Testimonial Submission Terms & Conditions By submitting a testimonial on this website, you acknowledge and agree to the following: 1. All submitted testimonials may be edited, altered, or adjusted by the website owner, ShockBS (also known as yipherng, the same individual), for clarity, style, and content. This includes the potential for substantial modifications using AI models, resulting in content that may differ significantly from the original submission. 2. ShockBS reserves the right to modify testimonials in ways that may include the insertion of additional or alternate information. While efforts are made to maintain a positive sentiment, changes may lead to content that does not reflect the original submission. Testimonials may contain altered or false information due to these modifications. 3. Upon submission, you irrevocably assign all rights, titles, and interests in the content of your testimonial to ShockBS (Yipherng). ShockBS has full discretion to edit, republish, distribute, sublicense, and use the testimonial for any purpose, including but not limited to marketing, advertising, promotional materials, and commercial purposes. You waive any claim to compensation, attribution, or recognition for the use of your submitted or altered content. 4. By submitting a testimonial, you forfeit all rights to the content and waive any right to request changes, removal, or control over how the content is used. ShockBS has full and perpetual rights to the modified testimonial, and no submitted content will be taken down or removed upon request. 5. Final approval and publication of all testimonials is at the sole discretion of ShockBS (Yipherng). By submitting a testimonial, you grant ShockBS irrevocable permission to edit, alter, and publish your testimonial in any form, and for any purpose deemed appropriate. 6. Disclaimers: - ShockBS is 100% not responsible for any potential effects or consequences, including but not limited to reputational harm, financial loss, or personal disputes, resulting from the publication of altered testimonials. - Once published, the submitter has no right to demand the removal, modification, or retraction of the testimonial. ShockBS maintains full control over the publication and use of all testimonials, regardless of any future requests from the submitter. - ShockBS may modify testimonials in ways that introduce content that differs substantially from the original submission, including adding information that may be false, misleading, or exaggerated. 7. For testimonials submitted before 16 September 2024 UTC, individuals may email ShockBS at to request a takedown of their content. Such requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, but ShockBS is under no obligation to comply. 8. Legal Protections for ShockBS (yipherng): - Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. § 230): ShockBS is protected under the Communications Decency Act, which provides immunity for online service providers regarding content posted or modified by third parties. ShockBS is not liable for the modification or publication of user-generated content. - ShockBS's right to edit and publish content, including modified testimonials, is further protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This includes the right to freedom of expression and editorial discretion in how content is presented. - Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act (15 U.S.C. § 1125(a)): While ShockBS retains the right to modify testimonials, it does not engage in any form of false advertising as the modified content represents editorial discretion and subjective opinions, which are protected by law. - Copyright Assignment (17 U.S.C. § 201): Upon submission, all testimonials are considered "works made for hire," and all copyrights are transferred to ShockBS. ShockBS owns the exclusive rights to modify, distribute, and use the content as it sees fit. 9. FTC Compliance and Legal Legitimacy: - All modifications and uses of testimonials are compliant with the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. §§ 41-58). ShockBS operates in full compliance with federal regulations, and the FTC does not regulate or restrict the use of testimonials where the content has been explicitly assigned to the company by the original submitter. - As the content of testimonials is altered for editorial purposes, ShockBS's activities are protected under the First Amendment, and any changes made do not violate FTC regulations regarding misleading advertising. All modifications represent subjective editorial changes, which are considered legal and protected. 10. By submitting a testimonial, you expressly agree that you waive all rights to pursue any legal action or claims against ShockBS (yipherng), its affiliates, or any related parties. You acknowledge that all legal liability related to the submission, modification, and use of your testimonial is fully waived. This includes, but is not limited to: - Filing lawsuits, claims, or legal demands of any kind in any jurisdiction. - Seeking monetary compensation, injunctions, or legal judgments. - Pursuing any other form of legal recourse for the modification or use of the submitted content. 11. By submitting a testimonial, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless ShockBS, its affiliates, and agents from any claims, damages, or disputes arising from the use or modification of the submitted content. You acknowledge that ShockBS is fully protected from any legal claims regarding modifications to the testimonial or its use in promotional and commercial materials. 12. These terms are governed by the laws of the United States, including federal laws such as the Communications Decency Act and intellectual property laws (17 U.S.C. § 201). Any disputes arising from the submission of testimonials cannot be resolved through the courts and are considered 100% legally binding as per the terms outlined here. 13. By agreeing to these terms, you waive any and all rights to pursue legal action or claims against ShockBS (Yipherng) concerning the modification, use, or publication of your submitted testimonial. ShockBS's decision regarding the use of testimonials is final and binding. This includes any claims under federal or state law, and you acknowledge that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) cannot intervene or impose restrictions on the use of modified testimonials that are used for promotional or editorial purposes.