# Sublime Text HDL Support Provides syntax highlighting for the hardware description language defined in "[The Elements of a Modern Computing System](www.nand2tetris.org)". ![Screenshot](img/highlighting-demo.jpeg) ## Installation ### Using Package Control - [Install Package Control](//packagecontrol.io/installation) if you haven't already - Open the Command Palette in Sublime Text(`Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+ P`) - Select 'Package Control: Install Package' - Search for and select 'HDL Syntax Highlighting' ### Manual installation - Clone this repository(`git clone https://github.com/shreyasminocha/Sublime-HDL`) - Move the cloned repository to your Sublime Text [user packages folder](//docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/basic_concepts.html#the-user-package) - Restart Sublime Text if required ## Features - Syntax highlighting - Snippets - A template for `CHIP`. - Statements for using built-in chips. ![Snippets demo](img/snippets-demo.gif) ## License Licensed under the [MIT License](https://shreyas.mit-license.org/2017). ## Contributing You're more than welcome to [add a feature](//github.com/shreyasminocha/Sublime-HDL/pulls), [report a bug](//github.com/shreyasminocha/Sublime-HDL/issues) or [submit suggestions](//github.com/shreyasminocha/Sublime-HDL/issues).