//Use system BIOS file : 1 to enable, 0 to disable [#use_bios:0] //Use NDS firmware file (requires NDS BIOS as well) : 1 to enable, 0 to disable [#use_firmware:0] //Emulated serial IO device //0 - No device, 1 - GB Link Cable, 2 - GB Printer, 3 - Mobile Adapter GB //4 - Barcode Taisen Bardigun Scanner, 5 - Barcode Boy, 6 - Four-Player Adapter (DMG-07) //7 - GBA Link Cable, 8 - GB Player Rumble, 9 - Soul Doll Adapter //10 - Battle Chip Gate, 11 - Progress Chip Gate, 12 - Beast Link Gate //13 - Power Antenna + Bug Sensor, 14 - Sewing Machine, 15 - Multi Plust On System //16 - Turbo File GB/Turbo File Advance, 17 - GBA IR Adapter (AGB-006), 18 - GBA Virtureal Racing System //19 - Magical Watch, 20 - GBA Wireless Adapter [#sio_device:0] //Emulated infrared device //0 - GBC IR port (or nothing for DMG games), 1 - Full Changer (Zok Zok Heroes), 2 - Pokemon Pikachu 2 //3 - Pocket Sakura, 4 - TV Remote, 5 - Constant Light Source (Chee Chai Alien) //6 - Zoids CDZ Model, 7 - NTR-027 Activity Meter, 8 - IR Noise [#ir_device:0] //Emulated NDS Slot1 device //0 - Normal NDS Cart //1 - NTR-031 Infrared Cart [#slot1_device:0] //Emulated NDS Slot2 device //0 - Automatic, 1 - No device, 2 - PassMe //3 - Rumble Pak, 4 - GBA Cart, 5 - Ubisoft Thrustmaster Pedometer //6 - HCV-1000, 7 - Magic Reader [#slot2_device:0] //Emulated system type //0 - Auto, 1 - Game Boy (DMG), 2 - Game Boy Color (GBC), 3 - Game Boy Advance (GBA) //4 - Nintendo DS (NDS), 5 - Super Game Boy (SGB), 6 - Super Game Boy 2 (SGB2) //7 - Pokemon Mini [#system_type:0] //Enable Gameshark or Game Genie cheats (DMG/GBC) //Enable Gameshark/Action Replay V1 cheats (GBA) //0 - Disable cheats, 1 - Enable Cheats [#use_cheats:0] //Enable automatic ROM patching //GBE+ will search for an IPS or UPS file with the same name as the ROM and apply the patch //0 - Disable patches, 1 - Enable Patches [#use_patches:0] //Emulated DMG palette //0 - Regular grayscale //1 - GBC Boot ROM Colors - No input during boot logo //2-5 - GBC Boot ROM Colors - UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT during boot logo //6-9 - GBC Boot ROM Colors - UP+A, DOWN+A, LEFT+A, RIGHT+A during boot logo //10-13 - GBC BOOT ROM Colors - UP+B, DOWN+B, LEFT+B, RIGHT+B during boot logo //14 - DMG "Classic" Green //15 - DMG Game Boy Light //16 - Custom Palette (see below entries) [#dmg_on_gbc_pal:0] //Custom DMG Palette for Background Colors //4 32-bit ARGB values, e.g. 0xFF00FF00 - Format MUST be "0xFF00FF00" not "$FF00FF00", not "#FF00FF00" //Default is regular grayscale [#dmg_custom_bg_pal:0xFFFFFFFF:0xFFC0C0C0:0xFF606060:0xFF000000] //Custom DMG Palette for Sprite Colors //8 32-bit ARGB values, e.g. 0xFF00FF00 - Format MUST be "0xFF00FF00" not "$FF00FF00", not "#FF00FF00" //Default is regular grayscale [#dmg_custom_obj_pal:0xFFFFFFFF:0xFFC0C0C0:0xFF606060:0xFF000000:0xFFFFFFFF:0xFFC0C0C0:0xFF606060:0xFF000000] //Custom Color for Pokemon Mini used to shade/tint the entire screen. //A single 32-bit ARGB value, e.g. 0xFF00FF00 - Format MUST be "0xFF00FF00" not "$FF00FF00", not "#FF00FF00" //Default is regular grayscale [#min_custom_color:0xFF000000] //File locations of the various BIOS files //Set these like [#dmg_bios_path:'C:\My whatever\dmg_bootrom.bin'] //Single quotes required. Setting this will override whatever files are stored in data/bin/firmware/ [#dmg_bios_path] [#gbc_bios_path] [#agb_bios_path] [#nds9_bios_path] [#nds7_bios_path] [#min_bios_path] //File location for the NDS firmware //Set it like [#nds_firmware_path:'C:\My whatever\firmware.bin'] //Single quotes required [#nds_firmware_path] //Location for game saves //Set it like [#save_path:'C:\My whatever\random folder\'] //Single quotes required. Be sure to add the last forward or backslash to the path! //IMPORTANT - Leaving this blank will put the save file next to the ROM [#save_path] //Location for saving screenshots //Set it like [#screenshot_path:'C:\My whatever\random folder\'] //Single quotes required. Be sure to add the last forward or backslash to the path! [#screenshot_path] //Location for cheats list //Set it like [#cheats_path:'C:\My whatever\random_file.txt\'] //Single quotes required. Be sure to add the last forward or backslash to the path! [#cheats_path] //External camera file //Imports a file on-screen while emulating the GB Camera - Must be BMP //Set it like [#camera_file:'C:\My whatever\random folder\random_file.bmp'] //Single quotes required. [#camera_file] //External card file //Imports a binary file representing barcodes or e-Reader data to be scanned //Set it like [#card_file:'C:\My whatever\random folder\random_file.bin'] //Single quotes required. [#card_file] //External image file //Imports an image file various purposes (like Pocket Sonar) - Must be BMP //Set it like [#image_file:'C:\My whatever\random folder\random_file.bmp'] //Single quotes required. [#image_file] //External data file //Imports a bindary data file for various purposes (example, for GBA accessories like the Soul Adapter) //Set it like [#data_file:'C:\My whatever\random_folder\random_file.anything'] //Single quotes required. [#data_file] //Use OpenGL hardware acceleration for surface drawing : 1 to enable, 0 to disable [#use_opengl:0] //Use a specific GLSL vertex shader //Set it like [#vertex_shader:'whatever.vs'] //Note, GBE+ requires shaders when using OpenGL (since OpenGL 3.3+ makes use of shaders even for simple things) //IMPORTANT - Whether or not any fancy effects are used, this file must be valid, or GBE+ will draw nothing //The default is "vertex.vs" and just draws the screen normally. All vertex shaders MUST be in the data/shaders folder [#vertex_shader:'vertex.vs'] //Use a specific GLSL fragment shader //Set it like [#fragment_shader:'whatever.fs'] //Note, GBE+ requires shaders when using OpenGL (since OpenGL 3.3+ makes use of shaders even for simple things) //IMPORTANT - Whether or not any fancy effects are used, this file must be valid, or GBE+ will draw nothing //The default is "fragment.fs" and just draws the screen normally. All fragment shaders MUST be in the data/shaders folder [#fragment_shader:'fragment.fs'] //Scaling Filter //1 - 10 //1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, and so on //This only works if OpenGL is enabled [#scaling_factor:1] //Maintains aspect ratio when scaling the window (Qt-only) : 1 to enable, 0 to disable [#maintain_aspect_ratio:0] //Max FPS // 0 = Default (e.g. ~60FPS) for emulated system, otherwise 1 - 65535 // Sets the maximum drawn amount of frames per-second when NOT using turbo // Can be used to permanently speed-up or slowdown gameplay [#max_fps:0] //Real-time clock offset //Adjusts the emulated RTC by adding specific values. //Allows users to leave the computer's system clock untouched while changing in-game time //Format is Seconds (0-59), Minutes (0-59), Hours (0-23), Days (0-365), Months (0-11), Years [#rtc_offset:0:0:0:0:0:0] //CPU overclocking flags //Adjusts the emulated CPU to act faster than the original hardware //Currently only works with the DMG-GBC core //0 - 1x speed, 1 - 2x speed, 2 - 4x speed, 3 - 8x speed [#oc_flags:0] //Joystick Dead Zone //0 - 32767 [#dead_zone:16000] //Volume //0 - 128 [#volume:128] //Mute sound //0 - Play sound, 1 - Mute sound [#mute:0] //Stereo sound //0 - Mono, 1 - Stereo //Currently only works with the DMG-GBC core [#use_stereo:0] //Microphone //Enable microphone input for games and accessories that need it //0 - Disable, 1 - Enable [#use_microphone:0] //Force Cartridge Audio Sync //Always forcibly syncronizes audio output to video output *FOR SPECIAL CARTRIDGES ONLY* //Currently, this is used exclusively for the Play-Yan, Play-Yan Micro, and Agatsuma TV Tuner //This prevents audio from playing faster than video (only applies when emulating headphones for the Play-Yans) //Use this if GBE+ is running less/greater than 100% when playing videos. Maybe cause slight echoes in audio //0 - Disable, 1 - Enable [#force_cart_audio_sync:0] //Override SDL audio driver //Manually specify which audio driver SDL will use. Do NOT touch unless certain what effects this will have //Useful if the default audio driver is deficient in some way (e.g. ALSA may work better with microphones than PulseAudio) /Set it like [#override_audio_driver:'alsa'] [#override_audio_driver] //On-Screen Display (OSD) messages //0 - Disable, 1 - Enable [#use_osd:1] //OSD Alpha Transparency //Takes a value of 0 (invisible) through 255 (fully opaque) [#osd_alpha:255] //Sample rate //1 - 48000 //Lower = worst sound quality, higher = better. Do not change unless you know what you're doing [#sample_rate:48000] //Sample size //0 - 4096 //Controls how many sound samples SDL will process before pushing audio to the speakers. //Some systems make rapid changes to audio hardware, so smaller sample sizes update faster and result in more accurate audio //If this value is non-zero, it will override the default sample size used by all cores //In general, users SHOULD NOT change this unless they know exactly what they are doing [#sample_size:0] //Keyboard bindings : Order = A, B, X, Y, START, SELECT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, LTRIGGER, RTRIGGER //Numbers are based on SDL 1.2 Keycodes // //Defaults : A = z, B = x, X = d, Y = c, START = enter, SELECT = space, DPAD = arrow key, //Defaults : LTRIGGER = a, RTRIGGER = s [#gbe_key_controls:122:120:100:99:13:32:1073741904:1073741903:1073741906:1073741905:97:115] //The following numbers are based on the Gekko Pads system //100-199 = Joystick buttons 0 through 99 (button number layout varies from controller to controller) // //200-299 = Joystick axes 0 - 24. Numbering goes left, right, up, down //For example, 200 is left for the first axis, 201 is right for first axis, 202 is up, 203 is down //The next axis would have 204 for left, 205 for right, 206 for up, 207 for down // //300-399 = Joystick hats (aka DPads). Numbering goes left, right, up, down //Follows the same pattern as axes (see above) //First hat's left is 300, right is 301, up is 302, down is 303 // //For simplicity's sake, the defaults below work for the XBOX 360 controller. //Gamepad bindings : Order = A, B, X, Y, START, SELECT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, LTRIGGER, RTRIGGER [#gbe_joy_controls:100:101:102:103:107:106:200:201:202:203:104:105] //Context sensitive keyboard bindings : Order = LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN //Used for different situations depending on game (gyroscope, solar sensor, tilt carts). See manual for details //Defaults: LEFT = 4 (numpad), RIGHT = 6 (numpad), UP = 8 (numpad), DOWN = 2 (numpad) Con1 = 7 (numpad), Con2 = 9 (numpad) //IMPORTANT - Some keyboards are weird with their numpads. They might not have specific inputs for the pad itself //For example, when press NumLock, the "4" on the numpad may be indistinguishable from the "4" on the main keyboard //In that case, values like 52:54:56:50:55:57 should work in all situations [#con_key_controls:260:262:264:258:263:265] //Context sensitive joystick bindings : Order = LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN //Used for different situations depending on game (gyroscope, solar sensor, tilt carts). See manual for details //Defaults: 2nd axis for L,R,U,D - L3 and R3 for Con1 and Con2 [#con_joy_controls:204:205:206:207:109:110] //Turbo button configuration //Defines the number of frames to delay for turbo buttons //E.g. a value of "3" waits 2 frames, before triggering button input on the 3rd frame and repeating the process //Order = A, B, X, Y, START, SELECT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, LTRIGGER, RTRIGGER //Max frame delay value is 255 [#gbe_turbo_button:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0] //16-bit Chip IDs used for the Battle Chip Gate, Progress Gate, or Beast Link Gate //Each chip is mapped to the Context Buttons above //The order is Context Left, Right, Up, Down, Con1, and Con2 [#chip_list:0:0:0:0:0:0] //Use haptics (aka rumbling) when using joysticks //1 - Enable rumbling, 0 - Disable rumbling [#use_haptics:1] //Use controller accelerometer for motion controls //Allows controllers (e.g. PS3, PS4, JoyCon) with accelerometers to send input for motion controls //1 - Enable motion controls, 0 - Disable motion controls [#use_motion:0] //Set the motion dead zone //Specifies the minimum value of movement to activate motion controls //Use a decimal value. Default is 1.0. Adjust as needed depending on the controller //0.0 = no dead zone [#motion_dead_zone:1.0] //Set the motion scaler //Specifies the sensitivity of motion controls //Smaller number are smoother, slower, and more sensitive. Larger numbers are rougher, faster, and less sensitive //Use a decimal value 1.0 or higher. Default is 10.0. Adjust as needed depending on the controller and the game [#motion_scaler:10.0] //Use DDR input mapping //Switches GBC controls to work with Dance Dance Revolution games and the Finger Pad //When enabled, the Up/Down/Left/Right inputs will correctly correspond with arrows found in DDR games //With this option, it's best to map Up/Down/Left/Right to input other than joysticks or directional pads //This is due to the fact that sometimes Left/Right and Up/Down inputs need to be pressed at the same time //1 - Enable DDR input mapping, 0 = Disable DDR input mapping [#use_ddr_mapping:0] //Hotkey keyboard bindings //Defaults: Turbo = TAB, Mute = M key, GB Camera = P key, NDS swap screen = F4 //NDS shift to vertical or landscape = F3 [#hotkeys:9:109:112:1073741885:1073741884] //Enable netplay functionality //1 - use netplay, 0 - no netplay [#use_netplay:1] //Enable "hard" syncing when using netplay //This option forces each emulated system to syncronize every few cycles. One will pause until the other communicates it is ready //The "hard" method should not desync and some games require it, but it can be slow //1 - use "hard" sync, 0 - use "soft" sync [#use_netplay_hard_sync:1] //Enable Net Gate functionality //The "Net Gate" is simply GBE's ablity to receive Battle Chips via TCP connection //This is ONLY for use with Battle Chip Gate emulation on the GBA //This requires both netplay to be enabled and one of the Battle Chip Gates set as the emulated serial IO device [#use_net_gate:0] //Allow GBE+ to connect to a real server for Mobile Adapter GB network requests. 1 to enable, 0 to disable //Can connect to a local or remote server that recreates the now defunct Mobile System GB //Needs the emulated Serial IO device to be set to Mobile Adapter GB to do anything [#use_real_gbma_server:0] //HTTP port to use when connecting to a real Mobile Adapter GB server //Set this to a valid number between 0 and 65535 [#gbma_server_http_port:8000] //Netplay sync threshold //The number of emulated system cycles GBE+ will run before waiting to sync over netplay //This option only applies when "hard" syncing is enabled. The lower the number the more frequent the emulators sync //Lower numbers (and slower performance) are required for some forms of netplay to avoid desyncing //Recommended: DMG/GBC multiplayer - 32, GBC Infrared Comms - 4 [#netplay_sync_threshold:32] //Netplay server port //Set this to a valid number between 0 and 65535 //This is the port where other GBE+ instances will send data to, must be different from the client port //IMPORTANT - This must match the OTHER PLAYER'S client port for DMG/GBC multiplayer //IMPORTANT - This value MUST BE THE SAME for all players for Pokemon Mini multiplayer [#netplay_server_port:2000] //Netplay client port //Set this to a valid number between 0 and 65535 //This is the port where the current GBE+ instance will receive data from others, must be different from the server port //IMPORTANT - This must match the OTHER PLAYER'S server port for DMG/GBC multiplayer //IMPORTANT - This value IS NOT USED for Pokemon Mini multiplayer [#netplay_client_port:2001] //Netplay client IP address //Set this as an IPv4 address like [#netplay_client_ip:] //Mobile Adapter GB server //Set this as an IPv4 address like, or as a host name like server.example.net [#gbma_server_ip:] //Netplay Player ID //Determines GBA Player ID or Pokemon Mini Player ID. Does nothing for DMG or GBC netplay. Takes values of 0 - 9 //0 - Player 1 (Master), 1 - Player 2, 2 - Player 3, 3 - Player 4, etc... [#netplay_id:0] //Campho Advance Ringer Port //Sets the TCP port GBE+ will listen in on to receive a call when emulating the Campho Advance //Set this to a valid number between 0 and 65535 [#campho_ringer_port:1980] //Campho Advance Input Port //Sets the TCP port GBE+ will receive asynchronous data (video and voice) from a remote Campho Advance //Set this to a valid number between 0 and 65535 [#campho_input_port:1981] //Infrared Database Index //Set this select an entry in the infrared database. //Applicable for Zok Zok Heroes, Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal (Pokemon Pikachu 2), and Sakura Taisen GB (Pocket Sakura) [#ir_db_index:0] //NDS Touch Mode //Chooses between a light touch (such as by finger) or strong touch (such as by stylus) //0 = Light touch, any other value = Strong touch [#nds_touch_mode:0] //NDS Virtual Cursor Enable //Enables or disables a virtual cursor for the NDS touchscreen. //Used to control the touchscreen entirely via keyboard or joystick //1 = Enable, 0 = Disable [#virtual_cursor_enable:0] //NDS Virtual Cursor File //Selects an 8x8 BMP file that will appear on the NDS touchscreen //Set it like [#image_file:'C:\My whatever\random folder\random_file.bmp'] [#virtual_cursor_file] //NDS Virtual Cursor Opacity //Sets the level of alpha-blending for the virtual cursor when appearing on the NDS touchscreen //32 different levels. 0 = 0% opacity, 31 = 100% opacity [#virtual_cursor_opacity:31] //NDS Virtual Cursor Timeout //Set the number of frames the Virtual Cursor will remain on-screen before vanishing when it stops moving [#virtual_cursor_timeout:180] //Multi Plus On System ID //16-bit ID 0xFF00 - Format MUST be "0xFF00" not "$FF00", not "#FF00" //Changes the Pluster Figurine. Default = 0x16C0 for Beetma - PF001 [#mpos_id:0x16C0] //Ubisoft Thrustmaster Pedometer steps //Valid values: 0 - 99999 [#utp_steps:0] //Magical Watch Data //The 6 fields are: Small Drop of Time (0 - 99), Large Drop of Time (0 - 99), Lucky Jewel (0 - 99) //Screw of Time (0 - 99), Hours (0 - 2), and Minutes (0 - 59) //Hours and Minutes exceeding 2.5 hours will be capped at that value [#mw_data:0:0:0:0:0:0] //Jukebox Total Time //Specifies the total amount of time (in seconds) to allocate for the emulated Compact Flash card //Dictates how many songs can be stored at once, and how long recordings are //Accepts and unsigned 32-bit number. Default = 30 minutes (1800 seconds) [#jukebox_total_time:1800] //Audio Conversion Command //Specifies a local program on the host computer (i.e. your computer) that will convert audio files for GBE+ //GBE+ cannot handle natively handle files such as MP3s, therefore, an external program is required to convert them //GBE+ supports PCM S16 LE, so enter a command below that converts files to this format //Please specify the input and output file parameters as "%in" and "%out", and GBE+ will automatically handle the rest //All other parameters such be specified normally, as if operating from the command-line interface //Example for ffmpeg [#audio_conversion_command:'ffmpeg -i %in -acodec pcm_s16le %out'] [#audio_conversion_command] //Remove Vocals Command //Specifies a local program on the host computer (i.e. your computer) that will remove vocals from an audio file for GBE+ //Similar to the Audio Conversion command, since this is a task best left to an external program //Please specify the input and output file parameters as "%in" and "%out", and GBE+ will automatically handle the rest //All other parameters such be specified normally, as if operating from the command-line interface //The output audio file MUST match the original's frequency and channel count! //Example for Sound eXchange (sox) [#remove_vocals_command:'sox %in %out oops'] [#remove_vocals_command] //Glucoboy Daily Glucose Reward Points (GRPs) //Sets the daily amount of GRPs earned via the Glucoboy's blood testing //Use an integer value (0 - 2147483647) [#glucoboy_daily_grps] //Glucoboy Bonus Glucose Reward Points (GRPs) //Sets the bonus GRPs earned via the Glucoboy's blood testing //Use an integer value (0 - 2147483647) [#glucoboy_bonus_grps] //Glucoboy "Good Days" //Sets the number of "good days" for consistent blood testing on the Glucoboy //Use an integer value (0 - 2147483647) [#glucoboy_good_days] //Glucoboy "Good Days" Until Bonus Rewarded //Sets the number of "good days" until bonus GRPs are earned on the Glucoboy //Use an integer value (0 - 2147483647) [#glucoboy_days_until_bonus]