# Contributing ✨ Thank you for contributing ✨ Please feel free to contribute by submitting PR's with your own helper, improvement to code snippets, explanations, etc. ## Submitting an issue Found a problem? Have an enhancement? First of all see if your issue or idea has already been [reported](https://github.com/shystruk/famulus/issues). If do not, open a [new one](https://github.com/shystruk/famulus/issues/new). ## Add your own helper - Please take for example helper **isValuesUnique.js** - Create *[helper_name].js* file in the root folder - In docs folder create *[helper_name].md* file and fill in data keeping the structure - In tests folder create *[helper_name].test.js* file and cover the helper by unit tests and much as possible - In famulus.js file import and export already created helper - In documentation section at README.md file add the helper to a specific category. If the category does not exist add the new one - Before submitting a PR please check *Submitting a pull request* section below ## Submitting a pull request - Fork this repository - Clone fork `git clone ...` - Navigate to the cloned directory - Install all dependencies `npm install` - Crate a new branch for the feature `git checkout -b new-feature` - Make changes - Run tests `npm run test` - Commit changes `git commit -am 'What is feature about? :)'` - Push to the branch `git push origin new-feature` - Submit a PR