = {2597}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {A numerical algorithm to study the nonlinear, resonant interaction of fast particles with Alfvén waves in tokamak geometry has been developed. When the instability is sufficiently weak, it is known that the wave-particle trapping nonlinearity will lead to mode saturation before wave–wave nonlinearities are appreciable. The spectrum of linear modes can thus be calculated using a magnetohydrodynamic normal-mode code, then nonlinearly evolved in time in an efficient way according to a two-timescale Lagrangian dynamical wave model. The fast particle kinetic equation, including the effect of orbit nonlinearity arising from the mode perturbation, is simultaneously solved for the deviation, δf = f−f0, from an initial analytic distribution f0. High statistical resolution allows linear growth rates, frequency shifts, resonance broadening effects, and nonlinear saturation to be calculated quickly and precisely. The results have been applied to an International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor [ITER EDA Doc. Series No. 7 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1996), p. V-32] instability scenario. Results show that weakly damped core-localized modes alone cause negligible alpha transport in these reactor-like plasmas—even with growth rates one order of magnitude higher than expected values. However, the possibility of significant transport in reactor-type plasmas due to weakly unstable global modes remains an open question.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872348}, File = {Candy1997_PhysPlasmas_4_2597.pdf:Candy1997_PhysPlasmas_4_2597.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.20}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v4/i7/p2597_s1} } @Article{Carter2001, Title = {Measurement of Lower-Hybrid Drift Turbulence in a Reconnecting Current Sheet}, Author = {Carter, T. A. and Ji, H. and Trintchouk, F. and Yamada, M. and Kulsrud, R. M.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2001}, Month = {Dec}, Pages = {015001}, Volume = {88}, Abstract = {We present a detailed study of fluctuations in a laboratory current sheet undergoing magnetic reconnection. The measurements reveal the presence of lower-hybrid-frequency-range fluctuations on the edge of current sheets produced in the magnetic reconnection experiment (MRX). The measured fluctuation characteristics are consistent with theoretical predictions for the lower-hybrid drift instability (LHDI). Our observations suggest that the LHDI turbulence alone cannot explain the observed fast reconnection rate in MRX.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.015001}, File = {Carter2001_PhysRevLett.88.015001.pdf:Carter2001_PhysRevLett.88.015001.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {1}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.10.10}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.015001} } @Article{Carter2002, Title = {Experimental study of lower-hybrid drift turbulence in a reconnecting current sheet}, Author = {T. A. Carter and M. Yamada and H. Ji and R. M. Kulsrud and F. Trintchouk}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2002}, Pages = {3272}, Volume = {9}, Abstract = {The role of turbulence in the process of magnetic reconnection has been the subject of a great deal of study and debate in the theoretical literature. At issue in this debate is whether turbulence is essential for fast magnetic reconnection to occur in collisionless current sheets. Some theories claim it is necessary in order to provide anomalous resistivity, while others present a laminar fast reconnection mechanism based on the Hall term in the generalized Ohm’s law. In this work, a thorough study of electrostatic potential fluctuations in the current sheet of the magnetic reconnection experiment (MRX) [Yamada et al., Phys. Plasmas 4, 1936 (1997)] was performed in order to ascertain the importance of turbulence in a laboratory reconnection experiment. Using amplified floating Langmuir probes, broadband fluctuations in the lower hybrid frequency range (fLH ∼ 5–15 MHz) were measured which arise with the formation of the current sheet in MRX. The frequency spectrum, spatial amplitude profile, and spatial correlation characteristics of the measured turbulence were examined carefully, finding consistency with theories of the lower-hybrid drift instability (LHDI). The LHDI and its role in magnetic reconnection has been studied theoretically for decades, but this work represents the first detection and detailed study of the LHDI in a laboratory current sheet. The observation of the LHDI in MRX has provided the unique opportunity to uncover the role of this instability in collisionless reconnection. It was found that: (1) the LHDI fluctuations are confined to the low-beta edge of current sheets in MRX; (2) the LHDI amplitude does not correlate well in time or space with the reconnection electric field, which is directly related to the rate of reconnection; and (3) significant LHDI amplitude persists in high-collisionality current sheets where the reconnection rate is classical. These findings suggest that the measured LHDI fluctuations do not play an essential role in determining the reconnection rate in MRX.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1494433}, File = {Carter2002_PhysPlasmas_9_3272.pdf:Carter2002_PhysPlasmas_9_3272.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.10}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v9/i8/p3272_s1} } @Article{Cary1983, Title = {Noncanonical Hamiltonian mechanics and its application to magnetic field line flow}, Author = {John R. Cary and Robert G. Littlejohn}, Journal = {Annals of Physics}, Year = {1983}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1 - 34}, Volume = {151}, Abstract = {A noncanonical Hamiltonian theory of dynamical systems is presented and applied to magnetic field line flow. The theory allows all of the theorems of Hamiltonian mechanics (most importantly, Noether's theorem, relating symmetries and invariants) to be applied to the magnetic field line system. The theory is not restricted to any particular geometry. An elementary derivation of noncanonical Hamiltonian perturbation theory, based on Lie transforms, is also presented. As an example, the perturbation theory is applied to magnetic field line flow in nearly azimuthally symmetric geometry. Other applications are to the adiabatic motion of charged particles.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0003-4916(83)90313-5}, File = {Cary1983_xhs2.pdf:Cary1983_xhs2.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0003-4916}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.14}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WB1-4DDR18V-4V/2/7293b198ac8779304373f2823d484e69} } @Article{Cary2007, author = {Cary, John R. and Xiang, Nong}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, title = {Wave excitation in inhomogeneous dielectric media}, year = {2007}, month = {Nov}, number = {5}, pages = {055401}, volume = {76}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.76.055401}, file = {Cary2007_PhysRevE.76.055401.pdf:Cary2007_PhysRevE.76.055401.pdf:PDF}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2011.07.27}, } @Article{Case1959, Title = {Plasma oscillations}, Author = {K. M. Case}, Journal = {Annals of Physics}, Year = {1959}, Number = {3}, Pages = {349 - 364}, Volume = {7}, Abstract = {The equivalence of the Landau and Van Kampen treatments of the initial value problem for plasma oscillations is demonstrated. Using completeness and orthogonality theorems for the normal modes, and integral representation for the solution of the initial value problem is obtained which is shown to be identical with that obtained by modifying the integration contour in Landau's Laplace Transform solution.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0003-4916(59)90029-6}, File = {Case1959_0000540.pdf:Case1959_0000540.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0003-4916}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.03.04}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WB1-4DF4YC0-T1/2/71e409985eccd693e0d5f8391714385d} } @Article{Castejon2008, Title = {The exact plasma dispersion functions in the complex region}, Author = {F. Castejon and S.S. Pavlov}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2008}, Number = {5}, Pages = {054003}, Volume = {48}, Abstract = {The exact relativistic plasma dispersion functions are continued analytically into the complex plane, on the basis of a general method derived from the theory of singular Cauchy-type integrals. The main analytic properties of the dispersion functions in the complex region are studied and the physical consequences and applications of this method for ITER conditions are discussed.}, File = {Castejon2008_0029-5515_48_5_054003.pdf:Castejon2008_0029-5515_48_5_054003.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/48/i=5/a=054003} } @Article{Cattell1986, Title = {Experimental determination of the dominant wave mode in the active near‐Earth magnetotail}, Author = {C. A. Cattell and F. S. Mozer}, Journal = {GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}, Year = {1986}, Number = {3}, Pages = {221-224}, Volume = {13}, Abstract = {Observations of the electric field at frequencies from 2‐128 Hz, using the burst mode of the spherical double probe on ISEE‐1, have been examined for a time period previously identified as containing the passage of a near‐earth neutral line past the satellite. Most of the power occurred at frequencies less than 20 to 50 Hz. Intense waves (3‐>30 mV/m) at approximately half the lower hybrid frequency, were observed throughout the plasma sheet from the neutral sheet to the high latitude boundary, but only during the period of the large dc electric field and E×B velocity associated with the substorm neutral line. The wavenumber obtained by including a Doppler shift term in linear fits of the frequency of the peaks of the power spectra was comparable to the inverse electron gyroradius (k ρe <1). These results are consistent with the lower hybrid drift instability and inconsistent with ion beam driven instabilities (which may explain the much weaker waves observed at higher frequencies). The largest amplitude waves occurred at the neutral sheet when the southward component of the magnetic field was 6 gammas, in contrast to theoretical work which has suggested that the instability would be suppressed there. The observed waves could provide an anomalous resistivity of ∼3×10−7 to 1×10−4 s (compared to the classical value of 1×10−18 s).}, Doi = {10.1029/GL013i003p00221}, File = {Cattell1986_GL013i003p00221.pdf:Cattell1986_GL013i003p00221.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.10}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1986/GL013i003p00221.shtml} } @Article{Catto1978, Title = {Linearized gyro-kinetics}, Author = {P J Catto}, Journal = {Plasma Physics}, Year = {1978}, Number = {7}, Pages = {719}, Volume = {20}, Abstract = {In preceding work on plasma gyro-kinetics magnetic coordinates were introduced prior to making the transformation to the guiding centre variables. It is the transformation from the particle variables to the guiding centre variables which permits finite gyroradius effects to be retained in lowest order. The present treatment avoids the substantial mathematical complications inherent in these prior treatments by introducing the transformation to the guiding centre variables and performing the guiding centre gyrophase average before specifying the magnetic coordinates to be employed. In this way the unperturbed, gyro-averaged Vlasov operator which retains finite gyro-effects is obtained in the most convenient manner for arbitrary unperturbed magnetic fields.}, File = {Catto1978_0032-1028_20_7_011.pdf:Catto1978_0032-1028_20_7_011.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.28}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0032-1028/20/i=7/a=011} } @Article{Catto1981, Title = {Generalized gyrokinetics}, Author = {P J Catto and W M Tang and D E Baldwin}, Journal = {Plasma Physics}, Year = {1981}, Number = {7}, Pages = {639}, Volume = {23}, Abstract = {By retaining the magnetic moment mu to higher order in the gyroradius over scale length expansion and employing a gyrokinetic change of variables a full finite beta derivation of the gyrokinetic equation is presented within the eikonal ansatz for arbitrary magnetic fields and mu dependent unperturbed distribution functions.}, File = {Catto1981_0032-1028_23_7_005.pdf:Catto1981_0032-1028_23_7_005.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.28}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0032-1028/23/i=7/a=005} } @Article{Cerfon2011, Title = {Magnetohydrodynamic stability comparison theorems revisited}, Author = {Antoine J. Cerfon and Jeffrey P. Freidberg}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012505}, Volume = {18}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3535587}, Eid = {012505}, File = {Cerfon2011_PhysPlasmas_18_012505.pdf:Cerfon2011_PhysPlasmas_18_012505.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {drift instability; plasma collision processes; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma transport processes; Vlasov equation}, Numpages = {21}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.02.06}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/012505/1} } @Article{Cerfon2010, Title = {“One size fits all” analytic solutions to the Grad–Shafranov equation}, Author = {Antoine J. Cerfon and Jeffrey P. Freidberg}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {032502}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {An extended analytic solution to the Grad–Shafranov equation using Solov’ev profiles is presented. The solution describes standard tokamaks, spherical tokamaks, spheromaks, and field reversed configurations. It allows arbitrary aspect ratio, elongation, and triangularity as well as a plasma surface that can be smooth or possess a double or single null divertor X-point. The solution can also be used to evaluate the equilibrium beta limit in a tokamak and spherical tokamak in which a separatrix moves onto the inner surface of the plasma.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3328818}, File = {Cerfon2010_PhysPlasmas_17_032502.pdf:Cerfon2010_PhysPlasmas_17_032502.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.21}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v17/i3/p032502_s1} } @Article{Chan1994, Title = {Anisotropic Alfvén-Ballooning Modes in Earth’s Magnetosphere}, Author = {Anthony A. Chan and Mengfen Xia and Liu Chen}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1994}, Number = {A9}, Pages = {17, 351–17, 366}, Volume = {99}, Abstract = {We have carried out a theoretical analysis of the stability and parallel structure of coupled shear Alfvén and slow magnetosonic waves in Earth’s inner magnetosphere (i.e., at equatorial distances between about five and ten Earth radii) including effects of finite anisotropic plasma pressure. Multiscale perturbation analysis of the anisotropic Grad-Shafranov equation yields an approximate self-consistent magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibrium. This MHD equilibrium is used in the numerical solution of a set of eigenmode equations which describe the field line eigenfrequency, linear stability, and parallel eigenmode structure. We call these modes anisotropic Alfvén-ballooning modes. The main results are: (1) The field line eigenfrequency can be significantly lowered by finite pressure effects. (2) The parallel mode structure of the transverse wave components is fairly insensitive to changes in the plasma pressure, but the compressional magnetic component can become highly peaked near the magnetic equator as a result of increased pressure, especially when P ⊥ > P ∥ (here P ⊥ and P ∥ are the perpendicular and parallel plasma pressure). (3) For the isotropic (P ∥ = P ⊥ = P) case ballooning instability can occur when the ratio of the plasma pressure to the magnetic pressure, β = P/(B²/8π), exceeds a critical value β0 B ≈ 3.5 at the equator. (4) Compared to the isotropic case the critical beta value is lowered by anisotropy, either due to decreased field line bending stabilization when P ∥ > P ⊥ or due to increased ballooning-mirror destabilization when P ⊥ > P ∥ (5) We use a β-δ stability diagram to display the regions of instability with respect to the equatorial values of the parameters β ¯ and δ, where β ¯ = ( 1 / 3 ) ( β ∥ + 2 β ⊥ ) is an average beta value and δ = 1 − P ∥/P ⊥ is a measure of the plasma anisotropy. The diagram is divided into regions corresponding to the firehose, mirror and ballooning instabilities. It appears that observed values of the plasma pressure are below the critical value for the isotropic ballooning instability but it may be possible to approach a ballooning-mirror instability when P ⊥/P ∥ ≳ 2.}, File = {Chan1994_chan1994.pdf:Chan1994_chan1994.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://europa.agu.org/?uri=/journals/ja/93JA03353.xml&view=article} } @Article{Chandrasekhar1958, Title = {The Stability of the Pinch}, Author = {Chandrasekhar, S. and Kaufman, A. N. and Watson, K. M.,}, Journal = {Proc. Roy. Soc.Ser.}, Year = {1958}, Note = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/100290 http://repository.ias.ac.in/21109/1/307.pdf}, Pages = {435}, Volume = {A 245}, Abstract = {The stability of a cylindrical plasma with an axial magnetic field and confined between conducting walls is investigated by solving, for small oscillations about equilibrium, the linearized Boltzmann and Maxwell equations. A criterion for marginal stability is derived; this differs slightly from the one derived by Rosenbluth from an analysis of the particle orbits. However, Rosenbluth's principal results on the possibility of stabilizing the pinch under suitable external conditions are confirmed. In the appendix a dispersion relation appropriate for plane hydromagnetic waves in an infinite medium is obtained; this relation discloses under the simplest conditions certain types of instabilities which may occur in plasma physics.}, File = {Chandrasekhar1958_307.pdf:Chandrasekhar1958_307.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.01}, Url = {http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/245/1243/435} } @Article{Chang2008, Title = {Toward a first-principles integrated simulation of tokamak edge plasmas}, Author = {C S Chang and S Klasky and J Cummings and R Samtaney and A Shoshani and L Sugiyama and D Keyes and S Ku and G Park and S Parker and N Podhorszki and H Strauss and H Abbasi and M Adams and R Barreto and G Bateman and K Bennett and Y Chen and E D' Azevedo and C Docan and S Ethier and E Feibush and L Greengard and T Hahm and F Hinton and C Jin and A Khan and A Kritz and P Krsti and T Lao and W Lee and Z Lin and J Lofstead and P Mouallem and M Nagappan and A Pankin and M Parashar and M Pindzola and C Reinhold and D Schultz and K Schwan and D Silver and A Sim and D Stotler and M Vouk and M Wolf and H Weitzner and P Worley and Y Xiao and E Yoon and D Zorin}, Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, Year = {2008}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012042}, Volume = {125}, Abstract = {Performance of the ITER is anticipated to be highly sensitive to the edge plasma condition. The edge pedestal in ITER needs to be predicted from an integrated simulation of the necessary first-principles, multi-scale physics codes. The mission of the SciDAC Fusion Simulation Project (FSP) Prototype Center for Plasma Edge Simulation (CPES) is to deliver such a code integration framework by (1) building new kinetic codes XGC0 and XGC1, which can simulate the edge pedestal buildup; (2) using and improving the existing MHD codes ELITE, M3D-OMP, M3D-MPP and NIMROD, for study of large-scale edge instabilities called Edge Localized Modes (ELMs); and (3) integrating the codes into a framework using cutting-edge computer science technology. Collaborative effort among physics, computer science, and applied mathematics within CPES has created the first working version of the End-to-end Framework for Fusion Integrated Simulation (EFFIS), which can be used to study the pedestal-ELM cycles.}, File = {Chang2008_1742-6596_125_1_012042.pdf:Chang2008_1742-6596_125_1_012042.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.14}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/125/i=1/a=012042} } @Article{Chapman2011, author = {I T Chapman}, title = {Controlling sawtooth oscillations in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {53}, number = {1}, pages = {013001}, abstract = {The sawtooth instability in tokamak plasmas results in a periodic reorganization of the core plasma. A typical sawtooth cycle consists of a quiescent period, during which the plasma density and temperature increase, followed by the growth of a helical magnetic perturbation, which in turn is followed by a rapid collapse of the central pressure. The stabilizing effects of fusion-born α particles are likely to lead to long sawtooth periods in burning plasmas. However, sawteeth with long quiescent periods have been observed to result in the early triggering of neo-classical tearing modes (NTMs) at low plasma pressure, which can, in turn, significantly degrade confinement. Consequently, recent experiments have identified various methods to deliberately control sawtooth oscillations in an attempt to avoid seeding NTMs whilst retaining the benefits of small, frequent sawteeth, such as the prevention of core impurity accumulation. Sawtooth control actuators include current drive schemes, such as electron cyclotron current drive, and tailoring the fast ion population in the plasma using neutral beam injection or ion cyclotron resonance heating.}, file = {Chapman2011_PPCF.pdf:Chapman2011_PPCF.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Review}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=1/a=013001}, } @Article{Chen2011f, author = {Eugene Y. Chen and H. L. Berk and B. Breizman and L. J. Zheng}, title = {Free-boundary toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes}, journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, pages = {052503}, abstract = {A numerical study is presented for the n = 1 free-boundary toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) in tokamaks, which shows that there is considerable sensitivity of n = 1 modes to the position of the conducting wall. An additional branch of the TAE is shown to emerge from the upper continuum as the ratio of conducting wall radius to plasma radius increases. Such phenomena arise in plasma equilibria with both circular and shaped cross sections, where the shaped profile studied here is similar to that found in Alcator C-Mod.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3575157}, file = {Chen2011_PhysPlasmas_18_052503.pdf:Chen2011_PhysPlasmas_18_052503.pdf:PDF;Chen2011a_0029-5515_51_6_063010.pdf:Chen2011a_0029-5515_51_6_063010.pdf:PDF;Chen2011c_PhysPlasmas_18_072110.pdf:Chen2011c_PhysPlasmas_18_072110.pdf:PDF;Chen2011d_fulltext.pdf:Chen2011d_fulltext.pdf:PDF;Chen2011b_0295-5075_96_3_35001.pdf:Chen2011b_0295-5075_96_3_35001.pdf:PDF;Chen2011e_PhysPlasmas_18_055703.pdf:Chen2011e_PhysPlasmas_18_055703.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.09.05}, url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i5/p052503_s1}, } @Article{Chen2008b, author = {Liu Chen}, title = {Alfvén waves: a journey between space and fusion plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2008}, volume = {50}, number = {12}, pages = {124001}, abstract = {Alfvén waves discovered by Hannes Alfvén (1942 Nature 150 405) are fundamental electromagnetic oscillations in magnetized plasmas existing in the nature and laboratories. Alfvén waves play important roles in the heating, stability and transport of plasmas. The anisotropic nearly incompressible shear Alfvén wave is particularly interesting since, in realistic non-uniform plasmas, its wave spectra consist of both the regular discrete and the singular continuous components. In this Alfvén lecture, I will discuss these spectral properties and examine their significant linear and nonlinear physics implications. These discussions will be based on perspectives from my own research in both space and laboratory fusion plasmas, and will demonstrate the positive feedback and cross-fertilization between these two important sub-disciplines of plasma physics research. Some open issues of nonlinear Alfvén wave physics in burning fusion as well as magnetospheric space plasmas will also be explored.}, file = {Chen2008_Alfven-Paper.pdf:Chen2008_Alfven-Paper.pdf:PDF;Chen2008a_PhysPlasmas_15_055905.pdf:Chen2008a_PhysPlasmas_15_055905.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Liu CHEN}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/50/i=12/a=124001}, } @Article{Chen1994, author = {Liu Chen}, title = {Theory of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities excited by energetic particles in tokamaks@f|}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1994}, volume = {1}, number = {5}, pages = {1519-1522}, doi = {10.1063/1.870702}, file = {Chen1994EPM.pdf:Chen1994EPM.pdf:PDF;Chen1994a_93JA02774.pdf:Chen1994a_93JA02774.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Liu CHEN}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; MHD EQUILIBRIUM; IONS; ALPHA PARTICLES; DISPERSION RELATIONS; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; ALFVEN WAVES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/1/1519/1}, } @Article{Chen1977b, Title = {Spatial depletion of the lower hybrid cone through parametric decay}, Author = {L. Chen and R.L. Berger}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1977}, Number = {4}, Pages = {779}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {Analytic solutions for the envelope structures of two non-linearly coupled lower hybrid waves propagating along their respective cone trajectories are obtained. The coupling occurs through induced scattering by particles. The results indicate anomalous spatial pump depletion. Implications to lower hybrid plasma heating experiments are also discussed.}, File = {Chen1977b_0029-5515_17_4_011.pdf:Chen1977b_0029-5515_17_4_011.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.25}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/17/i=4/a=011} } @Article{Chen1977a, Title = {Nonlinear Saturation of the Dissipative Trapped-Electron Instability}, Author = {Chen, Liu and Berger, R. L. and Lominadze, J. G. and Rosenbluth, M. N. and Rutherford, P. H.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1977}, Month = {Sep}, Pages = {754--757}, Volume = {39}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.39.754}, File = {Chen1977a_PhysRevLett.39.754.pdf:Chen1977a_PhysRevLett.39.754.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {12}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.09.28}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.39.754} } @Article{Chen1994a, Title = {Kinetic Theory of Geomagnetic Pulsations, 2. Ion Flux Modulations by Transverse Waves}, Author = {Liu Chen and Akira Hasegawa}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1994}, Note = {http://www.agu.org/journals/ja/v099/iA01/93JA02774/}, Number = {A1}, Pages = {179–182}, Volume = {99}, Abstract = {Ion flux modulations by ultralow-frequency radially polarized geomagnetic pulsations are examined theoretically based on the gyrokinetic analysis of Chen and Hasegawa (1991). The theoretical results thus contain important effects such as plasma anisotropy and inhomogeneities, finite Larmor radii, realistic magnetic field, magnetic trapping, and wave mode structures. The predicted properties are consistent with the satellite observations (Takahashi et al., 1990) and further support the drift-Alfvén ballooning mode as a primary instability candidate. Our analysis, furthermore, demonstrates that, in the case of highly energetic ions, it is crucial to include the finite-Larmor-radius effects self-consistently in order to properly analyze and compare with the satellite observations.}, File = {Chen1994a_93JA02774.pdf:Chen1994a_93JA02774.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://europa.agu.org/?view=article&uri=/journals/ja/93JA02774.xml} } @Article{Chen1991, author = {Liu Chen and Akira Hasegawa}, title = {Kinetic Theory of Geomagnetic Pulsations, 1. Internal Excitations by Energetic Particles}, journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, year = {1991}, volume = {96}, number = {A2}, pages = {1503-1512}, abstract = {Motivated by recent satellite observations, we have carried out a comprehensive theoretical analysis on the generation of hydromagnetic Alfvén waves in a realistic magnetospheric plasma environment consisting of a core (∼100 eV) component and an energetic (∼10 keV) component. Our theoretical formulation employs the gyrokinetic equations and, thus, retains anisotropy, finite Larmor radii, magnetic trapping, and wave-particle interactions in addition to nonuniform plasma equilibria. A set of coupled equations for transverse and compressional magnetic perturbations is derived and analyzed for its stabilities assuming equilibrium distribution functions which are interchange stable. Our findings are as follows: (1) compressional and transverse shear Alfvén oscillations are generally coupled in realistic plasmas; (2) in the decoupled limit, for the compressional wave branch, one recovers the drift mirror instability due to the Landau resonances and τ≡ 1 + 4π(∂P ⊥/B∂B) < 0; here, P ⊥ = P ⊥(ψ, B) is the perpendicular pressure and ψ is the magnetic flux function; (3) for the decoupled transverse shear Alfvén branch, one obtains the drift Alfvén ballooning instability due to the Landau resonances and free energy of the pressure gradient for τ > 0; (4) for both branches, the most unstable modes have antisymmetric structures and propagate in the diamagnetic drift direction of the energetic ions; and (5) finite coupling can be shown to further enhance the drift Alfvén ballooning instabilities. Thus we conclude that for τ ≥ 0, the coupled drift Alfvén ballooning mirror instability constitutes an important internal generating mechanism of geomagnetic pulsations. The various predicted features of this instability are consistent with satellite observations.}, file = {Chen1991_90JA02346.pdf:Chen1991_90JA02346.pdf:PDF;Chen1991.pdf:Chen1991.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Liu CHEN}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.08}, url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1991/90JA02346.shtml}, } @Article{Chen1974a, author = {Liu Chen and Akira Hasegawa}, title = {Plasma heating by spatial resonance of Alfv[e-acute]n wave}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1974}, volume = {17}, number = {7}, pages = {1399-1403}, doi = {10.1063/1.1694904}, file = {Chen1974a.pdf:Chen1974a.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Liu CHEN}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/17/1399/1}, } @Article{Chen1974b, author = {Liu Chen and Akira Hasegawa}, title = {A Theory of Long-period Magnetic Pulsations, 1. Steady State Excitation of Field Line Resonance}, journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, year = {1974}, volume = {79}, number = {7}, pages = {1024-1032}, abstract = {A theory of long-period (Pc 3 to Pc 5) magnetic pulsations is presented based on the idea of a steady state oscillation of a resonant local field line that is excited by a monochromatic surface wave at the magnetosphere. A coupled wave equation between the shear Alfvén wave representing the field line oscillation and the surface wave is derived and solved for the dipole coordinates. The theory gives the frequency, the sense of polarizations, orientation angle of the major axis, and the ellipticity as a function of magnetospheric parameters. It also clarifies some of the contradicting ideas and observations in relation to the sense of polarization and excitation mechanism. At lower latitude it is shown that the orientation angle rather than the sense of rotation is a more critical parameter in finding the direction of wave propagation in the azimuthal coordinate and hence in finding the evidence of wave excitation at the magnetospheric surface by the solar wind.}, file = {Chen1974b.pdf:Chen1974b.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Liu CHEN}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.08}, url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1974/JA079i007p01024.shtml}, } @Article{Chen2001, Title = {On resonant heating below the cyclotron frequency}, Author = {Liu Chen and Zhihong Lin and Roscoe White}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2001}, Pages = {4713}, Volume = {8}, Abstract = {Resonant heating of particles by electrostatic and Alfvén waves propagating in a confining uniform magnetic field is examined. It is shown that, with a sufficiently large wave amplitude, significant perpendicular stochastic heating can be obtained with wave frequency at a fraction of the cyclotron frequency. This result may have relevance for the heating of ions in the solar corona, and is a generic phenomenon, independent of the type of wave considered.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1406939}, File = {Chen2001_PhysPlasmas_8_4713.pdf:Chen2001_PhysPlasmas_8_4713.pdf:PDF;Chen2001a_PhysPlasmas_8_2095.pdf:Chen2001a_PhysPlasmas_8_2095.pdf:PDF;Chen2001b_PhysPlasmas_8_441.pdf:Chen2001b_PhysPlasmas_8_441.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.23}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v8/i11/p4713_s1} } @Article{Chen1977, Title = {Drift-Modified Tearing Instabilities Due to Trapped Electrons}, Author = {Chen, Liu and Rutherford, P. H. and Tang, W. M.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1977}, Month = {Aug}, Pages = {460--463}, Volume = {39}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.39.460}, File = {Chen1977_PhysRevLett.39.460.pdf:Chen1977_PhysRevLett.39.460.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {8}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.09.28}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.39.460} } @Article{Chen1988a, Title = {Ion radial transport induced by ICRF waves in tokamaks}, Author = {Liu Chen and J. Vaclavik and G.W. Hammett}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1988}, Number = {3}, Pages = {389}, Volume = {28}, Abstract = {The wave induced fluxes of energetic trapped ions during ICRF heating of tokamak plasmas are calculated by using quasi-linear equations. A simple single particle model of this transport mechanism is also given. Both a convective flux proportional to k ø |E + | 2 and a diffusive flux proportional to ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/28/3/004/nf_28_3_004_inline1.gif] are found. Here, k ø is the toroidal wavenumber and E + is the left hand polarized wave field. The convective flux may become significant for large k ø if the wave spectrum is asymmetric in k ø . But for k ø ρ≪1, a condition satisfied in most previous and planned experiments, radial transport driven directly by the ICRF wave is unimportant.}, File = {Chen1988a_Ion Radial Transport Induced by ICRF Waves in Tokamaks, Nucl. Fusion 28. 389-398.pdf:Chen1988a_Ion Radial Transport Induced by ICRF Waves in Tokamaks, Nucl. Fusion 28. 389-398.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.05}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/28/i=3/a=004} } @Article{Chen1984, author = {Chen, Liu and White, R. B. and Rosenbluth, M. N.}, title = {Excitation of Internal Kink Modes by Trapped Energetic Beam Ions}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1984}, volume = {52}, number = {13}, pages = {1122--1125}, month = {Mar}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.52.1122}, file = {Chen1984.pdf:Chen1984.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Liu CHEN}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2010.12.08}, } @Article{Chen2011d, Title = {Exact solutions of dispersion equation for MHD waves with short-wavelength modification}, Author = {Chen, Ling and Wu, DeJin}, Journal = {Chinese Science Bulletin}, Year = {2011}, Note = {10.1007/s11434-011-4409-z}, Pages = {955-961}, Volume = {56}, Abstract = {Dispersive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves with short-wavelength modification have an important role in transforming energy from waves into particles. In this paper, based on the two-fluid mode, a dispersion equation, including the short-wavelength effect, and its exact solution are presented. The outcome is responsible for the short-wavelength modification versions of the three ideal MHD modes (i.e. the fast, slow and Alfvén). The results show that the fast and Alfvén modes are modified considerably by the shortwavelength effect mainly in the quasi-parallel and quasi-perpendicular propagation directions, respectively, while the slow mode can be affected by the short-wavelength effect in all propagation directions. On the other hand, the dispersive modification occurs primarily in the finite- β regime of 0:001 < β < 1 for the fast mode and in the high- β regime of 0:1 < β < 10 for the slow mode. For the Alfvén mode, the dispersive modification occurs from the low- β regime of β < 0:001 through the high- β regime of β > 1.}, Affiliation = {Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, 210008 China}, File = {Chen2011d_fulltext.pdf:Chen2011d_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1001-6538}, Issue = {10}, Keyword = {Life Sciences}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {Science China Press, co-published with Springer}, Timestamp = {2011.09.23}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11434-011-4409-z} } @Article{Chen2011c, Title = {Polarizations of coupling kinetic Alfvén and slow waves}, Author = {L. Chen and D. J. Wu}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {072110}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) are dispersive Alfvén waves with short perpendicular wavelengths and have been extensively applied to various energization phenomena of plasma particles. KAWs are coupled to slow magnetosonic waves in the case of a finite-β plasma. In this paper, the electromagnetic polarization states of the coupling KAWs and slow waves are investigated. The results show that the polarization states of these waves depend sensitively on the local plasma parameters such as the ion-electron temperature ratio (α = Ti/Te) and the plasma kinetic-magnetic pressure ratio (β = 2μ0n(Ti+Te)/B2) as well as their perpendicular wavenumber (k⊥ρi). The polarization states of waves play an important and key role in wave-particle interactions and hence have a great interest of understanding the physics of particle energization phenomena by these waves.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3609782}, File = {Chen2011c_PhysPlasmas_18_072110.pdf:Chen2011c_PhysPlasmas_18_072110.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.23}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i7/p072110_s1} } @Article{Chen2010b, Title = {Kinetic Alfv[e-acute]n wave instability driven by electron temperature anisotropy in high-beta plasmas}, Author = {L. Chen and D. J. Wu}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Note = {1 Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China 2 Graduate School, CAS, Beijing 100012, China}, Number = {6}, Pages = {062107}, Volume = {17}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3439680}, Eid = {062107}, File = {Chen2010b_PhysPlasmas_17_062107.pdf:Chen2010b_PhysPlasmas_17_062107.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma instability; plasma radiofrequency heating; plasma temperature}, Numpages = {7}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.05.16}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/062107/1} } @Article{Chen2011b, Title = {Gyrokinetic theory of parametric decays of kinetic Alfvén waves}, Author = {Liu Chen and Fulvio Zonca}, Journal = {EPL (Europhysics Letters)}, Year = {2011}, Number = {3}, Pages = {35001}, Volume = {96}, Abstract = {The fundamental parametric decay processes of kinetic Alfvén waves (KAW) have been reexamined by employing the nonlinear gyrokinetic equations. Dispersion relations, valid for arbitrary k ⊥ ρ i , are derived for parametric decays to KAW and ion sound waves. Here, k ⊥ and ρ i are, respectively, the wave number perpendicular to the magnetic field and the ion Larmor radius. It is found that, contrary to the small k ⊥ ρ i drift-kinetic results, nonlinear ion Compton scatterings also contribute significantly to the nonlinear ion Landau damping. Furthermore, for k ⊥ ρ i >|ω 0 /Ω i | 1/2 , with ω 0 and Ω i being, respectively, the KAW and ion cyclotron frequencies, the decay processes are significantly enhanced over and qualitatively different from the ideal-magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) results. These findings are relevant for collisionless plasma transports, as well as non-local wave energy transports. In particular, they question the applicability of ideal-MHD–based theories for the prediction of saturated Alfvén wave spectra and the corresponding fluctuation-induced transports in space and laboratory plasmas, suggesting that gyrokinetic theories are necessary for realistic comparisons with experimental measurements and observations.}, File = {Chen2011b_0295-5075_96_3_35001.pdf:Chen2011b_0295-5075_96_3_35001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.20}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0295-5075/96/i=3/a=35001} } @Article{Chen2007, Title = {Theory of Alfvén waves and energetic particle physics in burning plasmas}, Author = {L. Chen and F. Zonca}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2007}, Number = {10}, Pages = {S727}, Volume = {47}, Abstract = {We present an overview on one issue of practical interest for burning plasmas, i.e. whether fast ions and charged fusion products are sufficiently well confined such that they transfer their energy and/or momentum to the thermal plasma without appreciable degradation due to collective modes. In the present work, we address this issue by analysing theoretically the dynamics of shear Alfvén waves collectively excited by energetic particles in tokamak plasmas. Both linear physics, such as spectral and stability properties, and key non-linear wave and particle dynamics are identified and considered. We also discuss the investigations of such processes via computer simulations as well as the importance of benchmarking with existing or future experimental observations.}, File = {Chen2007_Theory of Alfvιn Waves and Energetic Particle Physics in Burning Plasmas.pdf:Chen2007_Theory of Alfvιn Waves and Energetic Particle Physics in Burning Plasmas.pdf:PDF;Chen2007a_PhysPlasmas_14_082301.pdf:Chen2007a_PhysPlasmas_14_082301.pdf:PDF;Chen2007b_science.pdf:Chen2007b_science.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.12.22}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/47/i=10/a=S20} } @Article{Chen1995, author = {Liu Chen and Fulvio Zonca}, title = {Theory of shear Alfvén waves in toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {1995}, volume = {1995}, number = {T60}, pages = {81}, abstract = {Fundamental wave and stability properties of shear Alfvén waves in nonuniform axisymmetric toroidal plasmas are reviewed. Using a slab model with nonuniform density, concepts such as continuous spectrum, resonant absorption, and linear mode conversion to kinetic Alfvén wave are first discussed. We then analyze the formation of frequency gaps in the continuous spectrum due to the finite toroidicity-induced coupling between the poloidal harmonics in an axisymmetric torus. Existence of discrete eigenmodes both inside the frequency gap and the continuous spectra are further demonstrated. Kinetic excitations of collective toroidal shear Alfvén instabilities via resonances with energetic particles are also reviewed; first in the one-dimensional radially local limit and then with a full two-dimensional global analysis. Effects due to the non-perturbative nature of the energetic-particle drive and the global extent of the eigenmodes are emphasized.}, file = {Chen1995_Theory of Shear Alfvιn Waves in Toroidal Plasmas, L. Chen and F. Zonca, Physica Scripta T60, 81-90 (1995).pdf:Chen1995_Theory of Shear Alfvιn Waves in Toroidal Plasmas, L. Chen and F. Zonca, Physica Scripta T60, 81-90 (1995).pdf:PDF;Chen1995.pdf:Chen1995.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Liu CHEN}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/1995/i=T60/a=011}, } @Article{Chen1988, Title = {Taylor-Chirikov map package : A package of programs for the calculation of ordered periodic orbits of area preserving twist maps}, Author = {Q. Chen and B. D. Mestel}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1988}, Note = {http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ABBW_v1_0.html}, Number = {3}, Pages = {463 - 476}, Volume = {51}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0010-4655(88)90159-2}, File = {Chen1988_sdarticle[1]4.pdf:Chen1988_sdarticle[1]4.pdf:PDF;Chen1988a_Ion Radial Transport Induced by ICRF Waves in Tokamaks, Nucl. Fusion 28. 389-398.pdf:Chen1988a_Ion Radial Transport Induced by ICRF Waves in Tokamaks, Nucl. Fusion 28. 389-398.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.31}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465588901592} } @Article{Chen2011a, Title = {Destabilization of beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes in the HL-2A tokamak}, Author = {W. Chen and X.T. Ding and Yi. Liu and Q.W. Yang and X.Q. Ji and G.L. Yuan and Y.P. Zhang and M. Isobe and Y.B. Dong and Y. Huang and J. Zhou and Y. Zhou and W. Li and B.B. Feng and X.M. Song and J.Q. Dong and Z.B. Shi and X.R. Duan and HL-2A Team}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {6}, Pages = {063010}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {Beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode (BAE) during a strong tearing mode activity (termed as m-BAE) has been observed and investigated in HL-2A. BAE excited by energetic electrons (termed as e-BAE) has been identified both in the Ohmic and ECRH plasma. The hard x-ray spectrum detected by cadmium telluride and the non-thermal radiation measured by electron cyclotron emission are used to analyse the behaviour of the energetic electrons. Experimental results show that the e-BAE is related not only to the populations of the energetic electrons, but also their energy distribution. An interesting result about the BAEs modulated by a supersonic molecular beam and gas puffing is presented. In addition, BAEs during a sawtooth cycle are described in this paper. To assess the identification of the e-BAE and m-BAE, the generalized fishbone-like dispersion relation and magnetic-island-induced BAE dispersion relation are solved near marginal stability, respectively. Compared with experimental results, the calculation analysis shows that the observed frequencies are all close to the theoretical results.}, File = {Chen2011a_0029-5515_51_6_063010.pdf:Chen2011a_0029-5515_51_6_063010.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=6/a=063010} } @Article{Chen2010a, Title = {$\beta{}$-Induced Alfv\'en Eigenmodes Destabilized by Energetic Electrons in a Tokamak Plasma}, Author = {Chen, W. and Ding, X. T. and Yang, Q. W. and Liu, Yi and Ji, X. Q. and Zhang, Y. P. and Zhou, J. and Yuan, G. L. and Sun, H. J. and Li, W. and Zhou, Y. and Huang, Y. and Dong, J. Q. and Feng, B. B. and Song, X. M. and Shi, Z. B. and Liu, Z. T. and Song, X. Y. and Li, L. C. and Duan, X. R. and Liu, Y.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2010}, Month = {Oct}, Number = {18}, Pages = {185004}, Volume = {105}, Collaboration = {HL-2A team}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.185004}, File = {Chen2010a_PhysRevLett.105.185004.pdf:Chen2010a_PhysRevLett.105.185004.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.23} } @Article{Chen2001a, Title = {Gyrokinetic turbulence simulations with kinetic electrons}, Author = {Yang Chen and Scott Parker}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2001}, Pages = {2095}, Volume = {8}, Abstract = {Gyrokinetic turbulence simulations are presented with full drift-kinetic electron dynamics including both trapped and passing particle effects. This is made possible by using a generalization of the split-weight scheme [I. Manuilskiy and W. W. Lee, Phys. Plasmas 7, 1381 (2000)] that allows for a variable adiabatic part, as well as use of the parallel canonical momentum formulation. Linear simulations in shearless slab geometry and nonlinear simulations using representative tokamak parameters demonstrate the applicability of this generalized split-weight scheme to the turbulence transport problem in the low β regime [β(mi/me) ⩽ 1]. The issues relating to difficulties at higher β, and initial three-dimensional toroidal simulations results will be discussed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1351828}, File = {Chen2001a_PhysPlasmas_8_2095.pdf:Chen2001a_PhysPlasmas_8_2095.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.03}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v8/i5/p2095_s1} } @Article{Chen2001b, Title = {A gyrokinetic ion zero electron inertia fluid electron model for turbulence simulations}, Author = {Yang Chen and Scott Parker}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2001}, Pages = {441}, Volume = {8}, Abstract = {This paper describes the formulation of a hybrid model with fully gyrokinetic ions and a zero-inertia fluid model for the electrons. The electron fluid equations are derived from moments of the drift kinetic equation, taking the small mass ratio limit, but with finite electron temperature. This model eliminates the inertial Alfvén wave and any physics relating to electron transit motion, making it useful for studying low frequency, high β (β≫me/mi) electromagnetic turbulence as well as kinetic magnetohydradynamics (MHD) physics including kinetic ballooning and toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes. Electromagnetic effects (δB⊥) are included through the parallel ion and electron current. A predictor-corrector scheme for the fluid part that is consistent with the gyrokinetic ion part has been developed. Here we derive the model equations, derive the linear kinetic-fluid theory in a three-dimensional shearless slab, and compare the simulation results with the linear theory.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1335584}, File = {Chen2001b_PhysPlasmas_8_441.pdf:Chen2001b_PhysPlasmas_8_441.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.03}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v8/i2/p441_s1} } @Article{Chen2011e, Title = {Fluid electrons with kinetic closure for long wavelength energetic particles driven modes}, Author = {Yang Chen and Scott E. Parker}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {055703}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {A kinetic electron closure scheme is presented for the fluid electron model that has been implemented in the GEM code [J. Lang, Y. Chen, S. E. Parker, and G.-Y. Fu, Phys. Plasmas 16, 102101 (2009)]. The most important element of the closure scheme is a complete Ohm’s law for the parallel electric field E∥, derived by combining the quasineutrality condition, the Ampere’s equation and the v∥ moment of the gyrokinetic equations. A discretization method for the closure scheme is presented and studied in detail for a three-dimensional shearless slab plasma. It is found that for long wavelength shear Alfvén waves the kinetic closure scheme is both more accurate and more robust than the previous GEM algorithm [Y. Chen and S. E. Parker, J. Comput. Phys. 189, 463 (2003)], whereas for the ion-gradient-driven instability the previous algorithm is more efficient. The fluid electron model with kinetic electron closure is useful for studying energetic particles driven modes with electron kinetic damping effects.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3567023}, File = {Chen2011e_PhysPlasmas_18_055703.pdf:Chen2011e_PhysPlasmas_18_055703.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.03}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i5/p055703_s1} } @Article{Chen2009, author = {Yang Chen and Scott E. Parker}, title = {Particle-in-cell simulation with Vlasov ions and drift kinetic electrons}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {052305}, abstract = {There are certain limitations in using gyrokinetic ions for simulations of turbulent transport in tokamak plasmas. Applications where Vlasov ions might be more appropriate include the electron temperature gradient driven turbulence, edge turbulence with steep density gradient, and magnetic reconnection in a weak guide field. In such cases the ion gyrokinetic model presently used in simulations needs to be extended, but a satisfactory extension valid for fully electromagnetic turbulence is not presently available. Even if an accurate model is found, its numerical implementation could be very challenging. We propose a kinetic model that combines Vlasov ions with gyrokinetic electrons to avoid the difficulties with gyrokinetic ions. The field equations of this model are the Faraday’s equation and the Ampere’s equation without the displacement current. The perturbed fields B1 and E1 rather than the scalar and vector potentials are used to formulate the field equations. We have devised an implicit scheme for this model, demonstrated in three-dimensional slab for the Alfvén waves, the drift Alfvén instability and the ion acoustic waves.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3138743}, eid = {052305}, file = {Chen2009_PhysPlasmas_16_052305.pdf:Chen2009_PhysPlasmas_16_052305.pdf:PDF}, groups = {pic}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma drift waves; plasma instability; plasma simulation; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.10.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/052305/1}, } @Article{Chen2007a, Title = {Coarse-graining phase space in δf particle-in-cell simulations}, Author = {Yang Chen and Scott E. Parker}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {082301}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {A numerical scheme for periodically coarse-graining the distribution in the phase space for δf particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation is presented. δf is periodically deposited on a five-dimensional phase-space grid, then reevaluated at the particle position using interpolation. Any discontinuity of δf in time arising from this coarse-graining procedure is reduced by resetting only a small fraction of the particle weight given by the interpolated value. An estimate of the numerical diffusion due to this smoothing procedure is provided in the limit of large particle number. Using three-dimensional toroidal ion-temperature-gradient driven turbulence as an example, the numerical scheme is demonstrated to effectively suppress the long-term increase of the particle weights, while keeping the turbulent flux unchanged.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2751603}, File = {Chen2007a_PhysPlasmas_14_082301.pdf:Chen2007a_PhysPlasmas_14_082301.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.03}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v14/i8/p082301_s1} } @Article{Chen2007b, Title = {Electromagnetic gyrokinetic δf particle-in-cell turbulence simulation with realistic equilibrium profiles and geometry}, Author = {Yang Chen and Scott E. Parker}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {2007}, Number = {2}, Pages = {839 - 855}, Volume = {220}, Abstract = {The δf particle-in-cell method for gyrokinetic simulations with kinetic electrons and electromagnetic perturbations [Y. Chen, S. Parker, J. Comput. Phys. 189 (2003) 463] is extended to include arbitrary toroidal equilibrium profiles and flux-surface shapes. The domain is an arbitrarily sized toroidal slice with periodicity assumed in toroidal direction. It is global radially and poloidally along the magnetic field. The differential operators and Jacobians are represented numerically which is a quite general approach with wide applicability. Discretization of the field equations is described. The issue of domain decomposition and particle load balancing is addressed. A derivation of the split-weight scheme is given, and numerical observations are given as to what algorithmic change leads to stable algorithm. It is shown that in the final split-weight algorithm the equation for the rate of change of the electric potential is solved in a way that is incompatible with the quasi-neutrality condition on the grid scale. This incompatibility, while negligible on the scale of interest, leads to better numerical stability on the grid scale. Some examples of linear simulations are presented to show the effects of flux-surface shaping on the linear mode growth rates. The issue of long-term weight growth in δf simulation and the effect of discrete particle noise are briefly discussed.}, Doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2006.05.028}, File = {Chen2007b_science.pdf:Chen2007b_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Keywords = {Gyrokinetic simulation}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.03}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999106002634} } @Article{Chen2003a, author = {Yang Chen and Scott E. Parker}, title = {A [delta]f particle method for gyrokinetic simulations with kinetic electrons and electromagnetic perturbations}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {2003}, volume = {189}, number = {2}, pages = {463 - 475}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A [delta]f particle simulation method is developed for solving the gyrokinetic-Maxwell system of equations that describes turbulence and anomalous transport in toroidally confined plasmas. A generalized split-weight scheme is used to overcome the constraint on the time step due to fast parallel motion of the electrons. The inaccuracy problem at high plasma [beta] is solved by using the same marker particle distribution as is used for [delta]f to evaluate the [beta]mi/meA[short parallel] term in Ampere's equation, which is solved iteratively. The algorithm is implemented in three-dimensional toroidal geometry using field-line-following coordinates. Also discussed is the implementation of electron-ion collisional effects which are important when kinetic electron physics is included. Linear benchmarks in toroidal geometry are presented for moderate [beta], that is, [beta]<<1, but [beta]mi/me>>1. Nonlinear simulation results with moderate [beta] are also presented.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9991(03)00228-6}, file = {Chen2003_sdarticle.pdf:Chen2003_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Gyrokinetic simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.08.16}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999103002286}, } @Article{Chen2010, Title = {Linear gyrokinetic simulation of high-n toroidal Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes in a burning plasma}, Author = {Yang Chen and Scott E. Parker and J. Lang and G.-Y. Fu}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Number = {10}, Pages = {102504}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {A hybrid gyrokinetic ions/massless fluid electron model is used to study the stability of high-n toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) in ITER [ M. Shimada et al., Nucl. Fusion 47, S1 (2007) ]. The hybrid model has been implemented in the particle-in-cell turbulence simulation code GEM [ Y. Chen and S. E. Parker, J. Comput. Phys. 220, 839 (2007) ]. The adequacy of the hybrid model for simulating TAEs has been previously demonstrated [ J. Lang et al., Phys. Plasmas 16, 102101 (2009) ] by comparing the simulated TAE mode frequency and structure with an eigenmode analysis, and the thermal ion kinetic damping effect with analytic theory. By using a global particle-in-cell code the effects of large orbit width and nonlocal mode structures can be accurately included. Damping rate due to numerical filtering is carefully monitored, and convergence with respect to particle number, grid resolution, etc., is thoroughly tested. The simulations show that the most unstable modes in ITER lie in the rage of 10 [beta]c. The resistivity ([eta]) can be considered perturbatively for the ideal modes. In addition, four branches of resistive modes are induced by the resistivity: (1) resistive entropy modes which are stable with frequencies going to zero with resistivity as [eta]1/3; (2) tearing modes which are stable ([Delta]' < 0) with frequencies approaching zero as [eta]3/5; (3) resistive periodic shear Alfv�n waves which approach the finite frequency end points of the continuum bands as [eta]1/2; and (4) resistive ballooning modes which are purely growing with growth rate proportional to [eta]1/3[beta]2/3 as [eta] --> 0 and [beta] --> 0.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0003-4916(85)90335-5}, file = {Cheng1985.pdf:Cheng1985.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Liu CHEN}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.08}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WB1-4DF4W77-83/2/543a597be9ffe296d3adfaa63e6c426a}, } @Article{Cheng1994, Title = {Theory of Ballooning-Mirror Instabilities for Anisotropic Pressure Plasmas in the Magnetosphere}, Author = {C. Z. Cheng and Q. Qian}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1994}, Number = {A6}, Pages = {11,193-11,209}, Volume = {99}, Abstract = {A kinetic-MHD eigenmode analysis of ballooning-mirror instabilities is performed for anisotropic pressure plasmas in the magnetosphere. The energetic particle kinetic effects and the coupling between the ballooning and mirror modes are taken into account. Without energetic trapped particle kinetic effects the ballooning-mirror modes with symmetric field-aligned structure of parallel perturbed magnetic field δB ∥ and electrostatic potential Φ have lower β instability threshold than the antisymmetric modes. Pressure anisotropy with (P ⊥/P ∥ > 1) reduces the β threshold for ballooning-mirror instabilities. In the limit that the wave frequency is smaller than the energetic trapped particle magnetic drift frequency, the symmetric ballooning-mirror mode is completely stabilized by the energetic trapped particle kinetic effects. However, the antisymmetric ballooning-mirror mode is only weakly influenced by the energetic trapped particle kinetic effects and has the lowest β threshold. For symmetric modes the energetic trapped particles experience a bounce-averaged wave structure due to their rapid bounce motion, and their nonadiabatic kinetic pressure response cancels with their fluid pressure response so that they do not contribute to the mode stability. Physically, the energetic trapped particles precess very rapidly across the B → field, and their motion becomes very rigid with respect to low-frequency symmetric MHD perturbations. For antisymmetric modes the energetic trapped particle kinetic pressure response from the northern hemisphere cancels with that from the southern hemisphere in a bounce period, and thus the instability β thresholds is mainly determined by the energetic particle fluid free energy. The field-aligned perturbed magnetic field structure of the antisymmetric mode changes from a ballooning mode with dominant transverse magnetic field components at P ⊥/P ∥ = 1 to a mixed ballooning-mirror mode with comparable transverse and compressional components near the equator as P ⊥/P ∥ increase. With large equatorial plasma β (β∥ ≥ O(1)) and pressure anisotropy (P ⊥/P ∥ > 1) the field-aligned wave structure of antisymmetric ballooning-mirror mode resembles the multisatellite observation of a long lasting compressional Pc 5 wave event during November 14-15, 1979 [Takahashi et al., 1987].}, Doi = {10.1029/94JA00657}, File = {Cheng1994_94JA00657.pdf:Cheng1994_94JA00657.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1994/94JA00657.shtml} } @Article{Chirikov1979, Title = {A universal instability of many-dimensional oscillator systems}, Author = {Boris V. Chirikov}, Journal = {Physics Reports}, Year = {1979}, Number = {5}, Pages = {263 - 379}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {The purpose of this review article is to demonstrate via a few simple models the mechanism for a very general, universal instability - the Arnold diffusion--which occurs in the oscillating systems having more than two degrees of freedom. A peculiar feature of this instability results in an irregular, or stochastic, motion of the system as if the latter were influenced by a random perturbation even though, in fact, the motion is governed by purely dynamical equations. The instability takes place generally for very special initial conditions (inside the so-called stochastic layers) which are, however, everywhere dense in the phase space of the systsm. The basic and simplest one of the models considered is that of a pendulum under an external periodic perturbation. This model represents the behavior of nonlinear oscillations near a resonance, including the phenomenon of the stochastic instability within the stochastic layer of resonance. All models are treated both analytically and numerically. Some general regulations concerning the stochastic instability are presented, including a general, semi-quantitative method-the overlap criterion--to estimate the conditions for this stochastic instability as well as its main characteristics.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0370-1573(79)90023-1}, File = {Chirikov1979_sdarticle.pdf:Chirikov1979_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0370-1573}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.20}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TVP-46SPHBD-5V/2/cf84bfb81360e901a1e2b66baa0d7ce6} } @Article{Choyal2011, Title = {An exact linear dispersion relation for CRM instability}, Author = {Y Choyal and K Minami}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {8}, Pages = {085002}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {An exact self-consistent linear dispersion relation of a large orbit electron beam including two principles of cyclotron emission with oscillation frequencies above and below the relativistic electron frequency is derived and analyzed numerically for the first time in the literature. The two principles are cyclotron resonance maser (CRM) instability and Cherenkov instability in the azimuthal direction. Self-consistency in the formulation and inclusion of proper boundary conditions have removed the unphysical instability existing for infinitely large k z observed in conventional dispersion relations of CRM instability.}, File = {Choyal2011_0741-3335_53_8_085002.pdf:Choyal2011_0741-3335_53_8_085002.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=8/a=085002} } @Article{Chu1992, Title = {A numerical study of the high-n shear Alfv[e-acute]n spectrum gap and the high-n gap mode}, Author = {M. S. Chu and J. M. Greene and L. L. Lao and A. D. Turnbull and M. S. Chance}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1992}, Number = {11}, Pages = {3713-3721}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {The toroidicity‐induced gaps of the shear Alfvén wave spectrum in tokamaks are shown to satisfy an envelope equation. The structure of these gaps, and the location of the high‐n gap modes, which are localized modes with frequency in the gap, are studied for general numerically generated equilibria. The dependence of the frequencies of the gaps and the gap modes on the equilibrium properties, such as elongation, triangularity, and β of the plasma are explored.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860327}, File = {Chu1992_PFB003713.pdf:Chu1992_PFB003713.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; TOKAMAK DEVICES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; SOUND WAVES; COMPUTER CODES; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; BALLOONING INSTABILITY}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/3713/1} } @Article{Chust1999, Title = {Galileo plasma wave observations of iogenic hydrogen}, Author = {T. Chust and A. Roux and S. Perraut and P. Louarn and W. S. Kurth and D. A. Gurnett}, Journal = {Planetary and Space Science}, Year = {1999}, Number = {10-11}, Pages = {1377 - 1387}, Volume = {47}, Abstract = {The Galileo plasma wave instrument has detected intense electromagnetic wave emissions approximately centered on the second and fourth harmonics of the local proton gyrofrequency during the close equatorial flyby of Io on 7 December 1995. Their frequencies suggest these emissions are likely generated locally by an instability driven by non thermal protons. Given that this process occurs close to Io, we suggest that hydrogen-bearing compounds, escaping from Io, are broken up/ionized near this moon, thereby releasing protons. Newly-created protons are thus injected in the Jovian corotating plasma with the corotation velocity, leading to the formation of a ring in velocity space. Several electromagnetic wave-particle instabilities can be driven by a ring of newborn protons. Given that the corotating plasma is sub-Alfv�nic relative to Io, the magnetosonic mode cannot be destabilized by this proton ring. The full dispersion relation is studied using the WHAMP program (R�nmark, 1982. Rep. 179. Kiruna Geophys. Inst., Kiruna, Sweden) as well as a new algorithm that allows us to fit the distribution function of newborn protons in a more realistic way. This improvement in the ring model is necessary to explain the relative narrowness of the observed spectral peaks. The measured E/B ratio is also used to identify the relevant instability and wave mode: this mode results from the coupling between the ion Bernstein and the ion cyclotron mode (IBCW). To our knowledge this mode has not yet been studied. From the instability threshold an estimate of the density of newborn protons around Io is thus given; at about 2 Io radii from the surface and 40�W longitude from the sub-Jupiter meridian, this density is found to be >=0.5% of the local plasma density (~4000�cm-3), namely >=20�cm-3. Assuming a stationary pickup process and a r-n distribution of pickup protons within several Io radii of Io's wake, this implies that more than 1026 protons/s are created around Io. The ultimate origin of these protons is an open issue.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0032-0633(99)00059-8}, File = {Chust1999_sdarticle.pdf:Chust1999_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0032-0633}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.27}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V6T-3XYG4WH-M/2/a8bb73f83fa41b6aa69a3ec84b4a3dbe} } @Article{Cohen2008, Title = {Progress in Kinetic Simulation of Edge Plasmas}, Author = {Cohen, R. H. and Xu, X. Q.}, Journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, Year = {2008}, Number = {1-3}, Pages = {212--223}, Volume = {48}, Abstract = {Kinetic codes are required for quantitative simulation of edge plasmas of most tokamaks, because orbit widths can be comparable to radial scale lengths and because mean free paths can be comparable to scale lengths along the magnetic field. However, the edge presents special challenges for edge simulation, both in terms of formulation and implementation. There are two major approaches to kinetic simulation, namely particle-based and continuum- (high-dimensional fluid-) based. The edge presents challenges common to both approaches as well as ones that are unique to each approach. In this paper we review these challenges, and survey how they are being addressed in current edge kinetic simulation projects, as well as the status and accomplishments of those projects. We discuss in some detail the status and recent accomplishments of the U.S. Edge Simulation Laboratory (ESL), a project based on the continuum approach. The ESL currently consists of a main-line effort to develop a code based on high-order conservative finite-volume discretization, as well as two prototype activities, TEMPEST and EGK. These prototype codes are exploring issues attached to energy-magnetic moment and parallel velocity-magnetic moment representations, respectively, as well as physics issues associated with simulation in a steep radial gradient region and a domain that includes both open field lines and closed flux surfaces. (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)}, Doi = {10.1002/ctpp.200810038}, File = {Cohen2008_212_ftp.pdf:Cohen2008_212_ftp.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1521-3986}, Keywords = {Edge, plasma, simulation, kinetic, gyrokinetic}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.200810038} } @Article{Colombi2008, author = {St�phane Colombi and Jihad Touma}, title = {Vlasov-Poisson: The waterbag method revisited}, journal = {Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation}, year = {2008}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {46 - 52}, issn = {1007-5704}, note = {Vlasovia 2006: The Second International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of the Vlasov Equation}, abstract = {We revisit, with a view to refinement and generalization, the elegant waterbag method for the numerical treatment of Vlasov-Poisson equations. In this method, the phase space is decomposed into patches of constant density, and by exploiting Liouville's theorem, the dynamics is reduced to the evolution of the boundary of these patches (waterbags). We follow the boundary using an adaptive, oriented polygon, and recover the force by circulating along this polygon. We discuss sampling of initial conditions with a set of oriented isocontours, and propose a new refinement procedure for accurate rendering of the stretching and folding polygon. Time evolution is naturally undertaken with symplectic algorithms. Tools, initially developed for systems of self-gravitating sheets, generalize naturally to spherically symmetric systems. We conclude with examples of both cases.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2007.03.012}, file = {Colombi2008_sdarticle.pdf:Colombi2008_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, groups = {waterbag}, keywords = {Numerical methods}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.11.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6X3D-4NCSGND-1/2/317c4c5d477afaa658ac8c5772de70b2}, } @Article{Conner1994, author = {J W Conner and H R Wilson}, title = {Survey of theories of anomalous transport}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1994}, volume = {36}, number = {5}, pages = {719}, abstract = {Energy and particle confinement in tokamaks is usually anomalous, greatly exceeding neoclassical predictions. It is desirable to develop an understanding of the underlying processes to increase the confidence in extrapolation of tokamak behaviour towards reactor regimes. The literature abounds with theoretical expressions for anomalous transport coefficients based on turbulent diffusion due to various micro-instabilities. These often purport to provide explanations of tokamak confinement at the level of global scaling laws. However, comparison with experimental data from local transport analyses offers a far more stringent test of these theories. This review presents the available theories for turbulent transport coefficients, particularly ion and electron thermal diffusivities, in a way that will facilitate a programme of testing models against data. It provides a brief description of the basis for each theory to place it in context and then presents the resulting turbulent diffusivity. Particular emphasis is placed on the validity conditions under which the expressions may be used; this is important when subjecting them to meaningful tests against data. The present review emphasizes the more recent developments, building on earlier ones by Liewer and Ross et al. The results of this work have already been of value in carrying out a programme of testing theories against high quality JET data (Conner et al. (1993) and Tibone et al. (1994)).}, file = {Conner1994_0741-3335_36_5_002.pdf:Conner1994_0741-3335_36_5_002.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Review}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/36/i=5/a=002}, } @Article{Connor2006a, author = {Connor, J.}, title = {Magnetic geometry, plasma profiles, and stability}, journal = {Plasma Physics Reports}, year = {2006}, volume = {32}, pages = {539-548}, issn = {1063-780X}, note = {10.1134/S1063780X06070026}, abstract = {The history of the stability of short wavelength modes, such as MHD instabilities and drift waves, has been a long and tortuous one as increasingly realistic representations of the equilibrium magnetic geometry have been introduced. Early work began with simple slab or cylindrical models where plasma profiles and magnetic shear were seen to play key roles. Then the effects of toroidal geometry, in particular the constraints imposed by periodicity in the presence of magnetic shear, provided a challenge for theory, which was met by the ballooning transformation. More recently the limitations on the conventional ballooning theory arising from effects such as toroidal rotation shear, low magnetic shear, and the presence of the plasma edge have been recognized. These have led in turn to modifications and extensions of this theory. These developments have produced a continuously changing view of the stability of the “universal” drift wave, for example. After a survey of this background, we describe more recent work of relevance to currently important topics, such as transport barriers characterized by the presence of strong rotation shear and low magnetic shear and the edge localized modes that occur in H-mode.}, affiliation = {Culham Science Centre EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3DB UK}, file = {Connor2006_fulltext[1]10.pdf:Connor2006_fulltext[1]10.pdf:PDF}, issue = {7}, keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC.}, timestamp = {2011.08.24}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S1063780X06070026}, } @Article{Connor1979, Title = {High Mode Number Stability of an Axisymmetric Toroidal Plasma}, Author = {J. W. Connor and R. J. Hastie and J. B. Taylor}, Journal = {Proc. R. Soc. London Ser.A}, Year = {1979}, Pages = {1}, Volume = {365}, Abstract = {In the investigation of stability of a plasma confined by magnetic fields some of the most important modes of oscillation are those with long wavelength parallel to the magnetic field and short wavelength perpendicular to it. However, these characteristics conflict with the requirement of periodicity in a toroidal magnetic field with shear. This conflict can be resolved by transforming the calculation to one in an infinite domain without periodicity constraints. This transformation is the starting point for a full investigation of the magnetohydrodynamic stability of an axisymmetric plasma at large toroidal wave number $n$. (Small values of $n$ can be studied by direct numerical computation but this fails when $n$ is large.) For $n\gg $ 1 there are two distinct length scales in the problem and a systematic approximation is developed around an eikonal representation, formally as an expansion in $1/n$. In lowest order the oscillations of each magnetic surface are decoupled and a local eigenvalue is obtained. However, the mode structure is not fully determined in this lowest order. In higher orders a second eigenvalue equation is obtained which completes the determination of the structure of the mode and relates the local eigenvalue of the lower order theory to the true eigenvalue for the problem. This higher order theory shows that unstable modes are localized in the vicinity of the surface with the smallest local eigenvalue, that the true eigenvalue is close to the lowest local eigenvalue and that the most unstable high $n$ modes occur for $n\rightarrow $ $\infty $. Hence the local theory, which involves no more than the solution of an ordinary differential equation, is normally adequate for the determination of stability of any axisymmetric plasma to high mode number oscillations.}, Doi = {10.1098/rspa.1979.0001}, File = {Connor1979_Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A-1979-Connor-1-17.pdf:Connor1979_Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A-1979-Connor-1-17.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.06}, Url = {http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/365/1720/1} } @Article{Connor1978, Title = {Shear, Periodicity, and Plasma Ballooning Modes}, Author = {Connor, J. W. and Hastie, R. J. and Taylor, J. B.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1978}, Month = {Feb}, Number = {6}, Pages = {396--399}, Volume = {40}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.40.396}, File = {Connor1978_PhysRevLett.40.396.pdf:Connor1978_PhysRevLett.40.396.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.07.09} } @Article{Connor1998a, author = {J. W. Connor and R. J. Hastie and H. R. Wilson and R. L. Miller}, title = {Magnetohydrodynamic stability of tokamak edge plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {7}, pages = {2687-2700}, doi = {10.1063/1.872956}, file = {Connor1998_PhysPlasmas_5_2687.pdf:Connor1998_PhysPlasmas_5_2687.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; BOUNDARY LAYERS; EDGE LOCALIZED MODES; MHD EQUILIBRIUM; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; COUPLING; PLASMA INSTABILITY; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; plasma boundary layers; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2011.12.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/5/2687/1}, } @Article{Connor2000, author = {J W Connor and H R Wilson}, title = {A review of theories of the L-H transition}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2000}, volume = {42}, number = {1}, pages = {R1}, abstract = {After a general discussion of the experimental characteristics of the L-H transition and consideration of basic theoretical principles underlying models for it, this paper reviews the various theories of the L-H transition available in the literature, providing some background information on each theory and expressing the transition criteria in forms suitable for comparison with experiment. Some conclusions on the relevance of these models for explaining the experimental data on the transition are drawn.}, file = {Connor2000_0741-3335_42_1_201.pdf:Connor2000_0741-3335_42_1_201.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Review}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/42/i=1/a=201}, } @Article{Coppi1966, Title = {Drift Instability Due to Impurity Ions}, Author = {Coppi, B. and Furth, H. P. and Rosenbluth, M. N. and Sagdeev, R. Z.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1966}, Month = {Aug}, Pages = {377--379}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {none}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.17.377}, File = {Coppi1966_PhysRevLett.17.377.pdf:Coppi1966_PhysRevLett.17.377.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {7}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.11.25}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.17.377} } @Article{Coppi2012a, author = {B. Coppi and T. Zhou}, title = {Interpretation of the I-Regime and transport associated with relevant heavy particle modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, pages = {012302}, abstract = {The excitation of a novel kind of heavy particle [B. Coppi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 17, 377 (1966); B. Coppi and T. Zhou, MIT(LNS) Report HEP 09/04, 2009, Cambridge, MA [Phys. Lett. A 375, 2916 (2011)]] mode at the edge of the plasma column is considered as the signature of the I-confinement Regime [R. McDermott et al., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 53, 112 (2008); R. McDermott et al., Phys. Plasmas 16, 056103 (2009); E. Marmar et al., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 54, 97 (2009); D. Whyte et al., Nucl. Fusion 50, 105005 (2010); A. Hubbard et al., Phys. Plasmas 18, 056115 (2011)]. The outward transport of impurities produced by this mode is in fact consistent with the observed expulsion of them from the main body of the plasma column (a high degree of plasma purity is a necessary feature for fusion burning plasmas capable of approaching ignition). Moreover, the theoretically predicted mode phase velocity, in the direction of the electron diamagnetic velocity, has been confirmed by relevant experimental analyses [I. Cziegler, private communication (2010)] of the excited fluctuations (around 200 kHz). The plasma “spontaneous rotation” in the direction of the ion diamagnetic velocity is also consistent, according to the accretion theory [B. Coppi, Nucl. Fusion 42, 1 (2002)] of this phenomenon, with the direction of the mode phase velocity. Another feature of the mode that predicted by the theory is that the I-Regime exhibits a knee of the ion temperature at the edge of the plasma column, but not one of the particle density as the mode excitation factor is the relative main ion temperature gradient exceeding the local relative density gradient. The net plasma current density appearing in the saturation stage of the relevant instability, where the induced particle and energy fluxes are drastically reduced, is associated with the significant amplitudes of the poloidal magnetic field fluctuations [D. Whyte et al., Nucl. Fusion 50, 105005 (2010); A. Hubbard et al., Phys. Plasmas 18, 056115 (2011)] observed to accompany the density fluctuations. The theoretical implications of the significant electron temperature fluctuations [A. White, private communication (2011)] observed are discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3671944}, eid = {012302}, file = {Coppi2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012302.pdf:Coppi2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012302.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma density; plasma diamagnetism; plasma fluctuations; plasma impurities; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.01.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/012302/1}, } @Article{Cowley2003, Title = {Explosive instabilities: from solar flares to edge localized modes in tokamaks}, Author = {Steven C Cowley and Howard Wilson and Omar Hurricane and Bryan Fong}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2003}, Number = {12A}, Pages = {A31}, Volume = {45}, Abstract = {The mechanisms for the explosive loss of plasma confinement that occurs in solar flares, magnetospheric sub-storms, tokamak disruptions and edge localized modes remain largely unexplained. Modelling the rapid onset of such events provides a considerable challenge to theory. A possible explanation for these events, nonlinear explosive ballooning, is discussed. In this mechanism a narrow finger of plasma erupts from inside the plasma growing explosively and pushing aside other field lines—the instability spreads from a small region until it disturbs lines across a large section of plasma. The model predicts the observed features of some high β tokamak disruptions.}, File = {Cowley2003_0741-3335_45_12A_003.pdf:Cowley2003_0741-3335_45_12A_003.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.11}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/45/i=12A/a=003} } @InProceedings{Crawford2004, Title = {Visualizing Gyrokinetic Simulations}, Author = {Crawford, David and Ma, Kwan-Liu and Huang, Min-Yu and Klasky, Scott and Ethier, Stephane}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the conference on Visualization '04}, Year = {2004}, Address = {Washington, DC, USA}, Pages = {59--66}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, Series = {VIS '04}, Acmid = {1034431}, Doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/VISUAL.2004.122}, File = {Crawford2004_87880059.pdf:Crawford2004_87880059.pdf:PDF}, ISBN = {0-7803-8788-0}, Keywords = {graphics hardware, non-rectilinear mesh, plasma physics, scientific visualization, texture methods, volume visualization}, Numpages = {8}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.07}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/VISUAL.2004.122} } @Article{Crouseilles2004, Title = {Numerical approximation of collisional plasmas by high order methods}, Author = {Crouseilles, N.a b , Filbet, F.c}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {2004}, Note = {cited By (since 1996) 11}, Number = {2}, Pages = {546-572}, Volume = {201}, Abbrev_source_title = {J. Comput. Phys.}, Abstract = {In this paper, we investigate the approximation of the solution to the Vlasov equation coupled with the Fokker-Planck-Landau collision operator using a phase space grid. On the one hand, the algorithm is based on the conservation of the flux of particles and the distribution function is reconstructed allowing to control spurious oscillations and preserving positivity and energy. On the other hand, the method preserves the main properties of the collision operators in order to reach the correct stationary state. Several numerical results are presented in one dimension in space and three dimensions in velocity. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.}, Affiliation = {Math. pour l'Industrie et la Phys., CNRS UMR 5640, Universite Paul Sabatier-Toulouse 3, 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 4, France; CEA-CESTA, DEV/SIS, BP2 33114, Le Barp, France; Mathématiques et Applications, Physique Mathematique d'Orleans, Université d'Orléans, B.P. 6759, F-45067 Orléans Cedex 2, France}, Author_keywords = {Finite difference methods; Landau-Fokker-Planck equation; Vlasov-Poisson system}, Coden = {JCTPA}, Correspondence_address = {Crouseilles, N.; Math. pour l'Industrie et la Phys., CNRS UMR 5640, Universite Paul Sabatier-Toulouse 3, 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 4, France; email: crouseilles@mip.ups-tlse.fr}, Document_type = {Article}, Doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2004.06.007}, File = {Crouseilles2004.pdf:Crouseilles2004.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {00219991}, Language = {English}, Owner = {hsxie}, References = {Arsen'ev, A.A., Buryak, O.E., On the connection between a solution of the Boltzmann equation and a solution of the Fokker-Planck-Landau equation (1991) Math. 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Mond}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1981}, Note = {http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ABVU_v1_0.html}, Number = {3}, Pages = {397 - 406}, Volume = {21}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0010-4655(81)90016-3}, File = {Cuperman1981_sdarticle[2]5.pdf:Cuperman1981_sdarticle[2]5.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.31}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465581900163} } @Article{Dannert2004, Title = {Vlasov simulation of kinetic shear Alfvén waves}, Author = {Tilman Dannert and Frank Jenko}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {2004}, Number = {2}, Pages = {67 - 78}, Volume = {163}, Abstract = {The treatment of kinetic shear Alfvén waves in homogeneous magnetized plasmas by means of Vlasov simulation is examined. To this end, the driftkinetic version of the Vlasov–Maxwell equations is solved via various numerical schemes, all employing a grid in ( 1 + 1 ) D phase space. Since kinetic shear Alfvén waves are Landau damped, the use of an equidistant grid in velocity space leads to a recurrence problem. The latter can be circumvented, however, by damping the finest velocity space scales through higher-order collision operators. Of particular interest is the question if and under which circumstances the magnetohydrodynamic limit (small perpendicular wavenumber) can be recovered.}, Doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2004.09.001}, File = {Dannert2004_science.pdf:Dannert2004_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Keywords = {Alfvén waves}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.23}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465504004357} } @Article{Darwin1920, author = {Darwin, C.G.}, title = {LI. The dynamical motions of charged particles}, journal = {Philosophical Magazine Series 6}, year = {1920}, volume = {39}, number = {233}, pages = {537-551}, comment = {Darwin model for Maxwellian equations See also: [1] Jackson J. D., Classical Electrodynamics (Wiley, 1962), P409-411 or (3rd. ed, 1999) P596-598. [2] L. Landau and E. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields (Pergamon, London, 1962), Sec. 65.}, doi = {10.1080/14786440508636066}, eprint = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14786440508636066}, file = {Darwin1920_14786440508636066.pdf:Darwin1920_14786440508636066.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.12.18}, url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14786440508636066}, } @Article{Das2012, author = {B K Das and Sanjay Kumar and R P Sharma}, title = {Nonlinear interaction of kinetic Alfvén waves with slow Alfvén waves and application to solar wind}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {2012}, volume = {85}, number = {3}, pages = {035501}, abstract = {This paper presents the nonlinear coupling between kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) and slow Alfvén waves (SWs) in high-β plasmas (β ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/Gt.gif] {Gt} m e / m i ), which is applicable to solar wind plasma. The pump KAW is perturbed by a low-frequency SW. When the ponderomotive nonlinearities are incorporated into the KAW and SW dynamics, the model equations of KAW and SW turn out to be the modified Zakharov system of equations. The growth rate of the instability has been calculated and its dependence on the perturbation wave number has also been presented. The relevance of these investigations for solar wind plasma has been discussed.}, file = {Das2012_1402-4896_85_3_035501.pdf:Das2012_1402-4896_85_3_035501.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.09}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/85/i=3/a=035501}, } @Article{Daughton2003, Title = {Electromagnetic properties of the lower-hybrid drift instability in a thin current sheet}, Author = {William Daughton}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {3103}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {The linear and nonlinear properties of the lower-hybrid drift instability are examined in a thin current sheet with thickness comparable to a thermal ion gyroradius ρi ∼ L. The linear Vlasov stability is calculated using a formally exact technique in which the orbit integrals are treated numerically and the eigenvalue problem for the resulting system of integrodifferential equations is solved using a finite element representation of the eigenfunction. For the fastest growing lower-hybrid modes with wavelength on the electron gyroscale (kyρe ∼ 1), the resulting mode structure is localized on the edge of the current sheet. However, for modes with wavelengths intermediate between the electron and ion gyroscale ky ∼ 1, the lower-hybrid instability has a significant electromagnetic component to the mode structure which is localized in the central region of the sheet. The addition of a weak guide field complicates the mode structure and gives rise to fluctuations in all three components of the magnetic field. These new predictions from linear Vlasov theory are confirmed using fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations which indicate the modes saturate at large amplitude in the central region of the sheet. These results suggest the possibility that the electromagnetic fluctuations may potentially influence the development of magnetic reconnection.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1594724}, File = {Daughton2003_PhysPlasmas_10_3103.pdf:Daughton2003_PhysPlasmas_10_3103.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.16}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v10/i8/p3103_s1} } @Article{Daughton1999, Title = {The unstable eigenmodes of a neutral sheet}, Author = {William Daughton}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1999}, Pages = {1329}, Volume = {6}, Abstract = {The linear stability of a Harris current sheet is examined using the Vlasov description for both ions and electrons. Orbit integrals are treated numerically using the exact particle orbits and including the global structure of the perturbation inside the integral. Both electromagnetic and electrostatic contributions to the field perturbation are retained and the eigenvalue problem for the system of integro-differential equations is solved using a Hermite expansion of the eigenfunction. For the tearing mode, results are in excellent agreement with established theory. For the recently discovered kink mode, results are consistent with kinetic simulations at low mass ratio mi/me ⩽ 16. However, in the limit of realistic electron mass, the growth rate of the kink mode is substantially reduced in contrast to results from kinetic simulations. It is demonstrated that a background population may dramatically alter the growth rate of the kink mode at realistic values of the mass ratio. This result may have relevance to the stability of the Earth’s geomagnetic tail.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873374}, File = {Daughton1999_PhysPlasmas_6_1329.pdf:Daughton1999_PhysPlasmas_6_1329.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.10}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v6/i4/p1329_s1} } @Article{Daughton2004, Title = {Nonlinear Evolution of the Lower-Hybrid Drift Instability in a Current Sheet}, Author = {Daughton, William and Lapenta, Giovanni and Ricci, Paolo}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2004}, Month = {Sep}, Pages = {105004}, Volume = {93}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.105004}, File = {Daughton2004_PhysRevLett.93.105004.pdf:Daughton2004_PhysRevLett.93.105004.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {10}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.10.10}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.105004} } @Article{Davidson1977a, author = {R. C. Davidson and N. T. Gladd and C. S. Wu and J. D. Huba}, title = {Effects of finite plasma beta on the lower‐hybrid‐drift instability}, journal = {Phys. Fluids}, year = {1977}, volume = {20}, pages = {301}, abstract = {The local dispersion relation for the lower‐hybrid‐drift isntability is derived in a fully self‐consistent manner including the finite‐beta effects associated with (a) transverse electromagnetic perturbations (δB≠0), and (b) resonant and nonresonant hB0 electron orbit modifications. Moreover, the analysis is carried out for arbitrary values of local β=8πn (Te+Ti)/B02, Te/Ti, ω2pe/ω2ce, and VE/vi. (Here, VE is the cross‐field E×B velocity, and vi is the ion thermal speed.) For all parameter regimes studied, the net effect of finite plasma beta is to reduce the maximum growth rate γm of the lower‐hybrid‐drift instability. The details, however, vary, depending on plasma parameters. For example, if Te≪Ti and VE [Omega]i, where [Omega]i is the ion-beam gyrofrequency), in connection with pickup cometary ions. It has been recently demonstrated that in the cold plasma theory, left- and right-hand modes can be destabilized in a rather large range of frequency and wavenumber values. It has also been shown that, in some cases, the unstable spectrum has a band structure. We study here thermal effects on the cold modes and show that, as the temperature increases, the band structure becomes a double-humped unstable spectrum. For even larger temperatures, the double-humped structure is washed out, remaining a single-humped spectrum, but with an instability range which is similar to the cold plasma case. We then apply these results to the solar wind.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0032-0633(98)00069-5}, File = {Gomberoff1998_sdarticle.pdf:Gomberoff1998_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0032-0633}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.09}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V6T-3VT9V31-10/2/d2784dd519ab4379fb0e4faf3ec83c1b} } @Article{Gomberoff2005, Title = {Effects of nonlinear left-hand circularly polarized waves supported by a proton beam on linear beam-plasma instabilities}, Author = {L. Gomberoff and J. Hoyos}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2005}, Number = {9}, Pages = {092108}, Volume = {12}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2042187}, Eid = {092108}, File = {Gomberoff2005_PhysPlasmas_12_092108.pdf:Gomberoff2005_PhysPlasmas_12_092108.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma nonlinear waves; proton beams; plasma-beam interactions; plasma instability; plasma temperature; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma ion acoustic waves}, Numpages = {8}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.04.10}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/12/092108/1} } @Article{Gorelenkov2000, Title = {Stability properties of toroidal Alfvén modes driven by fast particles}, Author = {N.N. Gorelenkov and S. Bernabei and C.Z. Cheng and K.W. Hill and R. Nazikian and S. Kaye and Y. Kusama and G.J. Kramer and K. Shinohara and T. Ozeki and M.V. Gorelenkova}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2000}, Number = {7}, Pages = {1311}, Volume = {40}, Abstract = {Issues of Alfvén mode stability in advanced tokamak regimes are addressed on the basis of recent developments in theory, computational methods and progress in experiments. The instability of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) is analysed for spherical tokamaks, such as the NSTX using the NOVA-K code. Modes in the Alfvén frequency range observed in JT-60U during negative ion based NBI heating at energies E b0 = 360 keV, and in TFTR during ICRH experiments with chirping frequency, on various timescales, are analysed using the kinetic non-perturbative code HINST, which is able to resolve new resonant branches of the toroidal Alfvén modes called resonant TAEs (RTAEs). However, as is shown the mechanisms for frequency chirping may be different in different experiments. In TFTR, frequency chirping results from the slow variation of q profile between sawteeth. In JT-60U experiments some frequency chirping modes have very short timescales, which suggests the cause is the change in fast particle distribution.}, File = {Gorelenkov2000_0029-5515_40_7_303.pdf:Gorelenkov2000_0029-5515_40_7_303.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.06}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/40/i=7/a=303} } @Article{Gorelenkov1998, Title = {HINST: A two-dimensional code for high-n toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmodes stability}, Author = {N. N. Gorelenkov and C. Z. Cheng and W. M. Tang}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1998}, Pages = {3389}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {A high-n stability code, HINST, has been developed to study the stability of TAE (toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmodes) in large tokamaks such as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) [D. E. Post, Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1991), Vol. 3, p. 239] where the spectrum of unstable TAE modes is shifted toward medium to high-n modes. The code solves the two-dimensional (2-D) eigenmode problem by expanding the eigenfunction in terms of basis functions. Based on the Fourier-ballooning formalism the eigenmode problem is reduced to a system of coupled one-dimensional equations, which is solved numerically by using the finite element method. The numerical method allows one to include nonperturbatively nonideal effects such as: finite ion Larmor radius, trapped electron collisional damping, etc. The 2-D numerical results of TAE and resonance TAE (RTAE) modes are compared with those from local ballooning calculations and the global magnetohydrodynamic nonvariational code NOVA [C. Z. Cheng and M. S. Chance, J. Comput. Phys. 71, 124 (1987)]. The results show that for ITER-like plasma parameters, TAE and RTAE modes can be driven unstable by alpha particles for n = 10–20. The growth rate for the most unstable mode is within the range γ/ωA ≃ 0.3%–1.5%. The most unstable modes are localized near r/a ≃ 0.5 and have a broad radial mode envelope width.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873052}, File = {Gorelenkov1998_PhysPlasmas_5_3389.pdf:Gorelenkov1998_PhysPlasmas_5_3389.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.06}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v5/i9/p3389_s1} } @Article{Gorelenkov2011, Title = {Combined ideal and kinetic effects on reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes}, Author = {N. N. Gorelenkov and G. J. Kramer and R. Nazikian}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {102503}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {A reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAEs) theory has been developed for reversed magnetic field shear plasmas when the safety factor minimum, q min , is at or above a rational value. The modes we study are known sometimes as either the bottom of the frequency sweep or the down sweeping RSAEs. We show that, strictly speaking, the ideal MHD theory is not compatible with the eigenmode solution in the reversed shear plasma with q min above integer values. Corrected by a special analytic finite Larmor radius (FLR) condition, MHD dispersion of these modes nevertheless can be developed. Numerically, MHD structure can serve as a good approximation for the RSAEs.The large radial scale part of the analytic RSAE solution can be obtained from ideal MHD and expressed in terms of the Legendre functions. The kinetic equation with FLR effects for the eigenmode is solved numerically and agrees with the analytic solutions. Properties of RSAEs and their potential implications for plasma diagnostics are discussed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3640691}, File = {Gorelenkov2011_PhysPlasmas_18_102503.pdf:Gorelenkov2011_PhysPlasmas_18_102503.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.17}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i10/p102503_s1} } @Article{Gorelenkov1992, Title = {On the collisional damping of TAE-modes on trapped electrons in tokamaks}, Author = {N N Gorelenkov and S E Sharapov}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {1992}, Number = {2}, Pages = {163}, Volume = {45}, Abstract = {The trapped electron collisional damping of global toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE-modes) is investigated. The collisions of trapped electrons with passing ones and ions lead to the essentially enhanced damping rate of TAE-modes in comparison with usually assumed damping due to the magnetic curvature drift of the electrons.}, File = {Gorelenkov1992_1402-4896_45_2_016.pdf:Gorelenkov1992_1402-4896_45_2_016.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.31}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/45/i=2/a=016} } @Article{Gorler2011a, author = {Tobias Gorler and Xavier Lapillonne and Stephan Brunner and Tilman Dannert and Frank Jenko and Sohrab Khosh Aghdam and Patrick Marcus and Ben F. McMillan and Florian Merz and Olivier Sauter and Daniel Told and and Laurent Villard}, title = {Flux- and gradient-driven global gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak turbulence}, journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, pages = {056103}, abstract = {The Eulerian gyrokinetic turbulence code gene has recently been extended to a full torus code. Moreover, it now provides Krook-type sources for gradient-driven simulations where the profiles are maintained on average as well as localized heat sources for a flux-driven type of operation. Careful verification studies and benchmarks are performed successfully. This setup is applied to address three related transport issues concerning nonlocal effects. First, it is confirmed that in gradient-driven simulations, the local limit can be reproduced—provided that finite aspect ratio effects in the geometry are treated carefully. In this context, it also becomes clear that the profile widths (not the device width) may constitute a more appropriate measure for finite-size effects. Second, the nature and role of heat flux avalanches are discussed in the framework of both local and global, flux- and gradient-driven simulations. Third, simulations dedicated to discharges with electron internal barriers are addressed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3567484}, file = {Gorler2011_PhysPlasmas_18_056103.pdf:Gorler2011_PhysPlasmas_18_056103.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.11.02}, url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i5/p056103_s1}, } @Article{Grad1969, Title = {Plasmas}, Author = {Harold Grad}, Journal = {Physics Today}, Year = {1969}, Number = {12}, Pages = {34-44}, Volume = {22}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3035293}, File = {Grad1969_PTO000034.pdf:Grad1969_PTO000034.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.12.08}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PTO/22/34/1} } @Article{Grandgirard2006, Title = {A drift-kinetic Semi-Lagrangian 4D code for ion turbulence simulation}, Author = {V. Grandgirard and M. Brunetti and P. Bertrand and N. Besse and X. Garbet and P. Ghendrih and G. Manfredi and Y. Sarazin and O. Sauter and E. Sonnendrücker and J. Vaclavik and L. Villard}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {2006}, Number = {2}, Pages = {395 - 423}, Volume = {217}, Abstract = {A new code is presented here, named Gyrokinetic SEmi-LAgragian (GYSELA) code, which solves 4D drift-kinetic equations for ion temperature gradient driven turbulence in a cylinder (r, θ, z). The code validation is performed with the slab ITG mode that only depends on the parallel velocity. This code uses a semi-Lagrangian numerical scheme, which exhibits good properties of energy conservation in non-linear regime as well as an accurate description of fine spatial scales. The code has been validated in the linear and non-linear regimes. The GYSELA code is found to be stable over long simulation times (more than 20 times the linear growth rate of the most unstable mode), including for cases with a high resolution mesh (δr ∼ 0.1 Larmor radius, δz ∼ 10 Larmor radius).}, Doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2006.01.023}, File = {Grandgirard2006_science.pdf:Grandgirard2006_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Keywords = {Semi-Lagrangian}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.15}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999106000155} } @Article{Graves2012, Title = {Control of magnetohydrodynamic stability by phase space engineering of energetic ions in tokamak plasmas}, Author = {Graves, J.P. and Chapman, I.T. and Coda, S. and Lennholm, M. and Albergante, M. and Jucker, M.}, Journal = {Nat Commun}, Year = {2012}, Month = jan, Note = {http://www.nature.com/ncomms/journal/v3/n1/full/ncomms1622.html}, Pages = {624--}, Volume = {3}, Abstract = {Virtually collisionless magnetic mirror-trapped energetic ion populations often partially stabilize internally driven magnetohydrodynamic disturbances in the magnetosphere and in toroidal laboratory plasma devices such as the tokamak. This results in less frequent but dangerously enlarged plasma reorganization. Unique to the toroidal magnetic configuration are confined 'circulating' energetic particles that are not mirror trapped. Here we show that a newly discovered effect from hybrid kinetic-magnetohydrodynamic theory has been exploited in sophisticated phase space engineering techniques for controlling stability in the tokamak. These theoretical predictions have been confirmed, and the technique successfully applied in the Joint European Torus. Manipulation of auxiliary ion heating systems can create an asymmetry in the distribution of energetic circulating ions in the velocity orientated along magnetic field lines. We show the first experiments in which large sawtooth collapses have been controlled by this technique, and neoclassical tearing modes avoided, in high-performance reactor-relevant plasmas.}, Comment = {10.1038/ncomms1622}, File = {Graves2012_ncomms1622.pdf:Graves2012_ncomms1622.pdf:PDF;Graves2012_EFDP11021.pdf:Graves2012_EFDP11021.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved.}, Timestamp = {2012.01.14}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms1622} } @Article{Graves2004, Title = {Influence of Asymmetric Energetic Ion Distributions on Sawtooth Stabilization}, Author = {Graves, Jonathan P.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2004}, Month = {May}, Pages = {185003}, Volume = {92}, Abstract = {The effect of energetic asymmetrically distributed ions on the stability of the internal kink mode in tokamaks is analyzed. Circulating ions which intersect the resonant surface due to finite radial excursion contribute to the mode either in the region of favorable or unfavorable curvature depending on the sign of v∥. Internal kink mode stabilization for predominantly cocirculating ion populations is consistent with the observation of long sawteeth using tangential coinjection of neutral beams in JT-60U [ G. J. Kramer et al. Nucl. Fusion 40 1383 (2000)]. Off-axis neutral beam heating emerges as a possible means of assisting sawtooth control in future fusion grade experiments.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.185003}, File = {Graves2004_Influence of Asymmetric Energetic Ion Distributions on Sawtooth Stabilization.pdf:Graves2004_Influence of Asymmetric Energetic Ion Distributions on Sawtooth Stabilization.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {18}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2012.01.07}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.185003} } @Article{Graves2011, Title = {RECENT ADVANCES IN SAWTOOTH CONTROL}, Author = {Graves, J. P. and Chapman, I. T. and Coda, S. and Johnson, T. and Lennholm, M. and Paley, J. I. and Sauter, O. and JET-EFDA Contributors}, Journal = {FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY}, Year = {2011}, Month = {APR}, Number = {3, SI}, Pages = {539-548}, Volume = {59}, Abstract = {Important advances have been made recently in the invention and application of experimental methods to control the sawtooth instability in tokamak plasmas. The primary means of control involves the application of either ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH), or electron cyclotron heating, with resonance very close to the q = 1 radius in the plasma core. Reported here are experiments that have successfully applied these methods to either shorten or lengthen the sawteeth deliberately, in a variety of plasma conditions, in three tokamaks: Joint European Torus (JET), TCV, and Tore Supra. It is shown that despite the sensitivity of the sawtooth period to the resonance position, sawteeth can be controlled using either real-time control of the electron cyclotron deposition, or in the case of ion cyclotron heating, very careful adjustment of the magnetic field strength and minority ion concentration. The latter technique has been guided by theoretical advances that have enabled the control of sawteeth in JET with ITER-relevant ICRH scenarios.}, File = {Graves2011_EFDP10018.pdf:Graves2011_EFDP10018.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {{1536-1055}}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.14}, Unique-id = {{ISI:000289175200009}}, Url = {http://www.new.ans.org/store/j_11695} } @Article{Greene1979, Title = {A method for determining a stochastic transition}, Author = {John M. Greene}, Journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, Year = {1979}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1183-1201}, Volume = {20}, Abstract = {A number of problems in physics can be reduced to the study of a measure‐preserving mapping of a plane onto itself. One example is a Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom, i.e., two coupled nonlinear oscillators. These are among the simplest deterministic systems that can have chaotic solutions. According to a theorem of Kolmogorov, Arnol’d, and Moser, these systems may also have more ordered orbits lying on curves that divide the plane. The existence of each of these orbit types depends sensitively on both the parameters of the problem and on the initial conditions. The problem addressed in this paper is that of finding when given KAM orbits exist. The guiding hypothesis is that the disappearance of a KAM surface is associated with a sudden change from stability to instability of nearby periodic orbits. The relation between KAM surfaces and periodic orbits has been explored extensively here by the numerical computation of a particular mapping. An important part of this procedure is the introduction of two quantities, the residue and the mean residue, that permit the stability of many orbits to be estimated from the extrapolation of results obtained for a few orbits. The results are distilled into a series of assertions. These are consistent with all that is previously known, strongly supported by numerical results, and lead to a method for deciding the existence of any given KAM surface computationally.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.524170}, File = {Greene1979_JMathPhys_20_1183.pdf:Greene1979_JMathPhys_20_1183.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.05.29}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/20/1183/1} } @Article{Greene1962, Title = {Stability Criterion for Arbitrary Hydromagnetic Equilibria}, Author = {John M. Greene and John L. Johnson}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1962}, Pages = {510}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {A necessary and sufficient condition for the stability with respect to localized displacements is obtained for arbitrary bounded hydromagnetic equilibria. The use of a natural coordinate system which contains the important properties of the equilibrium configuration facilitates the understanding of the instability.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1706651}, File = {Greene1962_PFL000510.pdf:Greene1962_PFL000510.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.15}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v5/i5/p510_s1} } @Article{Greenhough2003, Title = {Probability distribution functions for ELM bursts in a series of JET tokamak discharges}, Author = {J Greenhough and S C Chapman and R O Dendy and D J Ward}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2003}, Number = {5}, Pages = {747}, Volume = {45}, Abstract = {A novel statistical treatment of the full raw edge localized mode (ELM) signal from a series of previously studied JET plasmas is tested. The approach involves constructing probability distribution functions (PDFs) for ELM amplitudes and time separations, and quantifying the fit between the measured PDFs and model distributions (Gaussian, inverse exponential) and Poisson processes. Uncertainties inherent in the discreteness of the raw signal require the application of statistically rigorous techniques to distinguish ELM data points from background, and to extrapolate peak amplitudes. The accuracy of PDF construction is further constrained by the relatively small number of ELM bursts (several hundred) in each sample. In consequence the statistical technique is found to be difficult to apply to low frequency (typically Type I) ELMs, so the focus is narrowed to four JET plasmas with high frequency (typically Type III) ELMs. The results suggest that there may be several fundamentally different kinds of Type III ELMing process at work. It is concluded that this novel statistical treatment can be made to work, may have wider applications to ELM data, and has immediate practical value as an additional quantitative discriminant between classes of ELMing behaviour.}, File = {Greenhough2003_PPCF.pdf:Greenhough2003_PPCF.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.11}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/45/i=5/a=316} } @Article{Gros1978, author = {M Gros and P Bertrand and M R Feix}, title = {Connection between hydrodynamic, water bag and Vlasov models}, journal = {Plasma Physics}, year = {1978}, volume = {20}, number = {10}, pages = {1075}, abstract = {For long wavelength, slightly nonlinear excitations and initial preparations such as the usual adiabatic invariant Pn -3 is space independent, the hydrodynamic model is equivalent to the water bag, and for long wavelengths a nice agreement is found with the full numerical solution of the Vlasov equation. For other initial conditions when the water bag cannot be defined, the hydrodynamic approach does not represent the correct behaviour.}, file = {Gros1978.pdf:Gros1978.pdf:PDF}, groups = {waterbag}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.11.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0032-1028/20/i=10/a=008}, } @Article{Grossmann1973, Title = {Decay of MHD waves by phase mixing}, Author = {Grossmann, W. and Tataronis, J.}, Journal = {Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei}, Year = {1973}, Note = {10.1007/BF01391914}, Pages = {217-236}, Volume = {261}, Abstract = {The dispersion relation for stable waves in ideal MHD plasmas with diffuse profiles has been calculated. The non-uniformity in the density and magnetic field profiles gives rise to a very strong damping. Phase mixing is the mechanism responsible for the damping and can be seen to occur due to the presence of the continuous spectrum of the MHD equations of motion. The special case of the linear ?-pinch is examined in detail. In particular, damping coefficients for torsional Alfvén waves are computed which agree very well with a rather wide range of experimental findings.}, Affiliation = {Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Euratom Association Garching bei München Germany}, File = {Grossmann1973_fulltext.pdf:Grossmann1973_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0939-7922}, Issue = {3}, Keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, Timestamp = {2011.07.05}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01391914} } @Article{Gryaznevich2008, Title = {Recent experiments on Alfvén eigenmodes in MAST}, Author = {M.P. Gryaznevich and S.E. Sharapov and M. Lilley and S.D. Pinches and A.R. Field and D. Howell and D. Keeling and R. Martin and H. Meyer and H. Smith and R. Vann and P. Denner and E. Verwichte and the MAST Team}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2008}, Number = {8}, Pages = {084003}, Volume = {48}, Abstract = {The developments of advanced tokamak scenarios as well as the employment of a new neutral beam injection (NBI) source with higher power and beam energy up to ≈65 keV have significantly broadened the frequency range and the variety of Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) excited by the super-Alfvénic NBI on the spherical tokamak MAST. During recent experiments on MAST, several distinct classes of beam-driven AEs have been identified, with different modes being most unstable in different MAST scenarios. In MAST discharges with elevated monotonic q ( r )-profiles and NBI power ≥3 MW, chirping modes starting in the frequency range ≤150 kHz decreased in frequency down to ≈20 kHz as q (0) decreased and then smoothly transformed to long-living modes with a weakly-varying frequency and a n = 1 kink-mode structure. The bolometer data suggest that the long-living modes can be responsible for fast ion losses on MAST, while the charge-exchange data show that a coupling between these modes and other low-frequency modes can cause a collapse of toroidal plasma rotation with a subsequent disruption. In MAST discharges with reversed magnetic shear, Alfvén cascade eigenmodes in the frequency range 40–180 kHz were observed at a moderate NBI power ≤2 MW allowing an additional assessment of q ( r )-profile evolution in time. A robust reproducible scenario was found on MAST, in which the instability of high-frequency modes in the range 0.4–3.8 MHz and typically with negative toroidal mode numbers was dominating the spectrum of beam-driven AEs. Since the highest frequency of such modes is close to the on-axis ion cyclotron frequency and the polarization study of these modes show a significant parallel perturbed magnetic field, these modes are identified as compressional Alfvén eigenmodes. For investigating the AE spectrum in plasmas with high β, an active AE antenna has been installed on MAST. First measurements of stable AE modes in MAST have been performed successfully and are described here.}, File = {Gryaznevich2008_0029-5515_48_8_084003.pdf:Gryaznevich2008_0029-5515_48_8_084003.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.02}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/48/i=8/a=084003} } @Article{Guan2010, Title = {Phase-space dynamics of runaway electrons in tokamaks}, Author = {Xiaoyin Guan and Hong Qin and Nathaniel J. Fisch}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Number = {9}, Pages = {092502}, Volume = {17}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3476268}, Eid = {092502}, File = {Guan2010_PhysPlasmas_17_092502.pdf:Guan2010_PhysPlasmas_17_092502.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma drift waves; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {9}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/092502/1} } @Article{Guo2009, Title = {Radial Spreading of Drift-Wave--Zonal-Flow Turbulence via Soliton Formation}, Author = {Guo, Zehua and Chen, Liu and Zonca, Fulvio}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2009}, Month = {Jul}, Number = {5}, Pages = {055002}, Volume = {103}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.055002}, File = {Guo2009_PhysRevLett.103.055002.pdf:Guo2009_PhysRevLett.103.055002.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.06.29} } @Article{Guo2008, Title = {Theory of charged particle heating by low-frequency Alfv[e-acute]n waves}, Author = {Zehua Guo and Chris Crabtree and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Number = {3}, Pages = {032311}, Volume = {15}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2899326}, Eid = {032311}, File = {Guo2008_PhysPlasmas_15_032311.pdf:Guo2008_PhysPlasmas_15_032311.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {perturbation theory; plasma Alfven waves; plasma heating}, Numpages = {8}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.06.29}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/032311/1} } @Article{Gustafson2012a, author = {Gustafson, K. and Ricci, P. and Furno, I. and Fasoli, A.}, title = {Nondiffusive Suprathermal Ion Transport in Simple Magnetized Toroidal Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {035006}, month = {Jan}, abstract = {We investigate suprathermal ion dynamics in simple magnetized toroidal plasmas in the presence of electrostatic turbulence driven by the ideal interchange instability. Turbulent fields from fluid simulations are used in the nonrelativistic equation of ion motion to compute suprathermal tracer ion trajectories. Suprathermal ion dispersion starts with a brief ballistic phase, during which particles do not interact with the plasma, followed by a turbulence interaction phase. In this one simple system, we observe the entire spectrum of suprathermal ion dynamics, from subdiffusion to superdiffusion, depending on beam energy and turbulence amplitude. We estimate the duration of the ballistic phase and identify basic mechanisms during the interaction phase that determine the dependencies of the character of suprathermal ion dispersion upon the beam energy and turbulence fluctuation amplitude.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.035006}, file = {Gustafson2012_PhysRevLett.108.035006.pdf:Gustafson2012_PhysRevLett.108.035006.pdf:PDF}, issue = {3}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.01.28}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.035006}, } @Article{Gustavson1966, Title = {On constructing formal integrals of a Hamiltonian system near ail equilibrium point}, Author = {F. G. Gustavson}, Journal = {Astronomical Journal}, Year = {1966}, Number = {8}, Pages = {670}, Volume = {71}, File = {Gustavson1966_1966AJ71670G.pdf:Gustavson1966_1966AJ71670G.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.05}, Url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1966AJ.....71..670G} } @Article{Hager2012a, author = {Hager, Robert and Hallatschek, Klaus}, title = {Nonlinear Dispersion Relation of Geodesic Acoustic Modes}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {035004}, month = {Jan}, abstract = {The energy input and frequency shift of geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) due to turbulence in tokamak edge plasmas are investigated in numerical two-fluid turbulence studies. Surprisingly, the turbulent GAM dispersion relation is qualitatively equivalent to the linear GAM dispersion but can have drastically enhanced group velocities. In up-down asymmetric geometry the energy input due to turbulent transport may favor the excitation of GAMs with one particular sign of the radial phase velocity relative to the magnetic drifts and may lead to pulsed GAM activity.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.035004}, file = {Hager2012_PhysRevLett.108.035004.pdf:Hager2012_PhysRevLett.108.035004.pdf:PDF}, issue = {3}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.01.28}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.035004}, } @Article{Hahm1988a, Title = {Nonlinear gyrokinetic equations for tokamak microturbulence}, Author = {T. S. Hahm}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1988}, Pages = {2670}, Volume = {31}, Doi = {10.1063/1.866544}, File = {Hahm1988a_PFL002670.pdf:Hahm1988a_PFL002670.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.07} } @Article{Hahm1988b, Title = {Nonlinear gyrokinetic theory for finite‐beta plasmas}, Author = {T. S. Hahm and W. W. Lee and A. Brizard}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1988}, Pages = {1940}, Volume = {31}, Doi = {10.1063/1.866641}, File = {Hahm1988b_PFL001940.pdf:Hahm1988b_PFL001940.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.28}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v31/i7/p1940_s1} } @Article{Hahm2009, Title = {Fully electromagnetic nonlinear gyrokinetic equations for tokamak edge turbulence}, Author = {T. S. Hahm and Lu Wang and J. Madsen}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {022305}, Volume = {16}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3073671}, File = {Hahm2009_PhysPlasmas_16_022305.pdf:Hahm2009_PhysPlasmas_16_022305.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.30}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i2/p022305_s1} } @Article{Haines1996, author = {M G Haines}, title = {Fifty years of controlled fusion research}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1996}, volume = {38}, number = {5}, pages = {643}, abstract = {Plasma Physics Group, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BZ, UK This short article marks the 50th anniversary of Thomson and Blackman's patent application describing a gas discharge apparatus for a thermonuclear reactor. The original patent is reproduced in full.}, file = {Haines1996_0741-3335_38_5_001.pdf:Haines1996_0741-3335_38_5_001.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Review}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/38/i=5/a=001}, } @Article{Hamada1962, Title = {Hydromagnetic equilibria and their proper coordinates}, Author = {Shigeo Hamada}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1962}, Number = {1-2}, Pages = {23}, Volume = {2}, Abstract = {Proper coordinate systems are constructed in hydromagnetic equilibria and their properties are studied. First, the contra-gradient components of magnetic field and of current density are surface quantities. Second, the equi-pressure surfaces which have no singularity within a finite volume must be topologically torus-shaped. Third, a general condition of no charge separation is deduced as follows: There must be a simple closed loop on every equi-pressure surface having the property that the integral ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/2/1-2/005/nf_2_1_005inline1.gif] {\int\limits_A^B {{\text{d}}l/H}} is constant for the variable A. Here, the integral is carried out along a magnetic line from a point A on the loop to the returning point B on the same loop, and d l is the magnetic line element. An expression of the shape of current lines is obtained from the condition in the cases of unclosed field and of twisted field. A method of determining the magnetic surfaces which coincide with equi-pressure surfaces is obtained in the case of closed field. We examine the successive approximation method developed by M. Kruskal et al. with the help of these methods. It fails in the first approximation in almost all cases of twisted fields. It can be used in the case of unclosed field if the rotational transform ratio is one of the continued fractions constructed in this paper. It can be used in the case of the closed field with mirror symmetry when the plasma pressure gradient is not too steep. An effect of the closed magnetic lines in a twisted field is considered. The diffusing velocity of plasma is infinite in the neighbourhood of magnetic surfaces which are made of closed lines not satisfying the condition of no charge separation. The ratio of the measure of the highly diffusing region to the measure of the whole system is estimated in an easy case. The result suggests that the confinement time of plasma may be considerably shorter than that of plasma in the field compatible with the condition of no charge separation.}, File = {Hamada1962_0029-5515_2_1-2_005[1].pdf:Hamada1962_0029-5515_2_1-2_005[1].pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.15}, Url = {http://iopscience.iop.org/0029-5515/2/1-2/005} } @Article{Hameiri1991, Title = {The Ballooning Instability in Space Plasmas}, Author = {E. Hameiri and P. Laurence and M. Mond}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1991}, Number = {A2}, Pages = {1513-1526}, Volume = {96}, Abstract = {The theory of ballooning modes, which are modes localized to a particular magnetic field line, is extended to configurations relevant to space plasmas. Included are the effects of gravity and rotation and, in particular, boundary effects on magnetic field lines which intersect the plasma boundary. Three types of boundary conditions are considered, corresponding to perfectly conducting, conducting, and insulating boundaries. The interchange instability is also examined and is shown to be a special case of the ballooning instability.}, Doi = {10.1029/90JA02100}, File = {Hameiri1991_90JA02100.pdf:Hameiri1991_90JA02100.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.30}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1991/90JA02100.shtml} } @Article{Hammett1992, Title = {Fluid models of phase mixing, Landau damping, and nonlinear gyrokinetic dynamics}, Author = {G. W. Hammett and W. Dorland and F. W. Perkins}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1992}, Number = {7}, Pages = {2052-2061}, Volume = {4}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860014}, File = {Hammett1992_landaufluid.pdf:Hammett1992_landaufluid.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {LANDAU DAMPING; TURBULENCE; TRANSPORT THEORY; KINETIC EQUATIONS; MOMENTS METHOD; BESSEL FUNCTIONS; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; DRIFT WAVES; FLUID MODELS}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.13}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/2052/1} } @Article{Hao2011a, Title = {Stabilization of the resistive wall mode instability by trapped energetic particles}, Author = {G. Z. Hao and Y. Q. Liu and A. K. Wang and H. B. Jiang and Gaimin Lu and H. D. He and X. M. Qiu}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {032513}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {A theoretical model for investigating the effect of the trapped energetic particles (EPs) on the resistive wall mode (RWM) instability is proposed. The results demonstrate that the trapped EPs have a dramatic stabilizing effect on the RWM because of resonant interaction between the mode and the magnetic precession drift motion of the trapped EPs. The results also show that the effect of the trapped EPs depends on the wall position. In addition, the stabilizing effect becomes stronger when the plasma rotation is taken into account. For sufficiently fast plasma rotation, the trapped EPs can lead to the complete stabilization of the RWM. Furthermore, the trapped EPs can induce a finite real frequency of the RWM in the absence of plasma rotation.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3569854}, File = {Hao2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_032513.pdf:Hao2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_032513.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i3/p032513_s1} } @Article{Hao2011b, Title = {Effect of Trapped Energetic Particles on the Resistive Wall Mode}, Author = {Hao, G. Z. and Wang, A. K. and Liu, Y. Q. and Qiu, X. M.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2011}, Month = {Jul}, Number = {1}, Pages = {015001}, Volume = {107}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.015001}, File = {Hao2011b_PhysRevLett.107.015001.pdf:Hao2011b_PhysRevLett.107.015001.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.07.03} } @Article{Harris1962, Title = {On a plasma sheath separating regions of oppositely directed magnetic field}, Author = {Harris, E.}, Journal = {Il Nuovo Cimento (1955-1965)}, Year = {1962}, Note = {10.1007/BF02733547}, Pages = {115-121}, Volume = {23}, Abstract = {An exact solution of the Vlasov equations is found which describes a layer of plasma confined between two regions of oppositely directed magnetic field. The electrons and ions have Maxwellian distributions on the plane where the magnetic field vanishes. In the coordinate system, in which the electron and ion drift velocities are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, the electric field vanishes and the electron and ion densities are everywhere equal.}, Affiliation = {Euratom C.N.E.N. Frascati}, File = {Harris1962_fulltext.pdf:Harris1962_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {1}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {Italian Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.04.30}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02733547} } @Article{Harris1959, Title = {Unstable Plasma Oscillations in a Magnetic Field}, Author = {Harris, E. G.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1959}, Month = {Jan}, Number = {2}, Pages = {34--36}, Volume = {2}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.2.34}, File = {Harris1959_PhysRevLett.2.34.pdf:Harris1959_PhysRevLett.2.34.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {2}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.04.28} } @Article{Hasegawa1976, Title = {Particle Acceleration by MHD Surface Wave and Formation of Aurora}, Author = {Akira Hasegawa}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1976}, Number = {28}, Pages = {5083-5090}, Volume = {81}, Abstract = {Hydromagnetic surface waves, excited either by a MHD plasma instability or by an externally applied impulse, are shown to resonantly mode convert to the kinetic Alfvén wave, the Alfvén wave having a wavelength comparable to the ion gyroradius in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. The kinetic Alfvén wave has a component of its electric field in the direction of the ambient magnetic field and can accelerate plasma particles along the field line. Because of the property of the wave the acceleration occurs on a thin magnetic surface separated by the ion gyroradius. A possible relation between this type of acceleration and the formation of aurora arcs is discussed.}, Doi = {10.1029/JA081i028p05083}, File = {Hasegawa1976a_PhysRevLett.36.1362.pdf:Hasegawa1976a_PhysRevLett.36.1362.pdf:PDF;Hasegawa1976b.pdf:Hasegawa1976b.pdf:PDF;Hasegawa1976_JA081i028p05083.pdf:Hasegawa1976_JA081i028p05083.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.23}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1976/JA081i028p05083.shtml} } @Article{Hasegawa1969, Title = {Drift Mirror Instability in the Magnetosphere}, Author = {Akira Hasegawa}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1969}, Pages = {2642}, Volume = {12}, Abstract = {A new theory of the mirror instability is developed which includes the effects of ∇B and ∇n, finite Larmor radius, and a coexisting cold plasma. It is shown that the instability becomes overstable with a frequency equal to the drift wave frequency, which may be determined by the wave‐number that gives the maximum growth rate. The theory is applied to explain the sudden kink in the increase (decrease) of proton flux (magnetic field) and the subsequent oscillations observed during a storm time on 18 April 1965 by detectors on the Explorer 26 satellite.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1692407}, File = {Hasegawa1969_PFL002642.pdf:Hasegawa1969_PFL002642.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.08}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v12/i12/p2642_s1} } @Article{Hasegawa1968, Title = {Theory of Longitudinal Plasma Instabilities}, Author = {Hasegawa, Akira}, Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, Year = {1968}, Month = {May}, Number = {1}, Pages = {204--214}, Volume = {169}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.169.204}, File = {Hasegawa1968_PhysRev.169.204.pdf:Hasegawa1968_PhysRev.169.204.pdf:PDF;Hasegawa1968a_PFL001995.pdf:Hasegawa1968a_PFL001995.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {10}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.21} } @Article{Hasegawa1964, Title = {Sheet-Current Plasma Model for Ion-Cyclotron Waves}, Author = {Akira Hasegawa and Charles K. Birdsall}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1964}, Number = {10}, Pages = {1590-1600}, Volume = {7}, Abstract = {An approximate plasma model, using current sheets, is introduced and initial results are presented. The primary utility is to obtain the nonlinear behavior of ion‐cyclotron waves. Linear analysis is used to develop the bicircular particle motion, to show the coupling of the ion‐cyclotron resonance for finite T⊥, to show Landau cyclotron damping for finite T∥. The sheet model is developed in terms of vector potential A and sheet current density Js for k parallel to the steady field B0. There are transverse fields only, with sheet motion along three coordinates. The electrons are assumed to be hot, forming a neutralizing background. The model accuracy tests show a reasonable duplication of cold plasma ion waves. The first computer experiment shows wave damping for T∥ ≫ T⊥ at the rate expected from linear analysis, and with T∥ decreasing, T⊥ increasing. The second computer experiment shows wave growth for T⊥ ≫ T∥, at the rate expected, and with T⊥ decreasing and T∥ increasing. The third computer experiment was to find the limit in T⊥ for interaction with an electron stream for ω ∼ ωci; the nonlinear limit found is equal transverse energies, whereas linear analysis shows an me∕mi smaller value. This result is encouraging for using this method for ion heating.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1711064}, File = {Hasegawa1964_PFL001590.pdf:Hasegawa1964_PFL001590.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/7/1590/1} } @Article{Hasegawa1976a, Title = {Parametric Decay of "Kinetic Alfv\'en Wave" and Its Application to Plasma Heating}, Author = {Hasegawa, Akira and Chen, Liu}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1976}, Month = {Jun}, Number = {23}, Pages = {1362--1365}, Volume = {36}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.36.1362}, File = {Hasegawa1976a_PhysRevLett.36.1362.pdf:Hasegawa1976a_PhysRevLett.36.1362.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.08.07} } @Article{Hasegawa1976b, author = {Akira Hasegawa and Liu Chen}, title = {Kinetic processes in plasma heating by resonant mode conversion of Alfv[e-acute]n wave}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1976}, volume = {19}, number = {12}, pages = {1924-1934}, doi = {10.1063/1.861427}, file = {Hasegawa1976b.pdf:Hasegawa1976b.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Liu CHEN}, keywords = {PLASMA HEATING; MAGNETIC FIELDS; ALFVEN WAVES; HYDROMAGNETIC WAVES; ELECTRON TEMPERATURE; KINETIC EQUATIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/19/1924/1}, } @Article{Hasegawa1975, Title = {Kinetic Process of Plasma Heating Due to Alfv\'en Wave Excitation}, Author = {Hasegawa, Akira and Chen, Lui}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1975}, Month = {Aug}, Number = {6}, Pages = {370--373}, Volume = {35}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.35.370}, File = {Hasegawa1975_PhysRevLett.35.370.pdf:Hasegawa1975_PhysRevLett.35.370.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.08.07} } @Article{Hasegawa1974, Title = {Plasma Heating by Alfv\'en-Wave Phase Mixing}, Author = {Hasegawa, Akira and Chen, Liu}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1974}, Month = {Mar}, Pages = {454--456}, Volume = {32}, Abstract = {We propose the heating of collisionless plasma by utilizing a spatial phase mixing by shear Alfvén wave resonance and discuss the application to toroidal plasma. The phase mixing takes place as a result of the nonuniform Alfvén speed. The approximate heating rate per cycle of the wave frequency is given by (b02/μ0)κ/k⊥ where κ is the measure of the nonuniformity, k⊥ is the wave number perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field and the nonuniformity, and b0 is the flux density of the applied-wave magnetic field.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.32.454}, File = {Hasegawa1974_PhysRevLett.32.454.pdf:Hasegawa1974_PhysRevLett.32.454.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {9}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2012.01.31}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.32.454} } @Article{Hasegawa1978, Title = {Pseudo-three-dimensional turbulence in magnetized nonuniform plasma}, Author = {Akira Hasegawa and Kunioki Mima}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1978}, Number = {1}, Pages = {87-92}, Volume = {21}, Doi = {10.1063/1.862083}, File = {Hasegawa1978_PFL000087.pdf:Hasegawa1978_PFL000087.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {THREEDIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS; INHOMOGENEOUS PLASMA; ELECTRON TEMPERATURE; TURBULENCE; NAVIERSTOKES EQUATION; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; MAGNETIC FIELDS; PLASMA WAVES; SPECTRAL DENSITY; COLLISIONLESS PLASMA}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.30}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/21/87/1} } @Article{Hasegawa1977, Title = {Stationary Spectrum of Strong Turbulence in Magnetized Nonuniform Plasma}, Author = {Hasegawa, Akira and Mima, Kunioki}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1977}, Month = {Jul}, Number = {4}, Pages = {205--208}, Volume = {39}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.39.205}, File = {Hasegawa1977_PhysRevLett.39.205.pdf:Hasegawa1977_PhysRevLett.39.205.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.30} } @Article{Hasegawa1968a, Title = {One-Dimensional Plasma Model in the Presence of a Magnetic Field}, Author = {Akira Hasegawa and Hideo Okuda}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1968}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1995-2003}, Volume = {11}, Abstract = {A new sheet model is developed which is suitable for studying one‐dimensional electromagneto‐kinetic disturbances propagating with an arbitrary angle to an applied magnetic field. The model is a generalization of the sheet charge‐type models previously considered. The concept of a retardationless electromagnetic field is introduced to provide the coupling between the sheet charges and currents. Some examples of wave propagation using the model are shown which compare very well with those predicted from the dispersion relation.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1692232}, File = {Hasegawa1968a_PFL001995.pdf:Hasegawa1968a_PFL001995.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/11/1995/1} } @Article{Hasegawa2011, Title = {Mirror Mode Expansion in Planetary Magnetosheaths: Bohm-like Diffusion}, Author = {Hasegawa, Akira and Tsurutani, Bruce T.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2011}, Month = {Dec}, Pages = {245005}, Volume = {107}, Abstract = {Observed scale sizes of mirror modes in planetary magnetosheaths tend to be equal or larger than those that correspond to the maximum growth rate of the mirror instability: 9 ρp (proton gyroradius). These phenomena can be accounted for by introducing a diffusion process (Bohm) that shifts the spectra to lower wave numbers as the mode convects away from the source to the observation point. The theory is applied to data obtained in the magnetosheaths of Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, and the heliosheath, and shown to provide reasonable agreement to past spacecraft observations. Further observational tests of the theory are suggested.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.245005}, File = {Hasegawa2011_PhysRevLett.107.245005.pdf:Hasegawa2011_PhysRevLett.107.245005.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {24}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.12.08}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.245005} } @Article{Hastie1967, Title = {Adiabatic invariants and the equilibrium of magnetically trapped particles}, Author = {R.J. Hastie and J.B. Taylor and F.A. Haas}, Journal = {Annals of Physics}, Year = {1967}, Number = {2}, Pages = {302 - 338}, Volume = {41}, Abstract = {This paper deals with two topics, firstly with the conditions for plasma equilibrium in an arbitrary magnetic field and their relation to the lowest order particle adiabatic invariants, and secondly with the form of the higher order contributions to these adiabatic invariants. In Part I the equilibrium conditions are investigated in a systematic way: As the time scale of equilibrium is increased the constraints on the distribution function become more severe until they culminate in the requirement that it be a function of the lowest order adiabatic invariants. In Part II it is shown that this discussion of equilibrium leads to a convenient and novel way of generating the adiabatic invariants, not just to lowest order but including higher order contributions, for which a recurrence formula is derived. When the first correction to the longitudinal invariant J = [contour integral operator] [nu][short parallel]ds is computed, some interesting differences are found between the case of particles oscillating between mirrors and that of particles circulating round closed field lines. Part III discusses the effect of electric fields and the extension of the calculations to time dependent magnetic fields, leading to the third adiabatic invariant (the flux invariant). Part IV deals with the case of toroidal magnetic fields possessing magnetic surfaces and the form of longitudinal invariant appropriate in such a field. In the case of small rotational transform a modified line integral for J leads to a convenient description of particle motions in toroidal systems, including the effects of both rotational transform and guiding center drifts.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0003-4916(67)90237-0}, File = {Hastie1967_sdarticle.pdf:Hastie1967_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0003-4916}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.01}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0003491667902370} } @Article{Hau2007a, author = {Hau, L.-N. and Wang, B.-J.}, title = {On MHD waves, fire-hose and mirror instabilities in anisotropic plasmas}, journal = {Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {5}, pages = {557--568}, doi = {10.5194/npg-14-557-2007}, file = {Hau2007_npg-14-557-2007.pdf:Hau2007_npg-14-557-2007.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.09.23}, url = {http://www.nonlin-processes-geophys.net/14/557/2007/}, } @Article{Hauff2009, Title = {Electrostatic and magnetic transport of energetic ions in turbulent plasmas}, Author = {Hauff, T. and Pueschel, M. J. and Dannert, T. and Jenko, F.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2009}, Month = {Feb}, Pages = {075004}, Volume = {102}, Abstract = {Analytical and numerical work is used in tandem to address the problem of turbulent transport of energetic ions in magnetized plasmas. It is shown that orbit averaging is not valid under rather generic conditions, and that perpendicular decorrelation effects lead to a slow 1/E decay of the electrostatic particle diffusivity of beam ions, while the respective magnetic quantity is even independent of the particle energy E.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.075004}, File = {Hauff2009_PhysRevLett.102.075004.pdf:Hauff2009_PhysRevLett.102.075004.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {7}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2012.02.02}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.075004} } @Article{Haverkort2012, Title = {The effect of toroidal plasma rotation on low-frequency reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes in tokamaks}, Author = {J W Haverkort}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {025005}, Volume = {54}, Abstract = {The influence of toroidal plasma rotation on the existence of reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAEs) near their minimum frequency is investigated analytically. An existence condition is derived showing that a radially decreasing kinetic energy density is unfavourable for the existence of RSAEs. The Coriolis effect is typically unfavourable for modes moving slower than the plasma or moving in the opposite direction. The generality of the analysis allows for the description of downwards sweeping RSAEs and also rotation-induced modes in regular shear plasmas.}, File = {Haverkort2012_0741-3335_54_2_025005.pdf:Haverkort2012_0741-3335_54_2_025005.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.09}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=2/a=025005} } @Article{Hazeltine1985a, author = {R. D. Hazeltine and J. D. Meiss}, title = {Shear-Alfv�n dynamics of toroidally confined plasmas}, journal = {Physics Reports}, year = {1985}, volume = {121}, number = {1-2}, pages = {1 - 164}, issn = {0370-1573}, abstract = {Recent developments in the stability theory of toroidally confined plasmas are reviewed, with the intention of providing a picture comprehensible to non-specialists. The review considers a class of low-frequency, electromagnetic disturbances that seem especially pertinent to modern high-temperature confinement experiments. It is shown that such disturbances are best unified and understood through consideration of a single, exact fluid moment: the shear-Alfv�n law. Appropriate versions of this law and its corresponding closure relations are derived, essentially from first principles, and applied in a variety of mostly, but not exclusively, linear contexts. Among the specific topics considered are: flux coordinates (including Hamada coordinates), the Newcomb solubility condition, Shafranov geometry, magnetic island evolution, reduced MHD and its generalizations, drift-kinetic electron response, classical tearing, twisting, and kink instabilities, pressure-modified tearing instability ([Delta]-critical), collisionless and semi-collisional tearing modes, the ballooning representation in general geometry, ideal ballooning instability. Mercier criterion, near-axis expansions, the second stability region, and resistive and kinetic ballooning modes. The fundamental importance of toroidal topology and curvature is stressed.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0370-1573(85)90083-3}, file = {Hazeltine1985_sdarticle[2]3.pdf:Hazeltine1985_sdarticle[2]3.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.07.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0370157385900833}, } @Article{He2011, Title = {Study of fishbone instabilities induced by energetic particles in tokamak plasmas}, Author = {H.D. He and J.Q. Dong and G.Y. Fu and Z.X. He and H.B. Jiang and Z.T. Wang and G.Y. Zheng and F. Liu and Y.X. Long and Y. Shen and L.F. Wang}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {11}, Pages = {113012}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {Fishbone instabilities, driven by trapped and barely passing energetic particles (EPs), including electrons and ions (EEs or EIs), are numerically studied with the spatial distribution of EPs taken into account. The dispersion relations of the modes are derived for slowing-down and Maxwellian models of EP energy distribution. It is found that the modes with frequency comparable to the toroidal precession frequency ω d of EPs are resonantly excited. Electron and ion fishbone modes share the same growth rates and real frequencies but rotate in opposite directions. The frequency of the modes is found to be higher in the case of near-axis heating than that of off-axis heating. The fishbone instabilities can only be excited by barely trapped or barely passing and deeply trapped particles in positive and negative spatial density gradient regions, respectively. In addition, the most interesting feature of the fishbone modes induced by barely passing particles is that there exists a second stable regime in the higher β h (pressure of EPs/toroidal magnetic pressure) region, and the modes exist in the range of β th1 < β h < β th2 (β th is threshold or critical beta of EPs) only. The results are well confirmed with Nyquist technology. The possible physical mechanism for the existence of the second stable regime is discussed.}, File = {He2011_0029-5515_51_11_113012.pdf:He2011_0029-5515_51_11_113012.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.26}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=11/a=113012} } @Article{Heeter2000, Title = {Chaotic Regime of Alfv\'en Eigenmode Wave-Particle Interaction}, Author = {Heeter, R. F. and Fasoli, A. F. and Sharapov, S. E.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2000}, Month = {Oct}, Number = {15}, Pages = {3177--3180}, Volume = {85}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.3177}, File = {Heeter2000_PhysRevLett.85.3177.pdf:Heeter2000_PhysRevLett.85.3177.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2010.12.30} } @Article{Heidbrink1994, Title = {The behaviour of fast ions in tokamak experiments}, Author = {W.W. Heidbrink and G.J. Sadler}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1994}, Number = {4}, Pages = {535}, Volume = {34}, Abstract = {Fast ions with energies significantly larger than the bulk ion temperature are used to heat most tokamak plasmas. Fast ion populations created by fusion reactions, by neutral beam injection and by radiofrequency (RF) heating are usually concentrated in the centre of the plasma. The velocity distribution of these fast ion populations is determined primarily by Coulomb scattering; during wave heating, perpendicular acceleration by the RF waves is also important. Transport of fast ions is typically much slower than thermal transport, except during MHD events. Intense fast ion populations drive collective instabilities. Implications for the behaviour of alpha particles in future devices are discussed}, File = {Heidbrink1994_0029-5515_34_4_I07.pdf:Heidbrink1994_0029-5515_34_4_I07.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/34/i=4/a=I07} } @Article{Heidbrink2008, Title = {Basic physics of Alfv[e-acute]n instabilities driven by energetic particles in toroidally confined plasmas}, Author = {W. W. Heidbrink}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Number = {5}, Pages = {055501}, Volume = {15}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2838239}, Eid = {055501}, File = {Heidbrink2008_0-1_Basic.pdf:Heidbrink2008_0-1_Basic.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma instability; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma oscillations; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {15}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.12.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/055501/1} } @Article{Heidbrink2002, Title = {Alpha particle physics in a tokamak burning plasma experiment}, Author = {W. W. Heidbrink}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2002}, Number = {5}, Pages = {2113-2119}, Volume = {9}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1461383}, File = {Heidbrink2002_PhysPlasmas_9_2113.pdf:Heidbrink2002_PhysPlasmas_9_2113.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; free energy; plasma Alfven waves; plasma instability; plasma transport processes; plasma heating}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.12.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/9/2113/1} } @Article{Heidbrink1993, Title = {The nonlinear saturation of beam‐driven instabilities: Theory and experiment}, Author = {W. W. Heidbrink and H. H. Duong and J. Manson and E. Wilfrid and C. Oberman and E. J. Strait}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids B}, Year = {1993}, Pages = {2176}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {Intense fast‐ion populations created by neutral‐beam injection into a tokamak can destabilize toroidicity‐induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE modes) or internal kink modes. Experimentally, these modes stabilize when fast ions are ejected from the plasma, producing a cycle of relaxation oscillations about the marginal stability point. A pair of coupled differential equations describes this cycle. This simple theoretical formalism successfully describes the cycles observed during TAE experiments in DIII‐D [Plasma Physics Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, 1986 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1987), Vol. 1, p. 159].}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860752}, File = {Heidbrink1993_PFB002176.pdf:Heidbrink1993_PFB002176.pdf:PDF;Heidbrink1993a_PhysRevLett.71.855.pdf:Heidbrink1993a_PhysRevLett.71.855.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/pfbpei/v5/i7/p2176_s1} } @Article{Heidbrink1997, Title = {Stable ellipticity-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes in the Joint European Torus}, Author = {W. W. Heidbrink and A. Fasoli and D. Borba and A. Jaun}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1997}, Number = {10}, Pages = {3663-3666}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {An external antenna excites stable eigenmodes in elongated Ohmically heated plasmas in the Joint European Torus (JET) [P.-H. Rebut, R. J. Bickerton, and B. E. Keen, Nucl. Fusion 25, 1011 (1985)]. The frequency of the modes (240−290 kHz) falls in the gap in the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) continuum that is produced by ellipticity. Some modes are very weakly damped (γ/ω<10−3).}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872262}, File = {Heidbrink1997_PhysPlasmas_4_3663.pdf:Heidbrink1997_PhysPlasmas_4_3663.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; JET TOKAMAK; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; EIGENSTATES; RESISTANCE HEATING; PLASMA HEATING; PLASMA INSTABILITY; DAMPING; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma Alfven waves; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma ohmic heating}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/3663/1} } @Article{Heidbrink1999, Title = {What is the ``beta-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode?''}, Author = {W. W. Heidbrink and E. Ruskov and E. M. Carolipio and J. Fang and M. A. van Zeeland and R. A. James}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1999}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1147-1161}, Volume = {6}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873359}, File = {Heidbrink1999_PhysPlasmas_6_1147.pdf:Heidbrink1999_PhysPlasmas_6_1147.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; EIGENFREQUENCY; PLASMA INSTABILITY; CHARGED-PARTICLE TRANSPORT; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; BETA RATIO; VELOCITY; plasma Alfven waves; plasma transport processes; plasma toroidal confinement}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.05.02}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/1147/1} } @Article{Heidbrink1993a, Title = {Observation of beta-induced Alfv\'en eigenmodes in the DIII-D tokamak}, Author = {Heidbrink, W. W. and Strait, E. J. and Chu, M. S. and Turnbull, A. D.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1993}, Month = {Aug}, Pages = {855--858}, Volume = {71}, Abstract = {Energetic ions can drive Alfvén gap modes unstable, causing large losses of fast ions. Toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) were expected to disappear into the shear Alfvén continuum and become stable as the plasma beta increased. Although TAE modes may disappear, another dangerous instability with similar properties but approximately half the TAE frequency appears in a spectral gap that is created by finite beta effects. The measured frequency of the new mode agrees with the theoretical frequency of beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.71.855}, File = {Heidbrink1993a_PhysRevLett.71.855.pdf:Heidbrink1993a_PhysRevLett.71.855.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {6}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2012.01.31}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.71.855} } @Article{Heikkinen2007, Title = {Kinetic, two-fluid and MHD simulations of plasmas}, Author = {J A Heikkinen and J Lönnroth}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2007}, Number = {12B}, Pages = {B465}, Volume = {49}, Abstract = {The kinetic and extended magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation methods are discussed in the context of their ability to simulate macroscopic plasma evolution on an MHD evolution time scale with microturbulence in toroidal magnetized plasmas. To properly model the evolution of neoclassical equilibrium, it is important to use full- f gyrokinetic calculation with sufficient accuracy for perpendicular viscosity. Similarly in MHD problems, a good accuracy in constructing the closures, in particular for the viscosity stress elements, is required. Although evidence of spontaneous reduction of transport with the consequent rapid steepening of the pressure gradient is found in simulations with full- f 5D gyrokinetic and 3D Braginskii fluid equations, no simulation of the transport barrier formation in agreement with experimental observations has yet been presented. For a comprehensive description of edge plasma dynamics, including L–H transition, pedestal formation, and ELM oscillation problems, full- f 5D gyrokinetic simulation is a necessity, at least in hybrid with 3D MHD. With present-day computers, the global transport time scale can be reached with full- f gyrokinetic simulations in small tokamaks (ρ * ≤ 50–100), while fluid simulation has to be used for MHD evolution time scale in medium-sized tokamaks.}, File = {Heikkinen2007_0741-3335_49_12B_S44.pdf:Heikkinen2007_0741-3335_49_12B_S44.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/49/i=12B/a=S44} } @Article{Heikkinen2008, Title = {Full f gyrokinetic method for particle simulation of tokamak transport}, Author = {J.A. Heikkinen and S.J. Janhunen and T.P. Kiviniemi and F. Ogando}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {2008}, Number = {11}, Pages = {5582 - 5609}, Volume = {227}, Abstract = {A gyrokinetic particle-in-cell approach with direct implicit construction of the coefficient matrix of the Poisson equation from ion polarization and electron parallel nonlinearity is described and applied in global electrostatic toroidal plasma transport simulations. The method is applicable for calculation of the evolution of particle distribution function f including as special cases strong plasma pressure profile evolution by transport and formation of neoclassical flows. This is made feasible by full f formulation and by recording the charge density changes due to the ion polarization drift and electron acceleration along the local magnetic field while particles are advanced. The code has been validated against the linear predictions of the unstable ion temperature gradient mode growth rates and frequencies. Convergence and saturation in both turbulent and neoclassical limit of the ion heat conductivity is obtained with numerical noise well suppressed by a sufficiently large number of simulation particles. A first global full f validation of the neoclassical radial electric field in the presence of turbulence for a heated collisional tokamak plasma is obtained. At high Mach number ( M p ∼ 1 ) of the poloidal flow, the radial electric field is significantly enhanced over the standard neoclassical prediction. The neoclassical radial electric field together with the related GAM oscillations is found to regulate the turbulent heat and particle diffusion levels particularly strongly in a large aspect ratio tokamak at low plasma current.}, Doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2008.02.013}, File = {Heikkinen2008_science.pdf:Heikkinen2008_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Keywords = {Particle simulation}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999108001009} } @Article{Heikkinen2001, Title = {Particle Simulation of the Neoclassical Plasmas}, Author = {J.A Heikkinen and T.P Kiviniemi and T Kurki-Suonio and A.G Peeters and S.K Sipilä}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {2001}, Number = {2}, Pages = {527 - 548}, Volume = {173}, Abstract = {A 5D Monte Carlo particle simulation method for advancing rotating plasmas in tori is presented. The method exploits the neoclassical radial current balance (quasineutrality condition). Including the ion polarization current gives the time rate of change of the radial electric field and related evolution of the rotation velocity components. A special orbit initialization for a quiescent start and an efficient radial flux solving algorithm with reduced numerical noise are developed. Numerical stability of the method with respect to the strength of the perpendicular viscosity and Mach number of the poloidal rotation is investigated. This new approach enables one to separate the nonambipolar transport characteristics from the ambipolar ones. Because nonambipolar transport can support sheared flows, this model can provide a very efficient tool for studying transport barriers and related neoclassical mechanisms in toroidal plasmas.}, Doi = {10.1006/jcph.2001.6891}, File = {Heikkinen2001_science.pdf:Heikkinen2001_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.29}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999101968913} } @Article{Hellinger1999, Title = {Electromagnetic ion beam instabilities - Oblique pulsations}, Author = {Hellinger, P | Mangeney, A}, Journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, Year = {1999}, Month = {1 Mar.}, Number = {A3}, Pages = {4669-4680}, Volume = {104}, Abstract = {We present results of a 2D hybrid simulation of the EM proton beam instability. We show that for a case of cold and rather high density proton beam the oblique right-handed resonant modes play an important role. The interaction of these modes with the beam protons causes significant beam density fluctuations. At the nonlinear stage the oblique modes give rise to a beam filamentation. Beam filaments influence strongly the evolution of the instability. They create pulses of a strong magnetic field. These pulses share some properties of the magnetic pulsations (short, large-amplitude magnetic structures). We suggest that the oblique modes play an important role in the structure of the quasi-parallel Earth's bow shock.}, File = {Hellinger1999_10.}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.22}, Url = {http://terezka.ufa.cas.cz/~helinger/publications.html} } @Article{Hellinger2008, Title = {Comment on the drift mirror instability}, Author = {Petr Hellinger}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {054502}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {Drift mirror instability is investigated in a slightly inhomogeneous plasma in a low-frequency, long-wavelength limit of the Vlasov–Maxwell equation. It is shown that previously derived threshold conditions for the drift mirror instability in the case of one cold species are incorrect and that it is hard to get analytically a simple threshold condition for the drift mirror instability in this case. It is argued that the same is true for the drift mirror instability in general.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2912961}, File = {Hellinger2008_PhysPlasmas_15_054502.pdf:Hellinger2008_PhysPlasmas_15_054502.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.02}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v15/i5/p054502_s1} } @Article{Hellinger1997, Title = {Upstream whistlers generated by protons reflected from a quasi‐perpendicular shock}, Author = {P. Hellinger and A. Mangeney}, Journal = {J. Geophys. Res.}, Year = {1997}, Pages = {9809-9819}, Volume = {102(A5)}, Abstract = {Numerical simulations of collisionless supercritical quasi‐perpendicular shocks suggest that the upstream whistlers may be generated near the shock by the reflected protons which gyrate back to the shock. We investigate in detail results of hybrid simulations and a linear theory for a gyrotropic gyrating beam in a Maxwellian plasma, and we compare their outcomes. We find good agreement between the linear theory and the simulations. We compare these theoretical issues with observations, and we discuss the results. We also discuss dimensionality effects on the simulations of upstream whistlers. The investigation of lower Mach shocks leads us to a condition for the existence of a so‐called shock rippling.}, File = {Hellinger1997_hema97.pdf:Hellinger1997_hema97.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.19}, Url = {http://terezka.ufa.cas.cz/~helinger/publications.html} } @Article{Hellinger2001, Title = {Nonlinear competition between the whistler and Alfvén fire hoses}, Author = {P. Hellinger and H. Matsumoto}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {2001}, Number = {A7}, Pages = {13,215-13,218}, Volume = {106}, Abstract = {We examine a competition between the whistler and Alfvén fire hoses driven by bi-Maxwellian protons with T p‖ > T p⊥, where T p‖ and T p⊥ are proton temperatures, parallel and perpendicular to the background magnetic field, respectively. We extend the work of Hellinger and Matsumoto [2000] using a two-dimensional hybrid simulation that includes both the instabilities. In the simulation the whistler fire hose initially dominates and saturates in a quasi-linear manner. The Alfvén fire hose is not strongly affected by the presence of the whistler fire hose and grows even when the former is saturated. However, as the Alfvén fire hose grows and saturates via a conversion to Alfvén waves that heat the protons, the waves driven by the whistler fire hose get strongly damped and disappear. The Alfvén waves damp as well, so that at the end of the simulation the wave activity is low. The strong decay of the generated waves translates to an important decrease of the proton temperature anisotropy.}, Doi = {10.1029/2001JA900026}, File = {Hellinger2001_2001JA900026.pdf:Hellinger2001_2001JA900026.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.03}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2001/2001JA900026.shtml} } @Article{Hellinger2000, Title = {New kinetic instability: Oblique AIfvén fire hose}, Author = {P. Hellinger and H. Matsumoto}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {2000}, Number = {A5}, Pages = {10,519-10,526}, Volume = {105}, Abstract = {Two instabilities could take place in plasma with a bi-Maxwellian proton distribution function with T p‖ > T p ⊥, where T p‖ and T p ⊥ are proton temperatures, parallel and perpendicular, respectively, to the background magnetic field. The first instability is the fire hose (or whistler fire hose), generating low-frequency whistler waves at parallel propagation. We found a new, second instability, the Alfvén fire hose, that generates zero-frequency waves of the Alfvén branch at strongly oblique propagation. The Alfvén fire hose has a linear growth rate comparable to or even greater than that of the whistler fire hose. The two instabilities with the same initial plasma parameters are examined via one-dimensional hybrid simulations and turn out to have behavior very different from each other. The whistler fire hose has an overall quasi-linear evolution, while the evolution of the Alfvén fire hose is more complicated: Initially, unstable zero-frequency waves are gradually transformed into propagating Alfvén waves; during this process the waves are strongly damped and heat protons in a perpendicular direction. Consequently, the Alfvén fire hose is very efficient at destroying proton anisotropy.}, Doi = {10.1029/1999JA000297}, File = {Hellinger2000_1999JA000297.pdf:Hellinger2000_1999JA000297.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.03}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2000/1999JA000297.shtml} } @Article{Hellsten2011, Title = {Momentum transport by wave–particle interaction}, Author = {T Hellsten}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {5}, Pages = {054007}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {Energy and momentum can be transported across the plasma by waves emitted at one place and absorbed at another. Exchange of momentum and energy between the particles and the waves change the drift orbits, which may give rise to a non-ambipolar particle transport. The main effect of the non-ambipolar transport and quasi-neutrality is a toroidal precession of the trapped particles, which together with the changes in the parallel velocities of the passing resonant particles conserve the toroidal momentum. Non-resonant interactions can give rise to a net change of the local wave number in spatial inhomogeneous plasmas with a resulting force on the medium. Both resonant and non-resonant interactions have to be taken into account in order to have a consistent description of the momentum transported by the waves. The momentum transfer is, in particular, important for waves with short wave length and low frequency, and may explain the enhanced rotation seen in some mode conversion experiments, when the fast magnetosonic wave is converted to an ion-cyclotron wave. The apparent contradiction that the wave momentum may change due to non-resonant wave–particle interactions without changing the energy in geometric optics is explained.}, File = {Hellsten2011_0741-3335_53_5_054007.pdf:Hellsten2011_0741-3335_53_5_054007.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=5/a=054007} } @Article{Hernandez2005, Title = {SLEPc: A scalable and flexible toolkit for the solution of eigenvalue problems}, Author = {Hernandez, Vicente and Roman, Jose E. and Vidal, Vicente}, Journal = {ACM Trans. Math. Softw.}, Year = {2005}, Month = {September}, Pages = {351--362}, Volume = {31}, Abstract = {The Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations (SLEPc) is a software library for computing a few eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors of a large sparse matrix or matrix pencil. It has been developed on top of PETSc and enforces the same programming paradigm.The emphasis of the software is on methods and techniques appropriate for problems in which the associated matrices are sparse, for example, those arising after the discretization of partial differential equations. Therefore, most of the methods offered by the library are projection methods such as Arnoldi or Lanczos, or other methods with similar properties. SLEPc provides basic methods as well as more sophisticated algorithms. It also provides built-in support for spectral transformations such as the shift-and-invert technique. SLEPc is a general library in the sense that it covers standard and generalized eigenvalue problems, both Hermitian and non-Hermitian, with either real or complex arithmetic.SLEPc can be easily applied to real world problems. To illustrate this, several case studies arising from real applications are presented and solved with SLEPc with little programming effort. The addressed problems include a matrix-free standard problem, a complex generalized problem, and a singular value decomposition. The implemented codes exhibit good properties regarding flexibility as well as parallel performance.}, Acmid = {1089019}, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1089014.1089019}, File = {Hernandez2005_p351-hernandez.pdf:Hernandez2005_p351-hernandez.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0098-3500}, Issue = {3}, Keywords = {Eigenvalue computation, singular values, spectral transform}, Numpages = {12}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {ACM}, Timestamp = {2012.01.18}, Url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1089014.1089019} } @Article{Hess2009, author = {S. Hess and F. Mottez}, title = {How to improve the diagnosis of kinetic energy in [delta]f PIC codes}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {2009}, volume = {228}, number = {18}, pages = {6670 - 6681}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {This paper propose to analyse the effect of the shape factor that is used in plasma PIC [delta]f codes to make interpolations between the grid and the particles positions. In [delta]f codes, the total density fluctuates, even when it should be conserved. We show that, in some cases, the computed non-physical part of the particle kinetic energy fluctuations is dependent on those of the total density. We deduce a method that can reduce drastically the statistical fluctuations in the diagnostics of the kinetic energy.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2009.05.035}, file = {Hess2009.pdf:Hess2009.pdf:PDF}, groups = {pic}, keywords = {Numerical methods}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.11.03}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WHY-4WGK4PJ-2/2/331115aa0370ff4a17759bf2d1964c54}, } @Article{Hewett1994, Title = {Low-frequency electromagnetic (Darwin) applications in plasma simulation}, Author = {D.W. Hewett}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1994}, Number = {1-3}, Pages = {243 - 277}, Volume = {84}, Abstract = {Plasma modelers have long sought to be free of the restrictive constraint on discretized time and space representations due to light waves. This constraint, commonly called the CFL condition, implies stability for explicit integration of Maxwell's hyperbolic partial differential equations as long as electromagnetic waves do not propagate more than the smallest grid spacing in a time step. The Darwin limit of Maxwell's equations eliminates these purely electromagnetic modes, making it an effective model for low-frequency phenomena because it retains fidelity for all physics resolved by the large time step that it permits. The early Darwin models suffered from numerical instabilities and non-intuitive boundary conditions. Nielson and Lewis first constructed numerically stable algorithms for the Darwin model but problems associated with vector decomposition remained. Decomposition is expensive and appears to be required in most facets of the electromagnetic calculation. Additionally, decompositions require boundary conditions that are beyond physical intuition. Over the last 15 years, both the physics model and the numerical problem have been significantly extended and restructured. These new formulations eliminate most, if not all, of the vector decomposition; the most demanding questions about boundary conditions do not arise. An overview is given of the most commonly used Darwin models, starting with a brief description of the underlying concept. Several variants of Darwin algorithms are presented; non-neutral and quasi-neutral finite-electron-mass, and quasi-neutral zero-electron-mass embodiments are included. Also discussed are new numerical methods that increase the range of parameters for which these models are practical. Finally a new Darwin variant is described that can follow the time dependence of surface and bulk currents in magnetically active materials (i.e. superconductors). Plasma need to be present-reflecting the new uses that are being found for traditional plasma algorithms.}, Doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(94)90214-3}, File = {Hewett1994_science[1].pdf:Hewett1994_science[1].pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465594902143} } @Article{Hewett1985, Title = {Elimination of electromagnetic radiation in plasma simulation: The Darwin or magneto inductive approximation}, Author = {Hewett, Dennis}, Journal = {Space Science Reviews}, Year = {1985}, Note = {10.1007/BF00218221}, Pages = {29-40}, Volume = {42}, Abstract = {For many astrophysical and magnetic fusion applications, the purely electromagnetic modes generated by real as well as simulation “plasma” fluctuations are a source of high frequency radiation that is often irrelevant to the physics of interest. Unfortunately, a numerical CFL stability limit prevents either making c infinite or Δt large while using the usual explicit Maxwell's equations for the fields. A modification of Maxwell's equations, which provides implicitly the field components, circumvents this problem. The solution is to neglect retardation effects so that the electromagnetic propagation speed is effectively infinite. The purely electromagnetic modes in this limit evolve “instantly” to a time-asymptotic configuration about the macroscopic plasma configuration at each new time level. The Darwin or magnetoinduetive approximation effectively provides infinite propagation speeds for purely electromagnetic modes by converting Maxwell's equations from hyperbolic to elliptic in character. In practice, this is accomplished by neglecting the solenoidal part of the displacement current. The elimination of the CFL time step constraint more than offsets the substantially more complicated field solution that is required. The details of a numerical implementation of this model will be presented. Numerical examples will be given and extentions of the Darwin field solution to other plasma models also will be considered.}, Affiliation = {LLNL Physics Department PO Box 5508 95540 Livermore California USA PO Box 5508 95540 Livermore California USA}, File = {Hewett1985_fulltext.pdf:Hewett1985_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0038-6308}, Issue = {1}, Keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00218221} } @Article{Hewett1987, Title = {Streamlined Darwin simulation of nonneutral plasmas}, Author = {Dennis W Hewett and John K Boyd}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {1987}, Number = {1}, Pages = {166 - 181}, Volume = {70}, Abstract = {Efficient, new algorithms that require less formal manipulation than previous implementations have been formulated for the numerical solution of the Darwin model. These new procedures reduce the effort required to achieve some of the advantages that the Darwin model offers. Because the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy stability limit for radiation modes is eliminated, the Darwin model has the advantage of a substantially larger time-step. Further, without radiation modes, simulation results are less sensitive to enhanced particle fluctation noise. We discuss methods for calculating the magnetic field that avoid formal vector decomposition and offer a new procedure for finding the inductive electric field. This procedure avoids vector decomposition of plasma source terms and circumvents some source gradient issues that slow convergence. As a consequence, the numerical effort required for each of the field time-steps is reduced, and more importantly, the need to specify several nonintuitive boundary conditions is eliminated.}, Doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(87)90007-6}, File = {Hewett1987_science[3].pdf:Hewett1987_science[3].pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999187900076} } @Article{Hill1997, Title = {A review of ELMs in divertor tokamaks}, Author = {D.N. Hill}, Journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, Year = {1997}, Number = {0}, Pages = {182 - 198}, Volume = {241-243}, Abstract = {Edge localized modes (ELMs) are the focus of increasing attention by the edge physics community because of the potential impact that the large divertor heat pulses due to ELMs would have on the divertor design of future high power tokamaks such as ITER. This paper reviews what is known about ELMs, with an emphasis on their effect on the scrape-off layer and divertor plasmas. ELM effects have been measured in the ASDEX-U, C-Mod, COMPASS-D, DIII-D, JET, JFT-2M, JT-60U and TCV tokamaks, and are reported here. At least three types of ELMs have been identified and their salient features determined. Type 1 giant ELMs can cause the sudden loss of up to 10–15% of the plasma stored energy, but their amplitude (ΔWW) does not increase with heating power. Type 3 ELMs are observed near the H-mode power threshold and produce small energy dumps (1–3% of the stored energy). All ELMs increase the scrape-off layer plasma and produce particle fluxes on the divertor targets which are as much as ten times larger than the quiescent phase between ELMs. The divertor heat pulse is largest on the inner target, unlike that of L-mode or quiescent H-mode; some tokamaks report radial structure in the heat flux profile which is suggestive of islands or helical structures. The power scaling of type 1 ELM amplitude and frequency has been measured in several tokamaks and has recently been applied to predictions of the ELM size in ITER. Concern over the expected ELM amplitude has led to a number of experiments aimed at demonstrating active control of ELMs. Impurity gas injection with feedback control on the radiation loss in ASDEX-U suggests that a promising mode of operation (the CDH-mode) with very small type 3 ELMs can be maintained with heating power well above the H-mode threshold, where giant type 1 ELMs are normally observed. While ELMs have many potential negative effects, the beneficial effect of ELMs in providing density control and limiting the core plasma impurity content in high confinement H-mode discharges should not be overlooked.}, Doi = {10.1016/S0022-3115(97)80039-6}, File = {Hill1997_1649020.pdf:Hill1997_1649020.pdf:PDF;Hill1997_science.pdf:Hill1997_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0022-3115}, Keywords = {Tokamak}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.11}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311597800396} } @Article{Hirose1996, Title = {Kinetic Ballooning Mode with Negative Shear}, Author = {Hirose, A. and Elia, M.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1996}, Month = {Jan}, Number = {4}, Pages = {628--631}, Volume = {76}, Abstract = {Kinetic analysis on the ballooning mode in tokamaks has indicated the existence of a residual ballooning mode in the negative shear region (s<0). The instability has a small threshold in α (the ballooning parameter), requires a finite ion temperature gradient (ηi), and is characterized by a broad eigenfunction φ(θ) extending to θ≃50 in the ballooning space.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.628}, File = {Hirose1996_PhysRevLett.76.628.pdf:Hirose1996_PhysRevLett.76.628.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.08.11} } @Article{Hirose1995, Title = {Ion temperature gradient‐driven ballooning mode in tokamaks}, Author = {A. Hirose and L. Zhang and M. Elia}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1995}, Pages = {859}, Volume = {2}, Abstract = {It is shown that an ion temperature gradient (ηi) induces a collisionless ballooning mode in the MHD (magnetohydrodynamic) second stability regime. Both two‐fluid and fully kinetic analyses predict the instability, in qualitative agreement, indicating that the ion magnetic drift resonance plays a key role in destabilization. The instability is characterized by broad eigenfunctions in the ballooning space and at a small magnetic shear has a growth rate comparable with that of the MHD mode. Trapped electrons, the ion transit effect, and magnetosonic perturbation have stabilizing influences, but are unable to suppress the mode.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.871437}, File = {Hirose1995_PhysPlasmas_2_859.pdf:Hirose1995_PhysPlasmas_2_859.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.11}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v2/i3/p859_s1} } @Article{Hirose1994, author = {Hirose, A. and Zhang, L. and Elia, M.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, title = {Higher Order Collisionless Ballooning Mode in Tokamaks}, year = {1994}, month = {Jun}, number = {25}, pages = {3993--3996}, volume = {72}, abstract = {Kinetic stability analysis of general electromagnetic modes in tokamaks has revealed the existence of higher order ballooning mode which is not subject to second stabilization. The kinetic ballooning mode in the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) second stability region is characterized by eigenfunctions in the ballooning space much broader than that of MHD modes. The ion temperature gradient (ηi) provides the dominant destabilization mechanism.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.72.3993}, file = {Hirose1994_PhysRevLett.72.3993.pdf:Hirose1994_PhysRevLett.72.3993.pdf:PDF}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2011.08.11}, } @Article{Hirota2011, Title = {Significant effect of plasma compressibility on nonlinear mode coupling of Alfvén eigenmodes}, Author = {M. Hirota and N. Aiba}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {7}, Pages = {073037}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {Nonlinear mode coupling of the (shear) Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) is studied both analytically and numerically to understand the effect of the magnetohydrodynamic nonlinearity on the saturation mechanism. The energy transfer via the mode coupling can restrict the amplitude to a level that is estimated by the frequency mismatch and the coupling coefficient among the coupled modes. For the cases of cylindrical and toroidal geometries, new numerical codes are developed to calculate the coupling coefficient directly according to the Lagrangian theory of weakly nonlinear perturbations. It is shown that the shear AEs can couple with each other through the small compressional components of their eigenfunctions. By assuming low-β plasma, an analytic estimation of the coupling coefficient ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/51/7/073037/nf380388in001.gif] {(\propto\sqrt{\beta})} is derived in the cylindrical case. A coupling of reversed shear AEs in toroidal geometry indicates a more effective energy transfer at a lower amplitude level owing to the enhanced compressional perturbations in the poloidal sidebands.}, File = {Hirota2011_0029-5515_51_7_073037.pdf:Hirota2011_0029-5515_51_7_073037.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.08}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=7/a=073037} } @Article{Hirshman1986, Title = {MOMCON: A spectral code for obtaining three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic equilibria}, Author = {S.P. Hirshman and D.K. Lee}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1986}, Number = {2}, Pages = {161 - 172}, Volume = {39}, Abstract = {A new code, MOMCON (spectral moments code with constraints), is described that computes three-dimensional ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibria in a fixed toroidal domain using a Fourier expansion for the inverse coordinates (R, Z) representing nested magnetic surfaces. A set of nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations for the spectral coefficients of (R, Z) is solved using an accelerated steepest descent method. A stream function, λ, is introduced to improve the mode convergence properties of the Fourier series for R and Z. The convergence rate of the R - Z spectra is optimized on each flux surface by solving nonlinear constraint equations relating the m ≥ 2 spectral coefficients of R and Z.}, Doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(86)90127-X}, File = {Hirshman1986_CPC_MOMCON.pdf:Hirshman1986_CPC_MOMCON.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.05}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/001046558690127X} } @Article{Hirshman1981, Title = {Neoclassical transport of impurities in tokamak plasmas}, Author = {S.P. Hirshman and D.J. Sigmar}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1981}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1079}, Volume = {21}, Abstract = {Tokamak plasmas are inherently comprised of multiple ion species. This is due to wall-bred impurities and, in future reactors, will result from fusion-born alpha particles. Relatively small densities n I , of highly charged non-hydrogenic impurities can strongly influence plasma transport properties whenever ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/21/9/003/nf_21_9_003inline1.gif]. The determination of the complete neoclassical Onsager matrix for a toroidally confined multispecies plasma, which provides the linear relation between the surface averaged radial fluxes and the thermodynamic forces (i.e. gradients of density and temperature, and the parallel electric field), is reviewed. A closed set of one-dimensional moment equations is presented for the time evolution of thermodynamic and magnetic field quantities which results from collisional transport of the plasma and two-dimensional motion of the magnetic flux surface geometry. The effects of neutral-beam injection on the equilibrium and transport properties of a toroidal plasma are consistently included.}, File = {Hirshman1981_Neoclassical transport of impurities in tokamak plasmas.pdf:Hirshman1981_Neoclassical transport of impurities in tokamak plasmas.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.12}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/21/i=9/a=003} } @Article{Hollweg1999, Title = {Kinetic Alfvén wave revisited}, Author = {J. V. Hollweg}, Journal = {J. Geophys. Res.}, Year = {1999}, Pages = {14,811–14,819}, Volume = {104(A7)}, Abstract = {We develop a series of new analytical expressions describing the physical properties of the kinetic Alfvén wave. The wave becomes strongly compressive when k ⊥ - 1 is of the order of the ion inertial length. Thus, in a low-β plasma, the kinetic Alfvén wave can be compressive at values of k ⊥ for which the dispersion relation departs only slightly from that of the usual MHD Alfvén wave. The compression is accompanied by a magnetic field fluctuation δB ‖ such that the total pressure perturbation δp tot ≈ 0. Thus the wave undergoes transit-time damping as well as Landau damping; the two effects are comparable if the ion thermal speed is of the order of the Alfvén speed. We find that the transverse electric field is elliptically polarized but rotating in the electron sense; this surprising behavior of the polarization of the Alfvén branch was discovered numerically by Gary [1986]. We derive a new dispersion relation which explicitly shows how the kinetic Alfvén wave takes on some properties of the large-k ⊥ limit of the slow mode. We also derive approximate dispersion relations valid for a multi-ion plasma with differential streaming. We suggest that the kinetic Alfvén wave may be responsible for the flattening of density fluctuation spectra observed at large wavenumbers in the corona and in the solar wind. We also find that our derived properties of the kinetic Alfvén wave are consistent with its presence in the dissipation range of MHD turbulence [Leamon et al., 1998a, b].}, Doi = {10.1029/1998JA900132}, File = {Hollweg1999_1998JA900132.pdf:Hollweg1999_1998JA900132.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.16} } @Article{Holod2012, Title = {Turbulent transport of toroidal angular momentum in fusion plasmas}, Author = {I. Holod and Z. Lin and Y. Xiao}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2012}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012314}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {Global nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations of ion temperature gradient (ITG) and collisionless trapped electron mode (CTEM) turbulence find significant spinning up of a plasma in the directions opposite for CTEM and ITG turbulence. The outward momentum convection by the particle flux could be strong enough to overcome the inward momentum pinch and reverse the radial direction of the convective momentum flux. Momentum pinch velocity shows no explicit dependence on background temperature, while it is significantly affected by steepening the background density. Convective momentum fluxes are generally smaller in the CTEM turbulence than the ITG turbulence, while the intrinsic Prandtl number is similar or slightly larger in the CTEM turbulence.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3677886}, Eid = {012314}, File = {Holod2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012314.pdf:Holod2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012314.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, Numpages = {5}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.28}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/012314/1} } @Article{Holod2009, author = {I. Holod and W. L. Zhang and Y. Xiao and Z. Lin}, title = {Electromagnetic formulation of global gyrokinetic particle simulation in toroidal geometry}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {12}, pages = {122307}, abstract = {The fluid-kinetic hybrid electron model for global electromagnetic gyrokinetic particle simulations has been formulated in toroidal geometry using magnetic coordinates, providing the capabilities to describe low frequency processes in electromagnetic turbulence with electron dynamics. In the limit of long wavelength and no parallel electric field our equations reduce to the ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. The formulation has been generalized to include equilibrium flows. The equations for zonal components of electrostatic and vector potentials have been derived, demonstrating the electron screening of the zonal vector potential.}, comment = {The fluid-kinetic hybrid electron model for global electromagnetic gyrokinetic particle simulations has been formulated in toroidal geometry using magnetic coordinates, providing the capabilities to describe low frequency processes in electromagnetic turbulence with electron dynamics. In the limit of long wavelength and no parallel electric field our equations reduce to the ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. The formulation has been generalized to include equilibrium flows. The equations for zonal components of electrostatic and vector potentials have been derived, demonstrating the electron screening of the zonal vector potential.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3273070}, eid = {122307}, file = {Holod2009_PoP.16.122307.pdf:Holod2009_PoP.16.122307.pdf:PDF}, groups = {pic}, keywords = {plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.10.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/122307/1}, } @Article{Horne2001, author = {Richard B. Horne and Mervyn P. Freeman}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {A New Code for Electrostatic Simulation by Numerical Integration of the Vlasov and Ampere Equations Using MacCormack's Method}, year = {2001}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {1}, pages = {182 - 200}, volume = {171}, abstract = {We present a new simulation code for electrostatic waves in one dimension which uses the Vlasov equation to integrate the distribution function and Amp�re's equation to integrate the electric field forward in time. Previous Vlasov codes used the Vlasov and Poisson equations. Using Amp�re's equation has two advantages. First, boundary conditions do not have to be set on the electric field. Second, it forms a logical basis for an electromagnetic code since the time integration of the electric and magnetic fields is treated in a similar way. MacCormack's method is used to integrate the Vlasov equation, which was found to be easy to implement and reliable. A stability analysis is presented for the MacCormack scheme applied to the Vlasov equation. Conditions for stability are more stringent than the simple Courant-Friedrich's-Lewy (CFL) conditions for the spatial and velocity grids. We provide a simple linear function which when combined with the CFL conditions should ensure stability. Simulation results for Landau damping are in excellent agreement with numerical solutions of the linear dispersion relation for a wide range of wavelengths. The code is also able to retain phase memory as demonstrated by the recurrence effect and reproduce the effects of particle trapping. The use of Amp�re's equation enables standing and traveling waves to be produced depending on whether the current is zero or non-zero, respectively. In simulations where the initial current is non-zero and Maxwell's equations are satisfied initially, additional standing waves may be set up, which could be important when the coupling of wave fields from a transmitter to a plasma is considered.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1006/jcph.2001.6781}, file = {Horne2001_sdarticle.pdf:Horne2001_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.08.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999101967816}, } @Article{Hornsby2010a, Title = {On the nonlinear coupling between micro turbulence and mesoscale magnetic islands in a plasma}, Author = {W. A. Hornsby and A. G. Peeters and E. Poli and M. Siccinio and A. P. Snodin and F. J. Casson and Y. Camenen and G. Szepesi}, Journal = {EPL (Europhysics Letters)}, Year = {2010}, Number = {4}, Pages = {45001}, Volume = {91}, Abstract = {The interaction between small-scale turbulence (of the order of the ion Larmor radius) and mesoscale magnetic islands is investigated within the gyrokinetic framework. Turbulence, driven by background temperature and density gradients, over nonlinear mode coupling, pumps energy into long-wavelength modes, and can result in an electrostatic vortex mode that coincides with the magnetic island. The strength of the vortex is strongly enhanced by the modified plasma flow response connected with the change in topology, and the transport it generates can compete with the parallel motion along the perturbed magnetic field. Density and temperature gradients inside the island are below the threshold for turbulence generation, and the anomalous transport inside the island is determined by turbulence spreading. A finite radial temperature gradient inside the island is observed to persist despite the fast motion along the field, and is related to the trapped particles which do not move along the field around the island. Consequences for the stability of the neo-classical tearing mode are discussed.}, File = {Hornsby2010a_0295-5075_91_4_45001.pdf:Hornsby2010a_0295-5075_91_4_45001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.12}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0295-5075/91/i=4/a=45001} } @Article{Hornsby2010b, author = {W. A. Hornsby and A. G. Peeters and A. P. Snodin and F. J. Casson and Y. Camenen and G. Szepesi and M. Siccinio and E. Poli}, title = {The nonlinear coupling between gyroradius scale turbulence and mesoscale magnetic islands in fusion plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, pages = {092301}, abstract = {The interaction between small scale turbulence (of the order of the ion Larmor radius) and mesoscale magnetic islands is investigated within the gyrokinetic framework. Turbulence, driven by background temperature and density gradients, over nonlinear mode coupling, pumps energy into long wavelength modes, and can result in an electrostatic vortex mode that coincides with the magnetic island. The strength of the vortex is strongly enhanced by the modified plasma flow response connected with the change in topology, and the transport it generates can compete with the parallel motion along the perturbed magnetic field. Despite the stabilizing effect of sheared plasma flows in and around the island, the net effect of the island is a degradation of the confinement. When density and temperature gradients inside the island are below the threshold for turbulence generation, turbulent fluctuations still persist through turbulence convection and spreading. The latter mechanisms then generate a finite transport flux and, consequently, a finite pressure gradient in the island. A finite radial temperature gradient inside the island is also shown to persist due to the trapped particles, which do not move along the field around the island. In the low collisionality regime, the finite gradient in the trapped population leads to the generation of a bootstrap current, which reduces the neoclassical drive.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3467502}, file = {Hornsby2010_PhysPlasmas_17_092301.pdf:Hornsby2010_PhysPlasmas_17_092301.pdf:PDF;Hornsby2010a_0295-5075_91_4_45001.pdf:Hornsby2010a_0295-5075_91_4_45001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.11.23}, url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v17/i9/p092301_s1}, } @Article{Hornsby2011, Title = {Interaction of turbulence with magnetic islands: effect on bootstrap current}, Author = {W A Hornsby and M Siccinio and A G Peeters and E Poli and A P Snodin and F J Casson and Y Camenen and G Szepesi}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {5}, Pages = {054008}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {A finite radial temperature gradient has been observed to be maintained within magnetic islands in gyro-kinetic turbulence simulations despite the fast motion along the field, and is related to the trapped particles which do not move along the field around the island. Recent calculations of the interaction of drift-wave turbulence with magnetic islands have shown that turbulence can exist within the separatrix, which in turn allows only the partial flattening of electron temperature profiles. Here we calculate, using a minimal drift-kinetic model, the effect on the bootstrap current in a tokamak. Consequences for the stability of the neoclassical tearing mode are discussed.}, File = {Hornsby2011_0741-3335_53_5_054008.pdf:Hornsby2011_0741-3335_53_5_054008.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.23}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=5/a=054008} } @Article{Hou2011a, Title = {The plasma wave echo revisited}, Author = {Y. W. Hou and Z. W. Ma and M. Y. Yu}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012108}, Volume = {18}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3533447}, Eid = {012108}, File = {Hou2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_012108.pdf:Hou2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_012108.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {echo; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma transport processes; Poisson equation; Vlasov equation}, Numpages = {6}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/012108/1} } @Article{Hou2011b, Title = {Trapped particle effects in long-time nonlinear Landau damping}, Author = {Y. W. Hou and Z. W. Ma and M. Y. Yu}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {082101}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {The long-time behavior of nonlinear Landau damping is investigated by numerically solving the Vlasov-Poisson system. The period and strength of the trapped electron oscillations are considered in detail. The results are interpreted in terms of a simple weighted-average oscillator model that takes into account of the dominance of shallowly trapped electrons.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3615032}, File = {Hou2011b_PhysPlasmas_18_082101.pdf:Hou2011b_PhysPlasmas_18_082101.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i8/p082101_s1} } @Article{Hoven1975, Title = {Behavior of the sideband instability}, Author = {Gerard Van Hoven and Gary Jahns}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1975}, Number = {1}, Pages = {80-88}, Volume = {18}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860998}, File = {Hoven1975_PFL000080.pdf:Hoven1975_PFL000080.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; TRAPPEDPARTICLE INSTABILTIY; PLASMA WAVES; ELECTRONS; FREQUENCY DEPENDENCE; AMPLITUDE}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.19}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/18/80/1} } @Article{Howes2006, Title = {Astrophysical Gyrokinetics: Basic Equations and Linear Theory}, Author = {Gregory G. Howes and Steven C. Cowley and William Dorland and Gregory W. Hammett and Eliot Quataert and Alexander A. Schekochihin}, Journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, Year = {2006}, Number = {1}, Pages = {590}, Volume = {651}, Abstract = {Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is encountered in a wide variety of astrophysical plasmas, including accretion disks, the solar wind, and the interstellar and intracluster medium. On small scales, this turbulence is often expected to consist of highly anisotropic fluctuations with frequencies small compared to the ion cyclotron frequency. For a number of applications, the small scales are also collisionless, so a kinetic treatment of the turbulence is necessary. We show that this anisotropic turbulence is well described by a low-frequency expansion of the kinetic theory called gyrokinetics. This paper is the first in a series to examine turbulent astrophysical plasmas in the gyrokinetic limit. We derive and explain the nonlinear gyrokinetic equations and explore the linear properties of gyrokinetics as a prelude to nonlinear simulations. The linear dispersion relation for gyrokinetics is obtained, and its solutions are compared to those of hot-plasma kinetic theory. These results are used to validate the performance of the gyrokinetic simulation code GS2 in the parameter regimes relevant for astrophysical plasmas. New results on global energy conservation in gyrokinetics are also derived. We briefly outline several of the problems to be addressed by future nonlinear simulations, including particle heating by turbulence in hot accretion flows and in the solar wind, the magnetic and electric field power spectra in the solar wind, and the origin of small-scale density fluctuations in the interstellar medium.}, File = {Howes2006_0004-637X_651_1_590.pdf:Howes2006_0004-637X_651_1_590.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.28}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/651/i=1/a=590} } @Article{Hsu1986, Title = {A generalized reduced fluid model with finite ion‐gyroradius effects}, Author = {C. T. Hsu and R. D. Hazeltine and P. J. Morrison}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1986}, Pages = {1480}, Volume = {29}, Abstract = {Reduced fluid models have become important tools for studying the nonlinear dynamics of plasma in a large aspect‐ratio tokamak. A self‐consistent nonlinear reduced fluid model, with finite ion‐gyroradius effects is presented. The model is distinctive in being correct to O(( ρi/a)2) and in satisfying an exact, relatively simple energy conservation law.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.865665}, File = {Hsu1986_PFL001480.pdf:Hsu1986_PFL001480.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.05}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v29/i5/p1480_s1} } @Article{Hu1994, author = {Genze Hu and John A. Krommes}, title = {Generalized weighting scheme for delta f particle-simulation method}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1994}, volume = {1}, number = {4}, pages = {863-874}, abstract = {An improved nonlinear weighting scheme for the δf method of kinetic particle simulation is derived. The method employs two weight functions to evolve δf in phase space. It is valid for quite general, non‐Hamiltonian dynamics with arbitrary sources. In the absence of sources, only one weight function is required and the scheme reduces to the nonlinear algorithm developed by Parker and Lee [Phys. Fluids B 5, 77 (1993)] for sourceless simulations. (It is shown that their original restriction to Hamiltonian dynamics is unnecessary.) One‐dimensional gyrokinetic simulations are performed to show the utility of this two‐weight scheme. A systematic kinetic theory is developed for the sampling noise due to a finite number of marker trajectories. The noise intensity is proportional to the square of an effective charge qeff=q(/D), where ∼δf/f is a typical weight and D is the dielectric response function.}, doi = {10.1063/1.870745}, file = {Hu1994_PhysPlasmas_1_863.pdf:Hu1994_PhysPlasmas_1_863.pdf:PDF}, groups = {pic}, keywords = {PLASMA SIMULATION; WEIGHTING FUNCTIONS; KINETIC EQUATIONS; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; PHASE SPACE; DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES; FLUCTUATIONS; TRAJECTORIES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.10.13}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/1/863/1}, } @Article{Hu2005, Title = {Discrete Alfvén eigenmodes excited by energetic particles in high-β toroidal plasmas}, Author = {S Hu and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2005}, Number = {8}, Pages = {1251}, Volume = {47}, Abstract = {Resonant excitations of Alfvén eigenmodes by energetic particles in high-β (ratio of plasma to magnetic pressures) second ballooning-mode stable toroidal plasmas are investigated employing a gyrokinetic-magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) hybrid simulation code. The new type of high- n (toroidal wavenumber) discrete Alfvén eigenmodes correspond to bound states trapped in the α-induced potential wells and, hence, are termed αTAE (α-induced Alfvén eigenmode); where α denotes the ballooning drive due to pressure gradient and curvature (Hu S and Chen L 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 1). These MHD-stable eigenmodes can be kinetically excited, in the present studies, by magnetically trapped energetic particles via bounce–precessional drift resonances. A dense αTAE spectrum has been found due to the existence of multiple potential wells and, correspondingly, the eigenmodes can either be quasi-marginally stable or experience small but finite Alfvén-continuum damping. Furthermore, these αTAEs exist independently of the toroidal Alfvén frequency gap, in contrast to the usual low-β TAE (toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmode) (Cheng C Z, Chen L and Chance M S 1985 Ann. Phys. 161 21). For negative magnetic shear, the αTAE is also shown to extend into the small-α domain and evolve into the low-β TAE. A two-dimensional eigenmode analysis, employing WKB approximation in the radial direction, demonstrates that global αTAEs can be radially localized around the maximal α values.}, File = {Hu2005_PPCF.pdf:Hu2005_PPCF.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.10.23}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/47/i=8/a=008} } @Article{Hu2004, Title = {Discrete Alfvén eigenmodes in high-β toroidal plasmas}, Author = {S. Hu and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2004}, Pages = {1}, Volume = {11}, Abstract = {A new type of high-n discrete Alfvén eigenmodes is shown to exist in the large-α (α ≡ −q2Rdβ/dr) second ballooning stable toroidal plasmas. Here, n is the toroidal mode number, q is the safety factor, β is the ratio between plasma and magnetic pressures, and R and r are, respectively, the major and minor radii. These magnetohydrodynamic eigenmodes are bounded by the α-induced potential wells along the magnetic field line and, thus, exist even in absence of the toroidal Alfvén frequency gap. Due to negligible continuum damping via wave energy tunneling, these large-α toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes are quasimarginally stable and, thus, could be readily destabilized by energetic particles.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1630966}, File = {Hu2004_PhysPlasmas_11_1.pdf:Hu2004_PhysPlasmas_11_1.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.31}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v11/i1/p1_s1} } @Article{Huang2011, Title = {Observation of chaotic ELMs in HL-2A tokamak}, Author = {Yuan Huang and Nie Lin and Yu De-Liang and Liu Chun-Hua and Feng Zhen and Duan Xu-Ru}, Journal = {Chinese Physics B}, Year = {2011}, Number = {5}, Pages = {055201}, Volume = {20}, Abstract = {The high confinement mode (H-mode) operation is recently obtained in HL-2A divertor configuration, the corresponding edge localized mode (ELM) is recognized as being of type III. Time intervals in ELM time series are analysed to obtain the information about the ELM process. Signatures of unstable periodic orbits (UPOs) are detected, which are indicators of chaos and may be used to control the big ELM events.}, File = {Huang2011_1674-1056_20_5_055201.pdf:Huang2011_1674-1056_20_5_055201.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.11}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1674-1056/20/i=5/a=055201} } @Article{Huba1980, Title = {Lower‐hybrid‐drift instability in field reversed plasmas}, Author = {J. D. Huba and J. F. Drake and N. T. Gladd}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1980}, Pages = {552}, Volume = {23}, Abstract = {The nonlocal structure of the lower‐hybrid‐drift instability is investigated in a reversed field configuration. The calculation includes electromagnetic effects and ∇B electron orbit modifications, which must be considered in the high β region of the current sheet. The eigenmodes are trapped in a potential well centered symmetrically on either side of the neutral layer at ‖x‖∼λ (λ is the scale length of the current sheet). The fundamental mode is well localized away from the neutral line with a half‐width Δx∼ (λ/ky)1/2<<λ, where ky∼Ωe(Ti/me)1/2 for the fastest growing mode. Higher order modes, however, have growth rates comparable to the fundamental mode and are much more global. In the cold electron limit (Te=0), the higher order modes with ∂/∂x∼ky can propagate throughout the entire sheet. In the warm electron limit (Te≠0), the electron ∇B drift‐wave resonance damps the mode and prevents the penetration of the mode closer than ‖x‖p∼λ (Te/2Ti) 1/2 of the neutral line. The effects of this instability on magnetic energy dissipation and its role in the Los Alamos field reversed theta pinch are discussed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.863003}, File = {Huba1980_PFL000552.pdf:Huba1980_PFL000552.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.10}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v23/i3/p552_s1} } @Article{Hubert1998, Title = {Nature, properties, and origin of low-frequency waves from an oblique shock to the inner magnetosheath}, Author = {D. Hubert and C. Lacombe and C. C. Harvey and M. Moncuquet and C. T. Russell and M. F. Thomsen}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1998}, Number = {A11}, Pages = {26,783-26,798}, Volume = {103}, Abstract = {We analyze the high time-resolution profiles of the electron density and of the magnetic field and the plasma parameters recorded by ISEE 1 and 2 during a crossing of the Earth's magnetosheath at 1430 LT. Compressive and Alfvén ion cyclotron modes (AIC modes) are identified by comparing the measured magnetic polarization and electron parallel compressibility with the results of calculations in an unstable kinetic linear model. A criterion to discuss the accuracy of the wave vector direction of mirror modes is established; an efficient method to disentangle mirror and AIC modes is presented and applied. From the bow shock to the inner sheath we identify successively (1) compressive modes and AIC modes in the oblique shock, (2) a pure AIC mode region of circularly and elliptically polarized waves in a layer 0.3 RE thick adjacent to the undershoot, (3) a mixed region 2 RE thick where both mirror modes and AIC modes are observed, (4) a pure mirror mode region. The nature of the dominant mode appears to be controlled by the depth in the magnetosheath, more than by the local values of β p and the proton temperature anisotropy T p⊥/T p‖. In the outer sheath the unusual identification of a pure Alfvénic region for a large average proton beta β p = 13 and a moderate proton temperature anisotropy could be explained by a relatively low density of α particles. The mirror modes are three-dimensional structures with their major axis along the magnetic field and with their minor axis nearly perpendicular to the magnetopause surface. We estimate the dimensions of ordered structures observed in the middle of the magnetosheath for a β p around 7 ± 1 and T p⊥/T p‖ around 1.5; the minor axis of regular mirror modes is typically between 1300 and 1900 km long; the intermediate dimension is larger than either 2200 or 2700 km, while the major axis is larger than either 2700 or 3400 km. For the first time the measured parallel compressibility of the pure mirror modes is shown to be in relatively good agreement with the linear model predictions for 4 < β p < 11. The absence of AIC modes in the inner sheath suggests that these modes cannot grow or propagate in regions where mirror modes are well developed and that AIC wave energy is not transferred across a large-amplitude mirror mode region.}, Doi = {10.1029/98JA01011}, File = {Hubert1998_98JA01011.pdf:Hubert1998_98JA01011.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.04}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1998/98JA01011.shtml} } @Article{Hugill2000, author = {J Hugill}, title = {Edge turbulence in tokamaks and the L-mode to H-mode transition}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2000}, volume = {42}, number = {8}, pages = {R75}, abstract = {Experimental data on the transition from the low to high confinement mode in tokamaks is briefly reviewed, concentrating on those cases where the transition is made by a slow change in external parameters. The first H-modes, which occurred after the sudden application of neutral beam heating, appeared to result from a bifurcation of the edge transport. However, slow transitions produced, for example, by ohmic heating do not have the character of a bifurcation but appear to result from a slow and reversible change in the characteristics of the edge turbulence, which becomes increasingly intermittent as the high confinement mode is approached. The experimental results are interpreted in the light of various models of the transition process and of the type III or transition edge localized modes that accompany it. The evidence is mainly against the bifurcation hypothesis but nonlinear processes are clearly involved. The implications for the next generation of tokamaks intended to reach thermonuclear ignition are discussed}, file = {Hugill2000_0741-3335_42_8_201.pdf:Hugill2000_0741-3335_42_8_201.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Review}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/42/i=8/a=201}, } @Article{Ida2012, Title = {1st Asia-Pacific Transport Working Group (APTWG) Meeting}, Author = {K. Ida and J.Q. Dong and M. Kikuchi and J.M. Kwon and P.H. Diamond}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {027001}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {This conference report summarizes the contributions to, and discussions at, the 1st Asia-Pacific Transport Working Group Meeting held in Toki, Japan, on 14–17 June 2011. The topics of the meeting were organized under four main headings: momentum transport, non-locality in transport, edge turbulence and L–H transition and 3D effects on transport physics. The events which initiated this meeting are also described in this report.}, File = {Ida2012_0029-5515_52_2_027001.pdf:Ida2012_0029-5515_52_2_027001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.19}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=2/a=027001} } @Article{Ido2011, Title = {Potential fluctuation associated with the energetic-particle-induced geodesic acoustic mode in the Large Helical Device}, Author = {T. Ido and A. Shimizu and M. Nishiura and S. Nakamura and S. Kato and H. Nakano and Y. Yoshimura and K. Toi and K. Ida and M. Yoshinuma and S. Satake and F. Watanabe and S. Morita and M. Goto and K. Itoh and S. Kubo and T. Shimozuma and H. Igami and H. Takahashi and I. Yamada and K. Narihara and the LHD Experiment Group}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {7}, Pages = {073046}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {Geodesic acoustic modes (GAM) driven by energetic particles are observed in the Large Helical Device (LHD) by a heavy ion beam probe. The GAM localizes near the magnetic axis. It is confirmed that the energetic-particle-induced GAM is accompanied by an electrostatic potential fluctuation and radial electric field fluctuation. The amplitude of the potential fluctuation is several hundred volts, and it is much larger than the potential fluctuation associated with turbulence-induced GAMs observed in the edge region in tokamak plasmas. The energetic-particle-induced GAM modulates the amplitude of the density fluctuation in a high-frequency range. The observed GAM frequency is constant at the predicted GAM frequency in plasmas with reversed magnetic shear. On the other hand, it shifts upwards from the predicted GAM frequency in plasmas with monotonic magnetic shear.}, File = {Ido2011_0029-5515_51_7_073046.pdf:Ido2011_0029-5515_51_7_073046.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.08}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=7/a=073046} } @Article{Imazawa2011, Title = {A new approach of equilibrium reconstruction for ITER}, Author = {R. Imazawa and Y. Kawano and Y. Kusama}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {11}, Pages = {113022}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {We have proposed a new approach for equilibrium reconstruction that can be applied to ITER-like burning plasmas. In this study, we have focused on carrying out equilibrium reconstruction using polarimetry, which is feasible for ITER-like burning plasmas. Polarimetry in burning plasmas is different from that in the existing tokamaks in two regards: (1) increased importance of the relativistic effects and (2) significant coupling with the Faraday and Cotton–Mouton effects. We found that when polarimetric data (orientation angle, θ, and ellipticity angle, ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} , of a polarization state) are used as the constraints in the equilibrium reconstruction, the optimum weighting factors for θ and ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} depend on the magnetic surfaces through which the viewing chord of polarimetry passes. We applied our approach to the operation scenarios II (S2) and IV (S4) in ITER. In the case where the viewing chords are via both the equatorial and upper ports, the measurement requirements for the accuracy of the q -profile in ITER (±10%) were satisfied in S2 and S4 when the measuring errors of θ and ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} were less than 0.5° and 3°, respectively.}, File = {Imazawa2011_0029-5515_51_11_113022.pdf:Imazawa2011_0029-5515_51_11_113022.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.08}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=11/a=113022} } @Article{Indjin1995, Title = {On numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation: the shooting method revisited}, Author = {D. Indjin and G. Todorović and V. Milanović and Z. Ikonić}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1995}, Number = {1}, Pages = {87 - 94}, Volume = {90}, Abstract = {An alternative formulation of the “shooting” method for a numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation is described for cases of general asymmetric one-dimensional potential (planar geometry), and spherically symmetric potential. The method relies on matching the asymptotic wavefunctions and the potential core region wavefunctions, in course of finding bound states energies. It is demonstrated in the examples of Morse and Kratzer potentials, where a high accuracy of the calculated eigenvalues is found, together with a considerable saving of the computation time.}, Doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(95)00071-M}, File = {Indjin1995_science.pdf:Indjin1995_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.30}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/001046559500071M} } @Article{Isbister1997, Title = {Symplectic properties of algorithms and simulation methods}, Author = {Dennis J. Isbister and Debra J. Searles and Denis J. Evans}, Journal = {Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics}, Year = {1997}, Note = {Proceedings of the Euroconference on the microscopic approach to complexity in non-equilibrium molecular simulations}, Number = {1-2}, Pages = {105 - 114}, Volume = {240}, Abstract = {Symplectic algorithms are investigated for their phase space conserving properties for thermo-statted Hamiltonians commonly used in equilibrium molecular dynamics. Corresponding algorithms can be generated for the dissipative Sllod equations of motion for Couette flow in two dimensions. This study focuses on the verification of the conjugate pairing rule (CPR) for such systems. For thermostatted Hamiltonian dynamics, adiabatic and thermostatted Dolls algorithms, the CPR is satisfied at each time step during a simulation unlike the Sllod case in which there are small yet finite deviations from the CPR.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0378-4371(97)00134-9}, File = {Isbister1997_sdarticle.pdf:Isbister1997_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0378-4371}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.07}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TVG-3WNVMWT-8/2/a632548cd1f3e0e17f0437ca20c1cd20} } @Article{Isichenko1997, Title = {Nonlinear Landau Damping in Collisionless Plasma and Inviscid Fluid}, Author = {Isichenko, M. B.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1997}, Month = {Mar}, Number = {12}, Pages = {2369--2372}, Volume = {78}, Abstract = {The long-time nonlinear evolution of generic initial perturbations in stable Vlasov plasma and two-dimensional (2D) ideal fluid is studied. Even without dissipation, these systems relax to new steady states (Landau damping). The asymptotic damping laws are found to be algebraic, such as t-1 for 1D plasma potential, or t-5/2 for evolving stream function in a flow with nonvanishing shear. The rate of the relaxation is fast so that phase-space/fluid-element displacement in certain directions is uniformly small, implying that decaying Vlasov and 2D fluid turbulences are not ergodic.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.78.2369}, File = {Isichenko1997_PhysRevLett.78.2369.pdf:Isichenko1997_PhysRevLett.78.2369.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.08.25} } @Article{Itoh1996, Title = {The role of the electric field in confinement}, Author = {Kimitaka Itoh and Sanae-I Itoh}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {1996}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1}, Volume = {38}, Abstract = {Theories of the electric field effect on toroidal plasma confinement are reviewed with the emphasis placed on recent progress in the areas of anomalous transport, structural formation and bifurcation, research which has been motivated by the discovery of improved confinement. Topics include single-particle physics, such as particle orbits or collisional transport, turbulent transport, transport matrix, structural formation and dynamics, bifurcation, and improved confinement.}, File = {Itoh1996_0741-3335_38_1_001.pdf:Itoh1996_0741-3335_38_1_001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/38/i=1/a=001} } @Article{ITOH2006, Title = {Geodesic Acoustic Eigenmodes}, Author = {Kimitaka ITOH and Sanae-I. ITOH and Patrick H. DIAMOND and Akihide FUJISAWA and Masatoshi YAGI and Tetsuo WATARI and Yoshihiko NAGASHIMA and Atsushi FUKUYAMA}, Journal = {Plasma and Fusion Research}, Year = {2006}, Pages = {037-037}, Volume = {1}, File = {ITOH2006_1_037.pdf:ITOH2006_1_037.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.11.09} } @Article{Izrar1989, Title = {Integration of Vlasov equation by a fast Fourier Eulerian code}, Author = {B. Izrar and A. Ghizzo and P. Bertrand and E. Fijalkow and M. R. Feix}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1989}, Note = {http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ABHD_v1_0.html}, Number = {3}, Pages = {375 - 382}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {A program computing the Vlasov-Poisson system in one dimension is presented. The method is based on time splitting, exact solution of the resulting equations and shift in phase space by FFT.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0010-4655(89)90112-4}, File = {Izrar1989_sdarticle[1]6.pdf:Izrar1989_sdarticle[1]6.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.31}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465589901124} } @Article{Izzo1983a, author = {R. Izzo and D. A. Monticello and W. Park and J. Manickam and H. R. Strauss and R. Grimm and K. McGuire}, title = {Effects of toroidicity on resistive tearing modes}, journal = {Phys. Fluids}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, pages = {2240}, abstract = {A reduced set of resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations is solved numerically in three dimensions to study the stability of tokamak plasmas. Toroidal effects are included self‐consistently to leading and next order in inverse aspect ratio ϵ. The equations satisfy an energy integral. In addition, the momentum equation yields the Grad–Shafranov equation correct to all orders in ϵ. Low‐beta plasmas are studied using several different q profiles. In all cases, the linear growth rates are reduced by finite toroidicity. Excellent agreement with calculations using the resistive PEST code is obtained. In some cases, toroidal effects lead to complete stabilization of the mode. Nonlinear results show smaller saturated island widths for finite aspect ratio compared to the cylindrical limit. If the current channel is wide enough so as to produce steep gradients towards the outside of the plasma, both the finite‐aspect‐ratio cases and cylindrical cases disrupt.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864379}, file = {Izzo1983_PFL002240.pdf:Izzo1983_PFL002240.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.08.13}, url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v26/i8/p2240_s1}, } @Article{Jackson1960, Title = {Longitudinal plasma oscillations}, Author = {J D Jackson}, Journal = {Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part C, Plasma Physics, Accelerators, Thermonuclear Research}, Year = {1960}, Number = {4}, Pages = {171}, Volume = {1}, Abstract = {The present paper is a coherent account of various aspects of longitudinal oscillations in one and two component plasmas. A discussion is offered of dispersion equations, conditions necessary for the growth or decay of oscillations, the physical mechanisms of growing or damping, and the possibility of arbitrary steady-state solutions. The physical situation is described in terms of Poisson's equation and the Boltzmann equation, while the mathematical description is in terms of solutions of an initial-value problem in the small amplitude (linearized) approximation. Some general results are derived for an arbitrary unperturbed velocity distribution of electrons and ions. From these expressions the customary results for a stationary plasma in thermal equilibrium can readily be obtained. For simplicity, one dimensional motion of a simple one component plasma is treated in detail; appropriate generalizations for two or more component plasmas (electrons and ions) are, however, indicated in text. Collisions between particles and non-linear effects are not considered, nor are the effects of external electric or magnetic fields.}, File = {Jackson1960_0368-3281_1_4_301.pdf:Jackson1960_0368-3281_1_4_301.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.03.20}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0368-3281/1/i=4/a=301} } @Article{Jagher1978, Title = {Nullijn, a program to calculate zero curves of a function of two variables of which one may be complex}, Author = {P. C. de Jagher}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1978}, Note = {http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ACYL_v1_0.html}, Number = {5}, Pages = {351 - 373}, Volume = {15}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0010-4655(78)90066-8}, File = {Jagher1978_science[4].pdf:Jagher1978_science[4].pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.03}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465578900668} } @Article{Jahns1973, author = {Jahns, Gary and Van Hoven, Gerard}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, title = {Sideband Instability: Observations and Comparison with Theory}, year = {1973}, month = {Aug}, number = {7}, pages = {436--439}, volume = {31}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.31.436}, file = {Jahns1973_PhysRevLett.31.436.pdf:Jahns1973_PhysRevLett.31.436.pdf:PDF}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2011.03.19}, } @Article{Jaervinen2011, Title = {DIVIMP simulation of W transport in the SOL of JET H-mode plasmas}, Author = {A Järvinen and C Giroud and M Groth and K Krieger and D Moulton and S Wiesen and S Brezinsek and JET-EFDA contributors}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {2011}, Number = {T145}, Pages = {014013}, Volume = {2011}, Abstract = {This study provides predictions of tungsten contamination extrapolated from an inter-edge localized mode phase of a high-triangularity, high-confinement, ITER-like wall (ILW) reference plasma without impurity seeding in JET. The tungsten concentrations for equivalent ILW plasmas are predicted for low, medium and high upstream densities, utilizing the Monte Carlo trace-impurity code DIVIMP on background plasmas calculated with the two-dimensional fluid code EDGE2D/EIRENE. It is observed that operation at the low-upstream-density plasma with a sheath-limited scrape-off layer leads to a core tungsten concentration of the order of 10 −5 . Increasing the density leads to a high-recycling scrape-off layer with sufficient divertor retention to ensure an acceptable core tungsten concentration that is less than 10 −5 . Sufficient divertor retention is achievable if the peak target electron temperature, T e , is below 10 eV. Achieving a significant reduction in tungsten sputtering by multiple charged impurity species (e.g. Be 2+ and C 4+ ) requires a peak target T e below 5 eV, which requires strong divertor radiation, achieved by impurity seeding in the ILW configuration.}, File = {Jaervinen2011_1402-4896_2011_T145_014013.pdf:Jaervinen2011_1402-4896_2011_T145_014013.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/2011/i=T145/a=014013} } @Article{Jaun1995, Title = {Global waves in resistive and hot tokamak plasmas}, Author = {A. Jaun and K. Appert and J. Vaclavik and L. Villard}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1995}, Number = {2-3}, Pages = {153 - 187}, Volume = {92}, Abstract = {Maxwell's equations are solved in a toroidal axisymmetric plasma. The numerical method implemented in the PENN code is based on a formulation in terms of the electromagnetic potentials and a discretization with standard bilinear or bicubic Hermite finite elements. Two models for the dielectric tensor operator yield different physical problems, which can be used comparatively to study small amplitude plasma perturbations down to the Alfv�n range of frequencies. The first treats the plasma as resistive fluids and gives results that are in good agreement with toroidal fluid codes. The second is a kinetic model taking into account the finite size of the Larmor radii; it is here successfully tested against a similar model in cylindrical geometry. New results are obtained for kinetic effects in toroidal geometry, showing that it might be difficult to use an Alfv�n wave heating scheme to heat a plasma up to temperatures that are relevant for a tokamak reactor.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0010-4655(95)00105-6}, File = {Jaun1995_sdarticle.pdf:Jaun1995_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Keywords = {Kinetic}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.30}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TJ5-4037S3N-2/2/34425e43e0a05bad8e176886ea1d7a24} } @Article{Jaun2001, Title = {Gyrokinetic modelling of macro-instabilities in high performance tokamak plasmas}, Author = {A Jaun and A Fasoli and D Testa and J Vaclavik and L Villard and Contributors to the EFDA-JET Work Programme}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2001}, Number = {12A}, Pages = {A207}, Volume = {43}, Abstract = {The modelling of Alfvénic instabilities is discussed from the point of view of mode-conversion, showing how the development of the theory affects the predictions as the limitations of the models are gradually relaxed. Conventional tokamak plasmas are relatively well understood and are used for the case of a kinetic Alfvén eigenmode (AE) to assess the resonant wave-particle interactions along the magnetic field. The large safety factor in the core of deeply reversed shear plasmas and the low magnetic field of spherical tokamaks, however, bring the AEs down into the drift-frequency range; modifications of the spectrum through toroidal mode-conversion then creates a new class of drift-kinetic AEs that could affect the fast particle confinement.Experiments have been carried out to verify these predictions in JET. They confirm the presence of weakly damped modes, which do not follow the usual AEs scaling.}, File = {Jaun2001_0741-3335_43_12A_315.pdf:Jaun2001_0741-3335_43_12A_315.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.06}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/43/i=12A/a=315} } @Article{Jaun1999, Title = {Global Alfvén eigenmode stability in thermonuclear tokamak plasmas}, Author = {A. Jaun and A. Fasoli and J. Vaclavik and L. Villard}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1999}, Number = {11Y}, Pages = {2095}, Volume = {39}, Abstract = {Relying on the good agreement observed between the gyrokinetic PENN model and the low toroidal mode number n damping measurements from JET, the stability of Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) is predicted for reactor relevant conditions. Full non-local wave-particle power transfers are computed between global wavefields and alpha particles in an ITER reference equilibrium, showing that low-n eigenmodes (n ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/cong.gif] {cong} 2) are strongly damped and intermediate-n eigenmodes (n ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/cong.gif] {cong} 12) with a global radial extension are stable with a damping rate γ/ω ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/cong.gif] {cong} 0.02. Even though an excitation of alpha particle driven instabilities remains in principle possible in reactors, this study suggests that realistic operation scenarios exist where all the AEs of global character are stable.}, File = {Jaun1999_0029-5515_39_11Y_359.pdf:Jaun1999_0029-5515_39_11Y_359.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.05}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/39/i=11Y/a=359} } @Article{Jaun2007, Title = {Eikonal waves, caustics and mode conversion in tokamak plasmas}, Author = {A Jaun and E R Tracy and A N Kaufman}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2007}, Number = {1}, Pages = {43}, Volume = {49}, Abstract = {Ray optics is used to model the propagation of short electromagnetic plasma waves in toroidal geometry. The new RAYCON code evolves each ray independently in phase space, together with its amplitude, phase and focusing tensor to describe the transport of power along the ray. Particular emphasis is laid on caustics and mode conversion layers, where a linear phenomenon splits a single incoming ray into two. The complete mode conversion algorithm is described and tested for the first time, using the two space dimensions that are relevant in a tokamak. Applications are shown, using a cold plasma model to account for mode conversion at the ion-hybrid resonance in the Joint European Torus.}, File = {Jaun2007_ray06ppcf.pdf:Jaun2007_ray06ppcf.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.25}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/49/i=1/a=004} } @Article{Jenko2000, Title = {Electron temperature gradient driven turbulence}, Author = {F. Jenko and W. Dorland and M. Kotschenreuther and B. N. Rogers}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2000}, Pages = {1904}, Volume = {7}, Abstract = {Collisionless electron-temperature-gradient-driven (ETG) turbulence in toroidal geometry is studied via nonlinear numerical simulations. To this aim, two massively parallel, fully gyrokinetic Vlasov codes are used, both including electromagnetic effects. Somewhat surprisingly, and unlike in the analogous case of ion-temperature-gradient-driven (ITG) turbulence, we find that the turbulent electron heat flux is significantly underpredicted by simple mixing length estimates in a certain parameter regime (ŝ ∼ 1, low α). This observation is directly linked to the presence of radially highly elongated vortices (“streamers”) which lead to very effective cross-field transport. The simulations therefore indicate that ETG turbulence is likely to be relevant to magnetic confinement fusion experiments.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.874014}, File = {Jenko2000_PhysPlasmas_7_1904.pdf:Jenko2000_PhysPlasmas_7_1904.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.16}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v7/i5/p1904_s1} } @Article{Jensen1969, Title = {Measurement of Velocity Space Diffusion using the Plasma Wave Echo}, Author = {T. H. Jensen and J. H. Malmberg and T. M. O'Neil}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1969}, Number = {8}, Pages = {1728-1730}, Volume = {12}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1692734}, File = {Jensen1969_PFL001728.pdf:Jensen1969_PFL001728.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.03}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/12/1728/1} } @Article{Ji2004, Title = {Electromagnetic Fluctuations during Fast Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma}, Author = {Ji, Hantao and Terry, Stephen and Yamada, Masaaki and Kulsrud, Russell and Kuritsyn, Aleksey and Ren, Yang}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2004}, Month = {Mar}, Pages = {115001}, Volume = {92}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.115001}, File = {Ji2004_PhysRevLett.92.115001.pdf:Ji2004_PhysRevLett.92.115001.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {11}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.10.05}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.115001} } @Article{Jia2011, Title = {Effect of electron flow on the ordinary-extraordinary mode conversion}, Author = {Guo-Zhang Jia and Zhe Gao}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {104511}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Ordinary-extraordinary mode conversion in the electron cyclotron frequency range is revisited in the presence of a flowing electron component. The analytical expressions of optimal parallel refraction index and conversion efficiency are obtained from a one-dimensional cold plasma model. The presence of flowing electrons leads to an outward shift of the conversion layer and therefore increases the optimal value of parallel refraction index. If this effect is not considered, the efficiency of mode conversion degenerates. In typical tokamak plasmas, this degeneration is about a few percentages, which may induce the reflection of several tens of kilowatts of power from the cutoff layer when injecting megawatts of ECRF power into fusion plasma.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3655440}, File = {Jia2011_PhysPlasmas_18_104511.pdf:Jia2011_PhysPlasmas_18_104511.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.02}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i10/p104511_s1} } @Article{Jimenez-Mier2001, Title = {An approximation to the plasma dispersion function}, Author = {J. Jimenez-Mier}, Journal = {Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer}, Year = {2001}, Number = {3}, Pages = {273 - 284}, Volume = {70}, Abstract = {A closed expression for an approximation to the plasma dispersion function is obtained by replacing the Gaussian by a triangular function. The approximation is particularly good in regions where the evaluation of the plasma dispersion function is difficult. The range of validity of the approximation is discussed for both the function and its derivative. The results are used to obtain closed expressions for the electromagnetic absorption coefficient of inhomogeneously broadened media in different situations.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0022-4073(00)00139-4}, File = {Jimenez-Mier2001_sdarticle.pdf:Jimenez-Mier2001_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0022-4073}, Keywords = {Plasma dispersion function}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.31}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022407300001394} } @Article{Joiner2008, Title = {Gyrokinetic verification of the persistence of kinetic ballooning modes in the magnetohydrodynamic second stability regime}, Author = {N. Joiner and A. Hirose}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {082107}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {The kinetic ballooning mode (KBM) has been shown in previous work to be unstable within the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) region (in -α space) of second stability [ Hirose et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 3993 (2004) ]. In this work we verify this result using the gyrokinetic code GS2 [ Kotschenreuther et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 88, 128 (1996) ] treating both ions and electrons as kinetic species and retaining the magnetosonic perturbation B∥. Growth rates calculated using GS2 differ significantly from the previous differential/shooting code analysis. Calculations without B∥ find the stability region is preserved, while the addition of B∥ causes the mode to be more unstable than previously calculated within the region of MHD second stability. The inclusion of parallel ion current and B∥ into the shooting code does not account for the GS2 results. The evidence presented in this paper leads us to the conclusion that the adiabatic electron approximation employed in previous studies is found to be unsuitable for this type of instability. Based on the findings of this work, the KBM becomes an interesting instability in the context of internal transport barriers, where α is often large and magnetic shear is small (positive or negative).}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2967894}, File = {Joiner2008_PhysPlasmas_15_082107.pdf:Joiner2008_PhysPlasmas_15_082107.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v15/i8/p082107_s1} } @Article{Jolliet2012, Title = {Plasma size scaling of avalanche-like heat transport in tokamaks}, Author = {S. Jolliet and Y. Idomura}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {023026}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {The influence of plasma size on global ion temperature gradient turbulence is studied with the full- f Eulerian code GT5D (Idomura et al 2009 Nucl. Fusion [/0029-5515/49] 49 065029 ). The gyrokinetic model includes a consistent neoclassical electric field as well as a fixed-power source operator, enabling long-time simulations with self-consistent turbulent transport and equilibrium profiles. The effects of plasma size (from ρ * = 1/100 to ρ * = 1/225) are studied by scaling the minor radius a and the input power. For the first time, worse-than-Bohm scaling is observed under experimentally realistic conditions. For all plasma sizes, avalanches propagate over significant radii but their propagation depends on the radial electric shear. It is found that this quantity does not scale with ρ * due to the building up of intrinsic momentum. Such a dependence can be inferred from a force balance relation, which remains approximately valid in nonlinear simulations. An adaptive parallel momentum source has been implemented in GT5D to damp the parallel momentum profile. The new scan then reveals that the radial electric shear scales with ρ * while the transport is globally higher. These simulations therefore suggest that intrinsic momentum reduces heat transport. This work also addresses another important issue in gyrokinetics: it is shown that for fixed initial physical parameters the turbulent quasi-steady-state is statistically independent of the initial conditions.}, File = {Jolliet2012_0029-5515_52_2_023026.pdf:Jolliet2012_0029-5515_52_2_023026.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.02.02}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=2/a=023026} } @InCollection{Jordanova2011, Title = {Self-Consistent Simulations of Plasma Waves and Their Effects on Energetic Particles}, Author = {Jordanova, Vania K.}, Booktitle = {The Dynamic Magnetosphere}, Publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, Year = {2011}, Editor = {Hultqvist, Bengt and Liu, William and Fujimoto, Masaki}, Note = {10.1007/978-94-007-0501-2_10}, Pages = {189-199}, Series = {IAGA Special Sopron Book Series}, Volume = {3}, Abstract = {Understanding wave-particle interactions and their effects on energetic particle dynamics in near-Earth space is needed to develop models with predictive space weather capabilities. The local acceleration and/or loss of relativistic electrons are associated with two dominant magnetospheric plasma waves, whistler mode chorus emissions and electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves. The generation and propagation characteristics of EMIC waves depend strongly on the presence of both cold and energetic heavy ions (mainly He+ and O+) in the plasmas, which varies significantly with geomagnetic and solar activity. We present self-consistent studies of the excitation of these waves during geomagnetic storms after the fresh injection of plasma sheet particles into the inner magnetosphere. We use our four-dimensional (4D) kinetic ring current-atmosphere interactions model (RAM), which includes time-dependent convective transport and radial diffusion, all major loss processes, and is coupled with a dynamic (2D) plasmasphere model. The boundary conditions are specified by a plasma sheet source population at geosynchronous orbit that varies both in space and time. We calculate the pitch angle anisotropy of ring current ions and electrons and identify equatorial regions for potential growth of EMIC waves and whistler mode chorus, respectively. We show that He+ band EMIC wave excitation may be significantly reduced by ring current O+ ions during storm peak conditions when O+ contribution increases. We find that the linear growth rate of chorus waves maximizes at large L shells in the midnight-to-dawn local time sector, while EMIC waves are most intense in the afternoon sector in agreement with previous satellite observations.}, Affiliation = {Space Science and Applications, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA}, File = {Jordanova2011_fulltext.pdf:Jordanova2011_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, ISBN = {978-94-007-0501-2}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.07}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-0501-2_10} } @Article{Jovanovi2009, Title = {Nonlinear gyrokinetic theory for steady-state mirror mode magnetic structures}, Author = {D. Jovanovi and P. K. Shukla}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {082901}, Volume = {16}, Abstract = {The analytic study of the saturated state of the mirror instability is presented. The perpendicular ion momentum is described by the hydrodynamic equations, with the finite Larmor radius corrections found from the collisionless stress tensor, while the ion density, the parallel flow, and the pressure are calculated using the gyrokinetic description, accounting for the nonlinear convection by the grad-B drift. Within such a model and using a generalized Schamel's distribution function for the trapped ions, it is possible to study fully nonlinear wave-particle interactions, including the contributions of the finite ion Larmor radius correction and of the trapped ions. The numerical solution reveals the bistability in the stationary regime. Two different nonlinear solutions are found under the same physical conditions, in the form of magnetic humps and magnetic holes, resulting from the wave-wave and wave-particle couplings, respectively. The trapped particles are found to be heated in the parallel direction and their temperature is almost isotropic. The solution is in a good agreement with the magnetic structures observed in the magnetosheath within the solar system and in computer simulations. It provides an explanation for the transformation of humps into holes, as observed in recent computer simulations.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3183591}, File = {Jovanovi2009_PhysPlasmas_16_082901.pdf:Jovanovi2009_PhysPlasmas_16_082901.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.07}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i8/p082901_s1} } @Article{Jucker2008, Title = {Impact of pressure anisotropy on tokamak equilibria and the toroidal magnetic precession}, Author = {M Jucker and J P Graves and G A Cooper and W A Cooper}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2008}, Number = {6}, Pages = {065009}, Volume = {50}, Abstract = {Using a generalized anisotropic tokamak equilibrium and an exact guiding centre drift formulation, the effect of parallel and perpendicular anisotropy on the toroidal precession drift is investigated. Significant differences between parallel and perpendicular pressure anisotropy are observed. While the Shafranov shift is not sensitive to the ratio of the parallel and perpendicular pressures p ⊥ / p ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/par.gif] {par} , the deepening of the magnetic well is found to be sensitive to p ⊥ / p ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/par.gif] {par} . Here, the diamagnetic effect identified by Connor et al 1983 Nucl. Fusion [http://stacks.iop.org/NuclFus/23/1702] 23 1702 is generalized and found to depend crucially on the deposition of the energetic ions on which the equilibrium depends, and leads to test particle precessional drifts that depend sensitively on pitch angle.}, File = {Jucker2008_0741-3335_50_6_065009.pdf:Jucker2008_0741-3335_50_6_065009.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.17}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/50/i=6/a=065009} } @Article{Kainer1972, Title = {Interaction of a Highly Energetic Electron Beam with a Dense Plasma}, Author = {Selig Kainer and John Dawson and Ramy Shanny and Timothy Coffey}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1972}, Number = {3}, Pages = {493-501}, Volume = {15}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1693934}, File = {Kainer1972_PFL000493.pdf:Kainer1972_PFL000493.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/15/493/1} } @Article{Kaladze2007, Title = {Small-scale drift-Alfven wave driven zonal flows in plasmas}, Author = {T. D. Kaladze and D. J. Wu and L. Yang}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {032305}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {The problem of generation of zonal flows by small-scale drift-Alfven waves is illuminated more completely. The growth rate of zonal-flow instabilities much greater than known by previous investigations is obtained. Dependence of the growth rate on the spectrum purity of the wave packet is also investigated. It is shown that the sufficient broadening of the wave packet gives resonant-type instability with the growth rate of the order of hydrodynamic one. The appropriate conditions for instabilities are determined.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2709658}, File = {Kaladze2007_PhysPlasmas_14_032305.pdf:Kaladze2007_PhysPlasmas_14_032305.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.20}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v14/i3/p032305_s1} } @Article{Kampen1955, Title = {On the theory of stationary waves in plasmas}, Author = {N.G. Van Kampen}, Journal = {Physica}, Year = {1955}, Number = {6-10}, Pages = {949 - 963}, Volume = {21}, Abstract = {Synopsis Existing theories of stationary plasma oscillations lead to a dispersion equation (2), involving an integration across a pole. It is here shown that this difficulty is of purely mathematical origin, and can be overcome by a proper treatment. This treatment leads to a complete set of stationary solutions, which are much more numerous than the usual plasma oscillations. In particular, their wave lengths and frequencies are not connected by a dispersion equation, but independently assume all real values. Special superpositions of these stationary solutions correspond to the usual plasma oscillations. They constitute slightly damped plane waves, which do obey the dispersion equation (2), the integral being interpreted as a Cauchy principal value. An arbitrary initial distribution behaves (after a short transient time) like a superposition of such waves, as far as the density is concerned.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0031-8914(55)93068-8}, File = {Kampen1955_onthetheory.pdf:Kampen1955_onthetheory.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0031-8914}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.02.15}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6X42-4DJ3JS0-1V/2/815de0fbe3b29667d74412f9e9b57120} } @Article{Kandrup1998, Title = {Violent Relaxation, Phase Mixing, and Gravitational Landau Damping}, Author = {Henry E. Kandrup}, Journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, Year = {1998}, Number = {1}, Pages = {120}, Volume = {500}, Abstract = {This paper outlines a geometric interpretation of flows generated by the collisionless Boltzmann equation, focusing in particular on the coarse-grained approach toward a time-independent equilibrium. The starting point is the recognition that the collisionless Boltzmann equation is a noncanonical Hamiltonian system with the distribution function f as the fundamental dynamical variable, the mean field energy ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/calH.gif] {Script H} [ f ] playing the role of the Hamiltonian, and the natural arena of physics being Γ, the infinite-dimensional phase space of distribution functions. Every time-dependent equilibrium f 0 is an energy extremal with respect to all perturbations δ f that preserve the constraints (Casimirs) associated with Liouville's theorem. If the extremal is a local energy minimum, f 0 must be linearly stable, but if it corresponds instead to a saddle point, f 0 may be unstable. If an initial f ( t = 0) is sufficiently close to some linearly stable lower energy f 0 , its evolution can be visualized as involving linear phase-space oscillations about f 0 which, in many cases, would be expected to exhibit linear Landau damping. If, instead, f (0) is far from any stable extremal, the flow will be more complicated, but, in general, one might anticipate that the evolution can be visualized as involving nonlinear oscillations about some lower energy f 0 . In this picture, the coarse-grained approach toward equilibrium usually termed violent relaxation is interpreted as nonlinear Landau damping. Evolution of a generic initial f (0) involves a coherent initial excitation δ f (0) ≡ f (0) - f 0 , not necessarily small, being converted into incoherent motion associated with nonlinear oscillations about some f 0 which, in general, will exhibit destructive interference. This picture allows for distinctions between regular and chaotic "orbits" in Γ: stable extremals f 0 all have vanishing Lyapunov exponents, even though "orbits" oscillating about f 0 may well correspond to chaotic trajectories with one or more positive Lyapunov exponents.}, File = {Kandrup1998_0004-637X_500_1_120.pdf:Kandrup1998_0004-637X_500_1_120.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.03.04}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/500/i=1/a=120} } @Article{Kaufman2009, Title = {A half-century in plasma physics}, Author = {Allan N Kaufman}, Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, Year = {2009}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012002}, Volume = {169}, Abstract = {This memoir is an autobiography of my life as a plasma theorist, highlighting the many individuals who contributed to my intellectual development.}, File = {Kaufman2009_1742-6596_169_1_012002.pdf:Kaufman2009_1742-6596_169_1_012002.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/169/i=1/a=012002} } @Article{Kaufman1972, author = {Kaufman,Allan N.}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {Reformulation of quasi-linear theory}, year = {1972}, number = {01}, pages = {1-5}, volume = {8}, abstract = {ABSTRACT A new formulation of quasi-linear theory is presented, which allows for only resonant diffusion, caused by both growing and damped waves. Nonresonant terms do not appear in the diffusion equation, but contribute to wave momentum and energy, and ensure conservation of total momentum and energy.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377800006887}, eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377800006887}, file = {Kaufman1972_S0022377800006887a.pdf:Kaufman1972_S0022377800006887a.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.06.07}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377800006887}, } @Article{Kaufman1971, Title = {The Darwin Model as a Tool for Electromagnetic Plasma Simulation}, Author = {Allan N. Kaufman and Peter S. Rostler}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1971}, Number = {2}, Pages = {446-448}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {The Darwin model of electromagnetic interaction is presented as a self‐consistent theory, and is shown to be an excellent approximation to the Maxwell theory for slow electromagnetic waves.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1693451}, File = {Kaufman1971_PFL000446.pdf:Kaufman1971_PFL000446.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/14/446/1} } @Article{Kawamura2008, Title = {Refinement of the gyrokinetic equations for edge plasmas with large flow shears}, Author = {G. Kawamura and A. Fukuyama}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Number = {4}, Pages = {042304}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {A refined formulation of the gyrokinetic equations for large-flow shears caused by an equilibrium electric field has been presented. It is achieved by choosing more suitable equilibrium drift velocity for the reference frame of a charged particle instead of the previous one [ H. Qin, Contrib. Plasma Phys., 46, 477 (2006) ]. This modification yields improvements in the accuracy of the gyrokinetic equations even in the case of considerably large flow. The equations of motion and Maxwell’s equations are obtained using the Lie perturbation analysis and the pullback technique. From the numerical comparisons of the gyrokinetic equations given by Qin and the one derived here, the advantage of the present formulation is confirmed for both uniform and nonuniform large electric fields. Parameter dependence of the error in the energy expression is also numerically evaluated.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2902016}, Eid = {042304}, File = {Kawamura2008_PhysPlasmas_15_042304.pdf:Kawamura2008_PhysPlasmas_15_042304.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Maxwell equations; plasma boundary layers; shear flow}, Numpages = {10}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/042304/1} } @Article{Kawamura2007, Title = {Kinetic modeling of a sheath layer in a magnetized collisionless plasma}, Author = {G. Kawamura and A. Fukuyama}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2007}, Number = {8}, Pages = {083502}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {A sheath layer in a magnetized collisionless plasma is analyzed by the one-dimensional kinetic equation. The plasma is bounded by an absorbing wall and a plasma source with a shifted Maxwellian velocity distribution function that is characterized by a temperature, a drifting velocity parallel to the magnetic field, and a cutoff velocity. The magnetic field is assumed to be strong enough so that the ion Larmor radius is comparable to the Debye length. In order to include the polarization effect of ions due to a strong electric field, equations describing the potential profile are derived from the gyrokinetic Vlasov equation in a frame moving with the E×B drift. A new algorithm for evaluating the loss of particles in gyration at the wall is introduced. The condition of the stable sheath formation for a magnetized plasma is discussed. The dependence of the electric field at the wall on the angle and the strength of the magnetic field is examined and compared with the results of full-kinetic particle-in-cell simulation. The effect of the polarization and the loss of gyration particles on the wall electric field are also discussed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2767618}, Eid = {083502}, File = {Kawamura2007_PhysPlasmas_14_083502.pdf:Kawamura2007_PhysPlasmas_14_083502.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma kinetic theory; plasma sheaths; plasma simulation; Vlasov equation}, Numpages = {10}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/083502/1} } @Article{Kim1999, Title = {MHD mode identification of tokamak plasmas from Mirnov signals}, Author = {J S Kim and D H Edgell and J M Greene and E J Strait and M S Chance}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {1999}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1399}, Volume = {41}, Abstract = {Identification of coherent waves from fluctuating tokamak plasmas is important for the understanding of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) behaviour of the plasma and its control. Toroidicity, plasma shaping, uneven distances between the resonant surfaces and detectors, and non-circular conducting wall geometry have made mode identification difficult and complex, especially in terms of the conventional toroidal and poloidal mode numbers, which we call ( m , n )-identification. Singular value decomposition (SVD), without any assumption of the basis vectors, determines its own basis vectors representing the fluctuation data in the directions of maximum coherence. Factorization of a synchronized set of spatially distributed data leads to eigenvectors of time- and spatial-covariance matrices, with the energy content of each eigenvector. SVD minimizes the number of significant basis vectors, reducing noise, and minimizes the data storage required to restore the fluctuation data. For sinusoidal signals, SVD is essentially the same as spectral analysis. When the mode has non-smooth structures the advantage of not having to treat all its spectral components is significant in analysing mode dynamics and in data storage. From time SVD vectors, we can see the evolution of each coherent structure. Therefore, sporadic or intermittent events can be recognized, while such events would be ignored with spectral analysis. We present the use of SVD to analyse tokamak magnetic fluctuation data, time evolution of MHD modes, spatial structure of each time vector, and the energy content of each mode. If desired, the spatial SVD vectors can be least-square fit to specific numerical predictions for the ( m , n ) identification. A phase-fitting method for ( m , n ) mode identification is presented for comparison. Applications of these methods to mode locking analysis are presented.}, File = {Kim1999_0741-3335_41_11_307.pdf:Kim1999_0741-3335_41_11_307.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.30}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/41/i=11/a=307} } @Article{Kim1993, Title = {Electromagnetic effect on the toroidal ion temperature gradient mode}, Author = {J. Y. Kim and W. Horton and J. Q. Dong}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids B}, Year = {1993}, Pages = {4030}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {A systematic study of the electromagnetic effects on the toroidal ion temperature gradient mode is presented using the local and nonlocal theories with the full kinetic terms. For the nonlocal study, a numerical code is developed to solve the electromagnetic gyrokinetic equation in the ballooning space. The electromagnetic coupling to the shear Alfvén mode is shown to give a stabilization of the toroidal temperature gradient mode at almost the same plasma pressure as that at which the kinetically modified magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) ballooning mode becomes destabilized. The transitional β value is shown to be lower in the full kinetic description than in the fluid theory. Possible correlations of these stability results with experimental observations are discussed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860623}, File = {Kim1993_PFB004030.pdf:Kim1993_PFB004030.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/pfbpei/v5/i11/p4030_s1} } @Article{Kim2010, Title = {Transport simulation of ELM pacing by pellet injection in tokamak plasmas}, Author = {Ki Min Kim and Yong-Su Na and Sang Hee Hong and P.T. Lang and B. Alper and JET-EFDA contributors}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {5}, Pages = {055002}, Volume = {50}, Abstract = {This paper deals mainly with the numerical simulation on edge localized mode (ELM) pacing by pellet injection that is useful for fuelling and control of plasma profiles to achieve enhanced tokamak operations. The fuelling and pellet-induced ELMs are simulated with a 1.5-dimensional core transport code, which includes a neutral gas shielding model and a grad-B drift model for pellet deposition in H-mode tokamak plasmas. Fuelling and ELM pacing experiments by pellet injections at JET are introduced as a current experimental approach. For the description of ELM triggering by pellet injection based on ideal ballooning mode criteria, three possible models are suggested and discussed on their ELM characteristics, respectively: (i) the density enhanced ELMs in the post-pellet phase, (ii) the modification of the surface averaged pressure profiles in a transport time scale and (iii) the local increase in the pressure (density and/or temperature) gradients perturbed by pellets. Among them, the pellet-induced density perturbation model is adopted, in practice, to carry out an ELM pacing simulation in preparation for future experiments in KSTAR. The numerical simulation shows that the artificially induced ELM by pellets releases the reduced energy bursts, compared with spontaneous ELMs. The energy loss per burst by the pellet-induced ELM turns out to be much smaller than that by the spontaneous ELM as the pellet injection frequency becomes higher in ELM pacing. Based on the simulation results showing good agreement with the general ELM characteristics observed in pellet pacing experiments, the ELM pacing by pellet injection is very promising for mitigating the ELM energy bursts to the divertor by controlling the injection frequency.}, File = {Kim2010_0029-5515_50_5_055002.pdf:Kim2010_0029-5515_50_5_055002.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.11}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/50/i=5/a=055002} } @Article{Kim1979, author = {Kim, Young C. and Powers, Edward J.}, journal = {Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on}, title = {Digital Bispectral Analysis and Its Applications to Nonlinear Wave Interactions}, year = {1979}, issn = {0093-3813}, month = {june}, number = {2}, pages = {120 -131}, volume = {7}, abstract = {The bispectrum, which is an ensemble average of a product of three spectral components, is shown to be a very useful diagnostic tool in experimental studies of nonlinear wave interactions in random media. In particular, it is shown that the bicoherence spectrum may be used to discriminate between nonlinearly coupled waves and spontaneously excited waves and to measure the fraction of wave power due to the quadratic wave coupling in a self-excited fluctuation spectrum. Practical aspects of digital bispectral analysis techniques, such as estimation and statistical variability of the estimator, are also discussed. Finally, applications of bispectral analysis techniques in the analysis and interpretation of plasma fluctuation data are described.}, doi = {10.1109/TPS.1979.4317207}, file = {Kim1979_04317207.pdf:Kim1979_04317207.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.08}, } @Article{Kletzing2003, Title = {Measurements of the Shear Alfv\'en Wave Dispersion for Finite Perpendicular Wave Number}, Author = {Kletzing, C. A. and Bounds, S. R. and Martin-Hiner, J. and Gekelman, W. and Mitchell, C.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2003}, Month = {Jan}, Pages = {035004}, Volume = {90}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.035004}, File = {Kletzing2003_PhysRevLett.90.035004.pdf:Kletzing2003_PhysRevLett.90.035004.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {3}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.09.23}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.035004} } @Article{Kleva2012, Title = {Suppression of transport bursts in simulations of edge-localized modes by increasing the magnetic shear}, Author = {Robert G Kleva}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {1}, Pages = {015016}, Volume = {54}, Abstract = {Transport bursts in simulations of edge-localized modes (ELMs) in tokamaks are suppressed by increasing the magnetic shear. As the magnetic shear becomes larger, the magnitude of the bursts is reduced and the frequency of the bursts decreases. The suppression of the ELM bursts by magnetic shear is very similar to the suppression of the bursts by resonant magnetic field perturbations. However, increasing the magnitude of resonant magnetic field perturbations can lead to the destruction of magnetic flux surfaces and magnetic field line stochasticity. In contrast, magnetic flux surfaces are preserved when the magnetic shear is increased in an axisymmetric tokamak magnetic field.}, File = {Kleva2012_0741-3335_54_1_015016.pdf:Kleva2012_0741-3335_54_1_015016.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.24}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=1/a=015016} } @Article{Klimushkin2007, Title = {How energetic particles construct and destroy poloidal high-m Alfvén waves in the magnetosphere}, Author = {Klimushkin, D.Yu.}, Journal = {Planetary and Space Science}, Year = {2007}, Note = {cited By (since 1996) 4}, Number = {6}, Pages = {722-730}, Volume = {55}, Abstract = {The paper overviews the role of energetic particles in generation of poloidal ULF waves with high azimuthal wave numbers (m ≫ 1). The part played by these particles is twofold. First, they influence the wave polarization. The presence of the energetic plasma component leads to appearance of the additional (ballooning) terms in the wave equations, that influences the value of the poloidal frequency, while the toroidal frequency is determined mainly by the density of the cold plasma component. Transverse Alfvén waves can be poloidally polarized provided that the difference between these two frequencies is large enough. Thus, the increasing of the energetic plasma component density is beneficial for the poloidal polarization of the wave. The second effect of the energetic particles on the Alfvén waves is the drift-bounce resonance, which can excite the oscillations. This instability is in competition with the damping caused by the interaction of the waves with the ionosphere. A spatio-temporal structure of the oscillations generated by the instability is considered. Monochromatic waves are confined between the so-called toroidal and poloidal surfaces. The wave is generated near the poloidal surface and is propagating in the direction of the poloidal surface, changing the polarization from poloidal to toroidal. While the local growth rate is a maximum on the poloidal surface, the result of the instability, the amplitude maximum takes place near the toroidal surface. Thus, the toroidally rather than poloidally polarized oscillations are the most enhanced ones. This is also true for the impulse-generated oscillations. The ionospheric finite resistance can prevent this transformation, if the corresponding damping rate is larger than the instability growth rate. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.}, Affiliation = {Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP), Russian Academy of Science, Siberian Branch, P.O. Box 4026, Irkutsk, 664033, Russian Federation}, Author_keywords = {Poloidal Alfvén waves; Spatio-temporal structure; Wave-particle interaction}, Document_type = {Article}, File = {Klimushkin2007_science.pdf:Klimushkin2007_science.pdf:PDF;Klimushkin2007a_59080951.pdf:Klimushkin2007a_59080951.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Source = {Scopus}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-34047169924&partnerID=40&md5=12162e0326c24f20428c4b58e00c2d85} } @Article{Klimushkin2006b, Title = {Hydromagnetic modes in an inhomogeneous collisionless plasma of finite pressure}, Author = {Klimushkin, D.}, Journal = {Plasma Physics Reports}, Year = {2006}, Note = {10.1134/S1063780X06040039}, Pages = {292-300}, Volume = {32}, Abstract = {The spatial structure and growth rate of hydromagnetic waves with frequencies are considered in a one-dimensional model. It is shown that the wave under consideration is an Alfvn mode modified by the inhomogeneity and anisotropy of the plasma and its finite pressure. Because of these factors, the magnetic field lines oscillate differently in the radial and azimuthal directions and the wave frequency depends on the radial wavenumber. There may be two types of mode structure in the direction across the magnetic shells. When the magnetospheric parameters vary monotonically along the radial coordinate, the mode propagates across the magnetic field lines; because of its resonance with high-energy particles, the radial wavenumber acquires a nonzero imaginary part, which vanishes at the Alfvn resonance surface. In the magnetospheric regions where the main plasma parameters (density or pressure) reach their extreme values, the mode is a standing wave in a direction transverse to the magnetic field lines. In this case, because of the instability, the eigen-frequency of the cavity has a nonzero imaginary part. Under certain, very specific conditions, there can exist drift-mirror waves in the magnetosphere. Such conditions, however, are unlikely to occur in reality. In terms of the modes to be described, it is possible to explain some types of oscillations of the geomagnetic field.}, Affiliation = {Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Siberian Division Irkutsk 664033 Russia Irkutsk 664033 Russia}, File = {Klimushkin2006b_fulltext[1].pdf:Klimushkin2006b_fulltext[1].pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1063-780X}, Issue = {4}, Keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC.}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S1063780X06040039} } @Article{Klimushkin2006, Title = {Spatial structure and dispersion of drift mirror waves coupled with Alfvén waves in a 1-D inhomogeneous plasma}, Author = {Klimushkin, D. Yu.}, Journal = {Annales Geophysicae}, Year = {2006}, Number = {8}, Pages = {2291--2297}, Volume = {24}, Abstract = {The paper employs the frame of a 1-D inhomogeneous model of space plasma,to examine the spatial structure and growth rate of drift mirror modes, often suggested for interpreting some oscillation types in space plasma. Owing to its coupling with the Alfvén mode, the drift mirror mode attains dispersion across magnetic shells (dependence of the frequency on the wave-vector's radial component, kr). The spatial structure of a mode confined across magnetic shells is studied. The scale of spatial localization of the wave is shown to be determined by the plasma inhomogeneity scale and by the azimuthal component of the wave vector. The wave propagates across magnetic shells, its amplitude modulated along the radial coordinate by the Gauss function. Coupling with the Alfvén mode strongly influences the growth rate of the drift mirror instability. The mirror mode can only exist in a narrow range of parameters. In the general case, the mode represents an Alfvén wave modified by plasma inhomogeneity.}, Doi = {10.5194/angeo-24-2291-2006}, File = {Klimushkin2006a_angeo-24-2435-2006.pdf:Klimushkin2006a_angeo-24-2435-2006.pdf:PDF;Klimushkin2006_angeo-24-2291-2006.pdf:Klimushkin2006_angeo-24-2291-2006.pdf:PDF;Klimushkin2006b_fulltext[1].pdf:Klimushkin2006b_fulltext[1].pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.ann-geophys.net/24/2291/2006/} } @Article{Klimushkin2000, Title = {The propagation of high-m Alfvén waves in the Earth's magnetosphere and their interaction with high-energy particles}, Author = {Dmitri Y. Klimushkin}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {2000}, Number = {A10}, Pages = {23,303-23,310}, Volume = {105}, Abstract = {This paper is devoted to the study of Alfvén waves generated by the bounce-drift resonance. The global structure of such waves is investigated with due regard to the curvature of field lines, the plasma nonuniformity along field lines and across magnetic shells, finite plasma pressure, and the interaction of the waves with the ionosphere. It is shown that the wave is enhanced as it propagates across magnetic shells with a growth rate dependent on the radial coordinate: The growth rate is maximal on the poloidal surface (i.e., on the magnetic shell, on which the oscillations have a poloidal character), and it decreases to zero on the toroidal surface (where the oscillations have a toroidal character). However, the amplitude maximum does not coincide with the poloidal surface; it is shifted toward the toroidal surface. Moreover, when the value of the growth rate due to the driving particles increases on the poloidal surface, the amplitude maximum of the wave is shifted toward the toroidal surface.}, Doi = {10.1029/1999JA000396}, File = {Klimushkin2000_1999JA000396.pdf:Klimushkin2000_1999JA000396.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2000/1999JA000396.shtml} } @Article{Klimushkin1998, Title = {Theory of azimuthally small-scale hydromagnetic waves in the axisymmetric magnetosphere with finite plasma pressure}, Author = {Klimushkin, D. Y.}, Journal = {Annales Geophysicae}, Year = {1998}, Number = {3}, Pages = {303--321}, Volume = {16}, Doi = {10.1007/s00585-998-0303-7}, File = {Klimushkin1998_angeo-16-303-1998.pdf:Klimushkin1998_angeo-16-303-1998.pdf:PDF;Klimushkin1998a_97JA02193.pdf:Klimushkin1998a_97JA02193.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.ann-geophys.net/16/303/1998/} } @Article{Klimushkin1998a, Title = {Resonators for hydromagnetic waves in the magnetosphere}, Author = {D. Yu. Klimushkin}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1998}, Number = {A2}, Pages = {2369–2375}, Volume = {103}, Abstract = {This paper is concerned with the structure of hydromagnetic waves with respect to finite plasma pressure and the curvature of field lines in those magnetospheric regions where magnetospheric parameters (Alfvén velocity, the quantity β, and equilibrium current) have extrema (the region of plasmapause and partial ring current). It is shown that hydromagnetic waves in these regions they can have the structure of a standing wave not only in the geomagnetic field direction but also across magnetic shells (such a structure is called the “MHD resonator”). It is hypothesized that radially polarized Pc4 pulsations as observed in the magnetosphere represent resonator-enclosed waves in the region of partial ring current.}, File = {Klimushkin1998a_97JA02193.pdf:Klimushkin1998a_97JA02193.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/journals/ja/v103/iA02/97JA02193/} } @Article{Klimushkin2006a, Title = {Eigenmode stability analysis of drift-mirror modes in nonuniform plasmas}, Author = {Klimushkin, D. Yu. and Chen, L.}, Journal = {Annales Geophysicae}, Year = {2006}, Number = {10}, Pages = {2435--2439}, Volume = {24}, Abstract = {The paper employs the frame of a 1-D inhomogeneous model of space plasma,to examine the spatial structure and growth rate of drift mirror modes, often suggested for interpreting some oscillation types in space plasma. Owing to its coupling with the Alfvén mode, the drift mirror mode attains dispersion across magnetic shells (dependence of the frequency on the wave-vector's radial component, kr). The spatial structure of a mode confined across magnetic shells is studied. The scale of spatial localization of the wave is shown to be determined by the plasma inhomogeneity scale and by the azimuthal component of the wave vector. The wave propagates across magnetic shells, its amplitude modulated along the radial coordinate by the Gauss function. Coupling with the Alfvén mode strongly influences the growth rate of the drift mirror instability. The mirror mode can only exist in a narrow range of parameters. In the general case, the mode represents an Alfvén wave modified by plasma inhomogeneity.}, Doi = {10.5194/angeo-24-2435-2006}, File = {Klimushkin2006a_angeo-24-2435-2006.pdf:Klimushkin2006a_angeo-24-2435-2006.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.ann-geophys.net/24/2435/2006/} } @Article{Klimushkin2012a, author = {Dmitri Yu Klimushkin and Pavel N Mager}, title = {Coupled Alfvén and drift-mirror modes in non-uniform space plasmas: a gyrokinetic treatment}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {1}, pages = {015006}, abstract = {This paper deals with the stability of coupled Alfvén and drift-mirror modes in a one dimensionally non-uniform plasma in a gyrokinetic framework. A dispersion relation for the mode is obtained and solved for different values of the coupling parameter, proportional to the square of the radial pressure gradient. Even a weak coupling substantially alters the modes' properties. The frequency of the drift-mirror mode is substantially different from that in the decoupled case the drift-mirror instability can develop for lower values of plasma anisotropy. The weak coupling also causes a decrease in the Alfvén mode frequency and leads to an instability whose growth rate is proportional to the coupling parameter. If the coupling is strong, the notions of the Alfvén and drift-mirror modes lose their meaning since their respective oscillation branches merge and further split at some anisotropy value. Another nomenclature is suggested, the unstable and stable Alfvén-mirror modes, the former being unstable at any anisotropy value, and the latter, in contrast, is always damped. Another effect of coupling is the transverse dispersion of the modes, that is, the dependence of the wave frequency on the wave vector transverse component. This effect can be responsible for the mode structure across the magnetic field and perpendicular energy transfer.}, file = {Klimushkin2012_0741-3335_54_1_015006.pdf:Klimushkin2012_0741-3335_54_1_015006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.12.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=1/a=015006}, } @Article{Klimushkin2011, Title = {Spatial structure and stability of coupled Alfvén and drift compressional modes in non-uniform magnetosphere: Gyrokinetic treatment}, Author = {Dmitri Yu. Klimushkin and Pavel N. Mager}, Journal = {Planetary and Space Science}, Year = {2011}, Note = {Exploring Phobos}, Number = {13}, Pages = {1613 - 1620}, Volume = {59}, Abstract = {The spatial structure and stability properties of the coupled Alfvén and drift compressional modes in a space plasma are studied in a gyrokinetic framework in a model taking into account field-line curvature and plasma and magnetic field inhomogeneity across the magnetic shells. The perturbation is found to be localized in two transparent regions, the Alfvén and drift compressional transparent regions, where the wave vector radial component squared is positive. Both regions are bounded by the resonance and cut-off surfaces, where the wave vector radial component turns into infinity and zero, respectively. An existence of the drift compressional resonance is one of the most important results of this work. It is argued that on the surface of this resonance the longitudinal and azimuthal components of the wave's magnetic field have a pole and logarithmic singularities, respectively. The instability conditions and expressions for the growth rate of the coupled modes have been obtained. In the Alfvénic transparent region, an instability occurs in the presence of the negative plasma temperature gradient. This instability does not lead to a non-stationary wave behavior: all the energy gained from the resonance particles was finally absorbed owing to any dissipation process. In a drift compressional transparent region, a necessary condition for the instability is the growth of the temperature with the radial coordinate. The growth rate is almost independent of the radial coordinate, which means that the wave energy gained from the particles cannot disappear. It will lead to an ever increasing wave amplitude, and no stationary picture for the unstable drift compressional mode is possible.}, Doi = {10.1016/j.pss.2011.07.010}, File = {Klimushkin2011_science.pdf:Klimushkin2011_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0032-0633}, Keywords = {ULF waves}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0032063311002315} } @Article{Klimushkin2004, Title = {Toroidal and poloidal Alfvén waves with arbitrary azimuthal wavenumbers in a finite pressure plasma in the Earth's magnetosphere}, Author = {Klimushkin, D. Yu. and Mager, P. N. and Glassmeier, K.-H.}, Journal = {Annales Geophysicae}, Year = {2004}, Number = {1}, Pages = {267--287}, Volume = {22}, Doi = {10.5194/angeo-22-267-2004}, File = {Klimushkin2004_angeo-22-267-2004.pdf:Klimushkin2004_angeo-22-267-2004.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.ann-geophys.net/22/267/2004/} } @Article{Klimushkin2008, Title = {On the spatial structure and dispersion of slow magnetosonic modes coupled with Alfvén modes in planetary magnetospheres due to field line curvature}, Author = {Klimushkin, D.Yu., Mager, P.N.}, Journal = {Planetary and Space Science}, Year = {2008}, Note = {cited By (since 1996) 2}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1273-1279}, Volume = {56}, Abstract = {The structure of the slow mode coupled with Alfvén mode in the axially symmetric magnetosphere is studied in the paper. Due to the coupling, the slow magnetosonic wave gets dispersion across magnetic shells and becomes not strictly guided. The slow mode is found to be captured between the resonant and cutoff surfaces, where the wave vector radial component goes to infinity and to zero, accordingly. The resonant surface is farther from the Earth than the cutoff surface. The slow mode resonance frequency is much lower than the Alfvén resonance frequency due to small value of the sound velocity near the equator. The maximum of the slow mode amplitude expressed in terms of the parallel magnetic field is concentrated near the equator, but expressed in hydromagnetic terms is concentrated near the ionospheres. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.}, Affiliation = {Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, P.O. Box 291, 664033 Irkutsk, Russian Federation}, Author_keywords = {MHD waves; Mode coupling; Spatial structure}, Document_type = {Article}, File = {Klimushkin2008_science.pdf:Klimushkin2008_science.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Source = {Scopus}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-45849148112&partnerID=40&md5=e0375432e4af92c2f3d69b3670bf9299} } @Article{Klimushkin2007a, Title = {Azimuthally small-scale Alfvén waves in magnetosphere excited by the source of finite duration}, Author = {Klimushkin, D.Yu.a c , Podshibyakin, I.Yu.a , Cao, J.B.b c c}, Journal = {Earth, Planets and Space}, Year = {2007}, Note = {cited By (since 1996) 0}, Number = {8}, Pages = {951-959}, Volume = {59}, Abstract = {In this paper the spatial structure of azimuthally small-scale Alfvén waves in magnetosphere excited by the impulse source is studied. The source is suddenly switched on at a definite moment and works as e-iω0t during the finite time interval. The influence of factors which lead to the difference of toroidal and poloidal eigenfrequencies (like curvature of field lines and finite plasma pressure) is taken into account. Due to these factors, a radial component of the group velocity of Alfvén wave appears. An important value is the time moment, t0, when a wave front moving with radial component of wave group velocity from the poloidal surface (a magnetic surface where the source frequency ω0 coincides with the poloidal frequency) passes the given magnetic shell with the radial coordinate x. The temporal evolution at all the points, where the front has not come yet, is determined by the phase mixing of the initial disturbance. At the points through which the wave front has already passed, the wave field structure almost coincides with the structure of monochromatic wave. The region where the front propagates is bounded by the interval between the poloidal surface and the toroidal one (that is, the Alfvén resonance surface). For this reason, outside this region the evolution is always determined by the phase mixing, which leads to much smaller amplitudes than between poloidal and toroidal surfaces. After the source turned off, a back wave front is formed, which comes through the given point in direction from the poloidal surface to the toroidal one. After the back front has come, the monochromatic wave structure disappears and there is only a weak disturbance, which steadily disappears because of the phase mixing and the final conductivity of ionosphere. Copyright © The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS); The Seismological Society of Japan; The Volcanological Society of Japan; The Geodetic Society of Japan; The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences; TERRAPUB.}, Affiliation = {Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP), Russian Academy of Science, Siberian Branch, P.O. Box 291, Irkutsk 664033, Russian Federation; Key Laboratory of Space Weather, Center for Space Science and Applied Research, 100080 Beijing, China; Russian-Chinese Joint Research Center on Space Weather}, Author_keywords = {Alfvén wave; Impulse excitation; Poloidal mode}, Document_type = {Article}, File = {Klimushkin2007a_59080951.pdf:Klimushkin2007a_59080951.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Source = {Scopus}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-35148825693&partnerID=40&md5=3d4d877c27cc78ce15a2989f82f16b0a} } @Article{Knorr1980, Title = {Fourth-order poisson solver for the simulation of bounded plasmas}, Author = {G. Knorr and G. Joyce and A. J. Marcus}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {1980}, Number = {2}, Pages = {227 - 236}, Volume = {38}, Abstract = {The solution of the two-dimensional Poisson equation in a rectangle with periodic boundaries in one direction and Dirichlet or Neumann boundaries in the other can be handled by a Fast Fourier Transform in one dimension and a fast nonperiodic procedure such as splines in the other. Such a solution is necessary for the simulation of semiperiodic plasma systems. A method is presented which is direct and of fourth order in both the electric potential and the electric fields.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9991(80)90054-6}, File = {Knorr1980_sdarticle[1]7.pdf:Knorr1980_sdarticle[1]7.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.26}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999180900546} } @Article{Kobayashi2012a, author = {Sumire Kobayashi and Barrett N. Rogers}, title = {The quench rule, Dimits shift, and eigenmode localization by small-scale zonal flows}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, pages = {012315}, abstract = {We perform gyrokinetic simulations in a simple Z-pinch geometry to study the physics of small scale, entropy-mode-driven zonal flows. The entropy-modes create radial E×B streamers, which become unstable to the Kelvin-Helmholz (KH) instability at the point of nonlinear saturation. Sufficiently close to marginal entropy-mode stability, the break-up of the streamers by the KH mode generates zonal flows that produce a nearly static, low transport state (the Dimits shift). The flows in this state have a preferred, automatically maintained level, typically several times stronger than the quench-rule threshold that sits at a critical point of the linear mode-structure: the radial streamers of the entropy-modes become, at about the preferred shearing rate, radially localized to the regions where the shearing rate of the zonal flows passes through zero. Coincident with the localization, the linear growth rates drop to smaller but usually finite levels.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3677355}, eid = {012315}, file = {Kobayashi2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012315.pdf:Kobayashi2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012315.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {discharges (electric); plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; Z pinch}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.01.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/012315/1}, } @Article{Koch1983, Title = {The Sideband Instability and Wave-Particle Interaction}, Author = {B P Koch and R W Leven}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {1983}, Number = {3}, Pages = {220}, Volume = {27}, Abstract = {The sideband instability of a large amplitude electron plasma wave is studied by the numerical solution of the Vlasov equation. To give the contribution of the wave-particle mechanism exactly the quasilinear equations are solved simultaneously. As a result the wave-particle mechanism is to some extent responsible for the instability of the lower sideband. To explain the instability of the upper sideband, mode coupling must be included.}, File = {Koch1983_1402-4896_27_3_013.pdf:Koch1983_1402-4896_27_3_013.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.03.19}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/27/i=3/a=013} } @Article{Koch2006, Title = {Wave–particle interactions in plasmas}, Author = {R Koch}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2006}, Number = {12B}, Pages = {B329}, Volume = {48}, Abstract = {An overview of the interactions between waves and particles in plasmas is given. Interest is focused on cases where special particle populations, like energetic particle tails, interact with waves. The two basic, but inter-related, mechanisms through which waves and particles can exchange energy, resonance and stochastization are briefly illustrated. The basic non-collisional interaction mechanisms and their description through quasilinear theory are reviewed. The present state of modelling and comparison with experiments in fusion plasmas is addressed. With respect to astrophysical plasmas, three topics are examined: (i) the generation of cosmic rays, (ii) the heating and fast particle generation in the solar corona and (iii) the whistler wave generation in the magnetosphere.}, File = {Koch2006_0741-3335_48_12B_S31.pdf:Koch2006_0741-3335_48_12B_S31.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.03}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=12B/a=S31} } @Article{Kolesnichenko2001, Title = {Alfv[e-acute]n continuum and high-frequency eigenmodes in optimized stellarators}, Author = {Ya. I. Kolesnichenko and V. V. Lutsenko and H. Wobig and Yu. V. Yakovenko and O. P. Fesenyuk}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2001}, Number = {2}, Pages = {491-509}, Volume = {8}, Abstract = {An equation of shear Alfvén eigenmodes (AE) in optimized stellarators of Wendelstein line (Helias configurations) is derived. The metric tensor coefficients, which are contained in this equation, are calculated analytically. Two numerical codes are developed: the first one, COBRA (COntinuum BRanches of Alfvén waves), is intended for the investigation of the structure of Alfvén continuum; the second, BOA (Branches Of Alfvén modes), solves the eigenvalue problem. The family of possible gaps in Alfvén continuum of a Helias configuration is obtained. It is predicted that there exist gaps which arise due to or are strongly affected by the variation of the shape of the plasma cross section along the large azimuth of the torus. In such gaps, discrete eigenmodes, namely, helicity-induced eigenmodes (HAE21) and mirror-induced eigenmodes (MAE) are found. It is shown that plasma inhomogeneity may suppress the AEs with a wide region of localization.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1339228}, File = {Kolesnichenko2001_PhysPlasmas_8_491.pdf:Kolesnichenko2001_PhysPlasmas_8_491.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {stellarators; plasma instability; plasma Alfven waves; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.20}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/8/491/1} } @Article{Kolesnichenko2003, Title = {Precession of toroidally passing particles in tokamaks and spherical tori}, Author = {Ya. I. Kolesnichenko and R. B. White and Yu. V. Yakovenko}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2003}, Number = {5}, Pages = {1449-1457}, Volume = {10}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1568343}, File = {Kolesnichenko2003_PhysPlasmas_10_1449.pdf:Kolesnichenko2003_PhysPlasmas_10_1449.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; plasma pressure; plasma transport processes; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.05.17}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/10/1449/1} } @Article{Konzett2012, Title = {Correlation length scaling laws in drift-Alfvén edge turbulence computations}, Author = {S Konzett and D Reiser and A Kendl}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {025011}, Volume = {54}, Abstract = {The effect of changes in plasma parameters, that are characteristic near or at an L–H transition in fusion edge plasmas, on fluctuation correlation lengths are analysed by means of drift-Alfvén turbulence computations. Scalings by density gradient length, collisionality, plasma beta and by an imposed shear flow are considered. It is found that strongly sheared flows lead to the appearance of long-range correlations in electrostatic potential fluctuations parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field.}, File = {Konzett2012_0741-3335_54_2_025011.pdf:Konzett2012_0741-3335_54_2_025011.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.28}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=2/a=025011} } @Article{Korsholm2001, Title = {Reynolds stress and shear flow generation}, Author = {S B Korsholm and P K Michelsen and V Naulin and J Juul Rasmussen and L Garcia and B A Carreras and V E Lynch}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2001}, Number = {10}, Pages = {1377}, Volume = {43}, Abstract = {The so-called Reynolds stress may give a measure of the self-consistent flow generation in turbulent fluids and plasmas by the small-scale turbulent fluctuations. A measurement of the Reynolds stress can thus help to predict flows, e.g. shear flows in plasmas. This may assist the understanding of improved confinement scenarios such as H-mode confinement regimes. However, the determination of the Reynolds stress requires measurements of the plasma potential, a task that is difficult in general and nearly impossible in hot plasmas in large devices. In this work we investigate an alternative method, based on density measurements, to estimate the Reynolds stress, and demonstrate the validity range of this quantity, which we term the pseudo-Reynolds stress. The advantage of such a quantity is that accurate measurements of density fluctuations are much easier to obtain experimentally. Prior to the treatment of the pseudo-Reynolds stress, we present analytical and numerical results which demonstrate that the Reynolds stress in a plasma, indeed, generates a poloidal shear flow. The numerical simulations are performed both in a drift wave turbulence regime and a resistive interchange turbulence regime. Finally, the implications of misaligned probe arrays on the determination of Reynolds stresses are investigated, and alignment is found to be important but not severe.}, File = {Korsholm2001_0741-3335_43_10_308.pdf:Korsholm2001_0741-3335_43_10_308.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/43/i=10/a=308} } @Article{Kosachev1969, Title = {Relativistic corrections to the distribution functions of particles in a high-temperature plasma}, Author = {V.V. Kosachev and B.A. Trubnikov}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1969}, Number = {1}, Pages = {53}, Volume = {9}, Abstract = {Single- and double-particle functions for a high-temperature plasma in thermodynamic equilibrium are found by integrating the general Gibbs distribution. The plasma itself is described by Darwin's Lagrangian so that relativistic effects can be taken into account with an accuracy to terms of the order of v 2 /c 2 . The single-particle distribution functions are shown to be somewhat different from the Maxwellian ones in this approximation.}, File = {Kosachev1969_0029-5515_9_1_006[1].pdf:Kosachev1969_0029-5515_9_1_006[1].pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/9/i=1/a=006} } @Article{Kosuga2011, Title = {On relaxation and transport in gyrokinetic drift wave turbulence with zonal flow}, Author = {Y. Kosuga and P. H. Diamond}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122305}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {We present a theory for relaxation and transport in phase space for gyrokinetic drift wave turbulence with zonal flow. The interaction between phase space eddys and zonal flows is considered in two different limits, namely for K>>1 and K ≃ 1 where K is the Kubo number. For K>>1, the growth of an isolated coherent phase space structure is calculated, including the associated zonal flow dynamics. For K ≃ 1, mean field relaxation dynamics is considered in the presence of phase space granulations and zonal flows. In both limits, it is shown that the evolution equations for phase space structures are structurally similar to a corresponding Charney-Drazin theorem for zonal momentum balance in a potential vorticity conserving, quasi-geostrophic system. The transport flux in phase space is calculated in the presence of phase space density granulations and zonal flows. The zonal flow exerts a dynamical friction on ion phase space density evolution, which is a fundamentally new zonal flow effect.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3662428}, Eid = {122305}, File = {Kosuga2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122305.pdf:Kosuga2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122305.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma density; plasma drift waves; plasma kinetic theory; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; vortices}, Numpages = {16}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/122305/1} } @Article{Kotschenreuther1986, Title = {Compressibility effects on ideal and kinetic ballooning modes and elimination of finite Larmor radius stabilization}, Author = {M. Kotschenreuther}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1986}, Pages = {2898}, Volume = {29}, Abstract = {The dynamics of ideal and kinetic ballooning modes are considered analytically including parallel ion dynamics, but without electron dissipation. For ideal modes and typical tokamak parameters, parallel dynamics predominantly determine the growth rate when β is within ∼20%–40% of the ideal threshold, resulting in a substantial reduction in growth rate. Compressibility also eliminates the stabilization effects of finite Larmor radius (FLR); FLR effects (when temperature gradients are neglected) can even increase the growth rate above the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) value. Temperature gradients accentuate this by adding a new source of free energy independent of the MHD drive, in the region of ballooning coordinate corresponding in MHD to the continuum. Analytic dispersion relations are derived demonstrating the effects above; the formalism emphasizes the similarities between the ideal MHD and kinetic cases.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.865490}, File = {Kotschenreuther1986_PFL002898.pdf:Kotschenreuther1986_PFL002898.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v29/i9/p2898_s1} } @Article{Kotschenreuther1995, Title = {Comparison of initial value and eigenvalue codes for kinetic toroidal plasma instabilities}, Author = {Mike Kotschenreuther and G. Rewoldt and W.M. Tang}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1995}, Note = {http://gs2.sourceforge.net/docs/kot95/}, Number = {2-3}, Pages = {128 - 140}, Volume = {88}, Abstract = {In plasma physics, linear instability calculations can be implemented either as initial value calculations or as eigenvalue calculations. Here, comparisons between comprehensive linear gyrokinetic calculations employing the ballooning formalism for high-n (toroidal mode number) toroidal instabilities are described. One code implements an initial value calculation on a grid using a Lorentz collision operator and the other implements an eigenvalue calculation with basis functions using a Krook collision operator. An electrostatic test case with artificial parameters for the toroidal drift mode destabilized by the combined effects of trapped particles and an ion temperature gradient has been carefully analyzed both in the collisionless limit and with varying collisionality. Good agreement is found. Results from applied studies using parameters from the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) experiment are also compared.}, Doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(95)00035-E}, File = {Kotschenreuther1995_GS2.pdf:Kotschenreuther1995_GS2.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.05}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/001046559500035E} } @Article{Krall1962, Title = {Trapping Instabilities in a Slightly Inhomogeneous Plasma}, Author = {Nicholas A. Krall and Marshall N. Rosenbluth}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1962}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1435-1446}, Volume = {5}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1706542}, File = {Krall1962_PFL001435.pdf:Krall1962_PFL001435.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.04.03}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/5/1435/1} } @Article{Krapchev1979, Title = {Kinetic Theory of the Ponderomotive Effects in a Plasma}, Author = {Krapchev, Vladimir B.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1979}, Month = {Feb}, Number = {8}, Pages = {497--500}, Volume = {42}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.42.497}, File = {Krapchev1979_PhysRevLett.42.497.pdf:Krapchev1979_PhysRevLett.42.497.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22} } @Article{Krause2007, Title = {A unified approach to the Darwin approximation}, Author = {Todd B. Krause and A. Apte and P. J. Morrison}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2007}, Number = {10}, Pages = {102112}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {There are two basic approaches to the Darwin approximation. The first involves solving the Maxwell equations in Coulomb gauge and then approximating the vector potential to remove retardation effects. The second approach approximates the Coulomb gauge equations themselves, then solves these exactly for the vector potential. There is no a priori reason that these should result in the same approximation. Here, the equivalence of these two approaches is investigated and a unified framework is provided in which to view the Darwin approximation. Darwin’s original treatment is variational in nature, but subsequent applications of his ideas in the context of Vlasov's theory are not. We present here action principles for the Darwin approximation in the Vlasov context, and this serves as a consistency check on the use of the approximation in this setting.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2799346}, Eid = {102112}, File = {Krause2007_1155_morrison.pdf:Krause2007_1155_morrison.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {approximation theory; Maxwell equations; Vlasov equation}, Numpages = {10}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/102112/1} } @Article{Kravanja2000, Title = {ZEAL: A mathematical software package for computing zeros of analytic functions}, Author = {P. Kravanja and M. Van Barel and O. Ragos and M.N. Vrahatis and F.A. Zafiropoulos}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {2000}, Number = {2-3}, Pages = {212 - 232}, Volume = {124}, Abstract = {We present a reliable and portable software package for computing zeros of analytic functions. The package is named ZEAL (ZEros of AnaLytic functions). Given a rectangular region W in the complex plane and a function that is analytic in W and does not have zeros on the boundary of W, ZEAL localizes and computes all the zeros of f that lie inside W, together with their respective multiplicities. ZEAL is based on the theory of formal orthogonal polynomials. It proceeds by evaluating numerically certain integrals along the boundary of W involving the logarithmic derivative f'/f and by solving generalized eigenvalue problems. The multiplicities are computed by solving a linear system of equations that has Vandermonde structure. ZEAL is written in Fortran 90.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0010-4655(99)00429-4}, File = {Kravanja2000_sdarticle.pdf:Kravanja2000_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Keywords = {Analytic functions}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.14}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TJ5-3YCMCF3-8/2/4fa86dc1e10a979b57780cbd4f56891d} } @Article{Krommes1978, author = {John A. Krommes}, title = {Plasma Transport in Stochastic Magnetic Fields. II: Principles and Problems of Test Electron Transport}, journal = {Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplement}, year = {1978}, number = {64}, pages = {137-149}, note = {http://www.osti.gov/energycitations/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=6611597}, abstract = {Plasma confinement in toroidal devices may be significantly degraded because of flux surface destruction and consequent stochastic wandering of magnetic lines. In this study a model stochastic differential equation is considered which describes guiding center electron motion in a statistically specified spectrum of turbulent magnetic fluctuations. The fluctuation intensity is assumed to satisfy the Chirikov criterion (resonance overlap) for onset of stochasticity. In this limit typical lines diffuse and are adequately described by a quasilinear diffusion coefficient Dm. However, quasilinear theory does not describe an important mechanism for loss of particle correlations: Particles collisionally diffuse from one line to an adjacent one which diverges rapidly from the first, carrying the particles away. The scale length LK for line divergence is related to the inverse of the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy. An attempt is made to determine LK from a simplified Eulerian vertex renormalization. The exponentiation length which emerges is LK ∼ Ls(k02Dm′′Ls)-1/3, where Ls is the shear length, k0 is a typical azimuthal wavenumber, and Dm′′ is of order Dm. In a particular limit of weak shear, the particle diffusion coefficient can then be estimated as D ∼ Δr2/τc, where Δr2 ∼ Dmz(τc), z(τ) is the distance traveled along the lines in time τ, and for static fluctuations τc ∼ τ(Lδ), where Lδ is LK multiplied by a logarithmic factor involving the perpendicular collisional diffusion coefficient. The problems of more refined quantitative computations from the renormalized kinetic equation are severe, and furher study is necessary.}, doi = {10.1143/PTPS.64.137}, file = {Krommes1978a_3040587.pdf:Krommes1978a_3040587.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.12.13}, url = {http://ptp.ipap.jp/link?PTPS/64/137/}, } @Article{Krommes2010, Title = {Nonlinear gyrokinetics: a powerful tool for the description of microturbulence in magnetized plasmas}, Author = {John A Krommes}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {2010}, Number = {T142}, Pages = {014035}, Volume = {2010}, Abstract = {Gyrokinetics is the description of low-frequency dynamics in magnetized plasmas. In magnetic-confinement fusion, it provides the most fundamental basis for numerical simulations of microturbulence; there are astrophysical applications as well. In this tutorial, a sketch of the derivation of the novel dynamical system comprising the nonlinear gyrokinetic (GK) equation (GKE) and the coupled electrostatic GK Poisson equation will be given by using modern Lagrangian and Lie perturbation methods. No background in plasma physics is required in order to appreciate the logical development. The GKE describes the evolution of an ensemble of gyrocenters moving in a weakly inhomogeneous background magnetic field and in the presence of electromagnetic perturbations with wavelength of the order of the ion gyroradius. Gyrocenters move with effective drifts, which may be obtained by an averaging procedure that systematically, order by order, removes gyrophase dependence. To that end, the use of the Lagrangian differential one-form as well as the content and advantages of Lie perturbation theory will be explained. The electromagnetic fields follow via Maxwell's equations from the charge and current density of the particles. Particle and gyrocenter densities differ by an important polarization effect. That is calculated formally by a 'pull-back' (a concept from differential geometry) of the gyrocenter distribution to the laboratory coordinate system. A natural truncation then leads to the closed GK dynamical system. Important properties such as GK energy conservation and fluctuation noise will be mentioned briefly, as will the possibility (and difficulties) of deriving nonlinear gyrofluid equations suitable for rapid numerical solution—although it is probably best to directly simulate the GKE. By the end of the tutorial, students should appreciate the GKE as an extremely powerful tool and will be prepared for later lectures describing its applications to physical problems.}, File = {Krommes2010_1402-4896_2010_T142_014035.pdf:Krommes2010_1402-4896_2010_T142_014035.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.06}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/2010/i=T142/a=014035} } @Article{Krommes2009, Title = {Comment on “Guiding center plasma models in three dimensions” [ Phys. Plasmas 15, 092112 (2008) ]}, Author = {John A. Krommes}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {084701}, Volume = {16}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3206670}, File = {Krommes2009_PhysPlasmas_16_084701.pdf:Krommes2009_PhysPlasmas_16_084701.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.06}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i8/p084701_s1} } @Article{Krommes2002, Title = {Fundamental statistical descriptions of plasma turbulence in magnetic fields}, Author = {John A. Krommes}, Journal = {Physics Reports}, Year = {2002}, Number = {1-4}, Pages = {1 - 352}, Volume = {360}, Abstract = {A pedagogical review of the historical development and current status (as of early 2000) of systematic statistical theories of plasma turbulence is undertaken. Emphasis is on conceptual foundations and methodology, not practical applications. Particular attention is paid to equations and formalism appropriate to strongly magnetized, fully ionized plasmas. Extensive reference to the literature on neutral-fluid turbulence is made, but the unique properties and problems of plasmas are emphasized throughout. Discussions are given of quasilinear theory, weak-turbulence theory, resonance-broadening theory, and the clump algorithm. The direct-interaction approximation (DIA) is developed as a central focus of the article, and its relationship to the earlier plasma theories is explained. Various methods of renormalized perturbation theory are described, then unified with the aid of the generating-functional formalism of Martin, Siggia, and Rose. A general expression for the renormalized dielectric function is deduced and discussed in detail. Modern approaches such as decimation and PDF methods are described. Derivations of DIA-based Markovian closures are discussed. The eddy-damped quasinormal Markovian (EDQNM) closure is shown to be nonrealizable in the presence of waves, and a new realizable Markovian closure is presented. The test-field model and a realizable modification thereof are also summarized. Numerical solutions of various closures for some plasma-physics paradigms are reviewed. The variational approach to bounds on transport is developed. Miscellaneous topics include Onsager symmetries for turbulence, the interpretation of entropy balances for both kinetic and fluid descriptions, self-organized criticality, statistical interactions between disparate scales, and the roles of both mean and random shear. Appendices are provided on Fourier transform conventions, dimensional and scaling analysis, the derivations of nonlinear gyrokinetic and gyrofluid equations, stochasticity criteria for quasilinear theory, formal aspects of resonance-broadening theory, Novikov's theorem, the treatment of weak inhomogeneity, the derivation of the Vlasov and gyrokinetic weak-turbulence wave kinetic equation from a fully renormalized description, some features of a code for solving the DIA and related Markovian closures, the details of the solution of the EDQNM closure for a solvable three-wave model, and the notation used in the article.}, Doi = {10.1016/S0370-1573(01)00066-7}, File = {Krommes2002_science.pdf:Krommes2002_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0370-1573}, Keywords = {Plasma turbulence}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.20}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370157301000667} } @Article{Krommes1983, Title = {Plasma transport in stochastic magnetic fields. Part 3. Kinetics of test particle diffusion}, Author = {Krommes,John A. and Oberman,Carl and Kleva,Robert G.}, Journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, Year = {1983}, Number = {01}, Pages = {11-56}, Volume = {30}, Abstract = {A discussion is given of test particle transport in the presence of specified stochastic magnetic fields, with particular emphasis on the collisional limit. Certain paradoxes and inconsistencies in the literature regarding the form of the scaling laws are resolved by carefully distinguishing a number of physically distinct correlation lengths, and thus identifying several collisional subregimes. The common procedure of averaging the conventional fluid equations over the statistics of a random field is shown to fail in some important cases because of breakdown of the Chapman-Enskog ordering in the presence of a stochastic field component with short autocorrelation length. A modified perturbation theory is introduced which leads to a Kubo-like formula valid in all collisional regimes. The direct-interaction approximation is shown to fail in the interesting limit in which the orbit exponentiation length LK appears explicitly. A higher-order renormalized kinetic theory in which LK appears naturally is discussed and used to rederive more systematically the results of the heuristic scaling arguments.}, Doi = {10.1017/S0022377800000982}, Eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377800000982}, File = {Krommes1983_S0022377800000982a.pdf:Krommes1983_S0022377800000982a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.13}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377800000982} } @Article{Ku2009, Title = {Full-f gyrokinetic particle simulation of centrally heated global ITG turbulence from magnetic axis to edge pedestal top in a realistic tokamak geometry}, Author = {S. Ku and C.S. Chang and P.H. Diamond}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2009}, Number = {11}, Pages = {115021}, Volume = {49}, Abstract = {Global electrostatic ITG turbulence physics, together with background dynamics, has been simulated in a realistic tokamak core geometry using XGC1, a full-function 5D gyrokinetic particle code. An adiabatic electron model has been used. Some verification exercises of XGC1 have been presented. The simulation volume extends from the magnetic axis to the pedestal top inside the magnetic separatrix. Central heating is applied, and a number, momentum and energy conserving linearized Monte Carlo Coulomb collision is used. In the turbulent region, the ion temperature gradient profile self-organizes globally around R / L T = ( R d log T /d r = major radius on the magnetic axis/temperature gradient length) ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/sime.gif] {sime} 6.5–7, which is somewhat above the conventional nonlinear criticality of ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/sime.gif] {sime} 6. The self-organized ion temperature gradient profile is approximately stiff against variation of heat source magnitude. Results indicate that the relaxation to a self-organized state proceeds in two phases, namely, a transient phase of excessively bursty transport followed by a 1/ f avalanching phase. The bursty types of behaviour are allowed by the quasi-periodic collapse of local E × B shearing barriers.}, File = {Ku2009_0029-5515_49_11_115021.pdf:Ku2009_0029-5515_49_11_115021.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/49/i=11/a=115021} } @Article{Ku2006, Title = {Gyrokinetic particle simulation of neoclassical transport in the pedestal/scrape-off region of a tokamak plasma}, Author = {S Ku and C-S Chang and M Adams and J Cummings and F Hinton and D Keyes and S Klasky and W Lee and Z Lin and S Parker and the CPES team}, Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, Year = {2006}, Number = {1}, Pages = {87}, Volume = {46}, Abstract = {A gyrokinetic neoclassical solution for a diverted tokamak edge plasma has been obtained for the first time using the massively parallel Jaguar XT3 computer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The solutions show similar characteristics to the experimental observations: electric potential is positive in the scrape-off layer and negative in the H-mode layer, and the parallel rotation is positive in the scrape-off layer and at the inside boundary of the H-mode layer. However, the solution also makes a new physical discovery that there is a strong ExB convective flow in the scrape-off plasma. A general introduction to the edge simulation problem is also presented.}, File = {Ku2006_1742-6596_46_1_012.pdf:Ku2006_1742-6596_46_1_012.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.02.06}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/46/i=1/a=012} } @Article{Kusama1999, Title = {Characteristics of Alfvén eigenmodes, burst modes and chirping modes in the Alfvén frequency range driven by negative ion based neutral beam injection in JT-60U}, Author = {Y. Kusama and G.J. Kramer and H. Kimura and M. Saigusa and T. Ozeki and K. Tobita and T. Oikawa and K. Shinohara and T. Kondoh and M. Moriyama and F.V. Tchernychev and M. Nemoto and A. Morioka and M. Iwase and N. Isei and T. Fujita and S. Takeji and M. Kuriyama and R. Nazikian and G.Y. Fu and K.W. Hill and C.Z. Cheng}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1999}, Number = {11Y}, Pages = {1837}, Volume = {39}, Abstract = {The excitation and stabilization of Alfvén eigenmodes and their impact on energetic ion confinement were investigated with negative ion based neutral beam injection at 330-360 keV into weak or reversed magnetic shear plasmas on JT-60U. Toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) were observed in weak shear plasmas with ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/langle.gif] {langle} β h ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/rangle.gif] {rangle} ≥ 0.1% and 0.4 ≤ v b|| /v A ≤ 1. The stability of TAEs is consistent with predictions by the NOVA-K code. New burst modes and chirping modes were observed in the higher β regime of ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/langle.gif] {langle} β h ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/rangle.gif] {rangle} ≥ 0.2%. The effect of TAEs, burst modes and chirping modes on fast ion confinement has been found to be small so far. It was found that a strongly reversed shear plasma with internal transport barrier suppresses AEs.}, File = {Kusama1999_0029-5515_39_11Y_324.pdf:Kusama1999_0029-5515_39_11Y_324.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.14}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/39/i=11Y/a=324} } @Article{Kwon2012, Title = {Analysis of symmetry breaking mechanisms and the role of turbulence self-regulation in intrinsic rotation}, Author = {J.M. Kwon and S. Yi and T. Rhee and P.H. Diamond and K. Miki and T.S. Hahm and J.Y. Kim and Ö.D. Gürcan and C. McDevitt}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {1}, Pages = {013004}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {We present analyses of mechanisms which convert radial inhomogeneity to broken k || -symmetry and thus produce turbulence driven intrinsic rotation in tokamak plasmas. By performing gyrokinetic simulations of ITG turbulence, we explore the many origins of broken k || -symmetry in the fluctuation spectrum and identify both E × B shear and the radial gradient of turbulence intensity—a ubiquitous radial inhomogeneity in tokamak plasmas—as important k || -symmetry breaking mechanisms. By studying and comparing the correlations between residual stress, E × B shearing, fluctuation intensity and its radial gradient, we investigate the dynamics of residual stress generation by various symmetry breaking mechanisms and explore the implication of the self-regulating dynamics of fluctuation intensity and E × B shearing for intrinsic rotation generation. Several scalings for intrinsic rotation are reported and are linked to investigations of underlying local dynamics. It is found that stronger intrinsic rotation is generated for higher values of ion temperature gradient, safety factor and weaker magnetic shear. These trends are broadly consistent with the intrinsic rotation scaling found from experiment—the so-called Rice scaling.}, File = {Kwon2012_0029-5515_52_1_013004.pdf:Kwon2012_0029-5515_52_1_013004.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.02}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=1/a=013004} } @Article{Lakhin2011, Title = {Continuum modes in rotating plasmas: General equations and continuous spectra for large aspect ratio tokamaks}, Author = {V. P. Lakhin and V. I. Ilgisonis}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {9}, Pages = {092103}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {A theory for localized low-frequency ideal magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) modes in axisymmetric toroidal systems is generalized to take into account both toroidal and poloidal equilibrium plasma flows. The general set of equations describing the coupling of shear Alfvén and slow (sound) modes and defining the continuous spectrum of rotating plasmas in axisymmetric toroidal systems is derived. The equations are applied to study the continuous spectra in large aspect ratio tokamaks. The unstable continuous modes in the case of predominantly poloidal plasma rotation with the angular velocity exceeding the sound frequency are found. Their stabilization by the shear Alfvén coupling effect is studied.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3628302}, Eid = {092103}, File = {Lakhin2011_PhysPlasmas_18_092103.pdf:Lakhin2011_PhysPlasmas_18_092103.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {11}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.02.05}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/092103/1} } @Article{Landau1946, Title = {On the vibration of the electronic plasma}, Author = {Lev Davidovich Landau}, Journal = {Journal of Physics}, Year = {1946}, Pages = {25}, Volume = {10}, File = {Landau1946.pdf:Landau1946.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.03.20}, Url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landau_damping} } @Article{Lang2007, Title = {Gyrokinetic δf particle simulation of trapped electron mode driven turbulence}, Author = {Jianying Lang and Yang Chen and Scott E. Parker}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {082315}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {The linear instabilities and nonlinear transport driven by collisionless trapped electron modes (CTEM) are systematically investigated using three-dimensional gyrokinetic δf particle-in-cell simulations. Scalings with local plasma parameters are presented. Simulation results are compared with previous simulations and theoretical predictions. The magnetic shear is found to be linearly stabilizing, but nonlinearly the transport level increases with increasing magnetic shear. This is explained by the changes in radial eddy correlation lengths caused by toroidal coupling. The effect of zonal flows in suppressing the nonlinear CTEM transport is demonstrated to depend on electron temperature gradient and electron to ion temperature ratio. Zonal flow suppression is consistent with the rate of E×B shearing of the ambient turbulence and radial spectra broadening. Strong geodesic acoustic modes (GAM) are generated along with zonal flows.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2771141}, File = {Lang2007_PhysPlasmas_14_082315.pdf:Lang2007_PhysPlasmas_14_082315.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.24}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v14/i8/p082315_s1} } @Article{Lang2009, author = {Jianying Lang and Yang Chen and Scott E. Parker and Guo-Yong Fu}, title = {Gyrokinetic delta f particle simulations of toroidicity-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {10}, pages = {102101}, abstract = {Gyrokinetic δf particle simulation is used to investigate toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs). Both thermal ions and energetic particles are fully kinetic, but a reduced fluid model is used for the electrons. Simulation of a single n = 2 global TAE is carefully analyzed and benchmarked with an eigenmode analysis, and a very good agreement is achieved in both mode structure and mode frequency. The instability of the mode in the presence of energetic particles is demonstrated. In particular, gyrokinetic simulations demonstrate the kinetic damping effect of thermal ions, where the finite radial structure of kinetic Alfvén waves is well resolved and the damping rate is compared to and found to agree well with analytical theory}, doi = {10.1063/1.3243493}, eid = {102101}, file = {Lang2009_PhysPlasmas_16_102101.pdf:Lang2009_PhysPlasmas_16_102101.pdf:PDF}, groups = {pic}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma instability; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.10.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/102101/1}, } @Article{Lang2011, Title = {Nonlinear simulation of toroidal Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode with microturbulence-induced radial diffusion}, Author = {Jianying Lang and Guo-Yong Fu}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {5}, Pages = {055902}, Volume = {18}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3574503}, Eid = {055902}, File = {Lang2011_PhysPlasmas_18_055902.pdf:Lang2011_PhysPlasmas_18_055902.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma instability; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {7}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.05.14}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/055902/1} } @Article{Lang2010, Title = {Nonlinear simulation of toroidal Alfvén eigenmode with source and sink}, Author = {Jianying Lang and Guo-Yong Fu and Yang Chen}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {042309}, Volume = {17}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3394702}, File = {Lang2010_PhysPlasmas_17_042309.pdf:Lang2010_PhysPlasmas_17_042309.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.03}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v17/i4/p042309_s1} } @Article{Lang2008, Title = {Nonlinear saturation of collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence: Zonal flows and zonal density}, Author = {Jianying Lang and Scott E. Parker and Yang Chen}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {055907}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {Gyrokinetic δf particle simulation is used to investigate the nonlinear saturation mechanisms in collisionless trapped electron mode (CTEM) turbulence. It is found that the importance of zonal flow is parameter-sensitive and is well characterized by the shearing rate formula. The effect of zonal flow is empirically found to be sensitive to temperature ratio, magnetic shear, and electron temperature gradient. For parameters where zonal flow is found to be unimportant, zonal density (purely radial density perturbations) is generated and expected to be the dominant saturation mechanism. A toroidal mode-coupling theory is presented that agrees with simulation in the initial nonlinear saturation phase. The mode-coupling theory predicts the nonlinear generation of the zonal density and the feedback and saturation of the linearly most unstable mode. Inverse energy cascade is also observed in CTEM turbulence simulations and is reported here.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2884036}, File = {Lang2008_PhysPlasmas_15_055907.pdf:Lang2008_PhysPlasmas_15_055907.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.24}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v15/i5/p055907_s1} } @Article{Langdon1970, Title = {Theory of Plasma Simulation Using Finite-Size Particles}, Author = {A. Bruce Langdon and Charles K. Birdsall}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1970}, Number = {8}, Pages = {2115-2122}, Volume = {13}, Abstract = {The elementary properties of a plasma, in which the small‐separation force is smoothed from the Coulomb force, are developed. The modification is considered as being produced by spreading out the charge distribution of a particle to make a particle of finite size R (cloud). These clouds move freely through one another and interact through normal electromagnetic fields. A method to adapt point‐particle results for plasma oscillations, shielding, fluctuations, and collisions, is shown, and the modifications to these plasma properties discussed in detail. The relevance of these considerations to computer simulation of plasmas (in which some smoothing is a consequence of the numerical methods used and additional smoothing is sometimes added) is discussed. It is found that smoothing the short wavelength interaction can be used without destroying the desired physics, while suppressing collisional effects and noise at wavelengths < R which are exaggerated in simulation due to the use of far fewer particles than in a real plasma.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1693209}, File = {Langdon1970_PFL002115.pdf:Langdon1970_PFL002115.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/13/2115/1} } @Article{Lao1981, Title = {Variational moment solutions to the Grad–Shafranov equation}, Author = {L. L. Lao and S. P. Hirshman and R. M. Wieland}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1981}, Pages = {1431}, Volume = {24}, Abstract = {A variational method is developed to find approximate solutions to the Grad–Shafranov equation. The surfaces of the constant poloidal magnetic flux ψ(R, Z) are obtained by solving a few ordinary differential equations, which are moments of the Grad–Shafranov equation, for the Fourier amplitudes of the inverse mapping R(ψ, ϑ) and Z(ψ, ϑ). Analytic properties and solutions of the moment equations are considered. Specific calculations using the Impurity Study Experiment (ISX‐B) and the Engineering Test Facility (ETF)/International Tokamak Reactor (INTOR) geometries are performed numerically, and the results agree well with those calculated using standard two‐dimensional equilibrium codes. The main advantage of the variational moment method is that it significantly reduces the computational time required to determine two‐dimensional equilibria without sacrificing accuracy.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.863562}, File = {Lao1981_PFL001431.pdf:Lao1981_PFL001431.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.23}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v24/i8/p1431_s1} } @Article{Lao1982, Title = {VMOMS -- A computer code for finding moment solutions to the Grad-Shafranov equation}, Author = {L. L. Lao and R. M. Wieland and W. A. Houlberg and S. P. Hirshman}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1982}, Note = {http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ABSH_v1_0.html}, Number = {2}, Pages = {129 - 146}, Volume = {27}, Abstract = {Title of program: VMOMS Catalogue number: ABSH Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland (See application form in this issue) Computer: PDP-10/KL10; Installation: ORNL Fusion Energy Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, USA Operating system: TOPS 10 Programming language used: FORTRAN High speed storage required: 9000 words No. of bits in a word: 36 Overlay structure: none Peripherals used: line printer, disk drive No. of cards in combined program and test deck: 2839 Card punching code: ASCII}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0010-4655(82)90069-8}, File = {Lao1982_sdarticle[1].pdf:Lao1982_sdarticle[1].pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Keywords = {plasma physics}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.31}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465582900698} } @Article{Lapenta2006, Title = {Kinetic approach to microscopic-macroscopic coupling in space and laboratory plasmas}, Author = {Giovanni Lapenta and J. U. Brackbill and Paolo Ricci}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2006}, Number = {5}, Pages = {055904}, Volume = {13}, Abstract = {Kinetic plasma simulation typically requires to handle a multiplicity of space and time scales. The implicit moment particle in cell (PIC) method provides a possible route to address the presence of multiple scales effectively. Here, a new implementation of the implicit moment method is described. The present paper has two goals. First, the most modern implementation of the implicit moment method is described. While many of the algorithms involved have been developed in the past, the present paper reports for the first time how the implicit moment method is currently implemented and what specific algorithms have been found to work best. Second, we present the CELESTE3D code, a fully electromagnetic and fully kinetic PIC code, based on the implicit moment method. The code has been in use for a number of years but no previous complete description of its implementation has been provided. The present work fills this gap and introduces a number of new methods not previously presented: a new implementation of the Maxwell solver and a new particle mover based on a Newton-Krylov nonlinear solver for the discretized Newton’s equations. A number of benchmarks of CELESTE3D are presented to shown the typical application and to investigate the improvements introduced by the new solver and the new mover.}, Comment = {"For this reason a more advanced approach called implicit moment method has been designed to remove this constraint, allowing the user to resolve just the scales of interest [LBR06]."}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2173623}, Eid = {055904}, File = {Lapenta2006_PhysPlasmas_13_055904.pdf:Lapenta2006_PhysPlasmas_13_055904.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; method of moments; Maxwell equations; nonlinear equations; Newton method}, Numpages = {9}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.10.12}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/13/055904/1} } @Article{Lauber2007, Title = {LIGKA: A linear gyrokinetic code for the description of background kinetic and fast particle effects on the MHD stability in tokamaks}, Author = {Ph. Lauber and S. Günter and A. Könies and S.D. Pinches}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {2007}, Number = {1}, Pages = {447 - 465}, Volume = {226}, Abstract = {In a plasma with a population of super-thermal particles generated by heating or fusion processes, kinetic effects can lead to the additional destabilisation of MHD modes or even to additional energetic particle modes. In order to describe these modes, a new linear gyrokinetic MHD code has been developed and tested, LIGKA (linear gyrokinetic shear Alfvén physics) [Ph. Lauber, Linear gyrokinetic description of fast particle effects on the MHD stability in tokamaks, Ph.D. Thesis, TU München, 2003; Ph. Lauber, S. Günter, S.D. Pinches, Phys. Plasmas 12 (2005) 122501], based on a gyrokinetic model [H. Qin, Gyrokinetic theory and computational methods for electromagnetic perturbations in tokamaks, Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, 1998]. A finite Larmor radius expansion together with the construction of some fluid moments and specification to the shear Alfvén regime results in a self-consistent, electromagnetic, non-perturbative model, that allows not only for growing or damped eigenvalues but also for a change in mode-structure of the magnetic perturbation due to the energetic particles and background kinetic effects. Compared to previous implementations [H. Qin, mentioned above], this model is coded in a more general and comprehensive way. LIGKA uses a Fourier decomposition in the poloidal coordinate and a finite element discretisation in the radial direction. Both analytical and numerical equilibria can be treated. Integration over the unperturbed particle orbits is performed with the drift-kinetic HAGIS code [S.D. Pinches, Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Nottingham, 1996; S.D. Pinches et al., CPC 111 (1998) 131] which accurately describes the particles’ trajectories. This allows finite-banana-width effects to be implemented in a rigorous way since the linear formulation of the model allows the exchange of the unperturbed orbit integration and the discretisation of the perturbed potentials in the radial direction. Successful benchmarks for toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) and kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) with analytical results, ideal MHD codes, drift-kinetic codes and other codes based on kinetic models are reported.}, Doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2007.04.019}, File = {Lauber2007_science.pdf:Lauber2007_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Keywords = {Gyrokinetics}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.02.05}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999107001660} } @Article{Lauber2005, Title = {Kinetic properties of shear Alfvén eigenmodes in tokamak plasmas}, Author = {Ph. Lauber and S. Günter and S. D. Pinches}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2005}, Pages = {122501}, Volume = {12}, Abstract = {This work reports on numerical calculations concerning the kinetic properties of low-n, low-m toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) in tokamak plasmas for fusion relevant parameters. The self-consistent and nonperturbative code LIGKA [ Ph. Lauber, Ph.D. thesis, TU München (2003) ] is employed. It is based on a linear gyrokinetic model consisting of the quasineutrality equation and the moment equation for the perturbed current. It is shown that in a certain limit the underlying equations of LIGKA can be simplified to the equations known as the “reduced kinetic model.” An antenna-like version of LIGKA allows one to systematically find all shear-Alfvén-type modes in a given frequency interval, such as kinetic TAEs (KTAEs) and kinetically modified TAEs. The coupling to the kinetic Alfvén wave (KAW) is found in the form of continuum damping and radiative damping. For the cases examined here, no mode conversion in the centre is found. In the case of a large nonideal parameter, damping rates around 0.5%–1% are found, close to experimental measurements.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2135284}, File = {Lauber2005_PhysPlasmas_12_122501.pdf:Lauber2005_PhysPlasmas_12_122501.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.23}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v12/i12/p122501_s1} } @Article{Lawson1957, Title = {Some Criteria for a Power Producing Thermonuclear Reactor}, Author = {J D Lawson}, Journal = {Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B}, Year = {1957}, Number = {1}, Pages = {6}, Volume = {70}, Abstract = {Calculations of the power balance in thermonuclear reactors operating under various idealized conditions are given. Two classes of reactor are considered: first, self-sustaining systems in which the charged reaction products are trapped and, secondly, pulsed systems in which all the reaction products escape so that energy must be supplied continuously during the pulse. It is found that not only must the temperature be sufficiently high, but also the reaction must be sustained long enough for a definite fraction of the fuel to be burnt.}, File = {Lawson1957_0370-1301_70_1_303.pdf:Lawson1957_0370-1301_70_1_303.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.12.24}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0370-1301/70/i=1/a=303} } @Article{Lee2004, Title = {Theoretical and numerical properties of a gyrokinetic plasma: issues related to transport time scale simulation}, Author = {W. W. Lee}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {2004}, Note = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conferene on the Numerical Simulation of Plasmas}, Number = {1-3}, Pages = {244 - 250}, Volume = {164}, Abstract = {Particle simulation has played an important role for the recent investigations on turbulence transport in magnetically confined plasmas. In this paper, theoretical and numerical properties of a gyrokinetic plasma as well as its relationship with magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) are discussed with the ultimate aim of simulating microturbulence on transport time scale using massively parallel computers.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2004.06.035}, File = {Lee2004_sdarticle.pdf:Lee2004_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Keywords = {Gyrokinetics}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.31}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465504002875} } @Article{Lee1987, Title = {Gyrokinetic particle simulation model}, Author = {W. W. Lee}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {1987}, Number = {1}, Pages = {243 - 269}, Volume = {72}, Abstract = {A new type of particle simulation model based on the gyrophase-averaged Vlasov and Poisson equations is presented. The reduced system, in which particle gyrations are removed from the equations of motion while the finite Larmor radius effects are still preserved, is most suitable for studying low frequency microinstabilities in magnetized plasmas. The resulting gyrokinetic plasma is intrinsically quasineutral for . Thus, without the troublesome space charge waves in the simulation, we can afford to use much larger time steps ([omega]H [Delta]t [precedes, approximate] 1) and grid spacings ([Delta]x[perpendicular]/[varrho]s [precedes, approximate] 1) at a much reduced noise level than we would have for conventional particle codes, where [omega]H[reverse not equivalent](k[short parallel]/k[perpendicular])([lambda]D/[varrho]s)[omega]pe, and k[short parallel] [double less-than sign] k[perpendicular]. Furthermore, it is feasible to simulate an elongated system (L[short parallel] [not double greater-than sign] L[perpendicular]) with a three-dimensional grid using the present model without resorting to the usual mode expansion technique, since there is essentially no restriction on the size of [Delta]x[perpendicular] in a gyrokinetic plasma. The new approach also enables us to further separate the time and spatial scales of the simulation from those associated with global transport through the use of multiple spatial scale expansion. Thus, the model can be a very efficient tool for studying anomalous transport problems related to steady-state drift-wave turbulence in magnetic confinement devices. It can also be applied to other areas of plasma physics.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0021-9991(87)90080-5}, File = {Lee1987_Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation Model.pdf:Lee1987_Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation Model.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.13}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999187900805} } @Article{Lee1983, Title = {Gyrokinetic approach in particle simulation}, Author = {W. W. Lee}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1983}, Pages = {556}, Volume = {26}, Abstract = {A new scheme for particle simulation based on the gyrophase‐averaged Vlasov equation has been developed. It is suitable for studying linear and nonlinear low‐frequency microinstabilities and the associated anomalous transport in magnetically confined plasmas. The scheme retains the gyroradius effects but not the gyromotion; it is, therefore, far more efficient than conventional ones. Furthermore, the reduced Vlasov equation is also amenable to analytical studies.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.864140}, File = {Lee1983_PFL000556.pdf:Lee1983_PFL000556.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.28}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v26/i2/p556_s1} } @Article{Lee2005, Title = {The electromagnetic Darwin model for intense charged particle beams}, Author = {W. Weili Lee and Ronald C. Davidson and Edward A. Startsev and Hong Qin}, Journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment}, Year = {2005}, Note = {Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion HIF 2004 15th International Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion}, Number = {1-2}, Pages = {353 - 359}, Volume = {544}, Abstract = {The theoretical and numerical properties of the electromagnetic Darwin model for intense charged particle beams are investigated. The model neglects the transverse displacement current in Ampere's law and results in the elimination of high-frequency transverse electromagnetic waves and the associated retardation effects in the Vlasov–Maxwell equations. In this paper, two numerical schemes are presented for the purpose of circumventing the numerical instabilities associated with the presence of E T [ ≡ - ( 1 / c ) ∂ A / ∂ t ] in the equations of motion for particle codes, where A is the vector potential. The first relies on higher-order velocity moments for closure, and the other replaces the mechanical momentum, p = γ m v , by the canonical momentum, P = p + ( q / c ) A , as the phase-space variable. The properties of these simulations schemes in the laboratory frame as well as in the beam frame are also discussed. These new numerical methods are most suitable for studying Weibel and two-stream instabilities in heavy ion fusion research.}, Doi = {10.1016/j.nima.2005.01.233}, File = {Lee2005_science.pdf:Lee2005_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0168-9002}, Keywords = {Particle simulation}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.26}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900205003475} } @Article{Lee2006, author = {W W Lee and S Ethier and W X Wang and W M Tang and S Klasky}, title = {Gyrokinetic particle simulation of fusion plasmas: path to petascale computing}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, year = {2006}, volume = {46}, number = {1}, pages = {73}, abstract = {Gyrokinetic particle simulation of fusion plasmas for studying turbulent transport on state-of-theart computers has a long history of important scientific discoveries. The primary examples are: (i) the identification of ion temperature gradient (ITG) drift turbulence as the most plausible process responsible for the thermal transport observed in tokamak experiments; (ii) the reduction of such transport due to the presence of zonal flows; (iii) the confinement scaling trends associated with size of the plasma and also with the ionic isotope species. With the availability of terascale computers in recent years, we have also been able to carry out simulations with improved physics fidelity using experimentally relevant parameters. Computationally, we have demonstrated that our lead Particle-in- Cell (PIC) code, the Gyrokinetic Turbulence Code (GTC), is portable, efficient, and scalable on various MPP platforms. Convergence studies with unprecedented phase-space resolution have also been carried out. Since petascale resources are expected to be available in the near future, we have also engaged in developing better physics models and more efficient numerical algorithms to take advantage of this exciting opportunity. For the near term, we are interested in understanding some basic physics issues related to burning plasmas experiments in International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) - a multi-billion dollar device to be constructed over the next decade. Our long range goal is to carry out integrated simulations for ITER plasmas for a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, including high-frequency short-wavelength wave heating, low-frequency meso-scale transport, and low-frequency large scale magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) physics on these computers.}, file = {Lee2006_1742-6596_46_1_010.pdf:Lee2006_1742-6596_46_1_010.pdf:PDF}, groups = {simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.13}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/46/i=1/a=010}, } @Article{Lee2001, Title = {Shear-Alfv[e-acute]n waves in gyrokinetic plasmas}, Author = {W. W. Lee and J. L. V. Lewandowski and T. S. Hahm and Z. Lin}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2001}, Number = {10}, Pages = {4435-4440}, Volume = {8}, Abstract = {It is found that the thermal fluctuation level of the shear-Alfvén waves in a gyrokinetic plasma is dependent on plasma β( ≡ cs2/vA2), where cs is the ion acoustic speed and vA is the Alfvén velocity. This unique thermodynamic property based on the fluctuation–dissipation theorem is verified in this paper using a new gyrokinetic particle simulation scheme, which splits the particle distribution function into the equilibrium part as well as the adiabatic and nonadiabatic parts. The numerical implication of this property is discussed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1400124}, File = {Lee2001_PhysPlasmas_8_4435.pdf:Lee2001_PhysPlasmas_8_4435.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma kinetic theory; plasma Alfven waves; plasma thermodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma fluctuations}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.06.03}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/8/4435/1} } @Article{Lee2003, Title = {Alfvén waves in gyrokinetic plasmas}, Author = {W. W. Lee and H. Qin}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {3196}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {A brief comparison of the properties of Alfvén waves that are based on the gyrokinetic description with those derived from the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations is presented. The critical differences between these two approaches are the treatment of the ion polarization effects. As such, the compressional Alfvén waves in a gyrokinetic plasma can be eliminated through frequency ordering, whereas geometric simplifications are needed to decouple the shear Alfvén waves from the compressional Alfvén waves within the context of MHD. Theoretical and numerical procedures of using gyrokinetic particle simulation for studying microturbulence and kinetic-MHD physics including finite Larmor radius effects are also presented.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1590666}, File = {Lee2003_PhysPlasmas_10_3196.pdf:Lee2003_PhysPlasmas_10_3196.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.10}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v10/i8/p3196_s1} } @Article{Lerche2008, Title = {Comment on ``A new derivation of the plasma susceptibility tensor for a hot magnetized plasma without infinite sums of products of Bessel functions'' [Phys. Plasmas [bold 14], 092103 (2007)]}, Author = {I. Lerche and R. Schlickeiser and R. C. Tautz}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Number = {2}, Pages = {024701}, Volume = {15}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2839769}, Eid = {024701}, File = {Lerche2008_PhysPlasmas_15_024701.pdf:Lerche2008_PhysPlasmas_15_024701.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Bessel functions; plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma waves}, Numpages = {2}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.06.04}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/024701/1} } @Article{Lesur2009, Title = {Fully nonlinear features of the energetic beam-driven instability}, Author = {M. Lesur and Y. Idomura and X. Garbet}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Number = {9}, Pages = {092305}, Volume = {16}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3234249}, Eid = {092305}, File = {Lesur2009_PhysPlasmas_16_092305.pdf:Lesur2009_PhysPlasmas_16_092305.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {bifurcation; initial value problems; particle beams; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma instability; plasma-beam interactions}, Numpages = {12}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/092305/1} } @Article{Lesur2010, Title = {Spectroscopic determination of kinetic parameters for frequency sweeping Alfvén eigenmodes}, Author = {M. Lesur and Y. Idomura and K. Shinohara and X. Garbet and the JT-60 Team}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {122311}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {A method for analyzing fundamental kinetic plasma parameters, such as linear drive and external damping rate, based on experimental observations of chirping Alfvén eigenmodes, is presented. The method, which relies on new semiempirical laws for nonlinear chirping characteristics, consists of fitting procedures between the so-called Berk–Breizman model and the experiment in a quasiperiodic chirping regime. This approach is applied to the toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) on JT-60 Upgrade (JT-60U) [ N. Oyama et al., Nucl. Fusion 49, 104007 (2009) ], which yields an estimation of the kinetic parameters and suggests the existence of TAEs far from marginal stability. Two collision models are considered, and it is shown that dynamical friction and velocity-space diffusion are essential to reproduce nonlinear features observed in experiments. The results are validated by recovering measured growth and decay of perturbation amplitude and by estimating collision frequencies from experimental equilibrium data.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3500224}, File = {Lesur2010_PhysPlasmas_17_122311.pdf:Lesur2010_PhysPlasmas_17_122311.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.03}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v17/i12/p122311_s1} } @Article{Lewis1986, Title = {A finite‐Larmor‐radius dispersion functional for the Vlasov‐fluid model}, Author = {H. Ralph Lewis}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1986}, Pages = {1860}, Volume = {29}, Abstract = {A dispersion functional for the Vlasov‐fluid model is derived as a finite‐Larmor‐radius (FLR) expansion in which the eigenfrequency is not assumed to be small compared to the ion gyrofrequency and secularities in the gyrophase angle never occur. The expansion is carried out in the local E0×B0 drift frame. Use of the dispersion functional for calculating the small‐signal response of a plasma is compared to using an approximate dispersion differential equation. The linearized Vlasov‐fluid model is examined with particular reference to the questions of treating the initial‐value problem correctly and specifying a generally valid gauge condition. Calculational details for applying the dispersion functional to a general linear screw pinch are presented.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.865615}, File = {Lewis1986_PFL001860.pdf:Lewis1986_PFL001860.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.05}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v29/i6/p1860_s1} } @Article{Li2011c, author = {Dehui Li and Deng Zhou}, title = {Zonal Flows Driven by Small-Scale Drift-Alfven Modes}, journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, year = {2011}, volume = {13}, number = {5}, pages = {523}, abstract = {Generation of zonal flows by small-scale drift-Alfven modes is investigated by adopting the approach of parametric instability with the electron polarization drift included. The zonal mode can be excited by primary modes propagating at both electron and ion diamagnetic drift directions in contrast to the assertion in previous studies that only primary modes propagating in the ion diamagnetic drift directions can drive zonal instabilities. Generally, the growth rate of the driven zonal mode is in the same order as that in previous study. However, different from the previous work, the growth rate is no longer proportional to the difference between the diamagnetic drift frequencies of electrons and ions.}, file = {Li2011_1009-0630_13_5_03.pdf:Li2011_1009-0630_13_5_03.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.10.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/13/i=5/a=03}, } @Article{Li2012d, author = {Li Li and Yue Liu and Yueqiang Liu}, title = {Active control of the resistive wall mode with power saturation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, pages = {012502}, abstract = {An analytic model of non-linear feedback stabilization of the resistive wall mode is presented. The non-linearity comes from either the current or the voltage saturation of the control coil power supply. For the so-called flux-to-current control, the current saturation of active coils always results in the loss of control. On the contrary, the flux-to-voltage control scheme tolerates certain degree of the voltage saturation. The minimal voltage limit is calculated, below which the control will be lost.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3672512}, eid = {012502}, file = {Li2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012502.pdf:Li2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012502.pdf:PDF;Belli2012_0741-3335_54_1_015015.pdf:Belli2012_0741-3335_54_1_015015.pdf:PDF;Li2012a_1009-0630_14_1_04.pdf:Li2012a_1009-0630_14_1_04.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma nonlinear processes; reversed field pinch}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.01.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/012502/1}, } @Article{Li2012e, author = {Li Li and Liu Yue and Xu Xinyang and Xia Xinnian}, title = {The Effect of Equilibrium Current Profiles on MHD Instabilities in Tokamaks}, journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, year = {2012}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {14}, abstract = {A cylindrical model of linear MHD instabilities in tokamaks is presented. In the model, the cylindrical plasma is surrounded by a vacuum which is divided into inner and outer vacuum areas by a conducting wall. Linearized resistivity MHD equations with plasma viscosity are adopted to describe our model, and the equations are solved numerically as an initial value problem. Some of the results are used as benchmark tests for the code, and then a series of equilibrium current profiles are used to simulate the bootstrap current profiles in actual experiments with a bump on tail. Thus the effects of these kinds of profiles on MHD instabilities in tokamaks are revealed. From the analysis of the numerical results, it is found that more plasma can be confined when the center of the current bump is closer to the plasma surface, and a higher and narrower current bump has a better stabilizing effect on the MHD instabilities.}, file = {Li2012a_1009-0630_14_1_04.pdf:Li2012a_1009-0630_14_1_04.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.01.28}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/14/i=1/a=04}, } @Article{Li1997, Title = {Ion pitch-angle scattering by Alfv[e-acute]n waves}, Author = {Y. Li and Peter H. Yoon and C. S. Wu and A. T. Weatherwax and J. K. Chao and B. H. Wu}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1997}, Number = {11}, Pages = {4103-4117}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {Freshly created ions can be picked up by a moving plasma without relying on collisions. It is well known that such an ion pickup process can be accomplished via the interaction with Alfvén waves. However, it should be stressed that in general ion pickup is attributed to two distinctly different sub-processes, namely, pitch-angle diffusion and pitch-angle scattering. In this article their difference is discussed and furthermore, some new results from a recent theoretical study are reported. It is found that under some conditions the usual quasilinear theory which describes the pitch-angle diffusion process cannot be justified even when the turbulence level is low. Another significant finding is that in the presence of strong Alfvén turbulence, thermal ions can be intensely heated by a nonlinear damping of the waves, which does not depend upon the usual ion cyclotron resonance.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872530}, File = {Li1997_PhysPlasmas_4_4103.pdf:Li1997_PhysPlasmas_4_4103.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; ION COLLISIONS; TURBULENCE; ION CYCLOTRON-RESONANCE; DIFFUSION; plasma Alfven waves; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.06.17}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/4103/1} } @Article{Li1987, Title = {Destabilization of global Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes and kinetic Alfv[e-acute]n waves by alpha particles in a tokamak plasma}, Author = {Yan Ming Li and Swadesh M. Mahajan and David W. Ross}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1987}, Number = {5}, Pages = {1466-1484}, Volume = {30}, Doi = {10.1063/1.866260}, File = {Li1987_PFL001466.pdf:Li1987_PFL001466.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA; ALFVEN WAVES; CHEMICAL REACTIONS; ANALYTICAL SOLUTION; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; PLASMA INSTABILITY; FREE ENERGY; ALPHA PARTICLES; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; RESONANCE; ELECTRONS; KINETIC EQUATIONS; COUPLING; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.29}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/30/1466/1} } @Article{Liewer1985, Title = {Measurements of microturbulence in tokamaks and comparisons with theories of turbulence and anomalous transport}, Author = {Paulett C. Liewer}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1985}, Number = {5}, Pages = {543}, Volume = {25}, Abstract = {A review of measurements of microscopic fluctuations and theories of turbulence and anomalous transport for tokamaks is given, and some comparisons between theory and experiment are presented. The results of the measurements indicate that all tokamaks have rather similar, broadband, incoherent microscopic fluctuations. Such fluctuations have been measured in the density, potential, electric field, and magnetic field. In the edge regions of three tokamaks, the particle transport caused by the turbulent electric field fluctuations has been measured directly. Although tokamak microturbulence has been studied extensively, neither its source nor its role in anomalous energy transport is yet understood. The incoherent, turbulent nature of the fluctuations has made it difficult to understand them theoretically. Recently, however, significant theoretical progress has been made in several areas including non-linear models of drift wave turbulence and transport, models of anomalous electron thermal conduction by stochastic magnetic field fluctuations, and non-linear models of localized resistive-MHD instabilities.}, File = {Liewer1985_Measurements of microturbulence in tokamaks.pdf:Liewer1985_Measurements of microturbulence in tokamaks.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.12}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/25/i=5/a=004} } @Article{Lilley2010, Title = {Effect of dynamical friction on nonlinear energetic particle modes}, Author = {M. K. Lilley and B. N. Breizman and S. E. Sharapov}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Number = {9}, Pages = {092305}, Volume = {17}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3486535}, Eid = {092305}, File = {Lilley2010_PhysPlasmas_17_092305.pdf:Lilley2010_PhysPlasmas_17_092305.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma instability; plasma nonlinear waves; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes}, Numpages = {10}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.04.30}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/092305/1} } @Article{Lilley2009, Title = {Destabilizing Effect of Dynamical Friction on Fast-Particle-Driven Waves in a Near-Threshold Nonlinear Regime}, Author = {Lilley, M. K. and Breizman, B. N. and Sharapov, S. E.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2009}, Month = {May}, Number = {19}, Pages = {195003}, Volume = {102}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.195003}, File = {Lilley2009_PhysRevLett.102.195003.pdf:Lilley2009_PhysRevLett.102.195003.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.04.30} } @Article{Lin1978, Title = {The Coupling of Alfvén and Compressional Waves}, Author = {C. S. Lin and G. K. Parks}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1978}, Number = {A6}, Pages = {2628-2636}, Volume = {83}, Abstract = {The article studies the hydromagnetic wave propagation characteristics in a mixture of cold and hot plasma in the presence of an inhomogeneous magnetic field. Electron and ion distribution functions with a temperature anisotropy and a density gradient are used to obtain the dispersion equation by solving the Vlasov equation and Maxwell equations. From the solutions of the dispersion equation we find that the Alfvén waves can couple to unstable drift mirror waves under certain conditions. The polarization of the coupled waves is studied for varying parameters of temperature anisotropy and the cold to hot density ratio. From detailed comparison of the theoretical results with the low-frequency wave properties observed in the magnetosphere we propose that the storm-associated magnetic field oscillations with periods of 100-600 s might be caused by the coupling of Alfvén waves and the unstable drift mirror waves.}, Doi = {10.1029/JA083iA06p02628}, File = {Lin1978_JA083iA06p02628.pdf:Lin1978_JA083iA06p02628.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1978/JA083iA06p02628.shtml} } @Article{Lin2005, Title = {A gyrokinetic electron and fully kinetic ion plasma simulation model}, Author = {Yu Lin and Xueyi Wang and Zhihong Lin and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2005}, Number = {4}, Pages = {657}, Volume = {47}, Abstract = {A novel new kinetic simulation model has been developed to investigate dynamics in collisionless plasmas. In this model, the electrons are treated as gyrokinetic (GK) particles and ions are treated as fully kinetic (FK) particles. In the GK-electron and FK-ion (GKe/FKi) plasma simulation model, the rapid electron cyclotron motion is removed, while keeping finite electron Larmor radii, realistic electron-to-ion mass ratio, wave–particle interactions, and off-diagonal components of the electron pressure tensor. The model is particularly suitable for plasma dynamics with wave frequencies lower than the electron gyrofrequency, and for problems in which the wave modes ranging from Alfvén waves to lower-hybrid/whistler waves need to be handled on an equal footing. Using this model, the computation power can be significantly improved over that of the existing full-particle codes. The GKe/FKi model, furthermore, can also handle physics with realistic electron-to-ion mass ratio and dynamic processes on the global Alfvén time/spatial scales. With respect to the hybrid (i.e. FK ion and fluid electron) model, the GKe/FKi model has the advantage that important electron kinetic physics, such as wave–particle resonances and finite electron Larmor radius effects, are included. The simulation model has been successfully benchmarked for linear waves in uniform plasmas against analytic dispersion relation.}, File = {Lin2005_0741-3335_47_4_006.pdf:Lin2005_0741-3335_47_4_006.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.02}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/47/i=4/a=006} } @Article{Lin2011a, author = {Y Lin and X Y Wang and L Chen and X Lu and W Kong}, title = {An improved gyrokinetic electron and fully kinetic ion particle simulation scheme: benchmark with a linear tearing mode}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {53}, number = {5}, pages = {054013}, abstract = {An improved gyrokinetic electron and fully kinetic ion (GeFi) particle simulation scheme is presented for the investigation of linear collisionless tearing mode instability in a two-dimensional Harris current sheet under a finite guide field B G and a realistic ion-to-electron mass ratio m i / m e . Due to the removal of the rapid electron cyclotron motion while retaining the finite electron Larmor radii, wave–particle interaction, and off-diagonal components of the electron pressure tensor, the GeFi model can be used to investigate the physics of magnetic reconnection with a realistic m i / m e in a large-scale current sheet, which in general possesses wave modes ranging from Alfvén waves to lower hybrid/whistler waves, with wave frequency ω < Ω e , where Ω e is the electron gyrofrequency. As a necessary step of utilizing the code for magnetic reconnection, the linearized GeFi scheme is benchmarked by comparing the simulation results using a δ f method against direct numerical solutions of the tearing-instability eigenmode equations, as well as those obtained analytically via asymptotic matching.}, file = {Lin2011_0741-3335_53_5_054013.pdf:Lin2011_0741-3335_53_5_054013.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.04.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=5/a=054013}, } @Article{Lin2001, Title = {A fluid--kinetic hybrid electron model for electromagnetic simulations}, Author = {Zhihong Lin and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2001}, Number = {5}, Pages = {1447-1450}, Volume = {8}, Abstract = {A fluid–kinetic hybrid electron model for electromagnetic simulations of finite-β plasmas is developed based on an expansion of the electron response using the electron–ion mass ratio as a small parameter. (Here β is the ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure.) The model accurately recovers low frequency plasma dielectric responses and faithfully preserves nonlinear kinetic effects (e.g., phase space trapping). Maximum numerical efficiency is achieved by overcoming the electron Courant condition and suppressing high frequency modes. This method is most useful for nonlinear kinetic (particle-in-cell or Vlasov) simulations of electromagnetic microturbulence and Alfvénic instabilities in magnetized plasmas.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1356438}, File = {Lin2001_PhysPlasmas_8_1447.pdf:Lin2001_PhysPlasmas_8_1447.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma simulation; plasma kinetic theory; plasma pressure; plasma turbulence; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma instability; plasma dielectric properties}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.12.30}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/8/1447/1} } @Article{Lin1998, Title = {Turbulent Transport Reduction by Zonal Flows: Massively Parallel Simulations}, Author = {Z. Lin and T. S. Hahm and W. W. Lee and W. M. Tang and R. B. White}, Journal = {Science}, Year = {1998}, Number = {5384}, Pages = {1835-1837}, Volume = {281}, Abstract = {Three-dimensional gyrokinetic simulations of microturbulence in magnetically confined toroidal plasmas with massively parallel computers showed that, with linear flow damping, an asymptotic residual flow develops in agreement with analytic calculations. Nonlinear global simulations of instabilities driven by temperature gradients in the ion component of the plasma support the view that turbulence-driven fluctuating zonal flows can substantially reduce turbulent transport. Finally, the outstanding differences in the flow dynamics observed in global and local simulations are found to be due to profile variations.}, Doi = {10.1126/science.281.5384.1835}, File = {Lin1998_science98.pdf:Lin1998_science98.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.14}, Url = {http://www.sciencemag.org/content/281/5384/1835.short} } @Article{Lin1995, author = {Lin, Z. and Lee, W. W.}, title = {Method for solving the gyrokinetic Poisson equation in general geometry}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {1995}, volume = {52}, pages = {5646--5652}, month = {Nov}, abstract = {A generalized gyrokinetic Poisson solver has been developed and implemented in gyrokinetic particle simulation of low frequency microinstabilities in magnetic fusion plasmas. This technique employs local operations in the configuration space to compute the polarization density response and automatically takes into account the background profile effects contained in the gyrokinetic Poisson equation. It is useful for the global gyrokinetic simulation of magnetized plasmas in general equilibria, where the traditional spectral method is not applicable. The numerical scheme is also most amenable to massively parallel algorithms.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.52.5646}, file = {Lin1995_PhysRevE.52.5646.pdf:Lin1995_PhysRevE.52.5646.pdf:PDF}, groups = {simulation}, issue = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2011.11.14}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.52.5646}, } @Article{Lin2007a, author = {Z Lin and Y Nishimura and Y Xiao and I Holod and W L Zhang and L Chen}, title = {Global gyrokinetic particle simulations with kinetic electrons}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2007}, volume = {49}, number = {12B}, pages = {B163}, abstract = {A toroidal, nonlinear, electrostatic fluid-kinetic hybrid electron model is formulated for global gyrokinetic particle simulations of driftwave turbulence in fusion plasmas. Numerical properties are improved by an expansion of the electron response using a smallness parameter of the ratio of driftwave frequency to electron transit frequency. Linear simulations accurately recover the real frequency and growth rate of toroidal ion temperature gradient (ITG) instability. Trapped electrons increase the ITG growth rate by mostly not responding to the ITG modes. Nonlinear simulations of ITG turbulence find that the electron thermal and particle transport are much smaller than the ion thermal transport and that small scale zonal flows are generated through nonlinear interactions of the trapped electrons with the turbulence.}, file = {Lin2007_0741-3335_49_12B_S15.pdf:Lin2007_0741-3335_49_12B_S15.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.11.28}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/49/i=12B/a=S15}, } @Article{Lin1995a, Title = {Gyrokinetic particle simulation of neoclassical transport}, Author = {Z. Lin and W. M. Tang and W. W. Lee}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1995}, Number = {8}, Pages = {2975-2988}, Volume = {2}, Abstract = {A time varying weighting (δf ) scheme for gyrokinetic particle simulation is applied to a steady‐state, multispecies simulation of neoclassical transport. Accurate collision operators conserving momentum and energy are developed and implemented. Simulation results using these operators are found to agree very well with neoclassical theory. For example, it is dynamically demonstrated that like‐particle collisions produce no particle flux and that the neoclassical fluxes are ambipolar for an ion–electron plasma. An important physics feature of the present scheme is the introduction of toroidal flow to the simulations. Simulation results are in agreement with the existing analytical neoclassical theory. The poloidal electric field associated with toroidal mass flow is found to enhance density gradient‐driven electron particle flux and the bootstrap current while reducing temperature gradient‐driven flux and current. Finally, neoclassical theory in steep gradient profile relevant to the edge regime is examined by taking into account finite banana width effects. In general, in the present work a valuable new capability for studying important aspects of neoclassical transport inaccessible by conventional analytical calculation processes is demonstrated.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.871196}, File = {Lin1995a_PhysPlasmas_2_2975.pdf:Lin1995a_PhysPlasmas_2_2975.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {NEOCLASSICAL TRANSPORT THEORY; PLASMA SIMULATION; COLLISION INTEGRALS; BOOTSTRAP CURRENT; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; KINETIC EQUATIONS; BANANA REGIME; MULTICOMPONENT PLASMA}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.02.06}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/2975/1} } @Article{Littlejohn1983, author = {Littlejohn,Robert G.}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {Variational principles of guiding centre motion}, year = {1983}, number = {01}, pages = {111-125}, volume = {29}, abstract = {ABSTRACT An elementary but rigorous derivation is given for a variational principle for guiding centre motion. The equations of motion resulting from the variational principle (the drift equations) possess exact conservation laws for phase volume, energy (for time-independent systems), and angular momentum (for azimuthally symmetric systems). The results of carrying the variational principle to higher order in the adiabatic parameter are displayed. The behaviour of guiding centre motion in azimuthally symmetric fields is discussed, and the role of angular momentum is clarified. The application of variational principles in the derivation and solution of gyrokinetic equations is discussed.}, doi = {10.1017/S002237780000060X}, eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S002237780000060X}, file = {Littlejohn1983_JPP.pdf:Littlejohn1983_JPP.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.03.11}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S002237780000060X}, } @Article{Littlejohn1982a, Title = {Hamiltonian perturbation theory in noncanonical coordinates}, Author = {Robert G. Littlejohn}, Journal = {J. Math. Phys.}, Year = {1982}, Pages = {742}, Volume = {23}, Doi = {10.1063/1.525429}, File = {Littlejohn1982a_JMathPhys_23_742.pdf:Littlejohn1982a_JMathPhys_23_742.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.05}, Url = {http://m.jmp.aip.org/resource/1/jmapaq/v23/i5/p742_s1} } @Article{Littlejohn1982b, Title = {Hamiltonian Theory of Guiding Center Bounce Motion}, Author = {Robert G Littlejohn}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {1982}, Number = {T2A}, Pages = {119}, Volume = {1982}, Abstract = {The Hamiltonian structure of guiding center bounce motion is analyzed by means of the differential of the mechanical action, p · d q − h d t . A set of canonical variables is constructed for the bounce averaged drift equations and the corresponding Hamiltonian is derived. The first correction term J 1 to the bounce invariant is calculated, including the effects of electric fields and time dependence.}, File = {Littlejohn1982b_1402-4896_1982_T2A_015.pdf:Littlejohn1982b_1402-4896_1982_T2A_015.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.03.11}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/1982/i=T2A/a=015} } @Article{Littlejohn1981, Title = {Hamiltonian formulation of guiding center motion}, Author = {Robert G. Littlejohn}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1981}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1730-1749}, Volume = {24}, Doi = {10.1063/1.863594}, File = {Littlejohn1981_PFL001730.pdf:Littlejohn1981_PFL001730.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION; ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS; PLASMA; HAMILTONIANS; PERTURBATION THEORY; PHASE SPACE; COORDINATES; PLASMA DRIFT}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.07.05}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/24/1730/1} } @Article{Littlejohn1979, Title = {A guiding center Hamiltonian: A new approach}, Author = {Robert G. Littlejohn}, Journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, Year = {1979}, Number = {12}, Pages = {2445-2458}, Volume = {20}, Doi = {10.1063/1.524053}, File = {Littlejohn1979_JMathPhys_20_2445.pdf:Littlejohn1979_JMathPhys_20_2445.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {HAMILTONIANS; PHASE SPACE; MAGNETIC FIELDS; PERTURBATION THEORY; CLASSICAL MECHANICS; EQUATIONS OF MOTION; CANONICAL TRANSFORMATIONS; GUIDING=(HYPHEN)=CENTER APPROXIMATION}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.07.05}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/20/2445/1} } @Article{Litvinenko2010, Title = {A similarity reduction of the Grad–Shafranov equation}, Author = {Yuri E. Litvinenko}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {074502}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {A direct method for finding similarity reductions of partial differential equations is applied to a specific case of the Grad–Shafranov equation. As an illustration of the method, the frequently used Solov’ev equilibrium is derived. The method is employed to obtain a new family of exact analytical solutions, which contain both the classical and nonclassical group-invariant solutions of the Grad–Shafranov equation and thus greatly extends the range of the available analytical solutions. All the group-invariant solutions based on the classical Lie symmetries are shown to be particular cases in the new family of solutions.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3456519}, File = {Litvinenko2010_PhysPlasmas_17_074502.pdf:Litvinenko2010_PhysPlasmas_17_074502.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.21}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v17/i7/p074502_s1} } @Article{Liu2011c, author = {Chang Liu and Hong Qin and Chenhao Ma and Xiongjie Yu}, title = {A gyrokinetic collision operator for magnetized Lorentz plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, pages = {032502}, doi = {10.1063/1.3555534}, eid = {032502}, file = {Liu2011_PhysPlasmas_18_032502.pdf:Liu2011_PhysPlasmas_18_032502.pdf:PDF;Liu2011a_1402-4896_84_2_025506.pdf:Liu2011a_1402-4896_84_2_025506.pdf:PDF;Liu2011b_0741-3335_53_6_062002.pdf:Liu2011b_0741-3335_53_6_062002.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Fokker-Planck equation; plasma collision processes; plasma confinement; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2011.03.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/032502/1}, } @Article{Liu2011d, author = {Dongjian Liu and Liu Chen}, title = {Finite-mass fluid electron simulation of kinetic and inertial Alfvén waves in a sheared magnetic field}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {2011}, volume = {84}, number = {2}, pages = {025506}, abstract = {The linear behaviors of kinetic and inertial Alfvén waves (KAW/IAW) in a sheared magnetic field are investigated via a finite-mass fluid electron model in finite-β magnetized plasmas. It is found that the KAW and IAW propagate in opposite directions after mode conversion. Here, β is the ratio between plasma and magnetic pressures. The KAW propagates to the singular surface and deposits energy at the resonant point, where the wave resonates with the local electron motion. The IAW propagates away from the singular surface.}, file = {Liu2011a_1402-4896_84_2_025506.pdf:Liu2011a_1402-4896_84_2_025506.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.08.15}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/84/i=2/a=025506}, } @Article{Liu2011e, author = {Dongjian Liu and Liu Chen}, title = {A finite-mass fluid electron simulation model for low-frequency electromagnetic waves in magnetized plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {53}, number = {6}, pages = {062002}, abstract = {A finite-mass fluid electron model has been developed for simulating low-frequency electromagnetic waves in finite-β magnetized plasmas. Here, β is the ratio between plasma and magnetic pressures. It is demonstrated in slab geometry that the model successfully exhibits the linear properties of both the kinetic and inertial Alfvén waves as well as the theoretically predicted collisionless tearing-mode instability.}, file = {Liu2011b_0741-3335_53_6_062002.pdf:Liu2011b_0741-3335_53_6_062002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.08.15}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=6/a=062002}, } @Article{Liu2010, Title = {Gyrokinetic simulation of turbulence driven geodesic acoustic modes in edge plasmas of HL-2A tokamak}, Author = {Feng Liu and Z. Lin and J. Q. Dong and K. J. Zhao}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {112318}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {Strong correlation between high frequency microturbulence and low frequency geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) has been observed in the edge plasmas of the HL-2A tokamak, suggesting possible GAM generation via three wave coupling with turbulence, which is in turn modulated by the GAM. In this work, we use the gyrokinetic toroidal code to study the linear and nonlinear development of the drift instabilities, as well as the generation of the GAM (and low frequency zonal flows) and its interaction with the turbulence for realistic parameters in the edge plasmas of the HL-2A tokamak for the first time. The simulation results indicate that the unstable drift wave drives strong turbulence in the edge plasma of HL-2A. In addition, the generation of the GAM and its interaction with the turbulence are all observed in the nonlinear simulation. The simulation results are in reasonable agreement with the experimental observations.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3496981}, File = {Liu2010_PhysPlasmas_17_112318.pdf:Liu2010_PhysPlasmas_17_112318.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.31}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v17/i11/p112318_s1} } @Article{Liu2012e, author = {Jianxun Liu and Shaoyong Chen and Changjian Tang}, title = {Collision effects on high- n ballooning modes with a full Lorentz collision operator}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {2}, pages = {023015}, abstract = {The dispersion relation for high- n ballooning modes is obtained from the customary drift gyro-kinetic equation employing the energy-dependent Lorenz collision operator. There are significant differences between our results and those with the Krook collision operator. The present results show that collision seems to have much weaker stabilizing effects, if any, on the high- n ballooning modes than those with the Krook collision operator when the collisionality, υ *e , is smaller than a critical value. However, contrary to the phenomenon, the collision shows strong stabilizing effects on the ballooning mode once the collisionality exceeds a critical value. These differences are supposed to arise from boundary layer behaviour which refers to the electron perturbation at the boundary between trapped and passing electrons in velocity space, but the physical process cannot be described by non-conserving Krook collision operators. This destabilizing mechanism of boundary layer behaviour is discussed in this paper. In addition, the critical value shows a considerably strong dependence on η e (η e ≡ d ln T e /d ln N e ).}, file = {Liu2012_0029-5515_52_2_023015.pdf:Liu2012_0029-5515_52_2_023015.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.01.28}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=2/a=023015}, } @Article{Liu2009e, author = {Songfen Liu and Wei Kong and Beilai Hu and Feng Liu and Jiaqi Dong and Zhe Gao}, title = {Ion temperature gradient driven instability in high beta plasmas of a sheared slab}, journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, pages = {012302}, abstract = {A set of simplified integral eigenmode equations with neglecting of the magnetic gradient drift effects are derived and employed to investigate the ion temperature gradient modes in plasmas of sheared slab geometry. Perturbations of both perpendicular and parallel components of magnetic vector potential are considered, as well as the perturbation of the electrostatic potential. The characteristics of the ion temperature gradient instability are studied with the equations and the corresponding computer code, and compared with those with the drift effects included. The results show that the magnetic gradient drift has a block effect on ion temperature gradient mode stabilization, and the perpendicular component of the perturbed magnetic vector potential has strong stabilizing effects on ion temperature gradient modes. Nevertheless, the results from the simplified equations are qualitatively in agreement with those from the complete equations and the differences between them are not significant quantitatively. The simplified equations have the advantages of saving computer time and being well suited to analytic methods.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3055597}, file = {Liu2009_PhysPlasmas_16_012302.pdf:Liu2009_PhysPlasmas_16_012302.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.10.31}, url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i1/p012302_s1}, } @Article{Liu1997a, author = {W. William Liu}, title = {Physics of the explosive growth phase: Ballooning instability revisited}, journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, year = {1997}, volume = {102}, number = {A3}, pages = {4927-4931}, abstract = {In situ observations have led to the notion of the explosive growth phase when the crosstail current sheet inside L∼10 suddenly thins in a time of ∼1 min. A theoretical explanation of the current intensification envisages the ballooning instability of magnetospheric plasma. In this paper, this theoretical notion is reanalyzed mathematically. In contrast to some previous work, we find that for a high-plasma, the ballooning instability can be excited easily by an earthward pressure gradient of any magnitude and for perturbations having parallel wavenumbers comparable to the field line curvature. The instability is compounded by its own development, leading ultimately to the extreme condition of a thin current sheet of a few ion gyroradius thick.}, doi = {10.1029/96JA03561}, file = {Liu1997_96JA03561.pdf:Liu1997_96JA03561.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.09.30}, url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1997/96JA03561.shtml}, } @Article{Loewenhoff2011, Title = {Evolution of tungsten degradation under combined high cycle edge-localized mode and steady-state heat loads}, Author = {Th Loewenhoff and A Bürger and J Linke and G Pintsuk and A Schmidt and L Singheiser and C Thomser}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {2011}, Number = {T145}, Pages = {014057}, Volume = {2011}, Abstract = {Combined thermal shock and steady-state heat loads (SSHLs) can have an impact on divertor materials and are therefore important for lifetime estimations and evaluations of operational thresholds of divertor components in future fusion devices such as ITER. This paper discusses the results of tests performed in the electron beam facility JUDITH 2 (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany) on actively cooled tungsten specimens, loaded with edge-localized mode-like thermal shocks (pulse duration 0.48 ms, power densities 0.14–0.55 GW m −2 , frequency 25 Hz and up to 1000 000 pulses) either with or without an additional SSHL of 10 MW m −2 . The material showed no damage at 0.14 GW m −2 (independent of the SSHL) for up to 250 000 pulses. At a power density of 0.27 GW m −2 (without SSHL), surface roughening occurred at 100 000 pulses, developing into a crack network at 1000 000 pulses. In general, the additional SSHL resulted in an earlier (in terms of pulse number) and more severe material degradation.}, File = {Loewenhoff2011_1402-4896_2011_T145_014057.pdf:Loewenhoff2011_1402-4896_2011_T145_014057.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/2011/i=T145/a=014057} } @Article{Lu2007, Title = {Heating of ions by low-frequency Alfven waves}, Author = {Quanming Lu and Xing Li}, Journal = {Physics of Plasma}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {042303}, Volume = {14}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2715569}, File = {Lu2007_PhysPlasmas_14_042303.pdf:Lu2007_PhysPlasmas_14_042303.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.26}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v14/i4/p042303_s1} } @Article{Lu2005, Title = {Electrostatic waves in an electron-beam plasma system}, Author = {Quanming Lu and Shui Wang and Xiankang Dou}, Journal = {Physics of Plasma}, Year = {2005}, Pages = {072903}, Volume = {12}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1951367}, File = {Lu2005_PhysPlasmas_12_072903.pdf:Lu2005_PhysPlasmas_12_072903.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.26}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v12/i7/p072903_s1} } @Article{Ludlow1989, Title = {Growth of Obliquely Propagating Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Magnetosphere}, Author = {G. R. Ludlow}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1989}, Number = {A11}, Pages = {15,385-15,391}, Volume = {94}, Abstract = {We present linear growth rate calculations of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves driven by hot anisotropic protons in a magnetized plasma. The angle between the wave vector and the magnetic field is arbitrary. This introduces Landau damping by the thermal electrons, an effect not present for strictly parallel propagation. The model contains concentrations of O+ and He+ as well as H+, with densities and temperatures typical of ion cyclotron wave generation regions inside the plasmasphere around L = 3. The behavior of growth regions in k space is studied. Although the growth rates peak at θ = 0°, they do not depend strongly on θ for θ < 30°. At large wave normal angles, weak peaks in wave growth are found with much smaller growth rates than at 0°. Electron Landau damping of ion cyclotron waves maximizes at very oblique wave normal angles where the growth rate can be reduced significantly, but has little or no effect in the region of k space (θ < 45°) where the waves are growing the fastest.}, File = {Ludlow1989_JA094iA11p15385.pdf:Ludlow1989_JA094iA11p15385.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.23} } @Article{Lutjens1996, Title = {The CHEASE code for toroidal MHD equilibria}, Author = {H. Lutjens and A. Bondeson and O. Sauter}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1996}, Note = {http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADDH_v1_0.html}, Number = {3}, Pages = {219 - 260}, Volume = {97}, Abstract = {The CHEASE code (Cubic Hermite Element Axisymmetric Static Equilibrium) solves the Grad-Shafranov equation for toroidal MHD equilibria using a Hermite bicubic finite element discretization with pressure, current profiles and plasma boundaries specified by analytical forms or sets of experimental data points. Moreover, CHEASE allows the automatic generation of pressure profiles marginally stable to ballooning modes or with a prescribed fraction of bootstrap current. The code provides equilibrium quantities for several stability and global wave propagation codes.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0010-4655(96)00046-X}, File = {Lutjens1996_sdarticle.pdf:Lutjens1996_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Keywords = {Plasma physics}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.31}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/001046559600046X} } @Article{Lutjens1992a, author = {Lutjens, H., Bondeson, A., Roy, A.}, title = {Axisymmetric MHD equilibrium solver with bicubic Hermite elements}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1992}, volume = {69}, number = {2-3}, pages = {287-298}, note = {cited By (since 1996) 21}, abstract = {A numerical code using Hermite bicubic finite elements has been developed for the computation of axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibria. The code provides a mapping to flux coordinates for MHD stability calculations. Several test cases are studied to show the convergence rate for the equilibrium. Convergence tests are also presented for the eigenvalues of the stability calculations when the equilibrium mesh is varied. © 1992.}, affiliation = {Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Association Euratom - Confédération Suisse, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 21, av. des Bains, CH-1007 Lausanne, Switzerland}, document_type = {Article}, file = {Lutjens1992_Axisymmetric-MHD-equilibrium-solver-with-bicubic-Hermite-elements_1992.pdf:Lutjens1992_Axisymmetric-MHD-equilibrium-solver-with-bicubic-Hermite-elements_1992.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, source = {Scopus}, timestamp = {2011.08.31}, url = {http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0026838739&partnerID=40&md5=624f72f1cf3f882a50e2c53de2bb3e48}, } @Article{Lysak2008, Title = {On the dispersion relation for the kinetic Alfvén wave in an inhomogeneous plasma}, Author = {Robert L. Lysak}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {062901}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {The kinetic Alfvén wave has been recognized as an important wave mode in magnetospheric plasmas and laboratory plasmas, and has potential application in many areas of cosmic plasma physics. The kinetic dispersion relation of this mode has been described including finite frequency and finite ion gyroradius corrections. Laboratory plasmas as well as plasmas in space often contain strong gradients perpendicular to the background magnetic field. In this case, the dispersion relation must be generalized to include changes in the plasma parameters on each side of the gradient. In the presence of such gradients, localized modes can be found in the plasma. Depending on the relative values of the Alfvén speed and the plasma beta across these gradients, these modes can be trapped within the cavity or enhancement or propagate across the gradient.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2918742}, File = {Lysak2008_PhysPlasmas_15_062901.pdf:Lysak2008_PhysPlasmas_15_062901.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.23}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v15/i6/p062901_s1} } @Article{Lysak1996, Title = {On the kinetic dispersion relation for shear Alfvén waves}, Author = {Robert L. Lysak and William Lotko}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1996}, Number = {A3}, Pages = {5085–5094}, Volume = {101}, Abstract = {Kinetic Alfvén waves have been invoked in association with auroral currents and particle acceleration since the pioneering work of Hasegawa [1976]. However, to date, no work has considered the dispersion relation including the full kinetic effects for both electrons and ions. Results from such a calculation are presented, with emphasis on the role of Landau damping in dissipating Alfvén waves which propagate from the warm plasma of the outer magnetosphere to the cold plasma present in the ionosphere. It is found that the Landau damping is not important when the perpendicular wavelength is larger than the ion acoustic gyroradius and the electron inertial length. In addition, ion gyroradius effects lead to a reduction in the Landau damping by raising the parallel phase velocity of the wave above the electron thermal speed in the short perpendicular wavelength regime. These results indicate that low-frequency Alfvén waves with perpendicular wavelengths greater than the order of 10 km when mapped to the ionosphere will not be significantly affected by Landau damping. While these results, based on the local dispersion relation, are strictly valid only for short parallel wavelength Alfvén waves, they do give an indication of the importance of Landau damping for longer parallel wavelength waves such as field line resonances.}, File = {Lysak1996_95JA03712.pdf:Lysak1996_95JA03712.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.23}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/journals/ja/v101/iA03/95JA03712/} } @Article{Ma2012a, author = {Y. Ma and J.W. Hughes and A.E. Hubbard and B. LaBombard and R.M. Churchill and T. Golfinopolous and N. Tsujii and E.S. Marmar}, title = {Scaling of H-mode threshold power and L–H edge conditions with favourable ion grad- B drift in Alcator C-Mod tokamak}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {2}, pages = {023010}, abstract = {This paper presents the results from a systematic study of low-to-high confinement transition (L–H transition) in Alcator C-Mod lower single null plasmas, with ion ∇ B drift in the favourable direction for H-mode access. The study is performed over a broad range of plasma density ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/2/023010/nf403431in001.gif] {(0.6\times 10^{20}\,{\rm m}^{-3}<\bar {n}_{\rm e} <2.5\times 10^{20}\,{\rm m}^{-3})} , toroidal magnetic field (3.5 T < B T < 5.4 T) and plasma current (0.6 MA < I p < 1.4 MA). In particular, data at low plasma density of ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/2/023010/nf403431in002.gif] {\bar {n}_{\rm e} <1.0\times 10^{20}\,{\rm m}^{-3}} , which were not included or carefully examined by earlier C-Mod studies, are highlighted in our analysis. With the large set of data, the scaling of H-mode threshold power ( P th ) and local plasma edge conditions with ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/2/023010/nf403431in003.gif] {\bar {n}_{\rm e}} , B T and I p are obtained. We found the P th dependence on ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/2/023010/nf403431in003.gif] {\bar {n}_{\rm e}} is nonlinear and exhibits a 'U-shape', which is not sensitive to I p variation, and affected by B T mainly at low density. The characterized L–H local edge conditions include the amplitude and gradient scale length of T e , n e profiles. In all, the scaling of L–H P th and edge conditions are complex, neither of which can be simply represented by a relation of the type ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/2/023010/nf403431in004.gif] {\bar {n}_{\rm e}^x B_{\rm T}^y I_{\rm p}^z} . Local edge conditions are also evaluated in low-power L-mode and compared with the L–H companion. Noticeable differences between L-mode and L–H are mainly observed in T e at ψ = 0.95, and L n , L T near separatrix, while other parameters are found to be not significantly changed. Comparison with resistive-ballooning mode theory yields reasonable good agreement, such that the experimental data at ψ = 0.95 fit into the corresponding L-mode and H-mode domains, as well as L–H boundary predicted by theory. Finally, we see an edge T e pedestal emerging in a low density ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/2/023010/nf403431in005.gif] {(\bar {n}_{\rm e} \sim 0.6\times 10^{20}\,{\rm m}^{-3})} 5.4 T discharge prior to L–H transition.}, file = {Ma2012_0029-5515_52_2_023010.pdf:Ma2012_0029-5515_52_2_023010.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.01.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=2/a=023010}, } @Article{Mahajan1995, Title = {Spectrum of Alfvén waves, a brief review}, Author = {S M Mahajan}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {1995}, Number = {T60}, Pages = {160}, Volume = {1995}, Abstract = {Salient aspects of the Alfvén wave spectrum in hot confined plasmas are presented.}, File = {Mahajan1995.pdf:Mahajan1995.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.12.06}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/1995/i=T60/a=020} } @Article{Mahajan1989, Title = {Exact and almost exact solutions to the Vlasov--Maxwell system}, Author = {Swadesh M. Mahajan}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1989}, Number = {1}, Pages = {43-54}, Volume = {1}, Doi = {10.1063/1.859103}, File = {Mahajan1989_PFB000043.pdf:Mahajan1989_PFB000043.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {BOLTZMANNVLASOV EQUATION; COLLISIONLESS PLASMA; CONFIGURATION; PLASMA DENSITY; ELECTRON TEMPERATURE; ELECTRIC CURRENTS}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.12.29}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/1/43/1} } @Article{Mahajan1984, Title = {Kinetic theory of shear Alfv[e-acute]n waves}, Author = {S. M. Mahajan}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1984}, Number = {9}, Pages = {2238-2247}, Volume = {27}, Abstract = {The addition of electron parallel dynamics in the description of an inhomogeneous current‐carrying cylindrical plasma is shown to replace the magnetohydrodynamic continuum, associated with Alfvén waves, by a discrete spectrum. The spectrum of the resulting discrete modes is determined analytically and numerically.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.864878}, File = {Mahajan1984_PFL002238.pdf:Mahajan1984_PFL002238.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {KINETIC EQUATIONS; ALFVEN WAVES; INHOMOGENEOUS PLASMA; ELECTRIC CURRENTS; CYLINDRICAL CONFIGURATION; SHEAR; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; ANALYTICAL SOLUTION; NUMERICAL SOLUTION}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/27/2238/1} } @Article{Mahajan2002, Title = {Fluid description of a magnetized plasma}, Author = {S. M. Mahajan and R. D. Hazeltine}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2002}, Pages = {1882}, Volume = {9}, Abstract = {With the constraints of Lorentz covariance as a guide, the most general energy-momentum tensor for a plasma subject to a dominant electromagnetic force is constructed. A consistent scheme is developed to derive a closed set of fluid equations determining all the unknowns in this energy-momentum tensor. Note that knowledge of the energy-momentum tensor is sufficient to close the Maxwell equations. The new theory takes the original magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) program, a fluid theory of magnetized plasma, to its logical limit, but is distinct from MHD in several respects. Relativistic as well as the nonrelativistic (directed as well as thermal speed much smaller than the speed of light) versions of the system are displayed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1445178}, File = {Mahajan2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1882.pdf:Mahajan2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1882.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.23}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v9/i5/p1882_s1} } @Article{Makhlaj2011, Title = {Simulation of ITER edge-localized modes' impacts on the divertor surfaces within plasma accelerators}, Author = {V A Makhlaj and I E Garkusha and N N Aksenov and A A Chuvilo and M S Ladygina and I Landman and J Linke and S V Malykhin and S Pestchanyi and A T Pugachev and M J Sadowski and E Skladnik-Sadowska}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {2011}, Number = {T145}, Pages = {014061}, Volume = {2011}, Abstract = {Experimental simulations of ITER transient events with relevant surface heat load parameters (energy density and pulse duration) as well as particle loads were performed with a quasi-steady-state plasma accelerator Kh-50 and pulsed plasma guns. Additional shielding was observed during irradiation of the combined carbon–tungsten (C–W) surface. An evaporated C cloud protects W from evaporation even at an energy density of 2.4 MJ m −2 in impacting plasma. The spectrum of tungsten and parameters of shielding layers were found under powerful exposure of the tungsten surface. An influence of material modification through plasma exposures on cracking thresholds of tungsten is emphasized. It was found that increasing the number of exposures to more than 20 plasma pulses of 0.25 ms in duration shifts the energy threshold for crack development from 0.3 down to 0.2 MJ m −2 . Differences in the evolution of tungsten substructure after exposure to helium and hydrogen plasma streams of different duration are also analyzed.}, File = {Makhlaj2011_1402-4896_2011_T145_014061.pdf:Makhlaj2011_1402-4896_2011_T145_014061.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/2011/i=T145/a=014061} } @Article{Malkov2009, Title = {Weak hysteresis in a simplified model of the L-H transition}, Author = {M. A. Malkov and P. H. Diamond}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {012504}, Volume = {16}, Abstract = {A simple one-field L-H transition model is studied in detail, analytically and numerically. The dynamical system consists of three equations coupling the drift wave turbulence level, zonal flow speed, and the pressure gradient. The fourth component, i.e., the mean shear velocity, is slaved to the pressure gradient. Bursting behavior, characteristic for predator-prey models of the drift wave - zonal flow interaction, is recovered near the transition to the quiescent H-mode (QH) and occurs as strongly nonlinear relaxation oscillations. The latter, in turn, arise as a result of Hopf bifurcation (limit cycle) of an intermediate fixed point (between the L- and H-modes). The system is shown to remain at the QH-mode fixed point even after the heating rate is decreased below the bifurcation point (i.e., hysteresis, subcritical bifurcation), but the basin of attraction of the QH-mode shrinks rapidly with decreasing power. This suggests that the hysteresis in the H-L transition may be less than that expected from S-curve models. Nevertheless, it is demonstrated that by shaping the heating rate temporal profile, one can reduce the average power required for the transition to the QH-mode.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3062834}, File = {Malkov2009_PhysPlasmas_16_012504.pdf:Malkov2009_PhysPlasmas_16_012504.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i1/p012504_s1} } @Article{Malmberg1966, Title = {Dispersion of Electron Plasma Waves}, Author = {Malmberg, J. H. and Wharton, C. B.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1966}, Month = {Jul}, Number = {4}, Pages = {175--178}, Volume = {17}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.17.175}, File = {Malmberg1966_PhysRevLett.17.175.pdf:Malmberg1966_PhysRevLett.17.175.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2010.11.15} } @Article{Malmberg1964, Title = {Collisionless Damping of Electrostatic Plasma Waves}, Author = {Malmberg, J. H. and Wharton, C. B.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1964}, Month = {Aug}, Number = {6}, Pages = {184--186}, Volume = {13}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.13.184}, File = {Malmberg1964_PhysRevLett.13.184.pdf:Malmberg1964_PhysRevLett.13.184.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {2}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2010.12.19} } @Article{Malmberg1968, Title = {Observation of Plasma Wave Echoes}, Author = {J. H. Malmberg and C. B. Wharton and R. W. Gould and T. M. O'Neil}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1968}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1147-1153}, Volume = {11}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1692075}, File = {Malmberg1968_PFL001147.pdf:Malmberg1968_PFL001147.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.03}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/11/1147/1} } @Article{Malovichko2008, Title = {Stability of magnetic configurations in the solar atmosphere under temperature anisotropy conditions}, Author = {Malovichko, P.}, Journal = {Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies}, Year = {2008}, Note = {10.3103/S0884591308050024}, Pages = {236-241}, Volume = {24}, Abstract = {The anisotropic instability of Alfven waves in the solar atmosphere is considered. This mechanism is shown to lead to the generation of not only Alfven but also kinetic Alfven waves, which is very important in investigating the heating and acceleration of particles in the chromospheric and coronal plasma. A criterion for the development of instability has been found. The conditions under which this instability can arise and the atmospheric regions in which its development is most probable are analyzed. It is shown that this generation mechanism of kinetic Alfven waves is fairly efficient and can play a significant role in some processes in the solar atmosphere.}, Affiliation = {National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Main Astronomical Observatory ul. Akademika Zabolotnogo 27 Kiev 03680 Ukraine}, File = {Malovichko2008_fulltext[2].pdf:Malovichko2008_fulltext[2].pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0884-5913}, Issue = {5}, Keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {Allerton Press, Inc. distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC}, Timestamp = {2011.09.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3103/S0884591308050024} } @Article{Mamedov2009, Title = {Analytical Evaluation of the Plasma Dispersion Function Using Binomial Coefficients and Incomplete Gamma Functions}, Author = {Mamedov, B.A.}, Journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, Year = {2009}, Number = {1-2}, Pages = {36--39}, Volume = {49}, Doi = {10.1002/ctpp.200910006}, File = {Mamedov2009_36_ftp.pdf:Mamedov2009_36_ftp.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1521-3986}, Keywords = {Plasma dispersion function, Quantum optics, Line optics: Hole burning, Binomial coefficients}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, Timestamp = {2011.04.12}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.200910006} } @Article{Manfredi1997, Title = {Long-Time Behavior of Nonlinear Landau Damping}, Author = {Manfredi, Giovanni}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1997}, Month = {Oct}, Number = {15}, Pages = {2815--2818}, Volume = {79}, Abstract = {The evolution of an initial perturbation in a collisionless, Maxwellian plasma is studied numerically. Accurate long-time simulations (up to 1600 inverse electron plasma frequencies) show that the electric field does not decay to zero, in disagreement with recent analytical results [M. B. Isichenko, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2369 (1997)]. Instead, after some initial damping, the field amplitude starts to oscillate around an approximately constant value, and the phase-space distribution develops a vortex structure which survives throughout the simulation.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.79.2815}, File = {Manfredi1997_PhysRevLett.79.2815.pdf:Manfredi1997_PhysRevLett.79.2815.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.04} } @Article{Marchenko2011, Title = {Frequency chirping during a fishbone burst}, Author = {V.S. Marchenko and S.N. Reznik}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122001}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {It is shown that frequency chirping during fishbone activity can be attributed to the reactive torque exerted on the plasma during the instability burst, which slows down plasma rotation inside the q = 1 surface and reduces the mode frequency in the lab frame. Estimates show that the peak value of this torque can exceed the neutral beam torque in modern tokamaks. The simple line-broadened quasilinear burst model (Berk et al 1995 Nucl. Fusion [/0029-5515/35/12/i30] 35 1661 ), properly adapted for the fishbone case, is capable of reproducing the key features of the bursting mode.}, File = {Marchenko2011_0029-5515_51_12_122001.pdf:Marchenko2011_0029-5515_51_12_122001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.16}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=12/a=122001} } @Article{Marczynski2011, Title = {The two modes extension to the Berk-Breizman equation: Delayed differential equations and asymptotic solutions}, Author = {Slawomir Marczynski}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {092109}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {The integro-differential Berk-Breizman (BB) equation, describing the evolution of particle-driven wave mode is transformed into a simple delayed differential equation form ν∂a(τ)/∂τ=a(τ) – a2 (τ – 1) a(τ – 2). This transformation is also applied to the two modes extension of the BB theory. The obtained solutions are presented together with the derived asymptotic analytical solutions and the numerical results.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3639135}, File = {Marczynski2011_PhysPlasmas_18_092109.pdf:Marczynski2011_PhysPlasmas_18_092109.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i9/p092109_s1} } @Article{Martin1980, Title = {A modified asymptotic Pad[e-acute] method. Application to multipole approximation for the plasma dispersion function Z}, Author = {Pablo Martin and Guillermo Donoso and Jorge Zamudio-Cristi}, Journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, Year = {1980}, Number = {2}, Pages = {280-285}, Volume = {21}, Doi = {10.1063/1.524411}, File = {Martin1980_JMathPhys_21_280.pdf:Martin1980_JMathPhys_21_280.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {PADE APPROXIMATION; ASYMPTOTIC SOLUTIONS; POWER SERIES; FUNCTIONS; PLASMA; DISPERSION RELATIONS; HILBERT TRANSFORMATION}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.05.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/21/280/1} } @Article{Martin1979, Title = {New two-pole approximation for the plasma dispersion function Z}, Author = {Pablo Martin and Miguel Angel Gonzalez}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1979}, Number = {7}, Pages = {1413-1414}, Volume = {22}, Doi = {10.1063/1.862727}, File = {Martin1979_PFL001413.pdf:Martin1979_PFL001413.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {PLASMA; DISPERSION RELATIONS; PADE APPROXIMATION; HILBERT TRANSFORMATION; GAUSS FUNCTION}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.05.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/22/1413/1} } @Article{McCabe1984, Title = {Continued fraction expansions for the plasma dispersion function}, Author = {McCabe,J. H.}, Journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, Year = {1984}, Number = {03}, Pages = {479-485}, Volume = {32}, Abstract = {ABSTRACT Two continued fraction expansions for the plasma dispersion function are given. The first is a very simple expansion for which error estimates can be obtained and which provides better approximations as the modulus of the argument increases. The second, while not so simple, provides whole range approximations.}, Doi = {10.1017/S002237780000221X}, Eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S002237780000221X}, File = {McCabe1984_S002237780000221Xa.pdf:McCabe1984_S002237780000221Xa.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.31}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S002237780000221X} } @Article{McGuire1983, Title = {Study of High-Beta Magnetohydrodynamic Modes and Fast-Ion Losses in PDX}, Author = {McGuire, K. and Goldston, R. and Bell, M. and Bitter, M. and Bol, K. and Brau, K. and Buchenauer, D. and Crowley, T. and Davis, S. and Dylla, F. and Eubank, H. and Fishman, H. and Fonck, R. and Grek, B. and Grimm, R. and Hawryluk, R. and Hsuan, H. and Hulse, R. and Izzo, R. and Kaita, R. and Kaye, S. and Kugel, H. and Johnson, D. and Manickam, J. and Manos, D. and Mansfield, D. and Mazzucato, E. and McCann, R. and McCune, D. and Monticello, D. and Motley, R. and Mueller, D. and Oasa, K. and Okabayashi, M. and Owens, K. and Park, W. and Reusch, M. and Sauthoff, N. and Schmidt, G. and Sesnic, S. and Strachan, J. and Surko, C. and Slusher, R. and Takahashi, H. and Tenney, F. and Thomas, P. and Towner, H. and Valley, J. and White, R.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1983}, Month = {Mar}, Pages = {891--895}, Volume = {50}, Abstract = {Strong magnetohydrodynamic activity has been observed in PDX neutral-beam-heated discharges. It occurs for βTq>~0.045 and is associated with a significant loss of fast ions and a drop in neutron emission. As much as 20%-40% of the beam heating power may be lost. The instability occurs in repetitive bursts of oscillations of ≤ 1 msec duration at 1-6-msec intervals. The magnetohydrodynamic activity has been dubbed the "fishbone instability" from its characteristic signature on the Mirnov coils.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.50.891}, File = {McGuire1983_PhysRevLett.50.891.pdf:McGuire1983_PhysRevLett.50.891.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {12}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2012.01.31}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.50.891} } @Article{McMillan2011, Title = {Interaction of large scale flow structures with gyrokinetic turbulence}, Author = {B. F. McMillan and P. Hill and A. Bottino and S. Jolliet and T. Vernay and L. Villard}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {112503}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Shear flows have a profound influence on turbulence-driven transport in tokamaks. The introduction of arbitrary initial flow profiles into the code ORB5 [Jolliet et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 177, 409 (2007)] allows the convenient study of how flows on all length scales both influence transport levels and self-consistently evolve. A formulation is presented which preserves the canonical structure of the background particle distribution when either toroidal or poloidal flows are introduced. Turbulence suppression is possible above a certain shearing rate magnitude for homogeneous shear flows, and little evolution of the shearing rate is seen. However, when a flow with a zone boundary, where the shearing rate reverses at mid-radius, is introduced, the shear flow evolves substantially during the simulation. E × B shear flows with a zone boundary of a positive sign decay to a saturation amplitude, consistent with the well known saturation of turbulently generated zonal flows. Unlike the E × B flow, the parallel flows relax diffusively.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3656947}, File = {McMillan2011_PhysPlasmas_18_112503.pdf:McMillan2011_PhysPlasmas_18_112503.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.11}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i11/p112503_s1} } @Article{Meade2010, Title = {50 years of fusion research}, Author = {Dale Meade}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {1}, Pages = {014004}, Volume = {50}, Abstract = {Fusion energy research began in the early 1950s as scientists worked to harness the awesome power of the atom for peaceful purposes. There was early optimism for a quick solution for fusion energy as there had been for fission. However, this was soon tempered by reality as the difficulty of producing and confining fusion fuel at temperatures of 100 million °C in the laboratory was appreciated. Fusion research has followed two main paths—inertial confinement fusion and magnetic confinement fusion. Over the past 50 years, there has been remarkable progress with both approaches, and now each has a solid technical foundation that has led to the construction of major facilities that are aimed at demonstrating fusion energy producing plasmas.}, File = {Meade2010_0029-5515_50_1_014004.pdf:Meade2010_0029-5515_50_1_014004.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.12.17}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/50/i=1/a=014004} } @Article{Meerson1977, Title = {Micro-instabilities due to fast ions in a high pressure plasma in a curved magnetic field}, Author = {B I Meerson and A B Mikhailovskii and O A Pokhotelov}, Journal = {Plasma Physics}, Year = {1977}, Number = {12}, Pages = {1177}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {Micro-instabilities due to resonant interaction between waves and fast ions in an inhomogeneous high pressure plasma in a magnetic field with constant curvature are investigated. The influence of the magnetic field curvature and the fast-ion pressure on the resonance conditions and growth rate of the Alven-type long wavelength drift oscillations are studied for a broad range of parameters. The general expressions obtained are used to investigate the excitation of Alfven waves by fast ions with (a) Maxwellian and (b) 'loss cone' velocity distributions.}, File = {Meerson1977_0032-1028_19_12_009.pdf:Meerson1977_0032-1028_19_12_009.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.02}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0032-1028/19/i=12/a=009} } @Article{Meiss1990, Title = {Canonical coordinates for guiding center particles}, Author = {J. D. Meiss and R. D. Hazeltine}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1990}, Number = {11}, Pages = {2563-2567}, Volume = {2}, Doi = {10.1063/1.859380}, File = {Meiss1990_PFB002563.pdf:Meiss1990_PFB002563.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION; CANONICAL DIMENSION; COORDINATES; HAMILTONIANS; ANGULAR MOMENTUM; MAGNETIC FIELDS; RANDOMNESS; TOKAMAK DEVICES; USES; PLASMA; LAGRANGIAN FUNCTION; PLASMA CONFINEMENT}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.12.13}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/2/2563/1} } @Article{Mertsching1991, Title = {On the modulation instability of nonlinear Schrodinger equations}, Author = {J Mertsching}, Journal = {Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General}, Year = {1991}, Number = {12}, Pages = {2715}, Volume = {24}, Abstract = {According to the modulation instability of the nonlinear and derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equations, a wave profile may decay into solitons. The distribution function and the power spectrum of the solitons are calculated from conservation laws.}, File = {Mertsching1991_0305-4470_24_12_011.pdf:Mertsching1991_0305-4470_24_12_011.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.29}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0305-4470/24/i=12/a=011} } @Article{Mett1992, Title = {Kinetic theory of toroidicity-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes}, Author = {R. R. Mett and S. M. Mahajan}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1992}, Number = {9}, Pages = {2885-2893}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {An analytic kinetic description of the toroidicity‐induced Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) is presented. The theory includes electron parallel dynamics nonperturbatively, an effect that is found to strongly influence the character, and damping of the TAE−contrary to previous theoretical predictions. A parallel conductivity model that includes collisionless (Landau) damping on the passing electrons and collisional damping on both trapped and passing electrons is used. Together, these mechanisms damp the TAE more strongly than previously expected. This is because the TAE couples (or merges) with the kinetic Alfvén wave (KAW) within the gap region under conditions that depend on the gap size, the shear, the magnitude of the conductivity, and the mode numbers. The high damping could be relevant to recent experimental measurements of the TAE damping coefficient. In addition, the theory predicts a ‘‘kinetic’’ TAE, whose eigenfreqeuency lies just above the gap, whose existence depends on finite conductivity, and that is formed by the coupling of two KAW’s}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860459}, File = {Mett1992_PFB002885.pdf:Mett1992_PFB002885.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; KINETIC EQUATIONS; LANDAU DAMPING; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; DISPERSION RELATIONS; VARIATIONAL METHODS}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/2885/1} } @Article{Mikhailovskii2006, Title = {Zonal flows generated by small-scale drift-Alfvén modes}, Author = {A. B. Mikhailovskii and A. I. Smolyakov and E. A. Kovalishen and M. S. Shirokov and V. S. Tsypin and P. V. Botov and and R. M. O. Galvão}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2006}, Pages = {042507}, Volume = {13}, Abstract = {The generation of zonal flows by small-scale drift-Alfvén (SSDA) modes is investigated. It is shown that these zonal flows can be generated by a monochromatic wave packet of SSDA modes propagating in the ion diamagnetic drift direction. The corresponding zonal-flow instability resembles a hydrodynamic one. Its growth rate depends on the spectrum purity of the wave packet; it decreases for relatively weak spectrum broadening and the instability turns into a resonant one, and eventually is suppressed, as the broadening increases. A general conclusion of this work is that the SSDA modes are less effective for driving zonal flows than standard drift modes.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2192755}, File = {Mikhailovskii2006_PhysPlasmas_13_042507.pdf:Mikhailovskii2006_PhysPlasmas_13_042507.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.20}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v13/i4/p042507_s1} } @Article{Mikhailovsky1973, Title = {"Drift" instabilities distorting the magnetic surfaces of Tokamak-type toroidal systems}, Author = {A.B. Mikhailovsky}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1973}, Number = {2}, Pages = {259}, Volume = {13}, Abstract = {The author draws attention to the fact that the theory of "drift" instabilities of toroidal systems has hitherto made no allowance for the type of instability associated with Alfvén waves. The presence of this type of instability is demonstrated for the case of an axisymmetric Tokamak with circular cross-section. A general method is developed for investigating Alfvén type instabilities and it is shown that the problem is essentially one of finding the "non-hydromagnetic" part of the perturbed plasma pressure. This kind of general approach is used for analysing plasma perturbations in conditions where the influence of finite conductivity and trapped particles is insignificant. It is shown that these perturbations can increase with time, if the plasma temperature gradient is non-zero. The perturbations investigated involve electrons and ions being displaced radially at an almost equal rate, so that the instabilities considered should lead not only to increased thermal conductivity but also to increased diffusion.}, File = {Mikhailovsky1973_0029-5515_13_2_015.pdf:Mikhailovsky1973_0029-5515_13_2_015.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.02.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/13/i=2/a=015} } @Article{Miller1998a, author = {R. L. Miller and M. S. Chu and J. M. Greene and Y. R. Lin-Liu and R. E. Waltz}, title = {Noncircular, finite aspect ratio, local equilibrium model}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, pages = {973-978}, doi = {10.1063/1.872666}, file = {Miller1998_PhysPlasmas_5_973.pdf:Miller1998_PhysPlasmas_5_973.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ASPECT RATIO; TOKAMAK DEVICES; MHD EQUILIBRIUM; KINETICS; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma kinetic theory}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2011.05.18}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/5/973/1}, } @Article{Miller1997, Title = {Stable equilibria for bootstrap-current-driven low aspect ratio tokamaks}, Author = {R. L. Miller and Y. R. Lin-Liu and A. D. Turnbull and V. S. Chan and L. D. Pearlstein and O. Sauter and L. Villard}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1997}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1062-1068}, Volume = {4}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872193}, File = {Miller1997_PhysPlasmas_4_1062.pdf:Miller1997_PhysPlasmas_4_1062.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; STABILITY; OPERATION; BOOTSTRAP CURRENT; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma pressure; kink instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma transport processes}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.05.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/1062/1} } @Article{Mishchenko2008, Title = {Global particle-in-cell simulations of Alfvénic modes}, Author = {Alexey Mishchenko and Roman Hatzky and Axel Könies}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {112106}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {Global linear gyrokinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of electromagnetic modes in pinch and tokamak geometries are reported. The global Alfvén eigenmode, the mirror Alfvén eigenmode, the toroidal Alfvén eigenmode, and the kinetic ballooning modes have been simulated. All plasma species have been treated kinetically (i.e., no hybrid fluid-kinetic or reduced-kinetic model has been applied). The main intention of the paper is to demonstrate that the global Alfvén modes can be treated with the gyrokinetic PIC method.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3021453}, File = {Mishchenko2008_PhysPlasmas_15_112106.pdf:Mishchenko2008_PhysPlasmas_15_112106.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.24}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v15/i11/p112106_s1} } @Article{Mishchenko2009, Title = {Global particle-in-cell simulations of fast-particle effects on shear Alfvén waves}, Author = {Alexey Mishchenko and Axel Könies and Roman Hatzky}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {082105}, Volume = {16}, Abstract = {This paper reports self-consistent global linear gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulations of shear Alfvén waves destabilized by fast particles in tokamak geometry. Resonant excitation of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes by fast particles and their transition to energetic particle modes (when the fast-particle drive is large enough) has been observed in the simulations.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3207878}, File = {Mishchenko2009_PhysPlasmas_16_082105.pdf:Mishchenko2009_PhysPlasmas_16_082105.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.24}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i8/p082105_s1} } @Article{Mordijck2011, Title = {Comparison of resonant magnetic perturbation-induced particle transport changes in H-mode (DIII-D) and L-mode (MAST)}, Author = {S Mordijck and R A Moyer and A Kirk and P Tamain and D Temple and G R McKee and E Nardon}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122001}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {Recent experiments show the impact of resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) on the density (Schmitz et al 2008 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion [/0741-3335/50] 50 124029 , Evans et al 2008 Nucl. Fusion [/0029-5515/48] 48 024002 , Kirk et al 2008 Nucl. Fusion [/0029-5515/50] 50 024002 , Liang et al 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 265004), leading to a so-called density pump-out. Previous comparisons between DIII-D and TEXTOR have focused on the similarities of the deformation of the separatrix and the creation of striations at the intersection of the main chamber wall (Schmitz et al 2008 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion [/0741-3335/50] 50 124029 ; Schmitz et al 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 165005). In this paper, we compare the difference in magnitude of the experimentally observed density pump-out in L-mode with H-mode in two diverted tokamaks: MAST and DIII-D. In order to address the differences in magnetic field from the coils, plasma shape and q 95 between the two devices, we compute a weighted magnetic diffusion coefficient with a vacuum field line tracing code. This allows us to compare the changes in density pump-out with the weighted magnetic diffusion coefficient, using a simple particle diffusion model. We find that the density pump-out is vastly different in the two confinement regimes, suggesting different particle transport mechanisms. Since one main difference in transport characteristics between L- and H-mode is turbulence, we compare turbulent particle characteristics. We find that in L-mode (MAST) the fluctuations and E × B shear increase at the plasma edge, whereas in H-mode (DIII-D) the fluctuations decrease at the plasma edge. Deeper inside the core, the E × B shear remains similar in L-mode (MAST), whereas a large decrease that quickly saturates with RMP strength is observed in H-mode (DIII-D). These results suggest that the RMP-induced particle transport at the plasma edge in L-mode (MAST) is the result from increases in turbulent particle transport, whereas the results in H-mode (DIII-D) suggest a decrease in turbulent particle transport.}, File = {Mordijck2011_0741-3335_53_12_122001.pdf:Mordijck2011_0741-3335_53_12_122001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.08}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=12/a=122001} } @Article{Morel2007, author = {P. Morel and E. Gravier and N. Besse and R. Klein and A. Ghizzo and P. Bertrand and X. Garbet and P. Ghendrih and V. Grandgirard and Y. Sarazin}, title = {Gyrokinetic modeling: A multi-water-bag approach}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {11}, pages = {112109}, doi = {10.1063/1.2804079}, eid = {112109}, file = {Morel2007_PhysPlasmas_14_112109.pdf:Morel2007_PhysPlasmas_14_112109.pdf:PDF}, groups = {waterbag}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma turbulence; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.11.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/112109/1}, } @Article{Morel2012, Title = {Dynamic procedure for filtered gyrokinetic simulations}, Author = {P. Morel and A. Banon Navarro and M. Albrecht-Marc and D. Carati and F. Merz and T. Gorler and F. Jenko}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2012}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012311}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {Large eddy simulations (LES) of gyrokinetic plasma turbulence are investigated as interesting candidates to decrease the computational cost. A dynamic procedure is implemented in the gene code, allowing for dynamic optimization of the free parameters of the LES models (setting the amplitudes of dissipative terms). Employing such LES methods, one recovers the free energy and heat flux spectra obtained from highly resolved direct numerical simulations. Systematic comparisons are performed for different values of the temperature gradient and magnetic shear, parameters which are of prime importance in ion temperature gradient driven turbulence. Moreover, the degree of anisotropy of the problem, which can vary with parameters, can be adapted dynamically by the method that shows gyrokinetic large eddy simulation to be a serious candidate to reduce numerical cost of gyrokinetic solvers.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3677366}, Eid = {012311}, File = {Morel2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012311.pdf:Morel2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012311.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {free energy; numerical analysis; optimisation; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; plasma turbulence}, Numpages = {10}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.28}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/012311/1} } @Article{Morrison2009, Title = {Thoughts on brackets and dissipation: Old and new}, Author = {P J Morrison}, Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, Year = {2009}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012006}, Volume = {169}, Abstract = {Bracket formulations of two kinds of dynamical systems, called incomplete and complete, are reviewed and developed, including double bracket and metriplectic dynamics. Dissipation based on the Cartan-Killing metric is introduced. Various examples of incomplete and complete dynamics are discussed, including dynamics associated with three-dimensional Lie algebras.}, File = {Morrison2009_1742-6596_169_1_012006.pdf:Morrison2009_1742-6596_169_1_012006.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/169/i=1/a=012006} } @Article{Morse1971, Title = {Studies of Turbulent Heating of Hydrogen Plasma by Numerical Simulation}, Author = {Morse, R. L. and Nielson, C. W.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1971}, Month = {Jan}, Number = {1}, Pages = {3--6}, Volume = {26}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.26.3}, File = {Morse1971_PhysRevLett.26.3.pdf:Morse1971_PhysRevLett.26.3.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.31} } @Article{Morse1969, Title = {Numerical Simulation of Warm Two-Beam Plasma}, Author = {R. L. Morse and C. W. Nielson}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1969}, Number = {11}, Pages = {2418-2425}, Volume = {12}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1692361}, File = {Morse1969_PFL002418.pdf:Morse1969_PFL002418.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.14}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/12/2418/1} } @Article{Muller1959, Title = {A Comparison of Methods for Generating Normal Deviates on Digital Computers}, Author = {Muller, Mervin E.}, Journal = {J. ACM}, Year = {1959}, Month = {July}, Note = {http://phoenix.ps.uci.edu/zlin/pic1d/pic1d.f90}, Pages = {376--383}, Volume = {6}, Abstract = {Two methods recently developed for generating normal deviates within a computer are reviewed along with earlier proposals. A comparison of the various methods for application on an IBM 704 is given. The new direct method gives higher accuracy than previous methods of comparable speed. The detailed inverse technique proposed yields accuracy comparable with, or better than, most previous proposals using about one-quarter the computing time.}, Acmid = {320992}, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/320986.320992}, File = {Muller1959_p376-muller.pdf:Muller1959_p376-muller.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0004-5411}, Issue = {3}, Numpages = {8}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {ACM}, Timestamp = {2011.05.31}, Url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/320986.320992} } @Article{Muscatello2012, Title = {Velocity-space studies of fast-ion transport at a sawtooth crash in neutral-beam heated plasmas}, Author = {C M Muscatello and W W Heidbrink and Ya I Kolesnichenko and V V Lutsenko and M A Van Zeeland and Yu V Yakovenko}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {025006}, Volume = {54}, Abstract = {In tokamaks the crash phase of the sawtooth instability causes fast-ion transport. The DIII-D tokamak is equipped with a suite of core fast-ion diagnostics that can probe different parts of phase space. Over a variety of operating conditions, energetic passing ions are observed to undergo larger redistribution than their trapped counterparts. Passing ions of all energies are redistributed, but only low-energy ( ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/lsim.gif] {lsim} 40 keV) trapped ions suffer redistribution. The transport process is modeled using a numerical approach to the drift-kinetic equation. The simulation reproduces the characteristic that circulating energetic ions experience the greatest levels of internal transport. An analytic treatment of particle drifts suggests that the difference in observed transport depends on the magnitude of toroidal drift.}, File = {Muscatello2012_0741-3335_54_2_025006.pdf:Muscatello2012_0741-3335_54_2_025006.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.09}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=2/a=025006} } @Article{Mynick1982, Title = {Class of Model Stellarator Fields with Enhanced Confinement}, Author = {Mynick, H. E. and Chu, T. K. and Boozer, A. H.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1982}, Month = {Feb}, Pages = {322--326}, Volume = {48}, Abstract = {A class of model stellarator fields has been found in which the transport is reduced by an order of magnitude from transport in conventional stellarators, by localizing the helical ripple to the inside of the torus. The reduction is observed in numerical experiments, and explained theoretically. Realizations of this class are achievable with use of modular coils.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.48.322}, File = {Mynick1982_PhysRevLett.48.322.pdf:Mynick1982_PhysRevLett.48.322.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {5}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2012.01.05}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.48.322} } @Article{Myra1997, Title = {Generalized ballooning and sheath instabilities in the scrape-off layer of divertor tokamaks}, Author = {J. R. Myra and D. A. D'Ippolito and J. P. Goedbloed}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1997}, Number = {5}, Pages = {1330-1341}, Volume = {4}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872309}, File = {Myra1997_PhysPlasmas_4_1330.pdf:Myra1997_PhysPlasmas_4_1330.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; DIVERTORS; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; PLASMA SHEATH; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; WALL EFFECTS; ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY; ELECTRON TEMPERATURE; LARMOR RADIUS; PLASMA SCRAPE-OFF LAYER; plasma toroidal confinement; ballooning instability; plasma boundary layers; plasma sheaths; plasma temperature; plasma density}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.05.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/1330/1} } @Article{Nabais2005, Title = {Fishbones in Joint European Torus plasmas with high ion-cyclotron-resonance-heated fast ions energy content}, Author = {F. Nabais and D. Borba and M. Mantsinen and M. F. F. Nave and S. E. Sharapov and Joint European Torus-European Fusion Development Agreement (JET-EFDA) contributors}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2005}, Number = {10}, Pages = {102509}, Volume = {12}, Abstract = {In Joint European Torus (JET) [ P. J. Lomas, Plasma Phys. Controled Fusion 31, 1481 (1989) ], discharges with ion cyclotron resonance heating only, low-density plasmas and high fast ions energy contents provided a scenario where fishbones behavior has been observed to be related with sawtooth activity: Crashes of monster sawteeth abruptly changed the type of observed fishbones from low-frequency fishbones [ B. Coppi and F. Porcelli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 2272 (1986) ] to high-frequency fishbones [ L. Chen, R. White, and M. Rosenbluth, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 1122 (1984) ]. During periods between crashes, the type of observed fishbones gradually changed in the opposite way. Two new fishbones regimes have been observed in intermediate stages: Fishbones bursts covering both high and low frequencies and low amplitude bursts of both types occurring simultaneously. Both sawtooth and fishbones behavior have been explained using a variational formalism.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2096527}, Eid = {102509}, File = {Nabais2005_PhysPlasmas_12_102509.pdf:Nabais2005_PhysPlasmas_12_102509.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {fishbone instability; Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma radiofrequency heating; plasma density; sawtooth instability; variational techniques}, Numpages = {10}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.19}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/12/102509/1} } @Article{Naitou2011, Title = {Global and Kinetic MHD Simulation by the Gpic-MHD Code}, Author = {Hiroshi Naitou and Yusuke Yamada and Kenji Kajiwara and Wei-li Lee and Shinji Tokuda and Masatoshi Yagi}, Journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, Year = {2011}, Number = {5}, Pages = {528}, Volume = {13}, Abstract = {In order to implement large-scale and high-beta tokamak simulation, a new algorithm of the electromagnetic gyrokinetic PIC (particle-in-cell) code was proposed and installed on the Gpic-MHD code [Gyrokinetic PIC code for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation]. In the new algorithm, the vorticity equation and the generalized Ohm's law along the magnetic field are derived from the basic equations of the gyrokinetic Vlasov, Poisson, and Ampere system and are used to describe the spatio-temporal evolution of the field quantities of the electrostatic potential ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/varphi.gif] {varphi} and the longitudinal component of the vector potential A z . The basic algorithm is equivalent to solving the reduced-MHD-type equations with kinetic corrections, in which MHD physics related to Alfven modes are well described. The estimation of perturbed electron pressure from particle dynamics is dominant, while the effects of other moments are negligible. Another advantage of the algorithm is that the longitudinal induced electric field, E Tz = −∂ A z /∂ t , is explicitly estimated by the generalized Ohm's law and used in the equations of motion. Furthermore, the particle velocities along the magnetic field are used ( v z -formulation) instead of generalized momentums ( p z -formulation), hence there is no problem of ‘cancellation', which would otherwise appear when A z is estimated from the Ampere's law in the p z -formulation. The successful simulation of the collisionless internal kink mode by the new Gpic-MHD with realistic values of the large-scale and high-beta tokamaks revealed the usefulness of the new algorithm.}, File = {Naitou2011_1009-0630_13_5_04.pdf:Naitou2011_1009-0630_13_5_04.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.26}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/13/i=5/a=04} } @Article{Nakamura2001, author = {Takashi Nakamura and Ryotaro Tanaka and Takashi Yabe and Kenji Takizawa}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {Exactly Conservative Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for Multi-dimensional Hyperbolic Equations with Directional Splitting Technique}, year = {2001}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {1}, pages = {171 - 207}, volume = {174}, abstract = {A new numerical method that guarantees exact mass conservation is proposed to solve multidimensional hyperbolic equations in semi-Lagrangian form. The method is based on the constrained interpolation profile (CIP) scheme and keeps the many good characteristics of the original CIP scheme. The CIP strategy is applied to the integral form of variables. Although the advection and nonadvection terms are separately treated, mass conservation is kept in the form of a spatial profile inside a grid cell. Therefore, it retains various advantages of the semi-Lagrangian solution with exact conservation, which has been beyond the capability of conventional semi-Lagrangian schemes.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1006/jcph.2001.6888}, file = {Nakamura2001_sdarticle.pdf:Nakamura2001_sdarticle.pdf:PDF;Nakamura2001_sdarticle_ERRATUM.pdf:Nakamura2001_sdarticle_ERRATUM.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.08.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999101968883}, } @Article{Nakamura1999, Title = {Cubic interpolated propagation scheme for solving the hyper-dimensional Vlasov--Poisson equation in phase space}, Author = {Takashi Nakamura and Takashi Yabe}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1999}, Number = {2-3}, Pages = {122 - 154}, Volume = {120}, Abstract = {A new numerical scheme for solving the hyper-dimensional Vlasov--Poisson equation in phase space is described. At each time step, the distribution function and its first derivatives are advected in phase space by the Cubic Interpolated Propagation (CIP) scheme. Although a cell within grid points is interpolated by a cubic-polynomial, any matrix solutions are required. The scheme guarantees exact mass conservation. The numerical results show good agreement with the theory. Even if we reduce the number of grid points in the v-direction, the scheme still gives stable, accurate and reasonable results with memory storage comparable to particle simulations. Owing to this fact, the scheme has succeeded to be generalized in a straightforward way to deal with six-dimensional, or full-dimensional problems.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0010-4655(99)00247-7}, File = {Nakamura1999_sdarticle.pdf:Nakamura1999_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Keywords = {02.70.c}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.27}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465599002477} } @Article{Nakata2012, Title = {Nonlinear entropy transfer via zonal flows in gyrokinetic plasma turbulence}, Author = {M. Nakata and T.-H. Watanabe and H. Sugama}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {022303}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {Nonlinear entropy transfer processes in toroidal ion temperature gradient (ITG) and electron temperature gradient (ETG) driven turbulence are investigated based on the gyrokinetic entropy balance relations for zonal and non-zonal modes, which are coupled through the entropy transfer function regarded as a kinetic extension of the zonal-flow production due to the Reynolds stress. Spectral analyses of the “triad” entropy transfer function introduced in this study reveal not only the nonlinear interactions among the zonal and non-zonal modes, but also their effects on the turbulent transport level. Different types of the entropy transfer processes between the ITG and ETG turbulence are found: the entropy transfer from non-zonal to zonal modes is substantial in the saturation phase of the ITG instability, while, once the strong zonal flow is generated, the entropy transfer to the zonal modes becomes quite weak in the steady turbulence state. Instead, the zonal flows mediate the entropy transfer from non-zonal modes with low radial-wavenumbers (with contribution to the heat flux) to the other non-zonal modes with higher radial-wavenumbers (but with less contribution to the heat flux) through the triad interaction. The successive entropy transfer processes to the higher radial-wavenumber modes are associated with transport regulation in the steady turbulence state. In contrast, in both the instability-saturation and steady phases of the ETG turbulence, the entropy transfer processes among low-wavenumber non-zonal modes are dominant rather than the transfer via zonal modes.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3675855}, Eid = {022303}, File = {Nakata2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022303.pdf:Nakata2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022303.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma flow; plasma instability; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma thermodynamics; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, Numpages = {14}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.02.07}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/022303/1} } @Article{Nazikian2006, author = {Nazikian, R. and Berk, H. L. and Budny, R. V. and Burrell, K. H. and Doyle, E. J. and Fonck, R. J. and Gorelenkov, N. N. and Holcomb, C. and Kramer, G. J. and Jayakumar, R. J. and La Haye, R. J. and McKee, G. R. and Makowski, M. A. and Peebles, W. A. and Rhodes, T. L. and Solomon, W. M. and Strait, E. J. and VanZeeland, M. A. and Zeng, L.}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, title = {Multitude of Core-Localized Shear Alfv\'en Waves in a High-Temperature Fusion Plasma}, year = {2006}, month = {Mar}, number = {10}, pages = {105006}, volume = {96}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.105006}, file = {Nazikian2006_PhysRevLett.96.105006.pdf:Nazikian2006_PhysRevLett.96.105006.pdf:PDF}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2011.05.26}, } @Article{Nazikian2008, Title = {Intense Geodesic Acousticlike Modes Driven by Suprathermal Ions in a Tokamak Plasma}, Author = {Nazikian, R. and Fu, G. Y. and Austin, M. E. and Berk, H. L. and Budny, R. V. and Gorelenkov, N. N. and Heidbrink, W. W. and Holcomb, C. T. and Kramer, G. J. and McKee, G. R. and Makowski, M. A. and Solomon, W. M. and Shafer, M. and Strait, E. J. and Zeeland, M. A. Van}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2008}, Month = {Oct}, Number = {18}, Pages = {185001}, Volume = {101}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.185001}, File = {Nazikian2008_PhysRevLett.101.185001.pdf:Nazikian2008_PhysRevLett.101.185001.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.29} } @Article{Nemeth1981, Title = {Two-sided Pad[e-acute] approximations for the plasma dispersion function}, Author = {G. Nemeth and A. Ag and Gy. Paris}, Journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, Year = {1981}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1192-1195}, Volume = {22}, Doi = {10.1063/1.525046}, File = {Nemeth1981_JMathPhys_22_1192.pdf:Nemeth1981_JMathPhys_22_1192.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {ION BEAMS; PADE APPROXIMATION; INTEGRAL EQUATIONS; PLASMA WAVES}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.05.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/22/1192/1} } @Article{Neufeld1963, Title = {Instabilities in a Plasma-Beam System Immersed in a Magnetic Field}, Author = {Neufeld, Jacob and Wright, Harvel}, Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, Year = {1963}, Month = {Feb}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1489--1507}, Volume = {129}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.129.1489}, File = {Neufeld1963_PhysRev.129.1489.pdf:Neufeld1963_PhysRev.129.1489.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {18}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.04.09} } @Article{Newberger1986, Title = {Efficient numerical computation of the plasma dispersion function}, Author = {Barry S. Newberger}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1986}, Number = {3}, Pages = {305 - 311}, Volume = {42}, Abstract = {An algorithm for the efficient numerical computation of the plasma dispersion function is described, and error criteria and convergence questions are discussed.}, Doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(86)90001-9}, File = {Newberger1986_science[2].pdf:Newberger1986_science[2].pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.07}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465586900019} } @Article{Nguyen2010, Title = {Nonlinear modification of the stability of fast particle driven modes in tokamaks}, Author = {C Nguyen and X Garbet and V Grandgirard and J Decker and Z Guimarães-Filho and M Lesur and H Lütjens and A Merle and R Sabot}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {12}, Pages = {124034}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {In the nonlinear regime, the stability of resonantly driven systems, such as energetic particle driven modes in magnetically confined plasmas, is shown to depend on the presence and nature of an underlying damping mechanism. When resonant damping is involved, subcritical states can occur. In particular, purely nonlinear steady-state regimes can be postulated, whose destabilization threshold and saturation levels are calculated and validated using a reduced one-dimensional paradigmatic bump-on-tail model. The applicability of the developed model to realistic tokamak acoustic modes is assessed. It is shown that purely nonlinear steady-state regimes are possible under standard tokamak conditions.}, File = {Nguyen2010_0741-3335_52_12_124034.pdf:Nguyen2010_0741-3335_52_12_124034.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.25}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/52/i=12/a=124034} } @Article{Nielson1976, Title = {Particle-code models in the nonradiative limit}, Author = {Nielson, C. W. and Lewis, H. R.}, Journal = {Methods in Computational Physics}, Year = {1976}, Pages = {367-388}, Abstract = {The reported investigation shows that Darwin model codes may be expressed satisfactorily in either Hamiltonian or Lagrangian form. The field quantities of the Darwin approximation are expressed in terms of particle positions and velocities. The solution of the field equations is discussed. Four different one-dimensional Darwin model algorithms are applied to simulate the evolution of a one-species, one-dimensional, Weibel-unstable plasma. The results of a two-dimensional simulation study are shown in a number of graphs.}, Keywords = {COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION, MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC STABILITY, PARTICLE MOTION, PLASMA RADIATION, ALGORITHMS, ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS, TWO DIMENSIONAL MODELS}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.26}, Url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1976cofu.book..367N} } @Article{Nishikawa1968, Title = {Parametric Excitation of Coupled Waves I. General Formulation}, Author = {Kyoji Nishikawa}, Journal = {Journal of the Physical Society of Japan}, Year = {1968}, Number = {4}, Pages = {916-922}, Volume = {24}, Abstract = {The coupling of two waves due to the presence of a third wave with large amplitude is studied. On the basis of simple model equations, the conditions for excitation of the first two waves are discussed for the following three cases: i) ω1+ω2≓ω0 and ω1, ω2 are large compared with their frequency shift, ii) ω1≪ω2≲ω0 and iii) ω1≪ω0≲ω2, where ω1, ω2 are the unperturbed frequencies of the two waves under consideration and ω0 is the frequency of the incident large amplitude wave. In the first two cases, the excited wave is found oscillatory, while in the third it is found non-oscillatory. The threshold power of the incident wave for the onset of excitation, the frequency shift at the threshold and the growth rate above threshold are calculated in each case.}, Doi = {10.1143/JPSJ.24.916}, File = {Nishikawa1968_JPSJ-24-916.pdf:Nishikawa1968_JPSJ-24-916.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {6}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {The Physical Society of Japan}, Timestamp = {2011.12.21}, Url = {http://jpsj.ipap.jp/link?JPSJ/24/916/} } @Article{Nishimura2009, Title = {Excitation of low-n toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmodes by energetic particles in global gyrokinetic tokamak plasmas}, Author = {Y. Nishimura}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {030702}, Volume = {16}, Abstract = {The first linear global electromagnetic gyrokinetic particle simulation on the excitation of toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) by energetic particles is reported. It is shown that the long wavelength magnetohydrodynamic instabilities can be studied by the gyrokinetic particle simulation. With an increase in the energetic particle pressure, the TAE frequency moves down into the lower continuum together with an increase in the linear growth rate.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3088028}, File = {Nishimura2009_PhysPlasmas_16_030702.pdf:Nishimura2009_PhysPlasmas_16_030702.pdf:PDF;Nishimura2009a_v5_183.pdf:Nishimura2009a_v5_183.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.24}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i3/p030702_s1} } @Article{Nishimura1998, Title = {Tearing mode analysis in tokamaks, revisited}, Author = {Y. Nishimura and J. D. Callen and C. C. Hegna}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1998}, Pages = {4292}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {A new Δ′ shooting code has been developed to investigate tokamak plasma tearing mode stability in a cylinder and large aspect ratio (ϵ ⩽ 0.25) toroidal geometries, neglecting toroidal mode coupling. A different computational algorithm is used (shooting out from the singular surface instead of into it) to resolve the strong singularities at the mode rational surface, particularly in the presence of the finite pressure term. Numerical results compare favorably with Furth et al. [H. P. Furth et al., Phys. Fluids 16, 1054 (1973)] results. The effects of finite pressure, which are shown to decrease Δ′, are discussed. It is shown that the distortion of the flux surfaces by the Shafranov shift, which modifies the geometry metric elements, stabilizes the tearing mode significantly, even in a low-β regime before the toroidal magnetic curvature effects come into play.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873166}, File = {Nishimura1998_PhysPlasmas_5_4292.pdf:Nishimura1998_PhysPlasmas_5_4292.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v5/i12/p4292_s1} } @Article{Nishimura2009a, Title = {Full torus electromagnetic gyrokinetic particle simulations with kinetic electrons}, Author = {Y. Nishimura and Z. Lin and L. Chen}, Journal = {Commun. Comput. Phys.}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {183-194}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {The full torus electromagnetic gyrokinetic particle simulations using the hybrid model with kinetic electrons in the presence of magnetic shear is presented. The fluid-kinetic electron hybrid model employed in this paper improves numerical properties by removing the tearing mode, meanwhile, preserves both linear and nonlinear wave-particle resonances of electrons with Alfven wave and ion acoustic wave.}, File = {Nishimura2009a_v5_183.pdf:Nishimura2009a_v5_183.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Gyrokinetic particle simulation, plasma turbulence, electromagnetic gyrokinetic theory.}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.28}, Url = {http://www.global-sci.com/issue/contents/5/issue1.html} } @Article{Nishimura2007, Title = {Electromagnetic global gyrokinetic simulation of shear Alfven wave dynamics in tokamak plasmas}, Author = {Y. Nishimura and Z. Lin and W. X. Wang}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {042503}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {Electromagnetic gyrokinetic simulation in toroidal geometry is developed based on a fluid-kinetic hybrid electron model. The Alfven wave propagation in a fully global gyrokinetic particle simulation is investigated. In the long-wavelength magnetohydrodynamic limit, shear Alfven wave oscillations, continuum damping, and the appearance of the frequency gap in toroidal geometries are demonstrated. Wave propagation across the magnetic field (kinetic Alfven wave) is examined by comparing the simulation results with the theoretical dispersion relation. Furthermore, finite-beta stabilization of the ion temperature gradient mode and the onset of the kinetic ballooning mode are demonstrated.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2718908}, File = {Nishimura2007_PhysPlasmas_14_042503.pdf:Nishimura2007_PhysPlasmas_14_042503.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.28}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v14/i4/p042503_s1} } @Article{Numata2010, Title = {AstroGK: Astrophysical gyrokinetics code}, Author = {Ryusuke Numata and Gregory G. Howes and Tomoya Tatsuno and Michael Barnes and William Dorland}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {2010}, Number = {24}, Pages = {9347 - 9372}, Volume = {229}, Abstract = {The gyrokinetic simulation code AstroGK is developed to study fundamental aspects of kinetic plasmas and for applications mainly to astrophysical problems. AstroGK is an Eulerian slab code that solves the electromagnetic gyrokinetic-Maxwell equations in five-dimensional phase space, and is derived from the existing gyrokinetics code GS2 by removing magnetic geometry effects. Algorithms used in the code are described. The code is benchmarked using linear and nonlinear problems. Serial and parallel performance scalings are also presented.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2010.09.006}, File = {Numata2010_sdarticle.pdf:Numata2010_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Keywords = {Gyrokinetic simulation}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.30}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999110005000} } @Article{Nyquist1932, Title = {Regeneration Theory}, Author = {Harry Nyquist}, Journal = {Bell System Tech. J.}, Year = {1932}, Pages = {126-147}, Volume = {11}, File = {Nyquist1932_Regeneration Theory.pdf:Nyquist1932_Regeneration Theory.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.02.16}, Url = {http://media.johnwiley.com.au/product_data/excerpt/14/07803602/0780360214.pdf} } @Article{O'Neil1965, author = {Thomas O'Neil}, title = {Collisionless Damping of Nonlinear Plasma Oscillations}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1965}, volume = {8}, number = {12}, pages = {2255-2262}, abstract = {It is well known that the linear theory of collisionless damping breaks down after a time τ ≡ (m∕eϵκ)☒, where κ is the wavenumber and ϵ is the amplitude of the electric field. Jacobi elliptic functions are now used to provide an exact solution of the Vlasov equation for the resonant electrons, and the damping coefficient is generalized to be valid for times greater than t = τ. This generalized damping coefficient reduces to Landau's result when t∕τ ≪ 1; it has an oscillatory behavior when t∕τ is of order unity, and it phase mixes to zero as t∕τ approaches infinity. The above results are all shown to have simple physical interpretations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1761193}, file = {O'Neil1965.pdf:O'Neil1965.pdf:PDF}, groups = {main}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/8/2255/1}, } @Article{O'Neil1974, Title = {Probability distribution for Fourier components of the electric field in weak plasma turbulence theory}, Author = {T. M. O'Neil}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1974}, Number = {12}, Pages = {2249-2254}, Volume = {17}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1694699}, File = {O'Neil1974_PFL002249.pdf:O'Neil1974_PFL002249.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.03}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/17/2249/1} } @Article{O'Neil1968b, Title = {Effect of Coulomb Collisions and Microturbulence on the Plasma Wave Echo}, Author = {Thomas M. O'Neil}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1968}, Number = {11}, Pages = {2420-2425}, Volume = {11}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1691832}, File = {O'Neil1968b_PFL002420.pdf:O'Neil1968b_PFL002420.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.03}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/11/2420/1} } @Article{O'Neil1967, Title = {Nonlinear Instability}, Author = {T. M. O'Neil}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1967}, Number = {5}, Pages = {1027-1030}, Volume = {10}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1762216}, File = {O'Neil1967_PFL001027.pdf:O'Neil1967_PFL001027.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.03}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/10/1027/1} } @Article{O'Neil1968a, Title = {Temporal and Spatial Plasma Wave Echoes}, Author = {T. M. O'Neil and R. W. Gould}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1968}, Number = {1}, Pages = {134-142}, Volume = {11}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1691746}, File = {O'Neil1968a_PFL000134.pdf:O'Neil1968a_PFL000134.pdf:PDF;O'Neil1968a_PFL001754.pdf:O'Neil1968a_PFL001754.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.03}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/11/134/1} } @Article{O'Neil1968, author = {T. M. O'Neil and J. H. Malmberg}, title = {Transition of the Dispersion Roots from Beam-Type to Landau-Type Solutions}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1968}, volume = {11}, number = {8}, pages = {1754-1760}, doi = {10.1063/1.1692190}, file = {O'Neil1968a_PFL001754.pdf:O'Neil1968a_PFL001754.pdf:PDF;O'Neil1968a_PFL000134.pdf:O'Neil1968a_PFL000134.pdf:PDF;O'Neil1968b_PFL002420.pdf:O'Neil1968b_PFL002420.pdf:PDF}, groups = {main}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/11/1754/1}, } @Article{O'Neil1972, author = {T. M. O'Neil and J. H. Winfrey}, title = {Nonlinear Interaction of a Small Cold Beam and a Plasma. Part II}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1972}, volume = {15}, number = {8}, pages = {1514-1522}, doi = {10.1063/1.1694117}, file = {O'Neil1972.pdf:O'Neil1972.pdf:PDF}, groups = {main}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/15/1514/1}, } @Article{O'Neil1971, author = {T. M. O'Neil and J. H. Winfrey and J. H. Malmberg}, title = {Nonlinear Interaction of a Small Cold Beam and a Plasma}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1971}, volume = {14}, number = {6}, pages = {1204-1212}, doi = {10.1063/1.1693587}, file = {O'Neil1971.pdf:O'Neil1971.pdf:PDF}, groups = {main}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/14/1204/1}, } @Article{Obiki1977, Title = {Alfv\'en-Wave Heating Experiment in the Heliotron-$D$}, Author = {Obiki, T. and Mutoh, T. and Adachi, S. and Sasaki, A. and Iiyoshi, A. and Uo, K.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1977}, Month = {Sep}, Number = {13}, Pages = {812--815}, Volume = {39}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.39.812}, File = {Obiki1977_PhysRevLett.39.812.pdf:Obiki1977_PhysRevLett.39.812.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2010.12.24} } @Article{Okuda1985, Title = {Particle simulation models for low frequency microinstabilities in a magnetic field}, Author = {Okuda, H.}, Journal = {Space Science Reviews}, Year = {1985}, Note = {10.1007/BF00218222}, Pages = {41-52}, Volume = {42}, Abstract = {Several numerical plasma simulation models using particles are described which are appropriate for low frequency electrostatic and electromagnetic microinstabilities in a strong magnetic field. The model makes use of the guiding center drift approximations for the electrons while the ions are represented either as particles obeying the equation of motion with the full Lorentz force or a fluid which includes finite-Larmor-radius effects. These models are particularly useful for studying low frequency microinstabilities (ω ≲ ω pi , Ω i ) propagating nearly perpendicular to an external magnetic field (k ⊥ ≫ k ∥ ).}, Affiliation = {Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University P.O. Box 451 08544 Princeton New Jersey USA P.O. Box 451 08544 Princeton New Jersey USA}, File = {Okuda1985_fulltext.pdf:Okuda1985_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0038-6308}, Issue = {1}, Keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, Timestamp = {2011.12.14}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00218222} } @Article{Oyama2006, Title = {Pedestal conditions for small ELM regimes in tokamaks}, Author = {N Oyama and P Gohil and L D Horton and A E Hubbard and J W Hughes and Y Kamada and K Kamiya and A W Leonard and A Loarte and R Maingi and G Saibene and R Sartori and J K Stober and W Suttrop and H Urano and W P West and the ITPA Pedestal Topical Group}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2006}, Number = {5A}, Pages = {A171}, Volume = {48}, Abstract = {Several small/no ELM regimes such as EDA, grassy ELM, HRS, QH-mode, type II and V ELMs with good confinement properties have been obtained in Alcator C-Mod, ASDEX-Upgrade, DIII-D, JET, JFT-2M, JT-60U and NSTX. All these regimes show considerable reduction of instantaneous ELM heat load onto divertor target plates in contrast to conventional type I ELM, and ELM energy losses are evaluated as less than 5% of the pedestal stored energy. These small/no ELM regimes are summarized and widely categorized by their pedestal conditions in terms of the operational space in non-dimensional pedestal parameters and requirement of plasma shape/configuration. The characteristics of edge fluctuations and activities of ideal MHD stability leading to small/no ELMs are also summarized.}, File = {Oyama2006_0741-3335_48_5A_S16.pdf:Oyama2006_0741-3335_48_5A_S16.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.11}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=5A/a=S16} } @Article{Padhye1999, Title = {Alfv[e-acute]n--wave particle interaction in finite-dimensional self-consistent field model}, Author = {Nikhil Padhye and W. Horton}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1999}, Number = {3}, Pages = {970-975}, Volume = {6}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873337}, File = {Padhye1999_PhysPlasmas_6_970.pdf:Padhye1999_PhysPlasmas_6_970.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; HAMILTONIANS; ACCELERATION; PLASMA WAVES; EARTH MAGNETOSPHERE; SELF-CONSISTENT FIELD; plasma Alfven waves; SCF calculations; magnetosphere}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.12.30}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/970/1} } @Article{Panis2012, Title = {Analysis of damping rate measurements of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes on JET as a function of n : part I}, Author = {T. Panis and A. Fasoli and D. Testa and JET-EFDA Contributors}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {023013}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {The linear stability of Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) is studied experimentally in the JET tokamak using its active MHD spectroscopy system, the so-called Alfvén Eigenmode Active Diagnostic (AEAD). Following the optimization of the AEAD system, AEs with toroidal mode numbers ( n ) in the low- n and medium- n range were excited systematically. A database was created from the damping rate measurements of toroidal AEs (TAEs), obtained in ohmically heated plasmas with monotonic q -profile. The TAE damping rate measurements were studied as a function of n , focusing on the effects of the edge plasma shape and the q profile and investigating their implications for the importance of the continuum and radiative damping mechanisms. In this paper, the first part of the analysis is presented: a statistical treatment of the damping rate database is performed and the correlations with various plasma parameters and relevant quantities are explored. The analysis shows that medium- n modes tend to be less damped than low- n modes, with the measured damping rates (γ/ω) of modes with n ≥ 4 ranging from ~0.3% to 4%. In a follow-up paper (part II), the analysis is carried out using a discharge-following approach, by investigating the damping rate variations that are observed in individual discharges.}, File = {Panis2012_0029-5515_52_2_023013.pdf:Panis2012_0029-5515_52_2_023013.pdf:PDF;Panis2012a_0029-5515_52_2_023014.pdf:Panis2012a_0029-5515_52_2_023014.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.28}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=2/a=023013} } @Article{Panis2012a, Title = {Analysis of damping rate measurements of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes as a function of n : part II}, Author = {T. Panis and A. Fasoli and D. Testa and JET-EFDA Contributors}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {023014}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {Complementing the database approach that has been presented in part I, this paper probes into individual plasma discharges and investigates the damping rate variations that are driven by the evolving plasma configurations. In addition to confirming the stabilizing effect of elongated plasma shapings on toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes, the significance of the span of the q profile is shown experimentally for the first time. It is found that, under conditions of transient current density profiles, the damping rate of medium- n modes has a dependence on the background plasma parameters that is distinctively different from that of low- n modes. The analysis of the correlation of the damping rate variations with the changes of the q profile shape and the alignment of the gaps of the shear Alfvén continuum leads to an assessment of the effect of the interaction of the modes with the Alfvén continuum as a function of n .}, File = {Panis2012a_0029-5515_52_2_023014.pdf:Panis2012a_0029-5515_52_2_023014.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.28}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=2/a=023014} } @Article{Pankin2006, Title = {Theory-based model for the pedestal, edge stability and ELMs in tokamaks}, Author = {A.Y. Pankin and G. Bateman and D.P. Brennan and D.D. Schnack and P.B. Snyder and I. Voitsekhovitch and A.H. Kritz and G. Janeschitz and S. Kruger and T. Onjun and G.W. Pacher and H.D. Pacher}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2006}, Number = {4}, Pages = {403}, Volume = {46}, Abstract = {An improved model for triggering edge localized mode (ELM) crashes is developed for use within integrated modelling simulations of the pedestal and ELM cycles at the edge of H-mode tokamak plasmas. The new model is developed by using the BALOO, DCON and ELITE ideal MHD stability codes to derive parametric expressions for the ELM triggering threshold. The whole toroidal mode number spectrum is studied with these codes. The DCON code applies to low mode numbers, while the BALOO code applies to only high mode numbers and the ELITE code applies to intermediate and high mode numbers. The variables used in the parametric stability expressions are the normalized pressure gradient and the parallel current density, which drive ballooning and peeling modes. Two equilibria motivated by DIII-D geometry with different plasma triangularities are studied. It is found that the stable region in the high triangularity discharge covers a much larger region of parameter space than the corresponding stability region in the low triangularity discharge. The new ELM trigger model is used together with a previously developed model for pedestal formation and ELM crashes in the ASTRA integrated modelling code to follow the time evolution of the temperature profiles during ELM cycles. The ELM frequencies obtained in the simulations of low and high triangularity discharges are observed to increase with increasing heating power. There is a transition from second stability to first ballooning mode stability as the heating power is increased in the high triangularity simulations. The results from the ideal MHD stability codes are compared with results from the resistive MHD stability code NIMROD.}, File = {Pankin2006_pankin06nf.pdf:Pankin2006_pankin06nf.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.11}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/46/i=4/a=001} } @Article{Pankin2005a, author = {A Y Pankin and I Voitsekhovitch and G Bateman and A Dnestrovski and G Janeschitz and M Murakami and T Osborne and A H Kritz and T Onjun and G W Pacher and H D Pacher}, title = {Combined model for the H-mode pedestal and ELMs}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2005}, volume = {47}, number = {3}, pages = {483}, abstract = {A model is developed for use in integrated modelling codes to predict the height, width and shape of the H-mode pedestal as well as the frequency and width of edge localized modes (ELMs). The model for the H-mode pedestal in tokamak plasmas is based on flow shear reduction of anomalous transport, while the periodic ELM crashes are triggered by MHD instabilities. The formation of the pedestal and the L–H transition in this model are the direct result of ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/47/3/006/toc_ppcf182295in001.gif] {\vec{E}_{r}\times \vec{B}} flow shear suppression of transport. Suppression of the anomalous transport enhances the role of neoclassical transport in the pedestal region. The ratio of suppression of anomalous thermal transport in electron and ion channels controls the ratio of electron to ion temperature at the top of the pedestal. Two mechanisms for triggering ELMs are considered. ELMs are triggered by ballooning modes if the pressure gradient exceeds the ballooning limit or by peeling modes if the edge current density exceeds the peeling mode criterion. The models for the pedestal and ELMs are used in a predictive integrated modelling code to follow the time evolution of tokamak discharges from L-mode through the transition from L-mode to H-mode, with the formation of the H-mode pedestal, and, subsequently, the triggering of ELMs. The objective is to produce self-consistent predictions of the width, height and shape of the H-mode pedestal and the frequency of ELMs. The dependences of pedestal temperature, pedestal width and ELM frequency as a function of plasma heating power, magnetic field and density are discussed.}, file = {Pankin2005_0741-3335_47_3_006.pdf:Pankin2005_0741-3335_47_3_006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.12.11}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/47/i=3/a=006}, } @Article{Park2012, Title = {Sensitivity to error fields in NSTX high β plasmas}, Author = {Jong-Kyu Park and Jonathan E. Menard and Stefan P. Gerhardt and Richard J. Buttery and Steve A. Sabbagh and Ronald E. Bell and Benoit P. LeBlanc}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {023004}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {It was found that error field threshold decreases for high β in NSTX, although the density correlation in conventional threshold scaling implies the threshold would increase since higher β plasmas in our study have higher plasma density. This greater sensitivity to error field in higher β plasmas is due to error field amplification by plasmas. When the effect of amplification is included with ideal plasma response calculations, the conventional density correlation can be restored and threshold scaling becomes more consistent with low β plasmas. However, it was also found that the threshold can be significantly changed depending on plasma rotation. When plasma rotation was reduced by non-resonant magnetic braking, the further increase in sensitivity to error field was observed.}, File = {Park2012_0029-5515_52_2_023004.pdf:Park2012_0029-5515_52_2_023004.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.13}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=2/a=023004} } @Article{Park1999, Title = {Plasma simulation studies using multilevel physics models}, Author = {W. Park and E. V. Belova and G. Y. Fu and X. Z. Tang and H. R. Strauss and L. E. Sugiyama}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1999}, Pages = {1796}, Volume = {6}, Abstract = {The question of how to proceed toward ever more realistic plasma simulation studies using ever increasing computing power is addressed. The answer presented here is the M3D (Multilevel 3D) project, which has developed a code package with a hierarchy of physics levels that resolve increasingly complete subsets of phase-spaces and are thus increasingly more realistic. The rationale for the multilevel physics models is given. Each physics level is described and examples of its application are given. The existing physics levels are fluid models (3D configuration space), namely magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and two-fluids; and hybrid models, namely gyrokinetic-energetic-particle/MHD (5D energetic particle phase-space), gyrokinetic-particle-ion/fluid-electron (5D ion phase-space), and full-kinetic-particle-ion/fluid-electron level (6D ion phase-space). Resolving electron phase-space (5D or 6D) remains a future project. Phase-space-fluid models are not used in favor of δf particle models. A practical and accurate nonlinear fluid closure for noncollisional plasmas seems not likely in the near future.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873437}, File = {Park1999_PhysPlasmas_6_1796.pdf:Park1999_PhysPlasmas_6_1796.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.16}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v6/i5/p1796_s1} } @Article{Parker1958, Title = {Dynamical Instability in an Anisotropic Ionized Gas of Low Density}, Author = {Parker, E. N.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, Year = {1958}, Month = {Mar}, Pages = {1874--1876}, Volume = {109}, Abstract = {It is shown that when the thermal motions of a tenuous ionized gas are sufficiently anisotropic, the gas, and the initially uniform magnetic field which the gas is assumed to contain, become unstable. One mode of instability occurs when the gas pressure is greater parallel to the field than perpendicular, and another mode when the pressure is greater perpendicular than parallel. It is suggested that such instabilities may be of astrophysical interest, particularly with regard to the configuration of the solar dipole field as it is drawn out into interplanetary space by ionized gas from the sun.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.109.1874}, File = {Parker1958_PhysRev.109.1874.pdf:Parker1958_PhysRev.109.1874.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {6}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.12.01}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.109.1874} } @Article{Parker2004, Title = {Electromagnetic gyrokinetic simulations}, Author = {S. E. Parker and Y. Chen and W. Wan and B. I. Cohen and W. M. Nevins}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2004}, Pages = {2594}, Volume = {11}, Abstract = {A new electromagnetic kinetic electron δf particle simulation model has been demonstrated to work well at large values of plasma β times the ion-to-electron mass ratio [Y. Chen and S. E. Parker, J. Comput. Phys. 198, 463 (2003)]. The simulation is three-dimensional using toroidal flux-tube geometry and includes electron-ion collisions. The model shows accurate shear Alfvén wave damping and microtearing physics. Zonal flows with kinetic electrons are found to be turbulent with the spectrum peaking at zero and having a width in the frequency range of the driving turbulence. This is in contrast with adiabatic electron cases where the zonal flows are near stationary, even though the linear behavior of the zonal flow is not significantly affected by kinetic electrons. Zonal fields are found to be very weak, consistent with theoretical predictions for β below the kinetic ballooning limit. Detailed spectral analysis of the turbulence data is presented in the various limits.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1689668}, File = {Parker2004_PhysPlasmas_11_2594.pdf:Parker2004_PhysPlasmas_11_2594.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.16}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v11/i5/p2594_s1} } @Article{Parker1993a, author = {S. E. Parker and W. W. Lee}, title = {A fully nonlinear characteristic method for gyrokinetic simulation}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1993}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {77-86}, abstract = {A new scheme that evolves the perturbed part of the distribution function along a set of characteristics that solves the fully nonlinear gyrokinetic equations is presented. This low‐noise nonlinear characteristic method for particle simulation is an extension of the partially linear weighting scheme, and may be considered an improvement over existing δf methods. Some of the features of this new method include the ability to keep all nonlinearities, particularly those associated with the velocity space, the use of conventional particle loading techniques, and also the retention of the conservation properties of the original gyrokinetic system in the numerically converged limit. The new method is used to study a one‐dimensional drift wave model that isolates the parallel velocity nonlinearity. A mode coupling calculation for the saturation amplitude is given, which is in good agreement with the simulation results. Finally, the method is extended to the electromagnetic gyrokinetic equations in general geometry.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860870}, file = {Parker1993_PFB000077.pdf:Parker1993_PFB000077.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {KINETIC EQUATIONS; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; PLASMA SIMULATION; DRIFT INSTABILITY; SLABS; CONSERVATION LAWS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.11.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/77/1}, } @Article{Parra2011, Title = {Phase-space Lagrangian derivation of electrostatic gyrokinetics in general geometry}, Author = {Felix I Parra and Iván Calvo}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {4}, Pages = {045001}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {Gyrokinetic theory is based on an asymptotic expansion in the small parameter ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} , defined as the ratio of the gyroradius and the characteristic length of variation of the magnetic field. In this paper, this ordering is strictly implemented to compute the electrostatic gyrokinetic phase-space Lagrangian in general magnetic geometry to order ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} 2 . In particular, a new expression for the complete second-order gyrokinetic Hamiltonian is provided, showing that in a rigorous treatment of gyrokinetic theory magnetic geometry and turbulence cannot be dealt with independently. The new phase-space gyrokinetic Lagrangian gives a Vlasov equation accurate to order ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} 2 and a Poisson equation accurate to order ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} . The final expressions are explicit and can be implemented into any simulation without further computations.}, File = {Parra2011_0741-3335_53_4_045001.pdf:Parra2011_0741-3335_53_4_045001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.06}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=4/a=045001} } @Article{Passot2006, Title = {A fluid model with finite Larmor radius effects for mirror mode dynamics}, Author = {T. Passot and P. L. Sulem}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {2006}, Pages = {A04203}, Volume = {111}, Abstract = {A fluid model retaining hydrodynamic nonlinearities together with a linear approximation of the Landau damping and of the finite Larmor radius effects is constructed to describe the dynamics of quasi-transverse low-frequency waves in a homogeneous magnetized plasma. It accurately reproduces the kinetic theory predictions for the mirror instability, including its quenching at small transverse scales. The dispersion relation of kinetic Alfvén waves is also recovered. This model should provide an efficient tool for numerical simulations of nonlinear mirror mode dynamics, at least near threshold.}, Doi = {10.1029/2005JA011425}, File = {Passot2006_2005JA011425.pdf:Passot2006_2005JA011425.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.05}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2006/2005JA011425.shtml} } @Article{Patel2011, Title = {Comparative study between cold plasma and hot plasma with ion beam and loss-cone distribution function by particle aspect approach}, Author = {Soniya Patel and P Varma and M S Tiwari}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {3}, Pages = {035021}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {The electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (EMIC) instabilities with isotropic ion beam and general loss-cone distribution of cold and hot core plasmas are discussed. The growth rate, parallel and perpendicular resonance energies of the electromagnetic ion-cyclotron waves in a low β (ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure), homogeneous plasma have been obtained using the dispersion relation for cold and hot plasmas. The wave is assumed to propagate parallel to the static magnetic field. The whole plasma is considered to consist of resonant and non-resonant particles permeated by isotropic ion beam. It is assumed that resonant particles and ion beam participate in energy exchange with the wave whereas non-resonant particles support the oscillatory motion of the wave. We determined the variation in energies and growth rate in cold and hot plasmas by the energy conservation method with a general loss-cone distribution function. The thermal anisotropy of the core plasma acts as a source of free energy for EMIC wave and enhances the growth rate. It is noted that the EMIC wave emissions occur by extracting energy of perpendicularly heated ions in the presence of up flowing ion beam and steep loss-cone distribution in the anisotropic magnetosphere. The effect of the steep loss-cone distribution is to enhance the growth rate of the EMIC wave. The heating of ions perpendicular and parallel to the magnetic field is discussed along with EMIC wave emission in the auroral acceleration region. The results are interpreted for the space plasma parameters appropriate to the auroral acceleration region of the earth's magnetoplasma.}, File = {Patel2011_0741-3335_53_3_035021.pdf:Patel2011_0741-3335_53_3_035021.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.09}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=3/a=035021} } @Article{Pearlstein1969, Title = {Universal Eigenmode in a Strongly Sheared Magnetic Field}, Author = {Pearlstein, L. D. and Berk, H. L.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1969}, Month = {Aug}, Pages = {220--222}, Volume = {23}, Abstract = {It is shown, contrary to previous work, that in the presence of large shear (LS/RPParticle Acceleration; Space Plasma Physics; Solar Radiation and the Earth’s Atmosphere and Climate}, Number = {8}, Pages = {1550 - 1555}, Volume = {37}, Abstract = {We present a fully kinetic theory of the magnetic mirror instability accounting for finite ion Larmor radius (FLR) effects. Including FLR effects leads to a substantial modification of both the instability growth rate and the instability threshold. For wavelengths the order of the ion Larmor radius the effective elasticity of the magnetic field lines increases substantially. The latter results in an increase of the mirror instability threshold. A compact analytical expression is obtained for the growth rate of the fastest growing mode in the fully kinetic regime. In the presence of FLR effects, a non-coplanar component of the magnetic field perturbation is generated which is occasionally observed in satellite data.}, Doi = {10.1016/j.asr.2005.02.076}, File = {Pokhotelov2006_science.pdf:Pokhotelov2006_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0273-1177}, Keywords = {Mirror modes}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.30}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0273117705002711} } @Article{Poppe1990, Title = {More efficient computation of the complex error function}, Author = {Poppe, G. P. M. and Wijers, C. M. J.}, Journal = {ACM Trans. Math. Softw.}, Year = {1990}, Month = {March}, Note = {http://www.pppl.gov/~hammett/comp/src/wofz_readme.html http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=77630\&CFID=24754967\&CFTOKEN=94758316}, Pages = {38--46}, Volume = {16}, Abstract = {Gautschi has developed an algorithm that calculates the value of the Faddeeva function w(z) for a given complex number z in the first quadrant, up to 10 significant digits. We show that by modifying the tuning of the algorithm and testing the relative rather than the absolute error we can improve the accuracy of this algorithm to 14 significant digits throughout almost the whole of the complex plane, as well as increase its speed significantly in most of the complex plane. The efficiency of the calculation is further enhanced by using a different approximation in the neighborhood of the origin, where the Gautschi algorithm becomes ineffective. Finally, we develop a criterion to test the reliability of the algorithm's results near the zeros of the function, which occur in the third and fourth quadrants.}, Acmid = {77629}, Address = {New York, NY, USA}, Doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/77626.77629}, File = {Poppe1990_p38-poppe.pdf:Poppe1990_p38-poppe.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0098-3500}, Issue = {1}, Issue_date = {March 1990}, Numpages = {9}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {ACM}, Timestamp = {2011.05.31}, Url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/77626.77629} } @Article{Porcelli1994, Title = {Solution of the drift-kinetic equation for global plasma modes and finite particle orbit widths}, Author = {F. Porcelli and R. Stankiewicz and W. Kerner and H. L. Berk}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1994}, Number = {3}, Pages = {470-480}, Volume = {1}, Abstract = {The response of a collisionless plasma to global electromagnetic perturbations of an axisymmetric toroidal equilibrium is derived. By adopting a variational formulation for guiding center motion, the perturbed distribution function is expressed in terms of the linearized guiding center Lagrangian. Finite orbit widths are retained. In particular, the high particle energy limit where mirror‐trapped banana orbits are distorted into ‘‘potato‐shaped’’ orbits is considered. In this limit, the time scales associated with the drift and bounce motions of a mirror‐trapped orbit become comparable, yielding important consequences on plasma stability. Quadratic forms are constructed in the context of kinetic‐magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models of plasmas composed of a thermal component obeying fluid‐like equations and a high‐energy component described in terms of the collisionless drift‐kinetic equation. Relevant applications include improved modeling of energetic ion effects on toroidicity‐induced Alfvén gap modes and internal kinks.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.870792}, File = {Porcelli1994_PhysPlasmas_1_470.pdf:Porcelli1994_PhysPlasmas_1_470.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {PLASMA DRIFT; KINETIC EQUATIONS; COLLISIONLESS PLASMA; VARIATIONAL METHODS; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; LAGRANGIAN FUNCTION; ORBITS; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; ALFVEN WAVES; PLASMA HEATING; GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; KINKS}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.02.06}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/1/470/1} } @Article{Prater2004, Title = {Heating and current drive by electron cyclotron waves}, Author = {R. Prater}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2004}, Note = {recommended by V.S.Chan}, Number = {11}, Pages = {2349}, Volume = {11}, Abstract = {The physics model of electron cyclotron heating (ECH) and current drive (ECCD) is becoming well validated through systematic comparisons of theory and experiment. This work has shown that ECH and ECCD can be highly localized and robustly controlled in toroidal plasma confinement systems, leading to applications including stabilization of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities like neoclassical tearing modes, control and sustainment of desired profiles of current density and plasma pressure, and studies of localized transport in laboratory plasmas. The experimental work was supported by a broad base of theory based on first principles which is now well encapsulated in linear ray tracing codes describing wave propagation, absorption, and current drive and in fully relativistic quasilinear Fokker–Planck codes describing in detail the response of the electrons to the energy transferred from the wave. The subtle balance between wave-induced diffusion and Coulomb relaxation in velocity space provides an understanding of the effects of trapping of current-carrying electrons in the magnetic well. Strong quasilinear effects and radial transport of electrons, which may broaden the driven current profile, have also been observed under some conditions and appear to be consistent with theory, but in large devices these are usually insignificant. The agreement of theory and experiment, the wide range of established applications, and the technical advantages of ECH support the application of ECH in next-step tokamaks and stellarators.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1690762}, File = {Prater2004_PhysPlasmas_11_2349.pdf:Prater2004_PhysPlasmas_11_2349.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.27}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v11/i5/p2349_s1} } @Article{Pueschel2011, Title = {Gyrokinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection}, Author = {M. J. Pueschel and F. Jenko and D. Told and J. Büchner}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {112102}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Fast magnetic reconnection, believed to be a mechanism for rearranging the magnetic topology and creating energetic particles in many astrophysical and laboratory plasmas, is investigated with the nonlinear gyrokinetic code Gene. After some code-code benchmarking, extensive linear studies are presented, covering all relevant parameter dependencies of two-dimensional slab reconnection. The results are used to ascertain the validity of a fluid model and understand for which parameters it fails to describe the physics correctly. The nonlinear phase is studied for two scenarios: decaying and driven turbulence. In the former case, the initially injected energy is cascading towards the largest scales of the system, whereas a fully turbulent, quasi-stationary state develops if the system is driven through a Krook-type term in the gyrokinetic Vlasov equation.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3656965}, File = {Pueschel2011_PhysPlasmas_18_112102.pdf:Pueschel2011_PhysPlasmas_18_112102.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.02}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i11/p112102_s1} } @Article{Qin2006a, Title = {General Gyrokinetic Equations for Edge Plasmas}, Author = {H. Qin and R. H. Cohen and W. M. Nevins and X. Q. Xu}, Journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, Year = {2006}, Note = {Special Issue: 10th International Workshop on Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices}, Number = {7-9}, Pages = {477–489}, Volume = {46}, Abstract = {During the pedestal cycle of H-mode edge plasmas in tokamak experiments, large-amplitude pedestal build-up and destruction coexist with small-amplitude drift wave turbulence. The pedestal dynamics simultaneously includes fast time-scale electromagnetic instabilities, long time-scale turbulence-induced transport processes, and more interestingly the interaction between them. To numerically simulate the pedestal dynamics from first principles, it is desirable to develop an effective algorithm based on the gyrokinetic theory. However, existing gyrokinetic theories cannot treat fully nonlinear electromagnetic perturbations with multi-scale-length structures in spacetime, and therefore do not apply to edge plasmas. A set of generalized gyrokinetic equations valid for the edge plasmas has been derived. This formalism allows large-amplitude, time-dependent background electromagnetic fields to be developed fully nonlinearly in addition to small-amplitude, short-wavelength electromagnetic perturbations. It turns out that the most general gyrokinetic theory can be geometrically formulated. The Poincaré-Cartan-Einstein 1-form on the 7D phase space determines particles' worldlines in the phase space, and realizes the momentum integrals in kinetic theory as fiber integrals. The infinitesimal generator of the gyro-symmetry is then asymptotically constructed as the base for the gyrophase coordinate of the gyrocenter coordinate system. This is accomplished by applying the Lie coordinate perturbation method to the Poincaré-Cartan-Einstein 1-form. General gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell equations are then developed as the Vlasov-Maxwell equations in the gyrocenter coordinate system, rather than a set of new equations. Because the general gyrokinetic system developed is geometrically the same as the Vlasov-Maxwell equations, all the coordinate-independent properties of the Vlasov-Maxwell equations, such as energy conservation, momentum conservation, and phase space volume conservation, are automatically carried over to the general gyrokinetic system. The pullback transformation associated with the coordinate transformation is shown to be an indispensable part of the general gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell equations. As an example, the pullback transformation in the gyrokinetic Poisson equation is explicitly expressed in terms of moments of the gyrocenter distribution function, with the important gyro-orbit squeezing effect due to the large electric field shearing in the edge and the full finite Larmour radius effect for short wavelength fluctuations. The familiar “polarization drift density” in the gyrocenter Poisson equation is replaced by a more general expression.}, Doi = {10.1002/ctpp.200610034}, File = {Qin2006a_477_ftp.pdf:Qin2006a_477_ftp.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.10}, Url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ctpp.200610034/abstract;jsessionid=DB31361CF2F009C9295CF404228CA006.d02t04} } @Article{Qin2006, Title = {An Exact Magnetic-Moment Invariant of Charged-Particle Gyromotion}, Author = {Qin, Hong and Davidson, Ronald C.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2006}, Month = {Mar}, Number = {8}, Pages = {085003}, Volume = {96}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.085003}, File = {Qin2006_PhysRevLett_96_085003.pdf:Qin2006_PhysRevLett_96_085003.pdf:PDF;Qin2006a_477_ftp.pdf:Qin2006a_477_ftp.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.31} } @Article{Qin2008, Title = {Variational Symplectic Integrator for Long-Time Simulations of the Guiding-Center Motion of Charged Particles in General Magnetic Fields}, Author = {Qin, Hong and Guan, Xiaoyin}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2008}, Month = {Jan}, Number = {3}, Pages = {035006}, Volume = {100}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.035006}, File = {Qin2008_PhysRevLett.100.035006.pdf:Qin2008_PhysRevLett.100.035006.pdf:PDF;Qin2008a_PhysPlasmas_15_024702.pdf:Qin2008a_PhysPlasmas_15_024702.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.04.07} } @Article{Qin2009a, author = {Hong Qin and Xiaoyin Guan and William M. Tang}, title = {Variational symplectic algorithm for guiding center dynamics and its application in tokamak geometry}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {4}, pages = {042510}, doi = {10.1063/1.3099055}, eid = {042510}, file = {Qin2009_PhysPlasmas_16_042510.pdf:Qin2009_PhysPlasmas_16_042510.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {differential equations; iterative methods; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; variational techniques}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2011.04.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/042510/1}, } @Article{Qin2008a, Title = {Response to ``Comment on `A new derivation of the plasma susceptibility tensor for a hot magnetized plasma without infinite sums of products of Bessel functions''' [Phys. Plasmas [bold 15], 024701 (2008)]}, Author = {Hong Qin and Cynthia K. Phillips and Ronald C. Davidson}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Number = {2}, Pages = {024702}, Volume = {15}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2839770}, Eid = {024702}, File = {Qin2008a_PhysPlasmas_15_024702.pdf:Qin2008a_PhysPlasmas_15_024702.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Bessel functions; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, Numpages = {1}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.06.04}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/024702/1} } @Article{Qin2007, Title = {A new derivation of the plasma susceptibility tensor for a hot magnetized plasma without infinite sums of products of Bessel functions}, Author = {Hong Qin and Cynthia K. Phillips and Ronald C. Davidson}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2007}, Number = {9}, Pages = {092103}, Volume = {14}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2769968}, Eid = {092103}, File = {Qin2007_PhysPlasmas_14_092103.pdf:Qin2007_PhysPlasmas_14_092103.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Bessel functions; cyclotron resonance; plasma confinement; plasma flow}, Numpages = {8}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.06.04}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/092103/1} } @Article{Qin1999, Title = {Symbolic vector analysis in plasma physics}, Author = {H. Qin and W.M. Tang and G. Rewoldt}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {1999}, Number = {1}, Pages = {107 - 120}, Volume = {116}, Abstract = {Many problems in plasma physics involve substantial amounts of analytical vector calculation. The complexity usually originates from both the vector operations themselves and the underlying coordinate systems. A computer algebra package for symbolic vector analysis in general coordinate systems, GeneralVectorAnalysis (GVA), is developed using Mathematica. The modern viewpoint for 3D vector calculus, differential forms on 3-manifolds, is adopted to unify and systematize the vector calculus operations in general coordinate systems. Besides the basic vector analysis functions, the package provides asymptotic capabilities, 2D vector analysis notation, and a simple interface for users to define their own coordinate systems. These features will benefit physicists and applied mathematicians in their research where complicated vector analysis in complicated coordinate systems is required. Several applications of this symbolic vector analysis package to plasma physics are also given.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0010-4655(98)00144-1}, File = {Qin1999_sdarticle.pdf:Qin1999_sdarticle.pdf:PDF;Qin1999a_PhysPlasmas_6_2544.pdf:Qin1999a_PhysPlasmas_6_2544.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Keywords = {Computer algebra}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.03}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465598001441} } @Article{Qin1999a, Title = {Linear gyrokinetic theory for kinetic magnetohydrodynamic eigenmodes in tokamak plasmas}, Author = {H. Qin and W. M. Tang and G. Rewoldt}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1999}, Pages = {2544}, Volume = {6}, Abstract = {A two-dimensional (2D) numerical solution method is developed for the recently derived linear gyrokinetic system which describes arbitrary wavelength electromagnetic perturbations in tokamak plasmas. The system consists of the gyrokinetic equation, the gyrokinetic Poisson equation, and the gyrokinetic moment equation. Since familiar magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) results can be recovered entirely from this gyrokinetic model, and all interesting kinetic effects are intrinsically included, this gyrokinetic system offers an approach for kinetic MHD phenomena which is more rigorous, self-consistent, and comprehensive than the previous hybrid models. Meanwhile, drift type microinstabilities can be also investigated systematically in this theoretical framework. The linear gyrokinetic equation is solved for the distribution function in terms of the perturbed fields by integrating along unperturbed particle orbits. The solution is substituted back into the gyrokinetic moment equation and the gyrokinetic Poisson equation. When the boundary conditions are incorporated, an eigenvalue problem is formed. The resulting numerical code, KIN-2DEM, is applied to kinetic ballooning modes, internal kink modes, and toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs). The numerical results are benchmarked against the well-established FULL code [G. Rewoldt, W. M. Tang, and M. S. Chance, Phys. Fluids 25, 480 (1982)], the PEST code [J. Manickam, Nucl. Fusion 24, 595 (1984)], and the NOVA-K code [C. Z. Cheng, Phys. Rep. 211, No. 1 (1992)]. More importantly, kinetic effects on MHD modes can be investigated nonperturbatively. In particular, the kinetic effects of the background plasma on internal kink modes and the hot particle destabilization of TAEs are studied numerically.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873526}, File = {Qin1999a_PhysPlasmas_6_2544.pdf:Qin1999a_PhysPlasmas_6_2544.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.10}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v6/i6/p2544_s1} } @Article{Qin2000, Title = {On the gyrokinetic equilibrium}, Author = {H. Qin and W. M. Tang and G. Rewoldt and W. W. Lee}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2000}, Number = {3}, Pages = {991-1000}, Volume = {7}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873898}, File = {Qin2000_PhysPlasmas_7_991.pdf:Qin2000_PhysPlasmas_7_991.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {PLASMA SIMULATION; MHD EQUILIBRIUM; GYROMAGNETIC RATIO; PLASMA FLUID EQUATIONS; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; MOTION; DYNAMICS; ORBITS; TRAJECTORIES; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/7/991/1} } @Article{Qiu2011, Title = {Kinetic Theories of Geodesic Acoustic Modes: Radial Structure, Linear Excitation by Energetic Particles and Nonlinear Saturation}, Author = {Zhiyong Qiu and Fulvio Zonca and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, Year = {2011}, Number = {3}, Pages = {257}, Volume = {13}, Abstract = {Geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) are oscillating zonal mode structures unique to toroidal plasmas and are capable of regulating microscopic turbulence and associated transports. In this paper, three important aspects of GAM dynamics are investigated, namely (1) GAM continuous spectrum and its mode conversion to kinetic GAM (KGAM); (2) linear excitation of energetic particle induced GAM (EGAM) and its coupling to the GAM continuum, and (3) nonlinear saturation of EGAM via wave particle trapping. The analogy between the GAM-EGAM dynamics and the well known beam-plasma instability are also discussed.}, File = {Qiu2011_1009-0630_13_3_01.pdf:Qiu2011_1009-0630_13_3_01.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.09}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/13/i=3/a=01} } @Article{Qiu2010, Title = {Nonlocal theory of energetic-particle-induced geodesic acoustic mode}, Author = {Zhiyong Qiu and Fulvio Zonca and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {9}, Pages = {095003}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {Excitation of energetic-particle (EP)-induced geodesic acoustic modes (EGAMs) by velocity space anisotropy is investigated taking into account the coupling to the GAM continuous spectrum. The response of EPs is studied nonperturbatively and both local and nonlocal dispersion relations of EGAM are derived assuming a single pitch angle slowing-down energetic ion equilibrium distribution function. For a sharply localized EP source, it is shown that the mode is self-trapped where the EP drive is strongest, with an exponentially small damping due to the tunneling coupling to the GAM continuous spectrum.}, File = {Qiu2010_0741-3335_52_9_095003.pdf:Qiu2010_0741-3335_52_9_095003.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.09}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/52/i=9/a=095003} } @Article{Qu2008a, Title = {Gyrokinetic particle simulation of compressional electromagnetic modes}, Author = {H. Qu and Z. Lin}, Journal = {Commun. Comput. Phys.}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {519-536}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {A gyrokinetic particle simulation model is developed for simulations of the compressional electromagnetic turbulence driven by the mirror instability. Results of the linear simulations of mirror modes agree well with the analytic dispersion relation. Nonlinear simulations of a single mode find that the mirror instability saturates via a phase-space trapping due to the nonlinear wave-particle interaction when the instability drive is weak.}, File = {Qu2008a_v4_519.pdf:Qu2008a_v4_519.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Mirror instability, compressional electromagnetic turbulence, particle-in-cell simulation.}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.02}, Url = {http://www.global-sci.com/issue/contents/4/issue3.html} } @Article{Qu2008, Title = {Nonlinear saturation of mirror instability}, Author = {Hongpeng Qu and Zhihong Lin and Liu Chen}, Journal = {GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {L10108}, Volume = {35}, Abstract = {Mechanism of the nonlinear saturation of compressible electromagnetic mirror instability is studied using the gyrokinetic particle simulation. Phase-space particle trapping due to the mirror force is found to be the dominant saturation mechanism in the simulation of a single mirror mode with relatively weak drive. At the nonlinear saturation, the phase-space island of the distribution function is formed. The oscillation frequency of the saturated perturbation amplitude is close to the bounce frequency of the trapped particles, which is comparable to the linear growth rate of the mirror mode. Scaling of the saturation amplitude is consistent with the onset of the particle trapping. With strong instability drive, relaxation toward marginal stability dominates the nonlinear saturation of the mirror instability. Phase-space trapping, however, persists after the saturation and continues to regulate the nonlinear evolution of the mirror mode.}, Doi = {10.1029/2008GL033907}, File = {Qu2008_2008GL033907.pdf:Qu2008_2008GL033907.pdf:PDF;Qu2008a_v4_519.pdf:Qu2008a_v4_519.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.07}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2008/2008GL033907.shtml} } @Article{Qu2007, Title = {Gyrokinetic theory and simulation of mirror instability}, Author = {Hongpeng Qu and Zhihong Lin and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {042108}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {The finite Larmor radius (FLR) effects play an important role in determining the threshold and the growth rate of the mirror instability. In this study, a general dispersion relation of the mirror mode with FLR effects is derived by using gyrokinetic theory. It shows that both the FLR effects and the coupling to the slow sound wave are stabilizing. A gyrokinetic particle simulation code has been developed for simulation of compressible magnetic turbulence driven by the mirror instability. Results of the linear simulation of mirror mode agree well with the analytic dispersion relation.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2721074}, File = {Qu2007_PhysPlasmas_14_042108.pdf:Qu2007_PhysPlasmas_14_042108.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.07}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v14/i4/p042108_s1} } @Article{Quataert1998, Title = {Particle Heating by Alfvénic Turbulence in Hot Accretion Flows}, Author = {Eliot Quataert}, Journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, Year = {1998}, Number = {2}, Pages = {978}, Volume = {500}, Abstract = {Recent work on Alfvénic turbulence by Goldreich & Sridhar (GS) suggests that the energy cascades almost entirely perpendicular to the local magnetic field. As a result, the cyclotron resonance is unimportant in dissipating the turbulent energy. Motivated by the GS cascade, we calculate the linear collisionless dissipation of Alfvén waves with frequencies much less than the proton cyclotron frequency, but with perpendicular wavelengths of order the Larmor radius of thermal protons. In plasmas appropriate to hot accretion flows (proton temperature much greater than electron temperature), the dissipated Alfvén wave energy primarily heats the protons. For a plasma with β ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/lesssim.gif] {lesssim} 5, however, where β is the ratio of the gas pressure to the magnetic pressure, the MHD assumptions utilized in the GS analysis break down before most of the energy in Alfvén waves is dissipated; how the cascade then proceeds is unclear. Hot accretion flows, such as advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs), are expected to contain significant levels of MHD turbulence. This work suggests that, for β ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/gtrsim.gif] {gtrsim} 5, the Alfvénic component of such turbulence primarily heats the protons. Significant proton heating is required for the viability of ADAF models. We contrast our results on particle heating in ADAFs with recent work by Bisnovatyi-Kogan & Lovelace.}, File = {Quataert1998_0004-637X_500_2_978.pdf:Quataert1998_0004-637X_500_2_978.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.04}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/500/i=2/a=978} } @Article{Quataert1999, Title = {Turbulence and Particle Heating in Advection-dominated Accretion Flows}, Author = {Eliot Quataert and Andrei Gruzinov}, Journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, Year = {1999}, Number = {1}, Pages = {248}, Volume = {520}, Abstract = {We extend and reconcile recent work on turbulence and particle heating in advection-dominated accretion flows. For approximately equipartition magnetic fields, the turbulence primarily heats the electrons. For weaker magnetic fields, the protons are primarily heated. The division between electron and proton heating occurs between β ~ 5 and β ~ 100 (β is the ratio of gas to magnetic pressure), depending on unknown details of how Alfvén waves are converted into whistlers on scales of the proton Larmor radius. We also discuss the possibility that magnetic reconnection could be a significant source of electron heating.}, File = {Quataert1999_0004-637X_520_1_248.pdf:Quataert1999_0004-637X_520_1_248.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.04}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/520/i=1/a=248} } @Article{Quest1996, Title = {Evolution of the fire-hose instability: Linear theory and wave-wave coupling}, Author = {K. B. Quest and V. D. Shapiro}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1996}, Pages = {24,457-24,469}, Volume = {101}, Abstract = {Large ion thermal or kinetic pressure anisotropies have been inferred to exist in conjunction with supernova shocks as well as in the solar wind/cometary interaction region and upstream from planetary bow shocks. For sufficiently strong thermal or beam-driven anisotropies, electromagnetic instability develops, isotropizing and scattering the ion populations. In particular, if the effective plasma β > 2 (where β is the ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure), and if the anisotropy is such that the temperature parallel to the magnetic field exceeds the perpendicular, then fire-hose instability can result, generating transverse magnetic field fluctuations. In high-β interstellar plasmas with large anisotropies, the level of the excited fluctuations may be quite large, exceeding even the ambient magnetic field. After a period of inverse-cascade to longer wavelengths, it may provide a potential source for the scattering of cosmic rays. In this study we simulate the evolution of the fire-hose instability using a standard one-dimensional hybrid code (macroparticle ions, massless fluid electrons). We find that the wave evolution proceeds in two stages. A rapid period of growth brings the plasma back to approximate marginal stability. There follows a second stage of slower evolution dominated by wave-wave interaction. During the second stage, the wave energy spectrum clearly exhibits an inverse cascade. Implications for cosmic ray scattering will be discussed.}, Doi = {10.1029/96JA01534}, File = {Quest1996_96JA01534.pdf:Quest1996_96JA01534.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.30}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1996/96JA01534.shtml} } @Article{Raviart1995, Title = {Approximate models for the Maxwell equations}, Author = {Pierre-Arnaud Raviart and Eric Sonnendrücker}, Journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, Year = {1995}, Note = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods Modelling 94}, Number = {1-3}, Pages = {69 - 81}, Volume = {63}, Abstract = {We consider the quasistatic and Darwin models of approximation of the time-dependent Maxwell equations. Starting from initial and boundary conditions for the Maxwell equations, we present a fairly general method of derivation of the corresponding initial and boundary conditions for the approximate models. This derivation is based on an asymptotic analysis.}, Doi = {10.1016/0377-0427(95)00058-5}, File = {Raviart1995_science.pdf:Raviart1995_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0377-0427}, Keywords = {Maxwell equations}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.14}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0377042795000585} } @Article{Rewoldt2007, Title = {Linear comparison of gyrokinetic codes with trapped electrons}, Author = {G. Rewoldt and Z. Lin and Y. Idomura}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {2007}, Number = {10}, Pages = {775 - 780}, Volume = {177}, Abstract = {Three codes that solve the gyrokinetic equation in toroidal geometry are compared in the linear limit for the growth rates and real frequencies of the ion temperature gradient (ITG) mode and the trapped electron mode (TEM). The three codes are the gyrokinetic toroidal code (GTC) and GT3D, both of which are radially-global particle-in-cell initial-value codes, and FULL, which is a radially-local continuum eigenvalue code. With the same standard input parameters on a reference magnetic surface, the three codes give good agreement for the linear eigenfrequencies, both without (i.e. with adiabatic electron response) and with trapped electrons, as the perpendicular wavenumber and the ion temperature gradient input parameters are varied.}, Doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2007.06.017}, File = {Rewoldt2007_science.pdf:Rewoldt2007_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Keywords = {Vlasov–Poisson}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.07}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465507003268} } @Article{Rewoldt1987, Title = {Collisional effects on kinetic electromagnetic modes and associated quasilinear transport}, Author = {G. Rewoldt and W. M. Tang and R. J. Hastie}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1987}, Pages = {807}, Volume = {30}, Abstract = {The general procedure for the analysis of low‐frequency electrostatic and electromagnetic modes in toroidal geometry is now well known. In the collisionless limit, the relevant dynamics (e.g., trapped particles, resonances, etc.) can be treated appropriately. However, with the introduction of collisional effects it is customary, for tractability, to employ model collision operators of varying degrees of complexity. Guided by results of earlier studies of alternative collision operators in unsheared slab geometry and in toroidal geometry, an improved model collision operator is introduced here for calculating toroidal eigenmodes. Analytic and numerical results are presented to support its relevance and to demonstrate its improvement over earlier models. The associated quasilinear particle and energy transport coefficients for each species are also calculated, and compared with the usual Dj≂κj≂γ/k2⊥ estimate.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.866332}, File = {Rewoldt1987_PFL000807.pdf:Rewoldt1987_PFL000807.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.07}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v30/i3/p807_s1} } @Article{Rice2011, Title = {Rotation Reversal Bifurcation and Energy Confinement Saturation in Tokamak Ohmic $L$-Mode Plasmas}, Author = {Rice, J. E. and Cziegler, I. and Diamond, P. H. and Duval, B. P. and Podpaly, Y. A. and Reinke, M. L. and Ennever, P. C. and Greenwald, M. J. and Hughes, J. W. and Ma, Y. and Marmar, E. S. and Porkolab, M. and Tsujii, N. and Wolfe, S. M.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2011}, Month = {Dec}, Pages = {265001}, Volume = {107}, Abstract = {Direction reversals of intrinsic toroidal rotation have been observed in diverted Alcator C-Mod Ohmic L-mode plasmas following electron density ramps. For low density discharges, the core rotation is directed cocurrent, and reverses to countercurrent following an increase in the density above a certain threshold. Such reversals occur together with a decrease in density fluctuations with 2  cm-1≤kθ≤11  cm-1 and frequencies above 70 kHz. There is a strong correlation between the reversal density and the density at which the Ohmic L-mode energy confinement changes from the linear to the saturated regime.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.265001}, File = {Rice2011_PhysRevLett.107.265001.pdf:Rice2011_PhysRevLett.107.265001.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {26}, Numpages = {5}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.12.22}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.265001} } @Article{Richardson2012, Title = {Symplectic integrators with adaptive time steps}, Author = {A S Richardson and J M Finn}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {1}, Pages = {014004}, Volume = {54}, Abstract = {In recent decades, there have been many attempts to construct symplectic integrators with variable time steps, with rather disappointing results. In this paper, we identify the causes for this lack of performance, and find that they fall into two categories. In the first, the time step is considered a function of time alone, Δ = Δ( t ). In this case, backward error analysis shows that while the algorithms remain symplectic, parametric instabilities may arise because of resonance between oscillations of Δ( t ) and the orbital motion. In the second category the time step is a function of phase space variables Δ = Δ( q , p ). In this case, the system of equations to be solved is analyzed by introducing a new time variable τ with d t = Δ( q , p ) dτ. The transformed equations are no longer in Hamiltonian form, and thus do not benefit from integration methods which would be symplectic for Hamiltonian systems. We analyze two methods for integrating the transformed equations which do, however, preserve the structure of the original equations. The first is an extended phase space method, which has been successfully used in previous studies of adaptive time step symplectic integrators. The second, novel, method is based on a non-canonical mixed-variable generating function. Numerical trials for both of these methods show good results, without parametric instabilities or spurious growth or damping. It is then shown how to adapt the time step to an error estimate found by backward error analysis, in order to optimize the time-stepping scheme. Numerical results are obtained using this formulation and compared with other time-stepping schemes for the extended phase space symplectic method.}, File = {Richardson2012_0741-3335_54_1_014004.pdf:Richardson2012_0741-3335_54_1_014004.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.09}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=1/a=014004} } @Article{Riemann2012, Title = {Energetics of runaway electrons during tokamak disruptions}, Author = {J. Riemann and H. M. Smith and P. Helander}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2012}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012507}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {In a tokamak disruption, a substantial fraction of the plasma current can be converted into runaway electrons. Although these are usually highly relativistic, their total energy is initially much smaller than that of the pre-disruption plasma. However, following a suggestion by Putvinski et al. [Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 39, B157 (1997)], it is shown that as the post-disruption plasma drifts toward the first wall, a non-negligible part of the energy contained in the poloidal magnetic field can be converted into kinetic energy of the runaway electrons. This process is simulated numerically, and it is found that in an ITER-like tokamak runaway electrons can gain kinetic energies up to about 70 MJ by this mechanism.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3671974}, Eid = {012507}, File = {Riemann2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012507.pdf:Riemann2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012507.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {numerical analysis; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; relativistic plasmas; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {8}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.28}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/012507/1} } @Article{Roach1995, Title = {Trapped particle precession in advanced tokamaks}, Author = {C M Roach and J W Connor and S Janjua}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {1995}, Number = {6}, Pages = {679}, Volume = {37}, Abstract = {Plasma equilibrium parameters affect the precessional drift velocities of trapped particles, which can significantly influence plasma stability (e.g. collisionless trapped electron driftwaves and fishbones). The calculation outlined here computes the bounce-averaged drift velocities of trapped particles for toroidally symmetric plasmas of arbitrary aspect ratio with elliptical and triangular shaping of the poloidal plasma cross section. Local equilibrium parameters are specified to describe the geometry and magnetic field structure on a given up down symmetric flux surface. Making use of an expansion in the neighbourhood of the flux surface the precessional drift velocities of trapped particles can be calculated. The calculation is then applied to flux surfaces with the properties characteristic of JET and also of the START experiment, where it has been postulated that favourable trapped particle drift effects may be responsible for improved confinement. Our calculation fails to confirm this idea, and indeed suggests that the drive for instability from toroidal drifts at START is similar to that in JET. The picture is complex with the competing effects of aspect ratio, plasma shaping, shear and pressure gradients. Desirable features needed in the equilibria (e.g. high pressure gradients and low shear) are discussed. Drifts are also calculated in extreme equilibria where mod B mod does not decrease monotonically around the flux surface to a minimum on the outboard mid-plane.}, File = {Roach1995_0741-3335_37_6_007.pdf:Roach1995_0741-3335_37_6_007.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.17}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/37/i=6/a=007} } @Article{Roberson1971, Title = {Experimental Test of the Quasilinear Theory of the Gentle Bump Instability}, Author = {C. Roberson and K. W. Gentle}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1971}, Number = {11}, Pages = {2462-2469}, Volume = {14}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1693355}, File = {Roberson1971_PFL002462.pdf:Roberson1971_PFL002462.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.19}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/14/2462/1} } @Article{Roberts1967, Title = {Nonlinear Evolution of a Two-Stream Instability}, Author = {Roberts, K. V. and Berk, H. L.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1967}, Month = {Aug}, Number = {6}, Pages = {297--300}, Volume = {19}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.19.297}, File = {Roberts1967_PhysRevLett.19.297.pdf:Roberts1967_PhysRevLett.19.297.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.20} } @Article{Roberts1950, author = {Roberts, L. D. and Hill, J. E. and McCammon, G.}, journal = {Phys. Rev.}, title = {A Study of the Slowing Down Distribution of $Sb^{124}$-Be Photo-Neutrons in Graphite, and of the Use of Indium Foils}, year = {1950}, month = {Oct}, number = {1}, pages = {6}, volume = {80}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.80.6}, file = {Roberts1950_PhysRev.80.6.pdf:Roberts1950_PhysRev.80.6.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2011.02.26}, } @Article{Robinson1990, Title = {Systematic methods for calculation of the dielectric properties of arbitrary plasmas}, Author = {P. A. Robinson}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {1990}, Number = {2}, Pages = {381 - 392}, Volume = {88}, Abstract = {A new approach to the calculation of the dispersion integrals involved in determining the dielectric properties of arbitrary plasmas is developed. Rather than relying on ad hoc approximation methods, the dispersion integrals for an arbitrary distribution function with continuous derivative are systematically expanded in terms of a set of orthogonal functions for which the corresponding dispersion functions are known. Realizations of this general approach are discussed for unmagnetized plasmas and generalizations to treat relativistic and magnetized plasmas are also outlined. The method developed here enables the dispersion integrals for an arbitrary distribution to be calculated both systematically and efficiently for either real or complex arguments.}, Doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(90)90185-4}, File = {Robinson1990_science[5].pdf:Robinson1990_science[5].pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.07}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999190901854} } @Article{Robinson1989, Title = {Relativistic and nonrelativistic plasma dispersion functions}, Author = {P. A. Robinson}, Journal = {J. Math. Phys.}, Year = {1989}, Pages = {2484}, Volume = {30}, Abstract = {A number of new results involving the functions that determine the emission, dispersion, and absorption of waves in nonrelativistic and weakly relativistic plasmas are presented. These results comprise series, integrals, recursion relations, symmetry properties, interrelations, approximations, and connections with standard transcendental functions.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.528528}, File = {Robinson1989_JMathPhys_30_2484.pdf:Robinson1989_JMathPhys_30_2484.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.07}, Url = {http://jmp.aip.org/resource/1/jmapaq/v30/i11/p2484_s1} } @Article{Robinson1988, Title = {Approximation of the dielectric properties of Maxwellian plasmas: dispersion functions and physical constraints}, Author = {Robinson,P. A. and Newman,D. L.}, Journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, Year = {1988}, Number = {03}, Pages = {553-566}, Volume = {40}, Abstract = {ABSTRACT The dielectric properties of Maxwellian plasmas are approximated using both Padé approximants to the dispersion function and direct approximation of the distribution. Physical constraints on permissible approximations are discussed, and it is found that some previously published results can lead to predictions of qualitatively incorrect wave properties, including unphysical negative damping. Approximate dispersion functions for Maxwellian distributions are given explicitly, and some of the effects of these approximations on the resulting dispersion are discussed. The approximations discussed here are of use both in analytic work and in accelerating large-scale numerical computations.}, Doi = {10.1017/S0022377800013519}, Eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377800013519}, File = {Robinson1988_S0022377800013519a.pdf:Robinson1988_S0022377800013519a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.07}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377800013519} } @Article{Roman2010, Title = {Fast eigenvalue calculations in a massively parallel plasma turbulence code}, Author = {Jose E. Roman and Matthias Kammerer and Florian Merz and Frank Jenko}, Journal = {Parallel Computing}, Year = {2010}, Note = {Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications}, Number = {5-6}, Pages = {339 - 358}, Volume = {36}, Abstract = {Magnetic fusion aims at providing CO 2 free energy for the 21st century and well beyond. However, the success of the international fusion experiment ITER (currently under construction) will depend to a large degree on the value of the so-called energy confinement time. One of the most advanced tools describing the underlying physical processes is the highly scalable (up to at least 32,768 cores) plasma turbulence code GENE. GENE solves a set of nonlinear partial integro-differential equations in five-dimensional phase space by means of the method of lines, with a 4th order explicit Runge–Kutta scheme for time integration. To maximize its efficiency, the code computes the eigenspectrum of the linearized equation to determine the largest possible timestep which maintains the stability of the method. This requires the computation of the largest (in terms of its magnitude) eigenvalue of a complex, non-Hermitian matrix whose size may range from a few millions to even a billion. SLEPc, the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations, is used to effectively compute this part of the spectrum. Additionally, eigenvalue computations can provide new insight into the properties of plasma turbulence. The latter is driven by a number of different unstable modes, including dominant and subdominant ones, that can be determined employing SLEPc. This computation is more challenging from the numerical point of view, since these eigenvalues can be considered interior, and also because the linearized operator is available only in implicit form. We analyze the feasibility of different strategies for computing these modes, including matrix-free spectral transformation as well as harmonic projection methods.}, Doi = {10.1016/j.parco.2009.12.001}, File = {Roman2010_science.pdf:Roman2010_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0167-8191}, Keywords = {Plasma physics}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167819109001239} } @Article{Rome1979, Title = {The topology of tokamak orbits}, Author = {James A. Rome and Y-K.M. Peng}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1979}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1293}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {Guiding-centre orbits in non-circular axisymmetric tokamak plasmas are studied in the constants of motion (COM) space of (v, ζ, ψ m . Here, v is the particle speed, ζ is the pitch angle with respect to the parallel equilibrium current, J || , at the point in the orbit where ψ = ψ m , and ψ m is the maximum value of the poloidal flux function (increasing from the magnetic axis) along the guiding-centre orbit. Two D-shaped equilibria in a flux-conserving tokamak having ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/barbeta.gif] {bar beta} values of 1.3% and 7.7% are used as examples. In this space, each confined orbit corresponds to one and only one point, and different types of orbit (e.g. circulating, trapped, stagnation and pinch orbits) are represented by separate regions or surfaces in the space. It is also shown that the existence of an absolute minimum B in the higher- ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/barbeta.gif] {bar beta} (7.7%) equilibrium results in an orbit topology dramatically different from that of the lower- ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/barbeta.gif] {bar beta} case. The differences indicate the confinement of additional high-energy (v → c, within the guiding-centre approximation), trapped, co- and counter-circulating particles, with an orbit ψ m falling within the absolute B-well.}, File = {Rome1979_0029-5515_19_9_003.pdf:Rome1979_0029-5515_19_9_003.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.29}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/19/i=9/a=003} } @Article{Ronnmark1983, Title = {Computation of the dielectric tensor of a Maxwellian plasma}, Author = {K Ronnmark}, Journal = {Plasma Physics}, Year = {1983}, Number = {6}, Pages = {699}, Volume = {25}, Abstract = {Very good rational approximations for the plasma dispersion function Z(s) (Fried and Conte, 1961) have recently been derived by a modified Pade method (Martin and Gonzal.es 1979, Martin et al. 1980; Nemeth et al. 1981). The author points out that the evaluation of the dielectric tensor of a Maxwellian plasma can be considerably simplified by the introduction of such approximants, which can be expanded in partial fractions. A computer code based on this method has been developed (Ronnmark 1982) and found very useful in practical computations (e.g. Ronnmark, 1983).}, File = {Ronnmark1983_0032-1028_25_6_007.pdf:Ronnmark1983_0032-1028_25_6_007.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.22}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0032-1028/25/i=6/a=007} } @Article{Rose2011, Title = {Vlasov simulation in multiple spatial dimensions}, Author = {Harvey A. Rose and William Daughton}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122109}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {A long-standing challenge encountered in modeling plasma dynamics is achieving practical Vlasov equation simulation in multiple spatial dimensions over large length and time scales. While direct multi-dimension Vlasov simulation methods using adaptive mesh methods [M. Gutnic et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 164, 214 (2004)] have recently shown promising results in two dimensions (2D) [J. W. Banks et al., Phys. Plasmas 18, 052102 (2011); B. I. Cohen et al., November 10, 2010, http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2010.DPP.NP9.142], in this paper, we present an alternative, the Vlasov multi dimensional (VMD) model, that is specifically designed to take advantage of solution properties in regimes when plasma waves are confined to a narrow cone, as may be the case for stimulated Raman scatter in large optic f# laser beams. Perpendicular grid spacing large compared to a Debye length is then possible without instability or loss of accuracy, enabling an order 10 decrease in required computational resources compared to standard particle in cell (PIC) methods in 2D, with another reduction of that order in 3D. Further advantage compared to PIC methods accrues in regimes where particle noise is an issue. VMD and PIC results in a 2D model of localized Langmuir waves are in qualitative agreement.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3662112}, Eid = {122109}, File = {Rose2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122109.pdf:Rose2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122109.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma Langmuir waves; plasma light propagation; plasma simulation; stimulated Raman scattering; Vlasov equation}, Numpages = {10}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/122109/1} } @Article{Rosenbluth1972, Title = {Parametric Instabilities in Inhomogeneous Media}, Author = {Rosenbluth, Marshall N.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1972}, Month = {Aug}, Pages = {565--567}, Volume = {29}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.29.565}, File = {Rosenbluth1972_PhysRevLett.29.565.pdf:Rosenbluth1972_PhysRevLett.29.565.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {9}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.12.21}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.29.565} } @Article{Rosenbluth1956, Title = {Stability of the pinch}, Author = {Rosenbluth, M. N.}, Journal = {Los Alamos Lab. Rep. LA-2030}, Year = {1956}, Note = {http://ciar.org/~ttk/hew/lanltech/lanl_t03.txt http://www.fas.org/sgp/othergov/doe/lanl/index2b.html http://library.lanl.gov}, Volume = {Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico}, Abstract = {The stability of a pinched fluid is studied theoretically, under the combined influence of a longitudinal magnetic field and conducting shell. Conditions allowing complete stability are found. The method used to calculate the stability is to make the relevant virtual displacement and the stability of a pinched fluid is studied theoretically, under the combined influence of a longitudinal magnetic field and conducting shell. Conditions allowing complete stability are found. The method used to calculate the stability is to make the relevant virtual displacement and note if the resulting pressure distribution at the plasma surface is such as to cause the displacement to increase.}, File = {Rosenbluth1956_getfile.pdf:Rosenbluth1956_getfile.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.01}, Url = {http://catalog.lanl.gov/F/6RHF1PVKDREYV79SX8BAUMJ5UVUC3AE7TI9CV5CI3AXKVJSMA7-21426?func=full-set-set&set_number=000049&set_entry=000001&format=999} } @Article{Rosenbluth1992a, author = {M. N. Rosenbluth and H. L. Berk and J. W. Van Dam and D. M. Lindberg}, title = {Mode structure and continuum damping of high‐n toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes∗}, journal = {Phys. Fluids B}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, pages = {2189}, abstract = {An asymptotic theory is described for calculating the mode structure and continuum damping of short‐wavelength toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE). The formalism somewhat resembles the treatment used for describing low‐frequency toroidal modes with singular structure at a rational surface, where an inner solution, which for the TAE mode has toroidal coupling, is matched to an outer toroidally uncoupled solution. A three‐term recursion relation among coupled poloidal harmonic amplitudes is obtained, whose solution gives the structure of the global wave function and the complex eigenfrequency, including continuum damping. Both analytic and numerical solutions are presented. The magnitude of the damping is essential for determining the thresholds for instability driven by the spatial gradients of energetic particles (e.g., neutral‐beam‐injected ions or fusion‐product alpha particles) contained in a tokamak plasma. }, doi = {10.1063/1.860023}, file = {Rosenbluth1992_PFB002189.pdf:Rosenbluth1992_PFB002189.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.10.18}, url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/pfbpei/v4/i7/p2189_s1}, } @Article{Rosenbluth1975, Title = {Excitation of Alfv\'en Waves by High-Energy Ions in a Tokamak}, Author = {Rosenbluth, M. N. and Rutherford, P. H.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1975}, Month = {Jun}, Number = {23}, Pages = {1428--1431}, Volume = {34}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.34.1428}, File = {Rosenbluth1975_PhysRevLett.34.1428.pdf:Rosenbluth1975_PhysRevLett.34.1428.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22} } @Article{Rosenbluth1983, Title = {Energetic Particle Stabilization of Ballooning Modes in Tokamaks}, Author = {Rosenbluth, M. N. and Tsai, S. T. and Van Dam, J. W. and Engquist, M. G.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1983}, Month = {Nov}, Pages = {1967--1970}, Volume = {51}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.51.1967}, File = {Rosenbluth1983_PhysRevLett.51.1967.pdf:Rosenbluth1983_PhysRevLett.51.1967.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {21}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.10.06}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.51.1967} } @Article{Rosenbluth1973a, author = {Rosenbluth, M. N. and White, R. B. and Liu, C. S.}, title = {Temporal Evolution of a Three-Wave Parametric Instability}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1973}, volume = {31}, pages = {1190--1193}, month = {Nov}, abstract = {We solve exactly the temporal evolution and spatial dependence of a three-wave parametric instability in an inhomogeneous plasma. An initial fluctuation develops into a pulse and grows initially with the same growth rate as it would in a homogeneous plasma. Growth continues until convection saturation occurs. The pulse broadens as it grows and eventually assumes the form of a totally amplified region flanked by two shock fronts. Effects of damping are also discussed.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.31.1190}, file = {Rosenbluth1973_PhysRevLett.31.1190.pdf:Rosenbluth1973_PhysRevLett.31.1190.pdf:PDF}, issue = {19}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2011.12.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.31.1190}, } @Article{Rosin2011, Title = {A non-linear theory of the parallel firehose and gyrothermal instabilities in a weakly collisional plasma}, Author = {Rosin, M. S. and Schekochihin, A. A. and Rincon, F. and Cowley, S. C.}, Journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, Year = {2011}, Number = {1}, Pages = {7--38}, Volume = {413}, Abstract = {Weakly collisional magnetized cosmic plasmas have a dynamical tendency to develop pressure anisotropies with respect to the local direction of the magnetic field. These anisotropies trigger plasma instabilities at scales just above the ion Larmor radius ρi and much below the mean free path λmfp. They have growth rates of a fraction of the ion cyclotron frequency, which is much faster than either the global dynamics or even local turbulence. Despite their microscopic nature, these instabilities dramatically modify the transport properties and, therefore, the macroscopic dynamics of the plasma. The non-linear evolution of these instabilities is expected to drive pressure anisotropies towards marginal stability values, controlled by the plasma beta βi. Here this non-linear evolution is worked out in an ab initio kinetic calculation for the simplest analytically tractable example – the parallel (k⊥= 0) firehose instability in a high-beta plasma. An asymptotic theory is constructed, based on a particular physical ordering and leading to a closed non-linear equation for the firehose turbulence. In the non-linear regime, both the analytical theory and the numerical solution predict secular (∝t) growth of magnetic fluctuations. The fluctuations develop a k−3∥ spectrum, extending from scales somewhat larger than ρi to the maximum scale that grows secularly with time (∝t1/2); the relative pressure anisotropy (p⊥−p∥)/p∥ tends to the marginal value −2/βi. The marginal state is achieved via changes in the magnetic field, not particle scattering. When a parallel ion heat flux is present, the parallel firehose mutates into the new gyrothermal instability (GTI), which continues to exist up to firehose-stable values of pressure anisotropy, which can be positive and are limited by the magnitude of the ion heat flux. The non-linear evolution of the GTI also features secular growth of magnetic fluctuations, but the fluctuation spectrum is eventually dominated by modes around a maximal scale ∼ρilT/λmfp, where lT is the scale of the parallel temperature variation. Implications for momentum and heat transport are speculated about. This study is motivated by our interest in the dynamics of galaxy cluster plasmas (which are used as the main astrophysical example), but its relevance to solar wind and accretion flow plasmas is also briefly discussed.}, Doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.17931.x}, File = {Rosin2011_j.1365-2966.2010.17931.x.pdf:Rosin2011_j.1365-2966.2010.17931.x.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1365-2966}, Keywords = {instabilities, magnetic fields, MHD, plasmas, turbulence, galaxies: clusters: intracluster medium}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd}, Timestamp = {2011.09.15}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.17931.x} } @Article{Ross1982, Title = {Kinetic description of Alfv[e-acute]n wave heating}, Author = {David W. Ross and G. L. Chen and Swadesh M. Mahajan}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1982}, Number = {4}, Pages = {652-667}, Volume = {25}, Doi = {10.1063/1.863789}, File = {Ross1982_PFL000652.pdf:Ross1982_PFL000652.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {PLASMA DENSITY; FLUCTUATIONS; LANDAU DAMPING; ALFVEN WAVES; DISPERSION RELATIONS; CYCLINDRICAL CONFIGURATION; FLUCTUATIONS; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA HEATING}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.12.21}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/25/652/1} } @Article{Ross1978, Title = {Are Drift-Wave Eigenmodes Unstable?}, Author = {Ross, David W. and Mahajan, Swadesh M.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1978}, Month = {Jan}, Pages = {324--327}, Volume = {40}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.40.324}, File = {Ross1978_PhysRevLett.40.324.pdf:Ross1978_PhysRevLett.40.324.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {5}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.10.10}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.40.324} } @Article{Rowlands2007, Title = {The plasma filamentation instability in one dimension: nonlinear evolution}, Author = {G Rowlands and M E Dieckmann and P K Shukla}, Journal = {New Journal of Physics}, Year = {2007}, Number = {8}, Pages = {247}, Volume = {9}, Abstract = {The plasma filamentation instability or beam-Weibel instability generates magnetic fields and accelerates particles in collisionless astrophysical plasma. This instability has been examined with multi-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, demonstrating the formation of current flux tubes. Such simulations could not model a statistically significant number of filaments. Here, we model with a PIC simulation the filamentation instability that is driven by nonrelativistic, cool electron beams in one spatial dimension at an unprecedented resolution. We show unambiguously that the gradient of the magnetic pressure which develops during the quasi-linear evolution of the filamentation instability, gives rise to an electrostatic field component. The interplay of the magnetic and electrostatic fields results in a wavenumber spectrum of the magnetic field that is a power-law, which has been reported previously for multi-dimensional PIC simulations. The magnetic field power spectrum decreases with the exponent −5.7 and that of the electrostatic field with −3.8, yielding a ratio of 3:2. The electromagnetic fields thermalize the electrons. The electrons develop a velocity distribution in the simulation direction that decreases exponentially at low speeds and faster at high speeds. The filamentation instability can thus not efficiently accelerate electrons to high energies. The filaments develop into a stationary final state. The probability distribution of the filament sizes is a Gumbel distribution. In astrophysical settings, this implies that the long exponential tail of this distribution may lead with a reasonable probability to large current filaments, if the filamentation instability develops in a large enough volume. The coherent magnetic fields of large filaments are required to explain the synchrotron emissions of gamma ray bursts.}, File = {Rowlands2007_1367-2630_9_8_247.pdf:Rowlands2007_1367-2630_9_8_247.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/9/i=8/a=247} } @Article{Rubab2011, Title = {Kinetic Alfven wave instability in a Lorentzian dusty plasma: Non-resonant particle approach}, Author = {N. Rubab and V. Erkaev and H. K. Biernat and D. Langmayr}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {073701}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Analysis of the electromagnetic streaming instability is carried out which is related to the cross field drift of kappa distributed ions. The linear dispersion relation for electromagnetic wave using Vlasov-fluid equations in a dusty plasma is derived. Modified two stream instability (MTSI) in a dusty plasma has been discussed in the limit ωpd2/c2k⊥2≪1. Numerical calculations of the growth rate of instability have been carried out. Growth rates of kinetic Alfvén instability are found to be small as compared to MTSI. Maximum growth rates for both instabilities occur in oblique directions for V0 ≥ VA. It is shown that the presence of both the charged dust particles and perpendicular ion beam sensibly modify the dispersion relation of low-frequency electromagnetic wave. The dispersion characteristics are found to be insensible to the superthermal character of the ion distribution function. Applications to different intersteller regions are discussed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3599600}, File = {Rubab2011_PhysPlasmas_18_073701.pdf:Rubab2011_PhysPlasmas_18_073701.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.15}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i7/p073701_s1} } @Article{Rudakov1961, Title = {On the instability of nonuniform rarefied plasma in a strong magnetic field}, Author = {Rudakov, L. I. and R. Z. Sagdeev}, Journal = {Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,. Engl. Transl.}, Year = {1961}, Pages = {415}, Volume = {6}, File = {Rudakov1961_19660020059.pdf:Rudakov1961_19660020059.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.01}, Url = {http://www.archive.org/details/nasa_techdoc_19660020059} } @Article{Rutherford1968, Title = {Drift Instabilities in General Magnetic Field Configurations}, Author = {P. H. Rutherford and E. A. Frieman}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1968}, Number = {3}, Pages = {569}, Volume = {11}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1691954}, File = {Rutherford1968_PFL000569.pdf:Rutherford1968_PFL000569.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.28}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v11/i3/p569_s1} } @Article{Sakaguchi2012, Title = {On Euclidean sine-Gordon equations}, Author = {Jun Sakaguchi and Kiyoshi Sogo}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {025012}, Volume = {85}, Abstract = {The sine-Gordon equations are considered in Euclidean spaces with dimensionality d = 2 and 4. General N -soliton solutions are constructed for d = 2 by the method of vertex operators. Special solutions with one and two solitons are obtained for d = 4 explicitly.}, File = {Sakaguchi2012_1402-4896_85_2_025012.pdf:Sakaguchi2012_1402-4896_85_2_025012.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.28}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/85/i=2/a=025012} } @Article{Sanuki1980, Title = {New nonlocal analysis of collisionless drift wave in Vlasov plasma}, Author = {Heiji Sanuki and Tsuguhiro Watanabe and Masaaki Watanabe}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1980}, Pages = {158}, Volume = {23}, Abstract = {The WKB‐type eigenmode analysis of an inhomogeneous Vlasov plasma is developed based on the exact integral equation. Thermal effects, namely, effects associated with the finite Larmor radius, Landau damping, cyclotron damping and so on are taken into account even if k2ρ2≳≳1 [k is of the order of ‖ψ′ (x)/ψ‖ ]. The ’’quantization condition,’’ which determines the eigenfrequency, is derived from the global localization condition of solutions. In the case of weak dissipation, this quantization condition reduces to a simple and more tractable form. Drift waves in a straight magnetic field with Gaussian density distributions are discussed numerically and analytically in detail. Results show that the growth rate of the fundamental mode (n=0) is the largest one.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.862834}, File = {Sanuki1980_PFL000158.pdf:Sanuki1980_PFL000158.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.10}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v23/i1/p158_s1} } @Article{Sasaki2012, Title = {Zonal flows induced by symmetry breaking with existence of geodesic acoustic modes}, Author = {M. Sasaki and K. Itoh and S.-I. Itoh and N. Kasuya}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {023009}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {The nonlinear dynamics of zonal flows (ZFs) is investigated when geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) have substantial influence on plasma states. Simultaneous existence of multiple GAMs with different radial phase velocities gives additional nonlinear mode couplings, and asymmetry of the turbulence spectrum induces energy exchanges between GAMs and a ZF. A set of model equations is derived to describe the nonlinear dynamics of a ZF, GAMs and ambient turbulence. The model includes the mechanism of ZF generation by a pair of GAMs, and the back interaction from the turbulence is solved self-consistently. Two stationary solutions are obtained; one is the known solution that the GAM propagates as a travelling wave with no ZF excitation, and the other is a new solution that a pair of GAMs forms a standing wave, which induces a ZF. The accessibility to the steady states, and the threshold for the transition between them are obtained. The GAM and ZF formation in the new state affects the background plasmas. The effects on the turbulent heat diffusivity and the ion heating rate are discussed.}, File = {Sasaki2012_0029-5515_52_2_023009.pdf:Sasaki2012_0029-5515_52_2_023009.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.19}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=2/a=023009} } @Article{Sasinowski1997, author = {Maciek Sasinowski and Allen H. Boozer}, title = {A delta f Monte Carlo method to calculate plasma parameters}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1997}, volume = {4}, number = {10}, pages = {3509-3517}, abstract = {A δf Monte Carlo code has been developed which efficiently calculates plasma currents by finding the deviation, , of the exact distribution function, f, from the Maxwellian, F, with ψ the toroidal magnetic flux enclosed by a pressure surface and H the Hamiltonian. The particles in the simulation are followed with a traditional Monte Carlo scheme consisting of an orbit step in which new values for the positions and momenta are obtained and a collision step in which a Monte Carlo equivalent of the Lorentz operator is applied to change the pitch of each particle. The dual-species code includes momentum conservation and was used to study the bootstrap and two Fourier components of the Pfirsch–Schlüter current in nonaxisymmetric magnetic field configuration. The effects of the toroidal ripple on the orbits of the particles as well as on the bootstrap current were examined.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872549}, file = {Sasinowski1997_PhysPlasmas_4_3509.pdf:Sasinowski1997_PhysPlasmas_4_3509.pdf:PDF}, groups = {pic}, keywords = {MONTE CARLO METHOD; PLASMA; ELECTRIC CURRENTS; PLASMA SIMULATION; plasma transport processes; Monte Carlo methods}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.11.13}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/3509/1}, } @Article{Sato1984, author = {Sato,Masumi}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {Transformation approximation for the plasma dispersion function and application to electrostatic waves}, year = {1984}, number = {02}, pages = {325-331}, volume = {31}, abstract = {ABSTRACT Simple algebraic approximations for the plasma dispersion function Z(s) and its derivative are obtained by the Aitken's Δ2 or Shanks transformation. Using the approximate function Z'(s), higher-order dispersion relations for the electron wave and ion-acoustic wave are derived.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377800001665}, eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377800001665}, file = {Sato1984_S0022377800001665a.pdf:Sato1984_S0022377800001665a.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.10.07}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377800001665}, } @Article{Savin2011, Title = {ROY—A multiscale magnetospheric mission}, Author = {S. Savin and L. Zelenyi and E. Amata and V. Budaev and J. Buechner and J. Blecki and M. Balikhin and S. Klimov and V.E. Korepanov and L. Kozak and V. Kudryashov and V. Kunitsyn and L. Lezhen and A.V. Milovanov and Z. Nemecek and I. Nesterov and D. Novikov and E. Panov and J.L. Rauch and H. Rothkaehl and S. Romanov and J. Safrankova and A. Skalsky and M. Veselov}, Journal = {Planetary and Space Science}, Year = {2011}, Note = {Cross-Scale Coupling in Plasmas}, Number = {7}, Pages = {606 - 617}, Volume = {59}, Abstract = {The scientific rationale of the ROY multi-satellite mission addresses multiscale investigations of plasma processes in the key magnetospheric regions with strong plasma gradients, turbulence and magnetic field annihilation in the range from electron inertial length to MHD scales. The main scientific aims of ROY mission include explorations of: (a) turbulence on a non-uniform background as a keystone for transport processes; (b) structures and jets in plasma flows associated with anomalously large concentration of kinetic energy; their impact on the energy balance and boundary formation; (c) transport barriers: plasma separation and mixing, Alfvenic collapse of magnetic field lines and turbulent dissipation of kinetic energy; (d) self-organized versus forced reconnection of magnetic field lines; (e) collisionless shocks, plasma discontinuities and associated particle acceleration processes. In the case of autonomous operation, 4 mobile spacecrafts of about 200 kg mass with 60 kg payload equipped with electro-reactive plasma engines will provide 3D measurements at the scales of 100–10000 km and simultaneous 1D measurements at the scales 10–1000 km. The latter smaller scales will be scanned with the use of radio-tomography (phase-shift density measurements within the cone composed of 1 emitting and 3 receiving spacecrafts). We also discuss different opportunities for extra measurement points inside the ROY mission for simultaneous measurements at up to 3 scales for the common international fleet. Combined influence of intermittent turbulence and reconnection on the geomagnetic tail and on the nonlinear dynamics of boundary layers will be explored in situ with fast techniques including particle devices under development, providing plasma moments down to 30 ms resolution. We propose different options for joint measurements in conjunction with the SCOPE and other missions: • simultaneous sampling of low- and high-latitudes magnetopause, bow shock and geomagnetic tail at the same local time; • tracing of magnetosheath streamlines from the bow shock to near-Earth geomagnetic tail; • passing “through” the SCOPE on the inbound orbit leg; • common measurements (with SCOPE and other equatorial spacecraft) at distances of ∼ few thousand km for durations of ∼several hours per orbit. The orbit options and scientific payload of possible common interest are discussed in this work, including FREGAT cargo opportunities for extra payload launching and the “Swarm” campaigns with ejection of nano- and pico-satellites.}, Doi = {10.1016/j.pss.2010.05.001}, File = {Savin2011_science.pdf:Savin2011_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0032-0633}, Keywords = {Multiscale observations}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.20}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S003206331000139X} } @Article{Schamel2000, Title = {Hole equilibria in Vlasov–Poisson systems: A challenge to wave theories of ideal plasmas}, Author = {H. Schamel}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2000}, Pages = {4831}, Volume = {7}, Abstract = {A unified description of weak hole equilibria in collisionless plasmas is given. Two approaches, relying on the potential method rather than on the Bernstein, Greene, Kruskal method and associated with electron and ion holes, respectively, are shown to be equivalent. A traveling wave solution is thereby uniquely characterized by the nonlinear dispersion relation and the “classical” potential V(ϕ), which determine the phase velocity and the spectral decomposition of the wave structure, respectively. A new energy expression for a hole carrying plasma is found. It is dominated by a trapped particle contribution occurring one order earlier in the expansion scheme than the leading term in conventional schemes based on a truncation of Vlasov’s equation. Linear wave theory— reconsidered by taking the infinitesimal amplitude limit—is found to be deficient, as well. Neither Landau nor van Kampen modes and their general superpositions can adequately describe these trapped particle modes due to an incorrect treatment of resonant particles for phase velocities in the thermal range. It is therefore concluded that wave theories in their present form, dictated by linearity, are not yet properly shaped to describe the dynamics of ideal plasmas (and fluids) correctly.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1316767}, File = {Schamel2000_PhysPlasmas_7_4831.pdf:Schamel2000_PhysPlasmas_7_4831.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.20}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v7/i12/p4831_s1} } @Article{Schekochihin2008, Title = {Gyrokinetic turbulence: a nonlinear route to dissipation through phase space}, Author = {A A Schekochihin and S C Cowley and W Dorland and G W Hammett and G G Howes and G G Plunk and E Quataert and T Tatsuno}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2008}, Number = {12}, Pages = {124024}, Volume = {50}, Abstract = {This paper describes a conceptual framework for understanding kinetic plasma turbulence as a generalized form of energy cascade in phase space. It is emphasized that conversion of turbulent energy into thermodynamic heat is only achievable in the presence of some (however small) degree of collisionality. The smallness of the collision rate is compensated for by the emergence of a small-scale structure in the velocity space. For gyrokinetic turbulence, a nonlinear perpendicular phase-mixing mechanism is identified and described as a turbulent cascade of entropy fluctuations simultaneously occurring at spatial scales smaller than the ion gyroscale and in velocity space. Scaling relations for the resulting fluctuation spectra are derived. An estimate for the collisional cutoff is provided. The importance of adequately modelling and resolving collisions in gyrokinetic simulations is briefly discussed, as well as the relevance of these results to understanding the dissipation-range turbulence in the solar wind and the electrostatic microturbulence in fusion plasmas.}, File = {Schekochihin2008_0741-3335_50_12_124024.pdf:Schekochihin2008_0741-3335_50_12_124024.pdf:PDF;Schekochihin2008a_PhysRevLett.100.081301.pdf:Schekochihin2008a_PhysRevLett.100.081301.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.30}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/50/i=12/a=124024} } @Article{Schekochihin2009, Title = {Astrophysical Gyrokinetics: Kinetic and Fluid Turbulent Cascades in Magnetized Weakly Collisional Plasmas}, Author = {A. A. Schekochihin and S. C. Cowley and W. Dorland and G. W. Hammett and G. G. Howes and E. Quataert and T. Tatsuno}, Journal = {The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series}, Year = {2009}, Number = {1}, Pages = {310}, Volume = {182}, Abstract = {This paper presents a theoretical framework for understanding plasma turbulence in astrophysical plasmas. It is motivated by observations of electromagnetic and density fluctuations in the solar wind, interstellar medium and galaxy clusters, as well as by models of particle heating in accretion disks. All of these plasmas and many others have turbulent motions at weakly collisional and collisionless scales. The paper focuses on turbulence in a strong mean magnetic field. The key assumptions are that the turbulent fluctuations are small compared to the mean field, spatially anisotropic with respect to it and that their frequency is low compared to the ion cyclotron frequency. The turbulence is assumed to be forced at some system-specific outer scale. The energy injected at this scale has to be dissipated into heat, which ultimately cannot be accomplished without collisions. A kinetic cascade develops that brings the energy to collisional scales both in space and velocity. The nature of the kinetic cascade in various scale ranges depends on the physics of plasma fluctuations that exist there. There are four special scales that separate physically distinct regimes: the electron and ion gyroscales, the mean free path and the electron diffusion scale. In each of the scale ranges separated by these scales, the fully kinetic problem is systematically reduced to a more physically transparent and computationally tractable system of equations, which are derived in a rigorous way. In the "inertial range" above the ion gyroscale, the kinetic cascade separates into two parts: a cascade of Alfvénic fluctuations and a passive cascade of density and magnetic-field-strength fluctuations. The former are governed by the reduced magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) equations at both the collisional and collisionless scales; the latter obey a linear kinetic equation along the (moving) field lines associated with the Alfvénic component (in the collisional limit, these compressive fluctuations become the slow and entropy modes of the conventional MHD). In the "dissipation range" below ion gyroscale, there are again two cascades: the kinetic-Alfvén-wave (KAW) cascade governed by two fluid-like electron reduced magnetohydrodynamic (ERMHD) equations and a passive cascade of ion entropy fluctuations both in space and velocity. The latter cascade brings the energy of the inertial-range fluctuations that was Landau-damped at the ion gyroscale to collisional scales in the phase space and leads to ion heating. The KAW energy is similarly damped at the electron gyroscale and converted into electron heat. Kolmogorov-style scaling relations are derived for all of these cascades. The relationship between the theoretical models proposed in this paper and astrophysical applications and observations is discussed in detail.}, File = {Schekochihin2009_0067-0049_182_1_310.pdf:Schekochihin2009_0067-0049_182_1_310.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.30}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0067-0049/182/i=1/a=310} } @Article{Schekochihin2008a, Title = {Nonlinear Growth of Firehose and Mirror Fluctuations in Astrophysical Plasmas}, Author = {Schekochihin, A. A. and Cowley, S. C. and Kulsrud, R. M. and Rosin, M. S. and Heinemann, T.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2008}, Month = {Feb}, Pages = {081301}, Volume = {100}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.081301}, File = {Schekochihin2008a_PhysRevLett.100.081301.pdf:Schekochihin2008a_PhysRevLett.100.081301.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {8}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.09.15}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.081301} } @Article{Schelin2010, Title = {Directed chaotic transport in the tokamap with mixed phase space}, Author = {Schelin, A. B. and Spatschek, K. H.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, Year = {2010}, Month = {Jan}, Number = {1}, Pages = {016205}, Volume = {81}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.81.016205}, File = {Schelin2010_PhysRevE.81.016205.pdf:Schelin2010_PhysRevE.81.016205.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {8}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.07.08} } @Article{Schmitz2006, author = {Schmitz, H. and Grauer, R.}, title = {Darwin-Vlasov simulations of magnetised plasmas}, journal = {J. Comput. Phys.}, year = {2006}, volume = {214}, pages = {738--756}, month = {May}, issn = {0021-9991}, acmid = {1140834}, address = {San Diego, CA, USA}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2005.10.013}, file = {Schmitz2006_1-s2.0-S0021999105004717-main.pdf:Schmitz2006_1-s2.0-S0021999105004717-main.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, keywords = {Boris scheme, Darwin approximation, Positive flux-conservative scheme, Reconnection, Vlasov simulations}, numpages = {19}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Academic Press Professional, Inc.}, timestamp = {2011.12.26}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2005.10.013}, } @Article{Scott2006a, author = {B Scott}, title = {Gyrokinetic study of the edge shear layer}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2006}, volume = {48}, number = {5A}, pages = {A387}, abstract = {The delta-f gyrokinetic model originally formulated for core turbulence is extended to treat medium-amplitude electromagnetic turbulence expected in the transcollisional edge regions of modern tokamaks. Both electrons and ions, and the field polarization equations, are followed. The effect on the turbulence of an externally applied E × B velocity shear and alternatively an initial E × B vorticity profile to which the turbulence can back-react are studied. Imposed shear reduces the short wavelength component but increases the long wavelengths. The localized vorticity layer has a more general suppressive effect.}, file = {Scott2006_0741-3335_48_5A_S39.pdf:Scott2006_0741-3335_48_5A_S39.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.11.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=5A/a=S39}, } @Article{Scott1997, Title = {Three-dimensional computation of drift Alfvén turbulence}, Author = {B Scott}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {1997}, Number = {10}, Pages = {1635}, Volume = {39}, Abstract = {A transcollisional, electromagnetic fluid model, incorporating the parallel heat flux as a dependent variable, is constructed to treat electron drift turbulence in the regime of tokamak edge plasmas at the L - H transition. The resulting turbulence is very sensitive to the plasma beta throughout this regime, with the scaling with rising beta produced by the effect of magnetic induction to slow the Alfvénic parallel electron dynamics and thereby leave the turbulence in a more robust, non-adiabatic state. Magnetic flutter and curvature have a minor qualitative effect on the turbulence mode structure and on the beta scaling, even when their quantitative effect is strong. Transport by magnetic flutter is small compared to that by the ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/39/10/010/img1.gif] flow eddies. Fluctuation statistics show that while the turbulence shows no coherent structure, it is coupled strongly enough so that neither density nor temperature fluctuations behave as passive scalars. Both profile gradients drive the turbulence, with the total thermal energy transport varying only weakly with the gradient ratio, ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/39/10/010/img2.gif] . Scaling with magnetic shear is pronounced, with stronger shear leading to lower drive levels. Scaling with either collision frequency or magnetic curvature is weak, consistent with their weak qualitative effect. The result is that electron drift turbulence at L - H transition edge parameters is drift Alfvén turbulence, with both ballooning and resistivity in a clear secondary role. The contents of the drift Alfvén model will form a significant part of any useful first-principles computation of tokamak edge turbulence.}, File = {Scott1997_0741-3335_39_10_010.pdf:Scott1997_0741-3335_39_10_010.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.05}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/39/i=10/a=010} } @Article{Sedlacek1971, Title = {Electrostatic oscillations in cold inhomogeneous plasma I. Differential equation approach}, Author = {Sedlacek,Z.}, Journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, Year = {1971}, Number = {02}, Pages = {239-263}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {ABSTRACT Small amplitude electrostatic oscillations in a cold plasma with continuously varying density have been investigated. The problem is the same as that treated by Barston (1964) but instead of his normal-mode analysis we employ the Laplace transform approach to solve the corresponding initial-value problem. We construct the Green function of the differential equation of the problem to show that there are branch-point singularities on the real axis of the complex frequency-plane, which correspond to the singularities of the Barston eigenmodes and which, asymptotically, give rise to non-collective oscillations with position-dependent frequency and damping proportional to negative powers of time. In addition we find an infinity of new singularities (simple poles) of the analytic continuation of the Green function into the lower half of the complex frequency-plane whose position is independent of the spatial co-ordinate so that they represent collective, exponentially damped modes of plasma oscillations. Thus, although there may be no discrete spectrum, in a more general sense a dispersion relation does exist but must be interpreted in the same way as in the case of Landau damping of hot plasma oscillations.}, Doi = {10.1017/S0022377800005754}, Eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377800005754}, File = {Sedlacek1971_S0022377800005754a.pdf:Sedlacek1971_S0022377800005754a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.21}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377800005754} } @Article{Sengupta2011, Title = {Phase mixing/wave breaking studies of large amplitude oscillations in a cold homogeneous unmagnetized plasma}, Author = {Sudip Sengupta and Predhiman Kaw and Vikrant Saxena and Abhijit Sen and Amita Das}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {7}, Pages = {074014}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {The subject of phase mixing/wave breaking serves as a useful paradigm to illustrate the physics of many plasma-based phenomena in the laboratory and astrophysical situations where nonlinear oscillations/waves are excited. Phase mixing leads to wave breaking and occurs whenever the characteristic frequency acquires a spatial dependence. In this paper, we review our investigations done in the area of phase mixing/wave breaking of large amplitude oscillation and waves in cold homogeneous unmagnetized plasma.}, File = {Sengupta2011_0741-3335_53_7_074014.pdf:Sengupta2011_0741-3335_53_7_074014.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=7/a=074014} } @Article{Servidio2012, Title = {Local Kinetic Effects in Two-Dimensional Plasma Turbulence}, Author = {Servidio, S. and Valentini, F. and Califano, F. and Veltri, P.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2012}, Month = {Jan}, Pages = {045001}, Volume = {108}, Abstract = {Using direct numerical simulations of a hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell model, kinetic processes are investigated in a two-dimensional turbulent plasma. In the turbulent regime, kinetic effects manifest through a deformation of the ion distribution function. These patterns of non-Maxwellian features are concentrated in space nearby regions of strong magnetic activity: the distribution function is modulated by the magnetic topology, and can elongate along or across the local magnetic field. These results open a new path on the study of kinetic processes such as heating, particle acceleration, and temperature anisotropy, commonly observed in astrophysical and laboratory plasmas.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.045001}, File = {Servidio2012_PhysRevLett.108.045001.pdf:Servidio2012_PhysRevLett.108.045001.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {4}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2012.01.28}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.045001} } @Article{Shanny1967, Title = {One-Dimensional Model of a Lorentz Plasma}, Author = {Ramy Shanny and John M. Dawson and John M. Greene}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1967}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1281-1287}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {A one‐dimensional electron plasma model, in which electron sheets can scatter in three dimensions in velocity space through small‐angle collisions with the stationary ions, has been constructed. Using the model, the dc conductivity of a Lorentz plasma is measured. The result agrees with the theoretical prediction, therefore confirming the validity of the model and exhibiting its capability for determining other transport coefficients. The decay rate of a standing wave when collisions are present is measured. The result verifies the theoretical result, in which the various decay increments are superimposed. The wavelength dependence of the collisional damping is observed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1762273}, File = {Shanny1967_PFL001281.pdf:Shanny1967_PFL001281.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.14}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/10/1281/1} } @Article{Sharapov2002, Title = {Alfvén wave cascades in a tokamak}, Author = {S. E. Sharapov and B. Alper and H. L. Berk and D. N. Borba and B. N. Breizman and C. D. Challis and A. Fasoli and N. C. Hawkes and T. C. Hender and J. Mailloux and S. D. Pinches and D. Testa}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2002}, Pages = {2027}, Volume = {9}, Abstract = {Experiments designed for generating internal transport barriers in the plasmas of the Joint European Torus [JET, P. H. Rebut et al., Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion, London (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1985), Vol. I, p. 11] reveal cascades of Alfvén perturbations with predominantly upward frequency sweeping. These experiments are characterized by a hollow plasma current profile, created by lower hybrid heating and current drive before the main heating power phase. The cascades are driven by ions accelerated with ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH). Each cascade consists of many modes with different toroidal mode numbers and different frequencies. The toroidal mode numbers vary from n = 1 to n = 6. The frequency starts from 20 to 90 kHz and increases up to the frequency range of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes. In the framework of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model, a close correlation is found between the time evolution of the Alfvén cascades and the evolution of the Alfvén continuum frequency at the point of zero magnetic shear. This correlation facilitates the study of the time evolution of both the Alfvén continuum and the safety factor, q(r), at the point of zero magnetic shear and makes it possible to use Alfvén spectroscopy for studying q(r). Modeling shows that the Alfvén cascade occurs when the Alfvén continuum frequency has a maximum at the zero shear point. Interpretation of the Alfvén cascades is given in terms of a novel-type of energetic particle mode localized at the point where q(r) has a minimum. This interpretation explains the key experimental observations: simultaneous generation of many modes, preferred direction of frequency sweeping, and the absence of strong continuum damping.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1448346}, File = {Sharapov2002_PhysPlasmas_9_2027.pdf:Sharapov2002_PhysPlasmas_9_2027.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.06}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v9/i5/p2027_s1} } @Article{Sheng2009, Title = {Nonlinear interaction between ions and multiple electrostatic waves}, Author = {Zheng-Mao Sheng and, Limin Yu and, Guangzhou Hao and Roscoe White}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {072106}, Volume = {16}, Abstract = {The nonlinear interaction of ions with multiple electrostatic waves propagating perpendicularly across a uniform magnetic field is investigated both analytically and numerically. Applying a multiscale expansion method with the wave amplitude as the perturbation parameter, a general nonlinear resonance condition is analytically derived. Under this condition, it is confirmed that multiple waves even below the cyclotron frequency and small amplitude are capable of effectively producing acceleration or stochastic heating by numerical simulation. Compared to the single wave situation, the stochastic threshold for heating by multiple waves with frequencies satisfied with a nonlinear resonance condition is significantly reduced because the nonlinear interaction of ions with multiple waves leads more easily to overlapping of islands and spreading of the stochastic layer in phase space. The above result is helpful to understand the energization mechanism of ions in the solar corona.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3157245}, File = {Sheng2009_PhysPlasmas_16_072106.pdf:Sheng2009_PhysPlasmas_16_072106.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.23}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i7/p072106_s1} } @Article{Shi2011, Title = {Semi-analytic approach to diverted tokamak equilibria with incompressible toroidal and poloidal flows}, Author = {Bingren Shi}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {2}, Pages = {023004}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {Generalized Grad–Shafranov equation for tokamak equilibrium with incompressible toroidal and poloidal flows is solved to obtain a double-null diverted configuration based on an approach presented before (Shi 2008 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion [/0741-3335/50] 50 085006 ). This solution consists of only two terms of base functions obtained from the variable-separating method and suitable for describing both the internal region within the separatrix and a scrape-off layer region. Dependences of the main equilibrium properties, such as the magnetic field, plasma pressure and the equilibrium radial electric field and the plasma current on flows are revealed. In particular, we find that the presence of poloidal flow causes a deviation of the current surface from the magnetic surface and the sheared poloidal flow produces a non-zero toroidal current component that possibly affects the peeling–ballooning stability of the pedestal.}, File = {Shi2011_0029-5515_51_2_023004.pdf:Shi2011_0029-5515_51_2_023004.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.27}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=2/a=023004} } @Article{Shi2009, Title = {Exact single-null diverted tokamak equilibria}, Author = {Bingren Shi}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2009}, Number = {10}, Pages = {105008}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {A method for constructing model single-null diverted tokamak equilibria is presented. These equilibria are exact solutions of the Grad–Shafranov equation. The exact solution consists of two terms of separable functions. The main merit of this approach is that this solution can describe both the interior and the scrape-off layer of the plasma. The basic properties of such equilibria are discussed. The parameter window is also presented.}, File = {Shi2009_0741-3335_51_10_105008.pdf:Shi2009_0741-3335_51_10_105008.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.27}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/51/i=10/a=105008} } @Article{Shi2008, Title = {Simple semi-analytic toroidally axisymmetric equilibria with natural D-shape separatrix}, Author = {Bingren Shi}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2008}, Number = {8}, Pages = {085006}, Volume = {50}, Abstract = {Very simple semi-analytic solutions of the Grad–Shafranov equation for toroidally axisymmetric plasma equilibria are presented. These solutions can be used to construct model configurations with their cross-sections having finite aspect ratio, large elongation and triangularity, suitable for modeling the standard tokamak and spherical torus (ST) equilibia. Besides, the model configuration thus obtained has a special merit that it can model the divertor plasma configuration by a single solution both in the plasma region and outside. The method is basically an extension of the original fixed boundary solution. The new model configuration is a combination of two semi-analytic one-dimensional functions in the R -direction and a cosine function in the z -direction. As examples, D-shape tokamak-like divertor plasmas are presented in detail. These solutions provide a convenient tool for investigating the stability, transport and other related physics both for tokamaks and STs.}, File = {Shi2008_0741-3335_50_8_085006.pdf:Shi2008_0741-3335_50_8_085006.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.26}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/50/i=8/a=085006} } @Article{Shi2007, Title = {Collisionless residual zonal flow level of toroidally axisymmetric plasmas with arbitrary aspect ratio and elongation}, Author = {Bingren Shi}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2007}, Number = {12}, Pages = {2019}, Volume = {49}, Abstract = {The collisionless residual zonal flow level is calculated for toroidally axisymmetric plasmas with arbitrary aspect ratio and large elongation. For small aspect ratio, this level deviates largely from that predicted by the Rosenbluth–Hinton formula and retains a finite value. Plasma shaping such as elongation is favorable for retaining the residual zonal flow as well. The trapped particles make a major contribution to the neoclassical polarization.}, File = {Shi2007_0741-3335_49_12_005.pdf:Shi2007_0741-3335_49_12_005.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/49/i=12/a=005} } @Article{Shi2005, Title = {Analytic description of high poloidal beta equilibrium with a natural inboard poloidal field null}, Author = {Bingren Shi}, Journal = {Physics of Plasma}, Year = {2005}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122504}, Volume = {12}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2140227}, File = {Shi2005_PhysPlasmas_12_122504.pdf:Shi2005_PhysPlasmas_12_122504.pdf:PDF;Shi2005a_PhysPlasmas_12_122504.pdf:Shi2005a_PhysPlasmas_12_122504.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; plasma transport processes; plasma magnetohydrodynamics;}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.27}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v12/i12/p122504_s1} } @Article{Shi2005a, Title = {Analytic description of high poloidal beta equilibrium with a natural inboard poloidal field null}, Author = {Bingren Shi}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2005}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122504}, Volume = {12}, Abstract = {Analytical high poloidal beta equilibria for toroidally axisymmetric plasmas with arbitrary aspect ratio and elongation are described. These equilibria that can describe a transition from nondivertor to divertor configuration are exact solutions of the Grad-Shafranov equation when the toroidal current density is quasiuniform. Generally, these are high poloidal beta equilibria, limited by the appearance of a natural inboard poloidal field null. Some of their properties, including the nonuniformity of the poloidal magnetic field in the poloidal direction, the safety factor profile and the magnetic shear profile near the separatrix, the parameter dependence of the poloidal beta βp and εβp, as well as the toroidal beta βT on the aspect ratio and the elongation of the magnetic surface, are discussed. Applications to experiments of the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) [Sabbagh et al., Phys. Fluids B3, 2277 (1991)] are particularly analyzed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2140227}, Eid = {122504}, File = {Shi2005a_PhysPlasmas_12_122504.pdf:Shi2005a_PhysPlasmas_12_122504.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; plasma transport processes; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, Numpages = {8}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/12/122504/1} } @Article{Shi2004, Title = {General equilibrium property of spherical torus configurations with large triangularity}, Author = {Bingren Shi}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2004}, Number = {7}, Pages = {1105}, Volume = {46}, Abstract = {The general equilibrium properties of the spherical torus configuration can be analysed by a simple version of the solution of the Grad–Shafranov equation, i.e. the so-called Solov'ev configuration which involves only four parameters for the magnetic surfaces with both large elongation and triangularity. The safety factor q -profile and the shear ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/46/7/010/ppcf175793in001.gif] {\hat{s}} -profile can be determined analytically and it is found that both of them increase rapidly near the edge region. It is also noted that the length of the magnetic field line in the favourable curvature part is much greater than that in the unfavourable curvature part near the edge region. There is a substantial magnetic well in this kind of configuration as well. The trapped particle fraction on different magnetic surfaces as a function of relevant parameters is also given.}, File = {Shi2004_0741-3335_46_7_010.pdf:Shi2004_0741-3335_46_7_010.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/46/i=7/a=010} } @Article{Shi1997, Title = {Fishbone mode excitation in the ion kinetic regime}, Author = {Bingren Shi and Guofang Sui}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1997}, Number = {8}, Pages = {2785-2787}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {By solving the dispersion relation in the ion kinetic regime, it is found that the threshold of the plasma beta value for exciting the ion-fishbone mode is lowered. Thus, for most of the present-day tokamaks where the Bussac criterion [Bussac et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 1638 (1975)] is not satisfied, it will still be possible to excite the ion-fishbone mode.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872445}, File = {Shi1997_PhysPlasmas_4_2785.pdf:Shi1997_PhysPlasmas_4_2785.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; FISHBONE INSTABILITY; EXCITATION; KINETICS; DISPERSION RELATIONS; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; HIGH-BETA PLASMA; BETA RATIO; plasma kinetic theory; plasma toroidal confinement}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/2785/1} } @Article{Shi2010, Title = {Tokamak residual zonal flow level in near-separatrix region}, Author = {Bing-Ren Shi}, Journal = {Chinese Physics B}, Year = {2010}, Number = {9}, Pages = {095201}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {Residual zonal flow level is calculated for tokamak plasmas in the near-separatrix region of a diverted tokamak. A recently developed method is used to construct an analytic divertor tokamak configuration. It is shown that the residual zonal flow level becomes smaller but still keeps finite near the separatrix because the neoclassical polarisation mostly due to the trapped particles goes larger in this region.}, File = {Shi2010_1674-1056_19_9_095201.pdf:Shi2010_1674-1056_19_9_095201.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.27}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1674-1056/19/i=9/a=095201} } @Article{Shinohara1998, Title = {Low-frequency electromagnetic turbulence observed near the substorm onset site}, Author = {I. Shinohara and T. Nagai and M. Fujimoto and T. Terasawa and T. Mukai and K. Tsuruda and T. Yamamoto}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1998}, Number = {A9}, Pages = {20,365-20,388}, Volume = {103}, Abstract = {On the basis of wave and plasma observations of the Geotail satellite, the instability mode of low-frequency (1–10 Hz) electromagnetic turbulence observed at the neutral sheet during substorms has been examined. Quantitative estimation has also been made for the anomalous heating and resistivity resulting from the electromagnetic turbulence. Four possible candidates of substorm onset sites, characterized by the near-Earth neutral line, are found in the data sets obtained at substorm onset times. In these events, wave spectra obtained by the search-coil magnetometer and the spherical double-probe instrument clearly show the existence of electromagnetic wave activity in the lower hybrid frequency range at and near the neutral sheet. The linear and quasi-linear calculations of the lower hybrid drift instability well explain the observed electromagnetic turbulence quantitatively. The calculated characteristic electron heating time is comparable to the timescale of the expansion onset, while that of ion heating time is much longer. The estimated anomalous resistivity fails to supply enough dissipation for the resistive tearing mode instability.}, Doi = {10.1029/98JA01104}, File = {Shinohara1998_98JA01104.pdf:Shinohara1998_98JA01104.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.10}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1998/98JA01104.shtml} } @Article{SHOUCRI2006, author = {SHOUCRI,MAGDI}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {The sidebands instability}, year = {2006}, number = {06}, pages = {861-864}, volume = {72}, abstract = {ABSTRACT We study numerically the role of mode coupling mechanisms in the generation and growth of sideband modes, during the long time evolution of the nonlinear Landau damping of a large-amplitude wave. The results suggest that a rich variety of wave coupling mechanisms develops during the evolution of the system.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377806005022}, eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377806005022}, file = {SHOUCRI2006_S0022377806005022a.pdf:SHOUCRI2006_S0022377806005022a.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.03.19}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377806005022}, } @Article{Shoucri1979, Title = {Nonlinear evolution of the bump‐on‐tail instability}, Author = {Magdi M. Shoucri}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1979}, Pages = {2038}, Volume = {22}, Abstract = {The nonlinear evolution of a bump‐on‐tail Maxwellian distribution function, to an initially unstable perturbation, is studied numerically. The results indicate that the time asymptotic solution is a Bernstein–Greene–Kruskal equilibrium.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.862470}, File = {Shoucri1979_PFL002038.pdf:Shoucri1979_PFL002038.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.27}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v22/i10/p2038_s1} } @Article{Shukla1995, Title = {Nonlinear Alfvén waves}, Author = {P K Shukla and L Stenflo}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {1995}, Number = {T60}, Pages = {32}, Volume = {1995}, Abstract = {Some important nonlinear effects involving Alfvén waves in plasmas are presented. For illustrative purposes, we start with small amplitude Alfvén waves and their relation with other low-frequency plasma modes. We then show that Alfvén and magnetosonic waves can be nonlinearly excited by a high-frequency external pump wave. Finite-amplitude Alfvén waves can either interact with the background plasma or with themselves, giving rise to a number of nonlinear phenomena such as wave- amplitude modulation or filamentation, density profile modification, as well as self-organization in vortical structures. The nonlinear effects that are described here are of relevance to the large-amplitude disturbances which are frequently observed in laboratory and space plasmas.}, File = {Shukla1995_1402-4896_1995_T60_004.pdf:Shukla1995_1402-4896_1995_T60_004.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.16}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/1995/i=T60/a=004} } @Article{Siccinio2011, Title = {Gyrokinetic determination of the electrostatic potential of rotating magnetic islands in tokamaks}, Author = {M. Siccinio and E. Poli and F. J. Casson and W. A. Hornsby and A. G. Peeters}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122506}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {The electrostatic potential related to a magnetic island structure with imposed width and rotation frequency is studied by means of gyrokinetic simulations, which allow its self-consistent determination via the Poisson equation. An adiabatic response of the trapped ions at the island separatrix leads to a significant smoothing of the potential with respect to analytic calculations based on a complete flattening of the pressure profile inside the island. As a consequence, the magnitude of the polarization current is drastically reduced. When the island size is comparable to the ion banana width, the adiabatic response covers the whole island region, leading to a reduced density flattening for islands rotating in the electron diamagnetic direction. This confirms previous results based on drift-kinetic simulations.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3671964}, Eid = {122506}, File = {Siccinio2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122506.pdf:Siccinio2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122506.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma electrostatic waves; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; Poisson equation; tearing instability; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {9}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/122506/1} } @Article{Simon1988, Title = {Long‐time simulation of the single‐mode bump‐on‐tail instability}, Author = {Albert Simon and Shelden Radin and Robert W. Short}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1988}, Pages = {3649}, Volume = {31}, Abstract = {A Vlasov code developed by Denavit [Phys. Fluids 28, 2773 (1985)] was modified and used to study long‐time behavior of the single‐mode bump‐on‐tail instability. Large oscillations, which interrupted his original runs at ω0 T≊1300 shortly after reaching the O’Neil trapping level (OTL), were identified and controlled by heating the cold background electrons. A run to ω0T =30 000 showed growth well beyond the OTL and eventually saturated at about the level predicted by Simon and Rosenbluth (SR) [Phys. Fluids 19, 1567 (1976)], before oscillations set in. A run with warmer background electrons was again interrupted by oscillations. A weakly unstable case was followed to ω0T =60 000; it also showed growth well beyond the OTL but saturated at an amplitude that was significantly below that predicted by SR. In all cases, the velocity distribution developed strong ripples near v=0. These are shown to be caused by a numerical grid effect, and they may be responsible for the eventual development of the large oscillations and for the low level of saturation in the weakly unstable case.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.867008}, File = {Simon1988_PFL003649.pdf:Simon1988_PFL003649.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.08}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v31/i12/p3649_s1} } @Article{Singh2012, Title = {Symmetry breaking effects of density gradient on parallel momentum transport: A new [eh][sub s][sup *] effect}, Author = {Rameswar Singh and R. Singh and P. Kaw and O. D. Gurcan and P. H. Diamond and H. Nordman}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2012}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012301}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {Symmetry breaking effects of density gradient on parallel momentum transport is studied via quasilinear theory. It is shown that finite ρs*( ≡ ρs/Ln), where ρs is ion sound radius and Ln is density scale length, leads to symmetry breaking of the ion temperature gradient (ITG) eigenfunction. This broken symmetry persists even in the absence of mean poloidal (from radial electric field shear) and toroidal flows. This effect, as explained in the text, originates from the divergence of polarization particle current in the ion continuity equation. The form of the eigenfunction allows the microturbulence to generate parallel residual stress via 〈k‖〉 symmetry breaking. Comparison with the × shear driven parallel residual stress, parallel polarization stress and turbulence intensity gradient driven parallel residual stress are discussed. It is shown that this ρs* driven parallel residual stress may become comparable to × shear driven parallel residual stress in small Ln region. In the regular drift wave ordering, where ρs*≪1, this effect is found to be of the same order as the parallel polarization stress. This ρs* driven parallel residual stress can also overtake the turbulence intensity gradient driven parallel residual stress in strong density gradient region whereas the later one is dominant in the strong profile curvature region. The parallel momentum diffusivity is found to remain undisturbed by this ρs* effect as long as the turbulence intensity inhomogenity is not important.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3672518}, Eid = {012301}, File = {Singh2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012301.pdf:Singh2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012301.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; internal stresses; plasma density; plasma drift waves; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, Numpages = {10}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.09}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/012301/1} } @Article{Smolyakov2010, Title = {Drift kinetic equation in the moving reference frame and reduced magnetohydrodynamic equations}, Author = {A. I. Smolyakov and X. Garbet}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Number = {4}, Pages = {042105}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {The drift kinetic equation is formulated by using the phase space conservation law and drift equations of particle motion in the reference frame moving with plasma fluid velocity. The latter includes the parallel and ExB drift, diamagnetic velocity, and diamagnetic velocity due to the parallel viscosity tensor (anisotropic pressure). It is shown explicitly that the particle drift equations conserve the adiabatic invariant and kinetic equation conserves the phase space volume. The resulting drift kinetic equation is used to obtain a set of moment equations corresponding to the conservation laws for plasma density, momentum, and energy. These equations are compared with reduced equations obtained from hierarchy of extended magnetohydrodynamic equations including the evolution equation for the heat flux (Grad hydrodynamics). The reduction is done in the drift limit by using 1/B as an expansion parameter. We demonstrate that reduced moment equations derived from our drift kinetic equation are identical to the reduced equations obtained from extended magnetohydrodynamic equations. The structure of the reduced equations and implications for the closure problem, including neoclassical effects, are discussed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3360297}, Eid = {042105}, File = {Smolyakov2010_PhysPlasmas_17_042105.pdf:Smolyakov2010_PhysPlasmas_17_042105.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma density; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma theory; tensors}, Numpages = {9}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/042105/1} } @Article{Smolyakov1995, Title = {Fluid model of collisionless plasma with finite Larmor radius effects}, Author = {A. I. Smolyakov and I. O. Pogutse and A. Hirose}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1995}, Pages = {4451}, Volume = {2}, Abstract = {A closed set of moment equations for the plasma density, velocity and pressure is proposed by imposing linear closure for the heat flux and viscosity. The formulation is valid for arbitrary finite Larmor radius parameter k⊥ρ (k⊥ is the perpendicular wave vector, ρ is the particle Larmor radius) and retains main convective nonlinearities. Reduced moment equations relevant to the drift‐wave modes are derived in the low frequency limit (ω≪ωB, ωB is the particle cyclotron frequency).}, Doi = {10.1063/1.871001}, File = {Smolyakov1995_PhysPlasmas_2_4451.pdf:Smolyakov1995_PhysPlasmas_2_4451.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v2/i12/p4451_s1} } @Article{Snyder2004, Title = {ELMs and constraints on the H-mode pedestal: peeling–ballooning stability calculation and comparison with experiment}, Author = {P.B. Snyder and H.R. Wilson and J.R. Ferron and L.L. Lao and A.W. Leonard and D. Mossessian and M. Murakami and T.H. Osborne and A.D. Turnbull and X.Q. Xu}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2004}, Number = {2}, Pages = {320}, Volume = {44}, Abstract = {We review and test the peeling–ballooning model for edge localized modes (ELMs) and pedestal constraints, a model based upon theoretical analysis of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities that can limit the pedestal height and drive ELMs. A highly efficient MHD stability code, ELITE, is used to calculate quantitative stability constraints on the pedestal, including constraints on the pedestal height. Because of the impact of collisionality on the bootstrap current, these pedestal constraints are dependent on the density and temperature separately, rather than simply on the pressure. ELITE stability calculations are directly compared with experimental data for a series of plasmas in which the density is varied and ELM characteristics change. In addition, a technique is developed whereby peeling–ballooning pedestal constraints are calculated as a function of key equilibrium parameters via ELITE calculations using series of model equilibria. This technique is used to successfully compare the expected pedestal height as a function of density, triangularity and plasma current with experimental data. Furthermore, the technique can be applied for parameter ranges beyond the purview of present experiments, and we present a brief projection of peeling–ballooning pedestal constraints for burning plasma tokamak designs.}, File = {Snyder2004_0029-5515_44_2_014.pdf:Snyder2004_0029-5515_44_2_014.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.11}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/44/i=2/a=014} } @Article{Sonnad2009, Title = {Analyzing charged particle beams using lie transform perturbation theory}, Author = {Kiran G Sonnad and John R Cary}, Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, Year = {2009}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012009}, Volume = {169}, Abstract = {This paper briefly reviews the use of Lie transform perturbation theory applied to the dynamics of charged particle beams. Several details not provided here can be found in [1] and [2]. The work analyzes influences due to nonlinear components in external focusing of beams, a regime where the Courant-Snyder invariants are broken [3] for single particle dynamics. The Lie transform analysis is also used to analyze beams with space charge effects, which satisfy the Vlasov -Poisson system of equations. Equilibrium distributions may be obtained even in the nonlinear focusing regime, where simple solution such as the Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij [4] are no longer valid. The work utilizes results that were obtained earlier as part of the research activities of Prof. Allan Kaufman and members of his group.}, File = {Sonnad2009_1742-6596_169_1_012009.pdf:Sonnad2009_1742-6596_169_1_012009.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/169/i=1/a=012009} } @InProceedings{Sonnendrucker1993, author = {Sonnendrucker, E. and Ambrosiano, J. and Brandon, S.}, booktitle = {Plasma Science, 1993. IEEE Conference Record - Abstracts., 1993 IEEE International Conference on}, title = {A finite element formulation of the Darwin electromagnetic PIC model for unstructured meshes of triangles}, year = {1993}, month = {jun}, pages = {232}, abstract = {Summary form only given, as follows. The Darwin model for electromagnetic simulation is a reduced form of the Maxwell-Vlasov system that retains all essential physical processes except the propagation of light waves. It is useful in modeling systems for which the light-transit time scales are less important than Alfven wave propagation or quasistatic effects. The Darwin model is elliptic rather than hyperbolic, as is the full set of Maxwell's equations. Appropriate boundary conditions must be chosen for the problems to be well-posed. Using finite element techniques to apply this method to unstructured triangular meshes, a mesh made up of unstructured triangles allows realistic device geometries to be modeled without the necessity of using a large number of mesh points. Analyzing the dispersion relation makes it possible to validate the code as well as the Darwin approximation}, doi = {10.1109/PLASMA.1993.593630}, file = {Sonnendrucker1993_00593630.pdf:Sonnendrucker1993_00593630.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Alfven wave propagation; Darwin electromagnetic PIC model; Darwin model; Maxwell's equations; Maxwell-Vlasov system; boundary conditions; dispersion relation; electromagnetic simulation; finite element formulation; light wave propagation; light-transit time scales; particle-in-cell code; quasistatic effects; realistic device geometries; unstructured triangular meshes; finite element analysis;}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.12.14}, } @Article{Sonnendrucker1999, Title = {The Semi-Lagrangian Method for the Numerical Resolution of the Vlasov Equation}, Author = {Eric Sonnendrucker and Jean Roche and Pierre Bertrand and Alain Ghizzo}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {1999}, Number = {2}, Pages = {201 - 220}, Volume = {149}, Abstract = {The numerical resolution of kinetic equations and, in particular, of Vlasov-type equations is performed most of the time using particle in cell methods which consist in describing the time evolution of the equation through a finite number of particles which follow the characteristic curves of the equation, the interaction with the external and self-consistent fields being resolved using a grid. Another approach consists in computing directly the distribution function on a grid by following the characteristics backward in time for one time step and interpolating the value at the feet of the characteristics using the grid point values of the distribution function at the previous time step. In this report we introduce this last method, which couples the Lagrangian and Eulerian points of view and its use for the Vlasov equation and equations derived from it.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1006/jcph.1998.6148}, File = {Sonnendrucker1999_sdarticle.pdf:Sonnendrucker1999_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.26}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999198961484} } @Article{Southwood1993, Title = {Mirror Instability:, 1. Physical Mechanism of Linear Instability}, Author = {David J. Southwood and Margaret G. Kivelson}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1993}, Number = {A6}, Pages = {9181-9187}, Volume = {98}, Abstract = {The mirror instability is prevalent in planetary and cometary magnetosheaths and other high beta environments. We review the physics of the linear instability. Although the instability was originally derived from magnetohydrodynamic fluid theory, later work showed that there were significant differences between the fluid theory and a more rigorous kinetic approach. Here we point out that the instability mechanism hinges on the special behavior of particles with small velocity along the field. We call such particles resonant particles by analogy with other uses of the term, but there are significant differences between the behavior of the resonant particles in this instability and in other instabilities driven by resonant particles. We comment on the implications of these results for our understanding of the observations of mirror instability-generated signals in space.}, Doi = {10.1029/92JA02837}, File = {Southwood1993_92JA02837.pdf:Southwood1993_92JA02837.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.08}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1993/92JA02837.shtml} } @Article{Spitzer1952, Title = {Equations of Motion for an Ideal Plasma}, Author = {Spitzer, Jr., L.}, Journal = {\apj}, Year = {1952}, Month = sep, Pages = {299-+}, Volume = {116}, Adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}, Adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1952ApJ...116..299S}, Doi = {10.1086/145614}, File = {Spitzer1952_1952ApJ___116__299S.pdf:Spitzer1952_1952ApJ___116__299S.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22} } @Article{Spong2011, Title = {Three-dimensional effects on energetic particle confinement and stability}, Author = {D. A. Spong}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {056109}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Energetic particle populations in magnetic confinement systems are sensitive to symmetry-breaking effects due to their low collisionality and long confined path lengths. Broken symmetry is present to some extent in all toroidal devices. As such effects preclude the existence of an ignorable coordinate, a fully three-dimensional analysis is necessary, beginning with the lowest order (equilibrium) magnetic fields. Three-dimensional techniques that have been extensively developed for stellarator configurations are readily adapted to other devices such as rippled tokamaks and helical states in reversed field pinches. This paper will describe the methods and present an overview of recent examples that use these techniques for the modeling of energetic particle confinement, Alfvén mode structure and fast ion instabilities.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3575626}, File = {Spong2011_PhysPlasmas_18_056109.pdf:Spong2011_PhysPlasmas_18_056109.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.06}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i5/p056109_s1} } @Article{Spong2003, Title = {Shear Alfvén continua in stellarators}, Author = {D. A. Spong and R. Sanchez and A. Weller}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {3217}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {Shear Alfvén continua have been calculated for stellarators over a range of shapes and aspect ratios as a first step toward understanding Alfvén instability induced fast ion losses in such systems and possible means for minimizing these losses. Stellarators introduce strong poloidal/toroidal couplings in both ∣B∣ and the gρρ metric coefficient that can induce new continuum gap structures not present in axisymmetric tokamaks. Low field period (Nfp = 2–3), low aspect ratio devices result in strongly coupled toroidal mode families (n = ±n0,±n0±Nfp,±n0±2Nfp, etc.) that lead to helically coupled Alfvén gaps at lower frequencies and with wider gap structures than are the case for larger aspect ratio, higher field period stellarator devices.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1590316}, File = {Spong2003_PhysPlasmas_10_3217.pdf:Spong2003_PhysPlasmas_10_3217.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v10/i8/p3217_s1} } @Article{Stacey2011, Title = {X-transport of ions in diverted tokamaks, with application to DIII-D}, Author = {Weston M. Stacey}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122504}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {A calculation model for X-transport due to the radially outward grad-B and curvature drift of ions trapped poloidally in the null-Bθ X-region just inside the X-point in diverted tokamaks is presented. Calculations are presented for two representative DIII-D [J. Luxon, Nucl. Fusion 42, 614 (2002)] shots which indicate that X-transport effects are significant and should be taken into account in calculations of present and future experiments.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3671910}, Eid = {122504}, File = {Stacey2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122504.pdf:Stacey2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122504.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {fusion reactor divertors; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {9}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/122504/1} } @Article{Starke1976, Title = {Sideband Dispersion}, Author = {Starke, T. P. and Malmberg, J. H.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1976}, Month = {Aug}, Number = {9}, Pages = {505--508}, Volume = {37}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.37.505}, File = {Starke1976_PhysRevLett.37.505.pdf:Starke1976_PhysRevLett.37.505.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {3}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.15} } @Article{Stefant1970, Title = {Alfvén Wave Damping from Finite Gyroradius Coupling to the Ion Acoustic Mode}, Author = {Robert J. Stéfant}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1970}, Pages = {440}, Volume = {13}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1692938}, File = {Stefant1970_PFL000440.pdf:Stefant1970_PFL000440.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.07}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v13/i2/p440_s1} } @Article{Strauss1983a, author = {H. R. Strauss}, title = {Beta and density limits in tokamaks}, journal = {Phys. Fluids}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, pages = {2219}, abstract = {Ballooning modes with toroidal mode number n=1,2 can be stable in tokamaks for all beta. Below a density limit, modes with all n can be stable for any beta, because of finite‐Larmor‐radius effects. The critical density, found for a particular choice of model profiles, is somewhat below the density of actual experiments, such as the ISX‐B tokamak. However, finite‐Larmor‐radius effects can still raise the critical beta for instability and substantially restrict the number of unstable modes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864391}, file = {Strauss1983_PFL002219.pdf:Strauss1983_PFL002219.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.08.13}, url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v26/i8/p2219_s1}, } @Article{Strauss1980a, author = {H R Strauss}, title = {Stellarator equations of motion}, journal = {Plasma Physics}, year = {1980}, volume = {22}, number = {7}, pages = {733}, abstract = {Nonlinear reduced equations are derived for stellarators, based on the standard low beta, large aspect ratio, epsilon 1 2/. Previous equations describing equilibrium and stability are recovered. The reduced equations make nonlinear hydromagnetic computations much more tractable.}, file = {Strauss1980_0032-1028_22_7_010.pdf:Strauss1980_0032-1028_22_7_010.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.01.05}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0032-1028/22/i=7/a=010}, } @Article{Strauss1977, Title = {Dynamics of high β tokamaks}, Author = {H. R. Strauss}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1977}, Pages = {1354}, Volume = {20}, Abstract = {The reduced nonlinear low β tokamak magnetohydrodynamic equations are extended to the case of high β. A large aspect ratio ordering is used. The dynamics can be described using only three variables: the stream functions for the poloidal magnetic field and velocity, and the pressure. The equations are solved numerically to find two‐dimensional equilibria. These equilibria can be unstable to ballooning modes, which tend to grow to large amplitude in nonlinear, three‐dimensional computations.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.862018}, File = {Strauss1977_PFL001354.pdf:Strauss1977_PFL001354.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.13}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v20/i8/p1354_s1} } @Article{Stringer1963, Title = {Low-frequency waves in an unbounded plasma}, Author = {T E Stringer}, Journal = {Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part C, Plasma Physics, Accelerators, Thermonuclear Research}, Year = {1963}, Number = {2}, Pages = {89}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {A comprehensive treatment of the propagation of low-frequency plane waves in a low β, homogeneous plasma in a magnetic field is based on the two fluid equations without collision terms. The treatment covers the three lower frequency branches of the complete dispersion curves, extending up to the electron cyclotron frequency. Dispersion curves for propagation at an angle to the magnetic field are given for representative parameters, and simple expressions tabulated for the electric field polarization and the electron and ion mean velocities along each section of these curves. The physical reasons for the changes in these quantities with increasing wavenumber are discussed for each of the three branches.}, File = {Stringer1963_0368-3281_5_2_304.pdf:Stringer1963_0368-3281_5_2_304.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.03.21}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0368-3281/5/i=2/a=304} } @Article{Stroth2011, Title = {38th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics}, Author = {U Stroth and C Hidalgo}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {120201}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {The full text of this editorial is available in the PDF.}, File = {Stroth2011_0741-3335_53_12_120201.pdf:Stroth2011_0741-3335_53_12_120201.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.16}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=12/a=120201} } @Article{Sugama2000, Title = {Gyrokinetic field theory}, Author = {H. Sugama}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2000}, Pages = {466}, Volume = {7}, Abstract = {The Lagrangian formulation of the gyrokinetic theory is generalized in order to describe the particles’ dynamics, as well as the self-consistent behavior of the electromagnetic fields. The gyrokinetic equation for the particle distribution function and the gyrokinetic Maxwell’s equations, for the electromagnetic fields, are both derived from the variational principle for the Lagrangian consisting of the parts of particles, fields, and their interaction. In this generalized Lagrangian formulation, the energy conservation property for the total nonlinear gyrokinetic system of equations is directly shown from Noether’s theorem. This formulation can be utilized in order to derive the nonlinear gyrokinetic system of equations and the rigorously conserved total energy for fluctuations with arbitrary frequencies. Simplified gyrokinetic systems of equations with the conserved energy are obtained from the Lagrangian with the small electron gyroradii, quasineutrality, and linear polarization–magnetization approximations.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873832}, File = {Sugama2000_PhysPlasmas_7_466.pdf:Sugama2000_PhysPlasmas_7_466.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.29}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v7/i2/p466_s1} } @Article{Sugiyama2009, Title = {Response to “Comment on ‘Guiding center plasma models in three dimensions’ ” [ Phys. Plasmas 16, 084701 (2009) ]}, Author = {Linda E. Sugiyama}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas , (); doi: (4 pages)}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {084702}, Volume = {16}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3206671}, File = {Sugiyama2009_PhysPlasmas_16_084702.pdf:Sugiyama2009_PhysPlasmas_16_084702.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.06}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i8/p084702_s1} } @Article{Sugiyama2008, Title = {Guiding center plasma models in three dimensions}, Author = {Linda E. Sugiyama}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {092112}, Volume = {15}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2977981}, File = {Sugiyama2008_PhysPlasmas_15_092112.pdf:Sugiyama2008_PhysPlasmas_15_092112.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.06}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v15/i9/p092112_s1} } @Article{Sukhorukov1997, Title = {On the Bernstein--Landau paradox}, Author = {A. I. Sukhorukov and P. Stubbe}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1997}, Number = {7}, Pages = {2497-2507}, Volume = {4}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872229}, File = {Sukhorukov1997_PhysPlasmas_4_2497.pdf:Sukhorukov1997_PhysPlasmas_4_2497.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {PLASMA WAVES; ELECTROSTATICS; BERNSTEIN MODE; STABILITY; DAMPING; PLASMA SIMULATION; ANALYTICAL SOLUTION; OSCILLATIONS; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma Bernstein waves; initial value problems}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.04.15}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/2497/1} } @Article{Sundaram2011, Title = {Gyrokinetic analysis of tearing instabilities in a collisionless plasma}, Author = {A. K. Sundaram and A. Sen}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {3}, Pages = {032112}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Using a gyrokinetic description, an analytic investigation of tearing instabilities is carried out for a collisionless tokamak plasma, with particular emphasis on delineating the effects associated with Landau and ∇B resonances. The linear characteristics of Δ′-driven tearing modes are studied by including short wavelength variations across the confining magnetic field and long wavelength variations along the field. For the case when electrons are adiabatic and ions are fluidlike, the dispersion relation is solved analytically for mode widths lying between electron and ion excursion lengths. It is shown that electron Landau damping effect can significantly influence the tearing mode growth rate by making it proportional to (Δ′)1/2 in contrast to earlier kinetic results, which show a linear dependence on Δ′. The growth rate can further slow down when compressional mode coupling effects are taken into account. Likewise, analytic conditions for the growth of the gyrokinetic tearing mode in the presence of electron ∇B resonance effect are obtained for both the Δ′ driven global mode as well as the large Δ′ branch of this instability and expressions for the real frequency and growth rate of the modes are given. Our analytic results, besides providing physical insights into the influence of these ‘resonance’ effects, can also serve as useful benchmark signatures to look for in large scale numerical gyrokinetic simulations.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3568837}, Eid = {032112}, File = {Sundaram2011_PhysPlasmas_18_032112.pdf:Sundaram2011_PhysPlasmas_18_032112.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {dispersion relations; plasma toroidal confinement; tearing instability; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {8}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.04.02}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/032112/1} } @Article{Swift1996, Title = {Use of a Hybrid Code for Global-Scale Plasma Simulation}, Author = {Daniel W. Swift}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {1996}, Number = {1}, Pages = {109 - 121}, Volume = {126}, Abstract = {This paper presents a demonstration of the use of a hybrid code to model the Earth's magnetosphere on a global scale. The typical hybrid code calculates the interaction of fully kinetic ions and a massless electron fluid with the magnetic field. This code also includes a fluid ion component to approximate the cold ionospheric plasma that spatially overlaps with the discrete particle component. Other innovative features of the code include a numerically generated curvilinear coordinate system and subcycling of the magnetic field update to the particle push. These innovations allow the code to accommodate disparate time and distance scales. The demonstration is a simulation of the noon meridian plane of the magnetosphere. The code exhibits the formation of fast and slow-mode shocks and tearing reconnection at the magnetopause. New results include particle acceleration in the cusp and nearly field aligned currents linking the cusp and polar ionosphere. The paper also describes a density depletion instability and measures to avoid it.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1006/jcph.1996.0124}, File = {Swift1996_sdarticle.pdf:Swift1996_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.15}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WHY-45MGW7K-48/2/07124732f9f2ab0eb5793fb1ec7bbaee} } @Article{Swift1995, Title = {Use of a hybrid code to model the Earth's magnetosphere}, Author = {D. W. Swift}, Journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.}, Year = {1995}, Pages = {311–314}, Volume = {22(3)}, Abstract = {This paper presents a demonstration of the use of a hybrid code to model the Earth's magnetosphere on a global scale. A hybrid code calculates the interaction of particle ions and a massless electron fluid with the magnetic field. The demonstration is a simulation of the noon meridian plane of the magnetosphere. Innovative features of the code include a numerically generated curvilinear coordinate system, approximation of the cold ionospheric plasma as an MHD fluid that coexists with the kinetic plasma and subcycling of the magnetic field update to the particle push. These innovations allow the code to accommodate disparate time and distance scales. New results include particle acceleration in the cusp and nearly field aligned currents linking the cusp and polar ionosphere. It is pointed out that such a code is needed help resolve many of the outstanding questions regarding substorm dynamics and perhaps form the basis of a numerical space weather prediction scheme.}, Doi = {10.1029/94GL03082}, File = {Swift1995_94GL03082.pdf:Swift1995_94GL03082.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.15} } @Article{Swift1983, Title = {Rotational Discontinuities and the Structure of the Magnetopause}, Author = {Daniel W. Swift and Lou C. Lee}, Journal = {J. Geophys. Res.}, Year = {1983}, Pages = {111–124}, Volume = {88(A1)}, Abstract = {Symmetric and asymmetric rotational discontinuities are studied by means of a one-dimensional computer simulation and by single-particle trajectory calculations. The numerical simulations show the symmetric rotation to be stable for both ion and electron senses of rotation with a thickness of the order of a few ion gyroradii when the rotation angle of the tangential field is 180° or less. Larger rotation angles tend to be unstable. In an expansive discontinuity, when the magnetic field on the downstream side of the discontinuity is larger, an expanding transition layer separating the high-field from a low-field region develops on the downstream side, and a symmetric rotational discontinuity forms at the upstream edge. The implication of these results for magnetopause structure and energy flow through the magnetopause is described.}, Doi = {10.1029/JA088iA01p00111}, File = {Swift1983_JA088iA01p00111.pdf:Swift1983_JA088iA01p00111.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.15} } @Article{Tajiri1967, Title = {Propagation of Hydromagnetic Waves in Collisionless Plasma. II. Kinetic Approach}, Author = {Masayoshi Tajiri}, Journal = {Journal of the Physical Society of Japan}, Year = {1967}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1482-1494}, Volume = {22}, Abstract = {The propagation of hydromagnetic waves of small amplitude in a collisionless plasma is considered on the basis of the Vlasov equation. It is found that there exist the Alfvén wave, the fast and the slow magnetoacoustic waves as well as the non-oscillating mode with vanishing real part of the frequency. Under some conditions, the non-oscillating wave causes the mirror instability in the direction nearly perpendicular to a magnetic field. Numerical discussions are carried out in the phase velocity plane as well as in the Friedrichs diagram for each type of waves, and are compared with the corresponding results in the Chew, Coldberger and Low approximation.}, Doi = {10.1143/JPSJ.22.1482}, File = {Tajiri1967_JPSJ-22-1482.pdf:Tajiri1967_JPSJ-22-1482.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {12}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {The Physical Society of Japan}, Timestamp = {2011.08.08}, Url = {http://jpsj.ipap.jp/link?JPSJ/22/1482/} } @Article{Talmadge2005, Title = {Numerical calculation of the Hamada basis vectors for three-dimensional toroidal magnetic configurations}, Author = {J. N. Talmadge and S. P. Gerhardt}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2005}, Pages = {072513}, Volume = {12}, Abstract = {The moment equation approach to neoclassical transport is used to calculate neoclassical particle and heat fluxes, impurity transport, the ambipolar electric field, and momentum damping rates. These equations are often written in Hamada coordinates which makes it easier to obtain analytic solutions. However, previous simplifying assumptions used to evaluate the basis vectors analytically are often invalid for advanced stellarator configurations. In this paper, a numerical method is presented by which the Hamada basis set can be determined for an arbitrary three dimensional toroidal confinement device by integrating along a magnetic field line. The method is applied to the magnetic configuration in the Helically Symmetric Experiment [ F. S. B. Anderson, A. F. Almagri, D. T. Anderson, P. G. Matthews, J. N. Talmadge, and J. L. Shohet, Fusion Technol. 27, 273 (1995) ] and compared to the large-aspect-ratio tokamak approximation to the basis set. The results indicate that the numerical technique is a more accurate method to specify the basis vectors, especially in a device with negligible toroidal curvature.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1938507}, File = {Talmadge2005_PhysPlasmas_12_072513 (1).pdf:Talmadge2005_PhysPlasmas_12_072513 (1).pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.15}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v12/i7/p072513_s1} } @Article{Tang1980, Title = {Kinetic-ballooning-mode theory in general geometry}, Author = {W.M. Tang and J.W. Connor and R.J. Hastie}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1980}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1439}, Volume = {20}, Abstract = {A systematic procedure for studying the influence of kinetic effects on the stability of MHD ballooning modes is presented. The ballooning mode formalism, which is particularly effective for analysing high-mode-number perturbations of a plasma in toroidal systems, is used to solve the Vlasov-Maxwell equations for modes with perpendicular wavelengths on the scale of the ion gyroradius. The local stability on each flux surface is determined by the solution of three coupled integro-differential equations which include effects due to finite gyroradius, trapped particles, and wave-particle resonances. More tractable forms of these equations are then obtained in the low (ω < ω bi , ω ti ) and intermediate- (ω bi , ω ti < ω < ω be , ω te ) frequency regimes with ω bj and ω tj being the average bounce and transit frequencies of each species. After further simplifying approximations, the kinetic results here are shown to be reducible to the MHD-ballooning-mode equations in the analogous limits, ω ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/lg.gif] {lg} ω s where ω s = c s /L c , with c s being the acoustic speed and L c the connection length.}, File = {Tang1980_0029-5515_20_11_011[1].pdf:Tang1980_0029-5515_20_11_011[1].pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.06}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/20/i=11/a=011} } @Article{Tang1985, Title = {Kinetic analysis of MHD ballooning modes in tokamaks}, Author = {W.M. Tang and G. Rewoldt and C.Z. Cheng and M.S. Chance}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1985}, Number = {2}, Pages = {151}, Volume = {25}, Abstract = {A comprehensive analysis of the stability properties of the appropriate kinetically generalized form of MHD ballooning modes, together with the usual trapped-particle drift modes, is presented. The calculations are fully electromagnetic and include the complete dynamics associated with compressional ion acoustic waves. Trapped-particle effects, together with all forms of collisionless dissipation, are taken into account without approximations. The influence of collisions is estimated with a model Krook operator. Results from the application of this analysis to realistic tokamak operating conditions indicate that unstable short-wavelength modes with significant growth rates can extend from β = 0 to values above the upper ideal-MHD critical beta associated with the 'second stability regime'. Since the maximum growth rates of the relevant modes appear to vary gradually with beta, these results support a 'soft' beta-limit picture involving a continuous (rather than abrupt or 'hard') modification of anomalous transport already present in low-beta tokamaks. However, at higher beta the increasing dominance of the electromagnetic component of the perturbations indicated by these calculations could also imply significantly different transport scaling properties.}, File = {Tang1985_0029-5515_25_2_003[1].pdf:Tang1985_0029-5515_25_2_003[1].pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.06}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/25/i=2/a=003} } @Article{Tang2002, author = {W. M. Tang}, title = {Advanced computations in plasma physics}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2002}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, pages = {1856-1872}, abstract = {Scientific simulation in tandem with theory and experiment is an essential tool for understanding complex plasma behavior. In this paper we review recent progress and future directions for advanced simulations in magnetically confined plasmas with illustrative examples chosen from magnetic confinement research areas such as microturbulence, magnetohydrodynamics, magnetic reconnection, and others. Significant recent progress has been made in both particle and fluid simulations of fine-scale turbulence and large-scale dynamics, giving increasingly good agreement between experimental observations and computational modeling. This was made possible by innovative advances in analytic and computational methods for developing reduced descriptions of physics phenomena spanning widely disparate temporal and spatial scales together with access to powerful new computational resources. In particular, the fusion energy science community has made excellent progress in developing advanced codes for which computer run-time and problem size scale well with the number of processors on massively parallel machines (MPP’s). A good example is the effective usage of the full power of multi-teraflop (multi-trillion floating point computations per second) MPP’s to produce three-dimensional, general geometry, nonlinear particle simulations which have accelerated progress in understanding the nature of turbulence self-regulation by zonal flows. It should be emphasized that these calculations, which typically utilized billions of particles for thousands of time-steps, would not have been possible without access to powerful present generation MPP computers and the associated diagnostic and visualization capabilities. In general, results from advanced simulations provide great encouragement for being able to include increasingly realistic dynamics to enable deeper physics insights into plasmas in both natural and laboratory environments. The associated scientific excitement should serve to stimulate improved cross-cutting collaborations with other fields and also to help attract bright young talent to plasma science. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1467985}, file = {Tang2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1856.pdf:Tang2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1856.pdf:PDF}, groups = {simulation}, keywords = {plasma simulation; physics computing; plasma confinement; plasma turbulence; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.12.13}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/9/1856/1}, } @Article{Tang2005, author = {W M Tang and V S Chan}, title = {Advances and challenges in computational plasma science}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2005}, volume = {47}, number = {2}, pages = {R1}, abstract = {Scientific simulation, which provides a natural bridge between theory and experiment, is an essential tool for understanding complex plasma behaviour. Recent advances in simulations of magnetically confined plasmas are reviewed in this paper, with illustrative examples, chosen from associated research areas such as microturbulence, magnetohydrodynamics and other topics. Progress has been stimulated, in particular, by the exponential growth of computer speed along with significant improvements in computer technology. The advances in both particle and fluid simulations of fine-scale turbulence and large-scale dynamics have produced increasingly good agreement between experimental observations and computational modelling. This was enabled by two key factors: (a) innovative advances in analytic and computational methods for developing reduced descriptions of physics phenomena spanning widely disparate temporal and spatial scales and (b) access to powerful new computational resources. Excellent progress has been made in developing codes for which computer run-time and problem-size scale well with the number of processors on massively parallel processors (MPPs). Examples include the effective usage of the full power of multi-teraflop (multi-trillion floating point computations per second) MPPs to produce three-dimensional, general geometry, nonlinear particle simulations that have accelerated advances in understanding the nature of turbulence self-regulation by zonal flows. These calculations, which typically utilized billions of particles for thousands of time-steps, would not have been possible without access to powerful present generation MPP computers and the associated diagnostic and visualization capabilities. In looking towards the future, the current results from advanced simulations provide great encouragement for being able to include increasingly realistic dynamics to enable deeper physics insights into plasmas in both natural and laboratory environments. This should produce the scientific excitement which will help to (a) stimulate enhanced cross-cutting collaborations with other fields and (b) attract the bright young talent needed for the future health of the field of plasma science.}, file = {Tang2005_0741-3335_47_2_R01.pdf:Tang2005_0741-3335_47_2_R01.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Review, simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/47/i=2/a=R01}, } @Article{Tang1993, Title = {Long‐wavelength microinstabilities in toroidal plasmas}, Author = {W. M. Tang and G. Rewoldt}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids B}, Year = {1993}, Pages = {2451}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {Realistic kinetic toroidal eigenmode calculations have been carried out to support a proper assessment of the influence of long‐wavelength microturbulence on transport in tokamak plasmas. In order to efficiently evaluate large‐scale kinetic behavior extending over many rational surfaces, significant improvements have been made to a toroidal finite element code used to analyze the fully two‐dimensional (r,θ) mode structures of trapped‐ion and toroidal ion temperature gradient (ITG) instabilities. It is found that even at very long wavelengths, these eigenmodes exhibit a strong ballooning character with the associated radial structure relatively insensitive to ion Landau damping at the rational surfaces. In contrast to the long‐accepted picture that the radial extent of trapped‐ion instabilities is characterized by the ion‐gyroradius‐scale associated with strong localization between adjacent rational surfaces, present results demonstrate that under realistic conditions, the actual scale is governed by the large‐scale variations in the equilibrium gradients. Applications to recent measurements of fluctuation properties in Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) [Plasma Phys. Controlled Nucl. Fusion Res. (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1985), Vol. 1, p. 29] L‐mode plasmas indicate that the theoretical trends appear consistent with spectral characteristics as well as rough heuristic estimates of the transport level. Benchmarking calculations in support of the development of a three‐dimensional toroidal gyrokinetic code indicate reasonable agreement with respect to both the properties of the eigenfunctions and the magnitude of the eigenvalues during the linear phase of the simulations of toroidal ITG instabilities. }, Doi = {10.1063/1.860730}, File = {Tang1993_PFB002451.pdf:Tang1993_PFB002451.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.10}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/pfbpei/v5/i7/p2451_s1} } @Article{Tardocchi2012, Title = {Production and diagnosis of energetic particles in FAST}, Author = {M. Tardocchi and A. Bruschi and L. Figini and G. Grossetti and D. Marocco and M. Nocente and G. Calabrò and A. Cardinali and F. Crisanti and B. Esposito and G. Gorini and G. Grosso and M. Lontano and S. Nowak and F. Orsitto and U. Tartari and O. Tudisco}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {023002}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {The Fusion Advanced Study Torus (FAST) has been proposed as a possible European satellite facility to study fast-ion physics in deuterium plasmas under conditions relevant to a burning plasma. Energetic minority ions (H or 3 He) accelerated by ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH), with dimensionless parameters close to those of fusion-born alphas in ITER, can be produced in FAST via 30 MW power ICRH minority heating. This work provides a first assessment of the extent to which the 3 He fast-ion population can be diagnosed in FAST with a set of dedicated diagnostics for confined fast particles. Neutron emission spectroscopy (NES), gamma-ray spectroscopy (GRS) and collective Thomson scattering (CTS) diagnostics have been reviewed with a description of the state-of-the-art hardware and a preliminary analysis of the required lines of sight. The results of the analysis, based on numerical simulations of the spatial and energetic particle distribution function of the ICRH-accelerated ions for the standard FAST H-mode scenario, suggest that NES and GRS measurements can provide information on the fast 3 He population effective tail temperature, with time resolutions in the range 20–100 ms. The proposed CTS diagnostic can measure the fast-ion parallel and perpendicular temperature with a spatial resolution of 5–10 cm and a time resolution of 10 ms. The paper provides a scientific basis for the prediction of the production and diagnosis of energetic ions in FAST.}, File = {Tardocchi2012_0029-5515_52_2_023002.pdf:Tardocchi2012_0029-5515_52_2_023002.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.01.13}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=2/a=023002} } @Article{Tasso2011, Title = {A comparison of Vlasov with drift kinetic and gyrokinetic theories}, Author = {H. Tasso and G. N. Throumoulopoulos}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {064507}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {A kinetic consideration of an axisymmetric equilibrium with vanishing electric field near the magnetic axis shows that ∇f should not vanish on axis within the framework of Vlasov theory while it can either vanish or not in the framework of both a drift kinetic and a gyrokinetic theories (f is either the pertinent particle or the guiding center distribution function). This different behavior, relating to the reduction of phase space which leads to the loss of a Vlasov constant of motion, may result in the construction of different currents in the reduced phase space than the Vlasov ones. This conclusion is indicative of some limitation on the implications of reduced kinetic theories, in particular, as concerns the physics of energetic particles in the central region of magnetically confined plasmas.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3593461}, File = {Tasso2011_PhysPlasmas_18_064507.pdf:Tasso2011_PhysPlasmas_18_064507.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.31}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i6/p064507_s1} } @Article{Tataronis1973, Title = {Decay of MHD waves by phase mixing}, Author = {Tataronis, J. and Grossmann, W.}, Journal = {Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei}, Year = {1973}, Note = {10.1007/BF01391913}, Pages = {203-216}, Volume = {261}, Abstract = {It is well known, [1–6], that the linearized equations of motion of ideal MHD possess a continuous spectrum which leads to damping of propagating waves through phase mixing. We show how this arises by examining the dispersion relation for plasmas with non-uniform profiles and comparing the results with those of a sharp boundary model. In this paper the special case of the non-uniform sheet-pinch is examined in order to present the mathematical details as clearly as possible. It is shown that as a result of the non-uniformity the frequency of the waves is a complex quantity having a real and imaginary part. The corresponding eigenfunctions and their mathematical pathology are discussed.}, Affiliation = {Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Euratom Association Garching bei München Deutschland}, File = {Tataronis1973_fulltext.pdf:Tataronis1973_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0939-7922}, Issue = {3}, Keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, Timestamp = {2011.07.05}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01391913} } @Article{Tatsuno2009, Title = {Nonlinear Phase Mixing and Phase-Space Cascade of Entropy in Gyrokinetic Plasma Turbulence}, Author = {Tatsuno, T. and Dorland, W. and Schekochihin, A. A. and Plunk, G. G. and Barnes, M. and Cowley, S. C. and Howes, G. G.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2009}, Month = {Jun}, Number = {1}, Pages = {015003}, Volume = {103}, Abstract = {Electrostatic turbulence in weakly collisional, magnetized plasma can be interpreted as a cascade of entropy in phase space, which is proposed as a universal mechanism for dissipation of energy in magnetized plasma turbulence. When the nonlinear decorrelation time at the scale of the thermal Larmor radius is shorter than the collision time, a broad spectrum of fluctuations at sub-Larmor scales is numerically found in velocity and position space, with theoretically predicted scalings. The results are important because they identify what is probably a universal Kolmogorov-like regime for kinetic turbulence; and because any physical process that produces fluctuations of the gyrophase-independent part of the distribution function may, via the entropy cascade, result in turbulent heating at a rate that increases with the fluctuation amplitude, but is independent of the collision frequency.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.015003}, File = {Tatsuno2009_PhysRevLett.103.015003.pdf:Tatsuno2009_PhysRevLett.103.015003.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.07.02} } @Article{Taylor1968, Title = {Stability of general plasma equilibria - I formal theory}, Author = {J B Taylor and R J Hastie}, Journal = {Plasma Physics}, Year = {1968}, Number = {5}, Pages = {479}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {A method is described for the detailed investigation of electrostatic instabilities in real experimental geometries. These have frequently been discussed in the plane slab model, and modifications of it, but the present work includes all geometrical effects from the outset. The starting point is the collisionless Boltzmann equation with the approximation that the scale length of the equilibrium is long compared to the ion gyro radius. The main interest is in perturbations of low frequency but of arbitrary wavelength, which may be comparable to the ion Larmor radius. Thus several instabilities such as drift wave, flute or trapped particle, come within the scope of the theory. Expressions are first obtained for the contribution to the charge density produced by an arbitrary electrostatic perturbation affecting particles whose unperturbed orbits are (i) trapped between magnetic mirrors; (ii) circulating around closed field lines; (iii) tracing out a magnetic surface. Together with Poisson's equation these expressions lead, via the appropriate Nyquist contours, to stability criteria valid for arbitrary equilibria. Finally it is shown how this method leads to a differential equation whose solution will determine the stability of an experimental configuration such as the multipole.}, File = {Taylor1968_0032-1028_10_5_301.pdf:Taylor1968_0032-1028_10_5_301.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.28}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0032-1028/10/i=5/a=301} } @Article{Taylor1989, Title = {\textit{H} -mode behavior induced by cross-field currents in a tokamak}, Author = {Taylor, R. J. and Brown, M. L. and Fried, B. D. and Grote, H. and Liberati, J. R. and Morales, G. J. and Pribyl, P. and Darrow, D. and Ono, M.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1989}, Month = {Nov}, Pages = {2365--2368}, Volume = {63}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.63.2365}, File = {Taylor1989_PhysRevLett.63.2365.pdf:Taylor1989_PhysRevLett.63.2365.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {21}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.63.2365} } @Article{Thomas2012, Title = {A review of Vlasov–Fokker–Planck numerical modeling of inertial confinement fusion plasma}, Author = {A.G.R. Thomas and M. Tzoufras and A.P.L. Robinson and R.J. Kingham and C.P. Ridgers and M. Sherlock and A.R. Bell}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {2012}, Note = {Special Issue: Computational Plasma Physics Special Issue: Computational Plasma Physics}, Number = {3}, Pages = {1051 - 1079}, Volume = {231}, Abstract = {The interaction of intense lasers with solid matter generates a hot plasma state that is well described by the Vlasov–Fokker–Planck equation. Accurate and efficient modeling of the physics in these scenarios is highly pertinent, because it relates to experimental campaigns to produce energy by inertial confinement fusion on facilities such as the National Ignition Facility. Calculations involving the Vlasov–Fokker–Planck equation are computationally intensive, but are crucial to proper understanding of a wide variety of physical effects and instabilities in inertial fusion plasmas. In this topical review, we will introduce the background physics related to Vlasov–Fokker–Planck simulation, and then proceed to describe results from numerical simulation of inertial fusion plasma in a pedagogical manner by discussing some key numerical algorithm developments that enabled the research to take place. A qualitative comparison of the techniques is also given.}, Doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2011.09.028}, File = {Thomas2012_science.pdf:Thomas2012_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Keywords = {Computational}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.14}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999111005717} } @Article{Thomas1986, Title = {Simulation of magnetic phenomena driven by parallel ion motion}, Author = {V. A. Thomas and Stephen H. Brecht}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1986}, Number = {10}, Pages = {3398-3406}, Volume = {29}, Abstract = {In this paper a one‐dimensional Darwin quasineutral hybrid simulation code is used to investigate the large spatial scale (λ∼c/ωpi) low‐frequency (ω∼ωci) collisionless evolution of a plasma slug of finite width traveling parallel to an ambient magnetic field in the presence of a uniform background plasma. Such a system may cause excitation of large amplitude magnetosonic waves and mixing of the background and slug ions. Under certain conditions, background ions and slug ions are driven upstream of the interaction region. Particular attention is paid to the width of the plasma slug, thermal effects, the anomalous resistivity, and the relative velocity of the two plasmas.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.865856}, File = {Thomas1986_PFL003398.pdf:Thomas1986_PFL003398.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {COLLISIONLESS PLASMA; ONEDIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS; MAGNETIC FIELDS; MAGNETOACOUSTIC WAVES; ION DRIFT; INTERACTIONS; TEMPERATURE EFFECTS; ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY; VELOCITY; STRATIFICATION; SIMULATION; ION BEAMS; BEAMPLASMA SYSTEMS; RADIATION STREAMING}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.04.20}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/29/3398/1} } @Article{Thompson1971, Title = {Nonlinear Evolution of Collisionless Electron Beam-Plasma Systems}, Author = {James R. Thompson}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1971}, Number = {7}, Pages = {1532-1541}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {The problem of the nonlinear time evolution of a cold beam‐plasma system, for which weak turbulence theory is well known to be inapplicable, is examined under the restrictions to one‐dimensional electrostatic oscillations and for systems where the ratio of the beam density to the background plasma density is a small parameter. In this case, it may be shown that the electrostatic field undergoes rapid growth to a state of meta‐equilibrium, followed by a slower time development. The mechanism for the nonlinear saturation of this growth is the trapping of beam electrons in the wave troughs of the electrostatic field. The existence of a unique single wave nonlinear Bernstein‐Greene‐Kruskal stationary state is established for this system and its properties (e.g., its energy content, wavelength, phase velocity) are evaluated. This Bernstein‐Greene‐Kruskal state is apparently approached closely by the system in the course of its time evolution. The predictions of the theories are compared with computer calculations and are found to be in good agreement.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1693640}, File = {Thompson1971_PFL001532.pdf:Thompson1971_PFL001532.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.19}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/14/1532/1} } @Article{Thompson2012, Title = {A Maxwell formulation for the equations of a plasma}, Author = {Richard J. Thompson and Trevor M. Moeller}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2012}, Number = {1}, Pages = {010702}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {In light of the analogy between the structure of electrodynamics and fluid dynamics, the fluid equations of motion may be reformulated as a set of Maxwell equations. This analogy has been explored in the literature for incompressible turbulent flow and compressible flow but has not been widely explored in relation to plasmas. This letter introduces the analogous fluid Maxwell equations and formulates a set of Maxwell equations for a plasma in terms of the species canonical vorticity and its cross product with the species velocity. The form of the source terms is presented and the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) limit restores the typical variety of MHD waves.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3675853}, Eid = {010702}, File = {Thompson2012_PhysPlasmas_19_010702.pdf:Thompson2012_PhysPlasmas_19_010702.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {compressible flow; Maxwell equations; plasma magnetohydrodynamic waves; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma turbulence; vortices}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.12}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/010702/1} } @Article{Thomsen2011, Title = {Power load characterization for type-I ELMy H-modes in JET}, Author = {H. Thomsen and T. Eich and S. Devaux and G. Arnoux and S. Brezinsek and E. delaLuna and W. Fundamenski and A. Herrmann and A. Huber and S. Jachmich and P. Lomas and I. Nunes and G. Saibene and A. Scarabosio and J. Schweinzer and JET EFDA Contributors}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {123001}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {ELM-resolved divertor target power load studies were conducted for a wide range of discharge conditions in the JET tokamak. The magnetic configuration of these discharges was optimized for the fast divertor IR camera observing the outboard target. It is found that the ELM size estimated from the diamagnetic energy is not uniquely determining the ELM energy load at the divertor target. ELM mid-plane integral deposited power widths between 7 and 18 mm are observed, the inter-ELM widths lie in the range 2.5–6 mm. This ELM broadening is found to widen with ELM size. The temporal evolution of the ELM shape was characterized by rise and decay times. The ELM rise times are found to be in the range expected for ITER (250 µs), but the ELM decay is usually larger than assumed for the ITER design.}, File = {Thomsen2011_0029-5515_51_12_123001.pdf:Thomsen2011_0029-5515_51_12_123001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.08}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=12/a=123001} } @Article{TJULIN2000, Title = {Physical interpretation of the Padé approximation of the plasma dispersion function}, Author = {ANDERS TJULIN and ANDERS I. ERIKSSON and MATS ANDRE}, Journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, Year = {2000}, Number = {03}, Pages = {287-296}, Volume = {64}, Abstract = {ABSTRACT It is shown that using Padé approximants in the evaluation of the plasma dispersion function Z for a Maxwellian plasma is equivalent to the exact treatment for a plasma described by a ‘simple-pole distribution’, i.e. a distribution function that is a sum of simple poles in the complex velocity plane (v plane). In general, such a distribution function will have several zeros on the real v axis, and negative values in some ranges of v. This is shown to be true for the Padé approximant of Z commonly used in numerical packages such as WHAMP. The realization that an approximation of Z is equivalent to an approximation of f(v) leads the way to the study of more general distribution functions, and we compare the distribution corresponding to the Padé approximant used in WHAMP with a strictly positive and monotonically decreasing approximation of a Maxwellian.}, Doi = {10.1017/S0022377800008606}, Eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377800008606}, File = {TJULIN2000_S0022377800008606a.pdf:TJULIN2000_S0022377800008606a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.07}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377800008606} } @Article{Todo2006, Title = {Properties of energetic-particle continuum modes destabilized by energetic ions with beam-like velocity distributions}, Author = {Y. Todo}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2006}, Pages = {082503}, Volume = {13}, Abstract = {Properties of energetic-particle continuum modes (EPMs) destabilized by energetic ions in tokamak plasmas were investigated using a hybrid simulation code for magnetohydrodynamics and energetic particles. The energetic ions are assumed to have beam-like velocity distributions for the purpose of clarifying the dependence on energetic ion velocity. It was found that for beam velocities lower than the Alfvén velocity, the unstable modes are EPMs while the toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes are unstable for the beam velocities well above the Alfvén velocity. The EPMs destabilized by the copassing energetic ions and those destabilized by the counterpassing energetic ions differ in primary poloidal harmonics and spatial locations. The frequencies of the EPMs are located close to the shear Alfvén continuous spectrum when they are compared at the spatial peak locations of the primary poloidal harmonic or compared at the spatial tails if the primary poloidal harmonic is m = 1. The frequencies of the EPMs were carefully compared with the energetic-ion orbital frequencies. It was found that the frequencies of the EPMs are in good agreement with the energetic-ion orbital frequencies with a correction for the toroidal circulation frequency. This demonstrates that the energetic-ion orbital frequency determines the EPM frequency.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2234296}, File = {Todo2006_PhysPlasmas_13_082503.pdf:Todo2006_PhysPlasmas_13_082503.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v13/i8/p082503_s1} } @Article{Todo2005a, author = {Yasushi Todo}, title = {A Complementary Fluid Method in $\delta$f Particle Simulation}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research}, year = {2005}, volume = {81}, number = {11}, pages = {944-948}, abstract = {A new simulation method that improves the conservation properties of δf particle simulation for the collisionless Boltzmann equation is presented. When the distribution function is divided into a reference distribution specified in advance and a variation distribution, the time evolution of the variation distribution is described by an advection term in the phase space and a source term associated with the reference distribution. The time evolution of the Klimontovich distribution function of the δf method was investigated. It is shown that the errors in the Monte Carlo estimate of the source term in the δf method deteriorate the conservation properties. In the new simulation method, errors in the Monte Carlo estimate of the source term are corrected with a complementary fluid model. An example of the complementary fluid model is presented for bump-on-tail instability. The simulation results are compared with those of the conventional δf method. It is demonstrated that particle, momentum, and energy are well conserved with the new simulation method.}, doi = {10.1585/jspf.81.944}, file = {Todo2005a.pdf:Todo2005a.pdf:PDF}, groups = {pic}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.11.13}, url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005JPFR...81..944T}, } @Article{Todo2010, Title = {Nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic effects on Alfvén eigenmode evolution and zonal flow generation}, Author = {Y. Todo and H.L. Berk and B.N. Breizman}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {8}, Pages = {084016}, Volume = {50}, Abstract = {Nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effects on Alfvén eigenmode evolution were investigated via hybrid simulations of an MHD fluid interacting with energetic particles. The investigation focused on the evolution of an n = 4 toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) which is destabilized by energetic particles in a tokamak. In addition to fully nonlinear code, a linear-MHD code was used for comparison. The only nonlinearity in that linear code is from the energetic-particle dynamics. No significant difference was found in the results of the two codes for low saturation levels, δ B / B ~ 10 −3 . In contrast, when the TAE saturation level predicted by the linear code is δ B / B ~ 10 −2 , the saturation amplitude in the fully nonlinear simulation was reduced by a factor of 2 due to the generation of zonal ( n = 0) and higher- n ( n ≥ 8) modes. This reduction is attributed to the increased dissipation arising from the nonlinearly generated modes. The fully nonlinear simulations also show that geodesic acoustic mode is excited by the MHD nonlinearity after the TAE mode saturation.}, File = {Todo2010_0029-5515_50_8_084016.pdf:Todo2010_0029-5515_50_8_084016.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.11.16}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/50/i=8/a=084016} } @Article{Todo2003, Title = {Simulation of intermittent beam ion loss in a Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor experiment}, Author = {Y. Todo and H. L. Berk and B. N. Breizman}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2003}, Number = {7}, Pages = {2888-2902}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {The linear growth rates of TAE (toroidal Alfvén eigenmode) modes destabilized by ICRF (ion cyclotron range of frequency) heating are calculated over a range of plasma parameters. Nonlinear saturation of a single unstable mode is investigated both analytically and numerically when wave–particle trapping is the dominant saturation mechanism. A numerical code has been developed based on a reduced resonance description of the wave–particle interaction (using a Hamiltonian formalism). A delta-f algorithm was incorporated to allow a low-noise description of mode evolution with particle sources and sinks present. The numerically observed saturation amplitudes correlate well with theoretical predictions to within 20%. Self-excited frequency sweeping resulting from the excitation of many simultaneous wave–particle resonances at different energies is demonstrated and explained as an extension of previous published theory [Berk et al., Phys. Lett. A 234, 213 (1997)].}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1580122}, File = {Todo2003_PhysPlasmas_10_2888.pdf:Todo2003_PhysPlasmas_10_2888.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; plasma simulation; plasma instability; plasma Alfven waves}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.11.16}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/10/2888/1} } @Article{Todo1998, Title = {Linear and nonlinear particle-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the toroidal Alfvén eigenmode}, Author = {Y. Todo and T. Sato}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1998}, Pages = {1321}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {Linear and nonlinear particle-magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulation codes are developed to study interactions between energetic ions and MHD modes. Energetic alpha particles with the slowing-down distribution are considered and the behavior of n = 2 toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE modes) is investigated with the parameters pertinent to the present large tokamaks. The linear simulation reveals the resonance condition between alpha particles and TAE mode. In the nonlinear simulation, two n = 2 TAE modes are destabilized and alpha particle losses induced thereby are observed. Counterpassing particles are lost when they cross the passing-trapped boundary. They are the major part of lost particles, but trapped particles are also lost appreciably.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872791}, File = {Todo1998_PhysPlasmas_5_1321.pdf:Todo1998_PhysPlasmas_5_1321.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.24}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v5/i5/p1321_s1} } @Article{Todo1995, Title = {Magnetohydrodynamic Vlasov simulation of the toroidal Alfvén eigenmode}, Author = {Y. Todo and T. Sato and K. Watanabe and T. H. Watanabe and R. Horiuchi}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1995}, Pages = {2711}, Volume = {2}, Abstract = {A new simulation method has been developed to investigate the excitation and saturation processes of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE modes). The background plasma is described by a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) fluid model, while the kinetic evolution of energetic alpha particles is followed by the drift kinetic equation. The magnetic fluctuation of n=2 mode develops and saturates at the level of 1.8×10−3 of the equilibrium field when the initial beta of alpha particles is 2% at the magnetic axis. After saturation, the TAE mode amplitude shows an oscillatory behavior with a frequency corresponding to the bounce frequency of the alpha particles trapped by the TAE mode. The decrease of the power transfer rate from the alpha particles to the TAE mode, which is due to the trapped particle effect of a finite‐amplitude wave, causes the saturation. From the linear growth rate the saturation level can be estimated.}, Doi = {1063/1.871235}, File = {Todo1995_PhysPlasmas_2_2711.pdf:Todo1995_PhysPlasmas_2_2711.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.24}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v2/i7/p2711_s1} } @Article{Todo2005, Title = {Nonlocal energetic particle mode in a JT-60U plasma}, Author = {Y. Todo and K. Shinohara and M. Takechi and M. Ishikawa}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2005}, Pages = {012503}, Volume = {12}, Abstract = {Energetic-ion driven instability in a Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokamak-60 Upgrade (JT-60U) [ S. Ishida et al., Phys. Plasmas 11, 2532 (2004) ] plasma was investigated using a simulation code for magnetohydrodynamics and energetic particles. The spatial profile of the unstable mode peaks near the plasma center where the safety factor profile is flat. The unstable mode is not a toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) because the spatial profile deviates from the expected location of TAE and the spatial profile consists of a single primary harmonic m/n = 2/1 where m and n are poloidal and toroidal mode numbers. The real frequency of the unstable mode is close to the experimental starting frequency of the fast frequency sweeping mode. Simulation results demonstrate that energetic-ion orbit width and energetic-ion pressure significantly broaden radial profile of the unstable mode. For the smallest value among the investigated energetic-ion orbit width, the unstable mode is localized within 20% of the minor radius. This gives an upper limit of the spatial profile width of the unstable mode which the magnetohydrodynamic effects alone can induce. For the experimental condition of the JT-60U plasma, energetic ions broaden the radial width of the unstable mode spatial profile by a factor of 3. The unstable mode is primarily induced by the energetic particles.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1828084}, File = {Todo2005_PhysPlasmas_12_012503.pdf:Todo2005_PhysPlasmas_12_012503.pdf:PDF;Todo2005a.pdf:Todo2005a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v12/i1/p012503_s1} } @Article{Todo2001, Title = {Fokker-Planck simulation study of Alfvén eigenmode bursts}, Author = {Y. Todo and T.-H. Watanabe and Hyoung-Bin Park and T. Sato}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2001}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1153}, Volume = {41}, Abstract = {Recurrent bursts of toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) are reproduced with a Fokker-Planck-MHD simulation where a fast ion source and slowing down are incorporated self-consistently. The bursts take place at regular time intervals and the behaviours of all the TAEs are synchronized. The fast ion transport due to TAE activity spatially broadens the classical fast ion distribution and significantly reduces its peak value. Only a small change of the distribution takes place with each burst, leading to loss of a small fraction of the fast ions. The system stays close to the marginal stability state established through the interplay of the fast ion source, slowing down and TAE activity.}, File = {Todo2001_0029-5515_41_9_303.pdf:Todo2001_0029-5515_41_9_303.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.31}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/41/i=9/a=303} } @Article{Tracy2009, Title = {Allan Kaufman's contributions to plasma wave theory}, Author = {E R Tracy and A J Brizard}, Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, Year = {2009}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012008}, Volume = {169}, Abstract = {A brief review is presented of the contributions of Allan Kaufman to the theory of plasma waves. These contributions have been rich and various, characterized by high quality and a sense of what makes a problem both interesting and important. We include a brief summary of work prior to the mid-1980's, but the primary emphasis will be on more recent work concerning the use of phase space methods in the theory of linear plasma waves and mode conversion. One goal of the paper is to place Allan's contributions in the wider context of semi-classical methods. We will emphasize the underlying intuitions rather than providing a detailed mathematical exposition which can be found in the literature cited.}, File = {Tracy2009_1742-6596_169_1_012008.pdf:Tracy2009_1742-6596_169_1_012008.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.07}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/169/i=1/a=012008} } @Article{Treumann2004, Title = {The strange physics of low frequency mirror mode turbulence in the high temperature plasma of the magnetosheath}, Author = {Treumann, R. A. and Jaroschek, C. H. and Constantinescu, O. D. and Nakamura, R. and Pokhotelov, O. A. and Georgescu, E.}, Journal = {Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics}, Year = {2004}, Number = {5/6}, Pages = {647--657}, Volume = {11}, Abstract = {Mirror mode turbulence is the lowest frequency perpendicular magnetic excitation in magnetized plasma proposed already about half a century ago by Rudakov and Sagdeev (1958) and Chandrasekhar et al. (1958) from fluid theory. Its experimental verification required a relatively long time. It was early recognized that mirror modes for being excited require a transverse pressure (or temperature) anisotropy. In principle mirror modes are some version of slow mode waves. Fluid theory, however, does not give a correct physical picture of the mirror mode. The linear infinitesimally small amplitude physics is described correctly only by including the full kinetic theory and is modified by existing spatial gradients of the plasma parameters which attribute a small finite frequency to the mode. In addition, the mode is propagating only very slowly in plasma such that convective transport is the main cause of flow in it. As the lowest frequency mode it can be expected that mirror modes serve as one of the dominant energy inputs into plasma. This is however true only when the mode grows to large amplitude leaving the linear stage. At such low frequencies, on the other hand, quasilinear theory does not apply as a valid saturation mechanism. Probably the dominant processes are related to the generation of gradients in the plasma which serve as the cause of drift modes thus transferring energy to shorter wavelength propagating waves of higher nonzero frequency. This kind of theory has not yet been developed as it has not yet been understood why mirror modes in spite of their slow growth rate usually are of very large amplitudes indeed of the order of |B/B0|2~O(1). It is thus highly reasonable to assume that mirror modes are instrumental for the development of stationary turbulence in high temperature plasma. Moreover, since the magnetic field in mirror turbulence forms extended though slightly oblique magnetic bottles, low parallel energy particles can be trapped in mirror modes and redistribute energy (cf. for instance, Chisham et al. 1998). Such trapped electrons excite banded whistler wave emission known under the name of lion roars and indicating that the mirror modes contain a trapped particle component while leading to the splitting of particle distributions (see Baumjohann et al., 1999) into trapped and passing particles. The most amazing fact about mirror modes is, however, that they evolve in the practically fully collisionless regime of high temperature plasma where it is on thermodynamic reasons entirely impossible to expel any magnetic field from the plasma. The fact that magnetic fields are indeed locally extracted makes mirror modes similar to "superconducting" structures in matter as known only at extremely low temperatures. Of course, microscopic quantum effects do not play a role in mirror modes. However, it seems that all mirror structures have typical scales of the order of the ion inertial length which implies that mirrors evolve in a regime where the transverse ion and electron motions decouple. In this case the Hall kinetics comes into play. We estimate that in the marginally stationary nonlinear state of the evolution of mirror modes the modes become stretched along the magnetic field with k||=0 and that a small number the order of a few percent of the particle density is responsible only for the screening of the field from the interior of the mirror bubbles.}, Doi = {10.5194/npg-11-647-2004}, File = {Treumann2004_npg-11-647-2004.pdf:Treumann2004_npg-11-647-2004.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.02}, Url = {http://www.nonlin-processes-geophys.net/11/647/2004/} } @Article{Tsai1993, Title = {Theory of kinetic ballooning modes excited by energetic particles in tokamaks}, Author = {Shih‐Tung Tsai and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids B}, Year = {1993}, Pages = {3284}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {Resonant excitations of kinetic ballooning modes by the energetic ions/alpha particles in tokamaks have been analyzed theoretically. The theoretical analysis includes finite‐size orbit effects of both circulating and trapped particles. With energetic particle contributions suppressed in the singular inertial layer, an analytic dispersion relation can then be derived via an asymptotic matching analysis. The dispersion relation, in particular, demonstrates the existence of two types of modes; that is, the magnetohydrodynamic gap mode and the energetic‐particle continuum mode. Specific expressions for real frequencies, growth rates and threshold conditions are also derived for a model slowing‐down beam ion distribution function.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860624}, File = {Tsai1993_PFB003284.pdf:Tsai1993_PFB003284.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.11}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/pfbpei/v5/i9/p3284_s1} } @Article{Tsang1981, Title = {Destabilitization of low mode number Alfv[e-acute]n modes in a tokamak by energetic or alpha particles}, Author = {K. T. Tsang and D. J. Sigmar and J. C. Whitson}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1981}, Number = {8}, Pages = {1508-1516}, Volume = {24}, Abstract = {With the inclusion of finite Larmor radius effects in the shear Alfvén eigenmode equation, the continuous Alfvén spectrum, which has been extensively discussed in ideal magnetohydrodnamics, is removed. Neutrally stable, discrete radial eignmodes appear in the absence of sources of free energy dand dissipation. Alpha (or energetic) particle toroidal drifts destabilize these modes, provided the particles are faster than the Alfvén speed. Although the electron Landau resonance contributes to damping, a stability study of the parametric variation of the energy and the density scale length of the energetic particles shows that modes with low radial mode numbers remain unstable in most cases. Since the alpha particles are concentrated in the center of the plasma, this drift‐type instability suggests anomalous helium ash diffusion. Indeed, it is shown that stochasticity of alpha orbits due to the overlapping of radially neighboring Alfvén resonances is induced at low amplitudes, eiϕ/Ti≳0.05, implying a diffusion coefficient Drα≳4.4×103 cm2/sec.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.863555}, File = {Tsang1981_PFL001508.pdf:Tsang1981_PFL001508.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; ALPHA PARTICLES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; ALFVEN WAVES; DISTRIBUTION; PLASMA INSTABILITY}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.29}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/24/1508/1} } @Article{Tsiklauri2008, Title = {Physics of collisionless phase mixing}, Author = {D. Tsiklauri and T. Haruki}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Number = {11}, Pages = {112902}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {Previous studies of phase mixing of ion cyclotron (IC), Alfvénic, waves in the collisionless regime have established the generation of parallel electric field and hence acceleration of electrons in the regions of transverse density inhomogeneity. However, outstanding issues were left open. Here we use the 2.5 D, relativistic, fully electromagnetic particle-in-cell code and an analytic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) formulation, to establish the following points: (i) Using the generalized Ohm’s law we find that the parallel electric field is supported mostly by the electron pressure tensor, with a smaller contribution from the electron inertia term. (ii) The generated parallel electric field and the fraction of accelerated electrons are independent of the IC wave frequency remaining at a level of six orders of magnitude larger than the Dreicer value and approximately 20%, respectively. The generated parallel electric field and the fraction of accelerated electrons increase with the increase of IC wave amplitude. The generated parallel electric field seems to be independent of plasma beta, while the fraction of accelerated electrons strongly increases with the decrease of plasma beta (for plasma beta of 0.0001 the fraction of accelerated electrons can be as large as 47%). (iii) In the collisionless regime IC wave dissipation length (that is defined as the distance over which the wave damps) variation with the driving frequency shows a deviation from the analytical MHD result, which we attribute to a possible frequency dependence of the effective resistivity. (iv) Effective anomalous resistivity, inferred from our numerical simulations, is at least four orders of magnitude larger than the classical Spitzer value.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3023157}, Eid = {112902}, File = {Tsiklauri2008_PhysPlasmas_15_112902.pdf:Tsiklauri2008_PhysPlasmas_15_112902.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {numerical analysis; plasma Alfven waves; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma pressure; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes}, Numpages = {7}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.07.05}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/112902/1} } @Article{Tskhakaya2007, Title = {The Particle-In-Cell Method}, Author = {Tskhakaya, D. and Matyash, K. and Schneider, R. and Taccogna, F.}, Journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, Year = {2007}, Number = {8-9}, Pages = {563--594}, Volume = {47}, Abstract = {This paper is the first in a series of three papers to summarize the recent work of an European-wide collaborationwhich is ongoing since about one decade using Particle-in-Cell (PIC) methods in low temperature plasma physics. In the present first paper the main aspects of this computational technique will be presented. In the second paper, an overview of applications in low-temperature plasma modelling will be given, whereas the third part will put emphasis on the specific results of modelling ion thrusters. (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)}, Doi = {10.1002/ctpp.200710072}, File = {Tskhakaya2007_563_ftp.pdf:Tskhakaya2007_563_ftp.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1521-3986}, Keywords = {PIC simulations, MC simulations}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, Timestamp = {2011.12.14}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.200710072} } @Article{Tsui2012, Title = {Tokamak L/H mode transition}, Author = {K. H. Tsui and C. E. Navia}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2012}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012505}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {Through the non field-aligned rotational tokamak equilibrium of a divergence-free plasma flow with a pair of transformed plasma variables * = (μρ)1/2 and μp* = (μp+w*2/2) [K. H. Tsui, Phys. Plasmas 18, 072502 (2011)], a preliminary understanding of the L/H equilibrium transition is proposed through a feedback cycle, where the higher plasma flux due to external drives enters the rotational Grad-Shafranov equation through the velocity dependent poloidal plasma β to generate the H equilibrium. This H rotational mode has the characteristics of higher normal electric field and plasma pressure. Coupled to the transport properties of × drift transport barrier leading to a higher plasma pressure, this makes the H mode a self-sustained equilibrium. The higher plasma β then feeds back to the equilibrium and completes the feedback loop.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3671975}, Eid = {012505}, File = {Tsui2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012505.pdf:Tsui2012_PhysPlasmas_19_012505.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {feedback; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma pressure; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {5}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.01.28}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/012505/1} } @Article{Tsurutani1997, Title = {Some basic concepts of wave-particle interactions in collisionless plasmas}, Author = {B. T. Tsurutani and G. S. Lakhina}, Journal = {Rev. Geophys.}, Year = {1997}, Number = {4}, Pages = {491–501}, Volume = {35}, Abstract = {The physical concepts of wave-particle interactions in a collisionless plasma are developed from first principles. Using the Lorentz force, starting with the concepts of particle gyromotion, particle mirroring and the loss cone, normal and anomalous cyclotron resonant interactions, pitch angle scattering, and cross-field diffusion are developed. To aid the reader, graphic illustrations are provided.}, Doi = {10.1029/97RG02200}, File = {Tsurutani1997_97RG02200.pdf:Tsurutani1997_97RG02200.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.02}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1997/97RG02200.shtml} } @Article{Tsypin1996, Title = {Effect of plasma toroidal flows on ion poloidal rotation and heat conductivity in edge plasmas of elongated tokamaks}, Author = {V.S. Tsypin and C.A. de Azevedo and A.S. de Assis}, Journal = {Physics Letters A}, Year = {1996}, Number = {5-6}, Pages = {282 - 286}, Volume = {219}, Abstract = {The transport processes in edge (collisional) plasmas of axially symmetric tokamaks with elongated cross sections and with toroidal plasma flows are considered. The poloidal velocity of particles and the ion heat flux are derived. It is shown that toroidal plasma flows, induced by neutral beam injection or radio frequency waves, can be used to control the poloidal plasma velocity and ion heat conductivity in a wide range of these values. The ellipticity allows one to achieve these effects at smaller values of the toroidal Mach number.}, Doi = {10.1016/0375-9601(96)00463-X}, File = {Tsypin1996_science.pdf:Tsypin1996_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0375-9601}, Keywords = {Plasma rotation}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.27}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/037596019600463X} } @Article{Tubbing1991, Title = {H-mode confinement in JET with enhanced performance by pellet peaked density profiles}, Author = {B.J.D. Tubbing and B. Balet and D.V. Bartlett and C.D. Challis and S. Corti and R.D. Gill and C. Gormezano and C.W. Gowers and M. von Hellermann and M. Hugon and J.J. Jacquinot and H. Jaeckel and P. Kupschus and K. Lawson and H. Morsi and J. O'Rourke and D. Pasini and F.G. Rimini and G. Sadler and G.L. Schmidt and D.F.H. Start and P.M. Stubberfield and A. Tanga and F. Tibone}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1991}, Number = {5}, Pages = {839}, Volume = {31}, Abstract = {The combination of two regimes of enhanced performance, the H-mode and the pellet enhanced performance (PEP) mode, has been achieved in JET. The strong enhancement of the central plasma parameters, obtained with pellet injection and subsequent auxiliary heating, is found to persist well into the H-mode phase. A characteristic of the PEP regime is that an improvement of the fusion reactivity over non-pellet discharges is obtained under the condition of nearly equal electron and ion temperatures. A maximum neutron production rate of 0.95 × 10 l6 s −1 was obtained in a double-null X-point discharge with 2.5 MW of neutral beam heating and 9 MW of ion cyclotron resonance heating, with central ion and electron temperatures of about 10 keV and a central deuterium density of 8.0 × 10 19 m −3 . The corresponding fusion product n D (0) τ E T i (0) is between 7.0 and 8.6 × 10 20 m −3 ·s·keV. The enhanced neutron production is predominantly of thermonuclear (Maxwellian) origin. The compatibility of these regimes is an important issue in the context of tokamak ignition strategies. Several technical developments on JET have played a role in the achievement of this result: (1) the use of low voltage plasma breakdown (0.15 V/m) to permit pellet injection in an X-point configuration before the formation of a q = 1 surface; (2) the elimination of ICRH specific impurities with antenna Faraday screens made of solid beryllium; (3) the use of a novel system of plasma radial position control that stabilizes the coupling resistance of the ion cyclotron heating system.}, File = {Tubbing1991_0029-5515_31_5_003[1].pdf:Tubbing1991_0029-5515_31_5_003[1].pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.28}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/31/i=5/a=003} } @Article{Tuccillo2011, Title = {Overview of FTU results}, Author = {A.A. Tuccillo and L. Amicucci and B. Angelini and M.L. Apicella and G. Apruzzese and E. Barbato and F. Belli and A. Bertocchi and A. Biancalani and A. Bierwage and W. Bin and L. Boncagni and A. Botrugno and G. Bracco and G. Breyannis and S. Briguglio and A. Bruschi and P. Buratti and G. Calabrò and A. Cardinali and C. Castaldo and S. Ceccuzzi and C. Centioli and R. Cesario and I. Chavdarovski and L. Chen and C. Cianfarani and S. Cirant and R. Coletti and F. Crisanti and O. D'Arcangelo and M. De Angeli and R. De Angelis and F. De Luca and L. Di Matteo and C. Di Troia and B. Esposito and G. Fogaccia and D. Frigione and V. Fusco and L. Gabellieri and A. Garavaglia and L. Garzotti and E. Giovannozzi and G. Granucci and G. Grossetti and G. Grosso and Z.O. Guimarães-Filho and F. Iannone and A. Jacchia and H. Kroegler and E. Lazzaro and M. Lontano and G. Maddaluno and M. Marinucci and D. Marocco and G. Mazzitelli and C. Mazzotta and A. Milovanov and F.C. Mirizzi and G. Monari and A. Moro and S. Nowak and F.P. Orsitto and D. Pacella and L. Panaccione and M. Panella and F. Pegoraro and V. Pericoli-Ridolfini and S. Podda and A. Pizzuto and G. Pucella and G. Ramogida and G. Ravera and M. Romanelli and A. Romano and G. Ramponi and C. Sozzi and G. Szepesi and E. Sternini and O. Tudisco and E. Vitale and G. Vlad and V. Zanza and M. Zerbini and F. Zonca and X. Wang and M. Aquilini and P. Cefali and E. Di Ferdinando and S. Di Giovenale and G. Giacomi and F. Gravanti and A. Grosso and V. Mellera and M. Mezzacappa and V. Muzzini and A. Pensa and P. Petrolini and V. Piergotti and B. Raspante and G. Rocchi and A. Sibio and B. Tilia and C. Torelli and R. Tulli and M. Vellucci and D. Zannetti}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {9}, Pages = {094015}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {New FTU ohmic discharges with a liquid lithium limiter at I P = 0.7–0.75 MA, B T = 7 T and n e0 ≥ 5 × 10 20 m −3 confirm the spontaneous transition to an enhanced confinement regime, 1.3–1.4 times ITER-97-L, when the density peaking factor is above a threshold value of 1.7–1.8. The improved confinement derives from a reduction of electron thermal conductivity (χ e ) as density increases, while ion thermal conductivity (χ i ) remains close to neoclassical values. Linear microstability reveals the importance of lithium in triggering a turbulent inward flux for electrons and deuterium by changing the growth rates and phase of the ion-driven turbulence, while lithium flux is always directed outwards. A particle diffusion coefficient, D ~ 0.07 m 2 s −1 , and an inward pinch velocity, V ~ 0.27 m s −1 , in qualitative agreement with Bohm–gyro-Bohm predictions are inferred in pellet fuelled lithized discharges. Radio frequency heated plasmas benefit from cleaner plasmas with edge optimized conditions. Lower hybrid waves penetration and current drive effects are clearly demonstrated at and above ITER densities thanks to a good control of edge parameters obtained by plasma operations with the external poloidal limiter, lithized walls and pellet fuelling. The electron cyclotron (EC) heating system is extensively exploited in FTU for contributing to ITER-relevant issues such as MHD control: sawtooth crash is actively controlled and density limit disruptions are avoided by central and off-axis deposition of 0.3 MW of EC power at 140 GHz. Fourier analysis shows that the density drop and the temperature rise, stimulated by modulated EC power in low collisionality plasmas are synchronous, implying that the heating method is the common cause of both the electron heating and the density drop. Perpendicularly injected electron cyclotron resonance heating is demonstrated to be more efficient than the obliquely injected one, reducing the minimum electric field required at breakdown by a factor of 3. Theoretical activity further develops the model to interpret high-frequency fishbones on FTU and other experiments as well as to characterize beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes induced by magnetic islands in ohmic discharges. The theoretical framework of the general fishbone-like dispersion relation is used for implementing an extended version of the HMGC hybrid MHD gyrokinetic code. The upgraded version of HMGC will be able to handle fully compressible non-linear gyrokinetic equations and 3D MHD.}, File = {Tuccillo2011_0029-5515_51_9_094015.pdf:Tuccillo2011_0029-5515_51_9_094015.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=9/a=094015} } @Article{Twiss1952, Title = {Propagation in Electron-Ion Streams}, Author = {Twiss, R. Q.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, Year = {1952}, Month = {Dec}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1392--1407}, Volume = {88}, Abstract = {A mathematical theory is given for the propagation of electromagnetic waves in electron-ion streams composed of N discrete beams. The solution, which is fully relativistic, is obtained in vector form by an extension of Hansen's theory and takes explicit account of the initial and boundary conditions. When certain restructions are placed upon the transverse boundary conditions the general solution satisfying arbitrary initial conditions can be expanded in terms of a complete orthogonal set of elementary vector solutions. For this case the necessary and sufficient conditions are found for amplification and instability both in the terminated and the unterminated stream. The correct physical interpretation of the conventional "Ansatz" solutions is found together with the conditions under which they are valid. One is then able to distinguish amplified growing waves from reverse waves attenuated in the reverse direction. Finally the analysis is extended to the continuous velocity distribution. It is shown that the present treatment differs significantly from Landau's theory for the thermal plasma and the consequences of this are discussed.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.88.1392}, File = {Twiss1952_PhysRev.88.1392.pdf:Twiss1952_PhysRev.88.1392.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {15}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.20} } @Article{Uberoi1972, Title = {Alfvén Waves in Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields}, Author = {C. Uberoi}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids}, Year = {1972}, Pages = {1673}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {It has been found that the rigorous and general treatment of electrostatic oscillations in a cold plasma of nonuniform density given by Barston can be extended to the case of Alfvén waves in an ideal fluid in the presence of a class of inhomogeneous magnetic fields.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1694148}, File = {Uberoi1972_PFL001673.pdf:Uberoi1972_PFL001673.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.05} } @Article{UMEDA2006, Title = {Comparison of numerical interpolation schemes for one-dimensional electrostatic Vlasov code}, Author = {UMEDA,TAKAYUKI and ASHOUR-ABDALLA,MAHA and SCHRIVER,DAVID}, Journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, Year = {2006}, Number = {06}, Pages = {1057-1060}, Volume = {72}, Abstract = {ABSTRACT We discuss numerical interpolation schemes used in Vlasov codes. An improved conservative semi-Lagrangian scheme is compared with the latest non-conservative and conservative schemes for a long run-time nonlinear problem of the beam?plasma interaction with respect to the mass and energy conservation.}, Doi = {10.1017/S0022377806005228}, Eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377806005228}, File = {UMEDA2006_Umeda_JPP_2006.pdf:UMEDA2006_Umeda_JPP_2006.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377806005228} } @Article{Umeda2003a, Title = {A new charge conservation method in electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations}, Author = {T Umeda and Y Omura and T Tominaga and H Matsumoto}, Journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, Year = {2003}, Number = {1}, Pages = {73 - 85}, Volume = {156}, Abstract = {We developed a fast algorithm for solving the current density satisfying the continuity equation of charge in electromagnetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. In PIC simulations of the charge conservation, a particle trajectory over one time step is conventionally assumed to be a straight line. In the present new scheme we assume that a particle trajectory is a zigzag line. Compared with the Villasenor–Buneman method and Esirkepov's method, the present scheme has an advantage in computation speed without any substantial distortion of physics.}, Doi = {10.1016/S0010-4655(03)00437-5}, File = {Umeda2003a_science (1).pdf:Umeda2003a_science (1).pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0010-4655}, Keywords = {Charge conservation}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.12}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465503004375} } @Article{Umeda2003, Title = {Harmonic Langmuir waves. III. Vlasov simulation}, Author = {T. Umeda and Y. Omura and P. H. Yoon and R. Gaelzer and H. Matsumoto}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {382}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {Generation of harmonic Langmuir modes during beam–plasma interaction is studied by means of nonlinear theoretical calculations and computer simulations. The present Vlasov simulation of multiple harmonic Langmuir modes (up to 12th harmonics), generalizes the previously available simulations which were restricted to the second harmonic only. The frequency-wave-number spectrum obtained by taking the Fourier transformation of simulated electric field both in time and space shows an excellent agreement with the theoretical nonlinear dispersion relations for harmonic Langmuir waves. The saturated wave amplitude features a quasi-power-law spectrum which reveals that the harmonic generation process may be an integral part of the Langmuir turbulence.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1537240}, File = {Umeda2003_PhysPlasmas_10_382.pdf:Umeda2003_PhysPlasmas_10_382.pdf:PDF;Umeda2003a_science (1).pdf:Umeda2003a_science (1).pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.02}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v10/i2/p382_s1} } @Article{Valentini2008, Title = {Linear and nonlinear regimes of bump-on-tail instability through Vlasov and toy model simulations}, Author = {F. Valentini and R. De Marco and V. Carbone and P. Veltri}, Journal = {EPL (Europhysics Letters)}, Year = {2008}, Number = {5}, Pages = {55001}, Volume = {83}, Abstract = {Resonant wave-particle interaction in collisionless unmagnetized plasmas is numerically investigated by means of a Fermi-like model, focusing on the linear and nonlinear regimes of the well-known bump-on-tail instability. Within this toy model, particle trapping effects are described through elastic collisions of particles with two barriers separated by a fixed length and whose amplitude (proportional to the wave energy) can increase or decrease in time, due to the sequence of stochastic collisions. The systematic comparison of the toy model numerical results with those obtained from Vlasov-Poisson simulations as well as with the predictions of kinetic theory, shows that the nonlinear map, on which the Fermi-like model is based, captures the basic physics of the linear growth of the bump-on-tail instability and of the particle trapping effects which produce the saturation of the instability and drive the nonlinear phase of wave-particle interaction.}, File = {Valentini2008_epl_83_5_55001.pdf:Valentini2008_epl_83_5_55001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.08}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0295-5075/83/i=5/a=55001} } @Article{VanZeeland2006, author = {Van Zeeland, M. A. and Kramer, G. J. and Austin, M. E. and Boivin, R. L. and Heidbrink, W. W. and Makowski, M. A. and McKee, G. R. and Nazikian, R. and Solomon, W. M. and Wang, G.}, title = {Radial Structure of Alfv\'en Eigenmodes in the DIII-D Tokamak through Electron-Cyclotron-Emission Measurements}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2006}, volume = {97}, pages = {135001}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {The spatial structure of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes and reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes in DIII-D is obtained from electron-cyclotron-emission measurements. Peak measured temperature perturbations are of similar magnitude for both toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes and reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes and found to be δTe/Te≈0.5%. Simultaneous measurements of density fluctuations using beam-emission spectroscopy indicate δne/ne≈0.25%. Predictions of the measured temperature and density perturbation profiles as well as δTe/δne from the ideal magnetohydrodynamic code NOVA are in close agreement with experiment.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.135001}, file = {Zeeland2006_PhysRevLett.97.135001.pdf:Zeeland2006_PhysRevLett.97.135001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {13}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.02.05}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.135001}, } @Article{Vann2007, Title = {Strongly Driven Frequency-Sweeping Events in Plasmas}, Author = {Vann, R. G. L. and Berk, H. L. and Soto-Chavez, A. R.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2007}, Month = {Jul}, Number = {2}, Pages = {025003}, Volume = {99}, Abstract = {A generic model of a kinetic plasma formed from a source and sink is presented which without instability would form a strongly unstable state due to a single mode. Instead, the resulting wave-particle resonant interaction maintains the distribution near a marginally stable state through the continual production of fast frequency-sweeping modes that sweep unidirectionally (upward in our case) throughout the energy-inverted region of the distribution function. The energy of these modes can be channeled to the background plasma through wave dissipation and, in our particular example, one quarter of the injected energy is available to be channeled.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.025003}, File = {Vann2007_PhysRevLett.99.025003.pdf:Vann2007_PhysRevLett.99.025003.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22} } @Article{Vann2005, Title = {Theoretical interpretation of frequency sweeping observations in the Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak}, Author = {R. G. L. Vann and R. O. Dendy and M. P. Gryaznevich}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2005}, Pages = {032501}, Volume = {12}, Abstract = {Frequency sweeping (chirping) of high frequency magnetohydrodynamic modes is widely observed in tokamak plasmas. In this paper observations of chirping in neutral-beam-heated plasmas in the Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) [ A. Sykes, R. J. Akers, L. C. Appel et al., Nucl. Fusion 41, 1423 (2001) ] are considered, and it is shown that these may be interpreted using the Berk–Breizman augmentation of the Vlasov–Maxwell equations. This model includes an energetic particle source: it leads not only to a single chirp but also to a series of bursting events. This repetitious behavior is characteristic of the chirping seen in experiments such as MAST. The similarity between features in velocity space and features in frequency space reinforces the theory that hole-clump pair formation is responsible for the observed frequency sweeping.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1851991}, File = {Vann2005_PhysPlasmas_12_032501.pdf:Vann2005_PhysPlasmas_12_032501.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v12/i3/p032501_s1} } @Article{Vann2003, Title = {Fully nonlinear phenomenology of the Berk–Breizman augmentation of the Vlasov–Maxwell system}, Author = {R. G. L. Vann and R. O. Dendy and G. Rowlands and T. D. Arber and N. d’Ambrumenil}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {623}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {The Berk–Breizman augmentation of the Vlasov–Maxwell system is widely used to model self-consistent resonant excitation and damping of wave fields by evolving energetic particle populations in magnetic fusion plasmas. The key model parameters are the particle annihilation rate νa, which drives bump-on-tail structure, and the linear wave damping rate γd. A code, based on the piecewise parabolic method, is used to integrate the fully nonlinear Berk–Breizman system of equations across the whole (νa,γd) parameter space. The results of this code show that the system’s behavior can be classified into one of four types, each of which occurs in a well-defined region of parameter space: chaotic, periodic, steady state, and damped. The corresponding evolution in (x,v) phase space is also examined.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1539854}, File = {Vann2003_PhysPlasmas_10_623.pdf:Vann2003_PhysPlasmas_10_623.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v10/i3/p623_s1} } @Article{Venugopal2006, Title = {Stabilization of the lower hybrid instability excited by longitudinal currents in a multi-ion plasma}, Author = {Chandu Venugopal and M J Kurian and C P Anilkumar and S Antony and G Renuka}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {2006}, Number = {4}, Pages = {389}, Volume = {73}, Abstract = {We have investigated the stability of the lower hybrid wave in a plasma containing hydrogen and positively and negatively charged oxygen ions. The electrons, streaming parallel to the magnetic field, can excite the instability provided their drift velocity exceeds the parallel phase velocity of the wave. This is true for both the collisionless and collisional cases. The growth/damping rate is modified by a factor dependent directly on the number densities and square of the charges on the oxygen ions and inversely on the masses of these ions. Thus oxygen ions, irrespective of the nature of the charge on them, tend to stabilize the wave; the higher the degree of ionization of the oxygen ions, the greater the stabilization for a given number density.}, File = {Venugopal2006_1402-4896_73_4_013.pdf:Venugopal2006_1402-4896_73_4_013.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.20}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/73/i=4/a=013} } @Article{Verboncoeur2005, Title = {Particle simulation of plasmas: review and advances}, Author = {J P Verboncoeur}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2005}, Number = {5A}, Pages = {A231}, Volume = {47}, Abstract = {Particle simulation of plasmas, employed since the 1960s, provides a self-consistent, fully kinetic representation of general plasmas. Early incarnations looked for fundamental plasma effects in one-dimensional systems with ~10 2 –10 3 particles in periodic electrostatic systems on computers with ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/lsim.gif] {lsim} 100 kB memory. Recent advances model boundary conditions, such as external circuits to wave launchers, collisions and effects of particle–surface impact, all in fully relativistic three-dimensional electromagnetic systems using ~10 6 –10 10 particles on massively parallel computers. While particle codes still enjoy prominance in a number of basic physics areas, they are now often used for engineering devices as well.}, File = {Verboncoeur2005_0741-3335_47_5A_017.pdf:Verboncoeur2005_0741-3335_47_5A_017.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.11.19}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/47/i=5A/a=017} } @Article{Verdon2011, Title = {A resistive instability of lower hybrid-like waves in regions with parallel currents}, Author = {A. L. Verdon and Iver H. Cairns and D. B. Melrose and P. A. Robinson}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {082103}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {The resistive instabilities and dispersion of obliquely propagating waves near the lower hybrid (LH) frequency are studied in plasma carrying a current parallel to the magnetic field. Possible applications of these instabilities include magnetic reconnection regions where LH-like waves may accelerate and heat both ions and electrons. A resistive instability is found in one of the four LH-like wave modes for electron drift speeds several times greater than the electron thermal speed for representative parameters. Numerical fully electromagnetic kinetic calculations of the solutions to the linear dispersion equation are compared with more approximate analytic calculations and show good agreement. The analytic results indicate that ion magnetization effects play a critical role in the resistive instability.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3619820}, File = {Verdon2011_PhysPlasmas_18_082103.pdf:Verdon2011_PhysPlasmas_18_082103.pdf:PDF;Verdon2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_052111.pdf:Verdon2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_052111.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i8/p082103_s1} } @Article{Verdon2011a, Title = {Reactive instabilities of lower hybrid-like waves in regions with parallel currents}, Author = {A. L. Verdon and Iver H. Cairns and D. B. Melrose and P. A. Robinson}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {052111}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {The dispersion and reactive instabilities of obliquely propagating waves near the lower hybrid (LH) frequency are studied in plasma carrying a current parallel to the magnetic field. Possible applications of these instabilities include magnetic reconnection regions, where LH-like waves may accelerate and heat both ions and electrons. In plasmas with a bulk drift of electrons relative to the ions at speed vd along the magnetic field, the forward and backward propagating LH modes are shown to be replaced by four LH-like modes. Reactive instabilities are discovered here for a forward propagating mode with Re(ω) ≈ k∥vd/2 and a backward propagating mode with Re(ω) <~5Ωi. Numerical warm, fully electromagnetic, kinetic calculations are compared with cold plasma calculations and agree well, confirming that the discovered instabilities are reactive. In the cold plasma limit, the forward and backward propagating instabilities occur for vd below and above some thresholds, respectively.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3589800}, File = {Verdon2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_052111.pdf:Verdon2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_052111.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i5/p052111_s1} } @Article{Verdon2009, Title = {Warm electromagnetic lower hybrid wave dispersion relation}, Author = {A. L. Verdon and Iver H. Cairns and D. B. Melrose and P. A. Robinson}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {052105}, Volume = {16}, Abstract = {Lower hybrid (LH) waves can interact resonantly with both electrons and ions transferring energy between the species. For this reason the properties of LH waves are of interest. Most treatments of LH waves include either electromagnetic (EM) or warm plasma effects but not both. Here a new analytic dispersion relation for LH waves, including both EM and warm plasma effects, is derived and shown to be more consistent than the previous analytic dispersion relations with numerical results. These comparisons show a very good agreement of the real part of the frequency and reasonable agreement of the imaginary part for a wide range of parameters. It is found that ion magnetization effects, which have been neglected in all previous analytic treatments of LH waves, are surprisingly important. When ion magnetization effects become important the continuous LH mode breaks up into a series of segments of ion Bernstein modes.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3132628}, File = {Verdon2009_PhysPlasmas_16_052105.pdf:Verdon2009_PhysPlasmas_16_052105.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i5/p052105_s1} } @Article{Verdon2008, Title = {Properties of lower hybrid waves}, Author = {Verdon,Alix L. and Cairns,I. H. and Melrose,D. B. and Robinson,P. A.}, Journal = {Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union}, Year = {2008}, Number = {Symposium S257}, Pages = {569-573}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {ABSTRACT Most treatments of lower hybrid waves include either electromagnetic or warm-plasma effects, but not both. Here we compare numerical dispersion curves for lower hybrid waves with a new analytic dispersion relation that includes both warm and electromagnetic effects. Very good agreement is obtained over significant ranges in wavenumber and plasma parameters, except where ion magnetization effects become important.}, Doi = {10.1017/S1743921309029871}, Eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S1743921309029871}, File = {Verdon2008_S1743921309029871a.pdf:Verdon2008_S1743921309029871a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.05}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1743921309029871} } @Article{Verma2011, Title = {Nonlinear oscillations and waves in an arbitrary mass ratio cold plasma}, Author = {Prabal Singh Verma}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122111}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {It is well known that nonlinear standing oscillations in an arbitrary mass ratio cold plasma always phase mix away. However, there exist nonlinear electron-ion traveling wave solutions, which do not exhibit phase mixing because they have zero ponderomotive force. The existence of these waves has been demonstrated using a perturbation method. Moreover, it is shown that cold plasma BGK waves [Albritton et al., Nucl. Fusion 15, 1199 (1975)] phase mix away if ions are allowed to move and the scaling of phase mixing is found to be different from earlier work [Sengupta et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1867 (1999)]. Phase mixing of these waves has been further verified in 1-D particle in cell simulation.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3672517}, Eid = {122111}, File = {Verma2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122111.pdf:Verma2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122111.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {perturbation theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma oscillations; plasma simulation; relativistic plasmas}, Numpages = {6}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/122111/1} } @Article{Vetoulis1996, Title = {Kinetic theory of geomagnetic pulsations 3. Global analysis of drift Alfvén-ballooning modes}, Author = {Georgios Vetoulis and Liu Chen}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {1996}, Number = {A7}, Pages = {15,441-15,456}, Volume = {101}, Abstract = {The radial localization of the drift Alfvén ballooning modes (DABM), proposed by Chen and Hasegawa [1991] to explain Pc 4–5 pulsations excited by highly energetic ring current protons, is examined by using WKB approximations in the radial direction. The problem is reduced to two nested one-dimensional ones, one along the equilibrium magnetic field lines and the other in the radial direction. By ignoring kinetic effects to lowest order it is found that a localization potential well can exist for sufficiently strong earthward pressure gradient (the outer edge of the ring current). However, mode energy tunnels through a finite barrier and gets absorbed at the field line resonance layer, thereby causing damping of the global mode. This damping process imposes a minimum azimuthal mode number for the mode to be localized. The bounce-drift resonance of highly energetic protons is treated perturbatively. The results further support the theoretical picture that antisymmetric high-azimuthal mode-number drift Alfvén-ballooning modes are a good candidate instability mechanism for internally excited geomagnetic pulsations.}, Doi = {10.1029/96JA00494}, File = {Vetoulis1996_96JA00494.pdf:Vetoulis1996_96JA00494.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.20}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1996/96JA00494.shtml} } @Article{Villard2004a, author = {L. Villard and S.J. Allfrey and A. Bottino and M. Brunetti and G.L. Falchetto and V. Grandgirard and R. Hatzky and J. Nührenberg and A.G. Peeters and O. Sauter and S. Sorge and J. Vaclavik}, title = {Full radius linear and nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations for tokamaks and stellarators: zonal flows, applied E × B flows, trapped electrons and finite beta}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2004}, volume = {44}, number = {1}, pages = {172}, abstract = {The aim of this paper is to report on recent advances made in global gyrokinetic simulations of ion temperature gradient (ITG) modes and other microinstabilities. The nonlinear development and saturation of ITG modes and the role of E × B zonal flows are studied with a global nonlinear δ f formulation that retains parallel nonlinearity and thus allows for a check of the energy conservation property as a means of verifying the quality of the numerical simulation. Due to an optimized loading technique, the conservation property is satisfied with an unprecedented quality well into the nonlinear stage. The zonal component of the perturbation evolves to a quasi-steady state with regions of ITG suppression, strongly reduced radial energy flux and steepened effective temperature profiles alternating with regions of higher ITG mode amplitudes, larger radial energy flux and flattened effective temperature profiles. A semi-Lagrangian approach free of statistical noise is proposed as an alternative to the nonlinear δ f formulation. An ASDEX-Upgrade experiment with an internal transport barrier is analysed with a global gyrokinetic code that includes trapped electron dynamics. The weakly destabilizing effect of trapped electron dynamics on ITG modes in an axisymmetric bumpy configuration modelling W7-X is shown in global linear simulations that retain the full electron dynamics. Finite β effects on microinstabilities are investigated with a linear global spectral electromagnetic gyrokinetic formulation. The radial global structure of electromagnetic modes shows a resonant behaviour with rational q values.}, file = {Villard2004_0029-5515_44_1_019.pdf:Villard2004_0029-5515_44_1_019.pdf:PDF;Villard2004a_0741-3335_46_12B_005.pdf:Villard2004a_0741-3335_46_12B_005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.11.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/44/i=1/a=019}, } @Article{Vlad2009, Title = {Particle simulation of energetic particle driven Alfvén modes in NBI heated DIII-D experiments}, Author = {G. Vlad and S. Briguglio and G. Fogaccia and F. Zonca and C. Di Troia and W.W. Heidbrink and M.A. Van Zeeland and A. Bierwage and X. Wang}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2009}, Number = {7}, Pages = {075024}, Volume = {49}, Abstract = {The mutual nonlinear interactions of shear Alfvén modes and alpha particles can enhance their transport in burning plasmas. Theoretical and numerical works have shown that rapid transport of energetic ions can take place because of fast growing Alfvén modes (e.g. energetic particle driven modes, EPMs). This kind of transport has been observed in experiments as well as in numerical simulations. Hybrid MHD-gyrokinetic codes can investigate linear and nonlinear dynamics of energetic particle (EP) driven modes, retaining the mutual interaction between waves and EPs self-consistently. Self-consistent nonlinear wave–particle interactions (both in configuration and velocity space) are crucial for a correct description of the mode dynamics in the case of strongly driven modes; thus, a non-perturbative approach is mandatory. The knowledge of the threshold characterizing the transition from weakly to strongly driven regimes is of primary importance for burning plasma operations (e.g. for ITER), in order to avoid EPM enhanced EP transport regimes. The hybrid MHD-gyrokinetic code (HMGC) has been applied to the interpretation of phenomena observed in present experiments with neutral beam (NB) heating. In reversed-shear beam-heated DIII-D discharges, a large discrepancy between the expected and measured EP radial density profiles has been observed in the presence of large Alfvénic activity. HMGC simulations with EP radial profiles expected from classical NB deposition as input give rise to strong EPM activity, resulting in relaxed EP radial profiles at saturation level close to experimental measurements. The frequency spectra obtained from several simulations with different toroidal mode numbers, as calculated during the saturated phase when the strong EPMs transform in weak reversed-shear Alfvén modes, are quite close to experimental observations both in absolute frequency and in radial localization. In this work, we discuss in particular the effects of nonlinear coupling between different toroidal mode numbers.}, File = {Vlad2009_0029-5515_49_7_075024.pdf:Vlad2009_0029-5515_49_7_075024.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/49/i=7/a=075024} } @Article{Vlad1995, Title = {Linear and nonlinear dynamics of Alfvén eigenmodes in tokamaks}, Author = {G. Vlad and C. Kar and F. Zonca and F. Romanelli}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1995}, Pages = {418}, Volume = {2}, Abstract = {Linear and nonlinear dynamics of various toroidicity induced global Alfvén eigenmodes is investigated by means of an initial value numerical code. The code uses the reduced magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model expanded to the third order in the inverse aspect ratio parameter ϵ (ϵ ≡ a/R0, with a the minor radius of the plasma column and R0 the major radius of the vacuum chamber). Nonlinear saturation is shown to occur due to the excitation of a perturbation to the nonlinear mode structure, which dissipates energy on very short scales. In particular, the nonlinear saturation of the Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes (TAE) and of the Resistive Periodic Shear Alfvén Eigenmodes (RPSAE) due to MHD nonlinearities is investigated and compared with analytical predictions.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.870968}, File = {Vlad1995_PhysPlasmas_2_418.pdf:Vlad1995_PhysPlasmas_2_418.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.13}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v2/i2/p418_s1} } @Article{Vlasov1968, Title = {THE VIBRATIONAL PROPERTIES OF AN ELECTRON GAS}, Author = {A A Vlasov}, Journal = {Soviet Physics Uspekhi}, Year = {1968}, Number = {6}, Pages = {721}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {1. Statement of the problem 721 2. Initial equations and their simplification 722 3. Solution of the linearized equations 724 4. Dispersion of longitudinal waves 728 5. Dispersion of longitudinal waves in an electron gas with a Fermi distribution function 730 6. Dispersion of transverse waves 732 7. Summary and conclusion 733}, File = {Vlasov1968_0038-5670_10_6_R01.pdf:Vlasov1968_0038-5670_10_6_R01.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.12.13}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0038-5670/10/i=6/a=R01} } @Article{Vu1999, Title = {ASPEN: A Fully Kinetic, Reduced-Description Particle-in-Cell Model for Simulating Parametric Instabilities}, Author = {H.X. Vu and B. Bezzerides and D.F. DuBois}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {1999}, Number = {1}, Pages = {12 - 42}, Volume = {156}, Abstract = {A fully kinetic, reduced-description particle-in-cell (RPIC) model is presented in which deviations from quasineutrality, electron and ion kinetic effects, and nonlinear interactions between low-frequency and high-frequency parametric instabilities are modeled correctly. The model is based on a reduced description where the electromagnetic field is represented by three separate temporal envelopes in order to model parametric instabilities with low-frequency and high-frequency daughter waves. Because temporal envelope approximations are invoked, the simulation can be performed on the electron time scale instead of the time scale of the light waves. The electrons and ions are represented by discrete finite-size particles, permitting electron and ion kinetic effects to be modeled properly. The Poisson equation is utilized to ensure that space-charge effects are included. The RPIC model is fully three dimensional and has been implemented in two dimensions on the Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) parallel computer at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the resulting simulation code has been named ASPEN. We believe this code is the first particle-in-cell code capable of simulating the interaction between low-frequency and high-frequency parametric instabilites in multiple dimensions. Test simulations of stimulated Raman scattering, stimulated Brillouin scattering, and Langmuir decay instability are presented.}, Doi = {10.1006/jcph.1999.6350}, File = {Vu1999_science.pdf:Vu1999_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.26}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999199963507} } @Article{Wagner2007, Title = {A quarter-century of H-mode studies}, Author = {F Wagner}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2007}, Number = {12B}, Pages = {B1}, Volume = {49}, Abstract = {The H-mode is a confinement mode of toroidal plasmas, which may make the goals of fusion possible—the development of a clean energy source at competitive electricity costs. The most challenging aspect of the H-mode physics is the sudden disappearance of the edge turbulence whereas its driving forces—the gradients—increase. As the physics behind the H-mode is subtle many features are not yet clarified. There is, however, substantial experimental and theoretical evidence that turbulent flows, which normally limit the confinement, are diminished by sheared poloidal flow residing at the plasma edge. There are many conceivable mechanisms giving rise to sheared flow. The most intriguing of these is that fluctuations themselves induce the flow, which acts back to its generating origin and annihilates the turbulence. This review concentrates mostly on the transition physics, describes one line of understanding the H-mode in more detail, recalls some of the older observations and summarizes the achievements in the H-mode for both tokamaks and stellarators.}, File = {Wagner2007_0741-3335_49_12B_S01.pdf:Wagner2007_0741-3335_49_12B_S01.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/49/i=12B/a=S01} } @Article{Wagner1982, Title = {Regime of Improved Confinement and High Beta in Neutral-Beam-Heated Divertor Discharges of the ASDEX Tokamak}, Author = {Wagner, F. and Becker, G. and Behringer, K. and Campbell, D. and Eberhagen, A. and Engelhardt, W. and Fussmann, G. and Gehre, O. and Gernhardt, J. and Gierke, G. v. and Haas, G. and Huang, M. and Karger, F. and Keilhacker, M. and Kl\"uber, O. and Kornherr, M. and Lackner, K. and Lisitano, G. and Lister, G. G. and Mayer, H. M. and Meisel, D. and M\"uller, E. R. and Murmann, H. and Niedermeyer, H. and Poschenrieder, W. and Rapp, H. and R\"ohr, H. and Schneider, F. and Siller, G. and Speth, E. and St\"abler, A. and Steuer, K. H. and Venus, G. and Vollmer, O. and Y\"u, Z.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1982}, Month = {Nov}, Pages = {1408--1412}, Volume = {49}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.49.1408}, File = {Wagner1982_PhysRevLett.49.1408.pdf:Wagner1982_PhysRevLett.49.1408.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {19}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.49.1408} } @Article{Wan2005b, Title = {δf Simulation of the collisionless tearing mode instability with a gyrokinetic ion response}, Author = {Wan, W. and Chen, Y. and Parker, S.E.}, Journal = {Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on}, Year = {2005}, Month = {april}, Number = {2}, Pages = {609 - 614}, Volume = {33}, Abstract = {The evolution of the collisionless tearing mode instability is studied using an electromagnetic gyrokinetic delta;f particle-in-cell simulation model. Drift-kinetic electrons are used. High resolution, small box (less than 10 ion gyroradii) simulations have been well benchmarked with eigenmode analysis and their nonlinear evolution agrees well with theory. In this regime, the ion response is not important and can be either fixed, adiabatic or fully gyrokinetic. Here, results are presented with larger box sizes (64 ion gyroradii radially) where the ion gyrokinetic response is important and cannot be neglected. In these larger box simulations, the instability exhibits an odd parity, different than the even tearing parity.}, Doi = {10.1109/TPS.2005.844606}, File = {Wan2005b_01420598.pdf:Wan2005b_01420598.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0093-3813}, Keywords = {adiabatic ion response; box simulations; collisionless tearing mode instability; drift-kinetic electrons; eigenmode nonlinear evolution; electromagnetic gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulation; even tearing parity; gyrokinetic ion response; ion gyroradii; odd parity; plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; tearing instability;}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.16}, Url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1420598} } @Article{Wan2005a, Title = {Gyrokinetic δf simulation of the collisionless and semicollisional tearing mode instability}, Author = {W. Wan and Y. Chen and S. E. Parker}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2005}, Pages = {012311}, Volume = {12}, Abstract = {The evolution of collisionless and semicollisional tearing mode instabilities is studied using an electromagnetic gyrokinetic δf particle-in-cell simulation model. Drift-kinetic electrons are used. Linear eigenmode analysis is presented for the case of fixed ions and there is excellent agreement with simulation. A double peaked eigenmode structure is seen indicative of a positive Δ′. Nonlinear evolution of a magnetic island is studied and the results compare well with existing theory in terms of saturation level and electron bounce oscillations. Electron-ion collisions are included to study the semicollisional regime. The algebraic growth stage is observed and compares favorably with theory. Nonlinear saturation following the algebraic stage is observed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1827216}, File = {Wan2005a_PhysPlasmas_12_012311.pdf:Wan2005a_PhysPlasmas_12_012311.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.16}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v12/i1/p012311_s1?isAuthorized=no} } @Article{Wang2012j, author = {Ge Wang and H.L. Berk}, title = {Model for spontaneous frequency sweeping of an Alfvén wave in a toroidal plasma}, journal = {Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation}, year = {2012}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, pages = {2179 - 2190}, issn = {1007-5704}, note = {Special Issue: Mathematical Structure of Fluids and Plasmas Dedicated to the 60th birthday of Phil Morrison}, abstract = {We study the frequency chirping signals arising from spontaneously excited toroidial Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) waves that are being driven by an inverted energetic particle distribution whose free energy is tapped from the generic particle/wave resonance interaction. Initially a wave is excited inside the Alfvén gap with a frequency determined from the linear tip model of Rosenbluth, Berk and Van dam (RBV) [1]. Hole/clumps structures are formed and are observed to chirp towards lower energy states. We find that the chirping signals from clump enter the Alfvén continuum which eventually produce more rapid chirping signals. The accuracy of the adiabatic approximation for the mode evolution is tested and verified by demonstrating that a WKB-like decomposition of the time response for the field phase and amplitude agree with the data. Plots of the phase space structure correlate well with the chirping dependent shape of the separatrix structure. A novel aspect of the simulation is that it performed close to the wave frame of the phase space structure, which enables the numerical time step to remain the same during the simulation, independent of the rest frame frequency.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cnsns.2011.08.001}, file = {Wang2012_science.pdf:Wang2012_science.pdf:PDF;Wang2012_wangge_science.pdf:Wang2012_wangge_science.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Chirping frequency}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.01.19}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1007570411004278}, } @Article{Wang2011d, Title = {Interaction between Energetic Particles and Alfvén Eigenmodes in Reversed Shear Plasmas}, Author = {Hao Wang and Yasushi Todo}, Journal = {Journal of the Physical Society of Japan}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {094501-094501-7}, Volume = {80}, Abstract = {The interaction between energetic particles and Alfvén eigenmodes in reversed shear tokamak plasmas were investigated for different minimum safety-factor values using a hybrid simulation code for magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and energetic particles. When the energetic particle distribution is isotropic in velocity space, the transition from low-frequency reversed shear Alfvén eigenmode (RSAE mode) to toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE mode) is demonstrated as the minimum safety-factor value decreases. The frequency rises up from a level above the geodesic acoustic mode frequency to the TAE frequency. It is found that the energetic particles both co- and counter-going to the plasma current are transported by the TAE mode, whereas only the co-going particles are transported by the low-frequency RSAE mode. When only the co-passing particles are retained, the low-frequency RSAE modes are destabilized. On the other hand, the high-frequency RSAE modes are destabilized when only the counter-passing particles are retained.}, Doi = {10.1143/JPSJ.80.094501}, File = {Wang2011d_JPSJ-80-094501.pdf:Wang2011d_JPSJ-80-094501.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.25}, Url = {http://jpsj.ipap.jp/link?JPSJ/80/094501/} } @Article{Wang2012k, author = {Ji Wang and Chun-dong Hu and Bin Wu and Jin-fang Wang}, title = {Predictive simulation of neutral beam injection on EAST in H- and L-mode plasma}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {2012}, volume = {85}, number = {3}, pages = {035502}, abstract = {The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) simulations are carried out for neutral beam injection (NBI) in L- and H-mode plasma using the transport code ONETWO and the Monte Carlo code NUBEAM. The results predicted with different beam energy injections are presented and analyzed. The heating efficiency, shine-through power loss, current drive, beam ion trapping fraction and neutron emission with respect to different beam energy and discharge modes are discussed and some guidelines are provided for future experiments with NBI on EAST.}, file = {Wang2012a_1402-4896_85_3_035502.pdf:Wang2012a_1402-4896_85_3_035502.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.09}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/85/i=3/a=035502}, } @Article{Wang2011f, author = {Lu Wang and P.H. Diamond}, title = {Kinetic theory of the turbulent energy pinch in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {51}, number = {8}, pages = {083006}, abstract = {The turbulent energy fluxes, including up-gradient 'energy pinch' effects, are derived using the nonlinear bounce-kinetic equation for trapped electrons and the nonlinear gyrokinetic equation for ions in toroidal geometry. The quasi-universal type of inward turbulent equipartition (TEP) energy pinch is recovered for both ions and trapped electrons, with different field dependence coefficients due to toroidal effects. A contribution from the density gradient to an outward convective energy flux is also obtained. The direction of the total energy convection is primarily determined by the competition between the TEP energy pinch and the outward density gradient driven energy convection. The magnetic shear dependence of the electron energy pinch is discussed. The energy pinches can provide possible explanations for some puzzling experimental observations.}, file = {Wang2011a_0029-5515_51_8_083006.pdf:Wang2011a_0029-5515_51_8_083006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.07.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=8/a=083006}, } @Article{Wang2011c, author = {Lingfeng Wang and J. Q. Dong and Y. Shen and H. D. He}, title = {Electromagnetic effects of kinetic geodesic acoustic mode in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {5}, pages = {052506}, abstract = {The eikonal method is extended to waves with several components propagating in inhomogeneous anisotropic media. Formulas are derived for the motion of wave packets, the change in amplitude along a ray path, and the corrections due to diffraction. The method is applied to pure magnetohydrodynamic disturbances, and the problem of computing ray paths in the ionosphere is discussed in some detail. One result is that the fraction of the energy of an isotropic disturbance that eventually gets as low as 200 km drops from 0.99 at 200 km to 0.2 at 450 km, rises again to 0.99 at 700 km, drops to 0.5 at 3000 km, and continues dropping at greater altitudes. Energy trapped between 200 km and 700 km oscillates around 450 km with period 8.5 sec (at the geomagnetic equator). The eikonal method is also applied to a very general problem involving coupled magnetohydrodynamic, electrodynamic, and acoustic modes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3590892}, eid = {052506}, file = {Wang2011_PhysPlasmas_18_052506.pdf:Wang2011_PhysPlasmas_18_052506.pdf:PDF;Wang2011a_0029-5515_51_8_083006.pdf:Wang2011a_0029-5515_51_8_083006.pdf:PDF;Wang2011b_PhysPlasmas_18_052504.pdf:Wang2011b_PhysPlasmas_18_052504.pdf:PDF;Wang2011d_JPSJ-80-094501.pdf:Wang2011d_JPSJ-80-094501.pdf:PDF;Wang2011e_PhysPlasmas_18_122102.pdf:Wang2011e_PhysPlasmas_18_122102.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {harmonic analysis; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma flow; plasma ion acoustic waves; plasma kinetic theory; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2011.06.02}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/052506/1}, } @Article{Wang2010, Title = {Nonlinear gyrokinetic theory with polarization drift}, Author = {Lu Wang and T. S. Hahm}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {082304}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {A set of the electrostatic toroidal gyrokinetic Vlasov equation and the Poisson equation, which explicitly includes the polarization drift, is derived systematically by using Lie-transform perturbation method. The polarization drift is introduced in the gyrocenter equations of motion, and the corresponding polarization density is derived. Contrary to the widespread expectation, the inclusion of the polarization drift in the gyrocenter equations of motion does not affect the expression for the polarization density significantly. This is due to modification of the gyrocenter phase-space volume caused by the electrostatic potential [ T. S. Hahm, Phys. Plasmas 3, 4658 (1996) ].}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3467498}, File = {Wang2010_PhysPlasmas_17_082304.pdf:Wang2010_PhysPlasmas_17_082304.pdf:PDF;Wang2010a_wang_ppcf10.pdf:Wang2010a_wang_ppcf10.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.30}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v17/i8/p082304_s1} } @Article{Wang2009a, author = {Lu Wang and T. S. Hahm}, journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, title = {Generalized expression for polarization density}, year = {2009}, pages = {062309}, volume = {16}, abstract = {A general polarization density which consists of classical and neoclassical parts is systematically derived via modern gyrokinetics and bounce kinetics by employing a phase-space Lagrangian Lie-transform perturbation method. The origins of polarization density are further elucidated. Extending the work on neoclassical polarization for long wavelength compared to ion banana width [ M. N. Rosenbluth and F. L. Hinton, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 724 (1998) ], an analytical formula for the generalized neoclassical polarization including both finite-banana-width and finite-Larmor-radius effects for arbitrary radial wavelength in comparison to banana width and gyroradius is derived. In additional to the contribution from trapped particles, the contribution of passing particles to the neoclassical polarization is also explicitly calculated. The generalized analytic expression agrees very well with the previous numerical results for a wide range of radial wavelength.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3152601}, file = {Wang2009a_PhysPlasmas_16_062309.pdf:Wang2009a_PhysPlasmas_16_062309.pdf:PDF}, groups = {zonal flow}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.07.30}, url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i6/p062309_s1}, } @Article{Wang2009b, Title = {Theory of fine-scale zonal flow generation from trapped electron mode turbulence}, Author = {Lu Wang and T. S. Hahm}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {082302}, Volume = {16}, Abstract = {Most existing zonal flow generation theory has been developed with a usual assumption of qrρθi⪡1 (qr is the radial wave number of zonal flow and ρθi is the ion poloidal gyroradius). However, recent nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations of trapped electron mode turbulence exhibit a relatively short radial scale of the zonal flows with qrρθi ∼ 1 [Z. Lin et al., Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Chengdu, China, 2006 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 2006); D. Ernst et al., Phys. Plasmas 16, 055906 (2009)] . This work reports an extension of zonal flow growth calculation to this short wavelength regime via the wave kinetics approach. A generalized expression for the polarization shielding for arbitrary radial wavelength [L. Wang and T. S. Hahm, Phys. Plasmas 16, 062309 (2009)] which extends the Rosenbluth–Hinton formula in the long wavelength limit is applied.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3195069}, File = {Wang2009b_PhysPlasmas_16_082302.pdf:Wang2009b_PhysPlasmas_16_082302.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.30}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i8/p082302_s1} } @Article{Wang2006, Title = {Canonical Hamiltonian theory of the guiding-center motion in an axisymmetric torus, with the different time scales well separated}, Author = {Shaojie Wang}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2006}, Number = {5}, Pages = {052506}, Volume = {13}, Abstract = {A new set of exact canonical variables of guiding-center motion in an axisymmetric torus has been systematically identified and an action-angle variable formalism has been established. In this new canonical Hamiltonian theory, the time scale of poloidal motion and the time scale of toroidal drift (precession) of the guiding-centers are well separated.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2199789}, Eid = {052506}, File = {Wang2006_PhysPlasmas_13_052506.pdf:Wang2006_PhysPlasmas_13_052506.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma theory; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {6}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.01.01}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/13/052506/1} } @Article{Wang2002, Title = {Effects of finite radial excursion on the slowing-down distribution of toroidally circulating energetic ions produced by tangential neutral beam injection}, Author = {Shaojie Wang and Takahisa Ozeki and Jikang Xie and Nobuhiko Hayashi}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2002}, Number = {11}, Pages = {4654-4663}, Volume = {9}, Abstract = {Slowing-down of the toroidally circulating energetic ions produced by tangential neutral beam injection is described by the reduced drift kinetic equation, in terms of three constants of motion (the energy, the magnetic moment and the canonical toroidal momentum), to take into account the effects of finite radial excursion of guiding-centers of the energetic ions. An approximate analytical solution to the slowing-down equation is obtained to describe the equilibrium slowing-down distribution of the toroidally circulating energetic ions in the core region of a large-aspect-ratio tokamak, with the effects of finite radial excursion included.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1513468}, File = {Wang2002_PhysPlasmas_9_4654.pdf:Wang2002_PhysPlasmas_9_4654.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma beam injection heating; energy loss of particles; plasma kinetic theory; plasma Alfven waves}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.02.26}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/9/4654/1} } @Article{Wang2011b, Title = {An extended hybrid magnetohydrodynamics gyrokinetic model for numerical simulation of shear Alfvén waves in burning plasmas}, Author = {X. Wang and S. Briguglio and L. Chen and C. Di Troia and G. Fogaccia and G. Vlad and F. Zonca}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {052504}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Adopting the theoretical framework for the generalized fishbonelike dispersion relation, an extended hybrid magnetohydrodynamics gyrokinetic simulation model has been derived analytically by taking into account both thermal ion compressibility and diamagnetic effects in addition to energetic particle kinetic behaviors. The extended model has been used for implementing an extended version of hybrid magnetohydrodynamics gyrokinetic code (XHMGC) to study thermal ion kinetic effects on Alfvénic modes driven by energetic particles, such as kinetic beta induced Alfvén eigenmodes in tokamak fusion plasmas. The XHMGC nonlinear model can be used to address a number of problems, where kinetic treatments of both thermal and supra-thermal plasma components are necessary, as theoretically predicted, or where it is desirable to investigate the phenomena connected with the presence of two supra-thermal particle species with different radial profiles and velocity space distributions.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3587080}, File = {Wang2011b_PhysPlasmas_18_052504.pdf:Wang2011b_PhysPlasmas_18_052504.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.04}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i5/p052504_s1} } @Article{Wang2010a, Title = {Theory and simulation of discrete kinetic beta induced Alfvén eigenmode in tokamak plasmas}, Author = {X Wang and F Zonca and L Chen}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {11}, Pages = {115005}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {It is shown, both analytically and by numerical simulations, that, in the presence of thermal ion kinetic effects, the beta induced Alfvén eigenmode (BAE)–shear Alfvén wave continuous spectrum can be discretized into radially trapped eigenstates known as kinetic BAE (KBAE). While thermal ion compressibility gives rise to finite BAE accumulation point frequency, the discretization occurs via the finite Larmor radius and finite orbit width effects. Simulations and analytical theories agree both qualitatively and quantitatively. Simulations also demonstrate that KBAE can be readily excited by the finite radial gradients of energetic particles.}, File = {Wang2010a_wang_ppcf10.pdf:Wang2010a_wang_ppcf10.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.04}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/52/i=11/a=115005} } @Article{Wang2003a, author = {X. Y. Wang and Y. Lin}, title = {Generation of nonlinear Alfv[e-acute]n and magnetosonic waves by beam--plasma interaction}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2003}, volume = {10}, number = {9}, pages = {3528-3538}, abstract = {One-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) hybrid simulations are carried out to study the interaction between a background plasma and an ion beam, whose velocity is parallel to the ambient magnetic field B0. It is found that the beam–plasma interaction and the associated wave evolution can be divided into four phases. The simulation results in phase 1 in the early stage of wave evolution are consistent with the linear theory. Right-hand nonresonant instabilities are present and dominant in cases with a relatively strong ion beam (e.g., the ratio of beam ion density to background ion density >0.06 for beam velocity = 10VA, where VA is the Alfvén speed), while right-hand resonant instabilities are present in the weak beam cases. During phases 2 and 3, the waves grow to form nonlinear structure, and are then saturated. A detailed analysis shows that the wave evolution in these phases is through secondary instabilities associated with parametric decay or the wave modulation. In addition, it is shown for the first time from the self-consistent simulation that in the final phase, nonlinear shear Alfvén waves with right-hand polarization in the magnetic field are generated. The magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) wave conditions of the Alfvén mode are satisfied. These Alfvén waves propagate mainly with k⋅B0>0, and the dispersion relation ω = kVA cos α is satisfied, where α is the angle between the wave vector k and B0. On the other hand, fast magnetosonic/whistler waves and slow mode waves are formed in the final phase of weak beam cases. In the 2-D simulations, field-aligned filaments (with k ∼ k⊥) in the density and magnetic field can be present due to the 2-D effects, in addition to the Alfvén, fast, and slow modes. The heating rate of background ions and its dependence on the wave propagation direction are also examined.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1599359}, file = {Wang2003_PhysPlasmas_10_3528.pdf:Wang2003_PhysPlasmas_10_3528.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma-beam interactions; plasma Alfven waves; plasma waves; plasma simulation; plasma instability; modulation; plasma heating}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2011.04.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/10/3528/1}, } @Article{Wang2008, Title = {A particle simulation of current sheet instabilities under finite guide field}, Author = {X. Y. Wang and Y. Lin and L. Chen and Z. Lin}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Number = {7}, Pages = {072103}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {The instability of a Harris current sheet under a broad range of finite guide field (BG) is investigated using a linearized (δf) gyrokinetic electron and fully kinetic ion particle simulation code. The simulation is carried out in the two-dimensional plane containing the guide field along y and the current sheet normal along z. In this particle model, the rapid electron cyclotron motion is removed, while the realistic mass ratio mi/me, finite electron Larmor radii, and wave-particle interactions are kept. It is found that for a finite BG/Bx0 ⩽ 1, where Bx0 is the asymptotic antiparallel component of magnetic field, three unstable modes, i.e., modes A, B, and C, can be excited in the current sheet. Modes A and C, appearing to be quasielectrostatic modified two-stream instability/whistler mode, are located mainly on the edge of the current sheet. Mode B, on the other hand, is confined in the current sheet center and carries a compressional magnetic field (δBy) perturbation along the direction of electron drift velocity. Our new finding suggests that mode B may contribute directly to the electron anomalous resistivity in magnetic reconnection. In the cases with extremely large BG/Bx0⪢1, the wave modes evolve to a globally propagating instability. The simulation shows that the presence of finite BG modifies the physics of the current sheet significantly.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2938732}, Eid = {072103}, File = {Wang2008_PhysPlasmas_15_072103.pdf:Wang2008_PhysPlasmas_15_072103.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation}, Numpages = {13}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.04.02}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/072103/1} } @Article{Wang2011e, Title = {Investigation of tearing instability using GeFi particle simulation model}, Author = {X. Y. Wang and Y. Lin and L. Chen and X. Lu and W. Kong}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122102}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {The gyrokinetic (GK) electron and fully kinetic ion (GeFi) simulation model of Lin et al. [Plasmas Phys. Controlled Fusion 53, 054013 (2011)] has been thoroughly benchmarked and validated for a two-dimensional (2D) Harris current sheet with a finite guide field. First, a gyrokinetic eigenmode theory for the collisionless tearing mode in the small Larmor radius limit is presented. The linear eigenmode structure and growth rate of the tearing mode obtained from the GeFi simulation are benchmarked against those from the GK eigenmode analysis in the limit of L≫ρi>ρe, where L is the current sheet half-width, ρi is ion Larmor radius, and ρe is electron Larmor radius. Second, to valid the GeFi model, both the linear and nonlinear tearing instabilities obtained from the GeFi simulations are compared with the Darwin particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation. The validation of the GeFi model for laboratory and space plasmas is also discussed. Meanwhile, the GeFi simulation is carried out to investigate both the linear and nonlinear tearing instabilities for cases with a broad range of L and guide magnetic field BG. It is found that in a wide current sheet with L > 4.5ρeK, the nonlinear saturation level of the island half-width is ws ≃ 3ρeK, where ρeK = ρeB0/Bx0, B0 is the strength of the asymptotic magnetic field, and Bx0 is the antiparallel field. On the other hand, in a thin current sheet with L < 2.5ρeK, ws ≃ 2.2 L. In addition, a high frequency electrostatic drift mode is found to coexist with the tearing mode.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3662435}, Eid = {122102}, File = {Wang2011e_PhysPlasmas_18_122102.pdf:Wang2011e_PhysPlasmas_18_122102.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; plasma drift waves; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; tearing instability}, Numpages = {12}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.10}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/122102/1} } @Article{Wang1994, Title = {Simulation of Magnetic Field Line Stochasticity at the Magnetopause}, Author = {Z. Wang and M. Ashour‐Abdalla}, Journal = {J. Geophys. Res.}, Year = {1994}, Pages = {2321-2334}, Volume = {99(A2)}, Abstract = {We have conducted a three‐dimensional particle simulation to study the magnetic field line stochasticity at the magnetopause current layer. Our results show that the magnetic field lines become stochastic due to the overlap of the destabilized multiple tearing mode islands, which agrees with the percolation model suggested by Galeev et al. (1986). After the field lines become stochastic, these tearing modes grow even 2‐3 times faster than in the linear stage and saturate at an amplitude level 3‐4 times bigger than the single tearing mode without mode‐mode coupling. The field line stochasticity also causes a strong particle diffusion across the current layer. The diffusion coefficient reaches to 109 m²/s for typical magnetopause parameters. Associated with the particle diffusion, the current layer becomes broader in width. As a result, the magnetic energy is dissipated into particle energy by heating parallel to the local magnetic field. The particle energy increases by 60%, while the magnetic helicity, which has always been regarded as a good invariant, changes by 20%.}, File = {Wang1994_93JA02084.pdf:Wang1994_93JA02084.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.06.24}, Url = {http://europa.agu.org/?view=article&uri=/journals/ja/93JA02084.xml} } @Article{Watt2010, Title = {Do magnetospheric shear Alfvén waves generate sufficient electron energy flux to power the aurora?}, Author = {C. E. J. Watt and R. Rankin}, Journal = {JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {A07224, 10 PP.}, Volume = {115}, Abstract = {Using a self-consistent drift-kinetic simulation code, we investigate whether electron acceleration owing to shear Alfvén waves in the plasma sheet boundary layer is sufficient to cause auroral brightening in the ionosphere. The free parameters used in the simulation code are guided by in situ observations of wave and plasma parameters in the magnetosphere at distances >4 RE from the Earth. For the perpendicular wavelength used in the study, which maps to ∼4 km at 110 km altitude, there is a clear amplitude threshold which determines whether magnetospheric shear Alfvén waves above the classical auroral acceleration region can excite sufficient electrons to create the aurora. Previous studies reported wave amplitudes that easily exceed this threshold; hence, the results reported in this paper demonstrate that auroral acceleration owing to shear Alfvén waves can occur in the magnetosphere at distances >4 RE from the Earth.}, Doi = {10.1029/2009JA015185}, File = {Watt2010_2009JA015185.pdf:Watt2010_2009JA015185.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.31}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2010/2009JA015185.shtml} } @Article{Watt2008, Title = {DK-1D: a drift-kinetic simulation tool for modelling the shear Alfvén wave and its interaction with collisionless plasma}, Author = {C E J Watt and R Rankin}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2008}, Number = {7}, Pages = {074008}, Volume = {50}, Abstract = {We present a highly accurate tool for the simulation of shear Alfvén waves (SAWs) in collisionless plasma. SAW are important in space plasma environments because for small perpendicular scale lengths they can support an electric field parallel to the ambient magnetic field. Electrons can be accelerated by the parallel electric field and these waves have been implicated as the source of vibrant auroral displays. However, the parallel electric field carried by SAW is small in comparison with the perpendicular electric field of the wave, making it difficult to measure directly in the laboratory, or by satellites in the near-Earth plasma environment. In this paper, we present a simulation code that provides a means to study in detail the SAW–particle interaction in both space and laboratory plasma. Using idealized, small-amplitude propagating waves with a single perpendicular wavenumber, the simulation code accurately reproduces the damping rates and parallel electric field amplitudes predicted by linear theory for varying temperatures and perpendicular scale lengths. We present a rigorous kinetic derivation of the parallel electric field strength for small-amplitude SAW and show that commonly used inertial and kinetic approximations are valid except for where the ratio of thermal to Alfvén speed is between 0.7 and 1.0. We also present nonlinear simulations of large-amplitude waves and show that in the cases of strong damping, the damping rates and parallel electric field strength deviate from linear predictions when wave energies are greater than only a few per cent of the plasma kinetic energy, a situation which is often observed in the magnetosphere. The drift-kinetic code provides reliable, testable predictions of the parallel electric field strength which can be investigated directly in the laboratory, and will help to bridge the gap between studies of SAW in man-made and naturally occurring plasma.}, File = {Watt2008_0741-3335_50_7_074008.pdf:Watt2008_0741-3335_50_7_074008.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.31}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/50/i=7/a=074008} } @Article{Watt2004, Title = {Kinetic simulations of electron response to shear Alfvén waves in magnetospheric plasmas}, Author = {C. E. J. Watt and R. Rankin and R. Marchand}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2004}, Pages = {1277}, Volume = {11}, Abstract = {Standing and traveling shear Alfvén waves contribute to electron acceleration and parallel electric field formation on auroral field lines in the Earth’s magnetosphere. In this paper, the self-consistent coupled Vlasov–Maxwell system for shear Alfvén waves is solved in one dimension. The Vlasov equation is gyro-averaged in order to minimize the number of dimensions in the problem, and to avoid numerical problems with the direct evaluation of the parallel electric field, the electron distribution function is described in terms of a spatial coordinate along the field line, the magnetic moment, and the canonical parallel momentum per unit mass. Some preliminary studies of shear Alfvén wave pulses propagating in a uniform magnetic field on model auroral field lines are presented with an emphasis on the kinetic electron response and the parallel electric field. It is shown that when the full parallel electron dynamics are included, wave–particle interactions result in intensification of the parallel electric field and significant heating of the electrons. It is also demonstrated the acceleration of electrons to speeds of the order of twice the wave phase speed, which has been shown by previous calculations. The results are compared with recent observations made by both the NASA Fast Auroral Snapshot and the Freja satellites.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1647140}, File = {Watt2004_PhysPlasmas_11_1277.pdf:Watt2004_PhysPlasmas_11_1277.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.31}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v11/i4/p1277_s1} } @Article{WEBB2011, Title = {Alfven simple waves}, Author = {WEBB,G. M. and ZANK,G. P. and BURROWS,R. H. and RATKIEWICZ,R. E.}, Journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, Year = {2011}, Number = {01}, Pages = {51-93}, Volume = {77}, Abstract = {ABSTRACT Multi-dimensional Alfv�n simple waves in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) are investigated using Boillat's formalism. For simple wave solutions, all physical variables (the gas density, pressure, fluid velocity, entropy, and magnetic field induction in the MHD case) depend on a single phase function ?, which is a function of the space and time variables. The simple wave ansatz requires that the wave normal and the normal speed of the wave front depend only on the phase function ?. This leads to an implicit equation for the phase function and a generalization of the concept of a plane wave. We obtain examples of Alfv�n simple waves, based on the right eigenvector solutions for the Alfv�n mode. The Alfv�n mode solutions have six integrals, namely that the entropy, density, magnetic pressure, and the group velocity (the sum of the Alfv�n and fluid velocity) are constant throughout the wave. The eigenequations require that the rate of change of the magnetic induction B with ? throughout the wave is perpendicular to both the wave normal n and B. Methods to construct simple wave solutions based on specifying either a solution ansatz for n(?) or B(?) are developed.}, Doi = {10.1017/S0022377809990596}, Eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377809990596}, File = {WEBB2011_S0022377809990596a.pdf:WEBB2011_S0022377809990596a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.21}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377809990596} } @Article{Weideman1994, Title = {Computation of the Complex Error Function}, Author = {J. A. C. Weideman}, Journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}, Year = {1994}, Note = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2158232}, Number = {5}, Pages = {1497-1518}, Volume = {31}, Abstract = {Rational expansions for computing the complex error function $w(z) = e^{ - z^2 } {\text{erfc}}( - iz)$ are presented. These expansions have the following attractive properties: (1) they can be evaluated using a polynomial evaluation routine such as Homer’s method, (2) the polynomial coefficients can be computed once and for all by a single Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and (3) high accuracy is achieved uniformly in the complex plane with only a small number of terms. Comparisons reveal that in some parts of the complex plane certain competitors may be more efficient. However, the difference in efficiency is never great, and the new algorithms are simpler than existing ones: a complete program takes eight lines of Matlab code.}, Doi = {10.1137/0731077}, File = {Weideman1994_2158232.pdf:Weideman1994_2158232.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {complex error function; orthogonal rational expansions; steepest descent; Fast Fourier Transform}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {SIAM}, Timestamp = {2011.05.31}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SNA/31/1497/1} } @Article{Weiland1992, Title = {Electromagnetic and kinetic effects on the ion temperature gradient mode}, Author = {J. Weiland and A. Hirose}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1992}, Number = {1}, Pages = {151}, Volume = {32}, Abstract = {Effects of finite beta , ion kinetic damping and trapped electrons on the toroidal ion temperature gradient (ITG) mode have been investigated by two methods-a fully toroidal fluid analysis corrected for ion Landau damping, and an electromagnetic local kinetic dispersion relation. When trapped electrons are ignored, the ITG mode is stabilized at a beta value well below the critical beta for the ideal MHD ballooning mode (β MHD ). Trapped electrons are destabilizing and increase the upper limit of beta to a level comparable with β MHD . Ion Landau damping increases the critical temperature gradient typically by a factor of two (L T /L B ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/lesssim.gif] {lesssim} 0.18), and the growth rate remains smaller than the ion transit frequency, ω Ti = k || v Ti}, File = {Weiland1992_0029-5515_32_1_I13.pdf:Weiland1992_0029-5515_32_1_I13.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/32/i=1/a=I13} } @Article{Weinberg1962, Title = {Eikonal Method in Magnetohydrodynamics}, Author = {Weinberg, Steven}, Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, Year = {1962}, Month = {Jun}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1899--1909}, Volume = {126}, Abstract = {The eikonal method is extended to waves with several components propagating in inhomogeneous anisotropic media. Formulas are derived for the motion of wave packets, the change in amplitude along a ray path, and the corrections due to diffraction. The method is applied to pure magnetohydrodynamic disturbances, and the problem of computing ray paths in the ionosphere is discussed in some detail. One result is that the fraction of the energy of an isotropic disturbance that eventually gets as low as 200 km drops from 0.99 at 200 km to 0.2 at 450 km, rises again to 0.99 at 700 km, drops to 0.5 at 3000 km, and continues dropping at greater altitudes. Energy trapped between 200 km and 700 km oscillates around 450 km with period 8.5 sec (at the geomagnetic equator). The eikonal method is also applied to a very general problem involving coupled magnetohydrodynamic, electrodynamic, and acoustic modes.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.126.1899}, File = {Weinberg1962_PhysRev.126.1899.pdf:Weinberg1962_PhysRev.126.1899.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {10}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.04.24} } @Article{Weitzner1989, Title = {Boundary conditions for the Darwin model}, Author = {H. Weitzner and W. S. Lawson}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1989}, Number = {10}, Pages = {1953-1957}, Volume = {1}, Abstract = {A new sheet model is developed which is suitable for studying one‐dimensional electromagneto‐kinetic disturbances propagating with an arbitrary angle to an applied magnetic field. The model is a generalization of the sheet charge‐type models previously considered. The concept of a retardationless electromagnetic field is introduced to provide the coupling between the sheet charges and currents. Some examples of wave propagation using the model are shown which compare very well with those predicted from the dispersion relation.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.859058}, File = {Weitzner1989_PFB001953.pdf:Weitzner1989_PFB001953.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {BOUNDARY CONDITIONS; ERRORS; CONSERVATION LAWS; CHARGE DENSITY; MAXWELL EQUATIONS; CURRENT DENSITY; ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS; USES; PLASMA}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/1/1953/1} } @Article{Wharton1968, Title = {Nonlinear Effects of Large-Amplitude Plasma Waves}, Author = {C. B. Wharton and J. H. Malmberg and T. M. O'Neil}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1968}, Number = {8}, Pages = {1761-1763}, Volume = {11}, Abstract = {The oscillations of resonant electrons in the potential of a large‐amplitude, spatially propagating plasma wave result in: (1) periodic maxima in space of wave amplitude, (2) growth of sidebands on the transmitted frequency, and (3) periodic enhancement of the energy of the trapped electrons. Measurement of these effects is reported.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1692191}, File = {Wharton1968_PFL001761.pdf:Wharton1968_PFL001761.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.03}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/11/1761/1} } @Article{White2002, Title = {Resonant plasma heating below the cyclotron frequency}, Author = {Roscoe White and Liu Chen and Zhihong Lin}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2002}, Pages = {1890}, Volume = {9}, Abstract = {Resonant heating of a magnetized plasma by low frequency waves of large amplitude is considered. It is shown that the magnetic moment can be changed nonadiabatically by a single large amplitude wave, even at frequencies normally considered nonresonant. Two examples clearly demonstrate the existence of the resonances leading to chaos and the generic nature of heating below the cyclotron frequency. First the classical case of an electrostatic wave of large amplitude propagating across a confining uniform magnetic field, and second a large amplitude Alfvén wave, propagating obliquely across the magnetic field. Waves with frequencies a small fraction of the cyclotron frequency are shown to produce significant heating; bringing, in the case of Alfvén waves, particles to speeds comparable to the Alfvén velocity in a few hundred cyclotron periods. Stochastic threshold for heating occurs at significantly lower amplitude with a perturbation spectrum consisting of a number of modes. This phenomenon may have relevance for the heating of ions in the solar corona as well as for ion heating in some toroidal confinement fusion devices.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1445180}, File = {White2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1890.pdf:White2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1890.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.23}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v9/i5/p1890_s1} } @Article{White1990, Title = {Canonical Hamiltonian guiding center variables}, Author = {Roscoe B. White}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1990}, Number = {4}, Pages = {845-847}, Volume = {2}, Abstract = {A simplification of the canonical Hamiltonian variables for the guiding center motion of a charged particle in a general toroidal field is obtained using the Lagrangian formalism.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.859270}, File = {White1990_Canonical Hamiltonian guiding center variables.pdf:White1990_Canonical Hamiltonian guiding center variables.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {MAGNETIC SURFACES; HAMILTONIANS; GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; MAGNETIC FIELDS; LAGRANGIAN FUNCTION; TRAJECTORIES; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; PARTICLE LOSSES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; FLUCTUATIONS; PLASMA; CANONICAL DIMENSION; COORDINATES}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.01.01}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/2/845/1} } @Article{White1984, Title = {Hamiltonian guiding center drift orbit calculation for plasmas of arbitrary cross section}, Author = {R. B. White and M. S. Chance}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1984}, Number = {10}, Pages = {2455-2467}, Volume = {27}, Abstract = {A Hamiltonian guiding center drift orbit formalism is developed which permits the efficient calculation of particle trajectories in magnetic field configurations of arbitrary cross section with arbitrary plasma β. The magnetic field is assumed to be a small perturbation from a zero‐order ‘‘equilibrium’’ field possessing magnetic surfaces. The equilibrium field, possessing helical or toroidal symmetry, can be modeled analytically or obtained numerically from equilibrium codes. The formalism is used to study trapped particle precession. Finite banana width corrections to the toroidal precession rate are derived, and the bounce averaged trapped particle motion is expressed in Hamiltonian form. Particle drift‐pumping associated with the ‘‘fishbone’’ oscillation is investigated. A numerical code based on the formalism is used to study particle orbits in circular and bean‐shaped tokamak configurations.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.864527}, File = {White1984_Hamiltonian guiding center drift orbit calculation for plasmas of arbitrary cross section.pdf:White1984_Hamiltonian guiding center drift orbit calculation for plasmas of arbitrary cross section.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {MAGNETIC FIELD CONFIGURATIONS; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; PLASMA SIMULATION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; OSCILLATION MODES; BEAMPLASMA SYSTEMS; PLASMA DRIFT; GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.01.01}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/27/2455/1} } @Article{White1985, Title = {Trapped particle destabilization of the internal kink mode}, Author = {R. B. White and L. Chen and F. Romanelli and R. Hay}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1985}, Pages = {278-286}, Volume = {28}, Abstract = {The internal kink mode is destabilized by trapped high‐energy particles, leading to a new branch of the internal kink dispersion relation with a real frequency near the average trapped‐particle precession frequency and a growth rate of the same magnitude. This trapped particle branch of the dispersion relation is investigated numerically for a variety of particle distributions. Mode growth rate and frequency is found as a function of plasma β, density, and trapped‐particle energy and distribution. The high‐energy trapped particle sources considered are neutral beam injection, ion‐cyclotron heating, and fusion alpha particles. Relevance for various plasma heating schemes is discussed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.865198}, File = {White1985_PFL000278.pdf:White1985_PFL000278.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {KINK INSTABILITY, DISPERSION RELATIONS, TRAPPED−PARTICLE INSTABILITY, INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES, PLASMA, NUMERICAL SOLUTION, BETA RATIO, PLASMA DENSITY, ENERGY, DISTRIBUTION}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.07.26}, Url = {http://pof.aip.org/resource/1/pfldas/v28/i1/p278_s1} } @Article{White1983, Title = {Theory of mode-induced beam particle loss in tokamaks}, Author = {R. B. White and R. J. Goldston and K. McGuire and Allen H. Boozer and D. A. Monticello and W. Park}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids}, Year = {1983}, Number = {10}, Pages = {2958-2965}, Volume = {26}, Abstract = {Large‐amplitude rotating magnetohydrodynamic modes are observed to induce significant high‐energy beam particle loss during high‐power perpendicular netural beam injection on the poloidal divertor experiment (PDX). A Hamiltonian formalism for drift orbit trajectories in the presence of such modes is used to study induced particle loss analytically and numerically. Results are in good agreement with experiment.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.864060}, File = {White1983_PFL002958.pdf:White1983_PFL002958.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {magnetohydrodynamics; oscillation modes; neutral atom beam injection; pdx devices; neutralparticle transport; trajectories; hamiltonians; analytical solution; numerical solution; correlations; plasma}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/26/2958/1} } @Article{White2010, Title = {Beam distribution modification by Alfv[e-acute]n modes}, Author = {R. B. White and N. Gorelenkov and W. W. Heidbrink and M. A. Van Zeeland}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Number = {5}, Pages = {056107}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {Modification of a deuterium beam distribution in the presence of low amplitude toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes and reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes in a toroidal magnetic confinement device is examined. Comparison to experimental data shows that multiple low amplitude modes can account for significant modification of high energy beam particle distributions. It is found that there is a stochastic threshold for beam transport, and that the experimental amplitudes are only slightly above this threshold. The modes produce a substantial central flattening of the beam distribution.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3327208}, Eid = {056107}, File = {White2010_PhysPlasmas_17_056107.pdf:White2010_PhysPlasmas_17_056107.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; plasma Alfven waves; plasma instability; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma-beam interactions; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {6}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.02.05}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/056107/1} } @Article{Wiesen2011, Title = {Integrated modelling of a JET type-I ELMy H-mode pulse and predictions for ITER-like wall scenarios}, Author = {S Wiesen and S Brezinsek and A Järvinen and T Eich and W Fundamenski and A Huber and V Parail and G Corrigan and N Hayashi and JET EFDA contributors}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {124039}, Volume = {53}, Abstract = {A baseline type-I ELMy H-mode JET tokamak discharge in low triangularity has been analysed using the JINTRAC integrated code suite to obtain a self-consistent description of the plasma edge dynamics and core plasma confinement. The inter- and intra-ELM transport model of JINTRAC has been adapted as such to match the experimental pre- and post-ELM plasma pedestal profiles and at the same time to recover the observed ELM dynamics in terms of ELM frequency, ELM energy loss, target ELM wetted area and target heat flows. The presented and validated modelling results for the JET all-carbon device reference case are utilized to predict a type-I ELMy H-mode for the JET ITER-like wall (ILW) assuming a full-tungsten divertor and beryllium main-chamber wall using JINTRAC. By keeping all relevant transport parameters fixed for the inter- and intra-ELM phase as in the all-carbon reference case it is observed that a moderate amount of seeded neon impurity is necessary to compensate for a similar level of radiation when carbon is absent in the system. The results of the ILW model setup are finally taken to estimate the total amount of tungsten particles eroded per ELM from the target plates. A rough estimate of the core radiative fraction due to W accumulation is given, predicting that no substantial impact on typical a JET ILW type-I ELMy H-mode discharge core plasma performance is expected.}, File = {Wiesen2011_0741-3335_53_12_124039.pdf:Wiesen2011_0741-3335_53_12_124039.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.16}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=12/a=124039} } @Article{Willes2000, Title = {Generalized Langmuir waves in magnetized kinetic plasmas}, Author = {A. J. Willes and Iver H. Cairns}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2000}, Pages = {3167}, Volume = {7}, Abstract = {The properties of unmagnetized Langmuir waves and cold plasma magnetoionic waves (x, o, z and whistler) are well known. However, the connections between these modes in a magnetized kinetic plasma have not been explored in detail. Here, wave properties are investigated by numerically solving the dispersion equation derived from the Vlasov equations both with and without a beam instability present. For ωp>Ωe, it is shown that the generalized Langmuir mode at oblique propagation angles has magnetic z-mode characteristics at low wave numbers and thermal Langmuir mode characteristics at high wave numbers. For ωp<Ωe, it is shown that the (oblique) Langmuir mode instead connects to the whistler mode at low wave numbers. The transition from the Langmuir/z mode to the Langmuir/whistler mode near ωp = Ωe is rapid. In addition, the effects on wave dispersion and polarization after adding a beam are investigated. Applications of this theory to magnetized Langmuir waves in Earth’s foreshock and the solar wind, to waves observed near the plasma frequency in the auroral regions, and to solar type III bursts are discussed.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.874180}, File = {Willes2000_PhysPlasmas_7_3167.pdf:Willes2000_PhysPlasmas_7_3167.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v7/i8/p3167_s1} } @Article{Winsor1968, author = {Niels Winsor and John L. Johnson and John M. Dawson}, title = {Geodesic Acoustic Waves in Hydromagnetic Systems}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1968}, volume = {11}, number = {11}, pages = {2448-2450}, abstract = {In toroidal systems with geodesic curvature an electrostatic acoustic mode occurs with plasma motion in the magnetic surfaces, perpendicular to the field. In typical stellarators this mode should dominate ordinary sound waves associated with motion along the field.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1691835}, file = {Winsor1968_PFL002448.pdf:Winsor1968_PFL002448.pdf:PDF}, groups = {gam}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.10.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/11/2448/1}, } @Article{Wong1964, Title = {Landau Damping of Ion Acoustic Waves in Highly Ionized Plasmas}, Author = {Wong, A. Y. and Motley, R. W. and D'Angelo, N.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev.}, Year = {1964}, Month = {Jan}, Number = {2A}, Pages = {A436--A442}, Volume = {133}, Abstract = {Ion acoustic waves with frequencies between 5 and 100 kc/sec have been excited in highly ionized cesium and potassium plasmas by modulating the potential of a tungsten grid immersed in the plasma. The waves were detected by another grid, which could be moved along the plasma column. Because the plasma is produced at one end of the column, there is a net flow of plasma between the grids. Phase velocities of 1.3×105 cm/sec and 0.9×105 cm/sec along and against this drift were measured for cesium and 2.5×105 cm/sec and 1.3×105 cm/sec for potassium. The damping distance of the waves was found to be independent of ion density in the range between 2×1010 cm-3 and 3×1011 cm-3 and equal to 0.55 and 0.25 wavelength along and against the flow in cesium and 0.65 and 0.14 in potassium. A comparison between the results and the collisionless theory shows agreement within about 10%. In particular, it is shown how the present experiment provides a quantitative measurement of the Landau damping of ion acoustic waves.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.133.A436}, File = {Wong1964_PhysRev.133.A436.pdf:Wong1964_PhysRev.133.A436.pdf:PDF}, Numpages = {6}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2010.12.24} } @Article{Wong1991, Title = {Excitation of toroidal Alfv\'en eigenmodes in TFTR}, Author = {Wong, K. L. and Fonck, R. J. and Paul, S. F. and Roberts, D. R. and Fredrickson, E. D. and Nazikian, R. and Park, H. K. and Bell, M. and Bretz, N. L. and Budny, R. and Cohen, S. and Hammett, G. W. and Jobes, F. C. and Meade, D. M. and Medley, S. S. and Mueller, D. and Nagayama, Y. and Owens, D. K. and Synakowski, E. J.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {1991}, Month = {Apr}, Pages = {1874--1877}, Volume = {66}, Abstract = {Deuterium neutral beams with energies up to 110 keV were injected into TFTR (Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor) plasmas at low magnetic field such that the beam injection velocities were comparable to the Alfvén velocity. Excitation of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes was observed by Mirnov coils and beam emission spectroscopy.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.66.1874}, File = {Wong1991_PhysRevLett.66.1874.pdf:Wong1991_PhysRevLett.66.1874.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {14}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2012.01.31}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.66.1874} } @Article{Wong1999, author = {King-Lap Wong}, title = {A review of Alfvén eigenmode observations in toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1999}, volume = {41}, number = {1}, pages = {R1}, abstract = {In toroidal magnetically confined plasmas, eigenmodes of Alfvén waves can be destablized by energetic ions with velocities comparable to the Alfvén velocity. With the advent of tokamak experiments in which populations of energetic ions can be introduced by neutral beam injection, radio frequency wave heating or by fusion reactions, major advances have been made in Alfvén eigenmode research in the past 10 years. After introducing the basic concepts on the Alfvén eigenmode instability, data on this subject from various toroidal devices are described, emphasizing the interplay between experiment and theory. Experimental results on mode identification, instability drive, mode damping and saturation, and energetic ion redistribution are compared with theory.}, file = {Wong1999_0741-3335_41_1_001.pdf:Wong1999_0741-3335_41_1_001.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Review}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/41/i=1/a=001}, } @Article{Wu2001, Title = {Generation of kinetic Alfvén waves by mirror instability}, Author = {B. H. Wu and J. M. Wang and L. C. Lee}, Journal = {GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}, Year = {2001}, Number = {15}, Pages = {3051-3054}, Volume = {28}, Abstract = {The perturbed velocity δV and δB of mirror waves are usually coplanar with the wave vector k and background magnetic field B 0. However, recent satellite observations and hybrid simulations show the presence of extra non‐coplanar components in δV and δB associated with mirror waves. In this paper, we show from hybrid simulations that in the nonlinear stage of mirror instability, the non‐coplanar perturbations in δV and δB of high wavenumber modes can be decoupled from mirror waves and generate a pair of kinetic Alfvén waves propagating in opposite direction. The Hall effect can explain the excitation of non‐coplanar components in mirror waves. These kinetic Alfvén waves can be generated in the day side magnetosheath, propagate tailward along the magnetic field lines draped around the magnetopause, and contribute to the plasma transport into magnetosphere.}, Doi = {10.1029/2001GL012958}, File = {Wu2001_2001GL012958.pdf:Wu2001_2001GL012958.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.04}, Url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2001/2001GL012958.shtml} } @Article{Wu1972, Title = {Electromagnetic Instabilities Produced by Neutral-Particle Ionization in Interplanetary Space}, Author = {C. S. Wu and R. C. Davidson}, Journal = {J. Geophys. Res.}, Year = {1972}, Pages = {5399–5406}, Volume = {77}, Abstract = {This article examines the consequence of the ionization (e.g., photoionization) of a small population of neutral atoms (hydrogen or helium) in interplanetary space. It is found that, even if the density of the newly ionized particles is only a very small fraction of that of the solar wind, these particles can efficiently excite electromagnetic waves by means of a new collective instability. The instability is driven by an anisotropy in kinetic energy of the newly ionized particles. The typical linear growth rate is γ ≃ (ωin/2½) (ν0⊥/c) where ωin is the plasma frequency of the newly ionized ions, and ν0⊥ is the characteristic speed of the newly ionized ions perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field in the frame of the solar wind.}, Doi = {10.1029/JA077i028p05399}, File = {Wu1972_JA077i028p05399.pdf:Wu1972_JA077i028p05399.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.15} } @Article{Wu2004, Title = {Recent progress in nonlinear kinetic Alfvén waves}, Author = {Wu, D. J. and Chao, J. K.}, Journal = {Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics}, Year = {2004}, Number = {5/6}, Pages = {631--645}, Volume = {11}, Abstract = {This paper presents a review of recent progress in nonlinear kinetic Alfvén wave (KAW hereafter). We start with the two-fluid theory of KAWs and show how the difference between the motions of electrons and ions in small-scale fields of KAWs modifies the Alfvén wave properties. Then, we focus on nonlinear solitary structures of KAWs. A general criterion of the existence for solitary KAW (SKAW hereafter) and its exact analytical solution in a low-β plasma (β 2) significantly enhance geodesic-acoustic mode (GAM) damping at high q (tokamak safety factor), and are necessary to explain the damping observed in our TEMPEST q -scans and consistent with the experimental measurements of the scaling of the GAM amplitude with edge q 95 in the absence of obvious evidence that there is a strong q -dependence of the turbulent drive and damping of the GAM. (2) The kinetic GAM exists in the edge for steep density and temperature gradients in the form of outgoing waves, its radial scale is set by the ion temperature profile, and ion temperature inhomogeneity is necessary for GAM radial propagation. (3) The development of the neoclassical electric field evolves through different phases of relaxation, including GAMs, their radial propagation and their long-time collisional decay. (4) Natural consequences of orbits in the pedestal and scrape-off layer region in divertor geometry are substantial non-Maxwellian ion distributions and parallel flow characteristics qualitatively like those observed in experiments.}, File = {Xu2009_0029-5515_49_6_065023.pdf:Xu2009_0029-5515_49_6_065023.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/49/i=6/a=065023} } @Article{Xu2010a, Title = {TEMPEST simulations of the plasma transport in a single-null tokamak geometry}, Author = {X.Q. Xu and K. Bodi and R.H. Cohen and S. Krasheninnikov and T.D. Rognlien}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2010}, Number = {6}, Pages = {064003}, Volume = {50}, Abstract = {We present edge kinetic ion transport simulations of tokamak plasmas in magnetic divertor geometry using the fully nonlinear (full-f) continuum code TEMPEST. Besides neoclassical transport, a term for divergence of anomalous kinetic radial flux is added to mock up the effect of turbulent transport. To study the relative roles of neoclassical and anomalous transport, TEMPEST simulations were carried out for plasma transport and flow dynamics in a single-null tokamak geometry, including the pedestal region that extends across the separatrix into the scrape-off layer and private flux region. A series of TEMPEST simulations were conducted to investigate the transition of midplane pedestal heat flux and flow from the neoclassical to the turbulent limit and the transition of divertor heat flux and flow from the kinetic to the fluid regime via an anomalous transport scan and a density scan. The TEMPEST simulation results demonstrate that turbulent transport (as modelled by large diffusion) plays a similar role to collisional decorrelation of particle orbits and that the large turbulent transport (large diffusion) leads to an apparent Maxwellianization of the particle distribution. We also show the transition of parallel heat flux and flow at the entrance to the divertor plates from the fluid to the kinetic regime. For an absorbing divertor plate boundary condition, a non-half-Maxwellian is found due to the balance between upstream radial anomalous transport and energetic ion endloss.}, File = {Xu2010a_0029-5515_50_6_064003.pdf:Xu2010a_0029-5515_50_6_064003.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.18}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/50/i=6/a=064003} } @Article{Xu2000a, author = {X.Q. Xu and R.H. Cohen and G.D. Porter and T.D. Rognlien and D.D. Ryutov and J.R. Myra and D.A. D'Ippolito and R.A. Moyer and R.J. Groebner}, title = {Turbulence studies in tokamak boundary plasmas with realistic divertor geometry}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2000}, volume = {40}, number = {3Y}, pages = {731}, abstract = {Results are presented from the 3-D non-local electromagnetic turbulence code BOUT and the linearized shooting code BAL for studies of turbulence in tokamak boundary plasmas and its relationship to the L-H transition, in a realistic divertor plasma geometry. The key results include: (1) the identification of the dominant resistive X point mode in divertor geometry; (2) turbulence suppression in the L-H transition by shear in the E × B drift velocity, ion diamagnetism and finite polarization; (3) the fact that calculated values of the thermal diffusivities such as χ i are comparable to those inferred from the experimentally measured plasma density and temperature profiles. On the basis of simulation results, a parameterization of the transport is given that includes the dependence on the relevant physical parameters.}, file = {Xu2000_0029-5515_40_3Y_339.pdf:Xu2000_0029-5515_40_3Y_339.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.05.18}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/40/i=3Y/a=339}, } @Article{Xu2011a, Title = {Nonlinear ELM simulations based on a nonideal peeling–ballooning model using the BOUT++ code}, Author = {X.Q. Xu and B.D. Dudson and P.B. Snyder and M.V. Umansky and H.R. Wilson and T. Casper}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {10}, Pages = {103040}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {A minimum set of equations based on the peeling–ballooning (P–B) model with nonideal physics effects (diamagnetic drift, E × B drift, resistivity and anomalous electron viscosity) is found to simulate pedestal collapse when using the BOUT++ simulation code, developed in part from the original fluid edge code BOUT. Linear simulations of P–B modes find good agreement in growth rate and mode structure with ELITE calculations. The influence of the E × B drift, diamagnetic drift, resistivity, anomalous electron viscosity, ion viscosity and parallel thermal diffusivity on P–B modes is being studied; we find that (1) the diamagnetic drift and E × B drift stabilize the P–B mode in a manner consistent with theoretical expectations; (2) resistivity destabilizes the P–B mode, leading to resistive P–B mode; (3) anomalous electron and parallel ion viscosities destabilize the P–B mode, leading to a viscous P–B mode; (4) perpendicular ion viscosity and parallel thermal diffusivity stabilize the P–B mode. With addition of the anomalous electron viscosity under the assumption that the anomalous kinematic electron viscosity is comparable to the anomalous electron perpendicular thermal diffusivity, or the Prandtl number is close to unity, it is found from nonlinear simulations using a realistic high Lundquist number that the pedestal collapse is limited to the edge region and the ELM size is about 5–10% of the pedestal stored energy. This is consistent with many observations of large ELMs. The estimated island size is consistent with the size of fast pedestal pressure collapse. In the stable α-zones of ideal P–B modes, nonlinear simulations of viscous ballooning modes or current-diffusive ballooning mode (CDBM) for ITER H-mode scenarios are presented.}, File = {Xu2011a_0029-5515_51_10_103040.pdf:Xu2011a_0029-5515_51_10_103040.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.28}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=10/a=103040} } @Article{Xu2007, Title = {Edge gyrokinetic theory and continuum simulations}, Author = {X.Q. Xu and Z. Xiong and M.R. Dorr and J.A. Hittinger and K. Bodi and J. Candy and B.I. Cohen and R.H. Cohen and P. Colella and G.D. Kerbel and S. Krasheninnikov and W.M. Nevins and H. Qin and T.D. Rognlien and P.B. Snyder and M.V. Umansky}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2007}, Number = {8}, Pages = {809}, Volume = {47}, Abstract = {The following results are presented from the development and application of TEMPEST, a fully nonlinear (full-f) five-dimensional (3d2v) gyrokinetic continuum edge-plasma code. (1) As a test of the interaction of collisions and parallel streaming, TEMPEST is compared with published analytic and numerical results for endloss of particles confined by combined electrostatic and magnetic wells. Good agreement is found over a wide range of collisionality, confining potential and mirror ratio, and the required velocity space resolution is modest. (2) In a large-aspect-ratio circular geometry, excellent agreement is found for a neoclassical equilibrium with parallel ion flow in the banana regime with zero temperature gradient and radial electric field. (3) The four-dimensional (2d2v) version of the code produces the first self-consistent simulation results of collisionless damping of geodesic acoustic modes and zonal flow (Rosenbluth–Hinton residual) with Boltzmann electrons using a full-f code. The electric field is also found to agree with the standard neoclassical expression for steep density and ion temperature gradients in the plateau regime. In divertor geometry, it is found that the endloss of particles and energy induces parallel flow stronger than the core neoclassical predictions in the SOL.}, File = {Xu2007_0029-5515_47_8_011.pdf:Xu2007_0029-5515_47_8_011.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.03.29}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/47/i=8/a=011} } @Article{Xu2008a, author = {Xu, X. Q.}, title = {Neoclassical simulation of tokamak plasmas using the continuum gyrokinetic code TEMPEST}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2008}, volume = {78}, pages = {016406}, month = {Jul}, abstract = {We present gyrokinetic neoclassical simulations of tokamak plasmas with a self-consistent electric field using a fully nonlinear (full-f) continuum code TEMPEST in a circular geometry. A set of gyrokinetic equations are discretized on a five-dimensional computational grid in phase space. The present implementation is a method of lines approach where the phase-space derivatives are discretized with finite differences, and implicit backward differencing formulas are used to advance the system in time. The fully nonlinear Boltzmann model is used for electrons. The neoclassical electric field is obtained by solving the gyrokinetic Poisson equation with self-consistent poloidal variation. With a four-dimensional (ψ,θ,ϵ,μ) version of the TEMPEST code, we compute the radial particle and heat fluxes, the geodesic-acoustic mode, and the development of the neoclassical electric field, which we compare with neoclassical theory using a Lorentz collision model. The present work provides a numerical scheme for self-consistently studying important dynamical aspects of neoclassical transport and electric field in toroidal magnetic fusion devices.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.78.016406}, file = {Xu2008_PhysRevE.78.016406.pdf:Xu2008_PhysRevE.78.016406.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2011.12.18}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.78.016406}, } @Article{Xu1998, Title = {Scrape-Off Layer Turbulence Theory and Simulations}, Author = {Xu, X. Q. and Cohen, R. H.}, Journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, Year = {1998}, Number = {1-2}, Pages = {158--170}, Volume = {38}, Abstract = {Significant investigations in the area of scrape-off layer (SOL) turbulence theory and simulations are reviewed. The paper begins with description and derivation of the various models investigating specific linear modes as well as a discussion of the regions of validity. Special attention is given to various low-frequency electromagnetic drift-types modes in an x-point divertor geometry, which are generally believed to be relevant under normal operating conditions for current and future large fusion devices. The anomalous transport from simulations and from mixing length estimates are discussed and compared with results infered from experiments. Studies of mechanisms for the L-H transition due to turbulent transport in the SOL, and its impact on the H-mode power threshold, are also surveyed.}, Doi = {10.1002/ctpp.2150380124}, File = {Xu1998_2150380124_ftp.pdf:Xu1998_2150380124_ftp.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1521-3986}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, Timestamp = {2011.12.14}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.2150380124} } @Article{Xu2010, Title = {Nonlinear Simulations of Peeling-Ballooning Modes with Anomalous Electron Viscosity and their Role in Edge Localized Mode Crashes}, Author = {Xu, X. Q. and Dudson, B. and Snyder, P. B. and Umansky, M. V. and Wilson, H.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2010}, Month = {Oct}, Pages = {175005}, Volume = {105}, Abstract = {A minimum set of equations based on the peeling-ballooning (P-B) model with nonideal physics effects (diamagnetic drift, E×B drift, resistivity, and anomalous electron viscosity) is found to simulate pedestal collapse when using the new BOUT++ simulation code, developed in part from the original fluid edge code BOUT. Nonlinear simulations of P-B modes demonstrate that the P-B modes trigger magnetic reconnection, which leads to the pedestal collapse. With the addition of a model of the anomalous electron viscosity under the assumption that the electron viscosity is comparable to the anomalous electron thermal diffusivity, it is found from simulations using a realistic high-Lundquist number that the pedestal collapse is limited to the edge region and the edge localized mode (ELM) size is about 5%–10% of the pedestal stored energy. This is consistent with many observations of large ELMs.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.175005}, File = {Xu2010_PhysRevLett.105.175005.pdf:Xu2010_PhysRevLett.105.175005.pdf:PDF;Xu2010a_0029-5515_50_6_064003.pdf:Xu2010a_0029-5515_50_6_064003.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {17}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.09.28}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.175005} } @Article{Xu2011, Title = {Linear gyrokinetic theory and computation of the gyrocenter motion based on the exact canonical variables for axisymmetric tokamaks}, Author = {Yingfeng Xu and Xiaotao Xiao and Shaojie Wang}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {4}, Pages = {042505}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Linear gyrokinetic theory based on the Lie-transform perturbation method is presented in terms of the exact canonical variables. In the linear drift approximation, it is shown that the gyrocenter equations of motion based on the canonical variables are equivalent to the usual guiding-center equations of motion. A numerical code is developed to advance the gyrocenter motion in terms of the exact canonical variables with arbitrary perturbations. It is found that a static magnetic island in a tokamak has little effect on the trapped particle orbits due to the conservation of the longitudinal invariant; and it induces the island structure of passing particle orbits due to the fact that the longitudinal invariant for the passing particles is broken by the asymmetric perturbation.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3578366}, Eid = {042505}, File = {Xu2011_PhysPlasmas_18_042505.pdf:Xu2011_PhysPlasmas_18_042505.pdf:PDF;Xu2011a_0029-5515_51_10_103040.pdf:Xu2011a_0029-5515_51_10_103040.pdf:PDF;Xu2011b_PhysRevLett.107.125001.pdf:Xu2011b_PhysRevLett.107.125001.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {perturbation theory; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices; Vlasov equation}, Numpages = {11}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.06.02}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/042505/1} } @Article{Yamagiwa1998, Title = {Effects of trapped electrons on pressure-gradient-driven kinetic modes with negative magnetic shear}, Author = {M Yamagiwa and A Hirose}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {1998}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1673}, Volume = {40}, Abstract = {Drift type and kinetic ballooning modes for negative magnetic shear are studied by taking effects of trapped electrons into account. Eigenvalues of the modes are calculated by using a gyrokinetic shooting code. The trapped-electron- ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/40/9/010/img5.gif] mode is found to have almost the same characteristic features as those for positive shear in the electrostatic limit, except it is not stabilized by finite ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/40/9/010/img6.gif] effects. Trapped electrons can cause appreciable reduction in the growth rate of the kinetic ballooning mode. Complete stabilization may occur in the short wavelength regime.}, File = {Yamagiwa1998_0741-3335_40_9_010.pdf:Yamagiwa1998_0741-3335_40_9_010.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/40/i=9/a=010} } @Article{Yamagiwa1997, Title = {Kinetic shooting code study of ballooning modes in a tokamak}, Author = {M Yamagiwa and A Hirose and M Elia}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {1997}, Number = {3}, Pages = {531}, Volume = {39}, Abstract = {The nature of the kinetic ballooning mode in the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) second stability regime is clarified through the behaviour of the eigenfunction. It is found to be a continuation of the MHD ballooning mode (not of the second mode with a smaller growth rate which coexists with the MHD mode). The kinetic shooting code is also applied to the parameters of TFTR in which the kinetic ballooning mode has recently been observed. The toroidal mode number and the frequency for the fastest growing mode are found to be consistent with the experimental observations. Finite-beta stabilization of the electrostatic ion temperature gradient (ITG) mode and destabilization of the ITG-driven ballooning mode are demonstrated. Also studied is the mode stability in the negative shear region, where the MHD ballooning mode is known to be stable. The kinetic ballooning mode persists for s > 0 with a narrow stable window near null shear.}, File = {Yamagiwa1997_0741-3335_39_3_012.pdf:Yamagiwa1997_0741-3335_39_3_012.pdf:PDF;Yamagiwa1997a_PhysPlasmas_4_4031.pdf:Yamagiwa1997a_PhysPlasmas_4_4031.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/39/i=3/a=012} } @Article{Yamagiwa1997a, Title = {Kinetic ballooning modes at the tokamak transport barrier with negative magnetic shear}, Author = {M. Yamagiwa and A. Hirose and M. Elia}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1997}, Pages = {4031}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {Stability of the kinetic ballooning modes is investigated for plasma parameters at the internal transport barrier in tokamak discharges with negative magnetic shear employing a kinetic shooting code with long shooting distance. It is found that the second stability regime with respect to the pressure gradient parameter, which was predicted for negative shear [A. Hirose and M. Elia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 628 (1996)], can possibly disappear. The mode with comparatively low toroidal mode number and mode frequency below 100 kHz is found to be destabilized marginally only around the transport barrier characterized by steep pressure and density gradients.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872523}, File = {Yamagiwa1997a_PhysPlasmas_4_4031.pdf:Yamagiwa1997a_PhysPlasmas_4_4031.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.27}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v4/i11/p4031_s1} } @Article{Yoon2011b, Title = {Asymptotic equilibrium between Langmuir turbulence and suprathermal electrons}, Author = {Peter H. Yoon}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122303}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {In both laboratory and natural environment such as the solar wind, suprathermal, or non-Maxwellian electron distributions are frequently observed. Electron velocity distribution functions containing non-Maxwellian, power-law energetic tail component are often modeled by the so-called kappa distribution, but their physical origin is not clearly understood. In a series of publications, the present author and his colleagues discussed the self-consistent formation of kappa-like distributions as a result of electron-Langmuir turbulence interaction process. However, these discussions were either based upon numerical initial value solution of the weak turbulence equation or by direct particle-in-cell simulation method. It was not evident that the formation of kappa-like state, which was demonstrated during the long-time evolution of the system, did indeed correspond to the genuine asymptotically steady-state solution or not in a mathematical sense. The present paper presents the self-consistent asymptotic solution of the electrons-Langmuir turbulence system and shows that the non-Maxwellian kappa-like state does indeed correspond to a rigorous solution.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3662105}, Eid = {122303}, File = {Yoon2011b_PhysPlasmas_18_122303.pdf:Yoon2011b_PhysPlasmas_18_122303.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {initial value problems; Maxwell equations; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, Numpages = {8}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.15}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/122303/1} } @Article{Yoon1995, Title = {Garden-hose instability in high-beta plasmas}, Author = {Peter H Yoon}, Journal = {Physica Scripta}, Year = {1995}, Number = {T60}, Pages = {127}, Volume = {1995}, Abstract = {This paper reviews the theory of classical garden-hose instability in high-beta plasmas. The garden-hose (or fire-hose) instability is a hydromagnetic instability that is due to the nonresonant wave-particle interaction. Therefore, to the lowest order, it is customary to describe the instability under the assumption of hydromagnetic perturbation. The hydromagnetic assumption implies that the characteristic wave frequency (or the growth rate) is much lower than the ion gyrofrequency, and that the ion gyroradius is sufficiently smaller than the characteristic wavelength associated with the perturbation. As a result, the ion gyroradius is often taken to be zero at the outset. However, it was recently discovered that keeping the ion gyroradius finite (however small it may be) results in a fundamental alteration of the basic property of the instability. The article also reviews the nonlinear theory of the garden-hose instability.}, File = {Yoon1995_1402-4896_1995_T60_016.pdf:Yoon1995_1402-4896_1995_T60_016.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.05.16}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/1995/i=T60/a=016} } @Article{Yoon2008a, Title = {Dispersion surfaces for low-frequency modes}, Author = {P H Yoon and T-M Fang}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2008}, Number = {12}, Pages = {125002}, Volume = {50}, Abstract = {This paper derives analytical expressions of the dispersion relations for the three basic ideal MHD waves, namely, fast, slow and Alfvén waves, as well as their generalizations to include non-ideal MHD effects. It is shown that while the Hall-MHD physics accurately describes ion-cyclotron resonance, it fails to include lower-hybrid resonance. In contrast, the cold two-fluid formalism does account for the lower-hybrid resonance as part of the magnetosonic-whistler mode dispersion surface. However, the cold-plasma approximation rules out the ion-sound mode at the outset. Moreover, it cannot deal with the kinetic Alfvén-ion cyclotron (AIC) mode. Therefore, the cold-plasma AIC mode is extended to kinetic AIC mode. Thermal ion-sound wave dispersion relation is also derived by retaining the kinetic thermal correction.}, File = {Yoon2008a_0741-3335_50_12_125002.pdf:Yoon2008a_0741-3335_50_12_125002.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.08}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/50/i=12/a=125002} } @Article{Yoon2003, Title = {Harmonic Langmuir waves. I. Nonlinear dispersion relation}, Author = {P. H. Yoon and R. Gaelzer and T. Umeda and Y. Omura and H. Matsumoto}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {364}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {Generation of electrostatic multiple harmonic Langmuir modes during beam–plasma interaction process has been observed in laboratory and spaceborne active experiments, as well as in computer simulation experiments. Despite earlier efforts, such a phenomenon has not been completely characterized both theoretically and in terms of numerical simulations. This paper is a first in a series of three papers in which analytic expressions for harmonic Langmuir mode dispersion relations are derived and compared against the numerical simulation result.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1537238}, File = {Yoon2003_PhysPlasmas_10_364.pdf:Yoon2003_PhysPlasmas_10_364.pdf:PDF;Yoon2003a_PhysPlasmas_10_4260.pdf:Yoon2003a_PhysPlasmas_10_4260.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.02}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v10/i2/p364_s1} } @Article{Yoon2008, Title = {Theory and simulation of lower-hybrid drift instability for current sheet with guide field}, Author = {P. H. Yoon and Y. Lin and X. Y. Wang and A. T. Y. Lui}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Number = {11}, Pages = {112103}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {The stability of a thin current sheet with a finite guide field is investigated in the weak guide-field limit by means of linear theory and simulation. The emphasis is placed on the lower-hybrid drift instability (LHDI) propagating along the current flow direction. Linear theory is compared against the two-dimensional linear simulation based on the gyrokinetic electron/fully kinetic ion code. LHDI is a flute mode characterized by k⋅Btotal = 0; hence, it is stabilized by a finite guide field if one is confined to k vector strictly parallel to the cross-field current. Comparison of the theory and simulation shows qualitatively good agreement.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3013451}, Eid = {112103}, File = {Yoon2008_PhysPlasmas_15_112103.pdf:Yoon2008_PhysPlasmas_15_112103.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {drift instability; flute instability; plasma flow; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes}, Numpages = {7}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.04.02}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/112103/1} } @Article{Yoon2008b, Title = {Drift instabilities in current sheets with guide field}, Author = {P. H. Yoon and A. T. Y. Lui}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {072101}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {Drift instabilities in current sheets with or without the guide field are investigated with a newly developed improved electrostatic dispersion relation. Traditional (local) theories of lower-hybrid drift instability typically assumes small electron drift speed, and expand the electron distribution function in Taylor series. This approximate treatment is removed in this paper. The resulting formalism is uniformly valid for an arbitrary magnitude of relative ion and electron drift speeds, and is valid for an arbitrary strength of the guide field.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2938386}, File = {Yoon2008b_PhysPlasmas_15_072101.pdf:Yoon2008b_PhysPlasmas_15_072101.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v15/i7/p072101_s1} } @Article{Yoon2008c, Title = {Lower-hybrid drift and Buneman instabilities in current sheets with guide field}, Author = {P. H. Yoon and A. T. Y. Lui}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {112105}, Volume = {15}, Abstract = {Lower-hybrid drift and Buneman instabilities operate in current sheets with or without the guide field. The lower-hybrid drift instability is a universal instability in that it operates for all parameters. In contrast, the excitation of Buneman instability requires sufficiently thin current sheet. That is, the relative electron-ion drift speed must exceed the threshold in order for Buneman instability to operate. Traditionally, the two instabilities were treated separately with different mathematical formalisms. In a recent paper, an improved electrostatic dispersion relation was derived that is valid for both unstable modes [ P. H. Yoon and A. T. Y. Lui, Phys. Plasmas 15, 072101 (2008) ]. However, the actual numerical analysis was restricted to a one-dimensional situation. The present paper generalizes the previous analysis and investigates the two-dimensional nature of both instabilities. It is found that the lower-hybrid drift instability is a flute mode satisfying k⋅B = 0 and k⋅∇n = 0, where k represents the wave number for the most unstable mode, B stands for the total local magnetic field, and ∇n is the density gradient. This finding is not totally unexpected. However, a somewhat surprising finding is that the Buneman instability is a field-aligned mode characterized by k×B = 0 and k⋅∇n = 0, rather than being a beam-aligned instability.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2996115}, File = {Yoon2008c_PhysPlasmas_15_112105.pdf:Yoon2008c_PhysPlasmas_15_112105.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v15/i11/p112105_s1} } @Article{Yoon2003a, Title = {Effects of magnetized ions on the lower-hybrid-drift instability}, Author = {Peter H. Yoon and Anthony T. Y. Lui}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {4260}, Volume = {10}, Abstract = {The present paper investigates the effects of magnetized ions on the lower-hybrid-drift instability (LHDI). Since LHDI is operative over a wide frequency range covering multiple harmonics of ion-cyclotron frequency, it is expected that the instability must essentially correspond to a multiple-harmonic drift-ion-cyclotron instability if the assumption of ion demagnetization is not imposed, and that LHDI is only an approximation which results when the individual harmonic structure is smoothed over. However, such a speculation has not been explored in detail to this date. The present paper addresses just such a problem. It is shown that indeed, LHDI is a result of the coupling of the drift mode and multiple-harmonic ion-cyclotron modes. It is found, however, that the unstable mode forms a smooth unbroken curve in frequency-wave-number dispersion space, intersected at regular frequency intervals by each ion-cyclotron harmonic. Thus, it is concluded that treating the ions as “unmagnetized” at the outset is largely justifiable. However, it is also found that the unmagnetized treatment leads to lower growth rate for LHDI.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1621872}, File = {Yoon2003a_PhysPlasmas_10_4260.pdf:Yoon2003a_PhysPlasmas_10_4260.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.05}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v10/i11/p4260_s1} } @Article{Yoon2011a, Title = {Empirical model of whistler anisotropy instability}, Author = {Peter H. Yoon and Jung Joon Seough and Junggi Lee and Junmo An and Jae Ok Lee}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {102103}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Empirical formulae for the real frequency and growth rate associated with the whistler anisotropy instability are obtained. The electrons are assumed to have an anisotropic distribution function, with Maxwellian parallel distribution. Under such an assumption complex roots of the dispersion relation depend only on two dimensionless parameters, namely, the temperature anisotropy factor A = T⊥e/T∥e − 1, where T⊥e and T∥e are the perpendicular and parallel electron temperatures, respectively, and parallel electron beta, β∥ = (8πnT∥e/B2)1/2, where n and B are the plasma density and magnetic field intensity, respectively. Comparison against exact numerical roots show that analytical formulae describe the whistler instability over a wide range of parallel electron beta and temperature anisotropy factor. The present result may be useful for circumstances in which the use of exact numerical roots becomes impractical, such as in the radiation belt quasi-linear transport coefficient calculation.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3647504}, File = {Yoon2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_102103.pdf:Yoon2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_102103.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.13}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i10/p102103_s1} } @Article{Yoon1993, Title = {Effect of finite ion gyroradius on the fire-hose instability in a high beta plasma}, Author = {Peter H. Yoon and C. S. Wu and A. S. de Assis}, Journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, Year = {1993}, Number = {7}, Pages = {1971-1979}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {In this paper, a generalized kinetic dispersion equation that supports various hydromagnetic waves and instabilities is derived. The general dispersion equation is derived under the usual assumption of hydromagnetic perturbations [i.e., ‖ω‖2≪Ωi2, and (kzνA/Ωi)2≪β∥i, where Ωi and νA are the ion gyrofrequency and Alfvén speed, respectively, and β∥i is the parallel ion beta], but for arbitrary values of the quantity λi=(k⊥ρ⊥i)2/2=(k⊥νA/Ωi)2 β⊥i/2 that appears in the dielectric tensor. Here, ρ⊥i refers to the mean ion gyroradius, and β⊥i is the perpendicular ion beta. Otherwise, the dispersion equation is fairly general with no additional approximation, such as ignoring certain off‐diagonal dielectric tensor elements (which is usually done in the literature) employed. In the subsequent numerical analysis, special attention is paid to the fire‐hose instability in a high beta plasma. The numerical results reveal that the conventional treatment of the fire‐hose instability (i.e., taking zero ion gyroradius limit at the outset) is not adequate, and that the effect of finite ion gyroradius results in a significant enhancement of the growth rate over a large range of wave numbers.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860785}, File = {Yoon1993_PFB001971.pdf:Yoon1993_PFB001971.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {HIGHBETA PLASMA; HOSE INSTABILITY; DISPERSION RELATIONS; KINETIC EQUATIONS; HYDROMAGNETIC WAVES; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; ALFVEN WAVES; DIELECTRIC TENSOR; IONS}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.05.16}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/1971/1} } @Article{Yoon2011, Title = {Characteristics of the first H-mode discharges in KSTAR}, Author = {S.W. Yoon and J.-W. Ahn and Y.M. Jeon and T. Suzuki and S.H. Hahn and W.H. Ko and K.D. Lee and J.I. Chung and Y.U. Nam and J. Kim and S.H. Hong and H.-S. Kim and W.C. Kim and Y.K. Oh and J.G. Kwak and Y.S. Park and S.A. Sabbagh and D. Humpreys and Y.-S. Na and K.M. Kim and G.S. Yun and A. Hyatt and P. Gohil and Y.S. Bae and H.L. Yang and H.K. Park and M. Kwon and G.S. Lee and the KSTAR team}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2011}, Number = {11}, Pages = {113009}, Volume = {51}, Abstract = {Typical ELMy H-mode discharges have been obtained in the KSTAR tokamak with the combined auxiliary heating of neutral beam injection (NBI) and electron cyclotron resonant heating (ECRH). The minimum external heating power required for the L–H transition is about 0.9 MW for a line-averaged density of ~2.0 × 10 19 m −3 . There is a clear indication of the increase in the L–H threshold power with decreasing density for densities lower than ~2 × 10 19 m −3 . The L–H transitions typically occurred shortly after the beginning of plasma current flattop ( I p = 0.6 MA) period and after the fast shaping to a highly elongated double-null divertor configuration. The maximum heating power available was marginal for the L–H transition, which is also implied by the relatively slow transition time (>10 ms) and the synchronization of the transition with large sawtooth crashes. The initial analysis of thermal energy confinement time (τ E ) indicates that τ E is higher than the prediction of multi-machine scaling laws by 10–20%. A clear increase in electron and ion temperature in the pedestal is observed in the H-mode phase but the core temperature does not change significantly. On the other hand, the toroidal rotation velocity increased over the whole radial range in the H-mode phase. The measured ELM frequency was around 10–30 Hz for the large ELM bursts and 50–100 Hz for the smaller ones. In addition, very small and high frequency (200–300 Hz) ELMs appeared between large ELM spikes when the ECRH is added to the NBI-heated H-mode plasmas. The drop of total stored energy during a large ELM is up to 5% in most cases.}, File = {Yoon2011_0029-5515_51_11_113009.pdf:Yoon2011_0029-5515_51_11_113009.pdf:PDF;Yoon2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_102103.pdf:Yoon2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_102103.pdf:PDF;Yoon2011b_PhysPlasmas_18_122303.pdf:Yoon2011b_PhysPlasmas_18_122303.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.13}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=11/a=113009} } @Article{Yoshida2012, Title = {Core and edge toroidal rotation study in JT-60U}, Author = {M. Yoshida and Y. Sakamoto and M. Honda and Y. Kamada and H. Takenaga and N. Oyama and H. Urano and the JT-60 Team}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {023024}, Volume = {52}, Abstract = {The relation between toroidal rotation velocities ( V t ) in the core and edge regions is investigated in H-mode plasmas with a small external torque input from the viewpoint of momentum transport. The toroidal rotation velocity in the core region (core- V t ) gradually varies on a timescale of ~20 ms after a rapid change in the toroidal rotation velocity in the edge region (edge- V t ) at the L–H transition. This timescale of ~20 ms is consistent with a transport timescale using the momentum diffusivity (χ ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/phi.gif] {phi} ) and convection velocity ( V conv ). In steady state, a linear correlation between the core- and edge- V t is observed in H-mode plasmas when the ion pressure gradient (∇ P i ) is small. This relation between core- and edge- V t is also explained by momentum transport. The V t profiles with a large ∇ P i are reproduced in the core region of r / a ~ 0.2–0.7 by adopting a residual stress term 'Π res = α k χ ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/phi.gif] {phi} ∇ P i ' proposed in this paper. Here r / a is the normalized plasma radius and α k 1 is a radial constant. Using this formula, V t profiles are reproduced over a wide range of plasma conditions. Parameter dependences of the edge- V t are investigated at a constant ripple loss power, ripple amplitude and plasma current. A reduction in the CTR-rotation is observed with decreasing ion temperature gradient (∇ T i ). Here CTR refers to the counter- I P direction.}, File = {Yoshida2012_0029-5515_52_2_023024.pdf:Yoshida2012_0029-5515_52_2_023024.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2012.02.02}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=2/a=023024} } @Article{Yoshizawa2001, author = {Akira Yoshizawa and Sanae-I Itoh and Kimitaka Itoh and Nobumitsu Yokoi}, title = {Turbulence theories and modelling of fluids and plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2001}, volume = {43}, number = {3}, pages = {R1}, abstract = {Theoretical and heuristic modelling methods are reviewed for studying turbulence phenomena of fluids and plasmas. Emphasis is placed on understanding of effects on turbulence characteristics due to inhomogeneities of field and plasma parameters. The similarity and dissimilarity between the methods for fluids and plasmas are sought in order to shed light on the properties that are shared or not by fluid and plasma turbulence.}, file = {Yoshizawa2001_0741-3335_43_3_201.pdf:Yoshizawa2001_0741-3335_43_3_201.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Review}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2010.12.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/43/i=3/a=201}, } @Article{Yu2009b, author = {Limin Yu and Guo-yong Fu and Zheng-Mao Sheng}, title = {Kinetic damping of Alfvén eigenmodes in general tokamak geometry}, journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, pages = {072505}, abstract = {A nonperturbative kinetic/magnetohydrodynamics eigenvalue code has been constructed for calculation of kinetic damping of shear Alfvén eigenmodes in general tokamak geometry with finite pressure. The model describes shear Alfvén waves with kinetic effects from thermal species including thermal ion finite Larmor radius effects and parallel electric field. An analytic formula for the radiative damping of reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes is obtained for tokamak plasmas with reversed shear q profile. Numerical calculations reveal the existence of multiple kinetic reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (KRSAEs). It is found that the damping rate of the KRSAEs scales linearly with the thermal ion gyroradius. The damping rates are larger for modes with more peaks in the radial structures. These results are consistent with analytic expectation. The KRSAEs found here can be used to interpret the RSAEs frequency sweeping down observed sometime in the tokamak experiments.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3190158}, file = {Yu2009_PhysPlasmas_16_072505.pdf:Yu2009_PhysPlasmas_16_072505.pdf:PDF;Yu2009a_PhysPlasmas_16_032507.pdf:Yu2009a_PhysPlasmas_16_032507.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.08.23}, url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i7/p072505_s1}, } @Article{Yu2011, Title = {The dynamics of ion with electrostatic waves in a sheared magnetic field}, Author = {Limin Yu and Xianmei Zhang and Zheng-Mao Sheng}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Number = {12}, Pages = {122104}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {The interaction between an ion and multiple electrostatic waves propagating perpendicularly to an ambient magnetic field with shear is investigated. Based on the Lie transformation method, with the wave amplitude and the magnetic shear both as the perturbation parameters, the analytical formulas for the reduced Hamiltonian is derived and results are compared with numerical calculations of the complete equations of motion for the case of two on-resonance waves and the case of two off-resonance waves, respectively. It is found that the effect of magnetic shear drastically prevents the acceleration of an ion in both cases. This result will help us to understand the behaviors of ions in a magnetic sheared device, such as tokamak.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3662438}, Eid = {122104}, File = {Yu2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122104.pdf:Yu2011_PhysPlasmas_18_122104.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Lie algebras; plasma confinement; plasma electrostatic waves}, Numpages = {11}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.12.15}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/122104/1} } @Article{Yu1997, Title = {Nonlinear evolution of neoclassical double tearing mode}, Author = {Qingquan Yu}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1997}, Pages = {1047}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {A theory for the nonlinear neoclassical double tearing mode is presented. The equations governing the nonlinear evolution of the mode are obtained for both the locked islands and the islands with different rotation frequencies. The coupling of the two islands plays a destabilizing role in the island growth, especially when the phase between the two islands is locked. The perturbed bootstrap current has a strong stabilizing effect on the inner island but a weak destabilizing effect on the outer island. The inner island width is decreased when there is a relative rotation between the two islands, while the outer island is less affected by plasma rotation. The outer island width is found be an important parameter in determining the inner island width and the stability of the nonmonotonic q-profile.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.872192}, File = {Yu1997_PhysPlasmas_4_1047.pdf:Yu1997_PhysPlasmas_4_1047.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.09}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v4/i4/p1047_s1} } @Article{Yu1996, Title = {Nonlinear growth of the double tearing mode}, Author = {Qingquan Yu}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1996}, Pages = {2898}, Volume = {3}, Abstract = {A theory for the growth of the double tearing mode in the early nonlinear stage is presented. The equations governing the nonlinear evolution of double tearing modes are formulated and are solved in different parameter regimes. When the phase difference between the two islands is π, the coupling of the two islands plays a destabilizing role. The island growth is of the form w∼t in the early nonlinear stage. The instability condition for the nonlinear double tearing mode is found, and is the same as that for the linear double tearing mode. When current profile is flattened near the two rational surfaces, the coupling plays the dominant role in determining the nonlinear growth.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.871649}, File = {Yu1996_PhysPlasmas_3_2898.pdf:Yu1996_PhysPlasmas_3_2898.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.09}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v3/i8/p2898_s1} } @Article{Yu1999, Title = {Numerical modelling of neoclassical double tearing modes}, Author = {Q. Yu and S. Günter}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {1999}, Number = {4}, Pages = {487}, Volume = {39}, Abstract = {The non-linear evolution of the neoclassical double tearing mode (DTM) is investigated by numerical modelling. As predicted by an analytical theory, the perturbed bootstrap current is found to have a stabilizing effect on the inner island but a destabilizing effect on the outer island. The coupled tearing modes are much more unstable than single modes, especially when the two rational surfaces are close (but not so close as to be reduced to a single tearing mode). Differential plasma rotation decouples the modes and stabilizes, therefore, the DTM. However, for large islands the relative phase between the two islands will be locked. The outer island width is found to be an important parameter in determining the inner island width and the stability of the non-monotonic q profile.}, File = {Yu1999_0029-5515_39_4_306.pdf:Yu1999_0029-5515_39_4_306.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.09}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/39/i=4/a=306} } @Article{Yu1998, Title = {On the stabilization of neoclassical tearing modes by phased electron cyclotron waves}, Author = {Qingquan Yu and Sibylle Günter}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {1998}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1977}, Volume = {40}, Abstract = {The stabilization of neoclassical tearing modes by phased electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) and electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) is studied numerically. The dependence of the saturated magnetic island width on the magnitude, width and location of the driven current and the corresponding resistivity perturbation are investigated. Since the saturated island size cannot become much smaller than the width of the driven current layer, this width is one of the most important parameters. Assuming usual heat transport coefficients, the stabilization by ECRH is found to be more effective than that by ECCD for a large island in a middle-size tokamak, while the stabilization by ECCD should be more effective for a tokamak reactor.}, File = {Yu1998a_PhysPlasmas_5_3924.pdf:Yu1998a_PhysPlasmas_5_3924.pdf:PDF;Yu1998_0741-3335_40_11_011.pdf:Yu1998_0741-3335_40_11_011.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.09}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/40/i=11/a=011} } @Article{Yu1998a, Title = {Modeling of the nonlinear growth of neoclassical tearing modes}, Author = {Qingquan Yu and Sibylle Günter}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1998}, Pages = {3924}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {The nonlinear growth of neoclassical tearing modes is studied numerically. In the present computational model the perturbed bootstrap current, as well as the nonlinear coupling between different harmonics of the same helicity, are included, and the large aspect-ratio tokamak approximation is used. This work is focused on the nonlinear growth time and the saturated width of the magnetic island. The perturbed bootstrap current is found to play a destabilizing role in the nonlinear island as in previous analytical theories. For sufficiently large islands, the island width at saturation is not linearly proportional to the fraction of the bootstrap current. The formation of the island leads to a near constant decrease in plasma pressure in the region between the magnetic axis and the island. The simulated island growth time, as well as the saturated island width, agree very well with experimental observations.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.873112}, File = {Yu1998a_PhysPlasmas_5_3924.pdf:Yu1998a_PhysPlasmas_5_3924.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.09}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v5/i11/p3924_s1} } @Article{Yu2009a, Title = {Gyrocenter-gauge kinetic algorithm for high frequency waves in magnetized plasmas}, Author = {Zhi Yu and Hong Qin}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {032507}, Volume = {16}, Abstract = {A kinetic simulation algorithm for high-frequency electromagnetic waves has been developed based on the gyrocenter-gauge kinetic theory. The magnetized plasma system is simulated in the gyrocenter coordinate system. The gyrocenter distribution function F is sampled on the gyrocenter, parallel velocity, and magnetic moment coordinates. The gyrocenter-gauge function S is sampled on the Kruskal rings and shares the first five coordinates with F. The moment integral of pullback transformation is directly calculated using the Monte Carlo method and an explicit difference scheme for Maxwell’s equations in terms of potentials is adopted. The new algorithm has been successfully applied to the simulation studies of high frequency extraordinary wave, electron Bernstein wave, and the mode conversion process between the extraordinary wave and the electron Bernstein wave in inhomogeneous plasmas.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3097266}, File = {Yu2009a_PhysPlasmas_16_032507.pdf:Yu2009a_PhysPlasmas_16_032507.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.30}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i3/p032507_s1} } @Article{Yun2011, Title = {Two-Dimensional Visualization of Growth and Burst of the Edge-Localized Filaments in KSTAR $H$-Mode Plasmas}, Author = {Yun, G. S. and Lee, W. and Choi, M. J. and Lee, J. and Park, H. K. and Tobias, B. and Domier, C. W. and Luhmann, N. C. and Donn\'e, A. J. H. and Lee, J. H.}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2011}, Month = {Jul}, Pages = {045004}, Volume = {107}, Collaboration = {KSTAR Team}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.045004}, File = {Yun2011_PhysRevLett.107.045004.pdf:Yun2011_PhysRevLett.107.045004.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {4}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.11.17}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.045004} } @Article{Zalesny2009, Title = {Mechanical analogy of the nonlinear dynamics of a driven unstable mode near marginal stability}, Author = {Jaroslaw Zalesny and D. Anderson and at al.}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {022110}, Volume = {16}, Abstract = {The universal integrodifferential model equation derived by Berk et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 1256 (1996) ] for studying the nonlinear evolution of unstable modes driven by kinetic wave particle resonances near the instability threshold is reduced to a differential equation and next as a further simplification to a nonlinear oscillator equation. This mechanical analogy properly reproduces most of the essential physics of the system and allows an understanding of the qualitative features of the theory of Berk et al.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3079068}, File = {Zalesny2009_PhysPlasmas_16_022110.pdf:Zalesny2009_PhysPlasmas_16_022110.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v16/i2/p022110_s1} } @Article{Zalesny2011, Title = {Nonlinear evolution of two fast-particle-driven modes near the linear stability threshold}, Author = {Jaroslaw Zalesny and Grzegorz Galant and et al.}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {062109}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {A system of two coupled integro-differential equations is derived and solved for the non-linear evolution of two waves excited by the resonant interaction with fast ions just above the linear instability threshold. The effects of a resonant particle source and classical relaxation processes represented by the Krook, diffusion, and dynamical friction collision operators are included in the model, which exhibits different nonlinear evolution regimes, mainly depending on the type of relaxation process that restores the unstable distribution function of fast ions. When the Krook collisions or diffusion dominate, the wave amplitude evolution is characterized by modulation and saturation. However, when the dynamical friction dominates, the wave amplitude is in the explosive regime. In addition, it is found that the finite separation in the phase velocities of the two modes weakens the interaction strength between the modes.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3601136}, File = {Zalesny2011_PhysPlasmas_18_062109.pdf:Zalesny2011_PhysPlasmas_18_062109.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.25}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i6/p062109_s1} } @Article{Zarzoso2012, Title = {Fully kinetic description of the linear excitation and nonlinear saturation of fast-ion-driven geodesic acoustic mode instability}, Author = {D. Zarzoso and X. Garbet and Y. Sarazin and R. Dumont and V. Grandgirard}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {022102}, Volume = {19}, Abstract = {We show in this paper that geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) can be efficiently excited by a population of fast ions even when Landau damping on thermal ions is accounted for. We report in particular fully kinetic calculations of the GAM dispersion relation and its complete solution. Written under a variational form, the quasi-neutrality condition, together with the kinetic Vlasov equation, leads to the density of exchanged energy between particles and the mode. In particular, a linear threshold for the GAMs excitation is derived. Two examples of fast ion distribution have been discussed analytically. It turns out that particles with high perpendicular energy compared to the parallel resonance energy are most responsible for the excitation of the mode. Subsequent numerical simulations of circular plasmas using gysela code have been carried out. In particular, the linear kinetic threshold has been reproduced during the excitation phase, and a nonlinear saturation has been observed. Analysis in the phase space of the evolution of the equilibrium distribution function is presented and the saturation level quantified.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3680633}, Eid = {022102}, File = {Zarzoso2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022102.pdf:Zarzoso2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022102.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {numerical analysis; plasma density; plasma instability; plasma ion acoustic waves; plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; Vlasov equation}, Numpages = {13}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2012.02.09}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/022102/1} } @Article{Zhang2009a, author = {H.S. Zhang and Z. Qiu and L. Chen and Z. Lin}, title = {The importance of parallel nonlinearity in the self-interaction of geodesic acoustic mode}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {49}, number = {12}, pages = {125009}, abstract = {Gyrokinetic theory and simulation find that the nonlinear self-interactions of the long wavelength geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) in toroidal plasmas cannot efficiently generate the second harmonic due to a cancellation between the perpendicular convective nonlinearity and the parallel nonlinearity, which is neglected in most of gyrokinetic theory and simulation. Other mechanisms beyond conventional GAM theory are required to explain recent experimental observations of the excitation of the GAM second harmonic.}, file = {Zhang2009_0029-5515_49_12_125009.pdf:Zhang2009_0029-5515_49_12_125009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.08.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/49/i=12/a=125009}, } @Article{Zhang2010a, Title = {Trapped electron damping of geodesic acoustic mode}, Author = {H. S. Zhang and Z. Lin}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Number = {7}, Pages = {072502}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {Global gyrokinetic particle simulation finds that the collisionless damping rate of the geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) in tokamak is greatly enhanced by trapped electrons in the high-q region of tokamak (q is the safety factor). The electron damping has been identified to arise from the resonance of the GAM oscillation with the trapped electron bounce motion. The contribution of passing electrons to the GAM collisionless damping is much smaller than the trapped electrons. The residual level of the zonal flow is not sensitive to the trapped electron resonance.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3447879}, Eid = {072502}, File = {Zhang2010a_zhanghs10a.pdf:Zhang2010a_zhanghs10a.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma flow; plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma oscillations; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {6}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.12.16}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/072502/1} } @Article{Zhang2010, Title = {Gyrokinetic particle simulation of beta-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode}, Author = {H. S. Zhang and Z. Lin and I. Holod and X. Wang and Y. Xiao and W. L. Zhang}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Number = {11}, Pages = {112505}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {The beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode (BAE) in toroidal plasmas is studied using global gyrokinetic particle simulations. The BAE real frequency and damping rate measured in the initial perturbation simulation and in the antenna excitation simulation agree well with each other. The real frequency is slightly higher than the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) accumulation point frequency due to the kinetic effects of thermal ions. Simulations with energetic particle density gradient show exponential growth of BAE with a growth rate sensitive to the energetic particle temperature and density. The nonperturbative contributions by energetic particles modify the mode structure and reduce the frequency relative to the MHD theory. The finite Larmor radius effects of energetic particles reduce the BAE growth rate. Benchmarks between gyrokinetic particle simulation and hybrid MHD-gyrokinetic simulation show good agreement in BAE real frequency and mode structure.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3498761}, Eid = {112505}, File = {Zhang2010_zhanghs10b.pdf:Zhang2010_zhanghs10b.pdf:PDF;Zhang2010a_zhanghs10a.pdf:Zhang2010a_zhanghs10a.pdf:PDF;Zhang2010b_PhysPlasmas_17_055902.pdf:Zhang2010b_PhysPlasmas_17_055902.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; ion density; perturbation theory; plasma Alfven waves; plasma density; plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement}, Numpages = {7}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2010.12.16}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/112505/1} } @Article{Zhang2010b, Title = {Scalings of energetic particle transport by ion temperature gradient microturbulence}, Author = {Wenlu Zhang and Viktor Decyk and Ihor Holod and Yong Xiao and Zhihong Lin and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {055902}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {Transport scaling of energetic particles by ion temperature gradient microturbulence in magnetized plasmas is studied in massively paralleled gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulations. It is found that the diffusivity decreases drastically at high particles energy (E) to plasma temperature (T) ratio because of the averaging effects of the large gyroradius and drift-orbit width, and the fast wave-particle decorrelation. At high energy, the diffusivity follows a (E/T)−1 scaling for purely passing particles, a (E/T)−2 scaling for deeply trapped particles and a (E/T)−1 scaling for particles with an isotropic velocity distribution since the diffusivity therein is contributed mostly by the passing particles.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3379471}, File = {Zhang2010b_PhysPlasmas_17_055902.pdf:Zhang2010b_PhysPlasmas_17_055902.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.11}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v17/i5/p055902_s1} } @Article{Zhang2008a, Title = {Transport of Energetic Particles by Microturbulence in Magnetized Plasmas}, Author = {Zhang, Wenlu and Lin, Zhihong and Chen, Liu}, Journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, Year = {2008}, Month = {Aug}, Pages = {095001}, Volume = {101}, Abstract = {Transport of energetic particles by the microturbulence in magnetized plasmas is studied in gyrokinetic simulations of the ion temperature gradient turbulence. The probability density function of the ion radial excursion is found to be very close to a Gaussian, indicating a diffusive transport process. The particle diffusivity can thus be calculated from a random walk model. The diffusivity is found to decrease drastically for high energy particles due to the averaging effects of the large gyroradius and orbit width, and the fast decorrelation of the energetic particles with the waves.}, Doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.095001}, File = {Zhang2008a_PhysRevLett.101.095001.pdf:Zhang2008a_PhysRevLett.101.095001.pdf:PDF}, Issue = {9}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {American Physical Society}, Timestamp = {2011.11.11}, Url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.095001} } @Article{Zhang2008, Title = {Two-fluid formulation of lower-hybrid-drift instabilities in current-sheet equilibrium with a guide field.}, Author = {W. Zhang and Z. Lin and P. H. Yoon and X. Wang}, Journal = {Commun. Comput. Phys.}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {719-728}, Volume = {4}, Abstract = {A nonlocal two-fluid formulation has been constructed for describing lower-hybrid drift instabilities in current-sheet configuration with a finite guide magnetic field in the context of magnetic reconnection. As a benchmark and verification, a class of unstable modes with multiple eigenstates are found by numerical solutions with guide field turned off. It is found that the most unstable modes are the electrostatic, short-wavelength perturbations in the lower-hybrid frequency range, with wave functions localized at the edge of the current sheet where the density gradient reaches its maximum. It is also found that there exist electrostatic modes located near the center of the current sheet where the current density is maximum. These modes are low-frequency, long-wavelength perturbations. Attempts will be made to compare the current results with those from kinetic theory in the near future since the validity of the fluid theory ultimately needs to be checked with the more fundamental kinetic theory.}, File = {Zhang2008_zhangwl08a.pdf:Zhang2008_zhangwl08a.pdf:PDF;Zhang2008a_PhysRevLett.101.095001.pdf:Zhang2008a_PhysRevLett.101.095001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.16}, Url = {http://www.global-sci.com/issue/contents/4/issue3.html} } @Article{Zhang2011, Title = {Influences of sub-Alfvénic shear flows on nonlinear evolution of magnetic reconnection in compressible plasmas}, Author = {X. Zhang and L. J. Li and L. C. Wang and J. H. Li and Z. W. Ma}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {092112}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {Influences of sub-Alfvénic shear flows on the nonlinear evolution of the magnetic reconnection are studied in the framework of compressible resistive MHD and compressible Hall MHD. It is found for the first time that the sub-Alfvénic shear flow can either stabilize or destabilize magnetic reconnection, which is mainly determined by the plasma beta and the half thickness of the shear flow (λv). The shear flow exhibits a suppressing effect on magnetic reconnection and the boosting effect nearly disappears for the beta plasma β ≲1, which is associated with the presence of a pair of discontinuities in the upper and lower inflow region. The shear flow has the boosting effect on magnetic reconnection when the half thickness of the shear flow exceeds a critical value in the high beta plasma which is in a good agreement with the results from incompressible simulation. With the inclusion of the Hall effect, shear flow can still either stabilize or destabilize magnetic reconnection, but the boosting effect becomes weaker as the ion inertial length di increases.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3643792}, File = {Zhang2011_PhysPlasmas_18_092112.pdf:Zhang2011_PhysPlasmas_18_092112.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.30}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v18/i9/p092112_s1} } @Article{Zhao2011a, author = {Zhao, Dian and Yu, M. Y.}, title = {Generalized nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation as a model for turbulence, collapse, and inverse cascade}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2011}, volume = {83}, number = {3}, pages = {036405}, month = {Mar}, abstract = {A two-dimensional generalized cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with complex coefficients for the group dispersion and nonlinear terms is used to investigate the evolution of a finite-amplitude localized initial perturbation. It is found that modulation of the latter can lead to sideband formation, wave condensation, collapse, turbulence, and inverse energy cascade, although not all together and not in that order.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.83.036405}, file = {Zhao2011_PhysRevE.83.036405.pdf:Zhao2011_PhysRevE.83.036405.pdf:PDF}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2011.08.11}, } @Article{Zhao2002, author = {Gang Zhao and Liu Chen}, title = {Gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulation of Alfv[e-acute]nic ion-temperature-gradient modes in tokamak plasma}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2002}, volume = {9}, number = {3}, pages = {861-868}, abstract = {A linearized gyrokinetic particle-in-cell code is developed to study the excitations of electromagnetic instabilities due to finite ion temperature gradients in tokamak plasmas. The code employs the δf scheme to solve the gyrokinetic equations for ion dynamics; while electrons are modeled as massless fluid. The instability threshold condition of the Alfvénic ion-temperature-gradient (ITG) mode as well as the finite β stablization of electrostatic ITG mode are studied. Here β = 8πp/B2 is the ratio between the plasma and magnetic pressure. In the β→0 limit, our code recovers the electrostatic results. As β increases, the destablization of kinetic ballooning mode due to finite ion temperature gradient is observed. The simulation results also reveal two possible critical values of ηi, where ηi = d ln Ti/d ln n is the ratio between the density scale length to the temperature scale length; one of the critical values is for the predominantly electrostatic ITG mode and one for the Alfvénic ITG mode, where ηi,cAITG<ηi,cESITG. The transition domain between the Alfvénic ITG mode and the ITG mode, meanwhile, is found to depend on β and ηi. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1454124}, file = {Zhao2002_POP.pdf:Zhao2002_POP.pdf:PDF}, groups = {pic}, keywords = {Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma simulation; plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma temperature}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2010.10.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/9/861/1}, } @Article{Zheng2010, Title = {AEGIS-K code for linear kinetic analysis of toroidally axisymmetric plasma stability}, Author = {Zheng, L. J. and Kotschenreuther, M. T. and Van Dam, J. W.}, Journal = {J. Comput. Phys.}, Year = {2010}, Month = {May}, Note = {郑林锦}, Pages = {3605--3622}, Volume = {229}, Abstract = {Recent ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) theory predicts that a perturbation evolving from a linear ballooning instability will continue to grow exponentially in the intermediate nonlinear phase at the same linear growth rate. This prediction is confirmed in ideal MHD simulations. When the Lagrangian compression, a measure of the ballooning nonlinearity, becomes of the order of unity, the intermediate nonlinear phase is entered, during which the maximum plasma displacement amplitude as well as the total kinetic energy continues to grow exponentially at the rate of the corresponding linear phase.}, Acmid = {1751781}, Address = {San Diego, CA, USA}, Doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2010.01.017}, File = {Zheng2010_AEGIS-K code.pdf:Zheng2010_AEGIS-K code.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Issue = {10}, Keywords = {AEGIS, AEGIS-K, Adaptive, Eigen-value, Gyrokinetics, Magnetohydrodynamics, Plasma, Shooting, Stability, Tokamak}, Numpages = {18}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {Academic Press Professional, Inc.}, Timestamp = {2011.04.12}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2010.01.017} } @Article{Zheng2006, Title = {AEGIS: An adaptive ideal-magnetohydrodynamics shooting code for axisymmetric plasma stability}, Author = {L.-J. Zheng and M. Kotschenreuther}, Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, Year = {2006}, Number = {2}, Pages = {748 - 766}, Volume = {211}, Abstract = {A new linear ideal-magnetohydrodynamics stability code for axisymmetric plasmas, AEGIS, is described. The AEGIS code employs adaptive shooting in the radial direction and Fourier decomposition in the poloidal direction. The general solution is a linear combination of the independent solutions of the Euler–Lagrange equations solved by the adaptive shooting. A multiple-region matching technique is used to overcome the numerical difficulty associated with the stiff nature of the independent solutions. Benchmarks with other MHD codes show good agreement. Because it is adaptive, the AEGIS code has very good resolution near the singular surfaces of MHD modes. AEGIS has the additional advantage of allowing the investigation of modes with not only low mode numbers, but also intermediate to high mode numbers.}, Doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2005.06.009}, File = {Zheng2006_science.pdf:Zheng2006_science.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0021-9991}, Keywords = {Magnetohydrodynamics}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.30}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999105002950} } @Article{Zheng1996, Title = {Analytical tokamak equilibrium for shaped plasmas}, Author = {S. B. Zheng and A. J. Wootton and Emilia R. Solano}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {1996}, Pages = {1176}, Volume = {3}, Abstract = {A general analytical solution of the Grad–Shafranov equation is presented. Specific functional forms of pressure and plasma current are used; the solution allows arbitrary plasma size, aspect ratio, elongation, triangularity, current, and poloidal beta, without imposing undue constraints amongst those variables.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.871772}, File = {Zheng1996_PhysPlasmas_3_1176.pdf:Zheng1996_PhysPlasmas_3_1176.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.10.21}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v3/i3/p1176_s1} } @Article{Zhou2007, Title = {Electromagnetic geodesic acoustic modes in tokamak plasmas}, Author = {Deng Zhou}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2007}, Number = {10}, Pages = {104502}, Volume = {14}, Abstract = {The drift kinetic equation is solved for investigation of the plasma response to electromagnetic geodesic acoustic modes. The plasma flow within magnetic surfaces is considered. A perpendicular magnetic perturbation with poloidal number m = 2 is created due to the m = 2 parallel return current.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.2793740}, Eid = {104502}, File = {Zhou2007_PhysPlasmas_14_104502.pdf:Zhou2007_PhysPlasmas_14_104502.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma flow; plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma oscillations; plasma-wall interactions; Tokamak devices}, Numpages = {4}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.05.20}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/104502/1} } @Article{Zhou2001, Title = {Numerical study on Landau damping}, Author = {Tie Zhou and Yan Guo and Chi-Wang Shu}, Journal = {Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena}, Year = {2001}, Number = {4}, Pages = {322 - 333}, Volume = {157}, Abstract = {We present a numerical study of the so-called Landau damping phenomenon in the Vlasov theory for spatially periodic plasmas in a nonlinear setting. It shows that the electric field does decay exponentially to zero as time goes to infinity with general analytical initial data which are close to a Maxwellian. The time decay depends on the length of the period as well as the closeness between the initial data and the Maxwellian. A similar pattern is observed if the Maxwellian is replaced by other algebraically decaying homogeneous equilibria with a single maximum, or even by some homogeneous equilibria with small double-humps. The numerical method used is a high order accurate hybrid spectral and finite difference scheme which is carefully calibrated with the well-known decay theory for the corresponding linear case, to guarantee a reliable resolution free of numerical artifacts for a long time integration.}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0167-2789(01)00289-5}, File = {Zhou2001_sdarticle.pdf:Zhou2001_sdarticle.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0167-2789}, Keywords = {Landau damping}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.03.04}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TVK-43RV242-3/2/75ae5c32a43149e623d0efd72158fde6} } @Article{Zhu2009a, author = {Zhu, P. and Hegna, C. C. and Sovinec, C. R.}, title = {Exponential Growth of Nonlinear Ballooning Instability}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2009}, volume = {102}, pages = {235003}, month = {Jun}, abstract = {Recent ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) theory predicts that a perturbation evolving from a linear ballooning instability will continue to grow exponentially in the intermediate nonlinear phase at the same linear growth rate. This prediction is confirmed in ideal MHD simulations. When the Lagrangian compression, a measure of the ballooning nonlinearity, becomes of the order of unity, the intermediate nonlinear phase is entered, during which the maximum plasma displacement amplitude as well as the total kinetic energy continues to grow exponentially at the rate of the corresponding linear phase.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.235003}, file = {Zhu2009_PhysRevLett.102.235003.pdf:Zhu2009_PhysRevLett.102.235003.pdf:PDF;Zhu2009a_0029-5515_49_9_095009.pdf:Zhu2009a_0029-5515_49_9_095009.pdf:PDF}, issue = {23}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2011.10.19}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.235003}, } @Article{Zohm1996, Title = {Edge localized modes (ELMs)}, Author = {H Zohm}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {1996}, Number = {2}, Pages = {105}, Volume = {38}, Abstract = {The phenomenology of edge localized modes (ELMs), an MHD instability occurring in the edge of H-mode plasmas in toroidal magnetic fusion experiments, is described. ELMs are important to obtain experimental control of the particle inventory of fusion plasmas. From an analysis of the ELM behaviour of different magnetic fusion experiments, three distinct types are identified, namely dithering cycles, type III and type I ELMs. A physical picture of these phenomena is established on the grounds of theoretical models put forward to describe the different ELM phenomena.}, File = {Zohm1996_0741-3335_38_2_001.pdf:Zohm1996_0741-3335_38_2_001.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.11}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/38/i=2/a=001} } @Article{Zonca2010, Title = {Kinetic structures of shear Alfvén and acoustic wave spectra in burning plasmas}, Author = {F Zonca and A Biancalani and I Chavdarovski and L Chen and C Di Troia and X Wang}, Journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, Year = {2010}, Number = {1}, Pages = {012022}, Volume = {260}, Abstract = {We present a general theoretical framework for discussing the physics of low frequency fluctuation spectra of shear Alfvén and acoustic waves in toroidal plasmas of fusion interest. This framework helps identifying the relevant dynamics and, thus, interpreting experimental observations. We also discuss the roles of such general theoretical framework for verification and validation of numerical simulation codes vs. analytic predictions and experimental results.}, File = {Zonca2010_1742-6596_260_1_012022.pdf:Zonca2010_1742-6596_260_1_012022.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.09.04}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/260/i=1/a=012022} } @Article{Zonca2006a, Title = {Physics of burning plasmas in toroidal magnetic confinement devices}, Author = {F Zonca and S Briguglio and L Chen and G Fogaccia and T S Hahm and A V Milovanov and G Vlad}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2006}, Number = {12B}, Pages = {B15}, Volume = {48}, Abstract = {Some of the crucial physics aspects of burning plasmas magnetically confined in toroidal systems are presented from the viewpoint of nonlinear dynamics. Most of the discussions specifically refer to tokamaks, but they can be readily extended to other toroidal confinement devices. Particular emphasis is devoted to fluctuation induced transport processes of mega electron volts energetic ions and charged fusion products as well as to energy and particle transports of the thermal plasma. Long time scale behaviours due to the interplay of fast ion induced collective effects and plasma turbulence are addressed in the framework of burning plasmas as complex self-organized systems. The crucial roles of mutual positive feedbacks between theory, numerical simulation and experiment are shown to be the necessary premise for reliable extrapolations from present day laboratory to burning plasmas. Examples of the broader applications of fundamental problems to other fields of plasma physics and beyond are also given.}, File = {Zonca2006a_Physics of Burning Plasmas in Toroidal.pdf:Zonca2006a_Physics of Burning Plasmas in Toroidal.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.12.22}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=12B/a=S02} } @Article{Zonca2007, Title = {Electron fishbones: theory and experimental evidence}, Author = {F. Zonca and P. Buratti and A. Cardinali and L. Chen and J.-Q. Dong and Y.-X. Long and A.V. Milovanov and F. Romanelli and P. Smeulders and L. Wang and Z.-T. Wang and C. Castaldo and R. Cesario and E. Giovannozzi and M. Marinucci and V. Pericoli Ridolfini}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2007}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1588}, Volume = {47}, Abstract = {We discuss the processes underlying the excitation of fishbone-like internal kink instabilities driven by supra-thermal electrons generated experimentally by different means: electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) and by lower hybrid (LH) power injection. The peculiarity and interest of exciting these electron fishbones by ECRH only or by LH only is also analysed. Not only is the mode stability explained, but also the transition between steady state nonlinear oscillations to bursting (almost regular) pulsations, as observed in FTU, is interpreted in terms of the LH power input. These results are directly relevant to the investigation of trapped alpha particle interactions with low-frequency MHD modes in burning plasmas: in fact, alpha particles in reactor relevant conditions are characterized by small dimensionless orbits, similarly to electrons; the trapped particle bounce averaged dynamics, meanwhile, depends on energy and not mass.}, File = {Zonca2007_0029-5515_47_11_022.pdf:Zonca2007_0029-5515_47_11_022.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.04.20}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/47/i=11/a=022} } @Article{Zonca2008, Title = {Radial structures and nonlinear excitation of geodesic acoustic modes}, Author = {F. Zonca and L. Chen}, Journal = {EPL (Europhysics Letters)}, Year = {2008}, Number = {3}, Pages = {35001}, Volume = {83}, Abstract = {Geodesic acoustic modes (GAM) are shown to constitute a continuous spectrum due to radial inhomogeneities. The importance and theoretical as well as experimental implications of this fact are discussed in this work. The existence of a singular layer causes GAM to mode convert to short-wavelength kinetic GAM (KGAM) via finite ion Larmor radii; analogous to kinetic Alfvén waves (KAW). Furthermore, it is shown that KGAM can be nonlinearly excited by drift-wave (DW) turbulence via 3-wave parametric interactions, and the resultant driven-dissipative nonlinear system exhibits typical prey-predator self-regulatory dynamics, consistent with recent experimental observations on HL-2A. The degeneracy of GAM/KGAM with beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (BAE) is demonstrated and discussed, with emphasis on its important role in the complex self-organized behaviors of burning plasmas.}, File = {Zonca2008_zonca_epl08.pdf:Zonca2008_zonca_epl08.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.02.28}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0295-5075/83/i=3/a=35001} } @Article{Zonca2006, Title = {Resonant and non-resonant particle dynamics in Alfvén mode excitations}, Author = {Fulvio Zonca and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {2006}, Number = {5}, Pages = {537}, Volume = {48}, Abstract = {Shear Alfvén wave excitations by energetic ( E ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/ap.gif] {≈} 1 MeV) ions in burning tokamak plasmas are investigated. The physical processes dominating resonant and non-resonant wave–particle interaction with fast ions are identified and discussed in various wavelength regimes. It is shown that both types of interactions depend crucially on the magnetic drift curvature coupling in conditions optimal for resonant mode excitation, which also correspond to maximized fast ion redistributions by collective oscillations. Energetic particle charge uncovering effects, viewed as (thermal) core component currents responding to the charge separation caused by large fast ion orbit widths, are further delineated in terms of the present results.}, File = {Zonca2006_PPCF.pdf:Zonca2006_PPCF.pdf:PDF;Zonca2006a_Physics of Burning Plasmas in Toroidal.pdf:Zonca2006a_Physics of Burning Plasmas in Toroidal.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2010.10.24}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=5/a=004} } @Article{Zonca2000, Title = {Destabilization of energetic particle modes by localized particle sources}, Author = {Fulvio Zonca and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {2000}, Number = {11}, Pages = {4600-4608}, Volume = {7}, Abstract = {In the present paper, in order to delineate the essential physics, analytic dispersion relations for Energetic Particle Modes (EPM) excitation via precessional resonance in toroidal systems are derived in various limiting but still relevant cases. The analytic dispersion relations obtained here can be readily applied to EPM excitations by magnetically trapped energetic ions generated with ion cyclotron frequency heating. It is also demonstrated that “frequency chirping” is what the linear dispersion relation of EPM’s predicts when the local properties of either energetic particles or the thermal plasma are changed. A new novel result is that, for sufficiently strong spatial gradients, energetic particles can produce an effective potential well that radially (globally) traps the EPM. This property is a crucial and peculiar one of EPM’s, and it could have important implications to the self-consistent nonlinear dynamic evolution of the fast particle distribution.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.1312821}, File = {Zonca2000_PhysPlasmas_7_4600.pdf:Zonca2000_PhysPlasmas_7_4600.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {plasma instability; dispersion relations; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma radiofrequency heating; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma oscillations; magnetic traps; chirp modulation}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/7/4600/1} } @Article{Zonca1996, Title = {Theory of toroidal Alfv[e-acute]n modes excited by energetic particles in tokamaks}, Author = {Fulvio Zonca and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, Year = {1996}, Number = {1}, Pages = {323-343}, Volume = {3}, Abstract = {A general analytical theory for the two‐dimensional eigenmode structures and stability of high toroidal‐mode‐number (high‐n) shear Alfvén modes in axisymmetric tokamaks is presented. This theory, thus, further generalizes the previous work on the high‐n toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) [Phys. Fluids B 5, 3668 (1993)] by including, nonperturbatively, plasma kinetic effects and resonant excitations by energetic particles. Specifically, in addition to recovering the known theoretical predictions on TAE, we have derived new results on global radial structures, as well as stability properties of kinetic toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (KTAE) and energetic‐particle modes (EPM).}, Doi = {10.1063/1.871857}, File = {Zonca1996_PhysPlasmas_3_323.pdf:Zonca1996_PhysPlasmas_3_323.pdf:PDF;Zonca1996a_0741-3335_38_11_011.pdf:Zonca1996a_0741-3335_38_11_011.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; EIGENSTATES; INSTABILITY; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; THERMONUCLEAR DEVICES; TOKAMAK DEVICES; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION}, Owner = {hsxie}, Publisher = {AIP}, Timestamp = {2011.03.22}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/3/323/1} } @Article{Zonca1993, Title = {Theory of continuum damping of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes in finite‐β tokamaks}, Author = {Fulvio Zonca and Liu Chen}, Journal = {Phys. Fluids B}, Year = {1993}, Pages = {3668}, Volume = {5}, Abstract = {A general theoretical approach has been formulated for analyzing two‐dimensional structures of high‐n toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) in large aspect‐ratio, finite‐β tokamaks. Here, n is the toroidal wave number and β is the ratio between plasma and magnetic pressures. The present approach generalizes the standard ballooning‐mode formalism and is capable of treating eigenmodes with extended global radial structures, as well as finite coupling between discrete and continuous spectra. Employing the well‐known (s,α) model equilibrium and assuming a linear equilibrium profile, the present approach has been applied to the calculation of the resonant continuum damping rate of TAE modes. Here, s and α denote, respectively, the strengths of magnetic shear and pressure gradients. In particular, it is found that there exists a critical α value, αc(s), such that, as α→αc, the continuum damping rate is significantly enhanced and, thus, could suppress the potential TAE instability.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.860839}, File = {Zonca1993_PFB003668.pdf:Zonca1993_PFB003668.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.12.03}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/pfbpei/v5/i10/p3668_s1} } @Article{Zonca2009, Title = {High-frequency fishbones at JET: theoretical interpretation of experimental observations}, Author = {F. Zonca and L. Chen and A. Botrugno and P. Buratti and A. Cardinali and R. Cesario and V. Pericoli Ridolfini and JET-EFDA contributors}, Journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, Year = {2009}, Number = {8}, Pages = {085009}, Volume = {49}, Abstract = {The existence of fishbone fluctuations at frequencies comparable to those of geodesic acoustic modes (GAM) and beta induced Alfvén eigenmodes (BAE) has been demonstrated theoretically in a recent work (Zonca et al 2007 Nucl. Fusion [/0029-5515/47] 47 1588 ). Here, we show that observation of fishbones at unexpectedly high frequencies in JET (Nabais et al 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 102509) is well interpreted as experimental evidence of high (GAM/BAE range) frequency fishbones and discuss the insights concerning both supra-thermal particles as well as thermal plasma properties that can be obtained from experimental observations.}, File = {Zonca2009_zonca_nf09.pdf:Zonca2009_zonca_nf09.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.26}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/49/i=8/a=085009} } @Article{Zonca1996a, Title = {Kinetic theory of low-frequency Alfvén modes in tokamaks}, Author = {Fulvio Zonca and Liu Chen and Robert A Santoro}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {1996}, Number = {11}, Pages = {2011}, Volume = {38}, Abstract = {The kinetic theory of low-frequency Alfvén modes in tokamaks is presented. The inclusion of both diamagnetic effects and finite core-plasma ion compressibility generalizes previous theoretical analyses (Tsai S T and Chen L 1993 Phys. Fluids B 5 3284) of kinetic ballooning modes and clarifies their strong connection to beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes. The derivation of an analytic mode dispersion relation allows us to study the linear stability of both types of modes as a function of the parameters characterizing the local plasma equilibrium and to demonstrate that the most unstable regime corresponds to a strong coupling between the two branches due to the finite thermal ion temperature gradient. In addition, we also show that, under certain circumstances, non-collective modes may be present in the plasma, formed as a superposition of local oscillations which are quasi-exponentially growing in time.}, File = {Zonca1996a_0741-3335_38_11_011.pdf:Zonca1996a_0741-3335_38_11_011.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.25}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/38/i=11/a=011} } @Article{Zonca1998, Title = {Existence of discrete modes in an unstable shear Alfvén continuous spectrum}, Author = {Fulvio Zonca and Liu Chen and Robert A Santoro and J Q Dong}, Journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, Year = {1998}, Number = {12}, Pages = {2009}, Volume = {40}, Abstract = {In this letter, we demonstrate the existence of unstable ion temperature gradient driven Alfvén eigenmodes in tokamak plasmas, which are ideally stable with respect to magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Conditions for the destabilization of such modes are quantitatively discussed on the basis of theoretical analyses of the mode dispersion relation, which is given in a compact analytical form. It is emphasized that instability requires both sufficiently strong thermal ion temperature gradients and that the plasma be sufficiently close to ideal MHD marginal stability.}, File = {Zonca1998_0741-3335_40_12_002.pdf:Zonca1998_0741-3335_40_12_002.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.11.29}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/40/i=12/a=002} } @Article{Zou2010, Title = {Obliquely propagating generalized lower-hybrid drift instability with nonlocal two-fluid theory in current sheet equilibrium}, Author = {Dandan Zou and Weihong Yang and Yinhua Chen and P. H. Yoon}, Journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {102102}, Volume = {17}, Abstract = {By employing nonlocal two-fluid analysis, a class of obliquely propagating current sheet drift instabilities with frequency in the lower-hybrid frequency range is investigated. A series of unstable modes with multiple eigenstates are found by numerical simulation after electrostatic approximation. It is found that the growth rate of the unstable modes, whose eigenfunctions are localized at the current sheet edge, increases as the propagation more oblique. However, as the wave vector attains more and more field-aligned components, the maximum growth rate suffers an acute drop after a certain critical angle, beyond which it finally diminishes. On the other hand, the growth rate associated with modes located near the center of the current sheet is found to be less sensitive to the increase in propagation angle, although it does undergo a gradual decrease until it is stabilized when the mode becomes near-field aligned.}, Doi = {10.1063/1.3487685}, File = {Zou2010_PhysPlasmas_17_102102.pdf:Zou2010_PhysPlasmas_17_102102.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {hsxie}, Timestamp = {2011.08.16}, Url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v17/i10/p102102_s1} } @Article{福山淳1999, author = {福山淳 and 小関隆久}, title = {Alfven Eigenmodes in Toroidal Magnetic Confinement. Linar Theory of Alfven Eigenmodes in Tokamak Plasmas}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research}, year = {1999}, volume = {75}, pages = {537}, abstract = {Theoretical and numerical studies on the linear stability of Alfvén eigenmodes in tokamak plasmas are reviewed. The behavior of various Alfvén Eigenmodes (AE), such as Toroidicity-induced AE (TAE), ellipticity-induced AE, non-circular AE, kinetic TAE, beta-induced AE, and energetic particle mode are described. Alfvén eigenmodes are excited when the destabilization by fast ions overcomes numerous stabilization mechanisms, such as continuum damping, Landau damping of electrons and fast ions, collisional damping of trapped electrons, and radiative damping due to kinetic Alfvén waves. Features of several TAE linear stability codes are tabulated. The NOVA-Kcode is described at some length and its computational results are compared with analytical predictions and experimental results.}, doi = {10.1585/jspf.75.537}, file = {Fushanchun1999_75_537.pdf:Fushanchun1999_75_537.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {tokamak plasma, Alfv´en eigenmode, linear stability, energetic ion, kinetic effects, numerical code}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2011.11.06}, url = {http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jspf/75/5/75_537/_article/-char/ja}, } @Article{Abel2008, author = {I. G. Abel and M. Barnes and S. C. Cowley and W. Dorland and A. A. Schekochihin}, title = {Linearized model Fokker--Planck collision operators for gyrokinetic simulations. I. Theory}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {12}, pages = {122509}, abstract = {A new analytically and numerically manageable model collision operator is developed specifically for turbulence simulations. The like-particle collision operator includes both pitch-angle scattering and energy diffusion and satisfies the physical constraints required for collision operators: it conserves particles, momentum, and energy, obeys Boltzmann’s H-theorem (collisions cannot decrease entropy), vanishes on a Maxwellian, and efficiently dissipates small-scale structure in the velocity space. The process of transforming this collision operator into the gyroaveraged form for use in gyrokinetic simulations is detailed. The gyroaveraged model operator is shown to have more suitable behavior at small scales in phase space than previously suggested models. Model operators for electron-ion and ion-electron collisions are also presented.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3046067}, eid = {122509}, file = {Abel2008_PhysPlasmas_15_122509.pdf:Abel2008_PhysPlasmas_15_122509.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {flow simulation; plasma collision processes; plasma simulation; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/122509/1}, } @Article{Adam1984, author = {J. C. Adam and M. Trocheris}, title = {Numerical and analytical demonstration of the interaction of a wave with a free-streaming perturbation}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1984}, volume = {27}, number = {3}, pages = {600-606}, abstract = {The interaction of a plasma wave with a long wavelength free‐streaming perturbation is considered in the case of a one‐dimensional electron plasma. A demonstration of this interaction is provided by means of both numerical simulation and analytical theory. The initial distribution function is so chosen as to give rise to an ordinary plasma wave together with a long wavelength disturbance containing a free‐streaming portion. Satellites of the plasma wave are shown to be excited in agreement with earlier work of Morales and Malmberg on the ‘‘linear sideband’’ effect. This result is found to hold when the initial long wavelength disturbance is close to a pure free‐streaming perturbation. In order to have an observable effect in the numerical simulation, it is necessary to increase the density of resonant particles by adding a warm beam to the Maxwellian plasma, in such a way though, as to avoid beam plasma instability. The predictions of analytical theory on the amplitudes of the satellites are compared with the results of numerical simulation and a fair amount of agreement is found both in absolute magnitude and in time evolution.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864658}, file = {Adam1984_PFL000600.pdf:Adam1984_PFL000600.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma waves; interactions; disturbances; onedimensional calculations; electron gas; analytical solution; numerical analysis; distribution functions; resonance}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/27/600/1}, } @Article{Agarwal1994, author = {Agarwal, A. K. and Bhattacharyya, S. N. and Sen, A.}, title = {Ballooning-mode stability of shaped high-$\beta${} tokamaks}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {1994}, volume = {49}, pages = {1527--1533}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {The effect of elongation and triangularity of flux surfaces on the local and global stability of high-n ideal ballooning modes in a high-β tokamak are investigated. The equilibrium surfaces are obtained by a numerical solution of the Grad-Shafranov equation using an efficient algorithm based on a generalized variational technique. A marginal stability analysis of these surfaces is carried out in which the equilibrium shift, elongation, triangularity, and their radial variations are taken into account. The influence of the cylindrical safety factor (qc), as well as the variations in the shape of β and q profiles, on the maximum attainable beta value (βc) are also considered. Detailed numerical results, over a wide range of parameter space, show that the effect of boundary elongation κa is always stabilizing while the effect of boundary triangularity δa depends on the values of κa and qc. It is found that for elongated cross section (κa≥1.6), the effect of δa is always stabilizing. We present an alternative scaling law that effectively captures these features of the shape parameter dependences. For a JET (Joint European Torus) -type plasma, broad β profiles and q profiles that tend to be flat in the interior are found to be favorable for achieving a high βc value.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.49.1527}, file = {Agarwal1994_PhysRevE.49.1527.pdf:Agarwal1994_PhysRevE.49.1527.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.01.23}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.49.1527}, } @Article{Ahn2012, author = {J-W. Ahn and H.-S. Kim and Y.S. Park and L. Terzolo and W.H. Ko and J.-K. Park and A.C. England and S.W. Yoon and Y.M. Jeon and S.A. Sabbagh and Y.S. Bae and J.G. Bak and S.H. Hahn and D.L. Hillis and J. Kim and W.C. Kim and J.G. Kwak and K.D. Lee and Y.S. Na and Y.U. Nam and Y.K. Oh and S.I. Park}, title = {Confinement and ELM characteristics of H-mode plasmas in KSTAR}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114001}, abstract = {The latest results of confinement and edge-localized mode (ELM) characteristics of Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) H-mode plasmas are reported. The estimation of fast ion contribution to the total stored energy, calculated by both the NUBEAM and ASTRA simulations, and of the effective total heating power is used to derive the thermal energy confinement time ( τ E ,thermal ), which is compared with a multi-machine database. The measured power threshold for the L–H transition ( P thr ) as a function of density shows a roll-over with minimum value at ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/11/114001/nf427394ieqn001.gif] {$\bar{n}_{\rm e} \sim 2\times 10^{19}\,{\rm m}^{-3}$} . KSTAR H-mode plasmas exhibit three distinctive types of ELMs: large type-I ELMs, intermediate ELMs and a mixed (type-I and small ELM peaks) ELM regime. Power scans show that the frequency of the large ELMs increases with increasing heating power, a feature of type-I ELMs. The quality of confinement is higher for type-I and mixed ELMy H-mode ( H 98( y ,2) ∼ 0.9–1) than for the intermediate ELM regime ( H 98( y ,2) ∼ 0.7). Type-I ELMs have precursor-like signals from the magnetics measurement, while the other two ELM types do not. The low-field side (LFS) profile of electron temperature ( T e ), from the ECE measurement, and the pedestal profile of the toroidal velocity ( V t ), from charge-exchange spectroscopy, show a continuous build up on the LFS during the inter-ELM period. However, the pedestal ion temperature ( T i ) remains unchanged for most of the inter-ELM period until it rapidly rises in the last stage of the ELM cycle (⩾70–80%). The estimated electron pedestal collisionality for a type-I ELMy regime is ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/11/114001/nf427394ieqn002.gif] {$v_{\rm e}^\ast \sim 0.5{\hbox{--}}0.6$} . The confinement and ELM characteristics for the ELM suppression discharges by the application of an n = 1 magnetic perturbation (MP) have also been investigated for each of the identified stages during the MP application. A second L–H transition during the L-mode phase after the end of first H-mode stage occurs for some discharges when the divertor configuration is restored by the plasma control system. Characteristics of this late H-mode are compared with those for the main H-mode.}, file = {Ahn2012_0029-5515_52_11_114001.pdf:Ahn2012_0029-5515_52_11_114001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114001}, } @Article{Aiba2012, author = {N. Aiba and N. Oyama}, title = {Numerical analysis of key factors for the appearance of grassy ELMs in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114002}, abstract = {Numerical stability analysis of edge-localized MHD mode is performed to identify the origin of small-amplitude ‘grassy ELMs’ on the basis of current understanding of kinetic effects on ballooning mode stability. These qualitative and quantitative analyses show that short wavelength ballooning mode can play an important role in a grassy ELM stability even when kinetic effects are taken into account. After showing the importance of kinetic effects for discussing grassy ELM physics, impacts of plasma parameters important for realizing a grassy ELM plasma experimentally are investigated numerically from the viewpoint of the edge-localized MHD stability including these kinetic effects. These analyses show that low plasma ellipticity is preferable to realize a grassy ELM plasma due to destabilizing ballooning mode by preventing access to the second stability region of the ballooning mode.}, file = {Aiba2012_0029-5515_52_11_114002.pdf:Aiba2012_0029-5515_52_11_114002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114002}, } @Article{Anderson2002, author = {J. Anderson and T. Rafiq and M. Nadeem and M. Persson}, title = {A comparison of drift wave stability in stellarator and tokamak geometry}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2002}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, pages = {1629-1636}, abstract = {The influence of plasma geometry on the linear stability of electrostatic ion-temperature-gradient driven drift modes (ITG or ηi = Ln/LTi modes) is investigated. An advanced fluid model is used for the ions together with Boltzmann distributed electrons. The derived eigenvalue equation is solved numerically. A comparison is made between an H–1NF [Fusion Technol. 17, 123 (1990)] like stellarator equilibrium, a numerical tokamak equilibrium and the analytical ŝ−α equilibrium. The numerical and the analytical tokamak are found to be in good agreement in the low inverse aspect ratio limit. The growth rates of the tokamak and stellarator are comparable whereas the modulus of the real frequency is substantially larger in the stellarator. The threshold in ηi for the stellarator is found to be somewhat larger. In addition, a stronger stabilization of the ITG mode growth is found for large ϵn( = Ln/R) in the stellarator case.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1466820}, file = {Anderson2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1629.pdf:Anderson2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1629.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; plasma drift waves; plasma instability; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/9/1629/1}, } @Article{Anderson2007, author = {M. W. Anderson and T. M. O'Neil}, title = {Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Dougherty collision operator}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {5}, pages = {052103}, abstract = {The Dougherty collision operator is a simplified Fokker-Planck collision operator that conserves particle number, momentum, and energy. In this paper, a complete set of orthogonal eigenfunctions of the linearized Dougherty operator is obtained. Five of the eigenfunctions have zero eigenvalue and correspond to the five conserved quantities (particle number, three components of momentum, and energy). The connection between the eigenfunctions and fluid modes in the limit of strong collisionality is demonstrated; in particular, the sound speed, thermal conductivity, and viscosity predicted by the Dougherty operator are identified.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2727463}, eid = {052103}, file = {Anderson2007_PhysPlasmas_14_052103.pdf:Anderson2007_PhysPlasmas_14_052103.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; plasma kinetic theory; plasma collision processes; Fokker-Planck equation; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/052103/1}, } @Article{Anderson2007a, author = {M. W. Anderson and T. M. O'Neil}, title = {Collisional damping of plasma waves on a pure electron plasma column}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {11}, pages = {112110}, abstract = {The collisional damping of electron plasma waves (or Trivelpiece–Gould waves) on a pure electron plasma column is discussed. The damping in a pure electron plasma differs from that in a neutral plasma, since there are no ions to provide collisional drag. A dispersion relation for the complex wave frequency is derived from Poisson’s equation and the drift-kinetic equation with the Dougherty collision operator—a Fokker–Planck operator that conserves particle number, momentum, and energy. For large phase velocity, where Landau damping is negligible, the dispersion relation yields the complex frequency ω = (kzωp/k)[1+(3/2)(kλD)2(1+10iα/9)(1+2iα)−1], where ωp is the plasma frequency, kz is the axial wavenumber, k is the total wavenumber, λD is the Debye length, ν is the collision frequency, and α ≡ νk/ωpkz. This expression spans from the weakly collisional regime (α⪡1) to the moderately collisional regime (α ∼ 1) and in the weakly collisional limit yields a damping rate which is smaller than that for a neutral plasma by the factor k2λD2⪡1. In the strongly collisional limit (α⪢1), the damping is enhanced by long-range interactions that are not present in the kinetic theory (which assumes pointlike interactions); the effect of these long-range collisions on the damping is discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2807220}, eid = {112110}, file = {Anderson2007a_PhysPlasmas_14_112110.pdf:Anderson2007a_PhysPlasmas_14_112110.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {dispersion relations; Fokker-Planck equation; plasma collision processes; plasma waves; Poisson equation}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/112110/1}, } @Article{Andreev1990, author = {Andreev, V.F.}, title = {Modeling the temporal evolution of tokamak discharge}, journal = {Computational Mathematics and Modeling}, year = {1990}, volume = {1}, pages = {244-249}, issn = {1046-283X}, abstract = {Time dependences of integral characteristics of a discharge are modeled — plasma current, inductor current, and currents in the control windings in the presence of a ferromagnet. The effect of the iron core is allowed for by introducing nonlinear mutual inductances in the system of electrical-engineering equations. The system is solved numerically. Some discharge scenarios for the T-15 device are calculated.}, doi = {10.1007/BF01129067}, file = {Andreev1990_10.1007-BF01129067.pdf:Andreev1990_10.1007-BF01129067.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers}, timestamp = {2013.01.21}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01129067}, } @Article{Angelino2005, author = {Angelino, P. and Bottino, A. and Falchetto, G. L. and Ganesh, R. and Vaclavik, J. and Villard, L.}, title = {A Spectral Global Gyrokinetic Approach to Plasma Linear Microinstability Analysis}, journal = {Transport Theory and Statistical Physics}, year = {2005}, volume = {34}, number = {3-5}, pages = {333-352}, abstract = {Abstract With the term microinstabilities, we indicate a class of plasma drift waves such as the ion temperature gradient (ITG) mode, the trapped electron mode (TEM), and the electromagnetic Alfvénic ion temperature gradient (AITG) mode. They are usually driven by spatial gradients in the plasma and they are held responsible for anomalous transport and enhanced heat flux in tokamaks. Their understanding is therefore crucial for the development of magnetically confined plasma fusion devices. Our approach is based on the gyrokinetic model (Hahm 1988) for particle dynamics. The gyrokinetic nonlinear Vlasov equation, in the presence of an electromagnetic perturbation (Brizard 1989, 1995), is derived using Lie perturbation theory (Cary and Littlejohn 1983) to average out the fast particle motion around the gyrocenter. We have linearized the gyrokinetic Vlasov equation and added the quasi‐neutrality equation and Ampère's law, providing closure to the system. A temporal spectral formulation is used, ensuring the absence of numerical instabilities due to high frequency modes. The equations are simplified with a large aspect ratio approximation for an axisymmetric toroidal configuration. The fields are expanded in a Fourier series in the three spatial directions (radial, poloidal, and toroidal) reducing the problem in a matrix form. The code EM‐GLOGYSTO (Brunner et al. 1998; Falchetto et al. 2003; Joint Varenna‐Lausanne International Workshop 2002) has been developed to look at its solutions. Recently, we have included in the model an electrostatic equilibrium potential in order to provide E×B sheared flow. The code has been optimized for running in a parallel environment using MPI routines, and it allows us to study frequencies, growth rates, and mode structures of electromagnetic microinstabilities. Results on an AITG mode are shown to illustrate these features.}, doi = {10.1080/00411450500274618}, eprint = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00411450500274618}, file = {Angelino2005_00411450500274618.pdf:Angelino2005_00411450500274618.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00411450500274618}, } @Article{Anile1979, author = {A. M. Anile and P. Pantano}, title = {Foundation of geometrical optics in general relativistic dispersive media}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, year = {1979}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {177-183}, abstract = {Geometrical optics in dispersive media is rigorously derived from Maxwell’s equations by employing the two‐timing method. An effect analogous to Faraday rotation is found for the polarization plane of the wave, with the vorticity of the medium taking the place of the magnetic field.}, doi = {10.1063/1.523938}, file = {Anile1979_JMathPhys_20_177.pdf:Anile1979_JMathPhys_20_177.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.05}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/20/177/1}, } @Article{Antonova2010, author = {A. O. Antonova and S. N. Reznik and M. D. Todorov}, title = {Analysis of Types of Oscillations in Goodwin's Model of Business Cycle}, journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, year = {2010}, volume = {1301}, number = {1}, pages = {188-195}, abstract = {Types of solutions of the Goodwin business cycle model with the fixed investment time lag have been numerically studied. It is shown that the long‐periodic Goodwin’s oscillations are excited by the independent investment A in case A exceeds a threshold. If A falls below the threshold, then there are only sawtooth oscillations with a period equal to the investment time lag. Near the threshold, the time behavior of the income is irregular.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3526614}, editor = {Michail D. Todorov and Christo I. Christov}, file = {Antonova2010_APC000188.pdf:Antonova2010_APC000188.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {economics; partial differential equations; functional analysis}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.18}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APC/1301/188/1}, } @Article{Antonsen1978, author = {Thomas M. Antonsen and Wallace M. Manheimer}, title = {Electromagnetic wave propagation in inhomogeneous plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1978}, volume = {21}, number = {12}, pages = {2295-2305}, abstract = {The absorption and transformation of electromagnetic waves in the vicinity of electron cyclotron harmonics is considered. The results of a simple WKB theory and a full wave theory are compared. It is found that for waves perpendicularly incident on a resonant surface (where the wave frequency equals an integer multiple of the electron cyclotron frequency), the full wave treatment is necessary to determine reflection and mode conversion coefficients, whereas, the WKB theory and full wave theory predict the same transmission coefficient. As the angle of incidence is decreased from 90°, the reflection and mode conversion coefficients become unimportant so that the full wave theory and WKB theory agree. The relevance of these processes to the heating of toroidal plasmas with high frequency waves is discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.862180}, file = {Antonsen1978_PFL002295.pdf:Antonsen1978_PFL002295.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION; WAVE PROPAGATION; INHOMOGENEOUS PLASMA; CYCLOTRON HARMONICS; ABSORPTION; TRANSMISSION; WKB APPROXIMATION; ECR HEATING; MAGNETIC FIELDS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/21/2295/1}, } @Article{Applegate2007, author = {D J Applegate and C M Roach and J W Connor and S C Cowley and W Dorland and R J Hastie and N Joiner}, title = {Micro-tearing modes in the mega ampere spherical tokamak}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2007}, volume = {49}, number = {8}, pages = {1113}, abstract = {Recent gyrokinetic stability calculations have revealed that the spherical tokamak is susceptible to tearing parity instabilities with length scales of a few ion Larmor radii perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. Here we investigate this 'micro-tearing' mode in greater detail to uncover its key characteristics and compare it with existing theoretical models of the phenomenon. This has been accomplished using a full numerical solution of the linear gyrokinetic–Maxwell equations. Importantly, the instability is found to be driven by the free energy in the electron temperature gradient as described in the literature. However, our calculations suggest it is not substantially affected by either of the destabilizing mechanisms proposed in previous theoretical models. Instead the instability is destabilized by interactions with magnetic drifts and the electrostatic potential. Further calculations reveal that the mode is not significantly destabilized by the flux surface shaping or the large trapped particle fraction present in the spherical tokamak. Its prevalence in spherical tokamak plasmas is primarily due to the higher value of plasma β and the enhanced magnetic drifts due to the smaller radius of curvature.}, file = {Applegate2007_0741-3335_49_8_001.pdf:Applegate2007_0741-3335_49_8_001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/49/i=8/a=001}, } @Article{Asahi2013, author = {Y. Asahi and Y. Suzuki and K. Y. Watanabe and W. A. Cooper}, title = {Development of an identification method of pressure anisotropy based on equilibrium analysis and magnetics}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022503}, abstract = {We evaluate the fluxes measured by the magnetic flux loops installed in LHD by using a three dimensional MHD equilibrium analysis code, ANIMEC, which enable us to directly determine the calibration function between the anisotropic pressure and the measured fluxes for the non-axisymmetric plasmas for the first time. The result indicates that the diamagnetic flux represents a nearly single-valued function of the beta perpendicular with respect to the field, and the saddle loop flux represents a nearly single-valued function of an equally weighted average of the beta values parallel and perpendicular to the field, regardless of the pressure anisotropy or the amount of energetic trapped particles. The values of the beta perpendicular to the field and the equal weighting averaged beta estimated by the single-valued functions (calibration functions) are investigated in order to clarify the magnitude of deviation from those original values, and the range of anisotropy where the beta value evaluated by the magnetic flux measurement is calculated within a 10% error.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4791665}, eid = {022503}, file = {Asahi2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022503.pdf:Asahi2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022503.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {magnetic flux; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; stellarators}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022503/1}, } @Article{Asenjo2013, author = {Felipe A. Asenjo and Swadesh M. Mahajan and Asghar Qadir}, title = {Generating vorticity and magnetic fields in plasmas in general relativity: Spacetime curvature drive}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022901}, abstract = {Using the generally covariant magnetofluid formalism for a hot plasma, a spacetime curvature driven mechanism for generating seed vorticity/magnetic field is presented. The “battery” owes its origin to the interaction between the gravity modified Lorentz factor of the fluid element and the inhomogeneous plasma thermodynamics. The general relativistic drive is evaluated for two simple cases: seed formation in a simplified model of a hot plasma accreting in stable orbits around a Schwarzschild black hole and for particles in free fall near the horizon. Some astrophysical applications are suggested.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4792257}, eid = {022901}, file = {Asenjo2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022901.pdf:Asenjo2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022901.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {astrophysical plasma; black holes; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma thermodynamics; relativistic plasmas; Schwarzschild metric; space-time configurations; vortices}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022901/1}, } @Article{Assous2008, author = {Franck Assous and Patrick Ciarlet Jr.}, title = {Solving Vlasov–Maxwell equations in singular geometries}, journal = {Mathematics and Computers in Simulation}, year = {2008}, volume = {79}, number = {4}, pages = {1078 - 1085}, issn = {0378-4754}, note = {5th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling/Workshop on Scientific Computing in Electronic Engineering of the 2006 International Conference on Computational Science/Structural Dynamical Systems: Computational Aspects}, abstract = {This paper is devoted to the solution of the time-dependent Vlasov–Maxwell equations in singular geometries, i.e. when the boundary includes reentrant corners or edges. Indeed, computing the electromagnetic fields in this case is a challenge per se, as these geometrical singularities generate very strong solutions in their neighborhood. Moreover, they have also an influence over the solution of the Vlasov equation, through the coupling. We propose here a method to solve this problem, illustrated by numerical examples.}, doi = {10.1016/j.matcom.2007.09.015}, file = {Assous2008_1-s2.0-S0378475407002650-main.pdf:Assous2008_1-s2.0-S0378475407002650-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Computer simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.01}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378475407002650}, } @Article{Attenberger1994, author = {S.E. Attenberger and S.P. Hirshman and W.A. Houlberg}, title = {MACH - a computer code for solution of the poloidal asymmetry eigenvalue problem in tokamaks}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1994}, volume = {79}, number = {2}, pages = {341 - 350}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {Evaluation of the poloidal dependence of the plasma density involves solving the equation for momentum balance along the magnetic field. This is transformed into an eigenvalue equation of the Mathieu type with an extra damping term. The method presented here for determination of the appropriate eigenvalue is much faster than traditional matrix determinant methods.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(94)90077-9}, file = {Attenberger1994_1-s2.0-0010465594900779-main.pdf:Attenberger1994_1-s2.0-0010465594900779-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.04}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465594900779}, } @Article{Aunai2013a, author = {Nicolas Aunai and Michael Hesse and Carrie Black and Rebekah Evans and Maria Kuznetsova}, title = {Influence of the dissipation mechanism on collisionless magnetic reconnection in symmetric and asymmetric current layers}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {042901}, abstract = {Numerical studies implementing different versions of the collisionless Ohm's law have shown a reconnection rate insensitive to the nature of the non-ideal mechanism occurring at the X line, as soon as the Hall effect is operating. Consequently, the dissipation mechanism occurring in the vicinity of the reconnection site in collisionless systems is usually thought not to have a dynamical role beyond the violation of the frozen-in condition. The interpretation of recent studies has, however, led to the opposite conclusion that the electron scale dissipative processes play an important dynamical role in preventing an elongation of the electron layer from throttling the reconnection rate. This work re-visits this topic with a new approach. Instead of focusing on the extensively studied symmetric configuration, we aim to investigate whether the macroscopic properties of collisionless reconnection are affected by the dissipation physics in asymmetric configurations, for which the effect of the Hall physics is substantially modified. Because it includes all the physical scales a priori important for collisionless reconnection (Hall and ion kinetic physics) and also because it allows one to change the nature of the non-ideal electron scale physics, we use a (two dimensional) hybrid model. The effects of numerical, resistive, and hyper-resistive dissipation are studied. In a first part, we perform simulations of symmetric reconnection with different non-ideal electron physics. We show that the model captures the already known properties of collisionless reconnection. In a second part, we focus on an asymmetric configuration where the magnetic field strength and the density are both asymmetric. Our results show that contrary to symmetric reconnection, the asymmetric model evolution strongly depends on the nature of the mechanism which breaks the field line connectivity. The dissipation occurring at the X line plays an important role in preventing the electron current layer from elongating and forming plasmoids.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4795727}, eid = {042901}, file = {Aunai2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_042901.pdf:Aunai2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_042901.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {magnetic reconnection; numerical analysis; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/042901/1}, } @Article{Aunai2013, author = {Nicolas Aunai and Michael Hesse and Seiji Zenitani and Maria Kuznetsova and Carrie Black and Rebekah Evans and Roch Smets}, title = {Comparison between hybrid and fully kinetic models of asymmetric magnetic reconnection: Coplanar and guide field configurations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022902}, abstract = {Magnetic reconnection occurring in collisionless environments is a multi-scale process involving both ion and electron kinetic processes. Because of their small mass, the electron scales are difficult to resolve in numerical and satellite data, it is therefore critical to know whether the overall evolution of the reconnection process is influenced by the kinetic nature of the electrons, or is unchanged when assuming a simpler, fluid, electron model. This paper investigates this issue in the general context of an asymmetric current sheet, where both the magnetic field amplitude and the density vary through the discontinuity. A comparison is made between fully kinetic and hybrid kinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection in coplanar and guide field systems. The models share the initial condition but differ in their electron modeling. It is found that the overall evolution of the system, including the reconnection rate, is very similar between both models. The best agreement is found in the guide field system, which confines particle better than the coplanar one, where the locality of the moments is violated by the electron bounce motion. It is also shown that, contrary to the common understanding, reconnection is much faster in the guide field system than in the coplanar one. Both models show this tendency, indicating that the phenomenon is driven by ion kinetic effects and not electron ones.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4792250}, eid = {022902}, file = {Aunai2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022902.pdf:Aunai2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022902.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {magnetic reconnection; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022902/1}, } @Article{Aydemir2012, author = {A.Y. Aydemir}, title = {Pfirsch–Schlüter current-driven edge electric fields and their effect on the L–H transition power threshold}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {6}, pages = {063026}, abstract = {An important contribution to the magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium at the tokamak edge comes from the Pfirsch–Schlüter current. The parallel electric field that can be associated with these currents is necessarily poloidally asymmetric and makes a similarly nonuniform contribution to the radial electric field on a flux surface. Here the role of the poloidal variation of this radial electric field in the L–H transition power threshold is investigated. Dependence of the resulting electric fields on magnetic topology, geometric factors such as the upper/lower triangularity and elongation, and the relative position of the X-point(s) in the poloidal plane are examined in detail. Starting with the assumption that an initially more negative radial electric field at the edge helps lower the transition power threshold, we find that our results are in agreement with a variety of experimental observations. In particular, for a ‘normal’ configuration of the plasma current and toroidal field we show the following. (i) The net radial electric field contribution by the Pfirsch–Schlüter currents at the plasma edge is negative for a lower single null and positive for a corresponding upper single null geometry. (ii) It becomes more negative as the X-point height is reduced. (iii) It also becomes more negative as the X-point radius is increased. These observations are consistent with the observed changes in the L–H transition power threshold P LH under similar changes in the experimental conditions. In addition we find that (iv) in USN with an unfavourable ion ∇ B drift direction, the net radial electric field contribution is positive but decreases as the X-point radius decreases. This is consistent with the C-Mod observation that an L–I mode transition can be triggered by increasing the upper triangularity in this configuration. (v) Locally the radial electric field is positive above the outer mid-plane and reverses sign with reversal of the toroidal field, consistent with DIII-D observations in low-power L-mode discharges. Thus, taken as a whole, the Pfirsch–Schlüter current-driven fields can explain a number of observations on the L–H or L–I transition and the required power threshold P LH levels not captured by simple scaling laws. They may indeed be an important ‘hidden variable’.}, file = {Aydemir2012_0029-5515_52_6_063026.pdf:Aydemir2012_0029-5515_52_6_063026.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.03}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=6/a=063026}, } @Article{Aydemir1994, author = {A. Y. Aydemir}, title = {A unified Monte Carlo interpretation of particle simulations and applications to non-neutral plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1994}, volume = {1}, number = {4}, pages = {822-831}, abstract = {Using a ‘‘Monte Carlo interpretation’’ of particle simulations, a general description of low‐noise techniques, such as the δf method, is developed in terms well‐known Monte Carlo variance reduction methods. Some of these techniques then are applied to linear and nonlinear studies of pure electron plasmas in cylindrical geometry, with emphasis on the generation and nonlinear evolution of electron vortices. Long‐lived l=1 and l=2 vortices, and others produced by unstable diocotron modes in hollow profiles, are studied. It is shown that low‐noise techniques make it possible to follow the linear evolution and saturation of even the very weakly unstable resonant diocotron modes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.870740}, file = {Aydemir1994_PhysPlasmas_1_822.pdf:Aydemir1994_PhysPlasmas_1_822.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MONTE CARLO METHOD; PLASMA SIMULATION; VORTICES; ELECTRON GAS; CYLINDRICAL CONFIGURATION; KINETIC EQUATIONS; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/1/822/1}, } @Article{Baalrud2013, author = {S. D. Baalrud}, title = {The incomplete plasma dispersion function: Properties and application to waves in bounded plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {012118}, abstract = {A stochastic differential equation for intermittent plasma density dynamics in magnetic fusion edge plasma is derived, which is consistent with the experimentally measured gamma distribution and the theoretically expected quadratic nonlinearity. The plasma density is driven by a multiplicative Wiener process and evolves on the turbulence correlation time scale, while the linear growth is quadratically damped by the fluctuation level. The sensitivity of intermittency to the nonlinear dynamics is investigated by analyzing the nonlinear Langevin representation of the beta process, which leads to a root-square nonlinearity.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789387}, eid = {012118}, file = {Baalrud2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012118.pdf:Baalrud2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012118.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {dispersion relations; plasma dielectric properties; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma sheaths}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/012118/1}, } @Article{Babusci2013, author = {Babusci, D. and Dattoli, G. and Quattromini, M. and Sabia, E.}, title = {Relativistic harmonic oscillator, the associated equations of motion, and algebraic integration methods}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2013}, volume = {87}, pages = {033202}, month = {Mar}, abstract = {We consider the relativistic generalization of the harmonic oscillator problem by addressing different questions regarding its classical aspects. We treat the problem using the formalism of Hamiltonian mechanics. A Lie algebraic technique is used to solve the associated Liouville equations, yielding the phase-space evolution of an ensemble of relativistic particles, subject to a “harmonic” potential. The nonharmonic distortion of the spatial and momentum distributions due to the intrinsic nonlinear nature of the relativistic contributions is discussed. We analyze the relativistic dynamics induced by two types of Hamiltonian, which can be ascribed to those of harmonic oscillator type. Finally, we briefly discuss the quantum aspects of the problem by considering possible strategies for the solution of the associated Salpeter equation.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.87.033202}, file = {Babusci2013_PhysRevE.87.033202.pdf:Babusci2013_PhysRevE.87.033202.pdf:PDF}, issue = {3}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.03.22}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.87.033202}, } @Article{Backus1960, author = {George Backus}, title = {Linearized Plasma Oscillations in Arbitrary Electron Velocity Distributions}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, year = {1960}, volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {178-191}, abstract = {This paper is a mathematical examination of the linearized small disturbances in the steady distribution f0(q) of the velocities q of the electrons in an electrostatic, collisionless plasma with motionless protons. It is assumed that g0(u) = ∫ ∫ f0(u,v,w)dvdw has an integrable derivative with respect to u for all axis orientations. An existence and uniqueness theorem for the initial value problem is given, and it is shown that no disturbance can grow faster than expωpt, where ωp is the electron plasma frequency. Consequently, one can base a stability theory on Laplace transforms with respect to time, as Landau has done. The limits of validity of Landau's stability criterion are explored: that g0(u) is stable if there are no wave numbers k for which L(s) = k2ωp−2− ∫ −∞∞g0′(u)(u−s)−1du has zeros in the upper complex s half‐plane. To ensure instability, the zeros must have positive imaginary parts or a multiplicity of 2 or greater. To insure stability, the initial disturbance must be not only integrable, but square integrable with respect to u. The Maxwell distribution is unstable to certain integrable disturbances. All isotropic, three‐dimensional distributions f0(q) = h(q2) for which x¼h(x) is absolutely continuous and square integrable, and h(x)+2xh′(x) is bounded, are stable to integrable, square integrable disturbances. This explains Van Kampen's ability to solve the initial value problem by superposing normal modes (solutions with complex, exponential time dependence) with real frequencies; he implicitly introduced stability by considering only isotropic distributions f0(q). His method is extended to unstable f0 as a technique independent of Landau's for solving the initial value problem. If f0 is unstable, the normal modes are not complete, and a normal mode analysis can lead to erroneous positive conclusions about stability. Finally, the linear theory predicts that in stable plasmas the neglected term will grow linearly with time at a rate proportional to the initial disturbance amplitude, destroying the validity of the linear theory, and vitiating positive conclusions about stability based on it. In a thermonuclear plasma with T = 108 °K and N = 1015 electrons∕cm3, a disturbance of wavelength 1 cm and initial amplitude 1 v can no longer be treated by the linear theory after 220 μsec.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1703651}, file = {Backus1960_JMathPhys_1_178.pdf:Backus1960_JMathPhys_1_178.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/1/178/1}, } @Article{Bagaipo2013, author = {Jupiter Bagaipo and A. B. Hassam}, title = {Boundary induced amplification and nonlinear instability of interchange modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {020704}, abstract = {It is shown that small distortions on the boundaries are amplified in the core of a magnetized plasma if the system is close to marginal stability for the ideal magnetohydrodynamic interchange mode. It is also shown that such marginal systems can be nonlinearly unstable. The combination of boundary amplification and nonlinearity is shown to result in a nonlinear instability. The induced instability is highly sensitive to the boundary in that, if the fractional deviation from marginality is a small parameter b, the system can go unstable from fractional boundary distortions of O(b3/2).}, doi = {10.1063/1.4793725}, eid = {020704}, file = {Bagaipo2013_PhysPlasmas_20_020704.pdf:Bagaipo2013_PhysPlasmas_20_020704.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma confinement; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; tearing instability}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/020704/1}, } @Article{Barnes2009, author = {M. Barnes and I. G. Abel and W. Dorland and D. R. Ernst and G. W. Hammett and P. Ricci and B. N. Rogers and A. A. Schekochihin and T. Tatsuno}, title = {Linearized model Fokker--Planck collision operators for gyrokinetic simulations. II. Numerical implementation and tests}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {7}, pages = {072107}, abstract = {A set of key properties for an ideal dissipation scheme in gyrokinetic simulations is proposed, and implementation of a model collision operator satisfying these properties is described. This operator is based on the exact linearized test-particle collision operator, with approximations to the field-particle terms that preserve conservation laws and an H-theorem. It includes energy diffusion, pitch-angle scattering, and finite Larmor radius effects corresponding to classical (real-space) diffusion. The numerical implementation in the continuum gyrokinetic code GS2 [ Kotschenreuther et al., Comput. Phys. Comm. 88, 128 (1995) ] is fully implicit and guarantees exact satisfaction of conservation properties. Numerical results are presented showing that the correct physics is captured over the entire range of collisionalities, from the collisionless to the strongly collisional regimes, without recourse to artificial dissipation.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3155085}, eid = {072107}, file = {Barnes2009_PhysPlasmas_16_072107.pdf:Barnes2009_PhysPlasmas_16_072107.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {diffusion; plasma collision processes; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/072107/1}, } @Article{Barre2011, author = {Julien Barré and Alain Olivetti and Yoshiyuki Y Yamaguchi}, title = {Algebraic damping in the one-dimensional Vlasov equation}, journal = {Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical}, year = {2011}, volume = {44}, number = {40}, pages = {405502}, abstract = {We investigate the asymptotic behaviour of a perturbation around a spatially non-homogeneous stable stationary state of a one-dimensional Vlasov equation. Under general hypotheses, after transient exponential Landau damping, a perturbation evolving according to the linearized Vlasov equation decays algebraically with the exponent −2 and a well-defined frequency. The theoretical results are successfully tested against numerical N -body simulations, corresponding to the full Vlasov dynamics in the large N limit, in the case of the Hamiltonian mean-field model. For this purpose, we use a weighted particles code, which allows us to reduce finite size fluctuations and to observe the asymptotic decay in the N -body simulations.}, file = {Barre2011_1751-8121_44_40_405502.pdf:Barre2011_1751-8121_44_40_405502.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1751-8121/44/i=40/a=405502}, } @Article{Bass2013, author = {E. M. Bass and R. E. Waltz}, title = {Gyrokinetic simulation of global and local Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes driven by energetic particles in a DIII-D discharge}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {012508}, abstract = {The unstable spectrum of Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) driven by neutral beam-sourced energetic particles (EPs) in a benchmark DIII-D discharge (142111) is calculated in a fully gyrokinetic model using the GYRO code's massively parallel linear eigenvalue solver. One cycle of the slow (equilibrium scale) frequency sweep of the reverse shear Alfvén eigenmode (RSAE) at toroidal mode number n = 3 is mapped. The RSAE second harmonic and an unstable beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode (BAE) are simultaneously tracked alongside the primary RSAE. An observed twist in the eigenmode pattern, caused mostly by shear in the driving EP profile, is shown through artificially varying the E×B rotational velocity shear to depend generally on shear in the local wave phase velocity. Coupling to the BAE and to the toroidal Alfvén eigenmode limit the RSAE frequency sweeps at the lower and upper end, respectively. While the present fully gyrokinetic model (including thermal ions and electrons) constitutes the best treatment of compressibility physics available, the BAE frequency is overpredicted by about 20% against experiment here and is found to be sensitive to energetic beam ion pressure. The RSAE frequency is more accurately matched except when it is limited by the BAE. Simulations suggest that the experiment is very close to marginal AE stability at points of RSAE-BAE coupling. A recipe for comparing the radial profile of quasilinear transport flux from local modes to that from global modes paves the way for the development of a stiff (critical gradient) local AE transport model based on local mode stability thresholds.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4773177}, eid = {012508}, file = {Bass2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012508.pdf:Bass2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012508.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {discharges (electric); fusion reactors; plasma Alfven waves; plasma instability; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.18}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/012508/1}, } @InProceedings{Bassi2007, author = {Bassi, G. and Ellison, J.A. and Venturini, M. and Warnock, R.}, title = {Self-consistent computation of electromagnetic fields and phase space densities for particles on curved planar orbits}, booktitle = {Particle Accelerator Conference, 2007. PAC. IEEE}, year = {2007}, pages = {899 -903}, month = {june}, abstract = {We discuss our progress on the self-consistent calculation of the 4D phase space density (PSD) and electromagnetic fields in a Vlasov-Maxwell formulation. We emphasize coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) from arbitrary curved planar orbits, with shielding from the vacuum chamber, but space charge forces are naturally included. Our focus on the Vlasov equation will provide simulations with lower numerical/statistical noise than standard PIC methods, and will allow the study of issues such as emittance degradation and microbunching due to space charge and CSR in bunch compressors. The fields excited by the bunch are computed in the lab frame from a new double integral formula. The field formula is derived from retarded potentials by changes of variables. It is singularity-free and requires no computation of retarded times. Ultimately, the Vlasov equation will be integrated in beam frame coordinates using our method of local characteristics. As an important intermediate step, we have developed a "self-consistent Monte Carlo algorithm", and a corresponding parallel code. This gives an accurate representation of the source and will help in understanding the PSD support. In addition we have (1) studied carefully a 2D phase space Vlasov analogue and (2) derived an improved expression of the field of a 1D charge/current distribution which accounts for the interference of different bends and other effects usually neglected. Bunch compressors will be emphasized.}, doi = {10.1109/PAC.2007.4441119}, file = {Bassi2007_04441119.pdf:Bassi2007_04441119.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {1D charge distribution;2D phase space Vlasov analogue;4D phase space density;ISR;Vlasov equation;Vlasov-Maxwell formulation;beam frame coordinates;bunch compressors;coherent synchrotron radiation;curved planar orbits;double integral formula;electromagnetic fields;electron bunch;microbunching;parallel code;self-consistent Monte Carlo algorithm;space charge forces;statistical noise;vacuum chamber;Maxwell equations;Monte Carlo methods;SCF calculations;Vlasov equation;electromagnetic fields;electron beams;ion accelerators;ion beams;particle beam bunching;space charge;storage rings;synchrotron radiation;}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.01}, } @Article{Baver2011, author = {D.A. Baver and J.R. Myra and M.V. Umansky}, title = {Linear eigenvalue code for edge plasma in full tokamak X-point geometry}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {2011}, volume = {182}, number = {8}, pages = {1610 - 1620}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {A new code is presented for solving linear eigenvalue problems from fluid models of the edge plasma of tokamaks. The 2DX code solves linearized fluid equations in a 2D cross-section of the plasma, with toroidal mode number resolving the third dimension. Geometry capabilities include both closed and open field lines, allowing solution of X-point problems as well as a variety of other toroidal and cylindrical systems. The code generates a pair of sparse matrices forming a generalized eigenvalue problem which is then solved using a standard sparse eigensolver package. Use of a specialized equation parser permits a high degree of flexibility in both equations and coordinate systems. Both analytic and full geometry benchmark cases are presented.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2011.04.007}, file = {Baver2011_1-s2.0-S0010465511001251-main.pdf:Baver2011_1-s2.0-S0010465511001251-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Plasma}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465511001251}, } @Article{Bazhanova1965, author = {Bazhanova, A.E.}, title = {Complex Doppler effect in plasma}, journal = {Soviet Radiophysics}, year = {1965}, volume = {8}, pages = {795-803}, issn = {0097-1545}, doi = {10.1007/BF01038277}, file = {Bazhanova1965_art%3A10.1007%2FBF01038277.pdf:Bazhanova1965_art%3A10.1007%2FBF01038277.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers}, timestamp = {2012.12.01}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01038277}, } @Article{Becker1995, author = {G. Becker}, title = {Simulation of transport in the ignited ITER with 1.5-D predictive code}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1995}, volume = {35}, number = {1}, pages = {39}, abstract = {The confinement in the bulk and scrape-off layer plasmas of the ITER EDA and CDA is investigated with special versions of the 1.5-D BALDUR predictive transport code for the case of peaked density profiles (C u =1.0). The code self-consistently computes 2-D equilibria and solves 1-D transport equations with empirical transport coefficients for the ohmic, L and ELMy H mode regimes. Self-sustained steady state thermonuclear burn is demonstrated for up to 500 s. It is shown to be compatible with the strong radiation losses for divertor heat load reduction caused by the seeded impurities iron, neon and argon. The corresponding global and local energy and particle transport are presented. The required radiation corrected energy confinement times of the EDA and CDA are found to be close to 4 s, which is attainable according to the ITER ELMy H mode scalings. In the reference cases, the steady state helium fraction is 7%, which already causes significant dilution of the DT fuel. The fractions of iron, neon and argon needed for the prescribed radiative power loss are given. It is shown that high radiative losses from the confinement zone, mainly by bremsstrahlung, cannot be avoided. The radiation profiles of iron and argon are found to be the same, with two thirds of the total radiation being emitted from closed flux surfaces. Fuel dilution due to iron and argon is small. The neon radiation is more peripheral, since only half of the total radiative power is lost within the separatrix. But neon is found to cause high fuel. Dilution. The combined dilution effect by helium and neon conflicts with burn control, self-sustained burn and divertor power reduction. Raising the helium fraction above 10% leads to the same difficulties owing to fuel dilution. The high helium levels of the present EDA design are thus unacceptable. For the reference EDA case, the self-consistent electron density and temperature at the separatrix are 5.6*10 19 m -3 and 130 eV, respectively. The bootstrap current of 2.4 MA is much lower tha}, file = {Becker1995_0029-5515_35_1_I03.pdf:Becker1995_0029-5515_35_1_I03.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/35/i=1/a=I03}, } @Article{Beer1995, author = {M. A. Beer and S. C. Cowley and G. W. Hammett}, title = {Field-aligned coordinates for nonlinear simulations of tokamak turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {7}, pages = {2687-2700}, abstract = {Turbulence in tokamaks is characterized by long parallel wavelengths and short perpendicular wavelengths. A coordinate system for nonlinear fluid, gyrokinetic ‘‘Vlasov,’’ or particle simulations is presented that exploits the elongated nature of the turbulence by resolving the minimum necessary simulation volume: a long thin twisting flux tube. It is very similar to the ballooning representation, although periodicity constraints can be incorporated in a manner that allows E×B nonlinearities to be evaluated efficiently with fast Fourier transforms (FFT’s). If the parallel correlation length is very long, however, enforcing periodicity can introduce artificial correlations, so periodicity should not necessarily be enforced in the poloidal angle at θ=±π. This method is applied to high resolution three‐dimensional simulations of toroidal ion temperature gradient (ITG) driven turbulence, which predict fluctuation spectra and ion heat transport similar to experimental measurements.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871232}, file = {Beer1995_PhysPlasmas_2_2687.pdf:Beer1995_PhysPlasmas_2_2687.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; TURBULENCE; PLASMA SIMULATION; TRANSPORT THEORY; FOURIER TRANSFORMATION; PLASMA MICROINSTABILITIES; COORDINATES; CORRELATION LENGTH}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/2687/1}, } @Article{Belaouar2009, author = {R. Belaouar and T. Colin and G. Gallice}, title = {Numerical coupling of Landau damping and Raman amplification}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {2009}, volume = {228}, number = {2}, pages = {387 - 405}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {In this paper, we present a numerical model for laser-plasma interaction involving Raman instability and Landau damping. This model exhibits three main difficulties. The first one is the coupling of PDE’s posed both in Fourier space and in physical space. The second one is a three-waves resonance condition that has to be verified. The third one is the boundary conditions. We overcome these difficulties using, respectively a splitting scheme, a numerical dispersion relation and absorbing boundary conditions. We present some comparison between several phenomena that are involved and the influence of the Raman amplification and the Landau damping.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2008.09.019}, file = {Belaouar2009_1-s2.0-S0021999108004968-main.pdf:Belaouar2009_1-s2.0-S0021999108004968-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Plasma physics}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999108004968}, } @Article{Bellac1973, author = {Bellac, M. and Lévy-Leblond, J.M.}, title = {Galilean electromagnetism}, journal = {Il Nuovo Cimento}, year = {1973}, volume = {14}, pages = {217-234}, issn = {0369-3554}, abstract = {Consistent nonrelativistic electromagnetic theories are investigated by stressing the requirements of Galilean relativity. It is shown that Maxwell’s equations admit two possible nonrelativistic limits, accounting respectively for electric and magnetic effects. A Galilean theory is then built which combines these two theories and can embody a large class of experimental facts. As a result, several so-called «relativistic » effects are shown to necessitate a re-appraisal, or at least, a more careful discussion. It is finally shown precisely how the old-fashioned formulation of the electromagnetic theory in terms of field strengths and field excitations clashes with Galilean relativity in its constitutive equations only, leading to the idea of a privileged frame of reference (the ether) or to Einsteinian relativity!}, doi = {10.1007/BF02895715}, file = {Bellac1973_Galilean electromagnetism.pdf:Bellac1973_Galilean electromagnetism.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Società Italiana di Fisica}, timestamp = {2012.12.10}, url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/k3568758541j024x.pdf}, } @Article{Belli2010, author = {E. A. Belli and J. Candy}, title = {Fully electromagnetic gyrokinetic eigenmode analysis of high-beta shaped plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {11}, pages = {112314}, abstract = {A new, more efficient method to compute unstable linear gyrokinetic eigenvalues and eigenvectors has been developed for drift-wave analysis of plasmas with arbitrary flux-surface shape, including both transverse and compressional magnetic perturbations. In high-beta, strongly shaped plasmas like in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) [ M. Ono et al., Nucl. Fusion 40, 557 (2000) ], numerous branches of closely spaced unstable eigenmodes exist. These modes are difficult and time-consuming to adequately resolve with the existing linear initial-value solvers, which are further limited to the most unstable eigenmode. The new method is based on an eigenvalue approach and is an extension of the GYRO code [ J. Candy and R. E. Waltz, J. Comput. Phys. 186, 545 (2003) ], reusing the existing discretization schemes in both real and velocity-space. Unlike recent methods, which use an iterative solver to compute eigenvalues of the relatively large gyrokinetic response matrix, the present scheme computes the zeros of the much smaller Maxwell dispersion matrix using a direct method. In the present work, the new eigensolver is applied to gyrokinetic stability analysis of a high-beta, NSTX-like plasma. We illustrate the smooth transformation from ion-temperature-gradient (ITG)-like to kinetic-ballooning (KBM)-like modes, and the formation of hybrid ITG/KBM modes, and further demonstrate the existence of high-k Alfvénic drift-wave “cascades” for which the most unstable mode is a higher excited state along the field line. A new compressional electron drift wave, which is driven by a combination of strong beta and pressure gradient, is also identified for the first time. Overall, we find that accurate calculation of stability boundaries and growth rates cannot, in general, ignore the compressional component δB∥ of the perturbation.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3495976}, eid = {112314}, file = {Belli2010_PhysPlasmas_17_112314.pdf:Belli2010_PhysPlasmas_17_112314.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; drift instability; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; excited states; perturbation theory; plasma Alfven waves; plasma drift waves; plasma kinetic theory; plasma temperature}, numpages = {15}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/112314/1}, } @Article{Belli2009, author = {E A Belli and J Candy}, title = {An Eulerian method for the solution of the multi-species drift-kinetic equation}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {51}, number = {7}, pages = {075018}, abstract = {An Eulerian numerical discretization scheme for the solution of the first-order drift-kinetic equation is presented in detail. The approach is valid for multi-species plasmas, including complete impurity and electron physics, and thus ambipolarity is properly maintained. The code, NEO, provides a complete description of the second-order neoclassical transport fluxes and first-order flows, including the effects of strong (finite Mach number) toroidal rotation. Corrections to the weak rotation limit are demonstrated for multi-species plasmas over a wide range of collisionality.}, file = {Belli2009_0741-3335_51_7_075018.pdf:Belli2009_0741-3335_51_7_075018.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/51/i=7/a=075018}, } @Article{Belli2008, author = {E. A. Belli and G. W. Hammett and W. Dorland}, title = {Effects of plasma shaping on nonlinear gyrokinetic turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {9}, pages = {092303}, abstract = {The effects of flux surface shape on the gyrokinetic stability and transport of tokamak plasmas are studied using the GS2 code [ M. Kotschenreuther, G. Rewoldt, and W. M. Tang, Comput. Phys. Commun. 88, 128 (1995); W. Dorland, F. Jenko, M. Kotschenreuther, and B. N. Rogers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5579 (2000) ]. Studies of the scaling of nonlinear turbulence with shaping parameters are performed using analytic equilibria based on interpolations of representative shapes of the Joint European Torus [ P. H. Rebut and B. E. Keen, Fusion Technol. 11, 13 (1987) ]. High shaping is found to be a stabilizing influence on both the linear ion-temperature-gradient (ITG) instability and the nonlinear ITG turbulence. For the parameter regime studied here, a scaling of the heat flux with elongation of χ ∼ κ−1.5 or κ−2.0, depending on the triangularity, is observed at fixed average temperature gradient. While this is not as strong as empirical elongation scalings, it is also found that high shaping results in a larger Dimits upshift of the nonlinear critical temperature gradient due to an enhancement of the Rosenbluth-Hinton residual zonal flows.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2972160}, eid = {092303}, file = {Belli2008_PhysPlasmas_15_092303.pdf:Belli2008_PhysPlasmas_15_092303.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/092303/1}, } @Article{Belmont2008, author = {G. Belmont and F. Mottez and T. Chust and S. Hess}, title = {Existence of non-Landau solutions for Langmuir waves}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {5}, pages = {052310}, abstract = {The propagation of linear one dimensional (1D) Langmuir waves is reinvestigated using numerical simulations of a new type with very low noise. The dependence of the result on the initial conditions is shown. New solutions are exhibited, with properties different from Landau’s, even in the asymptotic behavior, in particular with regard to the damping rate. These solutions are shown to demand a special preparation of the initial plasma perturbation, but in a way which is quite physical, without any singularity in the electron distribution function, contrary to the classical van Kampen’s solutions. Using an original theoretical calculation, a simple analytical form is derived for the perturbed distribution function, which allows interpreting both the Landau and non-Landau solutions observed numerically. The numerical results presented and their interpretations are potentially important in several respects: 1) They outline that Landau solutions, for the 1D electrostatic problem in collisionless plasmas, are only a few among an infinite amount of others; even if the non-Landau solutions are much less probable, their existence provides a different view on the concept of kinetic damping and may suggest interpretations different from usual for the subsequent nonlinear effects; 2) they show that the shape of the initial perturbation δf(v), and not only its amplitude, is important for the long time wave properties, both linear and nonlinear; 3) the existence of non-Landau solutions makes clear that the classical energy arguments cannot be fully universal as long as they allow deriving the Landau damping rate independently of the initial conditions; 4) the particle signature of Landau damping, different from the usual guess, should imply a change in our understanding of the role of the resonant particles.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2921791}, eid = {052310}, file = {Belmont2008_PhysPlasmas_15_052310.pdf:Belmont2008_PhysPlasmas_15_052310.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {damping; plasma Langmuir waves; plasma simulation}, numpages = {14}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/052310/1}, } @InProceedings{Ben-Bassat2000, author = {Ben-Bassat, L. and Keren, D.}, title = {Topology preserving inside-outside functions for simple closed curves}, booktitle = {Electrical and ELectronic Engineers in Israel, 2000. The 21st IEEE Convention of the}, year = {2000}, pages = {110-113}, abstract = {We examine a simple closed curve and to develop an ��inside/outside function�� for it. This function should be able to determine whether a given point belongs to the interior or to the exterior of our curve. In other words, the above mentioned function should provide information about the mutual state of a given point relative to the given curve. The creation of this ��inside/outside function�� is based on the following fundamentals: a continuous and single-valued function f is found. If f operates on a simple closed curve ��, a simple closed curve �� will result, in a way that the interior of �� will be mapped on the interior of ��, and the exterior of �� will be mapped on the exterior of ��. Therefore, if a transformation f* can be constructed in such a way that it will map the given curve on the unit circle, it can be used in the following way: for a given point �� (�� represent the pair (x,y) in the ?2 plane) we calculate f*(��), and examine the mutual state of f*(��) relative to the unit circle: if f* (��) is within the interior of the unit circle then we can conclude that the point �� is located inside the original curve. On the other hand, if f (��) is not within the boundaries of the unit circle then it can be concluded that the point �� is located outside the original curve. This approach enables us to deal with the problem of the mutual state of a given point relative to the unit circle, instead of dealing with the original problem that is highly complex}, doi = {10.1109/EEEI.2000.924337}, file = {Ben-Bassat2000_00924337.pdf:Ben-Bassat2000_00924337.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {functional analysis;topology;approximation;continuous function;mutual state problem;simple closed curves;single-valued function;topology preserving inside-outside functions;transformation;unit circle;Computer science;Mathematics;Polynomials;Topology}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.08}, } @Article{Berger2013, author = {R. L. Berger and S. Brunner and T. Chapman and L. Divol and C. H. Still and E. J. Valeo}, title = {Electron and ion kinetic effects on non-linearly driven electron plasma and ion acoustic waves}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032107}, abstract = {Fully non-linear kinetic simulations of electron plasma and ion acoustic waves (IAWs) have been carried out with a new multi-species, parallelized Vlasov code. The numerical implementation of the Vlasov model and the methods used to compute the wave frequency are described in detail. For the first time, the nonlinear frequency of IAWs, combining the contributions from electron and ion kinetic effects and from harmonic generation, has been calculated and compared to Vlasov results. Excellent agreement of theory with simulation results is shown at all amplitudes, harmonic generation being an essential component at large amplitudes. For IAWs, the positive frequency shift from trapped electrons is confirmed and is dominant for the effective electron-to-ion temperature ratio, Z Te/Ti ≳ 10 with Z as the charge state. Furthermore, numerical results demonstrate unambiguously the dependence [R. L. Dewar, Phys. Fluids 15, 712 (1972)] of the kinetic shifts on details of the distribution of the trapped particles, which depends in turn on the conditions under which the waves were generated. The trapped particle fractions and energy distributions are derived and, upon inclusion of harmonic effects, shown to agree with the simulation results, completing a consistent picture. Fluid models of the wave evolution are considered but prove unable to capture essential details of the kinetic simulations. Detrapping by collisions and sideloss is also discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4794346}, eid = {032107}, file = {Berger2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032107.pdf:Berger2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032107.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {harmonic generation; plasma collision processes; plasma Langmuir waves; plasma nonlinear waves; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {30}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032107/1}, } @Article{Berk2012, author = {H.L. Berk}, title = {Special issue containing papers presented at the 12th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems (7–11 September 2011)}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {9}, pages = {090301}, abstract = {The topic of the behaviour of energetic alpha particles in magnetic fusion confined plasmas is perhaps the ultimate frontier plasma physics issue that needs to be understood in the quest to achieve controlled power from the fusion reaction in magnetically confined plasmas. The partial pressure of alpha particles in a burning plasma will be ~5–10% of the total pressure and under these conditions the alpha particles may be prone to develop instability through Alfvénic interaction. This may lead, even with moderate alpha particle loss, to a burn quench or severe wall damage. Alternatively, benign Alfvénic signals may allow the vital information to control a fusion burn. The significance of this issue has led to extensive international investigations and a biannual meeting that began in Kyiv in 1989, followed by subsequent meetings in Aspenäs (1991), Trieste (1993), Princeton (1995), JET/Abingdon (1997), Naka (1999), Gothenburg (2001), San Diego (2003), Takayama (2005), Kloster Seeon (2007) and Kyiv (2009). The meeting was initially entitled 'Alpha Particles in Fusion Research' and then was changed during the 1997 meeting to 'Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems' in appreciation of the need to study the significance of the electron runaway, which can lead to the production of energetic electrons with energies that can even exceed the energy produced by fusion products. This special issue presents some of the mature interesting work that was reported at the 12th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems, which was held in Austin, Texas, USA (7–11 September 2011). This meeting immediately followed a related meeting, the 5th IAEA Technical Meeting on Theory of Plasma Wave Instabilities (5–7 September 2011). The meetings shared one day (7 September 2011) with presentations relevant to both groups. The presentations from most of the participants, as well as some preliminary versions of papers, are available at the websites [1, 2]. To view a presentation or paper, go to the link 'program', view the list or speakers and poster presenters and press 'talk' or 'paper' under the appropriate name. Summaries of the Energetic Particle Conference presentations were given by Kazuo Toi and Boris Breizman. They respectively discussed the experimental and theoretical progress presented at the meeting. Their presentations can be viewed on the 'iaeaep' website [1], by pressing 'Summary–I (or II)' by each of their names. Highlights of this meeting include the tremendous progress that has been achieved in the development of diagnostics that enables the 'viewing' of internal fluctuations and allows comparison with theoretical predictions, as demonstrated, for example, in the talks of P. Lauber and M. Osakabe. The need and development of hardened diagnostics in the severe radiation environment, such as those that will exist in ITER, was discussed in the talks of V. Kiptiley and V.A. Kazakhov. In theoretical studies, much of the effort is focused on nonlinear phenomena. For example, detailed comparison of theory and experiment on D-III-D on the n = 0 geodesic mode was reported in separate papers by R. Nazikian and G. Fu. A large number of theoretical papers were presented on wave chirping including a paper by B.N. Breizman, which notes that continual wave chirping from a single frequency may emanate continuously once marginal stability conditions have been established. Another area of wide interest was the detailed study of alpha orbits in a burning plasma, where losses can come from perturbations from perfect toroidal symmetry arising from finite coil number, magnetic field imperfections introduced by diagnostic or test modules and from instability. An important area of development, covered by M.A. Hole and D.A. Spong, is concerned with the self-consistent treatment of the induced fields that accounts for responses beyond vacuum field perturbations or a pure toroidally symmetric MHD response. In addition, a significant number of studies focused on understanding nonlinear behaviour by means of computer simulation of energetic particle driven instability. An under-represented area of investigation was the study of electron runaway formation during major tokamak disruptions. It was noted in an overview by S. Putvinski that electron energies in the 10–20 MeV range is to be expected during projected major disruptions in ITER and that reliable methods for mitigation of the runaway process needs to be developed. Significant recent work in the field of the disruption induced electron runaway, which was reported by J. Riemann, does not appear in this special issue of Nuclear Fusion as the work had been previously submitted to Physics of Plasmas [3]. Overall it is clear that reliable mitigation of electron runaway is an extremely important topic that is in need of better understanding and solutions. It has been my pleasure to serve as the organizer of the 12th meeting and to serve as a Guest Editor of this issue of Nuclear Fusion . I am sure that the contents of this issue will serve as a valuable research guide to the field of energetic particle behaviour in a burning plasma for many years to come. The site of the next meeting will by Beijing, China in the fall of 2013, which will be organized by Zinghong Lin. References [1] Program 2011 12th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems ( Austin, Texas, USA, 7–11 September 2011) http://w3fusion.ph.utexas.edu/ifs/iaeaep/program.html [http://w3fusion.ph.utexas.edu/ifs/iaeaep/program.html] [2] Program 2011 5th IAEA Technical Meeting on Theory of Plasma Wave Instabilities ( Austin, Texas, USA, 5–7 September 2011 ) http://w3fusion.ph.utexas.edu/ifs/iaeapi/program.html [http://w3fusion.ph.utexas.edu/ifs/iaeapi/program.html] [3] Riemann J., Smith H.M. and Helander P. 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3671974] 012507}, file = {Berk2012_0029-5515_52_9_090301.pdf:Berk2012_0029-5515_52_9_090301.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.03}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=9/a=090301}, } @Article{Bernstein1958, author = {I. B. Bernstein and E. A. Frieman and M. D. Kruskal and R. M. Kulsrud}, title = {An Energy Principle for Hydromagnetic Stability Problems}, journal = {Proc. Roy. Soc.}, year = {1958}, volume = {17}, pages = {A244}, note = {http://www.pppl.gov/library/archive/reports/PM_S_25.pdf}, abstract = {The problem of the stability of static, highly conducting, fully ionized plasmas is investigated by means of an energy principle developed from one introduced by Lundquist. The derivation of the principle and the conditions under which it applies are given. The method is applied to find complete stability criteria for two types of equilibrium situations. The first concerns plasmas which are completely separated from the magnetic field by an interface. The second is the general axisymmetric system.}, file = {Bernstein1958_An Energy Principle for Hydromagnetic Stability Problems_PM_S_25.pdf:Bernstein1958_An Energy Principle for Hydromagnetic Stability Problems_PM_S_25.pdf:PDF;Bernstein1958_Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A-1958-Bernstein-17-40.pdf:Bernstein1958_Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A-1958-Bernstein-17-40.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.24}, url = {http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/244/1236/17.abstract}, } @Article{Bertelli2012, author = {N. Bertelli and O. Maj and E. Poli and R. Harvey and J. C. Wright and P. T. Bonoli and C. K. Phillips and A. P. Smirnov and E. Valeo and J. R. Wilson}, title = {Paraxial Wentzel--Kramers--Brillouin method applied to the lower hybrid wave propagation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {8}, pages = {082510}, abstract = {The paraxial Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (pWKB) approximation, also called beam tracing method, has been employed in order to study the propagation of lower hybrid waves in a tokamak plasma. Analogous to the well-know ray tracing method, this approach reduces Maxwell’s equations to a set of ordinary differential equations, while, in addition, retains the effects of the finite beam cross-section, and, thus, the effects of diffraction. A new code, LHBEAM (lower hybrid BEAM tracing), is presented, which solves the pWKB equations in tokamak geometry for arbitrary launching conditions and for analytic and experimental plasma equilibria. In addition, LHBEAM includes linear electron Landau damping for the evaluation of the absorbed power density and the reconstruction of the wave electric field in both the physical and Fourier space. Illustrative LHBEAM calculations are presented along with a comparison with the ray tracing code GENRAY and the full wave solver TORIC-LH.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4745870}, eid = {082510}, file = {Bertelli2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082510.pdf:Bertelli2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082510.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {approximation theory; differential equations; Maxwell equations; plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; plasma hybrid waves; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; WKB calculations}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/082510/1}, } @Article{Beu1985, author = {T.A. Beu and F. Spineanu and M. Vlad and R.I. Câmpeanu and I.I. Popescu}, title = {Topic — A tokamak plasma impurities code}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1985}, volume = {36}, number = {2}, pages = {161 - 176}, issn = {0010-4655}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(85)90121-3}, file = {Beu1985_1-s2.0-0010465585901213-main.pdf:Beu1985_1-s2.0-0010465585901213-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.04}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465585901213}, } @Article{Beurskens2009, author = {M N A Beurskens and T H Osborne and L D Horton and L Frassinetti and R Groebner and A Leonard and P Lomas and I Nunes and S Saarelma and P B Snyder and I Balboa and B Bray and K Crombé and J Flanagan and C Giroud and E Giovannozzi and M Kempenaars and N Kohen and A Loarte and J Lönnroth and E de la Luna and G Maddison and C Maggi and D McDonald and G McKee and R Pasqualotto and G Saibene and R Sartori and E R Solano and W Suttrop and E Wolfrum and M Walsh and Z Yan and L Zabeo and D Zarzoso and JET-EFDA contributors}, title = {Pedestal width and ELM size identity studies in JET and DIII-D; implications for ITER}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {51}, number = {12}, pages = {124051}, abstract = {The dependence of the H-mode edge transport barrier width on normalized ion gyroradius (ρ * = ρ/ a ) in discharges with type I ELMs was examined in experiments combining data for the JET and DIII-D tokamaks. The plasma configuration as well as the local normalized pressure (β), collisionality (ν * ), Mach number and the ratio of ion and electron temperature at the pedestal top were kept constant, while ρ * was varied by a factor of four. The width of the steep gradient region of the electron temperature ( T e ) and density ( n e ) pedestals normalized to machine size showed no or only a weak trend with ρ * . A ρ 1/2 or ρ 1 dependence of the pedestal width, given by some theoretical predictions, is not supported by the current experiments. This is encouraging for the pedestal scaling towards ITER as it operates at lower ρ * than existing devices. Some differences in pedestal structure and ELM behaviour were, however, found between the devices; in the DIII-D discharges, the n e and T e pedestal were aligned at high ρ * but the n e pedestal shifted outwards in radius relative to T e as ρ * decreases, while on JET the profiles remained aligned while ρ * was scanned by a factor of two. The energy loss at an ELM normalized to the pedestal energy increased from 10% to 40% as ρ * increased by a factor of two in the DIII-D discharges but no such variation was observed in the case of JET. The measured pedestal pressures and widths were found to be consistent with the predictions from modelling based on peeling–ballooning stability theory, and are used to make projections towards ITER}, file = {Beurskens2009_0741-3335_51_12_124051.pdf:Beurskens2009_0741-3335_51_12_124051.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/51/i=12/a=124051}, } @Article{Beurskens2011, author = {M. N. A. Beurskens and T. H. Osborne and P. A. Schneider and E. Wolfrum and L. Frassinetti and R. Groebner and P. Lomas and I. Nunes and S. Saarelma and R. Scannell and P. B. Snyder and D. Zarzoso and I. Balboa and B. Bray and M. Brix and J. Flanagan and C. Giroud and E. Giovannozzi and M. Kempenaars and A. Loarte and E. de la Luna and G. Maddison and C. F. Maggi and D. McDonald and R. Pasqualotto and G. Saibene and R. Sartori and Emilia R. Solano and M. Walsh and L. Zabeo and the DIII-D Team and the ASDEX Upgrade Team and JET-EFDA Contributors}, title = {H-mode pedestal scaling in DIII-D, ASDEX Upgrade, and JET}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {5}, pages = {056120}, abstract = {Multidevice pedestal scaling experiments in the DIII-D, ASDEX Upgrade (AUG), and JET tokamaks are presented in order to test two plasma physics pedestal width models. The first model proposes a scaling of the pedestal width Δ/a ∝ ρ*1/2 to ρ* based on the radial extent of the pedestal being set by the point where the linear turbulence growth rate exceeds the E×B velocity. In the multidevice experiment where ρ* at the pedestal top was varied by a factor of four while other dimensionless parameters where kept fixed, it has been observed that the temperature pedestal width in real space coordinates scales with machine size, and that therefore the gyroradius scaling suggested by the model is not supported by the experiments. The density pedestal width is not invariant with ρ* which after comparison with a simple neutral fuelling model may be attributed to variations in the neutral fuelling patterns. The second model, EPED1, is based on kinetic ballooning modes setting the limit of the radial extent of the pedestal region and leads to Δψ ∝ βp1/2. All three devices show a scaling of the pedestal width in normalised poloidal flux as Δψ ∝ βp1/2, as described by the kinetic ballooning model; however, on JET and AUG, this could not be distinguished from an interpretation where the pedestal is fixed in real space. Pedestal data from all three devices have been compared with the predictive pedestal model EPED1 and the model produces pedestal height values that match the experimental data well.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3593008}, eid = {056120}, file = {Beurskens2011_PhysPlasmas_18_056120.pdf:Beurskens2011_PhysPlasmas_18_056120.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; plasma density; plasma kinetic theory; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/056120/1}, } @Article{Bickerton1997, author = {R J Bickerton}, title = {Magnetic turbulence and the transport of energy and particles in tokamaks}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1997}, volume = {39}, number = {3}, pages = {339}, abstract = {The transport losses observed in tokamak experiments far exceed the predictions of collisional transport theory. This `anomalous' transport is attributed to the turbulent fluctuations known to exist in the plasma interior. Generally, two extreme cases are treated in the theory: electrostatic turbulence in which the confining magnetic field is unchanged and the transport is due to fluctuating electric fields, or alternatively, magnetic turbulence in which the confining magnetic field is significantly perturbed by fluctuating current flows in the plasma. This review deals only with this second case and outlines both the existing theories and the experimental evidence. There are serious difficulties in developing a fully self-consistent theory and with the measurement of the relevant fluctuating quantities deep in the hot plasma. Consequently, the present body of theoretical and experimental evidence does not lead to any definitive conclusion regarding the role of magnetic turbulence. However, the global scaling laws which describe fairly successfully the results from a wide range of tokamaks do have parametric dependences close to those predicted for magnetic turbulence. Further progress depends largely on the use of the most advanced fluctuation measurement techniques to a similarly wide range of different tokamaks and operating modes.}, file = {Bickerton1997_0741-3335_39_3_002.pdf:Bickerton1997_0741-3335_39_3_002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/39/i=3/a=002}, } @Article{Bilato2008, author = {R. Bilato and M. Brambilla}, title = {On the nature of “collisionless” Landau damping}, journal = {Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation}, year = {2008}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {18 - 23}, issn = {1007-5704}, note = {Vlasovia 2006: The Second International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of the Vlasov Equation}, abstract = {The essential role of collisions in Landau damping is illustrated with heuristic but quantitatively accurate arguments. They show that above a critical (and very weak) collisionality the linearization of the Vlasov equation for the perturbation and the quasilinear description of the evolution of the background distribution function are simultaneously justified, and yield a closed and internally consistent model. We argue that phase mixing is not the same as irreversibility, but greatly enhances the efficiency of collisions in causing it.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cnsns.2007.05.007}, file = {Bilato2008_1-s2.0-S100757040700113X-main.pdf:Bilato2008_1-s2.0-S100757040700113X-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Landau damping}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.20}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S100757040700113X}, } @Article{Bird2013, author = {T M Bird and C C Hegna}, title = {A model for microinstability destabilization and enhanced transport in the presence of shielded 3D magnetic perturbations}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {53}, number = {1}, pages = {013004}, abstract = {A mechanism is presented that suggests shielded 3D magnetic perturbations can destabilize microinstabilities and enhance the associated anomalous transport. Using local 3D equilibrium theory, shaped tokamak equilibria with small 3D deformations are constructed. In the vicinity of rational magnetic surfaces, the infinite- n ideal MHD ballooning stability boundary is strongly perturbed by the 3D modulations of the local magnetic shear associated with the presence of near-resonant Pfirsch–Schlüter currents. These currents are driven by 3D components of the magnetic field spectrum even when there is no resonant radial component. The infinite- n ideal ballooning stability boundary is often used as a proxy for the onset of virulent kinetic ballooning modes and associated stiff transport. These results suggest that the achievable pressure gradient may be lowered in the vicinity of low order rational surfaces when 3D magnetic perturbations are applied. This mechanism may provide an explanation for the observed reduction in the peak pressure gradient at the top of the edge pedestal during experiments where edge localized modes have been completely suppressed by applied 3D magnetic fields.}, file = {Bird2013_0029-5515_53_1_013004.pdf:Bird2013_0029-5515_53_1_013004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.22}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/53/i=1/a=013004}, } @Article{Birdsall2004, author = {Charles K.(Ned) Birdsall and Edison T. Estacio}, title = {Discoveries in plasmas while teaching simulation}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {2004}, volume = {164}, number = {1–3}, pages = {189 - 194}, issn = {0010-4655}, note = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conferene on the Numerical Simulation of Plasmas}, abstract = {Once PC's became ubiquitous, we have been using them for teaching plasma simulation, hands-on by instructors and by students. The transfer of skills from instructor to class has been very rapid (most desirable). However, occasionally some unanticipated results are observed with plausible explanations expected from the instructor (scary). Our examples are all one-dimensional. First, we show the famous two-stream instability in a periodic model, starting either cold or warm, which does not (quite) Maxwellianize; why not? Second, we show Landau damping also in a periodic model, with what appears to be small (hence linear) excitation, but observe trapping in the wave frame; going to very small excitation the trapping diminishes and the damping rate approaches that from Landau linear theory. Lastly, we show a warm plasma bounded by two grounded metal planar walls, uniform in density at t=0, bounded, one-dimensional. For t>0 we observe spontaneous plasma frequency oscillations in the midplane, sheath formation at ion sound speed at both walls, trapping of electrons, and acceleration of the ions to the walls; however, we also observe an oscillatory axial current, and ‘staircasing’ of the number of electrons in time. Both can come only from some degree of asymmetry in the system. The frequency of the current is the series resonance between the sheath capacitance (almost no electrons, so vacuum) and the bulk plasma ‘inductance’ (as ωseries⪡ωp).}, doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2004.06.029}, file = {Birdsall2004_1-s2.0-S0010465504002796-main.pdf:Birdsall2004_1-s2.0-S0010465504002796-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465504002796}, } @Article{Birkenmeier2013, author = {Birkenmeier, G. and Ramisch, M. and Schmid, B. and Stroth, U.}, title = {Experimental Evidence of Turbulent Transport Regulation by Zonal Flows}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {145004}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {The regulation of turbulent transport by zonal flows is studied experimentally on a flux surface of the stellarator experiment TJ-K. Data of 128 Langmuir probes at different toroidal and poloidal positions on a single flux surface enable us to measure simultaneously the zonal flow activity and the turbulent transport in great detail. A reduction of turbulent transport by 30% during the zonal flow phase is found. It is shown that the reduction process is initiated by a modification in the cross phase between density and electric field followed by a reduction in the fluctuation levels, which sustain low transport levels on larger time scales than the zonal flow lifetime.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.145004}, file = {Birkenmeier2013_PhysRevLett.110.145004.pdf:Birkenmeier2013_PhysRevLett.110.145004.pdf:PDF}, issue = {14}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.04.03}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.145004}, } @Article{Bisai2012, author = {N. Bisai and R. Singh and P. K. Kaw}, title = {Scrape-off layer tokamak plasma turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {052509}, abstract = {Two-dimensional (2D) interchange turbulence in the scrape-off layer of tokamak plasmas and their subsequent contribution to anomalous plasma transport has been studied in recent years using electron continuity, current balance, and electron energy equations. In this paper, numerically it is demonstrated that the inclusion of ion energy equation in the simulation changes the nature of plasma turbulence. Finite ion temperature reduces floating potential by about 15% compared with the cold ion temperature approximation and also reduces the radial electric field. Rotation of plasma blobs at an angular velocity about 1.5×105 rad/s has been observed. It is found that blob rotation keeps plasma blob charge separation at an angular position with respect to the vertical direction that gives a generation of radial electric field. Plasma blobs with high electron temperature gradients can align the charge separation almost in the radial direction. Influence of high ion temperature and its gradient has been presented.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4718714}, eid = {052509}, file = {Bisai2012_PhysPlasmas_19_052509.pdf:Bisai2012_PhysPlasmas_19_052509.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma flow; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.25}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/052509/1}, } @Article{Bishop1986, author = {C.M. Bishop}, title = {Stability of localized MHD modes in divertor tokamaks – a picture of the H-mode}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1986}, volume = {26}, number = {8}, pages = {1063}, abstract = {The paper examines the stability of a model divertor tokamak equilibrium to MHD ballooning and interchange modes. The combined effects of the magnetic separatrix and a finite edge current density can result in coalescence of the first and second stable regions. This leads to a picture of the H-mode in which the observed steep edge pressure gradients result from the modified ballooning stability properties.}, file = {Bishop1986_0029-5515_26_8_006.pdf:Bishop1986_0029-5515_26_8_006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/26/i=8/a=006}, } @Article{Blum1990, author = {J. Blum and E. Lazzaro and J. O'Rourke and B. Keegan and Y. Stephan}, title = {Problems and methods of self-consistent reconstruction of tokamak equilibrium profiles from magnetic and polarimetric measurements}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1990}, volume = {30}, number = {8}, pages = {1475}, abstract = {Recent advances in experimental measurements of magneto-optic properties of tokamak plasmas and progress in formulation of numerical algorithms for the analysis of magnetic data have allowed the self-consistent determination of the current density in the JET tokamak, in Ohmic and additionally heated discharges. An investigation of the numerical response of a model with finite parameterization to the uncertainties of the available discrete data is carried out. The error propagation is analysed for various types of discharges, and results on the safety factor profile are presented.}, file = {Blum1990_fd6e514658483956b85050015c2dca73.pdf:Blum1990_fd6e514658483956b85050015c2dca73.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/30/i=8/a=007}, } @Article{Boedo2009, author = {J.A. Boedo}, title = {Edge turbulence and SOL transport in tokamaks}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = {2009}, volume = {390–391}, number = {0}, pages = {29 - 37}, issn = {0022-3115}, note = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Device Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Device}, abstract = {Some key topics in tokamak edge plasma transport and turbulence are reviewed. Multi-device results reveal a new paradigm of scrape-off layer (SOL) transport. Radial transport is driven by intermittency throughout the SOL, in between edge localized modes (ELMs) in H-mode, and comprised of plasma filaments that are generated near the last closed flux surface likely by interchange instability. The filaments travel radially at speeds of ∼1 km/s into the SOL and have a poloidal size of 1–3 cm in most devices. The radial transport in the SOL is poloidally asymmetric, by factors of 2–5, causing a pressure peak in the low field side. This asymmetry and other neo-classical terms, such as Pfirsch–Schlüter currents, are found to drive strong SOL flows. The intermittent particle flux, is 20% of the total, including ELMs, at low collisionality, becoming 70% of total at high collisionality. Numerical and analytical models can reproduce the scaling of intermittency with collisionality as well as many details of the filament dynamics in the SOL.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jnucmat.2009.01.040}, file = {Boedo2009-1-s2.0-S0022311509000531-main.pdf:Boedo2009-1-s2.0-S0022311509000531-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.07}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311509000531}, } @Article{Boffetta2012, author = {Boffetta, Guido and Ecke, Robert E.}, journal = {Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics}, title = {Two-Dimensional Turbulence}, year = {2012}, number = {1}, pages = {427-451}, volume = {44}, abstract = {In physical systems, a reduction in dimensionality often leads to exciting new phenomena. Here we discuss the novel effects arising from the consideration of fluid turbulence confined to two spatial dimensions. The additional conservation constraint on squared vorticity relative to three-dimensional (3D) turbulence leads to the dual-cascade scenario of Kraichnan and Batchelor with an inverse energy cascade to larger scales and a direct enstrophy cascade to smaller scales. Specific theoretical predictions of spectra, structure functions, probability distributions, and mechanisms are presented, and major experimental and numerical comparisons are reviewed. The introduction of 3D perturbations does not destroy the main features of the cascade picture, implying that 2D turbulence phenomenology establishes the general picture of turbulent fluid flows when one spatial direction is heavily constrained by geometry or by applied body forces. Such flows are common in geophysical and planetary contexts, are beautiful to observe, and reflect the impact of dimensionality on fluid turbulence.}, doi = {10.1146/annurev-fluid-120710-101240}, eprint = {http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev-fluid-120710-101240}, file = {Boffetta2012_annurev-fluid-120710-101240.pdf:Boffetta2012_annurev-fluid-120710-101240.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.03}, url = {http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-fluid-120710-101240}, } @Article{Bogdankevich2006, author = {Bogdankevich, I. and Strelkov, P.}, title = {Computer simulation of a high power relativistic plasma microwave amplifier in a finite external magnetic field}, journal = {Czechoslovak Journal of Physics}, year = {2006}, volume = {56}, pages = {B192-B198}, issn = {0011-4626}, note = {10.1007/s10582-006-0198-z}, abstract = {A relativistic plasma microwave amplifier was computed with KARAT code for conditions very close to those in our previous experiment. Distinguishing features of the model amplifier are the presence of a microwave absorber and a finite external magnetic field.}, affiliation = {Prokhorov General Physics Institute Moscow Russia Moscow Russia}, file = {Bogdankevich2006_fulltext.pdf:Bogdankevich2006_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, issue = {0}, keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, timestamp = {2012.11.11}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10582-006-0198-z}, } @Article{Bondeson1991, author = {A. Bondeson and G.Y. Fu}, title = {Tunable integration scheme for the finite element method}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1991}, volume = {66}, number = {2–3}, pages = {167 - 176}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {A discretization method is proposed where a tunable integration scheme is applied to the finite element method (FEM). The method is characterized by one continuous parameter, p. A theoretical error analysis is given and three different eigenvalue problems are used as test cases: a simple example with constant coefficients and two model problems from ideal and resistive magnetohydrodynamics. It is shown that, for judicious choices of p, the tunable integration method clearly improves the convergence of the strict FEM. The sensitivity to the choice of integration parameter is discussed.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(91)90065-S}, file = {Bondeson1991_Tunable integration scheme for the finite element method.pdf:Bondeson1991_Tunable integration scheme for the finite element method.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.13}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/001046559190065S}, } @Article{Boom2012, author = {J.E. Boom and E. Wolfrum and I.G.J. Classen and P.C. de Vries and M. Maraschek and W. Suttrop and C.P. Pérez von Thun and A.J.H. Donné and B.J. Tobias and C.W. Domier and N.C. Luhmann Jr and H.K. Park and the ASDEX Upgrade Team}, title = {Characterization of broadband MHD fluctuations during type-II edge localized modes as measured in 2D with ECE-imaging at ASDEX Upgrade}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114004}, abstract = {The characterization of a broadband fluctuation that is typical for the type-II ELM regime at ASDEX Upgrade has been improved using the 2D capabilities of ECE-imaging. During the transition from the type-I to type-II ELMy phase, it has been found that electron temperature fluctuations form a broadband peak in the 19–65 kHz range. In the type-II phase, this broadband fluctuation reaches a maximum relative amplitude of almost 20% just inside the top of the pedestal. Simultaneously, the electron temperature profile is completely flattened at this location. The 2D distribution of the amplitude of this broadband fluctuation is such that, when averaged over time, a minimum occurs around the mid-plane. From the measurements of the nearby magnetic pickup coils, a similar broadband fluctuation seems visible in the same frequency range. However, this is peaked at a slightly lower frequency and does not show a similar minimum. From the analysis of the fluctuations on small timescales, the poloidal and toroidal mode numbers are estimated to be m ∼ 100 and n ∼ 21. Furthermore, activity reminiscent of beat waves has been observed, which might partially account for the fluctuation's broadband nature and the seeming velocity variation of single fluctuation passages. Overall, similarities between the characteristics of this broadband fluctuation and various precursors to type-I ELMs suggest that this fluctuation can play an important role in regulating the ELM cycle.}, file = {Boom2012_0029-5515_52_11_114004.pdf:Boom2012_0029-5515_52_11_114004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114004}, } @Article{Boozer2013, author = {Allen H. Boozer}, title = {Model of magnetic reconnection in space and astrophysical plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032903}, abstract = {Maxwell's equations imply that exponentially smaller non-ideal effects than commonly assumed can give rapid magnetic reconnection in space and astrophysical plasmas. In an ideal evolution, magnetic field lines act as stretchable strings, which can become ever more entangled but cannot be cut. High entanglement makes the lines exponentially sensitive to small non-ideal changes in the magnetic field. The cause is well known in popular culture as the butterfly effect and in the theory of deterministic dynamical systems as a sensitive dependence on initial conditions, but the importance to magnetic reconnection is not generally recognized. Two-coordinate models are too constrained geometrically for the required entanglement, but otherwise the effect is general and can be studied in simple models. A simple model is introduced, which is periodic in the x and y Cartesian coordinates and bounded by perfectly conducting planes in z. Starting from a constant magnetic field in the z direction, reconnection is driven by a spatially smooth, bounded force. The model is complete and could be used to study the impulsive transfer of energy between the magnetic field and the ions and electrons using a kinetic plasma model.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4796051}, eid = {032903}, file = {Boozer2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032903.pdf:Boozer2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032903.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {astrophysical plasma; magnetic reconnection; Maxwell equations; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032903/1}, } @Article{Boozer2012, author = {Allen H. Boozer}, title = {Theory of tokamak disruptions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {058101}, abstract = {Theoretical guidance is needed on two disruption questions: (1) When is a tokamak operating in a metastable state in which loss of control is credible (avoidance question)? (2) What is the worst credible level of destructive effects when plasma control lost and how can these effects be mitigated (effects question)? The success of ITER and the future of tokamaks as fusion systems depend on the precision with which these questions can be answered. Existing capabilities are far from those desired. Nevertheless, one can give physical constraints on the answers and scientific issues that must be addressed to provide reliable guidance. A theoretical program of moderate scale interacting with ongoing experiments could greatly advance the state of development of appropriate tools for simulating, avoiding, and mitigating disruptions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3703327}, eid = {058101}, file = {Boozer2012_PhysPlasmas_19_058101.pdf:Boozer2012_PhysPlasmas_19_058101.pdf:PDF;Boozer2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_052508.pdf:Boozer2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_052508.pdf:PDF;Boozer2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_092902.pdf:Boozer2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_092902.pdf:PDF;Boozer2012c_PhysPlasmas_19_112901.pdf:Boozer2012c_PhysPlasmas_19_112901.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {physical instrumentation control; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {25}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/058101/1}, } @Article{Boozer2012a, author = {Allen H. Boozer}, title = {Rotation of tokamak halo currents}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {052508}, abstract = {During tokamak disruptions, halo currents, which can be tenths of the total plasma current, can flow at the plasma edge along the magnetic field lines that intercept the chamber walls. Non-axisymmetric halo currents are required to maintain force balance as the plasma kinks when the edge safety factor drops to about two in a vertical displacement event. The plasma quickly assumes a definite toroidal velocity va(r) with respect to that of the magnetic kink, vk, where va(r) is set by the radial electric field required for ambipolarity. The plasma velocity, vpl = va+vk, near the edge is influenced by the interaction with neutrals and with the potential in the halo required for quasi-neutrality on open magnetic field lines, and the plasma velocity in the core is influenced by external error fields. When plasma effects dominate magnetic locking, the magnetic kink should rotate at a diamagnetic speed of either the edge or the core. If the magnetic field lines of the halo plasma intercept the wall at locations of very different electrical conductivity, the toroidal rotation of the halo currents can intermittently stall at wall locations of high conductivity. Such stalling is seen in experiments. The toroidal phase difference between the stalled halo currents and the kink, which is expected to rotate smoothly, must satisfy δϕ<±π/2. A concern cited by ITER engineers is that the time varying force of the rotating halo could substantially increase the disruption loads on in-vessel components.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4717721}, eid = {052508}, file = {Boozer2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_052508.pdf:Boozer2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_052508.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {kink instability; plasma boundary layers; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma-wall interactions; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.25}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/052508/1}, } @Article{Boozer2012b, author = {Allen H. Boozer}, title = {Magnetic reconnection in space}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {092902}, abstract = {Models of magnetic reconnection in space plasmas generally consider only a segment of the magnetic field lines. The consideration of only a segment of the lines is shown to lead to paradoxical results in which reconnection can be impossible even in a magnetic field constrained to be curl free or can be at an Alfvén rate even when the plasma is a perfect conductor. A model of reconnecting magnetic fields is developed which shows the smallness of the interdiffusion distance δd of magnetic field lines does not limit the speed of reconnection but does provide a reconnection trigger. When the reconnection region has a natural length Lr, the spatial scale of the gradient of magnetic field across the magnetic field lines must reach Lg ≈ 0.3Lr/ln(Lr/δd) for fast reconnection to be triggered, which implies a current density j ≈ B/μ0Lg that is far lower than that usually thought required for fast reconnection. The relation between magnetic reconnection in space and in toroidal laboratory plasmas is also discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4754715}, eid = {092902}, file = {Boozer2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_092902.pdf:Boozer2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_092902.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {magnetic reconnection; plasma Alfven waves; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/092902/1}, } @Article{Boozer2012c, author = {Allen H. Boozer}, title = {Separation of magnetic field lines}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {11}, pages = {112901}, abstract = {The field lines of magnetic fields that depend on three spatial coordinates are shown to have a fundamentally different behavior from those that depend on two coordinates. Unlike two-coordinate cases, a flux tube in a magnetic field that depends on all three spatial coordinates that has a circular cross section at one location along the tube characteristically has a highly distorted cross section at other locations. In an ideal evolution of a magnetic field, the current densities typically increase. Crudely stated, if the current densities increase by a factor σ, the ratio of the long to the short distance across a cross section of a flux tube characteristically increases by e2σ, and the ratio of the longer distance to the initial radius increases as eσ. Electron inertia prevents a plasma from isolating two magnetic field structures on a distance scale shorter than c/ωpe, which is about 10 cm in the solar corona, and reconnection must be triggered if σ becomes sufficiently large. The radius of the sun, R⊙ = 7×1010cm is about e23 times larger, so when σ≳23, two lines separated by c/ωpe at one location can be separated by the full scale of any magnetic structures in the corona at another. The conditions for achieving a large exponentiation, σ, are derived, and the importance of exponentiation is discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4765352}, eid = {112901}, file = {Boozer2012c_PhysPlasmas_19_112901.pdf:Boozer2012c_PhysPlasmas_19_112901.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {astrophysical plasma; magnetic reconnection; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma transport processes; solar corona; solar magnetism}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/112901/1}, } @Article{Boozer1998, author = {Allen H. Boozer}, title = {What is a stellarator?}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {5}, pages = {1647-1655}, abstract = {A stellarator is a toroidal plasma confinement concept that uses effects that arise in the absence of toroidal symmetry to maintain the magnetic configuration without the need for current drive. The largest magnetic fusion machines under construction are stellarators, and the plasma parameters achieved in stellarators are second only to those in tokamaks. Stellarators are poised for rapid progress toward showing the feasibility of fusion power. The physics and mathematical concepts that are required to understand stellarators are reviewed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872833}, file = {Boozer1998_PhysPlasmas_5_1647.pdf:Boozer1998_PhysPlasmas_5_1647.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {STELLARATORS; DESIGN; PERFORMANCE; TOKAMAK DEVICES; MAGNETIC CONFINEMENT; REVIEWS; fusion reactor theory}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/5/1647/1}, } @Article{Boozer1984, author = {Allen H. Boozer}, title = {Time-dependent drift Hamiltonian}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1984}, volume = {27}, number = {10}, pages = {2441-2445}, abstract = {The lowest‐order drift equations are given in a canonical magnetic coordinate form for time‐dependent magnetic and electric fields. The advantages of the canonical Hamiltonian form are also discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864525}, file = {Boozer1984_PFL002441.pdf:Boozer1984_PFL002441.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TIME DEPENDENCE; HAMILTONIANS; COORDINATES; COLLISIONAL PLASMA; ASYMMETRY; PARTICLES; TRAJECTORIES; MAGNETIC FIELDS; ELECTRIC FIELDS; DIFFUSION; INTEGRALS; GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION; ADIABATIC INVARIANCE; CANONICAL TRANSFORMATIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/27/2441/1}, } @Article{Boozer1982, author = {Allen H. Boozer}, title = {Establishment of magnetic coordinates for a given magnetic field}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1982}, volume = {25}, number = {3}, pages = {520-521}, abstract = {A method is given for expressing the magnetic field strength in magnetic coordinates for an arbitrary toroidal, scalar pressure, equilibrium with magnetic surfaces. The field strength in magnetic coordinates is central to the study of equilibrium, stability, and transport in asymmetric plasmas. While doing these calculations, it is assumed that the plasma equilibrium is known.}, doi = {10.1063/1.863765}, file = {Boozer1982_PFL000520.pdf:Boozer1982_PFL000520.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA; EQUILIBRIUM; STABILITY; MAGNETIC FLUX; COORDINATES; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; SCALARS; TOKAMAK DEVICES; STELLARATORS; FOURIER ANALYSIS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.03}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/25/520/1}, } @Article{Boozer1981a, author = {Allen H. Boozer}, title = {Plasma equilibrium with rational magnetic surfaces}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1981}, volume = {24}, number = {11}, pages = {1999-2003}, abstract = {The self‐consistent classical plasma equilibrium with diffusion is studied in a toroidal geometry having a sheared magnetic field. Near each rational surface it is found that the pressure gradient is zero unless the Fourier component of 1/B2, which resonates with that surface, vanishes. Despite the resonances, the overall plasma confinement is, in practice, only slightly modified by the rational surfaces.}, doi = {10.1063/1.863297}, file = {Boozer1981a_PFL001999.pdf:Boozer1981a_PFL001999.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA CONFINEMENT; EQUILIBRIUM PLASMA; ROTATIONAL TRANSFORM; RESONANCE; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; DIFFUSION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.03}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/24/1999/1}, } @Article{Boozer1981, author = {Allen H. Boozer and Gioietta Kuo-Petravic}, title = {Monte Carlo evaluation of transport coefficients}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1981}, volume = {24}, number = {5}, pages = {851-859}, abstract = {A method is developed for evaluating transport coefficients in asymmetric geometries using the Monte Carlo method. The method is applied to the stellarator.}, doi = {10.1063/1.863445}, file = {Boozer1981_PFL000851.pdf:Boozer1981_PFL000851.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA; TRANSPORT THEORY; MONTE CARLO METHOD; STELLARATORS; ORBITS; COLLISIONAL PLASMA; BANANA REGIME}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/24/851/1}, } @Article{Borba2002, author = {D. Borba and H.L. Berk and B.N. Breizman and A. Fasoli and F. Nabais and S.D. Pinches and S.E. Sharapov and D. Testa and contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme}, title = {Modelling of Alfvén waves in JET plasmas with the CASTOR-K code}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2002}, volume = {42}, number = {8}, pages = {1029}, abstract = {A hybrid magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)-gyro-kinetic model CASTOR-K developed for the study of Alfvén eigenmode (AE) stability in the presence of energetic ions has been applied to the interpretation of recent measurements of Alfvén waves in JET. These include the detailed AE damping measurements performed using the AE antenna excitation system and also the observations of Alfvén cascades in strongly reversed shear scenarios at JET. The mode conversion between the AEs and kinetic Alfvén waves and the relation to the Alfvén continuum is studied and the calculated damping is compared with the experimental data. The contribution of ion cyclotron resonant heating driven minority ions to the growth rate of the novel-type mode localized around the point of zero magnetic shear is calculated. This mode is shown to be clearly linked to the ideal MHD `Alfvén continuum', computed with the CSCAS code and consistent with the observation of a quasi-periodic pattern of upward frequency sweeping Alfvén cascades in JET.}, file = {Borba2002_0029-5515_42_8_311.pdf:Borba2002_0029-5515_42_8_311.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.13}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/42/i=8/a=311}, } @Article{Bourdelle2003, author = {C. Bourdelle and W. Dorland and X. Garbet and G. W. Hammett and M. Kotschenreuther and G. Rewoldt and E. J. Synakowski}, title = {Stabilizing impact of high gradient of beta on microturbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2003}, volume = {10}, number = {7}, pages = {2881-2887}, abstract = {It is shown here that microturbulence can be stabilized in the presence of steep temperature and density profiles. Indeed in high β plasmas, pressure profile gradients are associated with high ∣β′∣ = −∂β/∂ρ, where β = P/(B2/2μ0) and ρ the square root of the toroidal flux normalized to its edge value. It is shown here that high values of ∣β′∣ have a stabilizing influence on drift modes. This may form the basis for a positive feedback loop in which high core beta values lead to improved confinement, and to further increase in β. A gyrokinetic electromagnetic flux tube code, GS2 [M. Kotschenreuther, G. Rewoldt, and W. M. Tang, Comput. Phys. Commun. 88, 128 (1995)], is used for analyzing the microstability. In high β spherical tokamak plasmas, high ∣β′∣ rather than low aspect ratio is a source of stabilization. Therefore, the effect of high ∣β′∣ should be stabilizing in the plasmas of the National Spherical Torus Experiment [Y.-K. Peng, M. G. Bell, R. E. Bell et al., Phys. Plasmas 7, 1681 (2000)].}, doi = {10.1063/1.1585032}, file = {Bourdelle2003_PhysPlasmas_10_2881.pdf:Bourdelle2003_PhysPlasmas_10_2881.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; plasma turbulence; plasma instability; plasma temperature; plasma density}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/10/2881/1}, } @Article{Bourdelle2012, author = {C Bourdelle and X Garbet and R Singh and L Schmitz}, title = {New glance at resistive ballooning modes at the edge of tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {11}, pages = {115003}, abstract = {To understand the L–H transition, one has to identify the modes to be stabilized at the edge of L-mode plasmas, roughly from ρ = 0.7 to the last closed flux surface. To address this issue, realistic edge tokamak parameters inspired by three different L-modes from DIII-D and Tore Supra have been investigated with a gyrokinetic code GENE (Jenko et al 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 1904). Former fluid theories for such parameters predict resistive ballooning modes (RBMs) to be unstable (Rogers et al 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 4396). In this paper, linear gyrokinetic simulations demonstrate that, under realistic L-mode conditions, RBMs are linearly unstable at every edge, i.e. ρ ⩾ 0.93. These modes predominantly drift in the electron diamagnetic direction at low wave numbers and are destabilized by higher collisionality. They are further destabilized by higher normalized temperature gradient and higher q . The magnetic shear and the density gradient length have a weaker impact.}, file = {Bourdelle2012_0741-3335_54_11_115003.pdf:Bourdelle2012_0741-3335_54_11_115003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=11/a=115003}, } @Article{Bratanov2013, author = {Vasil Bratanov and Frank Jenko and David Hatch and Stephan Brunner}, title = {Aspects of linear Landau damping in discretized systems}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022108}, abstract = {Basic linear eigenmode spectra for electrostatic Langmuir waves and drift-kinetic slab ion temperature gradient modes are examined in a series of scenarios. Collisions are modeled via a Lenard-Bernstein collision operator which fundamentally alters the linear spectrum even for infinitesimal collisionality [Ng et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1974 (1999)]. A comparison between different discretization schemes reveals that a Hermite representation is superior for accurately resolving the spectra compared to a finite differences scheme using an equidistant velocity grid. Additionally, it is shown analytically that any even power of velocity space hyperdiffusion also produces a Case-Van Kampen spectrum which, in the limit of zero hyperdiffusivity, matches the collisionless Landau solutions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4792163}, eid = {022108}, file = {Bratanov2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022108.pdf:Bratanov2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022108.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma collision processes; plasma drift waves; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma kinetic theory; plasma Langmuir waves; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022108/1}, } @Article{Breslau2008, author = {J. A. Breslau and C. R. Sovinec and S. C. Jardin}, title = {An improved tokamak sawtooth benchmark for 3D nonlinear MHD}, journal = {Commun. Comput. Phys.}, year = {2008}, volume = {4}, pages = {647-658}, abstract = {Accurate prediction of the sawtooth cycle \cite{a1} is an important test for nonlinear MHD codes. The sawtooth cycle in the CDX-U tokamak \cite{a2}, chosen because its small size and low temperature allow simulation using actual device parameters, has been an important benchmark for the comparison of the M3D \cite{a3} and NIMROD \cite{a4} codes for the last several years. Successive comparisons have led to improvements and refinements in both codes. The most recent comparisons show impressive agreement between the two codes both on the linear instability and on the details of nonlinear cyclical behavior. These tests are somewhat idealized and do not yet agree quantitatively with the experimentally observed sawtooth period. We expect a second generation of CDX-U sawtooth benchmarks based on an analytically specified equilibrium, with source terms that show greater fidelity to the physical device, to produce better agreement.}, file = {Breslau2008_v4_647.pdf:Breslau2008_v4_647.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.25}, url = {http://www.global-sci.com/issue/abstract/readabs.php?vol=4&page=647}, } @Article{Bret2006, author = {A. Bret and C. Deutsch}, title = {A fluid approach to linear beam plasma electromagnetic instabilities}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2006}, volume = {13}, number = {4}, pages = {042106}, abstract = {Electromagnetic instabilities found for an arbitrary oriented wave vector are typically difficult to investigate analytically within the framework of kinetic theory. The case of a small density relativistic electron beam interacting with a plasma is considered, and a two-fluid theory of the system including a kinetic pressure tensor is developed. The model obtained agrees very well with temperature effects found on oblique instabilities from a kinetic model, and the respective roles of parallel and transverse beam temperatures are correctly reproduced. An analysis of the phase velocities of the unstable waves allows for an explanation of this similarity. Such a formalism could be used to study oblique instabilities in settings where kinetic theory becomes problematic to implement.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2196876}, eid = {042106}, file = {Bret2006_PhysPlasmas_13_042106.pdf:Bret2006_PhysPlasmas_13_042106.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma waves; plasma kinetic theory; relativistic plasmas; relativistic electron beams; plasma-beam interactions; plasma pressure; plasma temperature}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/13/042106/1}, } @Article{Bret2013a, author = {A. Bret and A. Stockem and F. Fiuza and C. Ruyer and L. Gremillet and R. Narayan and L. O. Silva}, title = {Collisionless shock formation, spontaneous electromagnetic fluctuations, and streaming instabilities}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {042102}, abstract = {Collisionless shocks are ubiquitous in astrophysics and in the lab. Recent numerical simulations and experiments have shown how they can arise from the encounter of two collisionless plasma shells. When the shells interpenetrate, the overlapping region turns unstable, triggering the shock formation. As a first step towards a microscopic understanding of the process, we analyze here in detail the initial instability phase. On the one hand, 2D relativistic Particle-In-Cell simulations are performed where two symmetric initially cold pair plasmas collide. On the other hand, the instabilities at work are analyzed, as well as the field at saturation and the seed field which gets amplified. For mildly relativistic motions and onward, Weibel modes govern the linear phase. We derive an expression for the duration of the linear phase in good agreement with the simulations. This saturation time constitutes indeed a lower-bound for the shock formation time.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4798541}, eid = {042102}, file = {Bret2013_PhysPlasmas_20_042102.pdf:Bret2013_PhysPlasmas_20_042102.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {numerical analysis; plasma fluctuations; plasma instability; plasma shock waves; plasma simulation; relativistic plasmas}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.03}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/042102/1}, } @Article{Brettschneider1973, author = {M Brettschneider and J Killeen and A.A Mirin}, title = {Numerical simulation of relativistic electrons confined in an axisymmetric mirror field}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1973}, volume = {11}, number = {3}, pages = {360 - 399}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A time-dependent numerical model of the astron, with which injection and trapping can be studied in detail, has been developed. The effects due to the resistors and neutralization have been included. The model is axially symmetric. The E-layer electrons are simulated by many thousands of finite-size superparticles, which move in the r−z domain and have velocity components νr, νθ, and νz. The model is relativistic and the electromagnetic fields are obtained by solving four wave equations — three for the vector potential and one for the scalar potential. The E-layer current and the current induced in the resistor wires are included in the above field equations. The computed self-fields are added to the external field to give the field configuration as a function of time. Results of multiple pulse injection are presented.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(73)90079-X}, file = {Brettschneider1973_1-s2.0-002199917390079X-main.pdf:Brettschneider1973_1-s2.0-002199917390079X-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002199917390079X}, } @Article{Breuer1981, author = {Breuer, R. A. and Ehlers, J.}, title = {Propagation of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Waves Through a Magnetized Plasma in Curved Spaces-Time. II. Application of the Asymptotic Approximation}, journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences}, year = {1981}, volume = {374}, number = {1756}, pages = {65-86}, abstract = {This is the second of two papers on the propagation of high-frequency electromagnetic waves through an inhomogeneous, non-stationary plasma in curved space-time. By applying the general two-scale W.K.B. method developed in part I to the basic wave equation, derived also in that paper, we here obtain the dispersion relation, the rays, the polarization states and the transport laws for the amplitudes of these waves. In an unmagnetized plasma the transport preserves the helicity and the eccentricity of the polarization state along each ray; the axes of the polarization ellipse rotate along a ray, relative to quasiparallely displaced directions, at a rate determined by the vorticity of the electron fluid; and the norm of the amplitude changes according to a conservation law which can be interpreted as the constancy of the number of quasiphotons. In a magnetized plasma the polarization state changes differently for ordinary and extraordinary waves, according to the angle between the wavenormal and the background magnetic field, and under specified approximation conditions the direction of polarization of linearly polarized waves undergoes a generalized Faraday rotation.}, doi = {10.1098/rspa.1981.0011}, eprint = {http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/374/1756/65.full.pdf+html}, file = {Breuer1981_Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A-1981-Breuer-65-86.pdf:Breuer1981_Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A-1981-Breuer-65-86.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.05}, url = {http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/374/1756/65.abstract}, } @Article{Breuer1980, author = {Breuer, R. A. and Ehlers, J.}, title = {Propagation of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Waves Through a Magnetized Plasma in Curved Space-Time. I}, journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences}, year = {1980}, volume = {370}, number = {1742}, pages = {389-406}, abstract = {This is the first of two papers on the propagation of high-frequency electromagnetic waves through a magnetized plasma in curved space-time. We first show that the nonlinear system of equations governing the plasma and the electromagnetic field in a given, external gravitational field has locally a unique solution for any initial data set obeying the appropriate constraints, and that this system is linearization stable at any of its solutions. Next we prove that the linearized perturbations of a `background' solution are characterized by a third-order (not strictly) hyperbolic, constraint-free system of three partial differential equations for three unknown functions of the four space-time coordinates. We generalize the algorithm for obtaining oscillatory asymptotic solutions of linear systems of partial differential equations of arbitrary order, depending polynomially on a small parameter such that it applies to the previously established perturbation equation when the latter is rewritten in terms of dimensionless variables and a small scale ratio. For hyperbolic systems we then state a sufficient condition in order that asymptotic solutions of finite order, constructed as usual by means of a Hamiltonian system of ordinary differential equations for the characteristic strips and a system of transport equations determining the propagation of the amplitudes along the rays, indeed approximate solutions of the system. The procedure is a special case of a two-scale method, suitable for describing the propagation of locally approximately plane, monochromatic waves through a dispersive, inhomogeneous medium. In the second part we shall apply the general method to the perturbation equation referred to above.}, doi = {10.1098/rspa.1980.0040}, eprint = {http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/370/1742/389.full.pdf+html}, file = {Breuer1980_Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A-1980-Breuer-389-406.pdf:Breuer1980_Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A-1980-Breuer-389-406.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.05}, url = {http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/370/1742/389.abstract}, } @Article{Brio1988, author = {M Brio and C.C Wu}, title = {An upwind differencing scheme for the equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1988}, volume = {75}, number = {2}, pages = {400 - 422}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {Recently, upwind differencing schemes have become very popular for solving hyperbolic partial differential equations, especially when discontinuities exist in the solutions. Among many upwind schemes successfully applied to the problems in gas dynamics, Roe's method stands out for its relative simplicity and clarity of the underlying physical model. In this paper, an upwind differencing scheme of Roe-type for the MHD equations is constructed. In each computational cell, the problem is first linearized around some averaged state which preserves the flux differences. Then the solution is advanced in time by computing the wave contributions to the flux at the cell interfaces. One crucial task of the linearization procedure is the construction of a Roe matrix. For the special case γ = 2, a Roe matrix in the form of a mean value Jacobian is found, and for the general case, a simple averaging procedure is introduced. All other necessary ingredients of the construction, which include eigenvalues, and a complete set of right eigenvectors of the Roe matrix and decomposition coefficients are presented. As a numerical example, we chose a coplanar MHD Riemann problem. The problem is solved by the newly constructed second-order upwind scheme as well as by the Lax-Friedrichs, the Lax-Wendroff, and the flux-corrected transport schemes. The results demonstrate several advantages of the upwind scheme. In this paper, we also show that the MHD equations are nonconvex. This is a contrast to the general belief that the fast and slow waves are like sound waves in the Euler equations. As a consequence, the wave structure becomes more complicated; for example, compound waves consisting of a shock and attached to it a rarefaction wave of the same family can exist in MHD.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(88)90120-9}, file = {Brio1988_An upwind differencing scheme for the equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics.pdf:Brio1988_An upwind differencing scheme for the equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.16}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999188901209}, } @Article{Brizard2012, author = {Alain J. Brizard and Loic de Guillebon}, title = {Comment on ``Geometric phase of the gyromotion for charged particles in a time-dependent magnetic field'' [Phys. Plasmas [bold 18], 072505 (2011)]}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {094701}, abstract = {The geometric analysis of the gyromotion for charged particles in a time-dependent magnetic field by Liu and Qin [Phys. Plasmas 18, 072505 (2011)] is reformulated in terms of the spatial angles that represent the instantaneous orientation of the magnetic field. This new formulation, which includes the equation of motion for the pitch angle, clarifies the decomposition of the gyroangle-averaged equation of motion for the gyrophase into its dynamic and geometric contributions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4748568}, eid = {094701}, file = {Brizard2012_PhysPlasmas_19_094701.pdf:Brizard2012_PhysPlasmas_19_094701.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {electrodynamics; geometry; magnetic field effects}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/094701/1}, } @Article{Brunner1998a, author = {S. Brunner and J. Vaclavik}, title = {Global approach to the spectral problem of microinstabilities in a cylindrical plasma using a gyrokinetic model}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, pages = {365-375}, abstract = {Considering the spectral problem of microinstabilities in a curved system, methods for solving the global gyrokinetic equation are presented for the simple case of a cylindrical plasma. They prove to be efficient for computing the full unstable spectrum of ion temperature gradient (ITG) type modes and have shown to be applicable to the two-dimensional integral equation of tokamak configurations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872718}, file = {Brunner1998a_PhysPlasmas_5_365.pdf:Brunner1998a_PhysPlasmas_5_365.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma toroidal confinement; integral equations; plasma temperature}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/5/365/1}, } @Article{Brunner1993, author = {S. Brunner and J. Vaclavik}, title = {Dielectric tensor operator of hot plasmas in toroidal axisymmetric systems}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1993}, volume = {5}, number = {6}, pages = {1695-1705}, abstract = {Kinetic theory is used to develop equations describing dynamics of small‐amplitude electromagnetic perturbations in toroidal axisymmetric plasmas. The closed Vlasov–Maxwell equations are first solved for a hot stationary plasma using the expansion in the small parameter ϵe=ρ/L, where ρ is the Larmor radius and L a characteristic length scale of the stationary state. The ordering and additional assumptions are specified so as to obtain the well‐known Grad–Shafranov equation. The dielectric tensor of such a plasma is then derived. The Vlasov equation for the perturbed distribution function is solved by the expansion in the small parameters ϵe and ϵp=ρ/λ, where λ is a characteristic wavelength of the perturbing electromagnetic field. The solution is obtained up to the first order in ϵe and the second order in ϵp. By integrating the resulting distribution function over velocity space, an explicit expression for the tensor is derived in the form of a two‐dimensional partial differential operator. The operator is shown to possess the proper symmetry corresponding to the energy conservation law.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860804}, file = {Brunner1993_PFB001695.pdf:Brunner1993_PFB001695.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {KINETIC EQUATIONS; HOT PLASMA; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; DIELECTRIC TENSOR; BOLTZMANNVLASOV EQUATION; MAXWELL EQUATIONS; LARMOR RADIUS; ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; AXIAL SYMMETRY}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/1695/1}, } @Article{Brush1966, author = {S. G. Brush and H. L. Sahlin and E. Teller}, title = {Monte Carlo Study of a One-Component Plasma. I}, journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, year = {1966}, volume = {45}, number = {6}, pages = {2102-2118}, abstract = {A Monte Carlo study has been made of a plasma of heavy ions immersed in a uniform neutralizing background. Systems containing from 32 to 500 particles, with periodic boundary conditions, were used. The results of the study are presented in terms of a dimensionless parameter Γ= (4πn/3) ⅓[(Ze)2/kT], where n is the ion density (particles per cubic centimeter), T is the temperature (degrees Kelvin), k is the Boltzmann constant, e is the electronic charge, and Z is the atomic number. Thermodynamic properties and pair distribution functions were obtained for values of Γ ranging from 0.05 to 100.0 from the canonical ensemble by the Monte Carlo (MC) method. Two different methods were used to determine the potential energy of a configuration. The first is the ``minimum‐image convention'' employed in many previous MC calculations. Each particle is allowed to interact only with each other particle in the basic cell, or with the nearest periodic image of each other particle if the image is closer. In the second method, the interaction of a particle with all the images of the other particles, and with the uniform background is taken into account by a technique similar to the Ewald procedure used to calculate lattice sums. It is found that both methods of determining the potential energy yield essentially the same results for the pair distribution function g for Γ values of 10 or less. For larger values of Γ the results given by the two methods differ significantly, indicating that the minimum image convention is inadequate for plasma systems at high densities and low temperatures. Energies and values of the pair distribution function are compared with predictions of various approximate theories for small Γ values. It is found that the nonlinear Debye—Hückel (DH) theory is in agreement with the MC results for values of Γ up to 0.1. At Γ=1.0, significant deviations from the DH theory are observed. For Γ=1.0, g is found to be in close agreement with Carley's calculations based on the Percus—Yevick equation. For values of Γ above 2, g is no longer a monotonic function of the interparticle distance r, but begins to show oscillations characteristic of latticelike structures. For large values of Γ these oscillations are quite pronounced. The system is observed to undergo a fluid—solid phase transition in the vicinity of Γ=125.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1727895}, file = {Brush1966_JChemPhys_45_2102.pdf:Brush1966_JChemPhys_45_2102.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JCP/45/2102/1}, } @Article{Buneman1958, author = {Buneman, O.}, title = {Instability, Turbulence, and Conductivity in Current-Carrying Plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1958}, volume = {1}, pages = {8--9}, month = {Jul}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.1.8}, file = {Buneman1958_PhysRevLett.1.8.pdf:Buneman1958_PhysRevLett.1.8.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.12.06}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.1.8}, } @Article{Burby2013, author = {J. W. Burby and H. Qin}, title = {Toroidal precession as a geometric phase}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {012511}, abstract = {A stochastic differential equation for intermittent plasma density dynamics in magnetic fusion edge plasma is derived, which is consistent with the experimentally measured gamma distribution and the theoretically expected quadratic nonlinearity. The plasma density is driven by a multiplicative Wiener process and evolves on the turbulence correlation time scale, while the linear growth is quadratically damped by the fluctuation level. The sensitivity of intermittency to the nonlinear dynamics is investigated by analyzing the nonlinear Langevin representation of the beta process, which leads to a root-square nonlinearity.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789377}, eid = {012511}, file = {Burby2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012511.pdf:Burby2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012511.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {numerical analysis; plasma toroidal confinement; stellarators; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/012511/1}, } @Article{Burby2012, author = {J. W. Burby and H. Qin}, title = {Gyrosymmetry: Global considerations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {052106}, abstract = {In the guiding center theory, smooth unit vectors perpendicular to the magnetic field are required to define the gyrophase. The question of global existence of these vectors is addressed using a general result from the theory of characteristic classes. It is found that there is, in certain cases, an obstruction to global existence. In these cases, the gyrophase cannot be defined globally. The implications of this fact on the basic structure of the guiding center theory are discussed. In particular, it is demonstrated that the guiding center asymptotic expansion of the equations of motion can still be performed in a globally consistent manner when a single global convention for measuring gyrophase is unavailable. The latter fact is demonstrated directly by deriving a new expression for the guiding-center Poincaré-Cartan form exhibiting no dependence on the choice of perpendicular unit vectors.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4719700}, eid = {052106}, file = {Burby2012_PhysPlasmas_19_052106.pdf:Burby2012_PhysPlasmas_19_052106.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma simulation}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.25}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/052106/1}, } @Article{Burckel2010, author = {A Burckel and O Sauter and C Angioni and J Candy and E Fable and X Lapillonne}, title = {On the effects of the equilibrium model in gyrokinetic simulations: from s- α to diverted MHD equilibrium}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, year = {2010}, volume = {260}, number = {1}, pages = {012006}, abstract = {In order to better identify the role of the magnetic topology on ITG and TEM instabilities, different MHD equilibria with increasing complexity are calculated using the CHEASE code [1]. We start from the geometry of the s-α cyclone benchmark case [2], consider the corresponding circular numerical equilibrium, and then successively add a non zero value of a consistent with the kinetic profiles, an elongation of 1.68, a triangularity of 0.15, and finally an up-down asymmetry corresponding to a single-null diverted geometry. This gives the opportunity to study separately the effect of each main characteristics of the equilibrium on microinstabilities in core plasmas. Linear local electrostatic gyrokinetic simulations of these different numerical equilibria and of their corresponding analytical descriptions (Miller-type representations [3]) are performed using the codes GS2 [4, 5] and GYRO[6]. It is observed that each modification of the equilibrium has an influence on the results of gyrokinetic simulations. The effect of the α parameter can compensate the stabilizing effect of an increase in the elongation. A comparison between the up-down symmetric shaped equilibrium and its corresponding diverted configuration show a non negligible effect on the growth rate of ITG and TEM turbulence. The comparison between the local Miller model and using a full equilibrium shows that it is mainly the indirect change of elongation in the plasma core which influences the results. The global aim is to provide well defined benchmark cases including real geometry and kinetic electrons physics, since this is not analyzed by the cyclone case. In addition, the goal is to define a procedure for testing of local simulations inspired by experimental constraints and results.}, file = {Burckel2010_1742-6596_260_1_012006.pdf:Burckel2010_1742-6596_260_1_012006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/260/i=1/a=012006}, } @Article{BURDO2011, author = {BURDO,O. S. and KOLESNICHENKO,YA. I. and SIPILÄ,S. and YAKOVENKO,YU. V.}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {Numerical study of precession of circulating particles in tokamaks}, year = {2011}, issn = {1469-7807}, month = {7}, pages = {559--569}, volume = {77}, abstract = {ABSTRACT The toroidal precession of circulating particles in tokamaks is studied numerically. The dependence of the precession frequency on the magnetic shear, the elongation of the plasma cross-section, and plasma pressure is investigated. It is concluded that the analytical expressions for the precession frequency by Kolesnichenko et al. (2003 Phys. Plasmas 10, 1449–1457) represent a reasonable approximation for the limit cases of tokamaks with circular cross-section and shearless tokamaks with elliptical cross-section. The precession frequency was calculated for non-circular tokamaks with magnetic shear. Based on the numerical results, an interpolation formula for the precession frequency is proposed.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377810000735}, file = {BURDO2011_S0022377810000735a.pdf:BURDO2011_S0022377810000735a.pdf:PDF}, issue = {04}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.20}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377810000735}, } @Article{Burrell1997, author = {K. H. Burrell}, title = {Effects of E x B velocity shear and magnetic shear on turbulence and transport in magnetic confinement devices}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1997}, volume = {4}, number = {5}, pages = {1499-1518}, abstract = {One of the scientific success stories of fusion research over the past decade is the development of the E×B shear stabilization model to explain the formation of transport barriers in magnetic confinement devices. This model was originally developed to explain the transport barrier formed at the plasma edge in tokamaks after the L (low) to H (high) transition. This concept has the universality needed to explain the edge transport barriers seen in limiter and divertor tokamaks, stellarators, and mirror machines. More recently, this model has been applied to explain the further confinement improvement from H (high) mode to VH (very high) mode seen in some tokamaks, where the edge transport barrier becomes wider. Most recently, this paradigm has been applied to the core transport barriers formed in plasmas with negative or low magnetic shear in the plasma core. These examples of confinement improvement are of considerable physical interest; it is not often that a system self-organizes to a higher energy state with reduced turbulence and transport when an additional source of free energy is applied to it. The transport decrease that is associated with E×B velocity shear effects also has significant practical consequences for fusion research. The fundamental physics involved in transport reduction is the effect of E×B shear on the growth, radial extent, and phase correlation of turbulent eddies in the plasma. The same fundamental transport reduction process can be operational in various portions of the plasma because there are a number of ways to change the radial electric field Er. An important theme in this area is the synergistic effect of E×B velocity shear and magnetic shear. Although the E×B velocity shear appears to have an effect on broader classes of microturbulence, magnetic shear can mitigate some potentially harmful effects of E×B velocity shear and facilitate turbulence stabilization. Considerable experimental work has been done to test this picture of E×B velocity shear effects on turbulence; the experimental results are generally consistent with the basic theoretical models.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872367}, file = {Burrell1997_PhysPlasmas_4_1499.pdf:Burrell1997_PhysPlasmas_4_1499.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {THERMONUCLEAR DEVICES; MAGNETIC CONFINEMENT; REVIEWS; TURBULENCE; TRANSPORT THEORY; SHEAR; plasma confinement; plasma turbulence; plasma transport processes; plasma boundary layers}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/1499/1}, } @Article{Burrell1978, author = {Keith H Burrell}, title = {NEUCG: A transport code for hydrogen atoms in cylindrical hydrogenic plasmas}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1978}, volume = {27}, number = {1}, pages = {88 - 102}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A special code describing transport of neutral hydrogen atoms in a hydrogenic plasma has been written. Test comparisons with solutions based on a neutron transport code show that the accuracy is good and the execution time is improved by a factor of six. The code accepts arbitrary, smooth electron and ion density and temperature profiles. Maximum temperatures permitted for accurate results are about 5 keV.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(78)90027-X}, file = {Burrell1978_1-s2.0-002199917890027X-main.pdf:Burrell1978_1-s2.0-002199917890027X-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002199917890027X}, } @Article{Burrell2012, author = {K. H. Burrell and A. M Garofalo and W. M. Solomon and M. E. Fenstermacher and T. H. Osborne and J.-K. Park and M. J. Schaffer and P. B. Snyder}, title = {Reactor-relevant quiescent H-mode operation using torque from non-axisymmetric, non-resonant magnetic fields}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {056117}, abstract = {Results from recent experiments demonstrate that quiescent H-mode (QH-mode) sustained by magnetic torque from non-axisymmetric magnetic fields is a promising operating mode for future burning plasmas. Using magnetic torque from n = 3 fields to replace counter-Ip torque from neutral beam injection (NBI), we have achieved long duration, counter-rotating QH-mode operation with NBI torque ranging from counter-Ip to up to co-Ip values of 1-1.3 Nm. This co-Ip torque is 3 to 4 times the scaled torque that ITER will have. These experiments utilized an ITER-relevant lower single-null plasma shape and were done with ITER-relevant values of νped* and βNped. These discharges exhibited confinement quality H98y2 = 1.3, in the range required for ITER. In preliminary experiments using n = 3 fields only from a coil outside the toroidal coil, QH-mode plasmas with low q95 = 3.4 have reached fusion gain values of G = βNH89/q952 = 0.4, which is the desired value for ITER. Shots with the same coil configuration also operated with net zero NBI torque. The limits on G and co-Ip torque have not yet been established for this coil configuration. QH-mode work to has made significant contact with theory. The importance of edge rotational shear is consistent with peeling-ballooning mode theory. Qualitative and quantitative agreements with the predicted neoclassical toroidal viscosity torque is seen.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3695119}, eid = {056117}, file = {Burrell2012_PhysPlasmas_19_056117.pdf:Burrell2012_PhysPlasmas_19_056117.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; discharges (electric); plasma beam injection heating; plasma boundary layers; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; viscosity}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/056117/1}, } @Article{Burrell2005, author = {K. H. Burrell and W. P. West and E. J. Doyle and M. E. Austin and T. A. Casper and P. Gohil and C. M. Greenfield and R. J. Groebner and A. W. Hyatt and R. J. Jayakumar and D. H. Kaplan and L. L. Lao and A. W. Leonard and M. A. Makowski and G. R. McKee and T. H. Osborne and P. B. Snyder and W. M. Solomon and D. M. Thomas and T. L. Rhodes and E. J. Strait and M. R. Wade and G. Wang and L. Zeng}, title = {Advances in understanding quiescent H-mode plasmas in DIII-D}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2005}, volume = {12}, number = {5}, pages = {056121}, doi = {10.1063/1.1894745}, eid = {056121}, file = {Burrell2005_PhysPlasmas_12_056121.pdf:Burrell2005_PhysPlasmas_12_056121.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; ballooning instability; plasma boundary layers; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma transport processes; plasma pressure; plasma oscillations; discharges (electric); plasma density; plasma temperature; plasma impurities}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/12/056121/1}, } @Article{Cai2012, author = {Huishan Cai and Guoyong Fu}, title = {Hybrid simulation of energetic particle effects on tearing modes in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {072506}, abstract = {The effects of energetic ions on stability of tearing mode are investigated by global kinetic/MHD hybrid simulations in a low beta tokamak plasma. The kinetic effects of counter circulating energetic ions from the non-adiabatic response are found to be strongly destabilizing while the effects from the adiabatic response are stabilizing. The net effect with both adiabatic and non-adiabatic contributions is destabilizing. On the other hand, the kinetic effects of co-circulating energetic ions from the non-adiabatic response are calculated to be weakly stabilizing while the corresponding adiabatic contribution is destabilizing for small energetic ion beta. The net effect is weakly stabilizing. The dependence of kinetic effects on energetic ion beta, gyroradius, and speed is studied systematically and the results agree in large part with the previous analytic results for the kinetic effects of circulating particles. For trapped energetic ions, their effects on tearing mode stability are dominated by the adiabatic response due to large banana orbit width and strong poloidal variation of particle pressure. The net effect of trapped energetic particles on tearing modes is much more destabilizing as compared to that of counter circulating particles at the same beta value.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4736956}, eid = {072506}, file = {Cai2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072506.pdf:Cai2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072506.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {particle traps; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma-beam interactions; tearing instability; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.13}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/072506/1}, } @Article{Caillol1982, author = {Caillol, J. M. and Levesque, D. and Weis, J. J. and Hansen, J. P.}, title = {A Monte Carlo study of the classical two-dimensional one-component plasma}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Physics}, year = {1982}, volume = {28}, pages = {325-349}, issn = {0022-4715}, note = {10.1007/BF01012609}, abstract = {We present results from extensive Monte Carlo simulations of the fluid phase of the two-dimensional classical one-component plasma (OCP). The difficulties associated with the infinite range of the logarithmic Coulomb interaction are eliminated by confining the particles to the surface of a sphere. The results are compared to those obtained for a planar system with screened Coulomb interactions and periodic boundary conditions; in this case the infinite tail of the Coulomb interaction is treated as a perturbation. The “exact” simulation results are used to test various approximate theories, including a semiempirical modification of the hypernetted-chain (HNC) integral equation. The OCP freezing transition is located at a coupling ? = e 2 /k B T-140.}, affiliation = {Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies Université de Paris-Sud 91405 Orsay France}, file = {Caillol1982_fulltext.pdf:Caillol1982_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, timestamp = {2012.09.30}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01012609}, } @Article{Califano2006, author = {F. Califano and L. Galeotti and A. Mangeney}, title = {The Vlasov-Poisson model and the validity of a numerical approach}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2006}, volume = {13}, number = {8}, pages = {082102}, abstract = {Our aim in this work is to show that the final macroscopic state of a noncollisional plasma system, computed through numerical simulations, depends on artificial small scale effects induced by the used numerical scheme and/or grid discretization. By using the continuous, Hamiltonian Vlasov-Poisson model, we found significant differences in the nonlinear dynamics when varying the importance of dissipative and/or dispersive (numerical) effects. In particular, such artificial processes are crucial during phase space vortex generation and vortex merging dynamics leading to different irreversible asymptotic states. These results are obtained for numerical grid scale lengths much smaller than any noncollisional physical scale length.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2215596}, eid = {082102}, file = {Califano2006_PhysPlasmas_13_082102.pdf:Califano2006_PhysPlasmas_13_082102.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Vlasov equation; Poisson equation; plasma transport processes; plasma simulation; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma flow; vortices; plasma instability; numerical analysis}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.05}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/13/082102/1}, } @Article{Callen2012a, author = {J.D. Callen and A.J. Cole and C.C. Hegna and S. Mordijck and R.A. Moyer}, title = {Resonant magnetic perturbation effects on pedestal structure and ELMs}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114005}, abstract = {The plasma transport processes by which externally applied resonant magnetic field perturbations (RMPs) mitigate or suppress edge-localized modes (ELMs) in low-collisionality tokamak H-mode plasmas are explored. Experimental data from DIII-D indicates the dominant RMP-induced transport occurs at the pedestal top where electron temperature gradient scale lengths increase up to 3 times more than density gradient scale lengths. The increases scale approximately with the square of the strength of the RMPs. Since flow screening is predicted to inhibit magnetic island formation and magnetic stochasticity, a plasma transport model that does not depend on stochasticity is apparently needed. Thus, a basic magnetic-flutter-based cylindrical screw-pinch model theory of plasma transport is developed. A key attribute of this new model is that while RMP-induced radial magnetic perturbations can be significantly reduced on rational surfaces by flow screening, they induce spatial magnetic flutter away from them and thereby can cause substantial radial plasma transport. The plasma transport predictions of this spatial flutter model are compared with the DIII-D transport data.}, file = {Callen2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114005.pdf:Callen2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114005}, } @Article{Callen2012, author = {Callen, J. D. and Canik, J. M. and Smith, S. P.}, title = {Pedestal Structure Model}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {245003}, month = {Jun}, abstract = {Predictions are developed for gradients and profiles of the electron density and temperature in tokamak H-mode pedestals that are in transport quasiequilibrium. They are based on assuming paleoclassical processes provide the irreducible minimum radial plasma transport and dominate in the steep gradient regions of pedestals. The predictions agree (within a factor of about two) with properties of a number of pedestal experimental results.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.245003}, file = {Callen2012_PhysRevLett.108.245003.pdf:Callen2012_PhysRevLett.108.245003.pdf:PDF;Callen2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114005.pdf:Callen2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114005.pdf:PDF}, issue = {24}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.06.14}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.245003}, } @Article{Callen2010, author = {J. D. Callen and C. C. Hegna and A. J. Cole}, title = {Transport equations in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, pages = {056113}, abstract = {Tokamak plasma transport equations are usually obtained by flux surface averaging the collisional Braginskii equations. However, tokamak plasmas are not in collisional regimes. Also, ad hoc terms are added for neoclassical effects on the parallel Ohm’s law, fluctuation-induced transport, heating, current-drive and flow sources and sinks, small magnetic field nonaxisymmetries, magnetic field transients, etc. A set of self-consistent second order in gyroradius fluid-moment-based transport equations for nearly axisymmetric tokamak plasmas has been developed using a kinetic-based approach. The derivation uses neoclassical-based parallel viscous force closures, and includes all the effects noted above. Plasma processes on successive time scales and constraints they impose are considered sequentially: compressional Alfvén waves (Grad–Shafranov equilibrium, ion radial force balance), sound waves (pressure constant along field lines, incompressible flows within a flux surface), and collisions (electrons, parallel Ohm’s law; ions, damping of poloidal flow). Radial particle fluxes are driven by the many second order in gyroradius toroidal angular torques on a plasma species: seven ambipolar collision-based ones (classical, neoclassical, etc.) and eight nonambipolar ones (fluctuation-induced, polarization flows from toroidal rotation transients, etc.). The plasma toroidal rotation equation results from setting to zero the net radial current induced by the nonambipolar fluxes. The radial particle flux consists of the collision-based intrinsically ambipolar fluxes plus the nonambipolar fluxes evaluated at the ambipolarity-enforcing toroidal plasma rotation (radial electric field). The energy transport equations do not involve an ambipolar constraint and hence are more directly obtained. The “mean field” effects of microturbulence on the parallel Ohm’s law, poloidal ion flow, particle fluxes, and toroidal momentum and energy transport are all included self-consistently. The final comprehensive equations describe radial transport of plasma toroidal rotation, and poloidal and toroidal magnetic fluxes, as well as the usual particle and energy transport.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3335486}, eid = {056113}, file = {Callen2010_PhysPlasmas_17_056113.pdf:Callen2010_PhysPlasmas_17_056113.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma flow; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/056113/1}, } @Article{Cameron2007, author = {Cameron, R. and Gizon, L. and Daiffallah, K.}, title = {SLiM: a code for the simulation of wave propagation through an inhomogeneous, magnetised solar atmosphere}, journal = {Astronomische Nachrichten}, year = {2007}, volume = {328}, number = {3-4}, pages = {313--318}, issn = {1521-3994}, abstract = {In this paper we describe the semi-spectral linear MHD (SLiM) code which we have written to follow the interaction of linear waves through an inhomogeneous three-dimensional solar atmosphere. The background model allows almost arbitrary perturbations of density, temperature, sound speed as well as magnetic and velocity fields. We give details of several of the tests we have used to check the code. The code will be useful in understanding the helioseismic signatures of various solar features, including sunspots. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)}, doi = {10.1002/asna.200610736}, file = {Cameron2007_313_ftp.pdf:Cameron2007_313_ftp.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Sun: atmosphere, Sun: helioseismology, Sun: magnetic fields}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/asna.200610736}, } @Article{Candy2005, author = {J. Candy}, title = {Beta scaling of transport in microturbulence simulations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2005}, volume = {12}, number = {7}, pages = {072307}, abstract = {A systematic study of the beta (β) scaling and spatial structure of thermal and particle transport in gyrokinetic turbulence simulations is presented. Here, β is the ratio of the plasma kinetic pressure to the magnetic pressure. Results show that the nonlinear self-consistent temperature profiles exhibit a (statistically) time-stationary flattening in the vicinity of rational surfaces with a concomitant drop in the electrostatic components of the thermal diffusivity. Simultaneously, the increased magnetic fluctuation amplitude at these surfaces enhances the steady-state electromagnetic (flutter) component of the electron thermal diffusivity. The electromagnetic components of the ion transport coefficients remain close to zero, as expected on theoretical grounds. Only a weak dependence of ion energy transport on β is observed, consistent with recent tokamak experiments [ C. C. Petty et al., Phys. Plasmas 11, 2514 (2004) ].}, doi = {10.1063/1.1954123}, eid = {072307}, file = {Candy2005_PhysPlasmas_12_072307.pdf:Candy2005_PhysPlasmas_12_072307.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; plasma simulation; plasma pressure; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma temperature; plasma fluctuations}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/12/072307/1}, } @Article{Candy2003, author = {J. Candy and R.E. Waltz}, title = {An Eulerian gyrokinetic-Maxwell solver}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {2003}, volume = {186}, number = {2}, pages = {545 - 581}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {In this report we present a time-explicit, Eulerian numerical scheme for the solution of the nonlinear gyrokinetic-Maxwell equations. The treatment of electrons is fully drift-kinetic, transverse electromagnetic fluctuations are included, and profile variation is allowed over an arbitrary radial annulus. The code, gyro, is benchmarked against analytic theory, linear eigenmode codes, and nonlinear electrostatic gyrokinetic particle-in-cell codes. We have attempted preliminary finite-β calculations in the range β/βcrit=[0.0,0.5] for a reference discharge. Detailed diagnostic data is presented for these simulations, along with a number of caveats which reflect the uncharted nature of the parameter regime.}, doi = {10.1016/S0021-9991(03)00079-2}, file = {Candy2003_1-s2.0-S0021999103000792-main.pdf:Candy2003_1-s2.0-S0021999103000792-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Turbulence}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.02}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999103000792}, } @Article{Canik2012, author = {J.M. Canik and S.P. Hirshman and R. Sanchez and R. Maingi and J.-W. Ahn and R.E. Bell and A. Diallo and S.P. Gerhardt and B.P. LeBlanc and J.E. Menard and J.-K. Park and M. Podesta and S.A. Sabbagh}, title = {First use of three-dimensional equilibrium, stability and transport calculations for interpretation of ELM triggering with magnetic perturbations in NSTX}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {5}, pages = {054004}, abstract = {The application of non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations has been demonstrated to destabilize edge-localized modes (ELMs) in the National Spherical Torus Experiment. A model 3D equilibrium has been calculated for these experiments using the VMEC code, which assumes nested flux surfaces and therefore that resonant perturbations are shielded. First, a free-boundary equilibrium is calculated using the NSTX coil set, with pressure and current profiles matched to a standard 2D reconstruction, but with up–down symmetry enforced. A new equilibrium is then calculated with the n = 3 field applied at a level consistent with experiment. This equilibrium is then used as the basis of further calculations using codes developed for analysis of stellarator plasmas. The neoclassical transport due to the 3D fields is calculated to be small compared with the experimental transport rates. Initial stability analysis has been performed, and indicates a modest degradation in ballooning stability with 3D fields applied. A new 3D equilibrium is also calculated using the SIESTA code, which allows for the formation of islands and stochastic regions. A comparison of the field structure between the SIESTA calculation and the assumption of fully penetrated vacuum perturbation indicates smaller island sizes and very small stochastic transport in the SIESTA case.}, file = {Canik2012_0029-5515_52_5_054004.pdf:Canik2012_0029-5515_52_5_054004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=5/a=054004}, } @Article{Canik2011, author = {J. M. Canik and R. Maingi and S. Kubota and Y. Ren and R. E. Bell and J. D. Callen and W. Guttenfelder and H. W. Kugel and B. P. LeBlanc and T. H. Osborne and V. A. Soukhanovskii}, title = {Edge transport and turbulence reduction with lithium coated plasma facing components in the National Spherical Torus Experiment}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {5}, pages = {056118}, abstract = {The coating of plasma facing components (PFCs) with lithium improves energy confinement and eliminates ELMs in the National Spherical Torus Experiment, the latter due to a relaxation of the density and pressure profiles that reduces the drive for peeling-ballooning modes. 2-D interpretive transport modeling of discharges without and with lithium shows that a reduction in the PFC recycling coefficient from R ∼ 0.98 to R ∼ 0.90 is required to match the drop in Dα emission with lithium coatings. A broadening of the edge barrier region showing reduced transport coefficients is observed, with a ∼75% drop of the D and χe from 0.8 < ψN < 0.93 needed to match the profile relaxation with lithium coatings. Turbulence measurements using an edge reflectometry system as well as high-k microwave scattering show a decrease in density fluctuations with lithium coatings. These transport changes allow the realization of very wide pedestals, with a ∼100% width increase relative to the reference discharges.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3592519}, eid = {056118}, file = {Canik2011_PhysPlasmas_18_056118.pdf:Canik2011_PhysPlasmas_18_056118.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; fusion reactor materials; fusion reactor reaction chamber; plasma boundary layers; plasma density; plasma diagnostics; plasma pressure; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; plasma-wall interactions; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/056118/1}, } @Article{Cardinali2007, author = {A. Cardinali and L. Morini and C. Castaldo and R. Cesario and F. Zonca}, title = {Analysis of the validity of the asymptotic techniques in the lower hybrid wave equation solution for reactor applications}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {11}, pages = {112506}, abstract = {Knowing that the lower hybrid (LH) wave propagation in tokamak plasmas can be correctly described with a full wave approach only, based on fully numerical techniques or on semianalytical approaches, in this paper, the LH wave equation is asymptotically solved via the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) method for the first two orders of the expansion parameter, obtaining governing equations for the phase at the lowest and for the amplitude at the next order. The nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) for the phase is solved in a pseudotoroidal geometry (circular and concentric magnetic surfaces) by the method of characteristics. The associated system of ordinary differential equations for the position and the wavenumber is obtained and analytically solved by choosing an appropriate expansion parameter. The quasilinear PDE for the WKB amplitude is also solved analytically, allowing us to reconstruct the wave electric field inside the plasma. The solution is also obtained numerically and compared with the analytical solution. A discussion of the validity limits of the WKB method is also given on the basis of the obtained results.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2805435}, eid = {112506}, file = {Cardinali2007_PhysPlasmas_14_112506.pdf:Cardinali2007_PhysPlasmas_14_112506.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {partial differential equations; plasma hybrid waves; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; WKB calculations}, numpages = {14}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/112506/1}, } @Article{Cardinali2003, author = {A. Cardinali and F. Zonca}, title = {Asymptotic analysis of the electrostatic wave equation in a toroidal plasma}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2003}, volume = {10}, number = {11}, pages = {4199-4202}, abstract = {An analytical study is presented of the wave equation that describes the propagation of an electrostatic pulse in a cold plasma in a general magnetic equilibrium by means of a multiple spatial scale approach. This technique is strictly related with that discussed earlier by Zonca and Chen [Phys. Fluids B 5, 3668 (1993)], and, when applied to plasma instabilities, reduces to the well-known “ballooning formalism” [J. W. Connor, R. J. Hastie, and J. B. Taylor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 396 (1978)]. A simplified equation for the scalar potential in the cold plasma limit will be derived and studied by applying the WKB asymptotic technique to describe the slow radial dependencies of the wave envelope, while the full-wave equation will be considered along the magnetic field lines. This ansatz can be entirely justified on the basis of spatial scale separation in the radial direction and for waves that have parallel group velocity faster than in the perpendicular direction. Thus, this approach could be viewed as a mixed WKB-full-wave technique.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1615240}, file = {Cardinali2003_PhysPlasmas_10_4199.pdf:Cardinali2003_PhysPlasmas_10_4199.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma electrostatic waves; ballooning instability; plasma toroidal confinement; WKB calculations}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/10/4199/1}, } @Article{Carthy1999, author = {P. J. Mc Carthy}, title = {Analytical solutions to the Grad--Shafranov equation for tokamak equilibrium with dissimilar source functions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {9}, pages = {3554-3560}, abstract = {Exact solutions to the Grad–Shafranov equation for ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) tokamak equilibria with dissimilar functional dependences of the pressure and poloidal current source profiles are presented. The current density profile has three free parameters, which is sufficiently flexible to describe equilibria consistent with external magnetic measurements. Experimental x-point and limiter plasma configurations can be represented by a superposition of solutions with the same eigenvalue. Both normal and reversed shear current profiles are allowed. An efficient algorithm for least squares fitting of numerically obtained experimental equilibria to the exact solution functions is described and applied to the ASDEX Upgrade (axially symmetric divertor experiment) tokamak [Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1992 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1993), Vol. I, p. 127].}, doi = {10.1063/1.873630}, file = {Carthy1999_PhysPlasmas_6_3554.pdf:Carthy1999_PhysPlasmas_6_3554.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma pressure; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; plasma transport processes}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/3554/1}, } @Article{Castejon2006, author = {F. Castejon and S. S. Pavlov}, title = {Relativistic plasma dielectric tensor evaluation based on the exact plasma dispersion functions concept}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2006}, volume = {13}, number = {7}, pages = {072105}, abstract = {The fully relativistic plasma dielectric tensor for any wave and plasma parameter is estimated on the basis of the exact plasma dispersion functions concept. The inclusion of this concept allows one to write the tensor in a closed and compact form and to reduce the tensor evaluation to the calculation of those functions. The main analytical properties of these functions are studied and two methods are given for their evaluation. The comparison between the exact dielectric tensor with the weakly relativistic approximation, widely used presently in plasma waves calculations, is given as well as the range of plasma temperature, harmonic number, and propagation angle in which the weakly relativistic approximation is valid.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2217309}, eid = {072105}, file = {Castejon2006_PhysPlasmas_13_072105.pdf:Castejon2006_PhysPlasmas_13_072105.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma dielectric properties; relativistic plasmas; plasma transport processes; plasma waves; plasma temperature; plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; dispersion relations}, numpages = {16}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/13/072105/1}, } @Article{Catto2010, author = {Catto, P. J. and Kagan, G.}, title = {Kinetic Effects in the Pedestal of a Tokamak}, journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, year = {2010}, volume = {50}, number = {3-5}, pages = {319--323}, issn = {1521-3986}, abstract = {We consider the effects of finite E × B on the residual and neoclassical ion heat transport and ion flow in the pedestal. For a tokamak pedestal with a density scale of the poloidal ion gyroradius the finite E × B drift modfies the ion orbits, moving the trapped-passing boundary towards the tail of the ion distribution function (© 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)}, doi = {10.1002/ctpp.201010052}, file = {Catto2010_319_ftp.pdf:Catto2010_319_ftp.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Pedestal, transport, residual, flow}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.201010052}, } @Article{Catto2011, author = {Peter J Catto and Grigory Kagan and Matt Landreman and Istvan Pusztai}, title = {A unified treatment of kinetic effects in a tokamak pedestal}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {53}, number = {5}, pages = {054004}, abstract = {We consider the effects of a finite pedestal radial electric field on ion orbits using a unified approach. We then employ these modified orbit results to retain finite E × B drift departures from flux surfaces in an improved drift-kinetic equation. The procedure allows us to make a clear distinction between transit averages and flux surface averages when solving this kinetic equation. The technique outlined here is intended to clarify and unify recent evaluations of the banana regime decrease and plateau regime alterations in the ion heat diffusivity; the reduction and possible reversal of the poloidal flow in the banana regime, and its augmentation in the plateau regime; the increase in the bootstrap current; and the enhancement of the residual zonal flow regulation of turbulence.}, file = {Catto2011_0741-3335_53_5_054004.pdf:Catto2011_0741-3335_53_5_054004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=5/a=054004}, } @Article{Catto2013, author = {Peter J Catto and Felix I Parra and Grigory Kagan and Jeffrey B Parker and Istvan Pusztai and Matt Landreman}, title = {Kinetic effects on a tokamak pedestal ion flow, ion heat transport and bootstrap current}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {4}, pages = {045009}, abstract = {We consider the effects of a finite radial electric field on ion orbits in a subsonic pedestal. Using a procedure that makes a clear distinction between a transit average and a flux surface average we are able to solve the kinetic equation to retain the modifications due to finite ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/55/4/045009/ppcf448484ieqn001.gif] {${{\vec{{\bit E}}}}\times {{\vec{{\bit B}}}}$} drift orbit departures from flux surfaces. Our approach properly determines the velocity space localized, as well as the nonlocal, portion of the ion distribution function in the banana and plateau regimes in the small aspect ratio limit. The rapid variation of the poloidal ion flow coefficient and the electrostatic potential in the total energy modify previous banana regime evaluations of the ion flow, the bootstrap current, and the radial ion heat flux in a subsonic pedestal. In the plateau regime, the rapid variation of the poloidal flow coefficient alters earlier results for the ion flow and bootstrap current, while leaving the ion heat flux unchanged since the rapid poloidal variation of the total energy was properly retained.}, file = {Catto2013_0741-3335_55_4_045009.pdf:Catto2013_0741-3335_55_4_045009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.14}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=4/a=045009}, } @Article{Catto2009, author = {Peter J. Catto and Felix I. Parra and Grigory Kagan and Andrei N. Simakov}, title = {Limitations, insights and improvements to gyrokinetics}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {49}, number = {9}, pages = {095026}, abstract = {We first consider gyrokinetic quasineutrality limitations when evaluating the axisymmetric radial electric field in a non-turbulent tokamak by an improved examination of intrinsic ambipolarity. We next prove that the background ions in a pedestal of poloidal ion gyroradius scale must be Maxwellian and nearly isothermal in Pfirsch–Schlüter and banana regime tokamak plasmas, and then consider zonal flow behaviour in a pedestal. Finally, we focus on a simplifying procedure for our transport time scale hybrid gyrokinetic-fluid treatment that removes the limitations of gyrokinetic quasineutrality and remains valid in the pedestal.}, file = {Catto2009_0029-5515_49_9_095026.pdf:Catto2009_0029-5515_49_9_095026.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/49/i=9/a=095026}, } @Article{Ceperley1977, author = {Ceperley, D. M. and Chester, G. V.}, title = {Perturbation approach to the classical one-component plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. A}, year = {1977}, volume = {15}, pages = {755--764}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {The two-particle correlation function for the classical one-component plasma in the high-density fluid phase is calculated from the correlation function of a short-range reference potential by a perturbation method based on the hypernetted chain equation (HNC). It is shown thàt the long-wavelength correlations are correctly described by this method. A technique for extending g(r) to infinity is shown to be valid and useful. The results are in excellent agreement with those obtained from the "Ewald image" Monte Carlo method.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.15.755}, file = {Ceperley1977_PhysRevA.15.755.pdf:Ceperley1977_PhysRevA.15.755.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.09.30}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevA.15.755}, } @Article{Chakrabarti2012, author = {N. Chakrabarti and P. N. Guzdar and P. K. Kaw}, title = {The electron geodesic acoustic mode}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {092113}, abstract = {In this report, a novel new mode, named the electron geodesic acoustic mode, is presented. This mode can occur in toroidal plasmas like the conventional geodesic acoustic mode (GAM). The frequency of this new mode is much larger than that of the conventional GAM by a factor equal to the square root of the ion to electron mass ratio.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4753923}, eid = {092113}, file = {Chakrabarti2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092113.pdf:Chakrabarti2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092113.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma ion acoustic waves; plasma nonlinear processes}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/092113/1}, } @Article{Chalise2012, author = {R Chalise and R Khanal}, title = {A kinetic trajectory simulation model for magnetized plasma sheath}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {9}, pages = {095006}, abstract = {The plasma-sheath region in an oblique magnetic field has been studied using a kinetic trajectory simulation model. It has been observed that the magnetized plasma-sheath region has two distinct regions: magnetic field dominant region lying close to the sheath entrance and electric field dominant region (almost no effect of magnetic field) lying close to the wall. The particle densities and potential decrease as we move towards the wall, which becomes prominent as the strength and obliqueness of the magnetic field increase. Our results agree well with previous works from other models and hence, we expect our model to provide a basis for studying all types of magnetized plasmas, using the kinetic approach.}, file = {Chalise2012_0741-3335_54_9_095006.pdf:Chalise2012_0741-3335_54_9_095006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=9/a=095006}, } @Article{Chandra2013, author = {D. Chandra and O. Agullo and S. Benkadda and X. Garbet and A. Sen}, title = {Nonlinear dynamics of multiple neoclassical tearing modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {042505}, abstract = {Numerical simulations investigating the interaction of co-existent 2/1 and 3/1 neoclassical tearing modes are presented. The results obtained from an initial value 3D toroidal code that solves a set of generalized reduced MHD equations exhibit a host of complex phenomena arising from the coupling of the two modes. These include a modification of the island saturation widths of the two modes, a significant modification in the perpendicular flow patterns in the vicinity of the islands, and the excitation of geodesic acoustic mode like oscillations that lead to concomitant oscillations in the kinetic and magnetic energies of the islands. These oscillations only occur in the presence of the neoclassical stress tensor contribution and are absent for two coupled classical tearing modes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4799823}, eid = {042505}, file = {Chandra2013_PhysPlasmas_20_042505.pdf:Chandra2013_PhysPlasmas_20_042505.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {numerical analysis; plasma ion acoustic waves; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma oscillations; plasma toroidal confinement; tearing instability; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/042505/1}, } @Article{Chang2009, author = {C. S. Chang and S. Ku and P. H. Diamond and Z. Lin and S. Parker and T. S. Hahm and N. Samatova}, title = {Compressed ion temperature gradient turbulence in diverted tokamak edge}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {056108}, abstract = {It is found from a heat-flux-driven full-f gyrokinetic particle simulation that there is ion temperature gradient (ITG) turbulence across an entire L-mode-like edge density pedestal in a diverted tokamak plasma in which the ion temperature gradient is mild without a pedestal structure, hence the normalized ion temperature gradient parameter ηi = (d log Ti/dr)/(d log n/dr) varies strongly from high (>4 at density pedestal top/shoulder) to low (<2 in the density slope) values. Variation of density and ηi is in the same scale as the turbulence correlation length, compressing the turbulence in the density slope region. The resulting ion thermal flux is on the order of experimentally inferred values. The present study strongly suggests that a localized estimate of the ITG-driven χi will not be valid due to the nonlocal dynamics of the compressed turbulence in an L-mode-type density slope. While the thermal transport and the temperature profile saturate quickly, the E×B rotation shows a longer time damping during the turbulence. In addition, a radially in-out mean potential variation is observed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3099329}, eid = {056108}, file = {Chang2009_PhysPlasmas_16_056108.pdf:Chang2009_PhysPlasmas_16_056108.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma density; plasma instability; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/056108/1}, } @Article{Chati2001, author = {Chati, Mandar K. and Grigoriu, Mircea D. and Kulkarni, Salil S. and Mukherjee, Subrata}, title = {Random walk method for the two- and three-dimensional Laplace, Poisson and Helmholtz's equations}, journal = {International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering}, year = {2001}, volume = {51}, number = {10}, pages = {1133--1156}, issn = {1097-0207}, abstract = {The random walk method (RWM) is developed here for solving the Laplace, Poisson, and Helmholtz equations in two and three dimensions. The RWM is a local method, i.e. the solution at an arbitrary point can be determined without having to obtain the complete field solution. The method is based on the properties of diffusion processes, the Itô formula, the Dynkin formula, the Feynman–Kac functional, and Monte Carlo simulation. Simplicity, stability, accuracy, and generality are the main features of the proposed method. The RWK is inherently parallel and this fact has been fully exploited in this paper. Extensive numerical results have been presented in order to understand the various parameters involved in the method. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.}, doi = {10.1002/nme.178}, file = {Chati2001_178_ftp.pdf:Chati2001_178_ftp.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {random walk method, Brownian motion, Laplace, Poisson, Helmholtz, parallel computing}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.}, timestamp = {2012.10.11}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/nme.178}, } @InProceedings{Chatterjee2006, author = {Chatterjee, K. and Yu, C.}, title = {A Monte Carlo algorithm for the solution of the one-dimensional wave equation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Electromagnetics, Wireless and Optical Communications}, year = {2006}, series = {ELECTRO'06}, pages = {137--141}, address = {Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA}, publisher = {World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)}, acmid = {1369872}, file = {Chatterjee2006_539-147.pdf:Chatterjee2006_539-147.pdf:PDF}, isbn = {960-8457-56-4}, keywords = {IC interconnect analysis, Monte Carlo, wave equation}, location = {Venice, Italy}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.05}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1369846.1369872}, } @Article{Chavdarovski2009, author = {Ilija Chavdarovski and Fulvio Zonca}, title = {Effects of trapped particle dynamics on the structures of a low-frequency shear Alfvén continuous spectrum}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {51}, number = {11}, pages = {115001}, abstract = {We analytically derive the structures of the low-frequency shear Alfvén continuous spectrum due to resonant wave–particle interactions with magnetically trapped thermal particles in tokamaks. Our theoretical description asymptotically recovers known results in the relevant limits at both high and low frequencies; furthermore, it is relevant for assessing the accurate kinetic structures that are due to shear Alfvén and acoustic wave spectra in toroidal geometry. Since there is a continuous transition between various shear Alfvén wave and MHD fluctuation branches in many situations of experimental interest, the results reported in this work are of practical relevance for their interpretation when used in the theoretical framework of the general 'fishbone-like' dispersion relation.}, file = {Chavdarovski2009_0741-3335_51_11_115001.pdf:Chavdarovski2009_0741-3335_51_11_115001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.26}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/51/i=11/a=115001}, } @Article{Chelouche2009, author = {Doron Chelouche and Raúl Rabadán and Sergey S. Pavlov and Francisco Castejón}, title = {Spectral Signatures of Photon-Particle Oscillations from Celestial Objects}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series}, year = {2009}, volume = {180}, number = {1}, pages = {1}, abstract = {We give detailed predictions for the spectral signatures arising from photon-particle oscillations in astrophysical objects. The calculations include quantum electrodynamic effects and effects due to active relativistic plasma. We show that, by studying the spectra of compact sources, it may be possible to directly detect (pseudo-)scalar particles, such as the axion, with much greater sensitivity, by up to three orders of magnitude, than is currently achievable by other methods. In particular, if such particles exist with masses m a < 10 –2 eV and coupling constant to the electromagnetic field, g > 10 –13 GeV –1 , then their oscillation signatures are likely to be lurking in the spectra of magnetars, pulsars, and quasars.}, file = {Chelouche2009_0067-0049_180_1_1.pdf:Chelouche2009_0067-0049_180_1_1.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0067-0049/180/i=1/a=1}, } @Article{Chen2005, author = {K. R. Chen and T. H. Tsai}, title = {Simulation study of relativistic dynamics of MeV alpha particles in magnetized plasmas for explaining an experimental anomaly}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2005}, volume = {12}, number = {12}, pages = {122510}, abstract = {In a Test Fusion Tokamak Reactor [ R. J. Hawryluk et al., Phys. Plasmas 5, 1577 (1998) ] experiment, the measured energy spectrum of the deeply trapped alpha particles is found to be 1 MeV too broad to be explained by classical collisions and the peak energy similarly off by 450 keV. The relativistic effect is proposed as an explanation. Here, we report high-resolution Monte Carlo (MC) and particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation studies in detail, under the assumption of a uniform magnetic field, for the identification of the cause of the observed anomaly. The 3.5 MeV alpha particles produced by thermonuclear fusion reaction are broadened due to Doppler effect. The relativistic alpha particle dynamics are followed with the PIC code. The relativistic ion cyclotron instability grows to saturation on a time scale (10−5 s) much shorter than the experimental time scale of 0.1 s. The MC code is then used to follow, in real time, the collisional slowing down of the gyrobroadened alphas, including the effect of the time delay in diagnostic pellet releasing and flight. Relativistic gyrobroadening is shown to be crucial in shaping the birth and slowed-down spectra. The resultant alpha particle energy spectrum fits well with that of the measurement, with a reduced chi square of unity.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2148912}, eid = {122510}, file = {Chen2005_2010201101008.pdf:Chen2005_2010201101008.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma simulation; relativistic plasmas; Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma collision processes; Monte Carlo methods; nuclear fusion; Doppler effect; plasma instability}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/12/122510/1}, } @Article{Chen2003, author = {Chen, Liu}, title = {Nonlinear saturation of high-m Alfv�n-ballooning modes in magnetospheric plasmas}, journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.}, year = {2003}, volume = {30}, number = {5}, pages = {1200--}, month = mar, issn = {0094-8276}, abstract = {A theoretical model is proposed for the nonlinear saturation of high-m Alfv�n-ballooning instabilities in magnetospheric plasmas. Here, m is the azimuthal wave number. In the present model, a broad spectrum of Alfv�n waves nonlinearly generate ion-sound density perturbations; which, in turn, scatter the Alfv�n turbulence toward lower frequencies. Balancing the linear instability growth rate with the nonlinear scattering (Landau damping) rate then yield the corresponding saturated spectrum, which tends to peak near the bottom of the eigenmode frequencies. The theory also gives estimates of wave amplitudes at saturation in reasonable agreement with satellite observations.}, file = {Chen2003_SWXpop05.pdf:Chen2003_SWXpop05.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {2752 Magnetospheric Physics: MHD waves and instabilities, 7827 Space Plasma Physics: Kinetic and MHD theory, 7839 Space Plasma Physics: Nonlinear phenomena}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AGU}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2002GL016065}, } @Article{Chen1987, author = {Liu Chen and A. Bondeson and M.S. Chance}, title = {Asymptotic stability boundaries of ballooning modes in circular tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1987}, volume = {27}, number = {11}, pages = {1918}, abstract = {The model ballooning mode equation of Connor, Hastie and Taylor for large-aspect-ratio circular tokamaks is analysed in the limit of large pressure gradient, and corresponding expressions for stability boundaries are derived. In particular, it is found that for fixed radial wavenumbers infinite sequences of unstable bands exist and that minimizing over the radial wavenumbers leads to asymptotic merging between the neighbouring bands, which significantly modifies the second stability boundary compared with that for zero radial wavenumber.}, file = {Chen1987_0029-5515_27_11_015[1].pdf:Chen1987_0029-5515_27_11_015[1].pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/27/i=11/a=015}, } @Article{Chen2000, author = {Liu Chen and Zhihong Lin and Roscoe White}, title = {Excitation of zonal flow by drift waves in toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2000}, volume = {7}, number = {8}, pages = {3129-3132}, doi = {10.1063/1.874222}, file = {Chen2000_PhysPlasmas_7_3129.pdf:Chen2000_PhysPlasmas_7_3129.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {DRIFT INSTABILITY; EXCITATION; SIMULATION; PLASMA WAVES; THREE-DIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS; TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS; ANALYTICAL SOLUTION; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; OSCILLATION MODES; OSCILLATIONS; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; plasma drift waves; plasma instability; modulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma simulation; plasma oscillations; plasma turbulence; plasma flow}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/7/3129/1}, } @Article{Chen2012a, author = {Chen, Liu and Zonca, Fulvio}, title = {Nonlinear Excitations of Zonal Structures by Toroidal Alfv\'en Eigenmodes}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {145002}, month = {Oct}, abstract = {Zonal flows and, more generally, zonal structures are known to play important self-regulatory roles in the dynamics of microscopic drift-wave-type turbulences. Since toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) plays crucial roles in the Alfvén wave instabilities in burning fusion plasmas, it is, thus, important to understand and assess the possible roles of zonal flow and structures on the nonlinear dynamics of TAE. It is shown that zonal flow or structure spontaneous excitation is more easily induced by finite amplitude TAEs including the proper trapped-ion responses, causing the zonal structure to be dominated by the zonal current instead of the usual zonal flow. This work shows that proper accounting for plasma equilibrium geometry as well as including kinetic thermal ion treatment in the nonlinear simulations of Alfvénic modes are important ingredients for realistic comparisons with experimental measurements, where the existence of zonal fields has been clearly observed.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.145002}, file = {Chen2012a_PhysRevLett.109.145002.pdf:Chen2012a_PhysRevLett.109.145002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {14}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.10.04}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.145002}, } @Article{Chen2012, author = {S Y Chen and B B Hong and Y Liu and W Lu and J Huang and C J Tang and X T Ding and X J Zhang and Y J Hu}, title = {Numerical analysis on the synergy between electron cyclotron current drive and lower hybrid current drive in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {11}, pages = {115002}, abstract = {The synergy between electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) and lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) is investigated numerically with the parameters of the HL-2A tokamak. Based on the understanding of the synergy mechanisms, a high current driven efficiency or a desired radial current profile can be achieved through properly matching the parameters of ECCD and LHCD due to the flexibility of ECCD. Meanwhile, it is found that the total current driven by the electron cyclotron wave (ECW) and the lower hybrid wave (LHW) simultaneously can be smaller than the sum of the currents driven by the ECW and LHW separately, when the power of the ECW is much larger than the LHW power. One of the reasons leading to this phenomenon (referred to as negative synergy in this context) is that fast current-carrying electrons tend to be trapped, when the perpendicular velocity driven by the ECW is large and the parallel velocity decided by the LHW is correspondingly small.}, file = {Chen2012_0741-3335_54_11_115002.pdf:Chen2012_0741-3335_54_11_115002.pdf:PDF;Chen2012a_PhysRevLett.109.145002.pdf:Chen2012a_PhysRevLett.109.145002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=11/a=115002}, } @Article{Chen2013o, author = {Y. Chen and T. Munsat and S. E. Parker and W. W. Heidbrink and M. A. Van Zeeland and B. J. Tobias and C. W. Domier}, title = {Gyrokinetic simulations of reverse shear Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes in DIII-D plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {012109}, abstract = {A gyrokinetic ion/mass-less fluid electron hybrid model as implemented in the GEM code [Y. Chen and S. E. Parker, J. Comput. Phys. 220, 837 (2007)] is used to study the reverse shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAE) observed in DIII-D, discharge #142111. This is a well diagnosed case with measurement of the core-localized RSAE mode structures and the mode frequency, which can be used to compare with simulations. Simulations reproduce many features of the observation, including the mode frequency up-sweeping in time and the sweeping range. A new algorithmic feature is added to the GEM code for this study. Instead of the gyrokinetic Poisson equation itself, its time derivative, or the vorticity equation, is solved to obtain the electric potential. This permits a numerical scheme that ensures the E × B convection of the equilibrium density profiles of each species cancel each other in the absence of any finite-Larmor-radius effects. These nonlinear simulations generally result in an electron temperature fluctuation level that is comparable to measurements, and a mode frequency spectrum broader than the experimental spectrum. The spectral width from simulations can be reduced if less steep beam density profiles are used, but then the experimental fluctuation level can be reproduced only if a collision rate above the classical level is assumed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4775776}, eid = {012109}, file = {Chen2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012109.pdf:Chen2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012109.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {discharges (electric); numerical analysis; plasma Alfven waves; plasma collision processes; plasma flow; plasma fluctuations; plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; Poisson equation; Tokamak devices; vortices}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.18}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/012109/1}, } @Article{Chen2013p, author = {YiPing Chen and F. Q. Wang and X. J. Zha and L. Q. Hu and H. Y. Guo and Z. W. Wu and X. D. Zhang and B. N. Wan and J. G. Li}, title = {Modelling of radiative divertor operation towards detachment in experimental advanced superconducting tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022311}, abstract = {In order to actively control power load on the divertor target plates and study the effect of radiative divertor on plasma parameters in divertor plasmas and heat fluxes to the targets, dedicated experiments with Ar impurity seeding have been performed on experimental advanced superconducting tokamak in typical L-mode discharge with single null divertor configuration, ohmic heating power of 0.5 MW, and lower hybrid wave heating power of 1.0 MW. Ar is puffed into the divertor plasma at the outer target plate near the separatrix strike point with the puffing rate 1.26×1020 s−1. The radiative divertor is formed during the Ar puffing. The SOL/divertor plasma in the L-mode discharge with radiative divertor has been modelled by using SOLPS5.2 code package [V. Rozhansky et al., Nucl. Fusion 49, 025007 (2009)]. The modelling shows the cooling of the divertor plasma due to Ar seeding and is compared with the experimental measurement. The changes of peak electron temperature and heat fluxes at the targets with the shot time from the modelling results are similar to the experimental measurement before and during the Ar impurity seeding, but there is a major difference in time scales when Ar affects the plasma in between experiment and modelling.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4791659}, eid = {022311}, file = {Chen2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_022311.pdf:Chen2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_022311.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {argon; cooling; discharges (electric); plasma ohmic heating; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022311/1}, } @Article{Cheng1982, author = {C.Z. Cheng}, title = {High-n collisionless ballooning modes in axisymmetric toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1982}, volume = {22}, number = {6}, pages = {773}, abstract = {A collisionless kinetic ballooning-mode equation, which includes the full ion finite-Larmor-radius (FLR), the magnetic-drift, and the trapped-electron effects, is derived and investigated for a large-aspect-ratio, circular-flux-surface equilibrium in the frequency regime, ω bi , ω ti <ω<ω be , ω te . The finite-Larmor-radius effects can reduce the growth rate, but do not stabilize the ballooning modes due to the destabilizing influence of the ion-magnetic-drift resonances. It is, in general, incorrect to simulate the FLR effects by employing the often used FLR-modified MHD model for (k θρi ) 2 ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/gap.gif] {gap} 0.1 and ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} n ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/gap.gif] {gap} 0.1, where k θρi is the ion FLR parameter and ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} n = L n /R measures the magnetic-drift frequency. The trapped electrons have a stabilizing effect due to the reduction of the destabilizing circulating-electron parallel-current perturbation. For a typical tokamak aspect ratio, the critical β can be improved by 40%.}, file = {Cheng1982_0029-5515_22_6_005.pdf:Cheng1982_0029-5515_22_6_005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/22/i=6/a=005}, } @Article{Cheng1987, author = {C.Z Cheng and M.S Chance}, title = {NOVA: A nonvariational code for solving the MHD stability of axisymmetric toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1987}, volume = {71}, number = {1}, pages = {124 - 146}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A nonvariational approach for determining the ideal MHD stability of axisymmetric toroidal confinement systems is presented. The code (NOVA) employs cubic B-spline finite elements and Fourier expansion in a general flux coordinate (ψ, φ, ζ) system. At least as much accuracy and faster convergence were obtained in comparison with the existing variational PEST and ERATO codes which employ linear finite elements. This nonvariational approach benchmarked here on the ideal MHD problem is a prelude to a future extended version applicable to problems having non-Hermitian eigenmode equations where variational energy principles cannot be obtained.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(87)90023-4}, file = {Cheng1987_NOVA_A nonvariational code for solving the MHD stability of axisymmetric toroidal plasmas.pdf:Cheng1987_NOVA_A nonvariational code for solving the MHD stability of axisymmetric toroidal plasmas.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.02}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999187900234}, } @Article{Cheng1991, author = {Cheng, C. Z.}, title = {A Kinetic-Magnetohydrodynamic Model for Low-Frequency Phenomena}, journal = {J. Geophys. Res.}, year = {1991}, volume = {96}, number = {A12}, pages = {21159--21171}, issn = {0148-0227}, abstract = {A hybrid kinetic-magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model is presented for describing low-frequency phenomena in high-beta (β ∼ O(1)) anisotropic plasmas that consist of two components: a low-energy core component and an energetic component with low density. The kinetic-MHD model treats the low-energy core component by magnetohydrodynamic description, the energetic component by a kinetic approach such as the gyrokinetic equation, and the coupling between the dynamics of these two components through plasma pressure in the momentum equation. The kinetic-MHD model optimizes both the physics contents and the theoretical efforts in studying low-frequency MHD waves and transport phenomena in general magnetic field geometries and can be easily modified to include the core plasma kinetic effects if necessary. It is applicable to any magnetized collisionless plasma system where the parallel electric field effects are negligibly small. In the linearized limit, two coupled eigenmode equations for describing the coupling between the transverse Alfv�n type and the compressional Alfv�n type waves are derived. The eigenmode equations are identical to those derived from the full gyrokinetic equation in the low-frequency limit and were previously analyzed both analytically and numerically to obtain the eigenmode structure of the drift mirror instability (Cheng and Lin, 1987) which explains successfully the multisatellite observation of the antisymmetric field-aligned structure of the compressional magnetic field of Pc 5 waves (Takahashi et al., 1987) in the magnetospheric ring current plasma. Finally, a quadratic form is derived to demonstrate the stability of the low-frequency transverse and compressional Alfv�n type instabilities in terms of the pressure anisotropy parameter τ the magnetic field curvature-pressure gradient parameter α p as defined in equations (31) and (69), respectively. A procedure for determining the stability of a marginally stable MHD wave due to wave-particle resonances is also presented.}, file = {Cheng1991_91JA01981.pdf:Cheng1991_91JA01981.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AGU}, timestamp = {2012.12.13}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/91JA01981}, } @Article{Cheng1998, author = {Cheng, C. Z. and Lui, A. T. Y.}, title = {Kinetic ballooning instability for substorm onset and current disruption observed by AMPTE/CCE}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, year = {1998}, volume = {25}, number = {21}, pages = {4091--4094}, issn = {1944-8007}, abstract = {A new interpretation of AMPTE/CCE observation of substorm onset and current disruption and the corresponding physical processes are presented. Toward the end of late growth phase the plasma β increases to ≥50 and a low frequency instability with a wave period of 50–75 sec is excited and grows to a large amplitude at the current disruption onset. At the onset, higher frequency instabilities are excited so that the plasma and electromagnetic field form a turbulent state. Plasma transport takes place to modify the ambient pressure profile so that the ambient magnetic field recovers from a tail-like geometry to a more dipole-like geometry. A new theory of kinetic ballooning instability (KBI) is proposed to explain the low frequency instability and the high β threshold (βc≥50) observed by AMPTE/CCE. The stabilizing effect is mainly due to kinetic effects of trapped electrons and finite ion Larmor radii which give rise to a large parallel electric field and hence a parallel current that greatly enhances the stabilizing effect of field line tension. As a result βc is greatly increased over the ideal MHD ballooning instability threshold by ≥ O(10² - 10³). The wave-ion magnetic drift resonance effect produces a perturbed resonant ion velocity distribution centered at a duskward velocity roughly equal to the average ion magnetic drift velocity. This perturbed ion distribution explains the enhanced duskward ion flux during the explosive growth phase and can excite higher frequency instabilities (such as the cross-field current instability).}, doi = {10.1029/1998GL900093}, file = {Cheng1998_grl11737.pdf:Cheng1998_grl11737.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/1998GL900093}, } @Article{Chou2004, author = {M. Chou and L.-N. Hau}, title = {Magnetohydrodynamic Waves and Instabilities in Homogeneous Gyrotropic Ultrarelativistic Plasma}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, year = {2004}, volume = {611}, number = {2}, pages = {1200}, abstract = {In some astrophysical systems the ionized gas may be of such high temperature and so strongly magnetized that relativistic effects and pressure anisotropy must be considered in the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model. This paper gives an overview of the characteristics of linear MHD waves and instabilities in homogeneous ultrarelativistic plasmas with gyrotropic pressure. The energy closure is the double-polytropic laws with two polytropic exponents, γ ∥ and γ ⊥ , and for the adiabatic and monatomic cases, the polytropic values (γ ∥ , γ ⊥ ) are respectively (3, 2) and (2, 1.5) for nonrelativistic and ultrarelativistic plasmas. In this formulation, the general dispersion relations can conveniently be reduced to isotropic and/or nonrelativistic limits. Slow waves are found to exhibit some anomalies due to the pressure anisotropy in that they may possess a positive density-magnetic field correlation such as for fast waves and may possibly travel faster than intermediate waves. They may also develop a mirror instability, as well as a new type of compressible fire-hose instability that for a certain parameter regime may grow faster than the standard incompressible fire hose. Both the fire-hose and mirror instability criteria are found to have the same forms of β ∥ - β ⊥ > 2 and γ ∥ β ∥ < β ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0004-637X/611/2/1200/img1.gif] {img1.gif} /(2 + γ ⊥ β ⊥ ), respectively, as for nonrelativistic plasma, although the growth rates may be significantly modified by the relativistic effect.}, file = {Chou2004_0004-637X_611_2_1200.pdf:Chou2004_0004-637X_611_2_1200.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/611/i=2/a=1200}, } @Article{Chowdhury2012a, author = {J. Chowdhury and S. Brunner and R. Ganesh and X. Lapillonne and L. Villard and F. Jenko}, title = {Short wavelength ion temperature gradient turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {10}, pages = {102508}, abstract = {The ion temperature gradient (ITG) mode in the high wavenumber regime (kyρs>1), referred to as short wavelength ion temperature gradient mode (SWITG) is studied using the nonlinear gyrokinetic electromagnetic code GENE. It is shown that, although the SWITG mode may be linearly more unstable than the standard long wavelength (kyρs<1) ITG mode, nonlinearly its contribution to the total thermal ion heat transport is found to be low. We interpret this as resulting from an increased zonal flow shearing effect on the SWITG mode suppression.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4759458}, eid = {102508}, file = {Chowdhury2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_102508.pdf:Chowdhury2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_102508.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {heat transfer; plasma flow; plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; shear turbulence}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/102508/1}, } @Article{Chowdhury2008, author = {J. Chowdhury and R. Ganesh and P. Angelino and J. Vaclavik and L. Villard and S. Brunner}, title = {Role of nonadiabatic untrapped electrons in global electrostatic ion temperature gradient driven modes in a tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {7}, pages = {072117}, abstract = {In this work, role of nonadiabatic untrapped electrons in the context of a global ion temperature gradient driven mode has been investigated. In past studies, untrapped electrons have been assumed to be able to respond “instantaneously” to a disturbance. It is proposed that such adiabatic electron models should be reexamined for two important reasons: (i) It is known that global modes with n in the range of 3 ⩽ n ⩽ 15 (n is the toroidal mode number) have eigenmode widths spanning several mode-rational surfaces. It is being argued that close to these mode-rational surfaces, adiabatic electron models fail and a consistent treatment of nonadiabatic electrons is crucial for global modes. (ii) Electromagnetic effects depend on passing nonadiabatic electron dynamics. A minimal nontrivial model for the benchmarking of global linear and nonlinear gyrokinetic codes in the future becomes necessary, which can treat both passing ions and electrons on the same physics footing. As a first step, a study of the effect of nonadiabatic passing electrons in global electrostatic ion temperature gradients is presented. Interesting results include a demonstration of multiscale structure, downshift in critical ηi with increasing ηe, and a reduction in mixing-length based transport.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2957917}, eid = {072117}, file = {Chowdhury2008_PHPAEN157072117_1.pdf:Chowdhury2008_PHPAEN157072117_1.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma temperature; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/072117/1}, } @Article{Chowdhury2010, author = {J. Chowdhury and R. Ganesh and S. Brunner and J. Vaclavik and L. Villard}, title = {Toroidal universal drift instability: A global gyrokinetic study}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {10}, pages = {102105}, abstract = {An electron density gradient driven instability identified as the toroidal branch of the universal drift instability is studied using a global gyrokinetic model treating both electrons and ions fully nonadiabatically and valid at all orders in the ratio of the Larmor radius to the wavelength. The physics of the magnetic drift resonance, Landau resonance and transit resonance, which are considered to be important for the toroidal universal mode, are kept for both species. A systematic parametric study is carried out for the mode. The toroidal universal drift mode is observed to sustain finite temperature gradient and can thus coexist with the temperature gradient driven modes and may contribute to the observed particle transport along with other drift modes. Especially at intermediate scales between the ion temperature gradient driven mode and electron temperature gradient driven mode, this branch of the drift instability can also be a plausible candidate for the observed particle loss. The effect of magnetic fluctuations on the mode is also investigated. In contrast to the slab mode, the toroidal branch of the universal drift mode is found to be strongly stabilized by electromagnetic effects at finite plasma β. Finally, the effect of trapped electrons on the universal mode is studied and compared with the other possible modes in the same parameter regime, namely, ion temperature gradient mode in the presence of trapped electrons and pure trapped electron modes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3490238}, eid = {102105}, file = {Chowdhury2010_PhysPlasmas_17_102105.pdf:Chowdhury2010_PhysPlasmas_17_102105.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma drift waves; plasma instability; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.12}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/102105/1}, } @Article{Chowdhury2009, author = {J. Chowdhury and R. Ganesh and S. Brunner and J. Vaclavik and L. Villard and P. Angelino}, title = {A comprehensive gyrokinetic description of global electrostatic microinstabilities in a tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {052507}, abstract = {It is believed that low frequency microinstabilities such as ion temperature gradient (ITG) driven modes and trapped electron modes (TEMs) are largely responsible for the experimentally observed anomalous transport via the ion and electron channels in a tokamak. In the present work, a comprehensive global linear gyrokinetic model incorporating fully kinetic (trapped and passing) electrons and ions, actual ion to electron mass ratio, radial coupling, and profile variation is used to investigate the ITG driven modes and pure TEMs. These modes are found to exhibit multiscale structures in the presence of nonadiabatic passing electrons. The multiscale structure is related to the large nonadiabaticity of electrons in the vicinity of mode rational magnetic surfaces and leads to reduced mixing length estimates of transport compared to those obtained from adiabatic electron models.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3134022}, eid = {052507}, file = {Chowdhury2009_PhysPlasmas_16_052507.pdf:Chowdhury2009_PhysPlasmas_16_052507.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {electron traps; particle traps; plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/052507/1}, } @Article{Chowdhury2012, author = {J. Chowdhury and W. Wang and S. Ethier and J Manickam and R. Ganesh}, title = {Nature of energetic ion transport by ion temperature gradient driven turbulence and size scaling}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {4}, pages = {042503}, abstract = {Energetic ion transport has been studied using a global gyrokinetic nonlinear simulation in the presence of ion temperature gradient (ITG) driven turbulence. The measured transport and its nature show dependence on the system size of the tokamak expressed as the ratio of plasma minor radius (a) to the thermal ion Larmor radius (ρi). It increases with system size initially and then tends to saturate at larger system size. The nature of transport, on the other hand, exhibits nondiffusive character for smaller system size which eventually becomes diffusive one as the system size becomes larger.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3702065}, eid = {042503}, file = {Chowdhury2012_PhysPlasmas_19_042503.pdf:Chowdhury2012_PhysPlasmas_19_042503.pdf:PDF;Chowdhury2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_102508.pdf:Chowdhury2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_102508.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.13}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/042503/1}, } @Article{Chu1978, author = {Ming-Sheng Chu and R. L. Miller}, title = {Wall stabilization of axisymmetric modes in noncircular tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1978}, volume = {21}, number = {5}, pages = {817-826}, abstract = {The axisymmetric stability of tokamak equilibria with arbitrary cross section is studied numerically using the energy principle. The contribution to δW from the plasma region is minimized analytically with respect to displacements in the toroidal and poloidal directions. the formulation of Lüst and Martensen is used for the vacuum contribution. Bessel–Fourier and other sets of trial functions are then employed to cast the minimization of δW into a matrix eigenvalue problem. A computer code named axisym evaluates these matrix elements and solves for the eigenvalues. The code is fully toroidal and compressible mode trial functions are included. Wall stabilization is studied by placing a conducting wall around the vacuum region.}, doi = {10.1063/1.862300}, file = {Chu1978_PFL000817.pdf:Chu1978_PFL000817.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; EIGENFUNCTIONS; EIGENVALUES; DISTRUBANCES; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; PLASMA INSTABILITY; STABILIZATION; TOKAMAK DEVICES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/21/817/1}, } @Article{Chust2009, author = {T. Chust and G. Belmont and F. Mottez and S. Hess}, title = {Landau and non-Landau linear damping: Physics of the dissipation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {9}, pages = {092104}, abstract = {For linear Langmuir waves, it is well known that the energy exchanges generally lead to a continuous dissipation, on average, from the electric form to the kinetic one. Many papers have estimated these exchanges and indeed shown that the classical Landau value γL, characterizing the electric field damping, can be derived from this estimation. The paper comes back to this demonstration and its implicit assumption of “forgetting the initial conditions.” The limits of the usual energy calculations have become much apparent recently when non-Landau solutions, decreasing with damping rates smaller than γL, have been evidenced [ Belmont et al., Phys. Plasmas 15, 052310 (2008) ]. Taking advantage of the explicit form provided in this paper for the perturbed distribution function, the dissipation process is revisited here in a more general way. It is shown that the energy calculations, when complete (i.e., when the role of the initial conditions is not excluded by the very hypotheses of the calculations), are indeed in full agreement with the existence of non-Landau solutions; Landau damping, by the way, appears as a particular mode of dissipation, in which the ballistic transport of the initial plasma perturbation leads to negligible effects. Two approaches are presented for this demonstration, Eulerian and Lagrangian, the first one starting from the Vlasov equation and the second from the dynamics of the individual particles. The specific role of the so-called resonant particles is investigated in both formalisms, which provides complementary pictures of the microphysics involved in the energy transfers between field and particles for Landau as well as for non-Landau solutions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3205896}, eid = {092104}, file = {Chust2009_PhysPlasmas_16_092104.pdf:Chust2009_PhysPlasmas_16_092104.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Langmuir waves; plasma oscillations}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/092104/1}, } @Article{Connor2004, author = {J.W. Connor and T. Fukuda and X. Garbet and C. Gormezano and V. Mukhovatov and M. Wakatani and the ITB Database Group and the ITPA Topical Group on Transport and Internal Barrier Physics}, title = {A review of internal transport barrier physics for steady-state operation of tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2004}, volume = {44}, number = {4}, pages = {R1}, abstract = {Tokamak discharges with improved energy confinement properties arising from internal transport barriers (ITBs) have certain attractive features, such as a large bootstrap current fraction, which suggest a potential route to the steady-state mode of operation desirable for fusion power plants. This paper first reviews the present state of theoretical and experimental knowledge regarding the formation and characteristics of ITBs in tokamaks. Specifically, the current status of theoretical modelling of ITBs is presented; then, an international ITB database based on experimental information extracted from some nine tokamaks is described and used to draw some general conclusions concerning the necessary conditions for ITBs to appear, comparing these with the theoretical models. The experimental situation regarding the steady-state, or at least quasi-steady-state, operation of tokamaks is reviewed and finally the issues and prospects for achieving such operational modes in ITER are discussed. More detailed information on the characteristics of ITBs in some 13 tokamaks (as well as helical devices) appears in the appendix.}, file = {Connor2004_0029-5515_44_4_R01.pdf:Connor2004_0029-5515_44_4_R01.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/44/i=4/a=R01}, } @Article{Connor1983, author = {J.W. Connor and R.J. Hastie and T.J. Martin}, title = {Effect of pressure gradients on the bounce-averaged particle drifts in a tokamak}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1983}, volume = {23}, number = {12}, pages = {1702}, abstract = {The bounce-averaged particle drifts in an axisymmetric toroidal plasma are calculated for the case of a large-aspect-ratio tokamak equilibrium with circular surfaces but a local pressure gradient comparable with the ideal MHD ballooning limit: dp/dr ~B 2 /Rq 2 .}, file = {Connor1983_0029-5515_23_12_017.pdf:Connor1983_0029-5515_23_12_017.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.18}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/23/i=12/a=017}, } @Article{Connor1998, author = {J W Connor}, title = {A review of models for ELMs}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1998}, volume = {40}, number = {2}, pages = {191}, abstract = {The improved confinement regime known as the H-mode is often perturbed by the onset of a quasi-periodic series of relaxation oscillations involving bursts of MHD activity and ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/40/2/003/img1.gif] emission, known as edge localized modes (ELMs). These result in rapid losses of particles and energy from the region near the plasma boundary, reducing the average global energy confinement by 10-20%. Furthermore, these transient bursts of energy and particles into the scrape-off layer produce high peak heat loads on the divertor plates which must be accommodated by the divertor design. However, the ELMs are efficient, and beneficial, in removing density and impurities. Thus they are deemed necessary for the stationary H-mode operation of ITER, preventing the build-up of density, impurities and helium ash. It is, therefore, desirable to be able to control the level and nature of the ELM activity in order to meet these various conflicting conditions; this would be aided by understanding their cause. After briefly describing the phenomenology of ELMs, various theoretical models that have been proposed to explain them are discussed. These fall into three broad classes. Since ELMs are accompanied by bursts of magnetic activity, the first class of models involves the excitation of various MHD instabilities: ideal and resistive ballooning modes, external kink modes and so-called `peeling modes'. Such models envisage the application of auxiliary heating driving the equilibrium to a state which triggers some such instability, resulting in the loss of plasma, followed by a recovery stage until the cycle is repeated. The second class of models involves limit cycle solutions of the transport equations governing the plasma edge region, exploiting the bifurcations inherent in theories of the L-H transition, for example those involving sheared rotation stabilization. In the third class, elements of both types of theory have been combined, with MHD or pressure-driven fluctuation transport playing a role.}, file = {Connor1998_0741-3335_40_2_003.pdf:Connor1998_0741-3335_40_2_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/40/i=2/a=003}, } @Article{Cooper1988, author = {W A Cooper}, title = {Ballooning instabilities in tokamaks with sheared toroidal flows}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1988}, volume = {30}, number = {13}, pages = {1805}, abstract = {The ballooning-mode eikonal representation is applied to the linearized incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in axisymmetric systems with toroidal mass flows to obtain a set of initial value partial differential equations in which the time t and the poloidal angle theta are the independent variables. To derive these equations, the eikonal function S is assumed to satisfy the usual condition B.gradS=0 to guarantee that the modes vary slowly along the magnetic field. In addition, to resolve the V.grad operator acting on perturbed quantities, the eikonal must also satisfy the condition dS/dt=0. this induces a Doppler shift in S. This description of the instability, however, is incompatible with normal mode solutions of the MHD equations because the wave vector gradS becomes time dependent when the velocity shear is finite. Nevertheless, the author is able to investigate the effects of the sheared toroidal flows on localized ballooning instabilities because the initial value formulation of the problem developed does not constrain the solutions to evolve as exp (i omega t). Fixed boundary MHD equilibria with isothermal toroidal flows that model the JET device are generated numerically with a variational inverse moments code. As the initial value evaluations are evolved in time, periodic burst of ballooning activity are observed which are correlated with the formation of a ballooning structure at the outside edge of the torus that becomes displaced by 2 pi in the extended poloidal angle domain from one burst to the next. The velocity shear has a stabilizing influence on plasma ballooning.}, file = {Cooper1988_0741-3335_30_13_001.pdf:Cooper1988_0741-3335_30_13_001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/30/i=13/a=001}, } @Article{Coppi1979a, author = {B. Coppi and A. Ferreira and J.W.-K. Mark and J.J. Ramos}, title = {Ideal-MHD stability of finite-beta plasmas}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1979}, volume = {19}, number = {6}, pages = {715}, abstract = {An analytical theory of ideal-MHD ballooning modes that can be excited in finite-β equilibria is carried out on model configurations which include the effects of the increase of the poloidal field toward the outer edge of the plasma column and the dependence of the rate of magnetic shear on the poloidal angle. The relevant growth rates and eigensolutions are, in fact, significantly different from those derived on the basis of 'low-β' model configurations that omit one or both of the effects mentioned above, and provide different indications for the expected interaction between ideal-MHD and kinetic modes. For each value of the shear parameter ŝ, the normalized growth rate Γ becomes real at a critical value of the dimensionless pressure gradient parameter G. When the latter is increased at constant ŝ, Γ is found to increase only up to a saturation point, after which it decreases and tends to vanish at a second critical value of G.}, file = {Coppi1979_797f2224b9746665f80a90bfabea3e16.pdf:Coppi1979_797f2224b9746665f80a90bfabea3e16.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.12}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/19/i=6/a=003}, } @Article{Coppi2012, author = {B. Coppi and T. Zhou}, title = {Plasma confinement regimes and collective modes characterizing them}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {10}, pages = {102509}, abstract = {A unified theory is presented for the modes that are excited at the edge of the plasma column and are important signatures of the advanced confinement regimes into which magnetically confined plasmas can be driven. In particular, the so-called EDA H-Regime, the Elmy H-Regime, and the I-Regime are considered. The modes that are identified theoretically have characteristics that are consistent with or have anticipated those of the modes observed experimentally for each of the investigated regimes. The phase velocities, the produced transport processes, the frequencies, the wavelengths, and the consistency with the direction of spontaneous rotation are the factors considered for comparison with the relevant experiments. The quasi-coherent mode [I. Cziegler, Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2011] that is present in the EDA H-Regime has a phase velocity in the direction of the ion diamagnetic velocity in the plasma reference frame. Consequently, this is identified as a ballooning mode near finite Larmor radius marginal stability involving the effects of transverse ion viscosity and other dissipative effects. In this regime, impurities are driven outward by the combined effects of the local temperature gradients of the impurities and their thermal conductivity, while in the Elmy H-Regime impurities are driven toward the center of the plasma column. In the I-Regimes, the excited “Heavy Particle” modes [B. Coppi and T. Zhou, Phys. Plasmas 19, 012302 (2012); Phys. Lett. A 375, 2916 (2011)] are not of the ballooning kind and are shown to expel the impurities toward the plasma edge in the presence of significant fluctuations. These modes can have a finite frequency of oscillation with a phase velocity in the direction of the electron diamagnetic velocity or they can be nearly purely growing, explaining why there are I-Regimes where fluctuations are not observed. Instead, the modes considered for the Elmy H-Regime are of the ballooning kind. They are driven by the combined effects of the plasma pressure gradient and the magnetic field curvature, are close to conditions under which the acquired growth rates are proportional to half power of the relevant dissipation parameters, involve the effects of finite magnetic diffusivity and finite electron thermal conductivity, and can have phase velocities in either direction.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4757640}, eid = {102509}, file = {Coppi2012_PhysPlasmas_19_102509.pdf:Coppi2012_PhysPlasmas_19_102509.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; plasma boundary layers; plasma confinement; plasma diamagnetism; plasma flow; plasma impurities; plasma oscillations; plasma pressure; plasma transport processes; viscosity}, numpages = {16}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/102509/1}, } @Article{Cordey1976, author = {J.G. Cordey}, title = {Effects of particle trapping on the slowing-down of fast ions in a toroidal plasma}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1976}, volume = {16}, number = {3}, pages = {499}, abstract = {The effect of toroidal geometry upon the slowing-down of fast ions in a tokamak plasma is considered. An appropriate bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck equation which includes particle trapping in the toroidal field gradient is derived. The equation is solved by expressing the solution in terms of a series of 'finite-geometry' eigenfunctions. This solution is then used to show that the trapping of the fast ions in the toroidal field gradient reduces the fast-ion current by terms of order (r/R) ½ . The radial transport of the fast ions as they slow down is calculated, and it is found that for counter-injection (co-injection) the ions diffuse outwards (inwards) by approximately a fast-ion banana width. The diffusion is accompanied by a loss of fast-ion toroidal momentum and a consequent reduction in the momentum transferred to the background plasma.}, file = {Cordey1976_0029-5515_16_3_014.pdf:Cordey1976_0029-5515_16_3_014.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/16/i=3/a=014}, } @Article{Cordey1979, author = {J.G. Cordey and E.M. Jones and D.F.H. Start and A.R. Curtis and I.P. Jones}, title = {A kinetic theory of beam-induced plasma currents}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1979}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {249}, abstract = {A Fokker-Planck treatment of the current induced by a beam of fast ions circulating in a toroidal plasma is developed. The electron Fokker-Planck equation is first reduced to an integro-differential equation which is then solved analytically in the limiting cases of: (a) a large plasma Z and (b) a large ratio of the electron thermal velocity v e to the fast ion velocity v b . In addition, a numerical solution was obtained for the complete range of values of v e /v b and for several values of Z. It is found that the resulting net plasma current has a very different functional dependence upon electron temperature than that given by the conventional theoretical treatment in which the electrons are assumed to be Maxwellian. In particular, for v e > v b and Z = 1, which is the limit appropriate to many present tokamak experiments, the net current is found to be in the opposite direction to the fast-ion current. The theory is compared with recent measurements of this current which were made by using the Culham Levitron, and agreement is found between theory and experiment.}, file = {Cordey1979_0029-5515_19_2_008.pdf:Cordey1979_0029-5515_19_2_008.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/19/i=2/a=008}, } @Article{Cordey1988, author = {J G Cordey and C D Challis and P M Stubberfield}, title = {Bootstrap current theory and experimental evidence}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1988}, volume = {30}, number = {11}, pages = {1625}, abstract = {A simple physical picture of the bootstrap current is presented and the classical and nonclassical theory of it is briefly discussed. The experimental evidence for the existence of this current in multipoles, stellarators and tokamaks is reviewed with the main emphasis being on its existence in tokamaks. Recent data from JET indicating the presence of large bootstrap currents ( approximately 1 MA) in H-mode plasma is presented. Finally the implications of the existence of this current in future high temperature tokamak experiments is discussed, with particular emphasis on its role in broadening the current profile and the stabilisation of sawteeth.}, file = {Cordey1988_0741-3335_30_11_021.pdf:Cordey1988_0741-3335_30_11_021.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.06}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/30/i=11/a=021}, } @Article{Cordey1974, author = {J. G. Cordey and W. G. F. Core}, title = {Energetic particle distribution in a toroidal plasma with neutral injection heating}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1974}, volume = {17}, number = {8}, pages = {1626-1630}, abstract = {The energetic ion distribution resulting from the injection of high‐energy neutrals into a toroidal plasma has been derived. An appropriate kinetic equation which contains the angular scattering, friction, and diffusion of the energetic ions by the background particles, charge exchange on the background neutrals, and acceleration of the ions by the electric field has been solved analytically by use of the WKBJ method. Collisions of the energetic ions with the faster moving electrons results in some of the ions increasing their energy above the injection energy. The width of this ``high‐energy tail'' is shown to depend upon the electron temperature and the electric field. An estimate of the effect upon the width of this tail of collisions between the energetic ions themselves is also given. Finally, illustrated examples of the various significant physical processes are presented.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1694943}, file = {Cordey1974_PFL001626.pdf:Cordey1974_PFL001626.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/17/1626/1}, } @Article{Coulibaly1999, author = {Ibrahim Coulibaly and Christian Lécot}, title = {A quasi-randomized Runge-Kutta method}, journal = {Math. Comp.}, year = {1999}, volume = {68}, pages = {651-659}, abstract = {We analyze a quasi-Monte Carlo method to solve the initial-value problem for a system of differential equations . The function is smooth in and we suppose that and are of bounded variation in and that is bounded in a neighborhood of the graph of the solution. The method is akin to the second order Heun method of the Runge-Kutta family. It uses a quasi-Monte Carlo estimate of integrals. The error bound involves the square of the step size as well as the discrepancy of the point set used for quasi-Monte Carlo approximation. Numerical experiments show that the quasi-randomized method outperforms a recently proposed randomized numerical method.}, file = {Coulibaly1999_10.}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.11}, url = {http://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1999-68-226/S0025-5718-99-01056-X/}, } @Article{Cowley1997, author = {Steven C. Cowley and Mehmet Artun}, title = {Explosive instabilities and detonation in magnetohydrodynamics}, journal = {Physics Reports}, year = {1997}, volume = {283}, number = {1–4}, pages = {185 - 211}, issn = {0370-1573}, note = {Turbulence and Intermittency in Plasmas}, abstract = {Many plasma systems exhibit large-scale explosive events. Solar flares, magnetic substorms and tokamak disruptions are examples of large-scale explosive events. Since the rate at which the stability boundary is crossed is usually slow, systems rarely achieve a large linear growth rate. Thus explosive events almost always require nonlinear destabilization to achieve the fast time-scales that are observed. A new mechanism for explosive behavior is demonstrated in a nonlinear MHD model of the line tied Rayleigh-Taylor instability. In this mechanism the system crosses the instability threshold in a small region of space. The nonlinearity is destabilizing and broadening causing the linear instability to develop fingers and broaden into the linearly stable region. A front forms separating the disturbed and undisturbed regions. Because the nonlinearity is destabilizing the linearly stable region is, in fact, meta stable. The energy in the fingers is large enough to destabilize the meta-stable region — a process we call detonation. In the simple system analyzed a finite time singularity occurs where the displacement becomes singular like (t0 − t)−2.1. the energy like (t0 − t)−6.4 and the destabilized region width like (t0 − t)−0.4. The analysis of this problem is simplified by expanding around the marginal stability point. The behavior of the displacement along the field line is determined at low order. At higher order the behavior across the field is determined to be the solution of a two-dimensional nonlinear equation. The coefficients in this equation depend on field line averages of the behavior along the field. The same nonlinear equation can be shown to govern the nonlinear behavior near marginal stability of small perpendicular wavelength instabilities in more complicated geometries where line tying or ballooning are present. Thus, the mechanism can be considered generic. Analytic and numerical results will be shown. The relevance of this mechanism to solar flares, magnetic substorms and tokamak disruptions will be discussed briefly.}, doi = {10.1016/S0370-1573(96)00060-9}, file = {Cowley1997_1-s2.0-S0370157396000609-main.pdf:Cowley1997_1-s2.0-S0370157396000609-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Nonlinear}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370157396000609}, } @Article{Crocker2013, author = {N.A. Crocker and E.D. Fredrickson and N.N. Gorelenkov and W.A. Peebles and S. Kubota and R.E. Bell and A. Diallo and B.P. LeBlanc and J.E. Menard and M. Podestà and K. Tritz and H. Yuh}, title = {Internal amplitude, structure and identification of compressional and global Alfvén eigenmodes in NSTX}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {53}, number = {4}, pages = {043017}, abstract = {Fast-ions (e.g. fusion alphas and neutral beam ions) will excite a wide range of instabilities in ITER and a Fusion Nuclear Science Facility device. Among the possible instabilities are high frequency Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) excited through Doppler-shifted cyclotron resonance with beam ions. High frequency AEs cause fast-ion transport, correlate with enhanced electron thermal transport and are postulated to contribute to ion heating. These high frequency modes have historically been identified as a mixture of compressional (CAE) and global (GAE) Alfvén eigenmodes, but distinguishing between the CAEs and GAEs has sometimes proven difficult. Identification is essential for understanding the extent of their effect, since the two types of modes have very different effects on resonant particle orbits. The effect on plasma performance of high frequency AEs is investigated in NSTX, facilitated by a recently upgraded array of 16 fixed-frequency quadrature reflectometers. Detailed measurements of high frequency AE amplitude and eigenmode structure were obtained in a high power (6 MW), beam-heated H-mode plasma that is very similar to those in which high frequency AE activity is shown to correlate with enhanced electron thermal transport. These measurements, which extend from the plasma edge to deep in the core, can be used in modelling the effects of the modes on electron thermal transport. The observed modes are identified by comparison of their frequency and measured toroidal mode numbers with local Alfvén dispersion relations. The modes identified as CAEs have higher frequencies (predominantly f > ∼600 kHz) and smaller toroidal mode numbers (| n | ⩽ 5) than the GAEs (predominantly f < ∼600 kHz, n = −6 to −8). Also, they are strongly core localized, in contrast with the GAEs, which also peak towards the plasma centre but have much broader radial extent.}, file = {Crocker2013_0029-5515_53_4_043017.pdf:Crocker2013_0029-5515_53_4_043017.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/53/i=4/a=043017}, } @Article{CUI2012, author = {CUI,SHAOYAN and LU,GAIMIN and LIU,YUE}, title = {Resistive wall mode in cylindrical plasmas in the presence of surface currents}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, year = {2012}, volume = {78}, pages = {501--506}, month = {9}, issn = {1469-7807}, abstract = {ABSTRACT Stability of the resistive wall mode in cylindrical plasmas confined by surface currents is investigated for the δ-function and step-function equilibrium surface-current profiles. For the former, it is shown that the perturbations oscillate and even decay for all locations of the initial perturbation. The entire system is stable and the plasma flow has little effect. For the step-function surface-current distribution, it is found that the thicker the surface current layer, the more stable is the system even if the largest initial perturbation is located on the rational surface, but the plasma flow also has little effect on the system.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377812000104}, eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377812000104}, file = {CUI2012_S0022377812000104a.pdf:CUI2012_S0022377812000104a.pdf:PDF}, issue = {05}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.22}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377812000104}, } @Article{Cui2007, author = {Shaoyan Cui and Xiaogang Wang and Yue Liu and Bo Yu}, title = {Effect of velocity shear on flow driven resistive wall modes}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, year = {2007}, volume = {369}, number = {5–6}, pages = {479 - 482}, issn = {0375-9601}, abstract = {The effect of velocity shear on the stability of resistive wall modes driven by a plasma flow is studied numerically in a slab model. It is shown that the sheared plasma flow can suppress the resistive wall instability if the velocity shear exceeds a critical value when a certain central velocity of the flow is lower than the Alfvén velocity. In comparison with the critical velocities in the uniform velocity case, it is found that the critical velocities of the sheared flow are always bigger than the former. Therefore the velocity shear is a stabilizing factor to the plasma flow driven resistive wall instability when the central velocity of the flow is lower than the Alfvén velocity.}, doi = {10.1016/j.physleta.2007.05.008}, file = {Cui2007_1-s2.0-S0375960107007074-main.pdf:Cui2007_1-s2.0-S0375960107007074-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Velocity shear}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.22}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0375960107007074}, } @Article{Cui2006, author = {Shaoyan Cui and Xiaogang Wang and Yue Liu and Bo Yu}, title = {Numerical studies for the linear growth of resistive wall modes generated by plasma flows in a slab model}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2006}, volume = {13}, number = {9}, pages = {094506}, abstract = {The resistive wall mode generated by plasma-wall relative rotations is studied numerically in a slab model with a compressible plasma flow parallel to the magnetic field. The linear growth of the mode is investigated with different parameters in numerical simulations. The critical plasma flow velocities for the instability are calculated as the wave number of the mode and other parameters vary. It is found that in the long wavelength regime, the critical velocity is in the range of the sound speed cs, as predicted in theory. In the short wavelength regime however, the critical velocity increases to a level of Alfvén velocity VA and a second stable region is found. This region eventually merges with the first stable region as the wave number increases and stabilizes the mode. The growth rate of the mode decreases with the wave number of the mode and the plasma viscosity. The critical wave number for the instability is also calculated as the plasma velocity changes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2356696}, eid = {094506}, file = {Cui2006_PhysPlasmas_13_094506.pdf:Cui2006_PhysPlasmas_13_094506.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma-wall interactions; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; compressible flow; plasma Alfven waves; viscosity; plasma transport processes; plasma simulation}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/13/094506/1}, } @Article{Cuperman1986, author = {S. Cuperman and L. Ofman}, title = {Magnetic configurations for axisymmetric tandem mirror devices}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1986}, volume = {42}, number = {2}, pages = {217 - 232}, issn = {0010-4655}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(86)90038-X}, file = {Cuperman1986_1-s2.0-001046558690038X-main.pdf:Cuperman1986_1-s2.0-001046558690038X-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.04}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/001046558690038X}, } @Article{Curran2012, author = {D Curran and Ph Lauber and P J Mc Carthy and S da Graça and V Igochine and the ASDEX Upgrade Team}, title = {Low-frequency Alfvén eigenmodes during the sawtooth cycle at ASDEX Upgrade}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {5}, pages = {055001}, abstract = {The confinement of fast particles, present in tokamak plasmas as nuclear fusion products and through external heating, will be essential for any future reactor. Fast particles can be expelled from the plasma through their interaction with Alfvén eigenmode (AE) instabilities. AEs can exist in gaps in the Alfvén continuum created by plasma equilibrium non-uniformities. In ASDEX Upgrade low-frequency modes in the Alfvén-acoustic frequency regime, including beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (BAEs) and lower frequency modes with mixed Alfvén and acoustic polarizations, have been observed. They exist in gaps in the Alfvén continuum opened up by geodesic curvature and finite plasma compressibility. In this paper a kinetic dispersion relation (Lauber et al 2009 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 51 124009) is solved numerically to investigate the influence of diamagnetic effects on the evolution of these low-frequency modes during the sawtooth cycle. Other distinct but potentially related modes which sweep significantly upwards in frequency towards the end of the sawtooth cycle are also considered. Using information gained from soft x-ray measurements (Igochine et al 2010 IPP Report 1/338) and electron temperature information from electron cyclotron emission to constrain the safety factor profiles, realistic equilibrium reconstructions for the analysis are obtained using the CLISTE code (Mc Carthy 2012 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54 015010). The results for the mode frequency evolution are then compared with experimental results from ASDEX Upgrade.}, file = {Curran2012_0741-3335_54_5_055001.pdf:Curran2012_0741-3335_54_5_055001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.04.05}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=5/a=055001}, } @Article{Cuthbert1998, author = {P. Cuthbert and J. L. V. Lewandowski and H. J. Gardner and M. Persson and D. B. Singleton and R. L. Dewar and N. Nakajima and W. A. Cooper}, title = {Toroidally localized and nonlocalized ballooning instabilities in a stellarator}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {8}, pages = {2921-2931}, abstract = {It is shown that the coexistence of toroidally nonlocalized ideal-hydromagnetic ballooning instabilities, with a quasidiscrete spectrum, and toroidally localized ballooning instabilities with a broad continuous spectrum, as predicted by Dewar and Glasser [Phys. Fluids 26, 3038 (1983)] can be realized in a Mercier-unstable equilibrium case modeling the Large Helical Device (LHD) [A. Iiyoshi et al., Fusion Technol. 17, 148 (1990)] with a broad pressure profile. The quasidiscrete, interchange branch corresponds to extended modes that can be understood on the basis of a ripple-averaged ballooning equation, whereas the broad-continuum, ballooning branch corresponds to modes localized along a flux tube. The physical origin of the two branches is discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.873014}, file = {Cuthbert1998_PhysPlasmas_5_2921.pdf:Cuthbert1998_PhysPlasmas_5_2921.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {stellarators; ballooning instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma pressure}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/5/2921/1}, } @Article{Cziegler2012, author = {I Cziegler and J L Terry and S J Wukitch and M L Garrett and C Lau and Y Lin}, title = {Ion-cyclotron range of frequencies in the scrape-off-layer: fine structure radial electric fields}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {10}, pages = {105019}, abstract = {Gas-puff-imaging techniques are utilized to detect radial electric field structures in the scrape-off-layer (SOL) of the Alcator C-Mod tokamak via the observation of poloidal motion of advected fluctuations. When the diagnostic's field of view is magnetically connected to the ion-cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) active antennas, large (up to 8 km s −1 ) poloidal velocities are observed in a radial region encompassing both field lines terminating on and those passing in front of the antennas. The radial electric field switches sign indicating a peak in the potential profile corresponding to the transition from piercing to passing field lines. The electric field extends a few centimeters into the SOL and its local magnitude is of order E r ≈ 20–30 kV m −1 . The corresponding plasma potentials scale as the square root of RF power; the poloidal structure is peaked when the field lines are connected to the top and bottom of the antenna. This structure is consistent with the presence of potential structures arising as a consequence of sheath rectification of the RF waves. The most striking result, however, is that the radial penetration λ ⊥ of the potential structures is an order of magnitude larger than the basic theoretical expectation ( λ ⊥ ≈ 10 δ e , where δ e is the skin depth). This substantial broadening is expected to have a strong impact on RF impurity physics. A (weak) power dependence observed in the width of the poloidal velocity features is explained as a competition between the RF induced and the background potential gradients.}, file = {Cziegler2012_0741-3335_54_10_105019.pdf:Cziegler2012_0741-3335_54_10_105019.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=10/a=105019}, } @Article{D'Ambrogio1989, author = {D'Ambrogio, Enos}, title = {A third order scheme in the vlasov theory and some consequences in the evolution of few body systems}, journal = {Meccanica}, year = {1989}, volume = {24}, pages = {200-210}, issn = {0025-6455}, abstract = {A set of implemented evolution equations, describing the coherent nonlinear interaction of plasma waves, based on the perturbation method, has been derived, taking into account initial value effects and third order nonlinearities in the modal amplitudes. The equations reduce, in the appropriate limit, to well known stochastic triplets of hydrodynamic type. It is argued that, the stochastization mechanism of the decay instability in strongly damped regime, may be interpreted as a Duffing-type behavior.}, doi = {10.1007/BF01556451}, file = {D'Ambrogio1989_art%3A10.1007%2FBF01556451.pdf:D'Ambrogio1989_art%3A10.1007%2FBF01556451.pdf:PDF}, issue = {4}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01556451}, } @Article{D'Innocenzo1992, author = {A D'Innocenzo and L Renna}, title = {Analysis of some elementary numerical methods in mechanics}, journal = {European Journal of Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {13}, number = {4}, pages = {153}, abstract = {Some numerical algorithms commonly used to solve the equation of motion in classical mechanics are analysed. The possibility of determining analytically the solutions of the difference equations, if the force is linear, allows one to verify directly the efficiency of any methods considered. A further experimental analysis of some algorithms is made by treating non-linear oscillations.}, file = {D'Innocenzo1992_0143-0807_13_4_001.pdf:D'Innocenzo1992_0143-0807_13_4_001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0143-0807/13/i=4/a=001}, } @Article{D'Ippolito2012, author = {D. A. D'Ippolito and D. A. Russell and J. R. Myra and S. C. Thakur and G. R. Tynan and C. Holland}, title = {Effect of parallel currents on drift-interchange turbulence: Comparison of simulation and experiment}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {10}, pages = {102301}, abstract = {Two-dimensional (2D) turbulence simulations are reported in which the balancing of the parallel and perpendicular currents is modified by changing the axial boundary condition (BC) to vary the sheath conductivity. The simulations are carried out using the 2D scrape-off-layer turbulence (SOLT) code. The results are compared with recent experiments on the controlled shear de-correlation experiment (CSDX) in which the axial BC was modified by changing the composition of the end plate. Reasonable qualitative agreement is found between the simulations and the experiment. When an insulating axial BC is used, broadband turbulence is obtained and an inverse cascade occurs down to low frequencies and long spatial scales. Robust sheared flows are obtained. By contrast, employing a conducting BC at the plate resulted in coherent (drift wave) modes rather than broadband turbulence, with weaker inverse cascade, and smaller zonal flows. The dependence of the two instability mechanisms (rotationally driven interchange mode and drift waves) on the axial BC is also discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4757977}, eid = {102301}, file = {D'Ippolito2012_PhysPlasmas_19_102301.pdf:D'Ippolito2012_PhysPlasmas_19_102301.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma drift waves; plasma flow; plasma instability; plasma sheaths; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/102301/1}, } @Article{Dalhed1982, author = {H.E. Dalhed and R.C. Grimm and J.L. Johnson}, title = {MHD stability of vertically asymmetric tokamak equilibria}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1982}, volume = {22}, number = {7}, pages = {883}, abstract = {The ideal-MHD stability properties of a special class of vertically asymmetric tokamak equilibria, with the plasma boundary a rotated ellipse, are examined. The calculations confirm that no major new physical effects are introduced and the modifications can be understood by conventional arguments. The results indicate that significant departures from up-down symmetry can be tolerated before the reduction in β becomes important for reactor operation. They show that the second stable region for internal modes can be extended to low-n modes and small-aspect-ratio devices by rotating the cross-section from a standing ellipse.}, file = {Dalhed1982_169f4f88f34298b7a7fcff088471c46b.pdf:Dalhed1982_169f4f88f34298b7a7fcff088471c46b.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/22/i=7/a=002}, } @Article{Davidson1977, author = {R.C. Davidson and N.A. Krall}, title = {Anomalous transport in high-temperature plasmas with applications to solenoidal fusion systems}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1977}, volume = {17}, number = {6}, pages = {1313}, abstract = {The linear, non-linear, and anomalous transport properties associated with various microinstabilities driven by cross-field currents in high-temperature plasmas are reviewed. Particular emphasis is placed on instabilities pertinent to the implosion and post-implosion phases of theta-pinch plasmas, e.g. Buneman (electron-ion two-stream), ion acoustic, lower-hybrid-drift, electromagnetic ion cyclotron, and ion-ion cross-field instabilities. Analytic studies of the non-linear and quasi-linear evolution of these instabilities are presented, together with a detailed comparison with computer simulation experiments to test the validity of the various theoretical models and non-linear saturation mechanisms. A general theoretical formalism is presented which describes, in a self-consistent manner, the macroscopic transport produced by the (shortwave-length) turbulence associated with the microinstabilities enumerated above. The experimental evidence that such a self-consistent anomalous transport model is required for describing the implosion behaviour (characterized by diffuse current sheaths) in rapidly pulsed theta pinches is reviewed, together with the early attempts at modelling these implosions numerically with a one-fluid (MHD) model including artificial viscosity. It is shown that fluid-numerical simulations that include (at each space and time step) the effects of anomalous transport in a fully self-consistent manner, explain several features of the experimental observations. The relevance of reflected ions to sheath structure and implosion dynamics is also discussed, and state-of-the-art hybrid-numerical studies (Vlasov ions and fluid electrons) of pinch implosions are presented, which include reflected ion dynamics as well as the anomalous transport associated with cross-field instabilities. Finally, instability mechanisms for producing long-time interpenetration of plasma and magnetic field in post-implosion theta pinches are discussed, together with estimates of the anomalous resistivity.}, file = {Davidson1977_0029-5515_17_6_017.pdf:Davidson1977_0029-5515_17_6_017.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/17/i=6/a=017}, } @Article{Davies1984, author = {B. Davies}, title = {The spectrum of resistive MHD equations}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, year = {1984}, volume = {100}, number = {3}, pages = {144 - 148}, issn = {0375-9601}, abstract = {A preliminary study of the normal modes of the resistive equations for axisymmetric Alfvén waves in a non-uniform current-carrying plasma is presented. Numerical results suggest that the spectrum has unexpected generic features, and this is proved analytically in the zero current case.}, doi = {10.1016/0375-9601(84)90952-6}, file = {Davies1984_The spectrum of resistive MHD equations.pdf:Davies1984_The spectrum of resistive MHD equations.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0375960184909526}, } @Article{Dawson1962, author = {John Dawson}, title = {One-Dimensional Plasma Model}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1962}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, pages = {445-459}, abstract = {A one‐dimensional plasma model consisting of a large number of identical charge sheets embedded in a uniform fixed neutralizing background is investigated by following the sheet motions on a high‐speed computer. The thermalizing properties and ergodic behavior of the system are examined and found to be in agreement with the assumption that one is equally likely to find the system in equal volumes of the available phase space. The velocity distribution, Debye shielding, drag on fast and slow sheets, diffusion in velocity space, the Landau damping of the Fourier modes, the amplitude distribution function for the Fourier modes, and the distribution of electric fields felt by the sheets were obtained for the plasma in thermal equilibrium and compared with theoretically predicted values. In every case, except one, the drag on a slow sheet, the numerical results agreed with theory to within the statistical accuracy of the results. The numerical results for the drag on a slow sheet were about a factor of 2 lower than the theory predicated indicating that the approximations made in the theory are not entirely valid. An understanding of the cause of the discrepancy might lead to a better understanding of collisional processes in plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1706638}, file = {Dawson1962_PFL000445.pdf:Dawson1962_PFL000445.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/5/445/1}, } @Article{Dawson1995, author = {John M. Dawson}, title = {Computer modeling of plasma: Past, present, and future}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {6}, pages = {2189-2199}, abstract = {Computer modeling has become a powerful tool for exploring the physics of plasmas. Early computers could handle only relatively simple models but nevertheless showed that these devices could shed a lot of light on the complex physics of plasmas. This capability has proved not only valuable to research but also is becoming an important teaching tool; modeling allows students to experience in concrete ways plasma phenomena which are otherwise presented only abstractly. Present‐day plasma models combined with parallel computing provide sufficient power that numerical modeling of laboratory experiments on complex devices has become possible. Two examples of simulations are discussed in some detail: The ‘‘Beat Wave Accelerator’’ and the ‘‘Numerical Tokamak.’’}, doi = {10.1063/1.871304}, file = {Dawson1995_PhysPlasmas_2_2189.pdf:Dawson1995_PhysPlasmas_2_2189.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION; PLASMA SIMULATION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; BEAT WAVE ACCELERATORS; HISTORICAL ASPECTS; LANDAU DAMPING; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; COMPUTER CALCULATIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/2189/1}, } @Article{Delaurentis1990, author = {J.M Delaurentis and L.A Romero}, title = {A Monte Carlo method for poisson's equation}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1990}, volume = {90}, number = {1}, pages = {123 - 140}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {This investigation presents an analysis of a Monte Carlo method for estimating local solutions to the Dirichlet problem for Poisson's equation. The probabilistic algorithm consists of a modified “walk on spheres” that includes the effects from internal sources as part of the random process. A new derivation of the asymptotic expressions for the rate of convergence and average runtime of the algorithm is presented. These estimates are used to compare the Monte Carlo method with discrete difference schemes. Numerical experiments involving some two-dimensional problems confirm the efficiency of the probabilistic scheme.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(90)90199-B}, file = {Delaurentis1990_1-s2.0-002199919090199B-main.pdf:Delaurentis1990_1-s2.0-002199919090199B-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002199919090199B}, } @Article{Delgado-Aparicio2013, author = {Delgado-Aparicio, L. and Sugiyama, L. and Granetz, R. and Gates, D. A. and Rice, J. E. and Reinke, M. L. and Bitter, M. and Fredrickson, E. and Gao, C. and Greenwald, M. and Hill, K. and Hubbard, A. and Hughes, J. W. and Marmar, E. and Pablant, N. and Podpaly, Y. and Scott, S. and Wilson, R. and Wolfe, S. and Wukitch, S.}, title = {Formation and Stability of Impurity ``Snakes'' in Tokamak Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {065006}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {New observations of the formation and dynamics of long-lived impurity-induced helical “snake” modes in tokamak plasmas have recently been carried out on Alcator C-Mod. The snakes form as an asymmetry in the impurity ion density that undergoes a seamless transition from a small helically displaced density to a large crescent-shaped helical structure inside q<1, with a regularly sawtoothing core. The observations show that the conditions for the formation and persistence of a snake cannot be explained by plasma pressure alone. Instead, many features arise naturally from nonlinear interactions in a 3D MHD model that separately evolves the plasma density and temperature.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.065006}, file = {Delgado-Aparicio2013_PhysRevLett.110.065006.pdf:Delgado-Aparicio2013_PhysRevLett.110.065006.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.065006}, } @Article{DeLucia1980, author = {J DeLucia and S.C Jardin and A.M.M Todd}, title = {An iterative metric method for solving the inverse tokamak equilibrium problem}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1980}, volume = {37}, number = {2}, pages = {183 - 204}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A method is presented for solving the toroidal magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium equation in a coordinate system based on the magnetic field lines. Both fixed boundary (conducting shell) and free boundary (external coil) boundary conditions are considered. A comparison with a special analytic solution is made. The method is useful for obtaining equilibria to use in tokamak stability and transport calculations.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(80)90020-0}, file = {DeLucia1980_1-s2.0-0021999180900200-main.pdf:DeLucia1980_1-s2.0-0021999180900200-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.14}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999180900200}, } @Article{Demchenko1991, author = {P.V. Demchenko and A.Ya. Omel'chenko and K.V. Sakhar}, title = {Stability of ideal MHD modes of a finite pressure plasma in toroidal systems with a complex shape of the magnetic axis}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1991}, volume = {31}, number = {9}, pages = {1717}, abstract = {The authors have obtained an equation for small oscillations describing the excitation of ideal small scale MHD modes in a finite pressure plasma with allowance for inertial effects in arbitrary magnetic configurations. This equation is used to analyse the plasma stability in an ASPERATOR NP-4 type trap. It is shown that in the currentless regime both ideal ballooning and Mercier modes may be excited in this trap. It is established that these modes are absolutely unstable because of the growth with increasing plasma pressure of the magnetic 'hill' in the device. The growth rates of the excited modes are determined. In unstable regimes, a relative improvement in confinement is observed when, with increasing pressure, a transition may occur from regimes with larger growth rates to regimes with smaller growth rates. Such a transition is connected with finite plasma pressure effects when the destabilizing action of finite pressure, leading to a growth of the 'magnetic hill' and to an absolute instability of Mercier modes, is partially compensated for by the stabilizing action connected with the growth of the shear value with increasing plasma pressure.}, file = {Demchenko1991_5e05cb2fa441b91cc926152c0665c67d.pdf:Demchenko1991_5e05cb2fa441b91cc926152c0665c67d.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.12}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/31/i=9/a=009}, } @Article{Demeio1991, author = {Demeio,Lucio and Holloway,James Paul}, title = {Numerical simulations of BGK modes}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {46}, pages = {63--84}, month = {7}, issn = {1469-7807}, abstract = {ABSTRACT Solutions of the full nonlinear Vlasov–Poisson system for a one-dimensional unmagnetized plasma that correspond to undamped travelling waves near Maxwellian equilibria are analysed numerically using the splitting scheme algorithm. The numerical results are clearly in favour of the existence of such waves and confirm that there is a critical phase velocity below which they cannot be constructed.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377800015956}, file = {Demeio1991_S0022377800015956a.pdf:Demeio1991_S0022377800015956a.pdf:PDF}, issue = {01}, numpages = {22}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=4751952}, } @Article{Denavit1966, author = {J. Denavit}, title = {Landau Damping and the Velocity Fourier Transform of the Initial Perturbation}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1966}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {134-140}, abstract = {The linearized Vlasov equation for longitudinal plasma oscillations is solved using the convolution integral for unilateral Fourier transforms. This solution, independent of analyticity conditions on the initial perturbation distribution g(v), is valid for all times. The electric field is given in terms of the Fourier transform H(q) of g(v) with respect to velocity, the wavenumber k, and the Landau poles zm. The quiescent distribution is assumed Maxwellian. For t → ∞ the solution yields Landau damping if H(q) drops faster than exp (y1q) for large q [g(v) analytic], while the results of Weitzner are recovered if H(q) drops as 1∕qn[g(v) having n − 2 continuous derivatives]. For t ≠ ∞, Landau damping is shown to take place during a time interval, the limits of which are estimated in terms of the behavior of H(q).}, doi = {10.1063/1.1761508}, file = {Denavit1966_PFL000134.pdf:Denavit1966_PFL000134.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/9/134/1}, } @Article{Denavit1968, author = {J. Denavit and B. W. Doyle and R. H. Hirsch}, title = {Nonlinear and Collisional Effects on Landau Damping}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1968}, volume = {11}, number = {10}, pages = {2241-2250}, abstract = {In the collisionless case, nonlinear effects considerably reduce Landau damping after times of the order of the period of oscillations of trapped electrons. A perturbation analysis of the nonlinear Vlasov equation, modified by the addition of a simplified Fokker‐Planck collision term, is carried out following Montgomery's expansion technique. The modified Landau poles for Maxwellian plasmas are determined. The first‐order number density and the second‐order spatially homogeneous distribution function are evaluated. A numerical solution of the same equation, using the method of velocity Fourier transforms, is also presented and the results of the two methods are compared. Several values of the collision parameter β, wavelength λ, and initial amplitude ϵ are considered, showing the competing effects of nonlinearities and collisions on the formation of a plateau in the spatially homogeneous distribution function. Values of β which prevent the formation of the plateau and maintain Landau damping close to the value prescribed by the linear theory are determined.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1691808}, file = {Denavit1968_PFL002241.pdf:Denavit1968_PFL002241.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/11/2241/1}, } @Article{Dendy1991, author = {R O Dendy}, title = {On the anomalous Doppler/inner Lindblad resonance}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1991}, volume = {33}, number = {9}, pages = {1069}, abstract = {There are strong formal similarities between the condition for anomalous Doppler resonance in plasmas ( omega -k/sub ///v/sub ///=- Omega , where omega is the frequency of the perturbing wave field, k/sub ///v/sub /// measures the Doppler shift due to guiding-centre motion, and Omega is the cyclotron frequency) and the condition for inner Lindblad resonance in stellar discs ( Omega b - Omega 0 =- kappa /m, where Omega b is the frequency of the perturbing wave field, whose azimuthal harmonic number is m, Omega 0 is the natural frequency of equilibrium guiding-centre circulation, and kappa is the epicyclic frequency). It is shown that this similarity reflects a close underlying correspondence between the two forms of resonance.}, file = {Dendy1991_0741-3335_33_9_004.pdf:Dendy1991_0741-3335_33_9_004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.01}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/33/i=9/a=004}, } @Article{Deng2012, author = {W. Deng and Z. Lin and I. Holod and Z. Wang and Y. Xiao and H. Zhang}, title = {Linear properties of reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes in the DIII-D tokamak}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {4}, pages = {043006}, abstract = {Linear properties of the reverse shear Alfvén eigenmode (RSAE) in a well-diagnosed DIII-D tokamak experiment (discharge #142111) are studied in gyrokinetic particle simulations. Simulations find that a weakly damped RSAE exists due to toroidal coupling and other geometric effects. The mode is driven unstable by density gradients of fast ions from neutral beam injection. Various damping and driving mechanisms are identified and measured in the simulations. Accurate damping and growth rate calculation requires a non-perturbative, fully self-consistent simulation to calculate the true mode structure. The mode structure has no up–down symmetry mainly due to the radial symmetry breaking by the density gradients of the fast ions, as measured in the experiment by electron cyclotron emission imaging. The RSAE frequency up-sweeping and the mode transition from RSAE to TAE (toroidal Alfvén eigenmode) are in good agreement with the experimental results when the values of the minimum safety factor are scanned in gyrokinetic simulations.}, file = {Deng2012_0029-5515_52_4_043006.pdf:Deng2012_0029-5515_52_4_043006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.04.01}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=4/a=043006}, } @Article{Detragiache1998, author = {P Detragiache}, title = {Safety factor profile shape and the ideal magnetohydrodynamic stability of n = 1 internal modes}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1998}, volume = {40}, number = {8}, pages = {1501}, abstract = {The ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability of n = 1 internal modes in an axisymmetric toroidal configuration is investigated for plasma equilibria with rather general profiles of the safety factor q using an analytical approach (Bussac et al 1975 35 1638). We find that instability strongly depends on the q radial profile and that, characteristically, it occurs for values of the relevant poloidal beta parameter ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/40/8/004/img1.gif] in the range of 0.1 to 0.2. These values are considerably lower than the often quoted value ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/40/8/004/img2.gif] , obtained for a parabolic q -profile in the limit ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/40/8/004/img3.gif] . In general, q -profiles with a large central zone of low magnetic shear and an outer zone of high magnetic shear have worse stability properties than profiles with a smooth shear variation across the whole plasma column. Effects due to shaping of the plasma boundary are also considered. Ellipticity is destabilizing, while triangularity is stabilizing. The overall effect of shaping depends on the value of the magnetic shear inside the q = 1 surface, and low values are required for the beneficial effect of triangularity to prevail over that of ellipticity.}, file = {Detragiache1998_0741-3335_40_8_004.pdf:Detragiache1998_0741-3335_40_8_004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.11}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/40/i=8/a=004}, } @Article{Dewar2003, author = {Dewar, R.L.}, title = {Spectrum of global ideal-magnetohydrodynamic three-dimensional ballooning modes}, journal = {Space Science Reviews}, year = {2003}, volume = {107}, pages = {349-352}, issn = {0038-6308}, abstract = {The class of pressure-driven plasma instabilities known as ballooning modes may be responsible for such diverse phenomena as high-beta disruptions in tokamaks, solar flares and magnetospheric substorms. In this paper the theory of the spectrum of unstable eigenvalues of the linearized ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations of motion in non-axisymmetric toroidal equilibria is sketched, comparing and contrasting systems with open field lines and systems with toroidally confined field lines. The need to regularize ideal MHD to keep the wavenumber finite, and the relevance of quantum chaos theory to understand the structure of the spectrum, is pointed out.}, doi = {10.1023/A:1025585519859}, file = {Dewar2003_10.1023-A-1025585519859.pdf:Dewar2003_10.1023-A-1025585519859.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1-2}, keywords = {ballooning instability; quantum chaos; stellarator}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, timestamp = {2012.12.20}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A%3A1025585519859}, } @Article{Dewar1981, author = {R.L. Dewar and J. Manickam and R.C. Grimm and M.S. Chance}, title = {n-dependence of ballooning instabilities}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1981}, volume = {21}, number = {4}, pages = {493}, abstract = {The critical β for stability against ideal hydromagnetic internal ballooning modes as a function of the toroidal mode number, n, is calculated for two different equilibrium sequences by use of a finite-element technique (n ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/lsim.gif] {lsim} 20), and a WKB formalism (n ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/gsim.gif] {gsim} 5). The agreement between the two methods is good in the overlap region 5 ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/lsim.gif] {lsim} n ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/lsim.gif] {lsim} 20. The WKB formula reduces to the '1/n correction' at very high n, but is much more accurate at moderate n. The critical-β-versus-n curves exhibit oscillatory structure at low n, but in both sequences the lower bound on β c is set by n = ∞ modes at about β c ~ 5%.}, file = {Dewar1981_n-dependence of ballooning instabilities.pdf:Dewar1981_n-dependence of ballooning instabilities.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/21/i=4/a=008}, } @Article{Dewar1983, author = {R. L. Dewar and A. H. Glasser}, title = {Ballooning mode spectrum in general toroidal systems}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, number = {10}, pages = {3038-3052}, abstract = {A WKB formalism for constructing normal modes of short‐wavelength ideal hydromagnetic, pressure‐driven instabilities (ballooning modes) in general toroidal magnetic containment devices with sheared magnetic fields is developed. No incompressibility approximation is made. A dispersion relation is obtained from the eigenvalues of a fourth‐order system of ordinary differential equations to be solved by integrating along a line of force. Higher‐order calculations are performed to find the amplitude equation and the phase change at a caustic. These conform to typical WKB results. In axisymmetric systems, the ray equations are integrable, and semiclassical quantization leads to a growth rate spectrum consisting of an infinity of discrete eigenvalues, bounded above by an accumulation point. However, each eigenvalue is infinitely degenerate. In the nonaxisymmetric case, the rays are unbounded in a four‐dimensional phase space, and semiclassical quantization breaks down, leading to broadening of the discrete eigenvalues and the accumulation point of the axisymmetric unstable spectrum into continuum bands. Analysis of a model problem indicates that the broadening of the discrete eigenvalues is numerically very small, the dominant effect being broadening of the accumulation point.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864028}, file = {Dewar1983_PFL003038.pdf:Dewar1983_PFL003038.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {wkb approximation; ballooning instability; plasma; plasma confinement; toroidal configuration; shear; dispersion relations; eigenvalues; differential equations; amplitudes}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.17}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/26/3038/1}, } @Article{Dewar2013, author = {R L Dewar and S R Hudson and A M Gibson}, title = {Generalized action-angle coordinates defined on island chains}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {1}, pages = {014004}, abstract = {Straight-field-line coordinates are very useful for representing magnetic fields in toroidally confined plasmas, but fundamental problems arise regarding their definition in 3D geometries because of the formation of islands and chaotic field regions, i.e. non-integrability. In Hamiltonian dynamical systems terminology these coordinates are similar to action-angle variables, but these are normally defined only for integrable systems. In order to describe 3D magnetic field systems, a generalization of this concept was proposed recently by the present authors that unified the concepts of ghost surfaces and quadratic-flux-minimizing (QFMin) surfaces. This was based on a simple canonical transformation generated by a change of variable θ = θ (Θ, ζ ), where θ and ζ are poloidal and toroidal angles, respectively, with Θ a new poloidal angle chosen to give pseudo-orbits that are (a) straight when plotted in the ζ , Θ plane and (b) QFMin pseudo-orbits in the transformed coordinate. These two requirements ensure that the pseudo-orbits are also (c) ghost pseudo-orbits. In this paper, it is demonstrated that these requirements do not uniquely specify the transformation owing to a relabelling symmetry. A variational method of solution that removes this lack of uniqueness is proposed.}, file = {Dewar2013_0741-3335_55_1_014004.pdf:Dewar2013_0741-3335_55_1_014004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.25}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=1/a=014004}, } @Article{Diamond1995, author = {P. H. Diamond and T. S. Hahm}, title = {On the dynamics of turbulent transport near marginal stability}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {10}, pages = {3640-3649}, abstract = {A general methodology for describing the dynamics of transport near marginal stability is formulated. Marginal stability is a special case of the more general phenomenon of self‐organized criticality. Simple, one field models of the dynamics of tokamak plasma self‐organized criticality have been constructed, and include relevant features such as sheared mean flow and transport bifurcations. In such models, slow mode (i.e., large‐scale, low‐frequency transport events) correlation times determine the behavior of transport dynamics near marginal stability. To illustrate this, impulse response scaling exponents (z) and turbulent diffusivities (D) have been calculated for the minimal (Burgers’) and sheared flow models. For the minimal model, z=1 (indicating ballistic propagation) and D∼(S20)1/3, where S20 is the noise strength. With an identically structured noise spectrum and flow with shearing rate exceeding the ambient decorrelation rate for the largest‐scale transport events, diffusion is recovered with z=2 and D∼(S20)3/5. This indicates a qualitative change in the dynamics, as well as a reduction in losses. These results are consistent with recent findings from dimensionless scaling studies. Several tokamak transport experiments are suggested.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871063}, file = {Diamond1995_PhysPlasmas_2_3640.pdf:Diamond1995_PhysPlasmas_2_3640.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {DIFFUSION; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; SCALING LAWS; TOKAMAK DEVICES; TRANSPORT THEORY; TURBULENCE; CORRELATION TIME; SHEAR FLOW}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/3640/1}, } @Article{Diamond1991, author = {P. H. Diamond and Y.-B. Kim}, title = {Theory of mean poloidal flow generation by turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {3}, number = {7}, pages = {1626-1633}, abstract = {The mechanism for generation of mean poloidal flow by turbulence is identified and elucidated. Two methods of calculating poloidal flow acceleration are given and shown to yield predictions which agree. These methods link flow generation to the quasilinear radial current or the Reynolds stress 〈rθ〉. It is shown that poloidal acceleration will occur if the turbulence supports radially propagating waves and if radial gradients in the turbulent Reynolds stress and wave energy density flux are present. In practice, these conditions are met in the tokamak edge region when waves propagate through the outermost closed flux surface or when convection cells with large radial correlation length are situated in steep gradient regions. The possible impact of these results on the theory of the L→H transition is discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859681}, file = {Diamond1991_PFB001626.pdf:Diamond1991_PFB001626.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TURBULENCE; PLASMA DRIFT; CALCULATION METHODS; ACCELERATION; REYNOLDS NUMBER; CONVECTION; PLASMA; END EFFECTS; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; SHEAR; VELOCITY; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOW; FLUCTUATIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/1626/1}, } @Article{Dickinson2012, author = {Dickinson, D. and Roach, C. M. and Saarelma, S. and Scannell, R. and Kirk, A. and Wilson, H. R.}, title = {Kinetic Instabilities that Limit $$\beta${}$ in the Edge of a Tokamak Plasma: A Picture of an $H$-Mode Pedestal}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {135002}, month = {Mar}, abstract = {Plasma equilibria reconstructed from the Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak have sufficient resolution to capture plasma evolution during the short period between edge-localized modes (ELMs). Immediately after the ELM, steep gradients in pressure, P, and density, ne, form pedestals close to the separatrix, and they then expand into the core. Local gyrokinetic analysis over the ELM cycle reveals the dominant microinstabilities at perpendicular wavelengths of the order of the ion Larmor radius. These are kinetic ballooning modes in the pedestal and microtearing modes in the core close to the pedestal top. The evolving growth rate spectra, supported by gyrokinetic analysis using artificial local equilibrium scans, suggest a new physical picture for the formation and arrest of this pedestal.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.135002}, file = {Dickinson2012_PhysRevLett.108.135002.pdf:Dickinson2012_PhysRevLett.108.135002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {13}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.03.27}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.135002}, } @Article{Dieckmann2005, author = {Dieckmann, M. E.}, title = {Particle Simulation of an Ultrarelativistic Two-Stream Instability}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2005}, volume = {94}, pages = {155001}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {A two-stream instability in an unmagnetized plasma is examined by a particle-in-cell simulation. Each beam initially consists of cold electrons and protons that stream at a relative Lorentz factor 100. This is representative for plasma close to the external shocks of gamma-ray bursts. An electrostatic wave develops which saturates by trapping electrons. This wave collapses and the resulting electrostatic turbulence gives an electron momentum distribution that resembles a power law with a spectral break. Some electrons reach Lorentz factors over 1000.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.155001}, file = {Dieckmann2005_PhysRevLett.94.155001.pdf:Dieckmann2005_PhysRevLett.94.155001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {15}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.12.01}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.155001}, } @Article{Dimits2012, author = {Andris M. Dimits}, title = {Gyrokinetic equations for strong-gradient regions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {022504}, abstract = {A gyrokinetic theory is developed under a set of orderings applicable to the edge region of tokamaks and other magnetic confinement devices, as well as to internal transport barriers. The result is a practical set equations that is valid for large perturbation amplitudes [qδψ/T = O(1), where δψ = δφ-ν∥δA∥/c], which is straightforward to implement numerically, and which has straightforward expressions for its conservation properties. Here, δφ and δA∥ are the perturbed electrostatic and parallel magnetic potentials, ν∥ is the particle velocity, c is the speed of light, and T is the temperature. The derivation is based on the quantity ɛ ≡ (ρ/λ⊥)qδψ/T≪1 as the small expansion parameter, where ρ is the gyroradius and λ⊥ is the perpendicular wavelength. Physically, this ordering requires that the E×B velocity and the component of the parallel velocity perpendicular to the equilibrium magnetic field are small compared to the thermal velocity. For nonlinear fluctuations saturated at “mixing-length” levels (i.e., at a level such that driving gradients in profile quantities are locally flattened), ɛ is of the order ρ/Lp, where Lp is the equilibrium profile scale length, for all scales λ⊥ ranging from ρ to Lp. This is true even though qδψ/T = O(1) for λ⊥ ∼ Lp. Significant additional simplifications result from ordering Lp/LB = O(ɛ), where LB is the spatial scale of variation of the magnetic field. We argue that these orderings are well satisfied in strong-gradient regions, such as edge and scrapeoff layer regions and internal transport barriers in tokamaks, and anticipate that our equations will be useful as a basis for simulation models for these regions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3683000}, eid = {022504}, file = {Dimits2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022504.pdf:Dimits2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma fluctuations; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/022504/1}, } @Article{Ding2013, author = {Ding, W. X. and Lin, L. and Brower, D. L. and Almagri, A. F. and Chapman, B. E. and Fiksel, G. and Den Hartog, D. J. and Sarff, J. S.}, title = {Kinetic Stress and Intrinsic Flow in a Toroidal Plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {065008}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {A new mechanism for intrinsic plasma flow has been experimentally identified in a toroidal plasma. For reversed field pinch plasmas with a few percent β (ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure), measurements show that parallel pressure fluctuations correlated with magnetic fluctuations create a kinetic stress that can affect momentum balance and the evolution of intrinsic plasma flow. This implies kinetic effects are important for flow generation and sustainment.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.065008}, file = {Ding2013_PhysRevLett.110.065008.pdf:Ding2013_PhysRevLett.110.065008.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.065008}, } @Article{Ding2013a, author = {X.T. Ding and W. Chen and L.M. Yu and S.Y Chen and J.Q. Dong and X.Q. Ji and Z.B. Shi and Y. Zhou and Y.B. Dong and X.L. Huang and J.X. Li and Y.P. Zhang and X.Y. Song and X.M. Song and J. Zhou and J. Rao and J.Y. Cao and M. Huang and B.B. Feng and Z.Y. Cui and Y. Huang and Yi. Liu and L.W. Yan and Q.W. Yang and X.R. Duan and Y. Liu}, title = {An overview of the energetic electron induced instabilities with high-power ECRH on HL-2A}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {53}, number = {4}, pages = {043015}, abstract = {In this paper, an overview of the magnetohydrodynamic instabilities induced by energetic electrons on HL-2A is given and some new phenomena with high-power electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) are presented. A toroidal Alfvén eigenmode with frequency from 200 to 350 kHz is identified during powerful ECRH. In the lower frequency range from 10 to 35 kHz, which is in the beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode frequency range, the coexistence of multi-mode is found during the high-power ECRH for the first time. The spectra become wide when the power is sufficiently high. The frequencies of the modes increase with and are much lower than the Alfvén frequency. The relationship between the mode frequency and(7/4 + T e / T i ) 1/2 ( T i ) 1/2 can be obtained by statistical data analysis. Between the two previous frequency ranges, a group of new modes with frequencies from 50 to 180 kHz is observed with high-power ECRH and neutral beam injection heating together. The modes have clear frequency chirping within several milliseconds or several tens of milliseconds, which are identified as energetic particle mode like instabilities. The new features of the fishbone instability excited by energetic electrons are identified. It is interesting to find the frequency jump phenomena in the high-power ECRH. The difference between the low and high frequencies increases with ECRH power. The frequency jumps between 8 and 15 kHz within about 25 ms periodically, when the power is 1.2 MW.}, file = {Ding2013a_0029-5515_53_4_043015.pdf:Ding2013a_0029-5515_53_4_043015.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/53/i=4/a=043015}, } @Article{Dobrott1977, author = {Dobrott, D. and Nelson, D. B. and Greene, J. M. and Glasser, A. H. and Chance, M. S. and Frieman, E. A.}, title = {Theory of Ballooning Modes in Tokamaks with Finite Shear}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1977}, volume = {39}, pages = {943--946}, month = {Oct}, abstract = {We studied ballooning instabilities in tokamaks of arbitrary cross section and finite shear. These azimuthally localized, ideal magnetohydrodynamic modes have large toroidal-mode numbers, but finite variation along the field and across the flux surfaces. Stability is determined by solving a second-order ordinary differential equation on each flux surface, subject to the proper boundary conditions. Qualitative agreement is achieved with the Princeton pest stability code.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.39.943}, file = {Dobrott1977_PhysRevLett.39.943.pdf:Dobrott1977_PhysRevLett.39.943.pdf:PDF}, issue = {15}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.12.20}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.39.943}, } @Article{Dolan1994, author = {T J Dolan}, title = {Magnetic electrostatic plasma confinement}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1994}, volume = {36}, number = {10}, pages = {1539}, abstract = {Electrostatic plasma confinement and magnetic electrostatic plasma confinement (MEPC) have been studied for four decades. The multiple potential well hypothesis, postulated to explain high neutron yields from Hirsch's colliding beam experiment (1968), has been supported by several pieces of evidence, but results were inconclusive. Magnetic shielding of the grid was developed to reduce the required beam current and to prevent grid overheating. Electrostatic plugging of magnetic cusps evolved to a similar configuration. Due to low budgets, early MEPC experiments used spindle cusps, which are poor for plasma confinement. Later experiments used multipole cusps or a linear set of ring cusps, which have larger volumes of field-free plasma. To keep the self-shielding voltage drop Delta phi 3 MeV. The proton generation and focusing were modeled using 2D hybrid particle-in-cell simulations, which compared well with the experimental results. Simulations predict further improvement in focusing with more uniform target illumination. These results are of significant interest to proton fast ignition and other high energy density physics applications.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3700181}, eid = {056702}, file = {Foord2012_PhysPlasmas_19_056702.pdf:Foord2012_PhysPlasmas_19_056702.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {optical focusing; plasma production by laser; plasma sheaths; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; proton beams}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.13}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/056702/1}, } @Article{Foord2004, author = {Foord, M. E. and Heeter, R. F. and van Hoof, P. A. M. and Thoe, R. S. and Bailey, J. E. and Cuneo, M. E. and Chung, H.-K. and Liedahl, D. A. and Fournier, K. B. and Chandler, G. A. and Jonauskas, V. and Kisielius, R. and Mix, L. P. and Ramsbottom, C. and Springer, P. T. and Keenan, F. P. and Rose, S. J. and Goldstein, W. H.}, title = {Charge-State Distribution and Doppler Effect in an Expanding Photoionized Plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2004}, volume = {93}, pages = {055002}, month = {Jul}, abstract = {The charge state distributions of Fe, Na, and F are determined in a photoionized laboratory plasma using high resolution x-ray spectroscopy. Independent measurements of the density and radiation flux indicate unprecedented values for the ionization parameter ξ=20–25  erg  cm s-1 under near steady-state conditions. Line opacities are well fitted by a curve-of-growth analysis which includes the effects of velocity gradients in a one-dimensional expanding plasma. First comparisons of the measured charge state distributions with x-ray photoionization models show reasonable agreement.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.055002}, file = {Foord2004_PhysRevLett.93.055002.pdf:Foord2004_PhysRevLett.93.055002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {5}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.12.01}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.055002}, } @Article{Fowler1978, author = {R.H. Fowler and J. Smith and J.A. Rome}, title = {FIFPC — a Fast Ion Fokker-Planck Code}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1978}, volume = {13}, number = {5–6}, pages = {323 - 340}, issn = {0010-4655}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(78)90030-9}, file = {Fowler1978_1-s2.0-0010465578900309-main.pdf:Fowler1978_1-s2.0-0010465578900309-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.04}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465578900309}, } @Article{Freidberg1993, author = {J P Freidberg and M Graf and A Niemszewski and S Schultz and A Shajii}, title = {Why beta p and l i cannot be separately measured in a near circular tokamak}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1993}, volume = {35}, number = {11}, pages = {1641}, abstract = {An analytical calculation is presented demonstrating why a separate determination of poloidal beta, beta p , and plasma internal inductance, l i , in near circular tokamak plasmas is not possible from experimental magnetic data. A second-order expansion in terms of the inverse aspect ratio, epsilon , of the Grad-Shafranov equation provides expressions for the measured fields with explicit dependence on beta p . This dependence, however, is very weak and is shown to be insufficient for determining beta p when any reasonable magnetic measurement error estimates are taken into account.}, file = {Freidberg1993_0741-3335_35_11_010.pdf:Freidberg1993_0741-3335_35_11_010.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/35/i=11/a=010}, } @Article{Friedman2012, author = {B. Friedman and T. A. Carter and M. V. Umansky and D. Schaffner and B. Dudson}, title = {Energy dynamics in a simulation of LAPD turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {10}, pages = {102307}, abstract = {Energy dynamics calculations in a 3D fluid simulation of drift wave turbulence in the linear Large Plasma Device [W. Gekelman et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 62, 2875 (1991)] illuminate processes that drive and dissipate the turbulence. These calculations reveal that a nonlinear instability dominates the injection of energy into the turbulence by overtaking the linear drift wave instability that dominates when fluctuations about the equilibrium are small. The nonlinear instability drives flute-like (k∥ = 0) density fluctuations using free energy from the background density gradient. Through nonlinear axial wavenumber transfer to k∥ ≠ 0 fluctuations, the nonlinear instability accesses the adiabatic response, which provides the requisite energy transfer channel from density to potential fluctuations as well as the phase shift that causes instability. The turbulence characteristics in the simulations agree remarkably well with experiment. When the nonlinear instability is artificially removed from the system through suppressing k∥ = 0 modes, the turbulence develops a coherent frequency spectrum which is inconsistent with experimental data. This indicates the importance of the nonlinear instability in producing experimentally consistent turbulence.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4759010}, eid = {102307}, file = {Friedman2012-PhysPlasmas_19_102307.pdf:Friedman2012-PhysPlasmas_19_102307.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {drift instability; flute instability; free energy; plasma drift waves; plasma fluctuations; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/102307/1}, } @Article{Friedman2013, author = {Yaakov Friedman and Tzvi Scarr}, title = {Spacetime transformations from a uniformly accelerated frame}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {2013}, volume = {87}, number = {5}, pages = {055004}, abstract = {We use the generalized Fermi–Walker transport to construct a one-parameter family of inertial frames which are instantaneously comoving to a uniformly accelerated observer. We explain the connection between our approach and that of Mashhoon. We show that our solutions of uniformly accelerated motion have constant acceleration in the comoving frame. Assuming the weak hypothesis of locality, we obtain local spacetime transformations from a uniformly accelerated frame K ′ to an inertial frame K . The spacetime transformations between two uniformly accelerated frames with the same acceleration are Lorentz . We compute the metric at an arbitrary point of a uniformly accelerated frame.}, file = {Friedman2013_1402-4896_87_5_055004.pdf:Friedman2013_1402-4896_87_5_055004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/87/i=5/a=055004}, } @Article{Friedrich1959, author = {Friedrich, J.; Schirmer, H.; Stober, I.}, title = {TRANSPORT PHENOMENA IN CYLINDRICAL DISCHARGES IN THE PRESENCE OF MAGNETIC FIELDS}, year = {1959}, pages = {1047-56}, abstract = {The complete theory of transport phenomena in cylindrical plasma, in the presence of a longitudinal magnetic field, was constructed with consideration of the self-magnetic field. Under this general assumption the development succeeds up to the second approximation. With consideration of the self-magnetic field or a longitudinal field alone, general expressions were obtained for the nth approximation. The results show that the internal relationship between the corresponding expressions for a Lorentz gas and a plasma is maintained. (tr- auth)}, keywords = {PHYSICS; CYLINDERS; ELECTRIC DISCHARGES; MAGNETIC FIELDS; PLASMA; TRANSPORT THEORY}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://www.osti.gov/energycitations/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=4182520}, } @Article{Fu1995, author = {G. Y. Fu}, title = {Existence of core localized toroidicity-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {4}, pages = {1029-1031}, abstract = {The core‐localized toroidicity‐induced Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) is shown to exist at finite plasma pressure due to finite aspect ratio effects in tokamak plasma. The new critical beta for the existence of the TAE mode is given by α≊3ϵ+2s2, where ϵ=r/R is the inverse aspect ratio, s is the magnetic shear and α=−Rq2dβ/dr is the normalized pressure gradient. In contrast, previous critical α is given by α≊s2. In the limit of s≪√r/R, the new critical α is greatly enhanced by the finite aspect ratio effects.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871382}, file = {Fu1995_PhysPlasmas_2_1029.pdf:Fu1995_PhysPlasmas_2_1029.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; TOKAMAK DEVICES; ASPECT RATIO; LOWBETA PLASMA; PLASMA PRESSURE; BALLOONING INSTABILITY}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/1029/1}, } @Article{Fu2012, author = {X. R. Fu and W. Horton and Y. Xiao and Z. Lin and A. K. Sen and V. Sokolov}, title = {Validation of electron temperature gradient turbulence in the Columbia Linear Machine}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032303}, abstract = {The electron temperature gradient (ETG) mode, which is a universal mechanism for turbulent electron thermal transport in plasmas, is produced and verified in steady-state, collisionless hydrogen plasma of the Columbia Linear Machine. Electron temperature profiles with strong gradients are produced by DC acceleration in a remote biased mesh and subsequent thermalization. Finite amplitude ∼ 5%, steady-state oscillations at ∼ 0.3-0.5MHz (in the plasma frame), with azimuthal wave numbers m ∼ 14-16 and parallel wave number k∥ ∼ 0.01cm-1 are measured. The massively parallel gyrokinetic toroidal code is used to study these modes. The results show that in the linear phase, the dispersion relation is consistent with kinetic theory. In the nonlinear stage, very strong nonlinear wave coupling gives rise to an inverse cascade of the energy from the fastest growing high-m modes to low-m nonlinear oscillations, which are consistent with the measured azimuthal mode spectrum. The radial structure of the fluctuation also agrees with the experiment. An inward radial shift of the peak of the potential fluctuation occurs during the nonlinear saturation and fluctuation fingers extend radially out to the edge plasma. Three-wave coupling mechanism is involved in the saturation of ETG modes. The simulations show a power law spectrum of the turbulence which suggests that the renormalization theory is appropriate to interpret the turbulent thermal flux.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3686148}, eid = {032303}, file = {Fu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032303.pdf:Fu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032303.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {dispersion relations; hydrogen; plasma fluctuations; plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear waves; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/032303/1}, } @InProceedings{Fujii2004, author = {Fujii, H. and Palov, A. and Muto, H.}, booktitle = {Solid Dielectrics, 2004. ICSD 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on}, title = {Monte Carlo simulation of electron-beam induced charge-up phenomena of Teflon thermal blanket}, year = {2004}, month = {july}, pages = {963 - 966 Vol.2}, volume = {2}, doi = {10.1109/ICSD.2004.1350592}, file = {Fujii2004_01350592.pdf:Fujii2004_01350592.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {1 eV to 30 keV; Monte Carlo simulation; Poisson equation; charge density relaxation; charge distribution; electric field distribution; electric potential distribution; electron beam induced charge-up process; electron beam irradiation time; electron scattering; insulating polymer; microscopic analysis; surface potential; teflon film; teflon thermal blanket; Monte Carlo methods; Poisson equation; electron beam effects; organic insulating materials; polymer films; surface charging; surface potential; thermal insulating materials;}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, } @Article{Fujisawa2003, author = {Akihide Fujisawa}, title = {Experimental studies of structural bifurcation in stellarator plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2003}, volume = {45}, number = {8}, pages = {R1}, abstract = {This review presents experimental studies on improved confinement (IC) modes observed mainly in stellarator plasmas. The IC modes result from structural bifurcation, often accompanied with discrete and sudden changes in electromagnetic and thermodynamic structures. The phenomenology of the bifurcated states occurring in various stellarator configurations is described with the fundamental experimental observations associated with the mechanisms of bifurcation and confinement improvements. Particular emphasis is placed on the physics of radial electric field, which is a key quantity that leads toroidal plasmas to structural bifurcation. Neoclassical (-driven) transport barriers commonly observed in stellarators are highlighted.}, file = {Fujisawa2003_0741-3335_45_8_201.pdf:Fujisawa2003_0741-3335_45_8_201.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/45/i=8/a=201}, } @Article{Fujita2010, author = {Takaaki Fujita}, title = {Tokamak equilibria with nearly zero central current: the current hole}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2010}, volume = {50}, number = {11}, pages = {113001}, abstract = {The observation of stable sustainment of the 'current hole', namely the nearly zero current density region in the central part of a tokamak plasma, has opened a new class of configurations in tokamak plasmas, and a variety of research from the viewpoints of equilibrium, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) stability, particle orbits and radial transport has been generated. Some theories and codes have been tested and extended by being applied to extreme conditions in the current hole with very weak poloidal field. The current hole is generated due to a transient negative toroidal electric field established when a large off-axis non-inductive current is rapidly formed. It has been observed in high confinement plasmas with a large fraction of bootstrap current in advanced tokamak operation. The current hole is very stiff against current drive, which suggests that it is a saturated or self-organized system. Appearance of the current hole in ITER and DEMO would be expected in some of the operation scenarios, and its influence and its control methods have been studied. Results of experimental and theoretical studies on the current hole are reviewed.}, file = {Fujita2010_0029-5515_50_11_113001.pdf:Fujita2010_0029-5515_50_11_113001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/50/i=11/a=113001}, } @Article{Fundamenski2005, author = {W Fundamenski}, title = {Parallel heat flux limits in the tokamak scrape-off layer}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2005}, volume = {47}, number = {11}, pages = {R163}, abstract = {It is well known that the classical Spitzer–Harm–Braginskii expression for the parallel plasma heat flux breaks down in the long mean free path limit, relevant to many practical applications, most crucially power exhaust via the tokamak scrape-off layer (SOL). This problem is usually addressed by limiting the heat flux to some fraction of the free streaming value, with constants of proportionality α σ , where σ ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/in.gif] {in} {e,i}, ranging from 0.03 to 3. The following paper presents a brief overview of the problem, compares the results of various kinetic studies, suggests the optimal values of α σ for use in plasma–fluid codes, and examines the impact of these values on 2D SOL simulations using the EDGE2D transport code. In this context, gyro-kinetic parallel heat flux expressions for both electrons and ions are derived from the generalized transport equations—an improved version of Grad's 21-moment approach—and their implications to tokamak modelling are discussed.}, file = {Fundamenski2005_0741-3335_47_11_R01.pdf:Fundamenski2005_0741-3335_47_11_R01.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/47/i=11/a=R01}, } @Article{Fundamenski2012, author = {W. Fundamenski and F. Militello and D. Moulton and D.C. McDonald}, title = {A new model of the L–H transition in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {6}, pages = {062003}, abstract = {A new model of the L–H transition in tokamaks is proposed, based on the criterion that the transition occurs when plasma turbulence and shear Alfvén waves compete in the vicinity of the last-closed flux surface. The model is used to predict the scaling of the H-mode access power, P L–H , with magnetic and plasma variables. The predictions are in good agreement with the experimental scaling of P L–H with plasma size, density, magnetic field and edge safety factor (plasma current). They are also qualitatively consistent with the dependence of P L–H on ion mass and charge, limiter versus divertor plasmas, single versus double null configurations, the divertor leg length and H–L versus L–H hysteresis. Most notably, the model explains the appearance of the minimum in P L–H with plasma density (in terms of the transition between sheath limited and conduction limited scrape-off layer (SOL) transport) and correctly predicts the scaling of the density minimum with magnetic field and Greenwald number. Finally, the effect of toroidal field reversal is included by making the normalized correlation length of the eddy and maximum safety factor in the edge-SOL layer functions of B × ∇ B direction.}, file = {Fundamenski2012_0029-5515_52_6_062003.pdf:Fundamenski2012_0029-5515_52_6_062003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.04.25}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=6/a=062003}, } @Article{Furth1986, author = {H P Furth}, title = {Enhancement of confinement in tokamaks}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1986}, volume = {28}, number = {9A}, pages = {1305}, abstract = {A plausible interpretation of the experimental evidence is that energy confinement in tokamaks is governed by two separate considerations: (1) the need for resistive MHD kink-stability, which limits the permissible range of current profiles-and therefore normally also the range of temperature profiles; and (2) the presence of strongly anomalous microscopic energy transport near the plasma edge, which calibrates the amplitude of the global temperature profile, thus determining the energy confinement time tau E . The present analysis begins by identifying a hypothetical model of tokamak confinement that is designed to take into account the conflict between T e (r)-profile shapes arising from microscopic transport and J(r)-profile shapes required for gross stability. On the basis of this model, a number of hypothetical lines of advance are developed. Some TFTR experiments that may point the way to a particularly attractive type of tokamak reactor regime are discussed.}, file = {Furth1986_0741-3335_28_9A_009.pdf:Furth1986_0741-3335_28_9A_009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/28/i=9A/a=009}, } @Article{Furth1963, author = {Harold P. Furth and John Killeen and Marshall N. Rosenbluth}, title = {Finite-Resistivity Instabilities of a Sheet Pinch}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1963}, volume = {6}, number = {4}, pages = {459-484}, abstract = {The stability of a plane current layer is analyzed in the hydromagnetic approximation, allowing for finite isotropic resistivity. The effect of a small layer curvature is simulated by a gravitational field. In an incompressible fluid, there can be three basic types of ``resistive'' instability: a long‐wave ``tearing'' mode, corresponding to breakup of the layer along current‐flow lines; a short‐wave ``rippling'' mode, due to the flow of current across the resistivity gradients of the layer; and a low‐g gravitational interchange mode that grows in spite of finite magnetic shear. The time scale is set by the resistive diffusion time τR and the hydromagnetic transit time τH of the layer. For large S = τR∕τH, the growth rate of the ``tearing'' and ``rippling'' modes is of order τR−3∕5τH−2∕5, and that of the gravitational mode is of order τR−1∕3τH−2∕3. As S → ∞, the gravitational effect dominates and may be used to stabilize the two nongravitational modes. If the zero‐order configuration is in equilibrium, there are no overstable modes in the incompressible case. Allowance for plasma compressibility somewhat modifies the ``rippling'' and gravitational modes, and may permit overstable modes to appear. The existence of overstable modes depends also on increasingly large zero‐order resistivity gradients as S → ∞. The three unstable modes merely require increasingly large gradients of the first‐order fluid velocity; but even so, the hydromagnetic approximation breaks down as S → ∞. Allowance for isotropic viscosity increases the effective mass density of the fluid, and the growth rates of the ``tearing'' and ``rippling'' modes then scale as τR−2∕3τH−1∕3. In plasmas, allowance for thermal conductivity suppresses the ``rippling'' mode at moderately high values of S. The ``tearing'' mode can be stabilized by conducting walls. The transition from the low‐g ``resistive'' gravitational mode to the familiar high‐g infinite conductivity mode is examined. The extension of the stability analysis to cylindrical geometry is discussed. The relevance of the theory to the results of various plasma experiments is pointed out. A nonhydromagnetic treatment will be needed to achieve rigorous correspondence to the experimental conditions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1706761}, file = {Furth1963_PFL000459.pdf:Furth1963_PFL000459.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.17}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/6/459/1}, } @Article{Furukawa2010, author = {M. Furukawa and S. Tokuda and L.-J. Zheng}, title = {A numerical matching technique for linear resistive magnetohydrodynamics modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, pages = {052502}, abstract = {A new numerical matching technique for linear stability analysis of resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) modes is developed. The solution to the resistive reduced MHD equations in an inner layer with a finite width is matched onto the solution to the inertialess ideal MHD or the Newcomb equation by imposing smooth disappearance of parallel electric field in addition to the continuity of perturbed magnetic field and its spatial gradient. The boundary condition for the parallel electric field is expressed as a boundary condition of the third kind for the stream function of the perturbed velocity field. This technique can be applied for the reversed magnetic shear plasmas of their minimum safety factors being rational numbers, for which the conventional asymptotic matching technique fails. In addition, this technique resolves practical difficulties in applying the conventional asymptotic matching technique, i.e., the sensitivity of the outer-region solution on the accuracy of the local equilibrium as well as the grid arrangements, even in normal magnetic shear plasmas. Successful applications are presented not only for the eigenvalue problem but also for the initial-value problem.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3420244}, eid = {052502}, file = {Furukawa2010_PhysPlasmas_17_052502.pdf:Furukawa2010_PhysPlasmas_17_052502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {initial value problems; numerical analysis; perturbation theory; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamic waves; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma transport processes; shear flow}, numpages = {15}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/052502/1}, } @Article{Futatani2008, author = {S. Futatani and S. Benkadda and Y. Nakamura and K. Kondo}, title = {Characterization of intermittency of impurity turbulent transport in tokamak edge plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {7}, pages = {072506}, abstract = {The statistical properties of impurity transport of a tokamak edge plasma embedded in a dissipative drift-wave turbulence are investigated using structure function analysis. The impurities are considered as a passive scalar advected by the plasma flow. Two cases of impurity advection are studied and compared: A decaying impurities case (given by a diffusion-advection equation) and a driven case (forced by a mean scalar gradient). The use of extended self-similarity enables us to show that the relative scaling exponent of structure functions of impurity density and vorticity exhibit similar multifractal scaling in the decaying case and follows the She–Lévêque model. However, this property is invalidated for the impurity driven advection case. For both cases, potential fluctuations are self-similar and exhibit a monofractal scaling in agreement with Kolmogorov–Kraichnan theory for two-dimensional turbulence. These results obtained with a passive scalar model agree also with test-particle simulations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2947027}, eid = {072506}, file = {Futatani2008_PhysPlasmas_15_072506.pdf:Futatani2008_PhysPlasmas_15_072506.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma drift waves; plasma fluctuations; plasma impurities; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/072506/1}, } @Article{Gad2012, author = {Gad, R. and Leopold, J. G. and Fisher, A. and Fredkin, D. R. and Ron, A.}, title = {Observation of Magnetically Induced Transparency in a Classical Magnetized Plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {155003}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {We report the first demonstration of magnetically induced transmission in an opaque magnetized plasma. Magnetically induced transmission in a plasma is a classical analog to the electromagnetically induced transparency in atomic systems. The transmission of radiation through an axially magnetized plasma is obtained by applying an additional one dimensional transverse spatial periodic magnetic field. The transverse-periodic magnetic field uncouples the right-hand electromagnetic wave from interacting with plasma electrons, rendering the plasma band-stop transparent. This provides means to control the extent of absorption of electromagnetic radiation in magnetized plasma.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.155003}, file = {Gad2012_PhysRevLett.108.155003.pdf:Gad2012_PhysRevLett.108.155003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {15}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.04.13}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.155003}, } @Article{Galeotti2005, author = {Galeotti, L. and Califano, F.}, title = {Asymptotic Evolution of Weakly Collisional Vlasov-Poisson Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2005}, volume = {95}, pages = {015002}, month = {Jun}, abstract = {We study the role of (weak) numerical diffusion on the long time evolution of the Vlasov-Poisson plasma. We consider the classical problem of phase space vortex formation by particle trapping. We show that the asymptotic macroscopic state is not independent of diffusion even if the dissipative length scale is much shorter than any characteristic physical length scale of the system.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.015002}, file = {Galeotti2005_PhysRevLett.95.015002.pdf:Galeotti2005_PhysRevLett.95.015002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.03.05}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.015002}, } @Article{Galeotti2006, author = {L. Galeotti and F. Califano and F. Pegoraro}, title = {“Echography” of Vlasov codes}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, year = {2006}, volume = {355}, number = {4–5}, pages = {381 - 385}, issn = {0375-9601}, abstract = {Collisionless simulation of nonlinear plasma dynamics is one of the outstanding problems of plasma physics as well as a strong challenge in computational physics. Here, a crucial test for the theoretical study of collisionless plasmas based on large scale numerical simulations is proposed. Plasma echoes are shown to provide a highly selective benchmark for the algorithms adopted in order to follow the collisionless, Hamiltonian dynamics of high temperature, rarefied plasmas described by the Vlasov–Poisson system of equations. The proposed test is more discriminating than those based on the conservation of (a finite set of) Casimir invariants and gives a deeper insight on the numerical dissipative processes at play.}, doi = {10.1016/j.physleta.2006.02.062}, file = {Galeotti2006_1-s2.0-S0375960106003410-main.pdf:Galeotti2006_1-s2.0-S0375960106003410-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.05}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0375960106003410}, } @Article{Ganesh2012, author = {R. Ganesh}, title = {Fast particle effects and microturbulence: Stability, transport and size scaling}, journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, year = {2012}, volume = {1478}, number = {1}, pages = {91-115}, abstract = {In the process of producing fusion grade plasmas, Tokamaks are expected to become highly populated with energetic or fast particles produced by auxiliary heating schemes and/or fusion born alpha particles. For efficient heating of a fusion grade machine, it is important that these energetic particles stay in the system for long enough time to be able to heat the background thermal plasma. In the past, while the interaction of the energetic particles with Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) modes has been understood to some extent, there has been little rigorous numerical study on the interaction of the fast particles with microturbulence, especially, the one driven by the temperature gradient of the thermal ions and trapped electrons. In the following, we describe our recent studies on the interaction of fast particles on microturbulence in particular ion temperature gradient-driven modes (ITGs). Using a nonperturbative global code EM-GLOGYSTO we address the linear stability of global ITGs in the presence of fast particles. We further demonstrate, using a fully nonlinear, global gyrokinetic code GTS, that the transport of hot ions exhibits subdiffusive nature at smaller system size which eventually becomes diffusive as the system size increases, with its magnitude tending to saturate at larger system size. We also show that the transport of hot ions with lower energy remains virtually independent of temperature gradient of thermal ions, while that of the hot ions with higher energy increases with the temperature gradient of thermal ions. Some of the open areas where more work needs to be done is also addressed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4751642}, editor = {Sadruddin Benkadda and Nicolas Dubuit and Zwinglio Guimaraes-Filho}, file = {Ganesh2012_APC000091.pdf:Ganesh2012_APC000091.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APC/1478/91/1}, } @Article{Ganesh2004, author = {R. Ganesh and P. Angelino and J. Vaclavik and L. Villard}, title = {A full radius gyrokinetic stability analysis for large aspect ratio finite-beta tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {6}, pages = {3106-3130}, abstract = {Linear, fully gyrokinetic, full radius (global), large aspect ratio studies of Alfvén-ion temperature gradient mode (AITG) or kinetic ballooning modes or beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes considering only “passing” species is presented. Effects hitherto completely neglected in a full radius approach such as B∥-fluctuations and the ones which have been treated partly [Phys. Plasmas 10, 1424 (2003)] such as Shafranov shifts are included. To this end, an existing code EM-GLOGYSTO has been upgraded to incorporate these effects. Among others, the most interesting results include: (i) For relatively large positive magnetic shear ŝ [1.25<ŝ<4.25, ŝ = d ln qs/d ln ρ, where qs(ρ) is safety factor and ρ minor radius], B∥ fluctuations have a benign effect on AITG growth rates and for positive but small shear (0.0<ŝ<2.7), B∥ fluctuations are too weak to play any crucial role. (ii) In the later case, inclusion of Shafranov shift leads to the following: (a) Growth rates without Shafranov shift effects are in general larger than those including Shafranov shift; (b) nonmonotonous dependence of growth rates and frequencies on β = 2μ0NTi/B02; (c) the presence of multiple eigenmodes with competing growth rates for same values of β; (d) no sign of complete stabilization with increasing β. Finally eigenmode structures [ϕ,A∥,Aθ] with and without Shafranov shift are reported. The growth rates and frequencies thus obtained may serve as estimates of transport coefficients and for future bench marking of the (then) global electromagnetic, gyrokinetic, time evolution codes (particle-in-cell or otherwise).}, doi = {10.1063/1.1712974}, file = {Ganesh2004_PhysPlasmas_11_3106.pdf:Ganesh2004_PhysPlasmas_11_3106.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; Tokamak devices; plasma Alfven waves; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; plasma fluctuations; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma kinetic theory}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/3106/1}, } @Article{Ganesh2005, author = {Ganesh, R. and Vaclavik, J.}, title = {Global Gyrokinetic Stability of Pressure-Gradient-Driven Electromagnetic Modes in Tokamaks with Regions of Low Shear}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2005}, volume = {94}, pages = {145002}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {Tokamaks with large pressure gradients (αmax) formed in regions of weak magnetic shear are shown to be susceptible to novel, low-n, global, kinetic, electromagnetic modes with a toroidal mode number n in the range 2≤n≤12. For a weakly varying monotonic safety factor profile q with its minimum qmin>1 on the magnetic axis and αmax near qmin, new, global kinetic infernal modes with a strong mode rotation ωr and a finite growth rate γ<|ωr| are found. For equilibria with reverse shear where qmin is off axis and αmax near qmin, the existence of an unstable low-n global branch of Alfvén ion temperature gradient modes is revealed with an oscillatory γ as a function of n. The addition of trapped electron dynamics is shown to be further destabilizing.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.145002}, file = {Ganesh2005_PhysRevLett.94.145002.pdf:Ganesh2005_PhysRevLett.94.145002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {14}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.145002}, } @Article{Gann1979, author = {Gann, R. C. and Chakravarty, Sudip and Chester, G. V.}, title = {Monte Carlo simulation of the classical two-dimensional one-component plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. B}, year = {1979}, volume = {20}, pages = {326--344}, month = {Jul}, abstract = {We have used Monte Carlo simulation, lattice dynamics in the harmonic approximation, and solution of the hypernetted-chain equation to study the classical two-dimensional one-component plasma. We find a fluid phase for Γ=e2(πn)1/2/kBT<~125±15 and a solid phase for higher Γ. The solid phase shows directional long-range order. In the solid phase positional long-range order is lost as the thermodynamic limit is approached. We also present the results of calculations of the thermodynamic functions and one- and two-particle correlation functions.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.20.326}, file = {Gann1979_PhysRevB.20.326.pdf:Gann1979_PhysRevB.20.326.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.09.30}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.20.326}, } @Article{Gao2012, author = {Xinliang Gao and Quanming Lu and Xing Li and Can Huang and Shui Wang}, title = {Heating of the background plasma by obliquely propagating Alfven waves excited in the electromagnetic alpha/proton instability}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032901}, abstract = {Previous studies have shown that obliquely propagating Alfven waves may be excited in the electromagnetic alpha/proton instability. In this paper, two-dimensional hybrid simulations are performed to investigate the nonlinear evolution of the electromagnetic alpha/proton instability. We further find that the obliquely propagating Alfven waves excited by the alpha/proton instability have nearly linear polarization. The background proton component, as well as the alpha component, can be resonantly heated by the oblique Alfven waves. The implications of our results to the unsolved solar coronal hearing problem are also discussed in this paper.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3693373}, eid = {032901}, file = {Gao2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032901.pdf:Gao2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032901.pdf:PDF;Gao2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_062111.pdf:Gao2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_062111.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma heating; plasma instability; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; solar corona}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/032901/1}, } @Article{Gao2012a, author = {Xinliang Gao and Quanming Lu and Mingyu Wu and Shui Wang}, title = {Ion stochastic heating by obliquely propagating magnetosonic waves}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {6}, pages = {062111}, abstract = {The ion motions in obliquely propagating Alfven waves with sufficiently large amplitudes have already been studied by Chen et al. [Phys. Plasmas 8, 4713 (2001)], and it was found that the ion motions are stochastic when the wave frequency is at a fraction of the ion gyro-frequency. In this paper, with test particle simulations, we investigate the ion motions in obliquely propagating magnetosonic waves and find that the ion motions also become stochastic when the amplitude of the magnetosonic waves is sufficiently large due to the resonance at sub-cyclotron frequencies. Similar to the Alfven wave, the increase of the propagating angle, wave frequency, and the number of the wave modes can lower the stochastic threshold of the ion motions. However, because the magnetosonic waves become more and more compressive with the increase of the propagating angle, the decrease of the stochastic threshold with the increase of the propagating angle is more obvious in the magnetosonic waves than that in the Alfven waves.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4731707}, eid = {062111}, file = {Gao2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_062111.pdf:Gao2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_062111.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; stochastic processes}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/062111/1}, } @Article{Gao2013, author = {Zhe Gao}, title = {Collisional damping of the geodesic acoustic mode}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032501}, abstract = {The frequency and damping rate of the geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) is revisited by using a gyrokinetic model with a number-conserving Krook collision operator. It is found that the damping rate of the GAM is non-monotonic as the collision rate increases. At low ion collision rate, the damping rate increases linearly with the collision rate; while as the ion collision rate is higher than vti/R, where vti and R are the ion thermal velocity and major radius, the damping rate decays with an increasing collision rate. At the same time, as the collision rate increases, the GAM frequency decreases from the (7/4+τ)vti/R to (1+τ)vti/R, where τ is the ratio of electron temperature to ion temperature.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4794339}, eid = {032501}, file = {Gao2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032501.pdf:Gao2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma collision processes; plasma oscillations; plasma temperature; plasma thermodynamics; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032501/1}, } @Article{Garbet2012, author = {X Garbet and J Abiteboul and A Strugarek and Y Sarazin and G Dif-Pradalier and P Ghendrih and V Grandgirard and C Bourdelle and G Latu and A Smolyakov}, title = {Thermodynamics of neoclassical and turbulent transport}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {5}, pages = {055007}, abstract = {A variational principle based on the calculation of the entropy production rate is derived, which covers particle, momentum and heat transport. This principle is used to define proper thermodynamical forces and fluxes. When turbulent parallel wavenumbers are small, and fluctuations are ballooned, it is found that the forces are the gradients of density, velocity and temperature normalized to canonical profiles, which are power laws of the magnetic field. The transport matrix is symmetrical for a given background of fluctuations, i.e. if the dependence of the turbulence intensity on gradients is ignored. Minimization of the entropy production rate implies that the profiles tend to relax towards their canonical values, though these values are never reached simultaneously since they are linearly stable. Also it turns out that parallel and perpendicular canonical temperatures are not the same, so that the equilibrium distribution function relaxes towards a two-temperature Maxwellian. When finite turbulence parallel wavenumbers are accounted for, residual fluxes appear. Forces can be redefined to preserve Onsager symmetry but residual heat and momentum sources remain, which correspond to turbulent heating and momentum transfer.}, file = {Garbet2012_0741-3335_54_5_055007.pdf:Garbet2012_0741-3335_54_5_055007.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.04.13}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=5/a=055007}, } @Article{Garcia-Munoz2009, author = {M. García-Muñoz and H.-U. Fahrbach and S.D. Pinches and V. Bobkov and M. Brüdgam and M. Gobbin and S. Günter and V. Igochine and Ph. Lauber and M.J. Mantsinen and M. Maraschek and L. Marrelli and P. Martin and P. Piovesan and E. Poli and K. Sassenberg and G. Tardini and H. Zohm and the ASDEX Upgrade Team}, title = {MHD induced fast-ion losses on ASDEX Upgrade}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {49}, number = {8}, pages = {085014}, abstract = {A detailed knowledge of the interplay between MHD instabilities and energetic particles has been gained from direct measurements of fast-ion losses (FILs). Time-resolved energy and pitch angle measurements of FIL caused by neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) and toroidicity-induced Alfven eigenmodes (TAEs) have been obtained using a scintillator based FIL detector. The study of FIL due to TAEs has revealed the existence of a new core-localized MHD fluctuation, the Sierpes mode. The Sierpes mode is a non-pure Alfvenic fluctuation which appears in the acoustic branch, dominating the transport of fast-ions in ICRF heated discharges. The internal structure of both TAEs and Sierpes mode has been reconstructed by means of highly resolved multichord soft x-ray measurements. A spatial overlapping of their eigenfunctions leads to a FIL coupling, showing the strong influence that a core-localized fast-ion driven MHD instability may have on the fast-ion transport. We have identified the FIL mechanisms due to NTMs as well as due to TAEs. Drift islands formed by fast-ions in particle phase space are responsible for the loss of NBI fast-ions due to NTMs. In ICRF heated plasmas, a resonance condition fulfilled by the characteristic trapped fast-ion orbit frequencies leads to a phase matching between fast-ion orbit and NTM or TAE magnetic fluctuation. The banana tips of a resonant trapped fast-ion bounce radially due to an E × B drift in the TAE case. The NTM radial bounce of the fast-ion banana tips is caused by the radial component of the perturbed magnetic field lines.}, file = {Garcia-Munoz2009_0029-5515_49_8_085014.pdf:Garcia-Munoz2009_0029-5515_49_8_085014.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/49/i=8/a=085014}, } @Article{Gates2012, author = {Gates, D. A. and Delgado-Aparicio, L.}, title = {Origin of Tokamak Density Limit Scalings}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {165004}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {The onset criterion for radiation driven islands [P. H. Rebut and M. Hugon, Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1984: Proc. 10th Int. Conf. London, 1984, (IAEA, Vienna, 1985), Vol. 2] in combination with a simple cylindrical model of tokamak current channel behavior is consistent with the empirical scaling of the tokamak density limit [ M. Greenwald Nucl. Fusion 28 2199 (1988)]. Many other unexplained phenomena at the density limit are consistent with this novel physics mechanism.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.165004}, file = {Gates2012_PhysRevLett.108.165004.pdf:Gates2012_PhysRevLett.108.165004.pdf:PDF}, issue = {16}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.04.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.165004}, } @Article{Geary1986, author = {J.L. Geary and T. Tajima and J-N. Leboeuf and E.G. Zaidman and J.H. Han}, title = {Two- and three-dimensional magnetoinductive particle codes with guiding center electron motion}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1986}, volume = {42}, number = {3}, pages = {313 - 331}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {A magnetoinductive (Darwin) particle simulation model developed for examinig low frequency plasma behavior with large time steps is presented. Electron motion perpendicular to the magnetic field is treated as massless keeping only the guiding center motion. Electron motion parallel to the magnetic field retains full inertial effects as does the ion motion. This model has been implemented in two and three dimensions. Computational tests of the equilibrium properties of the code are compared with linear theory and the flunctuation dissipation theorem. This code has been applied to the problems of Alfvén wave resonance heating and twist-kink modes.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(86)90002-0}, file = {Geary1986_1-s2.0-0010465586900020-main.pdf:Geary1986_1-s2.0-0010465586900020-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.06}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465586900020}, } @Article{Gekelman1999, author = {Gekelman, Walter}, title = {Review of laboratory experiments on Alfv�n waves and their relationship to space observations}, journal = {J. Geophys. Res.}, year = {1999}, volume = {104}, number = {A7}, pages = {14417--14435}, issn = {0148-0227}, abstract = {Hannes Alfv�n predicted the existence of a hydrodynamic wave in a perfectly conducting fluid in 1942. It took 6 years before this discovery was accepted and 10 years before Alfv�n waves were first observed in the laboratory. Now it is widely recognized that these waves are ubiquitous in space plasmas and are the means by which information about changing currents and magnetic fields are communicated. Alfv�n waves have been observed in the solar wind, are thought to be prevalent in the solar corona, may be responsible for parallel electric fields in the aurora, and can cause particle acceleration over large distances in interstellar space. They have also been considered as a candidate for heating thermonuclear plasmas and are potentially dangerous to confinement. Alfv�n waves have been difficult to observe in basic laboratory experiments because of their low frequencies and long wavelengths. In this paper we present a review of plasma Alfv�n wave experiments performed in recent years. The quality of the laboratory data have paralleled advances in plasma sources and diagnostics. In the past few years the quantum jump in data collection on the Freja and FAST missions have lead to the reevaluation of the importance of these waves in the highly structured plasma that was probed. Recent laboratory experiments have examined, in great detail, shear waves generated by filamentary currents in both spatially uniform and striated plasmas. Tone bursts, short pulses, and interference effects have been studied with emphasis on structures of the order of the skin depth, c/ω pe . These are features of significant interest to the space community. In fact, it appears that the phenomena observed in laboratory experiments show striking similarities to what has been observed in space. A comparison of these results will be given.}, file = {Gekelman1999_98JA00161.pdf:Gekelman1999_98JA00161.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AGU}, timestamp = {2012.07.11}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/98JA00161}, } @Article{Gervais1980, author = {F. Gervais and J. Olivain and A. Quemeneur and M. Trocheris}, title = {Interaction between a Langmuir wave and a ballistic perturbation}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1980}, volume = {23}, number = {10}, pages = {2034-2044}, abstract = {The theoretical solutions of the Landau–Vlasov initial value problem giving mode‐mode coupling usually neglect the free‐streaming contribution. The problem is solved theoretically including the ballistic terms. A mode, resulting from the interaction between the ballistic perturbation of the frequency ω′ associated with a launched wave and the Landau component of frequency ω′′ of a second launched wave, appears only if ω′′≳ω′. Its frequency is ω=ω′′−ω′ and its phase velocity is identical to that of the Landau mode ω/k=ω′′/k′′. The amplitude of this mode is calculated as a function of distance from the launching probe and this is compared with the amplitude measured experimentally in a plasma column.}, doi = {10.1063/1.862890}, file = {Gervais1980_PFL002034.pdf:Gervais1980_PFL002034.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA WAVES; DISTURBANCES; INTERACTIONS; BOLTZMANNVLASOV EQUATION; NORMALMODE ANALYSIS; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; ANALYTICAL SOLUTION; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; FOURIER ANALYSIS; LAPLACE TRANSFORMATIONS; PROBES; COLLISIONLESS PLASMA; CYLINDRICAL CONFIGURATION; MAGNETIC FIELDS; CORRELATION FUNCTIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/23/2034/1}, } @Article{Ghantous2012, author = {K. Ghantous and N. N. Gorelenkov and H. L. Berk and W. W. Heidbrink and M. A. Van Zeeland}, title = {1.5D quasilinear model and its application on beams interacting with Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes in DIII-D}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {092511}, abstract = {We propose a model, denoted here by 1.5D, to study energetic particle (EP) interaction with toroidal Alfvenic eigenmodes (TAE) in the case where the local EP drive for TAE exceeds the stability limit. Based on quasilinear theory, the proposed 1.5D model assumes that the particles diffuse in phase space, flattening the pressure profile until its gradient reaches a critical value where the modes stabilize. Using local theories and NOVA-K simulations of TAE damping and growth rates, the 1.5D model calculates the critical gradient and reconstructs the relaxed EP pressure profile. Local theory is improved from previous study by including more sophisticated damping and drive mechanisms such as the numerical computation of the effect of the EP finite orbit width on the growth rate. The 1.5D model is applied on the well-diagnosed DIII-D discharges #142111 [M. A. Van Zeeland et al., Phys. Plasmas 18, 135001 (2011)] and #127112 [W. W. Heidbrink et al., Nucl. Fusion. 48, 084001 (2008)]. We achieved a very satisfactory agreement with the experimental results on the EP pressure profiles redistribution and measured losses. This agreement of the 1.5D model with experimental results allows the use of this code as a guide for ITER plasma operation where it is desired to have no more than 5% loss of fusion alpha particles as limited by the design.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4752011}, eid = {092511}, file = {Ghantous2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092511.pdf:Ghantous2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092511.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; numerical analysis; plasma instability; plasma pressure; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma-beam interactions; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/092511/1}, } @Article{Ghendrih1996, author = {Ph Ghendrih and A Grosman and H Capes}, title = {Theoretical and experimental investigations of stochastic boundaries in tokamaks}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1996}, volume = {38}, number = {10}, pages = {1653}, abstract = {This review paper addresses the physics of stochastic boundaries. Although it is focused on the tokamak configuration many features are common to the stochastic boundaries of stellarators. The stochastic properties of magnetic field lines are recalled and related to the spectrum of the radial magnetic perturbation. The stochastic region, referred to as the divertor volume, is shown to be bounded to the edge plasma. Furthermore, the stochastic features discriminate two regions. On short scales, the stochasticity is not effective and parallel transport dominates, this defines the laminar region. On the long scales one recovers the proper stochastic features which characterize the ergodic regime. Theoretical predictions for the transport of energy, current and particles in the divertor volume are analysed for both the laminar and ergodic regimes. A strong increase in electron transport is expected which should lead to a strong increase in the heat diffusivity, a strong increase in the resistivity in the toroidal direction and generally a decrease in the free electron lifetime in the divertor volume. Ambipolarity of particle transport is ensured by a radial electric field. The ion transport, i.e. particle transport, is then more difficult to analyse since one has to consider the strong coupling to the electron temperature field and to the electric potential field. The perturbation level is such that the particle transport induced by the stochasticity remains comparable to the anomalous transport. The experimental data show good agreement with the predictions on electron transport. This translates into a flattening of the edge temperature gradient, a narrowing of the current channel, which probably governs the observed stabilization of MHD activity, and a strong decrease in the lifetime of the runaway electrons. Regarding particle transport, the response is larger than expected and stochastic boundaries are characterized by significant screening properties compared to limiter shots. This property is shown to be a signature of a pumping capability combined with a change of transport properties. Indeed the transport of neutrals is changed since the ratio of the ionization scales to the distance between the recycling surfaces and the separatrix is reduced. Furthermore, a decreased lifetime of the ions at the very edge of the plasma is expected. Screening effects are thus observed for species exhibiting large wall pumping capability, while He and Ne are weakly affected by the stochastic boundary. The plasma properties in the ergodic volume, namely a reduced edge temperature, an increased impurity radiation, an efficient particle screening and the stabilization of MHD activity, have opened the way to radiating layer investigations on Tore Supra. Stable operation has been achieved with 80% of radiated power and radio frequency heating up to 6 MW.}, file = {Ghendrih1996_0741-3335_38_10_002.pdf:Ghendrih1996_0741-3335_38_10_002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/38/i=10/a=002}, } @Article{Ghim2013, author = {Ghim, Y.-c. and Schekochihin, A. A. and Field, A. R. and Abel, I. G. and Barnes, M. and Colyer, G. and Cowley, S. C. and Parra, F. I. and Dunai, D. and Zoletnik, S.}, title = {Experimental Signatures of Critically Balanced Turbulence in MAST}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {145002}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {Beam emission spectroscopy (BES) measurements of ion-scale density fluctuations in the MAST tokamak are used to show that the turbulence correlation time, the drift time associated with ion temperature or density gradients, the particle (ion) streaming time along the magnetic field, and the magnetic drift time are consistently comparable, suggesting a “critically balanced” turbulence determined by the local equilibrium. The resulting scalings of the poloidal and radial correlation lengths are derived and tested. The nonlinear time inferred from the density fluctuations is longer than the other times; its ratio to the correlation time scales as ν*i-0.8±0.1, where ν*i=ion   collision   rate/streaming   rate. This is consistent with turbulent decorrelation being controlled by a zonal component, invisible to the BES, with an amplitude exceeding those of the drift waves by ∼ν*i-0.8.}, collaboration = {the MAST Team}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.145002}, file = {Ghim2013_PhysRevLett.110.145002.pdf:Ghim2013_PhysRevLett.110.145002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {14}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.04.03}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.145002}, } @Article{Gimblett2006, author = {C. G. Gimblett}, title = {Peeling mode relaxation ELM model}, journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, year = {2006}, volume = {871}, number = {1}, pages = {87-99}, abstract = {This paper discusses an approach to modelling Edge Localised Modes (ELMs) in which toroidal peeling modes are envisaged to initiate a constrained relaxation of the tokamak outer region plasma. Relaxation produces both a flattened edge current profile (which tends to further destabilise a peeling mode), and a plasma‐vacuum negative current sheet which has a counteracting stabilising influence; the balance that is struck between these two effects determines the radial extent (rE) of the ELM relaxed region. The model is sensitive to the precise position of the mode rational surfaces to the plasma surface and hence there is a ‘deterministic scatter’ in the results that has an accord with experimental data. The toroidal peeling stability criterion involves the edge pressure, and using this in conjunction with predictions of rE allows us to evaluate the ELM energy losses and compare with experiment. Predictions of trends with the edge safety factor and collisionality are also made.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2404542}, editor = {Olivier Sauter}, file = {Gimblett2006_APC000087.pdf:Gimblett2006_APC000087.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma toroidal confinement}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APC/871/87/1}, } @Article{Ginzburg1996, author = {Vitalii L Ginzburg}, title = {Radiation by uniformly moving sources (Vavilov–Cherenkov effect, transition radiation, and other phenomena)}, journal = {Physics-Uspekhi}, year = {1996}, volume = {39}, number = {10}, pages = {973}, file = {Ginzburg1996_1063-7869_39_10_A02.pdf:Ginzburg1996_1063-7869_39_10_A02.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.01}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1063-7869/39/i=10/a=A02}, } @Article{Glassey1995, author = {Glassey, Robert and Schaeffer, Jack}, journal = {Communications in Partial Differential Equations}, title = {On time decay rates in landau damping}, year = {1995}, number = {3-4}, pages = {647-676}, volume = {20}, abstract = {In a previous publication the authors have obtained time decay rates for solutions to the initial-value problem for the linearized Vlasov equation (in one space dimension).}, doi = {10.1080/03605309508821107}, eprint = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/03605309508821107}, file = {Glassey1995_03605309508821108.pdf:Glassey1995_03605309508821108.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03605309508821107}, } @Article{Glyavin2013, author = {M. Yu. Glyavin and N. A. Zavolskiy and A. S. Sedov and G. S. Nusinovich}, title = {Low-voltage gyrotrons}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {033103}, abstract = {For a long time, the gyrotrons were primarily developed for electron cyclotron heating and current drive of plasmas in controlled fusion reactors where a multi-megawatt, quasi-continuous millimeter-wave power is required. In addition to this important application, there are other applications (and their number increases with time) which do not require a very high power level, but such issues as the ability to operate at low voltages and have compact devices are very important. For example, gyrotrons are of interest for a dynamic nuclear polarization, which improves the sensitivity of the nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In this paper, some issues important for operation of gyrotrons driven by low-voltage electron beams are analyzed. An emphasis is made on the efficiency of low-voltage gyrotron operation at the fundamental and higher cyclotron harmonics. These efficiencies calculated with the account for ohmic losses were, first, determined in the framework of the generalized gyrotron theory based on the cold-cavity approximation. Then, more accurate, self-consistent calculations for the fundamental and second harmonic low-voltage sub-THz gyrotron designs were carried out. Results of these calculations are presented and discussed. It is shown that operation of the fundamental and second harmonic gyrotrons with noticeable efficiencies is possible even at voltages as low as 5–10 kV. Even the third harmonic gyrotrons can operate at voltages about 15 kV, albeit with rather low efficiency (1%–2% in the submillimeter wavelength region).}, doi = {10.1063/1.4791663}, eid = {033103}, file = {Glyavin2013_PhysPlasmas_20_033103.pdf:Glyavin2013_PhysPlasmas_20_033103.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {fusion reactor design; gyrotrons; nuclear magnetic resonance; nuclear polarisation; plasma ohmic heating; plasma radiofrequency heating; plasma-beam interactions}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/033103/1}, } @Article{Godfrey1975, author = {Godfrey, Brendan B. and Newberger, Barry S. and Taggart, Keith A.}, title = {A Relativistic Plasma Dispersion Function}, journal = {Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on}, year = {1975}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {60 -67}, month = {june}, issn = {0093-3813}, abstract = {Not availableA relativistic plasma dispersion function is defined, and its analytic properties discussed. Using this function, it should prove possible to formulate relativistic plasma linear theory in a particularly simple form for study either analytically or numerically. As an example, the dispersion relation for Langmuir waves in a one-dimensional relativistic plasma is solved and compared against the results of computer simulations. Agreement is good for waves of phase velocity either above or below the speed of light. Two appendices are provided, the first giving several expansions and other representations of the dispersion function, the second discussing numerical methods for its evaluation. Contour plots of the function are included.}, doi = {10.1109/TPS.1975.4316876}, file = {Godfrey1975_04316876.pdf:Godfrey1975_04316876.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, } @Article{Gohil2006, author = {Punit Gohil}, title = {Edge transport barriers in magnetic fusion plasmas}, journal = {Comptes Rendus Physique}, year = {2006}, volume = {7}, number = {6}, pages = {606 - 621}, issn = {1631-0705}, note = {Turbulent transport in fusion magnetised plasmas Transport turbulent dans les plasmas magnétisés de fusion}, abstract = {The present level of understanding of the physics of the formation and sustainment of edge transport barriers in magnetically confined fusion plasmas is presented. The formation of edge transport barriers is studied through evolution of mechanisms which can suppress plasma turbulence and so reduce turbulent driven transport, such as E × B flow shear stabilization of turbulence. Comparisons of theoretical studies with experimental results are described including investigations of zonal flows, which are considered important for saturation and self-regulation of turbulence and turbulence-driven transport. Processes that affect the dynamics and spatial structure of the edge barrier are described with emphasis on the width of the transport barrier. To cite this article: P. Gohil, C. R. Physique 7 (2006).}, doi = {10.1016/j.crhy.2006.06.006}, file = {Gohil2006_1-s2.0-S1631070506001186-main.pdf:Gohil2006_1-s2.0-S1631070506001186-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Magnetic fusion plasma}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1631070506001186}, } @Article{Gonzalez2012, author = {S González and J Vega and A Murari and A Pereira and S Dormido-Canto and J M Ramírez and JET-EFDA contributors}, title = {Automatic location of L/H transition times for physical studies with a large statistical basis}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {6}, pages = {065009}, abstract = {Completely automatic techniques to estimate and validate L/H transition times can be essential in L/H transition analyses. The generation of databases with hundreds of transition times and without human intervention is an important step to accomplish (a) L/H transition physics analysis, (b) validation of L/H theoretical models and (c) creation of L/H scaling laws. An entirely unattended methodology is presented in this paper to build large databases of transition times in JET using time series. The proposed technique has been applied to a dataset of 551 JET discharges between campaigns C21 and C26. A prediction with discharges that show a clear signature in time series is made through the locating properties of the wavelet transform. It is an accurate prediction and the uncertainty interval is ±3.2 ms. The discharges with a non-clear pattern in the time series use an L/H mode classifier based on discharges with a clear signature. In this case, the estimation error shows a distribution with mean and standard deviation of 27.9 ms and 37.62 ms, respectively. Two different regression methods have been applied to the measurements acquired at the transition times identified by the automatic system. The obtained scaling laws for the threshold power are not significantly different from those obtained using the data at the transition times determined manually by the experts. The automatic methods allow performing physical studies with a large number of discharges, showing, for example, that there are statistically different types of transitions characterized by different scaling laws.}, file = {Gonzalez2012_0741-3335_54_6_065009.pdf:Gonzalez2012_0741-3335_54_6_065009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.25}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=6/a=065009}, } @Article{Goodnick1995, author = {Goodnick, Stephen M. and Pennathur, Shankar S. and Ranawake, Udaya A. and Lenders, Patrick M. and Tripathi, Vijai K.}, title = {Parallel implementation of a Monte Carlo particle simulation coupled to Maxwell's equations}, journal = {International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields}, year = {1995}, volume = {8}, number = {3-4}, pages = {205--219}, issn = {1099-1204}, abstract = {PMC-3D, a parallel three-dimensional (3-D) Monte Carlo device simulator for multicomputers is discussed. The parallel algorithm is and extension of the standard Monte Carlo device simulation model in three dimensions, that combines the stockastic Monte Carlo particle simulation method with a solution of Poisson equation for quasi-static problems, and full Maxwell's equations for microwave or electro-optic phenomena. While our implementation of the Poisson solver is based on an iterative method that uses and odd/even ordering with Chebyshev acceleration, a simple leapfrog method based upon the computational unit of Yee cell is used in a finite-difference, time-domain (FDTD) formulation to solve Maxwell's equations.The parallel algorithms were implemented on a 1024-node distributed memory nCUBE multicomputer. In this work, we present the application of PMC-3D to generate the static current-Voltage characteristics of GaAs MESFET, and to simulate photogenerated femtosecond electrical transients produced in coplanar stripline on a GaAs substrate.}, doi = {10.1002/jnm.1660080306}, file = {Goodnick1995_1660080306_ftp.pdf:Goodnick1995_1660080306_ftp.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd}, timestamp = {2012.10.11}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jnm.1660080306}, } @Article{Gopalsamy1970, author = {Gopalsamy, K. and Aggarwala, B. D.}, title = {Monte Carlo Methods for some Fourth Order Partial Differential Equations}, journal = {ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik}, year = {1970}, volume = {50}, number = {12}, pages = {759--767}, issn = {1521-4001}, abstract = {This paper deals with the formulation of Monte Carlo methods to solve certain classes of boundary value problems associated with partial differential equations of fourth order. The proposed technique is also useful to solve a system of two second order elliptic partial differential equations.}, doi = {10.1002/zamm.19700501206}, file = {Gopalsamy1970_19700501206_ftp.pdf:Gopalsamy1970_19700501206_ftp.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2012.10.01}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/zamm.19700501206}, } @Article{Gorelenkov2013, author = {N N Gorelenkov and R B White}, title = {Perturbative study of energetic particle redistribution by Alfvén eigenmodes in ITER}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {1}, pages = {015007}, abstract = {The modification of particle distributions by magnetohydrodynamic modes is an important topic for magnetically confined plasmas. Low amplitude modes are known to be capable of producing significant modification of injected neutral beam profiles. Flattening of a distribution due to phase mixing in an island or due to portions of phase space becoming stochastic is a process extremely rapid on the time scale of equilibrium parameter changes in an experiment. In this paper, we examine the effect of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) and reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAE) in ITER on alpha particle and injected beam distributions using theoretically predicted mode amplitudes using perturbative linear theory. It is found that for the equilibrium of a hybrid scenario even at ten times the predicted saturation level the modes have negligible effect on these distributions. A strongly reversed shear (or advanced) scenario, having a spectrum of modes that are much more global, is somewhat more susceptible to induced loss due to mode resonance, with alpha particle losses of over 1% with predicted amplitudes and somewhat larger with the assistance of toroidal field ripple. The elevated q profile contributes to stronger TAE (RSAE) drive and more unstable modes. An analysis of the existing mode-particle resonances is carried out to determine which modes are responsible for the profile modification and induced loss. We find that losses are entirely due to resonance with the counter-moving and trapped particle populations, with co-moving passing particles participating in resonances only deep within the plasma core and not leading to loss.}, file = {Gorelenkov2013_0741-3335_55_1_015007.pdf:Gorelenkov2013_0741-3335_55_1_015007.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.25}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=1/a=015007}, } @Article{Gott2002, author = {Gott, Yu. and Yurchenko, É.}, title = {Physical nature of the electric current produced by the asymmetry of particle motion in toroidal magnetic confinement systems}, journal = {Plasma Physics Reports}, year = {2002}, volume = {28}, pages = {382-394}, issn = {1063-780X}, abstract = {A new type of longitudinal electric current is revealed by analyzing the drift trajectories of charged particles in a tokamak—the current that may be referred to as the asymmetry current because it is associated with the asymmetry of the boundary between trapped and transit particles in phase space. The generation of this current is explained by the fact that the motions of the particles that cross the magnetic surface at a given point in opposite directions are qualitatively different. The asymmetry current results from the toroidal variations of the magnetic field and is maintained by the radial momentum flux of transit particles. The contribution of the particles of different species to the asymmetry current density is proportional to their pressure, is independent of the gradients of the plasma parameters, is maximum at the magnetic axis, and decreases toward the plasma periphery. In contrast to standard neoclassical theory, the asymmetry current can be found only from exact particle trajectories. The asymmetry current is calculated for tokamaks with differently shaped magnetic surfaces and for a model stellarator. By exploiting the newly revealed asymmetry current, together with the bootstrap current, it may be possible to substantially simplify the problem of creating a tokamak reactor.}, affiliation = {Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute Nuclear Fusion Institute pl. Kurchatova 1 Moscow 123182 Russia pl. Kurchatova 1 Moscow 123182 Russia}, file = {Gott2002_fulltext.pdf:Gott2002_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, issue = {5}, keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC.}, timestamp = {2012.08.04}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/1.1478526}, } @Article{Gould1967, author = {Gould, R. W. and O'Neil, T. M. and Malmberg, J. H.}, title = {Plasma Wave Echo}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1967}, volume = {19}, pages = {219--222}, month = {Jul}, abstract = {It is shown that if a longitudinal wave is excited in a collision-free plasma and Landaudamps away, and a second wave is excited and also damps away, then a third wave (i.e., the echo) will spontaneously appear in the plasma.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.19.219}, file = {Gould1967_PhysRevLett.19.219.pdf:Gould1967_PhysRevLett.19.219.pdf:PDF}, issue = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.22}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.19.219}, } @Article{Goumiri2013, author = {I. R. Goumiri and C. W. Rowley and Z. Ma and D. A. Gates and J. A. Krommes and J. B. Parker}, title = {Reduced-order model based feedback control of the modified Hasegawa-Wakatani model}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {042501}, abstract = {In this work, the development of model-based feedback control that stabilizes an unstable equilibrium is obtained for the Modified Hasegawa-Wakatani (MHW) equations, a classic model in plasma turbulence. First, a balanced truncation (a model reduction technique that has proven successful in flow control design problems) is applied to obtain a low dimensional model of the linearized MHW equation. Then, a model-based feedback controller is designed for the reduced order model using linear quadratic regulators. Finally, a linear quadratic Gaussian controller which is more resistant to disturbances is deduced. The controller is applied on the non-reduced, nonlinear MHW equations to stabilize the equilibrium and suppress the transition to drift-wave induced turbulence.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4796190}, eid = {042501}, file = {Goumiri2013_PhysPlasmas_20_042501.pdf:Goumiri2013_PhysPlasmas_20_042501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {drift instability; feedback; flow control; linear quadratic Gaussian control; plasma drift waves; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.03}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/042501/1}, } @Article{Grad1974, author = {Grad, H. and Kadish, A. and Stevens, D. C.}, title = {A free boundary tokamak equilibrium}, journal = {Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics}, year = {1974}, volume = {27}, number = {1}, pages = {39--57}, issn = {1097-0312}, doi = {10.1002/cpa.3160270104}, file = {Grad1974_3160270104_ftp.pdf:Grad1974_3160270104_ftp.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company}, timestamp = {2012.08.03}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cpa.3160270104}, } @Article{Gratreau1993, author = {Gratreau,P. and Robouch,B. V.}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {Guiding-centre motion in the framework of Hamilton–Jacobi theory}, year = {1993}, number = {03}, pages = {445-463}, volume = {49}, abstract = {ABSTRACT Following renewed interest in the guiding-centre problem, we propose an alternative to previous approaches. It consists essentially in demonstrating the existence of a representative simple model for which the problem is rigorously solved in the Hamilton–Jacobi framework. It is shown that a perturbation method allows the extension of the model to more realistic cases. A further extension to cover both magnetic-mirror configurations and tokamaks can be achieved.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377800017128}, eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377800017128}, file = {Gratreau1993_S0022377800017128a.pdf:Gratreau1993_S0022377800017128a.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.04.17}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377800017128}, } @Article{Graves2000, author = {J P Graves and R J Hastie and K I Hopcraft}, title = {The effects of sheared toroidal plasma rotation on the internal kink mode in the banana regime}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2000}, volume = {42}, number = {10}, pages = {1049}, abstract = {The stability of the ideal internal kink mode is calculated, taking into account the kinetic response of thermal ions in the external region and the singular layer. By extending the collisionless dispersion relation to include the equilibrium radial electric field it is found that the stability of the internal kink mode depends sensitively on sheared toroidal plasma rotation. The sheared toroidal plasma rotation can increase the critical pressure for internal kink mode displacements typically by a factor of two.}, file = {Graves2000_0741-3335_42_10_304.pdf:Graves2000_0741-3335_42_10_304.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.18}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/42/i=10/a=304}, } @Article{Gray2013, author = {Gray, T. and Brown, M. R. and Dandurand, D.}, title = {Observation of a Relaxed Plasma State in a Quasi-Infinite Cylinder}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {085002}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {A helical relaxed plasma state is observed in a long cylindrical volume. The cylinder is long enough so that the predicted minimum energy state is a close approximation to the infinite cylinder solution. The plasma is injected at v≥50  km/s by a coaxial magnetized plasma gun located at one end of the cylindrical volume. The relaxed state is rapidly attained in 1–2 axial Alfvén times after initiation of the plasma. Magnetic data are favorably compared with an analytical model. Magnetic data exhibit broadband fluctuations of the measured axial modes during the formation period. The broadband activity rapidly decays as the energy condenses into the lowest energy mode, which is in agreement with the minimum energy eigenstate of ∇×B=λB.A helical relaxed plasma state is observed in a long cylindrical volume. The cylinder is long enough so that the predicted minimum energy state is a close approximation to the infinite cylinder solution. The plasma is injected at v≥50  km/s by a coaxial magnetized plasma gun located at one end of the cylindrical volume. The relaxed state is rapidly attained in 1–2 axial Alfvén times after initiation of the plasma. Magnetic data are favorably compared with an analytical model. Magnetic data exhibit broadband fluctuations of the measured axial modes during the formation period. The broadband activity rapidly decays as the energy condenses into the lowest energy mode, which is in agreement with the minimum energy eigenstate of ∇×B=λB.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.085002}, file = {Gray2013_PhysRevLett.110.085002.pdf:Gray2013_PhysRevLett.110.085002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {8}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.03.01}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.085002}, } @Article{Greene1981, author = {J.M. Greene and M.S. Chance}, title = {The second region of stability against ballooning modes}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1981}, volume = {21}, number = {4}, pages = {453}, abstract = {A new type of axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium is presented. It is characterized by a region of pressure and safety factor variation with a short scale length imposed as a perturbation. The equilibrium consistent with these profile variations can be calculated by means of an asymptotic expansion. The flexibility obtained by generating such equilibria allows for a close examination of the mechanisms that are relevant to ballooning instabilities – ideal-MHD modes with large toroidal mode number. The so-called first and second regions of stability against these modes are seen well within the limits of validity of the asymptotic expansion. It appears that the modes must be localized in regions with small values of the local shear of the magnetic field. The second region of stability occurs where the local shear is large throughout the range where the magnetic-field-line curvature is destabilizing.}, file = {Greene1981_The second region of stability against ballooning modes.pdf:Greene1981_The second region of stability against ballooning modes.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/21/i=4/a=002}, } @Article{Greene1961, author = {John M. Greene and John L. Johnson}, title = {Determination of Hydromagnetic Equilibria}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1961}, volume = {4}, number = {7}, pages = {875-890}, abstract = {Techniques for calculating hydromagnetic equilibria in toroidal systems which differ little from a uniform field are developed. The zeroth‐order magnetic surfaces in these systems differ appreciably from concentric circular toroids. Care is taken to match onto reasonable external fields at the plasma boundary. Expressions for various equilibrium properties including the rotational transform, the net current on each surface, and the magnetic lines of force are obtained. As an illustration of the theory it is shown that the application of a particular field perpendicular to the plane of the torus reduces the distortion associated with the introduction of pressure into the system.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1706420}, file = {Greene1961_PFL000875.pdf:Greene1961_PFL000875.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/4/875/1}, } @Article{Greene1971, author = {John M. Greene and John L. Johnson and Katherine E. Weimer}, title = {Tokamak Equilibrium}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1971}, volume = {14}, number = {3}, pages = {671-683}, abstract = {Axisymmetric hydromagnetic equilibria are obtained from an ideal fluid model by means of an asymptotic expansion in the inverse aspect ratio. The calculation is carried sufficiently far so that the equilibrium condition J×B  =  ≇p is satisfied to second order. This provides expressions for the eccentricity of the constant pressure surfaces as well as for their displacements, and for both the magnitude and the curvature of the external field that must be provided to support the equilibrium. Scaling considerations are invoked to show how the external field must be altered to compress the plasma to a smaller major radius and thus obtain additional heating. Elementary hydromagnetic considerations indicate that the configuration may be stable with respect to modes which have the symmetry of the equilibrium. Application is made to a specific compression heating experiment.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1693488}, file = {Greene1971_PFL000671.pdf:Greene1971_PFL000671.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/14/671/1}, } @Article{Greengard1997, author = {L. Greengard and V. Rokhlin}, title = {A Fast Algorithm for Particle Simulations}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1997}, volume = {135}, number = {2}, pages = {280 - 292}, issn = {0021-9991}, note = {http://www.stat.uchicago.edu/~lekheng/courses/302/classics/ http://www.mysanco.com/wenda/index.php?class=discuss\&action=question_item\&questionid=1532}, abstract = {An algorithm is presented for the rapid evaluation of the potential and force fields in systems involving large numbers of particles whose interactions are Coulombic or gravitational in nature. For a system ofNparticles, an amount of work of the orderO(N2) has traditionally been required to evaluate all pairwise interactions, unless some approximation or truncation method is used. The algorithm of the present paper requires an amount of work proportional toNto evaluate all interactions to within roundoff error, making it considerably more practical for large-scale problems encountered in plasma physics, fluid dynamics, molecular dynamics, and celestial mechanics.}, doi = {10.1006/jcph.1997.5706}, file = {Greengard1997_1-s2.0-S0021999197957065-main.pdf:Greengard1997_1-s2.0-S0021999197957065-main.pdf:PDF;Greengard1997_1987_A Fast Algorithm for Particle Simulations.pdf:Greengard1997_1987_A Fast Algorithm for Particle Simulations.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.02}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999197957065}, } @Article{Greenwald2002, author = {Martin Greenwald}, title = {Density limits in toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2002}, volume = {44}, number = {8}, pages = {R27}, abstract = {In addition to the operational limits imposed by MHD stability on plasma current and pressure, an independent limit on plasma density is observed in confined toroidal plasmas. This review attempts to summarize recent work on the phenomenology and physics of the density limit. Perhaps the most surprising result is that all of the toroidal confinement devices considered operate in similar ranges of (suitably normalized) densities. The empirical scalings derived independently for tokamaks and reversed-field pinches are essentially identical, while stellarators appear to operate at somewhat higher densities with a different scaling. Dedicated density limit experiments have not been carried out for spheromaks and field-reversed configurations, however, `optimized' discharges in these devices are also well characterized by the same empirical law. In tokamaks, where the most extensive studies have been conducted, there is strong evidence linking the limit to physics near the plasma boundary: thus, it is possible to extend the operational range for line-averaged density by operating with peaked density profiles. Additional particles in the plasma core apparently have no effect on density limit physics. While there is no widely accepted, first principles model for the density limit, research in this area has focussed on mechanisms which lead to strong edge cooling. Theoretical work has concentrated on the consequences of increased impurity radiation which may dominate power balance at high densities and low temperatures. These theories are not entirely satisfactory as they require assumptions about edge transport and make predictions for power and impurity scaling that may not be consistent with experimental results. A separate thread of research looks for the cause in collisionality enhanced turbulent transport. While there is experimental and theoretical support for this approach, understanding of the underlying mechanisms is only at a rudimentary stage and no predictive capability is yet available.}, file = {Greenwald2002_0741-3335_44_8_201.pdf:Greenwald2002_0741-3335_44_8_201.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/44/i=8/a=201}, } @Article{Grigoriu2000, author = {M. Grigoriu}, title = {A Monte Carlo Solution of Heat Conduction and Poisson Equations}, journal = {Journal of Heat Transfer}, year = {2000}, volume = {122}, number = {1}, pages = {40-45}, abstract = {A Monte Carlo method is developed for solving the heat conduction, Poisson, and Laplace equations. The method is based on properties of Brownian motion and Itô processes, the Itô formula for differentiable functions of these processes, and the similarities between the generator of Itô processes and the differential operators of these equations. The proposed method is similar to current Monte Carlo solutions, such as the fixed random walk, exodus, and floating walk methods, in the sense that it is local, that is, it determines the solution at a single point or a small set of points of the domain of definition of the heat conduction equation directly. However, the proposed and the current Monte Carlo solutions are based on different theoretical considerations. The proposed Monte Carlo method has some attractive features. The method does not require to discretize the domain of definition of the differential equation, can be applied to domains of any dimension and geometry, works for both Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, and provides simple solutions for the steady-state and transient heat equations. Several examples are presented to illustrate the application of the proposed method and demonstrate its accuracy.}, doi = {10.1115/1.521435}, file = {Grigoriu2000_JHR000040.pdf:Grigoriu2000_JHR000040.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {heat exchangers; heat conduction; Poisson equation; Monte Carlo methods; Brownian motion}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {ASME}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JHR/122/40/1}, } @Article{Grimm1983, author = {R.C Grimm and R.L Dewar and J Manickam}, title = {Ideal MHD stability calculations in axisymmetric toroidal coordinate systems}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1983}, volume = {49}, number = {1}, pages = {94 - 117}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A scalar form of the ideal MHD energy principle is shown to provide a more accurate and efficient numerical method for determining the stability of an axisymmetric toroidal equilibrium than the usual vector form. Additional improvement is obtained by employing a class of straight magnetic field line flux coordinates which allow for an optimal choice of the poloidal angle in the minor cross section of the torus. The usefulness of these techniques is illustrated by a study (using a new code, PEST 2) of the convergence properties of the finite element Galerkin representation in tokamak and spheromak geometries, and by the accurate determination of critical β values for ballooning modes.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(83)90116-X}, file = {Grimm1983_Ideal MHD stability calculations in axisymmetric toroidal coordinate systems.pdf:Grimm1983_Ideal MHD stability calculations in axisymmetric toroidal coordinate systems.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.05}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002199918390116X}, } @Article{Grismayer2011, author = {T Grismayer and J E Fahlen and V K Decyk and W B Mori}, title = {On the time-dependent resonant width for Landau damping: theory and PIC simulation}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {53}, number = {7}, pages = {074011}, abstract = {We use electrostatic partice-in-cell (PIC) simulations and theory to study the damping of 1D plasma waves. We consider the linear regime where the asymptotic damping rate is much bigger than the bounce frequency. In this regime the waves are typically very small and often below the thermal noise in simulations and experiments. These waves can be studied using a subtraction technique in which two simulations with identical random number generation seeds are carried out. In the first, a small amplitude wave is excited. In the second simulation no wave is excited. The results from each simulation are subtracted providing a clean linear wave that can be studied. Since the Landau derivation does not provide a description of damping in terms of individual particle trajectories, we analyze Landau damping using a Lagrangian approach based on energy conservation and the linearized particle trajectories. This method provides a time-dependent resonance curve and the energy transfer of the particles in the damping process. The time-dependent resonant width measured in the simulations is compared with the theoretical prediction. Simulations in which particles within the resonance width are removed are also presented.}, file = {Grismayer2011_0741-3335_53_7_074011.pdf:Grismayer2011_0741-3335_53_7_074011.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=7/a=074011}, } @Article{Gryaznevich2005, author = {Mikhail P. Gryaznevich and Sergei E. Sharapov and Herbert L. Berk and Simon D. Pinches}, title = {Alfven Eigenmodes in Spherical Tokamaks}, journal = {IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials}, year = {2005}, volume = {125}, number = {11}, pages = {908-913}, abstract = {Electromagnetic instabilities are often excited by fast super-Alfvénic ions produced by neutral beam injection (NBI) in plasmas of the spherical tokamaks START and MAST (toroidal magnetic confinement devices in which the minor a and major R0 radii of the torus are comparable, R0/a = 1.2÷1.8). These instabilities are seen as discrete weakly-damped toroidal and elliptical Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs and EAEs) with frequencies tracing in time the Alfvén scaling with the equilibrium magnetic field and plasma density, or as energetic particle modes (EPMs) whose frequencies don't start from TAE-frequency and sweep down in time faster than the equilibrium parameters change. In some discharges the beam drives Alfvénic-type modes that start from the TAE frequency and sweep in both up- and down- directions. Such electromagnetic perturbations are interpreted as `hole-clump' long-living nonlinear fluctuations of the fast ion distribution function predicted by Berk-Breizman-Petviashvili [Phys. Lett. A238 (1998) 408]. It is found on both START and MAST that the Alfvén instabilities weaken in their mode amplitude and in the number of unstable modes as the pressure of the thermal plasma increases, in agreement with increased thermal ion Landau damping and the pressure effect on core-localised TAEs.}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.05}, url = {https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ieejfms/125/11/125_11_908/_article}, } @Article{Guan2013, author = {Xiaoyin Guan and Hong Qin and Jian Liu and Nathaniel J. Fisch}, title = {On the toroidal plasma rotations induced by lower hybrid waves}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022502}, abstract = {A theoretical model is developed to explain the plasma rotations induced by lower hybrid waves in Alcator C-Mod. In this model, torodial rotations are driven by the Lorentz force on the bulk-electron flow across flux surfaces, which is a response of the plasma to the resonant-electron flow across flux surfaces induced by the lower hybrid waves. The flow across flux surfaces of the resonant electrons and the bulk electrons are coupled through the radial electric field initiated by the resonant electrons, and the friction between ions and electrons transfers the toroidal momentum to ions from electrons. An improved quasilinear theory with gyrophase dependent distribution function is developed to calculate the perpendicular resonant-electron flow. Toroidal rotations are determined using a set of fluid equations for bulk electrons and ions, which are solved numerically by a finite-difference method. Numerical results agree well with the experimental observations in terms of flow profile and amplitude. The model explains the strong correlation between torodial flow and internal inductance observed experimentally, and predicts both counter-current and co-current flows, depending on the perpendicular wave vectors of the lower hybrid waves.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4791666}, eid = {022502}, file = {Guan2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022502.pdf:Guan2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {finite difference methods; plasma hybrid waves; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022502/1}, } @Article{Guazzotto2012, author = {L. Guazzotto and R. Betti}, title = {Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of edge poloidal flows}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114006}, abstract = {Edge poloidal flows exceeding the poloidal sound speed lead to the formation of a pedestal structure (Guazzotto and Betti 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 125002). This result is based on the existence of ‘transonic’ equilibria, in which the edge region of the plasma flows supersonically with respect to the poloidal sound speed (i.e. the sound speed reduced by a factor B θ / B ), while the plasma core is rotating with subsonic poloidal velocities. The ideal-MHD equilibrium force balance shows that radial discontinuities must be present at equilibrium in the presence of transonic flows. The formation of the transonic discontinuity was proven with time-dependent simulations. In this work, we prove that the transonic discontinuity can be formed with poloidal velocities no larger than a few tens of km s −1 . Such relatively slow velocities are supersonic at the bottom of the pedestal where the temperature is a few tens of eVs. We also show how realistic toroidal velocity profiles can be obtained in transonic equilibria if the appropriate choice is made for the input free functions.}, file = {Guazzotto2012_0029-5515_52_11_114006.pdf:Guazzotto2012_0029-5515_52_11_114006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114006}, } @Article{Guazzotto2013, author = {L. Guazzotto and R. Betti and S. C. Jardin}, title = {Jump conditions in transonic equilibria}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {042502}, abstract = {In the present paper, the numerical calculation of transonic equilibria, first introduced with the FLOW code in Guazzotto et al. [Phys. Plasmas 11, 604 (2004)], is critically reviewed. In particular, the necessity and effect of imposing explicit jump conditions at the transonic discontinuity are investigated. It is found that “standard” (low-β, large aspect ratio) transonic equilibria satisfy the correct jump condition with very good approximation even if the jump condition is not explicitly imposed. On the other hand, it is also found that high-β, low aspect ratio equilibria require the correct jump condition to be explicitly imposed. Various numerical approaches are described to modify FLOW to include the jump condition. It is proved that the new methods converge to the correct solution even in extreme cases of very large β, while they agree with the results obtained with the old implementation of FLOW in lower-β equilibria.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4798514}, eid = {042502}, file = {Guazzotto2013_PhysPlasmas_20_042502.pdf:Guazzotto2013_PhysPlasmas_20_042502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {numerical analysis; plasma flow; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {16}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.03}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/042502/1}, } @Article{Guazzotto2007, author = {L. Guazzotto and J. P. Freidberg}, title = {A family of analytic equilibrium solutions for the Grad--Shafranov equation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {11}, pages = {112508}, abstract = {A family of exact solutions to the Grad–Shafranov equation, similar to those described by Atanasiu et al. [C. V. Atanasiu, S. Günter, K. Lackner, and I. G. Miron, Phys. Plasmas 11, 3510 (2004) ], is presented. The solution allows for finite plasma aspect ratio, elongation and triangularity, while only requiring the evaluation of a small number of well-known hypergeometric functions. Plasma current, pressure, and pressure gradients are set to zero at the plasma edge. Realistic equilibria for standard and spherical tokamaks are presented.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2803759}, eid = {112508}, file = {Guazzotto2007_PhysPlasmas_14_112508.pdf:Guazzotto2007_PhysPlasmas_14_112508.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma confinement; plasma pressure; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/112508/1}, } @Article{Gubernatis2005, author = {J. E. Gubernatis}, title = {Marshall Rosenbluth and the Metropolis algorithm}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2005}, volume = {12}, number = {5}, pages = {057303}, abstract = {The 1953 publication, “Equation of State Calculations by Very Fast Computing Machines” by N. Metropolis, A. W. Rosenbluth and M. N. Rosenbluth, and M. Teller and E. Teller [J. Chem. Phys. 21, 1087 (1953) ] marked the beginning of the use of the Monte Carlo method for solving problems in the physical sciences. The method described in this publication subsequently became known as the Metropolis algorithm, undoubtedly the most famous and most widely used Monte Carlo algorithm ever published. As none of the authors made subsequent use of the algorithm, they became unknown to the large simulation physics community that grew from this publication and their roles in its development became the subject of mystery and legend. At a conference marking the 50th anniversary of the 1953 publication, Marshall Rosenbluth gave his recollections of the algorithm’s development. The present paper describes the algorithm, reconstructs the historical context in which it was developed, and summarizes Marshall’s recollections.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1887186}, eid = {057303}, file = {Gubernatis2005_PhysPlasmas_12_057303.pdf:Gubernatis2005_PhysPlasmas_12_057303.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma simulation; Monte Carlo methods}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/12/057303/1}, } @Article{Gueemez2011, author = {J. Güémez}, title = {Relativistic Thermodynamics: A Modern 4-Vector Approach}, journal = {Physics Research International}, year = {2011}, volume = {2011}, pages = {1}, abstract = {Using the Minkowski relativistic 4-vector formalism, based on Einstein's equation, and the relativistic thermodynamics asynchronous formulation (Grøn (1973)), the isothermal compression of an ideal gas is analyzed, considering an electromagnetic origin for forces applied to it. This treatment is similar to the description previously developed by Van Kampen (van Kampen (1969)) and Hamity (Hamity (1969)). In this relativistic framework Mechanics and Thermodynamics merge in the first law of relativistic thermodynamics expressed, using 4-vector notation, such as ΔUμ  =  Wμ  +  Qμ, in Lorentz covariant formulation, which, with the covariant formalism for electromagnetic forces, constitutes a complete Lorentz covariant formulation for classical physics.}, doi = {10.1155/2011/387351}, file = {Gueemez2011_387351.pdf:Gueemez2011_387351.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.06}, url = {http://www.hindawi.com/journals/phys/2011/387351/}, } @Article{Gueemez2010, author = {J Güémez}, title = {An undergraduate exercise in the first law of relativistic thermodynamics}, journal = {European Journal of Physics}, year = {2010}, volume = {31}, number = {5}, pages = {1209}, abstract = {The isothermal compression of an ideal gas is analysed using a relativistic thermodynamics formalism based on the principle of inertia of energy (Einstein's equation) and the asynchronous formulation (Cavalleri and Salgarelli 1969 Nuovo Cimento 42 722–54), which is similar to the formalism developed by van Kampen (1968 Phys. Rev. 173 295–301) and Hamity (1969 Phys. Rev. 187 1745–52). In this 4-vector Minkowski formalism mechanical and thermodynamical processes are described by the first law of thermodynamics expressed as Δ U μ = W μ + Q μ , in a Lorentz covariant way. This exercise is considered useful for undergraduate physics students interested in foundations of physics, with the only prerequisites in first courses in thermodynamics and special relativity.}, file = {Gueemez2010_0143-0807_31_5_021.pdf:Gueemez2010_0143-0807_31_5_021.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.06}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0143-0807/31/i=5/a=021}, } @Article{Gueroult2012, author = {Renaud Gueroult and Nathaniel J. Fisch}, title = {Particle deconfinement in a bent magnetic mirror}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {11}, pages = {112105}, abstract = {Coils misalignment in a magnetic mirror can produce additional particle transport. The magnetic field non axi-symmetry is responsible for radial and longitudinal drifts in a way much similar to the neo-classical transport in a tandem mirror cell distorted by end plugs. Accordingly, a regime exhibiting large radial displacements––similar to the resonant regime in tandem mirrors––can be obtained by confining ions azimuthally, for example by means of a properly tuned radial electric field. Because of the mass dependence of the magnetic field non-homogeneity drift velocities, the azimuthal trapping is mass specific, allowing, in principle, the filtering of a specific species based on its mass.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4765692}, eid = {112105}, file = {Gueroult2012_PhysPlasmas_19_112105.pdf:Gueroult2012_PhysPlasmas_19_112105.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {magnetic mirrors; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/112105/1}, } @Article{Guest2012, author = {B. Guest and A. Shalchi}, title = {Random walk of magnetic field lines in dynamical turbulence: A field line tracing method. II. Two-dimensional turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032902}, abstract = {The wandering of magnetic field lines is an important topic in theoretical plasma physics and astrophysics. Previous analytical work, as well as computer simulations, is based on magnetostatic models to warrant mathematical and numerical tractability. Recently, we have studied the first time field line random walk in dynamical turbulence by using a field line tracing method. These calculations were performed for a slab model of the turbulence. It is the purpose of the present paper to use the latter method to compute the field line diffusion coefficient for dynamical two-dimensional turbulence. Two models for the dynamical correlation function are used, namely the damping model of dynamical turbulence and the nonlinear anisotropic dynamical turbulence model. It is shown that the largest scales of the turbulence and the choice of the dynamical turbulence model have a strong influence on the diffusivity of the field lines and the absolute value of the diffusion coefficient.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3693384}, eid = {032902}, file = {Guest2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032902.pdf:Guest2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032902.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {astrophysical plasma; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; random processes}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/032902/1}, } @Article{Guo2013, author = {Y Guo and B J Xiao and F Yang}, title = {A function parametrization method used for plasma current center estimation}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {3}, pages = {035006}, abstract = {For efficient and safe operation of EAST, it is necessary to accurately identify and control the plasma current, radial and vertical positions. A plasma control system is successfully used for EAST plasma shape control. In the RZI p control scheme, the plasma radial and vertical positions are evaluated through the E -matrix. A function parametrization method, which needs large volume of database for magnetic measurements and plasma position, is employed to obtain the E -matrix. The database is generated through EAST discharge simulation using the tokamak simulation code (TSC), which has excellent agreement with experimental data. The built E -matrix is verified by test data generated by TSC simulation and experimental data within the error limits.}, file = {Guo2013_0741-3335_55_3_035006.pdf:Guo2013_0741-3335_55_3_035006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.06}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=3/a=035006}, } @Article{Guo2012, author = {Zehua Guo and Xian-Zhu Tang}, title = {Parallel transport of long mean-free-path plasma along open magnetic field lines: Parallel heat flux}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {6}, pages = {062501}, abstract = {In a long mean-free-path plasma where temperature anisotropy can be sustained, the parallel heat flux has two components with one associated with the parallel thermal energy and the other the perpendicular thermal energy. Due to the large deviation of the distribution function from local Maxwellian in an open field line plasma with low collisionality, the conventional perturbative calculation of the parallel heat flux closure in its local or non-local form is no longer applicable. Here, a non-perturbative calculation is presented for a collisionless plasma in a two-dimensional flux expander bounded by absorbing walls. Specifically, closures of previously unfamiliar form are obtained for ions and electrons, which relate two distinct components of the species parallel heat flux to the lower order fluid moments such as density, parallel flow, parallel and perpendicular temperatures, and the field quantities such as the magnetic field strength and the electrostatic potential. The plasma source and boundary condition at the absorbing wall enter explicitly in the closure calculation. Although the closure calculation does not take into account wave-particle interactions, the results based on passing orbits from steady-state collisionless drift-kinetic equation show remarkable agreement with fully kinetic-Maxwell simulations. As an example of the physical implications of the theory, the parallel heat flux closures are found to predict a surprising observation in the kinetic-Maxwell simulation of the 2D magnetic flux expander problem, where the parallel heat flux of the parallel thermal energy flows from low to high parallel temperature region.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4725494}, eid = {062501}, file = {Guo2012_PhysPlasmas_19_062501.pdf:Guo2012_PhysPlasmas_19_062501.pdf:PDF;Guo2012a_PhysRevLett.109.135005.pdf:Guo2012a_PhysRevLett.109.135005.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Maxwell equations; perturbation theory; plasma density; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; plasma sources; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/062501/1}, } @Article{Guo2012a, author = {Guo, Zehua and Tang, Xian-Zhu}, title = {Ambipolar Transport via Trapped-Electron Whistler Instability Along Open Magnetic Field Lines}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {135005}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {An open field line plasma is bounded by a chamber wall which intercepts the magnetic field. Steady state requires an upstream plasma source balancing the particle loss to the boundary. In cases where the electrons have a long mean free path, ambipolarity in parallel transport critically depends on collisionless detrapping of the electrons via wave-particle interaction. The trapped-electron whistler instability, whose nonlinear saturation produces a spectrum of whistler waves that is responsible for the electron detrapping flux, is shown to be an unusually robust kinetic instability, which is essential to the universality of the ambipolar constraint in plasma transport.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.135005}, file = {Guo2012a_PhysRevLett.109.135005.pdf:Guo2012a_PhysRevLett.109.135005.pdf:PDF}, issue = {13}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.09.30}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.135005}, } @Article{Guo2012b, author = {Zehua Guo and Xian-Zhu Tang}, title = {Parallel transport of long mean-free-path plasmas along open magnetic field lines: Plasma profile variation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {8}, pages = {082310}, abstract = {Parallel transport of long mean-free-path plasma along an open magnetic field line is characterized by strong temperature anisotropy, which is driven by two effects. The first is magnetic moment conservation in a non-uniform magnetic field, which can transfer energy between parallel and perpendicular degrees of freedom. The second is decompressional cooling of the parallel temperature due to parallel flow acceleration by conventional presheath electric field which is associated with the sheath condition near the wall surface where the open magnetic field line intercepts the discharge chamber. To the leading order in gyroradius to system gradient length scale expansion, the parallel transport can be understood via the Chew-Goldbeger-Low (CGL) model which retains two components of the parallel heat flux, i.e., qn associated with the parallel thermal energy and qs related to perpendicular thermal energy. It is shown that in addition to the effect of magnetic field strength (B) modulation, the two components (qn and qs) of the parallel heat flux play decisive roles in the parallel variation of the plasma profile, which includes the plasma density (n), parallel flow (u), parallel and perpendicular temperatures (T∥ and T⊥), and the ambipolar potential (ϕ). Both their profile (qn/B and qs/B2) and the upstream values of the ratio of the conductive and convective thermal flux (qn/nuT∥ and qs/nuT⊥) provide the controlling physics, in addition to B modulation. The physics described by the CGL model are contrasted with those of the double-adiabatic laws and further elucidated by comparison with the first-principles kinetic simulation for a specific but representative flux expander case.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4747167}, eid = {082310}, file = {Guo2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_082310.pdf:Guo2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_082310.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {convection; discharges (electric); plasma density; plasma sheaths; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.18}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/082310/1}, } @Article{Gustafson2012, author = {K. Gustafson and P. Ricci and A. Bovet and I. Furno and A. Fasoli}, title = {Suprathermal ion transport in simple magnetized torus configurations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {6}, pages = {062306}, abstract = {Inspired by suprathermal ion experiments in the basic plasma experiment TORPEX, the transport of suprathermal ions in ideal interchange mode turbulence is theoretically examined in the simple magnetized torus configuration. We follow ion tracer trajectories as specified by ideal interchange mode turbulence imported from a numerical simulation of drift-reduced Braginskii equations. Using the variance of displacements, σ2(t) ∼ tγ, we find that γ depends strongly on suprathermal ion injection energy and the relative magnitude of turbulent fluctuations. The value of γ also changes significantly as a function of time after injection, through three distinguishable phases: ballistic, interaction, and asymmetric. During the interaction phase, we find the remarkable presence of three regimes of dispersion: superdiffusive, diffusive, and subdiffusive, depending on the energy of the suprathermal ions and the amplitude of the turbulent fluctuations. We contrast these results with those from a “slab” magnetic geometry in which subdiffusion does not occur during the interaction phase. Initial results from TORPEX are consistent with data from a new synthetic diagnostic used to interpret our simulation results. The simplicity of the simple magnetized torus makes the present work of interest to analyses of more complicated contexts ranging from fusion devices to astrophysics and space plasma physics.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4725420}, eid = {062306}, file = {Gustafson2012_PhysPlasmas_19_062306.pdf:Gustafson2012_PhysPlasmas_19_062306.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {diffusion; plasma fluctuations; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/062306/1}, } @Article{Hager2013, author = {R Hager and K Hallatschek}, title = {Geodesic acoustic mode frequencies in experimental tokamak equilibria}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {3}, pages = {035009}, abstract = {The geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) frequency is calculated for experimental equilibrium data from ASDEX Upgrade and NSTX discharges using an eigenvalue solver. For this purpose, a special algorithm is applied to generate precise, smooth flux-surfaces suitable for calculation of local equilibria from the coarse grained output of the equilibrium solver CLISTE. Since realistic magnetic geometries allow for more than one mode with the properties of a GAM, two-fluid turbulence computations are discussed to clarify the influence of the turbulence on the linear mode spectrum. Using equilibrium data from ASDEX Upgrade this approach is shown to be superior to the use of approximated flux-surface shapes and leads to better agreement with the experimental results.}, file = {Hager2013_0741-3335_55_3_035009.pdf:Hager2013_0741-3335_55_3_035009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=3/a=035009}, } @Article{Hager2012, author = {Robert Hager and Klaus Hallatschek}, title = {The nonlinear dispersion relation of geodesic acoustic modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {8}, pages = {082315}, abstract = {The energy input and frequency shift of geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) due to turbulence in tokamak edge plasmas are investigated in numerical two-fluid turbulence studies. Surprisingly, the turbulent GAM dispersion relation is qualitatively equivalent to the linear GAM dispersion but can have drastically enhanced group velocities. As a consequence radially broad ( ∼ cm) GAM eigenmodes may form. Those may lead to experimentally observable deviations from the expected scaling of the GAM frequency with the square root of the plasma temperature. In up-down asymmetric geometry, the energy input due to turbulent transport may favor the excitation of GAMs with one particular sign of the radial phase velocity relative to the magnetic drifts. Including the radial gradient of the GAM frequency may lead to periodic bursts of the GAM and the turbulence intensity.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4747725}, eid = {082315}, file = {Hager2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082315.pdf:Hager2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082315.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {dispersion relations; plasma boundary layers; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/082315/1}, } @Article{Hagstrom2011, author = {George I. Hagstrom and P.J. Morrison}, title = {Caldeira–Leggett model, Landau damping, and the Vlasov–Poisson system}, journal = {Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena}, year = {2011}, volume = {240}, number = {20}, pages = {1652 - 1660}, issn = {0167-2789}, note = {Special Issue: Fluid Dynamics: From Theory to Experiment}, abstract = {The Caldeira–Leggett Hamiltonian describes the interaction of a discrete harmonic oscillator with a continuous bath of harmonic oscillators. This system is a standard model of dissipation in macroscopic low temperature physics, and has applications to superconductors, quantum computing, and macroscopic quantum tunneling. The similarities between the Caldeira–Leggett model and the linearized Vlasov–Poisson equation are analyzed, and it is shown that the damping in the Caldeira–Leggett model is analogous to that of Landau damping in plasmas (Landau, 1946 [1]). An invertible linear transformation (Morrison and Pfirsch, 1992 [18]; Morrison, 2000 [19]) is presented that converts solutions of the Caldeira–Leggett model into solutions of the linearized Vlasov–Poisson system.}, doi = {10.1016/j.physd.2011.02.007}, file = {Hagstrom2011_1-s2.0-S016727891100039X-main.pdf:Hagstrom2011_1-s2.0-S016727891100039X-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Landau damping}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016727891100039X}, } @Article{Hahm2002, author = {T S Hahm}, title = {Physics behind transport barrier theory and simulations}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2002}, volume = {44}, number = {5A}, pages = {A87}, abstract = {The common physics elements behind various transport barrier theories and simulations, and the related experimental observations mainly from tokamaks, are discussed. These include: a hierarchy of the E × B shear effects on turbulence, the role of q profiles, the electron thermal transport mechanism, basic transport barrier dynamics, and the causality of transitions and the possible role of turbulence generated zonal flows.}, file = {Hahm2002_0741-3335_44_5A_305.pdf:Hahm2002_0741-3335_44_5A_305.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/44/i=5A/a=305}, } @Article{Hahm1987, author = {T. S. Hahm and P. H. Diamond}, title = {Resistive fluid turbulence in diverted tokamaks and the edge transport barrier in H-mode plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1987}, volume = {30}, number = {1}, pages = {133-143}, doi = {10.1063/1.866179}, file = {Hahm1987_PFL000133.pdf:Hahm1987_PFL000133.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TURBULENCE; THERMAL DIFFUSION; PARTICLES; PLASMA; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; TOKAMAK DEVICES; END EFFECTS; SHEAR; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; KINK INSTABILITY; STABILITY; ENERGY LOSSES; DIFFUSIVITY}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/30/133/1}, } @Article{Hahm1985, author = {T. S. Hahm and R. M. Kulsrud}, title = {Forced magnetic reconnection}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1985}, volume = {28}, number = {8}, pages = {2412-2418}, abstract = {By studying a simple model problem, the time evolution of magnetic field islands which are induced by perturbing the boundary surrounding an incompressible plasma with a resonant surface inside is examined. The reconnection and island formation process for sufficiently small boundary perturbations occurs on the tearing mode time scale defined by Furth, Killeen, and Rosenbluth [Phys. Fluids 6, 459 (1963)]. For larger perturbations the time scale is that defined by Rutherford [Phys. Fluids 16, 1903 (1973)]. The resulting asymptotic equilibrium is such that surface currents in the resonant region vanish. A detailed analytical picture of this reconnection process is presented.}, doi = {10.1063/1.865247}, file = {Hahm1985_PFL002412.pdf:Hahm1985_PFL002412.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETIC ISLANDS; TIME DEPENDENCE; PLASMA; DISTURBANCES; RESONANCE; TEARING INSTABILITY}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.17}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/28/2412/1}, } @Article{Hakim2012, author = {A. H. Hakim and T. D. Rognlien and R. J. Groebner and J. Carlsson and J. R. Cary and S. E. Kruger and M. Miah and A. Pankin and A. Pletzer and S. Shasharina and S. Vadlamani and R. Cohen and T. Epperly}, title = {Coupled core-edge simulations of H-mode buildup using the Fusion Application for Core-Edge Transport Simulations (FACETS) code}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032505}, doi = {10.1063/1.3693148}, eid = {032505}, file = {Hakim2012_D3DPop.pdf:Hakim2012_D3DPop.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {discharges (electric); plasma boundary layers; plasma density; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma-wall interactions; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.12}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/032505/1}, } @Article{Hameiri2013, author = {Eliezer Hameiri}, title = {Quick asymptotic expansion aided by a variational principle}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {024504}, abstract = {It is shown how expanding asymptotically a variational functional can yield the asymptotic expansion of its Euler equation. The procedure is simple but novel and requires taking the variation of the expanded functional with respect to the leading order of the originally unknown function, even though the leading order of this function has already been determined in a previous order. An example is worked out that of a large aspect ratio tokamak plasma equilibrium state with relatively strong flows and high plasma beta.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789987}, eid = {024504}, file = {Hameiri2013_PhysPlasmas_20_024504.pdf:Hameiri2013_PhysPlasmas_20_024504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; series (mathematics); Tokamak devices; variational techniques}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/024504/1}, } @Article{Hamlin2013, author = {Hamlin, Nathaniel D. and Newman, William I.}, title = {Role of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the evolution of magnetized relativistic sheared plasma flows}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2013}, volume = {87}, pages = {043101}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {We explore, via analytical and numerical methods, the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability in relativistic magnetized plasmas, with applications to astrophysical jets. We solve the single-fluid relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) equations in conservative form using a scheme which is fourth order in space and time. To recover the primitive RMHD variables, we use a highly accurate, rapidly convergent algorithm which improves upon such schemes as the Newton-Raphson method. Although the exact RMHD equations are marginally stable, numerical discretization renders them unstable. We include numerical viscosity to restore numerical stability. In relativistic flows, diffusion can lead to a mathematical anomaly associated with frame transformations. However, in our KH studies, we remain in the rest frame of the system, and therefore do not encounter this anomaly. We use a two-dimensional slab geometry with periodic boundary conditions in both directions. The initial unperturbed velocity peaks along the central axis and vanishes asymptotically at the transverse boundaries. Remaining unperturbed quantities are uniform, with a flow-aligned unperturbed magnetic field. The early evolution in the nonlinear regime corresponds to the formation of counter-rotating vortices, connected by filaments, which persist in the absence of a magnetic field. A magnetic field inhibits the vortices through a series of stages, namely, field amplification, vortex disruption, turbulent breakdown, and an approach to a flow-aligned equilibrium configuration. Similar stages have been discussed in MHD literature. We examine how and to what extent these stages manifest in RMHD for a set of representative field strengths. To characterize field strength, we define a relativistic extension of the Alfvénic Mach number MA. We observe close complementarity between flow and magnetic field behavior. Weaker fields exhibit more vortex rotation, magnetic reconnection, jet broadening, and intermediate turbulence. Sufficiently strong fields (MA < 6) completely suppress vortex formation. Maximum jet deceleration, and viscous dissipation, occur for intermediate vortex-disruptive fields, while electromagnetic energy is maximized for the strongest fields which allow vortex formation. Highly relativistic flows destabilize the system, supporting modes with near-maximum growth at smaller wavelengths than the shear width of the velocity. This helps to explain early numerical breakdown of highly relativistic simulations using numerical viscosity, a long-standing problem. While magnetic fields generally stabilize the system, we have identified many features of the complex and turbulent reorganization that occur for sufficiently weak fields in RMHD flows, and have described the transition from disruptive to stabilizing fields at MA≈6. Our results are qualitatively similar to observations of numerous jets, including M87, whose knots may exhibit vortex-like behavior. Furthermore, in both the linear and nonlinear analyses, we have successfully unified the HD, MHD, RHD, and RMHD regimes.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.87.043101}, file = {Hamlin2013_PhysRevE.87.043101.pdf:Hamlin2013_PhysRevE.87.043101.pdf:PDF}, issue = {4}, numpages = {30}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.04.06}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.87.043101}, } @Article{Han2012, author = {Hyunsun Han and Ki Min Kim and Jin-Woo Park and Sang Hee Hong and Ohjin Kwon and Yong-Su Na}, title = {Simulation of edge-divertor plasma transport for high-performance operation in KSTAR}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {1}, pages = {015013}, abstract = {The edge-divertor plasma transport responding to type-I edge localized modes (ELMs) in a hybrid scenario and a conventional H-mode operation of the KSTAR (Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research) tokamak is simulated using a newly developed two-dimensional fluid code named 'EPST', which can be used in time-dependent analyses of the edge–private flux–scrape-off layer region. It is verified through a benchmark test with the B2.5 code for a double-null configuration of the KSTAR tokamak. In this simulation, the KSTAR operation modes are distinguished by their β N values and the threshold pedestal heights for ELM triggering. Type-I ELMs are simulated under the ELM triggering condition by an ad hoc method of time-periodic changes in the transport coefficients in the near-separatrix region. As a result of numerical simulation, the overall distributions of plasma properties responding to the ELM bursts appear to be the same in the edge-divertor region regardless of their β N . However, the increased ballooning limit in the higher β N case makes the ELM frequency become lower, while it makes the maximum heat flux on the divertor plate higher compared with the lower β N case.}, file = {Han2012_0741-3335_54_1_015013.pdf:Han2012_0741-3335_54_1_015013.pdf:PDF;Khan2012_PhysPlasmas_19_114501.pdf:Khan2012_PhysPlasmas_19_114501.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=1/a=015013}, } @Article{Hao2012a, author = {B. Hao and W. J. Ding and Z. M. Sheng and C. Ren and X. Kong and J. Mu and J. Zhang}, title = {Collisional effects on the oblique instability in relativistic beam-plasma interactions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {072709}, doi = {10.1063/1.4736980}, eid = {072709}, file = {Hao2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_072709.pdf:Hao2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_072709.pdf:PDF;Zhao2012a_RevSciInstrum_83_02A508.pdf:Zhao2012a_RevSciInstrum_83_02A508.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {filamentation instability; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; plasma-beam interactions; relativistic plasmas}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/072709/1}, } @Article{Hao2012, author = {G. Z. Hao and Y. Q. Liu and A. K. Wang and X. M. Qiu}, title = {Kinetic effects of trapped energetic particles on stability of external kink modes with a resistive wall}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032507}, abstract = {Kinetic effects of trapped energetic particles (EPs) on stability of the external kink mode with a resistive wall are investigated in detail, on the basis of the theory model developed in a previous paper [G. Z. Hao, A. K. Wang, Y. Q. Liu, and X. M. Qiu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 015001 (2011)]. The results indicate that, when the perpendicular beta β* of the trapped EPs exceeds a critical value βc*, a bursting fishbone-like mode (FLM) instability, with external kink eigenstructure ,can be triggered, which rapidly grows with increasing β*(>βc*), and eventually becomes a dominant instability. Detailed physical analyses are carried out, comparing radial profiles of the EPs kinetic energy for both the FLM and the conventional resistive wall mode (RWM). On the other hand, a mode conversion between the FLM and RWM can directly occur. This work also presents a systematic investigation of effects of various physical parameters on the FLM instability. An interesting new finding is the existence of multiple critical points in β*, for the FLM triggering. The number of critical points depends sensitively on the trapped EPs pitch angle. In addition, it is found that there can be a critical value of the pitch angle, beyond which the critical βc*, for triggering the FLM, jumps from a large value to a small one. The FLM instability, with the m/n = 3/1 mode structure, can also be triggered by the trapped EPs.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3692185}, eid = {032507}, file = {Hao2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032507.pdf:Hao2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032507.pdf:PDF;Hao2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_072709.pdf:Hao2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_072709.pdf:PDF;Zhao2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082309.pdf:Zhao2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082309.pdf:PDF;Zhao2012a_RevSciInstrum_83_02A508.pdf:Zhao2012a_RevSciInstrum_83_02A508.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {critical points; fishbone instability; kink instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma-wall interactions}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/032507/1}, } @Article{Hasegawa1987, author = {Hasegawa, Akira and Wakatani, Masahiro}, title = {Self-organization of electrostatic turbulence in a cylindrical plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1987}, volume = {59}, pages = {1581--1584}, month = {Oct}, abstract = {On the basis of theory and computer simulations we show that electrostatic turbulence in a cylindrical plasma with magnetic shear and curvature self-organizes to form a macroscopic potential φ which depends only on the radial coordinate r and is given by φ(r)≃J0(pr)+C1r2+C2 where C1 and C2 are functions of a constant p. A unique feature of the potential is the existence of a coaxial φ(r0)=0 surface at r0≃0.7a, where a is the radius of the cylinder. This surface is found to be fairly rigid and is considered to inhibit radial particle transport.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.59.1581}, file = {Hasegawa1987_PhysRevLett.59.1581.pdf:Hasegawa1987_PhysRevLett.59.1581.pdf:PDF}, issue = {14}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.05.07}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.59.1581}, } @Article{Hasegawa1983, author = {Akira Hasegawa and M. Wakatani}, title = {Finite-Larmor-radius magnetohydrodynamic equations for microturbulence}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, number = {10}, pages = {2770-2772}, abstract = {A set of nonlinear fluid equations which includes the effect of finite ion Larmor radius is derived to describe microturbulence [k⊥ ρs ≂O(1), k∥R≂O(1), n1/n0≂ ρs/Ln, and B1/B0≂ρs/R ] in an inhomogeneous plasma with a strong magnetic field of general geometry. Here ρs is the ion Larmor radius at the electron temperature, Ln is the density gradient scale length, R is the radius of curvature of the magnetic line of force, k is the wave vector, and n1/n0 and B1/B0 are relative levels of density and magnetic field perturbations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864065}, file = {Hasegawa1983_PFL002770.pdf:Hasegawa1983_PFL002770.pdf:PDF;Hasegawa1983a_PhysRevLett.50.682.pdf:Hasegawa1983a_PhysRevLett.50.682.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {larmor radius; magnetohydrodynamics; nonlinear problems; equations; inhomogeneous plasma; turbulence; magnetic flux; electron temperature}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/26/2770/1}, } @Article{Hasegawa1983a, author = {Hasegawa, Akira and Wakatani, Masahiro}, title = {Plasma Edge Turbulence}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1983}, volume = {50}, pages = {682--686}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {Model mode-coupling equations for the resistive drift-wave instability are derived and numerically solved to study the properties of turbulence near a plasma edge. The wavenumber spectrum of the turbulence is found to exhibit an inverse cascade to form an isotropic, two-dimensional Kolmogorov spectrum, k-3, in the large-wave-number regime. The turbulence has a broad frequency spectrum with a large saturation level and produces Bohm-type particle diffusion.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.50.682}, file = {Hasegawa1983a_PhysRevLett.50.682.pdf:Hasegawa1983a_PhysRevLett.50.682.pdf:PDF}, issue = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.05.07}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.50.682}, } @Article{Hastie1997, author = {Hastie, R. J.}, title = {Sawtooth Instability in Tokamak Plasmas}, journal = {Astrophysics and Space Science}, year = {1997}, volume = {256}, pages = {177-204}, issn = {0004-640X}, note = {10.1023/A:1001728227899}, abstract = {The Sawtooth instability is a familiar feature in Tokamak plasmas. It appears as a regularly recurring reorganisation of the core plasma. A brief survey of the experimental observations on many Tokamaks is presented. A qualitative description of the relevant theoretical ideas and of how they have evolved from early magnetic reconnection models in response to increasingly detailed experimental data, is also presented.}, file = {Hastie1997_fulltext.pdf:Hastie1997_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, timestamp = {2012.06.29}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1001728227899}, } @Article{Hatch2012, author = {Hatch, D. R. and Pueschel, M. J. and Jenko, F. and Nevins, W. M. and Terry, P. W. and Doerk, H.}, title = {Origin of Magnetic Stochasticity and Transport in Plasma Microturbulence}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {235002}, month = {Jun}, abstract = {Nonlinear excitation of linearly stable microtearing modes—with zonal modes acting as a catalyst—is shown to be responsible for the near-ubiquitous magnetic stochasticity and associated electromagnetic electron heat transport in electromagnetic gyrokinetic simulations of plasma microturbulence.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.235002}, file = {Hatch2012_PhysRevLett.108.235002.pdf:Hatch2012_PhysRevLett.108.235002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {23}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.06.07}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.235002}, } @Article{Hau2001, author = {Hau, L.-N. and Chiou, S.-W.}, title = {On the linear and nonlinear resistive tearing-mode instabilities}, journal = {J. Geophys. Res.}, year = {2001}, volume = {106}, number = {A5}, pages = {8371--8380}, issn = {0148-0227}, abstract = {The tearing-mode instabilities of Harris sheet magnetic field configuration are studied based on the numerical simulations of two-dimensional, resistive, compressible MHD models with isotropic pressure. The linear growth rate and the eigenmode structure are calculated from the linear numerical model for various parameters: magnetic Reynolds number, R m ; the ratio of wavelength to the layer thickness; magnetic B y component; and plasma beta, as well as for different equations of state. The linear solutions are then used as initial perturbations of the nonlinear numerical model to allow the full evolution of resistive tearing-mode instability. The linear calculations show that for the range of R m = 10–105 the fastest growth rate increases with decreasing R m and only slightly increases with increasing plasma beta and B y but that it is not sensitive to the equation of state. While the nonlinear calculations snow that only for large R m , where the diffusion time is much larger than the linear growth time, the magnetic island may possibly grow substantially and become saturated. For small R m the plasmoids either diminish in the late stage or do not have apparent growing; that is, the linear analysis is not meaningful for large resistivity cases. The calculations are compared to the magnetic island structure at Earth's magnetopause reconstructed from the single-spacecraft data by Hau and Sonnerup [1999].}, file = {Hau2001_2000JA000336.pdf:Hau2001_2000JA000336.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AGU}, timestamp = {2012.11.20}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2000JA000336}, } @Article{Hauray2007, author = {Hauray, Maxime and Jabin, Pierre-Emmanuel}, title = {N-particles Approximation of the Vlasov Equations with Singular Potential}, journal = {Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis}, year = {2007}, volume = {183}, number = {3}, pages = {489-524}, issn = {0003-9527}, abstract = {We prove the convergence in any time interval of a point-particle approximation of the Vlasov equation by particles initially equally separated for a force in 1/|x|α, with α≦1 . We introduce discrete versions of the L ∞ norm and time averages of the force-field. The core of the proof is to show that these quantities are bounded and that consequently the minimal distance between particles in the phase space is bounded from below.}, doi = {10.1007/s00205-006-0021-9}, file = {Hauray2007_10.1007-s00205-006-0021-9.pdf:Hauray2007_10.1007-s00205-006-0021-9.pdf:PDF}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00205-006-0021-9}, } @Article{Havlickova2012, author = {E Havlíčková and W Fundamenski and D Tskhakaya and G Manfredi and D Moulton}, title = {Comparison of fluid and kinetic models of target energy fluxes during edge localized modes}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {4}, pages = {045002}, abstract = {Parallel transport associated with type I edge localized model (ELM) filaments in the scrape-off layer (SOL) is studied by means of three computational approaches—fluid, Vlasov and particle-in-cell (PIC). These techniques are benchmarked for convective transients by analysing power fluxes at the target. In spite of kinetic effects due to fast electrons which are not captured in the fluid code, the overall agreement between the codes is satisfactory. In addition, the collisionless Vlasov model agrees well with an analytic free-streaming model. The total peak energy flux at the target is comparable between the models, but the individual fractions of the flux carried by ion and electron components are determined by kinetic effects and processes in the sheath and the energy source in the fluid code is redistributed between electrons and ions in order to obtain the best match with the PIC model. From results for convective ELMs, approximate expressions for the energy fluence and the peak energy flux at the target are derived. Additionally, conductive ELMs are studied.}, file = {Havlickova2012_0741-3335_54_4_045002.pdf:Havlickova2012_0741-3335_54_4_045002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.15}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=4/a=045002}, } @Article{Hayashi2009, author = {N. Hayashi and T. Takizuka and N. Aiba and N. Oyama and T. Ozeki and S. Wiesen and V. Parail}, title = {Integrated simulation of ELM energy loss and cycle in improved H-mode plasmas}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {49}, number = {9}, pages = {095015}, abstract = {The energy loss due to an edge localized mode (ELM) crash and its cycle have been studied by using an integrated core transport code with a stability code for peeling–ballooning modes and a transport model of scrape-off-layer (SOL) and divertor plasmas. The integrated code reproduces a series of ELMs with the following characteristics. The ELM energy loss increases with decreasing collisionality and the ELM frequency increases linearly with the input power, as seen in experiments of type-I ELMs. A transport model with the neoclassical transport in the pedestal connected to the SOL parallel transport reproduces a lowered inter-ELM transport in the case of low collisionality so that the ELM loss power is enhanced as observed in experiments. The inter-ELM energy confinement time evaluated from simulation results agrees with the scaling based on the JT-60U data. The steep pressure gradient in the core just beyond the pedestal top, desirable for improved H-mode plasmas with the H H98 y 2 factor above unity, is found to enhance the ELM energy loss and reduce the ELM frequency so that the ELM loss power remains constant. The steep pressure gradient in the core beyond the pedestal top broadens eigenfunction profiles of unstable modes and possibly induces subsequent instabilities. In the subsequent instabilities, when a large energy is transported to the vicinity of the separatrix by the instabilities, a subsequent instability arises near the separatrix and makes an additional loss.}, file = {Hayashi2009_0029-5515_49_9_095015.pdf:Hayashi2009_0029-5515_49_9_095015.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/49/i=9/a=095015}, } @Article{Hayashi2008, author = {Hayashi, N. and Takizuka, T. and Aiba, N. and Ozeki, T. and Oyama, N.}, title = {Integrated ELM Simulation with Edge MHD Stability and Transport of SOL-Divertor Plasmas}, journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, year = {2008}, volume = {48}, number = {1-3}, pages = {196--200}, issn = {1521-3986}, abstract = {The effect of the pressure profile on the energy loss caused by edge localized modes (ELMs) has been investigated by using an integrated simulation code TOPICS-IB based on a core transport code with a stability code for the peeling-ballooning modes and a transport model for scrape-off-layer and divertor plasmas. The steep pressure gradient inside the pedestal top is found to broaden the region of the ELM enhanced transport through the broadening of eigenfunctions and enhance the ELM energy loss. The ELM energy loss in the simulation becomes larger than 15 % of the pedestal energy, as is shown in the database of multi-machine experiments. (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)}, doi = {10.1002/ctpp.200810035}, file = {Hayashi2008_196_ftp.pdf:Hayashi2008_196_ftp.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ELM, MHD stability, SOL-divertor plasmas, integrated simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.200810035}, } @Article{Hayes1963, author = {Hayes, J.N.}, title = {On non-Landau damped solutions to the linearized vlasov equation}, journal = {Il Nuovo Cimento}, year = {1963}, volume = {30}, number = {4}, pages = {1048-1063}, issn = {0029-6341}, abstract = {Because of the existence of perturbations on the equilibrium velocity distribution of an electron plasma that are entire functions and yet do not give the damping predicted by Landau, the Landau calculation is re-examined critically, for the source of these solutions. It is shown that certain tacit assumptions go into the Landau calculation which were not proved there, but are demonstrated to be true. A broad class of initial perturbations is constructed that satisfies all the Landau criteria but does not yield Landau damping. These results derived for a Maxwell equilibrium distribution are generalized to a broader class of equilibrium distributions. Newcomb’s result that an increasing electric potential cannot be monotonic is quite simply proved as a by-product of the integral equation for the plasma.}, doi = {10.1007/BF02828813}, file = {Hayes1963_10.1007-BF02828813.pdf:Hayes1963_10.1007-BF02828813.pdf:PDF}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Società Italiana di Fisica}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02828813}, } @Article{Hazeltine1987, author = {R. D. Hazeltine and C. T. Hsu and P. J. Morrison}, title = {Hamiltonian four-field model for nonlinear tokamak dynamics}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1987}, volume = {30}, number = {10}, pages = {3204-3211}, abstract = {The Hamiltonian four‐field model is a simplified description of nonlinear tokamak dynamics that allows for finite ion Larmor radius physics, as well as other effects related to compressibility and electron adiabaticity. Much simpler than some previous descriptions of the same physics, it still preserves essential features of the underlying exact dynamics. In particular, because it is a Hamiltonian dynamical system it conserves the appropriate Casimir invariants, as well as avoiding implicit, unphysical dissipation. Here the model is derived and interpreted, its Hamiltonian nature is demonstrated, and its constants of motion are extracted.}, doi = {10.1063/1.866527}, file = {Hazeltine1987_PFL003204.pdf:Hazeltine1987_PFL003204.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; HAMILTONIANS; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; DYNAMICS; LARMOR RADIUS; IONS; COMPRESSIBILITY; ADIABATIC PROCESSES; ELECTRONS; CASIMIR OPERATORS; ENERGY LOSSES; PLASMA; PLASMA SIMULATION; PLASMA DISRUPTION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/30/3204/1}, } @Article{Hazeltine1990, author = {R. D. Hazeltine and W. A. Newcomb}, title = {Inversion of the ballooning transformation}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1990}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {7-10}, abstract = {The ballooning formalism can be viewed, not just as an eikonal representation, but as an integral transform, analogous to the Fourier or Laplace transforms, with a uniquely defined inverse. Here, the inversion theorem is proved, and an error in the previous literature is corrected.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859490}, file = {Hazeltine1990_PFB000007.pdf:Hazeltine1990_PFB000007.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {EIKONAL APPROXIMATION; FOURIER TRANSFORMATION; LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION; ERRORS; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; HARMONICS; BALLOONING INSTABILITY}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/2/7/1}, } @Article{He2012, author = {Hongda He and J Q Dong and G Y Zheng and Zhixiong He and Gaimin Lu and X D Peng and Z B Shi and J H Zhang}, title = {Reconstruction of magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium configurations with hollow current density profiles in the HL-2A tokamak}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {2012}, volume = {85}, number = {4}, pages = {045501}, abstract = {Magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium configurations with hollow current density profiles in the HL-2A tokamak are reconstructed for pellet injection discharges. The experimental data of pressure profiles, resulting from electron temperature measurements and a model density profile, analogous to that measured in the JET experiment, and Mirnov pickup coil signals are employed in the reconstructions. It is explicitly shown for the first time that configurations with hollow current density profiles may be realized by multiple pellet injection in HL-2A tokamak experiments. The reconstructed results show there exists a negative magnetic shear region in the plasma core which would benefit confinement improvement.}, file = {He2012_1402-4896_85_4_045501.pdf:He2012_1402-4896_85_4_045501.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.14}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/85/i=4/a=045501}, } @Article{Hegna2000, author = {C. C. Hegna}, title = {Local three-dimensional magnetostatic equilibria}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2000}, volume = {7}, number = {10}, pages = {3921-3928}, abstract = {An analytic representation of a three-dimensional (3-D) magnetostatic equilibrium that is localized to a magnetic flux surface is introduced. This model, which generalizes prior work for axisymmetric systems, allows one to completely specify the structure of the equilibria through a finite number of 3-D shaping and profile variations. This model can be implemented to study the effects of the equilibrium variations on localized instabilities, such as ballooning modes or microinstabilities.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1290282}, file = {Hegna2000_PhysPlasmas_7_3921.pdf:Hegna2000_PhysPlasmas_7_3921.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; ballooning instability; plasma toroidal confinement}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/7/3921/1}, } @Article{Hegna1998, author = {C. C. Hegna}, title = {The physics of neoclassical magnetohydrodynamic tearing modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {5}, pages = {1767-1774}, abstract = {Neoclassical effects alter the nonlinear evolution properties of magnetic islands in toroidal plasmas. While the perturbed bootstrap current effects tend to dominate the nonlinear evolution and mode saturation properties in tokamak plasmas, a number of additional effects complicate the picture. A novel aspect of the mode evolution properties is the appearance of a nonlinear threshold width, below which island formation is suppressed. The structure and strength of various closure relations for the ion viscosity and heat fluxes impact the size and scaling of the threshold width. The potential impact of this physics on low aspect ratio tokamaks and stellarator configurations is also discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872846}, file = {Hegna1998_PhysPlasmas_5_1767.pdf:Hegna1998_PhysPlasmas_5_1767.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA WAVES; TOKAMAK DEVICES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; TEARING INSTABILITY; STELLARATORS; plasma toroidal confinement; viscosity; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.25}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/5/1767/1}, } @Article{Hegna1999, author = {C. C. Hegna and J. D. Callen and R. J. LaHaye}, title = {Dynamics of seed magnetic island formation due to geometrically coupled perturbations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {1}, pages = {130-136}, abstract = {Seed magnetic island formation due to a dynamically growing external source in toroidal confinement devices is modeled as an initial value, forced reconnection problem. For an external source whose amplitude grows on a time scale quickly compared to the Sweet–Parker time of resistive magnetohydrodynamics, the induced reconnection is characterized by a current sheet and a reconnected flux amplitude that lags in time the source amplitude. This suggests that neoclassical tearing modes, whose excitation requires a seed magnetic island, are more difficult to cause in high Lundquist number plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.873265}, file = {Hegna1999_PhysPlasmas_6_130.pdf:Hegna1999_PhysPlasmas_6_130.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETIC ISLANDS; PLASMA WAVES; MAGNETIC CONFINEMENT; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; TEARING INSTABILITY; CHARGED-PARTICLE TRANSPORT; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/130/1}, } @Article{Hegna1996, author = {C. C. Hegna and J. W. Connor and R. J. Hastie and H. R. Wilson}, title = {Toroidal coupling of ideal magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1996}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {584-592}, abstract = {A theoretical framework is developed to describe the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability properties of axisymmetric toroidal plasmas. The mode structure is described by a set of poloidal harmonics in configuration space. The energy functional, δW, is then determined by a set of matrix elements that are computed from the interaction integrals between these harmonics. In particular, the formalism may be used to study the stability of finite‐n ballooning modes. Using for illustration the s‐α equilibrium, salient features of the n☒∞ stability boundary can be deduced from an appropriate choice of test function for these harmonics. The analysis can be extended to include the toroidal coupling of a free‐boundary kink eigenfunction to the finite‐n ideal ballooning mode. A unified stability condition is derived that describes the external kink mode, a finite‐n ballooning mode, and their interaction. The interaction term plays a destabilizing role that lowers the instability threshold of the toroidally coupled mode. These modes may play a role in understanding plasma edge phenomena, L–H physics and edge localized modes (ELMs).}, doi = {10.1063/1.871886}, file = {Hegna1996_PhysPlasmas_3_584.pdf:Hegna1996_PhysPlasmas_3_584.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {BALLOONING INSTABILITY; EIGENSTATES; HARMONICS; KINK INSTABILITY; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; MATRIX ELEMENTS; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; TOKAMAK DEVICES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/3/584/1}, } @Article{Hegna2002, author = {C. C. Hegna and S. R. Hudson}, title = {Ideal magnetohydrodynamic ballooning stability boundaries in three-dimensional equilibria}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2002}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, pages = {2014-2019}, abstract = {The impact of three-dimensional geometry on ideal magnetohydrodynamic ballooning mode stability is studied. By using a class of “local 3D equilibria” [C. C. Hegna, Phys. Plasmas 7, 3921 (2000)], the effects of plasma shaping, profile variations and symmetry on local plasma physics properties can be addressed. As an example, a local helical axis equilibrium case is constructed that models the magnetic field spectrum of a quasihelically symmetric stellarator. In this case, the magnetic harmonic structure of the local shear (which can be manipulated via changes in the magnetic geometry) has an important impact on the stability boundaries and eigenvalue properties of three-dimensional equilibria. The presence of symmetry breaking components in the local shear produces localized field-line-dependent ballooning instabilities in regions of small average shear. These effects lower first ballooning stability thresholds and can eliminate the second stability regime. A geometric interpretation of these results is given.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1446037}, file = {Hegna2002_PhysPlasmas_9_2014.pdf:Hegna2002_PhysPlasmas_9_2014.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma magnetohydrodynamics; ballooning instability; plasma toroidal confinement; stellarators; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; plasma properties}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/9/2014/1}, } @Article{Hegna2001, author = {Hegna, C. C. and Hudson, S. R.}, title = {Loss of Second-Ballooning Stability in Three-Dimensional Equilibria}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2001}, volume = {87}, pages = {035001}, month = {Jun}, abstract = {The effect of three-dimensional geometry on the stability boundaries of ideal ballooning modes is investigated. In particular, the relationship between the symmetry properties of the local shear and the magnetic curvature is addressed for quasisymmetric configurations. The presence of symmetry breaking terms in the local shear can produce localized ballooning instabilities in regions of small average magnetic shear which lower first-ballooning stability thresholds and can potentially eliminate the second stability regime.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.035001}, file = {Hegna2001_PhysRevLett.87.035001.pdf:Hegna2001_PhysRevLett.87.035001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {3}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.12.22}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.035001}, } @Article{Helander2012, author = {P Helander and C D Beidler and T M Bird and M Drevlak and Y Feng and R Hatzky and F Jenko and R Kleiber and J H E Proll and Yu Turkin and P Xanthopoulos}, title = {Stellarator and tokamak plasmas: a comparison}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {12}, pages = {124009}, abstract = {An overview is given of physics differences between stellarators and tokamaks, including magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium, stability, fast-ion physics, plasma rotation, neoclassical and turbulent transport and edge physics. Regarding microinstabilities, it is shown that the ordinary, collisionless trapped-electron mode is stable in large parts of parameter space in stellarators that have been designed so that the parallel adiabatic invariant decreases with radius. Also, the first global, electromagnetic, gyrokinetic stability calculations performed for Wendelstein 7-X suggest that kinetic ballooning modes are more stable than in a typical tokamak.}, file = {Helander2012_0741-3335_54_12_124009.pdf:Helander2012_0741-3335_54_12_124009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=12/a=124009}, } @Article{Hellinger2012, author = {Petr Hellinger and Pavel M. TravniCek}, title = {On the quasi-linear diffusion in collisionless plasmas (to say nothing about Landau damping)}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {6}, pages = {062307}, abstract = {General quasi-linear diffusion coefficients for nonrelativistic collisionless plasmas are derived for unstable modes and analytically continued to damped modes. Properties of the resulting diffusion are investigated and discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4729317}, eid = {062307}, file = {Hellinger2012_PhysPlasmas_19_062307.pdf:Hellinger2012_PhysPlasmas_19_062307.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {damping; diffusion; dispersion relations; plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma transport processes; plasma waves}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/062307/1}, } @Article{Heras2010, author = {José A Heras}, title = {The c equivalence principle and the correct form of writing Maxwell's equations}, journal = {European Journal of Physics}, year = {2010}, volume = {31}, number = {5}, pages = {1177}, abstract = {It is well known that the speed ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0143-0807/31/5/018/ejp358809ieqn3.gif] {c_u=1/\sqrt{\epsilon _0\mu _0}} is obtained in the process of defining SI units via action-at-a-distance forces, like the force between two static charges and the force between two long and parallel currents. The speed c u is then physically different from the observed speed of propagation c associated with electromagnetic waves in vacuum. However, repeated experiments have led to the numerical equality c u = c , which we have called the c equivalence principle. In this paper we point out that ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0143-0807/31/5/018/ejp358809ieqn4.gif] {\boldsymbol{\nabla }\times {\bf E}=-[1/(\epsilon _0\mu _0 c^2)]\partial {\bf B}/\partial t} is the correct form of writing Faraday's law when the c equivalence principle is not assumed. We also discuss the covariant form of Maxwell's equations without assuming the c equivalence principle.}, file = {Heras2010a_AJP001048.pdf:Heras2010a_AJP001048.pdf:PDF;Heras2010_0143-0807_31_5_018.pdf:Heras2010_0143-0807_31_5_018.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0143-0807/31/i=5/a=018}, } @Article{Heras2010a, author = {Jose A. Heras}, title = {The Galilean limits of Maxwell's equations}, journal = {American Journal of Physics}, year = {2010}, volume = {78}, number = {10}, pages = {1048-1055}, abstract = {We show that if Maxwell’s equations are expressed in a form independent of specific units, at least three Galilean limits can be extracted. The electric and magnetic limits can be regarded as nonrelativistic limits because they are obtained using the condition |v|⪡c and restrictions on the magnitudes of the sources and fields. The third limit is called the instantaneous limit and is introduced by letting c→∞. The electric and instantaneous limits have the same form, but their interpretation is different because the instantaneous limit cannot be considered as a nonrelativistic limit. We emphasize the double role that the speed of light c plays in Maxwell’s equations.}, doi = {10.1119/1.3442798}, file = {Heras2010a_AJP001048.pdf:Heras2010a_AJP001048.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Maxwell equations; physics education}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AAPT}, timestamp = {2012.12.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?AJP/78/1048/1}, } @Article{Hidalgo2012, author = {Hidalgo, C. and Silva, C. and Carreras, B. A. and van Milligen, B. and Figueiredo, H. and Garc\'\ia, L. and Pedrosa, M. A. and Gon\ifmmode \mbox{\c{c}}\else \c{c}\fi{}alves, B. and Alonso, A.}, title = {Dynamical Coupling between Gradients and Transport in Fusion Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {065001}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {The dynamical coupling between density gradients and particle transport has been investigated using similar experimental tools in the plasma boundary of different tokamak (JET, ISTTOK) and stellarator (TJ-II) devices, showing that the size of turbulent events is minimum in the proximity of the most probable density gradient. Experimental results were found to be consistent with results from two very different models of plasma turbulence and transport. The present findings, common to several plasma devices, suggest the importance of self-regulation mechanisms between plasma transport and gradients in fusion devices.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.065001}, file = {Hidalgo2012_PhysRevLett.108.065001.pdf:Hidalgo2012_PhysRevLett.108.065001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.02.09}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.065001}, } @Article{Hill2012, author = {P Hill and S Saarelma and B McMillan and A Peeters and E Verwichte}, title = {Perpendicular wavenumber dependence of the linear stability of global ion temperature gradient modes on E × B flows}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {6}, pages = {065011}, abstract = {Sheared E × B flows are known to stabilize turbulence. This paper investigates how the linear stability of the ion-temperature-gradient (ITG) mode depends on k ⊥ in both circular and MHD geometry. We study the effects of both rotation profiles of constant shear and of purely toroidal flow taken from experiment, using the global gyrokinetic particle-in-cell code NEMORB. We find that in order to effectively stabilize the linear mode, the fastest growing mode requires a shearing rate (γ E ) around 1–2 times its linear growth rate without flow (γ 0 ), while both longer and shorter wavelength modes need much larger flow shear compared with their static linear growth rates. Modes with k θ ρ i < 0.2 need γ E as much as 10 times their γ 0 . This variation exists in both large-aspect ratio circular cross-section and small-aspect ratio MHD geometries, with both analytic constant shear and experimental flow profiles. There is an asymmetry in the suppression with respect to the sign of γ E , due to competition between equilibrium profile variation and flow shear. The maximum growth rate for cases using the experimental profile in MAST equilibria occurs at shearing rates of 10% the experimental level.}, file = {Hill2012_0741-3335_54_6_065011.pdf:Hill2012_0741-3335_54_6_065011.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.25}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=6/a=065011}, } @Article{Hillesheim2013, author = {Hillesheim, J. C. and DeBoo, J. C. and Peebles, W. A. and Carter, T. A. and Wang, G. and Rhodes, T. L. and Schmitz, L. and McKee, G. R. and Yan, Z. and Staebler, G. M. and Burrell, K. H. and Doyle, E. J. and Holland, C. and Petty, C. C. and Smith, S. P. and White, A. E. and Zeng, L.}, title = {Observation of a Critical Gradient Threshold for Electron Temperature Fluctuations in the DIII-D Tokamak}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {045003}, month = {Jan}, abstract = {A critical gradient threshold has been observed for the first time in a systematic, controlled experiment for a locally measured turbulent quantity in the core of a confined high-temperature plasma. In an experiment in the DIII-D tokamak where LTe-1=|∇Te|/Te and toroidal rotation were varied, long wavelength (kθρs≲0.4) electron temperature fluctuations exhibit a threshold in LTe-1: below, they change little; above, they steadily increase. The increase in δTe/Te is concurrent with increased electron heat flux and transport stiffness. Observations were insensitive to rotation. Accumulated evidence strongly enforces the identification of the experimentally observed threshold with ∇Te-driven trapped electron mode turbulence.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.045003}, file = {Hillesheim2013_PhysRevLett.110.045003.pdf:Hillesheim2013_PhysRevLett.110.045003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {4}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.045003}, } @Article{Hinton1985, author = {F.L. Hinton}, title = {Neoclassical transport effects and the H-mode transition}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1985}, volume = {25}, number = {10}, pages = {1457}, abstract = {Ion neoclassical transport near the separatrix of a divertor tokamak is investigated. In the high-collisionality regime, large ion temperature gradients may develop with single-null operation if the ion grad-B drift is toward the x-point, and if the power is comparable to a 'critical' value. This may explain the observed dependence, of the power threshold for the H-mode in ASDEX, on the number and location of the x-points. In the low-collisionality regime, achieved experimentally with higher heating power, the ion temperature gradient is large and does not depend on x-point number or location.}, file = {Hinton1985_0029-5515_25_10_008.pdf:Hinton1985_0029-5515_25_10_008.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/25/i=10/a=008}, } @Article{Hinton1991, author = {F. L. Hinton}, title = {Thermal confinement bifurcation and the L- to H-mode transition in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {696-704}, abstract = {A bifurcation in the thermal confinement of tokamaks, which resembles the L‐ to H‐mode transition, is shown to follow from properties of edge turbulence recently derived by Biglari et al. [Phys. Fluids B 2, 1 (1990)], and the standard neoclassical theory of poloidal rotation. The temperature profiles develop a pedestal at the plasma edge, and the poloidal rotation near the edge is considerably increased, when the heating power exceeds a critical value. The energy confinement time is a discontinuous function of increasing heating power, but is continuous for decreasing power (power hysteresis). Critical values of density and magnetic field are found, which must be exceeded in order for the bifurcation to occur. The scaling of the power threshold with density, magnetic field, and ion mass is similar to what is found experimentally.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859866}, file = {Hinton1991_PFB000696.pdf:Hinton1991_PFB000696.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION; PLASMA HEATING; MAGNETIC FIELDS; PLASMA DENSITY; THRESHOLD ENERGY; SCALING LAWS; ROTATION; TURBULENCE; PLASMA INSTABILITY; BIFURCATION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/696/1}, } @Article{Hinton2006, author = {F. L. Hinton and R. E. Waltz}, title = {Gyrokinetic turbulent heating}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2006}, volume = {13}, number = {10}, pages = {102301}, abstract = {Expressions for particle and energy fluxes and heating rates due to turbulence are derived. These fluxes and heating rates are identified from moments of an extended drift-kinetic equation for the equilibrium distribution function. These include neoclassical as well as turbulent diffusion and heating. Phase-space conservation is demonstrated, allowing the drift-kinetic equation to be expressed in conservative form. This facilitates taking moments with few approximations, mainly those consistent with drift kinetics for the equilibrium distribution function and the relative smallness of the fluctuations. The turbulent heating is uniquely defined by choosing the standard gyrokinetic definition for the energy flux. With this definition, most of the heating can be expressed in the form of ohmic heating from turbulent parallel and perpendicular current density perturbations. The latter current is identified with grad-B and curvature drifts, plus terms involving magnetic perturbations (which are smaller for low beta). A small contribution to the heating comes from the divergence of an energy flux that is dependent on the finite gyroradius of the ions. The fluxes and heating rates are expressed in a form that can be easily evaluated from gyrokinetic turbulence simulations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2345179}, eid = {102301}, file = {Hinton2006_PhysPlasmas_13_102301.pdf:Hinton2006_PhysPlasmas_13_102301.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma turbulence; plasma kinetic theory; plasma transport processes; plasma fluctuations; plasma ohmic heating; plasma simulation}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/13/102301/1}, } @Article{Hirose2003a, author = {A. Hirose and M. Elia}, title = {Kinetic ballooning stability of internal transport barriers in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2003}, volume = {10}, number = {5}, pages = {1195-1198}, abstract = {Steep plasma pressure gradient can be stably sustained in tokamaks if the magnetic shear s is weak, either positive or negative. A fully kinetic integral equation code has been developed to investigate stability of the drift and ballooning modes in tokamaks. For small shear ∣s∣≪1 where the magnetohydrodynamic ballooning mode is known to be stable, the kinetic ballooning mode is stable only if the pressure gradient exceeds a threshold.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1568948}, file = {Hirose2003_PhysPlasmas_10_1195.pdf:Hirose2003_PhysPlasmas_10_1195.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; plasma transport processes; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; plasma kinetic theory; plasma pressure; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/10/1195/1}, } @Article{Hirshman1988, author = {S. P. Hirshman}, title = {Finite-aspect-ratio effects on the bootstrap current in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1988}, volume = {31}, number = {10}, pages = {3150-3152}, abstract = {The bootstrap current in tokamaks is determined in the low collision frequency regime for arbitrary values of the aspect ratio and effect charge. The resulting expression should be useful for a quantitative analysis of currents in tokamaks.}, doi = {10.1063/1.866973}, file = {Hirshman1988_PFL003150.pdf:Hirshman1988_PFL003150.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ASPECT RATIO; TOKAMAK DEVICES; BOOTSTRAP MODEL; COLLISIONAL PLASMA; ELECTRIC CURRENTS; EQUATIONS; PRESSURE GRADIENTS; PLASMA PRESSURE}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.26}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/31/3150/1}, } @Article{Hirvijoki2012, author = {E. Hirvijoki and T. Kurki-Suonio}, title = {Monte Carlo diffusion operator for anomalous radial transport in tokamaks}, journal = {EPL (Europhysics Letters)}, year = {2012}, volume = {97}, number = {5}, pages = {55002}, abstract = {We have revised the numerical model for anomalous diffusion across the magnetic surfaces in tokamaks, originally derived in the cylindrical limit, i.e. , at very large aspect ratio values, and assuming circular flux surfaces. The new model removes these restrictions and properly accounts for the toroidal geometry even in the limit of very tight aspect ratio, and is applicable with flux surfaces of arbitrary shape.}, file = {Hirvijoki2012_0295-5075_97_5_55002.pdf:Hirvijoki2012_0295-5075_97_5_55002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.11}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0295-5075/97/i=5/a=55002}, } @Article{Holland2012, author = {C. Holland and J.C. DeBoo and T.L. Rhodes and L. Schmitz and J.C. Hillesheim and G. Wang and A.E. White and M.E. Austin and E.J. Doyle and W.A. Peebles and C.C. Petty and L. Zeng and J. Candy}, title = {Testing gyrokinetic simulations of electron turbulence}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {6}, pages = {063028}, abstract = {An extensive set of tests comparing gyrokinetic predictions of temperature-gradient driven electron turbulence to power balance transport analyses and fluctuation measurements are presented. These tests use data from an L-mode validation study on the DIII-D tokamak (Luxon 2002 Nucl. Fusion 42 614) in which the local value of ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/6/063028/nf410974ieqn001.gif] {$a/L_{T_{\rm e} } =-(a/T_{\rm e} )({\rm d}T_{\rm e} /{\rm d}r)$} is varied by modulated electron cyclotron heating; the GYRO code (Candy and Waltz 2003 J. Comput. Phys. 186 545) is used to make the gyrokinetic predictions. Using a variety of novel measures, both local and global nonlinear simulations are shown to predict key characteristics of the electron energy flux Q e and long-wavelength (low- k ) T e fluctuations, but systematically underpredict (by roughly a factor of two) the ion energy flux Q i . A new synthetic diagnostic for comparison to intermediate wavelength Doppler backscattering measurements is presented, and used to compare simulation predictions against experiment. In contrast to the agreement observed in the low- k T e fluctuation comparisons, little agreement is found between the predicted and measured intermediate- k density fluctuation responses. The results presented in this paper significantly expand upon those previously reported in DeBoo et al (2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 056105), comparing transport and multiple turbulence predictions from numerically converged local and global simulations for all four experimental heating configurations (instead of only fluxes and low- k T e fluctuations for one condition) to measurements and power balance analyses.}, file = {Holland2012_0029-5515_52_6_063028.pdf:Holland2012_0029-5515_52_6_063028.pdf:PDF;Holland2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114007.pdf:Holland2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114007.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.03}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=6/a=063028}, } @Article{Holland2004, author = {C. Holland and P. H. Diamond}, title = {A simple model of interactions between electron temperature gradient and drift-wave turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {3}, pages = {1043-1051}, abstract = {A self-consistent theory for the interaction between electron temperature gradient (ETG) and drift-ion temperature gradient (DITG) turbulence is presented. Random shear suppression of ETG turbulence by DITG modes is studied, as well as the back-reaction of the ETG modes on the DITG turbulence via stresses. It is found that ETG dynamics can be sensitive to shearing by short-wavelength DITG modes. DITG modulations of the electron temperature gradient are also shown to be quite significant. Conversely, the back-reaction of the ETG on the DITG turbulence is found to be weak. The importance of different interactions is quantified via scalings which sensitively depend upon the electron–ion mass ratio. The findings are used to motivate a discussion of the development of a “super-grid” model for the effects of DITG turbulence on the ETG turbulence.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1646675}, file = {Holland2004_PhysPlasmas_11_1043.pdf:Holland2004_PhysPlasmas_11_1043.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma temperature; plasma turbulence; plasma drift waves; plasma instability}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.26}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/1043/1}, } @Article{Holland2012a, author = {C. Holland and C.C. Petty and L. Schmitz and K.H. Burrell and G.R. McKee and T.L. Rhodes and J. Candy}, title = {Progress in GYRO validation studies of DIII-D H-mode plasmas}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114007}, abstract = {The need for a validated predictive capability of turbulent transport in ITER is now widely recognized. However, to date most validation studies of nonlinear codes such as GYRO (Candy and Waltz 2003 J. Comput. Phys. 186 545) have focused upon low power L-mode discharges, which have significant differences in key dimensionless parameters such as ρ * = ρ s / a from more ITER-relevant H-mode discharges. In order to begin addressing this gap, comparisons of the turbulent transport and fluctuations predicted by nonlinear GYRO simulations for a number of DIII-D (Luxon 2002 Nucl. Fusion 42 614) H-mode discharges to power balance analyses and experimental measurements are presented. The results of two H-mode studies are presented in this paper, this first of which investigates the importance of nonlocality at typical DIII-D H-mode ρ * values. Electrostatic global GYRO simulations of H-mode discharges at low and high rotation are shown to predict turbulence and transport levels lower than corresponding local simulations, and which are consistent with or slightly above experimental measurements and power balance analyses, even at ‘near-edge’ radii where gyrofluid and gyrokinetic models systematically underpredict turbulence and transport levels. The second study addresses the stabilizing effect of a significant density of energetic particles on turbulent transport. The results of local GYRO simulations of low-density QH-mode plasmas are presented, which model the fast beam ion population as a separate, dynamic ion species. The simulations show a significant reduction of transport with this fast ion treatment, which helps to understand previously reported results (Holland et al 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 056113) in which GYRO simulations without this treatment significantly overpredicted (by a factor of 10 or more) power balance calculations. These results are contrasted with simulations of a high-density, low fast ion fraction QH-mode discharge, which predict transport levels consistent with power balance, regardless of the fast ion treatment.}, file = {Holland2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114007.pdf:Holland2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114007.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114007}, } @Article{Holloway1989, author = {James Paul Holloway and J.J Dorning}, title = {Undamped longitudinal plasma waves}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, year = {1989}, volume = {138}, number = {6–7}, pages = {279 - 284}, issn = {0375-9601}, abstract = {We have derived necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of undamped nonlinear plasma waves in one dimension. The analysis establishes the existence of exact nonlinear plasma waves which are predicted to Landau damp according to the standard linear theory, but which in fact do not damp.}, doi = {10.1016/0375-9601(89)90277-6}, file = {Holloway1989_0375-9601%2889%2990277-6.pdf:Holloway1989_0375-9601%2889%2990277-6.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0375960189902776}, } @Article{Holloway1991, author = {Holloway, James Paul and Dorning, J. J.}, title = {Undamped plasma waves}, journal = {Phys. Rev. A}, year = {1991}, volume = {44}, pages = {3856--3868}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {In this paper we describe small-amplitude nonlinear plasma wave solutions to the one-dimensional Vlasov-Maxwell equations. The methods used to construct these waves rely on the decomposition of the distribution functions into odd and even parts and on using BGK forms to represent these pairs of functions; further manipulations using dimensional-reduction techniques from nonlinear functional analysis reduce the problem exactly to an algebraic equation that can be analyzed using bifurcation theory. Using these methods, we first develop a sufficient condition for waves of a given phase velocity to exist arbitrarily close to a given spatially uniform Vlasov equilibrium. Along with this condition we derive sufficient analytical information for the construction of approximate expressions for the electric potential and distribution functions, with exact knowlege of the asymptotic behavior of the error terms. These results have a very surprising physical implication: the Landau damping of small-amplitude waves is not inevitable. Instead, there exist plasma waves that trap particles even at arbitrarily small amplitude and do not damp.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.44.3856}, file = {Holloway1991_PhysRevA.44.3856.pdf:Holloway1991_PhysRevA.44.3856.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevA.44.3856}, } @Article{Holod2013, author = {I. Holod and Z. Lin}, title = {Verification of electromagnetic fluid-kinetic hybrid electron model in global gyrokinetic particle simulation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032309}, abstract = {The fluid-kinetic hybrid electron model is verified in global gyrokinetic particle simulation of linear electromagnetic drift-Alfvénic instabilities in tokamak. In particular, we have recovered the β-stabilization of the ion temperature gradient mode, transition to collisionless trapped electron mode, and the onset of kinetic ballooning mode as βe (ratio of electron kinetic pressure to magnetic pressure) increases.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4798392}, eid = {032309}, file = {Holod2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032309.pdf:Holod2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032309.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; plasma Alfven waves; plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; plasma kinetic theory; plasma pressure; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032309/1}, } @Article{Holzl2012, author = {M. Holzl and S. Gunter and R. P. Wenninger and W.-C. Muller and G. T. A. Huysmans and K. Lackner and I. Krebs ASDEX Upgrade Team}, title = {Reduced-magnetohydrodynamic simulations of toroidally and poloidally localized edge localized modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {8}, pages = {082505}, abstract = {We use the non-linear reduced-magnetohydrodynamic code JOREK to study edge localized modes (ELMs) in the geometry of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Toroidal mode numbers, poloidal filament sizes, and radial propagation speeds of filaments into the scrape-off layer are in good agreement with observations for type-I ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade. The observed instabilities exhibit a toroidal and poloidal localization of perturbations which is compatible with the “solitary magnetic perturbations” recently discovered in ASDEX Upgrade [R. Wenninger et al., “Solitary magnetic perturbations at the ELM onset,” Nucl. Fusion (accepted)]. This localization can only be described in numerical simulations with high toroidal resolution.}, collaboration = {ASDEX Upgrade Team}, doi = {10.1063/1.4742994}, eid = {082505}, file = {Holzl2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082505.pdf:Holzl2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082505.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {filamentation instability; plasma boundary layers; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/082505/1}, } @Article{Hommen2013, author = {G Hommen and M de Baar and J Citrin and H J de Blank and R J Voorhoeve and M F M de Bock and M Steinbuch and JET-EFDA contributors}, title = {A fast, magnetics-free flux surface estimation and q -profile reconstruction algorithm for feedback control of plasma profiles}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {2}, pages = {025007}, abstract = {The flux surfaces' layout and the magnetic winding number q are important quantities for the performance and stability of tokamak plasmas. Normally, these quantities are iteratively derived by solving the plasma equilibrium for the poloidal and toroidal flux. In this work, a fast, non-iterative and magnetics-free numerical method is proposed to estimate the shape of the flux surfaces by an inward propagation of the plasma boundary shape, as can be determined for example by optical boundary reconstruction described in Hommen (2010 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81 113504), toward the magnetic axis, as can be determined independently with the motional Stark effect (MSE) diagnostic. Flux surfaces are estimated for various plasma regimes in the ITER, JET and MAST tokamaks and are compared with results of CRONOS reconstructions and simulations, showing agreement to within 1% of the minor radius for almost all treated plasmas. The availability of the flux surface shapes combined with the pitch angles measured using MSE allow the reconstruction of the plasma q -profile, by evaluating the contour-integral over the flux surfaces of the magnetic field pitch angle. This method provides a direct and exact measure of the q -profile for arbitrary flux surface shapes, which does not rely on magnetic measurements. Results based on estimated flux surface shapes show agreement with CRONOS q -profiles of better than 10%. The impact of the shape of the flux surfaces on the q -profile, particularly the profiles of elongation and Shafranov shift, and offsets in plasma boundary and the magnetic axis are assessed. OFIT + was conceived for real-time plasma profile control experiments and advanced tokamak operation, and provides quickly and reliably the mapping of actuators and sensors to the minor radius as well as the plasma q -profile, independent of magnetic measurements.}, file = {Hommen2013_0741-3335_55_2_025007.pdf:Hommen2013_0741-3335_55_2_025007.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=2/a=025007}, } @Article{Hong2012a, author = {Jinhy Hong and Ensang Lee and Kyoungwook Min and George K. Parks}, title = {Effect of ion-to-electron mass ratio on the evolution of ion beam driven instability in particle-in-cell simulations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {092111}, abstract = {In particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation studies of ion-ion two-stream instability, a reduced ion-to-electron mass ratio is often employed to save computation time. It is tacitly assumed that electrons do not play a significant role in the evolution of the instability as the ion-ion interactions are regarded to occur on time scales much slower than the response time of electrons. However, as the effect of such a reduced mass ratio has never been closely examined, we have studied the evolution of the ion beam driven instability using a one-dimensional electrostatic PIC code by rescaling the simulation parameters according to the ion-electron mass ratio. We made a reference simulation run with a mass ratio of 100 first and compared the results to the simulation results using the real mass ratio with parameters rescaled from those of the reduced mass ratio. External electric fields were applied in these simulations, which accelerated the electrons and excited an ion acoustic type instability, forming electron phase space holes. Merging of the electron holes affected the ion dynamics significantly when the reduced mass ratio was used, while the interplay between the electron and ion dynamics became different depending on the rescaling methods in the case of the real mass ratio. Another simulation test with much enhanced external electric field results in similar mass ratio dependence. The present simulation results clearly show that the reduced mass ratio should be used cautiously in PIC simulations as the electron dynamics can modify the ion instabilities significantly by affecting the ion motions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4754002}, eid = {092111}, file = {Hong2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_092111.pdf:Hong2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_092111.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ion beams; plasma instability; plasma simulation}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/092111/1}, } @Article{Hong2012, author = {M. H. Hong and Y. Lin and X. Y. Wang}, title = {Generation of kinetic Alfv[e-acute]n waves by beam-plasma interaction in non-uniform plasma}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {072903}, abstract = {This work reports a novel mechanism of the generation of kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) using a two-dimensional hybrid simulation: the KAWs are generated by ion beam-plasma interaction in a non-uniform plasma boundary layer, in which the bulk velocity of the ion beam is assumed to be parallel to the ambient magnetic field. As a result of the beam-plasma interaction, strong shear Alfvén waves as well as fast mode compressional waves are first generated on the side of the boundary layer with a high density and thus a low Alfvén speed, propagating along the background magnetic field. Later, Alfvén waves also form inside the boundary layer with a continuous spectrum. As the perpendicular wave number k⊥ of these unstably excited waves increases with time, large-amplitude, short wavelength KAWs with k⊥ ≫ k‖ clearly form in the boundary layer. The physics for the generation of KAWs is discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4736988}, eid = {072903}, file = {Hong2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072903.pdf:Hong2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072903.pdf:PDF;Hong2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_092111.pdf:Hong2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_092111.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma boundary layers; plasma instability; plasma simulation; plasma-beam interactions}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/072903/1}, } @Article{Hornsby2010, author = {W A Hornsby and A R Bell and R J Kingham and R O Dendy}, title = {A code to solve the Vlasov–Fokker–Planck equation applied to particle transport in magnetic turbulence}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2010}, volume = {52}, number = {7}, pages = {075011}, abstract = {We present a novel code which solves the Vlasov–Fokker–Planck (VFP) equation in three-dimensional magnetic turbulence using finite difference methods. The approach is distinct from particle tracking codes. The angular component of the velocity space distribution function is represented by a spherical harmonic expansion drawing on an approach pioneered by Bell et al ( 2006 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion [/0741-3335/48/3/r01] 48 R37 ) for laser–plasma interaction simulations. This method enables the accurate representation of magnetic fields and of the effect of angular scattering effects on a particle distribution function. The code has been verified against both collisional and quasi-linear turbulent transport theories. It is shown to address successfully the physics of cross-field transport in regimes of magnetic field field perturbation amplitude and collisionality that are difficult to study using other approaches.}, file = {Hornsby2010_0741-3335_52_7_075011.pdf:Hornsby2010_0741-3335_52_7_075011.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.24}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/52/i=7/a=075011}, } @Article{Hornsby2012, author = {W. A. Hornsby and A. G. Peeters and M. Siccinio and E. Poli}, title = {On the dynamics of vortex modes within magnetic islands}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032308}, abstract = {Recent work investigating the interaction of magnetic islands with micro-turbulence has uncovered the striking observation of large scale vortex modes forming within the island structure [W. A. Hornsby et al., Phys. Plasmas 17, 092301 (2010)]. These electrostatic vortices are found to be the size of the island and are oscillatory. It is this oscillatory behaviour and the presence of turbulence that leads us to believe that the dynamics are related to the geodesic acoustic mode (GAM), and it is this link that is investigated in this paper. Here, we derive an equation for the GAM in the MHD limit, in the presence of a magnetic island modified three-dimensional axisymmetric geometry. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are calculated numerically and then utilised to analyse the dynamics of oscillatory large-scale electrostatic potential structures seen in both linear and non-linear gyro-kinetic simulations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3692094}, eid = {032308}, file = {Hornsby2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032308.pdf:Hornsby2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032308.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma oscillations; plasma simulation; plasma turbulence; vortices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/032308/1}, } @Article{Horwitz1984, author = {Horwitz, J. L.}, title = {Features of ion trajectories in the polar magnetosphere}, journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.}, year = {1984}, volume = {11}, number = {11}, pages = {1111--1114}, issn = {1944-8007}, abstract = {The trajectories of mainly low-energy ionospheric ions injected near the polar cusp into the polar magnetosphere are presented for a model polar magnetosphere including the effects of convection electric fields and gravitation. The trajectories display the ion mass and energy differentiation which has been seen in recent satellite observations of low-energy ionospheric ions injected into the polar magnetosphere, and indicate that for reasonable ranges of injection energy, pitch angle and convection electric field: 1. Transport of low-energy ‘polar cusp’ O+ to the ∼1 Re altitude nightside auroral acceleration region is feasible; and 2. Preferential trapping of energetic O+ relative to H+ and He+ energetic ions occurs in the closed field line region of the magnetotail plasma sheet. Two interesting classes of polar region very low-energy heavy ion trajectories are noted: 1. ‘Parabolic’ trajectories, in which heavy ions injected at the polar cusp at small pitch angles rise then fall into the polar cap atmosphere, and 2. ‘Hopping’ trajectories, in which heavy ions injected at large pitch angles at the polar cusp mirror between the gravitational stopping location and magnetic mirror point as they convect at low to intermediate altitudes across the polar cap. It is also illustrated how during conditions of sunward convection in the central polar cap, a pronounced ‘spray’ of ions injected on the nightside may occur, in which such ions may appear in the nightside or dayside magnetosphere depending upon injection characteristics and dusk-to-dawn convection electric field magnitude; such ion dynamics may be of interest in connection with theta auroras.}, file = {Horwitz1984_grl2788.pdf:Horwitz1984_grl2788.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {2411 Particles and Fields—Ionosphere: Electric fields, 2463 Particles and Fields—Ionosphere: Plasma motion, convection, or circulation, 2772 Particles and Fields—Magnetosphere: Plasma instabilities}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.05}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/GL011i011p01111}, } @Article{Hoshino2012, author = {Hoshino, Masahiro}, title = {Stochastic Particle Acceleration in Multiple Magnetic Islands during Reconnection}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {135003}, month = {Mar}, abstract = {A nonthermal particle acceleration mechanism involving the interaction of a charged particle with multiple magnetic islands is proposed. The original Fermi acceleration model, which assumes randomly distributed magnetic clouds moving at random velocity Vc in the interstellar medium, is known to be of second-order acceleration of O(Vc/c)2 owing to the combination of head-on and head-tail collisions. In this Letter, we reconsider the original Fermi model by introducing multiple magnetic islands during reconnection instead of magnetic clouds. We discuss that the energetic particles have a tendency to be distributed outside the magnetic islands, and they mainly interact with reconnection outflow jets. As a result, the acceleration efficiency becomes first order of O(VA/c), where VA and c are the Alfvén velocity and the speed of light, respectively.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.135003}, file = {Hoshino2012_PhysRevLett.108.135003.pdf:Hoshino2012_PhysRevLett.108.135003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {13}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.03.29}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.135003}, } @Article{Houlberg1997, author = {W. A. Houlberg and K. C. Shaing and S. P. Hirshman and M. C. Zarnstorff}, title = {Bootstrap current and neoclassical transport in tokamaks of arbitrary collisionality and aspect ratio}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1997}, volume = {4}, number = {9}, pages = {3230-3242}, abstract = {A multi-species fluid model is described for the steady state parallel and radial force balance equations in axisymmetric tokamak plasmas. The bootstrap current, electrical resistivity, and particle and heat fluxes are evaluated in terms of the rotation velocities and friction and viscosity coefficients. A recent formulation of the neoclassical plasma viscosity for arbitrary shape and aspect ratio (including the unity aspect ratio limit), arbitrary collisionality, and orbit squeezing from strong radial electric fields is used to illustrate features of the model. The bootstrap current for the very low aspect ratio National Spherical Torus Experiment [J. Spitzer et al., Fusion Technol. 30, 1337 (1996)] is compared with other models; the largest differences occur near the plasma edge from treatment of the collisional contributions. The effects of orbit squeezing on bootstrap current, thermal and particle transport, and poloidal rotation are illustrated for an enhanced reverse shear plasma in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor [D. Meade and the TFTR Group, Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, 1990 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1991), Vol. I, p. 9]. Multiple charge states of impurities are incorporated using the reduced ion charge state formalism for computational efficiency. Because the force balance equations allow for inclusion of external momentum and heat sources and sinks they can be used for general plasma rotation studies while retaining the multi-species neoclassical effects.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872465}, file = {Houlberg1997_PhysPlasmas_4_3230.pdf:Houlberg1997_PhysPlasmas_4_3230.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; NEOCLASSICAL TRANSPORT THEORY; BOOTSTRAP CURRENT; ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY; HEAT FLUX; ASPECT RATIO; ROTATING PLASMA; PLASMA SIMULATION; COLLISIONAL PLASMA; plasma transport processes; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma collision processes; plasma theory}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/3230/1}, } @Article{Houlrik2009, author = {Jens Madsen Houlrik}, title = {The relativistic wave vector}, journal = {European Journal of Physics}, year = {2009}, volume = {30}, number = {4}, pages = {777}, abstract = {The Lorentz transformation applies directly to the kinematics of moving particles viewed as geometric points. Wave propagation, on the other hand, involves moving planes which are extended objects defined by simultaneity. By treating a plane wave as a geometric object moving at the phase velocity, novel results are obtained that illustrate the difference between wave and point kinematics. In particular, the so-called Carroll kinematics replaces Galilean relativity at low frame velocities when events are nonlocal.}, file = {Houlrik2009_0143-0807_30_4_011.pdf:Houlrik2009_0143-0807_30_4_011.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.06}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0143-0807/30/i=4/a=011}, } @Article{Hu1997, author = {G. Hu and W. Horton}, title = {Minimal model for transport barrier dynamics based on ion-temperature-gradient turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1997}, volume = {4}, number = {9}, pages = {3262-3272}, doi = {10.1063/1.872467}, file = {Hu1997_PhysPlasmas_4_3262.pdf:Hu1997_PhysPlasmas_4_3262.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TURBULENCE; MARKOV PROCESS; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; TOKAMAK DEVICES; TRANSPORT THEORY; BIFURCATION; CORRELATION FUNCTIONS; PLASMA DRIFT; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; plasma temperature; convection; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma flow; plasma instability; plasma fluctuations}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/3262/1}, } @Article{Hu2012, author = {Y. J. Hu and Y. M. Hu and Y. R. Lin-Liu}, title = {Electron shielding current in neutral beam current drive in general tokamak equilibria and arbitrary collisionality regime}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {034505}, abstract = {A formula based on the solutions to the drift kinetic equation is proposed for modeling the trapped electron correction to the electron shielding current in neutral beam current drive in general tokamak equilibria and arbitrary collisionality regime.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3693201}, eid = {034505}, file = {Hu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_034505.pdf:Hu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_034505.pdf:PDF;Zhu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032503.pdf:Zhu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032503.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma collision processes; plasma kinetic theory; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/034505/1}, } @Article{Huang1992, author = {Chenhong Huang and Zuoguo Wu and R.D. Nevels}, title = {SPMC path integral method applied to electromagnetic wave propagation in transversely inhomogeneous media}, journal = {Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1992. AP-S. 1992 Digest. Held in Conjuction with: URSI Radio Science Meeting and Nuclear EMP Meeting., IEEE}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, pages = {2317-2320}, abstract = {A stationary phase Monte Carlo (SPMC) approach based on the path integral formulation of the electromagnetic (EM) wave equation is applied to the computation of EM wave propagation in transversely inhomogeneous media having an arbitrary smoothly varying index of refraction profile. This method is developed to compute the fields in such a medium where the observation point is many, perhaps several hundred, wavelengths from the source. The Helmholtz equation is first transformed into its equivalent time-dependent Schrodinger equation with the direction of propagation taking the place of the time coordinate. The solution to the Schrodinger equation is then expressed in terms of Feynman's propagator. A SPMC filter, which results in a stable SPMC output with respect to various Monte Carlo parameters and thus overcomes the difficulties previously associated with the multidimensional SPMC method, is designed to evaluate the propagator}, file = {Huang1992_00221387.pdf:Huang1992_00221387.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.11}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=221387&reason=concurrency}, } @Article{Huang2013, author = {Xianli Huang and Zhongbing Shi and Zhengying Cui and Zhong Wulv and Dong Yunbo and Chen Chengyuan and Feng Beibin and Yao Lianghua and Liu Zetian and Ding Xuantong and Yang Qingwei}, title = {Heat Transport During H-Mode in the HL-2A Tokamak}, journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, year = {2013}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {221}, abstract = {Perturbative experiments on electron heat transport have been successfully conducted on the HL-2A tokamak. The pulse propagation of the electron temperature is induced by the supersonic molecular beam injection (SMBI), which has characteristics of good localization and deep deposition. A model based on the electron heat transport in cylindrical geometry has been applied to reconstruct the measured amplitude and phase profiles of the electron temperature perturbation. The results show that the heat transport is significantly reduced near the pedestal region of the H-mode plasma. In the “profile stiffness/resilience" region, similar heat diffusivities have been observed in L-mode and H-mode plasmas, which verifies the gradient-driven transport physics in tokamaks.}, file = {Huang2013_1009-0630_15_3_06.pdf:Huang2013_1009-0630_15_3_06.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.22}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/15/i=3/a=06}, } @Article{Huang2012, author = {Y. Huang and C.H. Liu and L. Nie and Z. Feng and X.Q. Ji and K. Yao and G.L. Zhu and Yi Liu and Z.Y. Cui and L.W. Yan and Q.M. Wang and Q.W. Yang and X.T. Ding and J.Q. Dong and X.R. Duan}, title = {Features of spontaneous and pellet-induced ELMs on the HL-2A tokamak}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114008}, abstract = {The pellet pacing ELM mitigation concept is being tested in some tokamaks such as ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and JET. By increasing the ELM frequency, the ELM size can be reduced and eventually suppressed to meet the lifetime requirements on ITER target plates. In the HL-2A tokamak, ELMy H-mode operation is routinely performed and small type-III ELMs with a high repetition rate and some type-I (or possibly large type-III) ELM events are observed. Large ELMs are often preceded by strong coherent magnetic oscillations, and produce obvious perturbations on plasma current I p , electron density ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/11/114008/nf415017ieqn001.gif] {$\bar {n}_{{\rm edge}}$} at the edge, stored energy W E , etc. The coherent magnetic oscillations before an ELM crash or during the ELM are measured by toroidal and poloidal Mirnov coils and analysed by the wavelet technique to study the spectral characteristics of the short time ELM events. Pellet injection experiments are performed in type-III ELMy H-mode plasmas and ELM-free H-mode plasmas to study the physics of pellet triggering ELM. The analyses of pellet-induced ELMs and spontaneous ELMs are presented. Because the pellet size is relatively large, it induces magnetic oscillations lasting longer than that of a natural ELM.}, file = {Huang2012_0029-5515_52_11_114008.pdf:Huang2012_0029-5515_52_11_114008.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114008}, } @Article{Hubbard2012, author = {A.E. Hubbard and D.G. Whyte and R.M. Churchill and A. Dominguez and J.W. Hughes and Y. Ma and E.S. Marmar and Y. Lin and M.L. Reinke and A.E. White}, title = {Threshold conditions for transitions to I-mode and H-mode with unfavourable ion grad B drift direction}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114009}, abstract = {Transitions from the L-mode regime to the I-mode regime, with an energy transport barrier, and to the H-mode regime with both an energy and particle transport barrier are studied on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. Steady I-mode plasmas have been produced over a wide range of plasma field (3–6 T), current (0.8–1.35 MA), density and shaping in the unfavourable ion B × ∇ B configuration. The power threshold for the L–I transition is higher than scalings for the L–H transition with favourable drift, and increases with plasma current as well as density. Threshold conditions for the I–H transition are more variable. In some conditions I-mode is maintained up to the maximum available ICRF power of 5 MW, nearly a factor of two above the L–I threshold, giving a robust operating window. Edge T e at the L–I transition is in the range 250–450 eV, over a range of current and density, about a factor of two higher than with favourable drift, while at the I–H transition it can be much higher (up to 1.1 keV) but is again widely variable. Heat pulses due to sawteeth may play a role in transitions. Controlled I–L back transitions indicate little power hysteresis.}, file = {Hubbard2012_0029-5515_52_11_114009.pdf:Hubbard2012_0029-5515_52_11_114009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114009}, } @Article{Hurricane2000, author = {O. A. Hurricane and B. D. G. Chandran and S. C. Cowley}, title = {Internal kink stability of large aspect ratio high-beta tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2000}, volume = {7}, number = {10}, pages = {4043-4051}, abstract = {Theoretically, high-β (β∼1) tokamaks offer a large fusion power efficiency advantage over low-β devices. However, if high-β tokamaks are inherently unstable then such devices will never be realized. In particular, kink modes are thought to be the most serious obstacle to high-β operations. High-β tokamaks are characterized by a very large Shafranov shift with a thin “boundary layer” on the outboard side of the device and a large “core” region of vertical flux surfaces comprising most of the central volume. In this paper, the energy principle is used to compute the magnetohydrodynamic internal kink stability of such devices in the large aspect ratio limit with a low toroidal mode number. A class of internal kink mode similar to the usual low-β kink is present; the stability against these modes is computed. A set of parameters describing a kink stable high-β equilibrium is given. Stability is shown to be dependent on the shape of the plasma boundary.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1288489}, file = {Hurricane2000_PhysPlasmas_7_4043.pdf:Hurricane2000_PhysPlasmas_7_4043.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; kink instability; plasma boundary layers}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/7/4043/1}, } @Article{Hurricane1997, author = {O. A. Hurricane and B. H. Fong and S. C. Cowley}, title = {Nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic detonation: Part I}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1997}, volume = {4}, number = {10}, pages = {3565-3580}, abstract = {The sudden release of magnetic free energy, as occurs in spectacular solar flare events, tokamak disruptions, and enigmatic magnetospheric substorms, has long defied any acceptable theoretical explanation. Usual attempts at explaining these explosive events invoke magnetic reconnection and/or ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instability. However, neither of these two mechanisms can explain the fast time scales without nonlinear destabilization. Recently, Cowley et al. [Phys. Plasmas 3, 1848 (1996)] have demonstrated a new mechanism for nonlinear explosive MHD destabilization of a line tied Rayleigh–Taylor model. In this paper, this picture is generalized to arbitrary magnetic field geometries. As an intermediate step, the ballooning equation in a general equilibrium is derived including the effects of magnetic field curvature, shear, and gravity. This equation determines the linear stability of the plasma configuration and the behavior of the plasma displacement along the magnetic field line. The nonlinear equation which determines the time and spatial dependence, transverse to the equilibrium magnetic field, of the plasma displacement is obtained in fifth order of the expansion. The equations show that explosive behavior is a natural and generic property of ballooning instabilities close to the linear stability boundary.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872252}, file = {Hurricane1997_PhysPlasmas_4_3565.pdf:Hurricane1997_PhysPlasmas_4_3565.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; RAYLEIGH-TAYLOR INSTABILITY; EXPLOSIONS; MHD EQUILIBRIUM; MAGNETIC FIELDS; SOLAR FLARES; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; EXPLOSIVE INSTABILITY; EXPLOSIVE STIMULATION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; detonation}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/3565/1}, } @Article{Huysmans2007, author = {G.T.A. Huysmans and O. Czarny}, title = {MHD stability in X-point geometry: simulation of ELMs}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2007}, volume = {47}, number = {7}, pages = {659}, abstract = {A non-linear MHD code, named JOREK, is under development with the aim of studying the non-linear evolution of the MHD instabilities thought to be responsible for edge localized modes (ELMs): external kink (peeling) and medium- n ballooning modes. The full toroidal X-point geometry is taken into account including the separatrix, open and closed field lines. Analysis of the influence of the separatrix shows a strong stabilization of the ideal and resistive MHD external kink/peeling modes. One instability remains unstable in the presence of the X-point, characterized by a combination of a tearing and a peeling mode. The so-called peeling–tearing mode shows a much weaker dependence on the edge q . Non-linearly the n = 1 peeling–tearing mode saturates at a constant amplitude yielding a mostly kink-like perturbation of the boundary with an island-like structure close to the X-point. The non-linear evolution of a medium- n ballooning mode shows the formation of density filaments. The density filaments are sheared off from the main plasma by an n = 0 flow non-linearly induced by the Maxwell stress. The amplitude of the ballooning mode is limited by this n = 0 flow and multiple (in time) density filaments can develop to bring the plasma below the stability boundary.}, file = {Huysmans2007_0029-5515_47_7_016.pdf:Huysmans2007_0029-5515_47_7_016.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/47/i=7/a=016}, } @Article{Huysmans2005, author = {G T A Huysmans}, title = {ELMs: MHD instabilities at the transport barrier}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2005}, volume = {47}, number = {12B}, pages = {B165}, abstract = {The ideal MHD model of peeling–ballooning modes for the onset of the edge localized mode (ELM) is reviewed with some of the previous results that lead to the present understanding of the MHD stability of the edge transport barrier. Extensions to the ideal MHD theory are discussed followed by recent developments in the observations, theory and simulations of the non-linear phase of the ELM and the peeling and ballooning modes.}, file = {Huysmans2005_0741-3335_47_12B_S13.pdf:Huysmans2005_0741-3335_47_12B_S13.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/47/i=12B/a=S13}, } @Article{Huysmans2009, author = {G T A Huysmans and S Pamela and E van der Plas and P Ramet}, title = {Non-linear MHD simulations of edge localized modes (ELMs)}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {51}, number = {12}, pages = {124012}, abstract = {Non-linear MHD simulations of edge localized modes (ELMs) show features in qualitative agreement with the experimental observations such as the formation and speed of filaments, features in the radial profiles and the fine structure observed in the power deposition profiles at the divertor target. The density perturbation predominantly follows the ballooning mode convection cells leading to density filaments. The temperature perturbation, due to the large parallel conduction, follows the magnetic field perturbation. Simulations of pellets injected in the H-mode pedestal show that the high pressure in the high density plasmoid can become large enough to drive ballooning type modes forming a single helical structure located at the pellet (plasmoid) position.}, file = {Huysmans2009_0741-3335_51_12_124012.pdf:Huysmans2009_0741-3335_51_12_124012.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/51/i=12/a=124012}, } @Article{Hwang2003, author = {Chi-Ok Hwang and Michael Mascagni and James A. Given}, title = {A Feynman–Kac path-integral implementation for Poisson’s equation using an h-conditioned Green’s function}, journal = {Mathematics and Computers in Simulation}, year = {2003}, volume = {62}, number = {3–6}, pages = {347 - 355}, issn = {0378-4754}, note = {3rd IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods}, abstract = {This study presents a Feynman–Kac path-integral implementation for solving the Dirichlet problem for Poisson’s equation. The algorithm is a modified “walk on spheres” (WOS) that includes the Feynman–Kac path-integral contribution for the source term. In our approach, we use an h-conditioned Green’s function instead of simulating Brownian trajectories in detail to implement this path-integral computation. The h-conditioned Green’s function allows us to represent the integral of the right-hand-side function from the Poisson equation along Brownian paths as a volume integral with respect to a residence time density function: the h-conditioned Green’s function. The h-conditioned Green’s function allows us to solve the Poisson equation by simulating Brownian trajectories involving only large jumps, which is consistent with both WOS and our Green’s function first-passage (GFFP) method [J. Comput. Phys. 174 (2001) 946]. As verification of the method, we tabulate the h-conditioned Green’s function for Brownian motion starting at the center of the unit circle and making first-passage on the boundary of the circle, find an analytic expression fitting the h-conditioned Green’s function, and provide results from a numerical experiment on a two-dimensional Poisson problem.}, doi = {10.1016/S0378-4754(02)00224-0}, file = {Hwang2003_1-s2.0-S0378475402002240-main.pdf:Hwang2003_1-s2.0-S0378475402002240-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Walk on spheres}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378475402002240}, } @Article{Ida1998, author = {Katsumi Ida}, title = {Experimental studies of the physical mechanism determining the radial electric field and its radial structure in a toroidal plasma}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1998}, volume = {40}, number = {8}, pages = {1429}, abstract = {Experimental studies on radial structures of plasma rotation and radial electric field in toroidal plasmas are reviewed. In this context, the perpendicular and parallel viscosities that determine the toroidal/poloidal rotation velocity and radial electric field profiles are discussed. Experimental studies of parallel viscosity and the comparison with the neoclassical values in heliotron/torsatron and stellarator devices, are described. The anomalous perpendicular viscosity, which is dominant in dictating the toroidal rotation in tokamaks, is also discussed. Even without external momentum input, plasma rotation and radial electric field are sustained by non-ambipolar flux of off-diagonal terms of the transport matrix. The effects of radial electric field shear and the bulk rotation velocity shear on the improvement of particle, momentum and heat transport in bulk and edge plasma regimes are also discussed.}, file = {Ida1998_0741-3335_40_8_002.pdf:Ida1998_0741-3335_40_8_002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/40/i=8/a=002}, } @Article{Igochine2012, author = {V. Igochine}, title = {Physics of resistive wall modes}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {7}, pages = {074010}, abstract = {The advanced tokamak regime is a promising candidate for steady-state tokamak operation which is desirable for a fusion reactor. This regime is characterized by a high bootstrap current fraction and a flat or reversed safety factor profile, which leads to operation close to the pressure limit. At this limit, an external kink mode becomes unstable. This external kink is converted into the slowly growing resistive wall mode (RWM) by the presence of a conducting wall. Reduction of the growth rate allows one to act on the mode and to stabilize it. There are two main factors which determine the stability of the RWM. The first factor comes from external magnetic perturbations (error fields, resistive wall, feedback coils, etc). This part of RWM physics is the same for tokamaks and reversed field pinch configurations. The physics of this interaction is relatively well understood and based on classical electrodynamics. The second ingredient of RWM physics is the interaction of the mode with plasma flow and fast particles. These interactions are particularly important for tokamaks, which have higher plasma flow and stronger trapped particle effects. The influence of the fast particles will also be increasingly more important in ITER and DEMO which will have a large fraction of fusion born alpha particles. These interactions have kinetic origins which make the computations challenging since not only particles influence the mode, but also the mode acts on the particles. Correct prediction of the ‘plasma–RWM’ interaction is an important ingredient which has to be combined with external field's influence (resistive wall, error fields and feedback) to make reliable predictions for RWM behaviour in tokamaks. All these issues are reviewed in this paper.}, file = {Igochine2012_0029-5515_52_7_074010.pdf:Igochine2012_0029-5515_52_7_074010.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.05}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=7/a=074010}, } @Article{Intrator1989, author = {T. Intrator and S. Meassick and J. Browning and R. Majeski and N. Hershkowitz}, title = {The bispectrum and three-wave coupling between fast magnetosonic waves and interchange modes}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1989}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {271-273}, abstract = {The bispectrum is used to demonstrate that wave–wave coupling occurs when ponderomotive forces due to wave fields in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies are used to stabilize a magnetized plasma column against magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) interchange instabilities. The three waves that interact resonantly are an applied wave, a MHD wave, and the nonlinearly coupled sideband wave. The net ponderomotive forces contain partially canceling and augmenting contributions from each induced sideband field.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859192}, file = {Intrator1989_PFB000271.pdf:Intrator1989_PFB000271.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETOACOUSTIC WAVES; COUPLING; FLUTE INSTABILITY; PLASMA; STABILIZATION; CYCLOTRON RADIATION; MAGNETIZATION; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; ELECTRIC POTENTIAL}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/1/271/1}, } @Article{Itagaki2012, author = {Masafumi Itagaki and Gaku Okubo and Masayuki Akazawa and Yutaka Matsumoto and Kiyomasa Watanabe and Ryosuke Seki and Yasuhiro Suzuki}, title = {Use of a twisted 3D Cauchy condition surface to reconstruct the last closed magnetic surface in a non-axisymmetric fusion plasma}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {12}, pages = {125003}, abstract = {The three-dimensional (3D) Cauchy condition surface (CCS) method code, ‘CCS3D’, is now under development to reconstruct the 3D magnetic field profile outside a non-axisymmetric fusion plasma using only magnetic sensor signals. A new ‘twisted CCS’ is introduced, whose elliptic cross-section rotates with the variation in plasma geometry in the toroidal direction of a helical-type device. Independent of the toroidal angle, this CCS can be placed at a certain distance from the last closed magnetic surface (LCMS). With this new CCS, it is found through test calculations for the Large Helical Device that the numerical accuracy in the reconstructed field is improved. Furthermore, the magnetic field line tracing indicates the LCMS more precisely than with the use of the axisymmetric CCS. A new idea to determine the LCMS numerically is also proposed.}, file = {Itagaki2012_0741-3335_54_12_125003.pdf:Itagaki2012_0741-3335_54_12_125003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.05}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=12/a=125003}, } @Article{Ito2011, author = {Atsushi Ito and Noriyoshi Nakajima}, title = {Equilibria of toroidal plasmas with toroidal and poloidal flow in high-beta reduced magnetohydrodynamic models}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {51}, number = {12}, pages = {123006}, abstract = {A reduced set of magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium equations for high-beta tokamaks is derived from the fluid moment equations for collisionless, magnetized plasmas. Effects of toroidal and poloidal flow comparable to the poloidal-sound velocity, two-fluid, ion finite Larmor radius (FLR), pressure anisotropy and parallel heat fluxes are incorporated into the Grad–Shafranov equation by means of asymptotic expansions in terms of the inverse aspect ratio of a torus. The two-fluid effects induce the diamagnetic flows, which result in asymmetry of the equilibria with respect to the sign of the E × B flow. The gyroviscosity and other FLR effects cause the so-called gyroviscous cancellation of the convection due to the ion diamagnetic flow. The qualitative difference between the equilibria with and without the parallel heat fluxes is shown to stem from characteristics of the sound waves. Higher order terms of quantities like the pressures and the stream functions show the shift of their isosurfaces from the magnetic surfaces due to effects of flow, two-fluid and pressure anisotropy. The reduced form of the diamagnetic current associated with pressure anisotropy is also obtained.}, file = {Ito2011_0029-5515_51_12_123006.pdf:Ito2011_0029-5515_51_12_123006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=12/a=123006}, } @Article{Itoh1994c, author = {K Itoh}, title = {Theoretical progress on H-mode physics}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1994}, volume = {36}, number = {7A}, pages = {A307}, abstract = {Theoretical research into H-mode physics is reviewed. The topics cover elementary processes such as bifurcation physics, collisional transport theory and anomalous transport theory. Associated with these investigations, a global picture of H-mode phenomena, such as the spatial structure and temporal evolution has been constructed from theory. The author tries to clarify the contributions of theoretical presentations in this H-mode workshop, illustrating the relation to the overall progress on the H-mode theory.}, file = {Itoh1994c_0741-3335_36_7A_044.pdf:Itoh1994c_0741-3335_36_7A_044.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.22}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/36/i=7A/a=044}, } @Article{Itoh1995, author = {K Itoh and A Fukuyama and S -I Itoh and M Yagi}, title = {Self-sustained magnetic braiding in toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1995}, volume = {37}, number = {7}, pages = {707}, abstract = {A theory for magnetic braiding in toroidal plasmas, which is caused by microscopic pressure-gradient-driven turbulence, is developed. The balance between nonlinear destabilization and nonlinear stabilization is solved analytically for the case of interchange mode turbulence. It is found that, when the pressure gradient exceeds a threshold value, the magnetic braiding and enhanced anomalous transport become self-sustaining. Enhancements of the thermal conductivity and magnetic perturbation amplitude, as well as the threshold pressure gradient, are obtained. A cusp-type catastrophe in the thermal conductivity is predicted. The bifurcation associated with the abrupt burst of magnetic perturbations is predicted to occur when the pressure gradient reaches a critical value.}, file = {Itoh1995_0741-3335_37_7_001.pdf:Itoh1995_0741-3335_37_7_001.pdf:PDF;Itoh1995a_0741-3335_37_5_001.pdf:Itoh1995a_0741-3335_37_5_001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/37/i=7/a=001}, } @Article{Itoh1995a, author = {K Itoh and S -I Itoh}, title = {Influence of the wall material on the H-mode performance}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1995}, volume = {37}, number = {5}, pages = {491}, abstract = {The theory on the influence of the wall material on the level of the enhanced confinement in the H-mode is discussed. When high-Z material is employed as the wall, the reflection of the neutral particles causes a higher neutral particle density in the plasma. The increased number of neutral particles leads to a loss in the ion momentum, a decrease in the radial electric field and a degradation of the confinement improvement.}, file = {Itoh1995a_0741-3335_37_5_001.pdf:Itoh1995a_0741-3335_37_5_001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/37/i=5/a=001}, } @Article{Itoh1994, author = {K Itoh and S -I Itoh and A Fukuyama and M Yagi and M Azumi}, title = {Self-sustained turbulence and L-mode confinement in toroidal plasmas. I}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1994}, volume = {36}, number = {2}, pages = {279}, abstract = {A theory of L-mode confinement in toroidal plasmas is developed. The effect of the anomalous transport, which is caused by microscopic fluctuations, on the pressure-gradient-driven modes is analysed. The E*B nonlinearity is renormalized as a form of the transport coefficient such as the thermal diffusivity, the ion viscosity and the current diffusivity. Destabilization by current diffusivity and stabilization by thermal transport and ion viscosity are analysed. By use of the mean-field approximations, the nonlinear dispersion relation is solved. Growth rate and stability conditions are expressed in terms of the renormalized transport coefficients. The transport coefficients in the steady state are obtained by the marginal stability condition for the microscopic ballooning mode in tokamaks. A formula for the anomalous transport is obtained. The role of the pressure gradient in enhancing the anomalous transport is identified. An important role is found for the collisionless skin depth. Effects of geometrical parameters such as the rotational transform and magnetic shear are also quantified. Comparison with experimental observations shows a good agreement in a various aspects of the L-mode confinement, including the dependences on the ion mass, plasma current, internal inductance and reversed shear. The large transport coefficient at the edge is also explained. The typical wavenumber and level of fluctuations for self-sustained turbulence are also obtained.}, file = {Itoh1994a_PhysRevLett.72.1200.pdf:Itoh1994a_PhysRevLett.72.1200.pdf:PDF;Itoh1994b_0741-3335_36_9_009.pdf:Itoh1994b_0741-3335_36_9_009.pdf:PDF;Itoh1994_0741-3335_36_2_005.pdf:Itoh1994_0741-3335_36_2_005.pdf:PDF;Itoh1994c_0741-3335_36_7A_044.pdf:Itoh1994c_0741-3335_36_7A_044.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/36/i=2/a=005}, } @Article{Itoh1994b, author = {K Itoh and S -I Itoh and A Fukuyama and M Yagi and M Azumi}, title = {Self-sustained turbulence and L-mode confinement in toroidal plasmas. II}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1994}, volume = {36}, number = {9}, pages = {1501}, abstract = {A theory of the anomalous transport coefficient in toroidal helical systems (such as stellarators, torsatron and Heliotron devices) is developed. The theoretical formalism of self-sustained turbulence is applied to the interchange mode turbulence and ballooning mode turbulence. The nonlinear destabilization of microscopic modes by the current diffusivity is the key for the anomalous transport. A general form of the anomalous transport coefficient in toroidal plasmas is derived. The intrinsic importance of the pressure gradient, collisionless skin depth and Alfven transit time is confirmed. The geometrical factors which characterize the magnetic configurations are also obtained. The theory is extended to study the influence of parallel compressibility. The ion viscosities of the perpendicular and parallel momenta, electron viscosity and energy diffusion coefficient are obtained. The comparison with experimental results is also given.}, file = {Itoh1994b_0741-3335_36_9_009.pdf:Itoh1994b_0741-3335_36_9_009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/36/i=9/a=009}, } @Article{Itoh2006, author = {K. Itoh and S.-I. Itoh and P. H. Diamond and T. S. Hahm and A. Fujisawa and G. R. Tynan and M. Yagi and Y. Nagashima}, title = {Physics of zonal flows}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2006}, volume = {13}, number = {5}, pages = {055502}, abstract = {Zonal flows, which means azimuthally symmetric band-like shear flows, are ubiquitous phenomena in nature and the laboratory. It is now widely recognized that zonal flows are a key constituent in virtually all cases and regimes of drift wave turbulence, indeed, so much so that this classic problem is now frequently referred to as “drift wave-zonal flow turbulence.” In this review, new viewpoints and unifying concepts are presented, which facilitate understanding of zonal flow physics, via theory, computation and their confrontation with the results of laboratory experiment. Special emphasis is placed on identifying avenues for further progress.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2178779}, eid = {055502}, file = {Itoh2006_PhysPlasmas_13_055502.pdf:Itoh2006_PhysPlasmas_13_055502.pdf:PDF}, groups = {zonal flow}, keywords = {plasma flow; shear flow; plasma drift waves; plasma turbulence; plasma transport processes; reviews}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.25}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/13/055502/1}, } @Article{Itoh1997, author = {Kimitaka Itoh and Sanae-I Itoh and Atsushi Fukuyama and Masatoshi Yagi}, title = {Turbulent transport and structural transition in confined plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1997}, volume = {39}, number = {5A}, pages = {A311}, abstract = {The theory of far-nonequilibrium transport of plasmas is described. Analytic as well as simulation studies are developed. The subcritical nature of turbulence and the mechanism for self-sustaining are discussed. The transport coefficient is obtained. The pressure gradient is introduced as an order parameter, and the bifurcation from collisional to turbulent transport is shown. The generation of the electric field and its influence on the turbulent transport are analysed. The bifurcation of the radial electric field structure is addressed. Hysteresis appears in the flux-gradient relation. This bifurcation causes the multifold states in the plasma structure, driving the transition in the transport coefficient or the self-generating oscillations in the flux. The structural formation and dynamics of plasma profiles are explained.}, file = {Itoh1997_0741-3335_39_5A_028.pdf:Itoh1997_0741-3335_39_5A_028.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/39/i=5A/a=028}, } @Article{Itoh2003, author = {K Itoh and S-I Itoh and F Spineanu and M O Vlad and M Kawasaki}, title = {On transition in plasma turbulence with multiple scale lengths}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2003}, volume = {45}, number = {6}, pages = {911}, abstract = {A statistical theory of plasma turbulence which is composed of multiple-scale fluctuations is examined. Influences of statistical noise and variance of rapidly changing variable in an adiabatic approximation are investigated. It is confirmed that the contributions of noise and variance remain higher order corrections. Transition rate of the turbulence with multiple scale lengths is obtained under the refined adiabatic approximation.}, file = {Itoh2003_0741-3335_45_6_305.pdf:Itoh2003_0741-3335_45_6_305.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.26}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/45/i=6/a=305}, } @Article{Itoh1989, author = {S.-I. Itoh and K. Itoh}, title = {Model of the H-mode in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1989}, volume = {29}, number = {6}, pages = {1031}, abstract = {The paper presents a theoretical model of the H-mode in tokamaks which is based on the bifurcation of the radial electric field at the plasma edge. The electric field is determined by the balance of the non-ambipolar fluxes of ions and electrons at the edge. It is found that bifurcations of the radial electric field, the particle flux and the convective energy loss occur when the edge gradient reaches a critical value. This is attributed to L-H or H-L transition. The critical conditions are examined and the role of neutral particles as well as the effect of impurities are incorporated in the model. Combining the confinement scaling laws for both the core plasma and the scrape-off layer plasma, the threshold power for the transition is derived. The temporal evolution associated with the transition is studied.}, file = {Itoh1989_0029-5515_29_6_013.pdf:Itoh1989_0029-5515_29_6_013.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.11}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/29/i=6/a=013}, } @Article{Itoh1988, author = {Itoh, Sanae-I. and Itoh, Kimitaka}, title = {Model of $L$ to $H$-Mode Transition in Tokamak}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1988}, volume = {60}, pages = {2276--2279}, month = {May}, abstract = {A new model of L- to H-mode transition in tokamak plasmas is presented. Nonambipolar particle losses determine the consistent radial electric field near plasma periphery. A "cusp-type catastrophe" among the radial electric field, particle flux, and edge gradients is found. At the transition, plasma loss can take multiple values for one profile of density and temperature near the edge. A critical edge condition for the transition is obtained.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.60.2276}, file = {Itoh1988_PhysRevLett.60.2276.pdf:Itoh1988_PhysRevLett.60.2276.pdf:PDF}, issue = {22}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.60.2276}, } @Article{Itoh1993, author = {S.-I. Itoh and K. Itoh and A. Fukuyama}, title = {The ELMy H mode as a limit cycle and the transient responses of H modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1993}, volume = {33}, number = {10}, pages = {1445}, abstract = {A model of edge localized modes (ELMs) in tokamaks is presented. The model of the L-H transition, which is based on electric field bifurcation, is extended to include the temporal evolution and the spatial structure. The existence of an electric field bifurcation implies that there is a hysteresis curve between the plasma gradient (thermodynamic force) and the associated flow of particles and heat. A time dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation is formulated for the electric field development, which leads to a limit cycle solution due to the hysteresis. A self-generated oscillation of the edge density appears, associated with periodic bursts of loss, under the condition of constant particle flux from the core. This is attributed to the small and frequent ELMy activity in H modes. Periodic decay and re-establishment of a transport barrier occur. This oscillation appears near the L-H transition boundary. It is found that in H and ELMy H states the edge region has a diffusion coefficient whose radial structure is intermediate (a mesophase) between the H phase and the L phase. This is attributed to the transport barrier. Its radial structure is governed by ion shear viscosity. The diffusion Prandtl number, the ratio of the viscosity of the diffusion coefficient, is found to determine the thickness of the barrier. The phase diagram of the L, ELMy H, H and L-H bistable states is obtained in plasma parameter space}, file = {Itoh1993_0029-5515_33_10_I04.pdf:Itoh1993_0029-5515_33_10_I04.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/33/i=10/a=I04}, } @Article{Itoh1991, author = {Itoh, Sanae-I. and Itoh, Kimitaka and Fukuyama, Atsushi and Miura, Yukitoshi}, title = {Edge localized mode activity as a limit cycle in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1991}, volume = {67}, pages = {2485--2488}, month = {Oct}, abstract = {A model of edge localized modes in tokamak plasmas is presented. A limit-cycle solution is found in the transport equation (time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau type), which has a hysteresis curve for the gradient versus the flux. A periodic oscillation of the particle outflux and an L-H intermediate state are predicted near the L-H transition boundary. A mesophase in spatial structure appears near the edge.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.67.2485}, file = {Itoh1991_PhysRevLett.67.2485.pdf:Itoh1991_PhysRevLett.67.2485.pdf:PDF}, issue = {18}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.67.2485}, } @Article{Itoh1996a, author = {Itoh, Sanae-I. and Itoh, Kimitaka and Fukuyama, Atsushi and Yagi, Masatoshi}, title = {Edge Localized Modes as New Bifurcation in Tokamaks}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1996}, volume = {76}, pages = {920--923}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {A model of giant edge localized modes in tokamaks is developed. The theory of self-sustained turbulence of a current-diffusive ballooning mode is extended. A bifurcation from the H mode to a third state with magnetic braiding, the M mode, is found to occur if the pressure gradient reaches a critical value. Nonlinear excitation of magnetic perturbation takes place, followed by catastrophic increase of transport. With backtransition to the H(L) mode, a new hysteresis is found in the gradient-flux relation. The process then repeats itself. Avalanche of transport catastrophe across the plasma radius is analyzed.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.920}, file = {Itoh1996a_PhysRevLett.76.920.pdf:Itoh1996a_PhysRevLett.76.920.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.920}, } @Article{Itoh1996b, author = {Sanae-I Itoh and Kimitaka Itoh and Atsushi Fukuyama and Masatoshi Yagi}, title = {A model of giant ELMs}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1996}, volume = {38}, number = {4}, pages = {527}, abstract = {A theoretical model of giant ELMs (type-I ELMs) is developed. The theory of the self-sustained turbulence of the current-diffusive ballooning mode (CDBM) is developed in the presence of a steep pressure gradient and a radial electric field shear. Multifold states for the L-mode, H-mode and the third state with magnetic braiding are obtained. Transition to the state with magnetic braiding is found to occur if the pressure gradient becomes high enough. At this critical point, nonlinear excitation of the magnetic perturbation takes place, the growth time of which is of the order of the poloidal Alfven time. This event can cause catastrophic enhancement of the transport coefficient by a factor of almost 10. The avalanche of the transport catastrophe is also analysed, showing a very rapid radial propagation velocity. The magnetic braiding terminates if the pressure gradient becomes small, leading to a back transition to the H- (L-) mode. Under a constant power supply these processes can repeat themselves, causing periodic bursts. The period becomes shorter as the average power flux increases.}, file = {Itoh1996b_0741-3335_38_4_006.pdf:Itoh1996b_0741-3335_38_4_006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/38/i=4/a=006}, } @Article{Itoh1994a, author = {Itoh, S.-I. and Itoh, K. and Fukuyama, A. and Yagi, M.}, title = {Theory of anomalous transport in \textit{H} -mode plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1994}, volume = {72}, pages = {1200--1203}, month = {Feb}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.72.1200}, file = {Itoh1994a_PhysRevLett.72.1200.pdf:Itoh1994a_PhysRevLett.72.1200.pdf:PDF}, issue = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.72.1200}, } @Article{Itoh1998, author = {S-I Itoh and K Itoh and H Zushi and A Fukuyama}, title = {Physics of collapse events in toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1998}, volume = {40}, number = {6}, pages = {879}, abstract = {A review is made of the crash phenomena in toroidal plasmas. The emphasis is placed on the physics that causes the crash of global plasma parameters. Recent progress in the measurement has provided a unified view of various crash phenomena, i.e. the sudden occurrence of the crash, the sensitivity (or probabilistic dependence) of the occurrence of the crash on the global parameters, and the abrupt excitation of a symmetry-breaking perturbation (magnetic trigger). Essential observations that describe the physics of collapse are surveyed. The theoretical study of the nonlinear plasma dynamics is overviewed. Theories of the onset and explosive growth, which are based on magnetic braiding, are discussed. As an example, a picture based on a turbulence-turbulence transition is explained. A picture based on hysteresis and bifurcation, not on the linear instability criterion, emerging from advanced measurements and recent progress, describes the basic physics of the collapse.}, file = {Itoh1998_0741-3335_40_6_003.pdf:Itoh1998_0741-3335_40_6_003.pdf:PDF;Itoh1998a_0741-3335_40_5_034.pdf:Itoh1998a_0741-3335_40_5_034.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/40/i=6/a=003}, } @Article{Itoh1998a, author = {S-I Itoh and S Toda and M Yagi and K Itoh and A Fukuyama}, title = {Physics of collapses: probabilistic occurrence of ELMs and crashes}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1998}, volume = {40}, number = {5}, pages = {737}, abstract = {A statistical picture for the collapse is proposed. The physics picture of the crash phenomenon, which is based on the turbulence-turbulence transition, is extended to include the statistical variance of observables. The dynamics of the plasma gradient and the turbulence level are examined, with the hysteresis nature in the flux-gradient relation. Probabilistic excitation is predicted. The critical condition is described by the statistical probability.}, file = {Itoh1998a_0741-3335_40_5_034.pdf:Itoh1998a_0741-3335_40_5_034.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/40/i=5/a=034}, } @Article{Ivlev2013, author = {Ivlev, A. V.}, title = {Coulomb expansion: Analytical solutions}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2013}, volume = {87}, pages = {025102}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {Exact and approximate analytical solutions are presented, describing expansion of a cloud of charged particles in one, two, and three dimensions (assuming the planar, axial, and spherical symmetries, respectively). The expansion occurs in a gas or dilute plasma, where the screening is unimportant, so that particles interact with each other via Coulomb repulsive forces. It is shown that, irrespective of dimensionality, the density distribution remains homogeneous across the cloud and the velocity increases linearly towards the cloud boundary. The density evolution obeys a universal dependence, asymptotically decreasing with time as t−1. It is also shown that in the presence of an inhomogeneous external field the interparticle repulsion becomes negligible at an early stage of expansion and then the density decreases with time exponentially.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.87.025102}, file = {Ivlev2013_PhysRevE.87.025102.pdf:Ivlev2013_PhysRevE.87.025102.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.03.19}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.87.025102}, } @Article{Jardin2012, author = {S.C. Jardin}, title = {Review of implicit methods for the magnetohydrodynamic description of magnetically confined plasmas}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {2012}, volume = {231}, number = {3}, pages = {822 - 838}, issn = {0021-9991}, note = {Special Issue: Computational Plasma Physics Special Issue: Computational Plasma Physics}, abstract = {Implicit algorithms are essential for predicting the slow growth and saturation of global instabilities in today’s magnetically confined fusion plasma experiments. Present day algorithms for obtaining implicit solutions to the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations for highly magnetized plasma have their roots in algorithms used in the 1960s and 1970s. However, today’s computers and modern linear and non-linear solver techniques make practical much more comprehensive implicit algorithms than were previously possible. Combining these advanced implicit algorithms with highly accurate spatial representations of the vector fields describing the plasma flow and magnetic fields and with improved methods of calculating anisotropic thermal conduction now makes possible simulations of fusion experiments using realistic values of plasma parameters and actual configuration geometry. This article is a review of these developments.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2010.12.025}, file = {Jardin2012_1-s2.0-S0021999110006996-main.pdf:Jardin2012_1-s2.0-S0021999110006996-main.pdf:PDF;Jardin2012a_1749-4699_5_1_014002.pdf:Jardin2012a_1749-4699_5_1_014002.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Magnetohydrodynamics}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999110006996}, } @Article{Jardin1993, author = {S.C. Jardin and M.G. Bell and N. Pomphrey}, title = {TSC simulation of Ohmic discharges in TFTR}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1993}, volume = {33}, number = {3}, pages = {371}, abstract = {The Tokamak Simulation Code (TSC) has been used to model the time dependence of several Ohmic discharges in the TFTR experiment. The semi-empirical thermal conductivity model and the sawtooth model in TSC have been refined so that good agreement between the simulation and the experiment is obtained in the electron and ion temperature profiles and in the current profiles for the entire duration of the discharges. Neoclassical resistivity gives good agreement with the measured surface voltage and the rate of poloidal flux consumption}, file = {Jardin1993_0029-5515_33_3_I01.pdf:Jardin1993_0029-5515_33_3_I01.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.09}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/33/i=3/a=I01}, } @Article{Jardin1978, author = {S.C Jardin and J.L Johnson and J.M Greene and R.C Grimm}, title = {Dynamical grid method for time-dependent simulations of axisymmetric instabilities in tokamaks}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1978}, volume = {29}, number = {1}, pages = {101 - 126}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A natural nonorthogonal time-dependent coordinate transformation based on the magnetic field lines is utilized for the numerical integration of the two-dimensional axisymmetric time-dependent ideal MHD equations in tokamak geometry. The finite-difference grid is treated as a dynamical variable, and its equations of motion are integrated simultaneously with those for the fluid and magnetic field. The method is applicable to tokamak systems of arbitrary pressure and cross section. It is particularly useful for the nearly incompressible ideal MHD modes which are of interest in tokamak stability studies.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(78)90112-2}, file = {Jardin1978_Dynamical grid method for time-dependent simulations of axisymmetric instabilities in tokamaks.pdf:Jardin1978_Dynamical grid method for time-dependent simulations of axisymmetric instabilities in tokamaks.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999178901122}, } @Article{Jardin2012a, author = {S C Jardin and N Ferraro and J Breslau and J Chen}, title = {Multiple timescale calculations of sawteeth and other global macroscopic dynamics of tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Computational Science \& Discovery}, year = {2012}, volume = {5}, number = {1}, pages = {014002}, abstract = {The M3D- C 1 (Breslau et al 2009 Phys. Plasmas 16 092503) code is designed for performing three-dimensional nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) calculations of a tokamak plasma that span the timescales associated with ideal and resistive stability as well as parallel and perpendicular transport. This requires a scalable fully implicit time advance where the time step is not limited by a Courant condition based on the MHD wave velocities or plasma flow but is chosen instead to accurately and efficiently resolve the physics. In order to accomplish this, we make use of several techniques to improve the effective condition number of the implicit matrix equation that is solved every time step. The split time advance known as the differential approximation (Caramana 1991 J. Comput. Phys. 96 484) reduces the size of the matrix and improves its diagonal structure. A particular choice of velocity variables and annihilation operators approximately splits the large matrix into three sub-matrices, each with a much improved condition number. A final block-Jacobi preconditioner further dramatically improves the condition number of the final matrix, allowing it to converge in a Krylov solver (GMRES) with a small number of iterations. As an example, we have performed transport timescale simulations of a tokamak plasma that periodically undergoes sawtooth oscillations (Von Goeler et al 1974 Phys. Rev. Lett. 33 1201). We specify the transport coefficients and apply a 'current controller' that adjusts the boundary loop-voltage to keep the total plasma current fixed. The short-time plasma response depends on the initial conditions, but the long-time behavior depends only on the transport coefficients and the boundary conditions applied.}, file = {Jardin2012a_1749-4699_5_1_014002.pdf:Jardin2012a_1749-4699_5_1_014002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1749-4699/5/i=1/a=014002}, } @Article{Jenkins2007, author = {Thomas G. Jenkins and W. W. Lee}, title = {Fluctuations and discrete particle noise in gyrokinetic simulation of drift waves}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {3}, pages = {032307}, abstract = {The relevance of the gyrokinetic fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) to thermal equilibrium and nonequilibrium states of the gyrokinetic plasma is explored, with particular focus being given to the contribution of weakly damped normal modes to the fluctuation spectrum. It is found that the fluctuation energy carried in the normal modes exhibits the proper scaling with particle count (as predicted by the FDT in thermal equilibrium) even in the presence of drift waves, which grow linearly and attain a nonlinearly saturated steady state. This favorable scaling is preserved, and the saturation amplitude of the drift wave unaffected, for parameter regimes in which the normal modes become strongly damped and introduce a broad spectrum of discreteness-induced background noise in frequency space.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2710808}, eid = {032307}, file = {Jenkins2007_JenkinsLee07.pdf:Jenkins2007_JenkinsLee07.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma fluctuations; plasma drift waves; plasma simulation; plasma kinetic theory; plasma instability; plasma nonlinear processes}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.13}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/032307/1}, } @Article{Jensen1983, author = {Jensen,Torkil H. and Chu,Ming S.}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {A linear model for the tearing mode of a tokamak plasma with flow and a resistive wall boundary condition}, year = {1983}, number = {01}, pages = {57-63}, volume = {30}, abstract = {ABSTRACT The tearing mode of a tokamak plasma without flow may be stabilized by the presence of a conducting wall surrounding the plasma. When the wall has a finite resistivity, its presence does not affect stability, only growth rates. If, however the plasma has a flow relative to the resistive wall, both stability and growth rates may be affected. For the cylindrical, circular cross-section tokamak the problem is formulated as a complex eigenvalue problem, with a complex eigenvalue Δ', which in the limit of vanishing flow becomes identical to the usual ‘delta prime’. The real part of Δ' describes as usual the power absorbed at the singular surface while the imaginary part describes absorption of momentum. It is found that for a plasma with shearless flow, a resistive wall has a stabilizing effect which even for relatively small flow velocities approaches that of a wall of infinite conductivity. Shear flow is found inherently destabilizing, but important only for very large flow velocities.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377800000994}, eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377800000994}, file = {Jensen1983_S0022377800000994a.pdf:Jensen1983_S0022377800000994a.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.09}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377800000994}, } @Article{Jiang2010, author = {Hai-Bin Jiang and Ai-Ke Wang and Xiao-Dong Peng}, title = {Finite Larmor radius magnetohydrodynamic analysis of the ballooning modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Chinese Physics B}, year = {2010}, volume = {19}, number = {11}, pages = {115205}, abstract = {In this paper, the effect of finite Larmor radius (FLR) on high n ballooning modes is studied on the basis of FLR magnetohydrodynamic (FLR-MHD) theory. A linear FLR ballooning mode equation is derived in an ‘ŝ — α’ type equilibrium of circular-flux-surfaces, which is reduced to the ideal ballooning mode equation when the FLR effect is neglected. The present model reproduces some basic features of FLR effects on ballooning mode obtained previously by kinetic ballooning mode theories. That is, the FLR introduces a real frequency into ballooning mode and has a stabilising effect on ballooning modes (e.g., in the case of high magnetic shear ŝ ≥ 0.8). In particular, some new properties of FLR effects on ballooning mode are discovered in the present research. Here it is found that in a high magnetic shear region (ŝ ≥ 0.8) the critical pressure gradient (α c,FLR ) of ballooning mode is larger than the ideal one (α c,IMHD ) and becomes larger and larger with the increase of FLR parameter b 0 . However, in a low magnetic shear region, the FLR ballooning mode is more unstable than the ideal one, and the α c,FLR is much lower than the α c,IMHD . Moreover, the present results indicate that there exist some new weaker instabilities near the second stability boundary (obtained from ideal MHD theory), which means that the second stable region becomes narrow.}, file = {Jiang2010_1674-1056_19_11_115205.pdf:Jiang2010_1674-1056_19_11_115205.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1674-1056/19/i=11/a=115205}, } @Article{Jiang2012, author = {M Jiang and G S Xu and C Xiao and H Y Guo and B N Wan and H Q Wang and L Wang and L Zhang and V Naulin and K F Gan and D S Wang and Y M Duan and N Yan and P Liu and S Y Ding and W Zhang and S C Liu}, title = {Characteristics of edge-localized modes in the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST)}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {9}, pages = {095003}, abstract = {Edge-localized modes (ELMs) are the focus of tokamak edge physics studies because the large heat loads associated with ELMs have great impact on the divertor design of future reactor-grade tokamaks such as ITER. In the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST), the first ELMy high confinement modes (H-modes) were obtained with 1 MW lower hybrid wave power in conjunction with wall conditioning by lithium (Li) evaporation and real-time Li powder injection. The ELMs in EAST at this heating power are mostly type-III ELMs. They were observed close to the H-mode threshold power and produced small energy dumps (1–2% of the stored energy). Type-III ELMs produced a time-averaged peak heat flux of about 2 MW m −2 on the target plate, a value which is ∼10 times larger than that of ELM-free phases. A few isolated and large type-I-like ELM events were also observed in EAST with an energy loss of up to 5% of the stored energy. Statistically, the ELM frequencies are several hundred hertz and the frequency appears to decrease with q 95 , the safety factor at 95% of the flux surface. When an ion cyclotron resonance frequency wave was injected during the H-mode phases, the ELM repetition frequency increased immediately. The frequency and amplitude of type-III ELMs can be effectively influenced by puffing impurity argon gas.}, file = {Jiang2012_0741-3335_54_9_095003.pdf:Jiang2012_0741-3335_54_9_095003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=9/a=095003}, } @Article{Jin1995, author = {Jin, Shi and Xin, Zhouping}, title = {The relaxation schemes for systems of conservation laws in arbitrary space dimensions}, journal = {Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics}, year = {1995}, volume = {48}, number = {3}, pages = {235--276}, issn = {1097-0312}, abstract = {We present a class of numerical schemes (called the relaxation schemes) for systems of conservation laws in several space dimensions. The idea is to use a local relaxation approximation. We construct a linear hyperbolic system with a stiff lower order term that approximates the original system with a small dissipative correction. The new system can be solved by underresolved stable numerical discretizations without using either Riemann solvers spatially or a nonlinear system of algebraic equations solvers temporally. Numerical results for 1-D and 2-D problems are presented. The second-order schemes are shown to be total variation diminishing (TVD) in the zero relaxation limit for scalar equations. ©1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.}, doi = {10.1002/cpa.3160480303}, file = {Jin1995_3160480303_ftp.pdf:Jin1995_3160480303_ftp.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cpa.3160480303}, } @InProceedings{Joiner2007, author = {Joiner, N. and Hirose, A. and Dorland, W.}, title = {Gyrokinetic simulation of micro-turbulence in magnetically confined plasmas}, booktitle = {High Performance Computing Systems and Applications, 2007. HPCS 2007. 21st International Symposium on}, year = {2007}, pages = {5}, month = {may}, abstract = {Small scale turbulence in toroidal magnetic fusion experiments (Tokamaks) causes the rapid loss of heat from the plasma. This is of great importance since it limits the fusion performance of proposed reactor concepts. Electron temperature gradient driven (ETG) modes have been proposed as a source of anomalous electron thermal loses in tokamaks. It is widely acknowledged that the electrostatic potential in ETG turbulence can develop into radially elongated structures known as streamers. Understanding the conditions that permit streamers to produce experimentally significant transport is a topic of great interest. Analysis of the ETG mode at long wavelengths where both the ions and electrons are adiabatic (have a Boltzmann response) show that the ETG mode is inherently electromagnetic. Mixing length estimates of the thermal transport coefficient in this regime peak at collisionless skin-depth scales, providing a possible beta (the ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure) dependence of the resulting transport. Preliminary nonlinear flux-tube simulations of the electromagnetic ETG mode produce large transport from the magnetic nonlinearity, while streamers in the electrostatic potential are still formed.}, doi = {10.1109/HPCS.2007.18}, file = {Joiner2007_04215555.pdf:Joiner2007_04215555.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Tokamaks;anomalous electron thermal loses;electron temperature gradient driven modes;gyrokinetic simulation;magnetically confined plasmas;microturbulence;toroidal magnetic fusion;Tokamak devices;plasma simulation;plasma temperature;plasma toroidal confinement;plasma turbulence;}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.23}, } @Article{Jucker2011, author = {M. Jucker and J.P. Graves and W.A. Cooper and N. Mellet and T. Johnson and S. Brunner}, title = {Integrated modeling for ion cyclotron resonant heating in toroidal systems}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {2011}, volume = {182}, number = {4}, pages = {912 - 925}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {An integrated model capable of self-consistent Ion Cyclotron Resonant Heating (ICRH) simulations has been developed. This model includes both full shaping and pressure effects, warm contributions to the dielectric tensor, pressure anisotropy and finite orbit width. It evolves the equilibrium, wave field and full hot particle distribution function until a self-consistent solution is found. This article describes the workings of the three codes VMEC, LEMan and VENUS and how they are linked for iterated computations in a code package we have named SCENIC. The package is thoroughly tested and it is demonstrated that a number of iterations have to be performed in order to find a consistent solution. Since the formulation of the problem can treat general 3D systems, we show a quasi-axisymmetric stellarator low power test case, and then concentrate on experimentally relevant Joint European Torus (JET) 2D configurations.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2010.12.028}, file = {Jucker2011_1-s2.0-S0010465510005217-main.pdf:Jucker2011_1-s2.0-S0010465510005217-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Integrated modeling}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.03}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465510005217}, } @Article{Jung2013, author = {Young-Dae Jung and Woo-Pyo Hong}, title = {Renormalized dynamic charge shielding on the electron-atom collision: Eikonal analysis}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022109}, abstract = {The influence of the dynamic renormalization plasma shielding on the electron-atom collision is investigated in a dense strongly coupled electron system. The semiclassical eikonal method and effective interaction potential are employed to obtain the eikonal scattering phase shift and eikonal collision cross section as functions of the Debye length, impact parameter, projectile energy, and thermal energy. It is found that the renormalized dynamic charge shielding effect enhances the eikonal collision cross section. The variation of the dynamic renormalization shielding on the electron-atom collision is also discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4792248}, eid = {022109}, file = {Jung2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022109.pdf:Jung2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022109.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {atom-electron collisions; plasma collision processes; plasma transport processes; wave equations}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022109/1}, } @Article{Jungwirth1978, author = {Jungwirth, K.}, title = {Electron eigen-oscillations and ballistic modes of a stable plasma}, journal = {Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B}, year = {1978}, volume = {28}, pages = {59-67}, issn = {0011-4626}, abstract = {Relation between the plasma responses on singular and regular initial perturbations is established. Time scaling is introduced that separates periods for which eigen-oscillations (Landau solutions) are dominant from those, where ballistic modes prevail. The enhanced role of the ballistic modes for a plasma initially free of a perturbation field is demonstrated, too, including the phenomenon of plasma waves echoes.}, doi = {10.1007/BF01591308}, file = {Jungwirth1978_art%3A10.1007%2FBF01591308.pdf:Jungwirth1978_art%3A10.1007%2FBF01591308.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01591308}, } @Article{Kac1949, author = {Mark Kac}, title = {On Distributions of Certain Wiener Functionals}, journal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society}, year = {1949}, volume = {65}, number = {1}, pages = {1–13}, file = {Kac1949_On distributions of certain Wiener functionals.pdf:Kac1949_On distributions of certain Wiener functionals.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.03}, } @Article{Kadomtsev1992, author = {B B Kadomtsev}, title = {Self-organization and transport in tokamak plasma}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1992}, volume = {34}, number = {13}, pages = {1931}, abstract = {Tokamak plasma transport is viewed as a phenomena of self-organisation. Nonlinear relations between fluxes and gradients provide a variety of confinement modes and profile resilience.}, file = {Kadomtsev1992_0741-3335_34_13_023.pdf:Kadomtsev1992_0741-3335_34_13_023.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.28}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/34/i=13/a=023}, } @Article{Kadomtsev1971, author = {Boris B Kadomtsev and V I Karpman}, title = {NONLINEAR WAVES}, journal = {Soviet Physics Uspekhi}, year = {1971}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {40}, abstract = {CONTENTS 1. Introduction 40 2. Simple waves 40 3. Nonlinear waves in weakly dispersive media 42 4. Self-focusing and self-contraction of wave packets 49 5. Electroacoustic waves 54 6. Dynamic and stochastic interaction of waves 55 7. Conclusion 59}, file = {Kadomtsev1971_0038-5670_14_1_A03.pdf:Kadomtsev1971_0038-5670_14_1_A03.pdf:PDF;Kadomtsev1971_r712a.pdf:Kadomtsev1971_r712a.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.29}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0038-5670/14/i=1/a=A03}, } @Article{Kagan2008, author = {Grigory Kagan and Peter J Catto}, title = {Arbitrary poloidal gyroradius effects in tokamak pedestals and transport barriers}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2008}, volume = {50}, number = {8}, pages = {085010}, abstract = {A technique is developed and applied for analyzing pedestal and internal transport barrier (ITB) regions in a tokamak by formulating a special version of gyrokinetics. In contrast to typical gyrokinetic treatments, canonical angular momentum is taken as the gyrokinetic radial variable rather than the radial guiding center location. Such an approach allows strong radial plasma gradients to be treated, while retaining zonal flow and neoclassical (including orbit squeezing) behavior and the effects of turbulence. The new, nonlinear gyrokinetic variables are constructed to higher order than is typically the case. The nonlinear gyrokinetic equation obtained is capable of handling such problems as collisional zonal flow damping with radial wavelengths comparable to the ion poloidal gyroradius, as well as zonal flow and neoclassical transport in the pedestal or ITB. This choice of gyrokinetic variables allows the toroidally rotating Maxwellian solution of the isothermal tokamak limit to be recovered. More importantly, we prove that a physically acceptable solution for the lowest order ion distribution function in the banana regime anywhere in a tokamak and, in particular, in the pedestal must be nearly this same isothermal Maxwellian solution. That is, the ion temperature variation scale must be much greater than the poloidal ion gyroradius. Consequently, in the banana regime the background radial ion temperature profile cannot have a pedestal similar to that of plasma density.}, file = {Kagan2008_0741-3335_50_8_085010.pdf:Kagan2008_0741-3335_50_8_085010.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/50/i=8/a=085010}, } @Article{Kalmykova1988, author = {S S Kalmykova and V I Kurilko}, title = {Physical mechanisms for the hydrodynamic beam-plasma instability}, journal = {Soviet Physics Uspekhi}, year = {1988}, volume = {31}, number = {8}, pages = {750}, abstract = {A quantitative study is made of the physical mechanisms responsible for the development of a collective hydrodynamic instability of a charged-particle beam in an isotropic plasma. The corresponding growth rate is calculated through an analysis of the dynamics of the motion of the beam particles in the field of their radiation. The coherence of the beam particles is responsible for a substantial amplification of the collective field excited by these particles. This field forms coherent bunches by the Veksler–MacMillan self-phasing mechanism. This review is addressed to specialists in plasma physics and microwave electronics.}, file = {Kalmykova1988_0038-5670_31_8_R04.pdf:Kalmykova1988_0038-5670_31_8_R04.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.01}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0038-5670/31/i=8/a=R04}, } @Article{Kalupin2005, author = {D. Kalupin and M.Z. Tokar and B. Unterberg and X. Loozen and D. Pilipenko}, title = {Predictive modelling of L and H confinement modes and edge pedestal characteristics}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2005}, volume = {45}, number = {6}, pages = {468}, abstract = {The results of predictive self-consistent modelling of plasma parameters in low (L) and high (H) confinement modes by the one-dimensional transport code RITM, with particular emphasis on the properties of the edge transport barrier, are presented and discussed. The same transport model is used under both L- and H-mode conditions and includes contributions from ion temperature gradient (ITG), trapped electron, drift Alfvén (DA) and drift resistive ballooning instabilities described in the fluid approximation. The computations predict the formation of the edge transport barrier at a high enough heating power due to stabilization of ITG and DA modes, dominating the edge transport in the L-mode, through the effects of the density gradient and the pressure gradient at low collisionality, respectively. The calculated radial profiles and scalings for pedestal and confinement characteristics are compared with measurements on JET, DIII-D and JT-60U tokamaks.}, file = {Kalupin2005_0029-5515_45_6_008.pdf:Kalupin2005_0029-5515_45_6_008.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.17}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/45/i=6/a=008}, } @Article{Kalupin2006, author = {D Kalupin and M Z Tokar and B Unterberg and X Loozen and D Pilipenko and R Zagorski and TEXTOR Contributors}, title = {On the difference of H-mode power threshold in divertor and limiter tokamaks}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2006}, volume = {48}, number = {5A}, pages = {A309}, abstract = {The difference in the H-mode power threshold in divertor and limiter configurations is numerically investigated by analysing the effect of boundary conditions imposed on the last closed magnetic surface (LCMS) and given by prescribed density and temperature e -folding lengths, δ n and δ T , respectively. It is demonstrated that the variation of δ n and δ T significantly affects the H-mode power threshold. This is explained by the change in the balance between conductive and convective heat losses at the edge. For the ratio δ n /δ T large enough, when the convective loss does not exceed 45% of the total power, the threshold agrees well with the experimental multi-machine scaling for divertor tokamaks. With reduction in δ n /δ T and increase in convective loss above this critical level, the power threshold significantly exceeds the scaling, in agreement with observations on different limiter tokamaks. By considering the power and particle balances in the scrape-off layer it is shown that the ratio δ n /δ T is controlled by the distance which recycling neutrals pass before entering the confined plasma and which is normally much larger in divertor machines than in the limiter ones. The calculations for the limiter tokamak TEXTOR have predicted the experimentally found conditions for the L–H transition in advance.}, file = {Kalupin2006_On the difference of H-mode power threshold in divertor and limiter tokamaks_75309.pdf:Kalupin2006_On the difference of H-mode power threshold in divertor and limiter tokamaks_75309.pdf:PDF;Kalupin2006a_685_ftp.pdf:Kalupin2006a_685_ftp.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=5A/a=S30}, } @Article{Kalupin2006a, author = {Kalupin, D. and Tokar, M. Z. and Unterberg, B. and Loozen, X. and Zagórski, R.}, title = {RITM-Code Modelling of Plasmas with Edge Transport Barrier}, journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, year = {2006}, volume = {46}, number = {7-9}, pages = {685--691}, issn = {1521-3986}, abstract = {Conditions for the formation of the edge transport barrier (ETB) in tokamaks are investigated by means of onedimensional transport modeling performed for the characteristic parameter range of the TEXTOR tokamak. The computations predict the formation of the ETB at the heating power given by the multi-machine scaling if the fraction of convective heat losses from the plasma does not exceed 50%. An increase of the amount of heat lost through convection above this critical value shifts the formation of ETB to a power several times above the level given by the scaling. For given plasma parameters, the ratio of the conductive to convective heat losses at the plasma edge is determined by the penetration of neutrals. By switching from a divertor to a limiter configuration when the distance between the LCMS and neutralizing plates decreases, this ratio increases due to the higher fraction of particles ionized inside the last closed magnetic surface (LCMS). This can be the reason for the higher H-mode power threshold in limiter tokamaks. First experimental results obtained in TEXTOR demonstrate a good agreement of the power required for ETB formation with the value calculated with 1. 5D transport code RITM prior to the experiment. (© 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)}, doi = {10.1002/ctpp.200610064}, file = {Kalupin2006a_685_ftp.pdf:Kalupin2006a_685_ftp.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Plasma edge, heat transport, ETB, H-mode}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2012.07.31}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.200610064}, } @Article{Kalupin2008, author = {D. Kalupin and S. Wiesen and Y. Andrew and M.Z. Tokar and V. Parail and D. Reiser and G. Corrigan and A. Korotkov and J. Spence and JET EFDA contributors}, title = {Edge transport barrier formation studies on JET with the JETTO code}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2008}, volume = {48}, number = {8}, pages = {085006}, abstract = {The 1.5D transport code JETTO (Cenacchi G. and Taroni A. 1988 Rapporto ENEA RT/TIB (88)5) has been applied to model the transition from the low (L) to the high confinement mode (H-mode) in the JET tokamak. Computed values of the critical power, P th , required for the L–H transition on JET are directly compared with experiment (Andrew Y. et al 2006 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion [/0741-3335/48/4/001] 48 479 ) across line averaged density and magnetic field scans. Reasonable agreement is found between computations and experiment across all densities considered, including low density discharges, where P th increases with decreasing density. The minimum of P th ( n e ) dependence is explained by the enhanced contribution of the particle convection to heat losses at the edge. Higher convective losses result in lower temperature and its gradient, and therefore more power is required for the L–H transition. Computations performed for JET discharges with varied magnetic field show a rough agreement with the experiment, nonetheless both computed and experimental power thresholds are substantially higher than the inter-machine scaling predictions (ITPA H-mode Power Threshold Database Working Group Presented by Takizuka T. 2004 Plasma Phys. and Control. Fusion [/0741-3335/46/5a/024] 46 A227 , Snipes J.A. et al 2002 Proc. 19th Int. Conf. on Fusion Energy 2002 (Lyon, France, 2002) ).}, file = {Kalupin2008_0029-5515_48_8_085006.pdf:Kalupin2008_0029-5515_48_8_085006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/48/i=8/a=085006}, } @Article{Kamiya2007, author = {K Kamiya and N Asakura and J Boedo and T Eich and G Federici and M Fenstermacher and K Finken and A Herrmann and J Terry and A kirk and B Koch and A Loarte and R Maingi and R Maqueda and E Nardon and N Oyama and R Sartori}, title = {Edge localized modes: recent experimental findings and related issues}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2007}, volume = {49}, number = {7}, pages = {S43}, abstract = {Edge localized mode (ELM) measurements in many tokamaks, including ASDEX-Upgrade, DIII-D, JET, JT-60U and MAST, are reviewed, which includes progress in experimental observations at the plasma edge region by means of fast-time resolved diagnostics with high precision, such as scanning probe, radial interferometer chord, BES and tangentially viewing fast-gated camera at the midplane. ELM dynamics data show that the majority of the ELM particle and energy transport should be dominated by ion convection physics and associated timescales. Furthermore, recent diagnostic upgrades on many tokamaks reveal the ELM filament structure and their complex motion towards radial, poloidal and toroidal directions. Approaches to control the Type-I ELMs, in addition to the alternative scenarios to Type-I ELMy H-mode operation (so-called, small/no ELM regimes) are also a key area of research for current tokamaks, which demonstrated a high confinement (being comparable to that of Type-I ELMy H-mode plasmas at similar parameters) in the absence of large, ELM induced, transient heat/particle fluxes to the divertor targets. Although tolerable ELM regimes are obtained in existing devices, their application to ITER is uncertain. Issues of these regimes towards further experiments and power deposition on divertor targets and main chamber wall are discussed.}, file = {Kamiya2007_0741-3335_49_7_S03.pdf:Kamiya2007_0741-3335_49_7_S03.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/49/i=7/a=S03}, } @Article{Kamiya2012, author = {K. Kamiya and M. Honda and N. Miyato and H. Urano and M. Yoshida and Y. Sakamoto and G. Matsunaga and N. Oyama and Y. Koide and Y. Kamada and K. Ida and I. Murakami}, title = {Modifications to the edge radial electric field by angular momentum injection in JT-60U and their implication for pedestal transport}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114010}, abstract = {The first detailed measurements of ion-impurity dynamics for NBI-heated ELMy H-modes at the edge of the JT-60U tokamak are reported. We investigated the ability of external momentum/power input to modify and control the radial electric field, E r , and pedestal structures. The relationship between E r and pedestal structures of ion-impurity density, n i , and temperature, T i , during the ELMing H-mode phase for various momentum input directions (i.e. co-, balanced- and counter-NBI) and input powers from perpendicular NBI are compared with the ELM-free phase. The observed trend is that the edge E r -well width increases in the co-NBI discharge, while the E r value at the base of the E r -well becomes more negative in the counter-NBI discharge. The scale length for both n i and T i in the pedestal is ∼2 cm and ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/11/114010/nf415406ieqn001.gif] {$\eta _{\rm i} \equiv L_{n_{\rm i}} /L_{T_{\rm i}}$} values are ∼1 for both ELM-free and ELMing phases with different magnitudes of E r (and/or E r shear). Characteristics of the turbulent density fluctuation, in addition to a uniform toroidal MHD oscillation (i.e. n = 0), during both ELM-free and ELMing phases are also reported.}, file = {Kamiya2012_0029-5515_52_11_114010.pdf:Kamiya2012_0029-5515_52_11_114010.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114010}, } @Article{Kartashov2012, author = {Kartashov, I.N. and Kuzelev, M.V.}, title = {Beam instabilities in the collective Cherenkov effect and anomalous Doppler effect in a spatially bounded system near the nontransparency band}, journal = {Technical Physics}, year = {2012}, volume = {57}, pages = {487-494}, issn = {1063-7842}, abstract = {Beam instabilities of the type of the collective induced Cherenkov effect and the anomalous Doppler effect, which develop in a longitudinally bounded electrodynamic system near its nontransparency band (i.e., when the electromagnetic wave excited by the beam has zero group velocity), are considered. The dispersion equation is derived, which defines the instability increments taking into account the emission of radiation from the electrodynamic system. The solutions to the dispersion equation are analyzed for various parameters of the electron beam and of the electrodynamic system.}, doi = {10.1134/S1063784212040135}, file = {Kartashov2012_art%3A10.1134%2FS1063784212040135.pdf:Kartashov2012_art%3A10.1134%2FS1063784212040135.pdf:PDF}, issue = {4}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {SP MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica}, timestamp = {2012.12.01}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S1063784212040135}, } @Article{Katanuma2013a, author = {I. Katanuma and Y. Okuyama and S. Kato}, title = {An interchange instability in an open system and the line-tying effect on it}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {53}, number = {4}, pages = {043002}, abstract = {An interchange instability is the most dangerous instability to an open system such as GAMMA10 (Inutake et al 1985 Phys. Rev. Lett. 55 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.55.939] 939 ). A line tying is a powerful tool for stabilizing an interchange instability because the magnetic field lines terminate at the conducting ends in an open system. This paper studies the mechanism of the appearance of line tying in an interchange instability by a particle simulation (taking into account the electron inertia along a magnetic field line precisely) and the line-tying effect on the interchange instability in GAMMA10 by a reduced MHD simulation. We have newly found the nonlinear (quasi-linear) stability criterion to an interchange instability with conducting ends. The limiters of Movable Limiter Outside the anchor mirror cell (MLO) installed in GAMMA10 are found to have a stabilization effect on the interchange instability, which is consistent with the experimental results.}, file = {Katanuma2013_0029-5515_53_4_043002.pdf:Katanuma2013_0029-5515_53_4_043002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/53/i=4/a=043002}, } @Article{Kaw2012, author = {Predhiman Kaw and Sudip Sengupta and Prabal Singh Verma}, title = {Spatio-temporal evolution and breaking of double layers: A description using Lagrangian hydrodynamics}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {10}, pages = {102109}, abstract = {The nonlinear development and collapse (breaking) of double layers in the long scale length limit is well described by equations for the cold ion fluid with quasineutrality. It is shown that electron dynamics is responsible for giving an “equation of state” with negative ratio of specific heats to this fluid. Introducing a transformation for the density variable, the governing equation for the transformed quantity in terms of Lagrange variables turns out exactly to be a linear partial differential equation. This equation has been analyzed in various limits of interest. Nonlinear development of double layers with a sinusoidal initial disturbance and collapse of double layers with an initial perturbation in the form of a density void are analytically investigated.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4759462}, eid = {102109}, file = {Kaw2012_PhysPlasmas_19_102109.pdf:Kaw2012_PhysPlasmas_19_102109.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {equations of state; partial differential equations; plasma density; plasma flow; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma sheaths}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/102109/1}, } @Article{Kawai2012, author = {Ryoichi Kawai and Antoine Fruleux and Ken Sekimoto}, title = {A hard disc analysis of momentum deficit due to dissipation}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {2012}, volume = {86}, number = {5}, pages = {058508}, abstract = {When a Brownian object is in a non-equilibrium steady state, the actual force exerted on it is different from the one in thermal equilibrium. In our previous paper (Fruleux et al 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 160601), we discovered a general principle that relates the missing force to dissipation rates through the concept of momentum deficiency due to dissipation (MDD). In this paper, we examine the principle using various models based on hard disc gases and Brownian pistons. Explicit expressions of the forces are obtained analytically and the results are compared with molecular dynamics simulations. The good agreement demonstrates the validity of MDD.}, file = {Kawai2012_1402-4896_86_5_058508.pdf:Kawai2012_1402-4896_86_5_058508.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/86/i=5/a=058508}, } @Article{Kawamori2013, author = {Kawamori, Eiichirou}, title = {Experimental Verification of Entropy Cascade in Two-Dimensional Electrostatic Turbulence in Magnetized Plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {095001}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {The wave number spectrum (one-dimensional spectrum) of electrostatic potential fluctuations at sub-Larmor scales was measured in two-dimensional (2D) electrostatic turbulence in laboratory magnetized plasma. The spectrum at scales k⊥ρi>1, where k⊥ and ρi are the fluctuation wave number perpendicular to the magnetic field and ion Larmor radius, respectively, supports the existence of the k-10/3 inertial range of the entropy cascade induced by nonlinear phase mixing. This indicates agreement with a theoretical prediction [A. A. Schekochihin et al., Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 50 124024 (2008)] and the result of a 2D gyrokinetic simulation [T. Tatsuno et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 015003 (2009)]. The cutoff wave numbers of the spectrum, above which the entropy cascade is smeared by collisions, observed in this experiment were consistent with those in the theory.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.095001}, file = {Kawamori2013_PhysRevLett.110.095001.pdf:Kawamori2013_PhysRevLett.110.095001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {9}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.03.01}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.095001}, } @Article{Keilhacker1987, author = {M Keilhacker}, title = {H-mode confinement in tokamaks}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1987}, volume = {29}, number = {10A}, pages = {1401}, abstract = {The paper reviews present understanding of H-mode physics by summarising relevant experimental observations and discussing possible interpretation. The most important features of the H-mode are a minimum threshold edge temperature (threshold input power) required to achieve the H-mode; the bifurcation nature of the H-transition with instantaneous changes at the plasma edge; and the formation of a transport barrier at the plasma edge leading to pedestals in the density and temperature profiles. Global energy confinement times, are typically 2× to 3× longer in H- than in L-mode plasmas, reaching, for example, almost 1s in 3MA JET X-point discharges. τ E is found to increase linearly with plasma current. Results of the variation of τ E with input power are somewhat contradictory: no power dependence is found in ASDEX and DIII-D, whereas a degradation with power is indicated in JET and in JFT-2M limiter H-modes. Correspondingly, predictions for full power (40MW) 6MA X-point discharges in JET range from 0.6s to >1s, depending upon which scaling is adopted. Two main theoretical models have been proposed to explain the H-mode with its heat barrier at the plasma edge. Such a barrier is predicted by the stability properties of ballooning modes close to a magnetic separatrix, corresponding to the transition to a second stable region above a certain threshold power. It could also arise from a critical temperature gradient model based on self-consistent stochasticity.}, file = {Keilhacker1987_0741-3335_29_10A_320.pdf:Keilhacker1987_0741-3335_29_10A_320.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/29/i=10A/a=320}, } @Article{Keilhacker1984, author = {M Keilhacker and G Becker and K Bernhardi and A Eberhagen and M ElShaer and G FuBmann and O Gehre and J Gernhardt and G v Gierke and E Glock and G Haas and F Karger and S Kissel and O Kluber and K Kornherr and K Lackner and G Lisitano and G G Lister and J Massig and H M Mayer and K McCormick and D Meisel and E Meservey and E R Muller and H Murmann and H Niedermeyer and W Poschenrieder and H Rapp, and B Richter and H Rohr and F Ryter and F Schneider and S Siller and P Smeulders and F Soldner and E Speth and A Stabler and K Steinmetz and K-H Steuer and Z Szymanski and G Venus and O Vollmer and F Wagner}, title = {Confinement studies in L and H-type Asdex discharges}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1984}, volume = {26}, number = {1A}, pages = {49}, abstract = {The characteristics of neutral-beam-heated ASDEX discharges exhibiting either low (L)- or high (H)-confinement are described. H-mode discharges, which are by now observed over a wide range of operating conditions, show a spontaneous improvement in particle and energy confinement after a short L-phase at the beginning of neutral injection. H-discharges yield high β p values comparable to the aspect ratio A (β p ≤2.65~0.65 A). The most important parameter for transition to the H-mode seems to be a high edge electron temperature: T e values of -600 eV only a few centimeters inside the separatrix with radial gradients of ~300 eV/cm are measured. This requirement of high edge temperatures explains the lack of success in obtaining the H-regime in limiter discharges. Numerical simulation of the broad n e and T e profiles typical of H-mode plasmas indicates a reduction in electron thermal diffusivity by a factor of typically 2 over the entire plasma. H-mode energy confinement times are found to scale linearly with current, but to have little dependence on plasma density and absorbed beam power (P NI ≤3.4MW). The confinement is degraded by a fast growing mode localized at the plasma edge that may be identified as a kink or tearing mode driven unstable by the high current densities at the edge.}, file = {Keilhacker1984_0741-3335_26_1A_305.pdf:Keilhacker1984_0741-3335_26_1A_305.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/26/i=1A/a=305}, } @Article{Keilhacker2001, author = {M. Keilhacker and A. Gibson and C. Gormezano and P.H. Rebut}, title = {The scientific success of JET}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2001}, volume = {41}, number = {12}, pages = {1925}, abstract = {The paper highlights the JET work in physics and technology during the period of the JET Joint Undertaking (1978-1999), with special emphasis on what has been learned for extrapolation to a NEXT STEP device. - Global confinement scaling has been extended to high currents and heating powers. Dimensionless scaling experiments of ELMy H mode plasmas suggest that bulk plasma transport is gyro-Bohm and predict ignition for a device with ITER-FDR parameters. Experiments in which the plasma elongation and triangularity were varied independently show a strong increase of confinement time with elongation (τ E ~ κ a 0.8 ± 0.3 ), thus supporting a basic design principle of ITER-FEAT. With the Pellet Enhanced Performance (PEP) mode, JET has discovered the beneficial effect of reversed magnetic shear on confinement, opening the possibility of advanced tokamak scenarios. - With a three stage programme of progressively more closed divertors, JET has demonstrated the benefits of divertor closure, in particular, of high divertor neutral pressure which facilitates helium removal. It has also shown that in detached (or semidetached) radiative divertor plasmas the average power load on the target plates of a NEXT STEP device should be tolerable but, in addition, that the transient power loads during ELMs could cause problems. - In 1991 JET has demonstrated the first ever controlled production of a megawatt of fusion power. More extensive D-T experiments in 1997 (DTE1) have established new records in fusion performance: 16 MW transient fusion power with Q in = 0.62 (i.e. close to breakeven, Q in = 1) and 4 MW steady state fusion power with Q in = 0.18 for 4 s. DTE1 has also allowed a successful test of various reactor ICRF heating schemes and a clear demonstration of alpha particle heating, consistent with classical expectations. - JET has developed and tested some of the most important technologies for a NEXT STEP and a reactor, in particular the safe handling of tritium and the remote handling of large equipment as demonstrated by the Remote Divertor Exchange following DTE1.}, file = {Keilhacker2001_0029-5515_41_12_217.pdf:Keilhacker2001_0029-5515_41_12_217.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/41/i=12/a=217}, } @Article{Kendl2010, author = {Alexander Kendl and Bruce D. Scott and Tiago T. Ribeiro}, title = {Nonlinear gyrofluid computation of edge localized ideal ballooning modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {7}, pages = {072302}, abstract = {Three-dimensional electromagnetic gyrofluid simulations of the ideal ballooning mode blowout scenario for tokamak edge localized modes are presented. Special emphasis is placed on diagnosis of the linear, overshoot, and decay phases. The saturation process is energy transfer to self-generated edge turbulence, which exhibits an ion temperature gradient mode structure. Convergence in the decay phase is found only if the spectrum reaches the ion gyroradius. The equilibrium is a self-consistent background whose evolution is taken into account. Approximately two-thirds of the total energy in the edge layer is liberated in the blowout. Parameter dependence with respect to plasma pressure and the ion gyroradius is studied. Despite the violent nature of the short-lived process, the transition to nonlinearity is very similar to that found in generic tokamak edge turbulence.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3449807}, eid = {072302}, file = {Kendl2010_PhysPlasmas_17_072302.pdf:Kendl2010_PhysPlasmas_17_072302.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; plasma boundary layers; plasma simulation; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/072302/1}, } @Article{Keren2004, author = {Keren, Daniel}, title = {Topologically Faithful Fitting of Simple Closed Curves}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell.}, year = {2004}, volume = {26}, number = {1}, pages = {118--123}, month = jan, issn = {0162-8828}, abstract = {Implicit representations of curves have certain advantages over explicit representation, one of them being the ability to determine with ease whether a point is inside or outside the curve (inside-outside functions). However, save for some special cases, it is not known how to construct implicit representations which are guaranteed to preserve the curve's topology. As a result, points may be erroneously classified with respect to the curve. The paper offers to overcome this problem by using a representation which is guaranteed to yield the correct topology of a simple closed curve by using homeomorphic mappings of the plane to itself. If such a map carries the curve onto the unit circle, then a point is inside the curve if and only if its image is inside the unit circle.}, acmid = {951934}, address = {Washington, DC, USA}, doi = {10.1109/TPAMI.2004.1261095}, file = {Keren2004_01261095.pdf:Keren2004_01261095.pdf:PDF}, issue_date = {January 2004}, keywords = {Implicit fitting, topologically faithful fitting, Jordan-Schoenflies theorem.}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, timestamp = {2013.04.08}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TPAMI.2004.1261095}, } @Article{Kerner1990, author = {Wolfgang Kerner}, title = {Algorithms and software for linear and nonlinear MHD simulations}, journal = {Computer Physics Reports}, year = {1990}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, pages = {135 - 175}, issn = {0167-7977}, abstract = {The very different spatial and temporal scales inherent in the dissipative MHD model impose severe requirements on the numerical simulations, which have to be met by appropriate methods. The numerical approximation discussed is based on the finite-element method, where space-time discretization and semi-discretization are included. Specific advanced methods, such as adaptive mesh, multigrid, normal-mode analysis and semi-implicit schemes are presented. Important features of present and future supercomputers are being addressed.}, doi = {10.1016/0167-7977(90)90009-U}, file = {Kerner1990_0167-7977%2890%2990009-U.pdf:Kerner1990_0167-7977%2890%2990009-U.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.21}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016779779090009U}, } @Article{Kerner1998, author = {W Kerner and J.P Goedbloed and G.T.A Huysmans and S Poedts and E Schwarz}, title = {CASTOR: Normal-Mode Analysis of Resistive MHD Plasmas}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1998}, volume = {142}, number = {2}, pages = {271 - 303}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {The CASTOR (complex Alfvén spectrum of toroidal plasmas) code computes the entire spectrum of normal-modes in resistive MHD for general tokamak configurations. The applied Galerkin method, in conjunction with a Fourier finite-element discretisation, leads to a large scale eigenvalue problemAx=λBx, whereAis a nonself-adjoint matrix.}, doi = {10.1006/jcph.1998.5910}, file = {Kerner1998_1-s2.0-S0021999198959101-main.pdf:Kerner1998_1-s2.0-S0021999198959101-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.13}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999198959101}, } @Article{Kerner1985, author = {W. Kerner and K. Lerbinger and R. Gruber and T. Tsunematsu}, title = {Normal mode analysis for resistive cylindrical plasmas}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1985}, volume = {36}, number = {3}, pages = {225 - 240}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {The compressible, resistive MHD equations are linearized around an equilibrium with cylindrical symmetry and solved numerically as a complex eigenvalue problem. This normal mode code allows one to solve for very small resistivity γ≈10-10. The scaling of growth rates and layer width agrees very well with analytical theory. Especially, the influence of both current and pressure on the instabilities is studied in detail; the effect of resistivity on the ideally unstable internal kink is analyzed.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(85)90053-0}, file = {Kerner1985_Normal mode analysis for resistive cylindrical plasmas.pdf:Kerner1985_Normal mode analysis for resistive cylindrical plasmas.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465585900530}, } @Article{Kerner1981, author = {W. Kerner and H. Tasso}, title = {Tearing mode stability in 1D and 2D}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1981}, volume = {24}, number = {3–4}, pages = {407 - 411}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {A stability code for tearing modes in 1D and 2D straight equilibria in the tokamak scaling has been developed. It finds the lowest eigenvalues of a Hermitian problem which is obtained analytically by a reduction of the full problem. The main advantage is the powerful handling of equilibria with several resonant surfaces and displaying poloidal and radial mode couplings. The code has been successfully tested by comparing it with explicitly known analytical results for external kinks.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(81)90164-8}, file = {Kerner1981_1-s2.0-0010465581901648-main.pdf:Kerner1981_1-s2.0-0010465581901648-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.16}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465581901648}, } @Article{Kershaw1981, author = {David S Kershaw}, title = {Differencing of the diffusion equation in Lagrangian hydrodynamic codes}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1981}, volume = {39}, number = {2}, pages = {375 - 395}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {The general problem of finite differencing the diffusion equation on a two-dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamic mesh is discussed and a set of general criteria is developed. A detailed description is given of a particular difference scheme satisfying these criteria. A numerical test case is presented.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(81)90158-3}, file = {Kershaw1981_1-s2.0-0021999181901583-main.pdf:Kershaw1981_1-s2.0-0021999181901583-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999181901583}, } @Article{Kessel1994, author = {C.E. Kessel}, title = {Bootstrap current in a tokamak}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1994}, volume = {34}, number = {9}, pages = {1221}, abstract = {The bootstrap current in a tokamak is examined by implementing the Hirshman-Sigmar model and comparing the predicted current profiles with those from two popular approximations. The dependences of the bootstrap current profile on the plasma properties are illustrated. The implications for steady state tokamaks are presented through two constraints; the pressure profile must be peaked and β p must be kept below a critical value}, file = {Kessel1994_0029-5515_34_9_I04.pdf:Kessel1994_0029-5515_34_9_I04.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.06}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/34/i=9/a=I04}, } @Article{Khan2012, author = {Arroj A. Khan and A. Rasheed and M. Jamil and G. Murtaza}, title = {Multi electron species and shielding potentials in plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {11}, pages = {114501}, abstract = {The phenomenon of Debye shielding is investigated in electron ion plasmas using the approach of two temperature electrons. We get different profiles of potential for different parameters and observe that the potentials fall very slowly than the standard Coulomb and Debye potentials. The importance of work is pointed out in the introduction.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4768452}, eid = {114501}, file = {Khan2012_PhysPlasmas_19_114501.pdf:Khan2012_PhysPlasmas_19_114501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {electric potential; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/114501/1}, } @Article{Khan2007, author = {R. Khan and N. Mizuguchi and N. Nakajima and T. Hayashi}, title = {Dynamics of the ballooning mode and the relation to edge-localized modes in a spherical tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {6}, pages = {062302}, abstract = {Nonlinear simulations based on the magnetohydrodynamic model have been executed to reveal the dynamics of the ballooning mode in the spherical tokamak plasma. The simulation results have reproduced the characteristic features of the edge-localized mode crash phase, where the filamentary structures are formed along the magnetic field in the edge region, and separated from the core plasma. Moreover, the finite Larmor radius effect is addressed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2744362}, eid = {062302}, file = {Khan2007_PhysPlasmas_14_062302.pdf:Khan2007_PhysPlasmas_14_062302.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; plasma boundary layers; Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/062302/1}, } @Article{Kikuchi1995, author = {M Kikuchi and M Azumi}, title = {Experimental evidence for the bootstrap current in a tokamak}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1995}, volume = {37}, number = {11}, pages = {1215}, abstract = {The bootstrap current is a plasma current associated with trapped particles in a toroidal plasma. Magnetic measurements, such as the surface voltage, the internal inductance, and the Faraday rotation, are consistent with the existence of the neoclassical bootstrap current in tokamaks. The neoclassical trapped-particle correction to the electrical conductivity is also systematically validated against experiments. These results support the assertion that the generalized Ohm's law along the magnetic field is valid, as predicted by the neoclassical transport theory, while the perpendicular transport deviates from the neoclassical transport theory.}, file = {Kikuchi1995_0741-3335_37_11_003.pdf:Kikuchi1995_0741-3335_37_11_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/37/i=11/a=003}, } @Article{Killeen1976, author = {J. Killeen}, title = {Computer models of magnetically confined plasmas}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1976}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {841}, abstract = {The behaviour of a plasma confined by a magnetic field is simulated by a variety of numerical models. Some models used on a short time scale give detailed knowledge of the plasma on a microscopic scale, while other models used on much longer time scales compute macroscopic properties of the plasma dynamics. In the last two years there has been a substantial increase in the numerical modelling of fusion devices. The status of MHD, transport, equilibrium, stability, Vlasov, Fokker-Planck, and hybrid codes is reviewed. Review articles on each of the preceding models, with the exception of hybrid codes, have been published during the past few years, hence in this paper the main features of the models are discussed along with a limited number of representative results. These codes have already been essential in the design and understanding of low- and high-beta toroidal experiments and mirror systems. The design of the next generation of fusion experiments and fusion test reactors will require continual development of these numerical models in order to include the best available plasma physics description and also to increase the geometric complexity of the model. There is a need for international co-operation in this field with particular emphasis on the exchange of programs and the establishment of fusion program libraries. The International Atomic Energy Agency has considered these issues and made specific recommendations.}, file = {Killeen1976_0029-5515_16_5_013.pdf:Killeen1976_0029-5515_16_5_013.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/16/i=5/a=013}, } @Article{Killeen1978, author = {J. Killeen and A. I. Shestakov}, title = {Effect of equilibrium flow on the resistive tearing mode}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1978}, volume = {21}, number = {10}, pages = {1746-1752}, abstract = {The resistive tearing instability of an incompressible plasma is investigated for the plane sheet pinch in which the equilibrium magnetic field, xBx0+zBz0, depends only on y. The usual assumption is to take v0=0, but here the effect of a nonzero v0 is studied. A linear, time‐dependent model is used in which perturbations take the form f1(y,t)exp [i (kxx+kzz)]. A new initial‐value code has been developed to solve the resulting higher‐order system of equations. For a symmetric magnetic equilibrium and modes α<1, where α=a (kx2+ky2)1/2, an exponential growth develops. The growth rate, p=ωτr, is computed as a function of α and S=τr/τh, for several values of v0. The effect is to reduce p for all α, and to reduce the marginal α for instability for values of v0 of the order of the resistive diffusion velocity. Results for larger values of v0 are briefly discussed. For asymmetric tearing, the effect of the diffusion velocity depends on its sign. The velocity may have either a stabilizing or destabilizing influence on both the growth rates and the critical α for instability.}, doi = {10.1063/1.862090}, file = {Killeen1978_PFL001746.pdf:Killeen1978_PFL001746.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {KINK INSTABILITY; BOUNDARYVALUE PROBLEMS; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; ABSOLUTE INSTABILITIES; TIME DEPENDENCE; MAGNETIC FIELDS; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; EIGENFUNCTIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/21/1746/1}, } @Article{Kim2003b, author = {Kim, Eun-jin and Diamond, P. H.}, title = {Zonal Flows and Transient Dynamics of the $L\mathrm{\text{-}}H$ Transition}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2003}, volume = {90}, pages = {185006}, month = {May}, abstract = {We elucidate the role of zonal flows in transient phenomena observed during L-H transition by studying a simple L-H transition model which contains the evolution of zonal flows, mean E×B flows, and the ion pressure gradient. Zonal flows are shown to trigger the L-H transition and cause time-transient behavior through the self-regulation of turbulence before a mean shearing, due to a steep pressure profile, secures a quiescent H mode. Surprisingly, this self-regulation lowers the power threshold for the ultimate transition to a quiescent H-mode state.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.185006}, file = {Kim2003_PhysRevLett.90.185006.pdf:Kim2003_PhysRevLett.90.185006.pdf:PDF;Kim2003a_PhysPlasmas_10_1698.pdf:Kim2003a_PhysPlasmas_10_1698.pdf:PDF}, issue = {18}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.08.23}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.185006}, } @Article{Kim2003a, author = {Kim, Eun-jin and Diamond, P. H.}, title = {Mean shear flows, zonal flows, and generalized Kelvin--Helmholtz modes in drift wave turbulence: A minimal model for L --> H transition}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2003}, volume = {10}, number = {5}, pages = {1698-1704}, doi = {10.1063/1.1559006}, file = {Kim2003a_PhysPlasmas_10_1698.pdf:Kim2003a_PhysPlasmas_10_1698.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma turbulence; plasma flow; plasma instability; plasma drift waves; plasma confinement; plasma nonlinear waves; plasma transport processes; plasma oscillations}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/10/1698/1}, } @Article{Kim2012a, author = {Jayhyun Kim and Y.-M. Jeon and W.W. Xiao and S.-W. Yoon and J.-K. Park and G.S. Yun and J.-W. Ahn and H.S. Kim and H.-L. Yang and H.K. Kim and S. Park and J.H. Jeong and M. Jung and G.H. Choe and W.H. Ko and S.-G. Lee and Y.U. Nam and J.G. Bak and K.D. Lee and H.K. Na and S.-H. Hahn and P.H. Diamond and T. Rhee and J.M. Kwon and S.A. Sabbagh and Y.S. Park and H.K. Park and Y.S. Na and W.C. Kim and J.G. Kwak and the KSTAR contributors}, title = {ELM control experiments in the KSTAR device}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114011}, abstract = {The fourth KSTAR campaign in 2011 concentrated on active edge-localized mode (ELM) control by various methods such as non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations, supersonic molecular beam injection (SMBI), vertical jogs of the plasma column and edge electron heating. The segmented in-vessel control coil (IVCC) system is capable of applying n ⩽ 2 perturbed field with different phasing among top, middle and bottom coils. Application of an n = 1 perturbed field showed a desirable ELM suppression result. Fast vertical jogs of the plasma column achieved ELM pace-making and ELMs locked to 50 Hz vertical jogs were observed with a high probability of phase locking. A newly installed SMBI system was used for ELM control and the state of mitigated ELMs was sustained by the optimized repetitive SMBI pulse for a few tens of ELM periods. A change in ELM behaviour was seen due to edge electron heating although the effect of ECH launch needs supplementary analyses. The ECEI images of suppressed/mitigated ELM states showed apparent differences when compared with natural ELMy states. Further analyses are ongoing to explain the observed ELM control results.}, file = {Kim2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114011.pdf:Kim2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114011.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114011}, } @Article{Kim1986, author = {S.Y Kim and H Okuda}, title = {Guiding center magnetostatic particle simulation model in three dimensions}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1986}, volume = {65}, number = {1}, pages = {215 - 226}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A magnetostatic particle simulation model has been developed and tested for a low β plasma in a strong magnetic field. The model makes use of a three-dimensional grid elongated in the direction of a magnetic field in order to simulate plasma waves propagating nearly perpendicular to the magnetic field. Linear interpolation is used for a two-dimensional grid perpendicular to a magnetic field while cubic interpolation is used for the direction of the magnetic field. Full particle dynamics has been used for the motion of ions, while the guiding center approximation has been used for the motion of electrons. It is found that energy conservation is good and the fluctuation spectra of the electric and magnetic fields from the simulation agree with theoretical predictions quite well.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(86)90012-4}, file = {Kim1986_1-s2.0-0021999186900124-main.pdf:Kim1986_1-s2.0-0021999186900124-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.06}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999186900124}, } @Article{Kim2012, author = {S. S. Kim and Hogun Jhang and P. H. Diamond}, title = {Role of Reynolds stress and toroidal momentum transport in the dynamics of internal transport barriers}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {8}, pages = {084502}, abstract = {We study the interplay between intrinsic rotation and internal transport barrier (ITB) dynamics through the dynamic change of the parallel Reynolds stress. Global flux-driven gyrofluid simulations are used for this study. In particular, we investigate the role of parallel velocity gradient instability (PVGI) in the ITB formation and the back transition. It is found that the excitation of PVGI is followed by a change in the Reynolds stress which drives a momentum redistribution. This significantly influences E×B shear evolution and subsequent ITB dynamics. Nonlocal interactions among fluctuations are also observed during the PVGI excitation, resulting in turbulence suppression at the ITB.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4743024}, eid = {084502}, file = {Kim2012_PhysPlasmas_19_084502.pdf:Kim2012_PhysPlasmas_19_084502.pdf:PDF;Hakim2012_D3DPop.pdf:Hakim2012_D3DPop.pdf:PDF;Kim2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114011.pdf:Kim2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114011.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma flow; plasma instability; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; shear turbulence}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/084502/1}, } @Article{Kim1980, author = {Y. C. Kim and J. M. Beall and E. J. Powers and R. W. Miksad}, title = {Bispectrum and nonlinear wave coupling}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1980}, volume = {23}, number = {2}, pages = {258-263}, abstract = {The relationship between nonlinear wave coupling and the properties of the bispectrum are investigated for the case of three‐wave coupling. In particular, the dependence of the phase of the bispectrum, the direction of power flow between modes, and the sign of the skewness parameter, on the nonlinear amplitude variation and coupling coefficient, is analytically investigated and found to be in good agreement with experimental observations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.862966}, file = {Kim1980_PFL000258.pdf:Kim1980_PFL000258.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA WAVES; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; FLUCTUATIONS; SPECTRA; NORMALMODE ANALYSIS; ANALYTICAL SOLUTION; TURBULENCE; RESONANCE; DISPERSION RELATIONS; FOURIER ANALYSIS; IONIZED GASES; HYDROGEN; ELECTRIC FIELDS; RADIOWAVE RADIATION; MAGNETIC FIELDS; ELECTRON TEMPERATURE; EV RANGE 0110}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/23/258/1}, } @Article{Kim1978, author = {Y. C. Kim and E. J. Powers}, title = {Digital bispectral analysis of self-excited fluctuation spectra}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1978}, volume = {21}, number = {8}, pages = {1452-1453}, abstract = {Digitally implemented bispectral analysis is used to distinguish between spontaneously excited modes and coupled modes in a self‐excited fluctuation spectrum by measuring the degree of phase coherence between the interacting waves.}, doi = {10.1063/1.862365}, file = {Kim1978_PFL001452.pdf:Kim1978_PFL001452.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/21/1452/1}, } @Article{King2012, author = {J. D. King and R. J. La Haye and C. C. Petty and T. H. Osborne and C. J. Lasnier and R. J. Groebner and F. A. Volpe and M. J. Lanctot and M. A. Makowski and C. T. Holcomb and W. M. Solomon and S. L. Allen and T. C. Luce and M. E. Austin and W. H. Meyer and E. C. Morse}, title = {Hybrid-like 2/1 flux-pumping and magnetic island evolution due to edge localized mode-neoclassical tearing mode coupling in DIII-D}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {022503}, abstract = {Direct analysis of internal magnetic field pitch angles measured using the motional Stark effect diagnostic shows m/n = 2/1 neoclassical tearing modes exhibit stronger poloidal magnetic flux-pumping than typical hybrids containing m/n = 3/2 modes. This flux-pumping causes the avoidance of sawteeth, and is present during partial electron cyclotron current drive suppression of the tearing mode. This finding could lead to hybrid discharges with higher normalized fusion performance at lower q95. The degree of edge localized mode-neoclassical tearing mode (ELM-NTM) coupling and the strength of flux-pumping increase with beta and the proximity of the modes to the ELMing pedestal. Flux-pumping appears independent of magnetic island width. Individual ELM-NTM coupling events show a rapid timescale drop in the island width followed by a resistive recovery that is successfully modeled using the modified Rutherford equation. The fast transient drop in island width increases with ELM size.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3684648}, eid = {022503}, file = {King2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022503.pdf:King2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022503.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; tearing instability; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.18}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/022503/1}, } @Article{Kirk2004, author = {Kirk, A. and Wilson, H. R. and Counsell, G. F. and Akers, R. and Arends, E. and Cowley, S. C. and Dowling, J. and Lloyd, B. and Price, M. and Walsh, M.}, title = {Spatial and Temporal Structure of Edge-Localized Modes}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2004}, volume = {92}, pages = {245002}, month = {Jun}, abstract = {This Letter provides information on the spatial and temporal structure of periodic eruptions observed in magnetically confined laboratory fusion plasmas, called edge-localized modes (ELMs), and highlights similarities with solar eruptions. Taken together, the observations presented in this Letter provide strong evidence for ELMs being associated with a filamentlike structure. These filaments are extended along a field line, are generated on a 100   μs time scale, erupt from the outboard side, and connect back into the plasma. Such structures are predicted by a theoretical model based on the “ballooning” instability, developed for both solar and tokamak applications.}, collaboration = {MAST Team}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.245002}, file = {Kirk2004_PhysRevLett.92.245002.pdf:Kirk2004_PhysRevLett.92.245002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {24}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.245002}, } @Article{Kleva2011, author = {Robert G. Kleva and Parvez N. Guzdar}, title = {The impact of edge gradients in the pressure, density, ion temperature, and electron temperature on edge-localized modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, pages = {032310}, abstract = {The magnitude of the energy and particle fluxes in simulations of edge-localized modes (ELMs) is determined by the edge gradients in the pressure, density, ion temperature, and electron temperature. The total edge pressure gradient is the dominant influence on ELMs by far. An increase (decrease) of merely 2% in the pressure gradient results in an increase (decrease) of more than a factor of ten in the size of the ELM bursts. At a fixed pressure gradient, the size of the ELM bursts decreases as the density gradient increases, while the size of the bursts increases as the electron temperature gradient or, especially, the ion temperature gradient increases.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3570643}, eid = {032310}, file = {Kleva2011_PhysPlasmas_18_032310.pdf:Kleva2011_PhysPlasmas_18_032310.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma density; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma pressure; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/032310/1}, } @Article{Klimushkin2012, author = {Dmitri Yu Klimushkin and Danila V Kostarev}, title = {Two kinds of mirror modes in a nonzero electron-temperature plasma}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {9}, pages = {092001}, abstract = {This communication describes the study of mirror modes in a plasma with a small or large fraction of cold electrons within a gyrokinetic framework. It was found that if the number of cold electrons is m e / m i times smaller than the number of hot electrons, the dispersion relation of the compressional perturbation represents a modification of the magnetohydrodynamics slow mode dispersion relation; if the plasma anisotropy is small, the perturbation is an oscillation, but if the anisotropy is sufficient, the square of the oscillation frequency becomes negative and one of the solutions represents the ‘fluid’ mirror instability. In the opposite case, when the number of cold electrons is m e / m i times larger than the number of hot electrons, the perturbation is damping in the non-oscillatory regime if the anisotropy is small, and growing in the case of large anisotropy. This is the ‘kinetic’ mirror instability. For both kinetic instabilities, the threshold is the same, but the growth rates are different.}, file = {Klimushkin2012_0741-3335_54_9_092001.pdf:Klimushkin2012_0741-3335_54_9_092001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.17}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=9/a=092001}, } @Article{Knoepfel1979, author = {H. Knoepfel and D.A. Spong}, title = {Runaway electrons in toroidal discharges}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1979}, volume = {19}, number = {6}, pages = {785}, abstract = {Experimental and theoretical studies of runaway electrons in toroidal devices are reviewed here, with particular reference to tokamaks. The complex phenomenology of runaway effects, which have been the subject of research for the past twenty years, is organized within the framework of a number of physical models. The mechanisms and rates for runaway production are discussed first, followed by sections on runaway-driven kinetic relaxation processes and runaway orbit confinement. Next, the equilibrium and stability of runaway-dominated discharges are reviewed. Models for runaway production at early times in the discharge and the scaling of runaway phenomena to larger devices are also discussed. Finally, detection techniques and possible applications of runaways are mentioned.}, file = {Knoepfel1979_0029-5515_19_6_008.pdf:Knoepfel1979_0029-5515_19_6_008.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/19/i=6/a=008}, } @Article{Knoll1992, author = {D.A. Knoll and P.R. McHugh}, title = {NEWEDGE: a 2D fully implicit edge plasma fluid code for advanced physics and complex geometries}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = {1992}, volume = {196–198}, number = {0}, pages = {352 - 356}, issn = {0022-3115}, note = {Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices}, abstract = {The solution algorithm of the 2D fully implicit edge plasma fluid code NEWEDGE has been significantly advanced. An efficient numerical Jacobian evaluation has been implemented, and an advanced iterative matrix algorithm has replaced the previously used banded Gaussian elimination. These advancements allow a memory and CPU efficient, robust solution on a fine grid for a single null, multiply connected geometry. The algorithm advancements are discussed and a model problem is used to demonstrate the code's performance.}, doi = {10.1016/S0022-3115(06)80059-0}, file = {Knoll1992_1-s2.0-S0022311506800590-main.pdf:Knoll1992_1-s2.0-S0022311506800590-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311506800590}, } @Article{Knorr1974, author = {Georg Knorr and Magdi Shoucri}, title = {Plasma simulation as eigenvalue problem}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1974}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {1 - 7}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A numerical integration of the Vlasov equation replaces the continuous eigenvalue spectrum of the problem by a discrete spectrum, which can be represented by the eigenvalue spectrum of a finite matrix. This matrix must be dissipative, i.e., the eigenvalues must have a negative real part in order to avoid recurrence effects. Several dissipative terms in the diagonal of the matrix are studied numerically and analytically and the influence of various parameters is investigated. It is shown that a decrease of the last few off-diagonal terms in the matrix may also enhance the damping.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(74)90001-1}, file = {Knorr1974_0021-9991%2874%2990001-1.pdf:Knorr1974_0021-9991%2874%2990001-1.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999174900011}, } @Article{Kobayashi2012, author = {T Kobayashi and S Inagaki and S-I Itoh and K Itoh and S Oldenbürger and A Fujisawa and Y Nagashima and K Ida and H Tsuchiya and Y Nagayama and K Kawahata and H Yamada and the LHD Experiment Group}, title = {Self-nonlinear coupling of long-range temperature fluctuation in Toroidal plasma}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {11}, pages = {115004}, abstract = {This paper proposes a clever usage of bispectral analysis for extracting or reconstructing a quasi-coherent and quasi-periodic structural evolution of plasma fluctuations. The method has been applied on electron temperature fluctuation signals measured with a multi-point electron cyclotron emission (ECE) radiometer in the Large Helical Device (LHD). The method successfully reconstructs the averaged spatiotemporal evolution of fluctuating coherent structure (Inagaki et al 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 115001), while the structure is buried in (or comparable in power to) background fluctuations. The bicoherence analysis has found the faint fluctuating structure consisting of a fundamental mode and the harmonic modes from the existence of significant couplings between them. The reconstructed spatiotemporal structure with the proposed method is compared with that obtained with the lock-in (conditional) average. Three cases of spatiotemporal evolution of the non-sinusoidal waveform are presented.}, file = {Kobayashi2012_0741-3335_54_11_115004.pdf:Kobayashi2012_0741-3335_54_11_115004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=11/a=115004}, } @Article{Koen2012, author = {Etienne J. Koen and Andrew B. Collier and Shimul K. Maharaj}, title = {Particle-in-cell simulations of beam-driven electrostatic waves in a plasma}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {4}, pages = {042101}, abstract = {Using a particle-in-cell simulation, the characteristics of electrostatic waves are investigated in a three-electron component plasma including an electron beam. A Maxwellian distribution is used to describe the electron velocities. Three electrostatic modes are excited, namely electron plasma, electron acoustic, and beam-driven waves. These modes have a broad frequency spectrum and have been associated with intense broadband electrostatic noise observed in the Earth’s auroral zone. The simulation results compare well with analytical dispersion and growth rate relations. This agreement serves to validate the simulation technique.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3695402}, eid = {042101}, file = {Koen2012_PhysPlasmas_19_042101.pdf:Koen2012_PhysPlasmas_19_042101.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {noise; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma instability; plasma simulation}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/042101/1}, } @Article{Koh2012, author = {S. Koh and C. S. Chang and S. Ku and J. E. Menard and H. Weitzner and W. Choe}, title = {Bootstrap current for the edge pedestal plasma in a diverted tokamak geometry}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {072505}, abstract = {The edge bootstrap current plays a critical role in the equilibrium and stability of the steep edge pedestal plasma. The pedestal plasma has an unconventional and difficult neoclassical property, as compared with the core plasma. It has a narrow passing particle region in velocity space that can be easily modified or destroyed by Coulomb collisions. At the same time, the edge pedestal plasma has steep pressure and electrostatic potential gradients whose scale-lengths are comparable with the ion banana width, and includes a magnetic separatrix surface, across which the topological properties of the magnetic field and particle orbits change abruptly. A drift-kinetic particle code XGC0, equipped with a mass-momentum-energy conserving collision operator, is used to study the edge bootstrap current in a realistic diverted magnetic field geometry with a self-consistent radial electric field. When the edge electrons are in the weakly collisional banana regime, surprisingly, the present kinetic simulation confirms that the existing analytic expressions [represented by O. Sauter et al., Phys. Plasmas 6, 2834 (1999)] are still valid in this unconventional region, except in a thin radial layer in contact with the magnetic separatrix. The agreement arises from the dominance of the electron contribution to the bootstrap current compared with ion contribution and from a reasonable separation of the trapped-passing dynamics without a strong collisional mixing. However, when the pedestal electrons are in plateau-collisional regime, there is significant deviation of numerical results from the existing analytic formulas, mainly due to large effective collisionality of the passing and the boundary layer trapped particles in edge region. In a conventional aspect ratio tokamak, the edge bootstrap current from kinetic simulation can be significantly less than that from the Sauter formula if the electron collisionality is high. On the other hand, when the aspect ratio is close to unity, the collisional edge bootstrap current can be significantly greater than that from the Sauter formula. Rapid toroidal rotation of the magnetic field lines at the high field side of a tight aspect-ratio tokamak is believed to be the cause of the different behavior. A new analytic fitting formula, as a simple modification to the Sauter formula, is obtained to bring the analytic expression to a better agreement with the edge kinetic simulation results.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4736953}, eid = {072505}, file = {Koh2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072505.pdf:Koh2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072505.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma collision processes; plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma pressure; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.13}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/072505/1}, } @Article{Kolesnichenko1980, author = {Ya.I. Kolesnichenko}, title = {The role of alpha particles in tokamak reactors}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1980}, volume = {20}, number = {6}, pages = {727}, abstract = {The author reviews the theoretical work on those properties of a thermonuclear plasma that relate to the charged products of nuclear fusion reactions – α-particles. Three basic lines of research – on classical mechanisms of α-particle loss in tokamaks, collective processes in the plasma initiated by α-particles, and the energy balance stability of a thermonuclear plasma – are considered.}, file = {Kolesnichenko1980_0029-5515_20_6_008.pdf:Kolesnichenko1980_0029-5515_20_6_008.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/20/i=6/a=008}, } @Article{Koliner2012, author = {Koliner, J. J. and Forest, C. B. and Sarff, J. S. and Anderson, J. K. and Liu, D. and Nornberg, M. D. and Waksman, J. and Lin, L. and Brower, D. L. and Ding, W. X. and Spong, D. A.}, title = {Fast-Particle-Driven Alfv\'enic Modes in a Reversed Field Pinch}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {115003}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {Alfvénic modes are observed due to neutral beam injection for the first time in a reversed field pinch plasma. Modeling of the beam deposition and slowing down shows that the velocity and radial localization are high. This allows instability drive from inverse Landau damping of a bump-on-tail in the parallel distribution function or from free energy in the fast ion density gradient. Mode switching from a lower frequency toroidal mode number n=5 mode that scales with beam injection velocity to a higher frequency n=4 mode with Alfvénic scaling is observed.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.115003}, file = {Koliner2012_PhysRevLett.109.115003.pdf:Koliner2012_PhysRevLett.109.115003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {11}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.09.14}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.115003}, } @Article{Kompaneets2012, author = {Kompaneets, Roman and Ivlev, Alexei V. and Vladimirov, Sergey V. and Morfill, Gregor E.}, title = {Instability of ion kinetic waves in a weakly ionized plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2012}, volume = {85}, pages = {026412}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {The fundamental higher-order Landau plasma modes are known to be generally heavily damped. We show that these modes for the ion component in a weakly ionized plasma can be substantially modified by ion-neutral collisions and a dc electric field driving ion flow so that some of them can become unstable. This instability is expected to naturally occur in presheaths of gas discharges at sufficiently small pressures and thus affect sheaths and discharge structures.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.85.026412}, file = {Kompaneets2012_PhysRevE.85.026412.pdf:Kompaneets2012_PhysRevE.85.026412.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.03.06}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.85.026412}, } @Article{Kong2012, author = {E H Kong and T Zhang and B J Ding and L Liu and C M Qin and X Z Gong and Z G Wu and J F Shan and F K Liu and M H Li and L Zhang and M Wang and H D Xu and Y P Zhao and L M Zhao and J Q Feng and Y Yang and H Jia and H C Hu and X J Wang and J H Wu and Z X He and EAST Team}, title = {Investigation of lower hybrid wave coupling and the related effects of ion cyclotron range of frequencies in EAST}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {10}, pages = {105003}, abstract = {Effective coupling for lower hybrid waves (LHWs) is achieved by adjusting the launcher position and optimizing the plasma configuration in L-mode in EAST. It is found that, compared with other divertor shapes, the plasma with double null shows better coupling performance at the same position of lower hybrid (LH) grill, especially in the case of a large safety factor near the separatrix ( q 95 ) and a large edge recycling ( D α ) intensity. The ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) power has a significant impact on LH wave coupling when the ICRF antenna is magnetically connected to the LH grill. The asymmetry effects in the poloidal direction on reflection coefficients are obtained with a low edge density during ICRF power application. The origin of such a relevant asymmetry with ICRF is different from LHWs. Results not only suggest that ICRF power could modify the density in the local scrape-off layer (SOL), but also indicate that density convection in the SOL could be easily obtained with a low edge density. One promising alternative for eliminating the negative impact on LHW coupling induced by ICRF is gas (D2) injection both from the electronic side and ionic side in EAST.}, file = {Kong2012_0741-3335_54_10_105003.pdf:Kong2012_0741-3335_54_10_105003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.01}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=10/a=105003}, } @Article{Kong2007, author = {Ling-Bao Kong and Pu-Kun Liu and Liu Xiao}, title = {Nonlinear analysis of electron cyclotron maser based on anomalous Doppler effect}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {5}, pages = {053108}, abstract = {The nonlinear dynamics of an initially rectilinear electron beam interacting with a retarded transverse circularly polarized electromagnetic wave under the condition of anomalous Doppler effect has been studied. The physical mechanism of the interaction is presented, and nonlinear ordinary equations for electron energy evolutions have been derived and discussed. The numerical calculations show that the interaction efficiency can be very high. The results are of great importance for the design of practical devices.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2734569}, eid = {053108}, file = {Kong2007_PhysPlasmas_14_053108.pdf:Kong2007_PhysPlasmas_14_053108.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {cyclotron masers; Doppler effect; electron beams; electromagnetic waves; nonlinear equations}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/053108/1}, } @Article{Konies2012, author = {Axel Konies and Ralf Kleiber}, title = {A computational approach to continuum damping of Alfv[e-acute]n waves in two and three-dimensional geometry}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {12}, pages = {122111}, abstract = {While the usual way of calculating continuum damping of global Alfvén modes is the introduction of a small artificial resistivity, we present a computational approach to the problem based on a suitable path of integration in the complex plane. This approach is implemented by the Riccati shooting method and it is shown that it can be transferred to the Galerkin method used in three-dimensional ideal magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) codes. The new approach turns out to be less expensive with respect to resolution and computation time than the usual one. We present an application to large aspect ratio tokamak and stellarator equilibria retaining a few Fourier harmonics only and calculate eigenfunctions and continuum damping rates. These may serve as an input for kinetic MHD hybrid models making it possible to bypass the problem of having singularities on the path of integration on one hand and considering continuum damping on the other.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4769115}, eid = {122111}, file = {Konies2012_PhysPlasmas_19_122111.pdf:Konies2012_PhysPlasmas_19_122111.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; Galerkin method; plasma Alfven waves; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; stellarators; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.25}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/122111/1}, } @Article{Kosik1988, author = {J C Kosik}, title = {A simple magnetic field model of the Earth's magnetosphere with a nearby plasmoid}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {1988}, volume = {37}, number = {1}, pages = {158}, abstract = {A simple magnetic field model of the Earth's magnetosphere with a plasmoid in the near tail is developed. It is derived from a standard model through an adequate change of the coefficients. The model uses experimental Δ B contours and is divergence free. Our plasmoid is a negative Δ B island surrounded by closed field lines.}, file = {Kosik1988_1402-4896_37_1_024.pdf:Kosik1988_1402-4896_37_1_024.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.05}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/37/i=1/a=024}, } @Article{Kosuga2013, author = {Y. Kosuga and P.H. Diamond and L. Wang and Ö.D. Gürcan and T.S. Hahm}, title = {Progress on theoretical issues in modelling turbulent transport}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {53}, number = {4}, pages = {043008}, abstract = {We discuss theoretical progress in turbulent transport modelling in tokamaks. In particular, we address issues that the conventional quasilinear type calculation cannot confront, such as (i) the nature of turbulence in the edge-core coupling region of tokamaks (i.e. the so-called ‘no man’s land'), and the dynamics of incoming structures coupled to zonal flows, (ii) nonlinear dynamics of zonal flows and (iii) transport by drift wave turbulence with strong wave–particle interaction. A unifying theme of these studies is their formulation in terms of the phase space density correlation evolution.}, file = {Kosuga2013_0029-5515_53_4_043008.pdf:Kosuga2013_0029-5515_53_4_043008.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.14}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/53/i=4/a=043008}, } @Article{Kotov2012, author = {V Kotov and D Reiter}, title = {Formation of a natural X-point multifaceted asymmetric radiation from the edge in numerical simulations of divertor plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {8}, pages = {082003}, abstract = {Multifaceted asymmetric radiation from the edges (MARFEs) are regions of high-density and low-temperature plasma observed under certain conditions at the tokamak edge. Such structures are found to form in a natural way on the closed flux surfaces near the X-point in 2D numerical simulations (B2-EIRENE) of the divertor plasmas at high discharge densities. Stable steady-state solutions can be obtained by the conventional edge code if the hydrogen line-radiation opacity is taken into account in the model, both with and without impurity radiation. In addition to extra power losses from the MARFE the detached divertor solution is affected due to (i) reduction of the separatrix temperature and thus plasma pressure; (ii) additional momentum losses due to friction with atoms produced by the recombining plasma of the MARFE.}, file = {Kotov2012_0741-3335_54_8_082003.pdf:Kotov2012_0741-3335_54_8_082003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.13}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=8/a=082003}, } @Article{Kovrizhnykh1984, author = {L.M. Kovrizhnykh}, title = {Neoclassical theory of transport processes in toroidal magnetic confinement systems, with emphasis on non-axisymmetric configurations}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1984}, volume = {24}, number = {7}, pages = {851}, abstract = {The paper constitutes a review of the neoclassical theory of transport processes in the different types of toroidal magnetic configuration now being used to study the possibility of producing a controlled thermonuclear reaction. Owing to the abundance of the material that has accumulated in recent years and the large number of parameters involved in the problem, it has not been possible to present all the mathematical calculations in detail while confining the results to a few definitive expressions. The general approach to a solution of the problem and its key aspects have been discussed as fully as possible, and a number of definitive results are presented. In the review, a history of the subject and an account of its present status are given, the problem itself is formulated, the basic equations are discussed and analytical solution methods are described. Definitive expressions are given for cross-field particle and energy fluxes, the bootstrap current and conductivity, all of which are required to solve the particle and heat balance equations in magnetic confinement devices. The results are presented in a relatively simple form which is convenient for analysis of the experimental data and are accompanied by tables containing numerical values for the universal coefficients in the definitive expressions. The review is aimed at both theoreticians and experimenters working in high-temperature plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion.}, file = {Kovrizhnykh1984_a7a061c02085d14826041ea3e7aeebef.pdf:Kovrizhnykh1984_a7a061c02085d14826041ea3e7aeebef.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/24/i=7/a=003}, } @Article{Kramer2013, author = {G J Kramer and R V Budny and A Bortolon and E D Fredrickson and G Y Fu and W W Heidbrink and R Nazikian and E Valeo and M A Van Zeeland}, title = {A description of the full-particle-orbit-following SPIRAL code for simulating fast-ion experiments in tokamaks}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {2}, pages = {025013}, abstract = {The numerical methods used in the full particle-orbit following SPIRAL code are described and a number of physics studies performed with the code are presented to illustrate its capabilities. The SPIRAL code is a test-particle code and is a powerful numerical tool to interpret and plan fast-ion experiments in tokamaks. Gyro-orbit effects are important for fast ions in low-field machines such as NSTX and to a lesser extent in DIII-D. A number of physics studies are interlaced between the description of the code to illustrate its capabilities. Results on heat loads generated by a localized error-field on the DIII-D wall are compared with measurements. The enhanced Triton losses caused by the same localized error-field are calculated and compared with measured neutron signals. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) activity such as tearing modes and toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) have a profound effect on the fast-ion content of tokamak plasmas and SPIRAL can calculate the effects of MHD activity on the confined and lost fast-ion population as illustrated for a burst of TAE activity in NSTX. The interaction between ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) heating and fast ions depends solely on the gyro-motion of the fast ions and is captured exactly in the SPIRAL code. A calculation of ICRF absorption on beam ions in ITER is presented. The effects of high harmonic fast wave heating on the beam-ion slowing-down distribution in NSTX is also studied.}, file = {Kramer2013_0741-3335_55_2_025013.pdf:Kramer2013_0741-3335_55_2_025013.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=2/a=025013}, } @Article{Kramer2012, author = {Kramer, G. J. and Chen, L. and Fisher, R. K. and Heidbrink, W. W. and Nazikian, R. and Pace, D. C. and Van Zeeland, M. A.}, title = {Fractional Resonances between Waves and Energetic Particles in Tokamak Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {035003}, month = {Jul}, abstract = {From numerical simulation and analytical modeling it is shown that fast ions can resonate with plasma waves at fractional values of the particle drift-orbit transit frequency when the plasma wave amplitude is sufficiently large. The fractional resonances, which are caused by a nonlinear interaction between the particle orbit and the wave, give rise to an increased density of resonances in phase space which reduces the threshold for stochastic transport. The effects of the fractional resonances on spatial and energy transport are illustrated for an energetic particle geodesic acoustic mode but they apply equally well to other types of MHD activity.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.035003}, file = {Kramer2012_PhysRevLett.109.035003.pdf:Kramer2012_PhysRevLett.109.035003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {3}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.07.19}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.035003}, } @Article{Krasheninnikov2007, author = {S.I. Krasheninnikov}, title = {Summary of the magnetic confinement theory and modelling}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2007}, volume = {47}, number = {10}, pages = {S529}, abstract = {Summary of the papers presented at the 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (Chengdu, October 2006) and devoted to magnetic confinement theory and modelling.}, file = {Krasheninnikov2007_0029-5515_47_10_S04.pdf:Krasheninnikov2007_0029-5515_47_10_S04.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/47/i=10/a=S04}, } @Article{Krommes2007, author = {John A. Krommes}, title = {Nonequilibrium gyrokinetic fluctuation theory and sampling noise in gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {9}, pages = {090501}, abstract = {The present state of the theory of fluctuations in gyrokinetic (GK) plasmas and especially its application to sampling noise in GK particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations is reviewed. Topics addressed include the Δf method, the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for both classical and GK many-body plasmas, the Klimontovich formalism, sampling noise in PIC simulations, statistical closure for partial differential equations, the theoretical foundations of spectral balance in the presence of arbitrary noise sources, and the derivation of Kadomtsev-type equations from the general formalism.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2759879}, eid = {090501}, file = {Krommes2007_PPPL-4264.pdf:Krommes2007_PPPL-4264.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {noise; partial differential equations; plasma fluctuations; plasma simulation}, numpages = {26}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.13}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/090501/1}, } @Article{Kuhl1996, author = {Nelson M. Kuhl}, title = {Monte Carlo Simulation of Transport}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1996}, volume = {129}, number = {1}, pages = {170 - 180}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {This paper is concerned with the problem of transport in controlled nuclear fusion as it applies to confinement in a tokamak or stellarator. Numerical experiments validate a mathematical model of Paul R. Garabedian in which the electric potential is determined by quasineutrality because of singular perturbation of the Poisson equation. The Monte Carlo method is used to solve a test particle drift kinetic equation. The collision operator drives the distribution function in velocity space towards the normal distribution, or Maxwellian, as suggested by the central limit theorem. The detailed structure of the collision operator and the role of conservation of momentum are investigated. Exponential decay of expected values allows the computation of the confinement times of both ions and electrons. Three-dimensional perturbations in the electromagnetic field model the anomalous transport of electrons and simulate the turbulent behavior that is presumably triggered by the displacement current. Comparison with experimental data and derivation of scaling laws are presented.}, doi = {10.1006/jcph.1996.0241}, file = {Kuhl1996_1-s2.0-S0021999196902417-main.pdf:Kuhl1996_1-s2.0-S0021999196902417-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999196902417}, } @Article{Kulsrud1961, author = {Russell M. Kulsrud}, title = {Hydromagnetic Equilibria in a Toroid from the Particle Point of View}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1961}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {302-314}, abstract = {Hydromagnetic equilibria are considered as being time‐independent solutions of the Boltzmann equations and Maxwell's equations. The short‐range collisions are neglected and the magnetic field is taken large enough to make the small gyration radius low‐frequency expansion of the equations by Chew, Goldberger, and Low (unpublished work) applicable. The equilibria are discussed only to lowest order in this scheme and in geometries topologically equivalent to a torus. In particular, magnetic surfaces are shown to exist. A set of invariants for slow motions of the system are determined. These invariants are used as constraints in a variational principle which states that subject to these constraints an arbitrary configuration makes the energy stationary if, and only if, it is an equilibrium state. The case of equilibria with trapped particles is treated separately. It is proposed that the values of these invariants serve to characterize toroidal hydromagnetic equilibria.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1706326}, file = {Kulsrud1961_PFL000302.pdf:Kulsrud1961_PFL000302.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/4/302/1}, } @Article{Kurbatov2013, author = {P. F. Kurbatov}, title = {A new viewpoint on the ambipolar diffusion Schottky theory}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {043503}, abstract = {A modern modification of the Schottky theory is proposed. It enables overcoming some of the difficulties and contradictions of the old theory and extends its capabilities in the analysis of radial distributions of ionized species. This allows us to consider the distributions of positive column plasma in noble gas d.c. discharges within a proper universal framework. The radial distributions of plasma species are basically similar in their nature and are independent of the character and features of plasma reactions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4798540}, eid = {043503}, file = {Kurbatov2013_PhysPlasmas_20_043503.pdf:Kurbatov2013_PhysPlasmas_20_043503.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {discharges (electric); ionisation; plasma chemistry; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.04}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/043503/1}, } @Article{Kurki-Suonio2011, author = {T. Kurki-Suonio and O. Asunta and E. Hirvijoki and T. Koskela and A. Snicker and T. Hauff and F. Jenko and E. Poli and S. Sipilä}, title = {Fast ion power loads on ITER first wall structures in the presence of NTMs and microturbulence}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {51}, number = {8}, pages = {083041}, abstract = {The level and distribution of the wall power flux of energetic ions in ITER have to be known accurately in order to ensure the integrity of the first wall. Until now, most quantitative estimates have been based on the assumption that fast ion transport is dictated by neoclassical effects only. However, in ITER, the fast ion distribution is likely to be affected by various MHD effects and probably also by microturbulence. We have now upgraded our orbit-following Monte Carlo code ASCOT so that it has simple, theory-based models for neoclassical tearing mode (NTM)-type islands as well as for turbulent diffusion. ASCOT also allows for full-orbit following, which is important close to the material surfaces and, possibly, also when strong toroidal inhomogeneities are present in the magnetic field. Here we introduce the new models, preliminary results obtained with them, and how these models could be made more realistic in the future. The simulations are carried out for thermonuclear alpha particles in ITER scenario 2 plasma, because we consider this combination to be most critical for the successful operation of ITER. Neither the turbulent transport nor NTM-type islands are found to introduce alarming changes in the wall loads. However, at this stage it was not possible to combine the island structures with the non-axisymmetric magnetic field of ITER, and it remains to be seen what the combined effect of drift islands together with the toroidal ripple and local field aberrations, such as those due to test blanket modules and resonant magnetic perturbations will be.}, file = {Kurki-Suonio2011_0029-5515_51_8_083041.pdf:Kurki-Suonio2011_0029-5515_51_8_083041.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=8/a=083041}, } @Article{Kurzan2005, author = {Kurzan, B. and Murmann, H. D. and Neuhauser, J.}, title = {Fine Structure of Type-I Edge-Localized Modes in the Steep Gradient Region}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2005}, volume = {95}, pages = {145001}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {Fast, high resolution multichannel Thomson scattering is used to quantitatively determine plasma perturbations induced by type-I edge-localized modes (ELMs) in the low-field side edge of ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas. 2D snapshots of temperature and density, deduced from the laser light scattered in a vertically elongated, poloidal array of 5×10 scattering volumes, are obtained in the hot, steep edge gradient zone, which is difficult to access by other diagnostics. Local maxima and minima with large amplitude are identified during ELMs and even in the precursor phase, both in density and temperature. Interpreting these structures as footprints of approximately field aligned helical modes in accordance with previous experimental and theoretical work, toroidal mode numbers between 8 and 20 are obtained, roughly consistent with corresponding scrape-off layer and divertor measurements.}, collaboration = {ASDEX Upgrade Team}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.145001}, file = {Kurzan2005_PhysRevLett.95.145001.pdf:Kurzan2005_PhysRevLett.95.145001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {14}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.145001}, } @Article{Kuzelev2005, author = {Kuzelev, M.V. and Rukhadze, A.A.}, title = {Anomalous Doppler effect and stimulated Cherenkov effect in a plasma waveguide with a thin-walled annular electron beam}, journal = {Plasma Physics Reports}, year = {2005}, volume = {31}, pages = {638-645}, issn = {1063-780X}, abstract = {A dispersion relation for the complex frequencies of the E modes excited by a thin-walled annular low-density beam in a cylindrical plasma waveguide is derived using the methods of perturbation theory. The cases of an annular and a uniform plasma filling are considered, and the corresponding wave growth rates are determined. A condition is obtained under which the primary mechanism for the excitation of the waveguide is the anomalous Doppler effect. The possibility is discussed of suppressing Cherenkov generation in a plasma resonator at the expense of the normal Doppler effect.}, doi = {10.1134/1.2031624}, file = {Kuzelev2005_art%3A10.1134%2F1.2031624.pdf:Kuzelev2005_art%3A10.1134%2F1.2031624.pdf:PDF}, issue = {8}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Nauka/Interperiodica}, timestamp = {2012.12.01}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/1.2031624}, } @Article{Kuznetsov2012, author = {E. A. Kuznetsov and T. Passot and P. L. Sulem}, title = {On the mirror instability in the presence of electron temperature anisotropy}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {090701}, abstract = {Computation of the mirror instability growth rate in an ion-electron bi-Maxwellian plasma is revisited, starting from the low-frequency kinetic theory. The role of the electron finite Larmor radius (FLR) effects on the instability quenching is shown to possibly be dominant, even near threshold where the smallest unstable scales significantly exceed the electron gyroscale. Validation of the results by comparison with predictions of the fully kinetic whamp software is also presented. The influence of the electron temperatures on the ion FLR effects very near threshold, where the electron kinetic effects are negligible, is also pointed out.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4754008}, eid = {090701}, file = {Kuznetsov2012_PhysPlasmas_19_090701.pdf:Kuznetsov2012_PhysPlasmas_19_090701.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {electrokinetic effects; magnetic mirrors; plasma instability; plasma temperature}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/090701/1}, } @Article{Lambert1982, author = {Lambert, A. J. D. and Best, R. W. B. and Sluijter, F. W.}, title = {Van Kampen and Case Formalism Applied to Linear and Weakly Nonlinear Initial Value Problems in Unmagnetized Plasma}, journal = {Beiträge aus der Plasmaphysik}, year = {1982}, volume = {22}, number = {2}, pages = {101--133}, issn = {1521-3986}, abstract = {A unified account is given of the normal mode theory of homogeneous unmagnetized plasma. Electron (Langmuir), ion sound and electromagnetic waves are treated in stable and (Penrose) unstable plasma with the Van Kampen-Case formalism, using generalized functions. Simplified formulae are derived for second-order Langmuir waves, taking full account of free-streaming effects.}, doi = {10.1002/ctpp.19820220202}, file = {Lambert1982_ctpp.19820220202.pdf:Lambert1982_ctpp.19820220202.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2013.02.20}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.19820220202}, } @Article{Lancellotti2003, author = {Lancellotti, Carlo and Dorning, J. J.}, title = {Time-asymptotic wave propagation in collisionless plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2003}, volume = {68}, pages = {026406}, month = {Aug}, abstract = {We report the results of a new, systematic study of nonlinear longitudinal wave propagation in a collisionless plasma. Based on the decomposition of the electric field E into a transient part T and a time-asymptotic part A, we show that A is given by a finite superposition of wave modes, whose frequencies obey a Vlasov dispersion relation, and whose amplitudes satisfy a set of nonlinear algebraic equations. These time-asymptotic mode amplitudes are calculated explicitly, based on approximate solutions for the particle distribution functions obtained by linearizing only the term that contains T in the Vlasov equation for each particle species, and then integrating the resulting equation along the nonlinear characteristics associated with A, which are obtained via Hamiltonian perturbation theory. For “linearly stable” initial Vlasov equilibria, we obtain a critical initial amplitude (or threshold), separating the initial conditions that produce Landau damping to zero (A≡0) from those that lead to nonzero multiple-traveling-wave time-asymptotic states via nonlinear particle trapping (A≢0). These theoretical results have important implications about the stability of spatially uniform plasma equilibria, and they also explain why large-scale numerical simulations in some cases lead to zero-field final states whereas in others they yield nonzero multiple-traveling-wave final states.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.68.026406}, file = {Lancellotti2003_PhysRevE.68.026406.pdf:Lancellotti2003_PhysRevE.68.026406.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, numpages = {31}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.68.026406}, } @Article{Langdon1979, author = {A.Bruce Langdon}, title = {Analysis of the time integration in plasma simulation}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1979}, volume = {30}, number = {2}, pages = {202 - 221}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {This paper treats the collective behavior of hot plasma as modified by the numerical time integration methods used to integrate the particle equations of motion in computer simulation of plasmas. No approximation, other than ignoring roundoff errors, is made in analyzing the finite-difference algorithms. Our results reduce simply and exactly to the corresponding results of plasma theory in the limit Δt → 0. The possibility of nonphysical instability is considered. The results of this and of previous papers are combined to describe both the spatial and temporal difference algorithms. The theory is generalized to a class of integration schemes, some algorithms are analyzed, and a new example is synthesized. The difficulty of developing algorithms stable at very large time steps is examined. The present analysis may be combined with an earlier rigorous analysis of the spatial grid used for field equations, to develop a kinetic theory of simulation plasmas paralleling that for real plasmas. This theory may be of use in the design and interpretation of computer simulation experiments.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(79)90099-8}, file = {Langdon1979_0021-9991%2879%2990099-8.pdf:Langdon1979_0021-9991%2879%2990099-8.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999179900998}, } @Article{Lao1985, author = {L.L. Lao and H. St. John and R.D. Stambaugh and A.G. Kellman and W. Pfeiffer}, title = {Reconstruction of current profile parameters and plasma shapes in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1985}, volume = {25}, number = {11}, pages = {1611}, abstract = {An efficient method is given to reconstruct the current profile parameters, the plasma shape, and a current profile consistent with the magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium constraint from external magnetic measurements, based on a Picard iteration approach which approximately conserves the measurements. Computational efforts are reduced by parametrizing the current profile linearly in terms of a number of physical parameters. Results of detailed comparative calculations and a sensitivity study are described. Illustrative calculations to reconstruct the current profiles and plasma shapes in ohmically and auxiliarily heated Doublet III plasmas are given which show many interesting features of the current profiles.}, file = {Lao1985a_0029-5515_25_10_004.pdf:Lao1985a_0029-5515_25_10_004.pdf:PDF;Lao1985b_PFL000869.pdf:Lao1985b_PFL000869.pdf:PDF;Lao1985_0029-5515_25_11_007.pdf:Lao1985_0029-5515_25_11_007.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.06}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/25/i=11/a=007}, } @Article{Lao1985a, author = {L.L. Lao and H. St. John and R.D. Stambaugh and W. Pfeiffer}, title = {Separation of beta_p and l_i in tokamaks of non-circular cross-section}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1985}, volume = {25}, number = {10}, pages = {1421}, abstract = {Integral relations for the average poloidal beta ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/barbeta.gif] {bar beta} p and the plasma internal inductance ℓ i are derived from the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibrium equation for an axisymmetric torus. The volume-dependent parameters that appear depend only weakly on the actual current density distribution inside the plasma and can be evaluated approximately, given the plasma shape and boundary poloidal magnetic field. In practice, these can be accurately and efficiently obtained for both diverted and limited plasmas from measured external poloidal magnetic field and flux values by approximating the plasma current distribution using a few filaments or distributed sources. For a tokamak plasma with a non-circular cross-section of sufficient elongation, ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/barbeta.gif] {bar beta} p and ℓ i can then be approximately determined separately. This is demonstrated for analytic equilibria of known shape as well as for actual Doublet III (D-III) plasmas for which ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/barbeta.gif] {bar beta} p and ℓ i have been determined by using other methods. Results of a sensitivity study are described.}, file = {Lao1985a_0029-5515_25_10_004.pdf:Lao1985a_0029-5515_25_10_004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.06}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/25/i=10/a=004}, } @Article{Lao1985b, author = {L. L. Lao and J. M. Greene and T. S. Wang and F. J. Helton and E. M. Zawadzki}, title = {Three-dimensional toroidal equilibria and stability by a variational spectral method}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1985}, volume = {28}, number = {3}, pages = {869-877}, abstract = {The characteristics of the partial differential equations describing three‐dimensional toroidal magnetohydrodynamic equilibria with nested flux surfaces in inverse flux coordinates are derived and examined. The equilibrium equations are then variationally reduced to a truncated set of ordinary differential equations by decomposing the flux surface geometry into a spectral representation. The magnetic field lines on the flux surfaces are given in terms of a variable stream function to allow optimum choice of the angle coordinates over the flux surfaces and to simplify the treatment in the vicinity of a rational magnetic surface. Analytic properties of the spectral representation and moment equations are considered. Comparative calculations are performed numerically. The results agree well with those calculated using a standard three‐dimensional equilibrium code, but the variational spectral method is substantially faster computationally. The Mercier stability criterion is given.}, doi = {10.1063/1.865056}, file = {Lao1985b_PFL000869.pdf:Lao1985b_PFL000869.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; VARIATIONAL METHODS; THREEDIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; EQUILIBRIUM; MAGNETIC FLUX; PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS; PLASMA; STABILITY}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/28/869/1}, } @Article{Lapillonne2009, author = {X. Lapillonne and S. Brunner and T. Dannert and S. Jolliet and A. Marinoni and L. Villard and T. Gorler and F. Jenko and F. Merz}, title = {Clarifications to the limitations of the s-alpha equilibrium model for gyrokinetic computations of turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {3}, pages = {032308}, abstract = {In the context of gyrokinetic flux-tube simulations of microturbulence in magnetized toroidal plasmas, different treatments of the magnetic equilibrium are examined. Considering the Cyclone DIII-D base case parameter set [ Dimits et al., Phys. Plasmas 7, 969 (2000) ], significant differences in the linear growth rates, the linear and nonlinear critical temperature gradients, and the nonlinear ion heat diffusivities are observed between results obtained using either an s-α or a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibrium. Similar disagreements have been reported previously [ Redd et al., Phys. Plasmas 6, 1162 (1999) ]. In this paper it is shown that these differences result primarily from the approximation made in the standard implementation of the s-α model, in which the straight field line angle is identified to the poloidal angle, leading to inconsistencies of order ε (ε = a/R is the inverse aspect ratio, a the minor radius and R the major radius). An equilibrium model with concentric, circular flux surfaces and a correct treatment of the straight field line angle gives results very close to those using a finite ε, low β MHD equilibrium. Such detailed investigation of the equilibrium implementation is of particular interest when comparing flux tube and global codes. It is indeed shown here that previously reported agreements between local and global simulations in fact result from the order ε inconsistencies in the s-α model, coincidentally compensating finite ρ∗ effects in the global calculations, where ρ∗ = ρs/a with ρs the ion sound Larmor radius. True convergence between local and global simulations is finally obtained by correct treatment of the geometry in both cases, and considering the appropriate ρ∗→0 limit in the latter case.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3096710}, eid = {032308}, file = {Lapillonne2009_fluxtube_cyclone_PoP2009.pdf:Lapillonne2009_fluxtube_cyclone_PoP2009.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.26}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/032308/1}, } @Article{Lazerson2013, author = {S A Lazerson and S Sakakibara and Y Suzuki}, title = {A magnetic diagnostic code for 3D fusion equilibria}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {2}, pages = {025014}, abstract = {A synthetic magnetic diagnostics code for fusion equilibria is presented. This code calculates the response of various magnetic diagnostics to the equilibria produced by the VMEC and PIES codes. This allows for treatment of equilibria with both good nested flux surfaces and those with stochastic regions. DIAGNO v2.0 builds upon previous codes through the implementation of a virtual casing principle. The code is validated against a vacuum shot on the Large Helical Device (LHD) where the vertical field was ramped. As an exercise of the code, the diagnostic response for various equilibria are calculated on the LHD.}, file = {Lazerson2013_0741-3335_55_2_025014.pdf:Lazerson2013_0741-3335_55_2_025014.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=2/a=025014}, } @Article{Lee1986, author = {Lee, L. C. and Fu, Z. F.}, title = {Collisional Tearing Instability in the Current Sheet With a Low Magnetic Lundquist Number}, journal = {J. Geophys. Res.}, year = {1986}, volume = {91}, number = {A3}, pages = {3311--3313}, issn = {0148-0227}, abstract = {The growth rate of the collisional tearing instability is calculated for a current sheet with a low magnetic Lundquist number S. The maximum growth rate is found to be γm ≃ 0.075tA −1 tanh (8/S 0.5) for 3 ≦ S ≦ 105, where tA is the Alfv�n transit time in the current sheet. For S > 300, the growth rate can be written approximately as γ m ≃ 0.6tA −1 S −0.5; for S < 50, the growth rate approaches an asymptotic value of ∼0.075tA −1. The present result is applicable to the current sheet associated with the diffusion region of a magnetic reconnection configuration, in which the Lundquist number, based on the thickness of the diffusion region, is typically 2 ≦ S ≦ 100.}, file = {Lee1986_JA091iA03p03311.pdf:Lee1986_JA091iA03p03311.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AGU}, timestamp = {2012.11.20}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/JA091iA03p03311}, } @Article{Lee1971, author = {W. W. Lee and R. H. Hirsch and J. Denavit}, title = {Longitudinal Oscillations of a Lorentzian Electron Gas}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1971}, volume = {14}, number = {5}, pages = {941-951}, abstract = {The combined nonlinear and collisional effects on the Landau damping of longitudinal electron oscillations are studied using the Lorentz gas model to represent electron‐neutral and electron‐ion interactions. Three types of interactions are considered: hard‐sphere collisions, inverse fifth‐power interactions, and inverse square interactions. A perturbation analysis of the nonlinear kinetic equation is carried out following Montgomery's expansion technique. For hard‐sphere collisions, the collisional damping and the nonlinear change in Landau damping are determined analytically. For inverse fifth‐power interactions and inverse square interactions, the same results are obtained numerically by expanding the distribution function in Legendre polynomials to sufficiently high order to adequately represent its variations in the resonance region.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1693552}, file = {Lee1971_PFL000941.pdf:Lee1971_PFL000941.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/14/941/1}, } @Article{Leerink2012, author = {Leerink, S. and Bulanin, V. V. and Gurchenko, A. D. and Gusakov, E. Z. and Heikkinen, J. A. and Janhunen, S. J. and Lashkul, S. I. and Altukhov, A. B. and Esipov, L. A. and Kantor, M. Yu. and Kiviniemi, T. P. and Korpilo, T. and Kuprienko, D. V. and Petrov, A. V.}, title = {Multiscale Investigations of Drift-Wave Turbulence and Plasma Flows: Measurements and Total-Distribution-Function Gyrokinetic Simulations}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {165001}, month = {Oct}, abstract = {Direct measurements of micro-, meso-, and macroscale transport phenomena in the FT-2 tokamak are shown to be quantitatively reproduced by global full f nonlinear gyrokinetic simulation predictions. A detailed agreement with mean equilibrium E×B flows, oscillating fine-scale zonal flows, and turbulence spectra observed by a set of sophisticated microwave backscattering techniques as well as a good fit of the thermal diffusivity data are demonstrated. A clear influence of the impurity ions on the fluctuating radial electric field is observed.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.165001}, file = {Leerink2012_PhysRevLett.109.165001.pdf:Leerink2012_PhysRevLett.109.165001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {16}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.10.20}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.165001}, } @Article{Lehnert2013, author = {Bo Lehnert}, title = {Half a century of fusion research towards ITER}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {2013}, volume = {87}, number = {1}, pages = {018201}, abstract = {A review is given on plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion research since the late 1950s and up to the present day. Special emphasis is given to various proposed magnetic plasma confinement systems, as well as to the research aiming at the planned International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project. The latter is based on the tokamak field geometry of a strong toroidal magnetic field, combined with an inductively imposed toroidal plasma current. Experimental and theoretical research has been conducted on the fundamental problems of confinement, equilibrium, stability, plasma transport and plasma heating. During this development two milestones have been passed on the way to ITER, namely the removed threat by Bohm diffusion at the end of the 1960s, and the discovery of the High Mode at the beginning of the 1980s. Finally, some future perspectives are shortly given on this line of research.}, file = {Lehnert2013_1402-4896_87_1_018201.pdf:Lehnert2013_1402-4896_87_1_018201.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.25}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/87/i=1/a=018201}, } @Article{Lehnert1964, author = {Lehnert, Bo}, title = {Plasmas -- Laboratory scale}, journal = {Rev. Geophys.}, year = {1964}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, pages = {225--273}, issn = {8755-1209}, abstract = {The present state of plasma physics research in the laboratory is reviewed. Important applications and related problems are summarized and are illustrated by a number of experimental results. Attempts to bring theory and experiments into quantitative agreement are especially emphasized.}, file = {Lehnert1964_RG002i002p00225.pdf:Lehnert1964_RG002i002p00225.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AGU}, timestamp = {2012.07.06}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/RG002i002p00225}, } @Article{Lenard1958, author = {Lenard, A. and Bernstein, Ira B.}, title = {Plasma Oscillations with Diffusion in Velocity Space}, journal = {Phys. Rev.}, year = {1958}, volume = {112}, pages = {1456--1459}, month = {Dec}, abstract = {A model of plasma oscillations in the presence of small-angle collisions is presented which admits of exact analytic solution. Certain features of the true collision terms are preserved. Namely, the effect of collisions is represented by a diffusion in velocity space, which makes the distribution function tend to the Maxwell distribution, and which conserves the number of particles. In the limit of infrequent collisions the results of Landau are recovered.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.112.1456}, file = {Lenard1958_PhysRev.112.1456.pdf:Lenard1958_PhysRev.112.1456.pdf:PDF}, issue = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.22}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.112.1456}, } @Article{Lerche1970, author = {I Lerche}, title = {Space charge waves in a trapped, relativistic plasma}, journal = {Plasma Physics}, year = {1970}, volume = {12}, number = {12}, pages = {953}, abstract = {Equations are set up to describe collective longitudinal plasma waves in a trapped, one-dimensional relativistic plasma. It is shown that, provided the background plasma is immobile, the system is unstable if the relativistic plasma frequency is somewhat higher than the typical 'bounce' frequency in the trap. It is further shown that inclusion of a cold, but mobile, background plasma quenches the instability provided only that the thermal plasma frequency is greater than about the relativistic plasma frequency. The calculation has been performed in order to ascertain the role that collective plasma waves may play in inhibiting, or enhancing, Fermi acceleration of cosmic rays in astrophysical plasma situations.}, file = {Lerche1970_0032-1028_12_12_005.pdf:Lerche1970_0032-1028_12_12_005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0032-1028/12/i=12/a=005}, } @Article{Leubner2004, author = {M. P. Leubner}, title = {Fundamental issues on kappa-distributions in space plasmas and interplanetary proton distributions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {1308-1316}, abstract = {Numerous in situ observations indicate clearly the presence of nonthermal electron and ion structures as ubiquitous and persistent feature in a variety of astrophysical plasma environments. In particular, the detected suprathermal particle populations are accurately represented by the family of κ-distributions, a power-law in particle speed. After clarifying the characteristics of high-energy tail distributions under various space plasma conditions, different generation mechanisms of energetic particles are introduced where numerical simulations of wave–particle interaction based on a Fokker–Planck approach demonstrate how Landau interaction ultimately leads to κ-like distributions. Because of lack of theoretical justification, the use of the analytical form of κ-functions was frequently criticized. It is shown that these distributions turn out as consequence of an entropy generalization favored by nonextensive thermo-statistics, thus providing the missing link for powerlaw models of suprathermal tails from fundamental physics, along with a physical interpretation of the structure parameter κ. Moreover, with regard to the full nonextensive formalism, compatible also with negative values of κ, it is demonstrated that core–halo distribution structures, as observed for instance under typical interplanetary plasma conditions, are a natural content of the pseudo-additive entropy concept. The significance of the complete κ-distribution family with regard to observed core–halo electron and double-humped ion velocity space characteristics is illuminated, where the observed peak separation scale of interplanetary proton distributions is compatible with a maximum entropy condition.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1667501}, file = {Leubner2004_PhysPlasmas_11_1308.pdf:Leubner2004_PhysPlasmas_11_1308.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {astrophysical plasma; interplanetary matter; Fokker-Planck equation; entropy; statistical distributions; plasma simulation; plasma thermodynamics}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.17}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/1308/1}, } @Article{Levrel2008, author = {L. Levrel and A. C. Maggs}, title = {Boundary conditions in local electrostatics algorithms}, journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, year = {2008}, volume = {128}, number = {21}, pages = {214103}, abstract = {We study the simulation of charged systems in the presence of general boundary conditions in a local Monte Carlo algorithm based on a constrained electric field. We first show how to implement constant-potential, Dirichlet boundary conditions by introducing extra Monte Carlo moves to the algorithm. Second, we show the interest of the algorithm for studying systems which require anisotropic electrostatic boundary conditions for simulating planar geometries such as membranes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2918365}, eid = {214103}, file = {Levrel2008_JChemPhys_128_214103.pdf:Levrel2008_JChemPhys_128_214103.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {boundary-value problems; electrostatics; Monte Carlo methods}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JCP/128/214103/1}, } @Article{Lewis1972, author = {H.Ralph Lewis}, title = {Variational algorithms for numerical simulation of collisionless plasma with point particles including electromagnetic interactions}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1972}, volume = {10}, number = {3}, pages = {400 - 419}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {Energy- and charge-conserving algorithms for numerical simulation of collisionless plasma with point particles, including electromagnetic interactions, are derived from Hamilton's variational principle. The equations are put in a form suitable for advancing the electromagnetic potentials with a time-centered leapfrog difference scheme. An example is presented for a cartesian geometry.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(72)90044-7}, file = {Lewis1972_1-s2.0-0021999172900447-main.pdf:Lewis1972_1-s2.0-0021999172900447-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999172900447}, } @Article{Li2011a, author = {Li, B. and Ernst, D. R.}, title = {Gyrokinetic Fokker-Planck Collision Operator}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2011}, volume = {106}, pages = {195002}, month = {May}, abstract = {The gyrokinetic linearized exact Fokker-Planck collision operator is obtained in a form suitable for plasma gyrokinetic equations, for arbitrary mass ratio. The linearized Fokker-Planck operator includes both the test-particle and field-particle contributions, and automatically conserves particles, momentum, and energy, while ensuring non-negative entropy production. Finite gyroradius effects in both field-particle and test-particle terms are evaluated. When implemented in gyrokinetic simulations, these effects can be precomputed. The field-particle operator at each time step requires the evaluation of a single two-dimensional integral, and is not only more accurate, but appears to be less expensive to evaluate than conserving model operators.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.195002}, file = {Li2011_PhysRevLett.106.195002.pdf:Li2011_PhysRevLett.106.195002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {19}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.04.22}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.195002}, } @Article{Li1998, author = {Ding Li}, title = {Instability criterion of tearing mode for arbitrary magnetic shear configuration}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {5}, pages = {1231-1238}, abstract = {A new expression of Δ′ and instability criterion for m ≥ 2 tearing modes is derived for arbitrary magnetic shear configuration in the low beta and large aspect ratio limit. Local solutions of an ideal external kink equation are solved analytically by means of proper expansion and transformation. An analytic expression of the criterion parameter Δ′ results from the analytic solutions. The instability criterion obtained depends on the location of the resistive layer, and on a dimensionless parameter λ related to the ratio of the gradients of the equilibrium current density and of the rotational transform. Strauss’s Δ′ formula and the previous instability criterion are recovered as a special case in the large-m limit without a conducting wall. Considering both the boundary conditions at the plasma core and the conducting wall, the expression of Δ′ is extended to include the stabilizing effect of the conducting wall. The properties of tearing instability are analyzed based on the expression of Δ′.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872781}, file = {Li1998_PhysPlasmas_5_1231.pdf:Li1998_PhysPlasmas_5_1231.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {tearing instability; plasma transport processes}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.05}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/5/1231/1}, } @Article{Li2013f, author = {Li, G. and Mori, W. B. and Ren, C.}, title = {Laser Hosing in Relativistically Hot Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {155002}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {Electron response in an intense laser is studied in the regime where the electron temperature is relativistic. Equations for laser envelope and plasma density evolution, both in the electron plasma wave and ion acoustic wave regimes, are rederived from the relativistic fluid equations to include relativistic plasma temperature effect. These equations are used to study short-pulse and long-pulse laser hosing instabilities using a variational method approach. The analysis shows that relativistic electron temperatures reduce the hosing growth rates and shift the fastest-growing modes to longer wavelengths. These results resolve a long-standing discrepancy between previous nonrelativistic theory and simulations or experiments on hosing.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.155002}, file = {Li2013b_PhysRevLett.110.155002.pdf:Li2013b_PhysRevLett.110.155002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {15}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.04.10}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.155002}, } @Article{Li2013e, author = {He-Ping Li and Xiao-Ning Zhang and Wei-Dong Xia}, title = {A numerical model of non-equilibrium thermal plasmas. II. Governing equations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {033509}, abstract = {Governing equations and the corresponding physical properties of the plasmas are both prerequisites for studying the fundamental processes in a non-equilibrium thermal plasma system numerically. In this paper, a kinetic derivation of the governing equations used for describing the complicated thermo-electro-magneto-hydrodynamic-chemical coupling effects in non-equilibrium thermal plasmas is presented. This derivation, which is achieved using the Chapman-Enskog method, is completely consistent with the theory of the transport properties reported in the previous paper by the same authors. It is shown, based on this self-consistent theory, that the definitions of the specific heat at constant pressure and the reactive thermal conductivity of two-temperature plasmas are not necessary. The governing equations can be reduced to their counterparts under local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and local chemical equilibrium (LCE) conditions. The general method for the determination of the boundary conditions of the solved variables is also discussed briefly. The two papers establish a self-consistent physical-mathematical model that describes the complicated physical and chemical processes in a thermal plasma system for the cases both in LTE or LCE conditions and under non-equilibrium conditions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4794970}, eid = {033509}, file = {Li2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_033509.pdf:Li2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_033509.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {numerical analysis; plasma temperature; plasma thermodynamics; plasma transport processes; specific heat}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/033509/1}, } @Article{Li2012b, author = {Jibo Li and Siye Ding and Bin Wu and Chundong Hu}, title = {Simulations of Neutral Beam Ion Ripple Loss on EAST}, journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, year = {2012}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {78}, abstract = {Predictions on the ripple loss of neutral beam fast ions on EAST are investigated with a guiding center code, including both ripple and collisional effects. A 6% to 16% loss of neutral beam ions is predicted for typical EAST experiments, and a synergistic enhancement of fast ion loss is found for toroidal field (TF) ripples with collisions. The lost ions are strongly localized and will cause a maximum heat load of ~ 0.05 MW/m 2 on the first wall.}, file = {Li2012b_1009-0630_14_1_17.pdf:Li2012b_1009-0630_14_1_17.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.11}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/14/i=1/a=17}, } @Article{Li2012c, author = {Jiquan Li and Y. Kishimoto}, title = {Small-scale dynamo action in multi-scale magnetohydrodynamic and micro-turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {030705}, abstract = {Nonlinear interplay between resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) magnetic island and drift wave micro-turbulence is investigated using direct Landau-fluid simulations. A twisting oscillation of magnetic island associated with the driving force of micro-turbulence is observed, which is referred to as magnetic island seesaw. In the initiating phase of the seesaw oscillation, small-scale current and magnetic field fluctuations increase dramatically while the magnetic induction grows exponentially at small-scales corresponding to the spatial scale of micro-turbulence, showing a small-scale dynamo action. A minimal model consisting of reduced MHD turbulence and a micro-instability is proposed to elucidate the underlying mechanism. It is identified that the island seesaw is driven by a net oscillatory electromagnetic torque, which results from small-scale dynamo-generated current and magnetic field. The dynamo mechanism may offer an important energy exchange channel between MHD and micro-turbulence in magnetic fusion plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3698111}, eid = {030705}, file = {Li2012_PhysPlasmas_19_030705.pdf:Li2012_PhysPlasmas_19_030705.pdf:PDF;Poli2012_0029-5515_52_6_063027.pdf:Poli2012_0029-5515_52_6_063027.pdf:PDF;Li2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_072118.pdf:Li2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_072118.pdf:PDF;Bertelli2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082510.pdf:Bertelli2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082510.pdf:PDF;Li2012b_1009-0630_14_1_17.pdf:Li2012b_1009-0630_14_1_17.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {DC generators; microfluidics; plasma drift waves; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma oscillations; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/030705/1}, } @Article{Li2004, author = {Jiquan Li and Y. Kishimoto}, title = {Numerical study of zonal flow dynamics and electron transport in electron temperature gradient driven turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {4}, pages = {1493-1510}, abstract = {The electron temperature gradient (ETG) driven turbulence in tokamak core plasmas is numerically investigated based on a three-dimensional gyrofluid model with adiabatic ion response. Attentions are focused on the zonal flow dynamics in ETG fluctuations and the resultant electron heat transport. A high electron energy confinement mode is found in the weak magnetic shear region, which is relevant to the self-organization behavior of turbulence through the enhanced zonal flow dynamics rather than the weak shear stabilization of ETG fluctuations. It is demonstrated that the weak shear favors the enhancement of zonal flows in ETG turbulence. The enhanced zonal flows may be plausibly limited by the excitation of a secondary Kelvin–Helmholtz mode, which is observed from the spatial spectral analyses and time-frequency wavelet analyses of turbulent fluctuations. Electromagnetic ETG simulations show that while the Ohkawa’s scaling of anomalous electron transport with beta, χe∝1/βe, is reproduced in the moderate shear plasma, the finite beta effect may reverse the Ohkawa’s scaling in weak shear ETG turbulence due to the reduction of zonal flow generation by the magnetic Reynolds stress. Further, it is shown that the toroidal coupling enhances the zonal flow while it destabilizes the ETG mode. Hence, the electron transport seems insensitive to the toroidicity in the weak shear plasma due to the complex destabilizing and stabilizing competitions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1669397}, file = {Li2004_PhysPlasmas_11_1493.pdf:Li2004_PhysPlasmas_11_1493.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma flow; plasma temperature; plasma turbulence; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma fluctuations; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma instability}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/1493/1}, } @Article{Li2002, author = {Li, Jiquan and Kishimoto, Y.}, title = {Interaction between Small-Scale Zonal Flows and Large-Scale Turbulence: A Theory for Ion Transport Intermittency in Tokamak Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2002}, volume = {89}, pages = {115002}, month = {Aug}, abstract = {Interaction between small-scale zonal flows and large-scale turbulence is investigated. The key mechanism is identified as radially nonlocal mode coupling. Fluctuating energy can be nonlocally transferred from the unstable longer to the stable or damped shorter wavelength region, so that the turbulence spectrum is seriously deformed and deviates from the nonlinear power law structure. Three-dimensional gyrofluid ion-temperature gradient (ITG) turbulence simulations show that an ion transport bursting behavior is consistently linked to the spectral deformity with the causal role of ITG-generated zonal flows in tokamak plasmas.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.115002}, file = {Li2002_PhysRevLett.89.115002.pdf:Li2002_PhysRevLett.89.115002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {11}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.03.15}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.115002}, } @Article{Li2012a, author = {Kehua Li and Xueyu Gong and Xingqiang Lu and Wei Guo and Xinxia Li}, title = {Phase-matching enhanced ion heating by nonresonant Alfv[e-acute]n waves}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {072118}, abstract = {Heating of ions by two Alfvén waves propagating along an external magnetic field via nonresonant wave-particle interaction in low-β plasmas is studied using test-particle simulation. Due to subcyclotron ion resonance, the heating effect of the left-hand polarized Alfvén wave pair is 10% greater than that of the right-hand polarized pair. The results show that the perpendicular and parallel (to the external magnetic field) temperatures, as well as the parallel fluid velocity, vary sinusoidally with the phase difference. Furthermore, the magnitude of the oscillations decreases with the ratio of the frequencies of the two waves. When the frequency ratio reaches above 2, the effect of the phase difference vanishes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4737896}, eid = {072118}, file = {Li2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_072118.pdf:Li2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_072118.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma oscillations; plasma radiofrequency heating; plasma simulation}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/072118/1}, } @Article{Li2013d, author = {M H Li and B J Ding and F Imbeaux and J Decker and X J Zhang and E H Kong and L Zhang and W Wei and J F Shan and F K Liu and M Wang and H D Xu and Y Yang and Y Peysson and V Basiuk and J-F Artaud and P Yuynh and B N Wan}, title = {Transport modeling of L- and H-mode discharges with LHCD on EAST}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {4}, pages = {045014}, abstract = {High-confinement (H-mode) discharges with lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) as the only heating source are obtained on EAST. In this paper, an empirical transport model of mixed Bohm/gyro-Bohm for electron and ion heat transport was first calibrated against a database of 3 L-mode shots on EAST. The electron and ion temperature profiles are well reproduced in the predictive modeling with the calibrated model coupled to the suite of codes CRONOS. CRONOS calculations with experimental profiles are also performed for electron power balance analysis. In addition, the time evolutions of LHCD are calculated by the C3PO/LUKE code involving current diffusion, and the results are compared with experimental observations.}, file = {Li2013_0741-3335_55_4_045014.pdf:Li2013_0741-3335_55_4_045014.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.22}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=4/a=045014}, } @Article{Lin2012, author = {Lin, L. and Ding, W. X. and Brower, D. L. and Bergerson, W. F. and Carter, T. A. and Yates, T. F. and Almagri, A. F. and Chapman, B. E. and Sarff, J. S.}, title = {Role of Nonlinear Coupling and Density Fluctuations in Magnetic-Fluctuation-Induced Particle Transport}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {175001}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {Three-wave nonlinear coupling among spatial Fourier modes of density and magnetic fluctuations is directly measured in a magnetically confined toroidal plasma. Density fluctuations are observed to gain (lose) energy from (to) either equilibrium or fluctuating fields depending on the mode number. Experiments indicate that nonlinear interactions alter the phase relation between density and magnetic fluctuations, leading to strong particle transport.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.175001}, file = {Lin2012_PhysRevLett.108.175001.pdf:Lin2012_PhysRevLett.108.175001.pdf:PDF;Lin2012a_PhysRevLett.109.125003.pdf:Lin2012a_PhysRevLett.109.125003.pdf:PDF;Lin2012b_1009-0630_14_12_17.pdf:Lin2012b_1009-0630_14_12_17.pdf:PDF}, issue = {17}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.04.24}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.175001}, } @Article{Lin2012a, author = {Lin, Yu and Johnson, Jay R. and Wang, Xueyi}, title = {Three-Dimensional Mode Conversion Associated with Kinetic Alfv\'en Waves}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {125003}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {We report the first three-dimensional (3D) ion particle simulation of mode conversion from a fast mode compressional wave to kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) that occurs when a compressional mode propagates across a plasma boundary into a region of increasing Alfvén velocity. The magnetic field is oriented in the ẑ direction perpendicular to the gradients in the background density and magnetic field (x̂ direction). Following a stage dominated by linear physics in which KAWs with large wave numbers kxρi∼1 (with ρi being the ion Larmor radius) are generated near the Alfvén resonance surface, the growth of KAW modes with kyρi∼1 is observed in the nonlinear stage when the amplitude of KAWs generated by linear mode conversion becomes large enough to drive a nonlinear parametric decay process. The simulation provides a comprehensive picture of mode conversion and shows the fundamental importance of the 3D nonlinear physics in transferring energy to large perpendicular ky modes, which can provide large transport across plasma boundaries in space and laboratory plasmas.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.125003}, file = {Lin2012a_PhysRevLett.109.125003.pdf:Lin2012a_PhysRevLett.109.125003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {12}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.09.23}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.125003}, } @Article{Lin2012b, author = {Zhihong Lin and S. Ethier and T. S. Hahm and W. M. Tang}, title = {Verification of Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation of Device Size Scaling of Turbulent Transport}, journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, year = {2012}, volume = {14}, number = {12}, pages = {1125}, abstract = {Verification and historical perspective are presented on the gyrokinetic particle simulations that discovered the device size scaling of turbulent transport and indentified the geometry model as the source of the long-standing disagreement between gyrokinetic particle and continuum simulations.}, file = {Lin2012b_1009-0630_14_12_17.pdf:Lin2012b_1009-0630_14_12_17.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.25}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/14/i=12/a=17}, } @Article{Lin2002, author = {Lin, Z. and Ethier, S. and Hahm, T. S. and Tang, W. M.}, title = {Size Scaling of Turbulent Transport in Magnetically Confined Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2002}, volume = {88}, pages = {195004}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {Transport scaling with respect to device size in magnetically confined plasmas is critically examined for electrostatic ion-temperature-gradient turbulence using global gyrokinetic particle simulations. It is found, by varying device size normalized by ion gyroradius while keeping other dimensionless plasma parameters fixed, that fluctuation scale length is microscopic in the presence of zonal flows. The local transport coefficient exhibits a gradual transition from a Bohm-like scaling for device sizes corresponding to present-day experiments to a gyro-Bohm scaling for future larger devices.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.195004}, file = {Lin2002_PhysRevLett.88.195004.pdf:Lin2002_PhysRevLett.88.195004.pdf:PDF}, issue = {19}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.03.28}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.195004}, } @Article{Lin2004, author = {Z. Lin and T. S. Hahm}, title = {Turbulence spreading and transport scaling in global gyrokinetic particle simulations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {3}, pages = {1099-1108}, abstract = {An intriguing observation in magnetically confined plasma experiments and in global gyrokinetic particle simulations of toroidal ion temperature gradient turbulence is that the fluctuations are microscopic, while the resulting turbulent transport is not gyro-Bohm [Z. Lin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 195004 (2002)]. A possible resolution to this puzzle is identified as turbulence spreading from the linearly active (unstable) region to the linearly inactive (stable) region. Large scale gyrokinetic simulations found that transport driven by microscopic fluctuations is diffusive and local, whereas the fluctuation intensity is determined by nonlocal effects. Fluctuations are found to spread from the linearly active region to the linearly inactive region. This turbulence spreading reduces the fluctuation intensity in the unstable region, especially for a smaller device size, and thus introduces a nonlocal dependence in the fluctuation intensity. The device size dependence of the fluctuation intensity, in turn, is responsible for the observed gradual transition from Bohm to gyro-Bohm transport scaling.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1647136}, file = {Lin2004_PhysPlasmas_11_1099.pdf:Lin2004_PhysPlasmas_11_1099.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma turbulence; plasma transport processes; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma temperature; plasma fluctuations; plasma simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/1099/1}, } @Article{Lin2011, author = {Lin, Zhiwu and Zeng, Chongchun}, title = {Small BGK Waves and Nonlinear Landau Damping}, journal = {Communications in Mathematical Physics}, year = {2011}, volume = {306}, number = {2}, pages = {291-331}, issn = {0010-3616}, doi = {10.1007/s00220-011-1246-5}, file = {Lin2011_10.1007-s00220-011-1246-5.pdf:Lin2011_10.1007-s00220-011-1246-5.pdf:PDF;Silin2011_1-s2.0-S0010465511002463-main.pdf:Silin2011_1-s2.0-S0010465511002463-main.pdf:PDF}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00220-011-1246-5}, } @InProceedings{Little1966, author = {Little, Warren D.}, title = {Hybrid computer solutions of partial differential equations by Monte Carlo methods}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the November 7-10, 1966, fall joint computer conference}, year = {1966}, series = {AFIPS '66 (Fall)}, pages = {181--190}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, publisher = {ACM}, abstract = {In addition to finite-difference methods, Monte Carlo methods also are known for solving certain partial differential equations. When implemented on a digital computer, however, the Monte Carlo methods have generally proven to be very inefficient. In 1960, a study carried out at the University of Michigan described analog computer techniques for mechanizing Monte Carlo methods. From the Michigan study it became evident that a fast analog computer together with a small digital computer and a modest interface could obtain Monte Carlo solutions at rates competitive with standard finite-difference methods.}, acmid = {1464312}, doi = {10.1145/1464291.1464312}, file = {Little1966_p181-little.pdf:Little1966_p181-little.pdf:PDF}, location = {San Francisco, California}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.01}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1464291.1464312}, } @Article{Littlejohn1984, author = {Robert G. Littlejohn}, title = {Linear relativistic gyrokinetic equation}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1984}, volume = {27}, number = {4}, pages = {976-982}, abstract = {The linear, relativistic gyrokinetic equation is derived, in a form appropriate for relativistic electrons in fusion research. The frequency of the perturbing wave satisfies ω≪Ωe. The use of generally covariant transformation rules, as well as first‐order Hamiltonian perturbation theory, greatly simplifies the derivation. New results are presented for relativistic guiding center motion.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864688}, file = {Littlejohn1984_PFL000976.pdf:Littlejohn1984_PFL000976.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {relativistic range; electrons; larmor radius; kinetic equations; hamiltonians; perturbation theory; guidingcenter approximation; boltzmannvlasov equation; plasma}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/27/976/1}, } @Article{Liu1976, author = {Liu, C. S.; Kaw, P. K.}, title = {Parametric Instabilities in Homogeneous Unmagnetized Plasmas}, journal = {Advances in Plasma Physics, Volume 6. Edited by P. K. Kaw, W. L. Kruer, C. S. Liu and Kyoji Nishikawa. An Interscience Publication, published by John Wiley \& Sons, New York}, year = {1976}, pages = {83}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.17}, url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1976AdPlP...6...83L}, } @Article{Liu1999, author = {D.H. Liu and A. Bondeson}, title = {Improved poloidal convergence of the MARS code for MHD stability analysis}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1999}, volume = {116}, number = {1}, pages = {55 - 64}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {Most codes for the analysis of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) stability experience difficulties when the equilibrium is highly shaped or has an X-point. In particular, codes using Fourier expansion in the poloidal direction may need a large number of Fourier components to give reasonably accurate values of the growth rate. In the present work, it is shown that the poloidal convergence can be improved by a judicious choice of normalization factors for the perturbation quantities and multipliers for the equations. Using this method, a new version of the MARS code has been produced with significantly improved poloidal convergence.}, doi = {10.1016/S0010-4655(98)00145-3}, file = {Liu1999_1-s2.0-S0010465598001453-main.pdf:Liu1999_1-s2.0-S0010465598001453-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.13}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465598001453}, } @Article{Liu2000, author = {Guozhi Liu and Jing-yue Liu and Wen-hua Huang and Jin-shan Zhou and Xiao-xin Song and Hui Ning}, title = {A study of high power microwave air breakdown}, journal = {Chinese Physics}, year = {2000}, volume = {9}, number = {10}, pages = {757}, abstract = {This paper presents the results of research on microwave breakdown in air, it includes the experimental study and the theoretical analysis. The experimental study has been done in a waveguide with a frequency of 9.37GHz, the peak power up to 200kW, pulse width from 0.3 to 2.0μs. The repetition rate of microwave source is from single pulse to 970 pulse per second. The process of the breakdown of repetition pulse has also been recorded for a burst of ten pulses. A theoretical model for breakdown threshold is presented also. The theoretical are in good agreement with the experimental ones.}, file = {Liu2000_1009-1963_9_10_008.pdf:Liu2000_1009-1963_9_10_008.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.15}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-1963/9/i=10/a=008}, } @Article{Liu2012a, author = {Jian Liu and Hong Qin}, title = {Response to ``Comment on `Geometric phase of the gyromotion for charged particles in a time-dependent magnetic field''' [Phys. Plasmas [bold 19], 094701 (2012)]}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {094702}, abstract = {The reformulation of our analysis on the geometric phase of the gyromotion [J. Liu and H. Qin, Phys. Plasmas 18, 072505 (2011)] in terms of spatial angles presented in the comment by Brizard and Guillebon is interesting and correct. The subtlety of whether the adiabatic term associated with the long term average of the variation of pitch angle completely disappears after the gyrophase average is related to where valid approximations are applied. But it has no impact on the main conclusions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4748569}, eid = {094702}, file = {Liu2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_094702.pdf:Liu2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_094702.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {electrodynamics; geometry; magnetic field effects}, numpages = {1}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/094702/1}, } @Article{Liu2012c, author = {Jian Liu and Hong Qin}, title = {Geometric phases of the Faraday rotation of electromagnetic waves in magnetized plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {10}, pages = {102107}, abstract = {Geometric phases of circularly polarized electromagnetic waves in nonuniform magnetized plasmas is studied theoretically. The variation of the propagation direction of circularly polarized waves results in a geometric phase, which also contributes to the Faraday rotation, in addition to the standard dynamical phase. The origin and properties of the geometric phase are investigated. The influence of the geometric phase to plasma diagnostics using the Faraday rotation is discussed as an application of the theory.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4755947}, eid = {102107}, file = {Liu2012c_PhysPlasmas_19_102107.pdf:Liu2012c_PhysPlasmas_19_102107.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Faraday effect; plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/102107/1}, } @Article{Liu2013b, author = {Yueqiang Liu and A. Kirk and Y. Sun}, title = {Toroidal modeling of penetration of the resonant magnetic perturbation field}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {042503}, abstract = {A toroidal, quasi-linear model is proposed to study the penetration dynamics of the resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) field into the plasma. The model couples the linear, fluid plasma response to a toroidal momentum balance equation, which includes torques induced by both fluid electromagnetic force and by (kinetic) neoclassical toroidal viscous (NTV) force. The numerical results for a test toroidal equilibrium quantify the effects of various physical parameters on the field penetration and on the plasma rotation braking. The neoclassical toroidal viscous torque plays a dominant role in certain region of the plasma, for the RMP penetration problem considered in this work.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4799535}, eid = {042503}, file = {Liu2013b_PhysPlasmas_20_042503.pdf:Liu2013b_PhysPlasmas_20_042503.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.04}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/042503/1}, } @Article{Liu2013, author = {Yueqiang Liu and Youwen Sun}, title = {Toroidal modeling of interaction between resistive wall mode and plasma flow}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022505}, abstract = {The non-linear interplay between the resistive wall mode (RWM) and the toroidal plasma flow is numerically investigated in a full toroidal geometry, by simultaneously solving the initial value problems for the n = 1 RWM and the n = 0 toroidal force balance equation. Here, n is the toroidal mode number. The neoclassical toroidal viscous torque is identified as the major momentum sink that brakes the toroidal plasma flow during the non-linear evolution of the RWM. This holds for a mode that is initially either unstable or stable. For an initially stable RWM, the braking of the flow, and hence the eventual growth of the mode, depends critically on the initial perturbation amplitude.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4793449}, eid = {022505}, file = {Liu2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022505.pdf:Liu2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022505.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {initial value problems; numerical analysis; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement}, numpages = {14}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022505/1}, } @Article{Liu2013a, author = {Y. Liu and Z. T. Wang and Y. X. Long and J. Q. Dong and C. J. Tang}, title = {Nonideal fishbone instability excited by trapped energetic electrons}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032507}, abstract = {It is shown that trapped energetic electrons can resonate with the collisionless m = 1 nonideal kink mode, therefore exciting the nonideal e-fishbone, which would often lead to a drop in soft x-ray emissivity and frequency chirping. The theory predictions agree well with the experimental observations of e-fishbone on HL-2A. It is also found that the effects of MHD energy of background plasma might be the reason for the observed phenomena: frequency chirping up and down, and V-font-style sweeping.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4794738}, eid = {032507}, file = {Liu2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_032507.pdf:Liu2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_032507.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {kink instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032507/1}, } @Article{Liu1997, author = {Liu, Y. Q.and Popov, A. M.and Popova, N. N.and Pedorenko, A. V.}, title = {A Nonlinear 3D MHD Code NFTC for Numerical Simulations of Plasma Instabilities in Tokamaks}, journal = {American Physical Society, Computational Physics Meeting, August 25-28}, year = {1997}, abstract = {In this report a new nonlinear 3D MHD code NFTC is presented for the numerical simulations of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability of plasmas. The nonlinear 3D evolution of a tokamak plasma is described by the full (nonreduced, compressible) MHD system of equations in general toroidal geometry. The equations include a viscosity, resistivity and sources. Arbitrary plasma rotation is included in terms of new equilibrium functions. The neoclassical effects such as the bootstrap current are considered in the MHD model. A straight field line flux, nonorthogonal coordinate system is used corresponding to a given equilibrium described by the Grad-Shafranov equation. The solution is represented as finite Fourier series in both poloidal and toroidal angles. A fully implicit finite difference scheme is presently used in the radial direction. To resolve the quasilinear operators a Newton iterational method is applied. For the nonlinear terms Gauss-Zidel elemination is considered. The peculiarity of fully implicit scheme is studied. A specific regularizing algorithm is obtained to improve the numerical stability. The developed NFTC code is ultilized for simulating of nonlinear MHD stability of plasma in experiments of DIII-D tokamak.}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.25}, url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1997APS..CPC...L21L}, } @Article{Liu2012, author = {Z X Liu and X Gao and W Y Zhang and J G Li and X Z Gong and Y X Jie and S B Zhang and L Zeng and N Shi and the EAST Team}, title = {ELMy H-mode confinement and threshold power by low hybrid wave on the EAST tokamak}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {8}, pages = {085005}, abstract = {Stationary type-III ELMy H-mode plasmas were achieved on Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) by low hybrid wave in 2010. The threshold power increases with plasma density, and a significant reduction in the H-mode occurs by decreasing the distance between the X-point and the strike point at the outside lower divertor on EAST. A series of statistics for the H-mode confinement such as the dependence of energy confinement time (τ E ) on plasma density and loss power is experimentally studied in detail.}, file = {Liu2012_0741-3335_54_8_085005.pdf:Liu2012_0741-3335_54_8_085005.pdf:PDF;Liu2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_094702.pdf:Liu2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_094702.pdf:PDF;Liu2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_102502.pdf:Liu2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_102502.pdf:PDF;Liu2012c_PhysPlasmas_19_102107.pdf:Liu2012c_PhysPlasmas_19_102107.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=8/a=085005}, } @Article{Liu2012b, author = {Z. X. Liu and T. Y. Xia and X. Q. Xu and X. Gao and J. W. Hughes and S. C. Liu and S. Y. Ding and J. G. Li}, title = {ELMy H-mode linear simulation with 3-field model on experimental advanced superconducting tokamak using BOUT + +}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {10}, pages = {102502}, abstract = {H-mode plasmas with ELM (edge localized mode) have been realized on experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST) with 2.45 GHz low hybrid wave at PLHW ∼ 1 MW in 2010. Data from EAST experiments including magnetic geometry, measured pressure profiles, and calculated current profiles are used to investigate the physics of ELM utilizing the BOUT++ code. Results from linear simulations show that the ELMs in EAST are dominated by resistive ballooning modes. When the Lundquist number (dimensionless ratio of the resistive diffusion time to the Alfvén time) is equal to or less than 107, the resistive ballooning modes are found to become unstable in the ELMy H-mode plasma. For a fixed pedestal pressure profile, increasing plasma current generates more activities of low-n ELMs.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4757220}, eid = {102502}, file = {Liu2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_102502.pdf:Liu2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_102502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/102502/1}, } @Article{Loarte2001, author = {Alberto Loarte}, title = {Effects of divertor geometry on tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2001}, volume = {43}, number = {6}, pages = {R183}, abstract = {The design, construction and operation of advanced divertors have been the main topics of tokamak research during the last decade. The design of these divertors (carried out with two-dimensional plasma modelling codes) has been optimized to provide: a large operating density range for partially detached plasmas with large radiative losses; satisfactory particle control by efficient deuterium pumping; and He exhaust capability sufficient to remove fusion ashes when extrapolated to next step devices. This article explains the criteria that have guided this optimization process and then critically reviews the experimental evidence that confirms or refutes the physics-based design criteria on which the various existing advanced divertors have been based.}, file = {Loarte2001_0741-3335_43_6_201.pdf:Loarte2001_0741-3335_43_6_201.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/43/i=6/a=201}, } @Article{Lonnroth2004, author = {J-S Lonnroth and V Parail and A Dnestrovskij and C Figarella and X Garbet and H Wilson and JET-EFDA Contributors}, title = {Predictive transport modelling of type I ELMy H-mode dynamics using a theory-motivated combined ballooning–peeling model}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2004}, volume = {46}, number = {8}, pages = {1197}, abstract = {This paper discusses predictive transport simulations of the type I ELMy high confinement mode (H-mode) with a theory-motivated edge localized mode (ELM) model based on linear ballooning and peeling mode stability theory. In the model, a total mode amplitude is calculated as a sum of the individual mode amplitudes given by two separate linear differential equations for the ballooning and peeling mode amplitudes. The ballooning and peeling mode growth rates are represented by mutually analogous terms, which differ from zero upon the violation of a critical pressure gradient and an analytical peeling mode stability criterion, respectively. The damping of the modes due to non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic effects is controlled by a term driving the mode amplitude towards the level of background fluctuations. Coupled to simulations with the JETTO transport code, the model qualitatively reproduces the experimental dynamics of type I ELMy H-mode, including an ELM frequency that increases with the external heating power. The dynamics of individual ELM cycles is studied. Each ELM is usually triggered by a ballooning mode instability. The ballooning phase of the ELM reduces the pressure gradient enough to make the plasma peeling unstable, whereby the ELM continues driven by the peeling mode instability, until the edge current density has been depleted to a stable level. Simulations with current ramp-up and ramp-down are studied as examples of situations in which pure peeling and pure ballooning mode ELMs, respectively, can be obtained. The sensitivity with respect to the ballooning and peeling mode growth rates is investigated. Some consideration is also given to an alternative formulation of the model as well as to a pure peeling model.}, file = {Lonnroth2004_0741-3335_46_8_003.pdf:Lonnroth2004_0741-3335_46_8_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/46/i=8/a=003}, } @Article{Lore2012, author = {J.D. Lore and J.M. Canik and Y. Feng and J.-W. Ahn and R. Maingi and V. Soukhanovskii}, title = {Implementation of the 3D edge plasma code EMC3-EIRENE on NSTX}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {5}, pages = {054012}, abstract = {The 3D edge transport code EMC3-EIRENE has been applied for the first time to the NSTX spherical tokamak. A new disconnected double null grid has been developed to allow the simulation of plasma where the radial separation of the inner and outer separatrix is less than characteristic widths (e.g. heat flux width) at the midplane. Modelling results are presented for both an axisymmetric case and a case where 3D magnetic field is applied in an n = 3 configuration. In the vacuum approximation, the perturbed field consists of a wide region of destroyed flux surfaces and helical lobes which are a mixture of long and short connection length field lines formed by the separatrix manifolds. This structure is reflected in coupled 3D plasma fluid (EMC3) and kinetic neutral particle (EIRENE) simulations. The helical lobes extending inside of the unperturbed separatrix are filled in by hot plasma from the core. The intersection of the lobes with the divertor results in a striated flux footprint pattern on the target plates. Profiles of divertor heat and particle fluxes are compared with experimental data, and possible sources of discrepancy are discussed.}, file = {Lore2012_0029-5515_52_5_054012.pdf:Lore2012_0029-5515_52_5_054012.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=5/a=054012}, } @Article{Lortz1975, author = {D. Lortz}, title = {The general "peeling" instability}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1975}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {49}, abstract = {The stability of a general toroidal MHD equilibrium with a continuous pressure profile is investigated for the case where the fluid is surrounded by vacuum. It is found that a disturbance which is localized near the free boundary grows exponentially in time unless a certain necessary criterion is satisfied. Because of the weaker boundary condition, this criterion imposes a more stringent restriction on the configuration than does Mercier's criterion near the boundary. For the cylindrically symmetric case the criterion requires a decrease of the rotational transform and yields a critical relation between the shear and the pressure gradient.}, file = {Lortz1975_The general peeling instability.pdf:Lortz1975_The general peeling instability.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.12}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/15/i=1/a=007}, } @Article{Lu2013, author = {Z. X. Lu and F. Zonca and A. Cardinali}, title = {The mixed Wentzel--Kramers--Brillouin-full-wave approach and its application to lower hybrid wave propagation and absorption}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032115}, abstract = {The mixed Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB)-full-wave approach for the calculation of the 2D mode structure in tokamak plasmas is further developed based on our previous work [A. Cardinali and F. Zonca, Phys. Plasmas 10, 4199 (2003) and Z. X. Lu et al., Phys. Plasmas 19, 042104 (2012)]. A new scheme for theoretical analysis and numerical implementation of the mixed WKB-full-wave approach is formulated, based on scale separation and asymptotic analysis. Besides its capability to efficiently investigate the initial value problem for 2D mode structures and linear stability, in this work, the mixed WKB-full-wave approach is extended to the investigation of radio frequency wave propagation and absorption, e.g., lower hybrid waves. As a novel method, its comparison with other approaches, e.g., WKB and beam tracing methods, is discussed. Its application to lower hybrid wave propagation in concentric circular tokamak plasmas using typical FTU discharge parameters is also demonstrated.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4798408}, eid = {032115}, file = {Lu2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032115.pdf:Lu2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032115.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {electromagnetic wave absorption; initial value problems; plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; plasma hybrid waves; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; WKB calculations}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032115/1}, } @Article{Lu2012, author = {Z. X. Lu and F. Zonca and A. Cardinali}, title = {Theoretical and numerical studies of wave-packet propagation in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {4}, pages = {042104}, abstract = {Theoretical and numerical studies of wave-packet propagation are presented to analyze the time varying 2D mode structures of electrostatic fluctuations in tokamak plasmas, using general flux coordinates. Instead of solving the 2D wave equations directly, the solution of the initial value problem is used to obtain the 2D mode structure, following the propagation of wave-packets generated by a source and reconstructing the time varying field. As application, the 2D WKB method is applied to investigate the shaping effects (elongation and triangularity) of tokamak geometry on the lower hybrid wave propagation and absorption. Meanwhile, the mode structure decomposition (MSD) method is used to handle the boundary conditions and simplify the 2D problem to two nested 1D problems. The MSD method is related to that discussed earlier by Zonca and Chen [Phys. Fluids B 5, 3668 (1993)] and reduces to the well-known “ballooning formalism” [J. W. Connor et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 396 (1978)], when spatial scale separation applies. This method is used to investigate the time varying 2D electrostatic ion temperature gradient (ITG) mode structure with a mixed WKB-full-wave technique. The time varying field pattern is reconstructed, and the time asymptotic structure of the wave-packet propagation gives the 2D eigenmode and the corresponding eigenvalue. As a general approach to investigate 2D mode structures in tokamak plasmas, our method also applies for electromagnetic waves with general source/sink terms either by an internal/external antenna or a nonlinear wave interaction with zonal structures.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3698626}, eid = {042104}, file = {Lu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_042104.pdf:Lu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_042104.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {antennas in plasma; ballooning instability; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; initial value problems; numerical analysis; plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma fluctuations; plasma hybrid waves; plasma nonlinear waves; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; wave equations; WKB calculations}, numpages = {23}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/042104/1}, } @Article{Ludwig1997, author = {G O Ludwig}, title = {Direct variational solutions of the tokamak equilibrium problem}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1997}, volume = {39}, number = {12}, pages = {2021}, abstract = {A direct variational method based on an energy principle has been developed to calculate approximate solutions to the tokamak plasma equilibrium equation. The method uses a spectral representation of the magnetic flux surfaces in terms of Chebyshev polynomials. This representation allows analytic evaluation of the flux-surface average integrals, eliminating the poloidal angle dependence of the plasma internal energy. In this form the variational problem is reduced to the determination of the spectral coefficients as functions of the radial coordinate. Global approximate solutions are obtained by the introduction of trial functions for the coefficients parametrized by a set of constants determined in such a way as to render the energy stationary. The method is illustrated with applications to the START and MAST spherical tokamaks.}, file = {Ludwig1997_Direct variational solutions of the tokamak equilibrium problem.pdf:Ludwig1997_Direct variational solutions of the tokamak equilibrium problem.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/39/i=12/a=006}, } @Article{Ludwig1995, author = {G O Ludwig}, title = {Direct variational solutions to the Grad-Schluter-Shafranov equation}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1995}, volume = {37}, number = {6}, pages = {633}, abstract = {A direct variational method based on an energy principle is applied to obtain approximate magnetohydrodynamic equilibria for tokamak plasmas. The geometry of the nested magnetic flux surfaces is specified by a model that includes displacement, elongation and triangularity effects. The radial dependence in flux coordinates is described by a consistent set of trial functions which allows analytical calculation of the flux-surface averaged internal energy density of the plasma. Approximate solutions of the variational problem are obtained for arbitrary aspect-ratio tokamaks using a one-parameter optimization procedure.}, file = {Ludwig1995_0741-3335_37_6_003.pdf:Ludwig1995_0741-3335_37_6_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.05}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/37/i=6/a=003}, } @Article{Luhmann1979, author = {Luhmann, J.G. and Friesen, L.M.}, title = {A simple model of the magnetosphere}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics}, year = {1979}, volume = {84}, number = {A8}, pages = {4405--4408}, issn = {2156-2202}, abstract = {A phenomenological magnetic field model for the earth's magnetosphere is constructed from a dipole field and a uniform field directed sunward in the northern hemisphere and antisunward in the southern hemisphere. The properties of this simple model are compared with those of several other quantitative models. The present model is found to be more suitable for calculations than some other simple models in cases where the distant (>13 Re) magnetotail configuration is important. Moreover, this model is easily adaptable to changes in the field geometry and to the description of magnetotail asymmetries.}, doi = {10.1029/JA084iA08p04405}, file = {Luhmann1979_jgr_4405.pdf:Luhmann1979_jgr_4405.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.05}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/JA084iA08p04405}, } @Article{Lunt2012, author = {T. Lunt and Y. Feng and M. Bernert and A. Herrmann and P. de Marné and R. McDermott and H.W. Müller and S. Potzel and T. Pütterich and S. Rathgeber and W. Suttrop and E. Viezzer and E. Wolfrum and M. Willensdorfer and the ASDEX Upgrade team}, title = {First EMC3-Eirene simulations of the impact of the edge magnetic perturbations at ASDEX Upgrade compared with the experiment}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {5}, pages = {054013}, abstract = {The EMC3-Eirene code package was applied for the first time to simulate the edge plasma in an ASDEX Upgrade discharge, in which the newly installed magnetic perturbation (MP) coils were used to mitigate edge-localized modes (ELMs). Two different points in time during this discharge were simulated, the ELM-mitigated phase after turning-on of the MP coils and, as a reference, the ELMy H-mode phase before. The results were compared with the measurements of various edge and divertor diagnostics. Assuming the main chamber profiles to be shifted by 15 mm with respect to their calibrated positions, an agreement within a factor of 2 was found between the main chamber profiles outside the separatrix and those at the outer divertor target. The most important result is the observation of several maxima and minima in the particle flux and in particular in the power deposition pattern of both the simulation and the experiment for the case with MPs, an effect also known as strike-point splitting.}, file = {Lunt2012_0029-5515_52_5_054013.pdf:Lunt2012_0029-5515_52_5_054013.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=5/a=054013}, } @Article{Luetjens2001, author = {H Lütjens and J F Luciani and X Garbet}, title = {Nonlinear three-dimensional MHD simulations of tearing modes in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2001}, volume = {43}, number = {12A}, pages = {A339}, abstract = {The comprehension of the dynamics of classical and neoclassical tearing modes is a key issue in high-performance tokamak plasmas. Avoiding these instabilities requires a good knowledge of all the physical mechanisms involved in their linear and/or nonlinear onset. Our tridimensional time evolution code XTOR, which solves the full magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations including thermal transport, is used to tackle this difficult problem. In this paper, to show the state of art in full-scale nonlinear MHD simulations of tokamak plasmas, we investigate the effect of plasma curvature on the tearing mode dynamics. For a realistic picture of this dynamics, heat diffusion is required in the linear regimes as well, as in the nonlinear regimes. We present a new dispersion relation including perpendicular and parallel transport, and show that it matches the linear and nonlinear regimes. This leads to a new tearing mode island evolution equation including curvature effects, valid for every island size in tokamak plasmas. This equation predicts a nonlinearly unstable regime for tearing instabilities, i.e. a regime which is linearly stable, but where the tearing mode can be destabilized nonlinearly by a finite-size seed island. These theoretical predictions are in good agreement with XTOR simulations. In particular, the nonlinear instability due to curvature effects is reproduced. Our results have an important impact on the onset mechanism of neoclassical tearing modes. They indeed predict that curvature effects lead to a resistive MHD threshold.}, file = {Luetjens2001_0741-3335_43_12A_326.pdf:Luetjens2001_0741-3335_43_12A_326.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/43/i=12A/a=326}, } @Article{Lutjens2008, author = {Lutjens, Hinrich and Luciani, Jean-Francois}, title = {The XTOR code for nonlinear 3D simulations of MHD instabilities in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {J. Comput. Phys.}, year = {2008}, volume = {227}, number = {14}, pages = {6944--6966}, month = jul, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {The latest version of the XTOR code which solves a set of the extended magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in toroidal geometry is presented. The numerical method is discussed with particular emphasis on critical issues leading to numerical stability and robustness. This includes the time advance algorithm, the choice of variables and the boundary conditions. The physics in the model includes resistive MHD, anisotropic thermal diffusion and some neoclassical effects. The time advance method used in XTOR is unconditionally stable for linear MHD. First, both the ideal and the resistive MHD parts of the equations are advanced semi-implicitly and then the thermal transport part full-implicitly, using sub-stepping [H. Lutjens, Comp. Phys. Commun. 164 (2004) 301]. The time steps are only weakly limited by the departure of the nonlinear MHD dynamics from the linear one and are automatically defined by a set of nonlinear stability criteria. The robustness of the method is illustrated by some numerically difficult simulations, i.e. sawtooth simulations, the nonlinear destabilization of ballooning instabilities by an internal kink, and the dynamics of a neoclassical tearing mode in International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) [R. Aymar, V.A. Chuyanov, M. Huguet, et al., Nucl. Fusion 41 (2001) 1301] like geometry about its nonlinear stability threshold.}, acmid = {1380228}, address = {San Diego, CA, USA}, doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2008.04.003}, file = {Lutjens2008.pdf:Lutjens2008.pdf:PDF}, issue_date = {July, 2008}, keywords = {52.30.-q, 52.30.Cv, 52.35.Mw, 52.35.Py, 52.55.Fa, 52.55.Tn, 52.55.Xz, 52.65.-y, 52.65.Kj, Ballooning instability, Internal kink, Magnetohydrodynamics, Nonlinear simulations, Plasma, Semi-implicit, Tearing mode, Tokamak}, numpages = {23}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Academic Press Professional, Inc.}, timestamp = {2012.03.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2008.04.003}, } @Article{Lyons2012, author = {B. C. Lyons and S. C. Jardin and J. J. Ramos}, title = {Numerical calculation of neoclassical distribution functions and current profiles in low collisionality, axisymmetric plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {8}, pages = {082515}, abstract = {A new code, the Neoclassical Ion-Electron Solver (NIES), has been written to solve for stationary, axisymmetric distribution functions (f) in the conventional banana regime for both ions and electrons using a set of drift-kinetic equations (DKEs) with linearized Fokker-Planck-Landau collision operators. Solvability conditions on the DKEs determine the relevant non-adiabatic pieces of f (called h). We work in a 4D phase space in which ψ defines a flux surface, θ is the poloidal angle, v is the magnitude of the velocity referenced to the mean flow velocity, and λ is the dimensionless magnetic moment parameter. We expand h in finite elements in both v and λ. The Rosenbluth potentials, Φ and Ψ, which define the integral part of the collision operator, are expanded in Legendre series in cosχ, where χ is the pitch angle, Fourier series in cosθ, and finite elements in v. At each ψ, we solve a block tridiagonal system for hi (independent of fe), then solve another block tridiagonal system for he (dependent on fi). We demonstrate that such a formulation can be accurately and efficiently solved. NIES is coupled to the MHD equilibrium code JSOLVER [J. DeLucia et al., J. Comput. Phys. 37, 183–204 (1980)] allowing us to work with realistic magnetic geometries. The bootstrap current is calculated as a simple moment of the distribution function. Results are benchmarked against the Sauter analytic formulas and can be used as a kinetic closure for an MHD code (e.g., M3D−C1 [S. C. Jardin et al., Comput. Sci. Discovery 5, 014002 (2012)]).}, doi = {10.1063/1.4747501}, eid = {082515}, file = {Lyons2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082515.pdf:Lyons2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082515.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {finite element analysis; Fokker-Planck equation; Fourier series; magnetic moments; plasma collision processes; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/082515/1}, } @Article{Ma2012, author = {Z. W. Ma and H. E. Sun and L. C. Lee and A. T. Y. Lui}, title = {Energy transformation in a reconnection site}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032904}, abstract = {We examine closely the 2D patterns of plasma parameters around a magnetic reconnection site using 2-D Darwin particle-in-cell simulation. Several simulation runs were conducted, one with open boundary condition and others with periodic boundary condition for the outflow region of magnetic reconnection for different system sizes. It is found that the 2D distributions of plasma parameters depend significantly on the outflow boundary condition and the system size of the simulation. In particular, it is found that the product JyEy is mainly positive (dissipation) around the X-line region, whereas it is mainly negative (dynamo) in the outflow region with a periodic boundary condition and a small system size. The dynamo effect arises from the compression of particles in the outflow region so that particle energies are transformed to electric and magnetic field energies for magnetic reconnection occurring with periodic boundary condition.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3695092}, eid = {032904}, file = {Ma2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032904.pdf:Ma2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032904.pdf:PDF;Saarelma2012_0029-5515_52_10_103020.pdf:Saarelma2012_0029-5515_52_10_103020.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {magnetic reconnection; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.29}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/032904/1}, } @Article{Madsen2013, author = {Madsen, Jens}, title = {Gyrokinetic linearized Landau collision operator}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2013}, volume = {87}, pages = {011101}, month = {Jan}, abstract = {The full gyrokinetic electrostatic linearized Landau collision operator is calculated including the equilibrium operator, which represents the effect of collisions between gyrokinetic Maxwellian particles. First, the equilibrium operator describes energy exchange between different plasma species, which is important in multiple ion-species plasmas. Second, the equilibrium operator describes drag and diffusion of the magnetic field aligned component of the vorticity associated with the E×B drift. Therefore, a correct description of collisional effects in turbulent plasmas requires the equilibrium operator, even for like-particle collisions.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.87.011101}, file = {Madsen2013_PhysRevE.87.011101.pdf:Madsen2013_PhysRevE.87.011101.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.87.011101}, } @Article{Maggi2010, author = {C.F. Maggi}, title = {Progress in understanding the physics of the H-mode pedestal and ELM dynamics}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2010}, volume = {50}, number = {6}, pages = {066001}, abstract = {The recent progress in the experimental characterization of pedestal and ELM dynamics as well as in the insight into pedestal width scaling is reviewed. Various width scaling experiments from many devices indicate that the pedestal width scales weakly with the normalized ion Larmor radius and with the square root of the pedestal poloidal beta. The ELM onset in type I ELMy H-modes is consistently understood as an MHD stability limit on the maximum achievable edge pressure gradient. These results provide a prediction for the pedestal height in ITER. Time resolved measurements of pedestal parameters during the ELM cycle from various machines present a consistent picture of the pedestal dynamics, providing strong tests for pedestal models. Despite growing efforts in pedestal transport modelling, there is no consensus to date on what transport mechanism may explain the residual electron heat transport in the pedestal. As far as particle transport is concerned, a strong particle pinch may offset strong particle diffusion in the edge pedestal. Recent experiments have expanded the operational domains of the grassy ELM and QH-mode regimes and are consistent with predictions of the peeling–ballooning model.}, file = {Maggi2010_0029-5515_50_6_066001.pdf:Maggi2010_0029-5515_50_6_066001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/50/i=6/a=066001}, } @Article{Maggs2004, author = {A. C. Maggs}, title = {Auxiliary field Monte Carlo for charged particles}, journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, year = {2004}, volume = {120}, number = {7}, pages = {3108-3118}, abstract = {This article describes Monte Carlo algorithms for charged systems using constrained updates for the electric field. The method is generalized to treat inhomogeneous dielectric media, electrolytes via the Poisson–Boltzmann equation and considers the problem of charge and current interpolation for off lattice models. We emphasize the differences between this algorithm and methods based on the electrostatic potential, calculated from the Poisson equation.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1642587}, file = {Maggs2004_JChemPhys_120_3108.pdf:Maggs2004_JChemPhys_120_3108.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {electrolytes; Monte Carlo methods; inhomogeneous media; dielectric properties; Poisson equation; Boltzmann equation; interpolation; electric potential; electric fields}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JCP/120/3108/1}, } @Article{Maingi2006, author = {R. Maingi and M. G. Bell and E. D. Fredrickson and K. C. Lee and R. J. Maqueda and P. Snyder and K. Tritz and S. J. Zweben and R. E. Bell and T. M. Biewer and C. E. Bush and J. Boedo and N. H. Brooks and L. Delgado-Aparicio and C. W. Domier and D. A. Gates and D. W. Johnson and R. Kaita and S. M. Kaye and H. W. Kugel and B. P. LeBlanc and N. C. Luhmann, Jr. and J. E. Menard and D. Mueller and H. Park and R. Raman and A. L. Roquemore and S. A. Sabbagh and V. A. Soukhanovskii and T. Stevenson and D. Stutman}, title = {Characterization of small, Type V edge-localized modes in the National Spherical Torus Experiment}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2006}, volume = {13}, number = {9}, pages = {092510}, abstract = {There has been a substantial international research effort in the fusion community to identify tokamak operating regimes with either small or no periodic bursts of particles and power from the edge plasma, known as edge-localized modes (ELMs). While several candidate regimes have been presented in the literature, very little has been published on the characteristics of the small ELMs themselves. One such small ELM regime, also known as the Type V ELM regime, was recently identified in the National Spherical Torus Experiment [ M. Ono, S. M. Kaye, Y.-K. M. Peng et al., Nucl. Fusion 40, 557 (2000) ]. In this paper, the spatial and temporal structure of the Type V ELMs is presented, as measured by several different diagnostics. The composite picture of the Type V ELM is of an instability with one or two filaments that rotate toroidally at ∼ 5–10 km/s, in the direction opposite to the plasma current and neutral beam injection. The toroidal extent of Type V ELMs is typically ∼ 5 m, whereas the cross-field (radial) extent is typically ∼ 10 cm (3 cm), yielding a portrait of an electromagnetic, ribbon-like perturbation aligned with the total magnetic field. The filaments comprising the Type V ELM appear to be destabilized near the top of the H-mode pedestal and drift radially outward as they rotate toroidally. After the filaments come in contact with the open field lines, the divertor plasma perturbations are qualitatively similar to other ELM types, albeit with only one or two filaments in the Type V ELM versus more filaments for Type I or Type III ELMs. Preliminary stability calculations eliminate pressure driven modes as the underlying instability for Type V ELMs, but more work is required to determine if current driven modes are responsible for destabilization.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2226986}, eid = {092510}, file = {Maingi2006_PhysPlasmas_13_092510.pdf:Maingi2006_PhysPlasmas_13_092510.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma boundary layers; filamentation instability; plasma transport processes; plasma beam injection heating; plasma pressure; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/13/092510/1}, } @Article{Maingi2012, author = {R. Maingi and D.P. Boyle and J.M. Canik and S.M. Kaye and C.H. Skinner and J.P. Allain and M.G. Bell and R.E. Bell and S.P. Gerhardt and T.K. Gray and M.A. Jaworski and R. Kaita and H.W. Kugel and B.P. LeBlanc and J. Manickam and D.K. Mansfield and J.E. Menard and T.H. Osborne and R. Raman and A.L. Roquemore and S.A. Sabbagh and P.B. Snyder and V.A. Soukhanovskii}, title = {The effect of progressively increasing lithium coatings on plasma discharge characteristics, transport, edge profiles and ELM stability in the National Spherical Torus Experiment}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {8}, pages = {083001}, abstract = {Lithium wall coatings have been shown to reduce recycling, suppress edge-localized modes (ELMs), and improve energy confinement in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX). Here we document the effect of gradually increasing lithium wall coatings on the discharge characteristics, with the reference ELMy discharges obtained in boronized, i.e. non-lithiated conditions. We observed a continuous but not quite monotonic reduction in recycling and improvement in energy confinement, a gradual alteration of edge plasma profiles, and slowly increasing periods of ELM quiescence. The measured edge plasma profiles during the lithium-coating scan were simulated with the SOLPS code, which quantified the reduction in divertor recycling coefficient from ∼98% to ∼90%. The reduction in recycling and fuelling, coupled with a drop in the edge particle transport rate, reduced the average edge density profile gradient, and shifted it radially inwards from the separatrix location. In contrast, the edge electron temperature ( T e ) profile was unaffected in the H-mode pedestal steep gradient region within the last 5% of normalized poloidal flux, ψ N ; however, the T e gradient became steeper at the top of the H-mode pedestal for0.8 < ψ N < 0.94 with lithium coatings. The peak pressure gradients were comparable during ELMy and ELM-free phases, but were shifted away from the separatrix in the ELM-free discharges, which is stabilizing to the current-driven instabilities thought to be responsible for ELMs in NSTX.}, file = {Maingi2012_0029-5515_52_8_083001.pdf:Maingi2012_0029-5515_52_8_083001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.14}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=8/a=083001}, } @Article{Maity2012, author = {Chandan Maity and Nikhil Chakrabarti and Sudip Sengupta}, title = {Wave breaking phenomenon of lower-hybrid oscillations induced by a background inhomogeneous magnetic field}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {10}, pages = {102302}, abstract = {In a fluid description, we study space-time evolution of lower hybrid modes in a cold quasi-neutral homogeneous plasma in presence of a background inhomogeneous magnetic field. Within a linear analysis, a dispersion relation with inhomogeneous magnetic field shows “phase mixing” of such oscillations. A manifestation of “phase mixing” is shown in “mode coupling.” By using Lagrangian variables, an exact solution is presented in parametric form of this nonlinear time dependent problem. It is demonstrated that initially excited lower hybrid modes always break via phase mixing phenomenon in presence of an inhomogeneous magnetic field. Breaking of such oscillations is revealed by the appearance of spikes in the plasma density profile.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4757642}, eid = {102302}, file = {Maity2012_PhysPlasmas_19_102302.pdf:Maity2012_PhysPlasmas_19_102302.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma density; plasma hybrid waves; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma oscillations}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/102302/1}, } @Article{Makowski2012, author = {M. A. Makowski and D. Elder and T. K. Gray and B. LaBombard and C. J. Lasnier and A. W. Leonard and R. Maingi and T. H. Osborne and P. C. Stangeby and J. L. Terry and J. Watkins}, title = {Analysis of a multi-machine database on divertor heat fluxes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {056122}, abstract = {A coordinated effort to measure divertor heat flux characteristics in fully attached, similarly shaped H-mode plasmas on C-Mod, DIII-D, and NSTX was carried out in 2010 in order to construct a predictive scaling relation applicable to next step devices including ITER, FNSF, and DEMO. Few published scaling laws are available and those that have been published were obtained under widely varying conditions and divertor geometries, leading to conflicting predictions for this critically important quantity. This study was designed to overcome these deficiencies. Analysis of the combined data set reveals that the primary dependence of the parallel heat flux width is robustly inverse with Ip, which all three tokamaks independently demonstrate. An improved Thomson scattering system on DIII-D has yielded very accurate scrape off layer (SOL) profile measurements from which tests of parallel transport models have been made. It is found that a flux-limited model agrees best with the data at all collisionalities, while a Spitzer resistivity model agrees at higher collisionality where it is more valid. The SOL profile measurements and divertor heat flux scaling are consistent with a heuristic drift based model as well as a critical gradient model.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4710517}, eid = {056122}, file = {Makowski2012_PhysPlasmas_19_056122.pdf:Makowski2012_PhysPlasmas_19_056122.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {fusion reactor divertors; heat transfer; plasma boundary layers; plasma thermodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/056122/1}, } @Article{Mallet-Paret2011, author = {John Mallet-Paret and Roger D. Nussbaum}, title = {Superstability and rigorous asymptotics in singularly perturbed state-dependent delay-differential equations}, journal = {Journal of Differential Equations}, year = {2011}, volume = {250}, number = {11}, pages = {4037 - 4084}, issn = {0022-0396}, abstract = {We study the singularly perturbed state-dependent delay-differential equation(⁎) ε x ˙ ( t ) = − x ( t ) − k x ( t − r ) , r = r ( x ( t ) ) = 1 + x ( t ) , which is a special case of the equation ε x ˙ ( t ) = g ( x ( t ) , x ( t − r ) ) , r = r ( x ( t ) ) . One knows that for every sufficiently small ε > 0 , Eq. (⁎) possesses at least one so-called slowly oscillating periodic solution, and moreover, the graph of every such solution approaches a specific sawtooth-like shape as ε → 0 . In this paper we obtain higher-order asymptotics of the sawtooth, including the location of the minimum and maximum of the solution with the form of the solution near these turning points, and as well an asymptotic formula for the period. Using these and other asymptotic formulas, we further show that the solution enjoys the property of superstability, namely, the nontrivial characteristic multipliers are of size O ( ε ) for small ε. This stability property implies that this solution is unique among all slowly oscillating periodic solutions, again for small ε.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jde.2010.10.024}, file = {Mallet-Paret2011_1-s2.0-S0022039610004006-main.pdf:Mallet-Paret2011_1-s2.0-S0022039610004006-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Delay-differential equations}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.18}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022039610004006}, } @Article{Manz1967, author = {BRUNO Manz}, title = {Doppler Shift in a Plasma}, journal = {J. Opt. Soc. Am.}, year = {1967}, volume = {57}, number = {12}, pages = {1543--1544}, month = {Dec}, abstract = {It is first shown that the ideal electron plasma (presence of protons neglected) is unique among all dispersive media in that it does not distinguish any inertial frame of reference in terms of utility. The theory of the Doppler shift in an ideal plasma is then developed by simultaneous employment of two inertial frames of reference. In this way, certain remnants of paradoxes in the literature, such as energy dissipation for emitter frequencies greater than the plasma frequency, are removed. The theory is then extended by applying the principle of conservation of frequency. This makes it possible to establish the relation between the emitted and received frequency of an emitter and receiver which move at arbitrary speeds through a plasma that may be heterogeneous and may display unremovable anisotropy because of flow fields that cannot be eliminated by transformations.}, doi = {10.1364/JOSA.57.001543}, file = {Manz1967_josa-57-12-1543.pdf:Manz1967_josa-57-12-1543.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {OSA}, timestamp = {2012.12.01}, url = {http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=josa-57-12-1543}, } @Article{Manz2012, author = {P. Manz and G. S. Xu and B. N. Wan and H. Q. Wang and H. Y. Guo and I. Cziegler and N. Fedorczak and C. Holland and S. H. Muller and S. C. Thakur and M. Xu and K. Miki and P. H. Diamond and G. R. Tynan}, title = {Zonal flow triggers the L-H transition in the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {072311}, abstract = {The kinetic energy transfer between shear flows and the ambient turbulence is investigated in the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak during the L-H transition. As the rate of energy transfer from the turbulence into the shear flow becomes comparable to the energy input rate into the turbulence, the transition into the H-mode occurs. As the observed behavior exhibits several predicted features of zonal flows, the results show the key role that zonal flows play in mediating the transition into H-mode.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4737612}, eid = {072311}, file = {Manz2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072311.pdf:Manz2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072311.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma flow; plasma kinetic theory; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; shear flow; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/072311/1}, } @Article{Mao2013, author = {Aohua Mao and Jiquan Li and Y. Kishimoto and Jinyuan Liu}, title = {Eigenmode characteristics of the double tearing mode in the presence of shear flows}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022114}, abstract = {The double tearing mode (DTM) is characterized by two eigen states with antisymmetric or symmetric magnetic island structure, referred to as the even or odd DTM. In this work, we systematically revisit the DTM instabilities in the presence of an antisymmetric shear flow with a focus on eigenmode characteristics as well as the stabilization or destabilization mechanism in a wide parameter region. Both initial value simulation and eigenvalue analysis are performed based on reduced resistive MHD model in slab geometry. A degenerated eigen state is found at a critical flow amplitude vc. The even (or odd) DTM is stabilized (or destabilized) by weak shear flow below vc through the distortion of magnetic islands mainly due to the global effect of shear flow rather than the local flow shear. The distortion can be quantified by the phase angles of the perturbed flux, showing a perfect correspondence to the growth rates. As the shear flow increases above vc, the degenerated eigen state bifurcates into two eigen modes with the same growth rate but opposite propagating direction, resulting in an oscillatory growth of fluctuation energy. It is identified that two eigen modes show the single tearing mode structure due to the Alfvén resonance (AR) occurring on one current sheet. Most importantly, the AR can destabilize the DTMs through enhancing the plasma flow exerting on the remaining island. Meanwhile, the local flow shear plays a remarkable stabilizing role in this region. In addition, the eigenmode characteristic of the electromagnetic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is also discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4793445}, eid = {022114}, file = {Mao2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022114.pdf:Mao2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022114.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {bifurcation; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; island structure; Kelvin-Helmholtz instability; plasma Alfven waves; plasma fluctuations; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma oscillations; plasma simulation; shear flow; tearing instability}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022114/1}, } @Article{Marchand1996, author = {R. Marchand and M. Dumberry}, title = {CARRE: a quasi-orthogonal mesh generator for 2D edge plasma modelling}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1996}, volume = {96}, number = {2–3}, pages = {232 - 246}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {A computer code is described which automatically generates a structured curvilinear quasi-orthogonal mesh of the type used in several models of transport for the edge and divertor regions in tokamak fusion experiments. The method considered works from numerically generated equilibria and from digitized parametrisations of structures and boundaries in the simulation domain. It therefore produces realistic computational meshes which allow comparisons between simulation results and experiments. The method is well adapted to the generation of meshes for a number of interesting magnetic field topologies, such as single null, connected and disconnected double null divertor geometries.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(96)00052-5}, file = {Marchand1996_1-s2.0-0010465596000525-main.pdf:Marchand1996_1-s2.0-0010465596000525-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Orthogonal mesh generation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465596000525}, } @Article{Marchenko2001, author = {V. S. Marchenko and V. V. Lutsenko}, title = {Interaction of neoclassical tearing modes with trapped fast ions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2001}, volume = {8}, number = {11}, pages = {4834-4838}, abstract = {Resonance between rotating neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) and precessing trapped energetic ions has been considered. Resonant ions experience large radial excursions of their banana guiding centers leading to the loss of a considerable fraction of fast ions deposited in the resonance region. The resulting toroidal torque accelerates the magnetic island rotating in the direction of the ion diamagnetic drift. The torque balance equation has been coupled with the modified Rutherford equation, retaining the contributions from the bootstrap current and the ion polarization current. It has been shown that, due to the resonant interaction with energetic ions, this autonomous system of equations exhibits a Hopf bifurcation for some critical ratio of the momentum damping rate to the resistive diffusion rate. The resulting stable limit cycle resembles the frequency jump events observed during NTM activity in the Axisymmetric Divertor Experiment Upgrade (ASDEX Upgrade) tokamak [S. Sesnic et al., Phys. Plasmas 7, 935 (2000)].}, doi = {10.1063/1.1407283}, file = {Marchenko2001_PhysPlasmas_8_4834.pdf:Marchenko2001_PhysPlasmas_8_4834.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {fusion reactor divertors; Tokamak devices; tearing instability; trapped ions; resonance; stability; rotation; magnetic fields}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/8/4834/1}, } @Article{Marenkov2012, author = {E. D. Marenkov and S. I. Krasheninnikov and A. A. Pisarev and I. V. Tsvetkov}, title = {On the tokamak first wall response to the edge localized mode bursts}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {092501}, abstract = {The effects of wall outgassing on the H-mode pedestal recovery after edge localized mode (ELM) crash is examined with a simplified model of hydrogen adsorption/desorption processes. The parameters governing the dynamics of the wall response to the ELM crash are found. It is shown that within adopted hydrogen adsorption/desorption model a significant impact of the wall outgassing on the pedestal recovery can be observed for the wall surface temperature range between 500 K and 800 K.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4742982}, eid = {092501}, file = {Marenkov2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092501.pdf:Marenkov2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {adsorption; desorption; plasma boundary layers; plasma instability; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma-wall interactions; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/092501/1}, } @Article{Marocchino2013, author = {A. Marocchino and M. Tzoufras and S. Atzeni and A. Schiavi and Ph. D. Nicolai and J. Mallet and V. Tikhonchuk and J.-L. Feugeas}, title = {Comparison for non-local hydrodynamic thermal conduction models}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022702}, abstract = {Inertial confinement fusion and specifically shock ignition involve temperatures and temperature gradients for which the classical Spitzer-Härm thermal conduction breaks down and a non-local operator is required. In this article, two non-local electron thermal conduction models are tested against kinetic Vlasov-Fokker-Planck simulations. Both models are shown to reproduce the main features of thermal heat front propagation at kinetic timescales. The reduction of the thermal conductivity as a function of the scalelength of the temperature gradient is also recovered. Comparisons at nanosecond timescales show that the models agree on the propagation velocity of the heat front, but major differences appear in the thermal precursor.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789878}, eid = {022702}, file = {Marocchino2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022702.pdf:Marocchino2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022702.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {hydrodynamics; ignition; plasma inertial confinement; plasma kinetic theory; plasma shock waves; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes; thermal conductivity}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022702/1}, } @Article{Marshall1989, author = {Guillermo Marshall}, title = {Monte Carlo methods for the solution of nonlinear partial differential equations}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1989}, volume = {56}, number = {1}, pages = {51 - 61}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {Stochastic models for the solution of nonlinear partial differential equations are discussed. They consist of a discretized version of these equations and Monte Carlo techniques. The Markov transitions are based on a priori estimates of the solution. To improve the efficiency of stochastic smoothers a Monte Carlo multigrid method is presented. The numerical results presented show the convergence of these methods. Some directions for the parallelization of the Monte Carlo algorithms presented are outlined. The techniques introduced make possible the extension of Monte Carlo methods to nonlinear problems, offering a new approach with an analytic potential for a wide range of problems in computational physics.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(89)90052-0}, file = {Marshall1989_1-s2.0-0010465589900520-main.pdf:Marshall1989_1-s2.0-0010465589900520-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.01}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465589900520}, } @Article{Marti2003, author = {José Maria Marti and Ewald Muller}, title = {Numerical Hydrodynamics in Special Relativity}, journal = {Living Rev. Relativity}, year = {2003}, volume = {6}, pages = {7}, note = {with source code}, abstract = {This review is concerned with a discussion of numerical methods for the solution of the equations of special relativistic hydrodynamics (SRHD). Particular emphasis is put on a comprehensive review of the application of high-resolution shock-capturing methods in SRHD. Results of a set of demanding test bench simulations obtained with different numerical SRHD methods are compared. Three applications (astrophysical jets, gamma-ray bursts and heavy ion collisions) of relativistic flows are discussed. An evaluation of various SRHD methods is presented, and future developments in SRHD are analyzed involving extension to general relativistic hydrodynamics and relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics. The review further provides FORTRAN programs to compute the exact solution of a 1D relativistic Riemann problem with zero and nonzero tangential velocities, and to simulate 1D relativistic flows in Cartesian Eulerian coordinates using the exact SRHD Riemann solver and PPM reconstruction.}, file = {Marti2003_lrr-2003-7Color.pdf:Marti2003_lrr-2003-7Color.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.29}, url = {www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2003-7}, } @Article{Mattor1995a, author = {Nathan Mattor}, title = {Coordinate system for use around an X point}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {3}, pages = {594-598}, doi = {10.1063/1.871411}, file = {Mattor1995a_PhysPlasmas_2_594.pdf:Mattor1995a_PhysPlasmas_2_594.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETIC CONFINEMENT; MAGNETIC FIELD CONFIGURATIONS; CURVILINEAR COORDINATES; SINGULARITY}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/594/1}, } @Article{Mattor1995, author = {Nathan Mattor and Ronald H. Cohen}, title = {How fluctuations continue through an X point}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {11}, pages = {4042-4048}, doi = {10.1063/1.871027}, file = {Mattor1995a_PhysPlasmas_2_594.pdf:Mattor1995a_PhysPlasmas_2_594.pdf:PDF;Mattor1995_PhysPlasmas_2_4042.pdf:Mattor1995_PhysPlasmas_2_4042.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {DIVERTORS; FLUCTUATIONS; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; TOKAMAK DEVICES; WAVE EQUATIONS; RAY TRACING}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/4042/1}, } @Article{McBride1972, author = {J.B. McBride and E. Ott}, title = {Electromagnetic and finite βe effects on the modified two stream instability}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, year = {1972}, volume = {39}, number = {5}, pages = {363 - 364}, issn = {0375-9601}, abstract = {Electromagnetic effects are found to stabilize the modified two stream instability under certain given conditions. The importance of this result to several classes of experiments is discussed.}, doi = {10.1016/0375-9601(72)90096-5}, file = {McBride1972_1-s2.0-0375960172900965-main.pdf:McBride1972_1-s2.0-0375960172900965-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.30}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0375960172900965}, } @Article{McKenzie2012, author = {J. F. McKenzie and T. B. Doyle and S. S. Rajah}, title = {Nonlinear, stationary electrostatic ion cyclotron waves: Exact solutions for solitons, periodic waves, and wedge shaped waveforms}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {11}, pages = {112115}, abstract = {The theory of fully nonlinear stationary electrostatic ion cyclotron waves is further developed. The existence of two fundamental constants of motion; namely, momentum flux density parallel to the background magnetic field and energy density, facilitates the reduction of the wave structure equation to a first order differential equation. For subsonic waves propagating sufficiently obliquely to the magnetic field, soliton solutions can be constructed. Importantly, analytic expressions for the amplitude of the soliton show that it increases with decreasing wave Mach number and with increasing obliquity to the magnetic field. In the subsonic, quasi-parallel case, periodic waves exist whose compressive and rarefactive amplitudes are asymmetric about the “initial” point. A critical “driver” field exists that gives rise to a soliton-like structure which corresponds to infinite wavelength. If the wave speed is supersonic, periodic waves may also be constructed. The aforementioned asymmetry in the waveform arises from the flow being driven towards the local sonic point in the compressive phase and away from it in the rarefactive phase. As the initial driver field approaches the critical value, the end point of the compressive phase becomes sonic and the waveform develops a wedge shape. This feature and the amplitudes of the compressive and rarefactive portions of the periodic waves are illustrated through new analytic expressions that follow from the equilibrium points of a wave structure equation which includes a driver field. These expressions are illustrated with figures that illuminate the nature of the solitons. The presently described wedge-shaped waveforms also occur in water waves, for similar “transonic” reasons, when a Coriolis force is included.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4769031}, eid = {112115}, file = {McKenzie2012_PhysPlasmas_19_112115.pdf:McKenzie2012_PhysPlasmas_19_112115.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {differential equations; Mach number; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma flow; plasma solitons; subsonic flow; supersonic flow}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.03}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/112115/1}, } @Article{McMillan2010, author = {McMillan, B. F. and Lapillonne, X. and Brunner, S. and Villard, L. and Jolliet, S. and Bottino, A. and G\"orler, T. and Jenko, F.}, title = {System Size Effects on Gyrokinetic Turbulence}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2010}, volume = {105}, pages = {155001}, month = {Oct}, abstract = {The scaling of turbulence-driven heat transport with system size in magnetically confined plasmas is reexamined using first-principles based numerical simulations. Two very different numerical methods are applied to this problem, in order to resolve a long-standing quantitative disagreement, which may have arisen due to inconsistencies in the geometrical approximation. System size effects are further explored by modifying the width of the strong gradient region at fixed system size. The finite width of the strong gradient region in gyroradius units, rather than the finite overall system size, is found to induce the diffusivity reduction seen in global gyrokinetic simulations.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.155001}, file = {McMillan2010_PhysRevLett.105.155001.pdf:McMillan2010_PhysRevLett.105.155001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {15}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.03.28}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.155001}, } @Article{Mekkaoui2013, author = {A. Mekkaoui}, title = {Derivation of stochastic differential equations for scrape-off layer plasma fluctuations from experimentally measured statistics}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {010701}, abstract = {A stochastic differential equation for intermittent plasma density dynamics in magnetic fusion edge plasma is derived, which is consistent with the experimentally measured gamma distribution and the theoretically expected quadratic nonlinearity. The plasma density is driven by a multiplicative Wiener process and evolves on the turbulence correlation time scale, while the linear growth is quadratically damped by the fluctuation level. The sensitivity of intermittency to the nonlinear dynamics is investigated by analyzing the nonlinear Langevin representation of the beta process, which leads to a root-square nonlinearity.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789453}, eid = {010701}, file = {Mekkaoui2013_PhysPlasmas_20_010701.pdf:Mekkaoui2013_PhysPlasmas_20_010701.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {differential equations; gamma distribution; plasma boundary layers; plasma density; plasma fluctuations; plasma turbulence; stochastic processes}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/010701/1}, } @Article{Mekkaoui2012, author = {A. Mekkaoui}, title = {A Nonlinear Dynamic Characterization of The Universal Scrape-off Layer Plasma Fluctuations}, journal = {arXiv}, year = {2012}, abstract = {A stochastic differential equation of plasma density dynamic is derived, consistent with the experimentally measured pdf and the theoretical quadratic nonlinearity. The plasma density evolves on the turbulence correlation time scale and is driven by a stochastic white noise proportional to the turbulence fluctuations amplitude, while the linear growth is quadratically damped by the fluctuation level $n_e(t)/\bar{n}_e$.}, file = {Mekkaoui2012_1207.6981v1.pdf:Mekkaoui2012_1207.6981v1.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.04}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.6981}, } @Article{Menard1997, author = {J.E. Menard and S.C. Jardin and S.M. Kaye and C.E. Kessel and J. Manickam}, title = {Ideal MHD stability limits of low aspect ratio tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1997}, volume = {37}, number = {5}, pages = {595}, abstract = {The ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability limits of low aspect ratio tokamak plasmas are computed numerically for plasmas with a range of cylindrical safety factors q * , normalized plasma pressures beta , elongations kappa and central safety factors q(0). Four distinct regimes are optimized, namely: (a) low-q * plasmas with q(0)=1.1 with and without a stabilizing wall, (b) low-q * plasmas with no wall and 1.11) for standard tokamak parameters with adiabatic electron response. These modes have a maximum amplitude at a poloidal angle θ that is shifted away from the low field side (θ ≠ 0). The physical mechanism is clarified through the use of a fluid model. It is shown that the shift of the mode away from the low field side reduces the effective drift frequency which allows for the instability to develop. Numerical tests using the gyro-kinetic model confirm this physical mechanism. Furthermore, it is shown that modes localized away from the low field side can be important also for kθρi<1 close to the threshold of the ITG. In fact, modes with maximum amplitude at θ ≠ 0 can exist for normalised temperature gradient lengths below the threshold of the ITG obtained for the case with the maximum at θ = 0.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789856}, eid = {022101}, file = {Migliano2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022101.pdf:Migliano2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022101.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; numerical analysis; plasma kinetic theory; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022101/1}, } @Article{Migliuolo1993, author = {S. Migliuolo}, title = {Theory of ideal and resistive m=1 modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1993}, volume = {33}, number = {11}, pages = {1721}, abstract = {A review of the present theoretical understanding of the linear stability of internal m=1 modes is presented and its connection to phenomena observed in toroidal magnetic confinement experiments, i.e. 'sawtooth' and 'fishbone' oscillations, is discussed. Particular attention is devoted to the analysis of non-magnetohydrodynamic (non-MHD) effects, such as those due to finite diamagnetic and electron drift frequencies and to finite ion Larmor radius, and to the special role played by energetic particles (whose response is primarily kinetic and which can stabilize low frequency modes and destabilize new, higher frequency, branches). Some recent developments in the non-linear theory of these modes are also discussed. This review complements that of Kuvshinov and Savrukhin (Sov. J. Plasma Phys. 16 (1990) 353)}, file = {Migliuolo1993_0029-5515_33_11_I13.pdf:Migliuolo1993_0029-5515_33_11_I13.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/33/i=11/a=I13}, } @Article{Mikhailovskii1998, author = {A B Mikhailovskii}, title = {Generalized MHD for numerical stability analysis of high-performance plasmas in tokamaks}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1998}, volume = {40}, number = {11}, pages = {1907}, abstract = {A set of generalized magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations is formulated to accommodate the effects associated with high ion and electron temperatures in high-performance plasmas in tokamaks. The effects of neoclassical bootstrap current, neoclassical ion viscosity, the ion finite Larmor radius effect and electron and ion drift effects are taken into account in two-fluid MHD equations together with gyroviscosity, parallel viscosity, electron parallel inertia and collisionless ion heat flux. The ion velocity is identified as the plasma velocity, while the electron velocity is expressed in terms of the plasma velocity and electric current. Ion and electron momentum equations are combined to give the plasma momentum equation. The perpendicular (with respect to the equilibrium magnetic field) ion momentum equation is used as perpendicular Ohm's law and the parallel electron momentum equation - as parallel Ohm's law. Perpendicular Ohm's law allows for the Hall and ion drift effects. Parallel Ohm's law includes the electron drift effect, collisionless skin effect and bootstrap current. In addition, both perpendicular and parallel Ohm's laws contain the resistivity. Due to the quasineutrality condition, the ions and electrons are characterized by the same number density which is described by the ion continuity equation. On the other hand, the ion and electron temperatures are allowed to be different. The ion temperature is described by the ion energy equation allowing for the oblique heat flux, in addition to the perpendicular ion heat flux. The electron temperature is determined by the condition of high parallel electron heat conductivity. The ion and electron parallel viscosities are represented in a form valid for all the collisionality regimes (Pfirsch-Schluter, plateau, and banana). An optimized form of the generalized MHD equations is then represented in terms of the toroidal coordinate system used in the JET equilibrium and stability codes. The derived equations provide a basis for development of generalized MHD codes for numerical stability analysis of high-performance plasmas in tokamaks.}, file = {Mikhailovskii1998_0741-3335_40_11_007.pdf:Mikhailovskii1998_0741-3335_40_11_007.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.11}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/40/i=11/a=007}, } @Article{Mikhailovskii1980, author = {A B Mikhailovskii}, title = {Oscillations of an isotropic relativistic plasma}, journal = {Plasma Physics}, year = {1980}, volume = {22}, number = {2}, pages = {133}, abstract = {An analytic study of electrostatic and electromagnetic oscillations of an isotropic relativistic plasma is presented in order to correlate separate results obtained by different authors and to form a general qualitative picture of the oscillation branches of such a plasma. It is shown that at any plasma temperature there is only one dispersion curve of slightly damped (or undamped) electrostatic oscillations. Separate parts of this dispersion curve are, however, described by different analytic formulas depending on the plasma temperature and the ratio of the phase velocity to the characteristic velocity of the particles. Considerable attention is given to the study of the dispersion of subluminous electrostatic waves and their damping since such waves may be responsible for the electrostatic beam instabilities. It is concluded that there are two kinds of electromagnetic oscillations, i.e. normal superluminous nondamping and subluminous aperiodically damping oscillations.}, file = {Mikhailovskii1980_0032-1028_22_2_003.pdf:Mikhailovskii1980_0032-1028_22_2_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0032-1028/22/i=2/a=003}, } @Article{Mikhailovskii1987, author = {Mikhailovskii,A. B. and Onishchenko,O. G.}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {Drift instabilities of a relativistic plasma. Part 1. Kinetic description of drift effects in a relativistic plasma}, year = {1987}, number = {01}, pages = {15-28}, volume = {37}, abstract = {ABSTRACT The role of relativistic effects in the problem of drift instabilities in an inhomogeneous magnetized plasma is analysed. The kinetic approach is developed, taking into account a non-zero plasma pressure and the electromagnetic character of the perturbations. The general dispersion relation for the perturbations in an inhomogeneous relativistic plasma is obtained. As in the case of a non-relativistic plasma, the dispersion relation is written in terms of the modified dielectric permittivity tensor. This tensor is calculated by taking into account the non-Maxwellian character of the equilibrium momentum distributions of the particles. The relation between the modified dielectric permittivity tensor and the ordinary tensor of dielectric permittivity of a homogeneous plasma is elucidated.}, doi = {10.1017/S002237780001196X}, eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S002237780001196X}, file = {Mikhailovskii1987_S002237780001196Xa.pdf:Mikhailovskii1987_S002237780001196Xa.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S002237780001196X}, } @Article{Miki2011, author = {K. Miki and P.H. Diamond}, title = {Novel states of pre-transition edge turbulence emerging from shearing mode competition}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {51}, number = {10}, pages = {103003}, abstract = {Recent experiments have noted the coexistence of multiple shearing fields in edge turbulence, and have observed that the shearing population ratios evolve as the L–H transition is approached. A novel model including zonal flows (ZFs), geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) and turbulence as a zero-dimensional self-consistent two predator–one prey system with multiple frequency shearings is proposed. ZF with finite frequency (i.e. GAM) can have different shearing dynamics from that with zero frequency, because of the finite shearing field autocorrelation times. Decomposing the broadband ZF spectrum into the two populations enables us to assign different shearing weights to the components of the shearing field. We define states with no ZF and GAM as an L-mode-like state, that with ZF and without GAM as an ZF-only state, with GAM and without ZF as a GAM-only state and both with ZF and GAM as the coexistence state. To resolve the origins of multiple shear coexistence, mode-competition effects are introduced. These originate from higher order perturbation of wave populations. The model exhibits a sequence of transitions between various states as the net driving flux increases. For some parameters, bistability of ZF and GAM is evident, which predicts hysteretic behaviour in the turbulence intensity field during power ramp up/down studies. The presence of noise due to ambient turbulence offers a mechanism to explain the bursts and pulsations observed in the turbulence field prior to the L–H transition.}, file = {Miki2011_0029-5515_51_10_103003.pdf:Miki2011_0029-5515_51_10_103003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=10/a=103003}, } @Article{Miki2012, author = {K. Miki and P. H. Diamond and O. D. Gurcan and G. R. Tynan and T. Estrada and L. Schmitz and G. S. Xu}, title = {Spatio-temporal evolution of the L --> I --> H transition}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {092306}, abstract = {We investigate the dynamics of the low(L) → high(H) transition using a time-dependent, one dimensional (in radius) model which self-consistently describes the time evolution of zonal flows (ZFs), mean flows (MFs), poloidal spin-up, and density and pressure profiles. The model represents the physics of ZF and MF competition, turbulence suppression via E×B shearing, and poloidal flows driven by turbulence. Numerical solutions of this model show that the L→H transition can occur via an intermediate phase (I-phase) which involves oscillations of profiles due to ZF and MF competition. The I-phase appears as a nonlinear transition wave originating at the edge boundary and propagates inward. Locally, I-phase exhibits the characteristics of a limit-cycle oscillation. All these observations are consistent with recent experimental results. We examine the trigger of the L→H transition, by defining a ratio of the rate of energy transfer from the turbulence to the zonal flow to the rate of energy input into the turbulence. When the ratio exceeds order unity, ZF shear gains energy, and a net decay of the turbulence is possible, thus triggering the L→H transition. Numerical calculations indicate that the L→H transition is triggered by this peak of the normalized ZF shearing. Zonal flows act as “reservoir,” in which to store increasing fluctuation energy without increasing transport, thus allowing the mean flow shear to increase and lock in the transition. A counterpart of the L → I→H transition, i.e., an L→H transition without I-phase, is obtained in a fast power ramp, for which I-phase is compressed into a single burst of ZF, which triggers the transition. Effects of neutral charge exchange on the L→H transition are studied by varying ZF damping and neoclassical viscosity. Results show that the predicted L→H transition power increases when either ZF damping or viscosity increase, suggesting a link between recycling, ZF damping, and the L→H threshold. Studies of fueling effects on the transition and pedestal structure with an emphasis on the particle pinch are reported.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4753931}, eid = {092306}, file = {Miki2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092306.pdf:Miki2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092306.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {limit cycles; numerical analysis; plasma boundary layers; plasma density; plasma fluctuations; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma oscillations; plasma pressure; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; spatiotemporal phenomena; viscosity}, numpages = {17}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/092306/1}, } @Article{Militello2012, author = {F Militello and W Fundamenski and V Naulin and A H Nielsen}, title = {Simulations of edge and scrape off layer turbulence in mega ampere spherical tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {9}, pages = {095011}, abstract = {The L-mode interchange turbulence in the edge and scrape-off-layer (SOL) of the tight aspect ratio tokamak MAST is investigated numerically. The dynamics of the boundary plasma are studied using the 2D drift-fluid code ESEL, which has previously shown good agreement with large aspect ratio machines. In this context, a MAST-TCV comparison is presented in order to link the present analysis to well documented references. Next, scans of various edge parameters, such as density, temperature and current, are performed in the simulations with the aim of characterizing the profiles, fluctuation level and statistics of the edge/SOL density and temperature. In addition, we also discuss how the system changes when the length of the divertor leg is modified. This allows one to better understand the regime of operation of the Super-X divertor which will be implemented on MAST-Upgrade. The results obtained qualitatively agree with experimental observations. In particular, a universal behaviour of the fluctuation statistics is found for disparate edge conditions. Furthermore, the density and temperature decay lengths are inversely proportional to the plasma current and the edge temperature, while they are rather insensitive to the edge density (not to be confused with the line-averaged density).}, file = {Militello2012_0741-3335_54_9_095011.pdf:Militello2012_0741-3335_54_9_095011.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.03}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=9/a=095011}, } @Article{Militello2013a, author = {F Militello and P Tamain and W Fundamenski and A Kirk and V Naulin and A H Nielsen and the MAST team}, title = {Experimental and numerical characterization of the turbulence in the scrape-off layer of MAST}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {2}, pages = {025005}, abstract = {Numerical simulations of interchange turbulence in the scrape-off layer are performed in a regime relevant for a specific L-mode Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak (MAST) discharge. Such a discharge was diagnosed with a reciprocating arm equipped with a Gundestrup probe. A detailed comparison of the average and statistical properties of the simulated and experimental ion saturation current is performed. Good agreement is found in the time-averaged radial profile, in the probability distribution functions and in qualitative features of the signals such as the shape, duration and separation of burst events. These results confirm the validity of the simple interchange model used and help us to identify where it can be improved. Finally, the simulated data are used to assess the importance of the temperature fluctuations on plasma potential and radial velocity measurements acquired with Langmuir probes. It is shown that the correlation between the actual plasma quantities and the signal of the synthetic diagnostics is poor, suggesting that accurate measurements of the temperature fluctuations are needed in order to obtain reliable estimates of the perpendicular fluxes.}, file = {Militello2013_0741-3335_55_2_025005.pdf:Militello2013_0741-3335_55_2_025005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=2/a=025005}, } @Article{Miller1990, author = {A Miller and J Manickam and J L Johnson}, title = {Comparison of ballooning mode stability properties of Tokamaks with circular and elliptical cross-sections with the same poloidal flux}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1990}, volume = {32}, number = {4}, pages = {271}, abstract = {The MHD ballooning mode stability limits for Tokamak configurations with different cross-sectional shapes but the same total poloidal flux are examined. The toroidal ( beta ) at which instability sets in is found to be the same for circular, elliptical and D-shaped cross-sections. Shaping provides some improvement for transition to the second stability regime, with the D-shape being most favorable and the circle the most unfavorable.}, file = {Miller1990_0741-3335_32_4_004.pdf:Miller1990_0741-3335_32_4_004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.11}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/32/i=4/a=004}, } @Article{Miller1987, author = {R.L. Miller and J.W. Van Dam}, title = {Hot particle stabilization of ballooning modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1987}, volume = {27}, number = {12}, pages = {2101}, abstract = {The concept of energetic particle stabilization of ballooning modes in tokamaks is extended by considering numerically generated finite aspect ratio equilibria and attempting to simultaneously stabilize all flux surfaces against ballooning modes by suitable choice of a hot particle anisotropic pressure. To achieve access to the second stability regime at as low a beta value as possible, tokamaks with circular cross-section and an aspect ratio of ten are considered. Global stabilization of ballooning modes is demonstrated, even though the drift reversal constraint requires careful tailoring of the anisotropic pressure profile. A prescription for determining the optimum anisotropic pressure profiles for any equilibrium is provided.}, file = {Miller1987_NF.pdf:Miller1987_NF.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/27/i=12/a=010}, } @Article{Miller1998, author = {R L Miller and Y R Lin-Liu and T H Osborne and T S Taylor}, title = {Ballooning mode stability for self-consistent pressure and current profiles at the H-mode edge}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1998}, volume = {40}, number = {5}, pages = {753}, abstract = {The edge pressure gradient (H-mode pedestal) for computed equilibria in which the current density profile is consistent with the bootstrap current may not be limited by the first-regime ballooning limit. The transition to second stability is easier for higher elongation, intermediate triangularity, larger aspect ratio, pedestal at larger radius, narrower pedestal width, higher ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/40/5/037/img1.gif] , and lower collisionality.}, file = {Miller1998_0741-3335_40_5_037.pdf:Miller1998_0741-3335_40_5_037.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.22}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/40/i=5/a=037}, } @Article{Mirin1986, author = {A.A. Mirin and R.J. Bonugli and N.J. O'Neill and J. Killeen}, title = {ODRIC — A one-dimensional linear resistive MHD code in cylindrical geometry}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1986}, volume = {41}, number = {1}, pages = {85 - 103}, issn = {0010-4655}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(86)90023-8}, file = {Mirin1986_0010-4655%2886%2990023-8.pdf:Mirin1986_0010-4655%2886%2990023-8.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465586900238}, } @Article{Mirin1989, author = {A.A. Mirin and D.R. Martin and N.J. O'Neill}, title = {TUBE88 — A code which computes magnetic field lines}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1989}, volume = {54}, number = {1}, pages = {183 - 198}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {TUBE88 computes magnetic field lines in cylindrical or toroidal geometry (using cylindrical coordinates (r, φ, z)) and calculates the intersections of those field lines with specified planes. It is an outgrowth of a code first written in 1967. A fourth-order predictor-corrector method is used to integrate the field line coordinates. The magnetic field may be computed in several ways: (a) through specification of currents flowing in very specific helical and circular elements together with a “1/r” field and a vertical field, (b) as a Fourier series in the angular variale or (c) in a specific coordinate system suited to a toroidally helical domain. Extensive graphics are provided for users of the Cray Time-Sharing System (CTSS). Applications of the code have included analysis of vacuum magnetic field configurations and post processing magnetic field data produced by MHD codes, for example.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(89)90044-1}, file = {Mirin1989_1-s2.0-0010465589900441-main.pdf:Mirin1989_1-s2.0-0010465589900441-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.04}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465589900441}, } @Article{Mishchenko2011, author = {Alexey Mishchenko and Axel Konies and Roman Hatzky}, title = {Global particle-in-cell simulations of plasma pressure effects on Alfv[e-acute]nic modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, pages = {012504}, doi = {10.1063/1.3546021}, eid = {012504}, file = {Mishchenko2011_PhysPlasmas_18_012504.pdf:Mishchenko2011_PhysPlasmas_18_012504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; plasma Alfven waves; plasma pressure; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/012504/1}, } @Article{Mishchenko2012, author = {Alexey Mishchenko and Alessandro Zocco}, title = {Global gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulations of internal kink instabilities}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {12}, pages = {122104}, abstract = {Internal kink instabilities have been studied in straight tokamak geometry employing an electromagnetic gyrokinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) code. The ideal-MHD internal kink mode and the collisionless m = 1 tearing mode have been successfully simulated with the PIC code. Diamagnetic effects on the internal kink modes have also been investigated.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4769379}, eid = {122104}, file = {Mishchenko2012_PhysPlasmas_19_122104.pdf:Mishchenko2012_PhysPlasmas_19_122104.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {kink instability; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/122104/1}, } @Article{Misra1975, author = {Misra,P.}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {Dispersion formulae for waves in a relativistic plasma}, year = {1975}, number = {03}, pages = {529-541}, volume = {14}, abstract = {ABSTRACT We derive dispersion formulae for the transverse and longitudinal waves propagating through a Vlassov plasma, valid for relativistic as well as non-relativistic temperatures, and compare them with those of earlier workers. We discuss wave propagation under various limiting conditions of temperature.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377800009806}, eprint = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377800009806}, file = {Misra1975_S0022377800009806a.pdf:Misra1975_S0022377800009806a.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0022377800009806}, } @Article{Miyato2004, author = {Naoaki Miyato and Yasuaki Kishimoto and Jiquan Li}, title = {Global structure of zonal flow and electromagnetic ion temperature gradient driven turbulence in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {12}, pages = {5557-5564}, abstract = {Global characteristics of the coupled system of zonal flows and electromagnetic ion temperature gradient driven turbulence in tokamak plasmas are investigated using a global electromagnetic Landau fluid code. Zonal flow behavior changes with the safety factor q. In a low q region stationary zonal flows are excited and they suppress the turbulence effectively. Coupling between zonal flows and poloidally asymmetric pressure perturbations due to a geodesic curvature makes the zonal flows oscillatory in a high q region. Energy transfer from the oscillatory zonal flows to the turbulence via the poloidally asymmetric pressure perturbations is identified. Therefore in the high q region where the zonal flows are oscillatory, the zonal flows cannot quench the turbulence and turbulent transport is not suppressed completely. As for the zonal flow behavior, it is favorable for confinement improvement to make the low q region where the stationary zonal flows are dominant in tokamak plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1811088}, file = {Miyato2004_PhysPlasmas_11_5557.pdf:Miyato2004_PhysPlasmas_11_5557.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma flow; plasma temperature; plasma turbulence; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; plasma pressure; plasma transport processes; plasma drift waves; plasma simulation; plasma oscillations}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/5557/1}, } @Article{Mizuguchi2007, author = {N. Mizuguchi and R. Khan and T. Hayashi and N. Nakajima}, title = {Nonlinear simulation of edge-localized mode in a spherical tokamak}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2007}, volume = {47}, number = {7}, pages = {579}, abstract = {A numerical modelling of the dynamics of an edge-localized mode (ELM) crash in the spherical tokamak is proposed by means of a three-dimensional nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic simulation. The simulation result shows a crash of the edge pressure profile due to the spontaneous growth of the ballooning mode instability. The simulation result shows good agreement in several characteristic features of the experimental observation of large scale ELMs in an appropriate time scale: (1) relation to the ballooning instability, (2) intermediate- n precursors, (3) low- n structure on the crash, (4) formation and separation of the filament and (5) considerable amount of convective loss of plasma, where n is the toroidal mode number. Furthermore, the model is verified by examining the effect of diamagnetic stabilization and by comparing the nonlinear behaviour with that of the peeling modes. The ion diamagnetic drift terms are found to stabilize some specific components linearly; nevertheless they are not so effective in the nonlinear dynamics such as the filament formation and the amount of loss. For the peeling mode case, no prominent filament structure is found to appear in contrast to the ballooning mode case.}, file = {Mizuguchi2007_0029-5515_47_7_009.pdf:Mizuguchi2007_0029-5515_47_7_009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/47/i=7/a=009}, } @Article{Morales2012, author = {Morales, Jorge A. and Bos, Wouter J. T. and Schneider, Kai and Montgomery, David C.}, title = {Intrinsic Rotation of Toroidally Confined Magnetohydrodynamics}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {175002}, month = {Oct}, abstract = {The spatiotemporal self-organization of viscoresistive magnetohydrodynamics in a toroidal geometry is studied. Curl-free toroidal magnetic and electric fields are imposed. It is observed in our simulations that a flow is generated, which evolves from dominantly poloidal to toroidal when the Lundquist numbers are increased. It is shown that this toroidal organization of the flow is consistent with the tendency of the velocity field to align with the magnetic field. Up-down asymmetry of the geometry causes the generation of a nonzero toroidal angular momentum.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.175002}, file = {Morales2012_PhysRevLett.109.175002.pdf:Morales2012_PhysRevLett.109.175002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {17}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.10.27}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.175002}, } @Article{Mosetto2012, author = {Annamaria Mosetto and Federico D. Halpern and Sebastien Jolliet and Paolo Ricci}, title = {Low-frequency linear-mode regimes in the tokamak scrape-off layer}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {11}, pages = {112103}, abstract = {Motivated by the wide range of physical parameters characterizing the scrape-off layer (SOL) of existing tokamaks, the regimes of low-frequency linear instabilities in the SOL are identified by numerical and analytical calculations based on the linear, drift-reduced Braginskii equations, with cold ions. The focus is put on ballooning modes and drift wave instabilities, i.e., their resistive, inertial, and ideal branches. A systematic study of each instability is performed, and the parameter space region where they dominate is identified. It is found that the drift waves dominate at high R/Ln, while the ballooning modes at low R/Ln; the relative influence of resistive and inertial effects is discussed. Electromagnetic effects suppress the drift waves and, when the threshold for ideal stability is overcome, the ideal ballooning mode develops. Our analysis is a first stage tool for the understanding of turbulence in the tokamak SOL, necessary to interpret the results of non-linear simulations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4758809}, eid = {112103}, file = {Mosetto2012_PhysPlasmas_19_112103.pdf:Mosetto2012_PhysPlasmas_19_112103.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; numerical analysis; plasma boundary layers; plasma drift waves; plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {15}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/112103/1}, } @Article{Mouhot2011, author = {Mouhot, Clément and Villani, Cédric}, title = {On Landau damping}, journal = {Acta Mathematica}, year = {2011}, volume = {207}, number = {1}, pages = {29-201}, issn = {0001-5962}, abstract = {Going beyond the linearized study has been a longstanding problem in the theory of Landau damping. In this paper we establish exponential Landau damping in analytic regularity. The damping phenomenon is reinterpreted in terms of transfer of regularity between kinetic and spatial variables, rather than exchanges of energy; phase mixing is the driving mechanism. The analysis involves new families of analytic norms, measuring regularity by comparison with solutions of the free transport equation; new functional inequalities; a control of non-linear echoes; sharp “deflection” estimates; and a Newton approximation scheme. Our results hold for any potential no more singular than Coulomb or Newton interaction; the limit cases are included with specific technical effort. As a side result, the stability of homogeneous equilibria of the non-linear Vlasov equation is established under sharp assumptions. We point out the strong analogy with the KAM theory, and discuss physical implications. Finally, we extend these results to some Gevrey (non-analytic) distribution functions.}, doi = {10.1007/s11511-011-0068-9}, file = {Mouhot2011_10.1007-s11511-011-0068-9.pdf:Mouhot2011_10.1007-s11511-011-0068-9.pdf:PDF}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11511-011-0068-9}, } @Article{Mouhot2010, author = {C. Mouhot and C. Villani}, title = {Landau damping}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, year = {2010}, volume = {51}, number = {1}, pages = {015204}, abstract = {In this note we present the main results from the recent work of Mouhot and Villani (“On the Landau damping,” arXiv:0904.2760) , which for the first time establish Landau damping in a nonlinear context.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3285283}, eid = {015204}, file = {Mouhot2010_JMathPhys_51_015204.pdf:Mouhot2010_JMathPhys_51_015204.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {damping; Landau levels; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/51/015204/1}, } @Article{Mukhovatov1971, author = {V.S. Mukhovatov and V.D. Shafranov}, title = {Plasma equilibrium in a Tokamak}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1971}, volume = {11}, number = {6}, pages = {605}, abstract = {The paper summarizes the basic information on the equilibrium of a toroidal plasma column in systems of the Tokamak type. It considers the methods of maintaining a plasma in equilibrium with the help of a conducting casing, an external maintaining field and the iron core of a transformer. Attention is paid to the role of the inhomogeneity of the maintaining field. It is shown in particular how the shape of the column cross-section depends on the curvature of the lines of force of the maintaining field. For the case (which has practical importance) weak asymmetry of the field distribution in the transverse cross-section, this paper describes a uniform method of consideration, which takes into account the influence of different factors on the equilibrium position of the column. This method is used for calculating plasma equilibrium in a Tokamak model with a conducting casing. Account is here taken of the effect of gaps in the casing and of finite electrical conductivity. Some cases of plasma equilibrium which are outside the standard Tokamak scheme are also considered, such as equilibrium in a conducting shell having the shape of a racetrack, equilibrium where the whole current is transferred by relativistic runaway electrons and equilibrium at high plasma pressure β I ~R/a.}, file = {Mukhovatov1971_0029-5515_11_6_005.pdf:Mukhovatov1971_0029-5515_11_6_005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.13}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/11/i=6/a=005}, } @Article{Murari2012, author = {A. Murari and I. Lupelli and P. Gaudio and M. Gelfusa and J. Vega}, title = {A statistical methodology to derive the scaling law for the H-mode power threshold using a large multi-machine database}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {6}, pages = {063016}, abstract = {In this paper, a refined set of statistical techniques is developed and then applied to the problem of deriving the scaling law for the threshold power to access the H-mode of confinement in tokamaks. This statistical methodology is applied to the 2010 version of the ITPA International Global Threshold Data Base v6b(IGDBTHv6b). To increase the engineering and operative relevance of the results, only macroscopic physical quantities, measured in the vast majority of experiments, have been considered as candidate variables in the models. Different principled methods, such as agglomerative hierarchical variables clustering, without assumption about the functional form of the scaling, and nonlinear regression, are implemented to select the best subset of candidate independent variables and to improve the regression model accuracy. Two independent model selection criteria, based on the classical (Akaike information criterion) and Bayesian formalism (Bayesian information criterion), are then used to identify the most efficient scaling law from candidate models. The results derived from the full multi-machine database confirm the results of previous analysis but emphasize the importance of shaping quantities, elongation and triangularity. On the other hand, the scaling laws for the different machines and at different currents are different from each other at the level of confidence well above 95%, suggesting caution in the use of the global scaling laws for both interpretation and extrapolation purposes.}, file = {Murari2012_0029-5515_52_6_063016.pdf:Murari2012_0029-5515_52_6_063016.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=6/a=063016}, } @Article{Murari2013, author = {A. Murari and I. Lupelli and M. Gelfusa and P. Gaudio}, title = {Non-power law scaling for access to the H-mode in tokamaks via symbolic regression}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {53}, number = {4}, pages = {043001}, abstract = {The power threshold ( P Thresh ) to access the H-mode in tokamaks remains a subject of active research, because up to now no theoretical relation has proved to be general enough to reliably interpret the L–H transition. Over the last few decades, much effort has therefore been devoted to deriving empirical scalings, assuming ‘ a priori ’ a power-law model structure. In this paper, an empirical scaling of P Thresh without any a priori assumption about the model structure, i.e. about the functional form, is derived. Symbolic regression via genetic programming is applied to the latest version multi-machine International Tokamak Physics Activity International Global Power Threshold Data Base of validated ITER-like discharges. The derived model structure of the scaling for the global database is not in a power law form and includes a term that indicates saturation of P Thresh with the strength of the toroidal field, plasma density and elongation. Furthermore, the single machine analysis of the database for the most representative machines of the international fusion scientific program demonstrates that the model structures are similar but the model parameters are different. The better extrapolation capability of the identified model structures with the proposed methodology is verified with a specific analysis of JET data at two different current regimes. The P Thresh values extrapolated to ITER using the derived empirical model structures are a factor of two lower than those of traditional scaling laws and are predicted with a significantly better confidence.}, file = {Murari2013_0029-5515_53_4_043001.pdf:Murari2013_0029-5515_53_4_043001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/53/i=4/a=043001}, } @Article{Murphy1994, author = {Murphy, A. B. and Arundelli, C. J.}, title = {Transport coefficients of argon, nitrogen, oxygen, argon-nitrogen, and argon-oxygen plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing}, year = {1994}, volume = {14}, pages = {451-490}, issn = {0272-4324}, note = {10.1007/BF01570207}, abstract = {Calculated values of the viscosity, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity of argon, nitrogen, and oxygen plasmas, and mixtures of argon anti nitrogen and of argon anti oxygen, are presented. In addition, combined ordinary, pressure, and thermal diffusion coefficients are given for the gas mixtures. These three combined diffusion coefficients fully describe di fusion of the two gases, irrespective of their degree of dissociation or ionizati on. The calculations, which assume local thermodynamic equilibrium, are performed! for atmospheric-pressure plasmas in the temperature range /torn 300 to 30,000 K. A number of the collision integrals used in calculating the transport coefficients are significantly more accurate than values used in previous theoretical studies, resulting in more reliable values of the transport coefficients. The results are compared with those of published theoretical and experimental studies.}, affiliation = {CSIRO Division of Applied Physics P.O. Box 218 2070 Lindfield NSW Australia}, file = {Murphy1994_fulltext.pdf:Murphy1994_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, issue = {4}, keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, timestamp = {2012.09.20}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01570207}, } @Article{Muschietti1994, author = {L. Muschietti and I. Roth and R. Ergun}, title = {Interaction of Langmuir wave packets with streaming electrons: Phase-correlation aspects}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1994}, volume = {1}, number = {4}, pages = {1008-1024}, abstract = {An analytical model of the interaction between a localized wave packet and energetic electrons is presented. Electrostatic packets of tens to a hundred wavelengths are considered in order to emulate the Langmuir waves observed in the auroral zone and in the solar wind. The phase information is retained, so the results can be applied to wave–particle correlator measurements. The perturbed distribution function is explicitly calculated and is shown to be bounded over all phase space due to a broadening of resonance ascribable to the finite extent of the packet. Its resistive part (in phase or 180° out of phase with the electric field) maximizes for v=ω/k, so that the associated bunching of electrons enables assessment of the characteristic wavelength. The changes in the wave profile due to the interaction with the energetic electrons are calculated. Broad wave packets grow or decay ‘‘self‐similarly’’ with a rate given by the standard expression for a plane wave. Narrow, growing packets, on the other hand, quickly widen to sizes determined by the local distribution function. This sets a lower bound to the sizes of observed packets. Present results are supported by test‐particle simulations and are in accord with recent correlator data of intense, localized Langmuir waves in the auroral zone.  }, doi = {10.1063/1.870781}, file = {Muschietti1994_PhysPlasmas_1_1008.pdf:Muschietti1994_PhysPlasmas_1_1008.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {WAVE PACKETS; ELECTRONS; IONOSPHERE; PLASMA MICROINSTABILITIES; SOLAR WIND; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; SOLAR PARTICLES; AURORAL ZONES; PHASE SPACE}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/1/1008/1}, } @Article{Mynick1993, author = {H. E. Mynick}, title = {Transport of energetic ions by low-n magnetic perturbations}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1993}, volume = {5}, number = {5}, pages = {1471-1481}, abstract = {The stochastic transport of MeV ions induced by low‐n magnetic perturbations is studied, focusing chiefly on the stochastic mechanism operative for passing particles in low‐frequency perturbations. Beginning with a single‐harmonic form for the perturbing field, it is first shown numerically and analytically that the stochastic threshold of energetic particles can be substantially lower than that of the magnetic field, contrary to earlier expectations, so that magnetic perturbations could cause appreciable loss of energetic ions without destroying the bulk confinement. The analytic theory is then extended in a number of directions, to clarify the relation of the present stochastic mechanism to instances already found, to allow for more complex perturbations, and to consider the more general relationship between the stochasticity of magnetic fields and that of particles of differing energies (and pitch angles) moving in those fields. It is shown that the stochastic threshold is, in general, a nonmonotonic function of energy, whose form can to some extent be tailored to achieve desired goals (e.g., burn control or ash removal) by a judicious choice of the perturbation. Illustrative perturbations are exhibited that are stochastic for low‐ but not for high‐energy ions, for high‐ but not for low‐energy ions, and for intermediate‐energy ions, but not for low or high energy. The second possibility is the behavior needed for burn control; the third provides a possible mechanism for ash removal.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860886}, file = {Mynick1993_PFB001471.pdf:Mynick1993_PFB001471.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TRANSPORT THEORY; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; IONS; STOCHASTIC PROCESSES; MAGNETIC FIELDS; DIFFUSION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.02}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/1471/1}, } @Article{Myra2011, author = {J.R. Myra and D.A. Russell and D.A. D’Ippolito and J-W. Ahn and R. Maingi and R.J. Maqueda and D.P. Lundberg and D.P. Stotler and S.J. Zweben and M. Umansky}, title = {Turbulent transport and the scrape-off-layer width}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = {2011}, volume = {415}, number = {1, Supplement}, pages = {S605 - S608}, issn = {0022-3115}, note = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion}, abstract = {The two-dimensional fluid turbulence code SOLT is employed to study the role of midplane turbulence on the scrape-off-layer (SOL) heat flux width of tokamak plasmas. The physics simulated includes curvature-driven-interchange modes, sheath losses, and perpendicular turbulent diffusive and convective (blob) transport. Midplane SOL profiles of density, temperature and parallel heat flux are obtained from the simulation and compared with experimental results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) to study the scaling of the heat flux width with power and plasma current. It is concluded that midplane turbulence is the main contributor to the SOL width for the low power ELM-free H-mode discharges studied, while additional physics is required to explain the plasma current scaling of the SOL width observed experimentally in higher power discharges. Additional simulations predict a transition to a convectively-dominated SOL at critical values of power and connection length.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.10.030}, file = {Myra2011_1-s2.0-S0022311510006100-main.pdf:Myra2011_1-s2.0-S0022311510006100-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311510006100}, } @Article{Myra2012, author = {J R Myra and D A Russell and D A D'Ippolito}, title = {Diffusive–convective transition for scrape-off layer transport and the heat-flux width}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {5}, pages = {055008}, abstract = {Transport of plasma from the edge pedestal gradient region into the scrape-off layer (SOL) forms the heat exhaust channel. The properties of this channel are critical for future tokamak devices. The SOL heat-flux width is believed to be set by a competition between classical parallel transport and turbulent cross-field transport. In previous work, (Myra et al 2011 J. Nucl. Mat. 415 S605) focusing on modeling of the heat-flux width in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX), the possibility of a transition from quasi-diffusive to convective transport in the SOL was noticed. This transition, and the scaling of the heat-flux width, is explored here through additional SOL turbulence simulations using the SOLT code (Russell et al 2009 Phys. Plasmas 16 122304). At the transition, the transport becomes intermittent, and the SOL width is broadened due to blob emission. Critical parameters for the transition are investigated, including the power flux into the SOL, the field line pitch, the connection length and the plasma collisionality. An inverse dependence of the heat-flux width on the poloidal field, also seen routinely in experiments, is noted and explained qualitatively.}, file = {Myra2012_0741-3335_54_5_055008.pdf:Myra2012_0741-3335_54_5_055008.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.04.13}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=5/a=055008}, } @Article{Myra2011a, author = {J. R. Myra and D. A. Russell and D. A. D'Ippolito and J.-W. Ahn and R. Maingi and R. J. Maqueda and D. P. Lundberg and D. P. Stotler and S. J. Zweben and J. Boedo and M. Umansky and NSTX Team}, title = {Reduced model simulations of the scrape-off-layer heat-flux width and comparison with experiment}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, pages = {012305}, abstract = {Reduced model simulations of turbulence in the edge and scrape-off-layer (SOL) region of a spherical torus or tokamak plasma are employed to address the physics of the scrape-off-layer heat-flux width. The simulation model is an electrostatic two-dimensional fluid turbulence model, applied in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field at the outboard midplane of the torus. The model contains curvature-driven-interchange modes, sheath losses, and both perpendicular turbulent diffusive and convective (blob) transport. These transport processes compete with classical parallel transport to set the SOL width. Midplane SOL profiles of density, temperature, and parallel heat flux are obtained from the simulation and compared with experimental results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment [ S. M. Kaye et al., Phys. Plasmas 8, 1977 (2001) ] to study the scaling of the heat-flux width with power and plasma current. It is concluded that midplane turbulence is the main contributor to the SOL heat-flux width for the low power H-mode discharges studied, while additional physics is required to fully explain the plasma current scaling of the SOL heat-flux width observed experimentally in higher power discharges. Intermittent separatrix-spanning convective cells are found to be the main mechanism that sets the near-SOL width in the simulations. The roles of sheared flows and blob trapping versus emission are discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3526676}, eid = {012305}, file = {Myra2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_012305.pdf:Myra2011a_PhysPlasmas_18_012305.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {discharges (electric); plasma boundary layers; plasma density; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma sheaths; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/012305/1}, } @Article{Nabais2012, author = {F. Nabais and D. Borba and V.G. Kiptily and S.D. Pinches and S.E. Sharapov and JET-EFDA contributors}, title = {Wave–particle resonances and redistribution/losses of fast ions in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {8}, pages = {083021}, abstract = {Enhanced fast ion losses, mostly in the range of energies from around 1.2 to 2.4 MeV, were measured during the activity of tornado modes in the JET tokamak. Tornado modes are TAE localized inside the q = 1 surface, which do not extend to the outer regions of the plasma. Thus, it is necessary to find an explanation on how such modes can lead to the loss of fast ions. In this paper, a mechanism that allows explaining the loss of fast ions triggered by tornado modes is proposed. This mechanism is based on the combined effect of tornado modes and global TAEs over the fast ions (global TAEs were always observed along with the tornado modes in the experiments in which enhanced losses were measured). Tornado modes would trigger the process of loss by resonantly interacting with the fast ions near the centre of the plasma and transporting the ions to a more peripheral region where tornado modes and global TAEs coexist. The TAE would then transport convectively the fast ions, most efficiently through the first bounce resonances ( p = 1), all the way to the plasma edge eventually leading to its loss. This mechanism of loss is supported by calculations carried out with the CASTOR-K code.}, file = {Nabais2012_0029-5515_52_8_083021.pdf:Nabais2012_0029-5515_52_8_083021.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.03}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=8/a=083021}, } @Article{Nakajima1992, author = {Noriyoshi Nakajima and Jiro Todoroki and Masao Okamoto}, title = {On Relation between Hamada and Boozer Magnetic Coordinate Systems}, journal = {JSPF}, year = {1992}, volume = {68}, number = {4}, pages = {395-403}, abstract = {The relation between the Hamada and the Boozer magnetic coordinate systems is clarified by deriving them from a general magnetic fied coordinate system. The coordinate transformation from the Hamada to the Boozer coordinate system is performed using a transformation function, which is easily calculated with the knowledge of the magnetic field strength only.In non-axisymmetric systems, the Fourier spectrum of the magnetic field strength |B| in the Hamada coordinate system is broader than that in the Boozer coordinate system and the leading modes of IBI in the Hamada coordinate system significantly deviate from a simple model field in comparison with the Boozer coordinate system.The Boozer coordinate system is suitable for numerical calculations, especially, for neoclassical and orbit calculations in non-axisymmetric systems.}, file = {Nakajima1992_68_395.pdf:Nakajima1992_68_395.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.19}, url = {https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jspf1958/68/4/68_4_395/_article}, } @Article{Nardon2007, author = {E. Nardon and M. Becoulet and G. Huysmans and O. Czarny}, title = {Magnetohydrodynamics modelling of H-mode plasma response to external resonant magnetic perturbations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {9}, pages = {092501}, abstract = {The response of an H-mode plasma to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations (RMPs) generated by so-called “I-coils” in DIII-D experiments on type I edge localized modes suppression is modelled using the nonlinear reduced magnetohydrodynamics (with zero-β, i.e. zero plasma temperature, in the version used here) code JOREK in X-point geometry. JOREK self-consistently advances in time the magnetic flux, vorticity, and plasma density in the presence of the RMPs. Without any toroidal rotation, the magnetic response from the plasma does not significantly modify the islands widths. A radial convective × plasma transport is observed to occur in the presence of the RMPs. The possibility that this mechanism could explain the enhanced density transport observed experimentally in DIII-D is discussed. Simulations with a rigid-body-like rotation at a fixed velocity shows evidence of a screening of the RMPs. The extension of our results to realistic parameters is discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2759889}, eid = {092501}, file = {Nardon2007_PhysPlasmas_14_092501.pdf:Nardon2007_PhysPlasmas_14_092501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma density; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/092501/1}, } @Article{Nedospasov2012, author = {A.V. Nedospasov}, title = {Polarization currents in tokamak scrape-off layer at disruptions and edge-localized modes}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {3}, pages = {033002}, abstract = {Radial profiles of density and temperature of plasmas in tokamak scrape-off layer (SOL) widen along the minor radius at plasma current disruptions and edge-localized modes. It can be a result of polarization (inertial) ion drift, induced by an increase in plasma temperature with time. This paper considers the effect of polarization currents on heat and particle transfer in SOL plasmas, in particular in inertial unipolar arcs observed at transient modes of operation.}, file = {Nedospasov2012_0029-5515_52_3_033002.pdf:Nedospasov2012_0029-5515_52_3_033002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.18}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=3/a=033002}, } @Article{Nersisyan2013, author = {H. B. Nersisyan and K. A. Sargsyan and D. A. Osipyan and M. V. Sargsyan}, title = {Resistive magnetohydrodynamic model for cylindrical plasma expansion in a magnetic field}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032114}, abstract = {The study of hot plasma expansion in a magnetic field is of interest for many laboratory and astrophysical applications. In this paper, an exactly solvable analytical model is proposed for an expanding resistive plasma in an external magnetic field in the regime in which the magnetic field does not perturb the plasma motion. The model is based on a class of exact solutions for the purely radial expansion of the plasma in the absence of a magnetic field. This approximation permits the reduction of the electromagnetic problem to consideration of a diffusion equation for the magnetic field. Explicit solutions are derived for a resistive cylindrical plasma expanding into a uniform ambient magnetic field. Some numerical examples related to the laser-produced plasma experiments are presented.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4798398}, eid = {032114}, file = {Nersisyan2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032114.pdf:Nersisyan2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032114.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {numerical analysis; plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032114/1}, } @Article{Newcomb1990, author = {William A. Newcomb}, title = {Ballooning transformation}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1990}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {86-96}, abstract = {A study is made of the stability against localized perturbations of an idealized toroidal magnetostatic equilibrium. The principal new result is a corrected version of the so‐called ‘‘ballooning transformation’’ whereby periodic perturbations of the toroidal system are mapped onto aperiodic perturbations of the corresponding unbounded system.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859491}, file = {Newcomb1990_PFB000086.pdf:Newcomb1990_PFB000086.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {BALLOONING INSTABILITY; STABILITY; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; EQUILIBRIUM; PLASMA; EQUILIBRIUM; MAGNETIC FLUX; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/2/86/1}, } @Article{Newcomb1983, author = {William A Newcomb}, title = {The anisorrhopic guiding-center fluid}, journal = {Annals of Physics}, year = {1983}, volume = {150}, number = {1}, pages = {172 - 266}, issn = {0003-4916}, abstract = {A study is made of so-called “finite-orbit effects” in a two-dimensional guiding-center plasma. The macroscopic mass motion of the plasma is represented on the basis of a simple incompressible one-fluid model (so-called “representative fluid”), and the guiding-center motions of single particles are then referred to a Lagrangian coordinate network comoving with the representative fluid. The fluid motion defines the network motion. It turns out, however, to have no effect on the guiding-center motion relative to the network (autonomy theorem). It is found, in other words, that the relative trajectories of guiding centers are determinable in advance independently of the network motion (or the fluid motion), and this provides the necessary information to determine all the state parameters of the representative fluid (density of mass, density of gyrational angular momentum, etc.) as functions of the time, t, at any given point of the network. Once this information is available, the fluid motion is then completely determined by the remaining hydrodynamic equations (equation of motion, equation of incompressibility). The so-called “finite-orbit effects” take the form of gyroscopic-quasielastic forces in the equation of motion. No special isorrhopy condition is assumed. (This refers to a special initial condition assumed in an earlier work, for the sake of analytical simplicity. Here, the special initial condition is dropped.) Much attention is devoted to problems of wave propagation and stability. There are two independent sets of wave modes (if a nonvanishing anisorrhopy is allowed): so-called fluid modes, and so-called drift modes, respectively defined as first-order perturbations in the network motion (or the fluid motion) relative to the fixed coordinate frame, and in the guiding-center motion relative to the network. The stability conditions against both sets of modes are found to be quite stringent, much more so than in the earlier isorrhopic case. Nonetheless, a reasonably extensive class of stable solutions is shown to exist.}, doi = {10.1016/0003-4916(83)90008-8}, file = {Newcomb1983_1-s2.0-0003491683900088-main.pdf:Newcomb1983_1-s2.0-0003491683900088-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.19}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0003491683900088}, } @Article{Newcomb1973, author = {William A Newcomb}, title = {Gyroscopic-quasielastic fluid systems}, journal = {Annals of Physics}, year = {1973}, volume = {81}, number = {1}, pages = {231 - 331}, issn = {0003-4916}, abstract = {A simple model of gyroscopic-quasielastic fluid behavior in two dimensions is developed in general and is applied, in particular, to a guiding-center plasma under so-called “finite-orbit” conditions. Gyroscopic effects are associated (more or less directly) with a finite angular momentum of gyration, quasielastic effects (more or less indirectly) with differential drifts of guiding centers arising from gradients in the magnetic field. A systematic study is made of transformation properties under so-called “changes of representation”: changes in the definition of what is meant by the “same” fluid element at two successive times, with consequent redefinition of the fluid trajectories. (The requisite condition of invariance under exchange of equivalent elements is presupposed.) It is found that the gyroscopic and quasielastic terms transform covariantly under a change of representation. In particular, by a special choice of the representation, either term can be made to vanish identically.}, doi = {10.1016/0003-4916(73)90487-9}, file = {Newcomb1973_1-s2.0-0003491673904879-main.pdf:Newcomb1973_1-s2.0-0003491673904879-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.19}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0003491673904879}, } @Article{Newcomb1967, author = {William A. Newcomb}, title = {Exchange invariance in fluid systems}, journal = {Proc. Symp. Appl. Math.}, year = {1967}, volume = {18}, pages = {152-161}, note = {http://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/dellar/CommonSW.html}, abstract = {Magneto-Fluid and Plasma Dynamics; proceedings of symposia in applied mathematics, Volume XVIII. Prepared with the support of the U. S. Army Research Office (Durham), and the Mathematics Division of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 66-20436. Published by the American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island USA, 1967, p.152}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.19}, url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1967mfpd.conf..152N}, } @Article{Newcomb1961, author = {William A. Newcomb}, title = {Convective Instability Induced by Gravity in a Plasma with a Frozen-In Magnetic Field}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1961}, volume = {4}, number = {4}, pages = {391-396}, abstract = {The convective instability induced by gravity in a compressible fluid layer is investigated in the special case of a plasma with a frozen‐in magnetic field B. The necessary and sufficient condition for stability, which is here derived from the hydromagnetic energy principle, is that the density gradient should exceed a certain critical value that is independent of B. Thus the rigidity given to the plasma by the frozen‐in field does not suffice to remove the instability but only to slow it down. The growth rates of the unstable displacements are calculated by means of a normal mode analysis and are shown to be inversely proportional to B when B is sufficiently large.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1706342}, file = {Newcomb1961_PFL000391.pdf:Newcomb1961_PFL000391.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/4/391/1}, } @Article{Newcomb1960, author = {William A Newcomb}, title = {Hydromagnetic stability of a diffuse linear pinch}, journal = {Annals of Physics}, year = {1960}, volume = {10}, number = {2}, pages = {232 - 267}, issn = {0003-4916}, abstract = {The hydromagnetic energy principle is applied to the derivation of necessary and sufficient conditions for the hydromagnetic stability of a linear pinch with distributed plasma current (a diffuse linear pinch). The results are quite general in that the axial and azimuthal components of the magnetic field, which determine the structure of the pinch completely, are treated as arbitrary functions of distance from the axis. For purposes of illustration, the general results are applied to the limiting case of a pinch with the plasma current confined to an infinitely thin layer (a sharp pinch).}, doi = {10.1016/0003-4916(60)90023-3}, file = {Newcomb1960_1-s2.0-0003491660900233-main.pdf:Newcomb1960_1-s2.0-0003491660900233-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.24}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0003491660900233}, } @Article{Newcomb1959, author = {William A. Newcomb}, title = {Magnetic Differential Equations}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1959}, volume = {2}, number = {4}, pages = {362-365}, abstract = {A necessary and sufficient condition is derived for a magnetic differential equation B⋅▽r = 0 to have a single‐valued solution r, where B is the field of a magnetohydrostatic equilibrium state or, more generally, and field with a system of toroidal magnetic surfaces.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1724405}, file = {Newcomb1959_PFL000362.pdf:Newcomb1959_PFL000362.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/2/362/1}, } @Article{Newcomb1958, author = {William A Newcomb}, title = {Motion of magnetic lines of force}, journal = {Annals of Physics}, year = {1958}, volume = {3}, number = {4}, pages = {347 - 385}, issn = {0003-4916}, abstract = {It is often said that magnetic lines of force in a conducting fluid move with the fluid. In the case of a plasma, this means that the lines of force move with the particle drift velocity1 vp = (E × H)H2. Such statements are not directly verifiable, since the velocity of a line of force is not a measurable quantity. However, the statement that the lines of force move with a certain velocity v(r, t) does have verifiable consequences, such as: (1) The flux through a closed curve moving with velocity v is constant. (2) A line, moving with velocity v, which is initially a line of force, remains a line of force in the course of its motion. Statement (2), as well as all other verifiable consequences of the original hypothesis, follows from statement (1). A velocity is said to be flux-preserving if it satisfies (1), line-preserving if it satisfies (2). It is permissible to ascribe a velocity v to the lines of force if and only if ∇ × (E + v × H) vanishes identically. It is always possible to choose a v satisfying this relation, although it is not generally possible to do this uniquely. To say that a certain velocity v is permissible means that all the verifiable consequences of ascribing this velocity to the lines of force are valid, i.e., that v is flux-preserving. In the case of the particle drift velocity the condition for flux-preservation reduces to ∇ × [H(E·H)H2] = 0. Even if vp is not flux-preserving, there may be some closed curves moving with velocity vp which have constant flux. A semiexhaustive enumeration of such curves is given for a general electromagnetic field. Among these curves are those which lie in a surface everywhere perpendicular to H, if this surface is independent of time. A family of such surfaces will exist if and only if H·∇ × H and H × Ḣ both vanish identically. A velocity may be line-preserving without being flux-preserving, but not vice versa. The necessary and sufficient condition for line-preservation is that H × [∇ × (E + v × H)] should vanish identically. The motion of the lines of force in a plasma is related only to the transverse motion of the charged particles. The latter is separable from the longitudinal motion if and only if vp is line-preserving. A necessary and sufficient condition is also given for the separability of only one component of the transverse motion. The concept of a line of force is not relativistically covariant, because each point of a line of force has the same time coordinate. A curve in space-time which appears as a line of force in one frame of reference will therefore not be a line of force in another frame of reference. However, a moving line of force will trace out a two-dimensional surface in space-time, and it may be that this surface will intersect every space-like hyperplane in a line of force. In that case the surface will appear as the path of a moving line of force in every frame of reference, thus defining a moving line of force as a covariant concept. It is shown that a family of such surfaces exists if and only if E·H vanishes identically, in which case they will be generated by lines of force moving with the particle drift velocity vp.}, doi = {10.1016/0003-4916(58)90024-1}, file = {Newcomb1958_1-s2.0-0003491658900241-main.pdf:Newcomb1958_1-s2.0-0003491658900241-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.24}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0003491658900241}, } @Article{Nezlin1976, author = {M V Nezlin}, title = {Negative-energy waves and the anomalous Doppler effect}, journal = {Soviet Physics Uspekhi}, year = {1976}, volume = {19}, number = {11}, pages = {946}, file = {Nezlin1976_0038-5670_19_11_R06.pdf:Nezlin1976_0038-5670_19_11_R06.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.01}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0038-5670/19/i=11/a=R06}, } @Article{Ng2004, author = {Ng, C. S. and Bhattacharjee, A. and Skiff, F.}, title = {Complete Spectrum of Kinetic Eigenmodes for Plasma Oscillations in a Weakly Collisional Plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2004}, volume = {92}, pages = {065002}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {Kinetic eigenmodes of plasma oscillations in a weakly collisional plasma, described by a collision operator of the Fokker-Planck type, are obtained in closed form for initial-value as well as for boundary-value problems. These eigenmodes, which are smooth and compose a complete discrete spectrum, play the same role for weakly collisional plasmas as the Case–Van Kampen modes do for collisionless plasmas.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.065002}, file = {Ng2004_PhysRevLett.92.065002.pdf:Ng2004_PhysRevLett.92.065002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.20}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.065002}, } @Article{Ng1999, author = {Ng, C. S. and Bhattacharjee, A. and Skiff, F.}, title = {Kinetic Eigenmodes and Discrete Spectrum of Plasma Oscillations in a Weakly Collisional Plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1999}, volume = {83}, pages = {1974--1977}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {The damping of plasma oscillations in a weakly collisional plasma is revisited using a Fokker-Planck collision operator. It is shown that the Case–Van Kampen continuous spectrum is eliminated in the limit of zero collision frequency and replaced by a discrete spectrum. The Landau-damped solutions are recovered in this limit, but as true eigenmodes of the weakly collisional system. For small but nonzero collision frequency, the spectra and eigenmodes are qualitatively different from their counterparts in the collisionless theory. These results are consistent with recent experimental findings.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.83.1974}, file = {Ng1999_PhysRevLett.83.1974.pdf:Ng1999_PhysRevLett.83.1974.pdf:PDF}, issue = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.20}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.83.1974}, } @Article{Nieter2004, author = {Chet Nieter and John R. Cary}, title = {VORPAL: a versatile plasma simulation code}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {2004}, volume = {196}, number = {2}, pages = {448 - 473}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {VORPAL is a new plasma simulation code designed for maximum flexibility through use of advance C++ techniques. Through use of inheritance, VORPAL incorporates multiple models for the plasma and electromagnetic fields. The plasma models include both particle-in-cell and fluid models. Through C++ meta-template programming a single code can be used to simulate one-, two-, or three-dimensional systems with no loss of performance. VORPAL can also be run in either serial or parallel, with the latter using a general domain decomposition. A new fluid algorithm that allows for regions of zero density was developed and incorporated into the code. VORPAL simulation results for the generation of laser wake fields through laser–plasma interaction are presented.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2003.11.004}, file = {Nieter2004_1-s2.0-S0021999103006041-main.pdf:Nieter2004_1-s2.0-S0021999103006041-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Plasma physics}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.17}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999103006041}, } @Article{Nishimura2011, author = {Y. Nishimura}, title = {A perturbation method for guiding center orbit following calculations in the presence of Coulomb collisions}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {2011}, volume = {182}, number = {1}, pages = {158 - 160}, issn = {0010-4655}, note = {Computer Physics Communications Special Edition for Conference on Computational Physics Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec 15-19, 2009}, abstract = {An orbit following guiding center Monte Carlo calculation is presented which employs a general flux coordinate system in an axisymmetric plasma equilibrium. The calculation incorporates collision effects. Furthermore, a perturbation expansion is applied for the guiding center calculations in the presence of a frictional source.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2010.08.010}, file = {Nishimura2011_science.pdf:Nishimura2011_science.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Guiding center orbit calculation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465510003012}, } @Article{Nishimura2010, author = {Nishimura, Y.}, title = {Coulomb Collisional Relaxation Process of Ion Beams in Magnetized Plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on}, year = {2010}, volume = {38}, number = {12}, pages = {3442 -3448}, month = {dec.}, issn = {0093-3813}, abstract = {An orbit-following code is developed to calculate ion beam trajectories in magnetized plasmas. The equation of motion (the Newton's equation) is solved including the Lorentz force term and Coulomb collisional relaxation term. Furthermore, a new algorithm is introduced by applying a perturbation method regarding the collision term as a small term. The reduction of computation time is suggested.}, doi = {10.1109/TPS.2010.2079958}, file = {Nishimura2010_05604324.pdf:Nishimura2010_05604324.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Coulomb collisional relaxation process;Coulomb collisional relaxation term;Lorentz force term;Newton's motion equation;ion beam trajectories;magnetized plasmas;orbit-following code;perturbation method;ion beams;perturbation theory;plasma-beam interactions;}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.09}, } @Article{Nishimura1999, author = {Y. Nishimura and J. D. Callen and C. C. Hegna}, title = {Onset of high-n ballooning modes during tokamak sawtooth crashes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {12}, pages = {4685-4692}, abstract = {A new phenomenon has been found during the nonlinear stage of the tokamak sawtooth crash in relatively high β plasmas. The m/n = 1/1 magnetic island evolution gives rise to convection of the pressure inside the q = 1 radius and builds up steep pressure gradient across the island separatrix, and thereby trigger ballooning instabilities below the threshold at the equilibrium. Effects of the ballooning modes on the magnetic reconnection process during the sawtooth crash are discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.873755}, file = {Nishimura1999_PhysPlasmas_6_4685.pdf:Nishimura1999_PhysPlasmas_6_4685.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {BALLOONING INSTABILITY; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA SIMULATION; SAWTOOTH OSCILLATIONS; HIGH-BETA PLASMA; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; ION TEMPERATURE; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; sawtooth instability}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/4685/1}, } @Article{Nishimura2006a, author = {Nishimura, Y. and Lin, Z.}, title = {A Finite Element Mesh in a Tokamak Edge Geometry}, journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, year = {2006}, volume = {46}, number = {7-9}, pages = {551--556}, issn = {1521-3986}, abstract = {A new finite element field solver is developed for gyrokinetic particle simulations in the tokamak edge. Introducing a simple analytical model for the edge geometry, our initial results of the finite element calculation is presented. An application of global field aligned mesh to the edge geometry is discussed. (© 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)}, doi = {10.1002/ctpp.200610043}, file = {Nishimura2006a.pdf:Nishimura2006a.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Gyrokinetic poisson equation, finite element method, field aligned mesh}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2012.02.09}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.200610043}, } @Article{Nishimura2006, author = {Y. Nishimura and Z. Lin and J.L.V. Lewandowski and S. Ethier}, title = {A finite element Poisson solver for gyrokinetic particle simulations in a global field aligned mesh}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {2006}, volume = {214}, number = {2}, pages = {657 - 671}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A new finite element Poisson solver is developed and applied to a global gyrokinetic toroidal code (GTC) which employs the field aligned mesh and thus a logically non-rectangular grid in a general geometry. Employing test cases where the analytical solutions are known, the finite element solver has been verified. The CPU time scaling versus the matrix size employing portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation (PETSc) to solve the sparse matrix is promising. Taking the ion temperature gradient modes (ITG) as an example, the solution from the new finite element solver has been compared to the solution from the original GTC’s iterative solver which is only efficient for adiabatic electrons. Linear and nonlinear simulation results from the two different forms of the gyrokinetic Poisson equation (integral form and the differential form) coincide each other. The new finite element solver enables the implementation of advanced kinetic electron models for global electromagnetic simulations.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2005.10.011}, file = {Nishimura2006_science.pdf:Nishimura2006_science.pdf:PDF;Nishimura2006a.pdf:Nishimura2006a.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Gyrokinetic Poisson equation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999105004675}, } @Article{Nishimura2008, author = {Nishimura, Y. and Xiao, Y. and Lin, Z.}, title = {Guiding Center Orbit Studies in a Tokamak Edge Geometry Employing Boozer and Cartesian Coordinate}, journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, year = {2008}, volume = {48}, number = {1-3}, pages = {224--228}, issn = {1521-3986}, abstract = {Guiding center Monte-Carlo codes (GCMC) in both open and closed field line regions in the tokamak edge geometry are developed for the future applications in examining the integration of core and edge turbulence transport simulations. Introducing a simple analytical model for the edge geometry, the orbital studies are presented. (© 2008 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)}, doi = {10.1002/ctpp.200810039}, file = {Nishimura2008_224_ftp.pdf:Nishimura2008_224_ftp.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Guiding center orbit, boozer coordinate, tokamak edge geometry, global field aligned mesh}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2012.02.09}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.200810039}, } @Article{Nocera2006, author = {L. Nocera}, title = {Nonlinear stationary states of the Vlasov equation in the Fourier-transformed velocity-space}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, year = {2006}, volume = {352}, number = {3}, pages = {244 - 249}, issn = {0375-9601}, abstract = {We give an exact expression for the nonlinear stationary solutions of the Vlasov–Poisson equation in the Fourier-transformed velocity-space in both one and three space dimensions. We show that these solutions are entire functions of the amplitude of the electrostatic potential and that they converge to the van Kampen linear continuum eigenfunctions, if this amplitude tends to zero. We establish a correspondence between the nonlinear solutions and the BGK waves over the whole complex energy-plane. The solution corresponding to a phase space electron hole is investigated in detail.}, doi = {10.1016/j.physleta.2005.11.075}, file = {Nocera2006_1-s2.0-S0375960105018104-main.pdf:Nocera2006_1-s2.0-S0375960105018104-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Plasma}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0375960105018104}, } @Article{Nocera1999, author = {L. Nocera and A. Mangeney}, title = {Evidence for second-order oscillations at the Best frequency in direct numerical simulations of the Vlasov equation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {12}, pages = {4559-4564}, abstract = {Quantitative evidence for second-order oscillations occurring at the frequency predicted by Best [Physica 74, 183 (1974)] and by Sedláček and Nocera [J. Plasma Phys. 48, 367 (1992)] is provided by direct, ab initio numerical simulations of the Vlasov equation. These oscillations are relevant both for their intrinsic connection to the more customary plasma echo (also retrieved), for their diagnostic applications to the study of turbulence, and for the high accuracy needed to reproduce them. This latter fact is used as a sensitive test for the numerical integration, which indeed reproduces both known and new features of the oscillations, including nonlinear Landau damping, particle trapping, and the oscillations’ frequencies, in excellent agreement with theory.}, doi = {10.1063/1.873743}, file = {Nocera1999_PhysPlasmas_6_4559.pdf:Nocera1999_PhysPlasmas_6_4559.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma oscillations; Vlasov equation; plasma simulation; plasma turbulence; integration}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/4559/1}, } @Article{Noonan1998, author = {Noonan, Wa and Case, A.and de Souza-Machado, S. and Good, Tn and Skiff, F.}, title = {Wave-Particle Interactions in a Weakly Collisional Plasma: Ballistic Modes}, journal = {American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physics Meeting, November 16-20, 1998 New Orleans, LA}, year = {1998}, abstract = {Since the work of Case and Van Kampen, it has been known that there exist other solutions for the Vlasov-Maxwell equations beyond those found from the classically derived dispersion relations ω (k). However these solutions have been ignored in the belief that they produce only very rapidly decaying transients. We present new evidence for the existence of discrete modes in the perturbed ion distribution function f_i^1( x,v,ω) that are not accounted for in the standard theory and that are only weakly damped. In our experiment, electrostatic ion cyclotron (EIC) waves are launched in a weakly collisional Ar plasma (n ≈ 3× 10^9 cm-3, Ti ≈ 0.07eV, Te ≈ 3eV), and f_i^1(x,v,ω) is measured synchronously with the wave excitation frequency using LIF spectroscopy. Our measurements reveal, in addition to the EIC wave, the presence of linear waves that propagate faster than the ion sound speed. The existence of these modes can be explained by the presence of collisions which modifies the spectrum. Furthermore, one of these new modes propagates at close to double the sound speed, which could have important implications for non-linear theory.}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1998APS..DPP.C2S10N}, } @Article{Norgren2012, author = {Norgren, Cecilia and Vaivads, Andris and Khotyaintsev, Yuri V. and Andr\'e, Mats}, title = {Lower Hybrid Drift Waves: Space Observations}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {055001}, month = {Jul}, abstract = {Lower hybrid drift waves (LHDWs) are commonly observed at plasma boundaries in space and laboratory, often having the strongest measured electric fields within these regions. We use data from two of the Cluster satellites (C3 and C4) located in Earth’s magnetotail and separated by a distance of the order of the electron gyroscale. These conditions allow us, for the first time, to make cross-spacecraft correlations of the LHDWs and to determine the phase velocity and wavelength of the LHDWs. Our results are in good agreement with the theoretical prediction. We show that the electrostatic potential of LHDWs is linearly related to fluctuations in the magnetic field magnitude, which allows us to determine the velocity vector through the relation ∫δEdt·v=ϕδB∥. The electrostatic potential fluctuations correspond to ∼10% of the electron temperature, which suggests that the waves can strongly affect the electron dynamics.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.055001}, file = {Norgren2012_PhysRevLett.109.055001.pdf:Norgren2012_PhysRevLett.109.055001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {5}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.08.01}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.055001}, } @Article{Northrop1963, author = {Theodore G. Northrop}, title = {Adiabatic charged-particle motion}, journal = {REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS}, year = {1963}, volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {283-304}, note = {Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California}, abstract = {The adiabatic theory of charged-particle motion is developed systematically in this review. We present the essentials of the theory without giving all the analysis in detail. The general expressions for guiding-center motion and particle energy change are given, with application to the Van Allen radiation and to Fermi acceleration. It is shown that Fermi acceleration and betatron acceleration should not be regarded as distinct processes. Modifications of the nonrelativistic theory that are necessary when the particle is relativistic are discussed. Proofs are given of the invariance to lowest order of the first and second adiabatic invariants for the case of static fields. Finally, applications are made to the theory of plasmas.}, doi = {10.1029/RG001i003p00283}, file = {Northrop1963_RG001i003p00283.pdf:Northrop1963_RG001i003p00283.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.08}, url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1963/RG001i003p00283.shtml}, } @Article{Northrop1964, author = {Theodore G. Northrop and F. R. Scott}, title = {The Adiabatic Motion of Charged Particles}, journal = {American Journal of Physics}, year = {1964}, volume = {32}, number = {10}, pages = {807-807}, note = {Just book review.}, doi = {10.1119/1.1969867}, file = {Northrop1964_AJP000807.pdf:Northrop1964_AJP000807.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AAPT}, timestamp = {2012.05.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?AJP/32/807/1}, } @Article{NUNAMI2006, author = {Masanori NUNAMI and Ryutaro KANNO and Shinsuke SATAKE and Hisanori TAKAMARU and Takaya HAYASHI}, title = {Development of Computational Technique for Labeling Magnetic Flux-Surfaces}, journal = {Plasma and Fusion Research}, year = {2006}, volume = {1}, pages = {038-038}, abstract = {In recent Large Helical Device (LHD) experiments, radial profiles of ion temperature, electric field, etc. have been measured in the m/n = 1/1 magnetic island produced by island control coils, where m is the poloidal mode number and n the toroidal mode number. When the plasma transport in radial profiles is numerically analyzed, an average over a magnetic flux-surface in the island is a very useful concept to understand the transport. When averaging, a proper labeling of the flux-surfaces is necessary. In general, it is not easy to label the flux-surfaces in a magnetic field containing the island, compared with the case of a magnetic field configuration having nested flux-surfaces. In the present paper, we have developed a new computational technique to label the magnetic flux-surfaces. This technique uses an optimization algorithm called the simulated annealing method. The flux-surfaces are discerned by using two labels: one is classification of the magnetic field structure, i.e., core, island, ergodic, and outside regions, and the other depends on the value of the toroidal magnetic flux. We have applied this technique to an LHD configuration with the m/n = 1/1 island, and successfully discriminated of the magnetic field structure.}, file = {NUNAMI2006_1_038.pdf:NUNAMI2006_1_038.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.30}, url = {https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/pfr/1/0/1_0_038/_article}, } @Article{Nyqvist2013, author = {R. M. Nyqvist and B. N. Breizman}, title = {Modeling of long range frequency sweeping for energetic particle modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {042106}, abstract = {Long range frequency sweeping events are simulated numerically within a one-dimensional, electrostatic bump-on-tail model with fast particle sources and collisions. The numerical solution accounts for fast particle trapping and detrapping in an evolving wave field with a fixed wavelength, and it includes three distinct collisions operators: Drag (dynamical friction on the background electrons), Krook-type collisions, and velocity space diffusion. The effects of particle trapping and diffusion on the evolution of holes and clumps are investigated, and the occurrence of non-monotonic (hooked) frequency sweeping and asymptotically steady holes is discussed. The presented solution constitutes a step towards predictive modeling of frequency sweeping events in more realistic geometries.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4799781}, eid = {042106}, file = {Nyqvist2013_PhysPlasmas_20_042106.pdf:Nyqvist2013_PhysPlasmas_20_042106.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {drag; numerical analysis; particle traps; plasma collision processes; plasma instability; plasma simulation; plasma sources; radiation pressure}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.12}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/042106/1}, } @Article{Ohkawa1983, author = {Ohkawa, T. and Chu, M. S. and Hinton, F. L. and Liu, C. S. and Lee, Y. C.}, title = {Thermal and Electrical Properties of the Divertor Channel of Tokamak Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1983}, volume = {51}, pages = {2101--2104}, month = {Dec}, abstract = {The electrical and thermal properties of the divertor channel of tokamak plasmas are discussed in relation to H-mode discharges recently observed in neutral-beam-heated tokamak plasmas with divertors. The conditions for the existence of a thermal barrier and its effects on thermal and electrical conduction are analyzed, and the condition for effective line tying by the divertor plate is discussed.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.51.2101}, file = {Ohkawa1983_PhysRevLett.51.2101.pdf:Ohkawa1983_PhysRevLett.51.2101.pdf:PDF}, issue = {23}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.51.2101}, } @Article{Ohyabu1986, author = {N. Ohyabu and J.K. Lee and J.S. de Grassie}, title = {A simple model of energy confinement in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1986}, volume = {26}, number = {5}, pages = {593}, abstract = {A simple model of energy confinement in tokamaks is proposed. In this model, the temperature and current profiles are determined by tearing mode stability considerations. As a result, the global energy confinement becomes strongly dependent on the boundary energy transport. A higher edge temperature ensures a higher core temperature and hence a higher global energy confinement.}, file = {Ohyabu1986_0029-5515_26_5_003.pdf:Ohyabu1986_0029-5515_26_5_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/26/i=5/a=003}, } @Article{Okuda1973, author = {Hideo Okuda and John M. Dawson}, title = {Theory and numerical simulation on plasma diffusion across a magnetic field}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1973}, volume = {16}, number = {3}, pages = {408-426}, abstract = {The diffusion of two and two and a half‐dimensional plasmas across magnetic fields have been studied theoretically and by numerical simulation. Only diffusion at thermal equilibrium is studied. It is found that there are three regions: for sufficiently weak magnetic fields the diffusion coefficient is the classical one with D⊥ going like B−2; for moderate magnetic fields (ωce ≈ ωpe) the diffusion rate is enhanced and B−1 is almost independent of B; finally, for very large fields (ωci>ωpi) the diffusion coefficient goes like B−1. The enhanced diffusion at moderate and high magnetic fields is dominated by collective modes; i.e., by thermally excited convective modes. Theory and simulation are in good agreement. It is also shown that the diffusion coefficient behaves essentially the same way for a three‐dimensional plasma when the magnetic field lines are closed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1694356}, file = {Okuda1973_PFL000408.pdf:Okuda1973_PFL000408.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/16/408/1}, } @Article{Opher2002, author = {Opher, M. and Morales, G. J. and Leboeuf, J. N.}, title = {Krook collisional models of the kinetic susceptibility of plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2002}, volume = {66}, pages = {016407}, month = {Jul}, abstract = {An assessment is made of Krook collisional models used to describe the kinetic behavior of collective oscillations, i.e., when Landau damping and collisions must be considered, as is often the case for low-frequency waves. The study focuses on an early energy-conserving model [B. D. Fried, A. N. Kaufman, and D. L. Sachs, Phys. Fluids 9, 292 (1966)] that is shown to be identical to a more modern version used in drift-wave stability studies [G. Rewoldt, W. M. Tang, and R. J. Hastie, Phys. Fluids 29, 2893 (1986)]. The inadequacy of the simpler, and often used, nonconserving model is illustrated. Comparisons are established with recent collisional studies of ion acoustic waves [V. Yu. Bychenkov, J. Myatt, W. Rozmus, and V. T. Tikhonchuk, Phys. Plasmas 1, 2419 (1994)] and electron plasma waves [C. S. Ng, A. Bhattacharjee, and F. Skiff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1974 (1999)]. A connection is also established with contemporary studies of condensed matter and quantum liquids [K. Morawetz and U. Fuhrmann, Phys. Rev. E 61, 2272 (2000); 62, 4382 (2000)]. A useful empirical fit is found that corrects the Braginskii susceptibility to incorporate the kinetic behavior associated with the Krook kinetic susceptibility.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.66.016407}, file = {Opher2002_PhysRevE.66.016407.pdf:Opher2002_PhysRevE.66.016407.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.20}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.66.016407}, } @Article{Oran1998, author = {E.S. Oran and C.K. Oh and B.Z. Cybyk}, title = {DIRECT SIMULATION MONTE CARLO: Recent Advances and Applications1}, journal = {Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics}, year = {1998}, volume = {30}, pages = {403-441}, doi = {10.1146/annurev.fluid.30.1.403}, file = {Oran1998_annurev%2Efluid%2E30%2E1%2E403.pdf:Oran1998_annurev%2Efluid%2E30%2E1%2E403.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.01}, url = {http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.fluid.30.1.403}, } @Article{Ou2012, author = {Jing Ou and Jinhong Yang}, title = {Properties of a warm plasma collisional sheath in an oblique magnetic field}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {11}, pages = {113504}, abstract = {The properties of a warm plasma collisional sheath in an oblique magnetic field and the associated sheath criterion are investigated with a two-fluid model. In the fluid framework, a sheath criterion including effects of the magnetic field and collision is established theoretically for a wide range of ion temperature. With the sheath criterion as the plasma-sheath boundary condition, different plasma parameters including potential, electron and ion densities, and ion velocity are calculated for various ion temperatures and ion thermal motions. It is shown that the properties of the sheath depend not only on the plasma balance equations but also on the sheath boundary conditions. In addition, effects of the directions and magnitudes of the magnetic field on the plasma sheath are also discussed under different ion temperatures.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4766476}, eid = {113504}, file = {Ou2012_PhysPlasmas_19_113504.pdf:Ou2012_PhysPlasmas_19_113504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma collision processes; plasma sheaths; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/113504/1}, } @Article{Paccagnella2013, author = {R. Paccagnella}, title = {Pressure driven tearing and interchange modes in the reversed field pinch}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {012119}, abstract = {In this work, the magneto-hydro-dynamic stability of pressure driven modes in the reversed field pinch has been analyzed. It is shown that at low and intermediate β's, i.e., typically for values below 20-25%, the tearing parity is dominant, while only at very high β, well above the achieved experimental values, at least part of the modes are converted to ideal interchange instabilities. Before their transition to ideal instabilities, according to their Lundquist number scaling, they can be classified as resistive-g modes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789446}, eid = {012119}, file = {Paccagnella2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012119.pdf:Paccagnella2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012119.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma pressure; reversed field pinch; tearing instability}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/012119/1}, } @Article{Pankin2005, author = {Pankin, A. Y. and Bateman, G. and Brennan, D. P. and Schnack, D. D. and Snyder, P. B. and Voitsekhovitch, I. and Kritz, A. H. and Kruger, S. and Janeschitz, G. and Onjun, T. and Pacher, G. W. and Pacher, H. D.}, title = {ELM triggering conditions for the integrated modeling of H-mode plasmas}, journal = {Czechoslovak Journal of Physics}, year = {2005}, volume = {55}, pages = {367-380}, issn = {0011-4626}, note = {10.1007/s10582-005-0048-4}, abstract = {Recent advances in the integrated modeling of ELMy H-mode plasmas are presented. A new model for the H-mode pedestal and for the triggering of ELMs predicts the height, width, and shape of the H-mode pedestal and the frequency and width of ELMs. The model for the pedestal and ELMs is used in the ASTRA integrated transport code to follow the time evolution of tokamak discharges from L-mode through the transition from L-mode to H-mode, with the formation of the H-mode pedestal, and, subsequently, to the triggering of ELMs. Turbulence driven by the ion temperature gradient mode, resistive ballooning mode, trapped electron mode, and electron temperature gradient mode contributes to the anomalous thermal transport at the plasma edge in this model. Formation of the pedestal and the L-H transition is the direct result of flow shear suppression of anomalous transport. The periodic ELM crashes are triggered by MHD instabilities. Two mechanisms for triggering ELMs are considered: ELMs are triggered by ballooning modes if the pressure gradient exceeds the ballooning threshold or by peeling modes if the edge current density exceeds the peeling mode threshold. The BALOO, DCON, and ELITE ideal MHD stability codes are used to derive a new parametric expression for the peeling-ballooning threshold. The new dependence for the peeling-ballooning threshold is implemented in the ASTRA transport code. Results of integrated modeling of DIII-D like discharges are presented and compared with experimental observations. The results from the ideal MHD stability codes are compared with results from the resistive MHD stability code NIMROD.}, affiliation = {SAIC 10260 Campus Point Dr. San Diego CA 92121 USA}, file = {Pankin2005_fulltext.pdf:Pankin2005_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, issue = {3}, keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10582-005-0048-4}, } @Article{Parail2003, author = {Parail, V. and Bateman, G. and Becoulet, M. and Corrigan, G. and Heading, D. and Hogan, J. and Houlberg, W. and Huysmans, G. and Kinsey, J. and Korotkov, A. and Kritz, A. and Loarte, A. and Lonnroth, J. and McDonald, D. and Monier-Garbet, P. and Onjun, T. and Saibene, G. and Sartori, R. and Sharapov, S. and Wilson, H. and ,}, title = {Integrated predictive modeling of JET H-mode plasma with type-I and type-III ELMs}, journal = {Plasma Physics Reports}, year = {2003}, volume = {29}, pages = {539-544}, issn = {1063-780X}, note = {10.1134/1.1592551}, abstract = {Edge plasma parameters influence plasma performance in many different ways (profile stiffness is probably one of the best known examples). In the ELMy H-mode plasma, a thin region with improved transport characteristics (the edge transport barrier) links the core and the scrape-off layer. There is a strong coupling between these three areas, so that even a modest variation of plasma parameters in one region can lead to a dramatic change in the overall plasma performance. A systematic MHD stability analysis and self-consistent integrated predictive modeling of a series of JET ELMy H-mode plasmas, including scans in gas fueling and triangularity, are presented. The main conclusion is that plasma performance indeed sensitively depends on the edge plasma parameters, which should be modeled in a self-consistent way.}, affiliation = {Culham Science Centre EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association Abingdon OX14 3DB UK Abingdon OX14 3DB UK}, file = {Parail2003_fulltext1.pdf:Parail2003_fulltext1.pdf:PDF}, issue = {7}, keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC.}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/1.1592551}, } @Article{Parra2009, author = {Felix I Parra and Peter J Catto}, title = {Gyrokinetic equivalence}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {51}, number = {6}, pages = {065002}, abstract = {We compare two different derivations of the gyrokinetic equation: the Hamiltonian approach in Dubin D H E et al (1983 Phys. Fluids 26 3524) and the recursive methodology in Parra F I and Catto P J ( 2008 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion [/0741-3335/50/6/065014] 50 065014 ). We prove that both approaches yield the same result at least to second order in a Larmor radius over macroscopic length expansion. There are subtle differences in the definitions of some of the functions that need to be taken into account to prove the equivalence.}, file = {Parra2009_0741-3335_51_6_065002.pdf:Parra2009_0741-3335_51_6_065002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/51/i=6/a=065002}, } @Article{Parra2008, author = {Felix I Parra and Peter J Catto}, title = {Limitations of gyrokinetics on transport time scales}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2008}, volume = {50}, number = {6}, pages = {065014}, abstract = {We present a new recursive procedure to find a full f electrostatic gyrokinetic equation correct to first order in an expansion of gyroradius over magnetic field characteristic length. The procedure provides new insights into the limitations of the gyrokinetic quasineutrality equation. We find that the ion distribution function must be known at least to second order in gyroradius over characteristic length to calculate the long wavelength components of the electrostatic potential self-consistently. Moreover, using the example of a steady-state θ-pinch, we prove that the quasineutrality equation fails to provide the axisymmetric piece of the potential even with a distribution function correct to second order. We also show that second order accuracy is enough if a more convenient moment equation is used instead of the quasineutrality equation. These results indicate that the gyrokinetic quasineutrality equation is not the most effective procedure to find the electrostatic potential if the long wavelength components are to be retained in the analysis.}, file = {Parra2008_0741-3335_50_6_065014.pdf:Parra2008_0741-3335_50_6_065014.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/50/i=6/a=065014}, } @Article{Pecseli1976, author = {H. L. Pecseli}, title = {An equivalent circuit for Landau damping}, journal = {Journal of Applied Physics}, year = {1976}, volume = {47}, number = {6}, pages = {2415-2417}, abstract = {An equivalent circuit simulating the effect of Landau damping in a stable plasma‐loaded parallel‐plate capacitor is presented. The circuit contains a double infinity of LC components. The transition from stable to unstable plasmas is simulated by the introduction of active elements into the circuit.}, doi = {10.1063/1.322951}, file = {Pecseli1976_JApplPhys_47_2415.pdf:Pecseli1976_JApplPhys_47_2415.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS; PLASMA SIMULATION; LANDAU DAMPING; CAPACITORS; PLASMA INSTABILITY; STABILITY}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAP/47/2415/1}, } @Article{Peer2013, author = {J Peer and A Kendl and B D Scott}, title = {Ergodicity of gyrofluid edge localized ideal ballooning modes}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {1}, pages = {015002}, abstract = {The magnetic field structure associated with edge localized ideal ballooning mode bursts is analysed by nonlinear gyrofluid computation. The linear growth phase is characterized by the formation of small-scale magnetic islands. Ergodic magnetic field regions develop near the end of the linear phase when the instability starts to perturb the equilibrium profiles. The nonlinear blow-out gives rise to an ergodization of the entire edge region. The time-dependent level of ergodicity is determined in terms of the mean radial displacement of a magnetic field line. The ergodicity decreases again during the nonlinear turbulent phase of the blow-out in dependence on the degrading plasma beta in the collapsing plasma pedestal profile.}, file = {Peer2013_0741-3335_55_1_015002.pdf:Peer2013_0741-3335_55_1_015002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.03}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=1/a=015002}, } @Article{Peeters2000, author = {A G Peeters}, title = {The bootstrap current and its consequences}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2000}, volume = {42}, number = {12B}, pages = {B231}, abstract = {The physical mechanism behind the bootstrap current is explained, and the consequences are discussed with the emphasis on the two main objectives of fusion plasma, confinement and MHD stability. For a tokamak reactor that is optimized for good confinement and stability, and that has a limited size, the total plasma current exceeds the bootstrap current by a factor of three to five and therefore almost all the plasma current must be driven through other means. Furthermore, the neoclassical tearing mode which is driven by the bootstrap current is expected to be the limiting MHD instability in these reactors. Raising the fraction of the bootstrap current is not expected to be beneficial for confinement and stability expect when broad pressure profiles (internal transport barriers) can be realized. In stellarators several optimizations are possible, either optimizing the current to zero such that it does not destroy the desired topology, and it does not generate any current-driven instabilities, or using the current to generate some of the poloidal field.}, file = {Peeters2000_0741-3335_42_12B_318.pdf:Peeters2000_0741-3335_42_12B_318.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.06}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/42/i=12B/a=318}, } @Article{Peinetti2005, author = {F. Peinetti and W. Bertsche and J. Fajans and J. Wurtele and L. Friedland}, title = {Numerical studies of driven, chirped Bernstein, Greene, and Kruskal modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2005}, volume = {12}, number = {6}, pages = {062112}, abstract = {Recent experiments showed the possibility of creating long-lived, nonlinear kinetic structures in a pure-electron plasma. These structures, responsible for large-amplitude periodic density fluctuations, were induced by driving the plasma with a weak oscillating drive, whose frequency was adiabatically decreased in time [ W. Bertsche, J. Fajans, and L. Friedland, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 265003 (2003) ]. A one-dimensional analytical model of the system was developed [ L. Friedland, F. Peinetti, W. Bertsche, J. Fajans, and J. Wurtele, Phys. Plasmas 11, 4305 (2004) ], which pointed out the phenomenon responsible for the modifications induced by the weak drive in the phase-space distribution of the plasma (initially Maxwellian). In order to validate the theory and to perform quantitative comparisons with the experiments, a more accurate description of the system is developed and presented here. The new detailed analysis of the geometry under consideration allows for more precise simulations of the excitation process, in which important physical and geometrical parameters (such as the length of the plasma column) are evaluated accurately. The numerical investigations probe properties and features of the modes not accessible to direct measurement. Due to the presence of two distinct time scales (because of the adiabatic chirp of the drive frequency), a fully two-dimensional numerical study of the system is expected to be rather time consuming. This becomes particularly important when, as here, a large number of comparisons (covering a wide range of drive parameters) are performed. For this reason, a coupled one-dimensional, radially averaged model is derived and implemented in a particle-in-cell code.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1928251}, eid = {062112}, file = {Peinetti2005_NumericalPoP.pdf:Peinetti2005_NumericalPoP.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma solitons; plasma instability; plasma density; plasma fluctuations; plasma oscillations; plasma simulation}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/12/062112/1}, } @Article{Penfold2005, author = {Robert Penfold and Bo Jönsson and Margaret Robins}, title = {A simple analysis of thermodynamic properties for classical plasmas: II. Validation}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment}, year = {2005}, volume = {2005}, number = {06}, pages = {P06010}, abstract = {The generalized hole corrected Debye–Hückel theory (Penfold et al J. Stat. Mech. (2005) P06009 [http://stacks.iop.org/JSTAT/2005/P06009] ) is implemented. Predictions of thermodynamic functions and simple structural properties compare favourably with results from closure of the Ornstein–Zernike integral equation in the mean spherical approximation, and with Monte Carlo simulation of the charged hard sphere primitive model. A strictly nonelectroneutral system was simulated using a conventional electrolyte program and the properties subsequently corrected for the configuration independent background terms. No convergence difficulties were encountered over the concentration range studied. With the new theory, activity coefficients of good accuracy can be obtained in a simple analytical form that is suitable for use with an approximate free energy density functional describing ion–ion correlations in screening atmospheres.}, file = {Penfold2005_1742-5468_2005_06_P06010.pdf:Penfold2005_1742-5468_2005_06_P06010.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-5468/2005/i=06/a=P06010}, } @Article{Penrose1960, author = {Oliver Penrose}, title = {Electrostatic Instabilities of a Uniform Non-Maxwellian Plasma}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1960}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {258-265}, abstract = {A stability criterion is obtained starting from Vlasov's collision‐free kinetic equations. Possible instabilities propagating parallel to an arbitrary unit vector e are related to a function F(u) ≡ Σjωj2 ∫ d3vgj(v)δ(e⋅v−u), where gi(v) is the normalized unperturbed distribution function, and ωj ≡ (4πnjej2/mj)½ the plasma frequency, for the jth type of particle. By using a method related to the Nyquist criterion, it is shown that plasma oscillations growing exponentially with time are possible if and only if F(u) has a minimum at a value u = ξ such that ∫ −∞∞du(u−ξ)−2[F(u)−F(ξ)]>0. A study of the initial‐value problem confirms that the plasma is normally stable if no exponentially growing modes exist; but there is an exceptional class of distribution functions (recognizable by means of an extension of the above criterion) for which linearized stability theory breaks down. The method is applied to several examples, of which the most important is a model of a current‐carrying plasma with Maxwell distributions at different temperatures for electrons and ions. The meaning of the mathematical assumptions made is carefully discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1706024}, file = {Penrose1960_PFL000258.pdf:Penrose1960_PFL000258.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/3/258/1}, } @Article{Petravic1987, author = {M Petravic}, title = {Orthogonal grid construction for modeling of transport in tokamaks}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1987}, volume = {73}, number = {1}, pages = {125 - 130}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A simple method has been developed for numerically constructing orthogonal grids based on the tokamak poloidal flux surfaces. The poloidal flux surfaces form -a natural set of coordinate lines for the study of transport in the tokamak scrape-off region, since the energy transport there is mostly along the field lines contained within the flux surfaces. For a study of both the poloidal and perpendicular (radial) transport, a two-dimensional, preferably orthogonal, mesh is required. The need for a new mesh generating code arose from the requirements of the particular topology produced by the zeros in the poloidal field (x-points) and the consequent problems with the numbering of the mesh.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(87)90109-4}, file = {Petravic1987_1-s2.0-0021999187901094-main.pdf:Petravic1987_1-s2.0-0021999187901094-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999187901094}, } @Article{Petruzielo2012, author = {Petruzielo, F. R. and Holmes, A. A. and Changlani, Hitesh J. and Nightingale, M. P. and Umrigar, C. J.}, title = {Semistochastic Projector Monte~Carlo Method}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {230201}, month = {Dec}, abstract = {We introduce a semistochastic implementation of the power method to compute, for very large matrices, the dominant eigenvalue and expectation values involving the corresponding eigenvector. The method is semistochastic in that the matrix multiplication is partially implemented numerically exactly and partially stochastically with respect to expectation values only. Compared to a fully stochastic method, the semistochastic approach significantly reduces the computational time required to obtain the eigenvalue to a specified statistical uncertainty. This is demonstrated by the application of the semistochastic quantum Monte Carlo method to systems with a sign problem: the fermion Hubbard model and the carbon dimer.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.230201}, file = {Petruzielo2012_StochasticMC.pdf:Petruzielo2012_StochasticMC.pdf:PDF}, issue = {23}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.12.10}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.230201}, } @Article{Petty2008, author = {C. C. Petty}, title = {Sizing up plasmas using dimensionless parameters}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {8}, pages = {080501}, abstract = {This paper reviews the application to magnetic-confinement fusion experiments of dimensional analysis, which holds that the behavior of physical systems can be determined from the scaling of phenomena with the set of dimensionless parameters that embody the governing physics. This paper begins by explaining the two most well-known approaches to dimensional analysis, and shows that the principle of similarity has been demonstrated in high-temperature plasmas of different physical size. Next, the measured dependences of cross-magnetic-field transport and edge plasma characteristics on dimensionless parameters are examined. These dimensionless parameter scans are generally in good agreement with drift wave models of turbulent transport (i.e., microturbulence), although some discrepancies remain. Finally, the benefits of incorporating dimensional analysis into the extrapolation of plasma behavior from present-day experiments to future burning plasma devices are discussed. The experiments reviewed in this paper have greatly improved our understanding of the underlying physics of many plasma phenomena.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2961043}, eid = {080501}, file = {Petty2008_PhysPlasmas_15_080501.pdf:Petty2008_PhysPlasmas_15_080501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma confinement}, numpages = {19}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/080501/1}, } @Article{Peyrusse1992, author = {Olivier Peyrusse}, title = {A model for the simulation of nonequilibrium line transfer in laboratory plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, number = {7}, pages = {2007-2017}, abstract = {A numerical model for the simulation of emission spectra of laboratory plasmas is presented. A special attention has been focused on the coupling between the line transfer and the ionic populations. This coupling is carried out by an iterative procedure, where, given the temperature, density, and velocity profiles of a plasma, the populations are obtained by linearization while the line transfer is computed within the core saturation approximation and with complete frequency redistribution. This procedure has been developed along with a collisional‐radiative model for K‐shell spectroscopy. As an application, the emission of a laser‐created aluminum plasma was calculated, and the spectra of radiation emerging from different emission zones were accordingly computed. It is found that an accurate evaluation of line intensities involves a computation of line transfer, taking into account the macroscopic Doppler shift.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860007}, file = {Peyrusse1992_PFB002007.pdf:Peyrusse1992_PFB002007.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {EMISSION SPECTRA; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; RADIATIVE TRANSFER; XRAY SPECTRA; IONIZATION; DOPPLER EFFECT; PLASMA; ITERATIVE METHODS; K SHELL; LASERPRODUCED PLASMA; ALUMINIUM}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/2007/1}, } @Article{Peysson1998, author = {Y. Peysson and M. Shoucri}, title = {An approximate factorization procedure for solving nine-point elliptic difference equations Application for a fast 2-D relativistic Fokker-Planck solver}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1998}, volume = {109}, number = {1}, pages = {55 - 80}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {A full implicit numerical procedure based on the use of a mine-point difference operator is presented to solve the two-dimensional (2-D) relativistic Fokker-Planck equation for the current drive problem and synergetic effects between the lower hybrid and the electron cyclotron waves in tokamaks. As compared to the standard approach based on the use of a five-point difference operator (M. Shoucri, I. Shkarofsky, Comput. Phys. Commun. 82 (1994) 287), the convergence rate towards the steady state solution may be significantly enhanced with no loss of accuracy on the distribution function. Moreover, it is shown that the numerical stability may be strongly improved without a large degradation of the CPU time consumption as in the five-point scheme, making this approach very attractive for a fast solution of the 2-D Fokker-Planck equation on a fine grid in conjunction with other numerical codes for realistic plasma simulations. This new algorithm, based on an approximate matrix factorization technique, may be applied to all numerical problems with large sets of equations which involve nine-point difference operators.}, doi = {10.1016/S0010-4655(97)00143-4}, file = {Peysson1998_1-s2.0-S0010465597001434-main.pdf:Peysson1998_1-s2.0-S0010465597001434-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Matrix factorization}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.20}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465597001434}, } @Article{Pigarov2009, author = {A.Yu. Pigarov and S.I. Krasheninnikov}, title = {Coupled plasma–wall modeling}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = {2009}, volume = {390–391}, number = {0}, pages = {192 - 195}, issn = {0022-3115}, note = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Device Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Device}, abstract = {The new time-dependent one-dimensional code WALLPSI to calculate wall temperature, erosion rates, and concentrations of trapped, chemically bonded, absorbed, and mobile hydrogen inside the wall has been developed. To study basic physics processes, WALLPSI is coupled to the 1-D edge plasma transport code EDGE1D. The results of self-consistent plasma–neutrals–wall modeling with WALLPSI/EDGE1D which show strong plasma–wall coupling are presented. Variation of hydrogen inventory in the wall in response to the changing plasma impact is discussed. Oscillatory behavior and thermal instability of plasma in contact with hydrogen saturated wall are modeled.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jnucmat.2009.01.165}, file = {Pigarov2009_Coupled plasma–wall modeling_192-195.pdf:Pigarov2009_Coupled plasma–wall modeling_192-195.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311509000932}, } @Article{Pitcher1997, author = {C S Pitcher and P C Stangeby}, title = {Experimental divertor physics}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1997}, volume = {39}, number = {6}, pages = {779}, abstract = {The physics of divertors in tokamaks is reviewed, primarily from an experimental point of view, although where possible simple analytic modelling is included. The paper covers the four main subject areas at issue in divertor research: (1) the wide dispersal of plasma power exhausted from the main plasma, (2) the production of sufficiently high gas pressures in the vicinity of pump ducts to enable the removal of fuel and helium (`ash') gas from the system, (3) the elimination or reduction of impurity production and (4) the screening of impurities produced, or intentionally added, at the plasma boundary from the plasma core. A simple analytic model, the `two-point' model, is introduced early in the paper and provides a framework for comparison of the experimental results, drawn from many machines, with simply derived expectations. Conclusions regarding the direction of future research priorities are made.}, file = {Pitcher1997_0741-3335_39_6_001.pdf:Pitcher1997_0741-3335_39_6_001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/39/i=6/a=001}, } @Article{Plunian2013, author = {Franck Plunian and Rodion Stepanov and Peter Frick}, title = {Shell models of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence}, journal = {Physics Reports}, year = {2013}, volume = {523}, number = {1}, pages = {1 - 60}, issn = {0370-1573}, note = {Shell Models of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence}, abstract = {Shell models of hydrodynamic turbulence originated in the seventies. Their main aim was to describe the statistics of homogeneous and isotropic turbulence in spectral space, using a simple set of ordinary differential equations. In the eighties, shell models of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence emerged based on the same principles as their hydrodynamic counter-part but also incorporating interactions between magnetic and velocity fields. In recent years, significant improvements have been made such as the inclusion of non-local interactions and appropriate definitions for helicities. Though shell models cannot account for the spatial complexity of MHD turbulence, their dynamics are not over simplified and do reflect those of real MHD turbulence including intermittency or chaotic reversals of large-scale modes. Furthermore, these models use realistic values for dimensionless parameters (high kinetic and magnetic Reynolds numbers, low or high magnetic Prandtl number) allowing extended inertial range and accurate dissipation rate. Using modern computers it is difficult to attain an inertial range of three decades with direct numerical simulations, whereas eight are possible using shell models. In this review we set up a general mathematical framework allowing the description of any MHD shell model. The variety of the latter, with their advantages and weaknesses, is introduced. Finally we consider a number of applications, dealing with free-decaying MHD turbulence, dynamo action, Alfvén waves and the Hall effect.}, doi = {10.1016/j.physrep.2012.09.001}, file = {Plunian2013_1-s2.0-S0370157312002621-main.pdf:Plunian2013_1-s2.0-S0370157312002621-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.20}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370157312002621}, } @Article{Plunk2013, author = {G. G. Plunk}, title = {Landau damping in a turbulent setting}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032304}, abstract = {To address the problem of Landau damping in kinetic turbulence, we consider the forcing of the linearized Vlasov equation by a stationary random source. It is found that the time-asymptotic density response is dominated by resonant particle interactions that are synchronized with the source. The energy consumption of this response is calculated, implying an effective damping rate, which is the main result of this paper. Evaluating several cases, it is found that the effective damping rate can differ from the Landau damping rate in magnitude and also, remarkably, in sign. A limit is demonstrated in which the density and current become phase-locked, which causes the effective damping to be negligible; this result offers a fresh perspective from which to reconsider recent observations of kinetic turbulence satisfying critical balance.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4794851}, eid = {032304}, file = {Plunk2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032304.pdf:Plunk2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032304.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma kinetic theory; plasma turbulence; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032304/1}, } @Article{Poedts1992, author = {S Poedts and W Kerner and J P Goedbloed and B Keegan and G T A Huysmans and E Schwarz}, title = {Damping of global Alfven waves in tokamaks due to resonant absorption}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1992}, volume = {34}, number = {8}, pages = {1397}, abstract = {The MHD spectrum of circular cross-section tokamak plasmas with small aspect ratio is studied for low mode numbers. Particular attention is given to the continuous part of the ideal MHD spectrum of such plasmas. Poloidal mode coupling in finite aspect ratio tokamaks yields gaps in the Alfven continuum. Global Alfven modes are found with a frequency inside these gaps. By interaction with the continuum branches the global Alfven modes experience damping via phase-mixing. This damping is computed in resistive MHD. It is shown that for asymptotically small resistivity the damping is finite and independent of eta .}, file = {Poedts1992_0741-3335_34_8_003.pdf:Poedts1992_0741-3335_34_8_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/34/i=8/a=003}, } @Article{Poli2012, author = {F.M. Poli and C.E. Kessel and M.S. Chance and S.C. Jardin and J. Manickam}, title = {Ideal MHD stability and performance of ITER steady-state scenarios with ITBs}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {6}, pages = {063027}, abstract = {Non-inductive steady-state scenarios on ITER will need to operate with internal transport barriers (ITBs) in order to reach adequate fusion gain at typical currents of 9 MA. The large pressure gradients at the location of the internal barrier are conducive to the development of ideal MHD instabilities that may limit the plasma performance and may lead to plasma disruptions. Fully non-inductive scenario simulations with five combinations of heating and current drive sources are presented in this work, with plasma currents in the range 7–10 MA. For each configuration the linear, ideal MHD stability is analysed for variations of the Greenwald fraction and of the pressure peaking factor around the operating point, aiming at defining an operational space for stable, steady-state operations at optimized performance. It is shown that plasmas with lower hybrid heating and current drive maintain the minimum safety factor above 1.5, which is desirable in steady-state operations to avoid neoclassical tearing modes. Operating with moderate ITBs at 2/3 of the minor radius, these plasmas have a minimum safety factor above 2, are ideal MHD stable and reach Q ≳ 5 operating above the ideal no-wall limit.}, file = {Poli2012_0029-5515_52_6_063027.pdf:Poli2012_0029-5515_52_6_063027.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.03}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=6/a=063027}, } @Article{Poolyarat2009, author = {Poolyarat, N. and Onjun, T. and Promping, J.}, title = {Simulation study of HL-2A-like plasma using integrated predictive modeling code}, journal = {Plasma Physics Reports}, year = {2009}, volume = {35}, pages = {987-990}, issn = {1063-780X}, note = {10.1134/S1063780X09110099}, abstract = {Self-consistent simulations of HL-2A-like plasma are carried out using 1.5D BALDUR integrated predictive modeling code. In these simulations, the core transport is predicted using the combination of Multi-mode (MMM95) anomalous core transport model and NCLASS neoclassical transport model. The evolution of plasma current, temperature and density is carried out. Consequently, the plasma current, temperature and density profiles, as well as other plasma parameters, are obtained as the predictions in each simulation. It is found that temperature and density profiles in these simulations are peak near the plasma center. In addition, the sawtooth period is studied using the Porcilli model and is found that before, during, and after the electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) operation the sawtooth period are approximately the same. It is also observed that the mixing radius of sawtooth crashes is reduced during the ECRH operation.}, affiliation = {Thammasat University Department of Physics Pathumthani Thailand}, file = {Poolyarat2009_fulltext.pdf:Poolyarat2009_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, issue = {11}, keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC.}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1134/S1063780X09110099}, } @Article{Popov1990, author = {Popov, A.M.}, title = {Simulation of MHD processes in high-temperature plasma}, journal = {Computational Mathematics and Modeling}, year = {1990}, volume = {1}, pages = {234-244}, issn = {1046-283X}, abstract = {The paper analyzes a number of mathematical models and numerical codes developed for the study of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) processes in high-temperature tokamak plasma. Various approaches are discussed to numerical solution of the nonlinear problems for systems of MHD equations arising in controlled thermonuclear fusion research.}, doi = {10.1007/BF01129066}, file = {Popov1990_10.1007-BF01129066.pdf:Popov1990_10.1007-BF01129066.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers}, timestamp = {2013.01.21}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01129066}, } @Article{Predebon2013, author = {I. Predebon and F. Sattin}, title = {On the linear stability of collisionless microtearing modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {040701}, abstract = {Microtearing modes are an important drive of turbulent heat transport in present-day fusion plasmas. We investigate their linear stability under very-low collisionality regimes, expected for the next generations of devices, using gyrokinetic and drift-kinetic approaches. At odds with current opinion, we show that collisionless microtearing instabilities may occur in certain experimental conditions, particularly relevant for such devices as reversed field pinches and spherical tokamaks.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4799980}, eid = {040701}, file = {Predebon2013_PhysPlasmas_20_040701.pdf:Predebon2013_PhysPlasmas_20_040701.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma kinetic theory; tearing instability}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/040701/1}, } @Article{Preti2009, author = {Giovanni Preti and Fernando de Felice and Luca Masiero}, title = {On the Galilean non-invariance of classical electromagnetism}, journal = {European Journal of Physics}, year = {2009}, volume = {30}, number = {2}, pages = {381}, abstract = {When asked to explain the Galilean non-invariance of classical electromagnetism on the basis of pre-relativistic considerations alone, students—and sometimes their teachers too—may face an impasse. Indeed, they often argue that a pre-relativistic physicist could most obviously have provided the explanation 'at a glance', on the basis of the presence of a parameter c with the dimensions of a velocity in Maxwell's equations, being well aware of the fact that any velocity is non-invariant in Galilean relativity. This 'obvious' answer, however popular, is not correct due to the actual observer-invariance of the Maxwell parameter c in pre-relativistic physics too. A pre-relativistic physicist would therefore have needed a different explanation. Playing the role of this physicist, we pedagogically show how a proof of the Galilean non-invariance of classical electromagnetism can be obtained, resting on simple pre-relativistic considerations alone.}, file = {Preti2009_0143-0807_30_2_017.pdf:Preti2009_0143-0807_30_2_017.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0143-0807/30/i=2/a=017}, } @Article{Pritchett1980, author = {P. L. Pritchett and Y. C. Lee and J. F. Drake}, title = {Linear analysis of the double-tearing mode}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1980}, volume = {23}, number = {7}, pages = {1368-1374}, abstract = {The linear behavior of the double‐tearing mode is investigated within the framework of magnetohydrodynamics. A two‐space‐scale analysis in which resistive solutions valid near the rational surfaces are joined to ideal solutions outside these regions is performed and used to derive the dispersion relation for the mode. If the separation of the rational surfaces at x=±xs is sufficiently small [xs/a<(kya)−7/9S−1/9], the growth rate is predicted to scale as S−1/3, and the structure of the mode proves to be essentially identical with that of the m=1 tearing mode in cylindrical geometry. With increasing separation, the mode makes a transition to the S−3/5 scaling and structure of the standard tearing mode. These predictions are confirmed by direct numerical solution of the magnetohydrodynamic equations, and the S−1/3 scaling is shown to be correlated with violations of the constant‐ψ approximation. Possible physical implications of the double‐tearing mode are discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.863151}, file = {Pritchett1980_PFL001368.pdf:Pritchett1980_PFL001368.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA INSTABILITY; TEARING INSTABILITY; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; SCALING LAWS; DISPERSION RELATIONS; ANALYTICAL SOLUTION; NUMERICAL SOLUTION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/23/1368/1}, } @Article{Pueschel2012, author = {M.J. Pueschel and F. Jenko and M. Schneller and T. Hauff and S. Günter and G. Tardini}, title = {Anomalous diffusion of energetic particles: connecting experiment and simulations}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {10}, pages = {103018}, abstract = {Recent experimental and theoretical studies highlight the need to predict the turbulence-induced radial diffusion of energetic particles quantitatively in present-day and future fusion devices. Gyrokinetic simulations with passive fast ion species in realistic tokamak equilibria are used to investigate the influence of the particle energy on diffusion due to electrostatic and electromagnetic turbulence. To facilitate more straightforward comparisons between theory and experiments, scaling relations are derived that allow for writing the relevant diffusivities as functions of experimentally readily accessible quantities. In this context, an improved method for estimating the magnetic fluctuation level is described.}, file = {Pueschel2012_0029-5515_52_10_103018.pdf:Pueschel2012_0029-5515_52_10_103018.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.14}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=10/a=103018}, } @Article{Pueschel2008, author = {M. J. Pueschel and M. Kammerer and F. Jenko}, title = {Gyrokinetic turbulence simulations at high plasma beta}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {10}, pages = {102310}, abstract = {Electromagnetic gyrokinetic turbulence simulations employing Cyclone Base Case parameters are presented for β values up to and beyond the kinetic ballooning threshold. The β scaling of the turbulent transport is found to be linked to a complex interplay of linear and nonlinear effects. Linear investigation of the kinetic ballooning mode is performed in detail, while nonlinearly, it is found to dominate the turbulence only in a fairly narrow range of β values just below the respective ideal limit. The magnetic transport scales like β2 and is well described by a Rechester–Rosenbluth-type ansatz.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3005380}, eid = {102310}, file = {Pueschel2008_PhysPlasmas_15_102310.pdf:Pueschel2008_PhysPlasmas_15_102310.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma betatrons; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/102310/1}, } @Article{Pueschel2013a, author = {Pueschel, M. J. and Terry, P. W. and Jenko, F. and Hatch, D. R. and Nevins, W. M. and G\"orler, T. and Told, D.}, title = {Extreme Heat Fluxes in Gyrokinetic Simulations: A New Critical $$\beta${}$}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {155005}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {A hitherto unexplained feature of electromagnetic simulations of ion temperature gradient turbulence is the apparent failure of the transport levels to saturate for certain parameters; this effect, termed here nonzonal transition, has been referred to as the high-β runaway. The resulting large heat fluxes are shown to be a consequence of reduced zonal flow activity, brought on by magnetic field perturbations shorting out flux surfaces.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.155005}, file = {Pueschel2013_PhysRevLett.110.155005.pdf:Pueschel2013_PhysRevLett.110.155005.pdf:PDF}, issue = {15}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.04.12}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.155005}, } @Article{Pusztai2010, author = {Istvan Pusztai and Peter J Catto}, title = {Neoclassical plateau regime transport in a tokamak pedestal}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2010}, volume = {52}, number = {7}, pages = {075016}, abstract = {In tokamak pedestals with subsonic flows the radial scale of plasma profiles can be comparable to the ion poloidal Larmor radius, thereby making the radial electrostatic field so strong that the E × B drift has to be retained in the ion kinetic equation in the same order as the parallel streaming. The modifications of neoclassical plateau regime transport—such as the ion heat flux and the poloidal ion and impurity flows—are evaluated in the presence of a strong radial electric field. The altered poloidal ion flow can lead to a significant increase in the bootstrap current in the pedestal where the spatial profile variation is strong because of the enhanced coefficient of the ion temperature gradient term near the electric field minimum. Unlike the banana regime, orbit squeezing does not affect the plateau regime results.}, file = {Pusztai2010_0741-3335_52_7_075016.pdf:Pusztai2010_0741-3335_52_7_075016.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/52/i=7/a=075016}, } @Article{Qi2013a, author = {Longyu Qi and J. Q. Dong and A. Bierwage and Gaimin Lu and Z. M. Sheng}, title = {Thermal ion effects on kinetic beta-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes excited by energetic ions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032505}, abstract = {Kinetic beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (KBAEs) driven by energetic ions are numerically investigated using revised AWECS code. The thermal ion density and temperature gradients are taken into account. It is found that the growth rate of the KBAEs increases with the thermal ion pressure gradient, and the contributions from the density gradient and temperature gradient of the thermal ions to the enhancement of the instability are comparable. The damping effect of thermal ion dynamics on the modes is also observed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4794287}, eid = {032505}, file = {Qi2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032505.pdf:Qi2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032505.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma density; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032505/1}, } @Article{Qi2009, author = {Lei Qi and Shaojie Wang}, title = {Gyrokinetic equation in an exact canonical Hamiltonian coordinate system and its orbit-averaged form}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {6}, pages = {062504}, abstract = {A previous gauge-invariant gyrokinetic equation based on an approximate canonical Hamiltonian coordinate system is extended to an exact canonical Hamiltonian coordinate system with the time scale well separated. By using this formalism a new orbit-averaged gyrokinetic equation, which is valid for both trapped and passing particles, is established.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3155448}, eid = {062504}, file = {Qi2009_PhysPlasmas_16_062504.pdf:Qi2009_PhysPlasmas_16_062504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma confinement; plasma kinetic theory}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/062504/1}, } @Article{Qin2013, author = {Qin, Hong and Davidson, Ronald C.}, title = {Class of Generalized Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij Solutions and Associated Envelope Equations for High-Intensity Charged-Particle Beams}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {064803}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {A class of generalized Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij solutions of the Vlasov-Maxwell equations and the associated envelope equations for high-intensity beams in an uncoupled lattice is derived. It includes the classical Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij solution as a special case. For a given lattice, the distribution functions and the envelope equations are specified by ten free parameters. The class of solutions derived captures a wider range of dynamical envelope behavior for high-intensity beams, and thus provides a new theoretical tool to investigate the dynamics of high-intensity beams.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.064803}, file = {Qin2013_PhysRevLett.110.064803.pdf:Qin2013_PhysRevLett.110.064803.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.064803}, } @Article{Qin2012, author = {Qin, Hong and Liu, Wandong and Li, Hong and Squire, Jonathan}, title = {Woltjer-Taylor State without Taylor's Conjecture: Plasma Relaxation at all Wavelengths}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {235001}, month = {Dec}, abstract = {In the process of dissipative relaxation, there is strong astrophysical and laboratory evidence that plasmas tend to evolve towards the well-known Woltjer-Taylor state, specified by ∇×B=αB for constant α. To explain how such a state is reached, Taylor developed his famous theory based on the conjecture that relaxation is dominated by short wavelength fluctuations. However, there is no conclusive experimental or numerical evidence in support of Taylor’s conjecture. A new theory is developed, which predicts that the system will evolve towards the Woltjer-Taylor state for an arbitrary fluctuation spectrum.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.235001}, file = {Qin2012_PhysRevLett.109.235001.pdf:Qin2012_PhysRevLett.109.235001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {23}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.12.12}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.235001}, } @Article{Qiu2012, author = {Z. Qiu and F. Zonca and L. Chen}, title = {Geodesic acoustic mode excitation by a spatially broad energetic particle beam}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {8}, pages = {082507}, abstract = {Global radial eigenmodes of energetic-particle-induced geodesic acoustic mode are systematically studied, and their properties are found to depend on the nonuniformities of both the geodesic acoustic mode continuous spectrum and the energetic particle (EP) radial density profile. For a broad EP drive, the eigenmode equation valid for arbitrary EP drift orbit width is derived, and the excited energetic-particle-induced geodesic acoustic mode is shown to be strongly coupled to the geodesic acoustic mode continuous spectrum; resulting in a finite drive threshold in EP density. The cross-scale couplings between micro-, meso-, and macro-scales, discussed in this work, are mediated by the EP dynamics and have many interesting similarities with complex behaviors, expected in burning plasmas of fusion interest.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4745191}, eid = {082507}, file = {Qiu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082507.pdf:Qiu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082507.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma density; plasma drift waves; plasma oscillations; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/082507/1}, } @Article{Rodel2012, author = {R\"odel, C. and an der Br\"ugge, D. and Bierbach, J. and Yeung, M. and Hahn, T. and Dromey, B. and Herzer, S. and Fuchs, S. and Pour, A. Galestian and Eckner, E. and Behmke, M. and Cerchez, M. and J\"ackel, O. and Hemmers, D. and Toncian, T. and Kaluza, M. C. and Belyanin, A. and Pretzler, G. and Willi, O. and Pukhov, A. and Zepf, M. and Paulus, G. G.}, title = {Harmonic Generation from Relativistic Plasma Surfaces in Ultrasteep Plasma Density Gradients}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {125002}, month = {Sep}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.125002}, file = {Rodel2012_PhysRevLett.109.125002.pdf:Rodel2012_PhysRevLett.109.125002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {12}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.125002}, } @Article{Rabinski1990, author = {Rabinski, Marek}, title = {One-dimensional Modelling of Tokamak Edge Plasma Transport in Grad Approximation}, journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, year = {1990}, volume = {30}, number = {1}, pages = {121--126}, issn = {1521-3986}, doi = {10.1002/ctpp.2150300121}, file = {Rabinski1990_2150300121_ftp.pdf:Rabinski1990_2150300121_ftp.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2012.07.12}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.2150300121}, } @Article{Raghunathan2013, author = {M. Raghunathan and R. Ganesh}, title = {Nonlinear Landau damping and formation of Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal structures for plasmas with q-nonextensive velocity distributions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032106}, abstract = {In the past, long-time evolution of an initial perturbation in collisionless Maxwellian plasma (q = 1) has been simulated numerically. The controversy over the nonlinear fate of such electrostatic perturbations was resolved by Manfredi [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2815–2818 (1997)] using long-time simulations up to t = 1600ωp−1. The oscillations were found to continue indefinitely leading to Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK)-like phase-space vortices (from here on referred as “BGK structures”). Using a newly developed, high resolution 1D Vlasov-Poisson solver based on piecewise-parabolic method (PPM) advection scheme, we investigate the nonlinear Landau damping in 1D plasma described by toy q-distributions for long times, up to t = 3000ωp−1. We show that BGK structures are found only for a certain range of q-values around q = 1. Beyond this window, for the generic parameters, no BGK structures were observed. We observe that for values of q<1 where velocity distributions have long tails, strong Landau damping inhibits the formation of BGK structures. On the other hand, for q>1 where distribution has a sharp fall in velocity, the formation of BGK structures is rendered difficult due to high wave number damping imposed by the steep velocity profile, which had not been previously reported. Wherever relevant, we compare our results with past work.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4794320}, eid = {032106}, file = {Raghunathan2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032106.pdf:Raghunathan2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032106.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {damping; plasma collision processes; plasma flow; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma oscillations; plasma simulation; Poisson equation; Vlasov equation; vortices}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032106/1}, } @Article{Raman2012, author = {K. S. Raman and O. A. Hurricane and H.-S. Park and B. A. Remington and H. Robey and V. A. Smalyuk and R. P. Drake and C. M. Krauland and C. C. Kuranz and J. F. Hansen and E. C. Harding}, title = {Three-dimensional modeling and analysis of a high energy density Kelvin-Helmholtz experiment}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {092112}, abstract = {A recent series of experiments on the OMEGA laser provided the first controlled demonstration of the Kelvin–Helmholtz (KH) instability in a high-energy-density physics context [E. C. Harding et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 045005, (2009); O. A. Hurricane et al., Phys. Plasmas 16, 056305, (2009)]. We present 3D simulations which resolve previously reported discrepancies between those experiments and the 2D simulation used to design them. Our new simulations reveal a three-dimensional mechanism behind the low density “bubble” structures which appeared in the experimental x-ray radiographs at late times but were completely absent in the 2D simulations. We also demonstrate that the three-dimensional expansion of the walls of the target is sufficient to explain the 20% overprediction by 2D simulation of the late-time growth of the KH rollups. The implications of these results for the design of future experiments are discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4752018}, eid = {092112}, file = {Raman2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092112.pdf:Raman2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092112.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {bubbles; Kelvin-Helmholtz instability; plasma diagnostics; plasma simulation}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/092112/1}, } @Article{Ramberg1968, author = {Hans Ramberg}, title = {Instability of layered systems in the field of gravity. I}, journal = {Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors}, year = {1968}, volume = {1}, number = {7}, pages = {427 - 447}, issn = {0031-9201}, abstract = {Equations have been developed for the dynamics of layered systems in the field of gravity, the assumptions being (1) Newtonian viscosity, (2) small amplitude/wavelength ratio, (3) negligible inertial forces, (4) two-dimensional flow, and finally (5) orthogonal gravity-field symmetry. The theory applies to systems with any number of layers provided that each layer is homogeneous and shows uniform thickness. The various layers in a model may or may not differ in all or some of the properties: viscosity, density and thickness. By means of a computer program employed numerous models belonging to six main types have been analysed numerically. The six main types are distinguished by the boundary conditions at the top and bottom. Type I has a free flexible upper surface and infinite half space at bottom. Type II has also a free flexible upper surface, but is bounded by a straight rigid bottom. Type III is bounded both upward and downward by infinite half spaces. Type IV has an infinite half space on the top and a straight rigid bottom. Type V is characterized by boundary conditions opposite to those of type IV, and finally type VI contains models whose upper and lower boundaries both are straight and rigid. Each type can contain any number of layers with flexible interfaces between the bounding layers or half spaces on the top and bottom. So far we have studied systems with up to eleven layers and ten flexible boundaries. In simple systems consisting of a single layer overlain by a more dense half space, or overlaying a less dense half space, the wavelength/thickness ratio for the dominant perturbation increases with increasing ratio between the viscosities of the half space and of the layer with limited thickness. In multilayers with only one layer that is less dense than the immediately overlaying medium the wavelength/thickness ratio for the dominant perturbation increases with increasing viscosity of the overburden and with decreasing viscosity of the substratum all other things being equal. The dominant wavelength in such multilayers is also controlled by the density-contrast ratios, the viscosity ratios and the thickness ratios of several layers both below and above the buoyant one. If two or more layers in a system are less dense than the media immediately above the possibility exists that two sets of perturbations develop with unlike wavelengths, thus giving rise to structures of type anticlinorium and synclinorium. The theory predicts that the low-velocity layer, even if only a few percent less dense than the overlying sima, would rise rapidly measured in geologic time, the exact rate depending upon the viscosities, densities and geometric dimensions assumed. Instable multilayers with a large number of layers (6 and 10) have been studied numerically as dynamically equivalent simulators for thermal convection cells in the mantle. Based on reasonable thermal- and density data such models give horizontal velocity at the earth's surface of the order 1 cm/year. Applied to isostatic adjustment in a layered globe the theory predicts how internal discontinuity boundaries are deflected in response to movements of the free surface, or how the free surface is deflected due to movement of internal boundaries.}, doi = {10.1016/0031-9201(68)90014-9}, file = {Ramberg1968_1-s2.0-0031920168900149-main.pdf:Ramberg1968_1-s2.0-0031920168900149-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.16}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0031920168900149}, } @Article{Rathmann1975, author = {C.E. Rathmann and J. Denavit}, title = {Simulation of collisional effects in plasmas}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1975}, volume = {18}, number = {2}, pages = {165 - 187}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A computer simulation method has been developed to simulate collisional effects in plasmas in the regime where plasma instabilities are dominant but are modified by weak collisions. The algorithm is based on the method of periodic smoothing in phase space, in which collisions are introduced at reconstruction times in terms of a one-dimensional Fokker-Planck operator with a velocity dependent collision frequency. The results of test problems, including approach to equilibrium, collisional heating, and plasma echo decay, are presented.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(75)90027-3}, file = {Rathmann1975_edb34077487db490e392effa80d8bebc.pdf:Rathmann1975_edb34077487db490e392effa80d8bebc.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999175900273}, } @Article{Raviart1996, author = {Raviart, Pierre-Arnaud and Sonnendrücker, Eric}, title = {A hierarchy of approximate models for the Maxwell equations}, journal = {Numerische Mathematik}, year = {1996}, volume = {73}, pages = {329-372}, issn = {0029-599X}, note = {10.1007/s002110050196}, abstract = {In this paper we perform an asymptotic study of the Maxwell equations with respect to the small parameter where is the characteristic velocity associated with the physical problem and is the speed of light. This enables us to derive the quasistatic and Darwin models as respectively first and second order approximations of the Maxwell equations. Moreover, an interpretation of the obtained variational formulations gives us the appropriate boundary conditions for these models.}, affiliation = {CMAP Ecole Polytechnique, F-91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France FR}, file = {Raviart1996_fulltext.pdf:Raviart1996_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, issue = {3}, keyword = {Mathematics and Statistics}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, timestamp = {2012.11.06}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s002110050196}, } @Article{Redi1988, author = {Martha H. Redi}, title = {Standard test cases for the BALDUR transport code}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1988}, volume = {49}, number = {2}, pages = {399 - 407}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {Fourteen standard test cases developed for the BALDUR code are described. Selected output is presented.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(88)90013-6}, file = {Redi1988_1-s2.0-0010465588900136-main.pdf:Redi1988_1-s2.0-0010465588900136-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465588900136}, } @Article{Reed2009, author = {Stephen A. Reed and Takeshi Matsuoka and Stepan Bulanov and Motonobu Tampo and Vladimir Chvykov and Galina Kalintchenko and Pascal Rousseau and Victor Yanovsky and Ryousuke Kodama and Dale W. Litzenberg and Karl Krushelnick and Anatoly Maksimchuk}, title = {Relativistic plasma shutter for ultraintense laser pulses}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, year = {2009}, volume = {94}, number = {20}, pages = {201117}, abstract = {A relativistic plasma shutter technique is proposed and tested to remove the sub-100 ps pedestal of a high-intensity laser pulse. The shutter is an ultrathin foil placed before the target of interest. As the leading edge of the laser ionizes the shutter material it will expand into a relativistically underdense plasma allowing for the peak pulse to propagate through while rejecting the low intensity pedestal. An increase in the laser temporal contrast is demonstrated by measuring characteristic signatures in the accelerated proton spectra and directionality from the interaction of 30 TW pulses with ultrathin foils along with supporting hydrodynamic and particle-in-cell simulations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3139860}, eid = {201117}, file = {Reed2009_ApplPhysLett_94_201117.pdf:Reed2009_ApplPhysLett_94_201117.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {foils; laser beam effects; optical elements}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/94/201117/1}, } @Article{Rewoldt1988, author = {G. Rewoldt}, title = {Alpha-particle effects on high-n instabilities in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1988}, volume = {31}, number = {12}, pages = {3727-3737}, abstract = {Hot alpha particles and thermalized helium ash particles in tokamaks can have significant effects on high toroidal mode number instabilities such as the trapped‐electron drift mode and the kinetically calculated magnetohydrodynamic ballooning mode. In particular, the effects can be stabilizing, destabilizing, or negligible, depending on the parameters involved. In high‐temperature tokamaks capable of producing significant numbers of hot alpha particles, the predominant interaction of the mode with the alpha particles is through resonances of various sorts. In turn, the modes can cause significant anomalous transport of the alpha particles and the helium ash. Here, results of comprehensive linear eigenfrequency–eigenfunction calculations are presented for relevant realistic cases to show these effects.}, doi = {10.1063/1.866891}, file = {Rewoldt1988_PFL003727.pdf:Rewoldt1988_PFL003727.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; ELECTRON DRIFT; DRIFT INSTABILITY; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; KINETIC EQUATIONS; TRAPPEDPARTICLE INSTABILITY; ALPHA PARTICLES; TRANSPORT THEORY}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/31/3727/1}, } @Article{Rewoldt1984, author = {G. Rewoldt and W.M. Tang}, title = {Influence of hot beam ions on MHD ballooning modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1984}, volume = {24}, number = {12}, pages = {1573}, abstract = {It has recently been proposed that the presence of high-energy ions from neutral-beam injection can have a strong stabilizing effect on kinetically modified ideal-MHD ballooning modes in tokamaks. To assess realistically the importance of such effects, a comprehensive kinetic stability analysis, which takes into account the integral equation nature of the basic problem, has been applied to this investigation. In the collisionless limit, the effect of adding small fractions of hot beam ions is indeed found to be strongly stabilizing. On the other hand, for somewhat larger fractions of hot ions, a different, beam-driven root of the mode equations is found to occur with a growth rate comparable in magnitude to the growth rate of the usual MHD ballooning mode in the absence of hot ions. This implies that there should be an optimal density of hot particles which minimizes the strength of the relevant instabilities. Employing non-Maxwellian equilibrium distribution functions to model the beam species makes a quantitative, but not qualitative, difference in the results. Adding collisions to the calculation tends to reduce considerably the stabilizing effect of the hot ions.}, file = {Rewoldt1984_0029-5515_24_12_005[1].pdf:Rewoldt1984_0029-5515_24_12_005[1].pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/24/i=12/a=005}, } @Article{Rewoldt1990, author = {G. Rewoldt and W. M. Tang}, title = {Toroidal microinstability studies of high-temperature tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1990}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, pages = {318-323}, abstract = {Results from comprehensive kinetic microinstability calculations are presented, showing the effects of toroidicity on the ion temperature gradient mode and its relationship to the trapped‐electron mode in high‐temperature tokamak plasmas. The corresponding particle and energy fluxes have also been computed. It is found that, although drift‐type microinstabilities persist over a wide range of values of the ion temperature gradient parameter ηi≡(d ln Ti/dr)/ (d ln ni/dr), the characteristic features of the dominant mode are those of the ηi‐type instability when ηi>ηic∼1.2–1.4 and of the trapped‐electron mode when ηi<ηic.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859320}, file = {Rewoldt1990_PFB000318.pdf:Rewoldt1990_PFB000318.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA MICROINSTABILITIES; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; ION TEMPERATURE; TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS; TRAPPED ELECTRONS; OSCILLATION MODES; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/2/318/1}, } @Article{Rewoldt1983, author = {G. Rewoldt and W. M. Tang}, title = {Beam--ion and alpha-particle effects on microinstabilities in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, number = {12}, pages = {3619-3623}, abstract = {The analysis of electromagnetic kinetic toroidal eigenmodes for general magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibria has been extended to include the effects of non‐Maxwellian equilibrium distribution functions. This is necessary to properly represent the response of the hot‐beam–ion species produced during neutral‐beam injection heating and the response of the alpha‐particle species in a thermonuclear plasma. The influence of these components on low‐frequency microinstabilities is investigated for realistic cases typical of the PLT and PDX tokamak experiments.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864122}, file = {Rewoldt1983_PFL003619.pdf:Rewoldt1983_PFL003619.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma microinstabilities; electromagnetic radiation; magnetohydrodynamics; plasma; equilibrium; distribution functions; neutral atom beam injection; plasma heating; alpha particles; ions; plt devices; pdx devices; numerical solution}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/26/3619/1}, } @Article{Rewoldt1982, author = {G. Rewoldt and W. M. Tang and M. S. Chance}, title = {Electromagnetic kinetic toroidal eigenmodes for general magnetohydrodynamic equilibria}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1982}, volume = {25}, number = {3}, pages = {480-490}, abstract = {A comprehensive analysis of low‐frequency, high‐toroidal‐mode‐number linear eigenmodes for tokamaks is presented. The most significant new features of this stability study are that the calculation is interfaced with a general numerical magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium, and that it is fully electromagnetic. The ballooning formalism is employed and all important kinetic effects, including those of trapped particles, are retained. In particular, the familiar trapped‐electron drift‐wave frequency regime is considered and results are presented for three sequences of artificial equilibria; one of increasing β(≡plasma pressure/magnetic pressure) values; one of varying equilibrium shape, from inverse‐D to circular to normal‐D; and one of increasing vertical ellipticity. The analysis is then applied to a realistic (self‐consistent) high‐β equilibrium generated with data obtained from the ISX‐B tokamak experiment. Here it is found that for the usual trapped‐electron branch, kinetic microinstabilities appear to be present over a wide range of toroidal mode numbers.}, doi = {10.1063/1.863760}, file = {Rewoldt1982_PFL000480.pdf:Rewoldt1982_PFL000480.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA MICROINSTABILITIES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; EQUILIBRIUM; PLASMA; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; TRAPS; DRIFT WAVES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/25/480/1}, } @Article{Riccardo1998, author = {V. Riccardo and G.G.M. Coppa and G. Lapenta}, title = {Spices1 — A smart-particle code for kinetic plasma simulation}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1998}, volume = {113}, number = {2–3}, pages = {199 - 219}, issn = {0010-4655}, note = {CPC code: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADIQ_v1_0.html}, abstract = {Spices1 (Smart Particle In Cell ElectroStatic 1D) simulates 1D plasmas governed by the Vlasov equation. A linear Fokker—Planck operator can be used to represent collisions between plasma species and a given background. The electrostatic approximation is used and no magnetic field is present. Spices1 uses computational particles with internal degrees of freedom (smart particles) to represent better the evolution of the many physical particles allocated to one single computational particle, employing a modified version of the Blob method. The Blob approach leads to inexpensive low noise calculations and has the additional advantage to allow an accurate and deterministic treatment of collision operators. The present work describes the steps taken to implement the Blob method to create Spices1. All the instructions required to use Spices1 are given in details. Several test cases and paradigmatic applications are presented to illustrate the capabilities of Spices1 and to provide benchmarks for testing purposes.}, doi = {10.1016/S0010-4655(98)00075-7}, file = {Riccardo1998_1-s2.0-S0010465598000757-main.pdf:Riccardo1998_1-s2.0-S0010465598000757-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {52.65.Rr}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.22}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465598000757}, } @Article{Riemann2005, author = {J. Riemann and M. Borchardt and R. Schneider and A. Mutzke}, title = {3D Scrape-off layer modelling with BoRiS}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = {2005}, volume = {337–339}, number = {0}, pages = {357 - 360}, issn = {0022-3115}, note = {PSI-16}, abstract = {The 3D fluid transport code BoRiS is applied to a hydrogen plasma and a neutral fluid in a stellarator-like geometry equipped with a poloidal ring limiter. The results demonstrate the capability of dealing with 3D effects which can be related to both the influence of the geometry and the plasma–neutral interaction as well. The setup used has similarities with a poloidal gas target in a fusion device.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jnucmat.2004.08.022}, file = {Riemann2005_1-s2.0-S0022311504007925-main.pdf:Riemann2005_1-s2.0-S0022311504007925-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {SOL transport modelling}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.06}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311504007925}, } @Article{Ritz1989, author = {Ch. P. Ritz and E. J. Powers and R. D. Bengtson}, title = {Experimental measurement of three-wave coupling and energy cascading}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1989}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {153-163}, abstract = {The nonlinear coupling coefficient and the energy transfer associated with three‐wave interactions are computed from measured data of the turbulent edge plasma of the Texas Experimental Tokamak(TEXT) [Nucl. Technol. Fusion 1, 479 (1981)]. The results show the presence of three‐wave interactions. The interactions cause energy to cascade away from the dominant waves of the spectrum primarily toward lower, but also toward higher frequencies. The results are obtained with a new digital spectral analysis technique based on the estimation of higher‐order cumulants. The method is discussed and tested on a simulation experiment. The same technique is useful for neutral fluids as well.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859082}, file = {Ritz1989_PFB000153.pdf:Ritz1989_PFB000153.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; ENERGY TRANSFER; MULTIPHOTON PROCESSES; PLASMA; END EFFECTS; TURBULENCE}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/1/153/1}, } @Article{Robinson1986, author = {P. A. Robinson}, title = {Relativistic plasma dispersion functions}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, year = {1986}, volume = {27}, number = {5}, pages = {1206-1214}, abstract = {The known properties of plasma dispersion functions (PDF’s) for waves in weakly relativistic, magnetized, thermal plasmas are reviewed and a large number of new results are presented. The PDF’s required for the description of waves with small wave number perpendicular to the magnetic field (Dnestrovskii and Shkarofsky functions) are considered in detail; these functions also arise in certain quantum electrodynamical calculations involving strongly magnetized plasmas. Series, asymptotic series, recursion relations, integral forms, derivatives, differential equations, and approximations for these functions are discussed as are their analytic properties and connections with standard transcendental functions. In addition a more general class of PDF’s relevant to waves of arbitrary perpendicular wave number is introduced and a range of properties of these functions are derived.}, doi = {10.1063/1.527127}, file = {Robinson1986_JMathPhys_27_1206.pdf:Robinson1986_JMathPhys_27_1206.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETIC FIELDS; RELATIVISTIC PLASMA; SERIES EXPANSION; RECURSION RELATIONS; FUNCTIONS; ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION; ELECTRON PLASMA WAVES; DISPERSION RELATIONS; QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS; ELECTRON CYCLOTRONRESONANCE}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/27/1206/1}, } @Article{Rogers2005, author = {B. N. Rogers and W. Dorland}, title = {Noncurvature-driven modes in a transport barrier}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2005}, volume = {12}, number = {6}, pages = {062511}, abstract = {Transport barriers that form in both the edge and interior regions of high temperature magnetically confined discharges are characterized by steep plasma gradients, strong E×B and diamagnetic flows, and varying levels of magnetic shear. This study addresses the linear stability of such configurations in the context of a simple slab model using both analytic calculations as well as numerical simulations from the gyrokinetic GS2 code. Three linear modes of potential importance are found: the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability, the tertiary mode, and a nonlocal drift wave instability. Each mode is unstable only in the presence of nontrivial spatial variations in either the E×B flow and∕or the plasma gradients. The strongest conclusion of this study is that the drift wave mode may be an important driver of anomalous transport in the edge region of magnetic confinement devices. Two other weaker conclusions that warrant further study are as follows: (1) the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability may be associated with edge-localized modes or edge transport and (2) the tertiary mode can potentially limit the radial growth of a transport barrier.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1928250}, eid = {062511}, file = {Rogers2005_PhysPlasmas_12_062511.pdf:Rogers2005_PhysPlasmas_12_062511.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma transport processes; plasma boundary layers; plasma temperature; discharges (electric); plasma diamagnetism; plasma flow; plasma simulation; plasma drift waves; drift instability; plasma confinement}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/12/062511/1}, } @Article{Rogers2000, author = {Rogers, B. N. and Dorland, W. and Kotschenreuther, M.}, title = {Generation and Stability of Zonal Flows in Ion-Temperature-Gradient Mode Turbulence}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2000}, volume = {85}, pages = {5336--5339}, month = {Dec}, abstract = {We address the mechanisms underlying zonal flow generation and stability in turbulent systems driven by the electrostatic ion-temperature-gradient (ITG) mode. In the case of zonal flow stability, we show the poloidal flows typical of numerical simulations become unstable when they exceed a critical level. Near marginal stability of the linear ITG mode, the system can generate zonal flows that are sufficiently weak to remain stable and sufficiently strong to suppress the linear ITG mode. This stable region corresponds to the parameter regime of the nonlinear Dimits up-shift.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.5336}, file = {Rogers2000_PhysRevLett.85.5336.pdf:Rogers2000_PhysRevLett.85.5336.pdf:PDF}, issue = {25}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.08.22}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.5336}, } @Article{Rogers1998, author = {Rogers, B. N. and Drake, J. F. and Zeiler, A.}, title = {Phase Space of Tokamak Edge Turbulence, the $\mathit{L}-\mathit{H}$ Transition, and the Formation of the Edge Pedestal}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1998}, volume = {81}, pages = {4396--4399}, month = {Nov}, abstract = {Based on three-dimensional simulations of the Braginskii equations, we identify two main parameters which control transport in the edge of tokamaks: the MHD ballooning parameter and a diamagnetic parameter. The space defined by these parameters delineates regions where typical L-mode levels of transport arise, where the transport is catastrophically large (density limit) and where the plasma spontaneously forms a transport barrier ( H mode).}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.4396}, file = {Rogers1998_PhysRevLett.81.4396.pdf:Rogers1998_PhysRevLett.81.4396.pdf:PDF}, issue = {20}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.08.22}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.4396}, } @Article{Rognlien1992, author = {T.D. Rognlien and J.L. Milovich and M.E. Rensink and G.D. Porter}, title = {A fully implicit, time dependent 2-D fluid code for modeling tokamak edge plasmas}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = {1992}, volume = {196–198}, number = {0}, pages = {347 - 351}, issn = {0022-3115}, note = {Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices}, abstract = {A fully implicit, time dependent 2-D fluid code is described that models the edge plasma region of a tokamak with a divertor or limiter. Equations solved are for particle continuity, parallel momentum, electron energy, ion energy, electrostatic potential, and neutral gas diffusion. We include the effects of parallel currents and cross-field drifts so that divertor biasing can be investigated. The core plasma is poloidally periodic, and the inner and outer private flux regions are properly connected. An implicit method-of-lines scheme is used to advance the variables in time utilizing the Krylov technique which does not require explicit formation or solution of the Jacobian matrix. However, for good performance, the problem needs to be preconditioned; a numerically generated Jacobian is used for this stage. The Jacobian can also be used to obtain the steady state solution by standard Newton iteration. Results are presented on the effects of biasing and parallel currents for DIII-D single-null parameters, and showing the time dependent heat flux on the divertor plate.}, doi = {10.1016/S0022-3115(06)80058-9}, file = {Rognlien1992_1-s2.0-S0022311506800589-main.pdf:Rognlien1992_1-s2.0-S0022311506800589-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.11}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311506800589}, } @Article{Rognlien2002, author = {T.D. Rognlien and X.Q. Xu and A.C. Hindmarsh}, title = {Application of Parallel Implicit Methods to Edge-Plasma Numerical Simulations}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {2002}, volume = {175}, number = {1}, pages = {249 - 268}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A description is given of the parallelization algorithms and results for two codes used extensively to model edge plasmas in magnetic fusion energy devices. The codes are UEDGE, which calculates two-dimensional plasma and neutral gas profiles over long equilibrium time scales, and BOUT, which calculates three-dimensional plasma turbulence using experimental or UEDGE profiles. Both codes describe the plasma behavior using fluid equations. A domain decomposition model is used for parallelization by dividing the global spatial simulation region into a set of domains. This approach allows the use of a recently developed Newton–Krylov numerical solver, PVODE. Results show nearly an order of magnitude speedup in execution time for the plasma transport equations with UEDGE when the time-dependent system is integrated to steady state. A limitation that is identified for UEDGE is the inclusion of the (unmagnetized) fluid gas equations on a highly anisotropic mesh. The speedup of BOUT scales nearly linearly up to 64 processors and gets an additional speedup factor of 3–6 by using the fully implicit Newton–Krylov solver compared to an Adams predictor corrector. The turbulent transport coefficients obtained from BOUT guide the use of anomalous transport models within UEDGE, with the eventual goal of a self-consistent coupling.}, doi = {10.1006/jcph.2001.6944}, file = {Rognlien2002_1-s2.0-S002199910196944X-main.pdf:Rognlien2002_1-s2.0-S002199910196944X-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.11}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002199910196944X}, } @Article{Rognlien1998, author = {Rognlien, T. D. and Ryutov, D. D.}, title = {Analysis of Classical Transport Equations for the Tokamak Edge Plasma}, journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, year = {1998}, volume = {38}, number = {1-2}, pages = {152--157}, issn = {1521-3986}, doi = {10.1002/ctpp.2150380123}, file = {Rognlien1998_2150380123_ftp.pdf:Rognlien1998_2150380123_ftp.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2012.07.12}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.2150380123}, } @Article{Romanelli1991, author = {F. Romanelli and L. Chen and R.B. White}, title = {Stability of internal kink modes with energetic trapped particles}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1991}, volume = {31}, number = {4}, pages = {631}, abstract = {An analysis of the stability of ideal internal kink modes in high temperature tokamaks is presented. The theory includes kinetic effects associated with energetic trapped particles, bulk ion diamagnetic drifts as well as transit resonances. A corresponding dispersion relation is derived and analysed both analytically and numerically. The roles and implications of various kinetic effects are delineated and comparisons with previously obtained results made.}, file = {Romanelli1991_Stability of internal kink modes with energetic trapped particles.pdf:Romanelli1991_Stability of internal kink modes with energetic trapped particles.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.16}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/31/i=4/a=002}, } @Article{Rondanini2008, author = {Maurizio Rondanini and Carlo Cavallotti and Daria Ricci and Daniel Chrastina and Giovanni Isella and Tamara Moiseev and Hans von Kanel}, title = {An experimental and theoretical investigation of a magnetically confined dc plasma discharge}, journal = {Journal of Applied Physics}, year = {2008}, volume = {104}, number = {1}, pages = {013304}, abstract = {A magnetically confined dc plasma discharge sustained by a thermionic source was investigated using a combined experimental and theoretical approach. The discharge originates in an arc plasma source and is expanded in a cylindrical chamber, where it is stabilized by an annular anode. The plasma expansion is contained by an axial magnetic field generated by coils positioned at the top and the bottom of the reactor. The plasma reactor design allows control of the energy of ions impinging on the substrate and thus a high electron density of about 1017 m−3 at 1 Pa can be reached. The plasma is studied using a model composed of the Poisson and of the charged species continuity equations, solved in the flow and temperature fields determined by solving the Navier–Stokes and Fourier equations. The model equations are integrated using the finite element method in a two-dimensional axial symmetric domain. Ionization rates are either assumed constant or determined by solving the Boltzmann transport equation in the local electric field with the Monte Carlo (MC) method. Electron and ion transport parameters are determined by accounting for magnetic confinement through a simplified solution of the ion and electron momentum conservation equations, which yielded parameters in good agreement with those determined with the MC simulations. Calculated electron densities and plasma potentials were satisfactorily compared to those measured using a Langmuir probe. The model demonstrates that the intensity of the magnetic field greatly influences the electron density, so that a decrease by a factor of 2 in its intensity corresponds to a decrease by almost an order of magnitude of the electron and ion concentrations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2948927}, eid = {013304}, file = {Rondanini2008_An experimental and theoretical investigation of a magnetically confined dc plasma discharge.pdf:Rondanini2008_An experimental and theoretical investigation of a magnetically confined dc plasma discharge.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {arcs (electric); Boltzmann equation; finite element analysis; Monte Carlo methods; Navier-Stokes equations; plasma sources}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAP/104/013304/1}, } @Article{Rondoni2012, author = {L Rondoni and S Pigolotti}, title = {On Γ- and μ -space descriptions: Gibbs and Boltzmann entropies of symplectic coupled maps}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {2012}, volume = {86}, number = {5}, pages = {058513}, abstract = {We consider a high-dimensional system of symplectic maps to compare the descriptions of many-particle systems in a phase space Γ and in the single-particle space μ . The main differences are the initial growth of the Boltzmann entropy, S B , and the existence of intrinsic graining scales in μ -space, which are material properties absent in Γ-space. In particular, S B does not depend on the μ -space graining (resolution) as far as this is larger than microscopic scales and finer than the intrinsic (mesoscopic) scale. Interactions among particles are crucial for this. If particles do not interact, the two descriptions are equivalent: no intrinsic graining scales emerge and we show that S B may only grow because of the lack of statistics.}, file = {Rondoni2012_1402-4896_86_5_058513.pdf:Rondoni2012_1402-4896_86_5_058513.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/86/i=5/a=058513}, } @Article{Rosenbluth1971, author = {M. Rosenbluth and M. L. Sloan}, title = {Finite-beta Stabilization of the Collisionless Trapped Particle Instability}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1971}, volume = {14}, number = {8}, pages = {1725-1741}, abstract = {A particularly dangerous mode of instability in confined plasmas is the trapped particle mode which is highly insensitive to magnetic shear and average favorable curvature. The study of the collisionless trapped particle mode is extended to include the effects of finite β  =  8πnT / B2. It is found that the “magnetic well” dug by plasma diamagnetism is highly effective in stabilizing the collisionless trapped‐particle mode. It is found that for magnetohydrodynamically stable systems the collisionless trapped‐particle mode becomes stable when the diamagnetic well is sufficient to give all particles average favorable drift. It would appear from this result that, in general, the diamagnetic well should be an effective stabilizing agent against all nonflutelike microinstabilities.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1693669}, file = {Rosenbluth1971_PFL001725.pdf:Rosenbluth1971_PFL001725.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.18}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/14/1725/1}, } @Article{Rosenbluth1981, author = {Rosenbluth, Marshall N.}, title = {Magnetic Trapped-Particle Modes}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1981}, volume = {46}, pages = {1525--1528}, month = {Jun}, abstract = {It is shown that very-low-frequency magnetic modes may be unstable for systems such as tandem mirrors which contain plasma trapped in regions of unfavorable curvature. Onset of the instability occurs when the diamagnetic plasma pressure is sufficient to reverse particle drift velocities.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.46.1525}, file = {Rosenbluth1981_PhysRevLett.46.1525.pdf:Rosenbluth1981_PhysRevLett.46.1525.pdf:PDF}, issue = {23}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.07.06}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.46.1525}, } @Article{Rosenbluth1957, author = {Marshall N. Rosenbluth and William M. MacDonald and David L. Judd}, title = {Fokker-Planck Equation for an Inverse-Square Force}, journal = {Physical Review}, year = {1957}, volume = {107}, number = {1}, pages = {1-6}, abstract = {The contribution to the Fokker-Planck equation for the distribution function for gases, due to particle-particle interactions in which the fundamental two-body force obeys an inverse square law, is investigated. The coefficients in the equation, <Δv> (the average change in velocity in a short time) and <ΔvΔv>, are obtained in terms of two fundamental integrals which are dependent on the distribution function itself. The transformation of the equation to polar coordinates in a case of axial symmetry is carried out. By expanding the distribution function in Legendre functions of the angle, the equation is cast into the form of an infinite set of one-dimensional coupled nonlinear integro-differential equations. If the distribution function is approximated by a finite series, the resultant Fokker-Planck equations may be treated numerically using a computing machine. Keeping only one or two terms in the series corresponds to the approximations of Chandrasekhar, and Cohen, Spitzer and McRoutly, respectively.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.107.1}, file = {Rosenbluth1957_PhysRev.107.1.pdf:Rosenbluth1957_PhysRev.107.1.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.17}, url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1957PhRv..107....1R}, } @Article{Rosenbluth1959, author = {M. N. Rosenbluth and N. Rostoker}, title = {Theoretical Structure of Plasma Equations}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1959}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {23-30}, abstract = {In high‐temperature plasmas, collisions are very infrequent. Thus the charged particles travel on independent orbits determined by the electromagnetic field. At first sight this would seem completely different from a conventional fluid where particles are closely hemmed in by their neighbors. However, there can exist collective modes of motion in which the particles interact with each other by altering the fields. In this paper a new method is developed for the solution of the linearized transport equation. By facilitating direct use of the properties of particle orbits, a considerable simplification is achieved. In particular, a variational expression is derived for determining stability which is rigorous in the limit of small Larmor radius.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1724387}, file = {Rosenbluth1959_PFL000023.pdf:Rosenbluth1959_PFL000023.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/2/23/1}, } @Article{Ross2013, author = {Ross, J. S. and Park, H.-S. and Berger, R. and Divol, L. and Kugland, N. L. and Rozmus, W. and Ryutov, D. and Glenzer, S. H.}, title = {Collisionless Coupling of Ion and Electron Temperatures in Counterstreaming Plasma Flows}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {145005}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {Rapid electron and ion heating is observed in collisionless counterstreaming plasma flows and explained via a novel heating mechanism that couples the electron and ion temperatures. Recent experiments measure plasma conditions 4 mm from the surface of single foil (single plasma stream) and double foils (two counterstreaming plasmas) targets using Thomson scattering. Significant increases in electron and ion temperatures (from <100  eV to >1  keV) compared to the single foil geometry are observed. While electrons are heated by friction on opposite going ions, ion-ion collisions cannot explain the observed ion heating. Also, density and flow velocity measurements show negligible slow down and rule out stagnation. The nonlinear saturation of an acoustic two-stream electrostatic instability is predicted to couple the ion temperature to the electron temperature through the dynamic evolution of the instability threshold. Particle-in-cell simulations including both collisional and collisionless effects are compared to the experimental measurements and show rapid electron and ion heating consistent with the experimental measurements.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.145005}, file = {Ross2013_PhysRevLett.110.145005.pdf:Ross2013_PhysRevLett.110.145005.pdf:PDF}, issue = {14}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.04.03}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.145005}, } @Article{Rossel2012, author = {J.X. Rossel and J.-M. Moret and S. Coda and O. Sauter and T.P. Goodman and F. Felici and D. Testa and Y. Martin and the TCV Team}, title = {Edge-localized mode control by electron cyclotron waves in a tokamak plasma}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {3}, pages = {032004}, abstract = {Electron cyclotron resonance heating is applied to the edge of a high-confinement (H-mode) plasma featuring type I edge-localized modes (ELMs) in the TCV tokamak. As the deposition location is shifted gradually in a highly controlled manner towards the plasma pressure pedestal, an increase in the ELM frequency by a factor 2 and a decrease in the energy loss per ELM by the same factor are observed, even though the power absorption efficiency is reduced. This unexpected and, as yet, unexplained phenomenon, observed for the first time, runs contrary to the intrinsic type I ELM power dependence and provides a new approach for ELM mitigation.}, file = {Rossel2012_0029-5515_52_3_032004.pdf:Rossel2012_0029-5515_52_3_032004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=3/a=032004}, } @Article{Rottler2004, author = {Jorg Rottler and A. C. Maggs}, title = {A continuum, [bold-script O](N) Monte Carlo algorithm for charged particles}, journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, year = {2004}, volume = {120}, number = {7}, pages = {3119-3129}, abstract = {We introduce a Monte Carlo algorithm for the simulation of charged particles moving in the continuum. Electrostatic interactions are not instantaneous as in conventional approaches, but are mediated by a constrained, diffusing electric field on an interpolating lattice. We discuss the theoretical justifications of the algorithm and show that it efficiently equilibrates model electrolytes and polar fluids. In order to reduce lattice artifacts that arise from the interpolation of charges to the grid we implement a local, dynamic subtraction algorithm. This dynamic scheme is completely general and can also be used with other Coulomb codes, such as multigrid based methods.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1642590}, file = {Rottler2004_JChemPhys_120_3119.pdf:Rottler2004_JChemPhys_120_3119.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Monte Carlo methods; polymer electrolytes; liquid theory; lattice theory; continuum mechanics; differential equations}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JCP/120/3119/1}, } @Article{Roytershteyn2012, author = {Roytershteyn, V. and Daughton, W. and Karimabadi, H. and Mozer, F. S.}, title = {Influence of the Lower-Hybrid Drift Instability on Magnetic Reconnection in Asymmetric Configurations}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {185001}, month = {May}, abstract = {Using fully kinetic 3D simulations of magnetic reconnection in asymmetric antiparallel configurations, we demonstrate that an electromagnetic lower-hybrid drift instability (LHDI) localized near the X line can substantially modify the reconnection mechanism in the regimes with large asymmetry, a moderate ratio of electron to ion temperature, and low plasma β. However, the mode saturates at a small amplitude in the regimes typical of Earth’s magnetopause. In these cases, LHDI-driven turbulence is predominantly localized along the separatrices on the low-β side of the current sheet, in agreement with spacecraft observations.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.185001}, file = {Roytershteyn2012_PhysRevLett.108.185001.pdf:Roytershteyn2012_PhysRevLett.108.185001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {18}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.05.02}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.185001}, } @Article{Rozhansky2012, author = {V Rozhansky}, title = {Parallel velocity in a narrow scrape-off layer of a tokamak}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {10}, pages = {102001}, abstract = {Parallel flows in the scrape-off layer (SOL) of a tokamak are analyzed with emphasis on the narrow SOL. It is demonstrated that in addition to the known Pfirsch–Schlüter flows there exists a poloidally independent parallel flow in the co-current direction driven by the parallel viscosity. The flow is proportional to the temperature and is inversely proportional to the poloidal magnetic field.}, file = {Rozhansky2012_0741-3335_54_10_102001.pdf:Rozhansky2012_0741-3335_54_10_102001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=10/a=102001}, } @Article{Rozhansky2010, author = {V A Rozhansky and I Yu Senichenkov}, title = {1D equation for toroidal momentum transport in a tokamak}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2010}, volume = {52}, number = {6}, pages = {065003}, abstract = {A 1D equation for toroidal momentum transport is derived for a given set of turbulent transport coefficients. The averaging is performed taking account of the poloidal variation of the toroidal fluxes and is based on the ambipolar condition of the zero net radial current through the flux surface. It is demonstrated that taking account of the Pfirsch–Schlüter fluxes leads to a torque in the toroidal direction which is proportional to the gradient of the ion temperature. This effect is new and has not been discussed before. The boundary condition at the separatrix, which is based on the results of the 2D simulations of the edge plasma, is formulated.}, file = {Rozhansky2010_0741-3335_52_6_065003.pdf:Rozhansky2010_0741-3335_52_6_065003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.16}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/52/i=6/a=065003}, } @Article{Ruffolo2001, author = {Ruffolo, D. and Chuychai, P. and Matthaeus, W. H.}, title = {Field line random walk for non-axisymmetric magnetic fluctuations}, journal = {Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference}, year = {2001}, file = {Ruffolo2001_2001ICRC____9_3729R.pdf:Ruffolo2001_2001ICRC____9_3729R.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.26}, url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/2001ICRC....9.3729R}, } @Article{Ruffolo2013, author = {D. Ruffolo and W. H. Matthaeus}, title = {Theory of magnetic field line random walk in noisy reduced magnetohydrodynamic turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {012308}, abstract = {When a magnetic field consists of a mean part and fluctuations, the stochastic wandering of its field lines is often treated as a diffusive process. Under suitable conditions, a stable value is found for the mean square transverse displacement per unit parallel displacement relative to the mean field. Here, we compute the associated field line diffusion coefficient for a highly anisotropic “noisy” reduced magnetohydrodynamic model of the magnetic field, which is useful in describing low frequency turbulence in the presence of a strong applied DC mean magnetic field, as may be found, for example, in the solar corona, or in certain laboratory devices. Our approach is nonperturbative, based on Corrsin's independence hypothesis, and makes use of recent advances in understanding factors that control decorrelation over a range of parameters described by the Kubo number. Both Bohm and quasilinear regimes are identified.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789606}, eid = {012308}, file = {Ruffolo2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012308.pdf:Ruffolo2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012308.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma fluctuations; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; random processes; solar corona; stochastic processes}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/012308/1}, } @Article{Russell2012, author = {D. A. Russell and D. A. D’Ippolito and J. R. Myra and B. LaBombard and J. L. Terry and S. J. Zweben}, title = {Numerical investigation of edge plasma phenomena in an enhanced D-alpha discharge at Alcator C-Mod: Parallel heat flux and quasi-coherent edge oscillations}, journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, pages = {082311}, abstract = {Reduced-model scrape-off layer turbulence (SOLT) simulations of an enhanced D-alpha (EDA) H-mode shot observed in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak were conducted to compare with observed variations in the scrape-off-layer (SOL) width of the parallel heat flux profile. In particular, the role of the competition between sheath- and conduction-limited parallel heat fluxes in determining that width was studied for the turbulent SOL plasma that emerged from the simulations. The SOL width decreases with increasing input power and with increasing separatrix temperature in both the experiment and the simulation, consistent with the strong temperature dependence of the parallel heat flux in balance with the perpendicular transport by turbulence and blobs. The particularly strong temperature dependence observed in the case analyzed is attributed to the fact that these simulations produce SOL plasmas which are in the conduction-limited regime for the parallel heat flux. A persistent quasi-coherent (QC) mode dominates the SOLT simulations and bears considerable resemblance to the QC mode observed in C-Mod EDA operation. The SOLT QC mode consists of nonlinearly saturated wave-fronts located just inside the separatrix that are convected poloidally by the mean flow, continuously transporting particles and energy and intermittently emitting blobs into the SOL.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4747503}, file = {Russell2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082311.pdf:Russell2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082311.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v19/i8/p082311_s1}, } @Article{Rutherford1973, author = {P. H. Rutherford}, title = {Nonlinear growth of the tearing mode}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1973}, volume = {16}, number = {11}, pages = {1903-1908}, abstract = {The resistive tearing mode is analyzed in the nonlinear regime; nonlinearity is important principally in the singular layer around k⋅B  =  0. In the case where the resistive skin time τs is much longer than the hydromagnetic time τ H, exponential growth of the field perturbation is replaced by algebraic growth like t2 at an amplitude of order (τ H / τ S )4/5. Application of the theory to the unstable tearing modes of a tokamak with a shrinking current channel yields good agreement with the observed amplitudes of the m  ≥  2 oscillations. The analysis excludes the very long wavelength mode, and m  =  1 in the tokamak, for which the “constant‐Ψ” approximation is invalid.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1694232}, file = {Rutherford1973_PFL001903.pdf:Rutherford1973_PFL001903.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.17}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/16/1903/1}, } @Article{Ryter2012, author = {F. Ryter and S.K. Rathgeber and E. Viezzer and W. Suttrop and A. Burckhart and R. Fischer and B. Kurzan and S. Potzel and T. Pütterich and the ASDEX Upgrade Team}, title = {L–H transition in the presence of magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114014}, abstract = {The L–H transition and the H-mode behaviour in the presence of non-axisymmetric n = 2 magnetic perturbations have been investigated. At low density no effect on the L–H transition is observed. Within a rather narrow density window around 50% of the Greenwald density limit, a transition to H-mode with small ELMs only and good confinement can be achieved. However, a strong density dependence of the L–H threshold power in the presence of magnetic perturbations forces the plasmas to remain in L-mode when the density is above 60% of the Greenwald value. The H-mode confinement time is not affected by the presence of the magnetic perturbations. All of these H-modes, with and without ELM mitigation, exhibit a common confinement degradation with increasing recycling.}, file = {Ryter2012_0029-5515_52_11_114014.pdf:Ryter2012_0029-5515_52_11_114014.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114014}, } @Article{Ryutov1999, author = {D D Ryutov}, title = {Landau damping: half a century with the great discovery}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1999}, volume = {41}, number = {3A}, pages = {A1}, abstract = {A brief summary is given of the early studies of Landau damping, followed by a discussion of the issues of singularities in the distribution function, reversibility and nonlinear constraints. A difference is emphasized between the evolution of a single-scale localized Langmuir perturbation and a long quasimonochromatic wavetrain. Applicability conditions of the quasilinear approximation are discussed. Examples of the use of the concept of Landau damping in hydrodynamics, astrophysics and other systems are presented.}, file = {Ryutov1999_0741-3335_41_3A_001.pdf:Ryutov1999_0741-3335_41_3A_001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/41/i=3A/a=001}, } @Article{Saarelma2012, author = {S. Saarelma and T. Casper and I.T. Chapman and G.T.A Huijsmans and O. Kwon and J. Lee and A. Loarte}, title = {Edge stability analysis of ITER baseline plasma simulations}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {10}, pages = {103020}, abstract = {A stability analysis using equilibria from CORSICA transport simulations finds that the maximum stable pedestal pressure in ITER 15 MA baseline plasma is 110 kPa corresponding to a pedestal temperature of 5.9 keV. The height of the stable pedestal is robust for the assumption of the pedestal height varying only by about 10% if the width of the pedestal is varied by 30%. A conducting first wall has a stabilizing effect on the peeling–ballooning modes that limit the edge pressure. However, the stabilization is unlikely to significantly change the stability limits, but could affect the ELM dynamics by lowering the growth rate of the ELM triggering peeling–ballooning modes. The entire pedestal region is stable against n = ∞ ballooning modes for all studied pedestal temperatures. This is due to the high bootstrap current keeping the magnetic shear in the region of large pressure gradient.}, file = {Saarelma2012_0029-5515_52_10_103020.pdf:Saarelma2012_0029-5515_52_10_103020.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=10/a=103020}, } @Article{Sadeh1974, author = {Sadeh, E. and Franklin, M.A.}, title = {Monte Carlo Solution of Partial Differential Equations by Special Purpose Digital Computer}, journal = {Computers, IEEE Transactions on}, year = {1974}, volume = {C-23}, number = {4}, pages = {389 - 397}, abstract = {The discrete Monte Carlo method for the solution of partial differential equations has been studied theoretically and experimentally. A special purpose digital computer, the PDE machine, was designed and constructed from macromodules, and Monte Carlo solutions for illustrative problems were obtained. Error analysis has been made and experimental outcomes were compared with theoretical results. Using Monte Carlo methods the PDE machine has been proved to be very efficient from the viewpoint of accuracy and speed in comparison to the general purpose digital computer. Speeds of one solution every 2 seconds were obtained for Poisson's equations with a typical accuracy of better than 2 percent of the range of solutions.}, file = {Sadeh1974_01672547.pdf:Sadeh1974_01672547.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.01}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=1672547}, } @InProceedings{Sadiku1990, author = {Sadiku, M.N.O.}, title = {Monte Carlo solution of axisymmetric potential problems}, booktitle = {Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1990., Conference Record of the 1990 IEEE}, year = {1990}, pages = {1894 -1900 vol.2}, month = {oct.}, abstract = {An extension of the Monte Carlo procedures to the solution of axisymmetric problems is presented. The stochastic techniques are illustrated with specific practical applications to the solution of Laplace's and Poisson's equations. The method requires no input data and provides results which are more accurate than those obtained using the finite element method.<>}, doi = {10.1109/IAS.1990.152445}, file = {Sadiku1990_00152445.pdf:Sadiku1990_00152445.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Laplace equations;Monte Carlo;Poisson equations;axisymmetric potential problems;stochastic techniques;Monte Carlo methods;stochastic processes;}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, } @InProceedings{Sadiku1993, author = {Sadiku, M.N.O. and Garcia, R.C.}, booktitle = {Southeastcon '93, Proceedings., IEEE}, title = {Monte Carlo floating random walk solution of Poisson's equation}, year = {1993}, month = {apr}, pages = {4 p.}, abstract = {The floating random Monte Carlo method is presented as a means of solving Poisson's equation. The mathematical basis of the floating random-walk method is the mean value theorem of potential theory in conjunction with Green's function. The method is illustrated with two typical problems in rectangular and axisymmetric solution regions. The floating walks give a fairly accurate solution and require less time than the fixed random walks}, doi = {10.1109/SECON.1993.465708}, file = {Sadiku1993_00465708.pdf:Sadiku1993_00465708.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Green's function; Monte Carlo method; Poisson's equation; axisymmetric solution regions; floating random walk solution; mean value theorem; potential theory; rectangular solution region; Green's function methods; Monte Carlo methods; electric potential; electromagnetic field theory; stochastic processes;}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, } @Article{Saenz1965, author = {Albert W. Saenz}, title = {Long-Time Behavior of the Electric Potential and Stability in the Linearized Vlasov Theory}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, year = {1965}, volume = {6}, number = {6}, pages = {859-875}, abstract = {In this paper we study in a mathematically rigorous manner how the electric potential, produced by small electronic charge density oscillations of definite wavenumber vector k in a plasma, behaves in the long‐time limit and the connection between this behavior and the stability of a given steady, spatially uniform, distribution of the plasma electrons. Our work is based on the linearized Vlasov equation and on the associated Poisson equation. We formulate a very general initial‐value problem concerning this system of equations, writing the above electric potential at a given position vector r and time t as ϕ(t)eik⋅r multiplied by a suitable constant, where ϕ(t) is independent of r. We establish the existence and uniqueness of solution of this problem by exploiting the fact that, in the linear theory, ϕ(t) obeys an inhomogeneous Volterra integral equation of convolution type, which is rigorously derived here. A detailed study of the asymptotic properties of the solutions of this equation for t → ∞ is made, including the establishment of necessary and sufficient conditions on the initial perturbations (perturbations of the steady electron distribution function at t = 0) for ϕ(t) to be of negative exponential order as t → ∞. As a byproduct of this asymptotic investigation, we give a precise discussion of the Landau damping of long wavelength plasma oscillations in an initially Maxwellian plasma, concluding that in this case ϕ(t) exhibits such damping for a broad range of initial perturbations and that the damping decrement is essentially that first computed by Landau. We introduce criteria of stability and instability based on the boundedness and unboundedness, respectively, in the limit t → ∞ of certain nonnegative quantities Wp(t), which are defined as suitable norms of the perturbed electron distribution function. New sufficient conditions for stability and instability are proved for extensive classes of initial distributions and initial perturbations. These results are compared with conclusions on stability and instability reached by Backus.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1704345}, file = {Saenz1965_JMathPhys_6_859.pdf:Saenz1965_JMathPhys_6_859.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/6/859/1}, } @Article{Saibene2012, author = {G. Saibene}, title = {The 13th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers (Oxford, UK, 2011)}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {110201}, abstract = {The 13th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers, held in Lady Margaret Hall College in Oxford in October 2011 continues the tradition of bi-annual international meetings dedicated to the study of transport barriers in fusion plasmas. The first meeting of this series took place in S Diego (CA, US) in 1987, and since then scientists in the fusion community studying the formation and effects of transport barriers in plasmas have been meeting at this small workshop to discuss progress, new experimental evidence and related theoretical studies. The first workshops were strongly focussed on the characterization and understanding of the H-mode plasma, discovered in ASDEX in 1982. Tokamaks throughout the entire world were able to reproduce the H-mode transition in the following few years and since then the H-mode has been recognised as a pervasive physics feature of toroidally confined plasmas. Increased physics understanding of the H-mode transition and of the properties of H-mode plasmas, together with extensive development of diagnostic capabilities for the plasma edge, led to the development of edge transport barrier studies and theory. The H-mode Workshop reflected this extension in interest, with more and more contributions discussing the phenomenology of edge transport barriers and instabilities (ELMs), L–H transition and edge transport barrier formation theory. In the last 15 years, in response to the development of fusion plasma studies, the scientific scope of the workshop has been broadened to include experimental and theoretical studies of both edge and internal transport barriers, including formation and sustainment of transport barriers for different transport channels (energy, particle and momentum). The 13th H-mode Workshop was organized around six leading topics, and, as customary for this workshop, a lead speaker was selected for each topic to present to the audience the state-of-the-art, new understanding and open issues, as well as to stimulate and lead the open discussion. Poster sessions were also organized to present specialist papers and provide a venue for continued discussion. The topics selected for this edition of the workshop were: * 1. Integrated plasma scenarios for ITER and a reactor: experimental and theoretical studies, including the self-stabilizing transport approach. * 2. Edge transport barrier control and plasma performance: physics of 3D stochastic magnetic fields for ELM suppression. * 3. H-mode transition physics and H-mode pedestal structure: pedestal dynamics near transitions and requirements for high-confinement access and sustainment. * 4. Energetic particle driven instabilities and related physics: H-mode and the transport barrier. * 5. Role of and evidence for non-diffusive particle and toroidal momentum transport and impact of fuelling: experiments, theory and modelling. * 6. Long-range correlation of plasma turbulence and interaction between edge and core transport. The choice of topics, and the amount of progress in the understanding of the complexity of transport barriers physics reflect the drive in the fusion community towards the preparation for the ITER tokamak operation. More than 100 scientists (including students) attended the three-day workshop, coming from all over the world to present their newest results, discuss with colleagues and enjoy the atmosphere of the beautiful Lady Margaret Hall. The preparation work of the International Advisory Committee (G. Saibene (EU – Chair), R. Groebner (US), T. S Hahm (KO), A. Hubbard (US), K. Ida (Japan), S. Lebedev (RF), N. Oyama (Japan), E Wolfrum (EU)) has been rewarded by the enthusiastic participation of scientists, experimentalist, modellers and theoreticians, and by the high level of the scientific discussion throughout the workshop, during lunch breaks and even at the conference dinner. The Committee is also grateful to EFDA for the support in the organization of the workshop and to the Local Organizing Committee (E. de la Luna, Chair) in particular. This special issue of Nuclear Fusion collects a number of full length papers that have been produced based on the material presented at the workshop. The papers have been refereed according to the usual high standard of Nuclear Fusion and present new and interesting aspects of transport barrier physics to the whole fusion community. The International Advisory Committee and the Guest Editor in particular are grateful for the support of Nuclear Fusion for the publication of the papers.}, file = {Saibene2012_0029-5515_52_11_110201.pdf:Saibene2012_0029-5515_52_11_110201.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=110201}, } @Article{Saini2010, author = {N S Saini and I Kourakis}, title = {Electron beam–plasma interaction and ion-acoustic solitary waves in plasmas with a superthermal electron component}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2010}, volume = {52}, number = {7}, pages = {075009}, abstract = {The study of non-Maxwellian plasmas is crucial to the understanding of space and astrophysical plasma dynamics. In this paper, we investigate the existence of arbitrary amplitude ion-acoustic solitary waves in an unmagnetized plasma consisting of ions and excess superthermal electrons (modelled by a kappa-type distribution), which is penetrated by an electron beam. A kappa (κ-) type distribution is assumed for the background electrons. A (Sagdeev-type) pseudopotential formalism is employed to derive an energy-balance like equation. The range of allowed values of the soliton speed (Mach number), wherein solitary waves may exist, is determined. The Mach number range (allowed soliton speed values) becomes narrower under the combined effect of the electron beam and of the superthermal electrons, and may even be reduced to nil (predicting no solitary wave existence) for high enough beam density and low enough κ (significant superthermality). For fixed values of all other parameters (Mach number, electron beam-to-ion density ratio and electron beam velocity), both soliton amplitude and (electric potential perturbation) profile steepness increase as κ decreases. The combined occurrence of small-amplitude negative potential structures and larger amplitude positive ones is pointed out, while the dependence of either type on the plasma parameters is investigated.}, file = {Saini2010_0741-3335_52_7_075009.pdf:Saini2010_0741-3335_52_7_075009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.17}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/52/i=7/a=075009}, } @Article{Samuell2013, author = {C. M. Samuell and B. D. Blackwell and J. Howard and C. S. Corr}, title = {Plasma parameters and electron energy distribution functions in a magnetically focused plasma}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {034502}, abstract = {Spatially resolved measurements of ion density, electron temperature, floating potential, and the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) are presented for a magnetically focused plasma. The measurements identify a central plasma column displaying Maxwellian EEDFs at an electron temperature of about 5 eV indicating the presence of a significant fraction of electrons in the inelastic energy range (energies above 15 eV). It is observed that the EEDF remains Maxwellian along the axis of the discharge with an increase in density, at constant electron temperature, observed in the region of highest magnetic field strength. Both electron density and temperature decrease at the plasma radial edge. Electron temperature isotherms measured in the downstream region are found to coincide with the magnetic field lines.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4794841}, eid = {034502}, file = {Samuell2013_PhysPlasmas_20_034502.pdf:Samuell2013_PhysPlasmas_20_034502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {discharges (electric); electron density; ion density; Langmuir probes; plasma density; plasma focus}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/034502/1}, } @Article{Sanchez2000, author = {R. Sanchez and S.P. Hirshman and J.C. Whitson and A.S. Ware}, title = {COBRA: An Optimized Code for Fast Analysis of Ideal Ballooning Stability of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Equilibria}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {2000}, volume = {161}, number = {2}, pages = {576 - 588}, issn = {0021-9991}, note = {http://www.ornl.gov/sci/fed/Theory/stci/code_library.html}, abstract = {A new, fast, and accurate numerical algorithm to assess stability against ideal ballooning modes in general three-dimensional magnetic configurations of interest to controlled thermonuclear fusion is described. The code for ballooning rapid analysis (COBRA) performs this assessment by solving an eigenvalue problem in the form of a linear second-order ordinary differential equation along magnetic field lines in the configuration. An initial approximation for the eigenvalue is obtained from a fast second order matrix method. In COBRA, this approximate eigenvalue is further refined using a variational principle to obtain fourth-order convergence with the mesh size. Richardson's extrapolation is then applied to a sequence of eigenvalues to estimate the exact eigenvalue using the coarsest possible mesh, thus minimizing the computational time.}, doi = {10.1006/jcph.2000.6514}, file = {Sanchez2000_1-s2.0-S0021999100965148-main.pdf:Sanchez2000_1-s2.0-S0021999100965148-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.20}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999100965148}, } @Article{Sanchez2003, author = {R. Sanchez and D.E. Newman and B.A. Carreras and R. Woodard and W. Ferenbaugh and H.R. Hicks}, title = {Modelling of ELM-like phenomena via mixed SOC-diffusive dynamics}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2003}, volume = {43}, number = {10}, pages = {1031}, abstract = {A sandpile model describing some of the features of plasma turbulent transport dynamics in the L-mode is extended, by adding appropriate new dynamics, to exhibit a transition to enhanced confinement modes. As a result, H-modes with and without edge localized modes (ELMs) can both be obtained by varying the appropriate parameters. Each exhibits features reminiscent of what is observed in confined plasmas. The interplay between an avalanche and a diffusive transport mechanism is shown to be essential, in this context, for the system to display periodic edge ELMing.}, file = {Sanchez2003_0029-5515_43_10_003.pdf:Sanchez2003_0029-5515_43_10_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/43/i=10/a=003}, } @Article{Sangwan2012, author = {Deepak Sangwan and Ratneshwar Jha and Jana Brotankova and M. V. Gopalkrishna}, title = {Plasma flows in scrape-off layer of Aditya tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {092507}, abstract = {The magnetized Mach probe is used to make measurement of plasma flows in the scrape-off layer of the Aditya tokamak [R. Jha et al., Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 51, 095010 (2009)]. This probe is further used to measure dependencies of Mach number on local plasma densities and radial distances of the probe in the scrape-off layer. The measured Mach number has contributions from E×B drift, Pfrisch-Schlüter, and transport driven flows. We have determined that the toroidal flow is towards the ion side of the limiter and the poloidal flow direction is towards the contact of the last closed flux surface with the limiter.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4752415}, eid = {092507}, file = {Sangwan2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092507.pdf:Sangwan2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092507.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Mach number; plasma boundary layers; plasma density; plasma flow; plasma probes; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/092507/1}, } @Article{Santini1965, author = {Santini, F. and Szamosi, G.}, title = {Linear oscillations in relativistic plasmas}, journal = {Il Nuovo Cimento Series 10}, year = {1965}, volume = {37}, pages = {685-697}, issn = {0029-6341}, abstract = {The theory of the linear oscillations in a relativistic Maxwellian plasma is developed in detail. Collisions and external fields are not considered. The frequency and the damping constant of the longitudinal modes were calculated exactly. Also the oscillations of a system of a high-energy cold electron beam and relativistic Maxwellian plasma were studied in detail.}, doi = {10.1007/BF02749865}, file = {Santini1965_art%3A10.1007%2FBF02749865.pdf:Santini1965_art%3A10.1007%2FBF02749865.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Società Italiana di Fisica}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02749865}, } @Article{Sasa2012, author = {Shin-ichi Sasa}, title = {Physics of large deviation}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {2012}, volume = {86}, number = {5}, pages = {058514}, abstract = {A large deviation function mathematically characterizes the statistical property of atypical events. In recent years, in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, large deviation functions have been used to describe universal laws such as the fluctuation theorem. Despite such significance, large deviation functions have not been easily obtained in laboratory experiments. Thus, in order to understand the physical significance of large deviation functions, it is necessary to consider their experimental measurability in greater detail. This aspect of large deviation is discussed with the presentation of a future problem.}, file = {Sasa2012_1402-4896_86_5_058514.pdf:Sasa2012_1402-4896_86_5_058514.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/86/i=5/a=058514}, } @Article{Satake2010, author = {S. Satake and Y. Idomura and H. Sugama and T.-H. Watanabe}, title = {Benchmark test of drift-kinetic and gyrokinetic codes through neoclassical transport simulations}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {2010}, volume = {181}, number = {6}, pages = {1069 - 1076}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {Two simulation codes that solve the drift-kinetic or gyrokinetic equation in toroidal plasmas are benchmarked by comparing the simulation results of neoclassical transport. The two codes are the drift-kinetic δf Monte Carlo code (FORTEC-3D) and the gyrokinetic full-f Vlasov code (GT5D), both of which solve radially-global, five-dimensional kinetic equation with including the linear Fokker–Planck collision operator. In a tokamak configuration, neoclassical radial heat flux and the parallel flow relation, which relates the parallel mean flow with radial electric field and temperature gradient, are compared between these two codes, and their results are also compared with the local neoclassical transport theory. It is found that the simulation results of the two codes coincide very well in a wide rage of plasma collisionality parameter ν ∗ = 0.01 ∼ 10 and also agree with the theoretical estimations. The time evolution of radial electric field and particle flux, and the radial profile of the geodesic acoustic mode frequency also coincide very well. These facts guarantee the capability of GT5D to simulate plasma turbulence transport with including proper neoclassical effects of collisional diffusion and equilibrium radial electric field.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2010.02.014}, file = {Satake2010_1-s2.0-S0010465510000536-main.pdf:Satake2010_1-s2.0-S0010465510000536-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Gyrokinetic}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465510000536}, } @Article{SATAKE2011, author = {Shinsuke SATAKE and Hideo SUGAMA and Ryutaro KANNO and Takeshi IDO and Seikichi MATSUOKA and Masayuki YOKOYAMA}, title = {A New Simulation Method of Geodesic Acoustic Mode in Toroidal Plasmas by Using Band-Limited White Noise in a δf Neoclassical Transport Code}, journal = {Progress in NUCLEAR SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY}, year = {2011}, number = {2}, pages = {72-77}, abstract = {FORTEC-3D code, which solves the drift-kinetic equation for torus plasmas and radial electric field using the δf Monte Carlo method, has developed to study the variety of issues relating to neoclassical transport phenomena in magnetic confinement plasmas. Here the numerical techniques used in FORTEC-3D are briefly reviewed, and recent progress in the simulation method to simulate GAM oscillation is also explained. A band-limited white noise term is introduced in the equation of time evolution of radial electric field to excite GAM oscillation, which enables us to analyze GAM frequency with fine resolution even in the case the collisionless GAM damping is fast.}, file = {SATAKE2011_072-077.pdf:SATAKE2011_072-077.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.04}, url = {www.aesj.or.jp/publication/pnst002/data/072-077.pdf}, } @Article{Sauter1997, author = {O. Sauter and R. J. La Haye and Z. Chang and D. A. Gates and Y. Kamada and H. Zohm and A. Bondeson and D. Boucher and J. D. Callen and M. S. Chu and T. A. Gianakon and O. Gruber and R. W. Harvey and C. C. Hegna and L. L. Lao and D. A. Monticello and F. Perkins and A. Pletzer and A. H. Reiman and M. Rosenbluth and E. J. Strait and T. S. Taylor and A. D. Turnbull and F. Waelbroeck and J. C. Wesley and H. R. Wilson and R. Yoshino}, title = {Beta limits in long-pulse tokamak discharges}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1997}, volume = {4}, number = {5}, pages = {1654-1664}, abstract = {The maximum normalized beta achieved in long-pulse tokamak discharges at low collisionality falls significantly below both that observed in short pulse discharges and that predicted by the ideal MHD theory. Recent long-pulse experiments, in particular those simulating the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) [M. Rosenbluth et al., Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1995), Vol. 2, p. 517] scenarios with low collisionality νe∗, are often limited by low-m/n nonideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modes. The effect of saturated MHD modes is a reduction of the confinement time by 10%–20%, depending on the island size and location, and can lead to a disruption. Recent theories on neoclassical destabilization of tearing modes, including the effects of a perturbed helical bootstrap current, are successful in explaining the qualitative behavior of the resistive modes and recent results are consistent with the size of the saturated islands. Also, a strong correlation is observed between the onset of these low-m/n modes with sawteeth, edge localized modes (ELM), or fishbone events, consistent with the seed island required by the theory. We will focus on a quantitative comparison between both the conventional resistive and neoclassical theories, and the experimental results of several machines, which have all observed these low-m/n nonideal modes. This enables us to single out the key issues in projecting the long-pulse beta limits of ITER-size tokamaks and also to discuss possible plasma control methods that can increase the soft β limit, decrease the seed perturbations, and/or diminish the effects on confinement.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872270}, file = {Sauter1997_PhysPlasmas_4_1654.pdf:Sauter1997_PhysPlasmas_4_1654.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; BETA RATIO; MHD EQUILIBRIUM; MAGNETIC CONFINEMENT; TRANSPORT THEORY; PLASMA INSTABILITY; PLASMA DISRUPTION; SAWTOOTH OSCILLATIONS; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; plasma toroidal confinement; discharges (electric); plasma magnetohydrodynamics; sawtooth instability; tearing instability; fishbone instability}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/1654/1}, } @Article{Schmit2013, author = {Schmit, P. F. and Dodin, I. Y. and Rocks, J. and Fisch, N. J.}, title = {Nonlinear Amplification and Decay of Phase-Mixed Waves in Compressing Plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {055001}, month = {Jan}, abstract = {Through particle-in-cell simulations, we show that plasma waves carrying trapped electrons can be amplified manyfold via compressing plasma perpendicularly to the wave vector. These simulations are the first ab initio demonstration of the conservation of nonlinear action for such waves, which contains a term independent of the field amplitude. In agreement with the theory, the maximum of amplification gain is determined by the total initial energy of the trapped-particle average motion but otherwise is insensitive to the particle distribution. Further compression destroys the wave; electrons are then untrapped at suprathermal energies and form a residual beam. As compression continues, the bump-on-tail instability is triggered each time one of the discrete modes comes in resonance with this beam. Hence, periodic bursts of the electrostatic energy are produced until a wide quasilinear plateau is formed.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.055001}, file = {Schmit2013_PhysRevLett.110.055001.pdf:Schmit2013_PhysRevLett.110.055001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {5}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.06}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.055001}, } @Article{Schmitz2012, author = {Schmitz, L. and Zeng, L. and Rhodes, T. L. and Hillesheim, J. C. and Doyle, E. J. and Groebner, R. J. and Peebles, W. A. and Burrell, K. H. and Wang, G.}, title = {Role of Zonal Flow Predator-Prey Oscillations in Triggering the Transition to H-Mode Confinement}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {155002}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {Direct evidence of zonal flow (ZF) predator-prey oscillations and the synergistic roles of ZF- and equilibrium E×B flow shear in triggering the low- to high-confinement (L- to H-mode) transition in the DIII-D tokamak is presented. Periodic turbulence suppression is first observed in a narrow layer at and just inside the separatrix when the shearing rate transiently exceeds the turbulence decorrelation rate. The final transition to H mode with sustained turbulence and transport reduction is controlled by equilibrium E×B shear due to the increasing ion pressure gradient.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.155002}, file = {Schmitz2012_PhysRevLett.108.155002.pdf:Schmitz2012_PhysRevLett.108.155002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {15}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.04.13}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.155002}, } @Article{Schnack2006, author = {D. D. Schnack and D. C. Barnes and D. P. Brennan and C. C. Hegna and E. Held and C. C. Kim and S. E. Kruger and A. Y. Pankin and C. R. Sovinec}, title = {Computational modeling of fully ionized magnetized plasmas using the fluid approximation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2006}, volume = {13}, number = {5}, pages = {058103}, abstract = {Strongly magnetized plasmas are rich in spatial and temporal scales, making a computational approach useful for studying these systems. The most accurate model of a magnetized plasma is based on a kinetic equation that describes the evolution of the distribution function for each species in six-dimensional phase space. High dimensionality renders this approach impractical for computations for long time scales. Fluid models are an approximation to the kinetic model. The reduced dimensionality allows a wider range of spatial and∕or temporal scales to be explored. Computational modeling requires understanding the ordering and closure approximations, the fundamental waves supported by the equations, and the numerical properties of the discretization scheme. Several ordering and closure schemes are reviewed and discussed, as are their normal modes, and algorithms that can be applied to obtain a numerical solution.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2183738}, eid = {058103}, file = {Schnack2006_PhysPlasmas_13_058103.pdf:Schnack2006_PhysPlasmas_13_058103.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; numerical analysis}, numpages = {21}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/13/058103/1}, } @Article{Schneider2012, author = {P A Schneider and E Wolfrum and R J Groebner and T H Osborne and M N A Beurskens and M G Dunne and J R Ferron and S Günter and B Kurzan and K Lackner and P B Snyder and H Zohm and the ASDEX Upgrade Team and the DIII-D Team and JET EFDA Contributors}, title = {Differences in the H-mode pedestal width of temperature and density}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {10}, pages = {105009}, abstract = {A pedestal database was built using data from type-I ELMy H-modes of ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and JET. ELM synchronized pedestal data were analysed with the two-line method. The two-line method is a bilinear fit which shows better reproducibility of pedestal parameters than a modified hyperbolic tangent fit. This was tested with simulated and experimental data. The influence of the equilibrium reconstruction on pedestal parameters was investigated with sophisticated reconstructions from CLISTE and EFIT including edge kinetic profiles. No systematic deviation between the codes could be observed. The flux coordinate system is influenced by machine size, poloidal field and plasma shape. This will change the representation of the width in different coordinates, in particular, the two normalized coordinates Ψ N and r / a show a very different dependence on the plasma shape. The scalings derived for the pedestal width, Δ, of all machines suggest a different scaling for the electron temperature and the electron density. Both cases show similar dependence with machine size, poloidal magnetic field and pedestal electron temperature and density. The influence of ion temperature and toroidal magnetic field is different on each of ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/54/10/105009/ppcf423581ieqn001.gif] {$\Delta_{T_\rme}$} and ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/54/10/105009/ppcf423581ieqn002.gif] {$\Delta_{n_\rme}$} . In dimensionless form the density pedestal width in Ψ N scales with ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/54/10/105009/ppcf423581ieqn003.gif] {$\rho^{0.6}_{{\rm i}\star}$} , the temperature pedestal width with ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/54/10/105009/ppcf423581ieqn004.gif] {$\beta_{\rm p,ped}^{0.5}$} . Both widths also show a strong correlation with the plasma shape. The shape dependence originates from the coordinate transformation and is not visible in real space. The presented scalings predict that in ITER the temperature pedestal will be appreciably wider than the density pedestal.}, file = {Schneider2012_0741-3335_54_10_105009.pdf:Schneider2012_0741-3335_54_10_105009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.01}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=10/a=105009}, } @Article{Schneider2006, author = {Schneider, R. and Bonnin, X. and Borrass, K. and Coster, D. P. and Kastelewicz, H. and Reiter, D. and Rozhansky, V. A. and Braams, B. J.}, title = {Plasma Edge Physics with B2-Eirene}, journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, year = {2006}, volume = {46}, number = {1-2}, pages = {3--191}, issn = {1521-3986}, abstract = {The B2-Eirene code package was developed to give better insight into the physics in the scrape-off layer (SOL), which is defined as the region of open field-lines intersecting walls. The SOL is characterised by the competition of parallel and perpendicular transport defining by this a 2D system. The description of the plasma-wall interaction due to the existence of walls and atomic processes are necessary ingredients for an understanding of the scrape-off layer. This paper concentrates on understanding the basic physics by combining the results of the code with experiments and analytical models or estimates. This work will mainly focus on divertor tokamaks, but most of the arguments and principles can be easily adapted also to other concepts like island divertors in stellarators or limiter devices.The paper presents the basic equations for the plasma transport and the basic models for the neutral transport. This defines the basic ingredients for the SOLPS (Scrape-Off Layer Plasma Simulator) code package. A first level of understanding is approached for pure hydrogenic plasmas based both on simple models and simulations with B2-Eirene neglecting drifts and currents. The influence of neutral transport on the different operation regimes is here the main topic. This will finish with time-dependent phenomena for the pure plasma, so-called Edge Localised Modes (ELMs). Then, the influence of impurities on the SOL plasma is discussed. For the understanding of impurity physics in the SOL one needs a rather complex combination of different aspects. The impurity production process has to be understood, then the effects of impurities in terms of radiation losses have to be included and finally impurity transport is necessary. This will be introduced with rising complexity starting with simple estimates, analysing then the detailed parallel force balance and the flow pattern of impurities. Using this, impurity compression and radiation instabilities will be studied. This part ends, combining all the elements introduced before, with specific, detailed results from different machines. Then, the effect of drifts and currents is introduced and their consequences presented. Finally, some work on deriving scaling laws for the anomalous turbulent transport based on automatic edge transport code fitting procedures will be described. (© 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)}, doi = {10.1002/ctpp.200610001}, file = {Schneider2006_3_ftp.pdf:Schneider2006_3_ftp.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Plasma edge, plasma modelling, plasma codes, plasma transport boundary layer}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2012.07.11}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.200610001}, } @Article{Schneider1992, author = {R. Schneider and D. Reiter and H.P. Zehrfeld and B. Braams and M. Baelmans and J. Geiger and H. Kastelewicz and J. Neuhauser and R. Wunderlich}, title = {B2-EIRENE simulation of ASDEX and ASDEX-Upgrade scrape-off layer plasmas}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = {1992}, volume = {196–198}, number = {0}, pages = {810 - 815}, issn = {0022-3115}, note = {Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices}, abstract = {The 2D multifluid edge code B2 coupled with the 3D neutral gas Monte Carlo code EIRENE is being used for edge interpretation and model validation on the axisymmetric poloidal divertor experiments ASDEX and ASDEX-Upgrade. For this purpose B2 was significantly improved especially by a fully implicit treatment of the topological cuts appearing in X-point configurations, and a reasonably accurate handling of inclined target plates. A fast, automatic grid generator has been developed, which allows direct implementation of experimental MHD equilibria into B2-EIRENE. Typical ASDEX and ASDEX-Upgrade simulations are presented and discussed.}, doi = {10.1016/S0022-3115(06)80147-9}, file = {Schneider1992_1-s2.0-S0022311506801479-main.pdf:Schneider1992_1-s2.0-S0022311506801479-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311506801479}, } @Article{Schneider2007, author = {R Schneider and A Runov}, title = {Challenges in plasma edge fluid modelling}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2007}, volume = {49}, number = {7}, pages = {S87}, abstract = {Plasma fluid models like B2, UEDGE or EDGE2D are the standard tools for simulation of scrape-off layer physics, both for design and experimental support. The concept of a numerical tokamak, aiming at a predictive code for ITER, triggers the need to re-assess the available tools and their necessary extensions. These additional physics issues will be summarized. The experience existing in other scientific fields with multi-scale problems and modelling should be used as a guide. Here, the coupling strategies are in particular of interest for fusion problems. As a consequence, a certain construction of integrated modelling codes is needed: depending on the specific problem, models allowing different levels of complexity will be needed. Therefore, a hierarchy of tools is necessary, which will be discussed.}, file = {Schneider2007_alex07_ppcf7_7_S06.pdf:Schneider2007_alex07_ppcf7_7_S06.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.11}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/49/i=7/a=S06}, } @Article{Schneller2012, author = {M. Schneller and Ph. Lauber and M. Brüdgam and S. D. Pinches and S. Günter}, title = {Double-resonant fast particle-wave interaction}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {10}, pages = {103019}, abstract = {In future fusion devices fast particles must be well confined in order to transfer their energy to the background plasma. Magnetohydrodynamic instabilities like toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes or core-localized modes such as beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes and reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes, both driven by fast particles, can lead to significant losses. This is observed in many ASDEX Upgrade discharges. This study applies the drift-kinetic HAGIS code with the aim of understanding the underlying resonance mechanisms, especially in the presence of multiple modes with different frequencies. Of particular interest is the resonant interaction of particles simultaneously with two different modes, referred to as ‘double-resonance’. Various mode overlapping scenarios with different q profiles are considered. It is found that, depending on the radial mode distance, double-resonance is able to enhance growth rates as well as mode amplitudes significantly. Surprisingly, no radial mode overlap is necessary for this effect. Quite the contrary is found: small radial mode distances can lead to strong nonlinear mode stabilization of a linearly dominant mode.}, file = {Schneller2012_0029-5515_52_10_103019.pdf:Schneller2012_0029-5515_52_10_103019.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=10/a=103019}, } @Article{Schumer1998, author = {Joseph W. Schumer and James Paul Holloway}, title = {Vlasov Simulations Using Velocity-Scaled Hermite Representations}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1998}, volume = {144}, number = {2}, pages = {626 - 661}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {The efficiency, accuracy, and stability of two different pseudo-spectral methods using scaled Hermite basis and weight functions, applied to the nonlinear Vlasov–Poisson equations in one dimension (1d-1v), are explored and compared. A variable velocity scaleUis introduced into the Hermite basis and is shown to yield orders of magnitude reduction in errors, as compared to linear kinetic theory, with no increase in workload. A set of Fourier–Hermite coefficients, representing a periodic Gaussian distribution function, are advanced through time with anO(Δt2)-accurate splitting method. Within this splitting scheme, the advection and acceleration terms of the Vlasov equation are solved separately using anO(Δt4)-accurate Runge–Kutta method. The asymmetrically weighted (AW) Hermite basis, which has been used previously by many authors, conserves particles and momentum exactly and total energy toO(Δt3); however, the AW Hermite method doesnotconserve the square integral of the distribution and is, in fact, numerically unstable. The symmetrically weighted (SW) Hermite algorithm, applied here to the Vlasov system for the first time, can either conserve particles and energy (forNueven) or momentum (forNuodd) as Δ t → 0, whereNuis the largest Hermite mode number. The SW Hermite method conserves the square integral of the distribution and, therefore, remains numerically stable. In addition, careful velocity scaling improves the conservation properties of the SW Hermite method. Damping and growth rates, oscillation frequencies, E-field saturation levels, and phase-space evolution are seen to be qualitatively correct during simulations. Relative errors with respect to linear Landau damping and linear bump-on-tail instability are shown to be less than 1% using only 64 velocity-scaled Hermite functions. Comparisons to particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations show that as the number of particles increases to more than 106, the PIC solutions converge to scaled SW Hermite solutions that were found in only 1/10 of the run-time. The SW Hermite method with velocity scaling is well-suited to kinetic simulations of warm plasmas.}, doi = {10.1006/jcph.1998.5925}, file = {Schumer1998_1-s2.0-S0021999198959253-main.pdf:Schumer1998_1-s2.0-S0021999198959253-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999198959253}, } @Article{Scott2007, author = {Bruce D Scott}, title = {Tokamak edge turbulence: background theory and computation}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2007}, volume = {49}, number = {7}, pages = {S25}, abstract = {The basic scales of motion and computational requirements for low frequency fluid drift turbulence are summarized in tutorial fashion, with emphasis on the tokamak edge region. Parameters are given by experimental observations, but the computations are otherwise done from first principles. Edge turbulence is fundamentally electromagnetic and nonlinear, not treatable by standard linear or secondary instability analysis. Energetic character is determined by diagnosis of the terms in the energy theorem within the fully developed saturated phase. The spectra of the fluctuations and transport always extend to below the ion gyroradius scale. Direct coupling of pressure fluctuations and E-cross-B eddies through the parallel current is always active. Edge turbulence derives its character from steep gradients, with a parallel/perp scale ratio larger than 100, rather than from collisional effects. Collisionality is neither absent nor strongly dominant for electrons, but very weak for ions. Fluctuations in the axisymmetric component, including the Pfirsch–Schlüter currents, are dynamically integrated into the turbulence. Time scales are one to two orders of magnitude shorter than the ion collision time, hence significant delays occur in the response of heat fluxes and viscosity to temperature gradients and flows. Hence the need for a trans-collisional gyrofluid model to treat cases with comparable ion and electron temperature. Two orders of magnitude in spatial scales and three in time scales are typically involved.}, file = {Scott2007_0741-3335_49_7_S02.pdf:Scott2007_0741-3335_49_7_S02.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/49/i=7/a=S02}, } @Article{Scott2005, author = {Bruce D. Scott}, title = {Drift wave versus interchange turbulence in tokamak geometry: Linear versus nonlinear mode structure}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2005}, volume = {12}, number = {6}, pages = {062314}, abstract = {The competition between drift wave and interchange physics in general E-cross-B drift turbulence is studied with computations in three-dimensional tokamak flux tube geometry. For a given set of background scales, the parameter space can be covered by the plasma β and drift wave collisionality. At large enough plasma β the turbulence breaks out into ideal ballooning modes and saturates only by depleting the free energy in the background pressure gradient. At high collisionality it finds a more gradual transition to resistive ballooning. At moderate β and collisionality it retains drift wave character, qualitatively identical to simple two-dimensional slab models. The underlying cause is the nonlinear vorticity advection through which the self-sustained drift wave turbulence supersedes the linear instabilities, scattering their structure apart before they can grow, imposing its own physical character on the dynamics. This vorticity advection catalyses the gradient drive, while saturation occurs solely through turbulent mixing of pressure disturbances. This situation persists in the whole of tokamak edge parameter space. Both simplified isothermal models and complete warm ion models are treated.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1917866}, eid = {062314}, file = {Scott2005_PhysPlasmas_12_062314.pdf:Scott2005_PhysPlasmas_12_062314.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma drift waves; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma collision processes; ballooning instability; free energy; plasma thermodynamics; plasma pressure; plasma flow; vortices; plasma boundary layers}, numpages = {23}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/12/062314/1}, } @Article{Sears2012, author = {J. Sears and R.R. Parker and J.A. Snipes and T. Golfinopoulos and A. Bader and G.J. Kramer and V. Tang}, title = {Measurement and calculation of Alfvén eigenmode damping and excitation over a full toroidal spectrum}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {8}, pages = {083003}, abstract = {A broadband experimental study of Alfvén eigenmode (AE) damping and excitation examines both low- n and high- n AEs (0 < | n | < 9) with a single diagnostic. Direct measurements of the damping rate of stable AEs with the active MHD system, in conjunction with analytic and numerical calculation, indicate that AE stabilization in Alcator C-Mod is largely due to radiative damping. AEs are also regularly observed to become unstable during ICRF heating above 3 MW. The most unstable modes have moderate- n around n = −4, in agreement with the common scaling of k θ ρ fast ≈ 1 at maximum excitation.}, file = {Sears2012_0029-5515_52_8_083003.pdf:Sears2012_0029-5515_52_8_083003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.14}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=8/a=083003}, } @Article{Segre1999, author = {Sergio E Segre}, title = {A review of plasma polarimetry - theory and methods}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1999}, volume = {41}, number = {2}, pages = {R57}, abstract = {In this review of plasma polarimetry, first the theory is discussed in general, then exact analytic solutions of the evolution equation for polarization are presented, as well as approximate analytic solutions. Numerical integration of the evolution equation is also discussed. The design of experiments is then considered taking into account the maximum amount of information which can be obtained from polarimetric measurements. Special attention is devoted to the techniques of polarization modulation (including both progressive and alternating modulation). Different alternative configurations are described which are of special interest because they can be realized in the far infrared and because they allow a measurement of phases rather than amplitudes. The effects of refraction are then briefly considered. Finally, the combination of polarimetry and interferometry on the same instrument is discussed, including the effects of polarization modulation.}, file = {Segre1999_0741-3335_41_2_001.pdf:Segre1999_0741-3335_41_2_001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/41/i=2/a=001}, } @Article{Sengil2012, author = {Nevsan Sengil and Özgür Tümüklü and Mehmed Cevdet Çelenligi}, title = {Implementation of a Monte Carlo method to a two-dimensional particle-in-cell solver using algebraic meshes}, journal = {NUKLEONIKA}, year = {2012}, volume = {57}, number = {2}, pages = {313-316}, abstract = {Particle-in-cell (PIC) technique is a widely used computational method in the simulation of low density collisionless plasma flows. In this study, a new two-dimensional (2-D) electrostatic particle-in-cell solver is developed that can be applied to non-rectangular configurations.}, file = {Sengil2012_Implementation of a Monte Carlo method to a two-dimensional particle-in-cell solver using algebraic meshes.pdf:Sengil2012_Implementation of a Monte Carlo method to a two-dimensional particle-in-cell solver using algebraic meshes.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.04}, url = {http://www.nukleonika.pl/www/back/conts12n2.htm}, } @Article{Seol2013, author = {J. Seol and K. C. Shaing}, title = {Poloidal flow damping inside transport barriers in a tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {042504}, abstract = {The poloidal flow in a tokamak is damped by collisions. Thus, the poloidal damping can be described by the neoclassical theory. The effective poloidal Mach number, Mp, can be of the order of one or higher inside transport barriers in a tokamak. It is found that the poloidal damping rate decreases exponentially as the effective poloidal Mach number increases. The poloidal damping rate is reduced by one order of magnitude in the presence of sonic Mp. We also found that the ion plasma viscosity becomes negligible compared with the electron plasma viscosity when Mp>1.5. In this case, the poloidal flow is damped by electron collisions rather than ion collisions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4795731}, eid = {042504}, file = {Seol2013_PhysPlasmas_20_042504.pdf:Seol2013_PhysPlasmas_20_042504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Mach number; plasma collision processes; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices; viscosity}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/042504/1}, } @Article{Seol2012, author = {J. Seol and K. C. Shaing}, title = {Transport in the plateau regime in a tokamak pedestal}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {072512}, abstract = {In a tokamak H-mode, a strong E × B flow shear is generated during the L-H transition. Turbulence in a pedestal is suppressed significantly by this E × B flow shear. In this case, neoclassical transport may become important. The neoclassical fluxes are calculated in the plateau regime with the parallel plasma flow using their kinetic definitions. In an axisymmetric tokamak, the neoclassical particles fluxes can be decomposed into the banana-plateau flux and the Pfirsch-Schlüter flux. The banana-plateau particle flux is driven by the parallel viscous force and the Pfirsch-Schlüter flux by the poloidal variation of the friction force. The combined quantity of the radial electric field and the parallel flow is determined by the flux surface averaged parallel momentum balance equation rather than requiring the ambipolarity of the total particle fluxes. In this process, the Pfirsch-Schlüter flux does not appear in the flux surface averaged parallel momentum equation. Only the banana-plateau flux is used to determine the parallel flow in the form of the flux surface averaged parallel viscosity. The heat flux, obtained using the solution of the parallel momentum balance equation, decreases exponentially in the presence of sonic Mp without any enhancement over that in the standard neoclassical theory. Here, Mp is a combination of the poloidal E × B flow and the parallel mass flow. The neoclassical bootstrap current in the plateau regime is presented. It indicates that the neoclassical bootstrap current also is related only to the banana-plateau fluxes. Finally, transport fluxes are calculated when Mp is large enough to make the parallel electron viscosity comparable with the parallel ion viscosity. It is found that the bootstrap current has a finite value regardless of the magnitude of Mp.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4737577}, eid = {072512}, file = {Seol2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072512.pdf:Seol2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072512.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {bootstrapping; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices; viscosity}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/072512/1}, } @Article{Shafer2012, author = {M. W. Shafer and R. J. Fonck and G. R. McKee and C. Holland and A. E. White and D. J. Schlossberg}, title = {2D properties of core turbulence on DIII-D and comparison to gyrokinetic simulations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032504}, abstract = {Quantitative 2D characteristics of localized density fluctuations are presented over the range of 0.3Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices}, abstract = {This work compares results from one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) codes that simulate the plasma scrape-off layer in JET discharges. The importance of 2D effects is assessed, with particular emphasis on the screening of impurities from the main plasma. 1D profiles of electron density and temperature along open magnetic field lines agree well with the corresponding 2D profiles, suitably averaged perpendicularly to the magnetic field. Scrape-off layer lengths in agreement with observations are computed by the 2D code with reasonable transport coefficients. In the case of the JET pumped divertor, 2D effects may be beneficial for impurity control since source and flow patterns can prevent sputtered impurities from contaminating the main plasma.}, doi = {10.1016/S0022-3115(06)80062-0}, file = {Simonini1992_1-s2.0-S0022311506800620-main.pdf:Simonini1992_1-s2.0-S0022311506800620-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.11}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022311506800620}, } @Article{Singer1988, author = {C.E. Singer and D.E. Post and D.R. Mikkelsen and M.H. Redi and A. McKenney and A. Silverman and F.G.P. Seidl and P.H. Rutherford and R.J. Hawryluk and W.D. Langer and L. Foote and D.B. Heifetz and W.A. Houlberg and M.H. Hughes and R.V. Jensen and G. Lister and J. Ogden}, title = {Baldur: A one-dimensional plasma transport code}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1988}, volume = {49}, number = {2}, pages = {275 - 398}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {A version of the BALDUR plasma transport code which calculates the evolution of plasma parameters is documented. This version uses an MHD equilibrium which can be approximated by concentric circular flux surfaces. Transport of up to six species of ionized particles, of electron and ion energy, and of poloidal magnetic field is computed. A wide variety of source terms are calculated including those due to neutral gas, fusion and auxiliary heating. The code is primarily designed for modelling tokamak plasmas.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(88)90012-4}, file = {Singer1988_1-s2.0-0010465588900124-main.pdf:Singer1988_1-s2.0-0010465588900124-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465588900124}, } @Article{Skiff1998, author = {Skiff, F. and De Souza-Machado, S. and Noonan, W. A. and Case, A. and Good, T. N.}, title = {Linear Kinetic Modes in Weakly Collisional Plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1998}, volume = {81}, pages = {5820--5823}, month = {Dec}, abstract = {Experimental and theoretical evidence is reported for the existence of discrete modes in the weakly collisional regime of electrostatic ion waves. The decay of time-harmonic perturbations of the ion velocity distribution function is found to be weaker than expected, and to have a different functional form from the classical theory.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.5820}, file = {Skiff1998_PhysRevLett.81.5820.pdf:Skiff1998_PhysRevLett.81.5820.pdf:PDF}, issue = {26}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.22}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.81.5820}, } @Article{Skiff2002, author = {F. Skiff and H. Gunell and A. Bhattacharjee and C. S. Ng and W. A. Noonan}, title = {Electrostatic degrees of freedom in non-Maxwellian plasma}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2002}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, pages = {1931-1937}, abstract = {Detailed measurements of the ion velocity distribution function are used to test representations of the electrostatic degrees of freedom of slightly non-Maxwellian plasmas. It is found that fluid theory does not describe the data very well because there exist multiple closely spaced kinetic electrostatic modes. New wave branches appear that theoretically should persist as weakly damped modes even with Te ∼ Ti. Both a sum over discrete dispersion relations and the Case–Van Kampen spectral representation can be used to provide working descriptions of the data, but the latter has certain advantages.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1462031}, file = {Skiff2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1931.pdf:Skiff2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1931.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma transport processes; velocity; plasma instability; plasma electrostatic waves}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/9/1931/1}, } @Article{Skiff2000, author = {F Skiff and C S Ng and A Bhattacharjee and W A Noonan and A Case}, title = {Wave-particle interaction}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2000}, volume = {42}, number = {12B}, pages = {B27}, abstract = {We seek a description of plasma wave-particle interactions in the weakly collisional regime. Because weak collisions produce a qualitative change in the plasma degrees of freedom without totally suppressing kinetic effects, neither the Vlasov limit nor the fluid moment limit are found to be an adequate description of experimental data. Illustrative examples of data that require a weakly collisional description are discussed.}, file = {Skiff2000_0741-3335_42_12B_303.pdf:Skiff2000_0741-3335_42_12B_303.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/42/i=12B/a=303}, } @Article{Sleijpen2000, author = {Sleijpen, Gerard L. G. and der, Henk A. Van}, title = {A Jacobi--Davidson Iteration Method for Linear Eigenvalue Problems}, journal = {SIAM Rev.}, year = {2000}, volume = {42}, number = {2}, pages = {267--293}, month = jun, issn = {0036-1445}, acmid = {348903}, address = {Philadelphia, PA, USA}, doi = {10.1137/S0036144599363084}, file = {Sleijpen2000_sleijpen00jacobidavidson.pdf:Sleijpen2000_sleijpen00jacobidavidson.pdf:PDF}, issue_date = {June 2000}, keywords = {Davidson's method, Jacobi iterations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, harmonic Ritz values}, numpages = {27}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, timestamp = {2013.01.14}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/S0036144599363084}, } @Article{Slepian1961, author = {Slepian, Joseph}, title = {Theoretical Structure of Plasma Equations and Application to a Simple Problem}, journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}, year = {1961}, volume = {47}, number = {8}, pages = {pp. 1173-1175}, issn = {00278424}, copyright = {Copyright ? 1961 National Academy of Sciences}, file = {Slepian1961_pnas00212-0087.pdf:Slepian1961_pnas00212-0087.pdf:PDF}, jstor_articletype = {research-article}, jstor_formatteddate = {Aug. 15, 1961}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {National Academy of Sciences}, timestamp = {2012.07.06}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/71004}, } @Article{Smith1995, author = {G.R. Smith and P.N. Brown and R.B. Campbell and D.A. Knoll and P.R. McHugh and M.E. Rensink and T.D. Rognlien}, title = {Techniques and results of tokamak-edge simulation}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = {1995}, volume = {220–222}, number = {0}, pages = {1024 - 1027}, issn = {0022-3115}, note = {Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices}, abstract = {This paper describes recent development of the UEDGE code in three important areas. (1) Non-orthogonal grids allow accurate treatment of experimental geometries in which divertor plates intersect flux surfaces at oblique angles. (2) Radiating impurities are included by means of one or more continuity equations that describe transport and sources and sinks due to ionization and recombination processes. (3) Advanced iterative methods that reduce storage and execution time allow us to find fully converged solutions of larger problems (i.e., finer grids). Sample calculations are presented to illustrate these developments.}, doi = {10.1016/0022-3115(94)00466-8}, file = {Smith1995_1-s2.0-0022311594004668-main.pdf:Smith1995_1-s2.0-0022311594004668-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.11}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0022311594004668}, } @Article{Smith2012, author = {S.P. Smith and J.D. Callen and R.J. Groebner and T.H. Osborne and A.W. Leonard and D. Eldon and B.D. Bray and the DIII-D Team}, title = {Comparisons of paleoclassical based pedestal model predictions of electron quantities to measured DIII-D H-mode profiles}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114016}, abstract = {Accurately predicting the pedestal structure in high-(H-)confinement mode plasmas is of great importance for the modelling of future tokamak plasmas. The main predictions of a model of pedestal structure based on paleoclassical transport as the main transport mechanism are presented. Numerical evaluations of this model are compared with a database of measured DIII-D H-mode pedestal profiles. Across the database, the electron temperature gradient is overpredicted by a factor of 1.7 ± 1.1 and the electron density by a factor of 2.1 ± 0.7. These results are consistent with paleoclassical transport producing the minimum level of electron transport. Trends in the predictions indicate that some additional transport may be operative, especially in high β p and low confinement plasmas.}, file = {Smith2012_0029-5515_52_11_114016.pdf:Smith2012_0029-5515_52_11_114016.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114016}, } @Article{Smolyakov1993, author = {A I Smolyakov}, title = {Nonlinear evolution of tearing modes in inhomogeneous plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1993}, volume = {35}, number = {6}, pages = {657}, abstract = {The nonlinear behaviour of tearing modes in a plasma with density and temperature gradients is reviewed. The effects of inhomogeneities can essentially modify the evolution of small scale islands from that predicted by Rutherford theory. Plasma gradient effects provide the mechanism for island excitation even in situations when the linear tearing mode stability parameter Delta is negative. The magnetic islands are sustained by the differential response of electron and ion components of a plasma in a fluctuating electric field. Such nonlinear magnetic islands are not related to the linear instability of drift-tearing modes. The nonlinear equations describing the evolution of the width and frequency of the rotating islands are derived. In the framework of one-fluid MHD, the general equation for a neighbouring equilibrium in a finite pressure plasma is considered. The dynamics of unstable m=2 and m=1 magnetic islands based on this equation is described. The quasilinear saturation of island growth in a finite pressure plasma leads to the bifurcation of the island type equilibrium into states without islands. A new evolution equation of m=1 islands is derived. For monotonic safety factor and temperature profiles this equation predicts saturation of the m=1 island growth.}, file = {Smolyakov1993_0741-3335_35_6_002.pdf:Smolyakov1993_0741-3335_35_6_002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/35/i=6/a=002}, } @Article{Snape2012, author = {J A Snape and K J Gibson and T O'Gorman and N C Barratt and K Imada and H R Wilson and G J Tallents and I T Chapman and the MAST team}, title = {The influence of finite radial transport on the structure and evolution of m / n = 2/1 neoclassical tearing modes on MAST}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {8}, pages = {085001}, abstract = {Finite radial transport around magnetic islands is believed to play an important role in the threshold, spatial structure and temporal evolution of neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs). We report on novel measurements of NTMs with mode structure m / n = 2/1 on the MAST spherical tokamak (ST), which have allowed a direct evaluation of the effect of transport on island behaviour for the first time on an ST. Temperature profiles obtained with the upgraded Thomson scattering (TS) system on MAST have been used to constrain the solutions of a heat transport equation for the NTM magnetic island (Fitzpatrick 1995 Phys. Plasmas 2 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.871434] 825 ), allowing the determination of the critical width for temperature flattening across an island w c , an important parameter in the modified Rutherford equation (MRE) for NTM evolution. The measured value of w c  = 0.7 ± 0.2 cm obtained for an ensemble of high β N MAST discharges has been used in an analysis of the MRE for 2/1 NTM growth and saturation on MAST. Using a probabilistic method for parameter and error estimation, which takes account of the experimental uncertainty on measured equilibrium parameters, it is found that the temporal evolution of island size is well described by marginally, classically unstable NTMs with strongly destabilizing bootstrap current and stabilizing curvature terms. Finally, further analysis of a β ramp-down discharge is presented, in which the measured w c value explains the observed threshold width well.}, file = {Snape2012_0741-3335_54_8_085001.pdf:Snape2012_0741-3335_54_8_085001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.25}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=8/a=085001}, } @Article{Snyder2009, author = {P.B. Snyder and N. Aiba and M. Beurskens and R.J. Groebner and L.D. Horton and A.E. Hubbard and J.W. Hughes and G.T.A. Huysmans and Y. Kamada and A. Kirk and C. Konz and A.W. Leonard and J. Lönnroth and C.F. Maggi and R. Maingi and T.H. Osborne and N. Oyama and A. Pankin and S. Saarelma and G. Saibene and J.L. Terry and H. Urano and H.R. Wilson}, title = {Pedestal stability comparison and ITER pedestal prediction}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {49}, number = {8}, pages = {085035}, abstract = {The pressure at the top of the edge transport barrier (or 'pedestal height') strongly impacts fusion performance, while large edge localized modes (ELMs), driven by the free energy in the pedestal region, can constrain material lifetimes. Accurately predicting the pedestal height and ELM behavior in ITER is an essential element of prediction and optimization of fusion performance. Investigation of intermediate wavelength MHD modes (or 'peeling–ballooning' modes) has led to an improved understanding of important constraints on the pedestal height and the mechanism for ELMs. The combination of high-resolution pedestal diagnostics, including substantial recent improvements, and a suite of highly efficient stability codes, has made edge stability analysis routine on several major tokamaks, contributing both to understanding, and to experimental planning and performance optimization. Here we present extensive comparisons of observations to predicted edge stability boundaries on several tokamaks, both for the standard (Type I) ELM regime, and for small ELM and ELM-free regimes. We further discuss a new predictive model for the pedestal height and width (EPED1), developed by self-consistently combining a simple width model with peeling–ballooning stability calculations. This model is tested against experimental measurements, and used in initial predictions of the pedestal height for ITER.}, file = {Snyder2009_0029-5515_49_8_085035.pdf:Snyder2009_0029-5515_49_8_085035.pdf:PDF;Snyder2009a_PhysPlasmas_16_056118.pdf:Snyder2009a_PhysPlasmas_16_056118.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.09}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/49/i=8/a=085035}, } @Article{Snyder2011, author = {P.B. Snyder and R.J. Groebner and J.W. Hughes and T.H. Osborne and M. Beurskens and A.W. Leonard and H.R. Wilson and X.Q. Xu}, title = {A first-principles predictive model of the pedestal height and width: development, testing and ITER optimization with the EPED model}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {51}, number = {10}, pages = {103016}, abstract = {We develop and test a model, EPED1.6, for the H-mode pedestal height and width based upon two fundamental and calculable constraints: (1) onset of non-local peeling–ballooning modes at low to intermediate mode number, (2) onset of nearly local kinetic ballooning modes at high mode number. Calculation of these two constraints allows a unique, predictive determination of both pedestal height and width. The present version of the model is first principles, in that no parameters are fit to observations, and includes important non-ideal effects. Extensive successful comparisons with existing experiments on multiple tokamaks, including experiments where predictions were made prior to the experiment, are presented, and predictions for ITER are discussed.}, file = {Snyder2011_0029-5515_51_10_103016.pdf:Snyder2011_0029-5515_51_10_103016.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=10/a=103016}, } @Article{Snyder2009a, author = {P. B. Snyder and R. J. Groebner and A. W. Leonard and T. H. Osborne and H. R. Wilson}, title = {Development and validation of a predictive model for the pedestal height}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {056118}, abstract = {The pressure at the top of the edge transport barrier (or “pedestal height”) strongly impacts tokamak fusion performance. Predicting the pedestal height in future devices such as ITER [ ITER Physics Basis Editors, Nucl. Fusion 39, 2137 (1999) ] remains an important challenge. While uncertainties remain, magnetohydrodynamic stability calculations at intermediate wavelength (the “peeling-ballooning” model), accounting for diamagnetic stabilization, have been largely successful in determining the observed maximum pedestal height, when the edge barrier width is taken as an input. Here, we develop a second relation between the pedestal width in normalized poloidal flux (Δ) and pedestal height (Δ = 0.076βθ,ped1/2), using an argument based upon kinetic ballooning mode turbulence and observation. Combining this relation with direct calculations of peeling-ballooning stability yields two constraints, which together determine both the height and width of the pedestal. The resulting model, EPED1, allows quantitative prediction of the pedestal height and width in both existing and future experiments. EPED1 is successfully tested both against a dedicated experiment on the DIII-D [ J. L. Luxon, Nucl. Fusion 42, 614 (2002) ] tokamak, in which predictions were made before the experiment, and against a broader DIII-D data set, including ITER demonstration discharges. EPED1 is found to quantitatively capture the observed complex dependencies of the pedestal height and width. An initial set of pedestal predictions for the ITER device is presented.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3122146}, eid = {056118}, file = {Snyder2009a_PhysPlasmas_16_056118.pdf:Snyder2009a_PhysPlasmas_16_056118.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {discharges (electric); plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamic waves; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/056118/1}, } @Article{Snyder2012, author = {P. B. Snyder and T. H. Osborne and K. H. Burrell and R. J. Groebner and A. W. Leonard and R. Nazikian and D. M. Orlov and O. Schmitz and M. R. Wade and H. R. Wilson}, title = {The EPED pedestal model and edge localized mode-suppressed regimes: Studies of quiescent H-mode and development of a model for edge localized mode suppression via resonant magnetic perturbations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {056115}, abstract = {The EPED model predicts the H-mode pedestal height and width based upon two fundamental and calculable constraints: (1) onset of non-local peeling-ballooning modes at low to intermediate mode number, (2) onset of nearly local kinetic ballooning modes at high mode number. We present detailed tests of the EPED model in discharges with edge localized modes (ELMs), employing new high resolution measurements, and finding good quantitative agreement across a range of parameters. The EPED model is then applied for the first time to quiescent H-mode (QH), finding a similar level of agreement between predicted and observed pedestal height and width, and suggesting that the model can be used to predict the critical density for QH-mode operation. Finally, the model is applied toward understanding the suppression of ELMs with 3D resonant magnetic perturbations (RMP). Combining EPED with plasma response physics, a new working model for RMP ELM suppression is developed. We propose that ELMs are suppressed when a “wall” associated with the RMP blocks the inward penetration of the edge transport barrier. A calculation of the required location of this “wall” with EPED is consistent with observed profile changes during RMP ELM suppression and offers an explanation for the observed dependence on safety factor (q95).}, doi = {10.1063/1.3699623}, eid = {056115}, file = {Snyder2012_PhysPlasmas_19_056115.pdf:Snyder2012_PhysPlasmas_19_056115.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; discharges (electric); plasma boundary layers; plasma density; plasma kinetic theory}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/056115/1}, } @Article{Snyder2002, author = {P. B. Snyder and H. R. Wilson and J. R. Ferron and L. L. Lao and A. W. Leonard and T. H. Osborne and A. D. Turnbull and D. Mossessian and M. Murakami and X. Q. Xu}, title = {Edge localized modes and the pedestal: A model based on coupled peeling--ballooning modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2002}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, pages = {2037-2043}, abstract = {A model based on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability of the tokamak plasma edge region is presented, which describes characteristics of edge localized modes (ELMs) and the pedestal. The model emphasizes the dual role played by large bootstrap currents driven by the sharp pressure gradients in the pedestal region. Pedestal currents reduce the edge magnetic shear, stabilizing high toroidal mode number (n) ballooning modes, while at the same time providing drive for intermediate to low n peeling modes. The result is that coupled peeling–ballooning modes at intermediate n (3Proceedings of the 18th International Conferene on the Numerical Simulation of Plasmas}, abstract = {Vlasov simulations can for some situations be a valuable alternative to PIC simulations for the study of intense beam propagation. However, as they rely on a phase-space grid which is fixed for the whole simulation, important computing effort can be wasted in zones where no particles are present at some given time. In order to overcome this drawback, we introduce here a new method which makes use of a phase-space grid which is uniform at any given time, but moves in time according to the evolution of the envelope of the beam.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2004.06.077}, file = {Sonnendruecker2004_1-s2.0-S001046550400308X-main.pdf:Sonnendruecker2004_1-s2.0-S001046550400308X-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Vlasov}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.03}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001046550400308X}, } @Article{Spineanu2012, author = {Florin Spineanu and Madalina Vlad}, title = {A model for the reversal of the toroidal rotation in tokamak}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114019}, abstract = {The transition from toroidal counter- to co-rotation in the core plasma has been observed at L to H transition in several tokamaks. Spontaneous reversal has also been observed in TCV beyond a threshold in the density. We develop a model based on the following phenomenology: (1) the increase in the gradient of the pressure triggers formation on a fast time scale of cells of convection (similar to Rayleigh–Benard, but with a single sign of vorticity); (2) poloidal rotation is induced by the envelope of the peripheric velocity of the convection cells; via the baroclinic term the gradients of temperature and density sustain the poloidal rotation against the decay due to the parallel viscosity; (3) the fast increase in poloidal flow induces a high-time derivative of the radial electric field; (4) the neoclassical polarization creates a series of parallel accelerations (kicks on each bounce) of the trapped ions, leading to an increase in the toroidal precession or to its reversal; the source of energy is the work done by the radial electric field. (5) the diffusion transfers on resistive scale the toroidal momentum from the trapped ions to the untrapped ones. The correlated interactions are examined and the estimated time scales are found to be compatible with the observations.}, file = {Spineanu2012_0029-5515_52_11_114019.pdf:Spineanu2012_0029-5515_52_11_114019.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114019}, } @Article{Spong2012, author = {D. A. Spong and E. M. Bass and W. Deng and W. W. Heidbrink and Z. Lin and B. Tobias and M. A. Van Zeeland and M. E. Austin and C. W. Domier and and N. C. Luhmann, Jr.}, title = {Verification and validation of linear gyrokinetic simulation of Alfvén eigenmodes in the DIII-D tokamak}, journal = {Phys. Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, pages = {082511}, abstract = {A verification and validation study is carried out for a sequence of reversed shear Alfvén instability time slices. The mode frequency increases in time as the minimum (qmin) in the safety factor profile decreases. Profiles and equilibria are based upon reconstructions of DIII-D discharge (#142111) in which many such frequency up-sweeping modes were observed. Calculations of the frequency and mode structure evolution from two gyrokinetic codes, GTC and GYRO, and a gyro-Landau fluid code TAEFL are compared. The experimental mode structure of the instability was measured using time-resolved two-dimensional electron cyclotron emission imaging. The three models reproduce the frequency upsweep event within ±10% of each other, and the average of the code predictions is within ±8% of the measurements; growth rates are predicted that are consistent with the observed spectral line widths. The mode structures qualitatively agree with respect to radial location and width, dominant poloidal mode number, ballooning structure, and the up-down asymmetry, with some remaining differences in the details. Such similarities and differences between the predictions of the different models and the experimental results are a valuable part of the verification/validation process and help to guide future development of the modeling efforts.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4747505}, file = {Spong2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082511.pdf:Spong2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082511.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v19/i8/p082511_s1}, } @Article{Squire2012, author = {J. Squire and H. Qin and W. M. Tang}, title = {Gauge properties of the guiding center variational symplectic integrator}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {052501}, abstract = {Variational symplectic algorithms have recently been developed for carrying out long-time simulation of charged particles in magnetic fields [H. Qin and X. Guan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 035006 (2008); H. Qin, X. Guan, and W. Tang, Phys. Plasmas (2009); J. Li, H. Qin, Z. Pu, L. Xie, and S. Fu, Phys. Plasmas 18, 052902 (2011)]. As a direct consequence of their derivation from a discrete variational principle, these algorithms have very good long-time energy conservation, as well as exactly preserving discrete momenta. We present stability results for these algorithms, focusing on understanding how explicit variational integrators can be designed for this type of system. It is found that for explicit algorithms, an instability arises because the discrete symplectic structure does not become the continuous structure in the t→0 limit. We examine how a generalized gauge transformation can be used to put the Lagrangian in the “antisymmetric discretization gauge,” in which the discrete symplectic structure has the correct form, thus eliminating the numerical instability. Finally, it is noted that the variational guiding center algorithms are not electromagnetically gauge invariant. By designing a model discrete Lagrangian, we show that the algorithms are approximately gauge invariant as long as A and φ are relatively smooth. A gauge invariant discrete Lagrangian is very important in a variational particle-in-cell algorithm where it ensures current continuity and preservation of Gauss’s law [J. Squire, H. Qin, and W. Tang (to be published)].}, doi = {10.1063/1.4714608}, eid = {052501}, file = {Squire2012_PhysPlasmas_19_052501.pdf:Squire2012_PhysPlasmas_19_052501.pdf:PDF;Squire2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_084501.pdf:Squire2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_084501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {integration; numerical stability; plasma simulation; variational techniques}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/052501/1}, } @Article{Squire2012a, author = {J. Squire and H. Qin and W. M. Tang}, title = {Geometric integration of the Vlasov-Maxwell system with a variational particle-in-cell scheme}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {8}, pages = {084501}, abstract = {A fully variational, unstructured, electromagnetic particle-in-cell integrator is developed for integration of the Vlasov-Maxwell equations. Using the formalism of discrete exterior calculus [Desbrun et al., e-print arXiv:math/0508341 (2005)], the field solver, interpolation scheme, and particle advance algorithm are derived through minimization of a single discrete field theory action. As a consequence of ensuring that the action is invariant under discrete electromagnetic gauge transformations, the integrator exactly conserves Gauss’s law.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4742985}, eid = {084501}, file = {Squire2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_084501.pdf:Squire2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_084501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {interpolation; Maxwell equations; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/084501/1}, } @Article{Squire2013, author = {J. Squire and H. Qin and W. M. Tang and C. Chandre}, title = {The Hamiltonian structure and Euler-Poincar[e-acute] formulation of the Vlasov-Maxwell and gyrokinetic systems}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022501}, abstract = {We present a new variational principle for the gyrokinetic system, similar to the Maxwell-Vlasov action presented in H. Cendra et al., [J. Math. Phys. 39, 3138 (1998)]. The variational principle is in the Eulerian frame and based on constrained variations of the phase space fluid velocity and particle distribution function. Using a Legendre transform, we explicitly derive the field theoretic Hamiltonian structure of the system. This is carried out with a modified Dirac theory of constraints, which is used to construct meaningful brackets from those obtained directly from Euler-Poincaré theory. Possible applications of these formulations include continuum geometric integration techniques, large-eddy simulation models, and Casimir type stability methods.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4791664}, eid = {022501}, file = {Squire2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022501.pdf:Squire2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Legendre polynomials; Maxwell equations; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; variational techniques; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {14}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022501/1}, } @Article{Stacey2012, author = {W.M. Stacey and R.J. Groebner and T.E. Evans}, title = {Non-diffusive transport in the tokamak edge pedestal}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114020}, abstract = {There are (at least) two classical mechanisms for non-diffusive transport in the edge plasma: (i) particle ‘pinch’ velocities due to forces such as V × B and E r ; and (ii) outward drifts due to ion-orbit loss and X-transport. A theoretical development for the treatment of these non-diffusive transport mechanisms within the context of fluid theory is assembled and applied to several DIII-D discharges in order to investigate the importance of these non-diffusive transport mechanisms in the edge pedestal. Several interesting insights emerge from this investigation.}, file = {Stacey2012_0029-5515_52_11_114020.pdf:Stacey2012_0029-5515_52_11_114020.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114020}, } @Article{Staebler2013, author = {Staebler, G. M. and Waltz, R. E. and Candy, J. and Kinsey, J. E.}, title = {New Paradigm for Suppression of Gyrokinetic Turbulence by Velocity Shear}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {055003}, month = {Jan}, abstract = {The shear in the mean field velocity Doppler shift is shown to suppress the amplitude of electric potential fluctuations by inducing a shift in the peak of the radial wave number spectrum. An analytic model of the process shows that the fluctuation spectrum shifts in the direction where the velocity shear is linearly destabilizing but that nonlinear mixing causes a recentering of the spectrum about a shifted radial wave number at reduced amplitude A model for the 2D nonlinear spectrum is used in a quasilinear calculation of the transport that is shown to accurately reproduce the suppression of energy and particle transport and the Reynolds stress due to the velocity shear.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.055003}, file = {Staebler2013_PhysRevLett.110.055003.pdf:Staebler2013_PhysRevLett.110.055003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {5}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.06}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.055003}, } @Article{Stals2008, author = {L. Stals and R. Numata and R. Ball}, title = {Stability Analysis of Time Stepping for Prolonged Plasma Fluid Simulations}, journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, year = {2008}, volume = {31}, number = {2}, pages = {961-986}, note = {http://www.maths.anu.edu.au/~stals/plasma.html}, abstract = {The Hasegawa–Wakatani system of equations may be used to predict and study the behavior of plasma flow. Stability analysis of the flow requires results over prolonged time series, which places a great strain on computational resources. Results can only be achieved for a wide choice of parameters by using numerical methods that allow long time steps and do not pollute the results with numerical instabilities. The report presents an analysis of several linear multistep methods and concludes that much of the understanding of the stability of linear systems also applies to the study of nonlinear problems such as the Hasegawa–Wakatani system of equations. In particular, methods such as the backward differentiation formulas should be used with the stiff systems generated by the discrete formulation of the Hasegawa–Wakatani system of equations.}, doi = {10.1137/070703569}, file = {Stals2008.pdf:Stals2008.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {multistep methods; stability analysis; plasma fluid equations; nonlinear ordinary differential equations}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {SIAM}, timestamp = {2012.05.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SCE/31/961/1}, } @Article{Stangeby1990, author = {P.C. Stangeby and G.M. McCracken}, title = {Plasma boundary phenomena in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1990}, volume = {30}, number = {7}, pages = {1225}, abstract = {Effects of the plasma boundary can have a substantial influence on the behaviour of the entire plasma in tokamaks. Progress in the field, particularly that over the last decade, is reviewed, with emphasis on experimental observation. Simple modelling for interpretation is also included.}, file = {Stangeby1990_0029-5515_30_7_005.pdf:Stangeby1990_0029-5515_30_7_005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/30/i=7/a=005}, } @Article{Steinolfson1984, author = {R. S. Steinolfson and G. Van Hoven}, title = {Nonlinear evolution of the resistive tearing mode}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1984}, volume = {27}, number = {5}, pages = {1207-1214}, abstract = {The nonlinear behavior of the tearing instability is investigated with numerical solutions of the resistive, incompressible, magnetohydrodynamic equations. Simulations have been completed for values of the Lundquist number S from 102 to 106 and wavelength parameter α=2πa/λ from 0.042 to 0.5. The initial state for the nonlinear computations is provided by the linear instability. In all cases, the nonlinear mode initially evolves at the linear rate, followed by a period of considerably reduced growth. At high S and low α, secondary‐flow vortices, opposite in direction to the linear vortices, generate a new magnetic island centered at the initial X point. The nonlinear growth rate of the one constant‐ψ (in the linear regime) solution considered is approximately an order of magnitude less than that of a comparable nonconstant‐ψ solution over the same time period. The nonconstant‐ψ computations indicate a reduction of from 8% to 27% of the initial shear‐layer magnetic energy, with the larger reductions occurring for the longer wavelength disturbances. The constant‐ψ simulation shows a reduction two orders of magnitude smaller. The island width of the nonconstant‐ψ solution becomes larger than twice the scale of the initial shear layer. For all cases, the electric field parallel to the magnetic field grows, at the end of the run, to about 10−3 times the Driecer field.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864728}, file = {Steinolfson1984_PFL001207.pdf:Steinolfson1984_PFL001207.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {tearing instability; nonlinear problems; numerical solution; magnetohydrodynamics; incompressible flow; simulation; cold plasma; vortices; magnetic islands; instability growth rates}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/27/1207/1}, } @Article{Steinolfson1983, author = {R. S. Steinolfson and G. Van Hoven}, title = {The growth of the tearing mode: Boundary and scaling effects}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, number = {1}, pages = {117-123}, abstract = {The linear development of the resistive tearing instability in a sheet pinch is investigated numerically. Particular emphasis is placed on effects which differentiate magnetic tearing in astrophysical situations from that in laboratory devices. These include extreme values of the parameters determining the mode growth and a variety of boundary conditions. Eigenfunction profiles for long and short wavelengths are computed and the applicability of the ‘‘constant Ψ’’ approximation is investigated. Nearby conducting walls tend to validate this condition and reduce the growth rate, especially for the long wavelength modes which, otherwise, disturb a larger region of the plasma than do short wavelength modes. Finally, the growth rate p is computed for values of the magnetic Reynolds number S up to 1012 and of the dimensionless wavelength parameter α down to 10−3. The results demonstrate, without approximation, the S2/5 scaling of p at large α (constant Ψ) and the S2/3 scaling at small α (nonconstant‐Ψ). The α and S variation of the growth maximum, which would provide the dominant excitation in the absence of nearby boundaries, is specified for both single‐ and multiple‐tearing layers. The growth maximum is shown to occur in a parametric regime where the constant Ψ approximation is not valid.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864000}, file = {Steinolfson1983_PFL000117.pdf:Steinolfson1983_PFL000117.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {tearing instability; pinch devices; plasma sheet; numerical solution; oscillation modes; boundary conditions; eigenfunctions; instability growth rates; scaling laws; reynolds number; time dependence}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/26/117/1}, } @Article{Stern1966, author = {Stern, David P.}, title = {The motion of magnetic field lines}, journal = {Space Science Reviews}, year = {1966}, volume = {6}, pages = {147-173}, issn = {0038-6308}, note = {10.1007/BF00222592}, abstract = {The definition and applications of the motion of magnetic lines of force are reviewed and illustrated. First, the concept of such a motion is introduced as an aid to describing the evolution of a known magnetic field. It is next shown that a known velocity field in a perfectly conducting fluid with embedded magnetic field may be regarded as describing the velocity of the magnetic field lines there. The consequences of such a flow on the field are then derived, including the properties of flux and line preservation and Cauchy's general solution. The discussion is then extended to fluids having a finite high conductivity, with accent on the role of X-type neutral points in the magnetic field. The review concludes with a brief description of existing theories on the behavior of such neutral points.}, file = {Stern1966_fulltext.pdf:Stern1966_fulltext.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, keyword = {Physics and Astronomy}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, timestamp = {2012.08.24}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00222592}, } @Article{Stoltzfus-Dueck2012, author = {Stoltzfus-Dueck, T.}, title = {Transport-Driven Toroidal Rotation in the Tokamak Edge}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {065002}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {The interaction of passing-ion drift orbits with spatially inhomogeneous but purely diffusive radial transport is demonstrated to cause spontaneous toroidal spin-up in a simple model of the tokamak edge. Physically, major-radial orbit shifts cause orbit-averaged diffusivities to depend on v∥, including its sign, leading to residual stress. The resulting pedestal-top intrinsic rotation scales with Ti/Bθ, resembling typical experimental scalings. Additionally, an inboard (outboard) X point enhances co- (counter)current rotation.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.065002}, file = {Stoltzfus-Dueck2012_PhysRevLett.108.065002.pdf:Stoltzfus-Dueck2012_PhysRevLett.108.065002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.02.09}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.065002}, } @Article{Strauss1976, author = {H. R. Strauss}, title = {Nonlinear, three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics of noncircular tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1976}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, pages = {134-140}, abstract = {Rosenbluth’s nonlinear, approximate tokamak equations of motion are generalized to three dimensions. The equations describe magnetohydrodynamics in the low β, incompressible, large aspect ratio limit. Conservation laws are derived and a well‐known form of the energy principle is recovered from the linearized equations. The equations are solved numerically to study kink modes in tokamaks with rectangular cross section. Fixed‐boundary kink modes, for which the plasma completely fills the conducting chamber, are considered. These modes, which are marginally stable to lowest order in circular tokamaks, become unstable with large growth rates, comparable to the growth rates of free boundary kink modes. The unstable modes are found using linearized, two‐dimensional equations. The linear results are used as initial values in the nonlinear, three‐dimensional computations. The nonlinear results show that the magnetic field is perturbed only slightly, while a large amount of plasma convection takes place carrying plasma from the center of the chamber to the walls.}, doi = {10.1063/1.861310}, file = {Strauss1976_PFL000134.pdf:Strauss1976_PFL000134.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; BETA RATIO; KINK INSTABILITY; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; CONVECTION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/19/134/1}, } @Article{Stroth1998, author = {Ulrich Stroth}, title = {A comparative study of transport in stellarators and tokamaks}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1998}, volume = {40}, number = {1}, pages = {9}, abstract = {Experimental results on transport in stellarators and tokamaks are reviewed in a comparative sense. The objective is to learn about the importance of plasma current and magnetic shear for anomalous transport in high-temperature plasmas. On the basis of scaling expressions, the absolute values and parameter dependences of the confinement time are similar if the plasma current is expressed in terms of magnetic field parameters. The degradation of confinement with heating power is of the same order in both devices and it is difficult to explain it in terms of a diffusivity which depends on temperature or temperature gradient. The density dependence of confinement observed in stellarators has similar features as in ohmically heated tokamak discharges. A linear and a saturated regime can be distinguished. The critical density, at which saturation sets in, has a similar value and it seems to decrease with increasing machine size. Power degradation, transient transport, profile consistency and non-local transport are treated as related problems, which are connected to the question of the temperature dependence of the thermal diffusivity. Results from the various experiments cannot yet be described with a consistent physical picture. However, the importance of non-local effects is established in stellarators and tokamaks, although observed in different types of perturbation experiments. In stellarators and tokamaks, fluctuation measurements in the scrape-off layer are consistent with drift-wave-like turbulence being responsible for anomalous transport. In the core, density fluctuation amplitudes increase together with the diffusivity when the density is increased but the two parameters show opposite trends with increasing heating power. It turns out that transport in the two classes of devices is more alike than it has previously appeared. This indicates that the strong toroidal plasma current, major rational values of the rotational transform inside the plasma or strong magnetic shear are not the central elements of a theoretical model for anomalous transport in fusion plasmas.}, file = {Stroth1998_0741-3335_40_1_002.pdf:Stroth1998_0741-3335_40_1_002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/40/i=1/a=002}, } @Article{Su1968, author = {Su, C. H. and Oberman, C.}, title = {Collisional Damping of a Plasma Echo}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1968}, volume = {20}, pages = {427--429}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {It is shown that the collisional damping on the free streaming motion of plasma can be very important in certain circumstances even though the collisional frequency is small compared with the plasma frequency. Both spatial and temporal echoes are treated in this note. In the latter case, for example, we found that the collisional damping goes as exp[-βωp2t3] (where β is the collisional frequency).}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.20.427}, file = {Su1968_PhysRevLett.20.427.pdf:Su1968_PhysRevLett.20.427.pdf:PDF}, issue = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.02.22}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.20.427}, } @Article{Su2012, author = {Yanqing Su and Quanming Lu and Xinliang Gao and Can Huang and Shui Wang}, title = {Ion dynamics at supercritical quasi-parallel shocks: Hybrid simulations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {092108}, abstract = {By separating the incident ions into directly transmitted, downstream thermalized, and diffuse ions, we perform one-dimensional (1D) hybrid simulations to investigate ion dynamics at a supercritical quasi-parallel shock. In the simulations, the angle between the upstream magnetic field and shock nominal direction is θBn = 30°, and the Alfven Mach number is MA ∼ 5.5. The shock exhibits a periodic reformation process. The ion reflection occurs at the beginning of the reformation cycle. Part of the reflected ions is trapped between the old and new shock fronts for an extended time period. These particles eventually form superthermal diffuse ions after they escape to the upstream of the new shock front at the end of the reformation cycle. The other reflected ions may return to the shock immediately or be trapped between the old and new shock fronts for a short time period. When the amplitude of the new shock front exceeds that of the old shock front and the reformation cycle is finished, these ions become thermalized ions in the downstream. No noticeable heating can be found in the directly transmitted ions. The relevance of our simulations to the satellite observations is also discussed in the paper.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4752219}, eid = {092108}, file = {Su2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092108.pdf:Su2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092108.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Mach number; plasma Alfven waves; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma shock waves; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/092108/1}, } @Article{Sugama2013, author = {H. Sugama and T.-H. Watanabe and M. Nunami}, title = {Conservation of energy and momentum in nonrelativistic plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {024503}, abstract = {Conservation laws of energy and momentum for nonrelativistic plasmas are derived from applying Noether's theorem to the action integral for the Vlasov-Poisson-Ampère system [Sugama, Phys. Plasmas 7, 466 (2000)]. The symmetric pressure tensor is obtained from modifying the asymmetric canonical pressure tensor with using the rotational symmetry of the action integral. Differences between the resultant conservation laws and those for the Vlasov-Maxwell system including the Maxwell displacement current are clarified. These results provide a useful basis for gyrokinetic conservation laws because gyrokinetic equations are derived as an approximation of the Vlasov-Poisson-Ampère system.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789869}, eid = {024503}, file = {Sugama2013_PhysPlasmas_20_024503.pdf:Sugama2013_PhysPlasmas_20_024503.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {approximation theory; conservation laws; plasma kinetic theory; Poisson equation; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/024503/1}, } @Article{Sugita2012, author = {Satoru Sugita and Kimitaka Itoh and Sanae-I Itoh and Masatoshi Yagi and Guillaume Fuhr and Peter Beyer and Sadruddin Benkadda}, title = {Ballistic propagation of turbulence front in tokamak edge plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {12}, pages = {125001}, abstract = {The flux-driven nonlinear simulation of resistive ballooning mode turbulence with tokamak edge geometry is performed to study the non-steady component in the edge turbulence. The large-scale and dynamical events in transport are investigated in a situation where the mean flow is suppressed. Two types of dynamics are observed. One is the radial propagation of the pulse of pressure gradient, the other is the appearance/disappearance of radially elongated global structure of turbulent heat flux. The ballistic propagation is observed in the pulse of pressure gradient, which is associated with the front of turbulent heat flux. We focus on this ballistic propagation phenomenon. Both of the bump of pressure gradient and the front of heat flux propagate inward and outward direction. It is confirmed that the strong fluctuation propagates with the pulse front. It is observed that the number of pulses going outward is close to those going inward. This ballistic phenomenon does not contradict to the turbulence spreading theory. Statistical characteristics of the ballistic propagation of pulses are evaluated and compared with scaling laws which is given by the turbulence spreading theory. It is found that they give qualitatively good agreement.}, file = {Sugita2012_0741-3335_54_12_125001.pdf:Sugita2012_0741-3335_54_12_125001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=12/a=125001}, } @Article{Sugiyama2013, author = {Linda E. Sugiyama}, title = {On the formation of m = 1, n = 1 density snakes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032504}, abstract = {The m/n = 1/1 helical ion density “snake” located near the q = 1 magnetic surface in a toroidal, magnetically confined plasma arises naturally in resistive MHD, when the plasma density evolves separately from pressure. Nonlinear numerical simulations show that a helical density perturbation applied around q = 1 can form a quasi-steady state over q≳1 with of opposite average sign to . Two principal outcomes depend on the magnitude of /n and the underlying stability of the 1/1 internal kink mode. For a small q<1 central region, a moderate helical density drives a new, slowly growing type of nonlinear 1/1 internal kink inside q<1, with small and ∇ ≃ ∇(n). The hot kink core moves away from, or perpendicular to, the high density region near q ≃ 1, preserving the snake density during a sawtooth crash. The mode resembles the early stage of heavy-impurity-ion snakes in ohmic discharges, including recent observations in Alcator C-Mod. For a larger, more unstable q<1 region, the helical density perturbation drives a conventional 1/1 kink where aligns with , leading to a rapid sawtooth crash. The crash redistributes the density to a localized helical concentration inside q≲1, similar to experimentally observed snakes that are initiated by a sawtooth crash.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4793450}, eid = {032504}, file = {Sugiyama2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032504.pdf:Sugiyama2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {kink instability; plasma density; plasma impurities; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma pressure; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; sawtooth instability; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032504/1}, } @Article{Sugiyama2010, author = {L. E. Sugiyama and H. R. Strauss}, title = {Magnetic X-points, edge localized modes, and stochasticity}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {6}, pages = {062505}, abstract = {Edge localized modes (ELMs) near the boundary of a high temperature, magnetically confined toroidal plasma represent a new type of nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) plasma instability that grows through a coherent plasma interaction with part of a chaotic magnetic field. Under perturbation, the freely moving magnetic boundary surface with an X-point splits into two different limiting asymptotic surfaces (manifolds), similar to the behavior of a hyperbolic saddle point in Hamiltonian dynamics. Numerical simulation using the extended MHD code M3D shows that field-aligned plasma instabilities, such as ballooning modes, can couple to the “unstable” manifold that forms helical, field-following lobes around the original surface. Large type I ELMs proceed in stages. Initially, a rapidly growing ballooning outburst involves the entire outboard side. Large plasma fingers grow well off the midplane, while low density regions penetrate deeply into the plasma. The magnetic field becomes superficially stochastic. A secondary inboard edge instability causes inboard plasma loss. The plasma gradually relaxes back toward axisymmetry, with diminishing cycles of edge instability. Poloidal rotation of the interior and edge plasma may be driven. The magnetic tangle constrains the early nonlinear ballooning, but may encourage the later inward penetration. Equilibrium toroidal rotation and two-fluid diamagnetic drifts have relatively small effects on a strong MHD instability. Intrinsic magnetic stochasticity may help explain the wide range of experimentally observed ELMs and ELM-free behavior in fusion plasmas, as well as properties of the H-mode and plasma edge.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3449301}, eid = {062505}, file = {Sugiyama2010_PhysPlasmas_17_062505.pdf:Sugiyama2010_PhysPlasmas_17_062505.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; numerical analysis; perturbation theory; plasma boundary layers; plasma fluctuations; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {16}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/062505/1}, } @Article{Summers1992, author = {Summers, Danny and Thorne, Richard M.}, title = {A new tool for analyzing microinstabilities in space plasmas modeled by a generalized Lorentzian (Kappa) distribution}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {97}, number = {A11}, pages = {16827--16832}, issn = {2156-2202}, abstract = {In space plasmas, e.g., planetary magnetospheres and the solar wind, it has been observed that particle velocity distributions typically possess a non-Maxwellian high-energy tail that can be well modeled by a generalized Lorentzian (kappa) distribution. The generalized Lorentzian distribution is characterized by a spectral index κ, varies as {energy}−(κ+1) at high velocities, and approaches a Maxwellian distribution as κ → ∞. As a natural analogue to the widely used plasma dispersion function Z(ξ), which is based on the Maxwellian distribution, we have recently introduced a new special function Zκ*(ξ) based on the generalized Lorentzian distribution; we call Zκ*(ξ) the modified plasma dispersion function. Because Zκ*(ξ) can be expressed in simple closed form, Zκ*(ξ) is easier to use than Z(ξ) both from analytical and computational points of view. Zκ*(ξ) is, moreover, a natural tool for analyzing microinstabilities in a variety of space plasmas. In this paper we use Zκ*(ξ) to analyze three classical problems of plasma physics: Landau damping of Langmuir waves; ion acoustic instability in a current-carrying plasma; and cyclotron resonant instability of electromagnetic R mode waves propagating parallel to an ambient magnetic field. In each case we find that results for a generalized Lorentzian plasma can differ significantly from those in a Maxwellian plasma. Previous calculations based on a Maxwellian distribution, that purport to apply to waves in space, may therefore be subject to reexamination.}, doi = {10.1029/92JA01664}, file = {Summers1992_jgra11037.pdf:Summers1992_jgra11037.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.17}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/92JA01664}, } @Article{Summers1991, author = {Danny Summers and Richard M. Thorne}, title = {The modified plasma dispersion function}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {3}, number = {8}, pages = {1835-1847}, abstract = {In the linear theory of waves in a hot plasma if the zeroth‐order velocity distribution function is taken to be Maxwellian, then there arises a special, complex‐valued function of a complex variable ξ=x+iy, namely Z(ξ), known as the plasma dispersion function. In space physics many particle distributions possess a high‐energy tail that can be well modeled by a generalized Lorentzian (or kappa) distribution function containing the spectral index κ. In this paper, as a natural analog to the definition of Z(ξ), a new special function Z@B|κ(ξ) is defined based on the kappa distribution function. Here, Z∗κ(ξ) is called the modified plasma dispersion function. For any positive integral value of κ, Z@B|κ(ξ) is calculated in closed form as a finite series. General properties, including small‐argument and large‐argument expansions, of Z∗κ(ξ) are given, and simple explicit forms are given for Z@B|1(ξ), Z∗2(ξ), ..., Z@B|6(ξ). A comprehensive set of graphs of the real and imaginary parts of Z∗κ(ξ) is presented. It is demonstrated how the modified plasma dispersion function approaches the plasma dispersion function in the limit as κ→∞, a result to be expected since the (appropriately defined) kappa distribution function formally approaches the Maxwellian as κ→∞. The function Z@B|κ(ξ) is expected to be instrumental in studying microinstabilities in plasmas when the particle distribution function is not only the standard generalized Lorentzian, but also of the Lorentzian type, including inter alia, the loss‐cone, bi‐Lorentzian, and product bi‐Lorentzian distributions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859653}, file = {Summers1991_PFB001835.pdf:Summers1991_PFB001835.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {DISPERSION RELATIONS; MODIFICATIONS; HOT PLASMA; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; VELOCITY; LORENTZ GAS; BOLTZMANN STATISTICS; PLASMA MICROINSTABILITIES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.17}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/1835/1}, } @Article{Sun2011, author = {Y. Sun and Y. Liang and K.C. Shaing and H.R. Koslowski and C. Wiegmann and T. Zhang}, title = {Modelling of the neoclassical toroidal plasma viscosity torque in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {51}, number = {5}, pages = {053015}, abstract = {Neoclassical toroidal plasma viscosity (NTV) torque induced by non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbation in the collisionless regimes in tokamaks is modelled by solving the bounce-averaged drift kinetic equation numerically. The detailed comparison between the numerical and the analytic solutions of NTV is discussed in this paper. In different asymptotic limits of the collisionless regimes, the numerical solutions are in good agreement with the analytic results. The numerical results are different from the analytic results calculated from the smoothly connected formula in the transit regimes. The pitch angle scattering is especially important in the ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/51/5/053015/nf378533in001.gif] {\nu-\sqrt{\nu}} regime. The final difference between the numerical and the analytic results can be up to a factor of 2 near the transition between the non-resonant and resonant regimes. This reveals the importance of the boundary condition of the pitch angle space. The sign of the electric field is found to be important in the calculation of the NTV torque. It shows that the effect of the resonant particles makes the NTV torque more important for the lower collisionality and lower rotation cases, which are the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor relevant conditions. It also shows that the electron NTV torque is important in the low collisionality case. This numerical method can be applied for modelling the NTV torque in different collisionality regimes and their transitions in tokamaks without additional approximations.}, file = {Sun2011_0029-5515_51_5_053015.pdf:Sun2011_0029-5515_51_5_053015.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=5/a=053015}, } @Article{Sun2012, author = {Y. Sun and Y. Liang and K.C. Shaing and Y.Q. Liu and H.R. Koslowski and S. Jachmich and B. Alper and A. Alfier and O. Asunta and P. Buratti and G. Corrigan and E. Delabie and C. Giroud and M.P. Gryaznevich and D. Harting and T. Hender and E. Nardon and V. Naulin and V. Parail and T. Tala and C. Wiegmann and S. Wiesen and T. Zhang and JET-EFDA contributors}, title = {Non-resonant magnetic braking on JET and TEXTOR}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {8}, pages = {083007}, abstract = {The non-resonant magnetic braking effect induced by a non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbation is investigated on JET and TEXTOR. The collisionality dependence of the torque induced by the n = 1, where n is the toroidal mode number, magnetic perturbation generated by the error field correction coils on JET is observed. The observed torque is located mainly in the plasma core (normalized radius ρ < 0.4) and increases with decreasing collisionality. The neoclassical toroidal plasma viscosity (NTV) torque in the collisionless regime is modelled using the numerical solution of the bounce-averaged drift kinetic equation. The calculated collisionality dependence of the NTV torque is in good agreement with the experimental observation on JET. The reason for this collisionality dependence is that the torque in the plasma core on JET mainly comes from the flux of the trapped electrons, which are still mainly in the 1/ ν regime. The strongest NTV torque on JET is also located near the plasma core. The magnitude of the NTV torque strongly depends on the plasma response, which is also discussed in this paper. There is no obvious braking effect with n = 2 magnetic perturbation generated by the dynamic ergodic divertor on TEXTOR, which is consistent with the NTV modelling.}, file = {Sun2012_0029-5515_52_8_083007.pdf:Sun2012_0029-5515_52_8_083007.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=8/a=083007}, } @Article{Sun2009, author = {Youwen Sun and Baonian Wan and Liqun Hu and Kaiyun Chen and Biao Shen and Jianshan Mao}, title = {Observation of heat transfer across x point of the islands during sawtooth crash on the HT-7 tokamak}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {51}, number = {6}, pages = {065001}, abstract = {It is observed that a large heat flow abruptly transfers across the x point (which can be located at both the high field side and the low field side) of the 1/1 or 2/2 magnetic islands during a sawtooth crash on the HT-7 tokamak by using tomography of the high-resolution soft-x-ray emission together with the singular value decomposition technique. Although the poloidally asymmetric heat flow contributes an m = 1 component of perturbation in the signals, the heat flow is obviously different from the growth of the m = 1 magnetic island. Furthermore, it is also shown that the large heat flow or the displacement of the hot core occurs only after the crash. Hence, the large displacement of the hot core is just a result of the crash rather than the cause. The heat flow from both the x points of the m = 2 island is also observed. This observation demonstrates that a purely fast reconnection of the m = 1 magnetic island is not responsible for the crash, but that it may be due to the rapid energy and particle diffusion in the stochastic region.}, file = {Sun2009_0741-3335_51_6_065001.pdf:Sun2009_0741-3335_51_6_065001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.14}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/51/i=6/a=065001}, } @Article{Sun2007, author = {Youwen Sun and Baonian Wan and Liqun Hu and Biao Shen}, title = {Understanding the m = 1 mode during the sawtooth ramp phase in lower hybrid current driven plasmas on the HT-7 tokamak}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2007}, volume = {47}, number = {4}, pages = {271}, abstract = {The excitation mechanism and stabilization of the observed m / n = 1/1 instability during the sawtooth ramp phase in the lower hybrid current driven plasmas on the HT-7 tokamak (Sun Y et al 2005 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion [/0741-3335/47/6/002] 47 745–56 ) have been investigated in this paper. This mode is most likely destabilized by the current density gradient at the q = 1 surface. Based on the local transport model, it is shown that the saturation and stabilization of the m = 1 mode before the subsequent sawtooth crash may result from the flattening of the current profile because of the locally enhanced transport of the suprathermal electrons due to the magnetic island.}, file = {Sun2007_0029-5515_47_4_005.pdf:Sun2007_0029-5515_47_4_005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.14}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/47/i=4/a=005}, } @Article{Swanson2002, author = {D G Swanson}, title = {Exact and moderately relativistic plasma dispersion functions}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2002}, volume = {44}, number = {7}, pages = {1329}, abstract = {The study of (generally weak) relativistic damping of waves in plasmas is not new, but the principal analytical results have been obtained through a series of approximations leading to expressions for the dielectric tensor elements in terms of weakly relativistic plasma dispersion functions, where μ = m e c 2 / kT e ≫1. If one focuses only on the case with propagation perpendicular to the magnetic field, however, where there is no damping at all without relativistic effects, it is possible to reduce the exact calculation of each dielectric tensor element to one or two integrals without sums or approximation. The exact results are compared with two approximate methods that do not involve a numerical integration, one being the weakly relativistic appproximation and the other a new extension to moderately relativistic plasmas.}, file = {Swanson2002_0741-3335_44_7_320.pdf:Swanson2002_0741-3335_44_7_320.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/44/i=7/a=320}, } @Article{Taguchi2013, author = {M. Taguchi}, title = {Analytic expression for poloidal flow velocity in the banana regime}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {014505}, abstract = {The poloidal flow velocity in the banana regime is calculated by improving the l = 1 approximation for the Fokker-Planck collision operator [M. Taguchi, Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 30, 1897 (1988)]. The obtained analytic expression for this flow, which can be used for general axisymmetric toroidal plasmas, agrees quite well with the recently calculated numerical results by Parker and Catto [Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 54, 085011 (2012)] in the full range of aspect ratio.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789619}, eid = {014505}, file = {Taguchi2013_PhysPlasmas_20_014505.pdf:Taguchi2013_PhysPlasmas_20_014505.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {approximation theory; Fokker-Planck equation; plasma flow; plasma toroidal confinement}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/014505/1}, } @Article{Tajima1985, author = {T. Tajima and A. Clark and G. G. Craddock and D. L. Gilden and W. K. Leung and Y. M. Li and J. A. Robertson and B. J. Saltzman}, title = {Particle simulation of plasmas and stellar systems}, journal = {American Journal of Physics}, year = {1985}, volume = {53}, number = {4}, pages = {365-370}, abstract = {A computational technique is introduced which allows the student and researcher an opportunity to observe the physical behavior of a class of many‐body systems. A series of examples is offered which illustrates the diversity of problems that may be studied using particle simulation. These simulations were in fact assigned as homework in a course on computational physics.}, doi = {10.1119/1.14168}, file = {Tajima1985_AJP000365.pdf:Tajima1985_AJP000365.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MANY-BODY PROBLEM; COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION; PARTICLES; PLASMA SIMULATION; PLASMA INSTABILITY; GALAXIES; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AAPT}, timestamp = {2013.01.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?AJP/53/365/1}, } @Article{Takahashi2008a, author = {Y Takahashi and K Yamazaki and H Arimoto and T Shoji}, title = {H-mode plasma transport simulation in ITER with effect of neoclassical tearing mode}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, year = {2008}, volume = {123}, number = {1}, pages = {012036}, abstract = {For the prediction of the ITER plasmas, the effect of the neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) on the plasma confinement has been calculated using the 1.5-dimensional equilibrium and transport simulation code TOTAL. The time evolution of the NTM magnetic island has been analyzed using the modified Rutherford equation for ITER normal shear plasmas. The anomalous transport model used here is GLF23. The saturated magnetic island widths are w/a ~ 0.048 at 3/2 mode and w/a ~0.21 at 2/1 mode, and the reduction in fusion power output by NTM is 27% at the 3/2 mode, and 82% at the 2/1 mode. The stabilization effect of the electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) with EC is also clarified. The threshold of ECCD power for the full stabilization at high beta NTM island formation is ~10 MW against the 3/2 mode, and ~23 MW against the 2/1 mode.}, file = {Takahashi2008a_1742-6596_123_1_012036.pdf:Takahashi2008a_1742-6596_123_1_012036.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/123/i=1/a=012036}, } @Article{Takayama1996, author = {A Takayama and M Wakatani}, title = {ELM modelling based on the nonlinear interchange mode in edge plasma}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1996}, volume = {38}, number = {8}, pages = {1411}, abstract = {The nonlinear interchange mode shows an intermittent oscillation and generates a zonal counter-streaming flow when transport due to vortex flow is suppressed. A model of the ELM (edge localized mode) observed in the H- (high-confinement) mode plasma is discussed based on the period of intermittent oscillation depending upon the Rayleigh number.}, file = {Takayama1996_0741-3335_38_8_046.pdf:Takayama1996_0741-3335_38_8_046.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/38/i=8/a=046}, } @Article{Takeda1991, author = {Tatsuoki Takeda and Shinji Tokuda}, title = {Computation of MHD equilibrium of tokamak plasma}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {93}, number = {1}, pages = {1 - 107}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {Computation of the MHD equilibrium of a tokamak plasma is reviewed as comprehensively as possible. The basic equation of this problem is the Grad-Shafranov equation. General remarks on this equation and related issues are, first, summarized with historical survey of the MHD equilibrium solution, where some mathematical discussions on the numerical analysis of the problem are also presented. Distinguishing features of this problem are seen in treatment of the boundary condition and constraining conditions and we describe them in a rather detailed manner. In the main part of this review paper we present a concrete description on the numerical procedures of the MHD equilibrium solvers which are classified into two groups, that is, the real space solvers and the inverse equilibrium solvers. We also describe topics on more general equilibrium models, that is, the equilibrium with steady flow, anisotropic equilibria, equilibria with specified current sources, and equilibrium evolution. Brief comments on three-dimensional equilibrium solvers are also presented. As for application of the MHD equilibrium solvers we present only a small part, that is, beta limit optimization, design of external coils, analysis of positional instability, and analysis of experimentally obtained data from electromagnetic measurement. It is concluded that among various kinds of numerical solution methods we can usually find most adequate ones for the present problem.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(91)90074-U}, file = {Takeda1991_1-s2.0-002199919190074U-main.pdf:Takeda1991_1-s2.0-002199919190074U-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.02}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002199919190074U}, } @Article{Tamor1981, author = {S Tamor}, title = {ANTIC: A code for calculation of neutral transport in cylindrical plasmas}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1981}, volume = {40}, number = {1}, pages = {104 - 119}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A scheme for computing the steady state transport of neutral atoms cylindrical plasmas is described. The physical model used represents atoms emerging from charge exchange collisions by an isotropic source of neutrals with energy equal to 3/2 times the local ion temperature. The process of charge exchange and impact ionization by electrons and ions are included. The transport can be described by an integral equation for the neutral source density, and this equation approximated by a set of algebraic equations for the zone average source densities. A derivation of the appropriate kernel and a technique for computing it are presented. Comparison of computed results with predictions of other, more exact, codes exhibit quite satisfactory agreement for temperatures as high as 10 keV.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(81)90202-3}, file = {Tamor1981_ANTIC.pdf:Tamor1981_ANTIC.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.05}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999181902023}, } @Article{Tang1978, author = {W.M. Tang}, title = {Microinstability theory in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1978}, volume = {18}, number = {8}, pages = {1089}, abstract = {Significant investigations in the area of tokamak microinstability theory are reviewed. Special attention is focused on low-frequency electrostatic drift-type modes, which are generally believed to be the dominant tokamak microinstabilities under normal operating conditions. The basic linear formalism including electromagnetic (finite-beta) modifications is presented along with a general survey of the numerous papers investigating specific linear and non-linear effects on these modes. Estimates of the associated anomalous transport and confinement times are discussed, and a summary of relevant experimental results is given. Studies of the non-electrostatic and high-frequency instabilities associated with the presence of high-energy ions from neutral-beam injection (or with the presence of alpha-particles from fusion reactions) are also surveyed.}, file = {Tang1978_0029-5515_18_8_006.pdf:Tang1978_0029-5515_18_8_006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/18/i=8/a=006}, } @Article{Taroni1992, author = {Taroni, A and Corrigan, G and Radford, G and Simonini, R and Spence, J and Weber, S}, title = {The Multi-Fluid Codes Edgeid and Edge2D: Models and Results}, journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {32}, number = {3-4}, pages = {438--443}, issn = {1521-3986}, doi = {10.1002/ctpp.2150320339}, file = {Taroni1992_2150320339_ftp.pdf:Taroni1992_2150320339_ftp.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2012.07.11}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.2150320339}, } @Article{Tasso1987, author = {Tasso, H.}, journal = {Transport Theory and Statistical Physics}, title = {Generalized Hamiltonians, functional integration and statistics of continuous fluids and plasmas}, year = {1987}, number = {2-3}, pages = {231-251}, volume = {16}, abstract = {Abstract Generalized Hamiltonian formalism including generalized Poisson brackets and Lie-Poisson brackets is presented in Sec. II. Gyroviscous magnetohydrodynamics is treated as a relevant example in Euler and Clebsch variables. Section III is devoted to a short review of functional integration containing the definition and a discussion of ambiguities and methods of evaluation. The main part of the contribution is given in Sec. IV, where some of the content of the previous sections is applied to Gibbs statistics of continuous fluids and plasmas. In particular, exact fluctuation spectra are calculated for relevant equations in fluids and plasmas.}, doi = {10.1080/00411458708204662}, eprint = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00411458708204662}, file = {Tasso1987_00411458708204662.pdf:Tasso1987_00411458708204662.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.30}, url = {http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00411458708204662}, } @Article{Tasso2013, author = {H. Tasso and G. N. Throumoulopoulos}, title = {On Lyapunov boundary control of unstable magnetohydrodynamic plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {024505}, abstract = {Starting from a simple, marginally stable model considered for Lyapunov based boundary control of flexible mechanical systems, we add a term driving an instability and prove that for an appropriate control condition the system can become Lyapunov stable. A similar approximate extension is found for the general energy principle of linearized magnetohydrodynamics. The implementation of such external instantaneous actions may, however, impose challenging constraints for fusion plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4791656}, eid = {024505}, file = {Tasso2013_PhysPlasmas_20_024505.pdf:Tasso2013_PhysPlasmas_20_024505.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {approximation theory; Lyapunov methods; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/024505/1}, } @Article{Tasso2013a, author = {H. Tasso and G. N. Throumoulopoulos}, title = {Vlasov versus reduced kinetic theories for helically symmetric equilibria}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {042508}, abstract = {A new constant of motion for helically symmetric equilibria in the vicinity of the magnetic axis is obtained in the framework of Vlasov theory. In view of this constant of motion the Vlasov theory is compared with drift kinetic and gyrokinetic theories near axis. It turns out that as in the case of axisymmetric equilibria [H. Tasso and G. N. Throumoulopoulos, Phys. Plasmas 18, 064507 (2011)] the Vlasov current density thereon can differ appreciably from the drift kinetic and gyrokinetic current densities. This indicates some limitation on the implications of reduced kinetic theories, in particular, as concerns the physics of energetic particles in the central region of magnetically confined plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4792266}, eid = {042508}, file = {Tasso2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_042508.pdf:Tasso2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_042508.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma confinement; plasma density; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.12}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/042508/1}, } @Article{Tautz2013, author = {R. C. Tautz and A. Dosch}, title = {On numerical turbulence generation for test-particle simulations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022302}, abstract = {A modified method is presented to generate artificial magnetic turbulence that is used for test-particle simulations. Such turbulent fields are obtained from the superposition of a set of wave modes with random polarizations and random directions of propagation. First, it is shown that the new method simultaneously fulfils requirements of isotropy, equal mean amplitude and variance for all field components, and vanishing divergence. Second, the number of wave modes required for a stochastic particle behavior is investigated by using a Lyapunov approach. For the special case of slab turbulence, it is shown that already for 16 wave modes the particle behavior agrees with that shown for considerably larger numbers of wave modes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789861}, eid = {022302}, file = {Tautz2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022302.pdf:Tautz2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022302.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Lyapunov methods; numerical analysis; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma turbulence; stochastic processes}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022302/1}, } @Article{Taylor2012, author = {J B Taylor}, title = {Ideal ballooning modes, shear flow and the stable continuum}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {11}, pages = {115005}, abstract = {There is a well-established theory of ballooning modes in a toroidal plasma. The cornerstone of this is a local eigenvalue λ on each magnetic surface—which also depends on the ballooning phase angle k . In stationary plasmas, λ ( k ) is required only near its maximum, but in rotating plasmas its average over k is required. Unfortunately in many cases λ ( k ) does not exist for some range of k , because the spectrum there contains only a stable continuum. This limits the application of the theory, and raises the important question of whether this ‘stable interval’ gives rise to significant damping. This question is re-examined using a new, simplified, model—which leads to the conclusion that there is no appreciable damping at small shear flow. In particular, therefore, a small shear flow should not affect ballooning mode stability boundaries.}, file = {Taylor2012_0741-3335_54_11_115005.pdf:Taylor2012_0741-3335_54_11_115005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=11/a=115005}, } @Article{Teaca2012, author = {Teaca, Bogdan and Navarro, Alejandro Ba\~n\'on and Jenko, Frank and Brunner, Stephan and Villard, Laurent}, title = {Locality and Universality in Gyrokinetic Turbulence}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {235003}, month = {Dec}, abstract = {The nature of nonlinear interactions in gyrokinetic turbulence, driven by the ion-temperature gradient instability, is investigated using direct numerical simulations in toroidal flux tube geometry. To account for the level of separation existing between scales involved in an energetic interaction, the degree of locality of the free energy scale flux is analyzed employing Kraichnan’s infrared (IR) and ultraviolet locality functions. Because of the nontrivial dissipative nature of gyrokinetic turbulence, an asymptotic level for the locality exponents, indicative of a universal dynamical regime for gyrokinetics, is not recovered and an accentuated nonlocal behavior of the IR interactions is found instead, in spite of the local energy cascade observed.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.235003}, file = {Teaca2012_PhysRevLett.109.235003.pdf:Teaca2012_PhysRevLett.109.235003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {23}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.12.08}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.235003}, } @Article{Terasawa1983, author = {Terasawa, Toshio}, title = {Hall current effect on tearing mode instability}, journal = {Geophys. Res. Lett.}, year = {1983}, volume = {10}, number = {6}, pages = {475--478}, issn = {0094-8276}, abstract = {From a linear 2‐D eigenmode analysis, we found that the Hall current effect on collisional tearing mode instability becomes important for the thin magnetic reversal layer whose width is comparable to the ion inertia length; Hall currents produce a three‐dimensional field structure and increase the reconnection (growth) rate. Since the magnetic reversal layer widths both in the magnetopause and in the magnetotail are reported to become as thin as the ion inertial length (several hundred km) when the reconnection process is supposed to occur, the Hall current effect would have an observational significance. The Hall current effect may explain the appearance of the dawn‐dusk component of the magnetic field in the magnetotail reconnection region.}, file = {Terasawa1983-GL010i006p00475.pdf:Terasawa1983-GL010i006p00475.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {2794 Particles and Fields—Magnetosphere: Instruments and techniques}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AGU}, timestamp = {2012.11.20}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/GL010i006p00475}, } @Article{Terry1986, author = {Terry, P. W. and Diamond, P. H. and Hahm, T. S.}, title = {Self-Consistency Constraints on Turbulent Magnetic Transport and Relaxation in a Collisionless Plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1986}, volume = {57}, pages = {1899--1902}, month = {Oct}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.57.1899}, file = {Terry1986_PhysRevLett.57.1899.pdf:Terry1986_PhysRevLett.57.1899.pdf:PDF}, issue = {15}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.57.1899}, } @Article{Tholerus2012, author = {S Tholerus and T Hellsten}, title = {Monte-Carlo model for nonlinear interactions of Alfvén eigenmodes with energetic ions}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, year = {2012}, volume = {401}, number = {1}, pages = {012024}, abstract = {A Monte-Carlo model for interactions between a single Alfvén eigenmode and energetic ions in a tokamak is presented. A phenomenological decorrelation of the wave-particle phase is introduced to mimic decorrelation by collisions or by other waves. Analysis is dedicated to how the strength of the phase decorrelation affects the nonlinear wave-particle interactions. Several of the phenomena that have been observed in some earlier models describing the nonlinear dynamics of Alfvén eigenmodes have been verified, such as the growth and saturation of the wave mode amplitude giving rise to a localized flattening of the distribution function, as well as the generation of coherent structures in the distribution function. The degree of phase decorrelation is shown to have a strong effect on the dynamics of the Alfvén eigenmode excitation.}, file = {Tholerus2012_Monte-Carlo model for nonlinear interactions of Alfven eigenm odes with energetic ions.pdf:Tholerus2012_Monte-Carlo model for nonlinear interactions of Alfven eigenm odes with energetic ions.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.06}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/401/i=1/a=012024}, } @Article{Thorne1991, author = {Richard M. Thorne and Danny Summers}, title = {Landau damping in space plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {3}, number = {8}, pages = {2117-2123}, abstract = {Space plasmas typically possess a particle distribution function with an enhanced high‐energy tail that is well modeled by a generalized Lorentzian (or kappa) distribution with spectral index κ. The modified plasma dispersion function Z@B|κ(ξ) [Summers and Thorne, Phys. Fluids B 3, ☒☒☒☒ (1991)] is employed to analyze the Landau damping of (electrostatic) Langmuir waves and ion‐acoustic waves in a hot, isotropic, unmagnetized, generalized Lorentzian plasma, and the solutions are compared with the classical results for a Maxwellian plasma. Numerical solutions for the real and imaginary parts of the wave frequency ω0−iγ are obtained as a function of the normalized wave number kλD, where λD is the electron Debye length. For both particle distributions the electrostatic modes are strongly damped, γ/ω0≫1, at short wavelengths, kλD≫1. This collisionless damping becomes less severe at long wavelengths, kλD≪1, but the attenuation of Langmuir waves is much stronger for a generalized Lorentzian plasma than for a Maxwellian plasma. This will further localize Langmuir waves to frequencies just above the electron plasma frequency in plasmas with a substantial high‐energy tail. Landau damping of ion‐acoustic waves is only slightly affected by the presence of a high‐energy tail, but is strongly dependent on the ion temperature. Owing to the simple analytical form of the modified plasma dispersion function when κ=2 (corresponding to a pronounced high‐energy tail), exact analytical results for the real and imaginary parts of the wave frequency can be found in this case; similar solutions are not available for a Maxwellian plasma.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859624}, file = {Thorne1991_PFB002117.pdf:Thorne1991_PFB002117.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {SPACE; LANDAU DAMPING; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; LORENTZ GAS; PLASMA WAVES; DISPERSION RELATIONS; MODIFICATIONS; ION ACOUSTIC WAVES; ISOTROPY; HOT PLASMA}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.17}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/2117/1}, } @Article{Thyagaraja2009, author = {A. Thyagaraja and K. G. McClements}, title = {Plasma physics in noninertial frames}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {9}, pages = {092506}, abstract = {Equations describing the nonrelativistic motion of a charged particle in an arbitrary noninertial reference frame are derived from the relativistically invariant form of the particle action. It is shown that the equations of motion can be written in the same form in inertial and noninertial frames, with the effective electric and magnetic fields in the latter modified by inertial effects associated with centrifugal and Coriolis accelerations. These modifications depend on the particle charge-to-mass ratio, and also the vorticity, specific kinetic energy, and compressibility of the frame flow. The Newton–Lorentz, Vlasov, and Fokker–Planck equations in such a frame are derived. Reduced models such as gyrokinetic, drift-kinetic, and fluid equations are then derivable from these equations in the appropriate limits, using standard averaging procedures. The results are applied to tokamak plasmas rotating about the machine symmetry axis with a nonrelativistic but otherwise arbitrary toroidal flow velocity. Astrophysical applications of the analysis are also possible since the power of the action principle is such that it can be used to describe relativistic flows in curved spacetime.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3238485}, eid = {092506}, file = {Thyagaraja2009_PhysPlasmas_16_092506.pdf:Thyagaraja2009_PhysPlasmas_16_092506.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Fokker-Planck equation; plasma flow; plasma kinetic theory; plasma transport processes; relativistic plasmas; Tokamak devices; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.03}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/092506/1}, } @Article{Timofeev2012, author = {I. V. Timofeev}, title = {Two-dimensional simulations of nonlinear beam-plasma interaction in isotropic and magnetized plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {4}, pages = {042108}, abstract = {Nonlinear interaction of a low density electron beam with an uniform plasma is studied using two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. We focus on formation of coherent phase space structures in the case, when a wide two-dimensional wave spectrum is driven unstable, and we also study how nonlinear evolution of these structures is affected by the external magnetic field. In the case of isotropic plasma, nonlinear buildup of filamentation modes due to the combined effects of two-stream and oblique instabilities is found to exist and growth mechanisms of secondary instabilities destroying the Bernstein-Green-Kruskal–type nonlinear wave are identified. In the weak magnetic field, the energy of beam-excited plasma waves at the nonlinear stage of beam-plasma interaction goes predominantly to the short-wavelength upper-hybrid waves propagating parallel to the magnetic field, whereas in the strong magnetic field, the spectral energy is transferred to the electrostatic whistlers with oblique propagation.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3700441}, eid = {042108}, file = {Timofeev2012_PhysPlasmas_19_042108.pdf:Timofeev2012_PhysPlasmas_19_042108.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {filamentation instability; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma-beam interactions}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/042108/1}, } @Article{Todo2012, author = {Y. Todo and H.L. Berk and B.N. Breizman}, title = {Simulation of Alfvén eigenmode bursts using a hybrid code for nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics and energetic particles}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {3}, pages = {033003}, abstract = {A hybrid simulation code for nonlinear magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and energetic-particle dynamics has been extended to simulate recurrent bursts of Alfvén eigenmodes by implementing the energetic-particle source, collisions and losses. The Alfvén eigenmode bursts with synchronization of multiple modes and beam ion losses at each burst are successfully simulated with nonlinear MHD effects for the physics condition similar to a reduced simulation for a TFTR experiment (Wong et al 1991 Phys. Rev. Lett. 66 1874, Todo et al 2003 Phys. Plasmas 10 2888). It is demonstrated with a comparison between nonlinear MHD and linear MHD simulation results that the nonlinear MHD effects significantly reduce both the saturation amplitude of the Alfvén eigenmodes and the beam ion losses. Two types of time evolution are found depending on the MHD dissipation coefficients, namely viscosity, resistivity and diffusivity. The Alfvén eigenmode bursts take place for higher dissipation coefficients with roughly 10% drop in stored beam energy and the maximum amplitude of the dominant magnetic fluctuation harmonic δ B m / n / B ~ 5 × 10 −3 at the mode peak location inside the plasma. Quadratic dependence of beam ion loss rate on magnetic fluctuation amplitude is found for the bursting evolution in the nonlinear MHD simulation. For lower dissipation coefficients, the amplitude of the Alfvén eigenmodes is at steady levels δ B m / n / B ~ 2 × 10 −3 and the beam ion losses take place continuously. The beam ion pressure profiles are similar among the different dissipation coefficients, and the stored beam energy is higher for higher dissipation coefficients.}, file = {Todo2012_0029-5515_52_3_033003.pdf:Todo2012_0029-5515_52_3_033003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.18}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=3/a=033003}, } @Article{Tokar2012, author = {M.Z. Tokar and V. Kotov}, title = {Modelling the transport of deuterium and tritium neutral particles in a divertor plasma}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {10}, pages = {103004}, abstract = {A fluid model for transport of deuterium and tritium atoms in two-dimensional geometry of a poloidal divertor is elaborated by taking into account the coupling of both isotopes through the processes of cross-charge-exchange. Calculations are performed for the plasma parameters predicted with the code package B2-EIRENE (SOLPS4.3) for the divertor region in ITER. The results demonstrate that the transparency of the scrape-off layer for neutral particles generated by recycling on target plates and recombination of electrons and ions in the plasma volume can be significantly different for deuterium and tritium atoms. This difference has to be taken into account by considering the global particle balances in a reactor. The numerical approach applied for calculations is verified by comparing with an analytical model elaborated for the case of plasma parameters homogeneous in the divertor domain.}, file = {Tokar2012_0029-5515_52_10_103004.pdf:Tokar2012_0029-5515_52_10_103004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=10/a=103004}, } @Article{Tokar1994, author = {M Z Tokar}, title = {Modelling of detachment in a limiter tokamak as a nonlinear phenomenon caused by impurity radiation}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1994}, volume = {36}, number = {11}, pages = {1819}, abstract = {A numerical one-dimensional radial time-dependent model of particle and energy transport in tokamak plasmas taking the interaction of background and impurity particles through the radiation losses of energy and ion dilution is developed. Detachment in ohmic discharges caused by an increase in the electron density is modelled and the effect of particle and energy transport on detachment conditions is studied. Investigation of dynamic changes in plasma parameters during detachment provoked by an increase in impurity influx is performed. The effect of the nature of heat source on the stabilization of the radiating layer is elucidated. The influence of neo-classical transport and charge-exchange with hydrogen neutrals on the impurity behaviour in 'attached' and 'detached' plasmas is discussed.}, file = {Tokar1994_0741-3335_36_11_009.pdf:Tokar1994_0741-3335_36_11_009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.17}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/36/i=11/a=009}, } @Article{Tokar2006, author = {Mikhail Z. Tokar and Denis Kalupin and Denis Pilipenko}, title = {Numerical solution of transport equations for plasmas with transport barriers}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {2006}, volume = {175}, pages = {30–35}, abstract = {An approach to solve numerically transport equations for plasmas with spontaneously arising and arbitrarily located transport barriers, regions with a strongly reduced transfer of energy, is proposed. The transport equations are written in a form conserving heat flux and solved numerically by using piecewisely exact analytical solutions of linear differential equations. Compared to standard methods, this approach allows to reduce significantly the number of operations required to obtain a converged solution with a heat conductivity changing abruptly at a critical temperature gradient and to use large time steps in modeling the formation and dynamics of transport barriers. Computations for the tokamak JET are done.}, file = {Tokar2006_Numerical solution of transport equations for plasmas.pdf:Tokar2006_Numerical solution of transport equations for plasmas.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.03}, } @Article{Tokluoglu2012, author = {E. K. Tokluoglu and V. Sokolov and A. K. Sen}, title = {Non-linear saturation mechanism of electron temperature gradient modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {10}, pages = {102306}, abstract = {The electron temperature gradient (ETG) mode is a very plausible candidate to explain the large electron particle transport and thermal conduction. Production and identification of slab ETG modes and measurement electron transport have been already reported [X. Wei, V. Sokolov, and A. K. Sen, Phys. Plasmas 17, 042108 (2010); V. Sokolov and A. K. Sen, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2011)]. Now, we develop a theoretical model of non-linear saturation mechanism of ETG mode based on the three wave coupling of an unstable high frequency ETG mode with a damped ETG radial harmonic and a damped ion acoustic (IA) mode. Bicoherence analysis of Columbia linear machine (CLM) data show coupling between ETG modes (∼2.4 MHz) and a low frequency mode (∼50 kHz). The large damping drive of the ETG radial harmonic accompanied by the smaller but finite damping of the IA mode presents an energy sink for the unstable ETG mode, thus causing saturation. This model predicts a saturation level of ∼10% and agrees with the observed levels of ETG modes in the CLM.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4759009}, eid = {102306}, file = {Tokluoglu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_102306.pdf:Tokluoglu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_102306.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma ion acoustic waves; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.20}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/102306/1}, } @Article{Tokunaga2012, author = {S. Tokunaga and Hogun Jhang and S. S. Kim and P. H. Diamond}, title = {A statistical analysis of avalanching heat transport in stationary enhanced core confinement regimes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {092303}, abstract = {We present a statistical analysis of heat transport in stationary enhanced confinement regimes obtained from flux-driven gyrofluid simulations. The probability density functions of heat flux in improved confinement regimes, characterized by the Nusselt number, show significant deviation from Gaussian, with a markedly fat tail, implying the existence of heat avalanches. Two types of avalanching transport are found to be relevant to stationary states, depending on the degree of turbulence suppression. In the weakly suppressed regime, heat avalanches occur in the form of quasi-periodic (QP) heat pulses. Collisional relaxation of zonal flow is likely to be the origin of these QP heat pulses. This phenomenon is similar to transient limit cycle oscillations observed prior to edge pedestal formation in recent experiments. On the other hand, a spectral analysis of heat flux in the strongly suppressed regime shows the emergence of a 1/f (f is the frequency) band, suggesting the presence of self-organized criticality (SOC)-like episodic heat avalanches. This episodic 1/f heat avalanches have a long temporal correlation and constitute the dominant transport process in this regime.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4752218}, eid = {092303}, file = {Tokunaga2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092303.pdf:Tokunaga2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092303.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Gaussian distribution; plasma boundary layers; plasma collision processes; plasma flow; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; probability; statistical analysis}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/092303/1}, } @Article{Tonks1929, author = {Tonks, Lewi and Langmuir, Irving}, title = {A General Theory of the Plasma of an Arc}, journal = {Phys. Rev.}, year = {1929}, volume = {34}, pages = {876--922}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {The conception of random positive ion velocities corresponding to ion temperatures in a plasma has serious theoretical difficulties and is lacking in direct experimental verification. It is more reasonable to assume that each ion starts from rest and subsequently possesses only the velocity which it acquires by falling through a static electric field which is itself maintained by the balance of electron and ion charges. This new viewpoint thus ascribes motions to the positive ions which, for long free paths, are ordered rather than chaotic, each negative body in contact with the discharge collecting ions from a definite region of the plasma and from it only. The resulting integral ? the plasma-sheath potential distribution have been set up for plane, cylindrical, and spherical plasmas, for long, short and intermediate length ion free paths, and for both constant rate of ionization throughout the plasma and rate proportional to electron density, and these equations have been solved for the potential distribution in the plasma in all important cases. The case of short ion free paths in a cylinder with ion generation proportional to electron density gives the same potential distribution as found for the positive column by Schottky using his ambipolar diffusion theory, with the advantages that ambipolarity and quasineutrality need not appear as postulates. The calculated potential distribution agrees with that found experimentally. The potential difference between center and edge of plasma approximates Te/11,600 volts in all long ion free path cases. The theory yields two equations. One, the ion current equation, simply equates the total number of ions reaching the discharge tube wall to the total number of ions generated in the plasma, but it affords a new method of calculating the density of ionization. The second, the plasma balance equation, relates rate of ion generation, discharge tube diameter (in the cylindrical case), and electron temperature. It can be used to calculate the rate of ion generation, the resulting values checking (to order of magnitude) those calculated from one-stage ionization probabilities. The potential difference between the center of the plasma and a non-conducting bounding wall as calculated from the ion current equation agrees with that found experimentally. The solution of the general plasma-sheath equation has been extended into the sheath surrounding the plasma to determine the first order correction which is to be subtracted from the discharge tube radius to obtain the plasma radius. The wall sheath in the positive column is several times the thickness given by the simple space charge equation. Actually the ions do not start from rest when formed but have small random velocities corresponding to the gas temperature, Tg. In the long ion free path cases this leads to an error of the order of only Tg/Te in the calculated potential distributions. In the plasma surrounding a fine negatively charged probe wire the potential difference between plasma potential maximum and sheath edge may be so small that the ions generated within the plasma potential maximum are not trapped but can traverse the maximum by virtue of their finite initial velocities. This justifies the use of a sufficiently fine negatively charged wire in the usual way to measure positive ion concentrations, although certain difficulties appear which are thought to be connected with the collector theory rather than the present plasma theory.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRev.34.876}, file = {Tonks1929_PhysRev.34.876.pdf:Tonks1929_PhysRev.34.876.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.11.01}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.34.876}, } @Article{Totsuji1984, author = {Totsuji, Hiroo and Tokami, Kenji}, title = {Thermodynamic properties of classical plasmas in a polarizing background: Numerical experiments}, journal = {Phys. Rev. A}, year = {1984}, volume = {30}, pages = {3175--3182}, month = {Dec}, abstract = {Thermodynamic properties of strongly coupled classical ions in the polarizing background of degenerate electrons are analyzed by numerical experiments. The effect of finite electron temperature is taken into account. The internal energy, the pressure, the pair-correlation function, and the structure factor of ions are obtained, and the effects of electronic screening on these quantities are clarified.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.30.3175}, file = {Totsuji1984_PhysRevA.30.3175.pdf:Totsuji1984_PhysRevA.30.3175.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.09.30}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevA.30.3175}, } @Article{Troia2012, author = {C Di Troia}, title = {From the orbit theory to a guiding center parametric equilibrium distribution function}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {10}, pages = {105017}, abstract = {This work proposes a parametric equilibrium distribution function ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/54/10/105017/ppcf424420ieqn001.gif] {$\mathcal{F}_{\rm eq}$} to be applied to the gyrokinetic studies of the finite orbit width behavior of guiding centers representing several species encountered in axisymmetric tokamak plasmas, such as fusion products, thermal bulk and energetic particles from ion cyclotron radiation heating and negative neutral beam injections. ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/54/10/105017/ppcf424420ieqn001.gif] {$\mathcal{F}_{\rm eq}$} can be used to fit experimental profiles and it could provide a useful tool for experimental and numerical data analysis. Moreover, it could help one to develop analytical computations for facilitating data interpretation in the light of theoretical models. This distribution function can be easily implemented in gyrokinetic codes, where it could be used to simulate plasma also in the presence of external heating sources.}, file = {Troia2012_0741-3335_54_10_105017.pdf:Troia2012_0741-3335_54_10_105017.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=10/a=105017}, } @Article{Tronci2013, author = {Cesare Tronci}, title = {A Lagrangian kinetic model for collisionless magnetic reconnection}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {3}, pages = {035001}, abstract = {A new fully kinetic system is proposed for modeling collisionless magnetic reconnection. The formulation relies on fundamental principles in Lagrangian dynamics, in which the inertia of the electron mean flow is neglected in the expression of the Lagrangian, rather than enforcing a zero electron mass in the equations of motion. This is done upon splitting the electron velocity into its mean and fluctuating parts, so that the latter naturally produce the corresponding pressure tensor. The model exhibits a new Coriolis-force term, which emerges from a change of frame in the electron dynamics. Then, if the electron heat flux is neglected, the strong electron magnetization limit yields a hybrid model, in which the electron pressure tensor is frozen into the electron mean velocity.}, file = {Tronci2013_0741-3335_55_3_035001.pdf:Tronci2013_0741-3335_55_3_035001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=3/a=035001}, } @Article{Troyon1984, author = {F Troyon and R Gruber and H Saurenmann and S Semenzato and S Succi}, title = {MHD-Limits to Plasma Confinement}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1984}, volume = {26}, number = {1A}, pages = {209}, abstract = {Ideal MHD restricts both the current and the pressure which can be stably confined in a Tokamak. A pressure profile optimisation is carried out for a variety of equilibria, which include JET and INTOR-like plasmas, in order to obtain the maximum β which can be stably confined at constant current. The current is limited to a value corresponding to a safety factor slightly above 2 at the plasma surface. A simple scaling law is found that fits well all the cases and which predicts a linear rise of 3 with the current.}, file = {Troyon1984_0741-3335_26_1A_319.pdf:Troyon1984_0741-3335_26_1A_319.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/26/i=1A/a=319}, } @Article{Trubnikov1968, author = {B.A. Trubnikov}, title = {Kinetics of slightly relativistic plasma, I}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1968}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {51}, abstract = {The kinetics of a slightly relativistic plasma is discussed on the basis of Darwin's Lagrangian, taking into account in the first non-vanishing approximation the effects of interaction retardation. Since the corresponding Hamiltonian cannot be written down explicitly, the author has devised a means of applying Bogolyubov's method using correlation functions to the case of a Lagrangian formalism involving velocity-dependent binary interaction.}, file = {Trubnikov1968_0029-5515_8_1_008.pdf:Trubnikov1968_0029-5515_8_1_008.pdf:PDF;Trubnikov1968a_0029-5515_8_1_009.pdf:Trubnikov1968a_0029-5515_8_1_009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/8/i=1/a=008}, } @Article{Trubnikov1968a, author = {B.A. Trubnikov}, title = {Kinetics of slightly relativistic plasma, II}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1968}, volume = {8}, number = {1}, pages = {59}, abstract = {A solution has been found to the equation obtained earlier for the binary correlation function of an electron plasma; this equation takes into account, in the first non-vanishing approximation, effects of interaction retardation. Transverse interactions of particles at great distances are shown to diminish proportionally to r −3 , as a result of which an isolated particle in the plasma is surrounded by a very extensive correlation cloud of currents. The collision integral obtained on the basis of Darwin's Lagrangian is shown to differ from one making precise allowance for retardation only in terms of the order (v/c) 6 .}, file = {Trubnikov1968a_0029-5515_8_1_009.pdf:Trubnikov1968a_0029-5515_8_1_009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/8/i=1/a=009}, } @Article{Tsai1984, author = {S T Tsai and J W Van Dam and L Chen}, title = {Linear relativistic gyrokinetic equation in general magnetically confined plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1984}, volume = {26}, number = {7}, pages = {907}, abstract = {The gyrokinetic formalism for linear electromagnetic waves of arbitrary frequency in general magnetic field configurations is extended to include full relativistic effects. The derivation employs the small adiabaticity parameter rho /L 0 where rho is the Larmor radius and L 0 the equilibrium scale length. The effects of the plasma and magnetic field inhomogeneities and finite Larmor radii effects are also contained.}, file = {Tsai1984_0741-3335_26_7_005.pdf:Tsai1984_0741-3335_26_7_005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/26/i=7/a=005}, } @Article{Tsai1981, author = {S. T. Tsai and C. S. Wu and Y. D. Wang and S. W. Kang}, title = {Dielectric tensor of a weakly relativistic, nonequilibrium, and magnetized plasma}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1981}, volume = {24}, number = {12}, pages = {2186-2190}, abstract = {The dielectric tensor of a weakly relativistic magnetized plasma is discussed for wave frequencies very close to the fundamental or higher harmonics of the electron or ion cyclotron frequency. Since in real situations the plasmas of interest are often in nonequilibrium states, the present paper generalizes Shkarofsky’s result to include three nonequilibrium features; namely, a loss‐cone distribution, anisotropic temperatures, and a field‐aligned drift. The discussion is motivated by current interest in the study of absorption and emission of radiation near the electron cyclotron harmonics.}, doi = {10.1063/1.863324}, file = {Tsai1981_PFL002186.pdf:Tsai1981_PFL002186.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {NONEQUILIBRIUM PLASMA; MAGNETIZATION; RELATIVISTIC PLASMA; ENERGY ABSORPTION; EMISSION; TENSORS; CYCLOTRON FREQUENCY; HARMONICS; ELECTRONS; AMPLIFICATION; IONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/24/2186/1}, } @Article{Tseng2007, author = {Snow H. Tseng and Boyeh Huang}, title = {Comparing Monte Carlo simulation and pseudospectral time-domain numerical solutions of Maxwell's equations of light scattering by a macroscopic random medium}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, year = {2007}, volume = {91}, number = {5}, pages = {051114}, abstract = {The Monte Carlo simulation of light scattering by a cluster of dielectric spheres is compared with numerical solutions of Maxwell’s equations via the pseudospectral time-domain technique. By calculating the total scattering cross-section (TSCS) spectrum, respectively, the spectral light scattering characteristics are determined. Since the Monte Carlo simulation falls short to accurately account for coherent interference effects, it is shown that the Monte Carlo simulation yields TSCS spectra that significantly deviate from the numerical solutions of Maxwell’s equations. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to Maxwell’s equations in order to accurately determine the light scattering characteristics of a macroscopic geometry.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2767777}, eid = {051114}, file = {Tseng2007_ApplPhysLett_91_051114.pdf:Tseng2007_ApplPhysLett_91_051114.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {light scattering; Maxwell equations; Monte Carlo methods; random media}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/91/051114/1}, } @Article{Tsikarishvili1992, author = {Tsikarishvili, E. G. and Lominadze, J. G. and Rogava, A. D. and Javakhishvili, J. I.}, title = {General-relativistic hydrodynamics of a collisionless plasma in a strong magnetic field}, journal = {Phys. Rev. A}, year = {1992}, volume = {46}, pages = {1078--1083}, month = {Jul}, abstract = {The closed set of general-relativistic hydrodynamical equations describing a strongly magnetized collisionless plasma with an anisotropic pressure tensor is derived. Consideration is based on the ‘‘3+1’’ formulation of magnetohydrodynamics and the orthonormal tetrad technique. The model is the further generalization of the theory of Chew, Goldberger, and Low [Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A 236, 1204 (1954)] for the general-relativistic case. In ultrarelativistic limit the equations of state are obtained, which differ noticeably from those known previously.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.46.1078}, file = {Tsikarishvili1992_PhysRevA.46.1078.pdf:Tsikarishvili1992_PhysRevA.46.1078.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.11.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevA.46.1078}, } @Article{Ueda1989, author = {Noriaki Ueda and Kimitaka Itoh and Sanae-I. Itoh}, title = {Numerical Studies on Divertor Plasmas in Helical Systems}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = {1989}, volume = {28}, number = {Part 1, No. 12}, pages = {2597-2603}, abstract = {Scrape-off layer and divertor plasmas in helical systems are studied by using the two-dimensional (2D) numerical simulation code. Unified edge divertor analysis code (UEDA code) is applied to the straight helical model of torsatron/helical heliotron configurations. 2D profiles of plasma parameter, neutrals and impurities are obtained. Erosion rate and neutral back flow rate to the core plasma are also evaluated. Various shapes of the buffle plate are examined from the view point of the establishment of “dense-cold divertor plasma” by which we can avoid the damage of the target plate.}, doi = {10.1143/JJAP.28.2597}, file = {Ueda1989a_0029-5515_29_2_003.pdf:Ueda1989a_0029-5515_29_2_003.pdf:PDF;Ueda1989b_1-s2.0-0022311589903358-main.pdf:Ueda1989b_1-s2.0-0022311589903358-main.pdf:PDF;Ueda1989_JJAP-28-2597.pdf:Ueda1989_JJAP-28-2597.pdf:PDF}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {The Japan Society of Applied Physics}, timestamp = {2012.07.12}, url = {http://jjap.jsap.jp/link?JJAP/28/2597/}, } @Article{Ueda1989a, author = {N. Ueda and K. Itoh and S.-I. Itoh}, title = {Two-dimensional analysis of limiter/divertor transition in scrape-off layer plasmas}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1989}, volume = {29}, number = {2}, pages = {173}, abstract = {The structures of scrape-off layer and divertor plasmas have been studied numerically with a neutral code and a two-dimensional fluid code. Doublet-III is taken as an example for an open divertor configuration. A decisive parameter is the distance between the plasma surface (determined by the magnetic separatrix) and the limiter, which is varied in order to assess the interaction of the plasma with the limiter as well as the effect of neutrals on the main plasma. The minimum value of the limiter clearance needed to prevent plasma-limiter interaction is determined. The scaling of the edge temperature and the dependence of the e-folding length of the scrape-off layer plasma on the heating power are obtained.}, file = {Ueda1989a_0029-5515_29_2_003.pdf:Ueda1989a_0029-5515_29_2_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.12}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/29/i=2/a=003}, } @Article{Ueda1989b, author = {N. Ueda and K. Itoh and S.-I. Itoh and M. Tanaka and M. Hasegawa and T. Shoji and M. Mori and M. Sugihara}, title = {Numerical studies on divertor experiments}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, year = {1989}, volume = {162–164}, number = {0}, pages = {607 - 611}, issn = {0022-3115}, abstract = {Numerical analysis on the divertor experiments in JFT-2M tokamak is made by the use of the two-dimensional time-dependent simulation code. The plasma in the scrape-off layer (SOL) and divertor region is solved for the given particle and heat sources from the main plasma, Λp and Qt. The effects of the direction of the toroidal magnetic field is studied. It is found that the heat flux, which is proportional tob × ▽Ti, influences the divertor plasma conspicuously, but has only a small effect on the plasma parameters on the midplane in the framework of the fluid model. With inclusion of the b × ▽Ti, term for the radial heat flux, the behavior of the divertor plasma observed in the experiments is explained at least qualitatively.}, doi = {10.1016/0022-3115(89)90335-8}, file = {Ueda1989b_1-s2.0-0022311589903358-main.pdf:Ueda1989b_1-s2.0-0022311589903358-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {JFT-2M}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0022311589903358}, } @Article{Umansky2009, author = {M.V. Umansky and X.Q. Xu and B. Dudson and L.L. LoDestro and J.R. Myra}, title = {Status and verification of edge plasma turbulence code BOUT}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {2009}, volume = {180}, number = {6}, pages = {887 - 903}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {The BOUT code is a detailed numerical model of tokamak edge turbulence based on collisional plasma fluid equations. BOUT solves for time evolution of plasma fluid variables: plasma density N i , parallel ion velocity V ‖ i , electron temperature T e , ion temperature T i , electric potential ϕ, parallel current j ‖ , and parallel vector potential A ‖ , in realistic 3D divertor tokamak geometry. The current status of the code, physics model, algorithms, and implementation is described. Results of verification testing are presented along with illustrative applications to tokamak edge turbulence.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2008.12.012}, file = {Umansky2009_1-s2.0-S0010465508004293-main.pdf:Umansky2009_1-s2.0-S0010465508004293-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Edge plasma turbulence}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465508004293}, } @Article{Urano2012a, author = {H. Urano and T. Takizuka and T. Fujita and Y. Kamada and T. Nakano and N. Oyama and the JT-60 Team}, title = {Energy confinement of hydrogen and deuterium H-mode plasmas in JT-60U}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114021}, abstract = {Energy confinement properties for hydrogen and deuterium H-mode plasmas are investigated. The thermal energy confinement time becomes longer in deuterium by a factor of ∼1.4 than in hydrogen at a given absorbed power. When the absorbed power is fixed, the values of electron temperature T e and ion temperature T i become explicitly higher in deuterium than in hydrogen across the whole range of minor radius while the profiles of electron density n e are almost the same. Accordingly, the effective heat diffusivity becomes relatively lower in deuterium than in hydrogen. Despite almost the same power crossing the separatrix, type-I ELM frequency for hydrogen becomes approximately double that of deuterium. When the stored energy is fixed, the spatial profiles of n e , T e and T i become identical for both cases while higher heating power is required in the hydrogen case. The pedestal pressure is about twice as high in deuterium as that in hydrogen at a given absorbed power. The increase of the pedestal temperature is more significant for the deuterium case while the pedestal density is not changed. The poloidal beta at the H-mode pedestal ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/11/114021/nf417756ieqn001.gif] {$\beta_{\rm p}^{\rm ped}$} is increased linearly with the increased total poloidal beta ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/11/114021/nf417756ieqn002.gif] {$\beta_{\rm p}^{\rm TOT}$} for both cases. The relation between ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/11/114021/nf417756ieqn002.gif] {$\beta_{\rm p}^{\rm TOT}$} and ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/11/114021/nf417756ieqn001.gif] {$\beta_{\rm p}^{\rm ped}$} is almost identical regardless of the difference of the isotope species.}, file = {Urano2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114021.pdf:Urano2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114021.pdf:PDF}, groups = {iso experiment, isotope effect}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114021}, } @Article{Urano2012, author = {Urano, H. and Takizuka, T. and Kikuchi, M. and Nakano, T. and Hayashi, N. and Oyama, N. and Kamada, Y.}, title = {Small Ion-Temperature-Gradient Scale Length and Reduced Heat Diffusivity at Large Hydrogen Isotope Mass in Conventional $H$-Mode Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {125001}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {The dependence of the ion-temperature-gradient scale length on the hydrogen isotope mass was examined in conventional H-mode plasmas in JT-60U tokamak. While identical profiles for density and temperature were obtained for hydrogen and deuterium plasmas, the ion conductive heat flux necessary for hydrogen to sustain the same ion temperature profile was two times that required for deuterium, resulting in a clearly higher ion heat diffusivity for hydrogen at the same ion-temperature-gradient scale length. On the other hand, the ion-temperature-gradient scale length for deuterium is less than that for hydrogen at a given ion heat diffusivity.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.125001}, file = {Urano2012_PhysRevLett.109.125001.pdf:Urano2012_PhysRevLett.109.125001.pdf:PDF;Urano2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114021.pdf:Urano2012a_0029-5515_52_11_114021.pdf:PDF}, groups = {iso experiment, isotope effect}, issue = {12}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.09.19}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.125001}, } @Article{Vaclavik1991, author = {J. Vaclavik and K. Appert}, title = {Theory of plasma heating by low frequency waves: Magnetic pumping and Alfvén resonance heating}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1991}, volume = {31}, number = {10}, pages = {1945}, abstract = {The present status of the theory of plasma heating by low frequency waves is reviewed from a unified point of view based on the concept of the dielectric tensor operator.}, file = {Vaclavik1991_0029-5515_31_10_013.pdf:Vaclavik1991_0029-5515_31_10_013.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/31/i=10/a=013}, } @Article{Valanju1990, author = {P.M. Valanju}, title = {NUT: A fast 3-dimensional neutral transport code}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1990}, volume = {88}, number = {1}, pages = {114 - 130}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {We present a fast code for calculating the steady-state transport of neutral atoms in an axially symmetric background plasma. The primary source for the neutrals is not required to have any symmetry. Due to the small momentum transfer involved in charge exchange collisions, the secondary neutral atoms emerge with the local velocity distribution of the plasma ions. Some neutrals are lost due to ionization. The neutral transport is described by an integral equation for the neutral source. With a careful choice of a three-dimensional spatial grid, the small scale features of these equations can be integrated analytically to yield a set of algebraic equations that can be solved by only a few iterations. This results in a fast and compact algorithm which can be used as a subroutine in plasma simulation codes. Comparisons with other currently used codes and with experimental measurements show good agreement.}, doi = {10.1016/0021-9991(90)90244-U}, file = {Valanju1990_NUT.pdf:Valanju1990_NUT.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.05}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002199919090244U}, } @Article{Valentini2007, author = {Francesco Valentini and Roberto D'Agosta}, title = {Electrostatic Landau pole for kappa-velocity distributions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {9}, pages = {092111}, abstract = {In this paper, the analytical solution of the linear electrostatic Vlasov dispersion relation is obtained for non-Maxwellian equilibrium distributions of particle velocities (κ distributions). The unphysical singularities for certain values of the parameter κ, recovered by several authors in solving the Landau integral, are discussed in detail, and a way to cancel these singularities and get the correct solution for Langmuir waves is proposed. The solution of the electrostatic dispersion relation presented in this paper provides a theoretical prediction for the oscillation frequency and the damping rate of Langmuir waves, for real values of κ>1/2 and in particular in the range 1/2<κ ⩽ 3/2, where previous analytical solutions fail. Velocity distributions with small values of κ have been frequently observed in solar wind plasmas; therefore, the results presented in this paper are relevant in the interpretation of the solar wind experimental data. Eulerian Vlasov numerical simulations have been performed to substantiate the analytical results; the numerical results are in very good agreement with the theoretical predictions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2776897}, eid = {092111}, file = {Valentini2007_PhysPlasmas_14_092111.pdf:Valentini2007_PhysPlasmas_14_092111.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma electrostatic waves; plasma Langmuir waves; plasma simulation; solar wind; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.17}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/092111/1}, } @Article{Valentini2012, author = {F. Valentini and D. Perrone and F. Califano and F. Pegoraro and P. Veltri and P. J. Morrison and T. M. O'Neil}, title = {Undamped electrostatic plasma waves}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {092103}, abstract = {Electrostatic waves in a collision-free unmagnetized plasma of electrons with fixed ions are investigated for electron equilibrium velocity distribution functions that deviate slightly from Maxwellian. Of interest are undamped waves that are the small amplitude limit of nonlinear excitations, such as electron acoustic waves (EAWs). A deviation consisting of a small plateau, a region with zero velocity derivative over a width that is a very small fraction of the electron thermal speed, is shown to give rise to new undamped modes, which here are named corner modes. The presence of the plateau turns off Landau damping and allows oscillations with phase speeds within the plateau. These undamped waves are obtained in a wide region of the (k,ωR) plane (ωR being the real part of the wave frequency and k the wavenumber), away from the well-known “thumb curve” for Langmuir waves and EAWs based on the Maxwellian. Results of nonlinear Vlasov-Poisson simulations that corroborate the existence of these modes are described. It is also shown that deviations caused by fattening the tail of the distribution shift roots off of the thumb curve toward lower k-values and chopping the tail shifts them toward higher k-values. In addition, a rule of thumb is obtained for assessing how the existence of a plateau shifts roots off of the thumb curve. Suggestions are made for interpreting experimental observations of electrostatic waves, such as recent ones in nonneutral plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4751440}, eid = {092103}, file = {Valentini2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092103.pdf:Valentini2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092103.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma electrostatic waves; plasma ion acoustic waves; plasma Langmuir waves; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma oscillations; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; Poisson equation; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/092103/1}, } @Article{Valovic2012, author = {M. Valovič and L. Garzotti and C. Gurl and R. Akers and J. Harrison and C. Michael and G. Naylor and R. Scannell and the MAST team}, title = {H-mode access by pellet fuelling in the MAST tokamak}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114022}, abstract = {Access into H-mode is studied in the MAST tokamak when plasma is fuelled by cryogenic pellets. It is shown that pellet fuelling from the high-field side allows access to H-mode in plasmas heated by neutral beams. Simple and two-stage L–H transitions are identified. The results of comparison of the L–H transitions with pellet injection with transitions where plasmas are fuelled solely by gas puffing depend on the gas puff geometry: fuelling by high-field side gas leads to an L–H transition at the density comparable to the transition with pellet injection. In contrast low-field gas can completely prevent the L–H transition.}, file = {Valovic2012_0029-5515_52_11_114022.pdf:Valovic2012_0029-5515_52_11_114022.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114022}, } @Article{Vamosi1996, author = {J. Vámosi and S. Biri}, title = {TrapCAD — a program to model magnetic traps of charged particles}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1996}, volume = {98}, number = {1–2}, pages = {215 - 223}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {A graphical end-user program is presented that can be used to design and study magnetic traps with cylindrical and/or multipole symmetry. Originally it was developed for ECRIS (Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source) designing. However, its usage is not restricted to studying ECRIS fields. It can be used in any case where solenoidal multipole fields have to be calculated, e.g. with other types of ion sources, or beam transport elements at particle accelerators. TrapCAD uses the output of the POISSON/PANDIRA group of codes as an input to reconstruct the 3D magnetic field. It visualizes the field line structure, computes the main parameters of the trap and simulates the motion of charged particles in the trap. The modelling of the microwave heating and ion-ion scattering are also possible.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(96)00053-7}, file = {Vamosi1996_1-s2.0-0010465596000537-main.pdf:Vamosi1996_1-s2.0-0010465596000537-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Magnetic trap}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.04}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465596000537}, } @Article{Vasko2013, author = {I. Y. Vasko and A. V. Artemyev and V. Y. Popov and H. V. Malova}, title = {Kinetic models of two-dimensional plane and axially symmetric current sheets: Group theory approach}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022110}, abstract = {In this paper, we present new class of solutions of Grad-Shafranov-like (GS-like) equations, describing kinetic plane and axially symmetric 2D current sheets. We show that these equations admit symmetry groups only for Maxwellian and κ-distributions of charged particles. The admissible symmetry groups are used to reduce GS-like equations to ordinary differential equations for invariant solutions. We derive asymptotes of invariant solutions, while invariant solutions are found analytically for the κ-distribution with κ = 7/2. We discuss the difference of obtained solutions from equilibria widely used in other studies. We show that κ regulates the decrease rate of plasma characteristics along the current sheet and determines the spatial distribution of magnetic field components. The presented class of plane and axially symmetric (disk-like) current sheets includes solutions with the inclined neutral plane.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4792263}, eid = {022110}, file = {Vasko2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022110.pdf:Vasko2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022110.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {differential equations; group theory; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022110/1}, } @Article{Vermare2008, author = {L Vermare and C Angioni and A Bottino and A G Peeters and the ASDEX Upgrade Team}, title = {β dependence of micro-instabilities using linear gyrokinetic simulations}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, year = {2008}, volume = {123}, number = {1}, pages = {012040}, abstract = {The β scaling of micro-instabilities has been investigated by several authors using gyrofluid or gyrokinetic description in linear as well as in non-linear calculations. The typical picture well established now is that at low β, Ion Temperature Gradient (ITG) mode is stabilized with increasing β until Kinetic Ballooning modes become unstable. Such kind of numerical studies have been generally performed in plasma conditions close to the CYCLONE case, which means for ion temperature gradient length strongly above the ITG linear threshold and density gradient length around R/L n = 2.2. However, in some standard H-mode plasmas, not only the ion temperature gradient length is closer to the ITG threshold but also the density gradient length can be rather small as compared to the CYCLONE case. In these conditions, the β scaling of micro-instabilities can significantly differ from the expected behavior described above. The goal of this paper is to investigate numerically the β scaling of micro-instabilities around such experimental conditions. Simulations have been performed using the gyrokinetic electromagnetic flux-tube code GS2 in its linear version and considering as reference, discharges from the dedicated β scaling experiments performed recently in ASDEX Upgrade. The effect of changing the gradient lengths (density and temperature) within experimental errors-bars is studied. It appears that for certain ranges of plasma parameters micro-tearing modes are the dominant micro-instability and coexist in the spectrum with ITG modes with a comparable growth rate. The effect of the plasma shape on the β scaling of micro-instabilities is also investigated. It is shown that the triangularity affects slightly the KBM branch which is destabilized at value of β clearly above the experimental range. However, it is found that at pt = 0.7 Trapped Electron Modes are the most unstable instabilities and that such modes are destabilized with increasing β in agreement with results from dedicated β experiment performed in ASDEX Upgrade.}, file = {Vermare2008_1742-6596_123_1_012040.pdf:Vermare2008_1742-6596_123_1_012040.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/123/i=1/a=012040}, } @Article{Vernay2012, author = {T. Vernay and S. Brunner and L. Villard and B. F. McMillan and S. Jolliet and T. M. Tran and A. Bottino}, title = {Synergy between ion temperature gradient turbulence and neoclassical processes in global gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {4}, pages = {042301}, abstract = {Based on the CYCLONE case, simulations of collisional electrostatic ion temperature gradient (ITG) microturbulence carried out with the global gyrokinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) code ORB5 are presented. Considering adiabatic electrons, an increase in ion heat transport over the collisionless turbulent case due to ion-ion collisions is found to exceed the neoclassical contribution. This synergetic effect is due to interaction of collisions, turbulence, and zonal flows. When going from a collisionless to a collisional ITG turbulence simulation, a moderate reduction of the average zonal flow level is observed. The collisional zonal flow level turns out to be roughly independent of the finite collisionality considered. The Dimits shift softening by collisions [Z. Lin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3645 (1999)] is further characterized, and the shearing rate saturation mechanism is emphasized. Turbulence simulations start from a neoclassical equilibrium [T. Vernay et al., Phys. Plasmas 17, 122301 (2010)] and are carried out over significant turbulence times and several collision times thanks to a coarse-graining procedure, ensuring a sufficient signal/noise ratio even at late times in the simulation. The relevance of the Lorentz approximation for ion-ion collisions, compared to a linearized Landau self-collision operator, is finally addressed in the frame of both neoclassical and turbulence studies.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3699189}, eid = {042301}, file = {Vernay2012_PhysPlasmas_19_042301.pdf:Vernay2012_PhysPlasmas_19_042301.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma collision processes; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {18}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/042301/1}, } @Article{Vetoulis1994, author = {George Vetoulis and Liu Chen}, title = {Global structures of Alfvén‐ballooning modes in magnetospheric plasmas}, journal = {GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS}, year = {1994}, volume = {21}, number = {19}, pages = {2091-2094}, abstract = {We show that a steep plasma pressure gradient can lead to radially localized Alfvén modes, which are damped through coupling to field line resonances. These have been called drift Alfvén ballooning modes (DABM) by [Chen and Hasegawa, 1991] and are the prime candidates to explain Pc4–Pc5 geomagnetic pulsations observed during the recovery phase of geomagnetic storms. A strong dependence of the damping rate on the azimuthal wave number m is established, as well as on the equilibrium profile. A minimum azimuthal mode number can be found for the DABM to be radially trapped. We find that higher m DABMs are better localized, which is consistent with high‐m observations.}, doi = {10.1029/94GL01703}, file = {Vetoulis1994_94GL01703.pdf:Vetoulis1994_94GL01703.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.28}, url = {http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/1994/94GL01703.shtml}, } @Article{Villard2004, author = {L Villard and P Angelino and A Bottino and S J Allfrey and R Hatzky and Y Idomura and O Sauter and T M Tran}, title = {First principles based simulations of instabilities and turbulence}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2004}, volume = {46}, number = {12B}, pages = {B51}, abstract = {It is now widely believed that low frequency turbulence developing from small-scale instabilities is responsible for the phenomenon of anomalous transport generally observed in magnetic confinement fusion experiments. The micro-instabilities are driven by gradients of equilibrium density, ion and electron temperatures and magnetic field strength. Gyrokinetic theory is based on the Vlasov–Maxwell equations and, consistent with the ordering, averages out the fast particle gyromotion, reducing the phase space from 6 to 5 dimensions. Solving the resulting equations is a non-trivial task. Difficulties are associated with the magnetic confinement geometry, the strong disparities in space and time scales perpendicular and parallel to B , the different time scales of ion and electron dynamics, and the complex nonlinear behaviour of the system. The main numerical methods are briefly presented together with some recent developments and improvements to the basic algorithms. Recent results are shown, with emphasis on the roles of zonal E × B flows, of parallel nonlinearity and of toroidal coupling on the saturation of ion temperature gradient (ITG) driven turbulence in tokamaks.}, file = {Villard2004_0741-3335_46_12B_005.pdf:Villard2004_0741-3335_46_12B_005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.28}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/46/i=12B/a=005}, } @Article{Villone2012, author = {F Villone and A G Chiariello and S Mastrostefano and A Pironti and S Ventre}, title = {GPU-accelerated analysis of vertical instabilities in ITER including three-dimensional volumetric conducting structures}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {8}, pages = {085003}, abstract = {In this paper, we study the axisymmetric vertical instability of elongated configurations, including the effect of volumetric three-dimensional conducting structures surrounding the plasma. In order to deal with the huge computational models arising from the realistic geometrical description, a GPU-based (graphics processing units) acceleration is pursued. The method is applied to some ITER configurations, for which the open-loop growth rates, the input–output transfer functions and the gain and phase margins are computed.}, file = {Villone2012_0741-3335_54_8_085003.pdf:Villone2012_0741-3335_54_8_085003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=8/a=085003}, } @Article{Vinas2005, author = {Viñas, Adolfo F. and Mace, Richard L. and Benson, Robert F.}, title = {Dispersion characteristics for plasma resonances of Maxwellian and Kappa distribution plasmas and their comparisons to the IMAGE/RPI observations}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics}, year = {2005}, volume = {110}, number = {A6}, pages = {n/a--n/a}, issn = {2156-2202}, abstract = {The Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) on the IMAGE satellite stimulates short-range plasma wave echoes and plasma emissions, known as plasma resonances, which are then displayed on plasmagrams. These resonances are used to provide measurements of the local electron density ne and magnetic field strength ∣B∣. The RPI-stimulated resonances are the magnetospheric analog of plasma resonances stimulated by topside ionospheric sounders. These resonances are stimulated at the harmonic of the electron cyclotron frequency fce, the electron plasma frequency fpe, and the upper-hybrid frequency fuh (where fuh2 = fpe2 + fce2). They are also observed between the harmonics of fce (i.e., nfce) both above and below fpe, where they are known as Qn and Dn resonances, respectively. Calculations of the Qn resonances in the ionospheric environment, based upon a thermal Maxwellian plasma model, provided confidence in the resonance identification between the observations and the estimated values within the experimental errors. However, there is often an apparent difference between these resonances in the magnetospheric environment and those predicted by calculations based on a Maxwellian plasma model. For example, the Qns are often (and perhaps consistently) observed at frequencies slightly lower than expected for a Maxwellian plasma. We present a new set of resonance calculations using the dispersion characteristics of these resonances based upon a nonthermal kappa distribution. We then compare these calculations and those based on a traditional Maxwellian thermal plasma model with the IMAGE/RPI observations. The calculations based on the kappa distribution model appear to resolve the aforementioned frequency discrepancy. In addition, the results also provide insights into the nature of the electron distribution function in the magnetosphere.}, doi = {10.1029/2004JA010967}, file = {Vinas2005_jgra17839.pdf:Vinas2005_jgra17839.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Bernstein waves, plasma resonances, kappa distribution}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.17}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2004JA010967}, } @Article{Volokitin2012, author = {A Volokitin and C Krafft}, title = {Velocity diffusion in plasma waves excited by electron beams}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {8}, pages = {085002}, abstract = {New results provided by numerical simulations of the weak instability of a warm electron beam in a collisionless plasma are presented. The theoretical model considers the self-consistent resonant interactions of beam particles with wave packets of broad spectra; it is derived using some of the initial approximations of the standard derivation of the quasilinear diffusion equation in the weak turbulence approach, without, however, the assumption of randomly phased waves. A huge number of particle trajectories calculated over long times by a symplectic code are analyzed using various statistical algorithms. The dynamics of the beam relaxation and the saturation of the wave spectrum are studied and compared with the analytical solutions provided by the quasilinear theory of weak turbulence. The most interesting results concern the presence of strong and persistent irregularities in the wave energy spectrum at saturation, which are linked to large velocity variations observed in the particles' dynamics and to non-Gaussian local diffusion. Quantitative estimates of the diffusion coefficients are given and compared with predictions of the weak turbulence theory.}, file = {Volokitin2012_0741-3335_54_8_085002.pdf:Volokitin2012_0741-3335_54_8_085002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=8/a=085002}, } @Article{Vyas1974, author = {N.K. Vyas}, title = {Non-linear Landau resonance interaction and sideband growth}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, year = {1974}, volume = {47}, number = {3}, pages = {211 - 212}, issn = {0375-9601}, abstract = {The time development of the distribution function resulting from the Landau resonance interaction between the particles and a narrow band whistler mode wave packet shows a fine structure in the distribution leading to sideband growth of the wave.}, doi = {10.1016/0375-9601(74)90012-7}, file = {Vyas1974_1-s2.0-0375960174900127-main.pdf:Vyas1974_1-s2.0-0375960174900127-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.10}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0375960174900127}, } @Article{Waelbroeck1991, author = {F. L. Waelbroeck and L. Chen}, title = {Ballooning instabilities in tokamaks with sheared toroidal flows}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {601-610}, abstract = {The stability of ballooning modes in the presence of sheared toroidal flows is investigated. The eigenmodes are shown to be related by a Fourier transformation to the nonexponentially growing Floquet solutions found by Cooper [Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 30, 1805 (1988)]. It is further shown that the problem cannot be reduced further than to a two‐dimensional partial differential equation. Next, the generalized ballooning equation is solved analytically for a circular tokamak equilibrium with sonic flows, but with a small rotation shear compared to the sound speed. With this ordering, the centrifugal forces are comparable to the pressure gradient forces driving the instability, but coupling of the mode with the sound wave is avoided. A new stability criterion is derived that explicitly demonstrates that flow shear is stabilizing at constant centrifugal force gradient.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859858}, file = {Waelbroeck1991_PFB000601.pdf:Waelbroeck1991_PFB000601.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {BALLOONING INSTABILITY; STABILITY; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; SHEAR; PLASMA DRIFT; PLASMA; EIGENVALUES; FOURIER TRANSFORMATION; FLOQUET FUNCTION; PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS; TWODIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS; ANALYTICAL SOLUTION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; EQUILIBRIUM; SUPERSONIC FLOW; BETA RATIO; EIKONAL APPROXIMATION; ASYMPTOTIC SOLUTIONS; TRANSFORMATIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/601/1}, } @Article{Wagner1993, author = {F Wagner and U Stroth}, title = {Transport in toroidal devices-the experimentalist's view}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1993}, volume = {35}, number = {10}, pages = {1321}, abstract = {In this paper we summarize the present status of experimental tokamak confinement studies. Under quiescent conditions, ion heat and impurity transport can be close to the neoclassical level. Generally, however, radial transport is enhanced by instabilities. There is evidence that anomalous ion heat and momentum transport may be caused by turbulence driven by the ion temperature gradient. The same level of understanding is not reached in electron heat and particle transport. Electron heat transport is characterized by a highly nonlinear relation between heat flux and temperature gradient. Particle transport is strongly governed by off-diagonal contributions. Where possible, the tokamak results are compared with those from stellarators, in particular with those from W7-AS. Such a comparison is meaningful because stellarators and tokamaks share many transport aspects. In both cases transport is generally anomalous, degrades with heating power and increases toward the edge. Bifurcations such as the tokamak H-mode transition are also observed in the W7-AS stellarator. Transport in stellarators, although anomalous, seems to be less confused by additional complexities such as large off-diagonal contributions, profile resilience, disparities between steady-state and perturbatively determined transport coefficients and an isotopic mass dependence in energy and particle transport. Differences in magnetic field and minor radius scaling seem to be introduced by operational restrictions: rotational transform iota is constant in stellarator field or size scans whereas q a generally varies with current, field, or size in tokamaks.}, file = {Wagner1993_0741-3335_35_10_002.pdf:Wagner1993_0741-3335_35_10_002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/35/i=10/a=002}, } @Article{Wakatani1984, author = {Masahiro Wakatani and Akira Hasegawa}, title = {A collisional drift wave description of plasma edge turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1984}, volume = {27}, number = {3}, pages = {611-618}, abstract = {Model mode‐coupling equations for the resistive drift wave instability are numerically solved for realistic parameters found in tokamak edge plasmas. The Bohm diffusion is found to result if the parallel wavenumber is chosen to maximize the growth rate for a given value of the perpendicular wavenumber. The saturated turbulence energy has a broad frequency spectrum with a large fluctuation level proportional to κ (=ρs/Ln, the normalized inverse scale length of the density gradient) and a wavenumber spectrum of the two‐dimensional Kolmogorov–Kraichnan type, ∼k−3.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864660}, file = {Wakatani1984_PFL000611.pdf:Wakatani1984_PFL000611.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma; turbulence; oscillation modes; coupling; drift instability; numerical solution; equations; tokamak devices; instability growth rates; plasma sheath; saturation; fluctuations; diffusion; magnetohydrodynamics; electron collisions; landau damping; ions; vortices}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/27/611/1}, } @Article{Walk2012, author = {J.R. Walk and P.B. Snyder and J.W. Hughes and J.L. Terry and A.E. Hubbard and P.E. Phillips}, title = {Characterization of the pedestal in Alcator C-Mod ELMing H-modes and comparison with the EPED model}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {6}, pages = {063011}, abstract = {A dedicated series of ELMing H-mode discharges on Alcator C-Mod spanning a broad range of plasma parameters, including plasma current (400–1000 kA), magnetic field (3.5–8 T), and plasma shaping, are presented with experimental scalings of the plasma pedestal with bulk plasma and engineering parameters. The H-modes presented achieve pedestals with densities spanning 5 × 10 19 –2.5 × 10 20  m −3 and temperatures of 150–1000 eV (corresponding to 5–40 kPa in the pressure pedestal), over a width of 3–5% of poloidal flux. The observed pedestal structure is compared with the most recent iteration of the EPED class of models, which uniquely predict the pedestal width and height for a set of scalar input parameters via a combination of stability calculations for peeling–ballooning MHD modes and kinetic-ballooning modes.}, file = {Walk2012_0029-5515_52_6_063011.pdf:Walk2012_0029-5515_52_6_063011.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.04.25}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=6/a=063011}, } @Article{Walker1983, author = {Walker, Raymond J.}, title = {Modeling planetary magnetospheres}, journal = {Reviews of Geophysics}, year = {1983}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {495--507}, issn = {1944-9208}, abstract = {There has been a marked change in the character of magnetospheric modeling during the past quadrennium. In earlier studies, the emphasis was on describing the average magnetospheric properties. These descriptive models were empirical or semiempirical and provided a static picture of the magnetospheric configuration. This approach has proved quite useful.}, doi = {10.1029/RG021i002p00495}, file = {Walker1983_rog926.pdf:Walker1983_rog926.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.02.05}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/RG021i002p00495}, } @Article{Waltz2010, author = {R. E. Waltz}, title = {Nonlinear subcritical magnetohydrodynamic beta limit}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {7}, pages = {072501}, abstract = {Published gyrokinetic simulations have had difficulty operating beyond about half the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) critical beta limit with stationary and low transport levels in some well-established reference cases. Here it is demonstrated that this limitation is unlikely due to numerical instability, but rather appears to be a nonlinear subcritical MHD beta limit [ R. E. Waltz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 1098 (1985) ] induced by the locally enhanced pressure gradients from the diamagnetic component of the nonlinearly driven (zero frequency) zonal flows. Strong evidence that the zonal flow corrugated pressure gradient profiles can act as a MHD-like beta limit unstable secondary equilibrium is provided. It is shown that the addition of sufficient E×B shear or operation closer to drift wave instability threshold, thereby reducing the high-n drift wave turbulence nonlinear pumping of the zonal flows, can allow the normal high-n ideal MHD beta limit to be reached with low transport levels. Example gyrokinetic simulations of experimental discharges are provided: one near the high-n beta limit reasonably matches the low transport levels needed when the high experimental level of E×B shear is applied; a second experimental example at moderately high beta appears to be limited by the subcritical beta.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3449075}, eid = {072501}, file = {Waltz2010_PhysPlasmas_17_072501.pdf:Waltz2010_PhysPlasmas_17_072501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma drift waves; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma pressure; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/072501/1}, } @Article{Waltz1986, author = {R. E. Waltz}, title = {Numerical simulation of turbulent heat flows}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1986}, volume = {29}, number = {11}, pages = {3684-3694}, abstract = {Previous work on simulating turbulence in finite beta tokamak plasmas with isothermal models is extended to include temperature perturbations and temperature gradients in a collisional plasma. Turbulent heat as well as plasma flows are treated. The toroidal ion temperature gradient mode is the dominant source of turbulence in the model. Electron temperature gradients can stabilize the electron collisional drift mode and lead to reverse plasma flows (or thermal pinches). Magnetic electron heat conduction is found to be very small when correlations between temperature and magnetic field perturbations are considered. Quasilinear theory and mixing length rules are found to give a good representation of the results.}, doi = {10.1063/1.865800}, file = {Waltz1986_PFL003684.pdf:Waltz1986_PFL003684.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {HEAT FLOW; TURBULENCE; NUMERICAL ANALYSIS; SIMULATION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS; COLLISIONAL PLASMA; PLASMA EXPANSION; ELECTRON TEMPERATURE; ELECTRON DRIFT; STABILIZATION; ELECTRON COLLISIONS; MAGNETIC FIELDS; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; ENERGY CONSERVATION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.29}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/29/3684/1}, } @Article{Waltz1985, author = {R. E. Waltz}, title = {Numerical simulation of electromagnetic turbulence in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1985}, volume = {28}, number = {2}, pages = {577-589}, abstract = {Nonlinear two‐ and three‐fluid equations are written for the time evolution of the perturbed electrostatic potential, densities, vector potential, and parallel ion motion of collisional and trapped electron plasmas in tokamak geometry. The nonlinear terms arise from the ×B0 convection (/dt=∂/∂t+E ⋅ ∇⊥) and magnetic flutter [∇∥=∇∥+(B⊥/B0) ⋅ ∇⊥]. Simplified two‐dimensional (k⊥) mode coupling simulations with a fixed average parallel wavenumber (k∥=1/Rq) and curvature drift [ωg=(Ln/R)ω∗ ] characteristic of outward ballooning are performed. Homogeneous stationary turbulent states of the dissipative drift and interchange modes from 0≤β<βcrit for both the collisional and trapped electron plasmas are obtained. Transport coefficients associated with E×B and magnetic motions are calculated. The problem of simulating plasmas with high viscous Reynolds number is treated with an absorbing mantle at the largest wavenumbers. The results are summarized by comparison to simple mixing length rules: /n0∼1/k⊥Ln, /B0 ∼(β/2) ⋅ q ⋅ /n0, DE∼γ/k2⊥.}, doi = {10.1063/1.865123}, file = {Waltz1985_PFL000577.pdf:Waltz1985_PFL000577.pdf:PDF;Waltz1985a_PhysRevLett.55.1098.pdf:Waltz1985a_PhysRevLett.55.1098.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; NUMERICAL ANALYSIS; SIMULATION; TURBULENCE; COLLISIONAL PLASMA; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; TRAPS; COULOMB FIELD; PLASMA DENSITY; VECTOR FIELDS; EQUATIONS; ION DRIFT; CONVECTION; DRIFT INSTABILITY; PLASMA WAVES; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; RENORMALIZATION; CONSERVATION LAWS; LOWBETA PLASMA; MAGNETIZATION; ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION; PLASMA HEATING}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.29}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/28/577/1}, } @Article{Waltz1985a, author = {Waltz, R. E.}, title = {Subcritical Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1985}, volume = {55}, pages = {1098--1101}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {Numerical simulations of a simple model for ideal magnetohydrodynamic modes have shown stationary turbulence and transport at β values substantially below the critical β required for linear instability. The phenomena appears to be similar to subcritical turbulence in plane-parallel pipe flow.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.55.1098}, file = {Waltz1985a_PhysRevLett.55.1098.pdf:Waltz1985a_PhysRevLett.55.1098.pdf:PDF}, issue = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.04.29}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.55.1098}, } @Article{Waltz1983, author = {R. E. Waltz}, title = {Numerical study of drift wave turbulence with simple models for wave--wave nonlinear coupling}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, number = {1}, pages = {169-179}, abstract = {Scattering experiments in tokamaks show a broad drift wave frequency spectrum Δω/ω∼O(1) at fixed wavenumbers indicating a strong turbulent state with unstable drift modes strongly decorrelated at a rate Δω by nonlinear wave–wave coupling to stable modes. In this paper a two‐dimensional study of homogeneous stationary drift wave turbulence with simple models of the wave–wave coupling is described. It shows that linearly driven‐damped stationary states exist and demonstrates that approximate weak coupling theories based on the direct interaction approximation (DIA) can provide a faithful and practical description of the turbulence. In addition, it is found that simple models which include nonlinear E×B as well as nonlinear polarization drift coupling are in rough agreement with the experimental turbulence levels, transport coefficients, and decorrelation rates.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864004}, file = {Waltz1983_PFL000169.pdf:Waltz1983_PFL000169.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {tokamak devices; turbulence; scattering; drift instability; twodimensional calculations; numerical data; mathematical models; damping; plasma; drift waves; standing waves}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.29}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/26/169/1}, } @Article{Waltz1994, author = {R. E. Waltz and G. D. Kerbel and J. Milovich}, title = {Toroidal gyro-Landau fluid model turbulence simulations in a nonlinear ballooning mode representation with radial modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1994}, volume = {1}, number = {7}, pages = {2229-2244}, abstract = {The method of Hammett and Perkins [Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 3019 (1990)] to model Landau damping has been recently applied to the moments of the gyrokinetic equation with curvature drift by Waltz, Dominguez, and Hammett [Phys. Fluids B 4, 3138 (1992)]. The higher moments are truncated in terms of the lower moments (density, parallel velocity, and parallel and perpendicular pressure) by modeling the deviation from a perturbed Maxwellian to fit the kinetic response function at all values of the kinetic parameters: k∥vth/ω, b=(k⊥ρ)2/2, and ωD/ω. Here the resulting gyro‐Landau fluid equations are applied to the simulation of ion temperature gradient (ITG) mode turbulence in toroidal geometry using a novel three‐dimensional (3‐D) nonlinear ballooning mode representation. The representation is a Fourier transform of a field line following basis (ky′,kx′,z′) with periodicity in toroidal and poloidal angles. Particular emphasis is given to the role of nonlinearly generated n=0 (ky′ = 0, kx′ ≠ 0) ‘‘radial modes’’ in stabilizing the transport from the finite‐n ITG ballooning modes. Detailing the parametric dependence of toroidal ITG turbulence is a key result.}, doi = {10.1063/1.870934}, file = {Waltz1994_PhysPlasmas_1_2229.pdf:Waltz1994_PhysPlasmas_1_2229.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; TURBULENCE; PLASMA DRIFT; KINETIC EQUATIONS; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; ION TEMPERATURE; TRANSPORT THEORY; HELICITY; FOURIER ANALYSIS; PLASMA SIMULATION; FLUID MODELS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/1/2229/1}, } @Article{Waltz1997, author = {R. E. Waltz and G. M. Staebler and W. Dorland and G. W. Hammett and M. Kotschenreuther and J. A. Konings}, title = {A gyro-Landau-fluid transport model}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1997}, volume = {4}, number = {7}, pages = {2482-2496}, abstract = {A physically comprehensive and theoretically based transport model tuned to three-dimensional (3-D) ballooning mode gyrokinetic instabilities and gyrofluid nonlinear turbulence simulations is formulated with global and local magnetic shear stabilization and E×B rotational shear stabilization. Taking no fit coefficients from experiment, the model is tested against a large transport profile database with good agreement. This model is capable of describing enhanced core confinement transport barriers in negative central shear discharges based on rotational shear stabilization. The model is used to make ignition projections from relative gyroradius scaling discharges.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872228}, file = {Waltz1997_PhysPlasmas_4_2482.pdf:Waltz1997_PhysPlasmas_4_2482.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {BALLOONING INSTABILITY; CHARGED-PARTICLE TRANSPORT THEORY; FLUID FLOW; STABILIZATION; THREE-DIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS; plasma transport processes; plasma instability; plasma turbulence; plasma simulation; discharges (electric); plasma toroidal confinement}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/2482/1}, } @Article{Waltz2012, author = {R. E. Waltz and F. L. Waelbroeck}, title = {Gyrokinetic simulations with external resonant magnetic perturbations: Island torque and nonambipolar transport with plasma rotation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032508}, abstract = {Static external resonant magnetic field perturbations (RMPs) have been added to the gyrokinetic code GYRO [J. Candy and R. E. Waltz, J. Comp. Phys. 186, 545 (2003)]. This allows nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations of the nonambipolar radial current flow jr, and the corresponding × plasma torque (density) R[jrBp/c], induced by magnetic islands that break the toroidal symmetry of a tokamak. This extends the previous GYRO formulation for the transport of toroidal angular momentum (TAM) [R. E. Waltz, G. M. Staebler, J. Candy, and F. L. Hinton, Phys. Plasmas 14, 122507 (2007); errata 16, 079902 (2009)]. The focus is on electrostatic full torus radial slice simulations of externally induced q = m/n = 6/3 islands with widths 5% of the minor radius or about 20 ion gyroradii. Up to moderately strong E×B rotation, the island torque scales with the radial electric field at the resonant surface Er, the island width w, and the intensity I of the high-n micro-turbulence, as Erw. The radial current inside the island is carried (entirely in the n = 3 component) and almost entirely by the ion E×B flux, since the electron E×B and magnetic flutter particle fluxes are cancelled. The net island torque is null at zero Er rather than at zero toroidal rotation. This means that while the expected magnetic braking of the toroidal plasma rotation occurs at strong co- and counter-current rotation, at null toroidal rotation, there is a small co-directed magnetic acceleration up to the small diamagnetic (ion pressure gradient driven) co-rotation corresponding to the zero Er and null torque. This could be called the residual stress from an externally induced island. At zero Er, the only effect is the expected partial flattening of the electron temperature gradient within the island. Finite-beta GYRO simulations demonstrate almost complete RMP field screening and n = 3 mode unlocking at strong Er.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3692222}, eid = {032508}, file = {Waltz2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032508.pdf:Waltz2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032508.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {perturbation theory; plasma flow; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {14}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.03.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/032508/1}, } @Article{Waltz2013, author = {R. E. Waltz and Deng Zhao}, title = {Nonlinear theory of drift-cyclotron kinetics and the possible breakdown of gyro-kinetics}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {012507}, abstract = {A nonlinear theory of drift-cyclotron kinetics (termed cyclo-kinetics here) is formulated to test the breakdown of the gyro-kinetic approximations. Six dimensional cyclo-kinetics can be regarded as an extension of five dimensional gyro-kinetics to include high-frequency cyclotron waves, which can interrupt the low-frequency gyro-averaging in the (sixth velocity grid) gyro-phase angle. Nonlinear cyclo-kinetics has no limit on the amplitude of the perturbations. Formally, there is no gyro-averaging when all cyclotron (gyro-phase angle) harmonics of the perturbed distribution function (delta-f) are retained. Retaining only the (low frequency) zeroth cyclotron harmonic in cyclo-kinetics recovers both linear and nonlinear gyro-kinetics. Simple recipes are given for converting continuum nonlinear delta-f gyro-kinetic transport simulation codes to cyclo-kinetics codes by retaining (at least some) higher cyclotron harmonics.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4773039}, eid = {012507}, file = {Waltz2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012507.pdf:Waltz2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012507.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {cyclotrons; electric breakdown; plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear waves; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.18}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/012507/1}, } @Article{Wan2012, author = {Wan, Weigang and Parker, Scott E. and Chen, Yang and Yan, Zheng and Groebner, Richard J. and Snyder, Philip B.}, title = {Global Gyrokinetic Simulation of Tokamak Edge Pedestal Instabilities}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {185004}, month = {Nov}, abstract = {Global electromagnetic gyrokinetic simulations show the existence of near threshold conditions for both a high-n kinetic ballooning mode (KBM) and an intermediate-n kinetic version of peeling-ballooning mode (KPBM) in the edge pedestal of two DIII-D H-mode discharges. When the magnetic shear is reduced in a narrow region of steep pressure gradient, the KPBM is significantly stabilized, while the KBM is weakly destabilized and hence becomes the most-unstable mode. Collisions decrease the KBM’s critical β and increase the growth rate.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.185004}, file = {Wan2012_PhysRevLett.109.185004.pdf:Wan2012_PhysRevLett.109.185004.pdf:PDF}, issue = {18}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.11.05}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.185004}, } @Article{Wang2012e, author = {E. Wang and X. Xu and J. Candy and R.J. Groebner and P.B. Snyder and Y. Chen and S.E. Parker and W. Wan and Gaimin Lu and J.Q. Dong}, title = {Linear gyrokinetic analysis of a DIII-D H-mode pedestal near the ideal ballooning threshold}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {10}, pages = {103015}, abstract = {Recent advances in GYRO allow simulations to map out the linear stability of many eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the gyrokinetic equation (as opposed to only the most unstable) at low computational cost. In this work, GYRO's new linear capabilities are applied to a pressure scan about the pedestal region of DIII-D shot 131997. MHD calculations in the infinite- n limit of the ideal ballooning mode, used in the very successful EPED model to predict pedestal height and width, demonstrate clear onset of the instability at 70% of the experimental pressure. Presented GYRO results first demonstrate that the ion temperature gradient driven mode and microtearing mode are dominant at the top of the pedestal, while an unnamed group of drift waves are found to be most unstable in the peak gradient region of the pedestal. The peak gradient modes have very extended ballooning structure, peak near the inboard midplane and have drift frequencies at or near the electron diamagnetic drift direction, even for very low wavenumbers ( k θ ρ s ∼ 0.2). Connection is made to the MHD calculations by demonstrating the kinetic ballooning mode (KBM) is present but subdominant in the DIII-D pedestal, and the pressure required for onset of the KBM in the gyrokinetic limit is in near agreement with MHD predictions. Finally, comparisons and analysis of GYRO with two independent gyrokinetic codes, GEM (initial value) and HD7 (1D eigenvalue), are presented.}, file = {Wang2012e_0029-5515_52_10_103015.pdf:Wang2012e_0029-5515_52_10_103015.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.12}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=10/a=103015}, } @Article{Wang2012d, author = {Ge Wang and H.L. Berk}, title = {Simulation and theory of spontaneous TAE frequency sweeping}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {9}, pages = {094003}, abstract = {A simulation model, based on the linear tip model of Rosenbluth, Berk and Van Dam (RBV), is developed to study frequency sweeping of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs). The time response of the background wave in the RBV model is given by a Volterra integral equation. This model captures the properties of TAE waves both in the gap and in the continuum. The simulation shows that phase space structures form spontaneously at frequencies close to the linearly predicted frequency, due to resonant particle–wave interactions and background dissipation. The frequency sweeping signals are found to chirp towards the upper and lower continua. However, the chirping signals penetrate only the lower continuum, whereupon the frequency chirps and mode amplitude increases in synchronism to produce an explosive solution. An adiabatic theory describing the evolution of a chirping signal is developed which replicates the chirping dynamics of the simulation in the lower continuum. This theory predicts that a decaying chirping signal will terminate at the upper continuum though in the numerical simulation the hole disintegrates before the upper continuum is reached.}, file = {Wang2012d_0029-5515_52_9_094003.pdf:Wang2012d_0029-5515_52_9_094003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.09.03}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=9/a=094003}, } @Article{Wang2013j, author = {Hao Wang and Yasushi Todo}, title = {Linear properties of energetic particle driven geodesic acoustic mode}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {012506}, abstract = {Linear properties of energetic particle driven geodesic acoustic mode (EGAM) in the large helical device plasmas are investigated using a hybrid simulation code for a magnetohydrodynamics fluid interacting with energetic particles. It is found that the EGAM is a global mode with the spatially uniform oscillation frequency despite the spatial variation of the local geodesic acoustic mode frequency. The poloidal mode numbers of poloidal velocity fluctuation, plasma density fluctuation, and magnetic fluctuation are m = 0, 1, and 2, respectively. Oscillation frequency, linear growth rate, and spatial width of EGAM are compared for different physics conditions. The EGAM frequency is proportional to the square root of the plasma temperature. The frequency is lower for higher energetic particle β value. The mode spatial width is larger for larger spatial width of the energetic particle distribution and for the reversed shear safety-factor profile than the normal shear profile. It is also found that the EGAM propagates radially outward in the linearly growing phase, and the propagation speed is slower for the spatially broadened modes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4774410}, eid = {012506}, file = {Wang2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012506.pdf:Wang2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012506.pdf:PDF;Wang2013a_1009-0630_15_1_03.pdf:Wang2013a_1009-0630_15_1_03.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma density; plasma fluctuations; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma oscillations; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; stellarators}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.18}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/012506/1}, } @Article{Wang2012, author = {Jiaqi Wang and Chijie Xiao and Xiaogang Wang}, title = {Effects of out-of-plane shear flows on fast reconnection in a two-dimensional Hall magnetohydrodynamics model}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032905}, doi = {10.1063/1.3697561}, eid = {032905}, file = {Wang2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032905.pdf:Wang2012_PhysPlasmas_19_032905.pdf:PDF;Wang2012a_0029-5515_52_6_063024.pdf:Wang2012a_0029-5515_52_6_063024.pdf:PDF;Wang2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_062504.pdf:Wang2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_062504.pdf:PDF;Wang2012c_PhysPlasmas_19_072110.pdf:Wang2012c_PhysPlasmas_19_072110.pdf:PDF;Wang2012d_0029-5515_52_9_094003.pdf:Wang2012d_0029-5515_52_9_094003.pdf:PDF;Wang2012e_0029-5515_52_10_103015.pdf:Wang2012e_0029-5515_52_10_103015.pdf:PDF;Wang2012f_PhysRevE.86.045401.pdf:Wang2012f_PhysRevE.86.045401.pdf:PDF;Wang2012g_PhysPlasmas_19_032509.pdf:Wang2012g_PhysPlasmas_19_032509.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {astrophysical plasma; magnetic reconnection; planetary satellites; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; shear flow}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/032905/1}, } @Article{Wang2012i, author = {L. Wang and G.S. Xu and H.Y. Guo and R. Chen and S. Ding and K.F. Gan and X. Gao and X.Z. Gong and M. Jiang and P. Liu and S.C. Liu and G.N. Luo and T.F. Ming and B.N. Wan and D.S. Wang and F.M. Wang and H.Q. Wang and Z.W. Wu and N. Yan and L. Zhang and W. Zhang and X.J. Zhang and S.Z. Zhu and the EAST Team}, title = {Particle and power deposition on divertor targets in EAST H-mode plasmas}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {6}, pages = {063024}, abstract = {The effects of edge-localized modes (ELMs) on divertor particle and heat fluxes were investigated for the first time in the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST). The experiments were carried out with both double null and lower single null divertor configurations, and comparisons were made between the H-mode plasmas with lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) and those with combined ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH). The particle and heat flux profiles between and during ELMs were obtained from Langmuir triple-probe arrays embedded in the divertor target plates. And isolated ELMs were chosen for analysis in order to reduce the uncertainty resulting from the influence of fast electrons on Langmuir triple-probe evaluation during ELMs. The power deposition obtained from Langmuir triple probes was consistent with that from the divertor infra-red camera during an ELM-free period. It was demonstrated that ELM-induced radial transport predominantly originated from the low-field side region, in good agreement with the ballooning-like transport model and experimental results of other tokamaks. ELMs significantly enhanced the divertor particle and heat fluxes, without significantly broadening the SOL width and plasma-wetted area on the divertor target in both LHCD and LHCD + ICRH H-modes, thus posing a great challenge for the next-step high-power, long-pulse operation in EAST. Increasing the divertor-wetted area was also observed to reduce the peak heat flux and particle recycling at the divertor target, hence facilitating long-pulse H-mode operation. The particle and heat flux profiles during ELMs appeared to exhibit multiple peak structures, and were analysed in terms of the behaviour of ELM filaments and the flux tubes induced by modified magnetic topology during ELMs.}, file = {Wang2012a_0029-5515_52_6_063024.pdf:Wang2012a_0029-5515_52_6_063024.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=6/a=063024}, } @Article{Wang2012b, author = {Shaojie Wang}, title = {Transport formulation of the gyrokinetic turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {6}, pages = {062504}, abstract = {Nonlinear gyrokinetic equation is formulated in the Fokker-Planck form that puts the effects of the turbulent wave scattering into the divergence of a diffusive-convective flux in the phase space, unified with the binary collision operator. The macroscopic transport fluxes of the particle and heat transport due to the gyrokinetic turbulence are systematically derived, with the diffusive and convective fluxes and the nonlinear turbulence heating rate identified. The proposed theory includes the ponderomotive effects on the turbulent convection and heating, which were not included in the previous quasilinear theory.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4729660}, eid = {062504}, file = {Wang2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_062504.pdf:Wang2012b_PhysPlasmas_19_062504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {convection; Fokker-Planck equation; plasma collision processes; plasma heating; plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/062504/1}, } @Article{Wang1995, author = {Xiaogang Wang and A. Bhattacharjee}, title = {Nonlinear dynamics of the m=1 kink-tearing instability in a modified magnetohydrodynamic model}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {171-181}, abstract = {A theory is given for the nonlinear dynamical evolution of the collisionless m=1 kink‐tearing instability, including the effects of electron inertia and electron pressure gradient in a generalized Ohm’s law. It is demonstrated that electron pressure gradients can cause near‐explosive growth in the nonlinear regime of a thin m=1 island. This near‐explosive phase is followed by a rapid decay phase as the island width becomes comparable to the radius of the sawtooth region. An island equation is derived for the entire nonlinear evolution of the instability, extending recent work on the subject [X. Wang and A. Bhattacharjee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1627 (1993)] to include the effects of both electron inertia and electron pressure gradient. Comparisons are made with experimental data from present‐day tokamaks. It is suggested that the present model not only accounts for fast sawtooth crashes, but also provides possible explanations for the problems of sudden onset and incomplete reconnection that have been, heretofore, unexplained features of observations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871088}, file = {Wang1995_PhysPlasmas_2_171.pdf:Wang1995_PhysPlasmas_2_171.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; KINK INSTABILITY; TEARING INSTABILITY; OHM LAW; TOKAMAK DEVICES; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; COLLISIONLESS PLASMA; PLASMA PRESSURE; MAGNETIC RECONNECTION; CURRENT SHEETS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/171/1}, } @Article{Wang1993, author = {Wang, Xiaogang and Bhattacharjee, A.}, title = {Nonlinear dynamics of the \textit{m} =1 instability and fast sawtooth collapse in high-temperature plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1993}, volume = {70}, pages = {1627--1630}, month = {Mar}, abstract = {A theory is given for the nonlinear dynamical evolution of the m=1 instability, governed by a generalized Ohm’s law that includes the Hall term. An island equation is derived for the entire nonlinear evolution which includes an almost explosive growth phase followed by a rapid decay phase. The predictions of the theory are compared with recent numerical results and experiments.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.70.1627}, file = {Wang1993_PhysRevLett.70.1627.pdf:Wang1993_PhysRevLett.70.1627.pdf:PDF}, issue = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.70.1627}, } @Article{Wang1992, author = {Xiaogang Wang and A. Bhattacharjee}, title = {Forced reconnection and current sheet formation in Taylor's model}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, number = {7}, pages = {1795-1799}, abstract = {The problem of forced reconnection in Taylor’s model, first investigated by Hahm and Kulsrud [Phys. Fluids 28, 2412 (1985)], is revisited. After the linear phases A, B, and C, described by Hahm and Kulsrud, the plasma enters a nonlinear phase W with a current sheet, described by Waelbroeck [Phys. Fluids B 1, 2380 (1989)]. After the W phase, the plasma passes into the Rutherford regime. The reconnected flux at the separatrix increases monotonically from zero to its asymptotic value in the Rutherford regime. Analytical expressions for the reconnected flux and the island width are given.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860035}, file = {Wang1992_PFB001795.pdf:Wang1992_PFB001795.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; MAGNETIC RECONNECTION; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; HELICITY; ANALYTICAL SOLUTION; CURRENT SHEETS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.17}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/1795/1}, } @Article{Wang2012f, author = {Wang, X. and Briguglio, S. and Chen, L. and Di Troia, C. and Fogaccia, G. and Vlad, G. and Zonca, F.}, title = {Nonlinear dynamics of beta-induced Alfv\'en eigenmode driven by energetic particles}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2012}, volume = {86}, pages = {045401}, month = {Oct}, abstract = {Nonlinear saturation of a beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode, driven by slowing down energetic particles via transit resonance, is investigated by the nonlinear hybrid magnetohyrodynamic gyrokinetic code. Saturation is characterized by frequency chirping and symmetry breaking between co- and counter-passing particles, which can be understood as the evidence of resonance detuning. The scaling of the saturation amplitude with the growth rate is also demonstrated to be consistent with radial resonance detuning due to the radial nonuniformity and mode structure.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.86.045401}, file = {Wang2012f_PhysRevE.86.045401.pdf:Wang2012f_PhysRevE.86.045401.pdf:PDF}, issue = {4}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.11.05}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.86.045401}, } @Article{Wang2011, author = {Ying Wang and Chengxun Yuan and Zhongxiang Zhou and Lei Li and Yanwei Du}, title = {Propagation of Gaussian laser beam in cold plasma of Drude model}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {11}, pages = {113105}, abstract = {The propagation characters of Gaussian laser beam in plasmas of Drude model have been investigated by complex eikonal function assumption. The dielectric constant of Drude model is representative and applicable in describing the cold unmagnetized plasmas. The dynamics of ponderomotive nonlinearity, spatial diffraction, and collision attenuation is considered. The derived coupling equations determine the variations of laser beam and irradiation attenuation. The modified laser beam-width parameter F, the dimensionless axis irradiation intensity I, and the spatial electron density distribution n/n0 have been studied in connection with collision frequency, initial laser intensity and beam-width, and electron temperature of plasma. The variations of laser beam and plasma density due to different selections of parameters are reasonably explained, and results indicate the feasible modification of the propagating characters of laser beam in plasmas, which possesses significance to fast ignition, extended propagation, and other applications.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3662433}, eid = {113105}, file = {Wang2011_PhysPlasmas_18_113105.pdf:Wang2011_PhysPlasmas_18_113105.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {electron density; permittivity; plasma density; plasma dielectric properties; plasma light propagation; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma temperature}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.03}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/113105/1}, } @Article{Wang2012g, author = {Y. M. Wang and X. Gao and B. L. Ling and Y. Liu and S. B. Zhang and X. Han and A. Ti and E. Z. Li and HT-7 Team}, title = {Comparison of anomalous Doppler resonance effects with molybdenum and graphite limiters on HT-7}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032509}, abstract = {The material of limiter in HT-7 tokamak was changed from graphite to molybdenum in the last experimental campaign. The pitch angle scattering of runaway electrons due to anomalous Doppler resonance effects was observed. The experimental results agree very well with the stable boundary condition expected from the linear resistive theory but only agree with that from the nonlinear evolutionary of runaway-electron distribution theory in low electric field region. The current carried by runaway electrons is the same under different limiter conditions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3695093}, eid = {032509}, file = {Wang2012g_PhysPlasmas_19_032509.pdf:Wang2012g_PhysPlasmas_19_032509.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Doppler effect; electron avalanches; graphite; molybdenum; plasma impurities; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma theory; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/032509/1}, } @Article{Wang2013l, author = {Zhongtian Wang and Long Wang and Yongxing Long and Jiaqi Dong and Zhixiong He and Yu Liu and Changjian Tang}, title = {Shaping Effects of the E-Fishbone in Tokamaks}, journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, year = {2013}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {12}, abstract = {Shaping effects of the E-fishbone in tokamaks are investigated. Coordinates related to the Solov'ev configuration are used to calculate the precession frequency and kinetic contribution. It is shown that elongation does not change the precession frequency and the kinetic energy. Growth rates of the E-fishbone vary with elongation which essentially has destabilizing effects. For elongated tokamaks, triangularity has a stabilizing effect on the modes which play a compensative role. The results may apply to Sunist.}, file = {Wang2013a_1009-0630_15_1_03.pdf:Wang2013a_1009-0630_15_1_03.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/15/i=1/a=03}, } @Article{Wang2012c, author = {Z. T. Wang and L. Wang and L. X. Long and J. Q. Dong and Zhixiong He and Y. Liu and C. J. Tang}, title = {Gyrokinetics for high-frequency modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {072110}, abstract = {Gyrokinetics for high-frequency modes in tokamaks is developed. It is found that the breakdown of the invariants by perturbed electromagnetic fields drives microinstability. The obtained diamagnetic frequency, ω∗, is proportional to only the toroidal mode number rather than transverse mode numbers. Therefore, there is no nonadiabatic drive for axisymmetrical modes in gyrokinetics. Meanwhile, the conventional eikonal Ansatz breaks down for the axisymmetrical modes. The ion drift-cyclotron instability discovered in a mirror machine is found for the first time in the toroidal system. The growth rates are proportional to ρi/Ln, and the slope changes with magnetic curvature. In spherical torus, where magnetic curvature is greater than that of traditional tokamaks, instability poses a potential danger to such devices.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4737108}, eid = {072110}, file = {Wang2012c_PhysPlasmas_19_072110.pdf:Wang2012c_PhysPlasmas_19_072110.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {electric breakdown; plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/072110/1}, } @Article{Warburton1999, author = {T.C Warburton and G.E Karniadakis}, title = {A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Viscous MHD Equations}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1999}, volume = {152}, number = {2}, pages = {608 - 641}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {We present a new high-order method for the unsteady viscous MHD equations in two and three dimensions. The two main features of this method are: (1) the discontinuous Galerkin projections for both the advection and diffusion components, and (2) the polymorphic spectral/hp elements for unstructured and hybrid discretizations. An orthogonal spectral basis written in terms of Jacobi polynomials is employed, which results in a matrix-free algorithm and thus high computational efficiency. We present several results that document the high-order accuracy of the method and perform a systematic p-refinement study of the compressible Orszag–Tang vortex as well as simulations of plasma flow past a circular cylinder. The proposed method, which can be thought of as a high-order extension of the finite volume technique, is suitable for direct numerical simulations of MHD turbulence as well as for other traditional MHD applications.}, doi = {10.1006/jcph.1999.6248}, file = {Warburton1999_1-s2.0-S0021999199962484-main.pdf:Warburton1999_1-s2.0-S0021999199962484-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999199962484}, } @Article{Watanabe2006, author = {T. Watanabe and Y. Matsumoto and M. Hishiki and S. Oikawa and H. Hojo and M. Shoji and S. Masuzaki and R. Kumazawa and K. Saito and T. Seki and T. Mutoh and A. Komori and LHD Experimental Group}, title = {Magnetic field structure and confinement of energetic particles in the LHD}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2006}, volume = {46}, number = {2}, pages = {291}, abstract = {The Large Helical Device (LHD) achieves high-performance plasma confinement by the coordination of the magnetic surface region and the chaotic field line layer. It is theoretically and experimentally shown that drift surfaces exist for highly energetic particles being extended over the last closed flux surface (LCFS) in the LHD. These particles are considered lost particles due to the loss-cone in the previous theories, where the analyses are limited inside the LCFS. The present theory predicts that the loss-cone is strongly reduced in the LHD and that highly energetic particles confined over the LCFS exist. These are consistent with the LHD experimental results in both the ICRF heating experiments and the low magnetic field neutral beam injection heating experiments. From particle orbit analyses and studies on the connection length of diverter field lines, it is also shown that plasma can exist in the chaotic field line layer located outside the LCFS in the LHD. The plasma in the chaotic field line layer is clearly detected by CCD-cameras in the LHD experiment. This ambient plasma might be expected to play the role of a kind of impregnable barrier for the core plasma, which suppresses both the MHD instabilities and the cooling of the core plasma due to charge exchange processes. The line-tying effects of diverter field lines that are slipped out from the chaotic field line layer can also stabilize the ballooning mode and the vertical displacement events of the plasma column.}, file = {Watanabe2006_watanabe_nf_46_291.pdf:Watanabe2006_watanabe_nf_46_291.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.12}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/46/i=2/a=013}, } @Article{WATANABE2005, author = {Tomo-Hiko WATANABE and SUGAMA Hideo}, title = {What's the Microturbulence Simulation?}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research}, year = {2005}, volume = {81}, pages = {534}, file = {WATANABE2005_81_534.pdf:WATANABE2005_81_534.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.28}, url = {https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jspf/81/7/81_7_534/_article/-char/ja/}, } @Article{Webster2012, author = {Anthony J. Webster}, title = {Magnetohydrodynamic tokamak plasma edge stability}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114023}, abstract = {The edge of a tokamak plasma is interesting due to its geometrical structure that is difficult to model mathematically and computationally, its tendency to form ‘transport barriers’ with increased confinement of energy and momentum, and the edge-localized instabilities associated with transport barriers that threaten the lifetime of components in large tokamaks. Ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is generally well understood, but only in the past decade has a good theoretical understanding emerged of MHD stability near the plasmas' separatrix when one or more X-points are present. By reviewing and discussing our theoretical understanding of ideal MHD stability of the plasma's edge, a clear picture emerges for its ideal stability. Conclusions are: ideal MHD will limit the width of strong transport barriers at the plasma's edge, a strong edge transport barrier will be associated with ELMs, ELMs will have a maximum toroidal mode number, will be preceded by smaller precursor instabilities, and can be triggered by sufficient changes to either the edge or the core plasma. Observations are made for the mechanisms responsible for edge transport barriers and ELMs, some leading to experimental predictions, others highlighting important open questions.}, file = {Webster2012_0029-5515_52_11_114023.pdf:Webster2012_0029-5515_52_11_114023.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114023}, } @Article{Webster2013, author = {Webster, A. J. and Dendy, R. O.}, title = {Statistical Characterization and Classification of Edge-Localized Plasma Instabilities}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2013}, volume = {110}, pages = {155004}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {The statistics of edge-localized plasma instabilities (ELMs) in toroidal magnetically confined fusion plasmas are considered. From first principles, standard experimentally motivated assumptions are shown to determine a specific probability distribution for the waiting times between ELMs: the Weibull distribution. This is confirmed empirically by a statistically rigorous comparison with a large data set from the Joint European Torus. The successful characterization of ELM waiting times enables future work to progress in various ways. Here we present a quantitative classification of ELM types, complementary to phenomenological approaches. It also informs us about the nature of ELM processes, such as whether they are random or deterministic. The methods are extremely general and can be applied to numerous other quasiperiodic intermittent phenomena.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.155004}, file = {Webster2013_PhysRevLett.110.155004.pdf:Webster2013_PhysRevLett.110.155004.pdf:PDF}, issue = {15}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.04.10}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.155004}, } @Article{Webster2004, author = {Webster, A. J. and Wilson, H. R.}, title = {Role of Flow Shear in the Ballooning Stability of Tokamak Transport Barriers}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2004}, volume = {92}, pages = {165004}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {A tokamak’s confinement time is greatly increased by a transport barrier (TB), a region having a high pressure gradient and usually also a strongly sheared plasma flow. The pressure gradient in a TB can be limited by ideal magnetohydrodynamic instabilities with a high toroidal mode number n (“ballooning modes”). Previous studies in the limit n→∞ showed that arbitrarily small (but nonzero) flow shears have a large stabilizing influence. In contrast, the more realistic finite n ballooning modes studied here are found to be insensitive to sub-Alfvénic flow shears, provided the magnetic shear s∼1 (typical for TBs near the plasma’s edge). However, for the lower magnetic shears that are associated with internal transport barriers, significantly lower flow shears will influence ballooning mode stability, and flow shear should be retained in the analysis of their stability.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.165004}, file = {Webster2004a_PhysPlasmas_11_2135.pdf:Webster2004a_PhysPlasmas_11_2135.pdf:PDF;Webster2004_PhysRevLett.92.165004.pdf:Webster2004_PhysRevLett.92.165004.pdf:PDF}, issue = {16}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.12.22}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.165004}, } @Article{Webster2004a, author = {A. J. Webster and H. R. Wilson and A. M. M. Scaife}, title = {The role of flow shear in the ballooning stability of tokamak transport barriers}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {5}, pages = {2135-2143}, abstract = {A tokamak’s economic performance is strongly affected by the plasma pressure that it may sustain, which in turn is limited by the maximum pressure gradients that may be supported. Ballooning modes are typically driven unstable by increasing the pressure gradient, and because they can radially extend across many rational surfaces, they can seriously reduce a plasma’s energy confinement. Here an eigenmode formulation is used to study the stability of ballooning modes in internal transport barriers (“ITBs”), in which very strong pressure gradients and flow shears may be found. This extends previous studies that used an “eikonal” formulation, as it enables the study of: ballooning modes with a finite toroidal mode-number n (finite wavelength perpendicular to the magnetic field), to find new solution branches, to obtain the eigenmode structures, and to investigate the effects of a radially varying equilibrium. The structure of a finite n ballooning mode in flow shear is found to be significantly affected by a radially varying equilibrium, and at low flow shears the growth rates are increased above those of modes studied in the limit of n→∞. The different solution branches can couple as the flow shear is increased, leading to a pair of asymmetric mode structures with complex conjugate growth rates. These effects are shown to be a consequence of the mode trying to localize at the most unstable radial location, and its desire to rotate with the flow. In addition, closer to marginal stability a sufficiently strong flow-shear can (at least for some cases), destabilize a previously stable mode.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1687724}, file = {Webster2004a_PhysPlasmas_11_2135.pdf:Webster2004a_PhysPlasmas_11_2135.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; shear flow; plasma transport processes; plasma pressure; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/2135/1}, } @Article{Weening2000, author = {R. H. Weening}, title = {Analytic spherical torus plasma equilibrium model}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2000}, volume = {7}, number = {9}, pages = {3654-3662}, abstract = {An analytic spherical torus plasma equilibrium model is developed from a general solution to the Grad–Shafranov equation. The analytic model allows the calculation of axisymmetric plasma equilibria with arbitrary aspect ratio, elongation, triangularity, and diamagnetism. Using a numerical method, examples of optimized analytic equilibria are presented with plasma profiles similar to those of bootstrapped spherical tokamaks. Numerical results obtained from analytic equilibrium solutions for plasmas with aspect ratios A = 1.4, elongations κ=3.0, and Troyon factors g = 6.7 suggest that spherical tori can achieve toroidal beta values as large as βt ≈ 35% at poloidal beta values βp ≈ 1.53, with stable magnetic wells, W ≥ 0.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1287828}, file = {Weening2000_PhysPlasmas_7_3654.pdf:Weening2000_PhysPlasmas_7_3654.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; plasma simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/7/3654/1}, } @Article{Weening1997, author = {R. H. Weening}, title = {Aspect ratio scaling of toroidal plasma equilibria and the tokamak bootstrap effect}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1997}, volume = {4}, number = {9}, pages = {3254-3261}, abstract = {The aspect ratio scaling of toroidal plasma equilibria is examined using a parametrization of an exact Solov’ev solution to the Grad–Shafranov equation in Boozer coordinates. The equilibrium analysis suggests that simultaneous enhancements in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability and the bootstrap effect are possible in tight aspect ratio (A→1) tokamaks. The fundamental physical mechanism causing the enhancements is shown to be the natural increase of the MHD safety factor q in tight aspect ratio toroidal geometries. The results of the scaling model suggest that the lowest bootstrap current fractions are obtained in tokamaks with aspect ratios A ≈ 3. It is also shown that a tight aspect ratio bootstrapped tokamak can be a weakly paramagnetic device.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872410}, file = {Weening1997_PhysPlasmas_4_3254.pdf:Weening1997_PhysPlasmas_4_3254.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; ASPECT RATIO; GRAD-SHAFRANOV EQUATION; MAGNETIC CONFINEMENT; MHD EQUILIBRIUM; SCALING LAWS; BOOTSTRAP CURRENT; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma instability}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/3254/1}, } @Article{Weening1992, author = {R. H. Weening and A. H. Boozer}, title = {Completely bootstrapped tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {159-170}, abstract = {Numerical simulations of the evolution of large‐scale magnetic fields have been developed using a mean‐field Ohm’s law. The Ohm’s law is coupled to a Δ′ stabilty analysis and a magnetic island growth equation in order to simulate the behavior of tokamak plasmas that are subject to tearing modes. In one set of calculations, the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)‐stable regime of the tokamak is examined via the construction of an li ‐qa diagram. The results confirm previous calculations that show that tearing modes introduce a stability boundary into the li ‐qa space. In another series of simulations, the interaction between tearing modes and the bootstrap current is investigated. The results indicate that a completely bootstrapped tokamak may be possible, even in the absence of any externally applied loop voltage or current drive.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860429}, file = {Weening1992_PFB000159.pdf:Weening1992_PFB000159.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {BOOTSTRAP MODEL; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; PLASMA SIMULATION; OHM LAW; TEARING INSTABILITY; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; PLASMA DRIFT; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/159/1}, } @Article{Wei2013, author = {Lai Wei and Zheng-Xiong Wang}, title = {Roles of poloidal rotation in the q = 1 high-order harmonic tearing modes in a tokamak plasma}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {012512}, abstract = {Roles of poloidal rotation in stabilizing the m/n = 1/1 kink-tearing mode and exciting its high-order harmonic tearing modes are numerically investigated by using a reduced magnetohydrodynamic model. It is found that the high-order harmonic tearing modes, such as m/n = 2/2, m/n = 3/3, or even much higher-m harmonics, can be destabilized so significantly by rotation shear as to be more unstable than or comparable to the m/n = 1/1 mode. Moreover, the short wave-length Kelvin- Helmholtz (KH) instabilities can be excited in the large rotation shear regime. The scaling power laws of the linear growth rate for each harmonic mode in different rotation shear regimes are verified by the previous relevant theoretical results based on the non-constant-ψ and constant-ψ behavior categories in tearing modes. During the nonlinear evolution, the m/n = 2/2 mode dominated phase first appears and then is followed by the m/n = 1/1 mode dominated nonlinear phase instead. Afterward, some smaller sub-islands due to the high-order harmonics are produced in the large irregular m = 1 crescent-shaped island, and then a coalescence process of turbulent island chains occurs before the decay phase.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789381}, eid = {012512}, file = {Wei2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012512.pdf:Wei2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012512.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Kelvin-Helmholtz instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma turbulence; tearing instability; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/012512/1}, } @Article{Weichman2012, author = {Peter B. Weichman}, title = {Long-range correlations and coherent structures in magnetohydrodynamic equilibria}, journal = {arXiv}, year = {2012}, abstract = {The equilibrium theory of the 2D magnetohydrodynamic equations is derived, accounting for the full infinite hierarchies of conserved integrals. An exact description in terms of two coupled elastic membranes emerges, producing long-ranged correlations between the magnetic and velocity fields. This is quite different from the results of previous variational treatments, which relied on a local product ansatz for the thermodynamic Gibbs distribution. The equilibria display the same type of coherent structures, such as compact eddies and zonal jets, previously found in pure fluid equilibria. Possible consequences of this for recent simulations of the solar tachocline are discussed.}, file = {Weichman2012_1208.0356v1.pdf:Weichman2012_1208.0356v1.pdf:PDF;Weichman2012a_PhysRevLett.109.235002.pdf:Weichman2012a_PhysRevLett.109.235002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.04}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1208.0356}, } @Article{Weichman2012a, author = {Weichman, Peter B.}, title = {Long-Range Correlations and Coherent Structures in Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibria}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {235002}, month = {Dec}, abstract = {The equilibrium theory of the 2D magnetohydrodynamic equations is derived, accounting for the full infinite hierarchies of conserved integrals. An exact description in terms of two coupled elastic membranes emerges, producing long-ranged correlations between the magnetic and velocity fields. This is quite different from the results of previous variational treatments, which relied on a local product ansatz for the thermodynamic Gibbs distribution. The equilibria display the same type of coherent structures, such as compact eddies and zonal jets, previously found in pure fluid equilibria. Possible consequences of this for recent simulations of the solar tachocline are discussed.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.235002}, file = {Weichman2012a_PhysRevLett.109.235002.pdf:Weichman2012a_PhysRevLett.109.235002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {23}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.12.08}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.235002}, } @Article{Weiland1982, author = {Weiland, J. and Mondt, J. P.}, title = {Nonlinear Theory of Ballooning Modes}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1982}, volume = {48}, pages = {23--26}, month = {Jan}, abstract = {The influence of three-wave interaction on stability of ballooning modes is determined in the presence of magnetic shear and a fully toroidal large-aspect-ratio field geometry. From the ideal two-fluid equations, possibilities for nonlinear instability of the explosive type are established.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.48.23}, file = {Weiland1982_PhysRevLett.48.23.pdf:Weiland1982_PhysRevLett.48.23.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.48.23}, } @Article{Weiland2009, author = {Jan Weiland and Anatoly Zagorodny and Volodymyr Zasenko}, title = {Fluid and Kinetic Modelling on Timescales Longer than the Confinement Time in Bounded Systems}, journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, year = {2009}, volume = {1177}, number = {1}, pages = {96-111}, abstract = {The problem of fluid modelling on timescales longer than the confinementtime is addressed as a problem of decay of high order moments without sources. Several mechanisms for the decay of higher order moments are discussed and very strong experimental evidence is given for toroidal plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3253969}, editor = {Jan Weiland}, file = {Weiland2009_APC000096.pdf:Weiland2009_APC000096.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma confinement; toroidal confinement (plasma)}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APC/1177/96/1}, } @Article{Weisen2012, author = {H. Weisen and Y. Camenen and A. Salmi and T.W. Versloot and P.C. deVries and M. Maslov and T. Tala and M. Beurskens and C. Giroud and JET-EFDA contributors}, title = {Ubiquity of non-diffusive momentum transport in JET H-modes}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114024}, abstract = {A broad survey of the experimental database of neutral beam heated baseline H-modes and hybrid scenarios in the JET tokamak has established the ubiquity of non-diffusive momentum transport mechanisms in rotating plasmas. As a result of their presence, the normalized angular frequency gradient R ∇ ω / ω is higher than expected from momentum diffusion alone, by about unity in the core ( r / a ∼ 0.3), rising to near 5 close to the edge, where its contribution to the total gradient is comparable to the gradient associated with the diffusive flux. The magnitude and parameter dependences of the non-diffusive contribution to the gradient are consistent with a theoretically expected pinch, which has its origin in the vertical particle drift resulting from the Coriolis force. Linear gyrokinetic calculations of the pinch number RV / χ φ and the Prandtl number χ φ / χ i are in good agreement with the experimental observations, with similar dependences on R / L n , q and ε = r / R . A contribution due to residual stresses may also be present, but could not be identified with certainty.}, file = {Weisen2012_0029-5515_52_11_114024.pdf:Weisen2012_0029-5515_52_11_114024.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114024}, } @Article{Weitzner1964, author = {Harold Weitzner}, title = {Radiation from a Point Source in a Plasma}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1964}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, pages = {72-89}, abstract = {The fundamental solution for the linearized relativistic Vlasov equation with Maxwell's equations is obtained. The unperturbed state is assumed to be spatially homogeneous and time independent, with no electric or magnetic fields. The unperturbed distribution function depends only on the magnitude of relativistic momentum. An examination of the asymptotic behavior of the electric field for large time permits a general description of the solution. The electric field may be expressed as the sum of transverse and longitudinal parts. The transverse part looks like an ordinary electromagnetic wave extremely close to the light cone, and within the light cone it oscillates rapidly with varying frequency and wave number and a local phase velocity greater than the speed of light. Near the origin of the disturbance there is a transition to an ordinary plasma oscillation. In addition to a weak precursor wave, the longitudinal wave propagates outward with a definite speed and behind its wavefront the electric field oscillates with local phase velocity greater than the speed of light. Another ordinary plasma oscillation is left near the origin of the disturbance. The longitudinal speed of propagation goes to zero in the nonrelativistic case and to the speed of light in the extreme relativistic limit. The transverse and longitudinal fields defined according to the Fourier transform modes are not each zero outside the light cone, but their sum is zero. Thus, no signal travels faster than the speed of light. This peculiarity illustrates some unnatural aspects of the separation of a solution into modes of Fourier components.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1711057}, file = {Weitzner1964_PFL000072.pdf:Weitzner1964_PFL000072.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/7/72/1}, } @Article{Wenninger2012, author = {R.P. Wenninger and H. Zohm and J.E. Boom and A. Burckhart and M.G. Dunne and R. Dux and T. Eich and R. Fischer and C. Fuchs and M. Garcia-Munoz and V. Igochine and M. Hölzl and Luhmann N.C. Jr and T. Lunt and M. Maraschek and H.W. Müller and H.K. Park and P.A. Schneider and F. Sommer and W. Suttrop and E. Viezzer and the ASDEX Upgrade Team}, title = {Solitary magnetic perturbations at the ELM onset}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114025}, abstract = {Tokamak H-mode plasmas frequently exhibit edge-localized modes (ELMs). ELMs allow maintaining sufficient plasma purity and thus enable stationary H-mode. On the other hand in a future device ELMs may cause divertor power flux densities far in excess of tolerable material limits. The size of the energy loss per ELM is determined by saturation effects in the non-linear phase of the ELM, which at present is hardly understood. ASDEX Upgrade is now equipped with a set of fast sampling diagnostics, which is well suited to investigate the chain of events around the ELM crash with appropriate temporal resolution(⩽10 µ s). Solitary magnetic perturbations (SMPs) are identified as dominant features in the radial magnetic fluctuations below 100 kHz. They are typically observed close(±100 µ s) to the onset of pedestal erosion. SMPs are field aligned structures rotating in the electron diamagnetic drift direction with perpendicular velocities of about 10 km s −1 . A comparison of perpendicular velocities suggests that the perturbation evoking SMPs is located at or inside the separatrix. Analysis of very pronounced examples showed that the number of peaks per toroidal turn is 1 or 2, which is clearly lower than the corresponding numbers in linear stability calculations. In combination with strong peaking of the magnetic signals this results in a solitary appearance resembling modes like palm tree modes, edge snakes or outer modes. This behaviour has been quantified as solitariness and correlated with main plasma parameters. SMPs may be considered as a signature of the non-linear ELM phase originating at the separatrix or further inside. Thus they provide a handle to investigate the transition from linear to non-linear ELM phase. By comparison with data from gas puff imaging processes in the non-linear phase at or inside the separatrix and in the scrape-off layer (SOL) can be correlated. A connection between the passing of an SMP and the onset of radial filament propagation has been found. Eventually the findings related to SMPs may contribute to a future quantitative understanding of the non-linear ELM evolution.}, file = {Wenninger2012_0029-5515_52_11_114025.pdf:Wenninger2012_0029-5515_52_11_114025.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114025}, } @Article{Wesson1978, author = {J.A. Wesson}, title = {Hydromagnetic stability of tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1978}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, pages = {87}, abstract = {A summary is given of the linear theory of the ideal and resistive hydromagnetic stability of tokamaks. The first section provides an introductory account of the various aspects of the stability problem, and the subsequent sections provide a survey of the subject and a review of the literature. For aperfectly conducting plasma the modes of instability are of three types: kink, internal, and axisymmetric. When resistivity is introduced the kink and internal modes have significantly modified forms. The analysis of the standard tokamak, having a large aspect ratio, circular cross-section and low β, is almost complete but the study of small aspect ratio, high-β configurations and the optimization of such configurations are at an early stage.}, file = {Wesson1978_Wesson mhd instability.pdf:Wesson1978_Wesson mhd instability.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/18/i=1/a=010}, } @Article{Westerhof1996, author = {E. Westerhof and A.G. Peeters}, title = {A model for bootstrap current calculations with bounce averaged Fokker-Planck codes}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1996}, volume = {95}, number = {2–3}, pages = {131 - 138}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {A model is presented that allows the calculation of the neoclassical bootstrap current originating from the radial electron density and pressure gradients in standard (2+1)D bounce averaged Fokker-Planck codes. The model leads to an electron momentum source located almost exclusively at the trapped-passing boundary. It is easily implemented in existing codes at virtually no additional cost in computing. Good agreement is obtained with known analytical expressions.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(95)00143-3}, file = {Westerhof1996_1-s2.0-0010465595001433-main.pdf:Westerhof1996_1-s2.0-0010465595001433-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Tokamaks}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.08.06}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465595001433}, } @Article{Weymiens2012, author = {W. Weymiens and H. J. de Blank and G. M. D. Hogeweij and J. C. de Valenca}, title = {Bifurcation theory for the L-H transition in magnetically confined fusion plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {072309}, abstract = {The mathematical field of bifurcation theory is extended to be applicable to 1-dimensionally resolved systems of nonlinear partial differential equations, aimed at the determination of a certain specific bifurcation. This extension is needed to be able to properly analyze the bifurcations of the radial transport in magnetically confined fusion plasmas. This is of special interest when describing the transition from the low-energy-confinement state to the high-energy-confinement state of the radial transport in fusion plasmas (i.e., the L-H transition), because the nonlinear dynamical behavior during the transition corresponds to the dynamical behavior of a system containing such a specific bifurcation. This bifurcation determines how the three types (sharp, smooth, and oscillating) of observed L-H transitions are organized as function of all the parameters contained in the model.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4739227}, eid = {072309}, file = {Weymiens2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072309.pdf:Weymiens2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072309.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {bifurcation; fusion reactor theory; nonlinear differential equations; nonlinear dynamical systems; partial differential equations; plasma confinement; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/072309/1}, } @Article{White1995, author = {R.B. White and Y. Wu and Y. Chen and E.D. Fredrickson and D.S. Darrow and M.C. Zarnstorff and J.R. Wilson and S.J. Zweben and K.W. Hill and G.Y. Fu and M.N. Rosenbluth}, title = {Non-linear analysis of the toroidicity induced Alfven eigenmode}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1995}, volume = {35}, number = {12}, pages = {1707}, abstract = {A fast and efficient numerical algorithm using energy conservation is developed to study the interaction of high energy particles with a toroidicity induced Alfven eigenmode (TAE). A Hamiltonian guiding centre code is used to simulate the alpha particle motion and a non-linear delta f scheme is employed to calculate the wave-particle energy exchange. For a single TAE mode, the particle radial excursion is much less than the spacing between the resonances produced by the poloidal harmonics for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor parameters. Modification of the particle distribution leading to mode saturation is observed. A TAE is found in some cases to cause loss through induced ripple trapping}, file = {White1995_0029-5515_35_12_I35.pdf:White1995_0029-5515_35_12_I35.pdf:PDF;White1995a_PhysPlasmas_2_2915.pdf:White1995a_PhysPlasmas_2_2915.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.29}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/35/i=12/a=I35}, } @Article{White2003, author = {Roscoe White and Leonid E. Zakharov}, title = {Hamiltonian guiding center equations in toroidal magnetic configurations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2003}, volume = {10}, number = {3}, pages = {573-576}, abstract = {Guiding center equations for particle motion in a toroidal magnetic configuration are derived using general magnetic coordinates. For the case of axisymmetry, the explicit transformation to exact Hamiltonian canonical variables is presented for the first time. Approximate canonical coordinates are introduced also for three-dimensional configurations with strong toroidal magnetic field. Previous derivations made use of so-called Boozer equilibrium coordinates, which are highly nonuniform and are canonical only in the exceptional case of low beta, up–down symmetric configurations. The present formalism is valid for arbitrary, spatially well distributed magnetic coordinates, greatly increasing the accuracy of calculations. Magnetostatic equilibrium is not assumed in the present formalism, the analysis holds for any configuration with nested flux surfaces.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1544500}, file = {White2003_PhysPlasmas_10_573.pdf:White2003_PhysPlasmas_10_573.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma filled waveguides; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; fusion reactor theory; transforms}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/10/573/1}, } @Article{White2013a, author = {R. B. White}, title = {Representation of ideal magnetohydrodynamic modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {2}, pages = {022105}, abstract = {One of the most fundamental properties of ideal magnetohydrodynamics is the condition that plasma motion cannot change magnetic topology. The conventional representation of ideal magnetohydrodynamic modes by perturbing a toroidal equilibrium field through δ = ∇×(×) ensures that δ·∇ψ = 0 at a resonance, with ψ labelling an equilibrium flux surface. Also useful for the analysis of guiding center orbits in a perturbed field is the representation δ = ∇×α. These two representations are equivalent, but the vanishing of δ·∇ψ at a resonance is necessary but not sufficient for the preservation of field line topology, and a indiscriminate use of either perturbation in fact destroys the original equilibrium flux topology. It is necessary to find the perturbed field to all orders in to conserve the original topology. The effect of using linearized perturbations on stability and growth rate calculations is discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4791661}, eid = {022105}, file = {White2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022105.pdf:White2013_PhysPlasmas_20_022105.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/022105/1}, } @Article{White1995a, author = {Roscoe B. White and Allen H. Boozer}, title = {Rapid guiding center calculations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {8}, pages = {2915-2919}, abstract = {Pseudo‐Cartesian coordinates are used to represent the magnetic field and toroidal ripple magnitudes in a Hamiltonian guiding center formalism. The resulting code ORBITX is three to eight times as fast as previous guiding center codes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871191}, file = {White1995a_PhysPlasmas_2_2915.pdf:White1995a_PhysPlasmas_2_2915.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA SIMULATION; GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION; COMPUTER CODES; THERMONUCLEAR DEVICES; PARTICLE LOSSES; FUSION YIELD; ALPHA PARTICLES; COMPUTER CALCULATIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/2915/1}, } @Article{Willensdorfer2012, author = {M. Willensdorfer and E. Wolfrum and A. Scarabosio and F. Aumayr and R. Fischer and B. Kurzan and R.M. McDermott and A. Mlynek and B. Nold and S.K. Rathgeber and V. Rohde and F. Ryter and P. Sauter and E. Viezzer and the ASDEX Upgrade Team}, title = {Electron density evolution after L–H transitions and the L–H/H–L cycle in ASDEX Upgrade}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114026}, abstract = {The development of the electron density profile and its dependences after the L–H transition have been investigated. Only electron cyclotron resonance heated H-modes have been analysed to exclude core particle fuelling. While the density gradient in the edge transport barrier increases significantly after the L–H transition, the pedestal top temperature rises continuously with the applied heating power and shows no pronounced change at the transition. The H-mode density saturates at a level which correlates with the neutral gas density in the divertor prior to the L–H transition. Although the density build-up varies with the available deuterium inventory, the initial increase in the edge density gradient is similar. This has been observed independent of the L-mode plasma collisionality ( ν * ≈ 2.8–5.5). The analysis of electron density and temperature profiles reveals that L–H and H–L transitions occur at similar pedestal top pressures, but the pedestal top densities are always higher at the time of the H–L back transition.}, file = {Willensdorfer2012_0029-5515_52_11_114026.pdf:Willensdorfer2012_0029-5515_52_11_114026.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114026}, } @Article{Wilson1999, author = {H. R. Wilson and J. W. Connor and A. R. Field and S. J. Fielding and R. L. Miller and L. L. Lao and J. R. Ferron and A. D. Turnbull}, title = {Ideal magnetohydrodynamic stability of the tokamak high-confinement-mode edge region}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {5}, pages = {1925-1934}, abstract = {The ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability of the tokamak edge is analyzed, with particular emphasis on radially localized instabilities; it is proposed that these are responsible for edge pressure gradient limits and edge localized modes (ELMS). Data and stability calculations from DIII-D [to appear in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Fusion Energy, Yokohama (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1998), Paper No. IAEA-F1-CN-69/EX8/1] tokamak equilibria indicate that two types of instability are important: the ballooning mode (driven by pressure gradient) and the peeling mode (driven by current density). The characteristics of these instabilities, and their coupling, are described based on a circular cross-section, large aspect ratio model of the tokamak equilibrium. In addition, preliminary results are presented from an edge MHD stability code which is being developed to analyze general geometry tokamak equilibria; an interpretation of the density threshold to access the high-confinement-mode (H-mode), observed on COMPASS-D [Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 38, 1091 (1996)] is provided by these results. Experiments on DIII-D and the stability calculations indicate how to control ELMs by plasma shaping.  }, doi = {10.1063/1.873492}, file = {Wilson1999_POPVol6p1925.pdf:Wilson1999_POPVol6p1925.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA INSTABILITY; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; STABILITY; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma density; ballooning instability}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/1925/1}, } @Article{Wilson2004, author = {Wilson, H. R. and Cowley, S. C.}, title = {Theory for Explosive Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities in Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2004}, volume = {92}, pages = {175006}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {Flux tubes confined in tokamaks are observed to erupt explosively in some plasma disruptions and edge localized modes. Similar eruptions occur in astrophysical plasmas, for example, in solar flares and magnetospheric substorms. A single unifying nonlinear evolution equation describing such behavior in both astrophysical and tokamak plasmas is derived. This theory predicts that flux tubes rise explosively, narrow, and twist to pass through overlying magnetic field lines without reconnection.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.175006}, file = {Wilson2004_PhysRevLett.92.175006.pdf:Wilson2004_PhysRevLett.92.175006.pdf:PDF}, issue = {17}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.08.29}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.175006}, } @Article{Wilson2006, author = {H R Wilson and S C Cowley and A Kirk and P B Snyder}, title = {Magneto-hydrodynamic stability of the H-mode transport barrier as a model for edge localized modes: an overview}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2006}, volume = {48}, number = {5A}, pages = {A71}, abstract = {The progress that has been made in understanding the processes responsible for edge localized modes is reviewed. Attention is restricted to the role of ideal magneto-hydrodynamics and extensions of this model. As well as reviewing the current understanding, future research needs are discussed and speculative ideas for further development are proposed.}, file = {Wilson2006_0741-3335_48_5A_S06.pdf:Wilson2006_0741-3335_48_5A_S06.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=5A/a=S06}, } @Article{Wilson1999a, author = {H. R. Wilson and R. L. Miller}, title = {Access to second stability region for coupled peeling-ballooning modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {873-876}, abstract = {The peeling mode restricts access to the second stability region of the ideal ballooning mode at the tokamak plasma edge. Using a two-dimensional, high toroidal mode number eigenmode code employing a model tokamak equilibrium, it is shown that a window to second stability exists for a sufficiently deep magnetic well. The different mode structures of the various eigenmode branches are studied. In particular, when access to second ballooning stability exists, a ballooning mode perturbation at the first stability boundary can extend deep into the plasma core, and then instability is likely to result in large scale loss of plasma energy.}, doi = {10.1063/1.873326}, file = {Wilson1999a_POPVol6p873.pdf:Wilson1999a_POPVol6p873.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; MAGNETIC CONFINEMENT; EIGENFREQUENCY; PERTURBATION THEORY; plasma toroidal confinement}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/873/1}, } @Article{Wilson2002, author = {H. R. Wilson and P. B. Snyder and G. T. A. Huysmans and R. L. Miller}, title = {Numerical studies of edge localized instabilities in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2002}, volume = {9}, number = {4}, pages = {1277-1286}, abstract = {A new computational tool, edge localized instabilities in tokamaks equilibria (ELITE), has been developed to help our understanding of short wavelength instabilities close to the edge of tokamak plasmas. Such instabilities may be responsible for the edge localized modes observed in high confinement H-mode regimes, which are a serious concern for next step tokamaks because of the high transient power loads which they can impose on divertor target plates. ELITE uses physical insight gained from analytic studies of peeling and ballooning modes to provide an efficient way of calculating the edge ideal magnetohydrodynamic stability properties of tokamaks. This paper describes the theoretical formalism which forms the basis for the code.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1459058}, file = {Wilson2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1277.pdf:Wilson2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1277.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; ballooning instability}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/9/1277/1}, } @Article{Wingen2012, author = {A. Wingen and T.E. Evans and K.H. Spatschek}, title = {Dependence of a current driven ELM self-amplification process on the plasma shape}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {5}, pages = {054018}, abstract = {The numerical model of the non-linear evolution of edge-localized modes (ELMs) in tokamaks being used in this paper assumes that thermoelectric currents flow in short connection length flux tubes, initially established by error fields or other non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations. The additional magnetic perturbation of the current filaments changes the magnetic topology. In a self-amplification process, more flux tubes are created which eventually allow more thermoelectric current to flow through the plasma edge. The process of flux tube formation is highly sensitive to the position of the secondary X-point in typical single null discharges in DIII-D. A new scenario for cases with large distances Δ s between the secondary X-point and the primary separatrix is presented. In the numerical simulations, as Δ s is increased the current evolution through short connection length flux tubes changes significantly. Ultimately, a final state with large stripe structures is found that results in footprints on the vessel wall which are similar to those found when Δ s is small (Wingen et al 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 175001).}, file = {Wingen2012_0029-5515_52_5_054018.pdf:Wingen2012_0029-5515_52_5_054018.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=5/a=054018}, } @Article{Winter1996, author = {J Winter}, title = {Wall conditioning in fusion devices and its influence on plasma performance}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1996}, volume = {38}, number = {9}, pages = {1503}, abstract = {Proper wall conditioning has turned out to be an essential element for achieving the highest possible plasma performance in present day fusion devices. The main issues are controlling the generation of plasma impurities, liberated by plasma - surface interactions, and controlling the recycling hydrogenic fluxes. The underlying mechanisms are discussed in this paper. The paper presents a review of the different wall conditioning methods. It focuses on low-Z wall coatings (beryllium evaporation, boronization, siliconization, lithium pellet injection) and on helium glow discharge cleaning and assesses their effects on fusion plasmas. New wall conditioning concepts, compatible with steady-state magnetic fields, are discussed in view of future large devices with superconducting coils.}, file = {Winter1996_0741-3335_38_9_001.pdf:Winter1996_0741-3335_38_9_001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/38/i=9/a=001}, } @Article{Wolf2003, author = {R C Wolf}, title = {Internal transport barriers in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2003}, volume = {45}, number = {1}, pages = {R1}, abstract = {Internal transport barriers in tokamak plasmas are explored in order to improve confinement and stability beyond the reference scenario, used for the ITER extrapolation, and to achieve higher bootstrap current fractions as an essential part of non-inductive current drive. Internal transport barriers are produced by modifications of the current profile using external heating and current drive effects, often combined with partial freezing of the initial skin current profile. Thus, formerly inaccessible ion temperatures and Q DT eq values have been (transiently) achieved. The present paper reviews the state of the art of these techniques and their effects on plasma transport in view of optimizing the confinement properties. Implications and limits for possible steady state operations and extrapolation to burning plasmas are discussed.}, file = {Wolf2003_Internal transport barriers in Tokamak plasmas_26308.pdf:Wolf2003_Internal transport barriers in Tokamak plasmas_26308.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/45/i=1/a=201}, } @Article{Wollman2012, author = {Stephen Wollman}, title = {Numerical approximation of the Vlasov–Maxwell–Fokker–Planck system in two dimensions}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {2012}, volume = {231}, number = {9}, pages = {3483 - 3517}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A numerical method is developed for solving the Vlasov–Maxwell–Fokker–Planck system in two spatial dimensions. This system of equations is a model for a collisional plasma in the presence of a self consistent electromagnetic field. The numerical procedure is a type of deterministic particle method and is an extension to include the full electromagnetic field of the approximation method of Wollman and Ozizmir [S. Wollman, E. Ozizmir, Numerical approximation of the Vlasov–Poisson–Fokker–Planck system in two dimensions, J. Comput. Phys. 228 (2009) 6629–6669]. In addition, the long time asymptotic behavior of solutions is studied. It is determined that the solution to the Vlasov–Maxwell–Fokker–Planck system converges to the same steady state solution as that for the Vlasov–Poisson–Fokker–Planck system.}, doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2011.12.018}, file = {Wollman2012_1-s2.0-S0021999111007303-main.pdf:Wollman2012_1-s2.0-S0021999111007303-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Collisional plasma}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.01}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999111007303}, } @Article{Wu1983, author = {C. S. Wu and Y. M. Zhou and Shih-Tung Tsai and S. C. Guo and D. Winske and K. Papadopoulos}, title = {A kinetic cross-field streaming instability}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, number = {5}, pages = {1259-1267}, abstract = {In a high‐beta plasma the so‐called modified‐two‐stream instability, which results from strongly magnetized electrons drifting relative to unmagnetized ions across a homogeneous magnetic field, is misnamed because the mode is highly kinetic, particularly when the relative streaming velocity exceeds the Alfvén speed of the plasma. This kinetic cross‐field streaming instability is investigated in detail, examining the effect of the electromagnetic terms and the stability boundaries in both low‐ and high‐beta plasmas. An approximate dispersion relation showing the relation of this mode to the whistler is derived and solutions of it are compared with those obtained from the exact dispersion relation. The kinetic mode, unlike the usual modified‐two‐stream instability, is not stabilized by electromagnetic effects when the relative electron–ion drift speed exceeds the Alfvén speed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864285}, file = {Wu1983_PFL001259.pdf:Wu1983_PFL001259.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {highbeta plasma; twostream instability; electron drift; magnetic fields; dispersion relations; correlations; whistlers; analytical solution; electromagnetic radiation; crossed fields; stability; plasma waves}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.11.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/26/1259/1}, } @Article{Wu2012, author = {D. J. Wu and L. Chen and C. S. Wu}, title = {Alfv[e-acute]nic turbulence generated by a beam of energetic ions via spontaneous process}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {024511}, abstract = {Turbulent Alfvén waves exist ubiquitously in space and astrophysical plasmas. They may be generated by many different source mechanisms. Among them, ion beam instability is well known. Almost all instability theories are interested in the discussion whether a perturbation will grow or be damped in a given unperturbed state. Few papers elaborate the meaning of growth or amplification in terms of the initial condition. This brief communication complements the existing discussions by considering the effect of spontaneous generation of the waves. In the present study, we estimate the level of spectral energy of Alfvénic turbulence due to the presence of a beam of energetic ions. It is found that the spectral energy may be much higher than the average kinetic energy of the background plasma particles.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3685725}, eid = {024511}, file = {Wu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_024511.pdf:Wu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_024511.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {astrophysical plasma; plasma Alfven waves; plasma instability; plasma turbulence; spontaneous emission}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.25}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/024511/1}, } @Article{Wu1994, author = {Yanlin Wu and Roscoe B. White}, title = {Self-consistent study of the alpha-particle-driven toroidicity-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1994}, volume = {1}, number = {8}, pages = {2733-2740}, abstract = {The interaction of high energy particles with an Alfvén eigenmode is investigated self‐consistently by using a kinetic dispersion relation. All important poloidal mode numbers and their radial mode profiles as calculated with the nova−k code [C. Z. Cheng, Phys. Rep. 211, 1 (1992)] are included. A Hamiltonian guiding center code is used to simulate the alpha particle motion. The numerical simulations include particle orbit width, nonlinear particle dynamics, and the effects of the modes on the particles. Modification of the particle distribution leading to mode saturation is observed. Particle loss depends on the radial extent of the mode and the ratio of the alpha particle gyroradius to the minor radius.}, doi = {10.1063/1.870508}, file = {Wu1994_PhysPlasmas_1_2733.pdf:Wu1994_PhysPlasmas_1_2733.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; DISPERSION RELATIONS; ALPHA PARTICLES; COMPUTER CODES; GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; PARTICLE LOSSES; TOKAMAK DEVICES; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.29}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/1/2733/1}, } @Article{Wu1995, author = {Yanlin Wu and Roscoe B. White and Yang Chen and M. N. Rosenbluth}, title = {Nonlinear evolution of the alpha-particle-driven toroidicity-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {12}, pages = {4555-4562}, abstract = {A fast and efficient numerical algorithm using energy conservation is developed to study the interaction of high‐energy particles with a toroidicity‐induced Alfvén eigenmode (TAE). A Hamiltonian guiding center code is used to simulate the alpha particle motion and a nonlinear δf scheme is employed to calculate the wave‐particle energy exchange. The code is benchmarked using the bump‐on‐tail problem and simulation results agree with analytical estimates. For a single TAE mode, the particle radial excursion is much less than the spacing between the resonances produced by the poloidal harmonics for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor parameters. Resonant particles that lose their energy to the wave can become trapped poloidally, but transfer to a loss orbit through this mechanism does not occur. Modification of the particle distribution leading to mode saturation is observed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871013}, file = {Wu1995_PhysPlasmas_2_4555.pdf:Wu1995_PhysPlasmas_2_4555.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; ALPHA PARTICLES; BUMPINTAIL INSTABILITY; ENERGY CONSERVATION; GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION; ITER TOKAMAK; THERMONUCLEAR DEVICES; TOKAMAK DEVICES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.29}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/4555/1}, } @Article{Wyper2013, author = {P. F. Wyper and D. I. Pontin}, title = {Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a current-vortex sheet at a 3D magnetic null}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032117}, abstract = {We report here, for the first time, an observed instability of a Kelvin-Helmholtz nature occurring in a fully three-dimensional (3D) current-vortex sheet at the fan plane of a 3D magnetic null point. The current-vortex layer forms self-consistently in response to foot point driving around the spine lines of the null. The layer first becomes unstable at an intermediate distance from the null point, with the instability being characterized by a rippling of the fan surface and a filamentation of the current density and vorticity in the shear layer. Owing to the 3D geometry of the shear layer, a branching of the current filaments and vortices is observed. The instability results in a mixing of plasma between the two topologically distinct regions of magnetic flux on either side of the fan separatrix surface, as flux is reconnected across this surface. We make a preliminary investigation of the scaling of the system with the dissipation parameters. Our results indicate that the fan plane separatrix surface is an ideal candidate for the formation of current-vortex sheets in complex magnetic fields and, therefore, the enhanced heating and connectivity change associated with the instabilities of such layers.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4798516}, eid = {032117}, file = {Wyper2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032117.pdf:Wyper2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032117.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {current density; filamentation instability; Kelvin-Helmholtz instability; magnetic reconnection; mixing; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma transport processes; shear flow; vortices}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032117/1}, } @Article{Xi2012, author = {P. W. Xi and X. Q. Xu and X. G. Wang and T. Y. Xia}, title = {Influence of equilibrium shear flow on peeling-ballooning instability and edge localized mode crash}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {092503}, abstract = {The E × B shear flow plays a dual role on peeling-ballooning modes and their subsequently triggered edge localized mode (ELM) crashes. On one hand, the flow shear can stabilize high-n modes and twist the mode in the poloidal direction, constraining the mode's radial extent and reducing the size of the corresponding ELM. On the other hand, the shear flow also introduces the Kelvin-Helmholtz drive, which can destabilize peeling-ballooning modes. The overall effect of equilibrium shear flow on peeling-ballooning modes and ELM crashes depends on the competition between these two effects. When the flow shear is either small or very large, it can reduce ELM size. However, for moderate values of flow shear, the destabilizing effect from the Kelvin-Helmholtz term is dominant and leads to larger ELM crashes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4751256}, eid = {092503}, file = {Xi2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092503.pdf:Xi2012_PhysPlasmas_19_092503.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; Kelvin-Helmholtz instability; plasma boundary layers; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.09.12}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/092503/1}, } @Article{Xiao2012, author = {W.W. Xiao and P.H. Diamond and X.L. Zou and J.Q. Dong and X.T. Ding and L.H. Yao and B.B. Feng and C.Y. Chen and W.L. Zhong and M. Xu and B.S. Yuan and T. Rhee and J.M. Kwon and Z.B. Shi and J. Rao and G.J. Lei and J.Y. Cao and J. Zhou and M. Huang and D.L. Yu and Y. Huang and K.J. Zhao and Z.Y. Cui and X.M. Song and Y.D. Gao and Y.P. Zhang and J. Cheng and X.Y. Han and Y. Zhou and Y.B. Dong and X.Q. Ji and Q.W. Yang and Yi Liu and L.W. Yan and X.R. Duan and Yong Liu and the HL-2A Team}, title = {ELM mitigation by supersonic molecular beam injection into the H-mode pedestal in the HL-2A tokamak}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {11}, pages = {114027}, abstract = {Density profiles in the pedestal region (H-mode) are measured in HL-2A and the characteristics of the density pedestal are described. Cold particle deposition by supersonic molecular beam injection (SMBI) within the pedestal is verified. Edge-localized mode (ELM) mitigation by SMBI into the H-mode pedestal is demonstrated and the relevant physics is elucidated. The sensitivity of the effect to SMBI pressure and duration is studied. Following SMBI, the ELM frequency increases and the ELM amplitude decreases for a finite duration. Increases in ELM frequency of ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0029-5515/52/11/114027/nf414335ieqn001.gif] {$f_{{\rm ELM}}^{{\rm SMBI}} /f_{{\rm ELM}}^0 \sim 2{\hbox{--}}3.5$} are achieved. This experiment argues that the ELM mitigation results from an increase in higher frequency fluctuations and transport events in the pedestal, which are caused by SMBI. These inhibit the occurrence of large transport events which span the entire pedestal width. The observed change in the density pedestal profiles and edge particle flux spectrum with and without SMBI supports this interpretation. An analysis of the experiment and a model shows that ELMs can be mitigated by SMBI with shallow particle penetration into the pedestal.}, file = {Xiao2012_0029-5515_52_11_114027.pdf:Xiao2012_0029-5515_52_11_114027.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/52/i=11/a=114027}, } @Article{Xiao2011, author = {Xiaotao Xiao and Lei Liu and Xiaodong Zhang and Shaojie Wang}, title = {Ion orbit loss and pedestal width of H-mode tokamak plasmas in limiter geometry}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, pages = {032504}, abstract = {A simple analytical model is proposed to analyze the effects of ion orbit loss on the edge radial electric field in a tokamak with limiter configuration. The analytically predicted edge radial electric field is consistent with the H-mode experiments, including the width, the magnitude, and the well-like shape. This model provides an explanation to the H-mode pedestal structure. Scaling of the pedestal width based on this model is proposed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3562117}, eid = {032504}, file = {Xiao2011_PhysPlasmas_18_032504.pdf:Xiao2011_PhysPlasmas_18_032504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/032504/1}, } @Article{Xiao2008, author = {Xiaotao Xiao and Shaojie Wang}, title = {Explicit Runge--Kutta integrator with Hamiltonian correction for long-time simulations of guiding-center orbit in tokamak configurations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {12}, pages = {122511}, abstract = {Hamiltonian correction method is proposed to improve the variable time-step fourth-order Runge–Kutta methods in computing guiding-center orbits in a tokamak. It is found that the new method can significantly improve the computation efficiency of the conventional Runge–Kutta method in simulation of the long-time behavior of the guiding-center orbits.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2999538}, eid = {122511}, file = {Xiao2008_PhysPlasmas_15_122511.pdf:Xiao2008_PhysPlasmas_15_122511.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; Runge-Kutta methods; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/122511/1}, } @Article{Xie2012, author = {T. Xie and Y. Z. Zhang and S. M. Mahajan and A. K. Wang}, title = {Ballooning theory of the second kind---two dimensional tokamak modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {072105}, abstract = {The 2-D ballooning transform, devised to study local high toroidal number (n) fluctuations in axisymmetric toroidal system (like tokamaks), yields a well-defined partial differential equation for the linear eigenmodes. In this paper, such a ballooning equation of the second kind is set up for ion temperature gradient driven modes pertinent to a 2-D non-dissipative fluid plasma; the resulting partial differential equation is numerically solved, to calculate the global eigenvalues, and the 2-D mode structure is presented graphically along with analytical companions. The radial localization of the mode results from translational symmetry breaking for growing modes and is a vivid manifestation of spontaneous symmetry breaking in tokamak physics. The eigenmode, poloidally ballooned at ϑ = ±π/2, is radially shifted from associated rational surface. The global eigenvalue is found to be very close to the value obtained in 1-D parameterized (λ = ∓π/2) case. The 2-D eigenmode theory is applied to estimate the toroidal seed Reynolds stress [Y. Z. Zhang, Nucl. Fusion Plasma Phys. 30, 193 (2010)]. The solution obtained from the relatively simplified ballooning theory is compared to the solution of the basic equation in original coordinate system (evaluated via FFTs); the agreement is rather good.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4731724}, eid = {072105}, file = {Xie2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072105.pdf:Xie2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072105.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; partial differential equations; plasma fluctuations; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/072105/1}, } @Article{Xu2012a, author = {G. S. Xu and H. Q. Wang and B. N. Wan and H. Y. Guo and V. Naulin and P. H. Diamond and G. R. Tynan and M. Xu and N. Yan and W. Zhang and J. F. Chang and L. Wang and R. Chen and S. C. Liu and S. Y. Ding and L. M. Shao and H. Xiong and H. L. Zhao}, title = {First observation of a new zonal-flow cycle state in the H-mode transport barrier of the experimental advanced superconducting Tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {12}, pages = {122502}, abstract = {A new turbulence-flow cycle state has been discovered after the formation of a transport barrier in the H-mode plasma edge during a quiescent phase on the EAST superconducting tokamak. Zonal-flow modulation of high-frequency-broadband (0.05–1 MHz) turbulence was observed in the steep-gradient region leading to intermittent transport events across the edge transport barrier. Good confinement (H98y,2 ∼ 1) has been achieved in this state, even with input heating power near the L-H transition threshold. A novel model based on predator-prey interaction between turbulence and zonal flows reproduced this state well.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4769852}, eid = {122502}, file = {Xu2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_122502.pdf:Xu2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_122502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.12.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/122502/1}, } @Article{Xu2012, author = {Xu, M. and Tynan, G. R. and Diamond, P. H. and Manz, P. and Holland, C. and Fedorczak, N. and Thakur, S. Chakraborty and Yu, J. H. and Zhao, K. J. and Dong, J. Q. and Cheng, J. and Hong, W. Y. and Yan, L. W. and Yang, Q. W. and Song, X. M. and Huang, Y. and Cai, L. Z. and Zhong, W. L. and Shi, Z. B. and Ding, X. T. and Duan, X. R. and Liu, Y.}, title = {Frequency-Resolved Nonlinear Turbulent Energy Transfer into Zonal Flows in Strongly Heated $L$-Mode Plasmas in the HL-2A Tokamak}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {108}, pages = {245001}, month = {Jun}, abstract = {The absolute rate of nonlinear energy transfer among broadband turbulence, low-frequency zonal flows (ZFs) and geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) was measured for the first time in fusion-grade plasmas using two independent methods across a range of heating powers. The results show that turbulent kinetic energy from intermediate frequencies (20–80 kHz) was transferred into ZFs and GAMs, as well as into fluctuations at higher frequencies (>80  kHz). As the heating power was increased, the energy transfer from turbulence into GAMs and the GAM amplitudes increased, peaked and then decreased, while the energy transfer into the ZFs and the ZFs themselves increased monotonically with heating power. Thus there exists a competition between ZFs and GAMs for the transfer of turbulent energy, and the transfer into ZFs becomes dominant as the heating power is increased. The poloidal-radial Reynolds stress and the mean radial electric field profiles were also measured at different heating powers and found to be consistent with the energy transfer measurement. The results suggest that ZFs play an important role in the low-to-high (L-H) plasma confinement transition.}, collaboration = {HL-2A team}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.245001}, file = {Xu2012_PhysRevLett.108.245001.pdf:Xu2012_PhysRevLett.108.245001.pdf:PDF;Xu2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_122502.pdf:Xu2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_122502.pdf:PDF}, issue = {24}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.06.12}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.245001}, } @Article{Xu2001, author = {Xueqiao Xu}, title = {The BOUT Project; Validation and Benchmark of BOUT Code and Experimental Diagnostic Tools for Fusion Boundary Turbulence}, journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, year = {2001}, volume = {3}, number = {5}, pages = {959}, abstract = {A boundary plasma turbulence code BOUT is presented. The preliminary encouraging results have been obtained when comparing with probe measurements for a typical Ohmic discharge in HT-7 tokamak. The validation and benchmark of BOUT code and experimental diagnostic tools for fusion boundary plasma turbulence is proposed.}, file = {Xu2001_1009-0630_3_5_006.pdf:Xu2001_1009-0630_3_5_006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.06.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/3/i=5/a=006}, } @Article{Xu1993a, author = {X. Q. Xu}, title = {Fluid simulations of conducting-wall-driven turbulence in boundary plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1993}, volume = {5}, number = {10}, pages = {3641-3650}, abstract = {It is clear that the edge plasma plays a crucial role in global tokamak confinement. This paper is a report on simulations of a new drift wave type instability driven by conducting wall (also originally named as a ∇Te instability) [Phys. Fluids B 3, 1364 (1991)]. A 2d(x,y) fluid code has been developed in order to explore the anomalous transport in the boundary plasmas. The simulation consists of a set of fluid equations (in the electrostatic limit) for the vorticity ∇⊥2ϕ, and the temperature Te in a shearless plasma slab confined by a uniform, straight magnetic field Bz with two divertor (or limiter) plates intercepting the magnetic field. The model has two regions separated by a magnetic separatrix: In the edge region inside the separatrix, the model is periodic along the magnetic field while in the scrapeoff layer (SOL) region outside the separatrix, the magnetic field is taken to be of finite length with model (logical sheath) boundary conditions at diverter (or limiter) plates. The simulation results show that the observed linear instability agrees well with theory, and that a saturated state of turbulence is reached. In saturated turbulence, clear evidence of the expected long‐wavelength mode penetration into the edge is seen, an inverse cascade of wave energy (toward both long wavelengths and low frequencies) is observed. The simulation results also show that amplitudes of potential and the electron temperature fluctuations are somewhat above and the heat flux are somewhat below those of the simplest mixing‐length estimates. A full inverse cascade of the turbulence indicates that the cross‐field transport is not diffusive. A self‐consistent simulation to determine the microturbulent SOL electron temperature profile has been done, the results of which reasonably agree with the experimental measurements.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860836}, file = {Xu1993a_PFB003641.pdf:Xu1993a_PFB003641.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {WALL EFFECTS; TURBULENCE; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; DRIFT INSTABILITY; SLABS; DIVERTORS; PLASMA SIMULATION; ELECTRON TEMPERATURE; PLASMAWALL INTERACTIONS; VORTICITY; DRIFT WAVES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/3641/1}, } @Article{Xu2000, author = {X. Q. Xu and R. H. Cohen and T. D. Rognlien and J. R. Myra}, title = {Low-to-high confinement transition simulations in divertor geometry}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2000}, volume = {7}, number = {5}, pages = {1951-1958}, abstract = {Recent results are presented for turbulence in tokamak boundary plasmas and its relationship to the low-to-high confinement (L–H) transition in a realistic divertor geometry. These results are obtained from a three-dimensional (3D) nonlocal electromagnetic turbulence code, which models the boundary plasma using fluid equations for plasma vorticity, density, electron and ion temperatures and parallel momenta. With sources added in the core-edge region and sinks in the scrape-off layer (SOL), the code follows the self-consistent profile evolution together with turbulence. Under DIII-D [Luxon et al., International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1986), p. 159] tokamak L-mode conditions, the dominant source of turbulence is pressure-gradient-driven resistive X-point modes. These modes are electromagnetic and curvature-driven at the outside mid-plane region but become electrostatic near X-points due to magnetic shear and collisionality. Classical resistive ballooning modes at high toroidal mode number, n, coexist with these modes but are sub-dominant. Results indicate that, as the power is increased, these modes are stabilized by increased turbulence-generated velocity shear, resulting in an abrupt suppression of high-n turbulence and the formation of a pedestal in density and temperature, as is characteristic of the H-mode transition. The sensitivity of the boundary turbulence to the direction of the toroidal field Bt is discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.874044}, file = {Xu2000_PhysPlasmas_7_1951.pdf:Xu2000_PhysPlasmas_7_1951.pdf:PDF;Xu2000a_0029-5515_40_3Y_339.pdf:Xu2000a_0029-5515_40_3Y_339.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; ballooning instability; plasma density; plasma temperature; plasma boundary layers; plasma turbulence}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/7/1951/1}, } @Article{Xu2002, author = {X Q Xu and W M Nevins and R H Cohen and J R Myra and P B Snyder}, title = {Dynamical simulations of boundary plasma turbulence in divertor geometry}, journal = {New Journal of Physics}, year = {2002}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {53}, abstract = {Direct comparisons between numerical simulations and the measured plasma fluctuations and transport are presented by performing nonlinear two-fluid simulations with the BOUT code (Xu X Q and Cohen R H 1998 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 38 158). BOUT models boundary-plasma turbulence in a realistic divertor geometry using modified Braginskii equations for plasma vorticity, density ( n i ), electron and ion temperature ( T e, T i ) and parallel momenta. The BOUT code solves for the plasma fluid equations in a 3D toroidal segment, including the region somewhat inside the separatrix and extending into the scrape-off layer; the private flux region is also included. In this paper, the physics of resistive X-point turbulence and its relation to flow shear generation is discussed. We present comparisons between the boundary plasma turbulence observed in the BOUT code and experiments on DIII-D (Luxon J L et al 1986 Int. Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (Vienna: IAEA) p 159), the National Spherical Torus Experiment (Peng Y-K M 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 1681), and C-Mod (Hutchinson I H et al 1994 Phys. Plasmas 1 1511). In an L-mode discharge in the DIII-D tokamak, both BOUT simulations and beam emission spectroscopy show a similar flow pattern and blob size across the last closed flux surface. In an L-mode discharge, both BOUT simulations and gas puff imaging show similar filament structures along the field line and similar frequency spectrum at the outboard midplane. In simulations of the quasi-coherent mode in the EDA regime of C-Mod, the particle flux measured from BOUT simulation is consistent with Langmuir probe measurements on C-Mod at the midplane near the separatrix. The qualitative comparisons thus indicate that BOUT contains much of the relevant physics for boundary plasma turbulence in the experimentally relevant X-point divertor geometry of present-day tokamaks and spherical tori.}, file = {Xu2002_1367-2630_4_1_353.pdf:Xu2002_1367-2630_4_1_353.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.09}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/4/i=1/a=353}, } @Article{Xu1991, author = {X. Q. Xu and M. N. Rosenbluth}, title = {Numerical simulation of ion-temperature-gradient-driven modes}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {627-643}, abstract = {Ion‐temperature‐gradient‐driven modes in the presence of ion–ion collisions in a toroidal geometry with trapped ions have been studied by using a one‐and‐one‐half‐dimensional (11/2‐D) linearized gyrokinetic particle simulation code in the electrostatic limit. The purpose of the investigation is to try to understand the physics of flat density discharges, in order to test the marginal stability hypothesis. Results giving threshold conditions of LTi/R0, and linear growth rates and mode frequencies over all wavelengths for the collisionless ion‐temperature‐gradient‐driven modes are obtained. The behavior of ion‐temperature‐gradient‐driven instabilities in the transition from slab to toroidal geometry, with trapped ions, is shown. A Monte‐Carlo scheme for the inclusion of ion–ion collisions, in which ions can undergo Coulomb collisional dynamical friction, velocity space diffusion, and random walk of guiding centers, has been constructed. The effects of ion–ion collisions on the long wavelength limit of the ion modes is discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859862}, file = {Xu1991_PFB000627.pdf:Xu1991_PFB000627.pdf:PDF;Xu1991a_PFB001807.pdf:Xu1991a_PFB001807.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {NUMERICAL SOLUTION; SIMULATION; ION TEMPERATURE; TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS; IONION COLLISIONS; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; TRAPS; ELECTROSTATICS; STABILITY; THRESHOLD ENERGY; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; PLASMA; SLABS; MONTE CARLO METHOD; COULOMB FIELD; GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION; DIFFUSION; ION WAVES; TOKAMAK DEVICES; TRAJECTORIES; PLASMA MICROINSTABILITIES; RANDOM WALK}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/627/1}, } @Article{Xu1991a, author = {X. Q. Xu and M. N. Rosenbluth}, title = {Unified theory of ballooning instabilities and temperature gradient-driven trapped ion modes}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {3}, number = {8}, pages = {1807-1817}, abstract = {A unified theory of temperature gradient‐driven trapped ion modes and ballooning instabilities is developed using kinetic theory in banana regimes. All known results such as electrostatic and purely magnetic trapped particle modes and ideal magnetohydrodynamic ballooning modes (or shear Alfvén waves) are readily derived from the present single general dispersion relation. Several new results from ion–ion collision, finite beta stabilization of ion temperature gradient‐driven trapped particle modes, and trapped particle modification of ballooning modes are derived and discussed. The interrelationship between these modes is established.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859650}, file = {Xu1991a_PFB001807.pdf:Xu1991a_PFB001807.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {BALLOONING INSTABILITY; TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS; TRAPPEDPARTICLE INSTABILITY; ION WAVES; KINETIC EQUATIONS; BANANA REGIME; SHEAR; ALFVEN WAVES; BETA RATIO; IONION COLLISIONS; COLLISIONAL PLASMA; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/1807/1}, } @Article{Xu1993, author = {X. Q. Xu and M. N. Rosenbluth and P. H. Diamond}, title = {Electron-temperature-gradient-driven instability in tokamak boundary plasma}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1993}, volume = {5}, number = {7}, pages = {2206-2214}, abstract = {A general method is developed for calculating boundary plasma fluctuations across a magnetic separatrix in a tokamak with a divertor or a limiter. The slab model, which assumes a periodic plasma in the edge reaching the divertor or limiter plate in the scrape‐off layer (SOL), should provide a good estimate, if the radial extent of the fluctuation quantities across the separatrix to the edge is small compared to that given by finite particle banana orbit. The Laplace transform is used for solving the initial value problem. The electron‐temperature‐gradient (ETG)‐driven instability is found to grow like t−1/2eγmt.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860968}, file = {Xu1993_PFB002206.pdf:Xu1993_PFB002206.pdf:PDF;Xu1993a_PFB003641.pdf:Xu1993a_PFB003641.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ELECTRON TEMPERATURE; TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS; TOKAMAK DEVICES; DIVERTORS; LIMITERS; PLASMA MICROINSTABILITIES; WALL EFFECTS; LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION; PLASMAWALL INTERACTIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/2206/1}, } @Article{Xu2008, author = {X. Q. Xu and M. V. Umansky and B. Dudson and P. B. Snyder}, title = {Boundary Plasma Turbulence Simulations for Tokamaks}, journal = {Commun. Comput. Phys.}, year = {2008}, volume = {4}, pages = {949-979}, abstract = {The boundary plasma turbulence code BOUT models tokamak boundary-plasma turbulence in a realistic divertor geometry using modified Braginskii equations for plasma vorticity, density (n_i), electron and ion temperature (T_e, T_i) and parallel momenta. The BOUT code solves for the plasma fluid equations in a three dimensional (3D) toroidal segment (or a toroidal wedge), including the region somewhat inside the separatrix and extending into the scrape-off layer; the private flux region is also included. In this paper, a description is given of the sophisticated physical models, innovative numerical algorithms, and modern software design used to simulate edge-plasmas in magnetic fusion energy devices. The BOUT code's unique capabilities and functionality are exemplified via simulations of the impact of plasma density on tokamak edge turbulence and blob dynamics.}, file = {Xu2008_v4_949.pdf:Xu2008_v4_949.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Plasma turbulence simulation, plasma two-fluids equation, field-aligned coordinates, plasma blobs.}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.02.09}, url = {http://www.global-sci.com/issue/contents/4/issue5.html}, } @Article{Xu2013c, author = {Yingfeng Xu and Shaojie Wang}, title = {Electromagnetic gauge invariance of the nonlinear gyrokinetic theory and its implication for the truncation in gyrokinetic simulations}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2013}, volume = {55}, number = {1}, pages = {015009}, abstract = {The exact electromagnetic gauge invariance of the nonlinear gyrokinetic theory is discussed. It is shown that the guiding-center distribution function is an electromagnetic gauge invariant with all the ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/55/1/015009/ppcf442198ieqn001.gif] {$O(\epsilon_\delta^2)$} terms in the nonlinear gyrokinetic equations retained. ϵ δ is the amplitude ordering parameter of the perturbations. All the ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/55/1/015009/ppcf442198ieqn001.gif] {$O(\epsilon_\delta^2)$} terms have to be retained in the nonlinear gyrokinetic simulation to guarantee the electromagnetic gauge invariance.}, file = {Xu2013_0741-3335_55_1_015009.pdf:Xu2013_0741-3335_55_1_015009.pdf:PDF;Xu2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_012515.pdf:Xu2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_012515.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.12.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/55/i=1/a=015009}, } @Article{Xu2013d, author = {Yingfeng Xu and Shaojie Wang}, title = {Nonlinear canonical gyrokinetic Vlasov equation and computation of the gyrocenter motion in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {012515}, abstract = {The nonlinear canonical gyrokinetic Vlasov equation is obtained from the nonlinear noncanonical gyrokinetic theory using the property of the coordinate transform. In the linear approximation, it exactly recovers the previous linear canonical gyrokinetic equations derived by the Lie-transform perturbation method. The computation of the test particle gyrocenter motion in tokamaks with a large magnetic perturbation is presented and discussed. The numerical results indicate that the second-order gyrocenter Hamiltonian is important for the gyrocenter motion of the trapped electron in tokamaks with a large magnetic perturbation.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4789550}, eid = {012515}, file = {Xu2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_012515.pdf:Xu2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_012515.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {nonlinear differential equations; numerical analysis; perturbation theory; plasma kinetic theory; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices; transforms; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.02.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/012515/1}, } @Article{Yamazaki1983, author = {K Yamazaki and H Fishman and M Okabayashi and A M M Todd}, title = {Axisymmetric stability of vertically asymmetric Tokamaks at large beta poloidal}, journal = {Plasma Physics}, year = {1983}, volume = {25}, number = {11}, pages = {1245}, abstract = {The rigid-mode stability of high- beta vertically asymmetric Tokamak equilibria with quasi-uniform current profile is investigated analytically using toroidicity-shaping double expansion method. It is found that vertical stability at large beta poloidal is mainly determined by a coupling between the shape of the plasma surface and the Shafranov shift of the magnetic axis. To the lowest order, symmetric components of the plasma surface shape are found to be the critical destabilizing elements. Asymmetric components have little effect. The inclusion of higher order terms in the high- beta Tokamak expansion leads to further destabilization. These analytic insights are qualitatively confirmed by numerical stability calculations using the PEST code with parabolic safety-factor profile.}, file = {Yamazaki1983_0032-1028_25_11_005.pdf:Yamazaki1983_0032-1028_25_11_005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.11}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0032-1028/25/i=11/a=005}, } @Article{Yang2013, author = {Lei Yang and Zhigang Deng and C. T. Zhou and M. Y. Yu and Xingang Wang}, title = {High-charge energetic electron bunch generated by intersecting laser pulses}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {033102}, abstract = {The interaction of two energetic electron bunches generated in the wakefields of two intense intersecting laser pulses in rarefied plasmas is investigated using particle-in-cell simulations. It is found that, with suitable intersection angle between the two laser pulses, the initially independent wakefield accelerated electron bunches can merged into a single one with high charge, energy, and narrow energy spread. The dynamics of the laser-pulse intersection and wake-bubble merging process is also investigated, and the crucial roles of the intersection angle are pointed out and analyzed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4794352}, eid = {033102}, file = {Yang2013_PhysPlasmas_20_033102.pdf:Yang2013_PhysPlasmas_20_033102.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {bubbles; particle beam bunching; plasma accelerators; plasma light propagation; plasma simulation; wakefield accelerators}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/033102/1}, } @Article{Yazdanpanah2012, author = {J. Yazdanpanah and A. Anvari}, title = {Time and space extended-particle in cell model for electromagnetic particle algorithms}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {033110}, doi = {10.1063/1.3695120}, eid = {033110}, file = {Yazdanpanah2012_PhysPlasmas_19_033110.pdf:Yazdanpanah2012_PhysPlasmas_19_033110.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {cooling; plasma collision processes; plasma heating; plasma simulation}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/033110/1}, } @Article{Ying1989, author = {Ying, Xingren and Katz, I.N.}, title = {A simple reliable solver for all the roots of a nonlinear function in a given domain}, journal = {Computing}, year = {1989}, volume = {41}, number = {4}, pages = {317-333}, issn = {0010-485X}, abstract = {A simple and reliable solver based on an exclusion method is formulated to find all the zeros of a nonlinear function in a given bounded domainD. The algorithm automatically searchesD and returns small domains which contain all the zeros inD up to some prespecified accuracy ε. The Running Time isO(log1/ε)when two simple exclusion functions are implemented in the solver. Global information in the form of bounds on derivatives,M, is employed in these exclusion functions. This guarantees a reliable result without the risk of missing any zeros. The concept of a Dominating Function is introduced and an algorithm is formulated which computesM on every subdomaind inD automatically and efficiently. Pre-processing can be used for a class of functions to find a bounded subdomain ofD (which may itself be unbounded) which contains all the zeros inD. Three computational examples are given.}, doi = {10.1007/BF02241221}, file = {Ying1989_10.1007-BF02241221.pdf:Ying1989_10.1007-BF02241221.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {65H10; 65H05; Nonlinear equation solver; reliable solver; solver for all roots; dominating function; dominated function; bound of derivatives}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, timestamp = {2013.04.02}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02241221}, } @Article{Yoshida2001, author = {Z. Yoshida and S. M. Mahajan and S. Ohsaki and M. Iqbal and N. Shatashvili}, title = {Beltrami fields in plasmas: High-confinement mode boundary layers and high beta equilibria}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2001}, volume = {8}, number = {5}, pages = {2125-2131}, abstract = {A general solenoidal vector field, such as a magnetic field or an incompressible flow, can be decomposed into an orthogonal sum of Beltrami fields (eigenfunctions of the curl operator). Nonlinear dynamics of a plasma induces complex couplings among these Beltrami fields. In a single-fluid magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) plasma, however, the energy condensates into a single Beltrami magnetic field resulting in the self-organization of a force-free equilibrium, that is, the Taylor relaxed state. By relating the velocity and the magnetic fields, the Hall term in the two-fluid model leads to a singular perturbation that enables the formation of an equilibrium given by a pair of two different Beltrami fields. This new set of relaxed states, despite the simple mathematical structure, includes a variety of plasma states that could explain a host of interesting phenomena. The H-mode (high-confinement) boundary layer, where a diamagnetic structure is self-organized under the coupling of the magnetic field, flow, electric field, and pressure, is an example. The theory also predicts the possibility of producing high beta equilibrium.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1354149}, file = {Yoshida2001_PhysPlasmas_8_2125.pdf:Yoshida2001_PhysPlasmas_8_2125.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma nonlinear processes}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/8/2125/1}, } @Article{Youchison1991, author = {D.L. Youchison and M.D. Nahemow}, title = {Ion Trajectory Analysis Program (ITAP)}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1991}, volume = {64}, number = {1}, pages = {167 - 182}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {ITAP is a 212-dimensional FORTRAN code developed for the first-order design of charged-particle transport systems. The Ion Trajectory Analysis Program (ITAP) utilizes the paraxial-ray equation with no space charge to determine image size and divergence along the beam line. A discretized transfer-matrix technique is used to model particle transport through drift spaces, symmetrical electrostatic lenses, quadrupoles, wein filters, sector mass separators, deflection plates, and solenoids. Dispersion effects are also included for the prisms. ITAP contains an iterative design option which can determine the excitations, thicknesses, or gaps required in the model to produce either a desired size or divergence at the pseudo-image. Multiple elements may be designed in sequence permitting complete model optimization. Output consists of trajectory data as well as summary tables which describe the focal properties of each ion-optical element. Plots of the trajectories, divergences, and specific transverse planes are also produced.}, doi = {10.1016/0010-4655(91)90059-T}, file = {Youchison1991_science[1]qqq.pdf:Youchison1991_science[1]qqq.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ion-optics}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.03.02}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/001046559190059T}, } @Article{Yu2008, author = {J. H. Yu and J. A. Boedo and E. M. Hollmann and R. A. Moyer and D. L. Rudakov and P. B. Snyder}, title = {Fast imaging of edge localized mode structure and dynamics in DIII-D}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {032504}, abstract = {Fast-framing images of CIII and Dα emission in the low-field-side plasma boundary of the DIII-D tokamak [ J. L. Luxon, Nucl. Fusion 42, 614 (2002) ] show that edge localized modes (ELMs) rapidly eject multiple field-aligned filaments from the plasma edge. The toroidal and poloidal mode numbers of these filaments depend on normalized plasma density, with measured ELM toroidal mode numbers ranging from ⩽ 10 to 20 in low-density plasmas and 15 to 35 in high-density plasmas. In high-density plasmas with moderate collisionality νped* = 0.50, ELMs originate at the low-field-side midplane region and the ion parallel velocity in the scrape-off layer is faster for ELMs with larger Dα divertor emission, suggesting that large ELMs eject higher-temperature ions from deeper within the plasma compared to small ELMs. In low-density plasmas with collisionality νped* = 0.25, the midplane and divertor ELM signals appear simultaneously, indicating that ELM behavior depends on collisionality. At all νped*, ELMs drive parallel fluxes to the divertor; in addition, ELMs drive cross-field propagation of filaments, which results in plasma-wall interactions that are poloidally localized within 15 cm of the midplane. Using the wall interactions as signatures of the filaments in the scrape-off layer, the measured poloidal width of the filament ranges from 1 to 5 cm.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2898404}, eid = {032504}, file = {Yu2008_PhysPlasmas_15_032504.pdf:Yu2008_PhysPlasmas_15_032504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma boundary layers; plasma density; plasma diagnostics; plasma instability; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/032504/1}, } @Article{Yu2009, author = {J. H. Yu and M. A. Van Zeeland and M. S. Chu and V. A. Izzo and R. J. La Haye}, title = {Fast imaging of transients and coherent magnetohydrodynamic modes in DIII-D}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {056114}, abstract = {A fast framing camera is used to image plasma waves and instabilities in the DIII-D tokamak [ J. L. Luxon, Nucl. Fusion 42, 614 (2002) ] in unprecedented detail including tearing modes (TMs) and sawtooth crashes. To image core magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) activity, the fast camera detects visible bremsstrahlung emission εB in moderate to high density plasmas. For coherent MHD activity such as TMs, high-resolution two-dimensional images of mode amplitude and phase are obtained by Fourier filtering each pixel’s time series at the mode frequency. Images of m/n = 2/1 TMs show that inside the q = 2 surface, the camera measurements are in excellent agreement with an analytic model of a 2/1 island superimposed on the equilibrium εB profile. Direct comparison of the measurements to a NIMROD simulation shows significant discrepancies, most likely due to artificially high-density diffusion used in the code for numerical stability. The first visible-light images of transient sawtooth crashes show the structure and location of the perturbed emission from an m = 1 precursor oscillation and show that during the nonlinear crash phase the instability extends to more than half of the plasma minor radius.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3118626}, eid = {056114}, file = {Yu2009_PhysPlasmas_16_056114.pdf:Yu2009_PhysPlasmas_16_056114.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {bremsstrahlung; filtering theory; plasma diagnostics; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma waves; sawtooth instability; tearing instability; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/056114/1}, } @Article{Yu2012, author = {Weihong Yu and Deng Zhou and Nong Xiang}, title = {A novel local equilibrium model for shaped tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {072520}, abstract = {A model is proposed for a local up-down symmetric equilibrium in the vicinity of a specified magnetic surface with given elongation and triangularity. Different from the Miller’s model [R. L. Miller et al., Phys. Plasmas 5, 973 (1998)], the derivative of the Shafranov shift in the present model is self-consistently determined. The equilibrium accounts for all the essential features, like the elongation, the triangularity, and the Shafranov shift etc., of a shaped cross section. Hence, it can be used for investigation of radially localized plasma modes, like reversed shear Alfvenic eigenmodes and ballooning mode, etc., and it is also suitable for local equilibrium construction used for flux tube plasma simulations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4740509}, eid = {072520}, file = {Yu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072520.pdf:Yu2012_PhysPlasmas_19_072520.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; elongation; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.08.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/072520/1}, } @Article{Yun2012, author = {G. S. Yun and W. Lee and M. J. Choi and J. Lee and H. K. Park and C. W. Domier and N. C. Luhmann, Jr. and B. Tobias and A. J. H. Donne and J. H. Lee and Y. M. Jeon and S. W. Yoon and KSTAR team}, title = {Two-dimensional imaging of edge-localized modes in KSTAR plasmas unperturbed and perturbed by n = 1 external magnetic fields}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {056114}, abstract = {The temporal evolution of edge-localized modes (ELMs) has been studied using a 2-D electron cyclotron emission imaging system in the KSTAR tokamak. The ELMs are observed to evolve in three distinctive stages: the initial linear growth of multiple filamentary structures having a net poloidal rotation, the interim state of regularly spaced saturated filaments, and the final crash through a short transient phase characterized by abrupt changes in the relative amplitudes and distance among filaments. The crash phase, typically consisted of multiple bursts of a single filament, involves a complex dynamics, poloidal elongation of the bursting filament, development of a fingerlike bulge, and fast localized burst through the finger. Substantial alterations of the ELM dynamics, such as mode number, poloidal rotation, and crash time scale, have been observed under external magnetic perturbations with the toroidal mode number n = 1.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3694842}, eid = {056114}, file = {Yun2012_PhysPlasmas_19_056114.pdf:Yun2012_PhysPlasmas_19_056114.pdf:PDF;Yun2012a_PhysRevLett.109.145003.pdf:Yun2012a_PhysRevLett.109.145003.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {perturbation techniques; plasma boundary layers; plasma diagnostics; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.06}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/056114/1}, } @Article{Yun2012a, author = {Yun, G. S. and Park, H. K. and Lee, W. and Choi, M. J. and Choe, G. H. and Park, S. and Bae, Y. S. and Lee, K. D. and Yoon, S. W. and Jeon, Y. M. and Domier, C. W. and Luhmann, N. C. and Tobias, B. and Donn\'e, A. J. H.}, title = {Appearance and Dynamics of Helical Flux Tubes under Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating in the Core of KSTAR Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {145003}, month = {Oct}, abstract = {Dual (or sometimes multiple) flux tubes (DFTs) have been observed in the core of sawtoothing KSTAR tokamak plasmas with electron cyclotron resonance heating. The time evolution of the flux tubes visualized by a 2D electron cyclotron emission imaging diagnostic typically consists of four distinctive phases: (1) growth of one flux tube out of multiple small flux tubes during the initial buildup period following a sawtooth crash, resulting in a single dominant flux tube along the m/n=1/1 helical magnetic field lines, (2) sudden rapid growth of another flux tube via a fast heat transfer from the first one, resulting in approximately identical DFTs, (3) coalescence of the two flux tubes into a single m/n=1/1 flux tube resembling the internal kink mode in the normal sawteeth, which is explained by a model of two current-carrying wires confined on a flux surface, and (4) fast localized crash of the merged flux tube similar to the standard sawtooth crash. The dynamics of the DFTs implies that the internal kink mode is not a unique prerequisite to the sawtooth crash, providing a new insight on the control of the sawtooth.}, collaboration = {KSTAR Team}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.145003}, file = {Yun2012a_PhysRevLett.109.145003.pdf:Yun2012a_PhysRevLett.109.145003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {14}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.10.04}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.145003}, } @Article{Zakharov2012, author = {Leonid E. Zakharov and Sergei A. Galkin and Sergei N. Gerasimov and JET-EFDA contributors}, title = {Understanding disruptions in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {5}, pages = {055703}, abstract = {This paper describes progress achieved since 2007 in understanding disruptions in tokamaks, when the effect of plasma current sharing with the wall was introduced into theory. As a result, the toroidal asymmetry of the plasma current measurements during vertical disruption event (VDE) on the Joint European Torus was explained. A new kind of plasma equilibria and mode coupling was introduced into theory, which can explain the duration of the external kink 1/1 mode during VDE. The paper presents first results of numerical simulations using a free boundary plasma model, relevant to disruptions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4705694}, eid = {055703}, file = {Zakharov2012_PhysPlasmas_19_055703.pdf:Zakharov2012_PhysPlasmas_19_055703.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {kink instability; plasma boundary layers; plasma diagnostics; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.05.02}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/055703/1}, } @Article{Zanino1997, author = {R. Zanino}, title = {Advanced Finite Element Modeling of the Tokamak Plasma Edge}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1997}, volume = {138}, number = {2}, pages = {881 - 906}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {A finite element fluid model of the two-dimensional axisymmetric plasma edge region in a tokamak is presented. A pure plasma with different electron and ion temperatures is considered, where its evolution is driven by sources. The sources are due to the interaction between plasma and neutrals recycling at the walls, which are described by a Monte-Carlo code. A realistic curvilinear (poloidal divertor) geometry is treated and can be discretized both with an unstructured and with a structured flux-surface-fitted mesh generator. The convergence of the code is demonstrated numerically and the results are compared with those of a reference finite volume (conservative) code.}, doi = {10.1006/jcph.1997.5848}, file = {Zanino1997_1-s2.0-S0021999197958484-main.pdf:Zanino1997_1-s2.0-S0021999197958484-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.07.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999197958484}, } @Article{Zank1992, author = {Zank,G. P. and Matthaeus,W. H.}, title = {The equations of reduced magnetohydrodynamics}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {48}, pages = {85--100}, month = {7}, issn = {1469-7807}, abstract = {ABSTRACT The equations of high- and low-beta reduced magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) are considered anew in order to elucidate the relationship between compressible MHD and RMHD and also to distinguish RMHD from recently developed models of nearly incompressible MHD. Our results, summarized in two theorems, provide the conditions under which RMHD represents a valid reduction of compressible MHD. The equations for low-beta RMHD and high-beta RMHD are shown to be identical. Furthermore, as a direct consequence of our analysis, the conditions under which both two-dimensional incompressible MHD (in terms of the spatial co-ordinates as well as the fluid variables) and 2½ dimensional incompressible MHD (i.e. only two-dimensional in the spatial co-ordinates) represent a valid reduction of three-dimensional compressible MHD are also formulated. It is found that the elimination of all high-frequency and long-wavelength modes from the magneto-fluid reduces the fully compressible MHD equations to either two-dimensional incompressible MHD in the plasma beta (β) limit β 1, or 2½-dimensional incompressible MHD for β ≈ 1. Our approach clarifies several inconsistencies to be found in previous investigations in that the reduction is exact. Our results and analysis are expected to be of interest for plasma fusion and space and solar physics.}, doi = {10.1017/S002237780001638X}, file = {Zank1992_S002237780001638Xa.pdf:Zank1992_S002237780001638Xa.pdf:PDF}, issue = {01}, numpages = {16}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.05}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S002237780001638X}, } @Article{Zelazny1962, author = {R.S Zelazny}, title = {The general solution of the initial value problem for longitudinal plasma oscillations}, journal = {Annals of Physics}, year = {1962}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {177 - 185}, issn = {0003-4916}, abstract = {The general solution of the initial value problem for longitudinal plasma oscillations is found by means of a Fourier transform of the Boltzmann-Vlasov equation and by an eigenfunction expansion method developed by van Kampen and Case. The important feature of the solution presented here is that it gives the full Fourier component of the distribution function of electrons in a plasma. This is obtained without any integration with respect to some velocity components, as is generally done in all preceedings papers on this problem.}, doi = {10.1016/0003-4916(62)90214-2}, file = {Zelazny1962_fe7b721065ccc3d7bf53035edc918647.pdf:Zelazny1962_fe7b721065ccc3d7bf53035edc918647.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0003491662902142}, } @Article{Zellinger2012, author = {M. Zellinger and U. V. Mostl and N. V. Erkaev and H. K. Biernat}, title = {2.5D magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability around Venus---Comparison of the influence of gravity and density increase}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {022104}, abstract = {We present a numerical study of the 2.5D Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and its vortices, where an initial plasma configuration appropriate for the situation around unmagnetized planets is assumed. We solve the set of ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations numerically with the total variation diminishing Lax-Friedrichs algorithm. Our density profile is such that the mass density increases toward the planet. A high density leads to smaller growth rates of the instability and, thus, has a stabilizing effect for the boundary layer. Moreover, we include source terms in the equations, enabling us to study the influence of gravity. Our results show that gravity affects the evolution of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. However, the effect is not very significant. We thus conclude that the density increase toward the planet stabilizes the boundary layer around Venus more than gravity does.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3682039}, eid = {022104}, file = {Zellinger2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022104.pdf:Zellinger2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022104.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {astrophysical plasma; Kelvin-Helmholtz instability; numerical analysis; plasma boundary layers; plasma density; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; Venus; vortices}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/022104/1}, } @Article{Zhang2013f, author = {H. S. Zhang and Z. Lin and W. Deng and I. Holod and Z. X. Wang and Y. Xiao and W. L. Zhang}, title = {Nonlinear dynamics of beta-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode in tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {012510}, abstract = {A stochastic differential equation for intermittent plasma density dynamics in magnetic fusion edge plasma is derived, which is consistent with the experimentally measured gamma distribution and the theoretically expected quadratic nonlinearity. The plasma density is driven by a multiplicative Wiener process and evolves on the turbulence correlation time scale, while the linear growth is quadratically damped by the fluctuation level. The sensitivity of intermittency to the nonlinear dynamics is investigated by analyzing the nonlinear Langevin representation of the beta process, which leads to a root-square nonlinearity.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4776698}, eid = {012510}, file = {Zhang2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012510.pdf:Zhang2013_PhysPlasmas_20_012510.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.01.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/012510/1}, } @Article{Zhang2012c, author = {Zhang, H. S. and Lin, Z. and Holod, I.}, title = {Nonlinear Frequency Oscillation of Alfv\'en Eigenmodes in Fusion Plasmas}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2012}, volume = {109}, pages = {025001}, month = {Jul}, abstract = {A nonlinear oscillation of frequency and amplitude is found by massively parallel gyrokinetic simulations of Alfvén eigenmodes excited by energetic particles in toroidal plasmas. The fast and repetitive frequency chirping is induced by the evolution of coherent structures in the phase space. The dynamics of the coherent structures is controlled by the competition between the phase-space island formation due to the nonlinear particle trapping and the island destruction due to the free streaming. The chirping dynamics provides a conceptual framework for understanding nonlinear wave-particle interactions underlying the transport process in collisionless plasmas.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.025001}, file = {Zhang2012c_PhysRevLett.109.025001.pdf:Zhang2012c_PhysRevLett.109.025001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {2}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2012.07.11}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.025001}, } @Article{Zhang2009, author = {Lizhi Zhang and Bojiang Ding and Yongliang Qin and Guangli Kuang}, title = {Simulation of Lower Hybrid Wave Propagation in EAST}, journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, year = {2009}, volume = {11}, number = {5}, pages = {632}, abstract = {A simulation on the propagation of lower hybrid wave in EAST is conducted. Ray tracing, evolution of the parallel refractive index, and power deposition profiles in a D-shaped configuration were calculated. Results show that wave propagation is affected by the plasma current, density, magnetic field, and power spectrum, etc. leading to a different power deposition. This is helpful in understanding the LHCD experiments on EAST.}, file = {Zhang2009_1009-0630_11_5_22.pdf:Zhang2009_1009-0630_11_5_22.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.22}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/11/i=5/a=22}, } @Article{Zhang2012, author = {Wenlu Zhang and Ihor Holod and Zhihong Lin and Yong Xiao}, title = {Global gyrokinetic particle simulation of toroidal Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes excited by antenna and fast ions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {022507}, abstract = {Linear properties of toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) is studied in global gyrokinetic particle simulations using both fast ion and antenna excitations. A synthetic antenna provides a precise measurement of the Alfvén continuum gap width and the TAE eigenmode frequency, damping rate, and mode structures. The measured gap width exhibits a linear dependence on the aspect ratio, in agreement to a local analytic theory. The TAE frequency and mode structure excited by fast ions show a significant radial symmetry breaking relative to the ideal magnetohydrodynamic theory due to the non-perturbative contributions from the fast ions. The electromagnetic capability of the global gyrokinetic toroidal code (GTC) is verified through these global gyrokinetic simulations of Alfvén eigenmode in cylindrical and toroidal geometries.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3685703}, eid = {022507}, file = {Zhang2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022507.pdf:Zhang2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022507.pdf:PDF;Zhang2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_032510.pdf:Zhang2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_032510.pdf:PDF;Zhang2012b_0741-3335_54_8_082001.pdf:Zhang2012b_0741-3335_54_8_082001.pdf:PDF;Zhang2012c_PhysRevLett.109.025001.pdf:Zhang2012c_PhysRevLett.109.025001.pdf:PDF;Zhang2012d_PhysPlasmas_19_072515.pdf:Zhang2012d_PhysPlasmas_19_072515.pdf:PDF;Zhang2012e_PhysPlasmas_19_112504.pdf:Zhang2012e_PhysPlasmas_19_112504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {antennas in plasma; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; plasma Alfven waves; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.02.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/022507/1}, } @Article{Zhang2012d, author = {Xianmei Zhang and Yanhui Wang and Limin Yu and Xin Shen and Jianbin Wang}, title = {Effects of the radial dependence of the fast electron diffusion coefficient on the current driven by lower-hybrid waves in tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {072515}, abstract = {The lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) is one of the promising methods not only for driving the non-inductive current required for steady-state tokamak operation, but also for controlling the plasma current profile to improve confinement in tokamak experiments. A direct consequence of experimental imperfection is difficult to obtain reliable estimate of the radial diffusion coefficient (Dst) of the lower hybrid driven current. In this paper, the radial profile of Dst is estimated to investigate its effect on the current driven by lower hybrid wave (LHW) in Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak. Compared with the case of the constant radial diffusion coefficient, the efficiency of LHW driven current with the radial dependent diffusion coefficient Dst (ρ) becomes either higher or lower with respect to the plasma parameters, such as the density and the magnetic fluctuation. It is also found that the profiles of the LHW driven current are different. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the radial dependence of Dst in order to get an accurate and reliable result in the numerical simulation of LHCD.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4739290}, eid = {072515}, file = {Zhang2012d_PhysPlasmas_19_072515.pdf:Zhang2012d_PhysPlasmas_19_072515.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {numerical analysis; plasma density; plasma hybrid waves; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.07.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/072515/1}, } @Article{Zhang2013g, author = {Xiao-Ning Zhang and He-Ping Li and Anthony B. Murphy and Wei-Dong Xia}, title = {A numerical model of non-equilibrium thermal plasmas. I. Transport properties}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {033508}, abstract = {A self-consistent and complete numerical model for investigating the fundamental processes in a non-equilibrium thermal plasma system consists of the governing equations and the corresponding physical properties of the plasmas. In this paper, a new kinetic theory of the transport properties of two-temperature (2-T) plasmas, based on the solution of the Boltzmann equation using a modified Chapman–Enskog method, is presented. This work is motivated by the large discrepancies between the theories for the calculation of the transport properties of 2-T plasmas proposed by different authors in previous publications. In the present paper, the coupling between electrons and heavy species is taken into account, but reasonable simplifications are adopted, based on the physical fact that me/mh ≪ 1, where me and mh are, respectively, the masses of electrons and heavy species. A new set of formulas for the transport coefficients of 2-T plasmas is obtained. The new theory has important physical and practical advantages over previous approaches. In particular, the diffusion coefficients are complete and satisfy the mass conversation law due to the consideration of the coupling between electrons and heavy species. Moreover, this essential requirement is satisfied without increasing the complexity of the transport coefficient formulas. Expressions for the 2-T combined diffusion coefficients are obtained. The expressions for the transport coefficients can be reduced to the corresponding well-established expressions for plasmas in local thermodynamic equilibrium for the case in which the electron and heavy-species temperatures are equal.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4794969}, eid = {033508}, file = {Zhang2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_033508.pdf:Zhang2013a_PhysPlasmas_20_033508.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {numerical analysis; plasma collision processes; plasma kinetic theory; plasma temperature; plasma thermodynamics; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/033508/1}, } @Article{Zhang2012e, author = {Y. P. Zhang and M. Isobe and Yi Liu and G. L. Yuan (袁国梁)1, J. W. Yang (杨进蔚)1, X. Y. Song (宋先瑛)1, X. M. Song (宋显明)1, J. Y. Cao (曹建勇)1, G. J. Lei (雷光玖)1, H. L. Wei (魏会领)1, Y. G. Li (李永高)1, Z. B. Shi (石中兵)1, X. Li (李旭)1, L. W. Yan (严龙文)1, Q. W. Yang (杨青巍)1, X. R. Duan (段旭如)1, and HL-2A Team}, title = {Measurements of the fast ion slowing-down times in the HL-2A tokamak and comparison to classical theory}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, pages = {112504}, abstract = {Physics related to fast ions in magnetically confined fusion plasmas is a very important issue, since these particles will play an important role in future burning plasmas. Indeed, they will act as primary heating source and will sustain the self-ignited condition. To measure the fast ion slowing-down times in a magnetohydrodynamic-quiescent plasmas in different scenarios, very short pulses of a deuterium neutral beam, so-called “blip,” with duration of about 5 ms were tangentially co-injected into a deuterium plasmas at the HuanLiuqi-2A (commonly referred to as HL-2A) tokamak [L. W. Yan, Nucl. Fusion 51, 094016 (2011)]. The decay rate of 2.45 MeV D-D fusion neutrons produced by beam-plasma reactions following neutral beam termination was measured by means of a 235U fission chamber. Experimental results were compared with those predicted by a classical slowing-down model. These results show that the fast ions are well confined with a peaked profile and the ions are slowed down classically without significant loss in the HL-2A tokamak. Moreover, it has been observed that during electron cyclotron resonance heating the fast ions have a longer slowing-down time and the neutron emission rate decay time becomes longer.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4768425}, file = {Zhang2012e_PhysPlasmas_19_112504.pdf:Zhang2012e_PhysPlasmas_19_112504.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.11.28}, url = {http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v19/i11/p112504_s1}, } @Article{Zhang2012a, author = {Y. P. Zhang and Yi Liu and G. L. Yuan (袁国梁)1, M. Isobe (磯部光孝)2, Z. Y. Chen (陈忠勇)3, J. Cheng (程钧)1, X. Q. Ji (季小全)1, X. M. Song (宋显明)1, J. W. Yang (杨进蔚)1, X. Y. Song (宋先瑛)1, X. Li (李旭)1, W. Deng (邓玮)1, Y. G. Li (李永高)1, Y. Xu (徐媛)1, T. F. Sun (孙腾飞)1, X. T. Ding (丁玄同)1, L. W. Yan (严龙文)1, Q. W. Yang (杨青巍)1, X. R. Duan (段旭如)1, Y. Liu (刘永)1, and HL-2A Team}, title = {Observation of the generation and evolution of long-lived runaway electron beams during major disruptions in the HuanLiuqi-2A tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032510}, doi = {10.1063/1.3696073}, eid = {032510}, file = {Zhang2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_032510.pdf:Zhang2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_032510.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {electron avalanches; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; relativistic plasmas; time resolved spectra; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.04.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/032510/1}, } @Article{Zhang2012b, author = {Zhike Zhang and Xiaogang Wang}, title = {Ion streaming instability in a plasma sheath with multiple ion species}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {8}, pages = {082001}, abstract = {The ion streaming instability in a dc plasma sheath with multiple ion species is studied as an eigenvalue problem. By numerically solving the eigenvalue equations of sheath plasma variables, we find a weak ion streaming instability induced in the sheath with a growth rate of a few per cent of the proton plasma frequency. The instability may provide a mechanism to enhance the collisional friction between different species of ions and result in different ions leaving the plasmas nearly at the same velocity. The effect of the species ratio on the growth rate of the instability is also discussed.}, file = {Zhang2012b_0741-3335_54_8_082001.pdf:Zhang2012b_0741-3335_54_8_082001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2012.05.25}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=8/a=082001}, } @Article{Zhao2012b, author = {Dian Zhao and L P Tian and Shaoyan Cui and M Y Yu}, title = {Instability and energy cascade in isotropic and anisotropic media}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {2012}, volume = {86}, number = {3}, pages = {035501}, abstract = {The evolution of isotropic and anisotropic systems governed by the complex nonlinear Schrödinger equation is investigated numerically. It is found that modulational instability, collapse, mode cascade and strong turbulence can occur in different forms.}, file = {Zhao2012b_1402-4896_86_3_035501.pdf:Zhao2012b_1402-4896_86_3_035501.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.03.11}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/86/i=3/a=035501}, } @Article{Zhao2013, author = {J. S. Zhao and D. J. Wu and L. Yang and J. Y. Lu}, title = {Nonlinear interaction and parametric instability of kinetic Alfv[e-acute]n waves in multicomponent plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {032308}, abstract = {Nonlinear couplings among kinetic Alfvén waves are investigated for a three-component plasma consisting of electrons, protons, and heavy ions. The parametric instability is investigated, and the growth rate is obtained. In the kinetic regime, the growth rate for the parallel decay instability increases with the heavy ion content, but the growth rate for the reverse decay is independent of the latter since the perpendicular wavelength is much larger than the ion gyroradius. It decreases with the heavy ion content when the perpendicular wavelength is of the order of the ion gyroradius. It is also found that in the short perpendicular wavelength limit, the growth rate is only weakly affected by the heavy ions. On the other hand, in the inertial regime, for both parallel and reverse decay cases, the growth rate decreases as the number of heavy ions becomes large.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4796054}, eid = {032308}, file = {Zhao2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032308.pdf:Zhao2013_PhysPlasmas_20_032308.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {parametric instability; plasma Alfven waves; plasma nonlinear processes}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.03.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/032308/1}, } @Article{Zhao2012a, author = {L. Zhao and B. Cluggish and J. S. Kim and E. G. Evstatiev}, title = {A particle-in-cell Monte Carlo code for electron beam ion source simulation}, journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, year = {2012}, volume = {83}, number = {2}, pages = {02A508}, abstract = {FAR-TECH, Inc., has developed a particle-in-cell Monte Carlo code (EBIS-PIC) to model ion motions in an electron beam ion source (EBIS). First, a steady state electron beam is simulated by the PBGUNS code (see http://far-tech.com/pbguns/index.html). Then, the injected primary ions and the ions from the background neutral gas are tracked in the trapping region using Monte Carlo method. Atomic collisions and Coulomb collisions are included in the EBIS-PIC model. The space charge potential is updated by solving the Poisson equation each time step. The preliminary simulation results are presented and compared with BNL electron beam test stand (EBTS) fast trapping experiments.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3672469}, eid = {02A508}, file = {Zhao2012a_RevSciInstrum_83_02A508.pdf:Zhao2012a_RevSciInstrum_83_02A508.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {atomic collisions; electron beams; ion sources; Monte Carlo methods; Poisson equation}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2012.10.02}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?RSI/83/02A508/1}, } @Article{Zhao2012, author = {L. Zhao and P. H. Diamond}, title = {Collisionless inter-species energy transfer and turbulent heating in drift wave turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {8}, pages = {082309}, abstract = {We reconsider the classic problems of calculating “turbulent heating” and collisionless inter-species transfer of energy in drift wave turbulence. These issues are of interest for low collisionality, electron heated plasmas, such as ITER, where collisionless energy transfer from electrons to ions is likely to be significant. From the wave Poynting theorem at steady state, a volume integral over an annulus r10) discussed here [the case of normal dispersion (∂2ω∕∂k2<0) will be discussed in a succeeding letter], the stationary pulse is a ``bright'' pulse, or envelope soliton. For a typical glass fiber guide, the balancing power required to produce a stationary 1‐ps pulse is approximately 1 W. Numerical simulations show that above a certain threshold power level such pulses are stable under the influence of small perturbations, large perturbations, white noise, or absorption.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1654836}, file = {Hasegawa1973_ApplPhysLett_23_142.pdf:Hasegawa1973_ApplPhysLett_23_142.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/23/142/1}, } @Article{Hasegawa1973a, author = {Akira Hasegawa and Frederick Tappert}, title = {Transmission of stationary nonlinear optical pulses in dispersive dielectric fibers. II. Normal dispersion}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, year = {1973}, volume = {23}, number = {4}, pages = {171-172}, abstract = {Theoretical calculations supported by numerical simulations show that utilization of the nonlinear dependence of the index of refraction on intensity makes possible the transmission of picosecond optical pulses without distortion in dielectric fiber waveguides with group velocity dispersion. In the case of normal dispersion (∂2ω∕∂k2 < 0) discussed here [the case of anomalous dispersion (∂2ω∕∂k2 > 0) was discussed in an earlier letter], the stationary pulse is a ``dark'' pulse or envelope shock. Numerical simulations show that such pulses are stable under the influence of small perturbations, white noise, or absorption. Important considerations relating to the practical applications of both ``bright'' and ``dark'' pulses are also discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1654847}, file = {Hasegawa1973a_ApplPhysLett_23_171.pdf:Hasegawa1973a_ApplPhysLett_23_171.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APL/23/171/1}, } @Article{Rosenbluth1973, author = {Marshall N. Rosenbluth and R. Y. Dagazian and P. H. Rutherford}, title = {Nonlinear properties of the internal m = 1 kink instability in the cylindrical tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1973}, volume = {16}, number = {11}, pages = {1894-1902}, abstract = {An analysis is presented, in a cylindrical approximation, of the nonlinear behavior of the m  =  1 magnetohydrodynamic kink instability that occurs in a tokamak when the “safety factor” q(r)  =  rBz / RB θ(r) falls below unity on axis. A kinked neighboring equilibrium is found, which is accessible from the initial straight equilibrium in the sense of satisfying the flux‐conservation constraints. Owing to the singular nature of the fundamental, all harmonics are excited in a singular region near where q (r)  =  1. The nonlinear amplitude is moderate. It is shown that growing modes of this type should produce negative voltage spikes and inward shifts in major radius, as are seen in the experiments. The predicted magnitudes of these two effects are, however, much smaller than those observed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1694231}, file = {Rosenbluth1973_PFL001894.pdf:Rosenbluth1973_PFL001894.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/16/1894/1}, } @Article{Scott1973, author = {Scott, Alwyn C. and Chu, F. Y F and McLaughlin, D.W.}, title = {The soliton: A new concept in applied science}, journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE}, year = {1973}, volume = {61}, number = {10}, pages = {1443-1483}, issn = {0018-9219}, abstract = {The term soliton has recently been coined to describe a pulselike nonlinear wave (solitary wave) which emerges from a collision with a similar pulse having unchanged shape and speed. To date at least seven distinct wave systems, representing a wide range of applications in applied science, have been found to exhibit such solutions. This review paper covers the current status of soliton research, paying particular attention to the very important "inverse method" whereby the initial value problem for a nonlinear wave system can be solved exactly through a succession of linear calculations.}, doi = {10.1109/PROC.1973.9296}, file = {Scott1973_01451226.pdf:Scott1973_01451226.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Boats;Foot;Inverse problems;Lattices;Nonlinear equations;Partial differential equations;Pulse shaping methods;Shape;Solitons;Stability}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.21}, } @Article{BRADSHAW1974, author = {BRADSHAW, P.}, title = {Possible origin of Prandt's mixing-length theory}, journal = {Nature}, year = {1974}, volume = {249}, number = {5453}, pages = {135--136}, month = may, abstract = {PRANDTL'S hypothesis1,2 about turbulent motion in a simple shear layer proposes that the typical values of the fluctuating velocity components in the x and y directions, u and v, are each proportional to lU/y where l is the mixing length (Mischungsweg). Prandtl2,3 says that l "may be considered as the diameter of the masses of fluid moving as a whole in each individual case; or again, as the distance traversed by a mass of this type before it becomes blended in with neighbouring masses...."; and also that l is "somewhat similar, as regards effect, to the mean free path in the kinetic theory of gases". It follows that the Reynolds shear stress -uv is proportional to l2(U/y)2 and l is defined so that the constant of proportionality is unity. Prandtl, however, described this expression as "only a rough approximation".}, comment = {10.1038/249135b0}, file = {BRADSHAW1974_249135b0.pdf:BRADSHAW1974_249135b0.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.14}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/249135b0}, } @Article{Canosa1974, author = {José Canosa and Jenö Gazdag and J.E. Fromm}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {The recurrence of the initial state in the numerical solution of the Vlasov equation}, year = {1974}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {1}, pages = {34 - 45}, volume = {15}, abstract = {The approximate recurrence of the initial state, observed recently in the numerical solution of Vlasov's equation by a finite-difference Eulerian model, is shown to be a property of three independent numerical methods. Some of the methods have exponentially growing modes (Dawson's beaming instabilities), and some others do not. The recurrence is in fact a manifestation of the finite velocity resolution of the numerical methods—a property which is independent of the approximation of a plasma by a finite number of electron beams. The recurrence is shown explicitly in the numerical simulation of Landau damping by three different methods: Fourier-Hermite, the recent variational method of Lewis, and the Eulerian finite-difference method.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0021-9991(74)90067-9}, file = {Canosa1974_The recurrence of the initial state in the numerical solution of the Vlasov equation.pdf:Canosa1974_The recurrence of the initial state in the numerical solution of the Vlasov equation.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999174900679}, } @Article{Goedbloed1974, author = {J. P. Goedbloed and P. H. Sakanaka}, title = {New approach to magnetohydrodynamic stability: I. A practical stability concept}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1974}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, pages = {908-918}, abstract = {An equilibrium is called σ stable if growth faster than exp (σt) does not occur. On the basis of this definition a modified energy principle is obtained by means of which the stability of plasma confinement systems can be tested for times of thermonuclear interest, instead of the infinitely long times which are pertinent to the usual stability analysis. The theory is applied to the diffuse linear pinch, a theorem for σ stability is derived, and the connection with the normal‐mode analysis is shown to be given with the Sturmian property, which holds for the unstable side of the spectrum, whereas the stable side consists of Sturmian and anti‐Sturmian point spectra separated by continuous spectra. Growth rates and eigen‐functions of Suydam modes are numerically calculated, and it is shown that violation of Suydam's criterion in the high and intermediate shear case leads to nonlocalized rapidly growing m  =  1 modes. Consequently, this criterion obtains new relevance in the σ‐stability analysis for this regime.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1694831}, file = {Goedbloed1974_PFL000908.pdf:Goedbloed1974_PFL000908.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/17/908/1}, } @Article{Lin1974, author = {Lin, R.P.}, title = {Non-relativistic solar electrons}, journal = {Space Science Reviews}, year = {1974}, volume = {16}, number = {1-2}, pages = {189-256}, issn = {0038-6308}, abstract = {This review summarizes both the direct spacecraft observations of non-relativistic solar electrons, and observations of the X-ray and radio emission generated by these particles at the Sun and in the interplanetary medium. These observations bear on three physical processes basic to energetic particle phenomena: (1) the acceleration of particles in tenuous plasmas; (2) the propagation of energetic charged particles in a disordered magnetic field, and (3) the interaction of energetic charged particles with tenuous plasmas to produce electromagnetic radiation. Because these electrons are frequently accelerated and emitted by the Sun, mostly in small and relatively simple flares, it is possible to define a detailed physical picture of these processes. In many small solar flares non-relativistic electrons accelerated during flash phase constitute the bulk of the total flare energy. Thus the basic flare mechanism in these flares essentially converts the available flare energy into fast electrons. Non-relativistic electrons exhibit a wide variety of propagation modes in the interplanetary medium, ranging from diffusive to essentially scatter-free. This variability in the propagation may be explained in terms of the distribution of interplanetary magnetic field fluctuations. Type III solar radio burst emission is generated by these electrons as they travel out to 1 AU and beyond. Recent in situ observations of these electrons at 1 AU, accompanied by simultaneous observations of the low frequency radio emission generated by them at 1 AU provide quantitative information on the plasma processes involved in the generation of type III bursts.}, doi = {10.1007/BF00240886}, file = {Lin1974_10.1007-BF00240886.pdf:Lin1974_10.1007-BF00240886.pdf:PDF}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, timestamp = {2013.09.21}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00240886}, } @Article{Sakanaka1974, author = {P. H. Sakanaka and J. P. Goedbloed}, title = {New approach to magnetohydrodynamic stability: II. Sigma-stable diffuse pinch configurations}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1974}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, pages = {919-929}, abstract = {On the basis of the theory of σ stability, a classification of high‐shear σ‐stable diffuse pinch configurations is obtained by numerical solution of the Euler equation corresponding to the modified energy principle. Toroidal effects are introduced by putting a lower bound on the magnitude of the poloidal field in order to assure toroidal equilibrium and by deriving and employing the proper generalization of the Kruskal‐Shafranov limit for m  =  1 unstable configurations. The classification of high‐shear σ‐stable configurations consists of five different types, viz., tokamak, Bθ‐reversed pinch, screw pinch, combined pinch, Bz‐reversed pinch. Among the significant new results are: complete stability of some of the tokamak configurations for β up to 4%, a stable high‐β (30%) Bθ‐reversed pinch configuration that has not been investigated before, a stable diffuse screw pinch with β  =  30% when currents are allowed to flow at the wall and with β  =  8% with vanishing current at the wall, the possibility of containing diffuse high‐β m  =  1 stable plasmas without Bz‐field reversal or pressure minimum on axis. Here, σ stability refers to times needed for fusion.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1694832}, file = {Sakanaka1974_PFL000919.pdf:Sakanaka1974_PFL000919.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/17/919/1}, } @Article{Tsai1974, author = {Tsai,Shih-Tung}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {Spatial evolution of finite-amplitude plasma waves in collisionless plasmas}, year = {1974}, issn = {1469-7807}, month = {4}, pages = {213--223}, volume = {11}, abstract = {ABSTRACT A numerical simulation concerning the spatial evolution of electron plasma waves and electron distributions in collisionless plasmas is performed. Only those particles in and around the resonant region are followed numerically, while the bulk plasma is treated analytically. Our results are in good agreement with existing theoretical results as well as experimental observations. The method introduced here is valid for waves with arbitrary amplitude. It does not depend on either a large-amplitude asymptotic expansion or a small-amplitude perturbation scheme.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377800024612}, file = {Tsai1974_S0022377800024612a.pdf:Tsai1974_S0022377800024612a.pdf:PDF}, issue = {02}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377800024612}, } @Article{Vahala1974, author = {George Vahala}, title = {Spectra and growth rates of a generalized screw pinch}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1974}, volume = {17}, number = {7}, pages = {1449-1460}, abstract = {The theory of Weitzner for the bumpy θ pinch is extended to the case of a generalized screw pinch in which the equilibrium magnetic field is B  =  (ϵBr, ϵBθ, Bz). ϵ represents the slow periodic z variation of the axisymmetric equilibrium and the stability relative to their r variation. Perturbation expansions in ϵ and in the bumpiness of the flux surfaces are performed on the linearized equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics. From the theory of Grad there should be four stable continua, two of which are found for modes with ω2  =  O (ϵ2), while for the transverse modes a generalized Suydam criterion for local instability is derived. The (global) growth rates of the most unstable transverse modes are computed numerically for various Bθ and the results are compared to those of the bumpy θ pinch (where Bθ  ≡  0)) as well as to the ordinary screw pinch (where Br  ≡  0).}, doi = {10.1063/1.1694912}, file = {Vahala1974_PFL001449.pdf:Vahala1974_PFL001449.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/17/1449/1}, } @Article{Bussac1975, author = {Bussac, M. N. and Pellat, R. and Edery, D. and Soule, J. L.}, title = {Internal Kink Modes in Toroidal Plasmas with Circular Cross Sections}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1975}, volume = {35}, pages = {1638--1641}, month = {Dec}, abstract = {The stability criterion of the internal kink mode is given in toroidal geometry for plasmas with circular cross sections. Contrary to known results in cylindrical geometry, the internal kink mode can be stable if the pressure gradient is sufficiently low.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.35.1638}, file = {Bussac1975_PhysRevLett.35.1638.pdf:Bussac1975_PhysRevLett.35.1638.pdf:PDF}, issue = {24}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.35.1638}, } @Article{Glasser1975, author = {A. H. Glasser and J. M. Greene and J. L. Johnson}, title = {Resistive instabilities in general toroidal plasma configurations}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1975}, volume = {18}, number = {7}, pages = {875-888}, abstract = {Previous work by Johnson and Greene on resistive instabilities is extended to finite‐pressure configurations. The Mercier criterion for the stability of the ideal magnetohydrodynamic interchange mode is rederived, the generalization of the earlier stability criterion for the resistive interchange mode is obtained, and a relation between the two is noted. Conditions for tearing mode instability are recovered with the growth rate scaling with the resistivity in a more complicated manner than η3/5. Nyquist techniques are used to show that favorable average curvature can convert the tearing mode into an overstable mode and can often stabilize it.}, doi = {10.1063/1.861224}, file = {Glasser1975_PFL000875.pdf:Glasser1975_PFL000875.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; PLASMA INSTABILITY; DISPERSION RELATIONS; PLASMA; ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/18/875/1}, } @Article{Goedbloed1975, author = {J. P. Goedbloed}, title = {Spectrum of ideal magnetohydrodynamics of axisymmetric toroidal systems}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1975}, volume = {18}, number = {10}, pages = {1258-1268}, abstract = {The spectrum of ideal magnetohydrodynamics in toroidal systems is shown to concentrate around three continua where the singular fast, the Alfvén, and the slow modes become polarized purely normal and purely tangential to the magnetic surfaces. A new toroidal effect is encountered, viz., coupling of the Alfvén and slow continuum modes by the presence of geodesic curvature. Due to this effect the slow and Alfvén modes are no longer polarized purely parallel and purely perpendicular to the field lines as they are in the case of the diffuse linear pinch. The pure polarizations of these continuum modes are only found asymptotically when ω2→∞, which point turns out to be a clusterpoint of all three kinds of magnetohydrodynamic modes characterizing each of them uniquely.}, doi = {10.1063/1.861012}, file = {Goedbloed1975_PFL001258.pdf:Goedbloed1975_PFL001258.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; ALFVEN WAVES; POLARIZATION; WAVE PROPAGATION; PLASMA WAVES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/18/1258/1}, } @InCollection{BORIS1976, author = {J.P. BORIS and D.L. BOOK}, title = {Solution of Continuity Equations by the Method of Flux-Corrected Transport}, booktitle = {Controlled Fusion}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {1976}, editor = {JOHN KILLEEN}, volume = {16}, series = {Methods in Computational Physics: Advances in Research and Applications}, pages = {85 - 129}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-460816-0.50008-7}, file = {BORIS1976_beb7096082f00a9542a5f733fd33a233.pdf:BORIS1976_beb7096082f00a9542a5f733fd33a233.pdf:PDF}, issn = {0076-6860}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124608160500087}, } @InCollection{BRACKBILL1976, author = {JEREMIAH U. BRACKBILL}, title = {Numerical Magnetohydrodynamics for High-Beta Plasmas}, booktitle = {Controlled Fusion}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {1976}, editor = {JOHN KILLEEN}, volume = {16}, series = {Methods in Computational Physics: Advances in Research and Applications}, pages = {1 - 41}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-460816-0.50006-3}, file = {BRACKBILL1976_558a0a2d93cb3c82b7f0c801c3d8d784.pdf:BRACKBILL1976_558a0a2d93cb3c82b7f0c801c3d8d784.pdf:PDF}, issn = {0076-6860}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124608160500063}, } @InCollection{DAWSON1976, author = {JOHN M. DAWSON and HIDEO OKUDA and BERNARD ROSEN}, title = {Collective Transport in Plasmas}, booktitle = {Controlled Fusion}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {1976}, editor = {JOHN KILLEEN}, volume = {16}, series = {Methods in Computational Physics: Advances in Research and Applications}, pages = {281 - 325}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-460816-0.50013-0}, file = {DAWSON1976_64555441994b5a013cc559a141a4fa6c.pdf:DAWSON1976_64555441994b5a013cc559a141a4fa6c.pdf:PDF}, issn = {0076-6860}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124608160500130}, } @InCollection{GRIMM1976, author = {RAY C. GRIMM and JOHN M. GREENE and JOHN L. JOHNSON}, title = {Computation of the Magnetohydrodynamic Spectrum in Axisymmetric Toroidal Confinement Systems}, booktitle = {Controlled Fusion}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {1976}, editor = {JOHN KILLEEN}, volume = {16}, series = {Methods in Computational Physics: Advances in Research and Applications}, pages = {253 - 280}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-460816-0.50012-9}, file = {GRIMM1976_b24c5085a4d6d95b33f063a66b71fea2.pdf:GRIMM1976_b24c5085a4d6d95b33f063a66b71fea2.pdf:PDF}, issn = {0076-6860}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124608160500129}, } @InCollection{HOGAN1976, author = {JOHN T. HOGAN}, title = {Multifluid Tokamak Transport Models}, booktitle = {Controlled Fusion}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {1976}, editor = {JOHN KILLEEN}, volume = {16}, series = {Methods in Computational Physics: Advances in Research and Applications}, pages = {131 - 164}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-460816-0.50009-9}, file = {HOGAN1976_5f8b234d07a49828d8d731337970e0ab.pdf:HOGAN1976_5f8b234d07a49828d8d731337970e0ab.pdf:PDF}, issn = {0076-6860}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124608160500099}, } @InCollection{KILLEEN1976a, author = {J. KILLEEN and B. ALDER and S. FERNBACH}, title = {Preface}, booktitle = {Controlled Fusion}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {1976}, editor = {JOHN KILLEEN}, volume = {16}, series = {Methods in Computational Physics: Advances in Research and Applications}, pages = {xi - xiii}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-460816-0.50005-1}, file = {KILLEEN1976a_3f58e81d2cb7438dfa30ac393cd2f950.pdf:KILLEEN1976a_3f58e81d2cb7438dfa30ac393cd2f950.pdf:PDF}, issn = {0076-6860}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124608160500051}, } @InCollection{KILLEEN1976, author = {JOHN KILLEEN and ARTHUR A. MIRIN and MARVIN E. RENSINK}, title = {The Solution of the Kinetic Equations for a Multispecies Plasma}, booktitle = {Controlled Fusion}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {1976}, editor = {JOHN KILLEEN}, volume = {16}, series = {Methods in Computational Physics: Advances in Research and Applications}, pages = {389 - 431}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-460816-0.50016-6}, file = {KILLEEN1976_4a4887a469370cab87d2207312e06668.pdf:KILLEEN1976_4a4887a469370cab87d2207312e06668.pdf:PDF}, issn = {0076-6860}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124608160500166}, } @InCollection{LANGDON1976, author = {A. BRUCE LANGDON and BARBARA F. LASINSKI}, title = {Electromagnetic and Relativistic Plasma Simulation Models}, booktitle = {Controlled Fusion}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {1976}, editor = {JOHN KILLEEN}, volume = {16}, series = {Methods in Computational Physics: Advances in Research and Applications}, pages = {327 - 366}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-460816-0.50014-2}, file = {LANGDON1976_034ba325567fc6548cd6cedae1f3c53e.pdf:LANGDON1976_034ba325567fc6548cd6cedae1f3c53e.pdf:PDF}, issn = {0076-6860}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124608160500142}, } @InCollection{McNAMARA1976, author = {BRENDAN McNAMARA}, title = {Equilibria of Magnetically Confined Plasmas}, booktitle = {Controlled Fusion}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {1976}, editor = {JOHN KILLEEN}, volume = {16}, series = {Methods in Computational Physics: Advances in Research and Applications}, pages = {211 - 251}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-460816-0.50011-7}, file = {McNAMARA1976_49fdba8f483c55aae986ee125e1edf85.pdf:McNAMARA1976_49fdba8f483c55aae986ee125e1edf85.pdf:PDF}, issn = {0076-6860}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124608160500117}, } @InCollection{POTTER1976, author = {DAVID POTTER}, title = {Waterbag Methods in Magnetohydrodynamics}, booktitle = {Controlled Fusion}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {1976}, editor = {JOHN KILLEEN}, volume = {16}, series = {Methods in Computational Physics: Advances in Research and Applications}, pages = {43 - 83}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-460816-0.50007-5}, file = {POTTER1976_a6e2959e96af61c39ccbb8782fb4d460.pdf:POTTER1976_a6e2959e96af61c39ccbb8782fb4d460.pdf:PDF}, issn = {0076-6860}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124608160500075}, } @Article{Rosenbluth1976, author = {Marshall N. Rosenbluth and D. A. Monticello and H. R. Strauss and R. B. White}, title = {Numerical studies of nonlinear evolution of kink modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1976}, volume = {19}, number = {12}, pages = {1987-1996}, abstract = {A set of numerical techniques for investigating the full nonlinear unstable behavior of low‐β kink modes of given helical symmetry in tokamaks is presented. Uniform current density plasmas display complicated deformations including the formation of large vacuum bubbles provided that the safety factor q is sufficiently close to integral. Fairly large m=1 deformations, but not bubble formation, persist for a plasma with a parabolic current density profile (and hence shear). Deformations for m⩾2 are, however, greatly suppressed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.861430}, file = {Rosenbluth1976_PFL001987.pdf:Rosenbluth1976_PFL001987.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {LOWBETA PLASMA; KINK INSTABILITY; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; HELICAL CONFIGURATION; SHEAR; TOKAMAK DEVICES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/19/1987/1}, } @Article{Shoucri1976, author = {M. Shoucri and R.R.J. Gagne}, title = {Numerical solution of the vlasov equation by transform methods}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {1976}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {238 - 242}, issn = {0021-9991}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0021-9991(76)90014-0}, file = {Shoucri1976_Numerical solution of the vlasov equation by transform methods.pdf:Shoucri1976_Numerical solution of the vlasov equation by transform methods.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999176900140}, } @InCollection{WATKINS1976, author = {M.L. WATKINS and M.H. HUGHES and K.V. ROBERTS and P.M. KEEPING and J. KILLEEN}, title = {Icarus—A One-Dimensional Plasma Diffusion Code}, booktitle = {Controlled Fusion}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {1976}, editor = {JOHN KILLEEN}, volume = {16}, series = {Methods in Computational Physics: Advances in Research and Applications}, pages = {165 - 209}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-460816-0.50010-5}, file = {WATKINS1976_B978-0-12-460816-0.50010-5.pdf:WATKINS1976_B978-0-12-460816-0.50010-5.pdf:PDF}, issn = {0076-6860}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780124608160500105}, } @Article{Yatsui1977, author = {Kiyoshi Yatsui and Tsuyoshi Imai and Masatomo Furumi}, title = {Crossfield-Current-Driven Electrostatic Instabilities in an Inhomogeneous Magnetoplasma}, journal = {Journal of the Physical Society of Japan}, year = {1977}, volume = {42}, number = {2}, pages = {652-657}, abstract = {Dispersion characteristics and numerical results are presented of the crossfield-current-driven electrostatic instabilities in an inhomogeneous magnetoplasma. By use of a two-fluid hydrodynamic model in a cylindrical coordinate involving the effects of finite temperature and density inhomogeneity, we present the corresponding dispersion relation and show that, in the low-frequency range ω2≪ωci2 (ωci: ion-cyclotron frequency), there exists an instability termed as the modified ion-cyclotron instability. These wave characteristics are clarified in some parameter spaces. Apart from this, some numerical nesuls are also presented of the lower-hybrid instability and the ion-cyclotron harmonic instability, the latter being obtained with a kinetic model in an inhomogeneous hot plasma. The comparison of these results with the experiment is also made especially for the modified ion-cyclotron mode, and it is found that the experimental results are in qualitative agreement with the theoretical prediction.}, doi = {10.1143/JPSJ.42.652}, file = {Yatsui1977_JPSJ-42-652.pdf:Yatsui1977_JPSJ-42-652.pdf:PDF}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {The Physical Society of Japan}, timestamp = {2013.05.02}, url = {http://jpsj.ipap.jp/link?JPSJ/42/652/}, } @Article{Galvao1978, author = {Galv\~ao, R. M. O. and Sakanaka, P. H. and Shigueoka, H.}, title = {Influence of Toroidal Effects on the Stability of the Internal Kink Mode}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1978}, volume = {41}, pages = {870--873}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {Using the σ-stability technique, we study the stability of the internal kink mode in toroidal geometry. We show that there are two unstable regions separated by a stable one in a β-qc stability diagram. In one of these regions toroidal effects are stabilizing and in the other they are destabilizing. Discrepant results of previous analytical theories and experimental results are explained.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.41.870}, file = {Galvao1978_PhysRevLett.41.870.pdf:Galvao1978_PhysRevLett.41.870.pdf:PDF}, issue = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.41.870}, } @Article{Kamimura1978, author = {T. Kamimura and T. Wagner and J. M. Dawson}, title = {Simulation study of Bernstein modes}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1978}, volume = {21}, number = {7}, pages = {1151-1167}, abstract = {The properties of Bernstein modes were investigated through computer simulations using two‐dimensional and two‐and‐one‐half‐dimensional (i.e., two spatial and three velocity coordinates) electrostatic models with fixed magnetic field. The measured discrete spectrum was found to agree with the linear dispersion relation for these modes. The quasi‐periodic phenomenon of early phase‐mixing damping and later recurrence, predicted by Baldwin and Rowlands, was observed. For large wavenumber k⊥, the initial damping rate is the same as that for Landau damping in an unmagnetized plasma; for small k⊥, however, it is much stronger. The recurrence peaks slowly damp in time at a rate proportional to k2⊥D, where D is the measured cross‐field particle diffusion coefficient which is dominated by convective transport. Finally, splitting of the main spectral peaks and the appearance of subpeaks at half‐integral multiples of the cyclotron frequency are observed and may be explained by nonlinear mode coupling.}, doi = {10.1063/1.862354}, file = {Kamimura1978_PFL001151.pdf:Kamimura1978_PFL001151.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA SIMULATION; BERNSTEIN MODE; DISPERSION RELATIONS; MAGNETIC FIELDS; EQUILIBRIUM PLASMA; LANDAU DAMPING; DIFFUSION; CYCLOTRON HARMONICS; CORRELATION FUNCTIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/21/1151/1}, } @Article{Pouquet1978, author = {A. Pouquet and G. S. Patterson}, title = {Numerical simulation of helical magnetohydrodynamic turbulence}, journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics}, year = {1978}, volume = {85}, pages = {305-323}, abstract = {The three-dimensional incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations for rectangular geometry and periodic boundary conditions are solved numerically using the spectral method of Orszag & Patterson (1972). The calculations are restricted to a magnetic Prandtl number of one and to Gaussian random initial conditions with zero mean magnetic and momentum fields. We permit non-mirror-symmetric (helical) flows. In all cases, there is a continuous transfer of energy from the momentum field to the magnetic field. A proposed mechanism for this transfer involves the cascading of energy from the large scales of the momentum field to the small scales, thence a redistribution of energy between the momentum and magnetic fields by Alfvén waves, and, finally, an inverse cascade of energy from the small scales of the magnetic field to the large scales. This inverse cascade is found when magnetic helicity ([left angle bracket]a. b[right angle bracket], where b = curl a is the magnetic induction) is present in the flow.}, file = {Pouquet1978_S0022112078000658a.pdf:Pouquet1978_S0022112078000658a.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.06}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=379758}, } @Article{Pritchett1978, author = {P. L. Pritchett and J. M. Dawson}, title = {Phase mixing in the continuous spectrum of Alfv[e-acute]n waves}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1978}, volume = {21}, number = {3}, pages = {516-518}, abstract = {The predicted damping of Alfvén waves in a nonuniform plasma is observed in a magnetohydrodynamic computer calculation. The results are interpreted in terms of a simple model of independent oscillators.}, doi = {10.1063/1.862253}, file = {Pritchett1978_PFL000516.pdf:Pritchett1978_PFL000516.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {INHOMOGENEOUS PLASMA; PLASMA SIMULATION; PLASMA DENSITY; ALFVEN WAVES; DAMPING; MAGNETIC FIELDS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/21/516/1}, } @Article{Pritchett1978a, author = {P. L. Pritchett and C. C. Wu and J. M. Dawson}, title = {Interchange instabilities in a compressible plasma}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1978}, volume = {21}, number = {9}, pages = {1543-1550}, abstract = {The interchange instability induced by gravity in a compressible plasma is investigated by numerical methods based on the equations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics. Eulerian computer codes have been developed to integrate in time both the linear and nonlinear forms of these equations. In the linear case the results are compared with a generalization of a normal mode analysis performed by Newcomb. Predictions regarding the growth rate and spatial distribution of these modes and their stabilization by sheared magnetic fields are confirmed in the computer runs. In the nonlinear case inclusion of diffusion and damping terms in the numerical code permits the unstable mode to be followed to a final stable state. The numerical results indicate that for a sheared magnetic field there is a displaced equilibrium state involving a strongly distorted plasma distribution.}, doi = {10.1063/1.862401}, file = {Pritchett1978a_PFL001543.pdf:Pritchett1978a_PFL001543.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {NUMERICAL SOLUTION; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; BOUNDARYVALUE PROBLEMS; NORMALMODE ANALYSIS; GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS; FLUTE INSTABILITY; SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/21/1543/1}, } @Article{Waddell1978, author = {Waddell, B. V. and Carreras, B. and Hicks, H. R. and Holmes, J. A. and Lee, D. K.}, title = {Mechanism for Major Disruptions in Tokamaks}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1978}, volume = {41}, pages = {1386--1389}, month = {Nov}, abstract = {We propose a mechanism for the major disruption in tokamaks that involves the nonlinear destabilization of tearing modes by the (m=2)/(n=1) tearing mode, where m and n denote the poloidal and toroidal mode numbers, respectively. The magnetic islands generated can extend across the plasma cross section. For resistivities of the order of magnitude of these in TOSCA and LT-3, the time scale for their appearance is consistent with the time for the major disruption.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.41.1386}, file = {Waddell1978_PhysRevLett.41.1386.pdf:Waddell1978_PhysRevLett.41.1386.pdf:PDF}, issue = {20}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.41.1386}, } @Article{Coppi1979, author = {B Coppi and J Filreis and F Pegoraro}, journal = {Annals of Physics}, title = {Analytical representation and physics of ballooning modes}, year = {1979}, issn = {0003-4916}, number = {1–2}, pages = {1 - 31}, volume = {121}, abstract = {The topological and physical characteristics of the modes that can be excited in magnetically confined plasmas, with two-dimensional equilibrium configurations, are recognized. In particular, a direct three-dimensional representation of the modes that are typical of axisymmetric toroidal configurations is given on the basis of their general symmetry properties and, from this, the critical pressure gradient for their onset in the “ideal \{MHD\} approximation” can be evaluated. These modes are driven by the locally unfavorable magnetic curvature over an interval of a given field line where the mode amplitude is largest, and since the plasma is constrained to move with the magnetic field, they can be excited only when the plasma pressure becomes a finite fraction of the magnetic pressure. Other modes, that are topologically similar but exist for lower values of the plasma pressure relative to the magnetic pressure, are found when dissipative or velocity space effects are taken into account. From the topology point of view, it is pointed out that the so-called “disconnected-mode” description of ballooning modes which have strongly varying amplitude over a given field line, is adequate in most cases of interest. In fact, “disconnected” modes act on successive periodically spaced intervals of a given field line as if these were independent of each other. The disconnecting property is related to the effects of magnetic shear.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0003-4916(79)90089-7}, file = {Coppi1979.pdf:Coppi1979.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0003491679900897}, } @Article{Mahajan1979, author = {Mahajan, Swadesh M. and Hazeltine, R. D. and Strauss, H. R. and Ross, David W.}, title = {Unified theory of tearing modes}, journal = {Physics of Fluids (1958-1988)}, year = {1979}, volume = {22}, number = {11}, pages = {2147-2157}, abstract = {A unified theory of tearing modes in slab geometry is presented. All known results are readily derived from our general dispersion relations. Several new results are derived and discussed, and the inter‐relatonship between various tearing modes is established.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.862508}, file = {Mahajan1979_1.862508.pdf:Mahajan1979_1.862508.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.08}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pof1/22/11/10.1063/1.862508}, } @Article{McCracken1979, author = {G.M. McCracken and P.E. Stott}, title = {Plasma-surface interactions in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1979}, volume = {19}, number = {7}, pages = {889}, abstract = {A summary is given of the present status of research on plasma-surface interactions in tokamaks. Three groups of important interactions are considered: recycling of the principal ion species, usually hydrogen or deuterium; the release and effect of low-Z contaminants; and the release and effect of high-Z contaminants. In each case the basic physical processes are reviewed and the relevant data from particlebeam measurements are summarized. Emphasis is given to discussing the effect of the various surface interactions in present-day tokamak discharges and in future fusion reactors. Surface studies in tokamaks are reviewed and methods of controlling the surface interactions and their effects are considered.}, file = {McCracken1979_plasma surface interactions in tokamaks.PDF:McCracken1979_plasma surface interactions in tokamaks.PDF:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.09}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/19/i=7/a=004}, } @Article{Spies1979, author = {G.O. Spies}, title = {Unstable continuous spectrum and ballooning modes}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1979}, volume = {19}, number = {11}, pages = {1532}, abstract = {For arbitrary closed-line magnetohydrostatic equilibria the continuous spectra are studied which correspond to singularities not in the direction of the pressure gradient. Unlike the familiar Alfvén and cusp continua, these new continua may be unstable. Their stability is governed by the closed-line version of the ballooning-mode criterion, and the corresponding growth rates are the eigenvalues of an ordinary differential operator of fourth order (rather than of second order).}, file = {Spies1979_Unstable continuous spectrum and ballooning modes.pdf:Spies1979_Unstable continuous spectrum and ballooning modes.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/19/i=11/a=014}, } @Article{Tajima1979, author = {Tajima, T. and Dawson, J. M.}, title = {Laser Electron Accelerator}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1979}, volume = {43}, pages = {267--270}, month = {Jul}, abstract = {An intense electromagnetic pulse can create a weak of plasma oscillations through the action of the nonlinear ponderomotive force. Electrons trapped in the wake can be accelerated to high energy. Existing glass lasers of power density 1018W/cm2 shone on plasmas of densities 1018 cm-3 can yield gigaelectronvolts of electron energy per centimeter of acceleration distance. This acceleration mechanism is demonstrated through computer simulation. Applications to accelerators and pulsers are examined.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.43.267}, file = {Tajima1979_PhysRevLett.43.267.pdf:Tajima1979_PhysRevLett.43.267.pdf:PDF}, issue = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.08.28}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.43.267}, } @Article{Berk1980, author = {H. L. Berk and D. Pfirsch}, title = {WKB method for systems of integral equations}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, year = {1980}, volume = {21}, number = {8}, pages = {2054-2066}, abstract = {The WKB theory for vector systems of integral equations is developed herein. A variational technique is used to derive the equations for the WKB amplitudes in x‐space or its dual k‐space. Compact, explicit solutions are obtained in one dimension. When a solution breaks down at a turning point, the dual‐space representation can be used to derive the connection formulas between WKB solutions. These connection formulas are equivalent to the rules of the Furry method. The Furry method is used to show how general golbal‐dispersion relations can be constructed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.524716}, file = {Berk1980_JMathPhys_21_2054.pdf:Berk1980_JMathPhys_21_2054.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {VARIATIONAL METHODS; DISPERSION RELATIONS; INTEGRAL EQUATIONS; ONEDIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS; AMPLITUDES; NORMALMODE ANALYSIS; WKB APPROXIMATION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/21/2054/1}, } @Article{Holmes1980, author = {J.A. Holmes and Y.-K.M. Peng and S.J. Lynch}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {Evolution of flux-conserving tokamak equilibria with preprogrammed cross sections}, year = {1980}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {1}, pages = {35 - 54}, volume = {36}, abstract = {The evolution of \{MHD\} equilibria toward high β is modeled by magnetic flux conservation with a given q(ψ) and by single fluid particle and energy balances which determine p(ψ, t). These one-dimensional flux surface averaged equations, written with magnetic flux ψ as the independent variable, are coupled to the two-dimensional \{MHD\} equilibrium equation through ψ, p(ψ, t), and q(ψ). The location and evolution of the plasma cross section boundary are precisely specified through the use of a fixed boundary equilibrium technique. In moving boundary studies (e.g., plasma compression) the resulting system of equations is advanced in time from an initial state by a procedure which utilizes two nested predictor-corrector loops together with an implicit time-stepping technique. The inner predictor-corrector loop advances the transport equations subject to a given equilibrium configuration while the outer loop evolves the equilibrium. For fixed plasma boundaries this procedure is modified for greater computational speed. These techniques provide satisfactory numerical convergence together with complete consistency between the coupled one-dimensional system of equations and the two-dimensional equilibrium. This method can be applied to the study of equilibrium evolution involving dramatic changes of plasma position, shape, and profiles while prescribing the evolution of the plasma boundary. As such, it can serve as a useful tool in the design of poloidal field systems or as a source of equilibria in high-β \{MHD\} stability studies. As an example, the compressional scaling laws of Furth and Yoshikawa are found to be modified for small aspect ratio.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0021-9991(80)90173-4}, file = {Holmes1980_Evolution of flux-conserving tokamak equilibria with preprogrammed cross sections.pdf:Holmes1980_Evolution of flux-conserving tokamak equilibria with preprogrammed cross sections.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999180901734}, } @Article{Schnack1980, author = {D Schnack and J Killeen}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {Nonlinear, two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic calculations}, year = {1980}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {1}, pages = {110 - 145}, volume = {35}, abstract = {A nonlinear, time-dependent, hydromagnetic model is developed. The model is based on the eight partial differential equations of resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The equations are expressed as a set of conservation laws which are written in general, orthogonal, curvilinear coordinates in two space dimensions. No assumption about the ordering of terms is made. The resulting equations are then solved by the method of finite differences on an Eulerian mesh. We develop spatial finite-difference techniques which guarantee the simultaneous conservation of the desired physical quantities throughout the course of the calculation. Conservative boundary conditions on thermodynamic quantities at a conducting boundary are derived, and special algorithms are developed for advancing the solution at a singular boundary. For the temporal differencing, we use the Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) method. We apply our model to the difficult case of resistive instabilities. We present results relevant to the nonlinear evolution of these modes in three distinct coordinate systems. One of these cases depends on finite plasma pressure, and can be studied only with a general model such as that presented here.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0021-9991(80)90038-8}, file = {Schnack1980_0021-9991%2880%2990038-8.pdf:Schnack1980_0021-9991%2880%2990038-8.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999180900388}, } @Article{Strauss1980, author = {H.R. Strauss and W. Park and D.A. Monticello and R.B. White and S.C. Jardin and M.S. Chance and A.M.M. Todd and A.H. Glasser}, title = {Stability of high-beta tokamaks to ballooning modes}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1980}, volume = {20}, number = {5}, pages = {635}, abstract = {Fixed-boundary ballooning modes are found to possess a second globally stable regime for high-beta flux-conserving equilibria. This confirms a conjecture of several authors based on local analysis of the instability in the vicinity of the magnetic axis. The range of unstable beta values depends on the details of the equilibrium and, in particular, on shear. Very high shear can decrease the width of the unstable region.}, file = {Strauss1980_2370e8b2d45b595924efad37afea9c37.pdf:Strauss1980_2370e8b2d45b595924efad37afea9c37.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/20/i=5/a=014}, } @Article{Andersson1981, author = {Torbjörn Andersson and Jan Johansson and Hans Eklund}, journal = {Mathematics and Computers in Simulation}, title = {Numerical solution of the Hilbert transform for phase calculation from an amplitude spectrum}, year = {1981}, issn = {0378-4754}, number = {3}, pages = {262 - 266}, volume = {23}, abstract = {A method for the numerical solution of the Hilbert transform integral to obtain the phase corresponding to a given amplitude spectrum is presented. The method, which is based on the assumption that the amplitude spectrum at high and low frequencies can be approximated by constant slopes, can be used to calculate the phase over the entire frequency range for both lowpass, bandpass, and highpass characteristics. The numerical solution is carried out on a minicomputer by a Fortran \{IV\} program, and the calculation error can be brought down to the level of the truncation error. The usefulness of the method combined with \{FFT\} has been shown by calculating the step response of an amplifier from its measured amplitude spectrum.}, doi = {10.1016/0378-4754(81)90082-3}, file = {Andersson1981_0378-4754%2881%2990082-3.pdf:Andersson1981_0378-4754%2881%2990082-3.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0378475481900823}, } @Article{Appert1981, author = {K. Appert and B. Balet and R. Gruber and F. Troyon and J. Vaclavik}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {Numerical problems associated with the presence of continuous spectra}, year = {1981}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {3–4}, pages = {329 - 335}, volume = {24}, abstract = {The discretisation of noncompact operators leading to continuous spectra and resonant absorption is discussed from a physical point of view. Relations between discrete “continua” and validity limits in evolution codes are revealed. In particular, it is demonstrated that spectral pollution might be an unpleasant problem in multidimensional evolution codes. Several open questions concerning present-day computational models are put forward.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0010-4655(81)90155-7}, file = {Appert1981_Numerical problems associated with the presence of continuous spectra.pdf:Appert1981_Numerical problems associated with the presence of continuous spectra.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.16}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465581901557}, } @Article{Bernard1981, author = {L.C. Bernard and F.J. Helton and R.W. Moore}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {GATO: An MHD stability code for axisymmetric plasmas with internal separatrices}, year = {1981}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {3–4}, pages = {377 - 380}, volume = {24}, abstract = {The \{GATO\} code computes the growth rate of ideal magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in axisymmetric geometries with internal separatrices such as doublet and expanded spheromak. The basic method, which uses a variational principle and a Galerkin procedure to obtain a matrix eigenvalue problem, is common to the \{ERATO\} and \{PEST\} codes. A new coordinate system has been developed to handle the internal separatrix. Efficient algorithms have been developed to solve the matrix eigenvalue problem for matrices of rank as large as 40 000. Further improvement is expected using graph theoretical techniques to reorder the matrices. Using judicious mesh repartition, the marginal point can be determined with great precision. The code has been extensively used to optimize doublet and general tokamak plasmas.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0010-4655(81)90160-0}, file = {Bernard1981_GATO An MHD stability code for axisymmetric plasmas with internal separatrices.pdf:Bernard1981_GATO An MHD stability code for axisymmetric plasmas with internal separatrices.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465581901600}, } @Article{Carreras1981, author = {B. Carreras and H. R. Hicks and D. K. Lee}, title = {Effects of toroidal coupling on the stability of tearing modes}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1981}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, pages = {66-77}, abstract = {The time evolution of tearing modes in toroidal geometry is studied in the low‐β and large aspect ratio limit. An initial value three‐dimensional computer code which numerically advances the reduced set of resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations is employed. Toroidicity has, in general, a destabilizing effect on tearing modes in this limit. A generalization of Δ′ formalism can be used to study the linear regime. The results obtained in this way are in very good agreement with the results from the initial value code. The nonlinear phase of the evolution is also followed numerically. In the case of strong interaction of different helicities, a larger region of stochastic magnetic field lines results than in the cylindrical geometry case.}, doi = {10.1063/1.863247}, file = {Carreras1981_PFL000066.pdf:Carreras1981_PFL000066.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; COMPUTER CODES; THREEDIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS; TEARING INSTABILITY; COUPLING; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/24/66/1}, } @Article{Gruber1981, author = {R. Gruber and F. Troyon and D. Berger and L.C. Bernard and S. Rousset and R. Schreiber and W. Kerner and W. Schneider and K.V. Roberts}, title = {Erato stability code}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {1981}, volume = {21}, number = {3}, pages = {323 - 371}, issn = {0010-4655}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0010-4655(81)90013-8}, file = {Gruber1981_Erato stability code.pdf:Gruber1981_Erato stability code.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.28}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465581900138}, } @Article{Hastie1981, author = {R.J. Hastie and J.B. Taylor}, title = {Validity of ballooning representation and mode number dependence of stability}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1981}, volume = {21}, number = {2}, pages = {187}, abstract = {It is pointed out that the range of mode numbers n for which high-n, ballooning-mode theory is valid is more restricted when the shear is weak. A new theory valid for weak shear and intermediate mode number is outlined. Combined with the standard theory, this analysis shows that the growth rate of high-n instabilities is linear in 1/n at large n but in equilibria with weak shear there may be intermediate values of n for which the growth rate is an oscillatory function of 1/n, with amplitude and period proportional to 1/n 2 .}, file = {Hastie1981_Validity of ballooning representation and mode number dependence of stability.pdf:Hastie1981_Validity of ballooning representation and mode number dependence of stability.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/21/i=2/a=006}, } @Article{Linsay1981, author = {Linsay, Paul S.}, title = {Period Doubling and Chaotic Behavior in a Driven Anharmonic Oscillator}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1981}, volume = {47}, pages = {1349--1352}, month = {Nov}, abstract = {A driven anharmonic oscillator is described which exhibits period doubling and chaotic behavior. The measured behavior of the oscillator under successive period doublings is in quantitative agreement with a recent theory which describes the behavior of nonlinear systems. Both the scaling and the convergence rate predicted by the theory are verified by the experiment. The oscillator also exhibits period tripling and quintupling.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.47.1349}, file = {Linsay1981_PhysRevLett.47.1349.pdf:Linsay1981_PhysRevLett.47.1349.pdf:PDF}, issue = {19}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.09.24}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.47.1349}, } @Article{Lynch1981, author = {V.E. Lynch and B.A. Carreras and H.R. Hicks and J.A. Holmes and L. Garcia}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {Resistive MHD studies of high β tokamak plasmas}, year = {1981}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {3–4}, pages = {465 - 476}, volume = {24}, abstract = {Numerical calculations have been performed to study the \{MHD\} activity in high-β tokamaks such as ISX-B. These initial value calculations build on earlier low β techniques, but the β effects create several new numerical issues. These issues are discussed and resolved. In addition to time-stepping modules, our system of computer codes includes equilibrium solvers (used to provide an initial condition) and output modules, such as a magnetic field line follower and an X-ray diagnostic code. The transition from current driven modes at low β to predominantly pressure driven modes at high β is described. The nonlinear studies yield X-ray emissivity plots which are compared with experiment.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0010-4655(81)90170-3}, file = {Lynch1981_Resistive MHD studies of high β tokamak plasmas.pdf:Lynch1981_Resistive MHD studies of high β tokamak plasmas.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465581901703}, } @Article{Manickam1981, author = {J. Manickam and R.C. Grimm and R.L. Dewar}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {The linear stability analysis of \{MHD\} models in axisymmetric toroidal geometry}, year = {1981}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {3–4}, pages = {355 - 361}, volume = {24}, abstract = {A computational model to analyze the linear stability properties of general toroidal systems in the ideal magnetohydrodynamic limit is presented. This model includes an explicit treatment of the asymptotic singular behavior at rational surfaces. It is verified through application to internal kink modes.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0010-4655(81)90158-2}, file = {Manickam1981_The linear stability analysis of MHD models in axisymmetric toroidal geometry.pdf:Manickam1981_The linear stability analysis of MHD models in axisymmetric toroidal geometry.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465581901582}, } @Article{Schmalz1981, author = {R. Schmalz}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, title = {Reduced, three-dimensional, nonlinear equations for high-β plasmas including toroidal effects}, year = {1981}, issn = {0375-9601}, number = {1}, pages = {14 - 17}, volume = {82}, abstract = {The resistive \{MHD\} equations for toroidal plasma configurations are reduced by expanding to second order in ϵ, the inverse aspect ratio, allowing for high β = μ0pB2 of order ϵ. The result is a closed system of nonlinear, three-dimensional equations where the fast magnetohydrodynamic time scale is eliminated. In particular, the equation for the toroidal velocity remains decoupled.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0375-9601(81)90388-1}, file = {Schmalz1981_780e123e14b9a7588d179b286a0b0b53.pdf:Schmalz1981_780e123e14b9a7588d179b286a0b0b53.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0375960181903881}, } @Article{Tang1981, author = {W.M. Tang and J.W. Connor and R.B. White}, title = {Finite-gyroradius stabilization of ballooning modes in a toroidal geometry}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1981}, volume = {21}, number = {7}, pages = {891}, abstract = {The stabilizing influence of finite-ion-gyroradius effects on magnetohydrodynamic ballooning modes for a simple model toroidal equilibrium is demonstrated}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.13}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/21/i=7/a=011}, } @Article{Berk1982, author = {H. L. Berk and William McCay Nevins and K. V. Roberts}, title = {New Stokes' line in WKB theory}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, year = {1982}, volume = {23}, number = {6}, pages = {988-1002}, abstract = {The WKB theory for differential equations of arbitrary order or integral equations in one dimension is investigated. The rules previously stated for the construction of Stokes’ lines for Nth‐order differential equations, N⩾3, or integral equations are found to be incomplete because these rules lead to asymptotic forms of the solutions that depend on path. This paradox is resolved by the demonstration that new Stokes’ lines can arise when previously defined Stokes’ lines cross. A new formulation of the WKB problem is given to justify the new Stokes’ lines. With the new Stokes’ lines, the asymptotic forms can be shown to be independent of path. In addition, the WKB eigenvalue problem is formulated, and the global dispersion relation is shown to be a functional of loop integrals of the action.}, doi = {10.1063/1.525467}, file = {Berk1982_JMathPhys_23_988.pdf:Berk1982_JMathPhys_23_988.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS; INTEGRAL EQUATIONS; ONEDIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS; WKB APPROXIMATION; ASYMPTOTIC SOLUTIONS; EIGENVALUES; DISPERSION RELATIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/23/988/1}, } @Article{Craven1982, author = {Craven, Thomas and Csordas, George}, title = {On the number of real roots of polynomials}, journal = {Pacific J. Math}, year = {1982}, volume = {102}, pages = {15--28}, file = {Craven1982_pjm-v102-n1-p03-s.pdf:Craven1982_pjm-v102-n1-p03-s.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.25}, url = {http://projecteuclid.org/DPubS?verb=Display&version=1.0&service=UI&handle=euclid.pjm/1102724616&page=record}, } @Article{Itoh1982, author = {K. Itoh and Sanae Inoue-Itoh and S. Tokuda and T. Tuda}, title = {Kinetic theory of electromagnetic high-n ballooning instabilities}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1982}, volume = {22}, number = {8}, pages = {1031}, abstract = {The kinetic theory of high-n electromagnetic low-frequency modes in a finite-β toroidal plasma is investigated in the collisionless limit. The high-n electromagnetic ballooning mode is identified and compared with the MHD ballooning mode. This mode is found to be always unstable, with the growth rate of the order of the drift frequency ω * . As the β-value increases and approaches the critical β predicted by the MHD theory, the growth rate becomes large and a real-frequency downshift appears. The toroidal shift of the magnetic surface and the magnetic well have a stabilizing effect, but the mode is unstable, because of the wave-particle interactions taking place even in the 'second stability region' of the MHD theory. The growth rate normalized to ω * has a peak in the MHD-unstable parameter region, but the peak is low. In the zero-β limit, this mode turns out to be the electrostatic ballooning mode. The drift branch and the drift-Alfvén branch are also identified in a toroidal plasma but remain stable, because of magnetic shear.}, file = {Itoh1982_Kinetic theory of electromagnetic high-n ballooning instabilities.pdf:Itoh1982_Kinetic theory of electromagnetic high-n ballooning instabilities.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/22/i=8/a=003}, } @InCollection{Killeen1982, author = {Killeen, John}, title = {Computational problems in magnetic fusion research}, booktitle = {System Modeling and Optimization}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, year = {1982}, editor = {Drenick, R.F. and Kozin, F.}, volume = {38}, series = {Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences}, pages = {1-19}, isbn = {978-3-540-11691-2}, abstract = {Numerical calculations have had an important role in fusion research since its beginning, but the application of computers to plasma physics has advanced rapidly in the last few years. One reason for this is the increasing sophistication of the mathematical models of plasma behavior, and another is the increased speed and memory of the computers which made it reasonable to consider numerical simulation of fusion devices. The behavior of a plasma is simulated by a variety of numerical models. Some models used for short times give detailed knowledge of the plasma on a microscopic scale, while other models used for much longer times compute macroscopic properties of the plasma dynamics. The computer models used in fusion research are surveyed. One of the most active areas of research is in time-dependent, three-dimensional, resistive magnetohydrodynamic models. These codes are reviewed briefly.}, doi = {10.1007/BFb0006120}, file = {Killeen1982_10.1007-BFb0006120.pdf:Killeen1982_10.1007-BFb0006120.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BFb0006120}, } @Article{Mikhailovskii1982, author = {A B Mikhailovskii and E I Yurchenko}, title = {Analytical theory of the ideal shear-driven ballooning mode in Tokamak}, journal = {Plasma Physics}, year = {1982}, volume = {24}, number = {8}, pages = {977}, abstract = {The authors have performed the analytical study of the ideal shear-driven ballooning mode. They have found a necessary stability criterion for this mode in a Tokamak with a circular shell, which describes the second stability region. To do this they have developed an approach by means of which it is possible to calculate the stability of high-pressure plasmas ( beta j >1) and have explained the physical nature of both destabilizing and stabilizing effects.}, file = {Mikhailovskii1982_0032-1028_24_8_009.pdf:Mikhailovskii1982_0032-1028_24_8_009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0032-1028/24/i=8/a=009}, } @Article{Testa1982, author = {Testa, James and P\'erez, Jos\'e and Jeffries, Carson}, title = {Evidence for Universal Chaotic Behavior of a Driven Nonlinear Oscillator}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1982}, volume = {48}, pages = {714--717}, month = {Mar}, abstract = {A bifurcation diagram for a driven nonlinear semiconductor oscillator is measured directly, showing successive subharmonic bifurcations to f/32, onset of chaos, noise band merging, and extensive noise-free windows. The overall diagram closely resembles that computed for the logistic model. Measured values of universal numbers are reported, including effects of added noise.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.48.714}, file = {Testa1982_PhysRevLett.48.714.pdf:Testa1982_PhysRevLett.48.714.pdf:PDF}, issue = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.09.24}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.48.714}, } @TechReport{Tokuda1982, author = {S. Tokuda and K. Itoh and T. Tuda and S. I. Itoh}, title = {Matrix method for kinetic ballooning mode}, institution = {Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokyo.}, year = {1982}, note = {http://www.iaea.org/inis/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/14/797/14797434.pdf}, abstract = {A matrix method is developed to solve numerically the kinetic high-n ballooning mode. This method approximates directly the difference-differential equation by a finite difference method. Toroidal mode coupling effects and full electron and ion responses ...}, file = {Tokuda1982_Matrix method for kinetic ballooning mode.pdf:Tokuda1982_Matrix method for kinetic ballooning mode.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://www.ntis.gov/search/product.aspx?ABBR=DE84700290}, } @Article{Edwin1983, author = {Edwin, P.M. and Roberts, B.}, title = {Wave propagation in a magnetic cylinder}, journal = {Solar Physics}, year = {1983}, volume = {88}, number = {1-2}, pages = {179-191}, issn = {0038-0938}, abstract = {The nature of oscillations in a magnetic cylinder embedded in a magnetic environment is investigated. It is shown that the standard slender flux tube analysis of a kink mode in a cylinder excludes the possibility of a second mode, which arises under photospheric conditions. Under coronal conditions, two widely separated classes of oscillation can be freely sustained, one on an acoustic time-scale and the other on an Alfvénic time-scale. The acoustic-type oscillations are always present, but the much shorter period, Alfvénic-type, oscillations arise only in high density (strictly, low Alfvén velocity) loops. An application to waves in fibrils is also given, and suggests (following Wentzel, 1979) that they are fast kink waves propagating in a density enhancement.}, doi = {10.1007/BF00196186}, file = {Edwin1983_10.1007-BF00196186.pdf:Edwin1983_10.1007-BF00196186.pdf:PDF}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, timestamp = {2013.09.23}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00196186}, } @Article{Hazeltine1983, author = {R. D. Hazeltine}, title = {Reduced magnetohydrodynamics and the Hasegawa--Mima equation}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, number = {11}, pages = {3242-3245}, abstract = {Reduced magnetohydrodynamics consists of a set of simplified fluid equations which has become a principal tool in the interpretation of plasma fluid motions in tokamak experiments. The Hasegawa–Mima equation is applied to the study of electrostatic fluctuations in turbulent plasmas. The relations between these two nonlinear models is elucidated. It is shown that both models can be obtained from appropriate limits of a third, inclusive, nonlinear system. The inclusive system is remarkably simple.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864098}, file = {Hazeltine1983_PFL003242.pdf:Hazeltine1983_PFL003242.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {magnetohydrodynamics; tokamak devices; plasma drift; turbulence; fluctuations; nonlinear problems; plasma}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/26/3242/1}, } @Article{Holmes1983, author = {J. A. Holmes and B. A. Carreras and T. C. Hender and H. R. Hicks and V. E. Lynch and B. F. Masden}, title = {A comparison of the full and reduced sets of magnetohydrodynamic equations for resistive tearing modes in cylindrical geometry}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, number = {9}, pages = {2569-2577}, abstract = {The results of numerical calculations using a full set of resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations are compared with the results of similar calculations using a reduced set of equations derived for tokamaks in the limits of low beta and large aspect ratio ( β∼ϵ2≪1). The calculations, which are carried out in three‐dimensional cylindrical geometry using initial value techniques, allow the comparison of linear stability properties as well as detailed nonlinear studies. The results of these calculations (including linear growth rates and eigenfunctions, the nonlinear evolution of single‐helicity magnetic islands, and the nonlinear evolution of multihelicity cases) confirm the validity of the reduced set of equations at low beta in cylindrical geometry.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864448}, file = {Holmes1983_PFL002569.pdf:Holmes1983_PFL002569.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {numerical solution; magnetohydrodynamics; correlations; theoretical data; tokamak devices; lowbeta plasma; aspect ratio; threedimensional calculations; cylindrical configuration; nonlinear problems; stability; instability growth rates; eigenfunctions; helicity; tearing instability}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/26/2569/1}, } @Article{Izzo1983, author = {R. Izzo and D. A. Monticello and H. R. Strauss and W. Park and J. Manickam and R. Grimm and J. DeLucia}, title = {Reduced equations for internal kinks in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, number = {10}, pages = {3066-3069}, abstract = {A reduced set of ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations is derived for large‐aspect‐ratio, low‐β tokamaks that adequately describes the linear and nonlinear evolution of ideal internal kink modes in tokamaks.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864030}, file = {Izzo1983_PFL003066.pdf:Izzo1983_PFL003066.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {tokamak devices; lowbeta plasma; aspect ratio; magnetohydrodynamics; equations; nonlinear problems; kink instability; plasma macroinstabilities; numerical solution}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/26/3066/1}, } @Article{Mahajan1983a, author = {Mahajan, S. M.}, title = {Integral equation formulation of electromagnetic mode equations}, journal = {Physics of Fluids (1958-1988)}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, number = {1}, pages = {139-140}, abstract = {The coupled set of differential equations describing the electromagnetic perturbations in tokamak plasmas is reduced to a single simple integral equation with a symmetric kernel. Obvious analytical and computational advantages are discussed.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.863991}, file = {Mahajan1983a_1.863991.pdf:Mahajan1983a_1.863991.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.13}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pof1/26/1/10.1063/1.863991}, } @Article{Mahajan1983, author = {S. M. Mahajan and David W. Ross and Gwo-Liang Chen}, title = {Discrete Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode spectrum in magnetohydrodynamics}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1983}, volume = {26}, number = {8}, pages = {2195-2199}, abstract = {The conditions for the existence of global Alfvén eigenmodes below the continuum are investigated, and an analytical dispersion relation describing the modes is obtained. In cylindrical geometry, the curvature together with gradients of the equilibrium current (magnetic shear), and finite ω/ωci effects are responsible for these modes which could play an important part in Alfvén wave heating of tokamak plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864404}, file = {Mahajan1983_PFL002195.pdf:Mahajan1983_PFL002195.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {alfven waves; eigenvalues; dispersion relations; analytical solution; cylindrical configuration; shear; tokamak devices; plasma heating; plasma; magnetohydrodynamics}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/26/2195/1}, } @Article{Schmalz1983, author = {R.F. Schmalz}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {High-β and toroidal effects on the internal kink mode in tokamaks}, year = {1983}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {2}, pages = {139 - 150}, volume = {30}, abstract = {The inclusion of high-β and first-order toroidal terms in the reduced set of (resistive) \{MHD\} equations affords the possibility of improving the study of tokamak plasma behavior by three-dimensional numerical simulation. A new code, GALA, based on the reduced equations is developed. It is used to analyse the linear and nonlinear behavior of the internal kink mode in equilibria which are generated by a simple relaxation procedure. We find that the inclusion of toroidal effects in high-β equilibria provides considerable stabilization.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0010-4655(83)90056-5}, file = {Schmalz1983_0010-4655%2883%2990056-5.pdf:Schmalz1983_0010-4655%2883%2990056-5.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0010465583900565}, } @Article{Strauss1983, author = {H.R. Strauss}, title = {Finite-aspect-ratio MHD equations for tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1983}, volume = {23}, number = {5}, pages = {649}, abstract = {A consistently ordered set of reduced MHD equations is derived for finite-aspect-ratio tokamaks. The equations correctly reproduce Mercier's low-beta interchange stability criterion. A numerical application to tokamak ballooning stability is given. Finite-aspect-ratio effects tend to be stabilizing at low beta and destabilizing at high beta.}, file = {Strauss1983_7f96d574e6df01c987be4fae4eebac87.pdf:Strauss1983_7f96d574e6df01c987be4fae4eebac87.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/23/i=5/a=006}, } @Article{Aydemir1984, author = {A.Y Aydemir and D.C Barnes}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {Three-dimensional nonlinear incompressible \{MHD\} calculations}, year = {1984}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {1}, pages = {100 - 123}, volume = {53}, abstract = {An algorithm is developed for 3D nonlinear, resistive, incompressible magnetohydrodynamic calculations in a clindrical geometry. The nonreduced primitive \{MHD\} equations are used. The state variables are expanded in Fourier series in the poloidal and axial coordinates, while a finite difference scheme is used in the radial direction. Applications to m = 1 tearing mode calculations in tokamaks and the self reversal of a reversed field pinch are presented.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0021-9991(84)90055-X}, file = {Aydemir1984_0021-9991%2884%2990055-X.pdf:Aydemir1984_0021-9991%2884%2990055-X.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002199918490055X}, } @Article{Connor1984, author = {J.W. Connor and W.M. Tang and L. Allen}, title = {Finite-Larmor-radius modification of the Mercier criterion}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1984}, volume = {24}, number = {8}, pages = {1023}, abstract = {The finite-Larmor-radius modification of the Suydam criterion involves a competition between stabilizing finite-Larmor-radius effects and destabilizing curvature. In the case of the toroidal calculation, corresponding to the Mercier criterion, ballooning effects from regions of unfavourable curvature must be taken into account. In the case of a model equilibrium, valid near the magnetic axis, a complete solution is obtained. Results indicate that the amount of finite-Larmor-radius stabilization needed to overcome the effects of unfavourable average curvature increases as a function of the toroidal ballooning parameter.}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.11}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/24/i=8/a=007}, } @Article{Drake1984, author = {J. F. Drake and Thomas M. Antonsen, Jr.}, title = {Nonlinear reduced fluid equations for toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1984}, volume = {27}, number = {4}, pages = {898-908}, abstract = {Nonlinear reduced fluid equations are derived for studying resistive instabilities in large‐aspect‐ ratio, low‐beta toroidal plasmas. An ordering is developed in which plasma compressibility as well as the poloidal curvature are retained. The nonlinear equations can be linearized and used to reproduce the Mercier criterion in the large‐aspect‐ratio, low‐beta limit. A second set of reduced equations is derived from the Braginskii fluid equations. These equations, which are very similar to the reduced magnetohydrodynamic equations, contain diamagnetic effects as well as parallel transport associated with magnetic fluctuations. Both sets of equations conserve energy exactly.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864680}, file = {Drake1984_PFL000898.pdf:Drake1984_PFL000898.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {nonlinear problems; equations; aspect ratio; lowbeta plasma; toroidal configuration; plasma instability; compressibility; tearing instability; ballooning instability}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/27/898/1}, } @Article{Elsaesser1984, author = {Klaus Elsässer}, title = {Resistive MHD-equations for Tokamaks with arbitrary β and cross section}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, year = {1984}, volume = {104}, number = {9}, pages = {465 - 468}, issn = {0375-9601}, abstract = {The complete set of hydromagnetic equations for the vector potential A and the momentum density a ≡ ϱν is transformed into a form appropriate for toroidal geometry. The toroidal components are represented by the usual poloidal flux functions Ψ and ψ, respectively, for which the equations of motion are derived. The poloidal components A⊥ and a⊥ are given by four potentials Φ, U, and φ, u for which we obtain Poisson equations in the poloidal plane. The corresponding source terms define the remaining variables, namely, Λ = ∇ · A, Ω = (∇ × A)ζ/R, λ = ∇ · a, and ω = (∇ × a) ζ/R, for which equations of motion are also derived. Finally, we find that in the limit of small toroidicity the scaling laws previously used are not applicable for toroidal geometry, and that the effort to obtain numerical solutions is not dramatically higher than without using any scaling law.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0375-9601(84)90023-9}, file = {Elsaesser1984_0375-9601%2884%2990023-9.pdf:Elsaesser1984_0375-9601%2884%2990023-9.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0375960184900239}, } @Article{Elsaesser1984a, author = {Klaus Elsässer}, journal = {Physics Reports}, title = {Toroidal hydromagnetics}, year = {1984}, issn = {0370-1573}, number = {6}, pages = {377 - 401}, volume = {112}, abstract = {The complete set of hydromagnetic equations is transformed into Poisson equations and equations of motion for flux densities and their associated variables. The toroidal components of the vector potential A and of the momentum density a≠πv are represented by the po loidal flux densities Ψ and Ψ, respectively, for which the equations of motion are derived. The poloidal components A⊥ and a⊥ are represen ed by the potentials atΦ, U and φ, u, for which we obtain Poisson equations in the poloidal plane. Thus one has to solve two Dirichlet and two von Neumann problems at every time step. The source terms of the four Poisson equations define the remaining four variables, namely, Λ = ▽ · A,Ω=(▽×A)ζ/R, λ=⊤·a, and ω=(▿×a)ζ/R, for which equations of motion are also derived. In the limit of small toroidicity ϵ we look fo r a selfconsistent scaling of the equations with v⊥∼ε. But the curl of v⊥×B in Faraday's law creates a toroidal plasma component of B which is one order of magnitude larger than in the case of a low β equilibrium; therefore, the motion becomes fully three-dimensional. Finally, an artificial pressure law is needed to balance the lowest order of the Lorentz force. The conclusion is then that the scaling laws previously used are not applicable for toroidal geometry, and that the effort to obtain numerical solutions is not dramatically higher than without using any scaling law.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0370-1573(84)90181-9}, file = {Elsaesser1984a_0370-1573%2884%2990181-9.pdf:Elsaesser1984a_0370-1573%2884%2990181-9.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0370157384901819}, } @Article{Morrison1984, author = {P. J. Morrison and R. D. Hazeltine}, title = {Hamiltonian formulation of reduced magnetohydrodynamics}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1984}, volume = {27}, number = {4}, pages = {886-897}, abstract = {Reduced magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) is a principal tool for understanding nonlinear processes, including disruptions, in tokamak plasmas. Although analytical studies of RMHD turbulence are useful, the model’s impressive ability to simulate tokamak fluid behavior has been revealed primarily by numerical solution. A new analytical approach, not restricted to turbulent regimes, based on Hamiltonian field theory is described. It is shown that the nonlinear (ideal) RMHD system, in both its high‐beta and low‐beta versions, can be expressed in Hamiltonian form. Thus a Poisson bracket, {  ,  }, is constructed such that each RMHD field quantity ξi evolves according to ξi ={ξi,H}, where H is the total field energy. The new formulation makes RMHD accessible to the methodology of Hamiltonian mechanics; it has lead, in particular, to the recognition of new RMHD invariants and even exact, nonlinear RMHD solutions. A canonical version of the Poisson bracket, which requires the introduction of additional fields, leads to a nonlinear variational principle for time‐dependent RMHD.}, doi = {10.1063/1.864718}, file = {Morrison1984_PFL000886.pdf:Morrison1984_PFL000886.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {magnetohydrodynamics; hamiltonians; nonlinear problems; plasma; tokamak devices; numerical solution; beta ratio; poisson equation; analytical solution}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/27/886/1}, } @Article{Schnack1984, author = {D.D Schnack and D.C Baxter and E.J Caramana}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {A pseudospectral algorithm for three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation}, year = {1984}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {3}, pages = {485 - 514}, volume = {55}, abstract = {An algorithm for the solution of the three-dimensional resistive magnetohydrodynamic equations in toroidal geometry is presented. The algorithm employs the pseudospectral method for approximation in the two periodic coordinates, and finite differences in the radial direction. Efficient Fast Fourier Transforms are used to communicate between configuration and Fourier space. Leapfrog time advancement is used for advective terms. Diffusion terms are treated implicitly to avoid severe time step restrictions. Sample cases are presented, and a comparison of the method with standard finite difference techniques is presented and discussed.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0021-9991(84)90034-2}, file = {Schnack1984_0021-9991%2884%2990034-2.pdf:Schnack1984_0021-9991%2884%2990034-2.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0021999184900342}, } @Article{Hazeltine1985, author = {R. D. Hazeltine and M. Kotschenreuther and P. J. Morrison}, title = {A four-field model for tokamak plasma dynamics}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1985}, volume = {28}, number = {8}, pages = {2466-2477}, abstract = {A generalization of reduced magnetohydrodynamics is constructed from moments of the Fokker–Planck equation. The new model uses familiar aspect‐ratio approximations but allows for (i) evolution as slow as the diamagnetic drift frequency, thereby including certain finite Larmor radius effects, (ii) pressure gradient terms in a generalized Ohm’s law, thus making accessible the adiabatic electron limit, and (iii) plasma compressibility, including the divergence of both parallel and perpendicular flows. The system is isothermal and surprisingly simple, involving only one additional field variable, i.e., four independent fields replace the three fields of reduced magnetohydrodynamics. It possesses a conserved energy. The model’s equilibrium limit is shown to reproduce not only the large‐aspect‐ratio Grad–Shafranov equation, but also such finite Larmor radius effects as the equilibrium ion parallel flow. Its linearized version reproduces, among other things, crucial physics of the long mean‐free‐path electron response. Nonlinearly, the four‐field model is shown to describe diffusion in stochastic magnetic fields with good qualitative accuracy.}, doi = {10.1063/1.865255}, file = {Hazeltine1985_PFL002466.pdf:Hazeltine1985_PFL002466.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {LARMOR RADIUS; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; FOKKERPLANCK EQUATION; ASPECT RATIO; ELECTRON DRIFT; DIAMAGNETISM; PRESSURE GRADIENTS; OHM LAW; COMPRESSIBILITY; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; PLASMA SIMULATION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/28/2466/1}, } @Article{Izzo1985, author = {R. Izzo and D. A. Monticello and J. DeLucia and W. Park and C. M. Ryu}, title = {Reduced equations for finite beta tearing modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Fluids}, year = {1985}, volume = {28}, number = {3}, pages = {903-911}, abstract = {The equations of resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) are recast in a form that is useful for studying the evolution of those toroidal systems where the fast magnetosonic wave plays no important role. The equations are exact and have ∇ ⋅ B=0 satisfied explicitly. From this set of equations it is a simple matter to derive the equations of reduced MHD to any order in the inverse aspect ratio ϵ of the torus and for β∼ϵ or smaller. This is demonstrated by deriving a reduced set of MHD equations that are correct to fifth order in ϵ. These equations contain the exact equilibrium relation and, as such, can be used to find three‐dimensional stellarator equilibria. In addition, if a subsidiary ordering in η, the resistivity, is made, the equations of Glasser, Greene, and Johnson [Phys. Fluids 8, 875 (1967); 19, 567 (1967)] are recovered. This set of reduced equations has been coded by extending the initial value code hilo [Phys. Fluids 26, 3066 (1983)]. Results obtained for both ideal and resistive linear stability from the reduced equations are compared with those obtained by solving the full set of MHD equations in a cylinder. Good agreement is shown for both zero and finite‐beta calculations. Comparisons are also made with analytic theory illuminating the present limitations of the latter.}, doi = {10.1063/1.865061}, file = {Izzo1985_PFL000903.pdf:Izzo1985_PFL000903.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {LOWBETA PLASMA; TEARING INSTABILITY; TOKAMAK DEVICES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; ASPECT RATIO; EQUATIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFL/28/903/1}, } @Article{Luckhardt1985, author = {Luckhardt, S. C.}, title = {Theory of the anomalous doppler instability during lower‐hybrid current drive}, journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, year = {1985}, volume = {129}, number = {1}, pages = {158-161}, abstract = {An instability condition is derived for electrostatic waves obeying the dispersion relation ω=ωp ek∥/k using a two dimensional electron distribution function, f(v∥,v⊥), appropriate for lower‐hybrid current drive. It is found that when the raised plateau in f in the velocity range v11 on axis are more unstable than monotonic q profiles with q<1. In the latter case, the mode tends to be localized in the q≊1 region instead of in the center.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859805}, file = {Blank1991_PFB001136.pdf:Blank1991_PFB001136.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {KINK INSTABILITY; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; ENERGY; FUNCTIONALS; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; ASPECT RATIO; PLASMA DISRUPTION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; LOWBETA PLASMA; EQUILIBRIUM; DISPERSION RELATIONS; BOUNDARY LAYERS; TOTAL ENERGY SYSTEMS; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; THEORETICAL DATA; PLASMA DRIFT}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/1136/1}, } @InCollection{Brackbill1991, author = {Brackbill, JeremiahU.}, title = {Numerical Models for High Beta Magnetohydrodynamic Flow}, booktitle = {Computer Applications in Plasma Science and Engineering}, publisher = {Springer New York}, year = {1991}, editor = {Drobot, AdamT.}, pages = {422-457}, isbn = {978-0-387-97455-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4612-3092-2_16}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4612-3092-2_16}, } @Article{Connor1991, author = {J. W. Connor and R. J. Hastie and J. B. Taylor}, title = {Resonant magnetohydrodynamic modes with toroidal coupling. Part I: Tearing modes}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {3}, number = {7}, pages = {1532-1538}, abstract = {In a cylindrical plasma, tearing modes can be calculated by asymptotic matching of ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) solutions across a critical layer. This requires a quantity Δ′ that represents the ‘‘discontinuity’’ in the ideal solution across the layer. In a torus, poloidal harmonics are coupled and there are many critical surfaces for each toroidal mode number, and correspondingly many discontinuities Δ′m. The ideal MHD solutions do not then determine the Δm but only a relation between them—described by an ‘‘E matrix.’’ The calculation of the E matrix for a large‐aspect‐ratio tokamak is discussed. In a weak‐coupling approximation, it is tridiagonal and can be computed from integrals over the uncoupled eigenfunctions or from simple ‘‘basis functions’’ comprising triplets of coupled poloidal harmonics. This weak‐coupling approximation fails if Δ′m is already small for an uncoupled harmonic. An alternative strong‐coupling approximation is developed for this case.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859724}, file = {Connor1991_PFB001532.pdf:Connor1991_PFB001532.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA; CYLINDRICAL CONFIGURATION; TEARING INSTABILITY; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; ASYMPTOTIC SOLUTIONS; RESONANCE; TORI; HARMONICS; COUPLING; MATRICES; ASPECT RATIO; TOKAMAK DEVICES; EIGENFUNCTIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/1532/1}, } @Article{Connor1991a, author = {J. W. Connor and R. J. Hastie and J. B. Taylor}, title = {Resonant magnetohydrodynamic modes with toroidal coupling. Part II: Ballooning-twisting modes}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {3}, number = {7}, pages = {1539-1545}, abstract = {This is Part II of a study of resonant perturbations, such as resistive tearing and ballooning modes, in a torus. These are described by marginal ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations in the regions between resonant surfaces; matching across these surfaces provides the dispersion relation. Part I [Phys. Fluids B 3, 1532 (1991)] described how all the necessary information from the ideal MHD calculations could be represented by a so‐called E matrix. The calculation of this E matrix for tearing modes (even parity in perturbed magnetic field) in a large‐aspect‐ratio torus was also described. There the toroidal modes comprise coupled cylinder tearing modes and the E matrix is a generalization of the familiar Δ′ quantity in a cylinder. In the present paper, resistive ballooning, or twisting modes, which have odd parity in perturbed magnetic field, are discussed. Unlike the tearing modes, these odd‐parity modes are intrinsically toroidal and are not directly related to the odd‐parity modes in a cylinder. This is evident from the analysis of the high‐n limit in ballooning space, where the twisting mode exhibits a singular transition at large aspect ratio when the interchange effect is small (as in a tokamak). Analysis of the high‐n limit in coordinate space, rather than ballooning space, clarifies this singular behavior. It also yields a prescription for treating low‐n twisting modes and a method for calculating an E matrix for resistive ballooning modes in a large‐aspect‐ratio tokamak in the limit the interchange term vanishes. The elements of this matrix are given in terms of cylindrical tearing mode solutions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859993}, file = {Connor1991a_PFB001539.pdf:Connor1991a_PFB001539.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TEARING INSTABILITY; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; TORI; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; RESONANCE; MATRICES; ASPECT RATIO; PARITY; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; PLASMA; HARMONICS; COUPLING}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/1539/1}, } @Article{Cowley1991a, author = {S. C. Cowley}, title = {Stability of high-beta large-aspect-ratio tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {3}, number = {12}, pages = {3357-3362}, abstract = {High‐beta (β≫ϵ/q2) large‐aspect‐ratio (ϵ≪1) tokamak equilibria are shown to be always stable to ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) modes that are localized about a flux surface. Both the ballooning and interchange modes are shown to be stable. This work uses the analytic high‐beta large‐aspect‐ratio tokamak equilibria developed by Cowley et al. [Phys. Fluids B 3, 2069 (1991)], which are valid for arbitrary pressure and safety factor profiles. The stability results make no assumption about these profiles nor the shape of the boundary.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859767}, file = {Cowley1991a_PFB003357.pdf:Cowley1991a_PFB003357.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; ASPECT RATIO; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; PLASMA WAVES; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; KINK INSTABILITY; STABILITY; PLASMA DRIFT; FUSION YIELD; PLASMA FLOW}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/3357/1}, } @Article{Cowley1991, author = {S. C. Cowley and P. K. Kaw and R. S. Kelly and R. M. Kulsrud}, title = {An analytic solution of high-beta equilibrium in a large aspect ratio tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {3}, number = {8}, pages = {2066-2077}, abstract = {An analytic solution of the high‐beta (ϵβp∼βq2/ϵ≫1) equilibrium of a large aspect ratio tokamak is presented. Two arbitrary flux functions, the pressure profile p(ψ) and the safety factor profile q(ψ), specify the equilibrium. The solution splits into two asymptotic regions: the core region where ψ is a function of the major radius alone and a narrow boundary layer region adjoining the conducting wall. The solutions in the two regions are asymptotically matched to each other. For monotonic pressure profiles, the Shafranov shift is equal to the minor radius. For beta much bigger than 1, the solution contains a region (in place of the magnetic axis) of zero magnetic field and constant pressure. At high beta the quantity βI, which is essentially proportional to the pressure over the total current squared, is largely independent of pressure. The important ramifications of limited βI for high‐beta reactors are discussed. Generalizations to shaped cross sections and hollow pressure profiles are outlined. The problem of equilibrium reconstruction in the high‐beta regime is also considered.}, doi = {10.1063/1.859991}, file = {Cowley1991_PFB002066.pdf:Cowley1991_PFB002066.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {HIGHBETA PLASMA; ANALYTICAL SOLUTION; EQUILIBRIUM; PLASMA; ASPECT RATIO; TOKAMAK DEVICES; ASYMPTOTIC SOLUTIONS; MAGNETIC FIELDS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/3/2066/1}, } @Article{Germano1991, author = {Germano, Massimo and Piomelli, Ugo and Moin, Parviz and Cabot, William H.}, title = {A dynamic subgrid‐scale eddy viscosity model}, journal = {Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993)}, year = {1991}, volume = {3}, number = {7}, pages = {1760-1765}, abstract = {One major drawback of the eddy viscosity subgrid‐scale stress models used in large‐eddy simulations is their inability to represent correctly with a single universal constant different turbulent fields in rotating or sheared flows, near solid walls, or in transitional regimes. In the present work a new eddy viscosity model is presented which alleviates many of these drawbacks. The model coefficient is computed dynamically as the calculation progresses rather than input a p r i o r i. The model is based on an algebraic identity between the subgrid‐scale stresses at two different filtered levels and the resolved turbulent stresses. The subgrid‐scale stresses obtained using the proposed model vanish in laminar flow and at a solid boundary, and have the correct asymptotic behavior in the near‐wall region of a turbulent boundary layer. The results of large‐eddy simulations of transitional and turbulent channel flow that use the proposed model are in good agreement with the direct simulation data.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.857955}, file = {Germano1991_1.857955.pdf:Germano1991_1.857955.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.14}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pofa/3/7/10.1063/1.857955}, } @Article{Hender1991, author = {T C Hender}, title = {Applying large computers to problems in magnetic fusion}, journal = {Reports on Progress in Physics}, year = {1991}, volume = {54}, number = {11}, pages = {1455}, abstract = {In this review numerical simulations and methods, associated with the magnetic confinement of plasmas are described. A broad outline of the types of physical problems in which numerical simulations are used is given. The various systems of equations which describe the collective behaviour of plasmas are discussed. The simplest system of equations is the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) equations, which treat the plasma as a conducting fluid. Simulations using the MHD equations, which probably represent the largest area of numerical research in magnetic confinement, are described in some detail.}, file = {Hender1991_0034-4885_54_11_003.pdf:Hender1991_0034-4885_54_11_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0034-4885/54/i=11/a=003}, } @Article{Turnbull1991, author = {A.D. Turnbull}, title = {Toroidal kink mode at finite beta}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1991}, volume = {31}, number = {11}, pages = {2153}, abstract = {The free-boundary toroidal kink mode is compared with the internal kink mode for a finite beta, circular crosssection toroidal equilibrium. The toroidal kink is more unstable than the ideal internal kink in the sense that the unstable parameter range of the toroidal kink is more extensive. Moreover, when both modes are unstable, the growth rate of the toroidal kink is generally several times larger than that of the ideal internal kink.}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/31/i=11/a=012}, } @Article{Bondeson1992, author = {A. Bondeson and M.-N. Bussac}, title = {Stability of the n=1 ideal internal kink for large aspect ratio Shafranov equilibria}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1992}, volume = {32}, number = {3}, pages = {513}, abstract = {Stability limits for the ideal internal kink mode are calculated analytically for the Shafranov current profile using the large aspect ratio expansion. For equilibria with q(a) > 2 and circular cross-section, the maximum stable poloidal beta is below 0.1. In the absence of a conducting wall, an equilibrium with q(a) < 2 is unstable at arbitrarily small positive poloidal beta or shear inside the q = 1 surface. The effects of non-circularity are discussed and quantitative results are given for elliptic cross-sections}, file = {:Bondeson1992a_0029-5515_32_3_I13.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/32/i=3/a=I13}, } @Article{Bondeson1992a, author = {A. Bondeson and G. Vlad and H. Lutjens}, title = {Resistive toroidal stability of internal kink modes in circular and shaped tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, number = {7}, pages = {1889-1900}, abstract = {The linear resistive magnetohydrodynamical stability of the n=1 internal kink mode in tokamaks is studied numerically. The stabilizing influence of small aspect ratio [Holmes et al., Phys. Fluids B 1, 788 (1989)] is confirmed, but it is found that shaping of the cross section influences the internal kink mode significantly. For finite pressure and small resistivity, curvature effects at the q=1 surface make the stability sensitively dependent on shape, and ellipticity is destabilizing. Only a very restricted set of finite pressure equilibria is completely stable for q0 < 1. A typical result is that the resistive kink mode is slowed down by toroidal effects to a weak resistive tearing/interchange mode. It is suggested that weak resistive instabilities are stabilized during the ramp phase of the sawteeth by effects not included in linear resistive magnetohydrodynamics. Possible mechanisms for triggering a sawtooth crash are discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860041}, file = {Bondeson1992_PFB001889.pdf:Bondeson1992_PFB001889.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; KINK INSTABILITY; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; ASPECT RATIO}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/1889/1}, } @Article{Harley1992, author = {T.R. Harley and C.Z. Cheng and S.C. Jardin}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {The computation of resistive \{MHD\} instabilities in axisymmetric toroidal plasmas}, year = {1992}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {1}, pages = {43 - 62}, volume = {103}, abstract = {We describe the linear \{MHD\} eigenmode code NOVA-R, which calculates the resistive stability of axisymmetric toroidal equilibria. A formulation has been adopted which accurately resolves the continuum spectrum of the ideal \{MHD\} operator. The resistive \{MHD\} stability equations are transformed into three coupled second-order equations, one of which recovers the equation solved by the \{NOVA\} code in the ideal limit. The eigenfunctions are represented by a Fourier expansion and cubic B-spline finite elements which are packed about the internal boundary layer. Accurate results are presented for dimensionless resistivities as low as 10−30 in cylindrical geometry. For axisymmetric toroidal plasmas we demonstrate the accuracy of the NOVA-R code by recovering ideal results in the ν → 0 limit, and cylindrical resistive interchange results in the aR → 0 limit. Δ′ analysis performed using the eigenfunctions computed by the NOVA-R code agree with the asymptotic matching results from the resistive \{PEST\} code for zero β equilibria.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0021-9991(92)90325-S}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/002199919290325S}, } @Article{Hsu1992, author = {C. T. Hsu and D. J. Sigmar}, title = {Alpha-particle losses from toroidicity-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes. Part I: Phase-space topology of energetic particle orbits in tokamak plasma}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, number = {6}, pages = {1492-1505}, abstract = {Phase‐space topology of energetic particles in tokamak plasma with arbitrary shape of cross section is studied based upon the guiding center theory. Important phase‐space boundaries such as prompt loss boundary, trapped passing boundary, and other boundaries between classes of nonstandard orbits (e.g., pinch and stagnation orbits) are studied. This phase‐space topology information is applied to the study of anomalous phase‐space diffusion due to finite amplitude Alfvén wave fluctuations of energetic particles. The separatrix between trapped and circulating particles contributes dominantly to the losses.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860060}, file = {Hsu1992_PFB001492.pdf:Hsu1992_PFB001492.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; ALPHA PARTICLES; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PHASE SPACE; TOPOLOGY; GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION; ORBITS; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; TRANSPORT PROCESSES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/1492/1}, } @Article{Hughes1992, author = {M.H. Hughes and M.W. Phillips and R.G. Storer}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {A computer model for resistive \{MHD\} analysis}, year = {1992}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {1}, pages = {76 - 95}, volume = {72}, abstract = {This paper describes the formulation of a linear \{MHD\} stability code in toroidal geometry. The only assumption involved is that the perturbations are incompressible. The emphasis is to construct a code capable of calculating the effects of finite plasma resistivity. Thus, a magnetic flux coordinate system is employed since resistivity is known to be important in narrow regions in the vicinity of resonant magnetic surfaces. The code is constructed as an initial value problem, using fully implicit temporal differencing to eliminate shortest timescales. This permits “timesteps” comparable to the mode growth times of interest. Illustrative examples of both ideal and resistive instabilities are presented.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0010-4655(92)90007-L}, file = {Hughes1992_A computer model for resistive MHD analysis.pdf:Hughes1992_A computer model for resistive MHD analysis.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/001046559290007L}, } @Article{Lao1992, author = {L. L. Lao and T. S. Taylor and M. S. Chu and V. S. Chan and J. R. Ferron and E. J. Strait}, title = {Effects of current profile on the ideal ballooning mode}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {232-240}, abstract = {The effects of current profile on the ideal ballooning mode for circular and shaped poloidal cross‐section plasmas in tokamaks are studied analytically and numerically. The results show that for moderately shaped plasmas the critical normalized beta, βNC, against the ballooning mode increases approximately linearly with the plasma internal inductance li. As the plasma becomes more strongly shaped, this dependence on li becomes weaker, and for a divertor plasma βNC shows a very weak dependence on li for the range of moderate li values considered.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860438}, file = {Lao1992_PFB000232.pdf:Lao1992_PFB000232.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {BALLOONING INSTABILITY; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; PLASMA SIMULATION; SCALING LAWS; ASPECT RATIO; CYLINDRICAL CONFIGURATION; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; ENERGY DENSITY; CURRENT DENSITY; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; SHEAR PROPERTIES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/232/1}, } @Article{Lutjens1992, author = {H. Lutjens and A. Bondeson and G. Vlad}, title = {Ideal MHD stability of internal kinks in circular and shaped tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1992}, volume = {32}, number = {9}, pages = {1625}, abstract = {Stability limits for the internal kink mode are calculated for tokamaks with different current profiles and plasma cross-sections using ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The maximum stable poloidal beta at the q=1 surface (β p ) is sensitive to the current profile, but for circular cross-sections it is typically between 0.1 and 0.2. Large aspect ratio theory gives similar predictions when the appropriate boundary conditions are applied at the plasma-vacuum surface. It is found that the internal kink is significantly destabilized by ellipticity. For JET geometry, the ideal MHD limit in β p is typically between 0.03 and 0.1, and arbitrarily low limits can result if the shear is reduced at the q=1 surface. A large aspect ratio expansion of the Mercier criterion retaining the effects of ellipticity and triangularity is used to illustrate the destabilizing influence of ellipticity}, file = {Lutjens1992_0029-5515_32_9_I10.pdf:Lutjens1992_0029-5515_32_9_I10.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/32/i=9/a=I10}, } @Article{Mikhailenko1992, author = {V S Mikhailenko and K N Stepanov}, title = {Nonlinear theory of ion cyclotron decay instability}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {1992}, volume = {45}, number = {4}, pages = {386}, abstract = {The nonlinear stage of the ion cyclotron decay instability of the two ion species plasma is considered. The instability saturation is shown to be attained due to the nonlinear frequency shifts of unstable ion Bernstein waves, which violate the condition of resonant interaction of waves. The energy density of ion cyclotron waves at the saturation stage is estimated.}, file = {Mikhailenko1992_physscr_45_4_017.pdf:Mikhailenko1992_physscr_45_4_017.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.09.09}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/45/i=4/a=017}, } @Article{Park1992, author = {W. Park and S. Parker and H. Biglari and M. Chance and L. Chen and C. Z. Cheng and T. S. Hahm and W. W. Lee and R. Kulsrud and D. Monticello and L. Sugiyama and R. White}, title = {Three-dimensional hybrid gyrokinetic-magnetohydrodynamics simulation}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, number = {7}, pages = {2033-2037}, abstract = {A three‐dimensional (3‐D) hybrid gyrokinetic‐MHD (magnetohydrodynamic) simulation scheme is presented. To the 3‐D toroidal MHD code, MH3D‐K the energetic particle component is added as gyrokinetic particles. The resulting code, mh3d‐k, is used to study the nonlinear behavior of energetic particle effects in tokamaks, such as the energetic particle stabilization of sawteeth, fishbone oscillations, and alpha‐particle‐driven toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) modes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860011}, file = {Park1992_PFB002033.pdf:Park1992_PFB002033.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; PLASMA SIMULATION; COMPUTER CODES; COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; KINETIC EQUATIONS; THREEDIMENSIONAL CALCULATIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.26}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/2033/1}, } @Article{Rosenbluth1992, author = {Rosenbluth, M. N. and Berk, H. L. and Van Dam, J. W. and Lindberg, D. M.}, title = {Continuum damping of high-mode-number toroidal Alfv\'en waves}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1992}, volume = {68}, pages = {596--599}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {An asymptotic theory is developed to determine the continuum damping of short-wavelength toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes, which is essential for ascertaining thresholds for alpha-particle-driven instability in ignited tokamaks.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.68.596}, file = {Rosenbluth1992_PhysRevLett.68.596.pdf:Rosenbluth1992_PhysRevLett.68.596.pdf:PDF}, issue = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.07.28}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.68.596}, } @Article{Sigmar1992a, author = {D J Sigmar and F Gang and R Gormley and C T Hsu}, title = {Alpha physics in tokamaks}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1992}, volume = {34}, number = {13}, pages = {1845}, abstract = {After briefly reviewing recent experimental and theoretical alpha -particle physics simulation results self-consistent values of the anomalous radial diffusion coefficient D alpha from two related theories and/or numerical simulations of energetic alpha -excited shear Alfven wave turbulence are derived and used in a reduced drift kinetic equation (DKE) for the alpha distribution function F alpha (r,E,t) which contains a diffusion term 1 / r delta rD alpha delta . Since D alpha depends on delta n alpha / delta r through w* alpha the ensuing nonlinear diffusion equation for n alpha (r,t) is solved iteratively with the DKE for F alpha and the effects of D alpha on the alpha -power coupling efficiency eta alpha and the ignition margin are analyzed for an ITER-like device ('ignited operation' of the ITER conceptual design activity (CDA)). From a power balance point of view the resulting D alpha >or approximately=1 m 2 /s appears tolerable, D alpha >3 m 2 /s would yield eta alpha <0.95.}, file = {Sigmar1992a_0741-3335_34_13_013.pdf:Sigmar1992a_0741-3335_34_13_013.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/34/i=13/a=013}, } @Article{Sigmar1992, author = {D. J. Sigmar and C. T. Hsu and R. White and C. Z. Cheng}, title = {Alpha-particle losses from toroidicity-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes. Part II: Monte Carlo simulations and anomalous alpha-loss processes}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, number = {6}, pages = {1506-1516}, abstract = {Fusion‐born α particles moving parallel to the magnetic field can resonate with toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) leading to anomalous α‐orbit diffusion across the α‐loss boundaries in a tokamak. This is analyzed using the Hamiltonian guiding center code orbit in conjunction with the kinetic magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) eigenmode solving code nova‐k. Resonant single α orbits are studied below and above the threshold for orbit stochasticity and Monte Carlo randomized ensembles of alphas subjected to a finite amplitude time‐dependent TAE are followed with respect to their radial losses using realistic MHD equilibria and numerically computed toroidal Alfvén eigenfunctions for one toroidal eigenmode n=1 and the full Fourier spectrum of poloidal harmonics m involved in the ‘‘gap mode.’’ The α‐loss mechanisms are resonant drift motion across the loss boundaries of alphas born near these boundaries and stochastic diffusion to the boundaries in constants of the motion (phase) space. After a first transient of resonant drift losses scaling as r/B0, the number of alphas lost via diffusion scales as (r/B0)2. For TAE amplitudes r/ B0≥10−3, α orbit stochasticity sets in and, depending on the radial width of the fast α density nα(r), a substantial fraction of alphas can be lost in one slowing down time. For r/ B0<10−4, the losses become insignificant.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860061}, file = {Sigmar1992_PFB001506.pdf:Sigmar1992_PFB001506.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ALPHA PARTICLES; ALFVEN WAVES; PHASE SPACE; TOKAMAK DEVICES; MONTE CARLO METHOD; ORBITS; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; GUIDINGCENTER APPROXIMATION; STOCHASTIC PROCESSES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/1506/1}, } @Article{Spong1992, author = {Spong, D. A. and Carreras, B. A. and Hedrick, C. L.}, title = {Linearized gyrofluid model of the alpha‐destabilized toroidal Alfvén eigenmode with continuum damping effects}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics (1989-1993)}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, number = {10}, pages = {3316-3328}, abstract = {The toroidicity‐induced shear Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) can be destabilized by energetic particle populations through inverse Landau damping. It may also be significantly damped by coupling with adjacent shear Alfvén continua. A gyrofluid model with Landau closure that includes both of these effects is developed and applied to this instability. The model consists of the usual reduced magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations for the evolution of the poloidal flux and toroidal component of vorticity, coupled with equations for the density and parallel velocity moments of the energetic species. The latter two equations include Landau damping/growth effects through use of a consistent closure relation, which is equivalent to a two‐pole approximation to the plasma dispersion function. These equations are solved numerically using a three‐dimensional initial value code (t a e / f l) in toroidal geometry. The unstable TAE growth rate and continuum damping rates are compared with recent analytical estimates, and reasonable agreement is obtained.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.860386}, file = {Spong1992_1.860386.pdf:Spong1992_1.860386.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.24}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pofb/4/10/10.1063/1.860386}, } @Article{Turnbull1992, author = {A. D. Turnbull and M. S. Chu and M. S. Chance and J. M. Greene and L. L. Lao and E. J. Strait}, title = {Second-order toroidicity-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes and mode splitting in a low-aspect-ratio tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, number = {10}, pages = {3451-3453}, abstract = {A variational ideal magnetohydrodynamic stability code is used to compute the toroidicity‐induced Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) for toroidal mode number n=1 in full toroidal geometry with circular cross section. At finite aspect ratio, toroidicity also couples poloidal mode numbers m with m+2 to produce a higher frequency gap in the shear Alfvén spectrum, which is associated with a new, second‐order TAE mode. It is also found that toroidal coupling between the TAE modes and continuum branches induces splitting of the TAE modes into two or more global modes at slightly different frequencies. Both the new modes and splitting of the TAE modes have important consequences for the identification of TAE modes in experiments.  }, doi = {10.1063/1.860352}, file = {Turnbull1992_PFB003451.pdf:Turnbull1992_PFB003451.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; ALFVEN WAVES; TOKAMAK DEVICES; ASPECT RATIO; VARIATIONAL METHODS; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.04}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/3451/1}, } @Article{Villard1992, author = {L. Villard and G.Y. Fu}, title = {Geometrical and profile effects on toroidicity and ellipticity induced Alfven eigenmodes}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1992}, volume = {32}, number = {10}, pages = {1695}, abstract = {The wave structures, eigenfrequencies and damping rates of toroidicity and ellipticity induced Alfven eigenmodes (TAEs, EAEs) of low toroidal mode numbers (n) are calculated for various axisymmetric ideal MHD equilibria with the global wave finite element code LION. The importance of the safety factor (q) and density (ρ) profiles on the continuum damping rates is analysed. For realistic profiles, several continuum gaps, exist in the plasma discharge. Frequency misalignment of these gaps yields continuum damping rates γ/ω of the order of a few per cent. Finite poloidal beta lowers the TAE eigenfrequency. For beta values below the Troyon limit, the TAE enters the continuum and can thus be stabilized. Finite elongation allows the EAE to exist, but triangularity can have a stabilizing effect through coupling with the continuum. The localization of TAE and EAE eigenfunctions is found to increase with the shear and with n. Therefore, large shear, through enhanced Landau and collisional damping, is a stabilizing factor for TAEs and EAEs}, file = {Villard1992_0029-5515_32_10_I01.pdf:Villard1992_0029-5515_32_10_I01.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.09.04}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/32/i=10/a=I01}, } @Article{Weideman1992, author = {Weideman, J.A.C.}, title = {The eigenvalues of Hermite and rational spectral differentiation matrices}, journal = {Numerische Mathematik}, year = {1992}, volume = {61}, number = {1}, pages = {409-432}, issn = {0029-599X}, abstract = {We derive expressions for the eigenvalues of spectral differentiation matrices for unbounded domains. In particular, we consider Galerkin and collocation methods based on Hermite functions as well as rational functions (a Fourier series combined with a cotangent mapping). We show that (i) first derivative matrices have purely imaginary eigenvalues and second derivative matrices have real and negative eigenvalues, (ii) for the Hermite method the eigenvalues are determined by the roots of the Hermite polynomials and for the rational method they are determined by the Laguerre polynomials, and (iii) the Hermite method has attractive stability properties in the sense of small condition numbers and spectral radii.}, doi = {10.1007/BF01385518}, file = {Weideman1992_10.1007-BF01385518.pdf:Weideman1992_10.1007-BF01385518.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {65M10; 65D25; 65F15; 42C10}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, timestamp = {2013.06.22}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01385518}, } @Article{Wong1992, author = {K. L. Wong and R. Durst and R. J. Fonck and S. F. Paul and D. R. Roberts and E. D. Fredrickson and R. Nazikian and H. K. Park and M. Bell and N. L. Bretz and R. Budny and C. Z. Cheng and S. Cohen and G. W. Hammett and F. C. Jobes and L. Johnson and D. M. Meade and S. S. Medley and D. Mueller and Y. Nagayama and D. K. Owens and S. Sabbagh and E. J. Synakowski}, title = {Investigation of global Alfv[e-acute]n instabilities in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, number = {7}, pages = {2122-2126}, abstract = {Toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) were excited by the energetic neutral beam ions tangentially injected into plasmas at low magnetic field in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research (IAEA, Vienna, 1987), Vol. 1, p. 51]. The injection velocities were comparable to the Alfvén speed. The modes were identified by measurements from Mirnov coils and beam emission spectroscopy (BES). TAE modes appear in bursts whose repetition rate increases with beam power. The neutron emission rate exhibits sawtoothlike behavior and the crashes always coincide with TAE bursts. This indicates ejection of fast ions from the plasma until these modes are stabilized. The dynamics of growth and stabilization were investigated at various plasma currents and magnetic fields. The results indicate that the instability can effectively clamp the number of energetic ions in the plasmas. The observed instability threshold is discussed in light of recent theories. In addition to these TAE modes, intermittent oscillations at three times the fundamental TAE frequency were observed by Mirnov coils, but no corresponding signal was found in BES. It appears that these high‐frequency oscillations do not have a direct effect on the plasma neutron source strength.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860462}, file = {Wong1992_PFB002122.pdf:Wong1992_PFB002122.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; TFTR TOKAMAK; ION BEAMS; EMISSION SPECTRA; PLASMA DENSITY; ALPHA PARTICLES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/2122/1}, } @Article{Zhang1992, author = {Y. Z. Zhang and S. M. Mahajan and X. D. Zhang}, title = {Two-dimensional aspects of toroidal drift waves in the ballooning representation}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1992}, volume = {4}, number = {9}, pages = {2729-2732}, abstract = {By systematically doing the higher‐order theory, the predictions of the conventional ballooning theory (CBT) are examined for nonideal systems. For the complex solvability condition to be satisfied, radial variation of the lowest‐order mode amplitude needs to be invoked. It turns out, however, that even this procedure with its concomitant modifications of eigenvalues and eigenstructures, is not sufficient to justify the predictions of many CBT solutions; only a small set of the CBT solutions could be put on firm footing. To demonstrate this work’s general conclusions, theoretical and numerical results are presented for a system of fluid drift waves with nonadiabatic electron response.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860143}, file = {Zhang1992_PFB002729.pdf:Zhang1992_PFB002729.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {BALLOONING INSTABILITY; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; TURBULENCE; EIGENVALUES; SYMMETRY BREAKING; AMPLITUDES; PLASMA WAVES; DRIFT WAVES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/4/2729/1}, } @Article{Berk1993, author = {Berk, H. L. and Breizman, B. N. and Ye, Huanchun}, title = {Map model for nonlinear alpha particle interaction with toroidal Alfvén waves}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics (1989-1993)}, year = {1993}, volume = {5}, number = {5}, pages = {1506-1515}, abstract = {A map model has been developed for studying the nonlinear interaction of alpha particles with the toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes. The map is constructed by assuming a linear interaction during a single poloidal transit, which allows the study of the nonlinear interaction over many transits. By using this map, analytic expressions are obtained for the particle nonlinear bounce frequency, and the wave amplitude threshold for the onset of particle orbit stochasticity. The map model can also facilitate self‐consistent simulations which incorporate the time variation of the waves.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.860890}, file = {Berk1993_1.860890.pdf:Berk1993_1.860890.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.02.12}, url = {http://www.aip.pub2web.ingenta.com/content/aip/journal/pofb/5/5/10.1063/1.860890}, } @Article{Connor1993, author = {J W Connor}, title = {Pressure gradient turbulent transport and collisionless reconnection}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1993}, volume = {35}, number = {6}, pages = {757}, abstract = {The scale invariance technique is employed to discuss pressure gradient driven turbulent transport when an Ohm's law with electron inertia, rather than resistivity, is relevant. An expression for thermal diffusivity obtained by Itoh et al. (1992), which has many features appropriate to L-mode transport in tokamaks, is seen to have greater generality than indicated by their particular calculation. The results of applying the technique to a more appropriate collisionless Ohm's law are discussed.}, file = {Connor1993_0741-3335_35_6_009.pdf:Connor1993_0741-3335_35_6_009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/35/i=6/a=009}, } @Article{Dewar1993, author = {R. L. Dewar and M. Persson}, title = {Coupled tearing modes in plasmas with differential rotation}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1993}, volume = {5}, number = {12}, pages = {4273-4286}, abstract = {The global asymptotic matching equations for multiple coupled resistive modes of arbitrary parity in a cylindrical plasma are derived. Three different variational principles are given for the outer region matching data, while the inner region analysis features a careful treatment of the symmetry‐breaking effect of a gradient in the equilibrium current for a zero‐β slab model. It is concluded that the usual constant‐ψ result remains valid and constrains the matrix matching formalism. The dispersion relation is compared with initial value calculations of a double tearing mode when there are small relative rotation velocities between the rational surfaces. In treating differential rotation within the asymptotic matching formalism, flow is ignored in the outer region and is assumed to affect the inner response solely through a Doppler shift. It is shown that the relative rotation can have a strong stabilizing effect by making all but one rational surface effectively ideal.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860595}, file = {Dewar1993_PFB004273.pdf:Dewar1993_PFB004273.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TEARING INSTABILITY; TOKAMAK DEVICES; VARIATIONAL METHODS; SYMMETRY BREAKING; DOPPLER EFFECT; DISPERSION RELATIONS; ROTATING PLASMA; CYLINDRICAL CONFIGURATION; PERTURBATION THEORY; ASYMPTOTIC SOLUTIONS; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/4273/1}, } @Article{Fitzpatrick1993, author = {R. Fitzpatrick and R.J. Hastie and T.J. Martin and C.M. Roach}, title = {Stability of coupled tearing modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1993}, volume = {33}, number = {10}, pages = {1533}, abstract = {The general coupled tearing-mode dispersion relation is investigated in tokamaks. A differential rotation of rational surfaces in high temperature devices is found to decouple low amplitude modes, so that they only reconnect magnetic flux at one surface in the plasma and behave ideally at the remaining surfaces. Above a threshold mode amplitude, the rational surfaces start to lock together, permitting modes to develop which simultaneously reconnect magnetic flux at more than one surface. Such modes are generally more unstable than uncoupled modes. Ideal rational surfaces, on which there is no reconnection, located close to the plasma edge are found to shield free-boundary tearing modes from the destabilizing influence of external-kink modes. The threshold mode amplitude required to lock coupled rational surfaces decreases rapidly with increasing machine dimensions}, file = {Fitzpatrick1993_0029-5515_33_10_I11.pdf:Fitzpatrick1993_0029-5515_33_10_I11.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/33/i=10/a=I11}, } @Article{Fu1993, author = {G. Y. Fu and C. Z. Cheng and K. L. Wong}, title = {Stability of the toroidicity-induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode in axisymmetric toroidal equilibria}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1993}, volume = {5}, number = {11}, pages = {4040-4050}, abstract = {The stability of toroidicity‐induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) is investigated in general tokamak equilibria with finite aspect ratio and finite plasma beta. The finite orbit width of the hot particles and the collisional damping of the trapped electrons are included. For the trapped hot particles, the finite orbit width is found to be stabilizing. For the circulating hot particles, the finite orbit width effect is stabilizing for larger values of vh/vA (≳1) and destabilizing for smaller values of vh/vA (<1), where vh is the hot particle speed and vA is the Alfvén speed. The collisional damping of the trapped electrons is found to have a much weaker dependence on the collision frequency than the previous analytic results. The contribution of the curvature term to the trapped electron collisional damping is negligible compared to that of the parallel electric field term for typical parameters. The calculated critical hot particle beta values for the TAE instability are consistent with the experimental measurements.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860572}, file = {Fu1993_fupop93.pdf:Fu1993_fupop93.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; ALFVEN WAVES; TRAPPED ELECTRONS; STABILITY; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; MHD EQUILIBRIUM; HOT PLASMA; KINETIC EQUATIONS; PLASMA DRIFT; COLLISIONAL DAMPING; CURVATURE}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/4040/1}, } @Article{Hau1993, author = {Hau, L. -N. and Sonnerup, B. U. Ö.}, title = {On slow-mode waves in an anisotropic plasma}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, year = {1993}, volume = {20}, number = {17}, pages = {1763--1766}, issn = {1944-8007}, abstract = {The properties of small-amplitude waves propagating in a homogeneous anisotropic plasma are investigated using an MHD double-polytropic model that incorporates the CGL double-adiabatic model in one extreme and the isothermal model in the other. It is found that the properties of fast and intermediate mode waves remain qualitatively the same as in ordinary MHD but that, in certain parameter regimes, three inversions occur for slow-mode waves: (1) their phase speed exceeds that of intermediate waves; (2) they behave like fast-mode waves in that, across them, the plasma density and magnetic field increase or decrease together; (3) rarefaction waves rather than compression waves steepen.}, doi = {10.1029/93GL01706}, file = {Hau1993_93GL01706.pdf:Hau1993_93GL01706.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.10}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/93GL01706}, } @Article{Li1993, author = {Ding Li and Yuping Huo}, title = {Toroidal coupling of disparate helical tearing modes}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1993}, volume = {5}, number = {10}, pages = {3737-3747}, abstract = {An analytical model has been developed for toroidal coupling of tearing modes with different helicities in the low‐β and large aspects ratio tokamaks. A standard characteristic value problem has been naturally composed according to the structure of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) solutions. The explicit general dispersion relation has been obtained by the asymptotic matching. The growth rates (characteristic values) and corresponding flux perturbations (characteristic functions) of the toroidal tearing mode have been derived. The toroidal coupling plays a role mainly through the correction for the ideal MHD solutions. Without loss of generality, variation tendency of growth rates has been analyzed for a toroidal tearing mode with cylindrical components m/n and (m+1)/n, the results indicate that (1) The toroidal coupling has a destabilizing effect on the tearing modes; (2) the ‘‘beating’’ of the growth rates of two components leads to strong coupling, even if the coupling parameter C is quite small, and the coupling effect does not explicitly rely on magnitude of Δ′(0)m of cylindrical component, so that Δ′(0)m ∼ ϵ is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for strong coupling.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860844}, file = {Li1993_PFB003737.pdf:Li1993_PFB003737.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TEARING INSTABILITY; TOKAMAK DEVICES; LOWBETA PLASMA; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; DISPERSION RELATIONS; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; STRONGCOUPLING MODEL; ASYMPTOTIC SOLUTIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/3737/1}, } @Article{Perkins1993, author = {F. W. Perkins and Cris W. Barnes and D. W. Johnson and S. D. Scott and M. C. Zarnstorff and M. G. Bell and R. E. Bell and C. E. Bush and B. Grek and K. W. Hill and D. K. Mansfield and H. Park and A. T. Ramsey and J. Schivell and B. C. Stratton and E. Synakowski}, title = {Nondimensional transport scaling in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor: Is tokamak transport Bohm or gyro-Bohm?}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1993}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, pages = {477-498}, abstract = {General plasma physics principles state that power flow Q(r) through a magnetic surface in a tokamak should scale as Q(r)= {32π2Rr3Te2c nea/[eB (a2−r2)2]} F(ρ∗,β,ν∗,r/a,q,s,r/R,...) where the arguments of F are local, nondimensional plasma parameters and nondimensional gradients. This paper reports an experimental determination of how F varies with normalized gyroradius ρ∗≡(2TeMi)1/2c/eBa and collisionality ν∗≡(R/r)3/2qRνe(me/ 2Te)1/2 for discharges prepared so that other nondimensional parameters remain close to constant. Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) [D. M. Meade et al., in Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, 1990, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference, Washington (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1991), Vol. 1, p. 9] L‐mode data show F to be independent of ρ∗ and numerically small, corresponding to Bohm scaling with a small multiplicative constant. By contrast, most theories predict gyro‐Bohm scaling: F∝ρ∗. Bohm scaling implies that the largest scale size for microinstability turbulence depends on machine size. Analysis of a collisionality scan finds Bohm‐normalized power flow to be independent of collisionality. Implications for future theory, experiment, and reactor extrapolations are discussed.  }, doi = {10.1063/1.860534}, file = {Perkins1993_PFB000477.pdf:Perkins1993_PFB000477.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TFTR TOKAMAK; SCALING LAWS; MAGNETIC SURFACES; THERMONUCLEAR REACTORS; PLASMA MICROINSTABILITIES; TRANSPORT THEORY; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; TURBULENCE}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.11}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/477/1}, } @Article{Trefethen1993, author = {Trefethen, Lloyd N. and Trefethen, Anne E. and Reddy, Satish C. and Driscoll, Tobin A.}, title = {Hydrodynamic Stability Without Eigenvalues}, journal = {Science}, year = {1993}, volume = {261}, number = {5121}, pages = {578-584}, abstract = {Fluid flows that are smooth at low speeds become unstable and then turbulent at higher speeds. This phenomenon has traditionally been investigated by linearizing the equations of flow and testing for unstable eigenvalues of the linearized problem, but the results of such investigations agree poorly in many cases with experiments. Nevertheless, linear effects play a central role in hydrodynamic instability. A reconciliation of these findings with the traditional analysis is presented based on the "pseudospectra" of the linearized problem, which imply that small perturbations to the smooth flow may be amplified by factors on the order of 105 by a linear mechanism even though all the eigenmodes decay monotonically. The methods suggested here apply also to other problems in the mathematical sciences that involve nonorthogonal eigenfunctions.}, doi = {10.1126/science.261.5121.578}, eprint = {http://www.sciencemag.org/content/261/5121/578.full.pdf}, file = {Trefethen1993_ttrd.pdf:Trefethen1993_ttrd.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.30}, url = {http://www.sciencemag.org/content/261/5121/578.abstract}, } @Article{Turnbull1993, author = {A. D. Turnbull and E. J. Strait and W. W. Heidbrink and M. S. Chu and H. H. Duong and J. M. Greene and L. L. Lao and T. S. Taylor and S. J. Thompson}, title = {Global Alfv[e-acute]n modes: Theory and experiment@f|}, journal = {Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics}, year = {1993}, volume = {5}, number = {7}, pages = {2546-2553}, abstract = {It is shown that the theoretical predictions and experimental observations of toroidicity‐induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE’s) are now in good agreement, with particularly detailed agreement in the mode frequencies. Calculations of the driving and damping rates predict the importance of continuum damping for low toroidal mode numbers and this is confirmed experimentally. However, theoretical calculations in finite‐β, shaped discharges predict the existence of other global Alfvén modes, in particular the ellipticity‐induced Alfvén eigenmode (EAE) and a new mode, the beta‐induced Alfvén eigenmode (BAE). The BAE mode is calculated to be in or below the same frequency range as the TAE mode and may contribute to the experimental observations at high β. Experimental evidence and complementary analyses are presented confirming the presence of the EAE mode at higher frequencies.}, doi = {10.1063/1.860742}, file = {Turnbull1993_PFB002546.pdf:Turnbull1993_PFB002546.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; ALPHA PARTICLES; LANDAU DAMPING; TOKAMAK DEVICES; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; HIGHBETA PLASMA}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PFB/5/2546/1}, } @Article{Candy1994, author = {J. Candy and M. N. Rosenbluth}, title = {Nonideal theory of toroidal Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1994}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {356-372}, abstract = {Ambiguities in the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) analysis of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) are resolved by incorporating nonideal effects (finite electron conductivity and ion gyroradius) into the MHD model of Rosenbluth et al. [Phys. Fluids B 4, 1806 (1992)]. The previous ideal theory yields a dielectric function containing branch points in the complex frequency plane, but provides no specification of the corresponding branch lines. The kinetic model represents a singular perturbation of the ideal theory, and specifies precisely the location of branch cuts in the ideal limit. Moreover, the analytic structure of the complex frequency plane for the kinetic model shows a countably infinite set of poles in place of a branch cut—with a new kinetic‐type TAE mode near each pole. It has also been verified that the ideal frequency root is in most cases close to one of the kinetic roots. The damping and mode structure is determined numerically within the framework of the high‐mode‐number, small inverse aspect ratio, low beta, small gyroradius model. Finally, an analytic form for the damping is obtained including both continuum and nonideal effects, and agrees well with the numerical results.}, doi = {10.1063/1.870838}, file = {Candy1994_PhysPlasmas_1_356.pdf:Candy1994_PhysPlasmas_1_356.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; KINETIC EQUATIONS; DAMPING; TOKAMAK DEVICES; BOUNDARY LAYERS; EIGENSTATES; LOWBETA PLASMA; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; NONIDEAL PLASMA}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.29}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/1/356/1}, } @Article{Fitzpatrick1994, author = {Richard Fitzpatrick}, title = {Stability of coupled tearing and twisting modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1994}, volume = {1}, number = {10}, pages = {3308-3336}, abstract = {A dispersion relation is derived for resistive modes of arbitrary parity in a tokamak plasma. At low mode amplitude, tearing and twisting modes which have nonideal magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) behavior at only one rational surface at a time in the plasma are decoupled via sheared rotation and diamagnetic flows. At higher amplitude, more unstable ‘‘compound’’ modes develop which have nonideal behavior simultaneously at many surfaces. Such modes possess tearing parity layers at some of the nonideal surfaces, and twisting parity layers at others, but mixed parity layers are generally disallowed. At low mode number, ‘‘compound’’ modes are likely to have tearing parity layers at all of the nonideal surfaces in a very low‐β plasma, but twisting parity layers become more probable as the plasma β is increased. At high mode number, unstable twisting modes which exceed a critical amplitude drive conventional magnetic island chains on alternate rational surfaces, to form an interlocking structure in which the O points and X points of neighboring chains line up.}, doi = {10.1063/1.870482}, file = {Fitzpatrick1994_PhysPlasmas_1_3308.pdf:Fitzpatrick1994_PhysPlasmas_1_3308.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; TEARING INSTABILITY; DISPERSION RELATIONS; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; MAGNETIC ISLANDS; ROTATING PLASMA; LOWBETA PLASMA; MAGNETIC FLUX}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/1/3308/1}, } @Article{Goldstein1994, author = {Goldstein, M. L. and Roberts, D. A. and Fitch, C. A.}, title = {Properties of the fluctuating magnetic helicity in the inertial and dissipation ranges of solar wind turbulence}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics}, year = {1994}, volume = {99}, number = {A6}, pages = {11519--11538}, issn = {2156-2202}, abstract = {We investigated the inertial and dissipation ranges of the reduced magnetic helicity spectrum of solar wind fluctuations and have found that this spectrum appears insensitive to solar cycle variations and changes in solar wind flow parameters. In the inertial range of the spectrum, the reduced helicity is large but random and independent of heliocentric distance between 0.3 and 10 AU. At small scales, in the dissipation range of the spectrum, a correlation appears to exist between the average value of the normalized reduced magnetic helicity and the polarity of magnetic sectors, suggesting that these fluctuations, if outward propagating, are predominantly right-hand polarized. In the inertial range the statistical properties of the normalized magnetic helicity are well approximated by a simple model of the magnetic field in which the total magnetic field vector randomly walks with only small variations in magnitude. The behavior of the inertial range spectrum is very similar to that seen in three- and two-and-a-half-dimensional simulations of the incompressible and compressible equations describing magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, consistent with the paradigm that the solar wind is a turbulent magnetofluid.}, doi = {10.1029/94JA00789}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.04}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/94JA00789}, } @Article{Klimas1994, author = {A.J. Klimas and W.M. Farrell}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {A Splitting Algorithm for Vlasov Simulation with Filamentation Filtration}, year = {1994}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {1}, pages = {150 - 163}, volume = {110}, abstract = {A Fourier-Fourier transformed version of the splitting algorithm for simulating solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson system of equations is introduced. It is shown that with the inclusion of filamentation filtration in this transformed algorithm it is both faster and more stable than the standard splitting algorithm. It is further shown that in a scalar computer environment this new algorithm is approximately equal in speed and far less noisy than its particle-in-cell counterpart. It is conjectured that in a multiprocessor environment the filtered splitting algorithm would be faster while producing more precise results.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jcph.1994.1011}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.03}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999184710114}, } @Article{Spong1994, author = {Spong, D. A. and Carreras, B. A. and Hedrick, C. L.}, title = {Nonlinear evolution of the toroidal Alfvén instability using a gyrofluid model*}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {1994}, volume = {1}, number = {5}, pages = {1503-1510}, abstract = {Discrete shear Alfvén modes such as the TAE (toroidal Alfvén eigenmode) are susceptible to destabilization by energetic alpha populations and neutral beams; this can lead to enhanced fast ion losses and degraded heating efficiencies. A gyrofluid model with Landau closure has been developed for understanding both the linear and nonlinear phases of these instabilities. The linear wave–particle resonances necessary to excite Alfvén instabilities are included in a coupled set of fluid equations. This model is used to analyze several nonlinear saturation mechanisms that arise from mode coupling effects. The effects of shear flow velocity generation (through the Reynolds stress) and localized current generation (leading to modifications in the q profile) are specifically examined.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.870700}, file = {Spong1994_1.870700.pdf:Spong1994_1.870700.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.24}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/1/5/10.1063/1.870700}, } @Article{Strait1994, author = {E J Strait and W W Heidbrink and A D Turnbull}, title = {Doppler shift of the TAE mode frequency in DIII-D}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1994}, volume = {36}, number = {7}, pages = {1211}, abstract = {The Doppler shift caused by toroidal plasma rotation in DIII-D complicates a comparison of the frequency of toroidicity-induced Alfven eigenmodes (TAE) to theoretical predictions, but also separates toroidal modes in frequency space and provides information about the radial location of the modes. Two independent techniques for estimating the mode frequency and Doppler shift are presented: one based upon the spectrum of multiple toroidal modes and one that utilizes the measured toroidal rotation of the plasma. Both methods indicate the presence of multiple TAE modes located between the q=1 and y=3/2 surfaces. The frequencies determined by the two methods agree within 20%, consistent with their estimated uncertainties.}, file = {Strait1994_0741-3335_36_7_008.pdf:Strait1994_0741-3335_36_7_008.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.15}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/36/i=7/a=008}, } @Article{Arter1995, author = {W Arter}, title = {Numerical simulation of magnetic fusion plasmas}, journal = {Reports on Progress in Physics}, year = {1995}, volume = {58}, number = {1}, pages = {1}, abstract = {The review specializes to the modelling of plasmas in a particular type of fusion experiment, namely the tokamak. Simulation is taken to imply the use of a model which involves variation in at least two coordinate directions and is nonlinear, the nonlinearity invariably being of the advective type. Developments in the period 1976-1992 are covered under five main headings, with particle methods constituting the first. The remaining four concern the solution via mesh-based methods of (1) the Fokker-Planck equation, (2) drift-wave problems, (3) edge models and (4) time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic problems. Care is taken to outline the capabilities of the currently available software. Progress in the. Design of numerical algorithms for the mesh-based simulations is found to have been incremental rather than revolutionary. In particle simulation, gyrokinetic schemes and the ' delta f' method have been found to give dramatic gains in some circumstances. Many of the newer results obtained withstand comparison with experimental observation, although it has not always proved possible to reach the extreme conditions found in tokamaks, especially when three-dimensional effects are important.}, file = {Arter1995_0034-4885_58_1_001.pdf:Arter1995_0034-4885_58_1_001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0034-4885/58/i=1/a=001}, } @Article{Berk1995, author = {H. L. Berk and J. W. Van Dam and D. Borba and J. Candy and G. T. A. Huysmans and S. Sharapov}, title = {More on core-localized toroidal Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {9}, pages = {3401-3406}, abstract = {A novel type of ideal toroidal Alfvén eigenmode, localized in the low‐shear core region of a tokamak plasma, is shown to exist, whose frequency is near the upper continuum of the toroidal Alfvén gap. This mode converts to a kinetic‐type toroidal Alfvén eigenmode above a critical threshold that depends on aspect ratio, pressure gradient, and shear. Opposite to the usual ideal toroidal Alfvén eigenmode, this new mode is peaked in amplitude on the small‐major‐radius side of the plasma.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871174}, file = {Berk1995_PhysPlasmas_2_3401.pdf:Berk1995_PhysPlasmas_2_3401.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; TOKAMAK DEVICES; PRESSURE GRADIENTS; ASPECT RATIO; THERMONUCLEAR DEVICES; NOVAE; BALLOONING INSTABILITY; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/3401/1}, } @Article{Connor1995, author = {J. W. Connor and R. J. Hastie and J. B. Taylor}, title = {Response to ``Comment on `Stability of coupled tearing and twisting modes in tokamaks''' [Phys. Plasmas [bold 1], 3308 (1994)]}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {10}, pages = {3925-3925}, abstract = {The authors contend that incorrect inferences are drawn by Ding Li regarding the sources of error and of the basis function method used in the calculations of toroidally coupled tearing modes. (AIP)}, doi = {10.1063/1.871024}, file = {Connor1995_PhysPlasmas_2_3925.pdf:Connor1995_PhysPlasmas_2_3925.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {DISPERSION RELATIONS; EIGENFUNCTIONS; TEARING INSTABILITY; TOKAMAK DEVICES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/3925/1}, } @Article{Fasoli1995, author = {A. Fasoli and J.B. Lister and S.E. Sharapov and S. Ali-Arshad and G. Bosia and D. Borba and D.J. Campbell and N. Deliyanakis and J.A. Dobbing and C. Gormezano and H.A. Holties and G.T.A. Huysmans and J. Jacquinot and A. Jaun and W. Kerner and P. Lavanchy and J.-M. Moret and L. Porte and A. Santagiustina and L. Villard}, title = {Overview of Alfven eigenmode experiments in JET}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1995}, volume = {35}, number = {12}, pages = {1485}, abstract = {Results from the first experiments to drive Alfven eigenmodes (AEs) with antennas external to a tokamak plasma are presented. In ohmically heated plasma discharges, direct experimental measurements of the damping of toroidicity induced AEs (TAEs) have allowed an identification of different regimes corresponding to different dominant TAE absorption mechanisms with a wide range of damping rates, 10 -3 ≤ γ/w ≤ 10 -1 . In plasmas heated by ion cyclotron resonance heating, neutral beam injection heating, lower hybrid heating and high plasma current ohmic heating, a new class of weakly damped Alfven eigenmodes, the kinetic Alfven eigenmodes, predicted in theoretical models that include finite Larmor radius and finite parallel electric field effects, has been identified experimentally}, file = {Fasoli1995_0029-5515_35_12_I09.pdf:Fasoli1995_0029-5515_35_12_I09.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.09.09}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/35/i=12/a=I09}, } @Article{Fu1995a, author = {Fu, G. Y. and Cheng, C. Z. and Budny, R. and Chang, Z. and Darrow, D. S. and Fredrickson, E. and Mazzucato, E. and Nazikian, R. and Zweben, S.}, title = {Stability Analysis of Toroidicity-Induced Alfv\'en Eigenmodes in TFTR Deuterium-Tritium Experiments}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1995}, volume = {75}, pages = {2336--2339}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {The toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) are found to be stable in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) deuterium-tritium plasmas. The dominant stabilizing mechanisms are beam ion Landau damping and radiative damping. A core localized TAE mode is shown to exist near the center of the plasma at small magnetic shear and finite plasma beta, which can be destabilized by energetic alpha particles in future TFTR DT experiments. With additional instability drive from fast minority ions powered by ion cyclotron radio frequency, both the global and core localized TAE modes can be readily destabilized.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.75.2336}, file = {Fu1995_PhysRevLett.75.2336.pdf:Fu1995_PhysRevLett.75.2336.pdf:PDF}, issue = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.10.21}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.75.2336}, } @InCollection{Killeen1995, author = {Killeen, John}, title = {Computational Problems in Plasma Physics and Controlled Thermonuclear Research}, booktitle = {Physics of Hot Plasmas}, publisher = {Springer US}, year = {1995}, editor = {Rye, B.J. and Taylor, J.C.}, pages = {202-255}, isbn = {978-1-4615-8641-8}, abstract = {In these lectures we present several areas of plasma physics research where computation has been of importance. We have taken these problems primarily from controlled thermonuclear research, because this programme has provided the impetus for most of the theoretical development of the subject and because only numerical methods could give the answers to specific questions in the design and analysis of experiments.}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4615-8639-5_5}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-8639-5_5}, } @Article{Li1995, author = {Ding Li}, title = {Comment on ``Stability of coupled tearing and twisting modes in tokamaks'' [Phys. Plasmas [bold 1], 3308 (1994)]}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {10}, pages = {3923-3924}, abstract = {Recently an incorrect dispersion relation (Ref. 2 and 3) was used in a publication by Connor et al. (Ref. 1) for toroidally coupled tearing and twisting modes. The aim of this comment is to pointout how this incorrect assumption affects the derivation of the coupled modes. (AIP)}, doi = {10.1063/1.871023}, file = {Li1995_PhysPlasmas_2_3923.pdf:Li1995_PhysPlasmas_2_3923.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {DISPERSION RELATIONS; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; TEARING INSTABILITY; TOKAMAK DEVICES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/3923/1}, } @Article{Li1995a, author = {Ding Li and Chuanbing Wang}, title = {Influence of poloidal rotation on the toroidally coupled tearing mode}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {4}, pages = {1026-1028}, abstract = {Poloidal rotation and growth of the toroidally coupled tearing mode are analyzed based on the dispersion relation obtained by Li and Huo [Phys. Fluids B 5, 3737 (1993)]. The dominant (subdominant) branch is most (least) unstable when the frequencies of both unstable harmonics are equal. The poloidal rotation has a stabilizing effect on the subdominant branch through the toroidal coupling with the dominant branch. The stable branch cannot be excited by the poloidal rotation when one or both harmonics are stable. The rotation frequencies of both branches can be mutually locked to the average of, but not one of, both harmonic frequencies when the growth rates of both harmonics are equal.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871381}, file = {Li1995a_PhysPlasmas_2_1026.pdf:Li1995a_PhysPlasmas_2_1026.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TEARING INSTABILITY; ROTATING PLASMA; DISPERSION RELATIONS; INSTABILITY GROWTH RATES; HARMONICS; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/1026/1}, } @Article{Mace1995, author = {R. L. Mace and M. A. Hellberg}, title = {A dispersion function for plasmas containing superthermal particles}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1995}, volume = {2}, number = {6}, pages = {2098-2109}, abstract = {It is now well known that space plasmas frequently contain particle components that exhibit high, or superthermal, energy tails with approximate power law distributions in velocity space. Such nonthermal distributions, with overabundances of fast particles, can be better fitted, for supra‐ and superthermal velocities, by generalized Lorentzian or kappa distributions, than by Maxwellians or one of their variants. Employing the kappa distribution, with real values of the spectral index κ, in place of the Maxwellian we introduce a new plasma dispersion function expected to be of significant importance in kinetic theoretical studies of waves in space plasmas. It is demonstrated that this function is proportional to Gauss’ hypergeometric function 2F1[1,2κ+2;κ+2;z] enabling the well‐established theory of the hypergeometric function to be used to manipulate dispersion relations. The reduction, for integer values of κ, to the less general so‐called modified plasma dispersion function [Phys. Fluids B 3, 1835 (1991)] is demonstrated. An example illustrating the use of the function is presented.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871296}, file = {Mace1995_PhysPlasmas_2_2098.pdf:Mace1995_PhysPlasmas_2_2098.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {DISPERSION RELATIONS; KINETIC EQUATIONS; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; COLLISIONLESS PLASMA; NONEQUILIBRIUM PLASMA; HYPERGEOMETRIC FUNCTIONS; SOLAR FLARES; SOLAR WIND}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.05.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/2/2098/1}, } @Article{Mann1995, author = {Mann, Ian R. and Wright, Andrew N.}, title = {Finite lifetimes of ideal poloidal Alfvén waves}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics}, year = {1995}, volume = {100}, number = {A12}, pages = {23677--23686}, issn = {2156-2202}, abstract = {Standing second harmonic poloidal Alfvén waves can be excited by drift-bounce resonance with energetic particle populations in the Earth's magnetosphere. Using a cold, ideal, MHD model, we study the temporal evolution of the resulting poloidal Alfvén waves. Imposing an azimuthal dependence of exp (iλy) in a “box” model of the magnetosphere, we describe poloidal waves, using a large azimuthal wavenumber λ. In homogeneous media, poloidally polarized waves simply oscillate in time. However, if these waves are excited in a nonuniform medium, we find that their polarization rotates from poloidal to toroidal in time. This polarization change is driven by magnetic field gradients which develop as the poloidal wave fields phase mix in time. Asymptotically, all the initial poloidal wave energy is ultimately transferred to a toroidal polarization. On the basis of this phase mixing we define a poloidal lifetime as the time taken for the poloidal and toroidal amplitudes to become equal. We find that the lifetime is given by τ = λ/ (dωA/dx). The irreversible change from a poloidal to a toroidal polarization is in agreement with early studies [Radoski, 1974] but contrary to a recent report [Ding et al., 1995]. Our results support the findings of Radoski. Consequently, poloidal Alfvén waves in the Earth's magnetosphere may have a finite poloidally polarized lifetime, after which they become dominantly toroidal, determined by their azimuthal wavenumber and the local natural Alfvén frequency gradient.}, doi = {10.1029/95JA02689}, file = {Mann1995_JGR_MW1995.pdf:Mann1995_JGR_MW1995.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.12}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/95JA02689}, } @Article{Tu1995, author = {Tu, C.-Y. and Marsch, E.}, title = {MHD structures, waves and turbulence in the solar wind: Observations and theories}, journal = {Space Science Reviews}, year = {1995}, volume = {73}, number = {1-2}, pages = {1-210}, issn = {0038-6308}, abstract = {A comprehensive overview is presented of recent observational and theoretical results on solar wind structures and fluctuations and magnetohydrodynamic waves and turbulence, with preference given to phenomena in the inner heliosphere. Emphasis is placed on the progress made in the past decade in the understanding of the nature and origin of especially small-scale, compressible and incompressible fluctuations. Turbulence models to describe the spatial transport and spectral transfer of the fluctuations in the inner heliosphere are discussed, and results from direct numerical simulations are dealt with. Intermittency of solar wind fluctuations and their statistical distributions are briefly investigated. Studies of the heating and acceleration effects of the turbulence on the background wind are critically surveyed. Finally, open questions concerning the origin, nature and evolution of the fluctuations are listed, and possible avenues and perspectives for future research are outlined.}, doi = {10.1007/BF00748891}, file = {Tu1995_BF00748891.pdf:Tu1995_BF00748891.pdf:PDF}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, timestamp = {2014.01.06}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00748891}, } @Article{Weideman1995, author = {Weideman, J. A. C.}, title = {Computing the Hilbert Transform on the Real Line}, journal = {Mathematics of Computation}, year = {1995}, volume = {64}, number = {210}, pages = {745--762}, month = apr, issn = {00255718}, abstract = {We introduce a new method for computing the Hilbert transform on the real line. It is a collocation method, based on an expansion in rational eigenfunctions of the Hilbert transform operator, and implemented through the Fast Fourier Transform. An error analysis is given, and convergence rates for some simple classes of functions are established. Numerical tests indicate that the method compares favorably with existing methods.}, file = {Weideman1995_2153449.pdf:Weideman1995_2153449.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, timestamp = {2013.05.13}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/2153449}, } @Article{Alladio1996, author = {F. Alladio and P. Micozzi}, title = {Analytical calculation of Boozer magnetic coordinates for axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic equilibria}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1996}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {72-88}, abstract = {A new analytical technique for extracting the Boozer magnetic coordinates in axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic equilibria is described. The method is based upon the correspondence between the expansion of the flux function in toroidal multipolar moments and the expansion in toroidal axisymmetric harmonics of the magnetic scalar potential χ0, which appears in the covariant representation B=∇χ0+β ∇ψT of the magnetic field. An example of calculation of Boozer magnetic coordinates is given for an experimental highly shaped high β equilibrium of DIIID [Plasma Physics Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, 1986 (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1987), Vol. I, p. 159]. © 1996 American Institute of Physics.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871826}, file = {Alladio1996_PhysPlasmas_3_72.pdf:Alladio1996_PhysPlasmas_3_72.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {COORDINATES; MAGNETIC FIELD CONFIGURATIONS; MAGNETIC FLUX; MAGNETIC SURFACES; MHD EQUILIBRIUM; TOKAMAK DEVICES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/3/72/1}, } @Article{Beer1996, author = {M. A. Beer and G. W. Hammett}, title = {Bounce averaged trapped electron fluid equations for plasma turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1996}, volume = {3}, number = {11}, pages = {4018-4022}, abstract = {A novel set of nonlinear fluid equations for mirror‐trapped electrons is developed which differs from conventional fluid equations in two main respects: (1) the trapped‐fluid moments average over only two of three velocity space dimensions, retaining the full pitch angle dependence of the trapped electron dynamics, and (2) closure approximations include the effects of collisionless wave‐particle resonances with the toroidal precession drift. Collisional pitch angle scattering is also included. By speeding up calculations by at least √mi/me, these bounce averaged fluid equations make possible realistic nonlinear simulations of turbulent particle transport and electron heat transport in tokamaks and other magnetically confined plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871574}, file = {Beer1996_PhysPlasmas_3_4018.pdf:Beer1996_PhysPlasmas_3_4018.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TRAPPED ELECTRONS; PLASMA FLUID EQUATIONS; TOKAMAK DEVICES; TRANSPORT THEORY; TURBULENCE; PLASMA SIMULATION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/3/4018/1}, } @Article{Beer1996a, author = {M. A. Beer and G. W. Hammett}, title = {Toroidal gyrofluid equations for simulations of tokamak turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1996}, volume = {3}, number = {11}, pages = {4046-4064}, abstract = {A set of nonlinear gyrofluid equations for simulations of tokamak turbulence are derived by taking moments of the nonlinear toroidal gyrokinetic equation. The moment hierarchy is closed with approximations that model the kinetic effects of parallel Landau damping, toroidal drift resonances, and finite Larmor radius effects. These equations generalize the work of Dorland and Hammett [Phys. Fluids B 5, 812 (1993)] to toroidal geometry by including essential toroidal effects. The closures for phase mixing from toroidal ∇B and curvature drifts take the basic form presented in Waltz et al. [Phys. Fluids B 4, 3138 (1992)], but here a more rigorous procedure is used, including an extension to higher moments, which provides significantly improved accuracy. In addition, trapped ion effects and collisions are incorporated. This reduced set of nonlinear equations accurately models most of the physics considered important for ion dynamics in core tokamak turbulence, and is simple enough to be used in high resolution direct numerical simulations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871538}, file = {Beer1996a_PhysPlasmas_3_4046.pdf:Beer1996a_PhysPlasmas_3_4046.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; TURBULENCE; PLASMA FLUID EQUATIONS; LANDAU DAMPING; LARMOR RADIUS; PLASMA SIMULATION; MOMENTS METHOD; PLASMA MICROINSTABILITIES}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/3/4046/1}, } @Article{Dongarra1996, author = {J.J. Dongarra and B. Straughan and D.W. Walker}, journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics}, title = {Chebyshev tau-QZ algorithm methods for calculating spectra of hydrodynamic stability problems}, year = {1996}, issn = {0168-9274}, number = {4}, pages = {399 - 434}, volume = {22}, abstract = {The Chebyshev tau method is examined in detail for a variety of eigenvalue problems arising in hydrodynamic stability studies, particularly those of Orr-Sommerfeld type. We concentrate on determining the whole of the top end of the spectrum in parameter ranges beyond those often explored. The method employing a Chebyshev representation of the fourth derivative operator, D4, is compared with those involving the second and first derivative operators, \{D2\} and D, respectively. The latter two representations require use of the \{QZ\} algorithm in the resolution of the singular generalised matrix eigenvalue problem which arises. Physical problems explored are those of Poiseuille flow, Couette flow, pressure gradient driven circular pipe flow, and Couette and Poiseuille problems for two viscous, immiscible fluids, one overlying the other.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0168-9274(96)00049-9}, file = {Dongarra1996_1-s2.0-S0168927496000499-main.pdf:Dongarra1996_1-s2.0-S0168927496000499-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Eigenvalue problems}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.30}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168927496000499}, } @Article{Fu1996, author = {G. Y. Fu and C. Z. Cheng and R. Budny and Z. Chang and D. S. Darrow and E. Fredrickson and E. Mazzucato and R. Nazikian and K. L. Wong and S. Zweben}, title = {Analysis of alpha particle-driven toroidal Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes in Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor deuterium--tritium experiments}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1996}, volume = {3}, number = {11}, pages = {4036-4045}, abstract = {The toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) are calculated to be stable in the presently obtained deuterium–tritium plasmas in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) [Plasma Phys. Controlled Nucl. Fusion Res. 26, 11 (1984)]. However, the core localized TAE mode can exist and is less stable than the global TAE modes. The beam ion Landau damping and the radiative damping are the two main stabilizing mechanisms in the present calculation. In future deuterium–tritium experiments, the alpha‐driven TAE modes are predicted to occur with a weakly reversed shear profile.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871537}, file = {Fu1996_PhysPlasmas_3_4036.pdf:Fu1996_PhysPlasmas_3_4036.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TFTR TOKAMAK; ALFVEN WAVES; EIGENSTATES; LANDAU DAMPING; DEUTERIUM; TRITIUM; ALPHA PARTICLES; PLASMA SIMULATION; FUSION YIELD}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/3/4036/1}, } @Article{Grabbe1996, author = {Crockett Grabbe and Ezio Venturino}, title = {Asymptotics of the modified plasma dispersion function generalized to real kappa}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1996}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, pages = {35-41}, abstract = {The modified plasma dispersion function (MPDF), an extension to κ particle distributions of the standard plasma dispersion function (PDF), has been recently generalized to real κ. An analysis of the general form of the MPDF is made to obtain its asymptotic solution for real κ≥2. A recursion relation is derived and applied to calculate the asymptotic expression directly in terms of the PDF. A numerical analysis is made of its error relative to the exact value for a range of integer values of κ from 2 to 5, and the error is found to typically be about 8% for κ=2, 2% for κ=3, 0.4% for κ=4, and 0.2% for κ=5. The precision increases as κ increases, and generally the first four to five terms of the expansion give accurate results. Potential applications for analyzing processes in a variety of space and astrophysical plasmas are discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871860}, file = {Grabbe1996_PhysPlasmas_3_35.pdf:Grabbe1996_PhysPlasmas_3_35.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ASTROPHYSICS; DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; KINETIC EQUATIONS; ASYMPTOTIC SOLUTION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.05.17}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/3/35/1}, } @Article{Ma1996, author = {Ma, Z. W. and Bhattacharjee, A.}, title = {Fast impulsive reconnection and current sheet intensification due to electron pressure gradients in semi-collisional plasmas}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, year = {1996}, volume = {23}, number = {13}, pages = {1673--1676}, issn = {1944-8007}, abstract = {A numerical simulation of forced reconnection and current sheet growth due to inward boundary flows in semi-collisional plasmas is presented, and contrasted with the results of an incompressible resistive MHD simulation in the high-Lundquist-number regime. Due to the presence of electron pressure (or Hall currents) in the generalized Ohm's law, the reconnection dynamics makes an impulsive transition from a slow linear regime to a nonlinear regime characterized by fast reconnection and current sheet intensification at a near-Alfvénic rate. The current sheet spanning Y-points in the early nonlinear regime shrinks and approaches an X-point geometry. The spatial scale of the collisionless parallel electric field is the ion skin depth, and decoupled from the spatial scale of the parallel current which is much narrower and determined by the Lundquist number.}, doi = {10.1029/96GL01600}, file = {Ma1996_grl9382.pdf:Ma1996_grl9382.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/96GL01600}, } @Article{Ng1996, author = {Ng, CS and Bhattacharjee, A}, title = {Interaction of Shear-Alfven Wave Packets: Implication for Weak Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in Astrophysical Plasmas}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, year = {1996}, volume = {465}, pages = {845}, file = {Ng1996_1996ApJ___465__845N.pdf:Ng1996_1996ApJ___465__845N.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.25}, url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/doi/10.1086/177468}, } @Article{Stepanov1996, author = {K N Stepanov}, title = {Nonlinear parametric phenomena in plasma during radio frequency heating in the ion cyclotron frequency range}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1996}, volume = {38}, number = {12A}, pages = {A13}, abstract = {Parametric phenomena in plasma which occur due to varying electric fields with the ion cyclotron frequency are reviewed. Beam-like lower hybrid instability emerges in strong pumping fields provided that the transverse relative velocity of particles is larger than the ion thermal speed ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/38/12A/003/img1.gif] . The resulting turbulence and the following numerous manifestations observed experimentally are addressed. The turbulence may prove important for experiments aimed at plasma production or radio frequency (RF) cleaning of metallic surfaces of vacuum chambers in stellarators, tokamaks and helicon devices. In contrast, for a weak field ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/38/12A/003/img2.gif] the kinetic parametric instabilities of ion cyclotron oscillations arise due to electrons. The issues of the turbulence, mathematical modelling, its role in turbulent heating observed on the torsatron Uragan-3M, decay instabilities associated with ion cyclotron oscillations and the triggering of ion quasimodes are considered.}, file = {Stepanov1996_0741-3335_38_12A_003.pdf:Stepanov1996_0741-3335_38_12A_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.09.06}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/38/i=12A/a=003}, } @Article{Summers1996, author = {Danny Summers and Richard M. Thorne and Hiroshi Matsumoto}, title = {Evaluation of the modified plasma dispersion function for half-integral indices}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1996}, volume = {3}, number = {7}, pages = {2496-2501}, abstract = {Space and astrophysical plasmas typically possess particle distribution functions with a power‐law tail (in energy) that are well modeled by generalized Lorentzian distributions with an associated spectral index κ. Dispersion equations for linear waves of any mode in a plasma described by a Lorentzian‐type particle distribution involve the modified plasma dispersion function Zκ∗, a special function analogous to the plasma dispersion function Z that arises when the particle distribution is Maxwellian. The function Zκ∗, originally defined by Summers and Thorne [Phys. Fluids B 3, 1835 (1991)] for integral values of κ, was recently generalized to real values of κ by Mace and Hellberg [Phys. Plasmas 2, 2098 (1995)]. In the present paper, a general formula is derived for the modified plasma dispersion function Zκ∗ corresponding to half‐integral values of κ, and simple, explicit closed‐form expressions are given for the functions Z3/2∗, Z5/2∗, Z7/2∗, Z9/2∗, and Z11/2∗. These results complement the simple, closed‐form expressions for the functions Zκ∗, for κ=1, 2, 3,..., that already exist in the literature.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871967}, file = {Summers1996_PhysPlasmas_3_2496.pdf:Summers1996_PhysPlasmas_3_2496.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA WAVES; HYPERGEOMETRIC FUNCTIONS; PLASMA MICROINSTABILITIES; DISPERSION RELATIONS; DISTRIBUTION FUNCTIONS; MAGNETOSHEATH; SOLAR WIND; SPECTRAL INDEX}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.05.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/3/2496/1}, } @Article{Tu1996, author = {Tu, C.-Y. and Marsch, E. and Rosenbauer, H.}, title = {An extended structure-function model and its application to the analysis of solar wind intermittency properties}, journal = {Annales Geophysicae}, year = {1996}, volume = {14}, number = {3}, pages = {270-285}, issn = {0992-7689}, doi = {10.1007/s00585-996-0270-9}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, timestamp = {2014.01.06}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00585-996-0270-9}, } @Article{Waelbroeck1996, author = {F. L. Waelbroeck}, title = {Gyroscopic stabilization of the internal kink mode}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1996}, volume = {3}, number = {3}, pages = {1047-1053}, doi = {10.1063/1.871760}, file = {Waelbroeck1996_PhysPlasmas_3_1047.pdf:Waelbroeck1996_PhysPlasmas_3_1047.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {EIGENSTATES; KINK INSTABILITY; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; ROTATING PLASMA; STABILIZATION; TOKAMAK DEVICES; SOUND VELOCITY}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/3/1047/1}, } @Article{Wahlberg1996, author = {C. Wahlberg}, title = {A comparison of compressible and incompressible magnetohydrodynamics in toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1996}, volume = {3}, number = {5}, pages = {1619-1627}, abstract = {A comparison is made of the properties of compressible and incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) oscillations in toroidal plasmas. In the main part of the paper we deal with the compressible case, and it is shown that the Alfvén wave equation describing toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE modes) in a low‐β tokamak [Berk et al., Phys. Fluids B 4, 1806 (1992)], including the toroidal coupling of the shear Alfvén continuum modes with poloidal mode numbers m and m±1, can be obtained by means of an inverse aspect ratio expansion of the usual set of compressible MHD equations. This method provides an alternative, and more straightforward, approach to the analysis of such modes as compared with previous studies based on reduced MHD, or on different formulations of MHD. In the case of incompressible MHD, it is found that the Alfvén continua are strongly modified by the finite value of the toroidal component of the plasma perturbation. In particular, a large frequency gap where global eigenmodes can be found appears already to lowest order in the inverse aspect ratio in the case of incompressible oscillations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872021}, file = {Wahlberg1996_PhysPlasmas_3_1619.pdf:Wahlberg1996_PhysPlasmas_3_1619.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; WATER VAPOR; NOZZLES; ELECTRON EMISSION; ELECTRIC FIELDS; ELECTRON BEAMS; COMPRESSIBLE FLOW; INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOW; ALFVEN WAVES; LOWBETA PLASMA; ASPECT RATIO; EIGENSTATES; TOROIDAL CONFIGURATION; ATOMIZATION; DROPLETS; SPRAYS; CHARGE DISTRIBUTION}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/3/1619/1}, } @Article{Xie1996, author = {H. X. Xie and A. Bondeson}, title = {Toroidal stability boundaries for tearing modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1996}, volume = {3}, number = {6}, pages = {2423-2426}, abstract = {The linear stability boundaries for resistive and ideal external modes in circular cross section tokamaks are studied by means of toroidal magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) computations. The resistive MHD prediction at zero pressure is clearly more unstable than experimental results. For Lundquist numbers S=τr/τA of the order 107 or larger, the resistive stability boundaries for moderate beta are rather close to the ideal ones. These boundaries are in reasonable agreement with experimental results. The stabilizing effect of a conducting wall is studied. At high S, the lower limit to the inductance tends to be set by resistive wall modes rather than by tearing modes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.871926}, file = {Xie1996_PhysPlasmas_3_2423.pdf:Xie1996_PhysPlasmas_3_2423.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; TEARING INSTABILITY; MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; MEDIUMBETA PLASMA; PLASMA MACROINSTABILITIES; SOUND WAVES; MHD EQUILIBRIUM; VISCOSITY}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/3/2423/1}, } @Article{Bertozzi1997, author = {Bertozzi, Andrea L. and Brenner, Michael P.}, title = {Linear stability and transient growth in driven contact lines}, journal = {Physics of Fluids (1994-present)}, year = {1997}, volume = {9}, number = {3}, pages = {530-539}, abstract = {Fluid flowing down an inclined plane commonly exhibits a fingering instability in which the contact line corrugates. We show that below a critical inclination angle the base state before the instability is linearly stable. Several recent experiments explore inclination angles below this critical angle, yet all clearly show the fingering instability. We explain this paradox by showing that regardless of the long time linear stability of the front, microscopic scale perturbations at the contact line grow on a transient time scale to a size comparable with the macroscopic structure of the front. This amplification is sufficient to excite nonlinearities and thus initiate finger formation. The amplification is a result of the well-known singular dependence of the macroscopic profiles on the microscopic length scale near the contact line. Implications for other types of forced contact lines are discussed.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.869217}, file = {Bertozzi1997_1.869217.pdf:Bertozzi1997_1.869217.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.30}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pof2/9/3/10.1063/1.869217}, } @Article{Brambilla1997, author = {Marco Brambilla}, title = {Recent progress in IC wave codes at IPP Garching}, journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, year = {1997}, volume = {403}, number = {1}, pages = {257-264}, abstract = {Two codes are available in Garching for the solution of Maxwell equations in tokamak plasmas in the Ion Cyclotron range of frequencies: FELICE, which models the plasma as plane-stratified, and TORIC, which allows for fully toroidal axisymmetric geometry. After a brief presentation of the models and the numerical implementations, we discuss recent improvements and possible extensions. By comparing the results of the two codes one can gain useful insight on the effects of toroidicity on the physics of IC heating in tokamaks.}, doi = {10.1063/1.53419}, editor = {Philip M. Ryan and Thomas Intrator}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; ICR HEATING; COMPUTER CODES; BERNSTEIN MODE; MAXWELL EQUATIONS}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APC/403/257/1}, } @Article{Elsasser1997, author = {Klaus Elsasser and Sergey Popel}, title = {Plasma equations in general relativity}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1997}, volume = {4}, number = {7}, pages = {2348-2356}, abstract = {Vlasov’s equation and the ideal multifluid equations are considered in manifestly covariant form. In the latter case, a thermodynamic closure (locally the first law of thermodynamics) leads to a generalized Kelvin/Helmholtz theorem. In the former case, the local dispersion relation for Langmuir waves in a strong gravitational field is derived and solved.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872575}, file = {Elsasser1997_PhysPlasmas_4_2348.pdf:Elsasser1997_PhysPlasmas_4_2348.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {PLASMA WAVES; GENERAL RELATIVITY THEORY; BOLTZMANN-VLASOV EQUATION; THERMODYNAMICS; LANGMUIR FREQUENCY; HELMHOLTZ THEOREM; DISPERSION RELATIONS; general relativity; plasma Langmuir waves; Vlasov equation; plasma thermodynamics; plasma oscillations; relativistic plasmas}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/2348/1}, } @Article{Jones1997, author = {T. W. Jones and Joseph B. Gaalaas and Dongsu Ryu and Adam Frank}, title = {The MHD Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability. II. The Roles of Weak and Oblique Fields in Planar Flows}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, year = {1997}, volume = {482}, number = {1}, pages = {230}, abstract = {We have carried out high-resolution MHD simulations of the nonlinear evolution of Kelvin-Helmholtz unstable flows in 2½ dimensions. The modeled flows and fields were initially uniform except for a thin shear layer with a hyperbolic tangent velocity profile and a small, normal mode perturbation. These simulations extend work by Frank et al. and Malagoli, Bodo, & Rosner. They consider periodic sections of flows containing magnetic fields parallel to the shear layer, but projecting over a full range of angles with respect to the flow vectors. They are intended as preparation for fully three-dimensional calculations and to address two specific questions raised in earlier work: (1) What role, if any, does the orientation of the field play in nonlinear evolution of the MHD Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in 2½ dimensions? (2) Given that the field is too weak to stabilize against a linear perturbation of the flow, how does the nonlinear evolution of the instability depend on strength of the field? The magnetic field component in the third direction contributes only through minor pressure contributions, so the flows are essentially two-dimensional. In Frank et al. we found that fields too weak to stabilize a linear perturbation may still be able to alter fundamentally the flow so that it evolves from the classical "Cat's Eye" vortex expected in gasdynamics into a marginally stable, broad laminar shear layer. In that process the magnetic field plays the role of a catalyst, briefly storing energy and then returning it to the plasma during reconnection events that lead to dynamical alignment between magnetic field and flow vectors. In our new work we identify another transformation in the flow evolution for fields below a critical strength. That we found to be ~10% of the critical field needed for linear stabilization in the cases we studied. In this "very weak field" regime, the role of the magnetic field is to enhance the rate of energy dissipation within and around the Cat's Eye vortex, not to disrupt it. The presence of even a very weak field can add substantially to the rate at which flow kinetic energy is dissipated. In all of the cases we studied magnetic field amplification by stretching in the vortex is limited by tearing mode, "fast" reconnection events that isolate and then destroy magnetic flux islands within the vortex and relax the fields outside the vortex. If the magnetic tension developed prior to reconnection is comparable to Reynolds stresses in the flow, that flow is reorganized during reconnection. Otherwise, the primary influence on the plasma is generation of entropy. The effective expulsion of flux from the vortex is very similar to that shown by Weiss for passive fields in idealized vortices with large magnetic Reynolds numbers. We demonstrated that this expulsion cannot be interpreted as a direct consequence of steady, resistive diffusion, but must be seen as a consequence of unsteady fast reconnection.}, file = {Jones1997_0004-637X_482_1_230.pdf:Jones1997_0004-637X_482_1_230.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/482/i=1/a=230}, } @Article{Qin1997, author = {Qin, H. and Reiman, A.}, title = {Free-boundary, high-beta equilibrium in a large aspect ratio tokamak with nearly circular plasma boundary}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {1997}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {762-770}, abstract = {An analytic solution is obtained for free-boundary, high-beta equilibria in large aspect ratio tokamaks with a nearly circular plasma boundary. In the absence of surface currents at the plasma-vacuum interface, the free-boundary equilibrium solution introduces constraints arising from the need to couple to an external vacuum field which is physically realizable with a reasonable set of external field coils. This places a strong constraint on the pressure profiles that are consistent with a given boundary shape at high εβp. The equilibrium solution also provides information on the flux surface topology. The plasma is bounded by a separatrix. Increasing the plasma pressure at fixed total current causes the plasma aperture to decrease in a manner that is described.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.872170}, file = {Qin1997_1.872170.pdf:Qin1997_1.872170.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.05}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/4/3/10.1063/1.872170}, } @Article{Snyder1997, author = {P. B. Snyder and G. W. Hammett and W. Dorland}, title = {Landau fluid models of collisionless magnetohydrodynamics}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1997}, volume = {4}, number = {11}, pages = {3974-3985}, abstract = {A closed set of fluid moment equations including models of kinetic Landau damping is developed which describes the evolution of collisionless plasmas in the magnetohydrodynamic parameter regime. The model is fully electromagnetic and describes the dynamics of both compressional and shear Alfvén waves, as well as ion acoustic waves. The model allows for separate parallel and perpendicular pressures p∥ and p⊥, and, unlike previous models such as the Chew–Goldberger–Low theory, correctly predicts the instability threshold for the mirror instability. Both a simple 3+1 moment model and a more accurate 4+2 moment model are developed, and both could be useful for numerical simulations of astrophysical and fusion plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872517}, file = {Snyder1997_pop.pdf:Snyder1997_pop.pdf:PDF;Snyder1997_pop.pdf:Snyder1997_pop.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS; PLASMA FLUID EQUATIONS; ALFVEN WAVES; MATHEMATICAL MODELS; COLLISIONLESS PLASMA; PLASMA INSTABILITY; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma Alfven waves; plasma kinetic theory; plasma ion acoustic waves}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/4/3974/1}, } @Article{Bhattacharjee1998, author = {Bhattacharjee, A. and Ma, Z. W. and Wang, Xiaogang}, title = {Ballooning instability of a thin current sheet in the high-Lundquist-number magnetotail}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, year = {1998}, volume = {25}, number = {6}, pages = {861--864}, issn = {1944-8007}, abstract = {Two-dimensional simulations of the magnetotail in the high-Lundquist-number regime indicate the slow growth of thin current sheets and an impulsive intensification of the cross-tail current density at near-Earth distances during a short interval just before the onset of the expansion phase, consistent with multi-satellite observations. Such a two-dimensional magnetotail, symmetric along y and containing a thin current sheet, is found to be unstable to a symmetry-breaking, ideal compressible ballooning instability with high wave number along y. The linear instability is demonstrated by numerical solutions of the ideal ballooning eigenmode equation for a sequence of two-dimensional thin current sheet configurations in the impulsive growth phase. Line-tied boundary conditions at the ionosphere are imposed, and shown to play a crucial role in the stability analysis. It is suggested that the ideal ballooning instability, which has strong spatial variation along y, provides a possible mechanism for disrupting the cross-tail current at onset.}, doi = {10.1029/98GL00412}, file = {Bhattacharjee1998_grl10937.pdf:Bhattacharjee1998_grl10937.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/98GL00412}, } @Article{Breizman1998, author = {Breizman, B. N. and Candy, J. and Porcelli, F. and Berk, H. L.}, title = {On the theory of internal kink oscillations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {6}, pages = {2326-2333}, abstract = {In this paper a time evolution equation for internal kink oscillations is derived. It is valid for both stable and unstable plasma regimes, and incorporates the response of an energetic particle population. A linear analysis reveals a parallel between (i) the time evolution of the spatial derivative of the internal kink radial displacement and (ii) the time evolution of the perturbed particle distribution function in the field of an electrostatic wave (Landau problem). It is shown that diamagnetic drift effects make the asymptotic decay of internal kink perturbations in a stable plasma algebraic rather than exponential. However, under certain conditions the stable root of the dispersion relation can dominate the response of the on-axis displacement for a significant period of time. The form of the evolution equation naturally allows one to include a nonlinear, fully toroidal treatment of energetic particles into the theory of internal kink oscillations.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.872906}, file = {Breizman1998_1.872906.pdf:Breizman1998_1.872906.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.02.12}, url = {http://www.aip.pub2web.ingenta.com/content/aip/journal/pop/5/6/10.1063/1.872906}, } @Article{Fu1998, author = {Fu, G. Y. and Nazikian, R. and Budny, R. and Chang, Z.}, title = {Alpha particle-driven toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes in Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor deuterium–tritium plasmas: Theory and experiments}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {12}, pages = {4284-4291}, abstract = {The toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) in the TokamakFusion Test Reactor [K. Young et al., Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion26, 11 (1984)] deuterium–tritium plasmas are analyzed using the NOVA-K code [C. Z. Cheng, Phys. Rep. 211, 1 (1992)]. The theoretical results are compared with the experimental measurements in detail. In most cases, the theory agrees with the observations in terms of mode frequency, mode structure and mode stability. However, one mode with toroidal mode number n=2 is observed to be poloidally localized on the high field side of the magnetic axis with a mode frequency substantially below the TAE frequency.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.873165}, file = {Fu1998_1.873165.pdf:Fu1998_1.873165.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.19}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/5/12/10.1063/1.873165}, } @Article{Guio1998, author = {Guio, P. and Lilensten, J. and Kofman, W. and Bj{\o}rn{\aa}, N.}, title = {Electron velocity distribution function in a plasma with temperature gradient and in the presence of suprathermal electrons: application to incoherent-scatter plasma lines}, journal = {Annales Geophysicae}, year = {1998}, volume = {16}, number = {10}, pages = {1226--1240}, doi = {10.1007/s00585-998-1226-z}, file = {Guio1998_angeo-16-1226-1998.pdf:Guio1998_angeo-16-1226-1998.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.17}, url = {http://www.ann-geophys.net/16/1226/1998/}, } @Article{Kimura1998, author = {H. Kimura and Y. Kusama and M. Saigusa and G.J. Kramer and K. Tobita and M. Nemoto and T. Kondoh and T. Nishitani and O. Da Costa and T. Ozeki and T. Oikawa and S. Moriyama and A. Morioka and G.Y. Fu and C.Z. Cheng and V.I. Afanas'ev}, title = {Alfvén eigenmode and energetic particle research in JT-60U}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {1998}, volume = {38}, number = {9}, pages = {1303}, abstract = {Recent results on investigations of Alfvén eigenmodes, fast ion confinement and fast ion diagnostics in JT-60U are presented. It was found that toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) were stable in negative shear discharges with a large density gradient at the internal transport barrier (ITB). If the density gradient was small at the ITB, multiple TAEs appeared around the q = 2 surface (pitch minimum) and showed a large frequency chirping (Δf ≈ 80 kHz). In low-q positive shear discharges, the location of the TAEs changed from outside to inside the q = 1 surface, owing to a temporal change of the q profile. A significant depression of the megaelectronvolt ion population was observed only with high-n (n up to 14) multiple TAEs inside the q = 1 surface. Non-circular triangularity induced Alfvén eigenmodes were observed for the first time. Considerable depression of the triton burnup was observed in negative shear discharges. Orbit following Monte Carlo simulations indicated that ripple loss was responsible for the enhanced triton losses. The fast ion stored energies in ICRF heated negative shear discharges were comparable to those of positive shear plasmas. Tail ion temperatures in high (second to fourth) harmonic ICRF heating experiments were first analysed with an MeV neutral particle analyser. The behaviour of MeV ions produced by ICRF heating was studied with gamma ray diagnostics. A scintillating fibre detector system for detecting the 14MeV neutron emission was developed for the triton burnup studies. Ion cyclotron emission measurements discriminating between parallel and perpendicular components of the electric field were carried out for the first time.}, file = {Kimura1998-0029-5515_38_9_304.pdf:Kimura1998-0029-5515_38_9_304.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.16}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/38/i=9/a=304}, } @Article{Kramer1998, author = {Kramer, G. J. and Saigusa, M. and Ozeki, T. and Kusama, Y. and Kimura, H. and Oikawa, T. and Tobita, K. and Fu, G. Y. and Cheng, C. Z.}, title = {Noncircular Triangularity and Ellipticity-Induced Alfv\'en Eigenmodes Observed in JT-60U}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1998}, volume = {80}, pages = {2594--2597}, month = {Mar}, abstract = {For the first time noncircular triangularity induced Alfvén eigenmodes (NAE) were observed in combined ion cyclotron resonance frequency and neutral beam injection heated plasmas. Ellipticity induced Alfvén eigenmodes (EAE) and toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) were also observed in those plasmas. The threshold beta of the energetic ions for exciting the NAE modes was found to be similar to that for exciting TAE modes.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.80.2594}, file = {Kramer1998_PhysRevLett.80.2594.pdf:Kramer1998_PhysRevLett.80.2594.pdf:PDF}, issue = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.09.04}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.80.2594}, } @Article{Leamon1998, author = {Leamon, Robert J. and Smith, Charles W. and Ness, Norman F. and Matthaeus, William H. and Wong, Hung K.}, title = {Observational constraints on the dynamics of the interplanetary magnetic field dissipation range}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics}, year = {1998}, volume = {103}, number = {A3}, pages = {4775--4787}, issn = {2156-2202}, abstract = {The dissipation range for interplanetary magnetic field fluctuations is formed by those fluctuations with spatial scales comparable to the gyroradius or ion inertial length of a thermal ion. It is reasonable to assume that the dissipation range represents the final fate of magnetic energy that is transferred from the largest spatial scales via nonlinear processes until kinetic coupling with the background plasma removes the energy from the spectrum and heats the background distribution. Typically, the dissipation range at 1 AU sets in at spacecraft frame frequencies of a few tenths of a hertz. It is characterized by a steepening of the power spectrum and often demonstrates a bias of the polarization or magnetic helicity spectrum. We examine Wind observations of inertial and dissipation range spectra in an attempt to better understand the processes that form the dissipation range and how these processes depend on the ambient solar wind parameters (interplanetary magnetic field intensity, ambient proton density and temperature, etc.). We focus on stationary intervals with well-defined inertial and dissipation range spectra. Our analysis shows that parallel-propagating waves, such as Alfvén waves, are inconsistent with the data. MHD turbulence consisting of a partly slab and partly two-dimensional (2-D) composite geometry is consistent with the observations, while thermal paxticle interactions with the 2-D component may be responsible for the formation of the dissipation range. Kinetic Alfvén waves propagating at large angles to the background magnetic field are also consistent with the observations and may form some portion of the 2-D turbulence component.}, doi = {10.1029/97JA03394}, file = {Leamon1998_jgra14010.pdf:Leamon1998_jgra14010.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.04}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/97JA03394}, } @Article{Li1998a, author = {Jiquan Li and Lin Huang and Wenxiao Qu}, title = {Sheared slab eta[sub i] instability in tokamak plasma with negative magnetic shear}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {4}, pages = {959-965}, abstract = {The sheared slab ηi instability is reconsidered in tokamak plasma with negative magnetic shear. A modified sheared slab model is presented to include both the magnetic shear and its variation with the magnetic surface. The results show that the slow variation of magnetic shear can aggravate the sheared slab ηi instability in the region near the minimum-q magnetic surface and that it has a weak stabilizing role in the plasma core near the axis. However, when the effect of the variation of magnetic shear increases, it can give rise to a stronger slab ηi instability. In addition, a linear mode coupling mechanism could be mediated by the variation of magnetic shear with a magnetic surface.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872664}, file = {Li1998_PhysPlasmas_5_959.pdf:Li1998_PhysPlasmas_5_959.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; plasma instability; perturbation theory; plasma transport processes; plasma temperature}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/5/959/1}, } @Article{Rosenbluth1998, author = {Rosenbluth, M. N. and Hinton, F. L.}, title = {Poloidal Flow Driven by Ion-Temperature-Gradient Turbulence in Tokamaks}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1998}, volume = {80}, pages = {724--727}, month = {Jan}, abstract = {We show that linear collisionless processes do not damp poloidal flows driven by ion-temperature-gradient (ITG) turbulence. Since these flows play an important role in saturating the level of the turbulence, this level, as well as the transport caused by ITG modes, may be overestimated by gyrofluid simulations, which employ linear collisionless rotation damping.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.80.724}, file = {Rosenbluth1998_PhysRevLett.80.724.pdf:Rosenbluth1998_PhysRevLett.80.724.pdf:PDF}, groups = {zf theory}, issue = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.05.29}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.80.724}, } @Article{Scott1998, author = {B. Scott}, title = {Global consistency for thin flux tube treatments of toroidal geometry}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {6}, pages = {2334-2339}, abstract = {In order to avoid a self-mapping problem due to a very long correlation length along a field line, present treatments of magnetized plasma turbulence in flux tube geometry often extend the computational domain to several times the field line connection length. This is shown to result in the admission of nonphysical parallel wavelengths, possibly corrupting the solution even if it is converged. Also shown is that if a flux tube domain is constructed by thinning the full spectrum of allowed wavelengths, the same boundary condition results as if the domain were the entire flux surface. The only consistent remedy is therefore to extend the domain in the perpendicular coordinate within the flux surface, possibly all the way back to the entire flux surface, remaining consistent with the global boundary conditions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872907}, file = {Scott1998_PhysPlasmas_5_2334.pdf:Scott1998_PhysPlasmas_5_2334.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; plasma turbulence}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/5/2334/1}, } @Article{Wong1998, author = {Wong, H. Vernon and Berk, H. L.}, title = {Growth and saturation of toroidal Alfvén eigenmode modes destabilized by ion cyclotron range of frequency produced tails}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {7}, pages = {2781-2796}, abstract = {The linear growth rates of TAE (toroidal Alfvén eigenmode) modes destabilized by ICRF (ion cyclotron range of frequency) heating are calculated over a range of plasma parameters. Nonlinear saturation of a single unstable mode is investigated both analytically and numerically when wave–particle trapping is the dominant saturation mechanism. A numerical code has been developed based on a reduced resonance description of the wave–particle interaction (using a Hamiltonian formalism). A delta-f algorithm was incorporated to allow a low-noise description of mode evolution with particle sources and sinks present. The numerically observed saturation amplitudes correlate well with theoretical predictions to within 20%. Self-excited frequency sweeping resulting from the excitation of many simultaneous wave–particle resonances at different energies is demonstrated and explained as an extension of previous published theory [Berk et al., Phys. Lett. A 234, 213 (1997)].}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.872966}, file = {Wong1998_1.872966.pdf:Wong1998_1.872966.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.02.12}, url = {http://www.aip.pub2web.ingenta.com/content/aip/journal/pop/5/7/10.1063/1.872966}, } @Article{Zheng1998, author = {L.-J. Zheng and Liu Chen}, title = {Plasma compressibility induced toroidal Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1998}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, pages = {444-449}, abstract = {For circular tokamaks, it is demonstrated, both analytically and numerically, that there exists a new frequency gap within the shear Alfvén continuous spectrum around the Alfvén frequency, ωA = vA/qR, due to the ion compressibility effect. Here, vA denotes the Alfvén speed, q is the safety factor, and R the major radius. The frequency gap width, meanwhile, is proportional to the core ion beta, βi (ratio between core ion and magnetic pressures), and, correspondingly, the new discrete toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) inside the gap is referred to as βTAE. Collective excitations of the βTAE by energetic ions are also analyzed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.872728}, file = {Zheng1998_PhysPlasmas_5_444.pdf:Zheng1998_PhysPlasmas_5_444.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {TOKAMAK DEVICES; ALFVEN WAVES; EIGENFREQUENCY; EXCITATION; BETA RATIO; COMPRESSIBILITY; PLASMA INSTABILITY; ANALYTICAL SOLUTION; NUMERICAL SOLUTION; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma Alfven waves}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/5/444/1}, } @Article{Bialecki1999, author = {B Bialecki and P Keast}, journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, title = {A sinc quadrature subroutine for Cauchy principal value integrals}, year = {1999}, issn = {0377-0427}, number = {1–2}, pages = {3 - 20}, volume = {112}, abstract = {A subroutine is presented for the evaluation of Cauchy principal value integrals. Based on a truncated sum of a Sinc function series, with the function evaluated at shifted Sinc points, the subroutine returns an approximation to the integral together with estimates of the relative and the absolute errors. Numerical results demonstrate that the new method works well on analytic functions with end-point singularities.}, doi = {10.1016/S0377-0427(99)00219-8}, file = {Bialecki1999_1-s2.0-S0377042799002198-main.pdf:Bialecki1999_1-s2.0-S0377042799002198-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Sinc quadrature}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.13}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377042799002198}, } @Article{Brizard1999, author = {Alain J. Brizard and Anthony A. Chan}, title = {Nonlinear relativistic gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell equations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {12}, pages = {4548-4558}, abstract = {A set of self-consistent nonlinear gyrokinetic equations is derived for relativistic charged particles in a general nonuniform magnetized plasma. Full electromagnetic-field fluctuations are considered with spatial and temporal scales given by the low-frequency gyrokinetic ordering. Self-consistency is obtained by combining the nonlinear relativistic gyrokinetic Vlasov equation with the low-frequency Maxwell equations in which charge densities and current densities are expressed in terms of moments of the gyrokinetic Vlasov distribution. For these self-consistent gyrokinetic equations, a low-frequency energy conservation law is also derived.}, doi = {10.1063/1.873742}, file = {Brizard1999_PhysPlasmas_6_4548.pdf:Brizard1999_PhysPlasmas_6_4548.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {BEAM-PLASMA SYSTEMS; MAXWELL EQUATIONS; BOLTZMANN-VLASOV EQUATION; NONLINEAR PROBLEMS; RELATIVISTIC PLASMA; CHARGED-PARTICLE TRANSPORT; PLASMA DENSITY; PLASMA SIMULATION; FLUCTUATIONS; KINETIC EQUATIONS; Vlasov equation; relativistic plasmas; plasma-beam interactions; plasma kinetic theory; plasma fluctuations}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.05.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/4548/1}, } @Article{Chang1999, author = {Qianshun Chang and Erhui Jia and W Sun}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {Difference Schemes for Solving the Generalized Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation}, year = {1999}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {2}, pages = {397 - 415}, volume = {148}, abstract = {This paper studies finite difference schemes for solving the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger (GNLS) equationiut−uxx+q(|u|2)u=f(x,t)u. A new linearlized Crank–Nicolson-type scheme is presented by applying an extrapolation technique to the real coefficient of the nonlinear term in the \{GNLS\} equation. Several schemes, including Crank–Nicolson-type schemes, Hopscotch-type schemes, split step Fourier scheme, and pseudospectral scheme, are adopted for solving three model problems of \{GNLS\} equation which arise from many physical problems. withq(s)=s2,q(s)=ln(1+s), andq(s)=−4s/(1+s), respectively. The numerical results demonstrate that the linearized Crank–Nicolson scheme is efficient and robust.}, doi = {10.1006/jcph.1998.6120}, file = {Chang1999_1-s2.0-S0021999198961204-main.pdf:Chang1999_1-s2.0-S0021999198961204-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999198961204}, } @Article{Diethelm1999, author = {Kai Diethelm}, journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, title = {A method for the practical evaluation of the Hilbert transform on the real line}, year = {1999}, issn = {0377-0427}, number = {1–2}, pages = {45 - 53}, volume = {112}, abstract = {We investigate a method for the numerical evaluation of the weighted Hilbert transform over the entire real line, ⨍−∞∞exp(−x2)f(x)(x−t)−1 dx, where the integral is taken in the Cauchy principal value sense. The method is based on a combination of two polynomial approximation processes. In this way, we obtain a procedure that is numerically stable and efficient. The algorithm can be implemented in a fast way, and existing well known software packages may be used. From the point of view of theoretical error bounds, the method is competitive. Generalizations to other approximation methods are also possible.}, doi = {10.1016/S0377-0427(99)00212-5}, file = {Diethelm1999_1-s2.0-S0377042799002125-main.pdf:Diethelm1999_1-s2.0-S0377042799002125-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Cauchy principal value integral}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.13}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377042799002125}, } @Article{Garcia1999, author = {Garcia, L. and Carreras, B. A. and Lynch, V. E.}, title = {Effect of poloidally asymmetric sheared flow on resistive ballooning turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {10}, pages = {3910-3917}, abstract = {The shear flow induced through the Reynolds stresstensor by turbulence with ballooning character is poloidally asymmetric. For circular cross section tokamak plasmas, its main component is the (m=1, n=0). The effect of such a sheared flow on both linear and nonlinear instability is analyzed. Its effect on the linear stability properties of resistive ballooning modes is compared with the effect of poloidally symmetric sheared flows. It is shown that asymmetry in the flow does not reduce its effectiveness in stabilizing the linear resistive ballooning modes. It is also effective in reducing the turbulence level and decreasing the turbulence induced diffusivities.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.873654}, file = {Garcia1999_php_luis_99.pdf:Garcia1999_php_luis_99.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.14}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/6/10/10.1063/1.873654}, } @Article{Gorelenkov1999, author = {N. N Gorelenkov and C. Z. Cheng and G. Y. Fu}, title = {Fast particle finite orbit width and Larmor radius effects on low-n toroidicity induced Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode excitation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {7}, pages = {2802-2807}, abstract = {The effects of finite drift orbit width (FOW) and Larmor radius (FLR) of fast particles on the stability of low-n toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE) are studied. The formulation is based on the solution of the low frequency gyrokinetic equation (ω≪ωc, where ωc is particle cyclotron frequency). A quadratic form has been derived in terms of invariant variables; energy E, magnetic moment μ, and toroidal angular momentum Pφ. The growth rate of the TAE is computed perturbatively using numerical averaging over the fast particle drift orbit. This new computational capability improves the NOVA-K code [G. Y. Fu, C. Z. Cheng, and K. L. Wong, Phys. Fluids B 5, 4040 (1994)] which included FOW effects in the growth rate calculation based on small radial orbit width approximation. The new NOVA-K version has been benchmarked for different regimes of particle TAE excitation. It is shown that both FOW and FLR effects are typically stabilizing; the TAE growth rate can be reduced by as much as a factor of 2 for tokamak fusion test reactor supershots [D. J. Grove and D. M. Meade, Nucl. Fusion 25, 1167 (1985)]. However, FOW may be destabilizing for the global modes, which are localized at the plasma edge}, doi = {10.1063/1.873545}, file = {Gorelenkov1999_PhysPlasmas_6_2802.pdf:Gorelenkov1999_PhysPlasmas_6_2802.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ALFVEN WAVES; PLASMA CONFINEMENT; EIGENSTATES; ORBITS; LARMOR RADIUS; plasma Alfven waves; plasma toroidal confinement}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/2802/1}, } @Article{Hinton1999, author = {F L Hinton and M N Rosenbluth}, title = {Dynamics of axisymmetric IMG [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/41/3A/059/toc_img1.gif] and poloidal flows in tokamaks}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {1999}, volume = {41}, number = {3A}, pages = {A653}, abstract = {As a result of turbulence and finite Larmor radius effects, random radial currents are present in a tokamak plasma and these drive sheared axisymmetric poloidal flows. We model these currents with a noise source with given statistical properties and calculate the linear kinetic response to this source. Without collisions, there is no long term damping of these flows; when collisions are included, poloidal flows are damped. The mean square potential associated with these flows is given in terms of the linear response function we calculate and a model correlation function for the current source. Without collisions, the mean square ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/41/3A/059/img6.gif] flow increases linearly with time, but with collisions, it reaches a steady state. In the long correlation time limit, the collisionless residual flows are important in determining the mean square ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/41/3A/059/img6.gif] flow.}, file = {Hinton1999_0741-3335_41_3A_059.pdf:Hinton1999_0741-3335_41_3A_059.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.29}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/41/i=3A/a=059}, } @Article{Katsuji1999, author = {ICHIGUCHI Katsuji}, title = {Reduced MHD Equations Based on Averaging Method}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, year = {1999}, volume = {1}, pages = {464-467}, file = {Katsuji1999_jpfrs1998_01-464.pdf:Katsuji1999_jpfrs1998_01-464.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://www.jspf.or.jp/JPFRS/PDF/Vol1/jpfrs1998_01-464.pdf}, } @Article{Matthaeus1999, author = {Matthaeus, W. H. and Zank, G. P. and Smith, C. W. and Oughton, S.}, title = {Turbulence, Spatial Transport, and Heating of the Solar Wind}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {1999}, volume = {82}, pages = {3444--3447}, month = {Apr}, comment = {A phenomenological theory describes radial evolution of plasma turbulence in the solar wind from 1 to 50 astronomical units. The theory includes a simple closure for local anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, spatial transport, and driving by large-scale shear and pickup ions. Results compare well to plasma and magnetic field data from the Voyager 2 spacecraft, providing a basis for a concise, tractable description of turbulent energy transport in a variety of astrophysical plasmas.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.82.3444}, file = {Matthaeus1999_PhysRevLett.82.3444.pdf:Matthaeus1999_PhysRevLett.82.3444.pdf:PDF}, issue = {17}, numpages = {0}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2014.01.04}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.82.3444}, } @Article{Ottaviani1999, author = {M. Ottaviani and G. Manfredi}, title = {The gyro-radius scaling of ion thermal transport from global numerical simulations of ion temperature gradient driven turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {8}, pages = {3267-3275}, abstract = {A three-dimensional, fluid code is used to study the scaling of ion thermal transport caused by ion-temperature-gradient-driven (ITG) turbulence. The code includes toroidal effects and is capable of simulating the whole torus. It is found that both close to the ITG threshold and well above threshold, the thermal transport and the turbulence structures exhibit a gyro-Bohm scaling, at least for plasmas with moderate poloidal flow.}, doi = {10.1063/1.873567}, file = {Ottaviani1999_PhysPlasmas_6_3267.pdf:Ottaviani1999_PhysPlasmas_6_3267.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma transport processes; plasma simulation; plasma turbulence; plasma temperature; temperature distribution; plasma toroidal confinement}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/3267/1}, } @Article{Souza-Machado1999, author = {S. De Souza-Machado and M. Sarfaty and F. Skiff}, title = {Kinetic modes in a hot magnetized and weakly collisional plasma}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {6}, pages = {2323-2331}, abstract = {Velocity space perturbations associated with low-frequency waves launched in a weakly collisional plasma are shown to consist of a discrete spectrum of modes. Collisions are modeled using an energy and momentum conserving one-dimensional Fokker–Planck operator. The linearized Vlasov–Poisson–Fokker–Planck system of equations is solved by expanding the perturbed ion-distribution function in terms of Hermite polynomials, from which an eigenvalue problem is set up. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors yield the ion acoustic mode that is weakly damped [J. Dougherty, Physics of Fluids 7, 1788 (1964)], as well as a discrete spectrum of kinetic modes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.873504}, file = {Souza-Machado1999_PhysPlasmas_6_2323.pdf:Souza-Machado1999_PhysPlasmas_6_2323.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma temperature; plasma collision processes; plasma kinetic theory; plasma instability}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/6/2323/1}, } @Article{Sugama1999, author = {Sugama, H.}, title = {Damping of toroidal ion temperature gradient modes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {1999}, volume = {6}, number = {9}, pages = {3527-3535}, abstract = {The temporal evolution of linear toroidal ion temperature gradient(ITG)modes is studied based on a kinetic integral equation including an initial condition. It is shown how to evaluate the analytic continuation of the integral kernel as a function of a complex-valued frequency, which is useful for investigating the asymptotic damping behavior of the ITGmode. In the presence of the toroidal magnetic drift, the potential perturbation consists of normal modes and a continuum mode, which correspond to contributions from poles and from an integral along a branch cut, respectively, of the Laplace-transformed potential function of the frequency. The normal modes have exponential time dependence while the continuum mode, which has a ballooning structure, shows a power law decay where t is the time variable. Therefore, the continuum mode dominantly describes the long-time asymptotic behavior of the perturbation for the stable system. By performing proper analytic continuation for the dispersion relation, the normal modes’ growth rate, real frequency, and eigenfunction are numerically obtained for both stable and unstable cases.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.873613}, file = {Sugama1999_1.873613.pdf:Sugama1999_1.873613.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.08}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/6/9/10.1063/1.873613}, } @Article{Wang1999, author = {Chuanbing Wang and Ding Li}, title = {Influence of higher order toroidicity on coupling of tearing modes}, journal = {Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition)}, year = {1999}, volume = {8}, number = {12}, pages = {908}, abstract = {The general dispersion relation for toroidally coupled tearing mode including pressure and other O( ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} 2 ) order corrections is naturally derived based on the structure of ideal magnetohydrodynamic solutions in the outer region. It is found that the inclusion of the O( ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} 2 ) order terms in the diagonal element of E -matrix does not change physical properties of the toroidally coupled tearing mode and only make negligible contribution to the magnitude of growth rate.}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1004-423X/8/i=12/a=005}, } @Article{Wolle1999, author = {B. Wolle}, journal = {Physics Reports}, title = {Tokamak plasma diagnostics based on measured neutron signals}, year = {1999}, issn = {0370-1573}, number = {1–2}, pages = {1 - 86}, volume = {312}, abstract = {Neutron diagnostics are of increasing importance for future fusion devices. Consequently, efforts are being made to improve the accuracy of underlying experimental and computational methods. The present article reviews the modelling and the analysis of measured neutron signals relevant for plasma diagnostics on tokamaks. The underlying numerical simulation of neutron signals involves various aspects. Firstly, a realistic characterization of the plasma as a neutron source is needed. Secondly, detailed knowledge about changes in energy spectra and total number of the initially emitted neutrons due to scattering and absorption in the volume between the neutron source and the detector system is required. Finally, the detection properties of the measuring systems have to be taken into account. Presently, a sophisticated numerical procedure which directly relates detector signals to physics properties of the emitted neutrons from the plasma is not available and progress is found to be incremental rather than revolutionary. This is mainly attributable to problems with modelling the plasma neutron source based on measured plasma data and modelling difficulties for the neutron transport. However, more recent results of plasma parameters derived from neutron measurements provide evidence for the improvements in the measurement, simulation and analysis procedures over the past two decades.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0370-1573(98)00084-2}, file = {Wolle1999_1-s2.0-S0370157398000842-main.pdf:Wolle1999_1-s2.0-S0370157398000842-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Neutron diagnostics}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.03}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370157398000842}, } @Article{Cereceda2000, author = {C Cereceda and J Puerta}, title = {A New Numerical Method to Solve the Dispersion Relation in Multispecies Plasma}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {2000}, volume = {2000}, number = {T84}, pages = {206}, abstract = {In this paper a new accurate and fast method for solving the linear dispersion relation for multispecies plasma is introduced. The method uses a four poles fractional approximation for the Z dispersion function, transforming the dispersion relation into a polynomial form. Time and space growth rates are then calculated. Calculations for a single beam-plasma are carried out being in good agreement with several authors. This method is very effective to simplify the calculation of growth rates in multi-ion plasmas. For multispecies plasmas several new modes of propagation arise. For two ion beam-plasma system, two slow modes can propagate, both which are unstable. Two maxima in the growth rates corresponding to each of these modes can be excited. The instability of one of the slow modes is fed by the energy of the light ion beam and the other one is fed by heavy beam ions. Each one of these two maxima is increased when the concentration of the corresponding species increases. But even for a small concentration of the light beam, the growth rate of the mode fed by it is the largest one, because in the single ion beam-plasma system the lighter ion yields the largest growth rate.}, file = {Cereceda2000_physscr0_T84_050.pdf:Cereceda2000_physscr0_T84_050.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.16}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/2000/i=T84/a=050}, } @Article{Cuthbert2000, author = {Cuthbert, P. and Dewar, R. L.}, title = {Anderson-localized ballooning modes in general toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2000}, volume = {7}, number = {6}, pages = {2302-2305}, abstract = {Ballooning instabilities are investigated in three-dimensional magnetic toroidal plasma confinement systems with low global magnetic shear. The lack of any continuous symmetry in the plasma equilibrium can lead to these modes being localized along the field lines by a process similar to Anderson localization. This produces a multibranched local eigenvalue dependence, where each branch corresponds to a different unit cell of the extended covering space in which the eigenfunction peak resides. These phenomena are illustrated numerically for the three-field-period heliac H-1 [S. M. Hamberger et al., Fusion Technol. 17, 123 (1990)], and contrasted with an axisymmetric s-αtokamak model. The localization allows a perturbative expansion about zero shear, enabling the effects of shear to be investigated.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.874064}, file = {Cuthbert2000_1.874064.pdf:Cuthbert2000_1.874064.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.06}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/7/6/10.1063/1.874064}, } @Article{Kleva2000, author = {Kleva, Robert G. and Guzdar, Parvez N.}, title = {Nonlinear stability limit in high β tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2000}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, pages = {1163-1168}, abstract = {Linearly unstable high βtokamak equilibria are shown to be nonlinearly stabilized by an axisymmetric flow containing both toroidal and poloidal components. As fingers of hot plasma produced by pressure driven ballooning instabilities start to convect out towards the bounding wall, an axisymmetric flow is self-consistently generated and opposes the growth of the fingers, maintaining confinement. However, as β increases the growth rate of the fingers increases until there is insufficient time for the developing axisymmetric flow to halt their rapid progress to the wall, and confinement is lost. The ultimate stability of a tokamakplasma is determined by a nonlinear stability limit in β.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.873925}, file = {Kleva2000_1.873925.pdf:Kleva2000_1.873925.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.14}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/7/4/10.1063/1.873925}, } @Article{Lima2000, author = {Lima, J. A. S. and Silva, R. and Santos, Janilo}, title = {Plasma oscillations and nonextensive statistics}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2000}, volume = {61}, pages = {3260--3263}, month = {Mar}, abstract = {The dispersion relations for electrostatic plane-wave propagation in a collisionless thermal plasma are discussed in the context of the nonextensive statistics proposed by Tsallis. Analytic formulas both for the undamped (Bohm-Gross) and Landau damped waves are derived and compared with the standard results. In the extensive limiting case (q=1), the classical dispersion relations based on the Maxwellian distribution are recovered. It is shown that the experimental results points to a class of Tsallis’s velocity distribution described by a nonextensive q-parameter smaller than unity.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.61.3260}, file = {Lima2000_PhysRevE.61.3260.pdf:Lima2000_PhysRevE.61.3260.pdf:PDF}, issue = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.05.19}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.61.3260}, } @Article{Ren2000, author = {Ren, C. and Dodd, E. S. and Gordon, D. and Mori, W. B.}, title = {Subharmonic Resonances in Plasmas: Exponential and Superexponential Growth of Driven Relativistic Plasma Waves}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2000}, volume = {85}, pages = {3412--3415}, month = {Oct}, abstract = {Subharmonic resonant beat-wave excitation of nonlinear relativistic plasma waves is studied analytically and in particle-in-cell simulations. We find that if the frequency separation of the lasers, Δω, is 2ωp or 3ωp ( ωp is the plasma frequency), then plasma waves are still excited at ωp but they grow exponentially or superexponentially rather than secularly. Both of these subharmonic resonant instabilities saturate due to relativistic detuning. The analytical growth rates and saturation levels agree with the simulation results.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.3412}, file = {Ren2000_PhysRevLett.85.3412.pdf:Ren2000_PhysRevLett.85.3412.pdf:PDF}, issue = {16}, numpages = {0}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2014.01.16}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.3412}, } @Article{Sentoku2000, author = {Yasuhiko Sentoku and Kunioki Mima and Shin-ichi Kojima and Hartmut Ruhl}, title = {Magnetic instability by the relativistic laser pulses in overdense plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2000}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {689-695}, abstract = {The magnetic instability driven by the relativistic electron stream generated by ultra-intense laser is investigated with the help of a two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation, which includes the relativistic binary collision. The linear growth rate of the instability is also studied using the two-stream fluid model, which consists of a fast electron current and a return current. The growth rate is evaluated numerically from the linearized equations of the electron fluids with the Maxwell equations. The kinetic effects of electrons on the magnetic instability are found to reduce the growth rate. The growth rate is maximum at the wavelength near the plasma skin length because of the plasma kinetic effect. When the initial plasma temperature is high, the growth rates of shorter wavelengths are significantly reduced. In the collisional plasma, the growth rates of modes whose wavelength is shorter than the plasma skin length are suppressed and the spectral peak of the growth rate shifts to long wavelength modes. It is found that the results of the linear analysis agree well with two-dimensional particle simulation results in the early stage.}, doi = {10.1063/1.873853}, file = {Sentoku2000_PhysPlasmas_7_689.pdf:Sentoku2000_PhysPlasmas_7_689.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma light propagation; laser beam effects; plasma temperature; plasma instability; relativistic plasmas; relativistic electron beams; plasma-beam interactions; plasma simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.27}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/7/689/1}, } @Article{Wahlberg2000, author = {C. Wahlberg and A. Bondeson}, title = {Stabilization of the internal kink mode in a tokamak by toroidal plasma rotation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2000}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {923-930}, abstract = {The stability of the internal m = n = 1 kink mode is analyzed for a tokamak with a toroidally rotating plasma, by a large aspect ratio expansion of the compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations. Assuming that the central poloidal beta is of order unity, it is found that the internal kink mode is stabilized by rotational frequencies of order Ω/ωA ∼ ϵ, where ωA is the Alfvén frequency and ϵ is the inverse aspect ratio. The internal kink then turns into a stable oscillation with a Doppler-shifted frequency ∼ ΩM(1−1/Γ)1/2, where Γ is the adiabatic index and M is the sonic Mach number. The stabilization comes from the centrifugal force which gives a stable density (or entropy) distribution within each magnetic surface. The parallel motion associated with the internal kink mode then behaves as the Brunt–Väisälä oscillations of a stably stratified fluid in a gravitational field. At lower rotational frequencies, Ω/ωA ∼ ϵ2, the only effect of the rotation is a co-rotation of the usual (nonrotating) m = n = 1 instability, whereas the ordering Ω/ωA ∼ ϵ3/2 represents a transition regime where the stabilizing effect of the rotation competes with the drive from the internal kink instability. Kinetic behavior along the field lines is expected to influence this stabilization mechanism, as it depends on the adiabatic index Γ.}, doi = {10.1063/1.873889}, file = {Wahlberg2000_PhysPlasmas_7_923.pdf:Wahlberg2000_PhysPlasmas_7_923.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; kink instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/7/923/1}, } @Article{Bergman2001, author = {Jan Bergman and Bengt Eliasson}, title = {Linear wave dispersion laws in unmagnetized relativistic plasma: Analytical and numerical results}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2001}, volume = {8}, number = {5}, pages = {1482-1492}, abstract = {In this paper dispersion laws for electrostatic and electromagnetic waves in a homogeneous and unmagnetized relativistic Vlasov plasma are derived. From the dispersion laws the relativistic plasma frequency, which is temperature dependent is derived. Using the standard technique of successive approximations, simple but powerful approximate relativistic dispersion laws are derived, resembling the electromagnetic dispersion law and the electrostatic Bohm–Gross dispersion law in the nonrelativistic case. The relation between the relativistic plasma frequency ωpe, Debye wave number kD and the thermal velocity vth,e is established. The approximate dispersion laws are compared with numerical solutions of the full dispersion laws. The full dispersion equations are transformed so that they are well suited for numerical evaluation in the temperature range where a fully relativistic treatment is needed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1358313}, file = {Bergman2001_PhysPlasmas_8_1482.pdf:Bergman2001_PhysPlasmas_8_1482.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {relativistic plasmas; dispersion relations; Vlasov equation}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/8/1482/1}, } @Article{Bhattacharjee2001, author = {Bhattacharjee, A. and Ma, Z. W. and Wang, Xiaogang}, title = {Recent developments in collisionless reconnection theory: Applications to laboratory and space plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2001}, volume = {8}, number = {5}, pages = {1829-1839}, abstract = {Recent developments in the theory and simulation of nonlinear collisionless reconnection hold the promise for providing solutions to some outstanding problems in laboratory and space plasma physics. Examples of such problems are sawtooth oscillations in tokamaks,magnetotail substorms, and impulsive solar flares. In each of these problems, a key issue is the identification of fast reconnection rates that are insensitive to the mechanism that breaks field lines (resistivity and/or electron inertia). The classical models of Sweet–Parker and Petschek sought to resolve this issue in the realm of resistive magnetohydrodynamics(MHD). However, the plasmas mentioned above are weakly collisional, and hence obey a generalized Ohm’s law in which the Hall current and electron pressure gradient terms play a crucial role. Recent theoretical models and simulations on impulsive (or triggered) as well as quasisteady reconnection governed by a generalized Ohm’s law are reviewed. In the impulsive reconnection problem, not only is the growth rate fast but the time derivative of the growth rate changes rapidly. In the steady-state reconnection problem, explicit analytical expressions are obtained for the geometric characteristics (that is, length and width) of the reconnection layer and the reconnection rate. Analytical results are tested by Hall MHD simulations. While some of the geometric features of the reconnection layer and the weak dependence of the reconnection rate on resistivity are reminiscent of Petschek’s classical model, the underlying wave and particle dynamics mediating the reconnectiondynamics in the presence of the Hall current and electron pressure gradient are qualitatively different. Quantitative comparisons are made between theory and observations from laboratory as well as space plasmas.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1353803}, file = {Bhattacharjee2001_1.1353803.pdf:Bhattacharjee2001_1.1353803.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.25}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/8/5/10.1063/1.1353803}, } @Article{Birn2001, author = {Birn, J. and Drake, J. F. and Shay, M. A. and Rogers, B. N. and Denton, R. E. and Hesse, M. and Kuznetsova, M. and Ma, Z. W. and Bhattacharjee, A. and Otto, A. and Pritchett, P. L.}, title = {Geospace Environmental Modeling (GEM) Magnetic Reconnection Challenge}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics}, year = {2001}, volume = {106}, number = {A3}, pages = {3715--3719}, issn = {2156-2202}, abstract = {The Geospace Environmental Modeling (GEM) Reconnection Challenge project is presented and the important results, which are presented in a series of companion papers, are summarized. Magnetic reconnection is studied in a simple Harris sheet configuration with a specified set of initial conditions, including a finite amplitude, magnetic island perturbation to trigger the dynamics. The evolution of the system is explored with a broad variety of codes, ranging from fully electromagnetic particle in cell (PIC) codes to conventional resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) codes, and the results are compared. The goal is to identify the essential physics which is required to model collisionless magnetic reconnection. All models that include the Hall effect in the generalized Ohm's law produce essentially indistinguishable rates of reconnection, corresponding to nearly Alfvénic inflow velocities. Thus the rate of reconnection is insensitive to the specific mechanism which breaks the frozen-in condition, whether resistivity, electron inertia, or electron thermal motion. The reconnection rate in the conventional resistive MHD model, in contrast, is dramatically smaller unless a large localized or current dependent resistivity is used. The Hall term brings the dynamics of whistler waves into the system. The quadratic dispersion property of whistlers (higher phase speed at smaller spatial scales) is the key to understanding these results. The implications of these results for trying to model the global dynamics of the magnetosphere are discussed.}, doi = {10.1029/1999JA900449}, file = {Birn2001_jgra15381.pdf:Birn2001_jgra15381.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/1999JA900449}, } @Article{Garbet2001, author = {X. Garbet and C. Bourdelle and G. T. Hoang and P. Maget and S. Benkadda and P. Beyer and C. Figarella and I. Voitsekovitch and O. Agullo and N. Bian}, title = {Global simulations of ion turbulence with magnetic shear reversal}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2001}, volume = {8}, number = {6}, pages = {2793-2803}, abstract = {This paper presents the results of three-dimensional fluid global simulations of electrostatic ion turbulence in tokamaks with reversed magnetic shear. It is found that a transport barrier appears at the location of magnetic shear reversal. This is due to a rarefaction of resonant surfaces in this region. For the same reason, the barrier is more pronounced when the minimum of the safety factor is a simple rational number. The barrier is broadened by velocity shear effects. It is also found that large-scale transport events hardly cross a transport barrier. Finally, a significant amount of toroidal rotation is generated by the turbulence. This rotation changes its sign at the position of magnetic shear reversal, as expected from a quasi-linear estimate of the Reynolds stress tensor.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1367320}, file = {Garbet2001_PhysPlasmas_8_2793.pdf:Garbet2001_PhysPlasmas_8_2793.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma simulation; plasma turbulence; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma flow}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/8/2793/1}, } @Article{Ma2001, author = {Ma, Z. W. and Bhattacharjee, A.}, title = {Hall magnetohydrodynamic reconnection: The Geospace Environment Modeling challenge}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics}, year = {2001}, volume = {106}, number = {A3}, pages = {3773--3782}, issn = {2156-2202}, abstract = {Numerical results are presented on the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) reconnection challenge (and its variants) from the Hall magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) code developed at the University of Iowa (UI). Resistivity provides the mechanism for breaking field lines in this study. It is shown that the peak reconnection rate in the quasi-saturated regime is controlled dominantly by ions and has a weak dependence on the resistivity. The reconnection rate is close to those obtained from other particle-in-cell, hybrid, and Hall MHD codes. Some differences between the results from the UI Hall MHD code and other codes are discussed.}, doi = {10.1029/1999JA001004}, file = {Ma2001_jgra15373.pdf:Ma2001_jgra15373.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/1999JA001004}, } @Article{Ren2001, author = {Shenming Ren and Guoyang Yu}, title = {The Linear Evolution of Tearing Mode in Toroidal Geometry}, journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, year = {2001}, volume = {3}, number = {6}, pages = {1055}, abstract = {A set of linearly-reduced MHD equations in toroidal geometry has been solved numerically in flux coordinate with toroidal coupling. In the case of q > 1 on the magnetic axis, where q is the safety factor, the result shows that an unstable 2/1 tearing mode destabilizes both 1/1 and 3/1 modes. The 1/1 and 3/1 modes contribute local perturbations on the resonant surface of q = 2. And the 2/1 mode also contributes a local perturbation on the resonant surface of q = 3.}, file = {Ren2001_1009-0630_3_6_007.pdf:Ren2001_1009-0630_3_6_007.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/3/i=6/a=007}, } @Article{Rudakov2001, author = {D L Rudakov and M G Shats and J H Harris and B D Blackwell}, title = {Dynamic behaviour of the low-to-high confinement transitions in the H-1 heliac}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2001}, volume = {43}, number = {4}, pages = {559}, abstract = {The dynamic behaviour of the plasma parameters, including the local electron density, electron temperature, plasma potential and their radial gradients, is studied experimentally during the transitions between low and high confinement modes (L-H transitions) in the H-1 heliac. In particular, a dynamic phenomenon occurring near the threshold conditions for the L-H transition and manifesting itself as a quasi-periodic low-frequency modulation of the local and average plasma parameters is described and discussed. A simple qualitative model for this phenomenon, referred to as L-H cycles, is suggested.}, file = {Rudakov2001_0741-3335_43_4_312.pdf:Rudakov2001_0741-3335_43_4_312.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.17}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/43/i=4/a=312}, } @Article{Scott2001, author = {B. Scott}, title = {Shifted metric procedure for flux tube treatments of toroidal geometry: Avoiding grid deformation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2001}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, pages = {447-458}, abstract = {Recent treatments of flute-mode-type turbulence in closed magnetic flux surface geometry align the coordinates to the magnetic field, leaving the field with one nonvanishing contravariant component. Magnetic shear leads to strong deformation of coordinate cells in the plane perpendicular to the field, impacting the results. To remedy this one can apply shifts in the drift angle coordinate, the one which remains purely periodic. All operations involving polarization and nonlinear advection are then performed locally on an orthogonal grid, allowing arbitrarily sheared and shaped magnetic geometries in computations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1335832}, file = {Scott2001_PhysPlasmas_8_447.pdf:Scott2001_PhysPlasmas_8_447.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; plasma turbulence; flute instability; plasma transport processes; fusion reactor theory}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/8/447/1}, } @Article{Tsunehiro2001, author = {MAEHARA Tsunehiro and HASHIMOTO Ryuji and KAGAYAMA Yoshiaki, UTSUNOMIYA Shohei, SUGAWA Masao and SUGAYA Reiji}, title = {Electron Heating by Nonlinear Landau Damping of Electrostatic Waves in an Electron Beam-Plasma System}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, year = {2001}, volume = {4}, pages = {322-325}, file = {Tsunehiro2001_jpfrs2001_04-322.pdf:Tsunehiro2001_jpfrs2001_04-322.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://www.jspf.or.jp/JPFRS/PDF/Vol4/jpfrs2001_04-322.pdf}, } @Article{Wang2001, author = {Wang, Xiaogang and Bhattacharjee, A. and Hu, S.}, title = {Longitudinal and Transverse Waves in Yukawa Crystals}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2001}, volume = {86}, pages = {2569--2572}, month = {Mar}, abstract = {A unified theoretical treatment is given of longitudinal (or compressional) and transverse modes in Yukawa crystals, including the effects of damping. Dispersion relations are obtained for hexagonal lattices in two dimensions and bcc and fcc lattices in three dimensions. Theoretical predictions are compared with two recent experiments.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.2569}, file = {Wang2001_PhysRevLett.86.2569.pdf:Wang2001_PhysRevLett.86.2569.pdf:PDF}, issue = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.11.25}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.2569}, } @Article{Zanna2001, author = {L Del Zanna and M Velli and P Londrillo}, title = {Parametric decay of circularly polarized Alfv{\'e}n waves: Multidimensional simulations in periodic and open domains}, journal = {Astronomy and Astrophysics}, year = {2001}, volume = {367}, pages = {705--718}, abstract = {The nonlinear evolution of monochromatic large-amplitude circularly polarized Alfvén waves subject to the decay instability is studied via numerical simulations in one, two, and three spatial dimensions. The asymptotic value of the cross helicity depends strongly on the plasma beta: in the low beta case multiple decays are observed, with about half of the energy being transferred to waves propagating in the opposite direction at lower wave numbers, for each saturation step. Correspondingly, the other half of the total transverse energy (kinetic and magnetic) goes into energy carried by the daughter compressive waves and to the associated shock heating. In higher beta conditions we find instead that the cross helicity decreases monotonically with time towards zero, implying an asymptotic balance between inward and outward Alfvénic modes, a feature similar to the observed decrease with distance in the solar wind. Although the instability mainly takes place along the propagation direction, in the two and three-dimensional case a turbulent cascade occurs also transverse to the field. The asymptotic state of density fluctuations appears to be rather isotropic, whereas a slight preferential cascade in the transverse direction is seen in magnetic field spectra. Finally, parametric decay is shown to occur also in a non-periodic domain with open boundaries, when the mother wave is continuously injected from one side. In two and three dimensions a strong transverse filamentation is found at long times, reminiscent of density ray-like features observed in the extended solar corona and pressure-balanced structures found in solar wind data.}, file = {Zanna2001_circular.pdf:Zanna2001_circular.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.09}, url = {http://www.arcetri.astro.it/science/plasmi/ldz/papers/circular.pdf}, } @Article{Brambilla2002, author = {Marco Brambilla}, title = {`Quasi-local' wave equations in toroidal geometry with applications to fast wave propagation and absorption at high harmonics of the ion cyclotron frequency}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2002}, volume = {44}, number = {11}, pages = {2423}, abstract = {The integral constitutive relation for high frequency waves propagating in toroidal axisymmetric plasmas, obtained by formal integration of the linearized Vlasov equation, is simplified assuming the range of spatial dispersion to be small compared to the linear dimensions of the plasma. We propose to call this the `quasi-local approximation'. A (formally infinite) system of purely differential wave equations is obtained, which should be a good approximation under conditions similar to those which would justify an Eikonal Ansatz for the form of the wave fields. This system is valid to all orders in the Larmor radius, and, in the presence of a poloidal static magnetic field, predicts a different plasma response to each poloidal Fourier component of the h.f. field. Compared to ray tracing based on the Eikonal approximation, these wave equations have the advantage of allowing to take into account periodicity, boundary conditions, and toroidicity-induced coupling between poloidal Fourier modes. As an example, the quasi-local wave equations are used to model propagation and absorption of the compressional wave at frequencies higher than the ion cyclotron frequency in the high-β plasma of the National Spherical Tokamak Experiment in Princeton, USA. Because of the low magnetic field and the tight aspect ratio of this device, large Larmor radius effects and toroidicity play an important role in these experiments. This example, therefore, illustrates well the importance of taking into account these effects, and, in particular, the different response of the plasma to each poloidal Fourier mode.}, file = {Brambilla2002_0741-3335_44_11_307.pdf:Brambilla2002_0741-3335_44_11_307.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/44/i=11/a=307}, } @Article{Brennan2002, author = {Brennan, D. P. and Strait, E. J. and Turnbull, A. D. and Chu, M. S. and La Haye, R. J. and Luce, T. C. and Taylor, T. S. and Kruger, S. and Pletzer, A.}, title = {Tearing mode stability studies near ideal stability boundaries in DIII-D}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2002}, volume = {9}, number = {7}, pages = {2998-3006}, abstract = {For high β, highly shaped plasmas in the DIII-D tokamak [J. L. Luxon and L. G. Davis, Fusion Technol. 8, 441 (1985)], the value of the tearing stability index Δ′ calculated at a rational surface can be especially sensitive to the pressure and current profiles. Near marginal stability for a global ideal mode, a pole in Δ′ exists in equilibrium parameter space, as predicted by analytic theory. The proximity of an equilibrium reconstruction to this pole in parameter space strongly decreases the accuracy of the Δ′ calculations. Tearing stability calculations on kinetic equilibrium reconstructions of a series of times in three DIII-D discharges are presented, which indicate that the tearing modes in these discharges are classically unstable at the time of onset. The onset mechanism of two of these discharges (which are in H-mode) is related to the approach of ideal stability boundaries and the occurrence of poles in Δ′. Several ideal modes (sawteeth, edge localized modes, and resistive wall modes) are thought to seed neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) through forced reconnection, after the ideal mode is unstable. However, tearing modes often appear suddenly and grow quickly without an obvious ideal mode causing a seed island through forced reconnection, which could be explained by this mechanism. This is proposed as an alternative mechanism for the onset of NTMs in tokamaks, which is not incompatible with forced reconnection.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1481504}, file = {Brennan2002_1.1481504.pdf:Brennan2002_1.1481504.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.26}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/9/7/10.1063/1.1481504}, } @Article{Chacon2002, author = {L. Chacón and D.A. Knoll and J.M. Finn}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {An Implicit, Nonlinear Reduced Resistive \{MHD\} Solver}, year = {2002}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {1}, pages = {15 - 36}, volume = {178}, abstract = {Implicit time differencing of the resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations can step over the limiting time scales—such as Alfvén time scales—to resolve the dynamic time scales of interest. However, nonlinearities present in these equations make an implicit implementation cumbersome. Here, viable paths for an implicit, nonlinear time integration of the \{MHD\} equations are explored using a 2D reduced viscoresistive \{MHD\} model. The implicit time integration is performed using the Newton–Raphson iterative algorithm, employing Krylov iterative techniques for the required algebraic matrix inversions, implemented Jacobian-free (i.e., without ever forming and storing the Jacobian matrix). Convergence in Krylov techniques is accelerated by preconditioning the initial problem. A “physics-based” preconditioner, based on a semi-implicit approximation to the original set of partial differential equations, is employed. The preconditioner employs low-complexity multigrid techniques to invert approximately the resulting elliptic algebraic systems. The resulting 2D reduced resistive \{MHD\} implicit algorithm is shown to be successful in dealing with large time steps (on the order of the dynamical time scale of the problem) and fine grids. The algorithm is second-order accurate in time and scalable under grid refinement. Comparison of the implicit \{CPU\} time with an explicit integration method demonstrates \{CPU\} savings even for moderate (64×64) grids, and close to an order of magnitude in fine grids (256×256).}, doi = {10.1006/jcph.2002.7015}, file = {Chacon2002_1-s2.0-S0021999102970154-main.pdf:Chacon2002_1-s2.0-S0021999102970154-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999102970154}, } @Article{Fesenyuk2002, author = {Fesenyuk, O. P. and Kolesnichenko, Ya. I. and Wobig, H. and Yakovenko, Yu. V.}, title = {Ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations for low-frequency waves in toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2002}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, pages = {1589-1595}, abstract = {Reduced linear equations of magnetohydrodynamics in high-aspect-ratio toroidal devices are derived, which are intended, first of all, for studying the Alfvén eigenmodes in stellarators and tokamaks. The equations take into account the effects of the plasma pressure and compressibility, which are known to be of importance for toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes, and are applicable to perturbations with arbitrary perpendicular wavelength. The reduction consists in eliminating high-frequency fast magnetoacoustic waves from the system and is shown not to affect the continuous spectrum of Alfvén and slow magnetoacoustic waves, which, to a large extent, determines the behavior of the waves of interest.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1462633}, file = {Fesenyuk2002_1.1462633.pdf:Fesenyuk2002_1.1462633.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.06}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/9/5/10.1063/1.1462633}, } @Article{Hazeltine2002, author = {R. D. Hazeltine and S. M. Mahajan}, title = {Fluid Description of Relativistic, Magnetized Plasma}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, year = {2002}, volume = {567}, number = {2}, pages = {1262}, abstract = {Many astrophysical plasmas and some laboratory plasmas are relativistic: either the thermal speed or the local flow speed (in a convenient frame) approaches the speed of light. Many such plasmas are also magnetized, in the sense that the thermal Larmor radius is smaller than gradient scale lengths. Relativistic MHD, conventionally used to describe such systems, requires the collision time to be shorter than any other timescale in the system. On this assumption, it uses the thermodynamic equilibrium form of the plasma pressure tensor, neglecting stress anisotropy as well as heat flow along the magnetic field. Beginning with exact moments of the kinetic equation, we derive a closed set of Lorentz-covariant fluid equations that allows for anisotropy and heat flow, as would pertain to a collisionless plasma, far from thermodynamic equilibrium. The heart of the derivation is the construction of the plasma stress tensor as the fully general solution to the energy-momentum conservation law in the case of dominant electromagnetic force.}, file = {Hazeltine2002_0004-637X_567_2_1262.pdf:Hazeltine2002_0004-637X_567_2_1262.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.13}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/567/i=2/a=1262}, } @Article{Hellberg2002, author = {M. A. Hellberg and R. L. Mace}, title = {Generalized plasma dispersion function for a plasma with a kappa-Maxwellian velocity distribution}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2002}, volume = {9}, number = {5}, pages = {1495-1504}, abstract = {A generalized plasma dispersion function has previously been obtained for waves in plasmas with isotropic kappa distributions for arbitrary real kappa [Mace and Hellberg, Phys. Plasmas 2, 2098 (1995)]. In many instances plasmas are found to have anisotropic power-law distributions, and hence a similar dispersion function for electrostatic waves in plasmas having a one-dimensional kappa distribution along a preferred direction in space, and a Maxwellian distribution perpendicular to it has now been developed. It is used to study the effect of superthermal electrons and ions on ion-acoustic waves propagating at an angle to a magnetic field. This dispersion function should find application to wave studies both in space plasmas, where the magnetic field defines a preferred direction, and in dusty plasma crystal studies, where the ion flow direction is unique.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1462636}, file = {Hellberg2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1495.pdf:Hellberg2002_PhysPlasmas_9_1495.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma waves; plasma turbulence; dispersion relations; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma kinetic theory; plasma ion acoustic waves}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.05.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/9/1495/1}, } @Article{Jenko2002, author = {Jenko, F. and Dorland, W.}, title = {Prediction of Significant Tokamak Turbulence at Electron Gyroradius Scales}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2002}, volume = {89}, pages = {225001}, month = {Nov}, abstract = {The experimental conditions under which tokamak turbulence at hyperfine (electron gyroradius) scales is predicted to be significant and observable are described. The first quantitative predictions of fluctuation amplitudes, spectral features, and the associated electron energy transport are presented. A novel theoretical model which quantitatively describes the boundaries of the high-amplitude streamer transport regime is presented and shown to explain the gyrokinetic simulation results. This model uniquely includes consideration of two distinct secondary instabilities.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.225001}, file = {Jenko2002_PhysRevLett.89.225001.pdf:Jenko2002_PhysRevLett.89.225001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {22}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.225001}, } @Article{Nunomura2002, author = {Nunomura, S. and Goree, J. and Hu, S. and Wang, X. and Bhattacharjee, A. and Avinash, K.}, title = {Phonon Spectrum in a Plasma Crystal}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2002}, volume = {89}, pages = {035001}, month = {Jun}, abstract = {The Fourier spectra of longitudinal and transverse waves corresponding to random particle motion were measured in a two-dimensional plasma crystal. The crystal was composed of negatively charged microspheres immersed in a plasma at a low gas pressure. The phonons were found to obey a dispersion relation that assumes a Yukawa interparticle potential. The crystal was in a nonthermal equilibrium, nevertheless phonon energies were almost equally distributed with respect to wave number over the entire first Brillouin zone.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.035001}, file = {Nunomura2002_PhysRevLett.89.035001.pdf:Nunomura2002_PhysRevLett.89.035001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {3}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.11.25}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.035001}, } @Article{Sedlacek2002, author = {Z. Sedláček and L. Nocera}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, title = {Linear Vlasov plasma oscillations in the Fourier transformed velocity space}, year = {2002}, issn = {0375-9601}, number = {2–3}, pages = {117 - 124}, volume = {296}, abstract = {In the Fourier transformed velocity space the Vlasov plasma oscillations manifest themselves as a wave propagation and scattering process corresponding to an imperfectly trapped (leaking) wave. The Landau damped solutions of the Vlasov–Poisson equation become genuine eigenmodes corresponding to complex eigenvalues. To verify this new interpretation we solve numerically the Fourier transformed Vlasov–Poisson equation by the method of lines which proved to be simple, efficient and easy to implement.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0375-9601(02)00247-5}, file = {Sedlacek2002_1-s2.0-S0375960102002475-main.pdf:Sedlacek2002_1-s2.0-S0375960102002475-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Plasma}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.30}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0375960102002475}, } @Article{Stoltz2002, author = {Stoltz, P. H. and Cary, J. R. and Penn, G. and Wurtele, J.}, title = {Efficiency of a Boris-like integration scheme with spatial stepping}, journal = {Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams}, year = {2002}, volume = {5}, pages = {094001}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {A modified Boris-like integration, in which the spatial coordinate is the independent variable, is derived. This spatial-Boris integration method is useful for beam simulations, in which the independent variable is often the distance along the beam. The new integration method is second order accurate, requires only one force calculation per particle per step, and preserves conserved quantities more accurately over long distances than a Runge-Kutta integration scheme. Results from the spatial-Boris integration method and a Runge-Kutta scheme are compared for two simulations: (i) a particle in a uniform solenoid field and (ii) a particle in a sinusoidally varying solenoid field. In the uniform solenoid case, the spatial-Boris scheme is shown to perfectly conserve for any step size quantities such as the gyroradius and the perpendicular momentum. The Runge-Kutta integrator produces damping in these conserved quantities. In the sinusoidally varying case, the conserved quantity of canonical angular momentum is used to measure the accuracy of the two schemes. For the sinusoidally varying field simulations, error analysis is used to determine the integration distance beyond which the spatial-Boris integration method is more efficient than a fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme. For beam physics applications where statistical quantities such as beam emittance are important, these results imply the spatial-Boris scheme is 3 times more efficient.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.5.094001}, file = {Stoltz2002_PhysRevSTAB.5.094001.pdf:Stoltz2002_PhysRevSTAB.5.094001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {9}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.08.22}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.5.094001}, } @Article{Allfrey2003, author = {S.J. Allfrey and R. Hatzky}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {A revised δf algorithm for nonlinear \{PIC\} simulation}, year = {2003}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {2}, pages = {98 - 104}, volume = {154}, abstract = {An equation for the evolution of δf is shown to be redundant in the δf particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation scheme. Having eliminated this equation, an adaptive f0 construction is shown to follow intuitively and to be straight forward to implement.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0010-4655(03)00288-1}, file = {Allfrey2003_1-s2.0-S0010465503002881-main.pdf:Allfrey2003_1-s2.0-S0010465503002881-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {delta- f p⟂ + B2/μo. Recently, a new type of fire-hose instability was found by Hellinger and Matsumoto [2000] that has maximum growth rate occurring for oblique propagation and may grow faster than the Alfvén mode. This new mode is compressional and may be more efficient at destroying pressure anisotropy than the standard fire hose. This paper examines the fire-hose type (p∥ > p⟂) instabilities based on the linear and nonlinear double-polytropic MHD theory. It is shown that there exist two types of MHD fire-hose instabilities, and with suitable choice of polytropic exponents the linear instability criteria become the same as those based on the Vlasov theory in the hydromagnetic limit. Moreover, the properties of the nonlinear MHD fire-hose instabilities are found to have great similarities with those obtained from the kinetic theory and hybrid simulations. In particular, the classical fire-hose instability evolves toward the linear fire-hose stability threshold, while the nonlinear marginal stability associated with the new fire hose is well below the condition of β∥ − β⟂ = 2 but complies with less stringent linear stability threshold for compressible Alfvén waves.}, doi = {10.1029/2003JA009986}, file = {Wang2003_MHD aspects of fire-hose type instabilities.pdf:Wang2003_MHD aspects of fire-hose type instabilities.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {MHD instability, fire hose, nonlinear, pressure anisotropy}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.10}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2003JA009986}, } @Article{Yu2003, author = {Q. Yu and S. Gunter and B. D. Scott}, title = {Numerical modeling of linear drift-tearing mode stability}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2003}, volume = {10}, number = {3}, pages = {797-810}, abstract = {Numerical modeling results of the linear drift tearing modes are presented. The present model is based on the two-fluids equations, and the perturbed bootstrap current is also included. The electron temperature and the density perturbations are self-consistently calculated by solving the two-dimensional transport equations. It is found that, with the inclusion of the electron perpendicular heat transport, which is neglected in the previous theory, the behavior of the drift tearing mode becomes significantly different, and a new type of tearing mode instability appears. This mode is driven unstable by a sufficiently large electron temperature gradient in a certain range of the electron diamagnetic drift frequency ω∗e. The stability of the drift tearing mode is found to be mainly determined by ω∗e. The parallel ion flow driven by the parallel pressure gradient is found to be stabilizing for the drift tearing modes, while the perturbed bootstrap current is destabilizing for large or small ω∗e but can be stabilizing for a certain range of ω∗e.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1554739}, file = {Yu2003_PhysPlasmas_10_797.pdf:Yu2003_PhysPlasmas_10_797.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {drift instability; tearing instability; plasma transport processes; plasma temperature; plasma pressure; plasma density}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/10/797/1}, } @Article{Atanasiu2004, author = {C. V. Atanasiu and S. Gunter and K. Lackner and A. Moraru and L. E. Zakharov and A. A. Subbotin}, title = {Linear tearing modes calculation for diverted tokamak configurations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {12}, pages = {5580-5594}, abstract = {Writing the expression of the potential energy in terms of the perturbation of the flux function, and performing an Euler minimization, one obtains a system of ordinary differential equations in that perturbation. For a diverted configuration, the usual vanishing boundary conditions for the perturbed flux function at the magnetic axis and at infinity can no longer be used. An approach to fix “natural” boundary conditions for the perturbed flux function just at the plasma boundary has been developed; this replaces the vanishing boundary conditions at infinity. To obtain the necessary metric coefficients from an equilibrium solver, a function exhibiting the same singularity at the X point has been introduced, and thus the separatrix contour was described by a reduced number of moments.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1806477}, file = {Atanasiu2004_PhysPlasmas_11_5580.pdf:Atanasiu2004_PhysPlasmas_11_5580.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {tearing instability; Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; differential equations; plasma boundary layers}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/5580/1}, } @Article{Bellan2004, author = {Bellan, P. M.}, title = {A microscopic, mechanical derivation of the adiabatic gas relation}, journal = {American Journal of Physics}, year = {2004}, volume = {72}, number = {5}, pages = {679-682}, abstract = {It is shown that the ideal gas adiabatic relation, PVγ=constant, can be derived by considering the motion of a particle bouncing elastically between a stationary wall and a moving wall.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1119/1.1629088}, file = {Bellan2004_1.1629088.pdf:Bellan2004_1.1629088.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.19}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aapt/journal/ajp/72/5/10.1119/1.1629088}, } @Article{Hao2004, author = {Ruiyu Hao and Lu Li and Zhonghao Li and Wenrui Xue and Guosheng Zhou}, journal = {Optics Communications}, title = {A new approach to exact soliton solutions and soliton interaction for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients}, year = {2004}, issn = {0030-4018}, number = {1–3}, pages = {79 - 86}, volume = {236}, abstract = {In this paper, the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients is considered from the integrable point of view, and an exact multi-soliton solution is presented by employing the simple, straightforward Darboux transformation based on the Lax Pair, and then one- and two-soliton solutions in explicit forms are generated. As an example, we consider the distributed amplification system, and some main features of solutions are shown. The results reveal that the combined effects of controlling both the group velocity dispersion distribution and the nonlinearity distribution can restrict the interaction between the neighboring solitons. Also, by simulating numerically, the stability of the neighboring solitons with respect to the finite perturbations is discussed in detail. Finally, under nonintegrable condition the evolution of soliton is in detail discussed.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2004.03.005}, file = {Hao2004_1-s2.0-S0030401804002470-main.pdf:Hao2004_1-s2.0-S0030401804002470-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Soliton solutions}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.03}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0030401804002470}, } @Article{Jiro2004, author = {TODOROKI Jiro and SANUKI Heiji and YOKOYAMA Masayuki}, title = {A New Method Constructing Magnetic Flux Coordinate}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, year = {2004}, volume = {6}, pages = {230-232}, file = {Jiro2004_jpfrs2004_06-230.pdf:Jiro2004_jpfrs2004_06-230.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://www.jspf.or.jp/JPFRS/PDF/Vol6/jpfrs2004_06-230.pdf}, } @Article{Konovalov2004a, author = {S. V. Konovalov and A. B. Mikhailovskii and M. S. Shirokov and E. A. Kovalishen and T. Ozeki}, title = {Kinetic reversed-shear Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {9}, pages = {4531-4534}, abstract = {Alfvén eigenmodes in tokamak discharges with reversed shear are theoretically studied taking into account the effects of finite Larmor radius. It is predicted that, similarly to the kinetic toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes in positive-shear discharges, a new branch of eigenmodes in reversed-shear discharges exists, called here the kinetic reversed-shear Alfvén eigenmodes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1779226}, file = {Konovalov2004a_PhysPlasmas_11_4531.pdf:Konovalov2004a_PhysPlasmas_11_4531.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma instability; Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; discharges (electric); plasma kinetic theory}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.29}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/4531/1}, } @Article{Konovalov2004, author = {S. V. Konovalov and A. B. Mikhailovskii and M. S. Shirokov and T. Ozeki}, title = {The role of thermal plasma density gradient in the problem of Alfv[e-acute]n cascades in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {5}, pages = {2303-2306}, abstract = {The localization effect of thermal plasma density gradient on the Alfvén cascades in tokamaks is studied. It is shown that this effect can be stronger than the toroidal magnetohydrodynamic effect considered by Breizman et al. [Phys. Plasmas 10, 3649 (2003)] as squared aspect ratio. Thus, the Alfvén cascade modes can be theoretically shown in cylindrical geometry approximation. Then the role of thermal plasma density gradient can be dominant if the localization effect of density gradient of large-orbit hot ions [Berk et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 185002 (2001)] is sufficiently weak.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1699174}, file = {Konovalov2004_PhysPlasmas_11_2303.pdf:Konovalov2004_PhysPlasmas_11_2303.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; Tokamak devices; plasma density; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/2303/1}, } @Article{Kramer2004a, author = {G J Kramer and N N Gorelenkov and R Nazikian and C Z Cheng}, title = {Finite pressure effects on reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2004}, volume = {46}, number = {11}, pages = {L23}, abstract = {The inclusion of finite pressure in ideal magnetohydrodynamic theory can explain the reversed magnetic shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAE) (or Alfvén cascades) that have been observed in several large tokamaks without the need to invoke an energetic particle mechanism for the existence of these modes. The chirping of the RSAE is caused by changes in the minimum of the magnetic safety factor, q min , while finite pressure effects explain the observed non-zero minimum frequency of the RSAE when q min has a rational value. Finite pressure effects also play a dominant role in the existence of the downward chirping RSAE branch.}, file = {Kramer2004a_0741-3335_46_11_L01.pdf:Kramer2004a_0741-3335_46_11_L01.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/46/i=11/a=L01}, } @Article{Kramer2004, author = {Kramer, G. J. and Sharapov, S. E. and Nazikian, R. and Gorelenkov, N. N. and Budny, R. V.}, title = {Observation of Odd Toroidal Alfv\'en Eigenmodes}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2004}, volume = {92}, pages = {015001}, month = {Jan}, abstract = {Experimental evidence is presented for the existence of the theoretically predicted odd toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmode (TAE) from the simultaneous appearance of odd and even TAEs in a normal shear discharge of the joint European torus. The modes are observed in low central magnetic shear plasmas created by injecting lower hybrid current drive. A fast ion population was created by applying ion cyclotron heating at the high-field side to excite the TAEs. The odd TAEs were identified from their frequency, mode number, and timing relative to the even TAEs.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.015001}, file = {Kramer2004_PhysRevLett.92.015001.pdf:Kramer2004_PhysRevLett.92.015001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.07.29}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.015001}, } @Article{Masaru2004, author = {FURUKAWA Masaru and TOKUDA Shinji}, title = {A Model Equation for Ballooning Modes in Toroidally Rotating Tokamaks}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, year = {2004}, volume = {6}, pages = {210-213}, file = {Masaru2004_jpfrs2004_06-210.pdf:Masaru2004_jpfrs2004_06-210.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://www.jspf.or.jp/JPFRS/PDF/Vol6/jpfrs2004_06-210.pdf}, } @Article{Ohsaki2004, author = {Ohsaki, Shuichi and Mahajan, Swadesh M.}, title = {Hall current and Alfvén wave}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {3}, pages = {898-902}, abstract = {In ideal inhomogeneous magnetohydrodynamics(MHD), the Alfvén wave (the dominant low frequency mode of a magnetized plasma) displays a continuous spectrum associated with singular eigenfunctions. It is shown that the coupling of the Hall term with the sound wave induces higher (fourth) order derivative in the Alfvén mode equation, and by resolving the singularity replaces the MHD continuum by a discrete spectrum. The mode structure resulting from the Hall resolution of the singularity is compared with the standard electron-inertia approach.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1647566}, file = {Ohsaki2004_1.1647566.pdf:Ohsaki2004_1.1647566.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.08}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/11/3/10.1063/1.1647566}, } @Article{Qureshi2004, author = {M. N. S. Qureshi and H. A. Shah and G. Murtaza and S. J. Schwartz and F. Mahmood}, title = {Parallel propagating electromagnetic modes with the generalized (r,q) distribution function}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {8}, pages = {3819-3829}, abstract = {In the present paper, it is argued that non-Maxwellian distribution functions are better suited to model space plasmas. A new model distribution function called the generalized (r,q) distribution function which is the generalized form of the generalized Lorentzian (kappa) distribution function has been employed to carry out theoretical investigation for parallel propagating waves in general and for Alfvén waves in particular. New plasma dispersion functions have been derived and their properties investigated. The new linear dispersion relation for Alfvén waves is investigated in detail.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1688329}, file = {Qureshi2004_PhysPlasmas_11_3819.pdf:Qureshi2004_PhysPlasmas_11_3819.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {astrophysical plasma; plasma Alfven waves; Lorentz transformation; dispersion (wave); plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; plasma kinetic theory}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.05.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/3819/1}, } @Article{Sakai2004, author = {Jun-Ichi Sakai and Reinhard Schlickeiser and P.K. Shukla}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, title = {Simulation studies of the magnetic field generation in cosmological plasmas}, year = {2004}, issn = {0375-9601}, number = {5}, pages = {384 - 389}, volume = {330}, abstract = {We present computer simulation studies of the magnetic field generation by colliding electron clouds in cosmic plasmas. Simulation results exhibit purely growing magnetic fields, generation of electrostatic waves and subsequent electron energization in different regimes. The linear growth and saturated magnetic fields in our simulations are in good agreement with recent theoretical predictions of the Weibel instability induced magnetic fields in cosmological plasmas.}, doi = {10.1016/j.physleta.2004.08.007}, file = {Sakai2004_1-s2.0-S0375960104011107-main.pdf:Sakai2004_1-s2.0-S0375960104011107-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0375960104011107}, } @Article{Scalo2004, author = {John Scalo and Bruce G. Elmegreen}, title = {INTERSTELLAR TURBULENCE II: Implications and Effects}, journal = {Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics}, year = {2004}, volume = {42}, pages = {275-316}, abstract = {Interstellar turbulence has implications for the dispersal and mixing of the elements, cloud chemistry, cosmic ray scattering, and radio wave propagation through the ionized medium. This review discusses the observations and theory of these effects. Metallicity fluctuations are summarized, and the theory of turbulent transport of passive tracers is reviewed. Modeling methods, turbulent concentration of dust grains, and the turbulent washout of radial abundance gradients are discussed. Interstellar chemistry is affected by turbulent transport of various species between environments with different physical properties and by turbulent heating in shocks, vortical dissipation regions, and local regions of enhanced ambipolar diffusion. Cosmic rays are scattered and accelerated in turbulent magnetic waves and shocks, and they generate turbulence on the scale of their gyroradii. Radio wave scintillation is an important diagnostic for small-scale turbulence in the ionized medium, giving information about the power spectrum and amplitude of fluctuations. The theory of diffraction and refraction as well as the main observations and scintillation regions are reviewed.}, doi = {10.1146/annurev.astro.42.120403.143327}, file = {Scalo2004_annurev%2Eastro%2E42%2E120403%2E143327.pdf:Scalo2004_annurev%2Eastro%2E42%2E120403%2E143327.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.04}, url = {http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.astro.42.120403.143327}, } @Article{Schneider2004, author = {Ralf Schneider and Xavier Bonnin and Neil McTaggart and Alex Runov and Matthias Borchardt and Jörg Riemann and Andreas Mutzke and Konstantin Matyash and Henry Leyh and Manoj Warrier and David Coster and Wolfgang Eckstein and Renate Dohmen}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {Comprehensive suite of codes for plasma-edge modelling}, year = {2004}, issn = {0010-4655}, note = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conferene on the Numerical Simulation of Plasmas}, number = {1–3}, pages = {9 - 16}, volume = {164}, abstract = {The various aspects of plasma-edge physics are included in a comprehensive suite of codes having applications from industrial plasmas to fusion devices. Here the basic ideas, status, and relationship of the codes are summarized: Plasma-wall interaction effects on a microscopic length-scale (e.g., chemical sputtering effects) are studied with molecular dynamics. Mesoscale effects (e.g., sputtering and diffusion in amorphous materials) are analysed with Monte Carlo methods (kinetic Monte Carlo with input from molecular dynamics or experiment or binary collision approximation). A full kinetic description (including ions, electrons, neutrals and their collisions) is possible for some low-temperature plasmas (e.g., electron cyclotron resonance heated methane plasmas) and for qualitative studies of edge plasma effects in fusion edge plasmas. Fluid transport codes for the edge of magnetically confined plasmas (2D tokamaks, tokamaks with ergodic perturbations, 3D stellarators) are necessary for understanding better the complex physics in such devices. The different code levels provide physics which is embodied in simplified models for those above and below it in the hierarchy or for those linked across various boundary regions.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2004.06.002}, file = {Schneider2004_1-s2.0-S0010465504002498-main.pdf:Schneider2004_1-s2.0-S0010465504002498-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Numerical simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465504002498}, } @Article{Shinji2004, author = {TOKUDA Shinji and AIBA Nobuyuki}, title = {Theory of the Newcomb Equation and Applications to MHD Stability Analysis of a Tokamak}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, year = {2004}, volume = {6}, pages = {207-209}, file = {Shinji2004_jpfrs2004_06-207.pdf:Shinji2004_jpfrs2004_06-207.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://www.jspf.or.jp/JPFRS/PDF/Vol6/jpfrs2004_06-207.pdf}, } @Article{Taguchi2004, author = {T. Taguchi and T.M. Antonsen Jr. and K. Mima}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {Study of hot electron beam transport in high density plasma using 3D hybrid-Darwin code}, year = {2004}, issn = {0010-4655}, note = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conferene on the Numerical Simulation of Plasmas}, number = {1–3}, pages = {269 - 278}, volume = {164}, abstract = {Hot electron transport has been analyzed by our newly developed hybrid-Darwin code, which is aimed to apply the detail analysis of the fast ignition scheme. Our code divides electrons into two species, fast beam electrons and cold background electrons and fast electrons are described as particles, while background electrons and ions are described as fluids. The results show that the beam electron injected into a high density plasma forms a ring structure followed by the breakup into filaments because of the two stream instability. Our recently developed open boundary code shows such a ring formation and the impedance of the straight flow by the concentration of the hot electron beam due to the strong self-generated magnetic filed. The self-pinch and the following divergence of the electron beam after a relatively short propagation are crucial for the achievement of the fast ignition scheme.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2004.06.038}, file = {Taguchi2004_1-s2.0-S0010465504002917-main.pdf:Taguchi2004_1-s2.0-S0010465504002917-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465504002917}, } @Article{Wahlberg2004, author = {C. Wahlberg}, title = {Aspect ratio dependence of the ideal internal kink mode stability in a toroidal plasma with circular cross section}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {5}, pages = {2119-2134}, abstract = {The theory by Bussac et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 1638 (1975)] on the stability of the ideal, internal kink mode in a toroidal plasma with circular cross section is extended to finite values of the inverse aspect ratio εa. The aspect ratio dependence comes from the term following the Bussac term in a large aspect ratio expansion of the potential energy δW of the mode. Although formally of higher order in the inverse aspect ratio, this term is of the same order of magnitude as the Bussac term when the safety factor q is close to (but below) unity at the plasma center and εa is finite. The new term is always stabilizing, but affects δW only marginally when the poloidal beta value βp is small and/or εa is small. For values of εa relevant for most tokamaks and βp larger than 0.3–0.5, however, the new term strongly modifies δW and leads to a second stability regime of the ideal, internal kink mode, in agreement with earlier numerical calculations.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1710901}, file = {Wahlberg2004_PhysPlasmas_11_2119.pdf:Wahlberg2004_PhysPlasmas_11_2119.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {kink instability; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/2119/1}, } @InProceedings{Weerasundara2004, author = {Weerasundara, R. and Raju, G.G.}, title = {An efficient algorithm for numerical computation of the complex dielectric permittivity using Hilbert transform and FFT techniques through Kramers Kronig relation}, booktitle = {Solid Dielectrics, 2004. ICSD 2004. Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on}, year = {2004}, volume = {2}, pages = {558-561 Vol.2}, abstract = {A procedure is described to efficiently obtain the complex dielectric permittivity of materials with routing available in the current software applications. This procedure calculates one component of the dielectric permittivity from its other components by making use of the Hilbert transform properties of the Kramers-Kronig relations. The mathematical technique used by the Kramers-Kronig relations, which allows one component to be defined in terms of the other, is Hilbert transform since ��'(��) and ��"(��) can be shown to be Hilbert transform pairs. The practical formation of this Hilbert transform pair is not an easy task in most instances. One cannot produce an analytical function in order to obtain its Hilbert transformation over a large frequency range. An efficient algorithm is developed to obtain the complex dielectric permittivity of materials over a large frequency range. This paper deals with an algorithm that has been verified for both theoretically generated data (Debye equation) and measured data for various high temperature dielectric materials.}, doi = {10.1109/ICSD.2004.1350492}, file = {Weerasundara2004_01350492.pdf:Weerasundara2004_01350492.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Hilbert transforms;Kramers-Kronig relations;dielectric materials;fast Fourier transforms;permittivity;Debye equation;FFT techniques;Hilbert transformation;Kramers Kroning relation;complex dielectric permittivity;high temperature dielectric materials;mathematical technique;numerical computation;software applications;Application software;Convolution;Dielectric materials;Dielectric measurements;Discrete transforms;Equations;Fourier transforms;Frequency domain analysis;Permittivity;Routing}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.12}, } @Article{Weiland2004, author = {Jan Weiland}, title = {Analytical eigenvalue solution for eta[sub i] modes of general modewidth}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {6}, pages = {3238-3241}, abstract = {The eigenvalue problem of ion temperature gradient modes in a reactive advanced fluid model has been solved analytically for general mode width. The solution is iterative and suitable for use in transport codes. The solution is made for the simple electrostatic mode but can be generalized to more complex systems. The solution has been tested against a shooting code with good agreement.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1738648}, file = {Weiland2004_PhysPlasmas_11_3238.pdf:Weiland2004_PhysPlasmas_11_3238.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; plasma instability; plasma temperature; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/3238/1}, } @Article{Zaheer2004, author = {S. Zaheer and G. Murtaza and H. A. Shah}, title = {Some electrostatic modes based on non-Maxwellian distribution functions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2004}, volume = {11}, number = {5}, pages = {2246-2255}, abstract = {A comparative study of fundamental modes such as Langmuir waves, dust ion acoustic waves, and dust-acoustic waves using non-Maxwellian distribution functions is presented. The real frequency and the growth rate of the modes are calculated by using kappa and generalized (r,q) distribution functions and results are compared with those of Maxwellian distribution. It is noted that in the limit (i) r = 0, q→∞ for generalized (r,q) distributions and (ii) κ→∞ for kappa distributions, the non-Maxwellian functions reduce to Maxwellian.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1688330}, file = {Zaheer2004_PhysPlasmas_11_2246.pdf:Zaheer2004_PhysPlasmas_11_2246.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma electrostatic waves; plasma Langmuir waves; plasma ion acoustic waves; dusty plasmas}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.05.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/11/2246/1}, } @Article{Breizman2005, author = {B. N. Breizman and M. S. Pekker and S. E. Sharapov JET EFDA contributors}, title = {Plasma pressure effect on Alfvén cascade eigenmodes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2005}, volume = {12}, number = {11}, pages = {112506}, abstract = {Tokamak plasmas with reversed magnetic shear are prone to the excitation of Alfvén cascade (AC) eigenmodes by energetic particles. These modes exhibit a quasiperiodic pattern of predominantly upward frequency sweeping. Observations also reveal that the AC spectral lines sometimes bend at low frequencies, which is a significant deviation from the shear Alfvén wave dispersion relation. This paper shows that the underlying reasons for such bending are the finite pressure of the plasma and the geodesic curvature that precludes shear Alfvén perturbations from being strictly incompressible. In addition to the geodesic effect, there are two other pressure effects on shear Alfvén waves, which are the convection in the presence of an equilibrium pressure gradient and the toroidicity-induced coupling between shear Alfvén waves and acoustic modes. An analytical treatment of the problem enables a parametric comparison of all three mechanisms. The key distinction between the geodesic compressibility and the acoustic coupling is that geodesic compression occurs without plasma displacement along the magnetic-field lines. As a result, the mode phase velocity is greater than the ion thermal velocity even in an isothermal plasma, which allows the mode to avoid a strong ion Landau damping. Plasma temperature diagnostics via magnetohydrodynamic spectroscopy employing the low-frequency part of the ACs is suggested.}, collaboration = {JET EFDA contributors}, doi = {10.1063/1.2130692}, eid = {112506}, file = {Breizman2005_PhysPlasmas_12_112506.pdf:Breizman2005_PhysPlasmas_12_112506.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma pressure; plasma Alfven waves; plasma instability; Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma-beam interactions; dispersion relations; plasma transport processes; plasma ion acoustic waves}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/12/112506/1}, } @Article{Dauxois2005, author = {Thierry Dauxois and Michel Peyrard and Stefano Ruffo}, title = {The Fermi–Pasta–Ulam 'numerical experiment': history and pedagogical perspectives}, journal = {European Journal of Physics}, year = {2005}, volume = {26}, number = {5}, pages = {S3}, abstract = {The pioneering Fermi–Pasta–Ulam (FPU) numerical experiment played a major role in the history of computer simulation because it introduced this concept for the first time. Moreover, it raised a puzzling question which was answered more than 10 years later. After an introduction to this problem, we briefly review its history and then suggest some simple numerical experiments, with the Matlab© code provided, to study various aspects of the 'FPU' problem.}, file = {Dauxois2005_ejp5_5_s01.pdf:Dauxois2005_ejp5_5_s01.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.21}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0143-0807/26/i=5/a=S01}, } @Article{Garbet2005, author = {X. Garbet and N. Dubuit and E. Asp and Y. Sarazin and C. Bourdelle and P. Ghendrih and G. T. Hoang}, title = {Turbulent fluxes and entropy production rate}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2005}, volume = {12}, number = {8}, pages = {082511}, abstract = {The entropy production rate is calculated for an interchange driven turbulence both in fluid and kinetic regimes. This calculation provides a rigorous way to define thermodynamical forces and fluxes. It is found that the forces are the gradients of density and temperature normalized to their “canonical” values, which are Lagrangian invariants of the flow. This formulation is equivalent to expressing the fluxes in terms of “curvature pinches,” where the curvature pinches are proportional to the logarithmic gradient of canonical profiles. Off diagonal terms in the transport matrix are found, which correspond to thermodiffusion and its Onsager symmetrical contribution to the heat flux. Hence, if thermodiffusion is significant, a heat pinch due to the density gradient also exists. The entropy production rate is found to be minimum when the profiles are equal to their canonical values. This property yields a generalized form of profile stiffness. However, a state where all profiles match their canonical values is not attainable because it is linearly stable.}, doi = {10.1063/1.1951667}, eid = {082511}, file = {Garbet2005_PhysPlasmas_12_082511.pdf:Garbet2005_PhysPlasmas_12_082511.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma turbulence; plasma thermodynamics; plasma kinetic theory; plasma temperature; plasma density; plasma flow; pinch effect; plasma transport processes; entropy}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/12/082511/1}, } @Article{Gorelenkov2005, author = {Gorelenkov, N. N.}, title = {Double-Gap Alfv\'en Eigenmodes: Revisiting Eigenmode Interaction with the Alfv\'en Continuum}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2005}, volume = {95}, pages = {265003}, month = {Dec}, abstract = {A new type of global shear Alfvén eigenmode is found in tokamak plasmas where the mode localization is in the region intersecting the Alfvén continuum. The eigenmode is formed by the coupling of two solutions from two adjacent gaps (akin to potential wells) in the shear Alfvén continuum. For tokamak plasmas with reversed magnetic shear, it is shown that the toroidicity-induced solution tunnels through the continuum to match the ellipticity-induced Alfvén eigenmode so that the resulting solution is continuous at the point of resonance with the continuum. The existence of these double-gap Alfvén eigenmodes allows for potentially new ways of coupling edge fields to the plasma core in conditions where the core region is conventionally considered inaccessible. Implications include new approaches to heating and current drive in fusion plasmas as well as its possible use as a core diagnostic in burning plasmas.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.265003}, file = {Gorelenkov2005_PhysRevLett.95.265003.pdf:Gorelenkov2005_PhysRevLett.95.265003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {26}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.07.28}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.265003}, } @Article{Ji2005, author = {Ji, Hantao and Kulsrud, Russell and Fox, William and Yamada, Masaaki}, title = {An obliquely propagating electromagnetic drift instability in the lower hybrid frequency range}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics}, year = {2005}, volume = {110}, number = {A8}, pages = {n/a--n/a}, issn = {2156-2202}, abstract = {By employing a local two-fluid theory, we investigate an obliquely propagating electromagnetic instability in the lower hybrid frequency range driven by cross-field current or relative drifts between electrons and ions. The theory self-consistently takes into account local cross-field current and accompanying pressure gradients. It is found that the instability is caused by reactive coupling between the backward propagating whistler (fast) wave in the electron frame and the forward propagating sound (slow) wave in the ion frame when the relative drifts are large. The unstable waves we consider propagate obliquely to the unperturbed magnetic field and have mixed polarization with significant electromagnetic components. A physical picture of the instability emerges in the limit of a large wave number characteristic of the local approximation. The primary positive feedback mechanism is based on reinforcement of initial electron density perturbations by compression of electron fluid via induced Lorentz force. The resultant waves are qualitatively consistent with the measured electromagnetic fluctuations in reconnecting current sheet in a laboratory plasma.}, doi = {10.1029/2005JA011188}, file = {Ji2005_jgra18002.pdf:Ji2005_jgra18002.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {current-driven microinstability, lower-hybrid drift instability, electromagnetic waves, Whistler waves, magnetic reconnection, anomalous resistivity}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.02}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2005JA011188}, } @Article{Li2005, author = {J.Q. Li and Y. Kishimoto and N. Miyato and T. Matsumoto and J.Q. Dong}, title = {Dynamics of large-scale structure and electron transport in tokamak microturbulence simulations}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2005}, volume = {45}, number = {11}, pages = {1293}, abstract = {The important issue of whether zonal flows or streamers are preferentially formed in plasma turbulence with electron gyroradius scale is studied based on a gyrofluid model of electron temperature gradient (ETG) driven turbulence. Results from three approaches are presented. It is analytically derived first that the secondary generation of different large-scale structures is determined by the spectral anisotropy of turbulent fluctuation in two-dimensional Charney–Hasegawa–Mima turbulence. This is verified subsequently using three-dimensional simulations of sheared slab ETG turbulence, which show that the magnetic shear governs the pattern selection. It is found that a weak shear favours the enhancement of zonal flows so that the electron transport is strongly suppressed. In contrast, radially elongated streamers are formed nonlinearly in stronger-shear ETG turbulence. Finally, three-dimensional toroidal ETG simulations show that streamers are excited in the linearly stable region along the field (i.e. good curvature region) through a modulation instability after initial saturation of ETG modes. Although the electron transport at the quasi-steady state becomes higher than the initial saturation level, which is dominated by fluctuations with a peaked spectrum, the averaged value is still low at around the gyro-Bohm level. Furthermore, it is shown that the enhanced zonal flows in weak shear ETG turbulence may be limited by a Kelvin–Helmholtz instability. Also, it is found that the electromagnetic effects reduce the generation of zonal flows and reverse the so-called Okawa-scaling of electron transport on the β dependence.}, file = {Li2005_0029-5515_45_11_010.pdf:Li2005_0029-5515_45_11_010.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/45/i=11/a=010}, } @Article{Mahajan2005, author = {S. M. Mahajan and V. Krishan}, title = {Exact solution of the incompressible Hall magnetohydrodynamics}, journal = {Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.}, year = {2005}, volume = {359}, pages = {L27–L29}, abstract = {The Alfvén wave is known to be an exact solution of the ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), and this has found use in modelling astrophysical turbulence. In this paper we show that the Hall MHD also submits itself to an exact solution in the incompressible limit. We compare the linear and the non-linear modes of the Hall MHD and comment on their probable role in describing turbulent fluctuations in different astrophysical situations.}, doi = {10.1111/j.1745-3933.2005.00028.x}, file = {Mahajan2005_MNRAS-2005-Mahajan-L27-9.pdf:Mahajan2005_MNRAS-2005-Mahajan-L27-9.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.08}, url = {http://mnrasl.oxfordjournals.org/content/359/1/L27.full}, } @Article{Martynov2005, author = {An Martynov and J P Graves and O Sauter}, title = {The stability of the ideal internal kink mode in realistic tokamak geometry}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2005}, volume = {47}, number = {10}, pages = {1743}, abstract = {The ideal stability of the internal kink mode is analysed for realistic tokamak geometry. Accurate numerical results demonstrate convergence with Bussac's toroidal solution (Bussac M N, Pellat R, Edery D and Soulé J L 1975 Phys. Rev. Lett. 35 1638) for inverse aspect ratio ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} 1 ~ 0.01 at the q = 1 rational surface. For realistic inverse aspect ratio (e.g. ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/icons/Entities/epsi.gif] {epsilon} 1 ~ 0.1) the growth rate is found to scale linearly with the poloidal beta and to be smaller than the analytical prediction of the toroidal growth rate. The effect of the shaping of the plasma cross-section is also analysed. Analytical results are found to disagree with numerical results at realistic inverse aspect ratio primarily because of the toroidal nature of the Mercier mode shaping terms. Furthermore, in addition to the Mercier shaping terms, there are quasicylindrical contributions to the kink mode which are quadratic and stabilizing in both triangularity and ellipticity. To verify this empirically and to further demonstrate the importance of the ideal internal kink stability boundary, discharges in the tokamak à configuration variable are shown to display longer sawteeth for both very positive and negative triangularity. Finally, a parameter scan in the triangularity, elongation, aspect ratio and poloidal beta has been undertaken using the code KINX. Versatile predictions of the ideal internal kink stability in future tokamaks should be assisted by the functional fitting presented here of the parameter scans.}, file = {Martynov2005_0741-3335_47_10_009.pdf:Martynov2005_0741-3335_47_10_009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/47/i=10/a=009}, } @Article{Menard2005, author = {J.E. Menard and R.E. Bell and E.D. Fredrickson and D.A. Gates and S.M. Kaye and B.P. LeBlanc and R. Maingi and S.S. Medley and W. Park and S.A. Sabbagh and A. Sontag and D. Stutman and K. Tritz and W. Zhu and the NSTX Research Team}, title = {Internal kink mode dynamics in high-β NSTX plasmas}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2005}, volume = {45}, number = {7}, pages = {539}, abstract = {Saturated internal kink modes have been observed in many of the highest toroidal β discharges of the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX). These modes often cause rotation flattening in the plasma core, can degrade fast-ion confinement and in some cases contribute to the complete loss of plasma angular momentum and stored energy. Characteristics of the modes are measured using soft x-ray, kinetic profile and magnetic diagnostics. Toroidal flows approaching Alfvénic speeds, island pressure peaking and enhanced viscous and diamagnetic effects associated with high-β may contribute to mode nonlinear stabilization. These saturation mechanisms are investigated for NSTX parameters and compared with experimental data.}, file = {Menard2005_0029-5515_45_7_001.pdf:Menard2005_0029-5515_45_7_001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/45/i=7/a=001}, } @Article{Mininni2005, author = {Pablo D. Mininni and Daniel O. Gómez and Swadesh M. Mahajan}, title = {Direct Simulations of Helical Hall-MHD Turbulence and Dynamo Action}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, year = {2005}, volume = {619}, number = {2}, pages = {1019}, abstract = {Direct numerical simulations of turbulent Hall dynamos are presented. The evolution of an initially weak and small-scale magnetic field in a system maintained in a stationary turbulent regime by a stirring force at a macroscopic scale is studied to explore the conditions for exponential growth of the magnetic energy. Scaling of the dynamo efficiency with Reynolds numbers is studied, and the resulting total energy spectra are found to be compatible with a Kolmogorov-type law. A faster growth of large-scale magnetic fields is observed at intermediate intensities of the Hall effect.}, file = {Mininni2005_0004-637X_619_2_1019.pdf:Mininni2005_0004-637X_619_2_1019.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/619/i=2/a=1019}, } @Article{Miyato2005, author = {N. Miyato and J.Q. Li and Y. Kishimoto}, title = {Study of a drift wave-zonal mode system based on global electromagnetic Landau-fluid ITG simulation in toroidal plasmas}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2005}, volume = {45}, number = {6}, pages = {425}, abstract = {Using a global Landau-fluid code in toroidal geometry, an electromagnetic ion temperature gradient (ITG) driven turbulence–zonal mode system is investigated. Two different types of zonal flows, i.e. stationary zonal flows in a low q (safety factor) region and oscillatory ones in a high q region, which are called geodesic acoustic modes, are found to be simultaneously excited in a torus. The stationary flows efficiently suppress turbulent transport, while the oscillatory ones weakly affect the turbulence due to their time varying nature. Therefore, in the low q region where the zonal flows are almost stationary, they are dominant over the turbulence. On the other hand, the turbulence is still active in the high q region where the zonal flows are oscillatory.}, file = {Miyato2005_0029-5515_45_6_003.pdf:Miyato2005_0029-5515_45_6_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/45/i=6/a=003}, } @Article{Ofman2005, author = {Ofman, L. and Davila, J. M. and Nakariakov, V. M. and Viñas, A.-F.}, title = {High-frequency Alfvén waves in multi-ion coronal plasma: Observational implications}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics}, year = {2005}, volume = {110}, number = {A9}, pages = {n/a--n/a}, issn = {2156-2202}, abstract = {We investigate the effects of high-frequency (of order ion gyrofrequency) Alfvén and ion-cyclotron waves on ion emission lines by studying the dispersion of these waves in a multi-ion coronal plasma. For this purpose we solve the dispersion relation of the linearized multifluid and Vlasov equations in a magnetized multi-ion plasma with coronal abundances of heavy ions. We also calculate the dispersion relation using nonlinear one-dimensional hybrid kinetic simulations of the multi-ion plasma. When heavy ions are present the dispersion relation of parallel propagating Alfvén cyclotron waves exhibits the following branches (in the positive Ω − k quadrant): right-hand polarized nonresonant and left-hand polarized resonant branch for protons and each ion. We calculate the ratio of ion to proton velocities perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field for each wave modes for typical coronal parameters and find strong enhancement of the heavy ion perpendicular fluid velocity compared with proton perpendicular fluid velocity. The linear multifluid cold plasma results agree with linear warm plasma Vlasov results and with the nonlinear hybrid simulation model results. In view of our findings we discuss how the observed nonthermal line broadening of minor ions in coronal holes may relate to the high-frequency wave motions.}, doi = {10.1029/2004JA010969}, file = {Ofman2005_High-frequency Alfven waves in multi-ion coronal plasma observational implications.pdf:Ofman2005_High-frequency Alfven waves in multi-ion coronal plasma observational implications.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {coronal holes, multi-ion plasma, multifluid model, hybrid model, Vlasov dispersion relation, ion cyclotron waves}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.26}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2004JA010969}, } @Article{Pohn2005, author = {E. Pohn and M. Shoucri and G. Kamelander}, title = {Eulerian Vlasov codes}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, year = {2005}, volume = {166}, number = {2}, pages = {81 - 93}, issn = {0010-4655}, abstract = {Four different Eulerian grid-based Vlasov solvers are discussed, namely a second order method and a fourth order method (symplectic integrator) using cubic splines for interpolation, the \{CIP\} (cubic interpolated propagation) method, and an Euler–Lagrange method applying two-dimensional cubic interpolants. The four methods will be presented by outlining their algorithm. The performance of the numerical methods will be compared by numerically solving the Vlasov–Poisson system for the distribution function on a fixed Eulerian grid, for the problem of a two-stream instability in a two-dimensional phase-space.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2004.10.009}, file = {Pohn2005_1-s2.0-S0010465504005107-main.pdf:Pohn2005_1-s2.0-S0010465504005107-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.09.21}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465504005107}, } @Article{Watanabe2005, author = {T.-H. Watanabe and H. Sugama}, title = {What's the Microturbulence Simulation}, journal = {プラズマ・核融合学会誌}, year = {2005}, volume = {81}, number = {7}, pages = {534-546}, abstract = {A tutorial review on microturbulence simulation studies for the magnetic confinement fusion is given in focussing on the basic concepts and assumptions as well as a historical background. This article is also intended as an introduction to the succeeding chapters where the Lagrangian and Eulerian gyrokinetic simulation methods are explained in detail.}, file = {Watanabe2005_81_534.pdf:Watanabe2005_81_534.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jspf/81/7/81_7_534/_article/-char/ja/}, } @Article{Wood2005, author = {Wood, Paul and Neukirch, Thomas}, title = {Electron Acceleration in Reconnecting Current Sheets}, journal = {Solar Physics}, year = {2005}, volume = {226}, number = {1}, pages = {73-95}, issn = {0038-0938}, abstract = {We present the results of charged particle orbit calculations in prescribed electric and magnetic fields motivated by magnetic reconnection models. Due to the presence of a strong guide field, the particle orbits can be calculated in the guiding centre approximation. The electromagnetic fields are chosen to resemble a reconnecting magnetic current sheet with a localised reconnection region. An initially Maxwellian distribution function in the inflow region can develop a beam-like component in the outflow region. Possible implications of these findings for acceleration scenarios in solar flares will be discussed.}, doi = {10.1007/s11207-005-5686-y}, file = {Wood2005_10.1007-s11207-005-5686-y.pdf:Wood2005_10.1007-s11207-005-5686-y.pdf:PDF}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, timestamp = {2013.10.26}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11207-005-5686-y}, } @Article{Zabusky2005, author = {Norman J. Zabusky}, title = {Fermi--Pasta--Ulam, solitons and the fabric of nonlinear and computational science: History, synergetics, and visiometrics}, journal = {Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science}, year = {2005}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {015102}, abstract = {This paper is mostly a history of the early years of nonlinear and computational physics and mathematics. I trace how the counterintuitive result of near-recurrence to an initial condition in the first scientific digital computer simulation led to the discovery of the soliton in a later computer simulation. The 1955 report by Fermi, Pasta, and Ulam (FPU) described their simulation of a one-dimensional nonlinear lattice which did not show energy equipartition. The 1965 paper by Zabusky and Kruskalshowed that the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) nonlinear partial differential equation, a long wavelength model of the α-lattice (or cubic nonlinearity), derived by Kruskal, gave quantitatively the same results obtained by FPU. In 1967, Zabusky and Deem showed that a localized short wavelength initial excitation (then called an “optical” and now a “zone-boundary mode” excitation ) of the α-lattice revealed “n-curve” coherent states. If the initial amplitude was sufficiently large energy equipartition followed in a short time. The work of Kruskal and Miura (KM), Gardner and Greene (GG), and myself led to the appreciation of the infinity of denumerable invariants (conservation laws) for Hamiltonian systems and to a procedure by GGKM in 1967 for solving KdV exactly. The nonlinear science field exponentiated in diversity of linkages (as described in Appendix A). Included were pure and applied mathematics and all branches of basic and applied physics, including the first nonhydrodynamic application to optical solitons, as described in a brief essay (Appendix B) by Hasegawa. The growth was also manifest in the number of meetings held and institutes founded, as described briefly in Appendix D. Physicists and mathematicians in Japan, USA, and USSR (in the latter two, people associated with plasma physics) contributed to the diversification of the nonlinear paradigm which continues worldwide to the present. The last part of the paper (and Appendix C) discuss visiometrics: the visualization and quantification of simulation data, e.g., projection to lower dimensions, to facilitate understanding of nonlinear phenomena for modeling and prediction (or design). Finally, I present some recent developments that are linked to my early work by: Dritschel (vortex dynamics via contour dynamics/surgery in two and three dimensions); Friedland (pattern formation by synchronization in Hamiltonian nonlinear wave, vortex, plasma, systems, etc.); and the author (“n-curve” states and energy equipartition in a FPU lattice).}, doi = {10.1063/1.1861554}, eid = {015102}, file = {Zabusky2005_Chaos_15_015102.pdf:Zabusky2005_Chaos_15_015102.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {solitons; nonlinear dynamical systems; Korteweg-de Vries equation; nonlinear differential equations; partial differential equations; vortices; optical solitons; pattern formation; digital simulation}, numpages = {16}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?CHA/15/015102/1}, } @Article{Bourdiec2006, author = {S. Le Bourdiec and F. de Vuyst and L. Jacquet}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {Numerical solution of the Vlasov–Poisson system using generalized Hermite functions}, year = {2006}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {8}, pages = {528 - 544}, volume = {175}, abstract = {Two different spectral approaches for solving the nonlinear Vlasov–Poisson equations are presented and discussed. The first approach is based on a standard spectral Galerkin method (SGM) using Hermite functions in the velocity space. The second method which belongs to the family of pseudospectral methods (SCM) uses Gauss–Hermite collocation points for the velocity discretization. The high-dimensional feature of these equations and the suspected presence of small scales in the solution suggested us to employ these methods that provide high order accuracy while considering a “small” number of ad hoc basis functions. The scaled Hermite functions allow us to treat the case of unbounded domains and to properly recover Gaussian-type distributions. Some numerical results on usual test cases are shown and prove the good agreement with the theory.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2006.07.004}, file = {Bourdiec2006_1-s2.0-S0010465506002670-main.pdf:Bourdiec2006_1-s2.0-S0010465506002670-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Vlasov equation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465506002670}, } @Article{Boyd2006, author = {Boyd, JohnP.}, title = {Asymptotic Fourier Coefficients for a C∞ Bell (Smoothed-“Top-Hat”) \& the Fourier Extension Problem}, journal = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, year = {2006}, volume = {29}, number = {1}, pages = {1-24}, issn = {0885-7474}, abstract = {In constructing local Fourier bases and in solving differential equations with nonperiodic solutions through Fourier spectral algorithms, it is necessary to solve the Fourier Extension Problem. This is the task of extending a nonperiodic function, defined on an interval x∈[−χ,χ] , to a function f˜ which is periodic on the larger interval x∈[−Θ,Θ] . We derive the asymptotic Fourier coefficients for an infinitely differentiable function which is one on an interval x∈[−χ,χ] , identically zero for |x|<Θ , and varies smoothly in between. Such smoothed “top-hat” functions are “bells” in wavelet theory. Our bell is (for x ≥ 0) T(x;L,χ,Θ)=(1+erf(z))/2 where z=Lξ/1−ξ2−−−−−√ where ξ≡−1+2(Θ−x)/(Θ−χ) . By applying steepest descents to approximate the coefficient integrals in the limit of large degree j, we show that when the width L is fixed, the Fourier cosine coefficients a j of T on x∈[−Θ,Θ] are proportional to aj∼(1/j)exp(−Lπ1/22−1/2(1−χ/Θ)1/2j1/2)Λ(j) where Λ(j) is an oscillatory factor of degree given in the text. We also show that to minimize error in a Fourier series truncated after the Nth term, the width should be chosen to increase with N as L=0.911−χ/Θ−−−−−−−√N1/2 . We derive similar asymptotics for the function f(x)=x as extended by a more sophisticated scheme with overlapping bells; this gives an even faster rate of Fourier convergence}, doi = {10.1007/s10915-005-9010-7}, file = {Boyd2006_10.1007-s10915-005-9010-7.pdf:Boyd2006_10.1007-s10915-005-9010-7.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Fourier series; a symptotic Fourier coefficients; spectral methods; local Fourier basis; Fourier Extension}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers}, timestamp = {2013.06.22}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10915-005-9010-7}, } @Article{Bret2006a, author = {A. Bret and M. E. Dieckmann and C. Deutsch}, title = {Oblique electromagnetic instabilities for a hot relativistic beam interacting with a hot and magnetized plasma}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2006}, volume = {13}, number = {8}, pages = {082109}, abstract = {The temperature-dependent fluid model from Phys. Plasmas 13, 042106 (2006) is expanded in order to explore the oblique electromagnetic instabilities, which are driven by a hot relativistic electron beam that is interpenetrating a hot and magnetized plasma. The beam velocity vector is parallel to the magnetic-field direction. The results are restricted to nonrelativistic temperatures. The growth rates of all instabilities but the two-stream instability can be reduced by a strong magnetic field so that the distribution of unstable waves becomes almost one dimensional. For high beam densities, highly unstable oblique modes dominate the spectrum of unstable waves as long as ωc/ωp≲2γb3/2, where ωc is the electron gyrofrequency, ωp is the electron plasma frequency, and γb is the relativistic factor of the beam. A uniform stabilization over the entire k space cannot be achieved.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2335414}, eid = {082109}, file = {Bret2006_PhysPlasmas_13_082109.pdf:Bret2006_PhysPlasmas_13_082109.pdf:PDF;Bret2006_PhysPlasmas_13_082109.pdf:Bret2006_PhysPlasmas_13_082109.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; relativistic electron beams; plasma-beam interactions; plasma temperature; plasma flow; plasma waves}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/13/082109/1}, } @Article{Connor2006, author = {J W Connor and R J Hastie and P Helander}, title = {Stability of the trapped electron mode in steep density and temperature gradients}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2006}, volume = {48}, number = {6}, pages = {885}, abstract = {The stability of the trapped electron mode is studied in conditions characteristic of internal transport barriers, namely steep density and temperature gradients. An analytic model allows a unified treatment of all collisionality regimes, from the dissipative limit to the weakly collisional regime (when the velocity space boundary layer between passing and trapped populations of electrons plays a role). Furthermore, it reveals the key parametric dependences on wavelength, collisionality and η e = d(ln T e )/d(ln n e ). The roles of shear damping and Landau-drift resonance are also discussed. The main outcome is that below a critical collisionality, defined by the parameter ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/48/6/012/ppcf219612in001.gif] {\hat{\nu}= \nu_{\rm the}L_n/v_{\rm thi}} (where ν the is the thermal electron collision frequency, L n the density scale length and v thi the ion thermal speed), there is strong stabilization of long wavelength modes, so the unstable spectrum may be restricted to shorter wavelengths as the collisionality falls and the density profile steepens. The predicted critical value of ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/0741-3335/48/6/012/ppcf219612in002.gif] {\hat{\nu}} is experimentally relevant and this theory suggests a mechanism for barrier formation.}, file = {Connor2006_0741-3335_48_6_012.pdf:Connor2006_0741-3335_48_6_012.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=6/a=012}, } @Article{Elkina2006, author = {N.V. Elkina and J. Büchner}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {A new conservative unsplit method for the solution of the Vlasov equation}, year = {2006}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {2}, pages = {862 - 875}, volume = {213}, abstract = {We have developed a new conservative method for solving the Vlasov equation without using any splitting technique. Our goal is to maintain the positivity of the distribution function and to avoid un-physical oscillations which might lead to numerical instabilities. Based on a finite volume conservative discretization of the conservative form of the Vlasov equation we implemented a highly accurate second-order upwind scheme. In order to avoid un-physical oscillations and their possible numerical instability we apply a flux-limiter in the second order. We validate our new Vlasov solver by considering standard cases of one-dimensional current-driven ion-acoustic instabilities solving a Vlasov–Ampère set of equations.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2005.09.023}, file = {Elkina2006_1-s2.0-S0021999105004201-main.pdf:Elkina2006_1-s2.0-S0021999105004201-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Collisionless plasma}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.03}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999105004201}, } @Article{Fu2006a, author = {Fu, X. R. and Lu, Q. M. and Wang, S.}, title = {The process of electron acceleration during collisionless magnetic reconnection}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2006}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {-}, abstract = {Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations are performed to study electron acceleration in collisionless magnetic reconnection. The process of electron acceleration is investigated by tracing typical electron trajectories. When there is no initial guide field, the electrons can be accelerated in both the X-type and O-type regions. In the X-type region, the electrons can be reflected back and enter the acceleration region several times before they leave the diffusion region. In this way, the electrons can be accelerated by the inductive electric field to high energy. In the O-type region, the trapped electrons can be accelerated when they are trapped in the magnetic island. When there is an initial guide field, the electrons can only be accelerated in the X-type region, and no obvious acceleration is observed in the O-type region. In the X-type region, the electrons are not demagnetized and they gyrate with the force of the guide field. Although no electron reflection is observed in this region, the acceleration efficiency can be enhanced through staying longer time in the diffusion region due to their gyration motion.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2164808}, eid = {012309}, file = {Fu2006a_1.2164808.pdf:Fu2006a_1.2164808.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.26}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/13/1/10.1063/1.2164808}, } @Article{Gibelli2006, author = {Livio Gibelli and Bernie D. Shizgal}, title = {Spectral convergence of the Hermite basis function solution of the Vlasov equation: The free-streaming term}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {2006}, volume = {219}, number = {2}, pages = {477 - 488}, issn = {0021-9991}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2006.06.017}, file = {Gibelli2006_1-s2.0-S0021999106002890-main.pdf:Gibelli2006_1-s2.0-S0021999106002890-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Vlasov equation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999106002890}, } @Article{Gorelenkov2006, author = {N N Gorelenkov and G J Kramer and R Nazikian}, title = {Interpretation of the finite pressure gradient effects in the reversed shear Alfvén eigenmode theory}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2006}, volume = {48}, number = {8}, pages = {1255}, abstract = {Ideal MHD equations employed in the NOVA code are analysed analytically and numerically in order to investigate the role of the pressure gradient on global reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAEs) or Alfvén cascades. We confirm both numerically and analytically conclusions obtained earlier using the ideal MHD code NOVA [1] and analytically [10] that the plasma pressure gradient plays a key role in the existence condition and in the dispersion relation for the mode. The effect of the plasma pressure gradient is to shift the mode frequency up at the low part of the RSAE frequency chirp and downshift the mode frequency when the frequency approaches the TAE gap. This finding is contrary to predictions in a recent publication [2], where the pressure gradient is found to be always stabilizing by means of downshifting the RSAE frequency and enhancing its interaction with the continuum. We resolve this discrepancy by showing that neglecting the pressure gradient effect on the plasma equilibrium (modification of the Shafranov shift and the averaged curvature) leads to conclusions at variance with the numerical and analytical results presented here. A new variational approximation of the RSAE is introduced which compares remarkably well with NOVA solutions. With this new approximation we clearly demonstrate the diagnostic potential and limitations of the RSAE frequency measurement for MHD spectroscopy.}, file = {Gorelenkov2006_0741-3335_48_8_013.pdf:Gorelenkov2006_0741-3335_48_8_013.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=8/a=013}, } @Article{Gourdain2006, author = {Gourdain, P.-A. and Cowley, S. C. and Leboeuf, J.-N. and Neches, R. Y.}, title = {Stability of Highly Shifted Equilibria in a Large-Aspect-Ratio Tokamak}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2006}, volume = {97}, pages = {055003}, month = {Aug}, abstract = {High beta poloidal tokamaks can confine plasma pressures an order of magnitude higher than their low beta poloidal counterparts. The theoretical stability of these high beta poloidal magnetohydrodynamics equilibria was left unresolved for many years. Using modern computational tools, such configurations are now found stable to Mercier, resistive and high-n (ideal and resistive) ballooning criteria as well as fixed and free-boundary modes for a wide range of current density profiles in the framework of a low field large-aspect-ratio machine.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.055003}, file = {Gourdain2006_PhysRevLett.97.055003.pdf:Gourdain2006_PhysRevLett.97.055003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {5}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.07.07}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.055003}, } @Article{Gourdain2006a, author = {P.-A. Gourdain and J.-N. Leboeuf and R.Y. Neches}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {High-resolution magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium code for unity beta plasmas}, year = {2006}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {1}, pages = {275 - 299}, volume = {216}, abstract = {There is great interest in the properties of extremely high-β magnetohydrodynamic equilibria in axisymmetric toroidal geometry and the stability of such equilibria. However, few equilibrium codes maintain solid numerical behavior as beta approaches unity. The free-boundary algorithm presented herein utilizes a numerically stabilized multigrid method, current density input, position control, magnetic axis search, and dynamically adjusted simulated annealing. This approach yields numerically robust behavior in the spectrum of cases ranging from low to very high-β configurations. As the convergence time depends linearly on the total number of grid points, the production of extremely fine, low-error equilibria becomes possible. Such a code facilitates a variety of intriguing applications which include the exploration of the stability of extreme Shafranov shift equilibria.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2005.12.005}, file = {Gourdain2006a_1-s2.0-S0021999105005528-main.pdf:Gourdain2006a_1-s2.0-S0021999105005528-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Magnetohydrodynamics}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.07}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999105005528}, } @Article{James2006, author = {M James and H R Wilson}, title = {Tearing mode stability in a sheared slab model of the tokamak plasma}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2006}, volume = {48}, number = {11}, pages = {1647}, abstract = {The tearing mode instability facilitates the formation of magnetic islands and thereby inhibits the performance of fusion plasmas by increasing the energy fluxes from the plasma core. The growth of magnetic islands is related to currents flowing parallel to the magnetic field and, for long narrow islands (with the width comparable to the ion Larmor radii), the contribution from the polarization current can significantly affect the time evolution. A numerical solution of the gyro-kinetic equations confirms, and extends, previous analytic studies of the effect of the polarization current on the island stability. A new analytic approximation that provides a good match over the full range of Larmor radius is also presented. The effect of perpendicular diffusion on the electron density gradient is simulated by the application of a smoothing function, with the results suggesting that the diffusion will noticeably affect the contribution of the polarization current to the island stability.}, file = {James2006_0741-3335_48_11_006.pdf:James2006_0741-3335_48_11_006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.14}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=11/a=006}, } @Article{Kramer2006, author = {G J Kramer and G-Y Fu}, title = {Reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes associated with the ellipticity and triangularity Alfvén gaps}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2006}, volume = {48}, number = {9}, pages = {1285}, abstract = {Based on numerical simulations with the magnetohydrodynamic code NOVA, reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAE) associated with the ellipticity-induced and non-circular triangularity-induced Alfvén eigenmode gaps were found. An analytical model for large aspect ratio plasmas confirms the existence of those modes with a pressure gradient threshold that agrees very well with the NOVA calculations. It is predicted that these higher gap RSAEs might be observed in existing large tokamaks in the early phase of reversed shear discharges when the minimum value of the magnetic safety factor is high (larger than two) and in ITER advanced scenario discharges.}, file = {Kramer2006_0741-3335_48_9_002.pdf:Kramer2006_0741-3335_48_9_002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.31}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=9/a=002}, } @Article{Makoto2006, author = {GOTO Makoto and KONDOH Yoshiomi and SHENG Min, TAKAHASHI Toshiki, IWASAWA Naotaka and OKADA Tomio}, title = {Monte Carlo Simulation of Cylindrical Langmuir Probe Sheaths}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, year = {2006}, volume = {7}, pages = {110-113}, file = {Makoto2006_jpfrs2006_07-110.pdf:Makoto2006_jpfrs2006_07-110.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://www.jspf.or.jp/JPFRS/PDF/Vol7/jpfrs2006_07-110.pdf}, } @Article{Medvedev2006, author = {S Yu Medvedev and A A Martynov and Y R Martin and O Sauter and L Villard}, title = {Edge kink/ballooning mode stability in tokamaks with separatrix}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2006}, volume = {48}, number = {7}, pages = {927}, abstract = {Stability limits against external kink modes driven by large current density and pressure gradient values in the pedestal region are investigated for tokamak plasmas with separatrix. Stability diagrams for modes with different toroidal wave numbers under variations of pressure gradient and current density in the pedestal region are presented for several equilibrium configurations related to TCV. A scaling for the toroidal wave number of the most unstable mode is proposed. The influence of the plasma cross-section geometry on the stability limits is discussed.}, file = {Medvedev2006_0741-3335_48_7_003.pdf:Medvedev2006_0741-3335_48_7_003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=7/a=003}, } @Article{Scott2006, author = {Bruce D Scott}, title = {Computation of turbulence in magnetically confined plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2006}, volume = {48}, number = {12B}, pages = {B277}, abstract = {Plasmas are magnetically confined if the orbits of the charged particles around the magnetic field lines are small compared to the system size. Nevertheless, particles and energy are lost via transport resulting from the fluid-like drifts of these orbits across the magnetic field. Computation of this type of low frequency electromagnetic turbulence is introduced with emphasis on nonlinear character and energetics. The physical situation is low frequency dynamics with perpendicular forces in quasistatic balance and fast gyrofrequency leading to treating the orbit gyrocentres rather than the particles themselves. The broadband turbulence necessarily involves the ion gyroradius scale in any tokamak application. Hence the use of 'gyrofluid' and 'gyrokinetic' computational models. Computations must also treat the interplay between electromagnetic wave dynamics along the magnetic field and fluid-like turbulence across it, with a method independently checked against both of these sub-processes. Tokamak core and edge turbulence differ according to the ratios of the parallel (electron) and perpendicular ( E -cross- B ) transit frequencies. The turbulence is also in energetic contact with flows and currents associated with the equilibrium, so computations must be well behaved over very long run times and at least the perturbed equilibrium carried self-consistently. These considerations are illustrated by treating the case of ion temperature gradient instabilities giving rise to turbulence which is then suppressed by self generated E -cross- B flows. The methods of diagnosis of the physical processes are detailed. The situation of edge turbulence and interaction with the equilibrium is briefly addressed.}, file = {Scott2006_0741-3335_48_12B_S27.pdf:Scott2006_0741-3335_48_12B_S27.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/48/i=12B/a=S27}, } @Article{Zeeland2006, author = {M.A. Van Zeeland and M.E. Austin and T.N. Carlstrom and T. Deterly and D.K. Finkenthal and C.T. Holcomb and R.J. Jayakumar and G.J. Kramer and M.A. Makowski and G.R. McKee and R. Nazikian and W.A. Peebles and T.L. Rhodes and W.M. Solomon and E.J. Strait}, title = {Internal Alfvén eigenmode observations on DIII-D}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2006}, volume = {46}, number = {10}, pages = {S880}, abstract = {Recent upgrades to many of the diagnostic systems on DIII-D (Luxon J.L. 2002 Nucl. Fusion [/0029-5515/42/5/313] 42 614 ) such as the CO 2 interferometer, far-infrared scattering, beam-emission spectroscopy (BES), and quadrature reflectometer have significantly extended their capabilities and made possible the experimental study of Alfvén eigenmodes (AEs) through observation of the AE induced density perturbation. Measurements have revealed the presence of several different classes of AEs in DIII-D discharges including the toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE), reverse shear AE (RSAE or Alfvén cascade) and ellipticity induced Alfvén eigenmode. Based on a simple model for the RSAE frequency, a sensitive diagnostic for the evolution of the minimum magnetic safety factor ( q min ) is presented and results are compared with motional Stark effect (MSE) measurements. Strong localization of high toroidal mode number RSAEs to regions near the minimum of the magnetic safety factor is exhibited on the CO 2 interferometer and BES measurements. Based on this observation, a method for providing constraints on the radial location of q min is demonstrated and a favourable comparison to MSE measurements is made. Detailed measurements of TAEs using a new all-digital large bandwidth two-colour CO 2 interferometer system show a strong asymmetry between vertical and radial viewing interferometer chords confirming previously reported results. Additionally, effects related to line-integrated observations are clearly illustrated by comparison to local BES measurements and potential issues related to this are discussed.}, file = {Zeeland2006_0029-5515_46_10_S03.pdf:Zeeland2006_0029-5515_46_10_S03.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.28}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/46/i=10/a=S03}, } @Article{Barausse2007, author = {Barausse, E.}, title = {Relativistic dynamical friction in a collisional fluid}, journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, year = {2007}, volume = {382}, number = {2}, pages = {826--834}, issn = {1365-2966}, abstract = {The dynamical friction force experienced by a body moving at relativistic speed in a gaseous medium is examined. This force, which arises due to the gravitational interaction of the body with its own gravitationally-induced wake, is calculated for straight-line motion and circular motion, generalizing previous results by several authors. Possible applications to the study of extreme mass-ratio inspirals around strongly accreting supermassive black holes are suggested.}, doi = {10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.12408.x}, file = {Barausse2007_j.1365-2966.2007.12408.x.pdf:Barausse2007_j.1365-2966.2007.12408.x.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {accretion, gravitational waves, hydrodynamics, relativity}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd}, timestamp = {2013.08.19}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.12408.x}, } @Article{Becoulet2007, author = {A. Bécoulet and P. Strand and H. Wilson and M. Romanelli and L.-G. Eriksson and The contributors to the European Task Force on Integrated Modelling Activity}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {The way towards thermonuclear fusion simulators}, year = {2007}, issn = {0010-4655}, note = {Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Physics 2006 CCP 2006 Conference on Computational Physics 2006}, number = {1–2}, pages = {55 - 59}, volume = {177}, abstract = {In parallel to the \{ITER\} project itself, many initiatives address complementary technological issues relevant to a fusion reactor, as well as many remaining scientific issues. One of the next decade's scientific challenges consists of merging the scientific knowledge accumulated during the past 40 years into a reliable set of validated simulation tools, accessible and useful for \{ITER\} prediction and interpretation activity, as well as for the conceptual design of the future reactors. Obviously such simulators involve a high degree of “integration” in several respects: integration of multi-space, multi-scale (time and space) physics, integration of physics and technology models, inter-discipline integration etc. This very distinctive feature, in the framework of a rather long term and world-wide activity, constrains strongly the choices to be made at all levels of developments. A European task force on integrated tokamak modelling has been activated with the long-term aim of providing the \{EU\} with a set of codes necessary for preparing and analysing future \{ITER\} discharges, with the highest degree of flexibility and reliability. In parallel with the development of simulation tools and software environment, the long term evolution of hardware needs is also discussed at several levels (EU, EU–Japan broader approach, high performance computing, grid technology, data access, etc.), and progress in this domain is reported. Finally, the \{ITM\} task force is also working out the worldwide compatibility through regular collaboration with the similar integrated modelling structures which already exist or are being put in place by the other \{ITER\} partners.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2007.02.051}, file = {Becoulet2007_1-s2.0-S0010465507001348-main.pdf:Becoulet2007_1-s2.0-S0010465507001348-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Plasma physics}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.14}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465507001348}, } @Article{Gorelenkov2007a, author = {N.N. Gorelenkov and H.L. Berk and E. Fredrickson and S.E. Sharapov and JET EFDA Contributors}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, title = {Predictions and observations of low-shear beta-induced shear Alfvén–acoustic eigenmodes in toroidal plasmas}, year = {2007}, issn = {0375-9601}, number = {1}, pages = {70 - 77}, volume = {370}, abstract = {New global \{MHD\} eigenmode solutions arising in gaps in the low frequency Alfvén–acoustic continuum below the geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) frequency have been found numerically and have been used to explain relatively low frequency experimental signals seen in \{NSTX\} and \{JET\} tokamaks. These global eigenmodes, referred to here as Beta-induced Alfvén–Acoustic Eigenmodes (BAAE), exist in the low magnetic safety factor region near the extrema of the Alfvén–acoustic continuum. In accordance to the linear dispersion relations, the frequency of these modes shifts as the safety factor, q, decreases. We show that \{BAAEs\} can be responsible for observations in \{JET\} plasmas at relatively low beta < 2 % as well as in \{NSTX\} plasmas at relatively high-beta > 20 % . In contrast to the mostly electrostatic character of \{GAMs\} the new global modes also contain an electromagnetic (magnetic field line bending) component due to the Alfvén coupling, leading to wave phase velocities along the field line that are large compared to the sonic speed. Qualitative agreement between theoretical predictions and observations are found.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2007.05.113}, file = {Gorelenkov2007a_1-s2.0-S0375960107007451-main.pdf:Gorelenkov2007a_1-s2.0-S0375960107007451-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.17}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0375960107007451}, } @Article{Gorelenkov2007, author = {N N Gorelenkov and H L Berk and N A Crocker and E D Fredrickson and S Kaye and S Kubota and H Park and W Peebles and S A Sabbagh and S E Sharapov and D Stutmat and K Tritz and F M Levinton and H Yuh and the NSTX Team and JET EFDA Contributors}, title = {Predictions and observations of global beta-induced Alfvén—acoustic modes in JET and NSTX}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2007}, volume = {49}, number = {12B}, pages = {B371}, abstract = {In this paper we report on observations and interpretations of a new class of global MHD eigenmode solutions arising in gaps in the low frequency Alfvén–acoustic continuum below the geodesic acoustic mode frequency. These modes have been just reported (Gorelenkov et al 2007 Phys. Lett. 370 70–7) where preliminary comparisons indicate qualitative agreement between theory and experiment. Here we show a more quantitative comparison emphasizing recent NSTX experiments on the observations of the global eigenmodes, referred to as beta-induced Alfvén–acoustic eigenmodes (BAAEs), which exist near the extrema of the Alfvén–acoustic continuum. In accordance to the linear dispersion relations, the frequency of these modes may shift as the safety factor, q , profile relaxes. We show that BAAEs can be responsible for observations in JET plasmas at relatively low beta <2% as well as in NSTX plasmas at relatively high beta >20%. In NSTX plasma observed magnetic activity has the same properties as predicted by theory for the mode structure and the frequency. Found numerically in NOVA simulations BAAEs are used to explain the observed properties of relatively low frequency experimental signals seen in NSTX and JET tokamaks.}, file = {Gorelenkov2007_0741-3335_49_12B_S34.pdf:Gorelenkov2007_0741-3335_49_12B_S34.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.17}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/49/i=12B/a=S34}, } @Article{Gourdain2007, author = {P.-A. Gourdain and J.-N. Leboeuf and R. Y. Neches}, title = {Stability of highly shifted equilibria in a large aspect ratio low-field tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {11}, pages = {112513}, abstract = {In the long run, the economics of fusion will dictate that reactors confine large plasma pressure rather efficiently. A possible route manifests itself as equilibria with large shift of the plasma magnetic axis. This shift compresses the flux surfaces on the outer part of the plasma, hereby increasing the allowable plasma pressure a machine can confine for a given toroidal magnetic field, which is the main cost of the device. As a first step toward a reactor, we propose investigating the stability of such configurations in a low magnetic field high aspect ratio machine. By focusing our arguments solely on the shape of the toroidal plasma current density profile we discuss the stability of highly shifted equilibria and their robustness to current profile variations that could occur in actual experiments. The evolution of the plasma parameters, as the beta poloidal is increased, is also examined to give a better understanding of the difference in performance between the various regimes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2807024}, eid = {112513}, file = {Gourdain2007_PhysPlasmas_14_112513.pdf:Gourdain2007_PhysPlasmas_14_112513.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {current density; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/112513/1}, } @Article{Graves2007, author = {J. P. Graves and C. Wahlberg}, title = {Safety factor corrections to the magnetohydrodynamic internal kink mode in a tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {8}, pages = {082504}, abstract = {It has long been acknowledged that the well known and frequently used stability criterion βp<0.3 for the toroidal ideal magnetohydrodynamic internal kink mode in a tokamak is inaccurate for an empirically relevant safety factor. The present paper outlines the severity of the usual approximation, and presents improved analytical approximations of the general solution in M. N. Bussac, R. Pellat, D. Edery, and J. L. Soulé, Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 1638 (1975) , thus providing new insights into the nature of the instability, together with simple formulas that can be incorporated into transport codes with sawtooth cycle algorithms.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2759192}, eid = {082504}, file = {Graves2007_PhysPlasmas_14_082504.pdf:Graves2007_PhysPlasmas_14_082504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {kink instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; sawtooth instability}, numpages = {11}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/082504/1}, } @Article{Hannachi2007, author = {Hannachi, A. and Jolliffe, I. T. and Stephenson, D. B.}, title = {Empirical orthogonal functions and related techniques in atmospheric science: A review}, journal = {International Journal of Climatology}, year = {2007}, volume = {27}, number = {9}, pages = {1119--1152}, issn = {1097-0088}, abstract = {Climate and weather constitute a typical example where high dimensional and complex phenomena meet. The atmospheric system is the result of highly complex interactions between many degrees of freedom or modes. In order to gain insight in understanding the dynamical/physical behaviour involved it is useful to attempt to understand their interactions in terms of a much smaller number of prominent modes of variability. This has led to the development by atmospheric researchers of methods that give a space display and a time display of large space-time atmospheric data.Empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) were first used in meteorology in the late 1940s. The method, which decomposes a space-time field into spatial patterns and associated time indices, contributed much in advancing our knowledge of the atmosphere. However, since the atmosphere contains all sorts of features, e.g. stationary and propagating, EOFs are unable to provide a full picture. For example, EOFs tend, in general, to be difficult to interpret because of their geometric properties, such as their global feature, and their orthogonality in space and time. To obtain more localised features, modifications, e.g. rotated EOFs (REOFs), have been introduced. At the same time, because these methods cannot deal with propagating features, since they only use spatial correlation of the field, it was necessary to use both spatial and time information in order to identify such features. Extended and complex EOFs were introduced to serve that purpose.Because of the importance of EOFs and closely related methods in atmospheric science, and because the existing reviews of the subject are slightly out of date, there seems to be a need to update our knowledge by including new developments that could not be presented in previous reviews. This review proposes to achieve precisely this goal. The basic theory of the main types of EOFs is reviewed, and a wide range of applications using various data sets are also provided. Copyright © 2007 Royal Meteorological Society}, doi = {10.1002/joc.1499}, file = {Hannachi2007_1499_ftp.pdf:Hannachi2007_1499_ftp.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {empirical orthogonal functions, simplified EOFs, extended EOFs, complex EOFs, North Atlantic Oscillation, Madden Julian oscillation, Quasi-biennial oscillation}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd.}, timestamp = {2013.05.13}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/joc.1499}, } @Article{Hau2007, author = {L.-N. Hau and W.-Z. Fu}, title = {Mathematical and physical aspects of Kappa velocity distribution}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {11}, pages = {110702}, abstract = {One major characteristic associated with collisionless space plasmas is the development of non-Maxwellian velocity distribution that in many circumstances can be represented by the κ function characterized by the κ parameter. This paper discusses the mathematical character and physical origin of the κ function by first showing that the κ velocity function may be expressed in terms of exponential functions multiplied by the kinetic energy and its higher orders. The possible development of κ velocity distribution is illustrated by the problem of low-frequency waves and instabilities in uniform magnetized plasmas with bi-Maxwellian distribution. It is observed that the background and perturbed distribution functions bear the same forms as the zeroth- and higher-order terms of the κ function expanded in the limit of κ→∞. The consequence of assuming κ velocity distribution in inhomogeneous plasmas is illustrated by the Vlasov-Maxwell equilibrium problems that show the nonthermal equilibrium characteristic of nonuniform plasmas. A generalized Grad-Shafranov equation is proposed for two-dimensional Vlasov equilibria with κ velocity distribution.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2779283}, eid = {110702}, file = {Hau2007_PhysPlasmas_14_110702.pdf:Hau2007_PhysPlasmas_14_110702.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {astrophysical plasma; plasma instability; plasma waves}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.05.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/110702/1}, } @Article{Idomura2007, author = {Yasuhiro Idomura and Masato Ida and Shinji Tokuda and Laurent Villard}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {New conservative gyrokinetic full-f Vlasov code and its comparison to gyrokinetic δf particle-in-cell code}, year = {2007}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {1}, pages = {244 - 262}, volume = {226}, abstract = {A new conservative gyrokinetic full-f Vlasov code is developed using a finite difference operator which conserves both the \{L1\} and \{L2\} norms. The growth of numerical oscillations is suppressed by conserving the \{L2\} norm, and the code is numerically stable and robust in a long time simulation. In the slab ion temperature gradient driven (ITG) turbulence simulation, the energy conservation and the entropy balance relation are confirmed, and solutions are benchmarked against a conventional δf particle-in-cell (PIC) code. The results show that the exact particle number conservation and the good energy conservation in the conservative Vlasov simulation are advantageous for a long time micro-turbulence simulation. In the comparison, physical and numerical effects of the v ∥ nonlinearity are clarified for the Vlasov and \{PIC\} simulations.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2007.04.013}, file = {Idomura2007_1-s2.0-S0021999107001556-main.pdf:Idomura2007_1-s2.0-S0021999107001556-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Gyrokinetic equation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.06}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999107001556}, } @Article{Liu2007, author = {Yueqiang Liu}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {Constructing plasma response models from full toroidal magnetohydrodynamic computations}, year = {2007}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {3}, pages = {161 - 169}, volume = {176}, abstract = {We explore accurate and efficient algorithms for constructing plasma response models, based on the computed data using a full toroidal \{MHD\} stability code MARS-F. These response models are used to study feedback stabilization of resistive wall modes for fusion plasmas. Three approaches are discussed and compared. A direct full-model computation offers the most accurate response, unfortunately without producing analytical expressions for the response model. The pole-residue expansion methods yield analytical and asymptotically rigorous response models. A low-order Padé approximation serves as a model reduction technique that simplifies the controller design, while keeping a reasonable accuracy for the response models. From the computational viewpoint, the most efficient approaches are the pole-residue expansion based on eigenfunction projection, and the low-order Padé approximation.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2006.09.003}, file = {Liu2007_1-s2.0-S0010465506003626-main.pdf:Liu2007_1-s2.0-S0010465506003626-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Fusion plasma}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465506003626}, } @Article{SAHRAOUI2007, author = {SAHRAOUI,FOUAD and GALTIER,SÉBASTIEN and BELMONT,GÉRARD}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {On waves in incompressible Hall magnetohydrodynamics}, year = {2007}, issn = {1469-7807}, month = {10}, pages = {723--730}, volume = {73}, abstract = {ABSTRACT Hall magnetohydrodynamics (HMHD) is a mono-fluid approximation extending the validity domain of the ordinary MHD system to spatial scales down to a fraction of the ion skin depth or frequencies comparable to the ion gyrofrequency. In the paper by Galtier (2006 J. Plasma Physics), an incompressible limit of the HMHD system is used for developing a wave turbulence theory. Nevertheless, the possibility and the consequences of such an approximation are different in HMHD and in MHD. Here, we analyse these differences by investigating the properties of the HMHD equations in the incompressible limit: the existence of linear modes, their dispersion relations and polarizations. We discuss the possibility of replacing the fluid closure equation of a complete HMHD system by an incompressibility hypothesis and determine the validity range.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377806006180}, file = {SAHRAOUI2007_JPP07HallMHD.pdf:SAHRAOUI2007_JPP07HallMHD.pdf:PDF}, issue = {05}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.08}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377806006180}, } @Article{Schmid2007, author = {Schmid, Peter J.}, journal = {Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics}, title = {Nonmodal Stability Theory}, year = {2007}, number = {1}, pages = {129-162}, volume = {39}, abstract = {Abstract Hydrodynamic stability theory has recently seen a great deal of development. After being dominated by modal (eigenvalue) analysis for many decades, a different perspective has emerged that allows the quantitative description of short-term disturbance behavior. A general formulation based on the linear initial-value problem, thus circumventing the normal-mode approach, yields an efficient framework for stability calculations that is easily extendable to incorporate time-dependent flows, spatially varying configurations, stochastic influences, nonlinear effects, and flows in complex geometries.}, doi = {10.1146/annurev.fluid.38.050304.092139}, eprint = {http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev.fluid.38.050304.092139}, file = {Schmid2007_annurev%2Efluid%2E38%2E050304%2E092139.pdf:Schmid2007_annurev%2Efluid%2E38%2E050304%2E092139.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.30}, url = {http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev.fluid.38.050304.092139}, } @Article{Wahlberg2007, author = {C. Wahlberg and J. P. Graves}, title = {Stability analysis of internal ideal modes in low-shear tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {11}, pages = {110703}, abstract = {The stability of internal, ideal modes in tokamaks with low magnetic shear in the plasma core is analyzed. For equilibria with large aspect ratio, a parabolic pressure profile and a flat q profile in the core, an exact solution of the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability equations is found. The solution includes the eigenfunctions and the complete spectra of two distinctly different MHD phenomena: A family of fast-growing, Mercier-unstable global eigenmodes localized in a low-shear region with q<1, and another, related family of stable, global eigenmodes existing in plasmas with q>1 in the core. In the latter case the solution in addition includes one unstable eigenmode, if beta is larger than a critical value depending on the width of the low-shear region and on the q-profile in the edge region.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2811929}, eid = {110703}, file = {Wahlberg2007_PhysPlasmas_14_110703.pdf:Wahlberg2007_PhysPlasmas_14_110703.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; plasma boundary layers; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma pressure; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/110703/1}, } @Article{Zeeland2007, author = {M. A. Van Zeeland and M. E. Austin and N. N. Gorelenkov and W. W. Heidbrink and G. J. Kramer and M. A. Makowski and G. R. McKee and R. Nazikian and E. Ruskov and A. D. Turnbull}, title = {Coupling of global toroidal Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes and reversed shear Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes in DIII-D}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {5}, pages = {056102}, abstract = {Reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAEs) are typically thought of as being localized near the minima in the magnetic safety factor profile, however, their spatial coupling to global toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) has been observed in DIII-D discharges. For a decreasing minimum magnetic safety factor, the RSAE frequency chirps up through that of stable and unstable TAEs. Coupling creates a small gap at the frequency degeneracy point forming two distinct global modes. The core-localized RSAE mode structure changes and becomes temporarily global. Similarly, near the mode frequency crossing point, the global TAE extends deeper into the plasma core. The frequency splitting and spatial structure of the two modes throughout the various coupling stages, as measured by an array of internal fluctuation diagnostics, are in close agreement with linear ideal MHD calculations using the NOVA code. The implications of this coupling for eigenmode stability is also investigated and marked changes are noted throughout the coupling process.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2436489}, eid = {056102}, file = {Zeeland2007_PhysPlasmas_14_056102.pdf:Zeeland2007_PhysPlasmas_14_056102.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma Alfven waves; Tokamak devices; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma fluctuations; plasma diagnostics; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/056102/1}, } @Article{Zheng2007, author = {L. J. Zheng and M. T. Kotschenreuther and J. W. Van Dam}, title = {Revisiting linear gyrokinetics to recover ideal magnetohydrodynamics and missing finite Larmor radius effects}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2007}, volume = {14}, number = {7}, pages = {072505}, abstract = {The linear gyrokinetics theory in the axisymmetric configuration is revisited. It is found that the conventional gyrokinetic theory needs to be repaired in order to recover the linear magnetohydrodynamics from the gyrokinetics and to obtain the finite Larmor radius effect on the magnetohydrodynamic modes in an ordering-consistent manner. Two key inclusions are: (1) the solution of the equilibrium gyrokinetic distribution function is carried out to a sufficiently high order; (2) the gyrophase-dependent part of the perturbed distribution function is kept. The new gyrokinetic theory developed in this paper can be used to extend directly the magnetohydrodynamic stability analysis to the gyrokinetic one without invoking the hybrid kinetic-fluid hypothesis.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2746811}, eid = {072505}, file = {Zheng2007_PhysPlasmas_14_072505.pdf:Zheng2007_PhysPlasmas_14_072505.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma kinetic theory; plasma instability}, numpages = {16}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.05.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/14/072505/1}, } @Article{Bret2008, author = {A. Bret and M. E. Dieckmann}, title = {Ions motion effects on the full unstable spectrum in relativistic electron beam plasma interaction}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {012104}, abstract = {A relativistic fluid model is implemented to assess the role of the ions motion in the linear phase of relativistic beam plasma electromagnetic instabilities. The all unstable wave vector spectrum is investigated, allowing us to assess how ion motions modify the competition between every possible instability. Beam densities up to the plasma one are considered. Due to the fluid approach, the temperatures must remain small, i.e., nonrelativistic. In the cold limit, ions motion affect the most unstable mode when the beam gamma factor γb≳αM/mZi, α being the beam to plasma density ratio, Zi the ion charge, M their mass, and m the electrons. The return current plays an important role by prompting Buneman-type instabilities which remain in the nonrelativistic regime up to high beam densities. Nonrelativistic temperatures only slightly affect these conclusions, except in the diluted beam regime where they can stabilize the Buneman modes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2828607}, eid = {012104}, file = {Bret2008_PhysPlasmas_15_012104.pdf:Bret2008_PhysPlasmas_15_012104.pdf:PDF;Bret2008a_PhysRevLett.100.205008.pdf:Bret2008a_PhysRevLett.100.205008.pdf:PDF;Bret2008_PhysPlasmas_15_012104.pdf:Bret2008_PhysPlasmas_15_012104.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ion beam effects; ion mobility; plasma density; plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; plasma instability; plasma-beam interactions; relativistic electron beams; relativistic plasmas}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/012104/1}, } @Article{Bret2008a, author = {Bret, A. and Gremillet, L. and B\'enisti, D. and Lefebvre, E.}, title = {Exact Relativistic Kinetic Theory of an Electron-Beam\char21{}Plasma System: Hierarchy of the Competing Modes in the System-Parameter Space}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2008}, volume = {100}, pages = {205008}, month = {May}, abstract = {The stability analysis of an electron-beam–plasma system is of critical relevance in many areas of physics. Surprisingly, decades of extensive investigation have not yet resulted in a realistic unified picture of the multidimensional unstable spectrum within a fully relativistic and kinetic framework. All attempts made so far in this direction were indeed restricted to simplistic distribution functions and/or did not aim at a complete mapping of the beam-plasma parameter space. The present Letter comprehensively tackles this problem by implementing an exact linear model. Three kinds of modes compete in the linear phase, which can be classified according to the direction of their wave number with respect to the beam. We determine their respective domain of preponderance in a three-dimensional parameter space and support our results with multidimensional particle-in-cell simulations.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.205008}, file = {Bret2008a_PhysRevLett.100.205008.pdf:Bret2008a_PhysRevLett.100.205008.pdf:PDF}, issue = {20}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.04.24}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.205008}, } @Article{Camporeale2008, author = {Camporeale, Enrico and Burgess, David}, title = {Electron firehose instability: Kinetic linear theory and two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics}, year = {2008}, volume = {113}, number = {A7}, pages = {n/a--n/a}, issn = {2156-2202}, abstract = {The kinetic electron firehose instability (EFI) is thought to be a crucial mechanism for constraining the observed electron anisotropy in expanding astrophysical plasmas, such as the solar wind. The EFI arises in a bi-Maxwellian plasma when the parallel temperature is greater than the perpendicular one, and its effect is to reduce anisotropy. We study this mechanism via kinetic linear theory, extending and refining previous results, and by new two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations with physical mass ratio. The results of PIC simulations show under which conditions the EFI can indeed be regarded as a constraint for electron distribution function. The detailed electron physics near marginal stability condition is discussed, with emphasis on the competition between growing and damping modes and on wave patterns formed at the nonlinear stage. The results also suggest an observational signature that the EFI has operated, namely the appearance of low-frequency, quasiperpendicular whistler/electron–cyclotron waves.}, doi = {10.1029/2008JA013043}, file = {Camporeale2008_jgra19311.pdf:Camporeale2008_jgra19311.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Firehose instability, PIC simulations, kinetic linear theory}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.19}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2008JA013043}, } @Article{Chen2008, author = {Chen, L.-J. and Bhattacharjee, A. and Puhl-Quinn, P. A. and Yang, H. and Bessho, N. and Imada, S. and Muhlbachler, S. and Daly, P. W. and Lefebvre, B. and Khotyaintsev, Y. and Vaivads, A. and Fazakerley, A. and Georgescu, E.}, title = {Observation of energetic electrons within magnetic islands}, journal = {Nat Phys}, year = {2008}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {19--23}, month = jan, issn = {1745-2473}, comment = {10.1038/nphys777}, file = {Chen2008_nphys777.pdf:Chen2008_nphys777.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group}, timestamp = {2013.11.07}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nphys777}, } @Article{Crocker2008, author = {N. A. Crocker and E. D. Fredrickson and N. N. Gorelenkov and G. J. Kramer and D. S. Darrow and W. W. Heidbrink and S. Kubota and F. M. Levinton and H. Yuh and J. E. Menard and B. P. LeBlanc and R. E. Bell}, title = {Alfv[e-acute]n cascade modes at high beta in the National Spherical Torus Experiment}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {10}, pages = {102502}, abstract = {Alfvén cascade (AC) modes are observed in the National Spherical Torus Experiment [ M. Ono et al., Nucl. Fusion 40, 557 (2000) ] reversed shear plasmas over a wide range (up to ∼ 25% on axis, or ∼ 11% at minimum q) of β (ratio of kinetic pressure to magnetic pressure). At low β, the AC mode spectrum shows characteristics similar to conventional tokamaks. At higher β, distinct β and ∇β effects are observed in the spectrum, including a significant reduction in the relative size of the frequency sweep and a toroidal mode number dependence in the minimum mode frequency. AC mode structure is obtained using reflectometry. Fast-ion loss associated with AC mode activity is observed. AC mode polarization at the plasma edge is consistent with expectation. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) spectroscopy is shown to be usable to determine qmin at both low β and high β. Observed AC mode structure and frequency are found to be consistent with calculations for the same plasma conditions and geometry using the linear, ideal MHD hybrid kinetic code NOVA-K [ C. Z. Cheng, Phys. Rep. 211, 1 (1992) ].}, doi = {10.1063/1.2993182}, eid = {102502}, file = {Crocker2008_PhysPlasmas_15_102502.pdf:Crocker2008_PhysPlasmas_15_102502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; fusion reactor theory; plasma Alfven waves; plasma diagnostics; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; reflectometry; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {14}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/102502/1}, } @Article{Elfimov2008, author = {A. G. Elfimov}, title = {Kinetic effect on low frequency Alfv[e-acute]n continuum in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {7}, pages = {074503}, abstract = {Using a quasi-toroidal set of coordinates in plasmas with coaxial circular magnetic surfaces, the Vlasov equation is solved, and dielectric tensor is found for large aspect ratio tokamaks in a low frequency band. Taking into account the q-profile and drift effects, Alfvén wave continuum deformation by geodesic effects is analyzed. It is shown that the Alfvén continuum has a minimum defined by the ion thermal velocity at the rational magnetic surfaces qs = −M/N, where M and N are the poloidal and toroidal mode numbers, respectively, and the parallel wave number is zero. Low frequency global Alfvén waves are found below the continuum minimum. In hot ion plasmas, the geodesic term changes sign, provoking some deformation of Alfvén velocity by a factor (1+q2)−1/2, and the continuum minimum disappears.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2952837}, eid = {074503}, file = {Elfimov2008_PhysPlasmas_15_074503.pdf:Elfimov2008_PhysPlasmas_15_074503.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/074503/1}, } @Article{Floriani2008, author = {Floriani, E. and Lima, R. and Vilela Mendes, R.}, title = {Poisson-Vlasov: stochastic representation and numerical codes}, journal = {The European Physical Journal D}, year = {2008}, volume = {46}, number = {2}, pages = {295-302}, issn = {1434-6060}, abstract = {A stochastic representation for the solutions of the Poisson-Vlasov equation, with several charged species, is obtained. The representation involves both an exponential and a branching process and it provides an intuitive characterization of the nature of the solutions and its fluctuations. Here, the stochastic representation is also proposed as a tool for the numerical evaluation of the solutions.}, doi = {10.1140/epjd/e2007-00302-7}, file = {Floriani2008_10.1140-epjd-e2007-00302-7.pdf:Floriani2008_10.1140-epjd-e2007-00302-7.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {52.20.-j Elementary processes in plasmas; 52.65.Ff Fokker-Planck and Vlasov equation; 05.10.Gg Stochastic analysis methods}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, timestamp = {2013.10.22}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjd/e2007-00302-7}, } @Article{Gorelenkov2008, author = {N. N. Gorelenkov}, title = {Existence of weakly damped kinetic Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes in reversed shear tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {11}, pages = {110701}, abstract = {A kinetic theory of weakly damped Alfvén eigenmode solutions strongly interacting with the continuum is developed for tokamak plasmas with reversed magnetic shear. It is shown that finite Larmor radius (FLR) effects are required for global eigenmode solutions. FLR effects induce multiple kinetic subeigenmodes and collisionless radiative damping. The theory explains the existence of experimentally observed Alfvénic instabilities with frequencies sweeping down and reaching their minimum (bottom).}, doi = {10.1063/1.3027512}, eid = {110701}, file = {Gorelenkov2008_PhysPlasmas_15_110701.pdf:Gorelenkov2008_PhysPlasmas_15_110701.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.29}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/110701/1}, } @Article{Gourdain2008, author = {P.-A. Gourdain and J.-N. Leboeuf}, journal = {Physics Letters A}, title = {Dual equilibrium in a finite aspect ratio tokamak}, year = {2008}, issn = {0375-9601}, number = {39}, pages = {6097 - 6100}, volume = {372}, abstract = {A new approach to high pressure magnetically-confined plasmas is necessary to design efficient fusion devices. This Letter presents a new sort of equilibrium combining two solutions of the Grad–Shafranov equation, which describes the magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium in toroidal geometry. The outer equilibrium is paramagnetic and confines the inner equilibrium, whose strong diamagnetism permits to balance large pressure gradients. The existence of both equilibria in the same volume yields a dual equilibrium structure. This combination improves free-boundary mode stability.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2008.08.004}, file = {Gourdain2008_1-s2.0-S037596010801178X-main.pdf:Gourdain2008_1-s2.0-S037596010801178X-main.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.07}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S037596010801178X}, } @Article{Hakim2008, author = {Hakim, AmmarH.}, title = {Extended MHD Modelling with the Ten-Moment Equations}, journal = {Journal of Fusion Energy}, year = {2008}, volume = {27}, number = {1-2}, pages = {36-43}, issn = {0164-0313}, abstract = {High-order moment fluid equations for simulation of plasmas are presented. The ten-moment equations are a two-fluid model in which time dependent equations are used to advance the pressure tensor. With the inclusion of the full pressure tensor Finite Larmor Radius (FLR) effects are captured. Further, Hall-effects are captured correctly by including the full electron momentum equation. Hall and FLR effects are important to understand stability of compact toroids like Field Reversed Configurations (FRCs) and also to detailed understanding of small scale instabilities in current carrying plasmas. The effects of collisions are discussed. Solutions to a Riemann problem for the ten-moment equations are presented. The ten-moment equations show complex dispersive solutions which come about from the source terms. The model is validated with the GEM fast magnetic reconnection challenge problem.}, doi = {10.1007/s10894-007-9116-z}, file = {Hakim2008_10.1007-s10894-007-9116-z.pdf:Hakim2008_10.1007-s10894-007-9116-z.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD); Moment equations; Magnetic reconnection; Ten-moment equations; Two-fluid physics; Hall effects; Finite-Larmor Radius effects}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer US}, timestamp = {2013.04.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10894-007-9116-z}, } @Article{Kammerer2008, author = {M. Kammerer and F. Merz and F. Jenko}, title = {Exceptional points in linear gyrokinetics}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {5}, pages = {052102}, abstract = {When performing linear gyrokinetic simulations, it is found that various types of microinstabilities, which are usually considered as strictly separated, can actually be transformed into each other via continuous variations of the plasma parameters. This behavior can be explained in terms of so-called exceptional points, which have their origin in the non-Hermiticity of the linear gyrokinetic operator and also occur in many other branches of physics. As a consequence, in large regions of parameter space, the designation of unstable modes should be done very carefully or even be avoided altogether.}, doi = {10.1063/1.2909618}, eid = {052102}, file = {Kammerer2008_PHPAEN155052102_1.pdf:Kammerer2008_PHPAEN155052102_1.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma simulation}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.30}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/052102/1}, } @Article{Konies2008, author = {Axel Konies and Alexey Mishchenko and Roman Hatzky}, title = {From kinetic MHD in stellarators to a fully kinetic description of wave particle interaction}, journal = {AIP Conference Proceedings}, year = {2008}, volume = {1069}, number = {1}, pages = {133-143}, abstract = {We use a linearized model of kinetic MHD for the perturbative calculation of growth rates of Alfvén eigenmodes. The numerical model, a code called CAS3D‐K, is based on the three‐dimensional ideal MHD stability code CAS3D and a numeric solution of the drift kinetic equation which avoids approximations to the magnetic geometry but neglects the drifts of the particles away from the flux surface. The approach is used to discuss stability boundaries in W7‐X and W7‐AS and considers both, passing and reflected particles. The limits of the applicability of the model will be discussed as well. It will be shown that gyro‐kinetic PIC codes offer a very promising way to improve the model. The two‐dimensional linear PIC code GYGLES is used to calculate gyro‐kinetic counterparts of ideal MHD modes in cylindrical and in tokamak geometry.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3033696}, editor = {Olivier Sauter and Xavier Garbet and Elio Sindoni}, file = {Konies2008_APC000133.pdf:Konies2008_APC000133.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {magnetohydrodynamic waves; numerical analysis; stellarators; gyrotrons}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.31}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?APC/1069/133/1}, } @Article{Leibon2008, author = {Leibon, Gregory and Rockmore, Daniel N. and Park, Wooram and Taintor, Robert and Chirikjian, Gregory S.}, title = {A Fast Hermite Transform}, journal = {Theor. Comput. Sci.}, year = {2008}, volume = {409}, number = {2}, pages = {211--228}, month = dec, issn = {0304-3975}, abstract = {We present algorithms for fast and stable approximation of the Hermite transform of a compactly supported function on the real line, attainable via an application of a fast algebraic algorithm for computing sums associated with a three-term relation. Trade-offs between approximation in bandlimit (in the Hermite sense), and size of the support region are addressed. Numerical experiments are presented that show the feasibility and utility of our approach. Generalizations to any family of orthogonal polynomials are outlined. Applications to various problems in tomographic reconstruction, including the determination of protein structure, are discussed.}, acmid = {1461186}, address = {Essex, UK}, doi = {10.1016/j.tcs.2008.09.010}, file = {Leibon2008_1-s2.0-S0304397508006415-main.pdf:Leibon2008_1-s2.0-S0304397508006415-main.pdf:PDF}, issue_date = {December, 2008}, keywords = {Generalized Fourier transform, Hermite transform, Orthogonal polynomial transform, Protein structure, Three-term recurrence, Tomographic reconstruction}, numpages = {18}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.}, timestamp = {2014.01.24}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tcs.2008.09.010}, } @Article{Li2008, author = {Jiquan Li and Y. Kishimoto}, title = {Gyrofluid Simulation of Ion-Scale Turbulence in Tokamak Plasmas}, journal = {Commun. Comput. Phys.}, year = {2008}, volume = {4}, number = {5}, pages = {1245-1257}, abstract = {An improved three-field gyrofluid model is proposed to numerically simulate ion-scale turbulence in tokamak plasmas, which includes the nonlinear evolution of perturbed electrostatic potential, parallel ion velocity and ion pressure with adiabatic electron response. It is benchmarked through advancing a gyrofluid toroidal global (GFT G) code as well as the local version (GFT L), with the emphasis of the collisionless damping of zonal flows. The nonlinear equations are solved by using Fourier decomposition in poloidal and toroidal directions and semi-implicit finite difference method along radial direction. The numerical implementation is briefly explained, especially on the periodic boundary condition in GFT L version. As a numerical test and also practical application, the nonlinear excitation of geodesic acoustic mode (GAM), as well as its radial structure, is investigated in tokamak plasma turbulence.}, file = {Li2008_CiCP.pdf:Li2008_CiCP.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.31}, } @Article{Neches2008, author = {R. Y. Neches and S. C. Cowley and P. A. Gourdain and J. N. Leboeuf}, title = {The convergence of analytic high-beta equilibrium in a finite aspect ratio tokamak}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {12}, pages = {122504}, abstract = {The characteristics of near-unity-β equilibria are investigated with two codes. CUBE is a multigrid Grad–Shafranov solver [ Gourdain et al., J. Comput. Phys. 216, 275 (2006) ], and Ophidian was written to compute solutions using analytic unity-β equilibria [ Cowley et al., Phys. Fluids B 3, 2066 (1991) ]. Results from each method are qualitatively and quantitatively compared across a spectrum of mutually relevant parameters. These comparisons corroborate the theoretical results and provide benchmarks for high-resolution numerical results available from CUBE. Both tools facilitate the exploration of the properties of high-β equilibria, such as a highly diamagnetic plasma and its ramifications for stability and transport.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3008049}, eid = {122504}, file = {Neches2008_PhysPlasmas_15_122504.pdf:Neches2008_PhysPlasmas_15_122504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma instability; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.07.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/15/122504/1}, } @Article{Pashaev2008, author = {Oktay K Pashaev and Jyh-Hao Lee and Colin Rogers}, title = {Soliton resonances in a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation}, journal = {Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical}, year = {2008}, volume = {41}, number = {45}, pages = {452001}, abstract = {It is shown that a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation proposed by Malomed and Stenflo admits, for a specific range of parameters, resonant soliton interaction. The equation is transformed to the 'resonant' nonlinear Schrödinger equation, as originally introduced to describe black holes in a Madelung fluid and recently derived in the context of uniaxial wave propagation in a cold collisionless plasma. A Hirota bilinear representation is obtained and soliton solutions are thereby derived. The one-soliton solution interpretation in terms of a black hole in two-dimensional spacetime is given. For the two-soliton solution, resonant interactions of several kinds are found. The addition of a quantum potential term is considered and the reduction is obtained to the resonant NLS equation.}, file = {Pashaev2008_1751-8121_41_45_452001.pdf:Pashaev2008_1751-8121_41_45_452001.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.12}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1751-8121/41/i=45/a=452001}, } @Article{Servidio2008, author = {Servidio, Sergio and Matthaeus, William H. and Carbone, Vincenzo}, title = {Statistical properties of ideal three-dimensional Hall magnetohydrodynamics: The spectral structure of the equilibrium ensemble}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2008}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {-}, abstract = {The nonlinear dynamics of ideal, incompressible Hall magnetohydrodynamics (HMHD) is investigated through classical Gibbs ensemble methods applied to the finite Galerkin representation. The spectral structure of HMHD is derived in a three-dimensional periodic geometry and compared with the MHD case. This provides a general picture of spectral transfer and cascade by the assumption that ideal Galerkin HMHD follows equilibrium statistics as in the case of Euler [U. Frisch et al., J. Fluid Mech.68, 769 (1975)] and MHD [T. Stribling and W. H. Matthaeus, Phys. Fluids B2, 1979 (1990)] theories. In HMHD, the equilibrium ensemble is built on the conservation of three quadratic invariants: The total energy, the magnetic helicity, and the generalized helicity. The latter replaces the cross helicity in MHD. In HMHD equilibrium, several differences appear with respect to the MHD case: (i) The generalized helicity (and in a weaker way the energy and the magnetic helicity) tends to condense in the longest wavelength, as in MHD, but also admits the novel feature of spectral enhancement, not a true condensation, at the smallest scales; (ii) equipartition between kinetic and magnetic energy, typical of Alfvénic MHDturbulence, is broken; (iii) modal distributions of energy and helicities show minima due to the presence of the ion skin depth. Ensemble predictions are compared to numerical simulations with a low-order truncation Galerkin spectral code, and good agreement is seen. Implications for general turbulent states are discussed.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.2907789}, eid = {042314}, file = {Servidio2008_1.2907789.pdf:Servidio2008_1.2907789.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.07}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/15/4/10.1063/1.2907789}, } @Article{Shoucri2008, author = {M. Shoucri}, journal = {Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation}, title = {Eulerian codes for the numerical solution of the Vlasov equation}, year = {2008}, issn = {1007-5704}, note = {Vlasovia 2006: The Second International Workshop on the Theory and Applications of the Vlasov Equation}, number = {1}, pages = {174 - 182}, volume = {13}, abstract = {A historical overview of Eulerian codes for the numerical solution of the Vlasov equation is presented, with special attention to characteristic methods. An evaluation of the performance of the cubic spline used for interpolation in the characteristic methods, with respect to other methods of interpolation, will be presented by comparing the solutions obtained by solving numerically different Vlasov–Poisson and Vlasov–Maxwell systems on a fixed Eulerian grid. Some recent developments of characteristic methods in two dimensions will be presented.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cnsns.2007.04.004}, file = {Shoucri2008_1-s2.0-S100757040700086X-main.pdf:Shoucri2008_1-s2.0-S100757040700086X-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Vlasov equation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S100757040700086X}, } @Article{Takahashi2008, author = {Takahashi, Hironori and Fredrickson, E. D. and Schaffer, M. J.}, title = {Scrape-Off-Layer Current Model for Filament Structure Observed during Edge-Localized Modes in the DIII-D Tokamak}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2008}, volume = {100}, pages = {205001}, month = {May}, abstract = {The plasma in tokamaks often exhibits a relaxation oscillation called the edge-localized mode (ELM), which is generally attributed to MHD instability driven by strong gradients at the plasma boundary. It is shown here that field-aligned currents flowing just outside the boundary may also play a role in the ELM process. The poloidal perturbation magnetic field during ELMs in the DIII-D tokamak calculated from measured currents can reproduce prominent observed features, including a narrow magnetic structure at the outboard midplane similar to filaments observed earlier in DIII-D and NSTX.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.205001}, file = {Takahashi2008_PhysRevLett.100.205001.pdf:Takahashi2008_PhysRevLett.100.205001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {20}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.12.06}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.205001}, } @Article{Zheng2008, author = {Zheng, L. J. and Takahashi, H. and Fredrickson, E. D.}, title = {Edge-Localized Modes Explained as the Amplification of Scrape-Off-Layer Current Coupling}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2008}, volume = {100}, pages = {115001}, month = {Mar}, abstract = {It is shown that the edge-localized modes (ELMs) observed in tokamak H mode discharges can be explained as external magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mode amplification due to coupling with scrape-off-layer current. The proposed model offers a new ELM mechanism that produces a sharp onset and initial fast growth of magnetic perturbations even when the underlying equilibrium is only marginally unstable for a MHD mode and also a quick quenching after the bursting peak. The theory also reproduces various other ELM features.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.115001}, file = {Zheng2008_PhysRevLett.100.115001.pdf:Zheng2008_PhysRevLett.100.115001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {11}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.12.06}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.115001}, } @Article{Bergmann2009, author = {A. Bergmann and E. Poli and A. G. Peeters}, title = {The bootstrap current in small rotating magnetic islands}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {9}, pages = {092507}, abstract = {The bootstrap current in small magnetic islands of neoclassical tearing modes is studied with guiding center particle simulations including pitch angle scattering. A model for a rotating island and its electric field is used and a new approximation to the electric potential in small islands is derived. Islands with sizes of the order of the ion banana orbit width are studied by means of a two-step model, which allows to treat both ions and electrons kinetically. The bootstrap current in such small islands is found to depend strongly on the direction of rotation of the island. The bootstrap current in small islands rotating in the ion diamagnetic direction is strongly diminished, similarly to what happens in big islands. In small islands rotating in the electron diamagnetic direction, on the contrary, the bootstrap current is almost completely preserved, implying a reduced neoclassical drive of the island growth.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3234252}, eid = {092507}, file = {Bergmann2009_ bootstrap.pdf:Bergmann2009_ bootstrap.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {bootstrapping; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes; tearing instability}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/092507/1}, } @Article{Bhattacharjee2009, author = {Bhattacharjee, A. and Huang, Yi-Min and Yang, H. and Rogers, B.}, title = {Fast reconnection in high-Lundquist-number plasmas due to the plasmoid Instability}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {11}, pages = {-}, abstract = {Thin current sheets in systems of large size that exceed a critical value of the Lundquist number are unstable to a super-Alfvénic tearing instability, referred to hereafter as the plasmoid instability. The scaling of the growth rate of the most rapidly growing plasmoid instability with respect to the Lundquist number is shown to follow from the classical dispersion relation for tearing modes. As a result of this instability, the system realizes a nonlinear reconnection rate that appears to be weakly dependent on the Lundquist number, and larger than the Sweet–Parker rate by nearly an order of magnitude (for the range of Lundquist numbers considered). This regime of fast reconnection is realizable in a dynamic and highly unstable thin current sheet, without requiring the current sheet to be turbulent.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3264103}, eid = {112102}, file = {Bhattacharjee2009_1.3264103.pdf:Bhattacharjee2009_1.3264103.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.25}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/16/11/10.1063/1.3264103}, } @Article{Callen2009, author = {J. D. Callen and A. J. Cole and C. C. Hegna}, title = {Toroidal flow and radial particle flux in tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {8}, pages = {082504}, abstract = {Many effects influence toroidal flow evolution in tokamak plasmas. Momentum sources and radial plasma transport due to collisional processes and microturbulence-induced anomalous transport are usually considered. In addition, toroidal flow can be affected by nonaxisymmetric magnetic fields; resonant components cause localized electromagnetic toroidal torques near rational surfaces in flowing plasmas and nonresonant components induce “global” toroidal flow damping torque throughout the plasma. Also, poloidal magnetic field transients on the magnetic field diffusion time scale can influence plasma transport. Many of these processes can also produce momentum pinch and intrinsic flow effects. This paper presents a comprehensive and self-consistent description of all these effects within a fluid moment context. Plasma processes on successive time scales (and constraints they impose) are considered sequentially: compressional Alfvén waves (Grad–Shafranov equilibrium and ion radial force balance), sound waves (pressure constant along a field line and incompressible flows within a flux surface), and ion collisions (damping of poloidal flow). Finally, plasma transport across magnetic flux surfaces is induced by the many second order (in the small gyroradius expansion) toroidal torque effects indicated above. Nonambipolar components of the induced particle transport fluxes produce radial plasma currents. Setting the flux surface average of the net radial current induced by all these effects to zero yields the transport-time-scale equation for evolution of the plasma toroidal flow. It includes a combination of global toroidal flow damping and resonant torques induced by nonaxisymmetric magnetic field components, poloidal magnetic field transients, and momentum source effects, as well as the usual collision- and microturbulence-induced transport. On the transport time scale, the plasma toroidal rotation determines the radial electric field for net ambipolar particle transport. The ultimate radial particle transport is composed of intrinsically ambipolar fluxes plus nonambipolar fluxes evaluated at this toroidal-rotation-determined radial electric field.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3206976}, eid = {082504}, file = {Callen2009_PhysPlasmas_16_082504.pdf:Callen2009_PhysPlasmas_16_082504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {pinch effect; plasma Alfven waves; plasma collision processes; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; plasma waves; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {18}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/082504/1}, } @Article{Candy2009, author = {J Candy}, title = {A unified method for operator evaluation in local Grad–Shafranov plasma equilibria}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {51}, number = {10}, pages = {105009}, abstract = {This work describes a unified method to treat model and general flux-surface shape in gyrokinetic and neoclassical transport calculations. In both cases the associated equilibria are constructed to be solutions of the Grad–Shafranov equation on each flux surface. Included is a systematic calculation and cataloging of the set of functions required to implement the method numerically. In the case where model equilibria (defined by shape parameters such as elongation and triangularity) are considered, we provide a modest extension of the original method usually attributed to Miller, whereas for general equilibria, a Fourier method is developed. The unified formulation makes use of and extends the intuitively appealing concepts of a midplane minor radius and effective field, originally introduced by Waltz (Waltz and Miller 1999 Phys. Plasmas 6 4265). In the limit that the model and general flux-surface shapes approach one another, the two methods give identical results. Although the Miller model approach has been widely implemented over the past decade, variations or errors in the implementations can vary to the extent that code–code comparisons are difficult or ambiguous. This work should serve to standardize such implementations. Finally, it is shown that for N = 12 Fourier harmonics in the general expansion, the accuracy of the present approach likely exceeds that of, and is thus limited by, the original equilibrium data.}, file = {Candy2009_0741-3335_51_10_105009.pdf:Candy2009_0741-3335_51_10_105009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.10}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/51/i=10/a=105009}, } @Article{Connor2009, author = {J W Connor and R J Hastie and P Helander}, title = {Linear tearing mode stability equations for a low collisionality toroidal plasma}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {51}, number = {1}, pages = {015009}, abstract = {Tearing mode stability is normally analysed using MHD or two-fluid Braginskii plasma models. However for present, or future, large hot tokamaks like JET or ITER the collisionality is such as to place them in the banana regime. Here we develop a linear stability theory for the resonant layer physics appropriate to such a regime. The outcome is a set of 'fluid' equations whose coefficients encapsulate all neoclassical physics: the neoclassical Ohm's law, enhanced ion inertia, cross-field transport of particles, heat and momentum all play a role. While earlier treatments have also addressed this type of neoclassical physics we differ in incorporating the more physically relevant 'semi-collisional fluid' regime previously considered in cylindrical geometry; semi-collisional effects tend to screen the resonant surface from the perturbed magnetic field, preventing reconnection. Furthermore we also include thermal physics, which may modify the results. While this electron description is of wide relevance and validity, the fluid treatment of the ions requires the ion banana orbit width to be less than the semi-collisional electron layer. This limits the application of the present theory to low magnetic shear—however, this is highly relevant to the sawtooth instability—or to colder ions. The outcome of the calculation is a set of one-dimensional radial differential equations of rather high order. However, various simplifications that reduce the computational task of solving these are discussed. In the collisional regime, when the set reduces to a single second-order differential equation, the theory extends previous work by Hahm et al (1988 Phys. Fluids 31 3709) to include diamagnetic-type effects arising from plasma gradients, both in Ohm's law and the ion inertia term of the vorticity equation. The more relevant semi-collisional regime pertaining to JET or ITER, is described by a pair of second-order differential equations, extending the cylindrical equations of Drake et al (1983 Phys. Fluids 26 2509) to toroidal geometry.}, file = {Connor2009_0741-3335_51_1_015009.pdf:Connor2009_0741-3335_51_1_015009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/51/i=1/a=015009}, } @Article{Drake2009, author = {J. F. Drake and P. A. Cassak and M. A. Shay and M. Swisdak and E. Quataert}, title = {A Magnetic Reconnection Mechanism for Ion Acceleration and Abundance Enhancements in Impulsive Flares}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal Letters}, year = {2009}, volume = {700}, number = {1}, pages = {L16}, abstract = {The acceleration of ions during magnetic reconnection in solar flares is explored with simulations and analytic analysis. Ions crossing into Alfvénic reconnection outflows can behave like pickup particles and gain an effective thermal velocity equal to the Alfvén speed. However, with a sufficiently strong ambient out-of-plane magnetic field, which is the relevant configuration for flares, the ions can become adiabatic and their heating is then dramatically reduced. The threshold for nonadiabatic behavior, where ions are strongly heated, becomes a condition on the ion mass-to-charge ratio, ##IMG## [http://ej.iop.org/images/1538-4357/700/1/L16/apjl316415ieqn1.gif] {$m_i/m_pZ_i>10\sqrt{\beta _{0x}/2}/\pi$} , where m i and Z i are the ion mass and charge state, m p is the proton mass, and β 0 x = 8π nT / B 2 0 x is the ratio of the plasma pressure to that of the reconnecting magnetic field B 0 x . Thus, during flares high mass-to-charge particles gain energy more easily than protons and a simple model reveals that their abundances are enhanced, which is consistent with observations.}, file = {Drake2009_1538-4357_700_1_L16.pdf:Drake2009_1538-4357_700_1_L16.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.07}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1538-4357/700/i=1/a=L16}, } @Article{Dudson2009, author = {B.D. Dudson and M.V. Umansky and X.Q. Xu and P.B. Snyder and H.R. Wilson}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {BOUT++: A framework for parallel plasma fluid simulations}, year = {2009}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {9}, pages = {1467 - 1480}, volume = {180}, abstract = {A new modular code called BOUT++ is presented, which simulates 3D fluid equations in curvilinear coordinates. Although aimed at simulating Edge Localised Modes (ELMs) in tokamak x-point geometry, the code is able to simulate a wide range of fluid models (magnetised and unmagnetised) involving an arbitrary number of scalar and vector fields, in a wide range of geometries. Time evolution is fully implicit, and 3rd-order \{WENO\} schemes are implemented. Benchmarks are presented for linear and non-linear problems (the Orszag–Tang vortex) showing good agreement. Performance of the code is tested by scaling with problem size and processor number, showing efficient scaling to thousands of processors. Linear initial-value simulations of \{ELMs\} using reduced ideal \{MHD\} are presented, and the results compared to the \{ELITE\} linear \{MHD\} eigenvalue code. The resulting mode-structures and growth-rate are found to be in good agreement ( γ BOUT++ = 0.245 ω A , γ \{ELITE\} = 0.239 ω A , with Alfvénic timescale 1 / ω A = R / V A ). To our knowledge, this is the first time dissipationless, initial-value simulations of \{ELMs\} have been successfully demonstrated.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2009.03.008}, file = {Dudson2009_1-s2.0-S0010465509001040-main.pdf:Dudson2009_1-s2.0-S0010465509001040-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Plasma simulation}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.10}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465509001040}, } @Article{Edlund2009, author = {E. M. Edlund and M. Porkolab and G. J. Kramer and L. Lin and Y. Lin and S. J. Wukitch}, title = {Phase contrast imaging measurements of reversed shear Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes during sawteeth in Alcator C-Mod}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {056106}, abstract = {Reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAEs) have been observed with the phase contrast imaging diagnostic and Mirnov coils during the sawtooth cycle in Alcator C-mod [ M. Greenwald et al., Nucl. Fusion 45, S109 (2005) ] plasmas with minority ion-cyclotron resonance heating. Both down-chirping RSAEs and up-chirping RSAEs have been observed during the sawtooth cycle. Experimental measurements of the spatial structure of the RSAEs are compared to theoretical models based on the code NOVA [ C. Z. Cheng and M. S. Chance, J. Comput. Phys. 71, 124 (1987) ] and used to derive constraints on the q profile. It is shown that the observed RSAEs can be understood by assuming a reversed shear q profile (up chirping) or a q profile with a local maximum (down chirping) with q ≈ 1.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3086869}, eid = {056106}, file = {Edlund2009_PoP.pdf:Edlund2009_PoP.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma diagnostics; plasma radiofrequency heating; plasma toroidal confinement; sawtooth instability; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.29}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/056106/1}, } @Article{Elfimov2009, author = {A. G. Elfimov}, title = {Kinetic ion effect on geodesic acoustic Alfv[e-acute]n modes in tokamaks}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {3}, pages = {034501}, abstract = {Using a quasitoroidal set of coordinates with coaxial circular magnetic surfaces, the Vlasov equation is solved for collisionless plasmas, and the dielectric tensor is found for large aspect ratio tokamaks in a low frequency band. Taking into account q-profile and charge separation parallel electric field, it is found that the Alfvén wave continuum is deformed by ion geodesic effects producing continuum minimum at the rational magnetic surfaces. Low frequency geodesic ion induced Alfvén waves are found below the continuum minimum where collisionless damping has a gap for Maxwell distribution. In kinetic approach, the ion thermal motion defines the geodesic effect but the mode frequency is strongly corrected due to parallel motion of electrons.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3081547}, eid = {034501}, file = {Elfimov2009_PhysPlasmas_16_034501.pdf:Elfimov2009_PhysPlasmas_16_034501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.01}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/034501/1}, } @Article{Eyink2009, author = {Eyink, Gregory L.}, title = {Stochastic line motion and stochastic flux conservation for nonideal hydromagnetic models}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, year = {2009}, volume = {50}, number = {8}, pages = {-}, abstract = {We prove that smooth solutions of nonideal (viscous and resistive) incompressible magnetohydrodynamic(MHD)equations satisfy a stochastic law of flux conservation. This property implies that the magnetic flux through a surface is equal to the average of the magnetic fluxes through an ensemble of surfaces advected backward in time by the plasma velocity perturbed with a random white noise. Our result is an analog of the well-known Alfvén theorem of ideal MHD and is valid for any value of the magnetic Prandtl number. A second stochastic conservation law is shown to hold at unit Prandtl number, a random version of the generalized Kelvin theorem derived by Bekenstein and Oron for ideal MHD. These stochastic conservation laws are not only shown to be consequences of the nonideal MHDequations but are proved in fact to be equivalent to those equations. We derive similar results for two more refined hydromagnetic models, Hall MHD and the two-fluid plasma model, still assuming incompressible velocities and isotropic transport coefficients. Finally, we use these results to discuss briefly the infinite-Reynolds-number limit of hydromagnetic turbulence and to support the conjecture that flux conservation remains stochastic in that limit.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3193681}, eid = {083102}, file = {Eyink2009_JMP.pdf:Eyink2009_JMP.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.10}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jmp/50/8/10.1063/1.3193681}, } @Article{Gorelenkov2009, author = {N. N. Gorelenkov and M. A. Van Zeeland and H. L. Berk and N. A. Crocker and D. Darrow and E. Fredrickson and G.-Y. Fu and W. W. Heidbrink and J. Menard and R. Nazikian}, title = {Beta-induced Alfv[e-acute]n-acoustic eigenmodes in National Spherical Torus Experiment and DIII-D driven by beam ions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {056107}, abstract = {Kinetic theory and experimental observations of a special class of energetic particle driven instabilities called here beta-induced Alfvén-acoustic eigenmodes (BAAEs) are reported confirming, previous results [ N. N. Gorelenkov et al., Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 49, B371 (2007) ]. The kinetic theory is based on the ballooning dispersion relation where the drift frequency effects are retained. BAAE gaps are recovered in kinetic theory. It is shown that the observed certain low-frequency instabilities on DIII-D [ J. L. Luxon, Nucl. Fusion 42, 614 (2002) ] and National Spherical Torus Experiment [ M. Ono, S. M. Kaye, Y.-K. M. Peng et al., Nucl. Fusion 40, 557 (2000) ] are consistent with their identification as BAAEs. BAAEs deteriorate the fast ion confinement in DIII-D and can have a similar effect in next-step fusion plasmas, especially if excited together with multiple global toroidicity-induced shear Alfvén eigenmode instabilities. BAAEs can also be used to diagnose safety factor profiles, a technique known as magnetohydrodynamic spectroscopy.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3097920}, eid = {056107}, file = {Gorelenkov2009_PhysPlasmas_16_056107.pdf:Gorelenkov2009_PhysPlasmas_16_056107.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {dispersion relations; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; plasma Alfven waves; plasma instability; plasma kinetic theory; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.17}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/056107/1}, } @Article{Gurcan2009, author = {Gurcan, O. D. and Garbet, X. and Hennequin, P. and Diamond, P. H. and Casati, A. and Falchetto, G. L.}, title = {Wave-Number Spectrum of Drift-Wave Turbulence}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2009}, volume = {102}, pages = {255002}, month = {Jun}, abstract = {A simple model for the evolution of turbulence fluctuation spectra, which includes neighboring interactions leading to the usual dual cascade as well as disparate scale interactions corresponding to refraction by large scale structures, is derived. The model recovers the usual Kraichnan-Kolmogorov picture in the case of exclusively local interactions and midrange drive. On the other hand, when disparate scale interactions are dominant, a simple spectrum for the density fluctuations of the form |nk|2∝k-3/(1+k2)2 is obtained. This simple prediction is then compared to, and found to be in fair agreement with, Tore Supra CO2 laser scattering data.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.255002}, file = {Gurcan2009_PhysRevLett.102.255002.pdf:Gurcan2009_PhysRevLett.102.255002.pdf:PDF}, issue = {25}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.08.15}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.255002}, } @Article{Hellberg2009, author = {M. A. Hellberg and R. L. Mace and T. K. Baluku and I. Kourakis and N. S. Saini}, title = {Comment on ``Mathematical and physical aspects of Kappa velocity distribution'' [Phys. Plasmas [bold 14], 110702 (2007)]}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {9}, pages = {094701}, abstract = {A recent paper [ L.-N. Hau and W.-Z. Fu, Phys. Plasmas 14, 110702 (2007) ] deals with certain mathematical and physical properties of the kappa distribution. We comment on the authors’ use of a form of distribution function that is different from the “standard” form of the kappa distribution, and hence their results, inter alia for an expansion of the distribution function and for the associated number density in an electrostatic potential, do not fully reflect the dependence on κ that would be associated with the conventional kappa distribution. We note that their definition of the kappa distribution function is also different from a modified distribution based on the notion of nonextensive entropy.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3213388}, eid = {094701}, file = {Hellberg2009_PhysPlasmas_16_094701.pdf:Hellberg2009_PhysPlasmas_16_094701.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {entropy; plasma density; plasma thermodynamics; statistical distributions}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.05.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/094701/1}, } @Article{Liu2009b, author = {J. Liu and Z.X. Wang and C. Chen and Y.A. Lei}, title = {One dimensional simulation of diamond DT methane impact fusion}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {49}, number = {6}, pages = {065021}, abstract = {A new impact fusion concept is presented. Both the projectile (macron) and the fusion fuel are carefully chosen, so that the acceleration of the macron is much easier and the stopping of the fusion alpha particle is much larger. The physics of the impact process is discussed. Other than formerly believed shock compression or global adiabatic compression, we tried a fluidal plus particle diffusion approach to model the impact process. A one-dimensional code is implemented. The simulation shows, with the ion–electron temperature relaxation and bremsstrahlung being considered, that the ignition is much harder than previously believed, 1–2 MJ for a millimetre size diamond macron. Diamond DT methane impact fusion is more similar to volume ignition fusion.}, file = {Liu2009b_0029-5515_49_6_065021.pdf:Liu2009b_0029-5515_49_6_065021.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.04}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/49/i=6/a=065021}, } @Article{Liu2009a, author = {Zhipeng Liu and Jiulin Du}, title = {Dust acoustic instability driven by drifting ions and electrons in the dust plasma with Lorentzian kappa distribution}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {12}, pages = {123707}, abstract = {The instability of the dust acoustic waves driven by drifting electrons and ions in a dusty plasma is investigated by the kinetic theory. All the plasma components (electrons, ions, and dust particles) are assumed to be the Lorentzian κ (kappa) distributions. The spectral indices κ of the κ-distributions for the three plasma components are different from each other. The obtained instability growth rate depends on the physical quantities of the plasma not only, but on the spectral indices. The numerical results for the κ-effect on the instability growth rate show that, if the normalized wave number is small, the index of electrons has a stabilized effect on the dust acoustic waves and the index of ions has an instability effect on the waves, but if the normalized wave number is large, they both nearly have no any effect on the waves. In reverse, the index of dust grains has nearly no any effect on the instability growth rate if the normalized wave number is small, but it has a stabilized effect on the dust waves if the normalized wave number is large.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3274459}, eid = {123707}, file = {Liu2009a_PhysPlasmas_16_123707.pdf:Liu2009a_PhysPlasmas_16_123707.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {dusty plasmas; plasma instability; plasma ion acoustic waves}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.04}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/123707/1}, } @Article{Liu2009, author = {Zhipeng Liu and Liyan Liu and Jiulin Du}, title = {A nonextensive approach for the instability of current-driven ion-acoustic waves in space plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {7}, pages = {072111}, abstract = {The instability of current-driven ion-acoustic waves in the collisionless magnetic-field-free space plasma is investigated by using a nonextensive approach. The ions and the electrons are thought of in the power-law distributions that can be described by the generalized q-Maxwellian velocity distribution and are considered with the different nonextensive q-parameters. The generalized q-wave frequency and the generalized instability q-growth rate for the ion-acoustic waves are derived. The numerical results show that the nonextensive effects on the ion-acoustic waves are not apparent when the electron temperature is much more than the ion temperature, but they are salient when the electron temperature is not much more than the ion temperature. As compared to the electrons, the ions play a dominant role in the nonextensive effects.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3176516}, eid = {072111}, file = {Liu2009_PhysPlasmas_16_072111.pdf:Liu2009_PhysPlasmas_16_072111.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Maxwell equations; plasma collision processes; plasma instability; plasma ion acoustic waves; plasma magnetohydrodynamic waves}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.04}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/072111/1}, } @Article{MAHAJAN2009, author = {MAHAJAN,SWADESH and MIURA,HIDEAKI}, title = {Linear superposition of nonlinear waves}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, year = {2009}, volume = {75}, pages = {145--152}, month = {4}, issn = {1469-7807}, abstract = {ABSTRACT Exact nonlinear (arbitrary amplitude) wave-like solutions of an incompressible, magnetized, non-dissipative two-fluid system are found. It is shown that, in 1-D propagation, these fully nonlinear solutions display a rare property; they can be linearly superposed.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377808007770}, file = {MAHAJAN2009_JPP.pdf:MAHAJAN2009_JPP.pdf:PDF}, issue = {02}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.13}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377808007770}, } @Article{Marchenko2009, author = {V. S. Marchenko}, title = {Plasma pressure effect on the multiple low-shear toroidal Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {4}, pages = {044504}, abstract = {It is shown that there is a critical thermal pressure gradient at which the polarizations of the multiple low-shear toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) are reversed. Below the critical value, the TAE spectrum consists of two bands of the even (odd) modes located in the upper (lower) part of the toroidal Alfvén gap, which is consistent with the zero-pressure limit [ J. Candy, B. N. Breizman, J. W. Van Dam, and T. Ozeki, Phys. Lett. A 215, 299 (1996) ]. Above the critical pressure, the odd (even) TAEs appear in the upper (lower) part of the gap.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3111030}, eid = {044504}, file = {Marchenko2009_PhysPlasmas_16_044504.pdf:Marchenko2009_PhysPlasmas_16_044504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; plasma Alfven waves; plasma toroidal confinement}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/044504/1}, } @Article{Paskauskas2009, author = {Paskauskas, R. and De Ninno, G.}, title = {Lyapunov stability of Vlasov equilibria using Fourier-Hermite modes}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2009}, volume = {80}, pages = {036402}, month = {Sep}, abstract = {We propose an efficient method to compute Lyapunov exponents and Lyapunov eigenvectors of long-range interacting many-particle systems, whose dynamics is described by the Vlasov equation. We show that an expansion of a distribution function using Hermite modes (in velocity variable) and Fourier modes (in configuration variable) converges fast if an appropriate scaling parameter is introduced and identified with the inverse of the temperature. As a consequence, dynamics and linear stability properties of many-particle states, both in the close-to and in the far-from equilibrium regimes, can be predicted using a small number of expansion coefficients. As an example of a long-range interacting system we investigate stability properties of stationary states, the Hamiltonian mean-field model.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.80.036402}, file = {Paskauskas2009_PhysRevE.80.036402.pdf:Paskauskas2009_PhysRevE.80.036402.pdf:PDF}, issue = {3}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.07.27}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.80.036402}, } @Article{Peeters2009, author = {A.G. Peeters and Y. Camenen and F.J. Casson and W.A. Hornsby and A.P. Snodin and D. Strintzi and G. Szepesi}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {The nonlinear gyro-kinetic flux tube code \{GKW\}}, year = {2009}, issn = {0010-4655}, note = {40 \{YEARS\} \{OF\} CPC: A celebratory issue focused on quality software for high performance, grid and novel computing architectures}, number = {12}, pages = {2650 - 2672}, volume = {180}, abstract = {A new nonlinear gyro-kinetic flux tube code (GKW) for the simulation of micro instabilities and turbulence in magnetic confinement plasmas is presented in this paper. The code incorporates all physics effects that can be expected from a state of the art gyro-kinetic simulation code in the local limit: kinetic electrons, electromagnetic effects, collisions, full general geometry with a coupling to a \{MHD\} equilibrium code, and E × B shearing. In addition the physics of plasma rotation has been implemented through a formulation of the gyro-kinetic equation in the co-moving system. The gyro-kinetic model is five-dimensional and requires a massive parallel approach. \{GKW\} has been parallelised using \{MPI\} and scales well up to 8192+ cores. The paper presents the set of equations solved, the numerical methods, the code structure, and the essential benchmarks. Program summary Program title: \{GKW\} Catalogue identifier: AEES_v1_0 Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEES_v1_0.html Program obtainable from: \{CPC\} Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: \{GNU\} \{GPL\} v3 No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 29 998 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 206 943 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: Fortran 95 Computer: Not computer specific Operating system: Any for which a Fortran 95 compiler is available Has the code been vectorised or parallelised?: Yes. The program can efficiently utilise 8192+ processors, depending on problem and available computer. 128 processors is reasonable for a typical nonlinear kinetic run on the latest x86-64 machines. RAM: ∼ 128 MB–1 \{GB\} for a linear run; 25 \{GB\} for typical nonlinear kinetic run (30 million grid points) Classification: 19.8, 19.9, 19.11 External routines: None required, although the functionality of the program is somewhat limited without a \{MPI\} implementation (preferably MPI-2) and the \{FFTW3\} library. Nature of problem: Five-dimensional gyro-kinetic Vlasov equation in general flux tube tokamak geometry with kinetic electrons, electro-magnetic effects and collisions Solution method: Pseudo-spectral and finite difference with explicit time integration Additional comments: The \{MHD\} equilibrium code \{CHEASE\} [1] is used for the general geometry calculations. This code has been developed in \{CRPP\} Lausanne and is not distributed together with GKW, but can be downloaded separately. The geometry module of \{GKW\} is based on the version 7.1 of CHEASE, which includes the output for Hamada coordinates. Running time: (On recent x86-64 hardware) ∼10 minutes for a short linear problem; 48 hours for typical nonlinear kinetic run. References: [1] H. Lütjens, A. Bondeson, O. Sauter, Comput. Phys. Comm. 97 (1996) 219, http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADDH_v1_0.html.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2009.07.001}, file = {Peeters2009_1-s2.0-S0010465509002112-main.pdf:Peeters2009_1-s2.0-S0010465509002112-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Gyro-kinetic}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.19}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465509002112}, } @Article{Qin2009, author = {Hong Qin and Ronald C. Davidson}, title = {A physical parametrization of coupled transverse dynamics based on generalized Courant--Snyder theory and its applications}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {050705}, abstract = {A physical parametrization of coupled transverse dynamics is developed by generalizing the Courant–Snyder (CS) theory for one degree of freedom to the case of coupled transverse dynamics with two degrees of freedom. The four basic components of the original CS theory, i.e., the envelope equation, phase advance, transfer matrix, and CS invariant, all have their counterparts with remarkably similar expressions in the generalized theory. Applications of the new theory are given. It is discovered that the stability of coupled dynamics is completely determined by the generalized phase advance.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3142472}, eid = {050705}, file = {Qin2009_PhysPlasmas_16_050705.pdf:Qin2009_PhysPlasmas_16_050705.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {particle accelerators; particle beam dynamics; transfer function matrices}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/050705/1}, } @Article{RAHBARNIA2009, author = {Kian RAHBARNIA and Stefan ULLRICH and Albrecht STARK, Olaf GRULKE and Thomas KLINGER}, title = {Alfvén Waves in Multi-Component Plasmas}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, year = {2009}, volume = {8}, pages = {0031-0034}, file = {RAHBARNIA2009_jpfrs2009_08-0031.pdf:RAHBARNIA2009_jpfrs2009_08-0031.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://www.jspf.or.jp/JPFRS/PDF/Vol8/jpfrs2009_08-0031.pdf}, } @Article{Rehman2009, author = {S. Rehman and Wang Xiaogang and Liu Jian and Lei Yian and Liu Yue}, title = {A Numerical Fluid Analysis for Early Nonlinear Mode Evolution of Fast Electron Beams in Dense Plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Science and Technology}, year = {2009}, volume = {11}, number = {6}, pages = {661}, abstract = {Nonlinear mode evolution for relativistic electrons in dense plasmas is analyzed in a three-dimensional fluid approach. Similar to the results previously obtained in particle-in-cell simulations, it is found that oblique modes dominate two-stream and filamentation modes in the linear stage. On the other hand a power spectrum analysis shows the nonlinear development of the high wavenumber modes.}, file = {Rehman2009_1009-0630_11_6_06.pdf:Rehman2009_1009-0630_11_6_06.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.04}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1009-0630/11/i=6/a=06}, } @Article{Seough2009, author = {J. J. Seough and P. H. Yoon}, title = {Analytic models of warm plasma dispersion relations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {9}, pages = {092103}, abstract = {The present paper is concerned with analytic models of warm plasma dispersion relations for electromagnetic waves propagating parallel to the ambient magnetic field. Specifically, effects of finite betas on two slow modes, namely, the left-hand circularly polarized ion-cyclotron mode and the right-hand circularly polarized whistler mode, are investigated. Analytic models of the warm plasma dispersion relations are constructed on the basis of conjecture and upon comparisons with numerically found roots. It is shown that the model solutions are good substitutes for actual roots. The significance of the present work in the context of nonlinear plasma research is discussed.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3216459}, eid = {092103}, file = {Seough2009_PhysPlasmas_16_092103.pdf:Seough2009_PhysPlasmas_16_092103.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {dispersion relations; plasma electromagnetic wave propagation; plasma nonlinear waves; plasma simulation; plasma waves}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/092103/1}, } @Article{Timofeev2009, author = {I. V. Timofeev and K. V. Lotov and A. V. Terekhov}, title = {Direct computation of the growth rate for the instability of a warm relativistic electron beam in a cold magnetized plasma}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {6}, pages = {063101}, abstract = {The fully kinetic, fully electromagnetic dispersion equation for a warm relativistic electron beam in a cold magnetized plasma is numerically solved with no simplifying assumptions made. For magnetic fields of various strengths, the growth rate maps for the beam-plasma instability are plotted and dominant modes are identified. The exact solution is compared with available approximate solutions. The latter are shown to misinterpret the effect of the magnetic field on the instability of oblique waves.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3143707}, eid = {063101}, file = {Timofeev2009_PhysPlasmas_16_063101.pdf:Timofeev2009_PhysPlasmas_16_063101.pdf:PDF;Timofeev2009_PhysPlasmas_16_063101.pdf:Timofeev2009_PhysPlasmas_16_063101.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma confinement; plasma instability; relativistic plasmas}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/16/063101/1}, } @Article{Verheest2009, author = {Verheest, Frank}, title = {Linear description of nonlinear electromagnetic cold plasma modes based on generalized vorticity}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2009}, volume = {16}, number = {8}, pages = {-}, abstract = {Based on a multispecies plasma description in terms of canonical vorticities, the search for exact harmonic wave profiles at arbitrary amplitudes, and the possible linear superposition of such nonlinear waves, has been discussed in terms of linearizing principles and their validity. Assuming first that the fluid velocities and wave canonical vorticities are parallel, with constant factors of proportionality, leads to incompressible plasmas that always remain charge neutral and to transverse, nondispersive waves with circular polarization. Contrary to claims in the literature, there are only as many wavenumber solutions as plasma species and these cannot serve as a basis for all solutions of the linearized equations describing the chosen plasma model. By simply dropping the nonlinear term in the species vorticityequations, dispersive waves obtain, for unidirectional propagation in incompressible plasmas. There being no wavenumber restrictions, these waves can serve as a full basis to express other solutions in. For pair plasmas the polarization is linear.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3207861}, eid = {082104}, file = {Verheest2009_PoP.pdf:Verheest2009_PoP.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.13}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/16/8/10.1063/1.3207861}, } @Article{Wahlberg2009, author = {C Wahlberg}, title = {Low-frequency magnetohydrodynamics and geodesic acoustic modes in toroidally rotating tokamak plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {51}, number = {8}, pages = {085006}, abstract = {This paper analyses low-frequency magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) modes, especially the geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs), in toroidal plasmas with large aspect ratio and circular cross section, including the effects of toroidal plasma rotation. A system of equations describing MHD modes with frequency of the order of the sound frequency in such plasmas is derived from the Frieman–Rotenberg equation, using a technique where the plasma perturbation ξ and the perturbed magnetic field Q are expanded separately in the inverse aspect ratio ε = r / R , where r and R denote the minor and major radii of the plasma torus, respectively. The large-scale, ideal MHD properties of the GAM induced by toroidal rotation (Wahlberg 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 115003) are thereafter analysed in more detail employing this system of equations. It is shown that both the axisymmetric GAMs existing in rotating plasmas are localized on a specific magnetic surface only to leading order in ε, and that a 'halo' consisting of finite components of both ξ and Q with dominant poloidal mode numbers m = ±2 appears outside this magnetic surface to higher orders in ε.}, file = {Wahlberg2009_0741-3335_51_8_085006.pdf:Wahlberg2009_0741-3335_51_8_085006.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/51/i=8/a=085006}, } @Article{WANG2009, author = {Li-Feng WANG and Wen-Hua YE and Zheng-Feng FAN and and Ying-Jun LI}, title = {Simulation of Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability with Flux-Corrected Transport Method}, journal = {Commun. Theor. Phys.}, year = {2009}, volume = {51}, pages = {909–913}, file = {WANG2009_Simulation of Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability with Flux-Corrected Transport Method.pdf:WANG2009_Simulation of Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability with Flux-Corrected Transport Method.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.02}, url = {http://capt.pku.edu.cn/Pub/2009/09280336.pdf}, } @Article{Zeeland2009, author = {M.A. Van Zeeland and W.W. Heidbrink and R. Nazikian and M.E. Austin and C.Z. Cheng and M.S. Chu and N.N. Gorelenkov and C.T. Holcomb and A.W. Hyatt and G.J. Kramer and J. Lohr and G.R. McKee and C.C. Petty and R. Prater and W.M. Solomon and D.A. Spong}, title = {Measurements, modelling and electron cyclotron heating modification of Alfvén eigenmode activity in DIII-D}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2009}, volume = {49}, number = {6}, pages = {065003}, abstract = {Neutral beam injection into reversed magnetic shear DIII-D plasmas produces a variety of Alfvénic activity including toroidicity and ellipticity induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAE/EAE, respectively) and reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAE) as well as their spatial coupling. These modes are studied during the discharge current ramp phase when incomplete current penetration results in a high central safety factor and strong drive due to multiple higher order resonances. It is found that ideal MHD modelling of eigenmode spectral evolution, coupling and structure are in excellent agreement with experimental measurements. It is also found that higher radial envelope harmonic RSAEs are clearly observed and agree with modelling. Some discrepancies with modelling such as that due to up/down eigenmode asymmetries are also pointed out. Concomitant with the Alfvénic activity, fast ion (FIDA) spectroscopy shows large reductions in the central fast ion profile, the degree of which depends on the Alfvén eigenmode amplitude. Interestingly, localized electron cyclotron heating (ECH) near the mode location stabilizes RSAE activity and results in significantly improved fast ion confinement relative to discharges with ECH deposition on axis. In these discharges, RSAE activity is suppressed when ECH is deposited near the radius of the shear reversal point and enhanced with deposition near the axis. The sensitivity of this effect to deposition power and current drive phasing as well as ECH modulation are presented.}, file = {Zeeland2009_0029-5515_49_6_065003.pdf:Zeeland2009_0029-5515_49_6_065003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.28}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/49/i=6/a=065003}, } @Article{Zhou2009, author = {Chaoying Zhou and Lihua Yang and Yingjun Liu and Zhihua Yang}, journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, title = {A novel method for computing the Hilbert transform with Haar multiresolution approximation}, year = {2009}, issn = {0377-0427}, number = {2}, pages = {585 - 597}, volume = {223}, abstract = {In this paper, an algorithm for computing the Hilbert transform based on the Haar multiresolution approximation is proposed and the L 2 -error is estimated. Experimental results show that it outperforms the library function ‘hilbert’ in Matlab (The MathWorks, Inc. 1994–2007). Finally it is applied to compute the instantaneous phase of signals approximately and is compared with three existing methods.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cam.2008.02.006}, file = {Zhou2009_1-s2.0-S0377042708000526-main.pdf:Zhou2009_1-s2.0-S0377042708000526-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Hilbert transform}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377042708000526}, } @Article{Arshad2010, author = {Kashif Arshad and S. Mahmood}, title = {Electrostatic ion waves in non-Maxwellian pair-ion plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {12}, pages = {124501}, abstract = {The electrostatic ion waves are studied for non-Maxwellian or Lorentzian distributed unmagnetized pair-ion plasmas. The Vlasov equation is solved and damping rates are calculated for electrostatic waves in Lorentzian pair-ion plasmas. The damping rates of the electrostatic ion waves are studied for the equal and different ion temperatures of pair-ion species. It is found that the Landau damping rate of the ion plasma wave is increased in Lorentzian plasmas in comparison with Maxwellian pair-ion plasmas. The numerical results are also presented for illustration by taking into account the parameters reported in fullerene pair-ion plasma experiments.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3520060}, eid = {124501}, file = {Arshad2010_PhysPlasmas_17_124501.pdf:Arshad2010_PhysPlasmas_17_124501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma electrostatic waves; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes; statistical distributions; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/124501/1}, } @Article{Bizarro2010, author = {Joao P. S. Bizarro}, title = {The geometrical-optics law of reflection for electromagnetic waves in magnetically confined plasmas: Specular reflection of rays at the last closed flux surface}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {10}, pages = {104501}, abstract = {Within the geometrical-optics approximation, it is shown that the reflection of rays describing the propagation of electromagnetic waves in fusion-grade, magnetically confined plasmas and impinging on the last closed flux surface, or plasma surface, is necessarily specular or mirror-like. More precisely, the component of the wave vector tangential to that surface does not change, whereas the component normal to it reverses its sign while keeping its magnitude. The well-known law of reflection, stating that the angle of incidence equals that of reflection, is thus generalized to anisotropic media.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3484226}, eid = {104501}, file = {Bizarro2010_PhysPlasmas_17_104501.pdf:Bizarro2010_PhysPlasmas_17_104501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma confinement; plasma electromagnetic wave propagation}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/104501/1}, } @Article{Bottino2010, author = {Alberto Bottino and Bruce Scott and Stephan Brunner, Ben F. McMillan, Trach Minh Tran, Thibaut Vernay, Laurent Villard, Sebastien Jolliet, Roman Hatzky, and Arthur G. Peeters}, title = {Global Nonlinear Electromagnetic Simulations of Tokamak Turbulence}, journal = {IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.}, year = {2010}, volume = {38}, pages = {2129}, abstract = {The particle-in-cell code ORB5 is a global gyrokinetic turbulence simulation code in tokamak geometry. It has been developed at CRPP, Lausanne, Switzerland, with major contributions from IPP, Garching, Germany, and IPP, Greifswald, Germany, under a long-standing collaboration. The code ORB5 solves the gyrokinetic equations in the whole plasma core, including the magnetic axis. A field-aligned filtering procedure and sophisticated noise-control and heating operators allow for accurate simulations. Recently, the code ORB5 has been extended to include self-consistent perpendicular magnetic field perturbations. The inclusion of magnetic perturbations allows for a comprehensive study of finite β effects on microinstability. In this paper, we present the first linear and nonlinear code results concerning electromagnetic effects on tokamak microinstabilities.}, file = {Bottino2010_05535196.pdf:Bottino2010_05535196.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.14}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/abstractAuthors.jsp?arnumber=5535196}, } @Article{Bret2010, author = {Bret, A. and Gremillet, L. and B\'enisti, D.}, title = {Exact relativistic kinetic theory of the full unstable spectrum of an electron-beam\char21{}plasma system with Maxwell-J\"uttner distribution functions}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2010}, volume = {81}, pages = {036402}, month = {Mar}, abstract = {Following a recent Letter by Bret et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 205008 (2008), we present a detailed report of the entire unstable k spectrum of a relativistic collisionless beam-plasma system within a fully kinetic framework. In contrast to a number of previously published studies, our linear analysis makes use of smooth momentum distribution functions of the Maxwell-Jüttner form. The three competing classes of instabilities, namely, two-stream, filamentation, and oblique modes, are dealt with in a unified manner, no approximation being made regarding the beam-plasma densities, temperatures, and drift energies. We investigate the hierarchy between the competing modes, paying particular attention to the relatively poorly known quasielectrostatic oblique modes in the regime where they govern the system. The properties of the fastest growing oblique modes are examined in terms of the system parameters and compared to those of the dominant two-stream and filamentation modes.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.81.036402}, file = {Bret2010_PhysRevE.81.036402.pdf:Bret2010_PhysRevE.81.036402.pdf:PDF;Bret2010_PhysRevE.81.036402.pdf:Bret2010_PhysRevE.81.036402.pdf:PDF}, issue = {3}, numpages = {14}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.04.15}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.81.036402}, } @Article{Camporeale2010, author = {Enrico Camporeale and Thierry Passot and David Burgess}, title = {Implications of a Non-modal Linear Theory for the Marginal Stability State and the Dissipation of Fluctuations in the Solar Wind}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, year = {2010}, volume = {715}, number = {1}, pages = {260}, abstract = {A magnetized plasma with anisotropic particle distributions may be unstable to a number of different kinetic instabilities. The solar wind is often observed in a state which is close to that implying instability, i.e., in a marginal stability state. Normal-mode linear theory predicts that fluctuations in a stable plasma damp exponentially. The non-modal approach for a linearized system differs from a normal-mode analysis by following the temporal evolution of some perturbed equilibria, and therefore includes transient effects. We employ a non-modal approach for studying the stability of a bi-Maxwellian magnetized plasma using the Landau fluid model, which we briefly describe. We show that bi-Maxwellian stable equilibria can support transient growth of some physical quantities, and we study how these transients behave when an equilibrium approaches its marginally stable condition. The results obtained with a non-modal approach are relevant to a re-examination of the concept of linear marginal stability. Moreover, we highlight some aspects of the dissipation of turbulent fluctuations, which suggest that the non-modal approach should be included in future studies.}, file = {Camporeale2010_0004-637X_715_1_260.pdf:Camporeale2010_0004-637X_715_1_260.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.30}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/715/i=1/a=260}, } @Article{Chung2010, author = {Moses Chung and Hong Qin and Ronald C. Davidson}, title = {Twiss parameters and beam matrix formulation of generalized Courant--Snyder theory for coupled transverse beam dynamics}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {8}, pages = {084502}, abstract = {Courant–Snyder (CS) theory for one degree of freedom has recently been generalized by Qin and Davidson to the case of coupled transverse dynamics with two degrees of freedom. The generalized theory has four basic components of the original CS theory, i.e., the envelope equation, phase advance, transfer matrix, and the CS invariant, all of which have their counterparts in the original CS theory with remarkably similar expressions and physical meanings. In this brief communication, we further extend this remarkable similarity between the original and generalized CS theories and construct the Twiss parameters and beam matrix in generalized forms for the case of a strong coupling system.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3474930}, eid = {084502}, file = {Chung2010_PhysPlasmas_17_084502.pdf:Chung2010_PhysPlasmas_17_084502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma light propagation; plasma theory}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/084502/1}, } @Article{Fujisawa2010, author = {A. Fujisawa and A. Shimizu and K. Itoh and Y. Nagashima and T. Yamada and S. Inagaki and K. Matsuoka and S.-I. Itoh}, title = {Wavelet analyses using parallel computing for plasma turbulence studies}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {10}, pages = {104503}, abstract = {The wavelet analyses have been carried out, using a cluster of personal computer, on the signal of electric field fluctuations measured with heavy ion beam probes in the compact helical system stellarator. The results have revealed the intermittent characteristics of turbulence and of the nonlinear couplings between elemental waves of turbulence. The usage of parallel computing is found to successfully reduce the calculation time as inversely proportional to the CPU number used the cluster, which shows the nature of “embarrassingly parallel computation.” The present example of the wavelet analyses clearly demonstrates the importance of the advanced analyzing methods and the parallel computation for the modern studies of plasma turbulence.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3488244}, eid = {104503}, file = {Fujisawa2010_PhysPlasmas_17_104503.pdf:Fujisawa2010_PhysPlasmas_17_104503.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma diagnostics; plasma fluctuations; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma turbulence; plasma waves; stellarators}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/104503/1}, } @Article{Haynes2010, author = {A. L. Haynes and C. E. Parnell}, title = {A method for finding three-dimensional magnetic skeletons}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {9}, pages = {092903}, abstract = {Magnetic fields are an essential component of a plasma. In many astrophysical, solar, magnetospheric, and laboratory situations the magnetic field in the plasma can be very dynamic and form highly complex structures. One approach to unraveling these structures is to determine the magnetic skeleton of the field, a set of topological features that divide the magnetic field into topologically distinct domains. In general, the features of the magnetic skeleton are difficult to locate, in particular those given by numerical experiments. In this paper, we propose a new set of tools to find the skeleton of general magnetic fields including null points, spines, separatrix surfaces, and separators. This set of tools is found to be considerably better at finding the skeleton than the currently favored methods used in magnetohydrodynamics.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3467499}, eid = {092903}, file = {Haynes2010_PhysPlasmas_17_092903.pdf:Haynes2010_PhysPlasmas_17_092903.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/092903/1}, } @Article{Hudson2010, author = {S. R. Hudson}, title = {A regularized approach for solving magnetic differential equations and a revised iterative equilibrium algorithm}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {11}, pages = {114501}, abstract = {A method for approximately solving magnetic differential equations is described. The approach is to include a small diffusion term to the equation, which regularizes the linear operator to be inverted. The extra term allows a “source-correction” term to be defined, which is generally required in order to satisfy the solvability conditions. The approach is described in the context of computing the pressure and parallel currents in the iterative approach for computing magnetohydrodynamic equilibria.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3506821}, eid = {114501}, file = {Hudson2010_PhysPlasmas_17_114501.pdf:Hudson2010_PhysPlasmas_17_114501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {differential equations; iterative methods; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/114501/1}, } @Article{Jiao2010, author = {Chong-Qing Jiao and Ji-Run Luo}, title = {Linear theory of large-orbit gyrotron traveling wave amplifiers with misaligned electron beam}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {11}, pages = {114502}, abstract = {A linear theory of large-orbit gyrotron traveling wave amplifiers (gyro-TWAs), which can be applied to analyze the effect of electron beam misalignment, is developed by specializing the corresponding theory of small-orbit gyro-TWAs. The linear theory is validated by comparing with a nonlinear theory. Numerical results show that beam misalignment can reduce linear gain and amplification bandwidth of large-orbit gyro-TWAs and increase the starting length of large-orbit gyro-BWOs for modes in accordance with the mode-selective condition. In addition, beam misalignment can also break the limitation of mode-selective condition and make the instability problem more complex.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3511443}, eid = {114502}, file = {Jiao2010_PhysPlasmas_17_114502.pdf:Jiao2010_PhysPlasmas_17_114502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {gyrotrons; plasma instability; plasma oscillations; plasma-beam interactions; travelling wave amplifiers}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/114502/1}, } @Article{Khrapak2010, author = {Sergey Khrapak}, title = {Floating potential of a small particle in a plasma: Difference between Maxwellian and Druyvesteyn electron velocity distributions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {10}, pages = {104502}, abstract = {The floating potential of a small spherical particle immersed in a plasma is calculated for two different electron velocity distributions functions, Maxwellian and Druyvesteyn ones. It is shown that for plasma conditions typical for laboratory gas discharges, the difference between the floating potentials for these two distributions is small, provided the mean energy of the electrons is the same. The obtained results can be useful in the context of complex (dusty) plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3489859}, eid = {104502}, file = {Khrapak2010_PhysPlasmas_17_104502.pdf:Khrapak2010_PhysPlasmas_17_104502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {dusty plasmas}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/104502/1}, } @Article{Lapillonne2010, author = {Lapillonne, X. and McMillan, B. F. and Görler, T. and Brunner, S. and Dannert, T. and Jenko, F. and Merz, F. and Villard, L.}, title = {Nonlinear quasisteady state benchmark of global gyrokinetic codes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {11}, pages = {-}, abstract = {Two global gyrokinetic codes are benchmarked against each other by comparing simulation results in the case of ion temperature gradient driven turbulence, in the adiabatic electron response limit. The two codes are the Eulerian code GENE and the Lagrangian particle-in-cell code ORB5 which solve the gyrokineticequations. Linear results are presented, including growth rates, real frequencies, and mode structure comparisons. Nonlinear simulations without sources are carried out with particular attention to considering the same initial conditions, showing identical linear phase and first nonlinear burst. Very good agreement is also achieved between simulations obtained using a Krook-type heat source, which enables to reach a quasisteady state and thus to compare the heat diffusivity traces over a statistically meaningful time interval. For these nonlinear results, the radial zonal flow structure and shearing rate profile are also discussed. The very detailed comparisons presented may serve as reference for benchmarking other gyrokinetic simulation codes, in particular those which consider global geometry.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3518118}, eid = {112321}, file = {Lapillonne2010_1.3518118.pdf:Lapillonne2010_1.3518118.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.16}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/17/11/10.1063/1.3518118}, } @Article{Lu2010, author = {H W Lu and L Q Hu and B L Ling and S Y Lin and R J Zhou and G Q Zhong and Xu Ping and S F Wang and HT-7 Diagnostic Group}, title = {Investigation of anomalous Doppler instability in ohmic and LHCD discharges in the HT-7 tokamak}, journal = {Physica Scripta}, year = {2010}, volume = {81}, number = {2}, pages = {025503}, abstract = {We present the results of our experimental studies on a discharge in the Hefei Tokamak-7 (HT-7) device with a specific instability whose emergence coincides with a sudden jump in electron cyclotron emission (ECE) that shows the transverse energy of the plasma. It is shown that, in this slide-away discharge regime, the current is carried by a relatively small group of runaway electrons and that the period of high-frequency small-amplitude oscillations varies from 1 to 2 ms, which depends on the value of the loop voltage in ohmic discharges. In low hybrid current drive (LHCD) plasmas, the period of high-frequency small-amplitude oscillations in the ECE signal during the whole period of anomalous Doppler instability (ADI) is about 2 ms. It is also found that the ADI in ohmic and LHCD discharges can restrain the magnetic oscillations.}, file = {Lu2010_1402-4896_81_2_025503.pdf:Lu2010_1402-4896_81_2_025503.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.04}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1402-4896/81/i=2/a=025503}, } @Article{MATSUMOTO2010, author = {Taro MATSUMOTO and Shinji TOKUDA}, title = {Eigenvalue Spectrum of MHD Modes in Cylindrical Tokamak Plasmas with Small Resistivity}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, year = {2010}, volume = {9}, pages = {568-573}, file = {MATSUMOTO2010_jpfrs2010_09-568.pdf:MATSUMOTO2010_jpfrs2010_09-568.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://www.jspf.or.jp/JPFRS/PDF/Vol9/jpfrs2010_09-568.pdf}, } @Article{Mendes2010, author = {R. Vilela Mendes}, title = {Poisson–Vlasov in a strong magnetic field: A stochastic solution approach}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, year = {2010}, volume = {51}, number = {4}, pages = {-}, abstract = {Stochastic solutions are obtained for the Maxwell–Vlasovequation in the approximation where magnetic field fluctuations are neglected and the electrostatic potential is used to compute the electric field. This is a reasonable approximation for plasmas in a strong external magnetic field. Both Fourier and configuration space solutions are constructed.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3352555}, eid = {043101}, file = {VilelaMendes2010_1.3352555.pdf:VilelaMendes2010_1.3352555.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.22}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jmp/51/4/10.1063/1.3352555}, } @Article{NISHIMURA2010, author = {Y. NISHIMURA and C.Z. CHENG}, title = {Alfvén Wave Propagation in Initial Value MHD Simulation in a Tokamak Geometry}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, year = {2010}, volume = {9}, pages = {541-545}, file = {NISHIMURA2010_jpfrs2010_09-541.pdf:NISHIMURA2010_jpfrs2010_09-541.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://www.jspf.or.jp/JPFRS/PDF/Vol9/jpfrs2010_09-541.pdf}, } @Article{Oskooi2010, author = {Ardavan F. Oskooi and David Roundy and Mihai Ibanescu and Peter Bermel and J.D. Joannopoulos and Steven G. Johnson}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {Meep: A flexible free-software package for electromagnetic simulations by the \{FDTD\} method}, year = {2010}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {3}, pages = {687 - 702}, volume = {181}, abstract = {This paper describes Meep, a popular free implementation of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method for simulating electromagnetism. In particular, we focus on aspects of implementing a full-featured \{FDTD\} package that go beyond standard textbook descriptions of the algorithm, or ways in which Meep differs from typical \{FDTD\} implementations. These include pervasive interpolation and accurate modeling of subpixel features, advanced signal processing, support for nonlinear materials via Padé approximants, and flexible scripting capabilities. Program summary Program title: Meep Catalogue identifier: AEFU_v1_0 Program summary URL:: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEFU_v1_0.html Program obtainable from: \{CPC\} Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: \{GNU\} \{GPL\} No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 151 821 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 1 925 774 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: C++ Computer: Any computer with a Unix-like system and a C++ compiler; optionally exploits additional free software packages: \{GNU\} Guile [1], libctl interface library [2], \{HDF5\} [3], \{MPI\} message-passing interface [4], and Harminv filter-diagonalization [5]. Developed on 2.8 \{GHz\} Intel Core 2 Duo. Operating system: Any Unix-like system; developed under Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.2. RAM: Problem dependent (roughly 100 bytes per pixel/voxel) Classification: 10 External routines: Optionally exploits additional free software packages: \{GNU\} Guile [1], libctl interface library [2], \{HDF5\} [3], \{MPI\} message-passing interface [4], and Harminv filter-diagonalization [5] (which requires \{LAPACK\} and \{BLAS\} linear-algebra software [6]). Nature of problem: Classical electrodynamics Solution method: Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method Running time: Problem dependent (typically about 10 ns per pixel per timestep) References: [1] \{GNU\} Guile, http://www.gnu.org/software/guile [2] Libctl, http://ab-initio.mit.edu/libctl [3] M. Folk, R.E. McGrath, N. Yeager, HDF: An update and future directions, in: Proc. 1999 Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Hamburg, Germany, vol. 1, \{IEEE\} Press, 1999, pp. 273–275. [4] T.M. Forum, MPI: A Message Passing Interface, in: Supercomputing 93, Portland, OR, 1993, pp. 878–883. [5] Harminv, http://ab-initio.mit.edu/harminv. [6] LAPACK, http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2009.11.008}, file = {Oskooi2010_1-s2.0-S001046550900383X-main.pdf:Oskooi2010_1-s2.0-S001046550900383X-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Computational electromagnetism}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001046550900383X}, } @Article{Ouazene2010, author = {M. Ouazene and R. Annou}, title = {Langmuir wave dispersion relation in non-Maxwellian plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {5}, pages = {052105}, abstract = {The Langmuir wave dispersion relation is derived in partially ionized plasmas, where free electrons are confined to move in a nearest neighbor ions’ potential well. The equilibrium velocity distribution function experiences then, a departure from Maxwell distribution function. The effect of the non-Maxwellian character of the distribution function on the Langmuir phase and group velocities as well as the phase matching conditions and the nonlinear growth rate of decay instability is investigated. The proposed Langmuir wave dispersion relation is relevant to dense and cryogenic plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3420243}, eid = {052105}, file = {Ouazene2010_PhysPlasmas_17_052105.pdf:Ouazene2010_PhysPlasmas_17_052105.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {dispersion relations; plasma Langmuir waves; statistical distributions}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/052105/1}, } @Article{Pierrard2010, author = {Pierrard, V. and Lazar, M.}, title = {Kappa Distributions: Theory and Applications in Space Plasmas}, journal = {Solar Physics}, year = {2010}, volume = {267}, number = {1}, pages = {153-174}, issn = {0038-0938}, abstract = {The plasma particle velocity distributions observed in the solar wind generally show enhanced (non-Maxwellian) suprathermal tails, decreasing as a power law of the velocity and well described by the family of Kappa distribution functions. The presence of non-thermal populations at different altitudes in space plasmas suggests a universal mechanism for their creation and important consequences concerning plasma fluctuations, the resonant and nonresonant wave – particle acceleration and plasma heating. These effects are well described by the kinetic approaches where no closure requires the distributions to be nearly Maxwellian. This paper summarizes and analyzes the various theories proposed for the Kappa distributions and their valuable applications in coronal and space plasmas.}, doi = {10.1007/s11207-010-9640-2}, file = {Pierrard2010_10.1007-s11207-010-9640-2.pdf:Pierrard2010_10.1007-s11207-010-9640-2.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {(Sun:) Corona; Solar wind; Plasmas; Kappa distributions; Kinetic models; Turbulence; Instabilities}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, timestamp = {2013.05.15}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11207-010-9640-2}, } @Article{Piras2010, author = {Piras, F. and Coda, S. and Duval, B. P. and Labit, B. and Marki, J. and Medvedev, S. Yu. and Moret, J.-M. and Pitzschke, A. and Sauter, O.}, title = {``Snowflake'' H Mode in a Tokamak Plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2010}, volume = {105}, pages = {155003}, month = {Oct}, abstract = {An edge-localized mode (ELM) H-mode regime, supported by electron cyclotron heating, has been successfully established in a “snowflake” (second-order null) divertor configuration for the first time in the TCV tokamak. This regime exhibits 2 to 3 times lower ELM frequency and 20%–30% increased normalized ELM energy (ΔWELM/Wp) compared to an identically shaped, conventional single-null diverted H mode. Enhanced stability of mid- to high-toroidal-mode-number ideal modes is consistent with the different snowflake ELM phenomenology. The capability of the snowflake to redistribute the edge power on the additional strike points has been confirmed experimentally.}, collaboration = {TCV Team}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.155003}, file = {Piras2010_PhysRevLett.105.155003.pdf:Piras2010_PhysRevLett.105.155003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {15}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.12.06}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.155003}, } @Article{Sattin2010, author = {F Sattin and X Garbet and S C Guo}, title = {Study of ion-temperature-gradient modes in RFX-mod using TRB code}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2010}, volume = {52}, number = {10}, pages = {105002}, abstract = {We present here a study about the stability of ion-temperature-gradient drift turbulence in the quasi-single-helicity regime of RFX-mod reversed field pinch (RFP) using the TRB fluid electrostatic turbulence code. Our results suggest that present-day RFP plasmas are marginally stable against this kind of turbulence. The onset of the instability may be envisaged for near future regimes, in the presence of hotter plasmas with sharper internal transport barriers.}, file = {Sattin2010_0741-3335_52_10_105002.pdf:Sattin2010_0741-3335_52_10_105002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.09.22}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/52/i=10/a=105002}, } @Article{Scott2010, author = {B. Scott}, title = {Derivation via free energy conservation constraints of gyrofluid equations with finite-gyroradius electromagnetic nonlinearities}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {10}, pages = {102306}, abstract = {The derivation of electromagnetic gyrofluid equations is made systematic by using the Hermite polynomial form of the underlying delta-f gyrokinetic distribution function. The gyrokinetic free-energy functional is explicitly used to set up the model. The gyrofluid free energy follows directly. The interaction term in the gyrokinetic Lagrangian is used to obtain the gyrofluid counterpart, from which the polarization equation follows. One closure rule is decided for taking moments over the kinetic gyroaveraging operator. These steps fix the rest of the derivation of the conservative part of the gyrofluid equations. Dissipation is then added in a form to obtain positive definite dissipation and to obtain the collisional fluid equations in their appropriate limit. Existing results are recovered, with the addition of a completely consistent model for finite gyroradius effects in the nonlinearities responsible for magnetic reconnection.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3484219}, eid = {102306}, file = {Scott2010_PhysPlasmas_17_102306.pdf:Scott2010_PhysPlasmas_17_102306.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {free energy; magnetic reconnection; plasma flow; plasma simulation; plasma thermodynamics; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {19}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.05.21}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/102306/1}, } @Article{Scott2010a, author = {Scott, B.D. and Kendl, A. and Ribeiro, T.}, title = {Nonlinear Dynamics in the Tokamak Edge}, journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, year = {2010}, volume = {50}, number = {3-5}, pages = {228--241}, issn = {1521-3986}, abstract = {The nonlinear character of the tokamak edge results from a unique combination of parameters, leading to a wide dynamical range for most processes. The energetically consistent gyrokinetic equilibrium is emphasised. Edge turbulence computed gyrokinetically exhibits energetic contact to mesoscale MHD and does not follow linear scaling. Gyrofluid studies show self consistent profiles, currents and flows which are kicked out of equilibrium to varying degree. L-mode turbulence and ELM crash phenomenology are both examples of energetic contact between turbulence and MHD, with opposite causality. The overall equilibrium is a statistical saturation rather than a state to which the plasma dissipatively converges (© 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)}, doi = {10.1002/ctpp.201010039}, file = {Scott2010a_228_ftp.pdf:Scott2010a_228_ftp.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Tokamak edge, turbulence, gyrofluid, gyrokinetic, computation}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2013.05.21}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.201010039}, } @Article{Sullivan2010, author = {Brian P. Sullivan and A. Bhattacharjee and Yi-Min Huang}, title = {On the question of hysteresis in Hall magnetohydrodynamic reconnection}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2010}, volume = {17}, number = {11}, pages = {114507}, abstract = {Controversy has been raised regarding the cause of hysteresis, or bistability, of solutions to the equations that govern the geometry of the reconnection region in Hall magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) systems. This brief communication presents a comparison of the frameworks within which this controversy has arisen and illustrates that the Hall MHD hysteresis originally discovered numerically by Cassak et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 235002 (2005)] is a different phenomenon from that recently reported by Zocco et al. [Phys. Plasmas 16, 110703 (2009)] on the basis of analysis and simulations in electron MHD with finite electron inertia. We demonstrate that the analytic prediction of hysteresis in EMHD does not describe or explain the hysteresis originally reported in Hall MHD, which is shown to persist even in the absence of electron inertia.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3518752}, eid = {114507}, file = {Sullivan2010_PhysPlasmas_17_114507.pdf:Sullivan2010_PhysPlasmas_17_114507.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {magnetic reconnection; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/17/114507/1}, } @Article{Thorne2010, author = {Thorne, Richard M. and Ni, Binbin and Tao, Xin and Horne, Richard B. and Meredith, Nigel P.}, title = {Scattering by chorus waves as the dominant cause of diffuse auroral precipitation}, journal = {Nature}, year = {2010}, volume = {467}, number = {7318}, pages = {943--946}, month = oct, issn = {0028-0836}, abstract = {Earth’s diffuse aurora occurs over a broad latitude range1 and is primarily caused by the precipitation of low-energy (0.1–30-keV) electrons originating in the central plasma sheet2, which is the source region for hot electrons in the nightside outer magnetosphere. Although generally not visible, the diffuse auroral precipitation provides the main source of energy for the high-latitude nightside upper atmosphere3, leading to enhanced ionization and chemical changes. Previous theoretical studies have indicated that two distinct classes of magnetospheric plasma wave, electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves4, 5 and whistler-mode chorus waves6, 7, could be responsible for the electron scattering that leads to diffuse auroral precipitation, but it has hitherto not been possible to determine which is the more important. Here we report an analysis of satellite wave data and Fokker–Planck diffusion calculations which reveals that scattering by chorus is the dominant cause of the most intense diffuse auroral precipitation. This resolves a long-standing controversy. Furthermore, scattering by chorus can remove most electrons as they drift around Earth’s magnetosphere, leading to the development of observed pancake distributions8, and can account for the global morphology of the diffuse aurora1, 3.}, comment = {10.1038/nature09467}, file = {Thorne2010_nature09467.pdf:Thorne2010_nature09467.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved.}, timestamp = {2013.05.18}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature09467}, } @Article{Venugopal2010, author = {Venugopal, Chandu and Kurian, M.J. and Devi, E.Savithri and Jessy, P.J. and Anilkumar, C.P. and Renuka, G.}, title = {Low frequency electromagnetic waves in a multi-ion plasma}, journal = {Indian Journal of Physics}, year = {2010}, volume = {84}, number = {3}, pages = {319-324}, issn = {0019-5480}, abstract = {The dispersion characteristics of low-frequency electromagnetic waves are studied in a plasma containing hydrogen ions and positively and negatively charged oxygen ions and electrons. This composition of the plasma approximates very well the coma of comet Halley where many heavy ions have been observed in appreciable numbers. The excitation of these waves results from the relative motion between the protons and the heavy ions, which are considered unmagnetised and, therefore, may act like a beam. We find that the wave growth increases with increasing heavy ion densities, beam velocities and propagation angles.}, doi = {10.1007/s12648-010-0015-1}, file = {Venugopal2010_10.1007-s12648-010-0015-1.pdf:Venugopal2010_10.1007-s12648-010-0015-1.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Electromagnetic waves; multi-ion plasmas; negative ions; stability; low frequency electromagnetic waves in a multi-ion plasma}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, timestamp = {2013.10.26}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12648-010-0015-1}, } @Article{VOSLION2010, author = {Thibaut VOSLION and Olivier AGULLO and Peter BEYER, Masatoshi YAGI, Sadruddin BENKADDA, Xavier GARBET, Kimitaka ITOH and Sanae-I. ITOH}, title = {Shear Flow Effects on Double Tearing Mode Global Magnetic Reconnection}, journal = {Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES}, year = {2010}, volume = {9}, pages = {574-579}, file = {VOSLION2010_jpfrs2010_09-574.pdf:VOSLION2010_jpfrs2010_09-574.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://www.jspf.or.jp/JPFRS/PDF/Vol9/jpfrs2010_09-574.pdf}, } @Article{Wingen2010, author = {Wingen, A. and Evans, T. E. and Lasnier, C. J. and Spatschek, K. H.}, title = {Numerical Modeling of Edge-Localized-Mode Filaments on Divertor Plates Based on Thermoelectric Currents}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2010}, volume = {104}, pages = {175001}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {Edge localized modes (ELMs) are qualitatively and quantitatively modeled in tokamaks using current bursts which have been observed in the scrape-off-layer (SOL) during an ELM crash. During the initial phase of an ELM, a heat pulse causes thermoelectric currents. They first flow in short connection length flux tubes which are initially established by error fields or other nonaxisymmetric magnetic perturbations. The currents change the magnetic field topology in such a way that larger areas of short connection length flux tubes emerge. Then currents predominantly flow in short SOL-like flux tubes and scale with the area of the flux tube assuming a constant current density. Quantitative predictions of flux tube patterns for a given current are in excellent agreement with measurements of the heat load and current flow at the DIII-D target plates during an ELM cycle.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.175001}, file = {Wingen2010_PhysRevLett.104.175001.pdf:Wingen2010_PhysRevLett.104.175001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {17}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.12.06}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.175001}, } @Article{Yakovenko2010, author = {Yu.V. Yakovenko and Ya.I. Kolesnichenko and V.V. Lutsenko and R.B. White and A. Werner}, title = {Mode coupling in Alfvén instabilities}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2010}, volume = {50}, number = {8}, pages = {084015}, abstract = {It is shown numerically that even a weak deviation from the axial symmetry of the magnetic configuration in tokamaks can drastically change the spatial structure of toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs), turning them into modes characterized by strong dependence of the amplitude on the toroidal coordinate. The reason for this lies in the fact that the TAEs are close to degeneracy: TAEs with different toroidal mode numbers ( n ) may have almost the same frequency. A condition necessary for a certain steady-state non-axisymmetric harmonic of the magnetic field to couple TAEs and ellipticity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (EAEs) with different n (the 'selection rule') is obtained. In particular, a coupling harmonic of significant amplitude can be found more easily in a stellarator with large rotational transform and a small number of field periods. In tokamaks, any magnetic island satisfies the selection rule and can thus couple TAEs. This may explain why multiple modes with different n often appear and disappear simultaneously in TAE bursts. This may also explain an observation of a TAE with the amplitude varying in phase with a quasi-steady-state magnetic perturbation in the spherical torus NSTX.}, file = {Yakovenko2010_0029-5515_50_8_084015.pdf:Yakovenko2010_0029-5515_50_8_084015.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.09.04}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/50/i=8/a=084015}, } @Article{Yang2010, author = {Lei Yang and Xingang Wang and Yao Li and Zhengmao Sheng}, title = {On the pinning strategy of complex networks}, journal = {EPL (Europhysics Letters)}, year = {2010}, volume = {92}, number = {4}, pages = {48002}, abstract = {In pinning control of complex networks, it is assumed that, with the same pinning effort, the network dynamics is better controlled by pinning the large-degree nodes than by pinning the small-degree ones. Here, by varying the number of pinned nodes, we find that, when a significant fraction of the nodes are pinned in a complex network, the pinning of the small-degree nodes will generally give a higher performance than that of the large-degree ones. We demonstrate this interesting phenomenon on a variety of complex networks, and analyze its underlying mechanisms through the simple model of strongly pinned star-structure network. By changing the network topological properties, we also find that the advantage of the small-degree pinning strategy is more distinct in sparsely connected heterogeneous networks than in densely connected homogeneous networks. The findings are believed to be beneficial for the design of control schemes in some practical systems, as well as to shed new light on the dynamics of complex networks.}, file = {Yang2010_0295-5075_92_4_48002.pdf:Yang2010_0295-5075_92_4_48002.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0295-5075/92/i=4/a=48002}, } @Article{Anderson2011, author = {M. W. Anderson and T. M. O'Neil and D. H. E. Dubin and R. W. Gould}, title = {Degenerate mixing of plasma waves on cold, magnetized single-species plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {10}, pages = {102113}, abstract = {In the cold-fluid dispersion relation ω = ωp/[1+(k⊥/kz)2]1/2 for Trivelpiece-Gould waves on an infinitely long magnetized plasma cylinder, the transverse and axial wavenumbers appear only in the combination k⊥/kz. As a result, for any frequency ω<ωp, there are infinitely many degenerate waves, all having the same value of k⊥/kz. On a cold finite-length plasma column, these degenerate waves reflect into one another at the ends; thus, each standing-wave normal mode of the bounded plasma is a mixture of many degenerate waves, not a single standing wave as is often assumed. A striking feature of the many-wave modes is that the short-wavelength waves often add constructively along resonance cones given by dz/dr = ±(ωp2/ω2-1)1/2. Also, the presence of short wavelengths in the admixture for a predominantly long-wavelength mode enhances the viscous damping beyond what the single-wave approximation would predict. Here, numerical solutions are obtained for modes of a cylindrical plasma column with rounded ends. Exploiting the fact that the modes of a spheroidal plasma are known analytically (the Dubin modes), a perturbation analysis is used to investigate the mixing of low-order, nearly degenerate Dubin modes caused by small deformations of a plasma spheroid.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3646922}, eid = {102113}, file = {Anderson2011_PhysPlasmas_18_102113.pdf:Anderson2011_PhysPlasmas_18_102113.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {damping; dispersion relations; mixing; numerical analysis; perturbation techniques; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamic waves; viscosity}, numpages = {19}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.24}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/102113/1}, } @Article{Arshad2011, author = {Kashif Arshad and S. Mahmood and Arshad M. Mirza}, title = {Landau damping of ion acoustic wave in Lorentzian multi-ion plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {9}, pages = {092115}, abstract = {The Landau damping rates of ion acoustic wave are studied by using Vlasov-Poisson model for unmagnetized Lorentzian or kappa distributed plasma containing electrons, positively and negatively charged ions. It is found that the damping rate of ion acoustic wave is increased with the decrease of kappa (i.e., the spectral index of Lorentzian distribution) value. The damping rates of the electrostatic wave in multi-ion component plasmas are discussed in detail which depends on electron to ion temperature ratio and ions masses and density ratios. The numerical results are also shown by choosing some typical experimental parameters of multi-ion plasmas.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3633237}, eid = {092115}, file = {Arshad2011_PhysPlasmas_18_092115.pdf:Arshad2011_PhysPlasmas_18_092115.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {damping; numerical analysis; plasma density; plasma electrostatic waves; plasma ion acoustic waves; plasma temperature; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/092115/1}, } @Article{Bottino2011, author = {A Bottino and T Vernay and B Scott and S Brunner and R Hatzky and S Jolliet and B F McMillan and T M Tran and L Villard}, title = {Global simulations of tokamak microturbulence: finite-β effects and collisions}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {53}, number = {12}, pages = {124027}, abstract = {In this paper, we present global nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations including finite β e effects and collisions in tokamak geometry. Global electromagnetic simulations using conventional δ f particle in cell methods are very demanding, with respect to numerical resources, in order to correctly describe the evolution of the non-adiabatic part of the electron distribution function. This difficulty has been overcome using an appropriate adjustable control variate method in the conventional δ f scheme. Linearized inter-species and like-species collision operators have also been introduced in the model. The inclusion of the collisional dynamics makes it possible to carry out simulations of microturbulence starting from a global neoclassical equilibrium and to study the effect of collisions on the transport induced by electrostatic microinstabilities.}, file = {Bottino2011_0741-3335_53_12_124027.pdf:Bottino2011_0741-3335_53_12_124027.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.14}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/53/i=12/a=124027}, } @Article{Camporeale2011, author = {Enrico Camporeale and David Burgess}, title = {The Dissipation of Solar Wind Turbulent Fluctuations at Electron Scales}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, year = {2011}, volume = {730}, number = {2}, pages = {114}, abstract = {We present two-dimensional fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations of decaying electromagnetic fluctuations. The computational box is such that wavelengths ranging from electron to ion gyroradii are resolved. The parameters used are realistic for the solar wind, and the ion-to-electron mass ratio is physical. The dissipation of turbulent fluctuations at small scales is thought to be a crucial mechanism for solar wind acceleration and coronal heating. The computational results suggest that a power-law cascade of magnetic fluctuations could be sustained up to scales of the electron Larmor radius and smaller. We analyze the simulation results in light of the Vlasov linear theory, and we comment on the particle heating. The dispersion curves of lightly damped modes in this regime suggest that a linear mechanism could be responsible for the observed steepening of power spectra at electron scales, but a straightforward identification of turbulent fluctuations as an ensemble of linear modes is not possible.}, file = {Camporeale2011_0004-637X_730_2_114.pdf:Camporeale2011_0004-637X_730_2_114.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/730/i=2/a=114}, } @Article{Chen2011, author = {G. Chen and L. Chacón and D.C. Barnes}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {An energy- and charge-conserving, implicit, electrostatic particle-in-cell algorithm}, year = {2011}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {18}, pages = {7018 - 7036}, volume = {230}, abstract = {This paper discusses a novel fully implicit formulation for a one-dimensional electrostatic particle-in-cell (PIC) plasma simulation approach. Unlike earlier implicit electrostatic \{PIC\} approaches (which are based on a linearized Vlasov–Poisson formulation), ours is based on a nonlinearly converged Vlasov–Ampére (VA) model. By iterating particles and fields to a tight nonlinear convergence tolerance, the approach features superior stability and accuracy properties, avoiding most of the accuracy pitfalls in earlier implicit \{PIC\} implementations. In particular, the formulation is stable against temporal (Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy) and spatial (aliasing) instabilities. It is charge- and energy-conserving to numerical round-off for arbitrary implicit time steps (unlike the earlier “energy-conserving” explicit \{PIC\} formulation, which only conserves energy in the limit of arbitrarily small time steps). While momentum is not exactly conserved, errors are kept small by an adaptive particle sub-stepping orbit integrator, which is instrumental to prevent particle tunneling (a deleterious effect for long-term accuracy). The \{VA\} model is orbit-averaged along particle orbits to enforce an energy conservation theorem with particle sub-stepping. As a result, very large time steps, constrained only by the dynamical time scale of interest, are possible without accuracy loss. Algorithmically, the approach features a Jacobian-free Newton–Krylov solver. A main development in this study is the nonlinear elimination of the new-time particle variables (positions and velocities). Such nonlinear elimination, which we term particle enslavement, results in a nonlinear formulation with memory requirements comparable to those of a fluid computation, and affords us substantial freedom in regards to the particle orbit integrator. Numerical examples are presented that demonstrate the advertised properties of the scheme. In particular, long-time ion acoustic wave simulations show that numerical accuracy does not degrade even with very large implicit time steps, and that significant \{CPU\} gains are possible.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2011.05.031}, file = {Chen2011_1-s2.0-S0021999111003421-main.pdf:Chen2011_1-s2.0-S0021999111003421-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Implicit}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.03}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999111003421}, } @Article{Cho2011, author = {Guangsup Cho and Eun-Ha Choi and Han Sup Uhm}, title = {Plasma wave propagation with a plasma density gradient}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, pages = {034504}, abstract = {Plasma waves with the plasma diffusion velocity un due to a plasma density gradient are described in a positive column plasma. The ion wave is generated by the perturbation of the operating frequency 106 s−1 and it propagates with the group velocity ug ∼ cs2/un ∼ (105–106) m/s, where cs is the acoustic velocity in a fine tube fluorescent lamp, while the electron wave cannot be generated with a turbulence of low frequency less than the electron oscillation frequency ωpe. The propagation of the lighting signal observed in long tube fluorescent lamps is well understood with the propagation of ion waves occurring along the plasma density gradient.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3570651}, eid = {034504}, file = {Cho2011_PhysPlasmas_18_034504.pdf:Cho2011_PhysPlasmas_18_034504.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {fluorescent lamps; high-frequency discharges; plasma density; plasma ion acoustic waves}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/034504/1}, } @Article{Crouseilles2011, author = {Crouseilles, N.a and Respaud, T.b}, title = {A charge preserving scheme for the numerical resolution of the vlasov-ampère equations}, journal = {Communications in Computational Physics}, year = {2011}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, pages = {1001-1026}, note = {cited By (since 1996)0}, abstract = {In this report, a charge preserving numerical resolution of the 1D Vlasov- Amp̀ere equation is achieved, with a forward Semi-Lagrangian method introduced in [10]. The Vlasov equation belongs to the kinetic way of simulating plasmas evolution, and is coupled with the Poisson's equation, or equivalently under charge conservation, the Amp̀ere's one, which self-consistently rules the electric field evolution. In order to ensure having proper physical solutions, it is necessary that the scheme preserves charge numerically. B-spline deposition will be used for the interpolation step. The solving of the characteristics will be made with a Runge-Kutta 2 method and with a Cauchy-Kovalevsky procedure. © 2011 Global-Science Press.}, affiliation = {INRIA-Nancy-Grand Est, CALVI Project, Strasbourg, France; IRMA, Université de Strasbourg and INRIA-Nancy-Grand Est, CALVI Project, Strasbourg, France}, author_keywords = {B-spline deposition; Cauchy-Kovalevsky; Charge conservation; Runge-Kutta; Semi-Lagrangian method}, document_type = {Article}, owner = {hsxie}, source = {Scopus}, timestamp = {2013.10.03}, url = {http://www.global-sci.com/issue/abstract/readabs.php?vol=10&page=1001&issue=4&ppage=1026&year=2011}, } @Article{Decker2011, author = {J. Decker and Y. Peysson and J. Hillairet and J.-F. Artaud and V. Basiuk and A. Becoulet and A. Ekedahl and M. Goniche and G.T. Hoang and F. Imbeaux and A.K. Ram and M. Schneider}, title = {Calculations of lower hybrid current drive in ITER}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {51}, number = {7}, pages = {073025}, abstract = {A detailed study of lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) in ITER is provided, focusing on the wave propagation and current drive mechanisms. A combination of ray-tracing and Fokker–Planck calculations are presented for various plasma scenarios, wave frequency and polarization. The dependence of the driven current and the location of power deposition upon the coupled wave spectrum is systematically determined, in order to set objectives for the antenna design. The respective effects of finite-power levels, magnetic trapping, and detailed antenna spectra are accounted for and quantitatively estimated. The sensitivity of LHCD to density and temperature profiles is calculated. From the simulation results, an optimum value for the parallel index of refraction is proposed as a compromise between efficiency and robustness with respect to those profile variations. The corresponding current drive efficiency is found to be similar for the two frequencies generally considered for ITER, f = 3.7 GHz and f = 5.0 GHz.}, file = {Decker2011_0029-5515_51_7_073025.pdf:Decker2011_0029-5515_51_7_073025.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=7/a=073025}, } @Article{Fu2011, author = {Fu, Chenbo and Wang, Xingang}, title = {Network growth under the constraint of synchronization stability}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2011}, volume = {83}, pages = {066101}, month = {Jun}, abstract = {While it is well recognized that realistic networks are typically growing with time, the dynamical features of their growing processes remain to be explored. In the present paper, incorporating the requirement of synchronization stability into the conventional models of network growth, we will investigate how the growing process of a complex network is influenced by, and also will influence, the network collective dynamics. Our study shows that, constrained by the synchronization stability, the network will be growing in a selective and dynamical fashion. In particular, we find that the chance for a new node to be accepted by the growing network could have a large variation, i.e., it follows roughly a power-law distribution. Furthermore, we find that, with the dynamical growth, the network is always developed into structures of clear scale-free features, despite the form of the link attachment (preferential or random). The dynamical properties of network growth are studied using the method of eigenvalue analysis, and they are verified by direct simulations of coupled chaotic oscillators. Our study implies that, driven by the network collective dynamics, network growth could also be highly dynamical.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.83.066101}, file = {Fu2011_PhysRevE.83.066101.pdf:Fu2011_PhysRevE.83.066101.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.11.08}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.83.066101}, } @Article{Furukawa2011, author = {M. Furukawa and S. Tokuda}, title = {A new matching method for linear stability analysis of MHD modes close to the ideal MHD marginal stability}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {6}, pages = {062502}, abstract = {A new matching method has been invented for linear stability analysis of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) modes for plasmas marginally stable against ideal MHD. An inner region with a finite width is utilized as in our previous study [M. Furukawa, S. Tokuda, and L.-J. Zheng, Phys. Plasmas 17, 052502 (2010)]. An ordering scheme for the outer region has been newly developed, thereby it succeeds to include effects of small plasma inertia and resistivity perturbatively in the outer region. The corresponding boundary condition requires direct, not asymptotic, matching of the outer and inner solutions, which assumes nothing special for the behavior of parallel electric field across the matching points. The union of the ordering scheme and the boundary condition enables us to apply our matching method even for plasmas marginally stable against ideal MHD. Because our matching method is not asymptotic, it is easy to implement numerically. The stability analysis of resistive MHD modes, such as internal kink and tearing modes, is satisfactory.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3592666}, eid = {062502}, file = {Furukawa2011_PhysPlasmas_18_062502.pdf:Furukawa2011_PhysPlasmas_18_062502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {kink instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma transport processes; tearing instability}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.05.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/062502/1}, } @Article{Giese2011, author = {Timothy J. Giese and Darrin M. York}, title = {Density-functional expansion methods: Generalization of the auxiliary basis}, journal = {The Journal of Chemical Physics}, year = {2011}, volume = {134}, number = {19}, pages = {194103}, abstract = {The formulation of density-functional expansion methods is extended to treat the second and higher-order terms involving the response density and spin densities with an arbitrary single-center auxiliary basis. The two-center atomic orbital products are represented by the auxiliary functions centered about those two atoms, and the mapping coefficients are determined from a local constrained variational procedure. This two-center variational procedure allows the mapping coefficients to be pretabulated and splined as a function of internuclear separation for efficient look up. The splines of mapping coefficients have a range no longer than that of the overlap integrals, and the auxiliary density appears as a single point-multipole expansion to all nonoverlapping atoms, thus allowing for the trivial implementation of a linear-scaling algorithm. The method is tested using Gaussian multipole expansions, and the effect of angular and radial completeness is explored. Several auxiliary basis sets are parametrized and compared to an auxiliary basis analogous to that used in the self-consistent-charge density-functional tight-binding model, and the method is demonstrated to greatly improve the representation of the density response with respect to a reference expansion model that does not use an auxiliary basis.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3587052}, eid = {194103}, file = {Giese2011_JChemPhys_134_194103.pdf:Giese2011_JChemPhys_134_194103.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {atomic structure; density functional theory; SCF calculations; tight-binding calculations; variational techniques}, numpages = {12}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JCP/134/194103/1}, } @Article{Gorler2011, author = {T. Gorler and X. Lapillonne and S. Brunner and T. Dannert and F. Jenko and F. Merz and D. Told}, title = {The global version of the gyrokinetic turbulence code \{GENE\}}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, year = {2011}, volume = {230}, number = {18}, pages = {7053 - 7071}, issn = {0021-9991}, abstract = {The understanding and prediction of transport due to plasma microturbulence is a key open problem in modern plasma physics, and a grand challenge for fusion energy research. Ab initio simulations of such small-scale, low-frequency turbulence are to be based on the gyrokinetic equations, a set of nonlinear integro-differential equations in reduced (five-dimensional) phase space. In the present paper, the extension of the well-established and widely used gyrokinetic code \{GENE\} [F. Jenko, W. Dorland, M. Kotschenreuther, B.N. Rogers, Electron temperature gradient driven turbulence, Phys. Plasmas 7 (2000) 1904–1910] from a radially local to a radially global (nonlocal) version is described. The necessary modifications of both the basic equations and the employed numerical methods are detailed, including, e.g., the change from spectral methods to finite difference and interpolation techniques in the radial direction and the implementation of sources and sinks. In addition, code verification studies and benchmarks are presented.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2011.05.034}, file = {Gorler2011_1-s2.0-S0021999111003457-main.pdf:Gorler2011_1-s2.0-S0021999111003457-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Plasma turbulence}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.16}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021999111003457}, } @Article{Guttenfelder2011, author = {Guttenfelder, W. and Candy, J. and Kaye, S. M. and Nevins, W. M. and Wang, E. and Bell, R. E. and Hammett, G. W. and LeBlanc, B. P. and Mikkelsen, D. R. and Yuh, H.}, title = {Electromagnetic Transport from Microtearing Mode Turbulence}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2011}, volume = {106}, pages = {155004}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {This Letter presents nonlinear gyrokinetic simulations of microtearing mode turbulence. The simulations include collisional and electromagnetic effects and use experimental parameters from a high-β discharge in the National Spherical Torus Experiment. The predicted electron thermal transport is comparable to that given by experimental analysis, and it is dominated by the electromagnetic contribution of electrons free-streaming along the resulting stochastic magnetic field line trajectories. Experimental values of flow shear can significantly reduce the predicted transport.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.155004}, file = {Guttenfelder2011_PhysRevLett.106.155004.pdf:Guttenfelder2011_PhysRevLett.106.155004.pdf:PDF}, issue = {15}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.09.11}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.155004}, } @Article{Janvier2011, author = {Janvier, M. and Kishimoto, Y. and Li, J. Q.}, title = {Structure-Driven Nonlinear Instability as the Origin of the Explosive Reconnection Dynamics in Resistive Double Tearing Modes}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2011}, volume = {107}, pages = {195001}, month = {Oct}, abstract = {The onset of abrupt magnetic reconnection events, observed in the nonlinear evolution of double tearing modes (DTM), is investigated via reduced resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations. We have identified the critical threshold for the parameters characterizing the linear DTM stability leading to the bifurcation to the explosive dynamics. A new type of secondary instability is discovered that is excited once the magnetic islands on each rational surface reach a critical structure characterized here by the width and the angle rating their triangularization. This new instability is an island structure-driven nonlinear instability, identified as the trigger of the subsequent nonlinear dynamics which couples flow and flux perturbations. This instability only weakly depends on resistivity.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.195001}, file = {Janvier2011_PhysRevLett.107.195001.pdf:Janvier2011_PhysRevLett.107.195001.pdf:PDF}, issue = {19}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.05.30}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.195001}, } @Article{Li2011b, author = {Jinxing Li and Hong Qin and Zuyin Pu and Lun Xie and Suiyan Fu}, title = {Variational symplectic algorithm for guiding center dynamics in the inner magnetosphere}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {5}, pages = {052902}, comment = {Charged particle dynamics in magnetosphere has temporal and spatial multiscale; therefore, numerical accuracy over a long integration time is required. A variational symplectic integrator (VSI) [H. Qin and X. Guan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 035006 (2008) and H. Qin, X. Guan, and W. M. Tang, Phys. Plasmas 16, 042510 (2009)] for the guiding-center motion of charged particles in general magnetic field is applied to study the dynamics of charged particles in magnetosphere. Instead of discretizing the differential equations of the guiding-center motion, the action of the guiding-center motion is discretized and minimized to obtain the iteration rules for advancing the dynamics. The VSI conserves exactly a discrete Lagrangian symplectic structure and has better numerical properties over a long integration time, compared with standard integrators, such as the standard and adaptive fourth order Runge-Kutta (RK4) methods. Applying the VSI method to guiding-center dynamics in the inner magnetosphere, we can accurately calculate the particles’orbits for an arbitrary long simulating time with good conservation property. When a time-independent convection and corotation electric field is considered, the VSI method can give the accurate single particle orbit, while the RK4 method gives an incorrect orbit due to its intrinsic error accumulation over a long integrating time.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3589275}, eid = {052902}, file = {Li2011_PhysPlasmas_18_052902.pdf:Li2011_PhysPlasmas_18_052902.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {convection; differential equations; integration; iterative methods; minimisation; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma simulation; variational techniques}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/052902/1}, } @Article{Liu2011f, author = {Jian Liu and Hong Qin}, title = {Geometric phase of the gyromotion for charged particles in a time-dependent magnetic field}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {7}, pages = {072505}, abstract = {We study the dynamics of the gyrophase of a charged particle in a magnetic field which is uniform in space but changes slowly with time. As the magnetic field evolves slowly with time, the changing of the gyrophase is composed of two parts. The first part is the dynamical phase, which is the time integral of the instantaneous gyrofrequency. The second part, called geometric gyrophase, is more interesting, and it is an example of the geometric phase which has found many important applications in different branches of physics. If the magnetic field returns to the initial value after a loop in the parameter space, then the geometric gyrophase equals the solid angle spanned by the loop in the parameter space. This classical geometric gyrophase is compared with the geometric phase (the Berry phase) of the spin wave function of an electron placed in the same adiabatically changing magnetic field. Even though gyromotion is not the classical counterpart of the quantum spin, the similarities between the geometric phases of the two cases nevertheless reveal the similar geometric nature of the different physics laws governing these two physics phenomena.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3609830}, eid = {072505}, file = {Liu2011_PhysPlasmas_18_072505.pdf:Liu2011_PhysPlasmas_18_072505.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma magnetohydrodynamics}, numpages = {7}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.04}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/072505/1}, } @Article{Liu2011a, author = {Liu, Panpan and Yang, Lei and Deng, Zhigang and Wang, Xingang}, title = {Regulating drift-wave plasma turbulence into spatiotemporal patterns by pinning coupling}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2011}, volume = {84}, pages = {016207}, month = {Jul}, abstract = {Using the technique of pinning coupling in chaos control, we investigate how the two-dimensional drift-wave plasma turbulence described by the Hasegawa-Mima equation can be regulated into different spatiotemporal patterns. It is shown both analytically and numerically that, depending on the pattern structure of the target, the pinning strength necessary for regulating the turbulence could have a large variation. More specifically, with the increase of the wave number of the target, the critical pinning strength is found to be increased by a power-law scaling. Moreover, in both the transition and transient process of the pinning regulation, the modes of the turbulence are found to be suppressed in a hierarchical fashion, that is, by the sequence of mode wave number. The findings give insight into the dynamics of drift-wave turbulence, as well as indicative to the design of new control techniques for real-world turbulence.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.84.016207}, file = {Liu2011a_PhysRevE.84.016207.pdf:Liu2011a_PhysRevE.84.016207.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.11.08}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.84.016207}, } @Article{Magee2011, author = {Magee, R. M. and Den Hartog, D. J. and Kumar, S. T. A. and Almagri, A. F. and Chapman, B. E. and Fiksel, G. and Mirnov, V. V. and Mezonlin, E. D. and Titus, J. B.}, title = {Anisotropic Ion Heating and Tail Generation during Tearing Mode Magnetic Reconnection in a High-Temperature Plasma}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2011}, volume = {107}, pages = {065005}, month = {Aug}, abstract = {Complementary measurements of ion energy distributions in a magnetically confined high-temperature plasma show that magnetic reconnection results in both anisotropic ion heating and the generation of suprathermal ions. The anisotropy, observed in the C+6 impurity ions, is such that the temperature perpendicular to the magnetic field is larger than the temperature parallel to the magnetic field. The suprathermal tail appears in the majority ion distribution and is well described by a power law to energies 10 times the thermal energy. These observations may offer insight into the energization process.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.065005}, file = {Magee2011_PRL.pdf:Magee2011_PRL.pdf:PDF}, issue = {6}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.10.26}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.065005}, } @Article{Morel2011, author = {Morel, P. and Navarro, A. Bañón and Albrecht-Marc, M. and Carati, D. and Merz, F. and Görler, T. and Jenko, F.}, title = {Gyrokinetic large eddy simulations}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {7}, pages = {-}, abstract = {The large eddy simulation approach is adapted to the study of plasma microturbulence in a fully three-dimensional gyrokinetic system. Ion temperature gradient driven turbulence is studied with the GENE code for both a standard resolution and a reduced resolution with a model for the sub-grid scale turbulence. A simple dissipative model for representing the effect of the sub-grid scales on the resolved scales is proposed and tested. Once calibrated, the model appears to be able to reproduce most of the features of the free energy spectra for various values of the ion temperature gradient.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3601053}, eid = {072301}, file = {Morel2011_GLES_pop.pdf:Morel2011_GLES_pop.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.01}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/18/7/10.1063/1.3601053}, } @Article{Navarro2011, author = {Navarro, A. B. and Morel, P. and Albrecht-Marc, M. and Carati, D. and Merz, F. and G\"orler, T. and Jenko, F.}, title = {Free Energy Cascade in Gyrokinetic Turbulence}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2011}, volume = {106}, pages = {055001}, month = {Jan}, abstract = {In gyrokinetic theory, the quadratic nonlinearity is known to play an important role in the dynamics by redistributing (in a conservative fashion) the free energy between the various active scales. In the present study, the free energy transfer is analyzed for the case of ion temperature gradient driven turbulence. It is shown that it shares many properties with the energy transfer in fluid turbulence. In particular, one finds a (strongly) local, forward (from large to small scales) cascade of free energy in the plane perpendicular to the background magnetic field. These findings shed light on some fundamental properties of plasma turbulence, and encourage the development of large-eddy-simulation techniques for gyrokinetics.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.055001}, file = {Navarro2011a_FE_balance.pdf:Navarro2011a_FE_balance.pdf:PDF;Navarro2011_banon_PRL_2011.pdf:Navarro2011_banon_PRL_2011.pdf:PDF}, issue = {5}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2014.01.01}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.055001}, } @Article{Navarro2011a, author = {Navarro, A. Banon and Morel, P. and Albrecht-Marc, M. and Carati, D. and Merz, F. and Görler, T. and Jenko, F.}, title = {Free energy balance in gyrokinetic turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {9}, pages = {-}, abstract = {Free energy plays an important role in gyrokinetic theory, since it is known to be a nonlinear invariant. Its evolution equations are derived and analyzed for the case of ion temperature gradient driven turbulence, using the formalism adopted in the Gene code. In particular, the ion temperature gradient drive, the collisional dissipation as well as entropy/electrostatic energy transfer channels represented by linear curvature and parallel terms are analyzed in detail.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3632077}, eid = {092303}, file = {Navarro2011a_FE_balance.pdf:Navarro2011a_FE_balance.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.01}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/18/9/10.1063/1.3632077}, } @InCollection{Notarangelo2011, author = {Notarangelo, Incoronata}, title = {Approximation of the Hilbert Transform on the Real Line Using Freud Weights}, booktitle = {Approximation and Computation}, publisher = {Springer New York}, year = {2011}, editor = {Gautschi, Walter and Mastroianni, Giuseppe and Rassias, Themistocles M.}, volume = {42}, series = {Springer Optimization and Its Applications}, pages = {233-252}, isbn = {978-1-4419-6593-6}, abstract = {Some quadrature rules based on the zeros of Freud polynomials are suggested to compute Cauchy principal value integrals on the real line. In this paper, the main effort is to prove the stability and the convergence of the proposed rules. Error estimates in a weighted uniform norm are stated and some numerical tests are described.}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4419-6594-3_15}, file = {Notarangelo2011_10.1007-978-1-4419-6594-3_15.pdf:Notarangelo2011_10.1007-978-1-4419-6594-3_15.pdf:PDF}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.13}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6594-3_15}, } @Article{Olver2011, author = {Sheehan Olver}, title = {Computing the Hilbert transform and its inverse}, journal = {Math. Comp.}, year = {2011}, volume = {80}, pages = {1745-1767}, abstract = {We construct a new method for approximating Hilbert transforms and their inverse throughout the complex plane. Both problems can be formulated as Riemann-Hilbert problems via Plemelj's lemma. Using this framework, we rederive existing approaches for computing Hilbert transforms over the real line and unit interval, with the added benefit that we can compute the Hilbert transform in the complex plane. We then demonstrate the power of this approach by generalizing to the half line. Combining two half lines, we can compute the Hilbert transform of a more general class of functions on the real line than is possible with existing methods.}, file = {Olver2011_S0025-5718-2011-02418-X.pdf:Olver2011_S0025-5718-2011-02418-X.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.13}, url = {http://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/2011-80-275/S0025-5718-2011-02418-X/}, } @Article{Ouazene2011, author = {M. Ouazene and R. Annou}, title = {Landau damping of Langmuir waves in non-Maxwellian plasmas}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {11}, pages = {114502}, abstract = {As free electrons move in the nearest neighbour ion’s potential well, the equilibrium velocity departs from Maxwell distribution. The effect of the non-Maxwellian velocity distribution function (NMVDF) on many properties of the plasma such as the transport coefficients, the kinetic energy, and the degree of ionization is found to be noticeable. A correction to the Langmuir wave dispersion relation is proved to arise due to the NMVDF as well [Phys. Plasmas 17, 052105 (2010)]. The study is extended hereafter to include the effect of NMVDF on the Landau damping of Langmuir wave.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3660269}, eid = {114502}, file = {Ouazene2011_PhysPlasmas_18_114502.pdf:Ouazene2011_PhysPlasmas_18_114502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {dispersion relations; ionisation; plasma kinetic theory; plasma Langmuir waves; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {3}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/114502/1}, } @Article{Qin2011, author = {Hong Qin and Ronald C. Davidson}, title = {Generalized Courant--Snyder theory and Kapchinskij--Vladimirskij distribution for high-intensity beams in a coupled transverse focusing lattice}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {5}, pages = {056708}, abstract = {The Courant–Snyder (CS) theory and the Kapchinskij–Vladimirskij (KV) distribution for high-intensity beams in an uncoupled focusing lattice are generalized to the case of coupled transverse dynamics. The envelope function is generalized to an envelope matrix, and the envelope equation becomes a matrix envelope equation with matrix operations that are noncommutative. In an uncoupled lattice, the KV distribution function, first analyzed in 1959, is the only known exact solution of the nonlinear Vlasov-Maxwell equations for high-intensity beams including self-fields in a self-consistent manner. The KV solution is generalized to high-intensity beams in a coupled transverse lattice using the generalized CS invariant. This solution projects to a rotating, pulsating elliptical beam in transverse configuration space. The fully self-consistent solution reduces the nonlinear Vlasov-Maxwell equations to a nonlinear matrix ordinary differential equation for the envelope matrix, which determines the geometry of the pulsating and rotating beam ellipse. These results provide us with a new theoretical tool to investigate the dynamics of high-intensity beams in a coupled transverse lattice. A strongly coupled lattice, a so-called N-rolling lattice, is studied as an example. It is found that strong coupling does not deteriorate the beam quality. Instead, the coupling induces beam rotation and reduces beam pulsation.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3574919}, eid = {056708}, file = {Qin2011_PhysPlasmas_18_056708.pdf:Qin2011_PhysPlasmas_18_056708.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Maxwell equations; nonlinear differential equations; particle beam dynamics; particle beam focusing; Vlasov equation}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/056708/1}, } @Article{Shaisultanov2011, author = {Rashid Shaisultanov and David Eichler}, title = {Dispersion relations for a general anisotropic distribution function represented as a sum over Legendre polynomials}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {3}, pages = {034501}, abstract = {The dielectric tensor is obtained for a general anisotropic distribution function that is represented as a sum over Legendre polynomials. The result is valid over all of k-space. We obtain growth rates for the Weibel instability for some basic examples of distribution functions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3559478}, eid = {034501}, file = {Shaisultanov2011_PhysPlasmas_18_034501.pdf:Shaisultanov2011_PhysPlasmas_18_034501.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {dispersion relations; Legendre polynomials; plasma dielectric properties; plasma instability; statistical distributions}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.16}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/034501/1}, } @Article{Tobias2011, author = {Tobias, B. J. and Classen, I. G. J. and Domier, C. W. and Heidbrink, W. W. and Luhmann, N. C. and Nazikian, R. and Park, H. K. and Spong, D. A. and Van Zeeland, M. A.}, title = {Fast Ion Induced Shearing of 2D Alfv\'en Eigenmodes Measured by Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2011}, volume = {106}, pages = {075003}, month = {Feb}, abstract = {Two-dimensional images of electron temperature perturbations are obtained with electron cyclotron emission imaging (ECEI) on the DIII-D tokamak and compared to Alfvén eigenmode structures obtained by numerical modeling using both ideal MHD and hybrid MHD-gyrofluid codes. While many features of the observations are found to be in excellent agreement with simulations using an ideal MHD code (NOVA), other characteristics distinctly reveal the influence of fast ions on the mode structures. These features are found to be well described by the nonperturbative hybrid MHD-gyrofluid model TAEFL.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.075003}, file = {Tobias2011_PhysRevLett.106.075003.pdf:Tobias2011_PhysRevLett.106.075003.pdf:PDF}, issue = {7}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.09.02}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.075003}, } @Article{Turnbull2011, author = {A.D. Turnbull and W.A. Cooper and L.L. Lao and Long-Poe Ku}, title = {Ideal MHD spectrum calculations for the ARIES-CS configuration}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, year = {2011}, volume = {51}, number = {12}, pages = {123011}, abstract = {Ideal MHD stability calculations for the ARIES compact stellarator (ARIES-CS) reactor design (Najmabadi et al 2008 Fusion Sci. Technol. 54 655) show a spectrum of instabilities. The ARIES design considered is a three field-period stellarator with engineering coil constraints optimized for magnetic well and alpha particle confinement. The reference design has high β ~ 5%. The study is restricted to ideal modes and the calculations assume nested flux surfaces, with a limited plasma boundary surrounded by a vacuum. At β = 4%, with a conformal wall at twice the minor plasma radius, the equilibrium is slightly unstable to a periodicity-preserving, predominantly m / n = 9/6 mode peaked at the edge and a periodicity-breaking global m / n = 3/2 mode. At β ~ 5%, these modes are destabilized but the growth rates are still moderate. At higher β, above the design value, several modes become unstable. Stabilization by a close fitting conducting wall is ineffective at β = 5% and below but becomes more effective at stabilizing external modes at higher β. The equilibrium at β ~ 6% can be stabilized by a conformal wall at 1.1 times the minor plasma radius, although very weakly unstable internal modes remain at β > 6% with a wall on the plasma boundary. The sensitivity to the presence of the rational rotational transform ι = 2/3 surface at the edge of the plasma was also investigated. Generally, either the m / n = 3/2 mode is further destabilized or other modes are introduced. The stability calculations numerically impose a broadening of the singular perturbed current to eliminate spurious singularities. The effect of this is considered in detail and it is suggested that this numerical resonance detuning can model a physical broadening from non-ideal effects. Although the reference design with β ~ 5% is above the strict ideal β limit, common experience in tokamaks indicates that weakly unstable internal modes and edge-localized modes result in relatively benign MHD activity. This is consistent with observations in large stellarator experiments that indicate some level of instability is tolerated and the results are discussed in this context and in relation to the numerical broadening of the singular perturbed currents.}, file = {Turnbull2011_0029-5515_51_12_123011.pdf:Turnbull2011_0029-5515_51_12_123011.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.09.02}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0029-5515/51/i=12/a=123011}, } @Article{Zeeland2011, author = {M. A. Van Zeeland and W. W. Heidbrink and R. K. Fisher and M. Garcia Munoz and G. J. Kramer and D. C. Pace and R. B. White and S. Aekaeslompolo and M. E. Austin and J. E. Boom and I. G. J. Classen and S. da Graca and B. Geiger and M. Gorelenkova and N. N. Gorelenkov and A. W. Hyatt and N. Luhmann and M. Maraschek and G. R. McKee and R. A. Moyer and C. M. Muscatello and R. Nazikian and H. Park and S. Sharapov and W. Suttrop and G. Tardini and B. J. Tobias and Y. B. Zhu and DIII-D and ASDEX Upgrade Teams}, title = {Measurements and modeling of Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmode induced fast ion transport and loss in DIII-D and ASDEX Upgrade}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {5}, pages = {056114}, abstract = {Neutral beam injection into reversed magnetic shear DIII-D and ASDEX Upgrade plasmas produces a variety of Alfvénic activity including toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes and reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes (RSAEs). These modes are studied during the discharge current ramp phase when incomplete current penetration results in a high central safety factor and increased drive due to multiple higher order resonances. Scans of injected 80 keV neutral beam power on DIII-D showed a transition from classical to AE dominated fast ion transport and, as previously found, discharges with strong AE activity exhibit a deficit in neutron emission relative to classical predictions. By keeping beam power constant and delaying injection during the current ramp, AE activity was reduced or eliminated and a significant improvement in fast ion confinement observed. Similarly, experiments in ASDEX Upgrade using early 60 keV neutral beam injection drove multiple unstable RSAEs. Periods of strong RSAE activity are accompanied by a large (peak δSn/Sn ≈ 60%) neutron deficit. Losses of beam ions modulated at AE frequencies were observed using large bandwidth energy and pitch resolving fast ion loss scintillator detectors and clearly identify their role in the process. Modeling of DIII-D loss measurements using guiding center following codes to track particles in the presence of ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) calculated AE structures (validated by comparison to experiment) is able to reproduce the dominant energy, pitch, and temporal evolution of these losses. While loss of both co and counter current fast ions occurs, simulations show that the dominant loss mechanism observed is the mode induced transition of counter-passing fast ions to lost trapped orbits. Modeling also reproduces a coherent signature of AE induced losses and it was found that these coherent losses scale proportionally with the amplitude; an additional incoherent contribution scales quadratically with the mode amplitude.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3574663}, eid = {056114}, file = {Zeeland2011_PhysPlasmas_18_056114.pdf:Zeeland2011_PhysPlasmas_18_056114.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma Alfven waves; plasma beam injection heating; plasma diagnostics; plasma instability; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {14}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.28}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/056114/1}, } @Article{Zhao2011, author = {X. M. Zhao and X. D. Peng and C. J. Tang and X. M. Qiu}, title = {Double tearing modes in the presence of internal transport barrier}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2011}, volume = {18}, number = {7}, pages = {072506}, abstract = {The linear characteristics of double tearing modes (DTMs) in the presence of internal transport barrier (ITB) are investigated in a cylindrical tokamak plasma. A simple model describing density profile of ITB is suggested. Combining the safety factor profile given by Bierwage et al. [Phys. Plasmas 12, 082504 (2005); 14, 022107 (2007)], the DTMs spectra, scaling laws, and relationships between growth rate and density profile factor in the presence of ITB are studied, respectively. The results show that the resistive drift instability occurs in the case of high poloidal mode numbers. A transition from DTMs to the resistive drift instability is observed, and the dependence of DTMs growth rate on the magnetic Reynolds number has changed greatly due to the presence of ITB. In addition, the linear growth rates of the modes including those with low and high poloidal mode number increase when the plasma density profile steepens in the presence of ITB whatever the inter-resonant distance is smaller or larger.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3613663}, eid = {072506}, file = {Zhao2011_PhysPlasmas_18_072506.pdf:Zhao2011_PhysPlasmas_18_072506.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {drift instability; plasma density; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; tearing instability; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/18/072506/1}, } @Article{Biancalani2012, author = {A. Biancalani and B. D. Scott}, title = {Observation of explosive collisionless reconnection in 3D nonlinear gyrofluid simulations}, journal = {EPL}, year = {2012}, volume = {97}, number = {1}, pages = {15005}, doi = {10.1209/0295-5075/97/15005}, file = {Biancalani2012_0295-5075_97_1_15005.pdf:Biancalani2012_0295-5075_97_1_15005.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.14}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1209/0295-5075/97/15005}, } @Article{Cai2012a, author = {Cai, Mei-chun and Pan, Jun-ting and Zhang, Hong}, title = {Electric-field-sustained spiral waves in subexcitable media}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2012}, volume = {86}, pages = {016208}, month = {Jul}, abstract = {We present numerical evidence that, in the presence of a suitable electric field, an isolated broken plane wave retracting originally in subexcitable media can propagate continuously and eventually evolve into a rotating spiral. Simulations for the FitzHugh-Nagumo, the Barkley, and the Oregonator models are carried out and the same electric-field-sustained spiral phenomena are observed. Semianalytical results in the framework of a kinematic theory are quantitatively consistent with the numerical results.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.86.016208}, file = {Cai2012_PRE86_016208.pdf:Cai2012_PRE86_016208.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.12.09}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.86.016208}, } @Article{Camporeale2012, author = {Camporeale, Enrico}, title = {Nonmodal Linear Theory for Space Plasmas}, journal = {Space Science Reviews}, year = {2012}, volume = {172}, number = {1-4}, pages = {397-409}, issn = {0038-6308}, abstract = {The nonmodal approach is a linear theory formalism that emphasizes the transient evolution of a perturbed equilibrium. It differs from the normal-mode analysis by not assuming an exponential behavior of physical perturbations. We discuss works that have applied the nonmodal formalism to the problem of solar wind heating and acceleration. We briefly review the methodology of the Kelvin formalism and of the Generalized Stability Theory, and discuss the cases of both sheared and non-sheared plasmas. The results and methodology reviewed in this paper could form the basis for a trend of research in solar wind dynamics that has not been yet systematically explored.}, doi = {10.1007/s11214-011-9764-1}, file = {Camporeale2012_10.1007-s11214-011-9764-1.pdf:Camporeale2012_10.1007-s11214-011-9764-1.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Solar wind; Linear theory}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, timestamp = {2013.11.19}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11214-011-9764-1}, } @Article{CHEN2012, author = {Wei CHEN and Mitsutaka ISOBE and Kazuo TOI and Kunihiro OGAWA and Xiaodi DU and Masaki OSAKABE and Satoshi OHDACHI and LHD Experiment Group}, title = {Observation of Low Frequency MHD Mode Driven by Energetic Particles in Large Helical Device Plasmas with Strong Interchange Mode Activities}, journal = {Plasma and Fusion Research}, year = {2012}, volume = {7}, pages = {2402079-2402079}, abstract = {The beta-induced Alfvén eigenmode (BAE) like modes during strong interchange mode, whose mode numbers are m/n = 2/1, have been recently observed for the first time in Large Helical Device (LHD). The first harmonic frequencies of these oscillations range from 30 to 70 kHz, much lower than the toroidal-Alfvén-eigenmode (TAE) frequency, and are provided with the same order of the low-frequency gap induced by finite beta effects. The magnetic fluctuation spectrogram indicates that the BAEs often occur in pairs, and their mode-numbers are m/n = 2/1 and −2/−1. The analysis reveals that the modes propagate poloidally and toroidally in opposite directions, and form standing-wave structures in interchange-mode rest frame. The frequencies of the pair mode are associated with the Te/Ti ratio, and the frequency difference of the pair modes is determined by the frequency of interchange mode. The new finding shed light on the underlying physics mechanism for the excitation of the low frequency Alfvénic fluctuation.}, file = {CHEN2012_7_2402079.pdf:CHEN2012_7_2402079.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.09.25}, url = {https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/pfr/7/0/7_2402079/_article}, } @Article{Despres2012, author = {Després,Bruno and Sart,Rémy}, journal = {ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis}, title = {Reduced resistive MHD in Tokamaks with general density}, year = {2012}, issn = {1290-3841}, month = {8}, pages = {1081--1106}, volume = {46}, abstract = {ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to derive a general model for reduced viscous and resistive Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and to study its mathematical structure. The model is established for arbitrary density profiles in the poloidal section of the toroidal geometry of Tokamaks. The existence of global weak solutions, on the one hand, and the stability of the fundamental mode around initial data, on the other hand, are investigated.}, doi = {10.1051/m2an/2011078}, file = {Despres2012_S0764583X11000781a.pdf:Despres2012_S0764583X11000781a.pdf:PDF}, issue = {05}, numpages = {26}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://www.esaim-m2an.org/action/article_S0764583X11000781}, } @Article{Donato2012, author = {Donato, S. and Servidio, S. and Dmitruk, P. and Carbone, V. and Shay, M. A. and Cassak, P. A. and Matthaeus, W. H.}, title = {Reconnection events in two-dimensional Hall magnetohydrodynamic turbulence}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {9}, pages = {-}, abstract = {The statistical study of magnetic reconnection events in two-dimensional turbulence has been performed by comparing numerical simulations of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and Hall magnetohydrodynamics (HMHD). The analysis reveals that the Hall term plays an important role in turbulence, in which magnetic islands simultaneously reconnect in a complex way. In particular, an increase of the Hall parameter, the ratio of ion skin depth to system size, broadens the distribution of reconnection rates relative to the MHD case. Moreover, in HMHD the local geometry of the reconnection region changes, manifesting bifurcated current sheets and quadrupolar magnetic field structures in analogy to laminar studies, leading locally to faster reconnection processes in this case of reconnection embedded in turbulence. This study supports the idea that the global rate of energy dissipation is controlled by the large scale turbulence, but suggests that the distribution of the reconnection rates within the turbulent system is sensitive to the microphysics at the reconnection sites.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4754151}, eid = {092307}, file = {Donato2012_1.4754151.pdf:Donato2012_1.4754151.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.12.14}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/19/9/10.1063/1.4754151}, } @Article{DU2012, author = {DU,DAN and GONG,XUEYU and WANG,ZHENHUA and YU,JUN and ZHENG,PINGWEI}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {Theoretical analysis of the ICRH antenna's impedance matching for ELMy plasmas on EAST}, year = {2012}, issn = {1469-7807}, month = {12}, pages = {595--599}, volume = {78}, abstract = {ABSTRACT A well-optimized design of an ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) antenna is very important for steady-state plasma heating with high radio frequency (RF) power of several tens of megawatts. However, a sharp decrease in the coupling RF power because of impedance mismatch of ICRH system is an issue that must be resolved for present-day fusion reactors and International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. This paper has theoretically analyzed the ICRH antenna's impedance matching for ELMy plasmas on experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST) by the transmission line theory. The results indicate that judicious choice of the optimal feeder location is found useful for adjustable capacitors' tolerance to the variations of the antenna input impedance during edge-localized mode (ELM) discharge, which is expected to be good for the design of ICRH antenna system and for real-time feedback control during ELM discharge on EAST.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377812000396}, file = {DU2012_Theoretical analysis of the ICRH antenna's impedance matching for ELMy plasmas on EAST.PDF:DU2012_Theoretical analysis of the ICRH antenna's impedance matching for ELMy plasmas on EAST.PDF:PDF}, issue = {06}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.12}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377812000396}, } @Article{FRANKLIN2012, author = {FRANKLIN,R. N.}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {The Boltzmann relation and its validity in magnetized plasmas}, year = {2012}, issn = {1469-7807}, month = {2}, pages = {21--24}, volume = {78}, abstract = {ABSTRACT This paper is concerned to give a definitive account of a physical situation of current practical interest by examining the plasma solution for a plasma in coaxial geometry with an applied axial magnetic field. It builds on earlier work concerned with plasma diamagnetism and concentrates on the parameters involved at low pressures and low collisionalities but can be extended to situations where the ions are magnetized.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377811000298}, file = {FRANKLIN2012_S0022377811000298a.pdf:FRANKLIN2012_S0022377811000298a.pdf:PDF}, issue = {01}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.09.26}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377811000298}, } @Article{Frohlich2012, author = {Jurg Frohlich and Pierre-Francois Rodriguez}, title = {Some applications of the Lee-Yang theorem}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, year = {2012}, volume = {53}, number = {9}, pages = {095218}, abstract = {For lattice systems of statistical mechanics satisfying a Lee-Yang property (i.e., for which the Lee-Yang circle theorem holds), we present a simple proof of analyticity of (connected) correlations as functions of an external magnetic field h, for Re  h ≠ 0. A survey of models known to have the Lee-Yang property is given. We conclude by describing various applications of the aforementioned analyticity in h.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4749391}, eid = {095218}, file = {Frohlich2012_JMathPhys_53_095218.pdf:Frohlich2012_JMathPhys_53_095218.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {lattice theory; statistical mechanics}, numpages = {15}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/53/095218/1}, } @Article{Gallatin2012, author = {Gregg M. Gallatin}, title = {Fourier, Gauss, Fraunhofer, Porod and the shape from moments problem}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, year = {2012}, volume = {53}, number = {1}, pages = {013509}, abstract = {We show how the Fourier transform of a shape in any number of dimensions can be simplified using Gauss's law and evaluated explicitly for polygons in two dimensions, polyhedra in three dimensions, etc. We also show how this combination of Fourier and Gauss can be related to numerous classical problems in physics and mathematics. Examples include Fraunhofer diffraction patterns, Porod's law, the shape from moments problem, and Davis's extension of the Motzkin-Schoenberg formula to polygons in the complex plane}, doi = {10.1063/1.3676310}, eid = {013509}, file = {Gallatin2012_JMathPhys_53_013509.pdf:Gallatin2012_JMathPhys_53_013509.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Fourier transforms; Fraunhofer diffraction; method of moments}, numpages = {13}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.26}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/53/013509/1}, } @Article{Gao2012b, author = {Gao, Xiang and Feng, Xia and Cai, Mei-chun and Li, Bing-wei and Ying, He-ping and Zhang, Hong}, title = {Inwardly rotating spirals in nonuniform excitable media}, journal = {Phys. Rev. E}, year = {2012}, volume = {85}, pages = {016213}, month = {Jan}, abstract = {Inwardly rotating spirals (IRSs) have attracted great attention since their observation in an oscillatory reaction-diffusion system. However, IRSs have not yet been reported in planar excitable media. In the present work we investigate rotating waves in a nonuniform excitable medium, consisting of an inner disk part surrounded by an outer ring part with different excitabilities, by numerical simulations of a simple FitzHugh-Nagumo model. Depending on the excitability of the medium as well as the inhomogeneity, we find the occurrence of IRSs, of which the excitation propagates inwardly to the geometrical spiral tip.}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.85.016213}, file = {Gao2012_PRE85_016213.pdf:Gao2012_PRE85_016213.pdf:PDF}, issue = {1}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, timestamp = {2013.12.09}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.85.016213}, } @Article{Goedbloed2012, author = {J. P. Goedbloed}, title = {Comment on ``Continuum modes in rotating plasmas: General equations and continuous spectra for large aspect ratio tokamaks'' [Phys. Plasmas 18, 092103 (2011)]}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {6}, pages = {064701}, doi = {10.1063/1.3694872}, eid = {064701}, file = {Goedbloed2012_PhysPlasmas_19_064701.pdf:Goedbloed2012_PhysPlasmas_19_064701.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Mach number; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma turbulence; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/064701/1}, } @Article{Ham2012, author = {C J Ham and J W Connor and S C Cowley and C G Gimblett and R J Hastie and T C Hender and T J Martin}, title = {Strong toroidal effects on tokamak tearing mode stability in the hybrid and conventional scenarios}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {2}, pages = {025009}, abstract = {The hybrid scenario is thought to be an important mode of operation for the ITER tokamak. Analytic and numerical calculations demonstrate that toroidal effects at finite β have a strong influence on tearing mode stability of hybrid modes. Indeed, they persist in the large aspect ratio limit, R / a  → ∞. A similar strong coupling effect is found between the m = 1, n = 1 harmonic and the m = 2, n  = 1 harmonic if the minimum safety factor is less than unity. In both cases the tearing stability index, Δ′ increases rapidly as β approaches ideal marginal stability, providing a potential explanation for the onset of linearly unstable tearing modes. The numerical calculations have used an improved version of the T7 code (Fitzpatrick et al 1993 Nucl. Fusion 33 1533), and complete agreement is obtained with the analytic theory for this demanding test of the code.}, file = {Ham2012a_0741-3335_54_10_105014.pdf:Ham2012a_0741-3335_54_10_105014.pdf:PDF;Ham2012_0741-3335_54_2_025009.pdf:Ham2012_0741-3335_54_2_025009.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=2/a=025009}, } @Article{Ham2012a, author = {C J Ham and Y Q Liu and J W Connor and S C Cowley and R J Hastie and T C Hender and T J Martin}, title = {Tearing stability in toroidal plasmas with shaped cross section}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {10}, pages = {105014}, abstract = {Two methods for calculating tearing mode stability are described in this paper. A fast method using the recently improved T7 code (Ham et al 2012 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54 025009) and a new method based on the MARS-F MHD stability code (Liu et al 2000 Phys. Plasmas 7 3681) which constructs the tearing mode solution from calculated basis functions in the full geometry of the problem. The effects of plasma toroidicity and cross-sectional shaping on tearing mode stability are investigated using both of the methods; the resultant stabilizing effects are in reasonable agreement over the range of parameters investigated. The parameter-space explored includes JET-like and ITER-like plasma shaping. While T7 can be used for rapid calculations and parameter scans, the MARS-F construction technique produces the more accurate value of the tearing mode stability index.}, file = {Ham2012a_0741-3335_54_10_105014.pdf:Ham2012a_0741-3335_54_10_105014.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=10/a=105014}, } @Article{Hudson2012, author = {S. R. Hudson and R. L. Dewar and G. Dennis and M. J. Hole and M. McGann and G. von Nessi and S. Lazerson}, title = {Computation of multi-region relaxed magnetohydrodynamic equilibria}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {11}, pages = {112502}, abstract = {We describe the construction of stepped-pressure equilibria as extrema of a multi-region, relaxed magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) energy functional that combines elements of ideal MHD and Taylor relaxation, and which we call MRXMHD. The model is compatible with Hamiltonian chaos theory and allows the three-dimensional MHD equilibrium problem to be formulated in a well-posed manner suitable for computation. The energy-functional is discretized using a mixed finite-element, Fourier representation for the magnetic vector potential and the equilibrium geometry; and numerical solutions are constructed using the stepped-pressure equilibrium code, SPEC. Convergence studies with respect to radial and Fourier resolution are presented.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4765691}, eid = {112502}, file = {Hudson2012_PhysPlasmas_19_112502.pdf:Hudson2012_PhysPlasmas_19_112502.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {chaos; computational fluid dynamics; finite element analysis; Fourier analysis; magnetohydrodynamics}, numpages = {18}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/112502/1}, } @Article{Inglebert2012, author = {A Inglebert and A Ghizzo and T Reveille and D Del Sarto and P Bertrand and F Califano}, title = {Multi-stream Vlasov model for the study of relativistic Weibel-type instabilities}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {8}, pages = {085004}, abstract = {We discuss and apply a recently proposed model (Inglebert et al 2011 Euro. Phys. Lett. 95 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1209/0295-5075/95/45002] 45002 ) using a Hamiltonian formalism for the study of Weibel-type instabilities in the relativistic limit. Taking advantage of the invariance of the generalized canonical momentum, we represent the plasma as a sum of N particle bunches invariant under the dynamics. This approach allows for a drastic reduction in the computational time when compared with the full Vlasov–Maxwell system of equations. Analytically, the model is exact and we recover the standard fluid dispersion relations in the case of the Weibel and filamentation instabilities. By initially selecting a specific class of particle bunches, we are able to give a fine description of the phase space dynamics interactions even in the saturation regime.}, file = {Inglebert2012_0741-3335_54_8_085004.pdf:Inglebert2012_0741-3335_54_8_085004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.16}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=8/a=085004}, } @Article{Khan2012a, author = {Khan, M. and Schoepf, K. and Goloborod’ko, V. and Yavorskij, V.}, title = {Symplectic Simulation of Fast Alpha Particle Radial Transport in Tokamaks in the Presence of TF Ripples and a Neoclassical Tearing Mode}, journal = {Journal of Fusion Energy}, year = {2012}, volume = {31}, number = {6}, pages = {547-561}, issn = {0164-0313}, abstract = {A Hamiltonian guiding centre drift orbit code based on a symplectic integration algorithm, which enables the efficient calculation of particle trajectories and diffusion coefficients, is applied to fast alpha particle motion in magnetically perturbed tokamak plasmas. In particular, fast ion drift motion is examined in the presence of a stationary, low mode-number MHD magnetic perturbation in a toroidally rippled tokamak with circular flux surface. The main focus of our study is to investigate the dependence of the radial diffusion coefficient of energetic ions on their energy, on the perturbation strength and the localization of the perturbation. As expected, the resonance between bounce motion and toroidal field ripples plays a significant role in this context. For an ensemble of fast ions uniformly distributed in toroidal angle but with a given poloidal starting position their radial transport coefficient takes on higher values in the neighbourhood of resonance speeds and can exhibit there local minima, i.e. it shows an M-shaped speed dependence around resonances for sufficiently strong ripple perturbations. Expectedly, the addition of a modelled low-mode number neoclassical tearing mode perturbation will modify the pure ripple resonance structure of the radial diffusion coefficient. Depending on the strength and localization of the MHD mode it can cause enhancement or degradation of the radial ripple diffusion coefficient.}, doi = {10.1007/s10894-011-9503-3}, file = {Khan2012_10.1007-s10894-011-9503-3.pdf:Khan2012_10.1007-s10894-011-9503-3.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Tokamak; Fast alpha particles; Symplectic integration algorithm; Toroidal field ripples; Neoclassical tearing mode; Radial diffusion coefficient}, language = {English}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Springer US}, timestamp = {2013.10.26}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10894-011-9503-3}, } @Article{Konefka2012, author = {F Konefka and P Martin and J Puerta}, title = {Preliminary results of eigenvalue and eigenvector treatment for kink instabilities in tokamaks}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, year = {2012}, volume = {370}, number = {1}, pages = {012061}, abstract = {A mathematical method is presented for the treatment of MHD instabilities in a simplified model, but illustrative of the plasmas in a tokamak. First order perturbation treatment of MHD equilibrium equations has been performed, leading to a set of differential equations and associated dispersion relations characteristic of kink modes. Using appropriate boundary conditions these equations are solved and the frequency eigenvalues are found in the stable region. The unstable growth rates have been also found with more accuracy than in the usual functional treatment using the energy integral.}, file = {Konefka2012_1742-6596_370_1_012061.pdf:Konefka2012_1742-6596_370_1_012061.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1742-6596/370/i=1/a=012061}, } @Article{Lazar2012, author = {M. Lazar and P. H. Yoon and R. Schlickeiser}, title = {Spontaneous electromagnetic fluctuations in unmagnetized plasmas. III. Generalized Kappa distributions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {12}, pages = {122108}, abstract = {In the first two papers of this series, the general expressions for the spontaneous fluctuations spectra (electric and magnetic field, charge and current densities) from uncorrelated plasma particles are derived and illustrated for a Maxwellian (relativistic or nonrelativistic) plasma close to thermal equilibrium. In this paper, the results are illustrated for the nonideal case of a plasma out of thermal equilibrium and described by the generalized Kappa (power-law) particle distribution function in the nonrelativistic limit. The suprathermal fluctuations of weakly amplified modes and aperiodic modes are provided. Thus, it is shown for the first time the existing finite level of noncollective fluctuations, which are particularly important in the context of plasma fluctuations (collective or noncollective) as the best agent in the energy dissipation and transfer to suprathermal populations. The results obtained in the first paper for an equilibrium plasma are recovered only in the limit of a very large power index κ→∞.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4769308}, eid = {122108}, file = {Lazar2012_PhysPlasmas_19_122108.pdf:Lazar2012_PhysPlasmas_19_122108.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma fluctuations; plasma transport processes}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/122108/1}, } @Article{Mamedov2012, author = {B.A. Mamedov}, title = {Analytical evaluation of the plasma dispersion function for a Fermi Dirac distribution}, journal = {Chinese Physics B}, year = {2012}, volume = {21}, number = {5}, pages = {055204}, abstract = {An efficient method for the analytic evaluation of the plasma dispersion function for the Fermi—Dirac distribution is proposed. The new method has been developed using the binomial expansion theorem and the Gamma functions. The general formulas obtained for the plasma dispersion function are utilized for the evaluation of the response function. The resulting series present better convergence rates. Several acceleration techniques are combined to further improve the efficiency. The obtained results for the plasma dispersion function are in good agreement with the known numerical data.}, file = {Mamedov2012_1674-1056_21_5_055204.pdf:Mamedov2012_1674-1056_21_5_055204.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.05.17}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/1674-1056/21/i=5/a=055204}, } @Article{Merz2012, author = {F. Merz and C. Kowitz and E. Romero and J.E. Roman and F. Jenko}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {Multi-dimensional gyrokinetic parameter studies based on eigenvalue computations}, year = {2012}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {4}, pages = {922 - 930}, volume = {183}, abstract = {Plasma microinstabilities, which can be described in the framework of the linear gyrokinetic equations, are routinely computed in the context of stability analyses and transport predictions for magnetic confinement fusion experiments. The \{GENE\} code, which solves the gyrokinetic equations, has been coupled to the \{SLEPc\} package for an efficient iterative, matrix-free, and parallel computation of rightmost eigenvalues. This setup is presented, including the preconditioner which is necessary for the newly implemented Jacobi–Davidson solver. The fast computation of instabilities at a single parameter set is exploited to make parameter scans viable, that is to compute the solution at many points in the parameter space. Several issues related to parameter scans are discussed, such as an efficient parallelization over parameter sets and subspace recycling.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2011.12.018}, file = {Merz2012_CPC12.pdf:Merz2012_CPC12.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Gyrokinetic equations}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.30}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010465511004061}, } @Article{Moser2012, author = {Moser, Auna L. and Bellan, Paul M.}, title = {Magnetic reconnection from a multiscale instability cascade}, journal = {Nature}, year = {2012}, volume = {482}, number = {7385}, pages = {379--381}, month = feb, issn = {0028-0836}, comment = {10.1038/nature10827}, file = {Moser2012_nature10827.pdf:Moser2012_nature10827.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved.}, timestamp = {2013.11.19}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature10827}, } @Article{Mulser2012, author = {P. Mulser and S. M. Weng and Tatyana Liseykina}, title = {Analysis of the Brunel model and resulting hot electron spectra}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {4}, pages = {043301}, abstract = {Among the various attempts to model collisionless absorption of intense and superintense ultrashort laser pulses, the so-called Brunel mechanism plays an eminent role. A detailed analysis reveals essential aspects of collisionless absorption: Splitting of the electron energy spectrum into two groups under p-polarization, prompt generation of fast electrons during one laser cycle or a fraction of it, insensitivity of absorption with respect to target density well above nc, robustness, simplicity, and logical coherence. Such positive aspects contrast with a non-Maxwellian tail of the hot electrons, too low energy cut off, excessively high fraction of fast electrons, and inefficient absorption at moderate angles of single beam incidence and intensities. Brunel’s pioneering idea has been the recognition of the role of the space charges induced by the electron motion perpendicular to the target surface that make irreversibility possible. By setting the electrostatic fields inside the overdense target equal to zero, anharmonic resonance and mixing of layers leading to Maxwellianization are excluded. To what extent the real electron spectra and their scaling on laser intensity are the product of the interplay between Brunel’s mechanism and anharmonic resonance is still an open question.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3696034}, eid = {043301}, file = {Mulser2012_PhysPlasmas_19_043301.pdf:Mulser2012_PhysPlasmas_19_043301.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {electron spectra; hot carriers; plasma light propagation; plasma production by laser; plasma simulation; space charge}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/043301/1}, } @Article{Nyqvist2012, author = {R. M. Nyqvist and S. E. Sharapov}, title = {Asymmetric radiative damping of low shear toroidal Alfv[e-acute]n eigenmodes}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {8}, pages = {082517}, abstract = {Radiative damping of toroidicity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) in tokamaks, caused by coupling to the kinetic Alfvén wave (KAW), is investigated analytically in the limit of low magnetic shear. A significant asymmetry is found between the radiative damping of the odd TAE, whose frequency lies above the central TAE gap frequency ω0, and that of the even TAE, with frequency ω<ω0. For the even TAE, which consists of a symmetric combination of neighboring poloidal harmonics (and therefore has ballooning-type mode structure), the coupling results in two non-overlapping, outgoing fluxes of KAWs that propagate radially away from each other and the TAE localization region. In contrast, the odd TAE consists of an antisymmetric combination of neighboring poloidal harmonics, resulting in anti-ballooning mode structure. For this mode, the KAWs initially propagate towards each other and form an interference pattern in the TAE localization region, resulting in a negligibly small escaping flux and a correspondingly low radiative damping rate. As a result of the up/down asymmetry in radiative damping with respect to the mode frequency, the odd TAE may be destabilized by fusion born alpha particles more easily than the usual, even TAE.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4748292}, eid = {082517}, file = {Nyqvist2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082517.pdf:Nyqvist2012_PhysPlasmas_19_082517.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ballooning instability; damping; plasma Alfven waves; plasma kinetic theory; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.09}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/082517/1}, } @Article{Peysson2012, author = {Y Peysson and J Decker and L Morini}, title = {A versatile ray-tracing code for studying rf wave propagation in toroidal magnetized plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {4}, pages = {045003}, abstract = {A new ray-tracing code named C 3 PO has been developed to study the propagation of arbitrary electromagnetic radio-frequency (rf) waves in magnetized toroidal plasmas. Its structure is designed for maximum flexibility regarding the choice of coordinate system and dielectric model. The versatility of this code makes it particularly suitable for integrated modeling systems. Using a coordinate system that reflects the nested structure of magnetic flux surfaces in tokamaks, fast and accurate calculations inside the plasma separatrix can be performed using analytical derivatives of a spline-Fourier interpolation of the axisymmetric toroidal MHD equilibrium. Applications to reverse field pinch magnetic configuration are also included. The effects of 3D perturbations of the axisymmetric toroidal MHD equilibrium, due to the discreteness of the magnetic coil system or plasma fluctuations in an original quasi-optical approach, are also studied. Using a Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method for solving the set of ordinary differential equations, the ray-tracing code is extensively benchmarked against analytical models and other codes for lower hybrid and electron cyclotron waves.}, file = {Peysson2012_0741-3335_54_4_045003.pdf:Peysson2012_0741-3335_54_4_045003.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.04.19}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=4/a=045003}, } @Article{Podesta2012, author = {Podesta, John J.}, title = {The need to consider ion Bernstein waves as a dissipation channel of solar wind turbulence}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics}, year = {2012}, volume = {117}, number = {A7}, pages = {n/a--n/a}, issn = {2156-2202}, abstract = {Kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) with highly oblique wave vectors, k⊥ ≫ k∥, are believed to form an integral part of the turbulent energy cascade in the solar wind near the proton gyroradius scale k⊥ρi ∼ 1. At wave numbers k⊥ρi > 1, where linear theory predicts kinetic Alfvén waves undergo strong Landau damping, mode coupling with ion-Bernstein waves (IBWs) occurs. This mode coupling enables energy exchange between KAWs and IBWs that may be relevant for turbulent dissipation processes in the solar wind and other collisionless plasmas. It is pointed out that for plasmas having Gaussian velocity distributions, also known as Maxwellian plasmas, the dispersion relation of IBWs exhibits a fine structure or splitting into multiple branches that causes the dispersion relation of IBWs to intersect a given branch of the KAW dispersion relation several times, thus providing multiple channels of energy exchange between KAWs and IBWs (for a given angle of wave propagation). It is also shown that the collisionless damping rate of IBWs can exceed that of KAWs in certain regions of parameter space and that IBWs exhibit different ratios of proton to electron heating than KAWs. Consequently, the role of IBWs in the dissipation of solar wind turbulence requires more careful study. Gyrokinetic theory, gyrokinetic simulations, and other physical models of solar wind dissipation processes which ignore the coupling between KAWs and IBWs may be missing important physics.}, doi = {10.1029/2012JA017770}, file = {Podesta2012_jgra21980.pdf:Podesta2012_jgra21980.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {solar wind, turbulence, waves}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.16}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2012JA017770}, } @Article{Ricci2012, author = {P Ricci and F D Halpern and S Jolliet and J Loizu and A Mosetto and A Fasoli and I Furno and C Theiler}, title = {Simulation of plasma turbulence in scrape-off layer conditions: the GBS code, simulation results and code validation}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {12}, pages = {124047}, abstract = {Based on the drift-reduced Braginskii equations, the Global Braginskii Solver, GBS, is able to model the scrape-off layer (SOL) plasma turbulence in terms of the interplay between the plasma outflow from the tokamak core, the turbulent transport, and the losses at the vessel. Model equations, the GBS numerical algorithm, and GBS simulation results are described. GBS has been first developed to model turbulence in basic plasma physics devices, such as linear and simple magnetized toroidal devices, which contain some of the main elements of SOL turbulence in a simplified setting. In this paper we summarize the findings obtained from the simulation carried out in these configurations and we report the first simulations of SOL turbulence. We also discuss the validation project that has been carried out together with the GBS development.}, file = {Ricci2012_0741-3335_54_12_124047.pdf:Ricci2012_0741-3335_54_12_124047.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.06.25}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=12/a=124047}, } @Article{Tautz2012a, author = {R.C. Tautz and I. Lerche}, title = {Radiation from non-linear Weibel plasma modes}, journal = {Physics Reports}, year = {2012}, volume = {520}, number = {1}, pages = {1 - 42}, issn = {0370-1573}, note = {Radiation from Non-linear Weibel Plasma Modes}, abstract = {This Review is concerned with summarizing known properties of the linear and non-linear Weibel instabilities including radiation from particles constrained by non-linear waves. In view of the purported importance of the Weibel instability for astrophysical objects (such as \{AGNs\} and relativistic jets) and for which only the emitted radiation field is available to help determine the existence of such Weibel modes, it seems appropriate to discuss the extent to which such modes are relevant. The first observation is that only for gyrotropic particle distribution functions (where the gyrotropy is perpendicular to the wave direction) can one have decoupled longitudinal and transverse linear Weibel modes that exist over a continuum of wavenumbers. For any asymmetry, no matter how small, the longitudinal and transverse linear modes are coupled and the continuum of wavenumbers collapses to isolated wavenumbers allowing Weibel modes as is determined both analytically and also with numerical simulations. This isolation of the wavenumbers suggests that any Weibel-like modes are non-linear and so a discussion of transverse non-linear Weibel modes is then given. Within the framework of such non-linear modes the emitted radiation of charged particles constrained by such modes is discussed. The spectrum of the emitted radiation tends to be concentrated in an emission cone centered on the direction of propagation of the soliton-like structure; the frequency spectrum tends to have emission at the highest frequencies allowed by the total emitted power limitations suggesting gamma-ray emission is dominantly prevalent. The polarization tends to be dominated by the parallel component of emission and has the electric vectors plane polarized. These basic properties of the emission spectra are the only components related to the underlying Weibel non-linear mode that are at all observable and can be used to indicate the appropriateness of such Weibel modes in the physical description of the astrophysical objects in question.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physrep.2012.03.006}, file = {Tautz2012a_1-s2.0-S0370157312001470-main.pdf:Tautz2012a_1-s2.0-S0370157312001470-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Plasmas}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2014.01.03}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370157312001470}, } @Article{Tautz2012, author = {R. C. Tautz and I. Lerche}, title = {Relativistic plasmas in uniform magnetic fields. I. General off-axis coupling methods}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Physics}, year = {2012}, volume = {53}, number = {8}, pages = {083302}, abstract = {The dispersion relation for relativistic plasmas in a uniform magnetic field is analyzed for general particle velocity distribution functions. Without any prior assumptions, the conductivity tensor is evaluated. Special emphasis is placed on mode coupling and oblique propagating modes. Several limiting cases are considered such as (i) weak isotropic contribution; (ii) small coupling; (iii) parallel mode propagation. The general method therefore allows for the evaluation of approximate solutions. Furthermore, it is shown how and under which conditions the well-known classic longitudinal and transverse dispersion relations for parallel wave propagation can be recovered.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4742126}, eid = {083302}, file = {Tautz2012_JMathPhys_53_083302.pdf:Tautz2012_JMathPhys_53_083302.pdf:PDF;Tautz2012_JMathPhys_53_083302.pdf:Tautz2012_JMathPhys_53_083302.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {dispersion relations; plasma instability; plasma magnetohydrodynamics; plasma waves; relativistic plasmas}, numpages = {16}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.04.15}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JMP/53/083302/1}, } @Article{Wang2012h, author = {L. F. Wang and W. H. Ye and X. T. He and W. Y. Zhang and Z. M. Sheng and M. Y. Yu}, title = {Formation of jet-like spikes from the ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instability}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {10}, pages = {100701}, abstract = {The mechanism of jet-like spike formation from the ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instability (ARTI) in the presence of preheating is reported. It is found that the preheating plays an essential role in the formation of the jet-like spikes. In the early stage, the preheating significantly increases the plasma density gradient, which can reduce the linear growth of ARTI and suppress its harmonics. In the middle stage, the preheating can markedly increase the vorticity convection and effectively reduce the vorticity intensity resulting in a broadened velocity shear layer near the spikes. Then the growth of ablative Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is dramatically suppressed and the ARTI remains dominant. In the late stage, nonlinear bubble acceleration further elongates the bubble-spike amplitude and eventually leads to the formation of jet-like spikes.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4759161}, eid = {100701}, file = {Wang2012_PhysPlasmas_19_100701.pdf:Wang2012_PhysPlasmas_19_100701.pdf:PDF}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.02}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/100701/1}, } @Article{Wang2012a, author = {Y. M. Wang and X. Gao and B. L. Ling and Y. Liu and S. B. Zhang and X. Han and A. Ti and E. Z. Li and HT-7 Team}, title = {Comparison of anomalous Doppler resonance effects with molybdenum and graphite limiters on HT-7}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {3}, pages = {032509}, abstract = {The material of limiter in HT-7 tokamak was changed from graphite to molybdenum in the last experimental campaign. The pitch angle scattering of runaway electrons due to anomalous Doppler resonance effects was observed. The experimental results agree very well with the stable boundary condition expected from the linear resistive theory but only agree with that from the nonlinear evolutionary of runaway-electron distribution theory in low electric field region. The current carried by runaway electrons is the same under different limiter conditions.}, doi = {10.1063/1.3695093}, eid = {032509}, file = {Wang2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_032509.pdf:Wang2012a_PhysPlasmas_19_032509.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {Doppler effect; electron avalanches; graphite; molybdenum; plasma impurities; plasma nonlinear processes; plasma theory; plasma toroidal confinement; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {4}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.09.07}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/032509/1}, } @Article{WEI2012, author = {WEI,LAI and YANG,XUEFENG and ZHENG,SHU and LIU,YUE}, title = {Numerical study of collisionless q = 1 double tearing instability in a cylindrical plasma}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, year = {2012}, volume = {78}, pages = {663--672}, month = {12}, issn = {1469-7807}, abstract = {ABSTRACT The double tearing mode (DTM) instability with two q s = 1 rational surfaces is investigated by taking into account the collisionless effects, including electron inertia and electron viscosity in a cylindrical geometry. The calculations show that for q-profile with a small distance between two rational surfaces, Δr s, there exists a broad linear spectrum of collisionless DTMs. The collisionless effects not only can significantly increase the linear growth rate of DTMs but can also enlarge the width of spectrum of unstable modes. For the q-profile with fixed Δr s and fixed magnetic shears at two rational surfaces, the high-order harmonics with smaller wavelength, such as the m/n = 2/2, 3/3 and 4/4 modes, can be easily excited to have larger growth rates than the m/n = 1/1 mode by ‘lifting’ the safety factor value between two rational surfaces. The characteristics of eigenmode structures of the most unstable and secondly unstable DTMs with various mode numbers are analyzed in detail and the corresponding collisionless scalings are numerically obtained and verified theoretically based on the previous relevant analytical theories. In addition, the synergetic effects of plasma resistivity, electron inertia and electron viscosity on the linear growth rates of DTMs are analyzed.}, doi = {10.1017/S0022377812000554}, file = {Wei2012_S0022377812000554a.pdf:Wei2012_S0022377812000554a.pdf:PDF}, issue = {06}, numpages = {10}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.08}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S0022377812000554}, } @Article{Weng2012, author = {S. M. Weng and P. Mulser and Z. M. Sheng}, title = {Relativistic critical density increase and relaxation and high-power pulse propagation}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {2}, pages = {022705}, doi = {10.1063/1.3680638}, eid = {022705}, file = {Weng2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022705.pdf:Weng2012_PhysPlasmas_19_022705.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma density; plasma light propagation; plasma simulation; relativistic plasmas}, numpages = {6}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.23}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/19/022705/1}, } @Article{Xia2012, author = {Xia, T. Y. and Xu, X. Q. and Dudson, B. D. and Li, J.}, title = {Nonlinear Simulations of Peeling-Ballooning Modes with Parallel Velocity Perturbation}, journal = {Contributions to Plasma Physics}, year = {2012}, volume = {52}, number = {5-6}, pages = {353--359}, issn = {1521-3986}, abstract = {The fast-reconnection simulation of ELMs in high-confinement mode tokamak discharges with non-ideal physics effects has been reported by Xu, et al [1] with a minimum set of three-field two-fluid equations. Here we improve the simulation by adding the perturbed parallel velocity and Hall effect, then extend the model to a set of four-field two-fluid equations to describe the pedestal collapse with the BOUT++ simulation code. Compared to the previous results, we find that the perturbed parallel velocity can decrease the growth rate by 20.0%, and the ELM size is decreased by 12.1%. The Hall effect influences the linear growth rate effectively. Without perturbed parallel velocity, the Hall effect will increase the growth rate by 9.8%. It is increased by 19.1% if the parallel velocity is considered. These results are consistent with the qualitative theoretical analysis. In order to smooth the perturbed zigzags of the profiles of variables, we add the hyper-diffusion terms in the equations. We use the hyper-diffusion of pressure which does not affect the linear growth rate and the ELM structure obviously, but they can smooth the profiles effectively on grid scales. Last the effects of other differencing methods are discussed and we find that lower order method yeilds lower fluctuation level and smaller ELM size (© 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)}, doi = {10.1002/ctpp.201210016}, file = {Xia2012_353_ftp.pdf:Xia2012_353_ftp.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {ELM, two-fluid, rf waves, simulation, H-mode}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {WILEY-VCH Verlag}, timestamp = {2013.12.14}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.201210016}, } @Article{YU2012, author = {YU,JUN and DONG,J. Q. and LI,X. X. and DU,D. and GONG,X. Y.}, journal = {Journal of Plasma Physics}, title = {Excitation of geodesic acoustic mode continuum by drift wave turbulence}, year = {2012}, issn = {1469-7807}, month = {12}, pages = {651--655}, volume = {78}, abstract = {ABSTRACT Excitation of the geodesic acoustic mode continuum by drift wave turbulence is studied using the wave kinetic approach. For a model profile of weak non-uniform ion temperature, the forms of growth rate and radial structure of geodesic acoustic modes are obtained analytically. The growth rate is analyzed for several conditions for present-day tokamaks and compared with that for uniform ion temperature, as well as that given by the coherent mode approach for non-uniform ion temperature.}, doi = {10.1017/S002237781200058X}, file = {YU2012_Excitation of geodesic acoustic mode continuum by drift wave turbulence.PDF:YU2012_Excitation of geodesic acoustic mode continuum by drift wave turbulence.PDF:PDF}, issue = {06}, numpages = {5}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.07.12}, url = {http://journals.cambridge.org/article_S002237781200058X}, } @Article{Zaghloul2012, author = {Zaghloul, Mofreh R. and Ali, Ahmed N.}, title = {Algorithm 916: Computing the Faddeyeva and Voigt Functions}, journal = {ACM Trans. Math. Softw.}, year = {2012}, volume = {38}, number = {2}, pages = {15:1--15:22}, month = jan, issn = {0098-3500}, acmid = {2049679}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, articleno = {15}, doi = {10.1145/2049673.2049679}, file = {Zaghloul2012_a15-zaghloul.pdf:Zaghloul2012_a15-zaghloul.pdf:PDF}, issue_date = {December 2011}, keywords = {Faddeyeva function, Function evaluation, Matlab, accuracy}, numpages = {22}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {ACM}, timestamp = {2013.07.16}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2049673.2049679}, } @Article{Zhai2012, author = {Zhai, Xiang and Bellan, Paul M.}, title = {An earth-isolated optically coupled wideband high voltage probe powered by ambient light}, journal = {Review of Scientific Instruments}, year = {2012}, volume = {83}, number = {10}, pages = {-}, abstract = {An earth-isolated optically-coupled wideband high voltage probe has been developed for pulsed power applications. The probe uses a capacitive voltage divider coupled to a fast light-emitting diode that converts high voltage into an amplitude-modulated optical signal, which is then conveyed to a receiver via an optical fiber. A solar cell array, powered by ambient laboratory lighting, charges a capacitor that, when triggered, acts as a short-duration power supply for an on-board amplifier in the probe. The entire system has a noise level ⩽0.03 kV, a DC-5 MHz bandwidth, and a measurement range from −6 to 2 kV; this range can be conveniently adjusted.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4757112}, eid = {104703}, file = {Zhai2012_1.4757112.pdf:Zhai2012_1.4757112.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.11.19}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/83/10/10.1063/1.4757112}, } @Article{Zhu2012, author = {Jun Zhu and Peiyong Ji}, title = {Dispersion relation and Landau damping of waves in high-energy density plasmas}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, year = {2012}, volume = {54}, number = {6}, pages = {065004}, abstract = {We present a theoretical investigation on the propagation of electromagnetic waves and electron plasma waves in high energy density plasmas using the covariant Wigner function approach. Based on the covariant Wigner function and Dirac equation, a relativistic quantum kinetic model is established to describe the physical processes in high-energy density plasmas. With the zero-temperature Fermi–Dirac distribution, the dispersion relation and Landau damping of waves containing the relativistic quantum corrected terms are derived. The relativistic quantum corrections to the dispersion relation and Landau damping are analyzed by comparing our results with those obtained in classical and non-relativistic quantum plasmas. We provide a detailed discussion on the Landau damping obtained in classical plasmas, non-relativistic Fermi plasmas and relativistic Fermi plasmas. The contributions of the Bohm potential, the Fermi statistics pressure and relativistic effects to the dispersion relation and Landau damping of waves are quantitatively calculated with real plasma parameters.}, file = {Zhu2012_0741-3335_54_6_065004.pdf:Zhu2012_0741-3335_54_6_065004.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.20}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=6/a=065004}, } @Article{Zuo2012, author = {Zuo, Yang and Wang, Shaojie and Pan, Chengkang}, title = {Toroidal rotation of multiple species of ions in tokamak plasma driven by lower-hybrid-waves}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas (1994-present)}, year = {2012}, volume = {19}, number = {10}, pages = {-}, abstract = {A numerical simulation is carried out to investigate the toroidal rotation of multiple species of ions and the radial electric field in a tokamakplasma driven by the lower-hybrid-wave (LHW). The theoretical model is based on the neoclassical transport theory associated with the anomalous transport model. Three species of ions (primary ion and two species of impurity ions) are taken into consideration. The predicted toroidalvelocity of the trace impurities during the LHW injection agrees reasonably well with the experimental observation. It is shown that the toroidal rotation velocities of the trace impurity ions and the primary ions are close, therefore the trace impurity ions are representative of the primary ions in the toroidal rotation driven by the LHW.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4758808}, eid = {102505}, file = {Zuo2012_1.4758808.pdf:Zuo2012_1.4758808.pdf:PDF}, owner = {hsxie}, timestamp = {2013.10.26}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop/19/10/10.1063/1.4758808}, } @Article{Abdullaev2013, author = {S. S. Abdullaev}, title = {On collisional diffusion in a stochastic magnetic field}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {8}, pages = {082507}, abstract = {The effect of particle collisions on the transport in a stochastic magnetic field in tokamaks is investigated. The model of resonant magnetic perturbations generated by external coils at the plasma edge is used for the stochastic magnetic field. The particle collisions are simulated by a random walk process along the magnetic field lines and the jumps across the field lines at the collision instants. The dependencies of the local diffusion coefficients on the mean free path λmfp, the diffusion coefficients of field lines DFL, and the collisional diffusion coefficients, χ⊥ are studied. Based on these numerical data and the heuristic arguments, the empirical formula, Dr = χ⊥+v||DFL/(1+Lc/λmfp), for the local diffusion coefficient is proposed, where Lc is the characteristic length of order of the connection length lc = πqR0, q is the safety factor, R0 is the major radius. The formula quite well describes the results of numerical simulations. In the limiting cases, the formula describes the Rechester-Rosenbluth and Laval scalings.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4818145}, eid = {082507}, file = {Abdullaev2013_PhysPlasmas_20_082507.pdf:Abdullaev2013_PhysPlasmas_20_082507.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {diffusion; numerical analysis; perturbation theory; plasma boundary layers; plasma collision processes; plasma simulation; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; random processes; stochastic processes; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {8}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.08.14}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/082507/1}, } @Article{Abdulle2013, author = {Assyr Abdulle and Adrian Blumenthal}, journal = {Journal of Computational Physics}, title = {Stabilized multilevel Monte Carlo method for stiff stochastic differential equations}, year = {2013}, issn = {0021-9991}, number = {0}, pages = {445 - 460}, volume = {251}, abstract = {Abstract A multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) method for mean square stable stochastic differential equations with multiple scales is proposed. For such problems, that we call stiff, the performance of \{MLMC\} methods based on classical explicit methods deteriorates because of the time step restriction to resolve the fastest scales that prevents to exploit all the levels of the \{MLMC\} approach. We show that by switching to explicit stabilized stochastic methods and balancing the stabilization procedure simultaneously with the hierarchical sampling strategy of \{MLMC\} methods, the computational cost for stiff systems is significantly reduced, while keeping the computational algorithm fully explicit and easy to implement. Numerical experiments on linear and nonlinear stochastic differential equations and on a stochastic partial differential equation illustrate the performance of the stabilized \{MLMC\} method and corroborate our theoretical findings.}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2013.05.039}, file = {Abdulle2013_1-s2.0-S0021999113004051-main.pdf:Abdulle2013_1-s2.0-S0021999113004051-main.pdf:PDF}, keywords = { H transitions}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {8}, pages = {082304}, abstract = {We report on model studies of stimulated L → H transitions [K. Miki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 195002 (2013)]. These studies use a reduced mesoscale model. Model studies reveal that L → H transition can be triggered by particle injection into a subcritical state (i.e., P L back transition}, journal = {Physics of Plasmas}, year = {2013}, volume = {20}, number = {6}, pages = {062304}, abstract = {Since ITER will operate close to threshold and with limited control, the H → L back transition is a topic important for machine operations as well as physics. Using a reduced mesoscale model [Miki et al., Phys. Plasmas 19, 092306 (2012)], we investigate ELM-free H → L back transition dynamics in order to isolate transport physics effects. Model studies indicate that turbulence spreading is the key process which triggers the back transition. The transition involves a feedback loop linking turbulence and profiles. The I-phase appears during the back transition following a slow power ramp down, while fast ramp-downs reveal a single burst of zonal flow during the back transition. The I-phase nucleates at the pedestal shoulder, as this is the site of the residual turbulence in H-mode. Hysteresis in the profile gradient scale length is characterized by the Nusselt number, where Nu = χi,turb/χi,neo. Relative hysteresis of temperature gradient vs density gradient is sensitive to the pedestal Prandtl number, where Prped = Dped/χi,neo. We expect the H-mode to be somewhat more resilient in density than in temperature.}, doi = {10.1063/1.4812555}, eid = {062304}, file = {Miki2013b_PhysPlasmas_20_062304.pdf:Miki2013b_PhysPlasmas_20_062304.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {plasma density; plasma flow; plasma simulation; plasma temperature; plasma toroidal confinement; plasma transport processes; plasma turbulence; spatiotemporal phenomena; Tokamak devices}, numpages = {9}, owner = {hsxie}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2013.06.29}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?PHP/20/062304/1}, } @Article{Miki2013, author = {Yohei Miki and Daisuke Takahashi and Masao Mori}, journal = {Computer Physics Communications}, title = {Highly scalable implementation of an -body code on a \{GPU\} cluster}, year = {2013}, issn = {0010-4655}, number = {0}, pages = {-}, abstract = {Abstract We have developed a highly optimized code for collisionless N -body calculations based on direct summation. Our new optimization hides the global memory access latency, and resulting \{CUDA\} code has a peak performance of 1006.7 GFlop/s in single precision (assuming 26 floating-point operations per interaction) with a single \{NVIDIA\} Tesla \{M2090\} board. To improve the scalability of the OpenMP/MPI hybrid parallelized code, we have reduced the number of communications among multiple \{GPUs\} and have overlapped communications with computations to hide communication time. The code’s performance was measured on the HA-PACS (Highly Accelerated Parallel Advanced system for Computational Sciences), a recently installed \{GPGPU\} cluster at University of Tsukuba. The results show excellent scalability with superlinear scaling when the number of N -body particles per \{GPU\} is less than 10 4 and parallel efficiency approaching unity when the number of N -body particles per \{GPU\} becomes is than 10 4 . The CUDA/OpenMP/MPI code has a peak performance of 255.5 TFlop/s when 256 \{NVIDIA\} Tesla \{M2090\} boards are used, which is 75.0 % of the theoretical peak performance.}, doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2013.04.011}, file = {Miki2013_1-s2.0-S001046551300146X-main.pdf:Miki2013_1-s2.0-S001046551300146X-main.pdf:PDF;Miki2013a_PhysRevLett.110.195002.pdf:Miki2013a_PhysRevLett.110.195002.pdf:PDF}, keywords = {