/** * Weather Panel * * Copyright 2016 Sidney Johnson * If you like this code, please support the developer via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XKDRYZ3RUNR9Y * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Version: 1.0 - Initial Version * Version: 1.1 - Fixed font size not changing the font size * Version: 1.2 - Decoupled weather data refresh from wallpaper refresh * Version: 1.3 - Minor formating tweaks, removed all static data from json * Version: 2.0 - Addeded 3 day forcast and more formating and presentation tweaks. Removed weather station requirement * Version: 2.1 - Preloads images for smoother transitions * Version: 2.1.1 - Added dynamic API URL * Version: 2.2 - Added support for user selectable Station ID * Version: 2.2.1 - Added better browser support * Version: 2.3 - Upgraded Icons * Version: 2.4 - TWC Weather Update * Version: 2.5 - Added Rain Switch * */ definition( name: "Weather Panel", namespace: "sidjohn1", author: "Sidney Johnson", description: "Weather Panel, a SmartThings web client", category: "Convenience", iconUrl: "http://cdn.device-icons.smartthings.com/Weather/weather14-icn.png", iconX2Url: "http://cdn.device-icons.smartthings.com/Weather/weather14-icn@2x.png", iconX3Url: "http://cdn.device-icons.smartthings.com/Weather/weather14-icn@3x.png", oauth: true) preferences { page(name: "selectDevices") page(name: "viewURL") } def selectDevices() { dynamicPage(name: "selectDevices", install: true, uninstall: true) { section("About") { paragraph "Weather Panel displays inside and outside temp and weather infomation as a web page. Also has a random customizable background serviced by Dropbox public folders." paragraph "${textVersion()}\n${textCopyright()}" } section("Select...") { input "insideTemp", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Inside Tempature...", multiple: false, required: true input "outsideTemp", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Outside Tempature...", multiple: false, required: false input "showForcast", "bool", title:"Show Forcast", required: false, multiple:false input "stationID", "text", title:"Station ID (Optional)", required: false, multiple:false input "rainswitch", "capability.switch", title:"Rain Switch (Optional)", required: false, multiple:false } section(hideable: true, hidden: true, "Optional Settings") { input "fontColor", "bool", title: "Font Color Black", required: false input "fontSize", "enum", title:"Select Font Size", required: true, multiple:false, defaultValue: "Medium", metadata: [values: ['xSmall','Small','Medium','Large']] input "outsideWeather", "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Clear to free weather device", multiple: true, required: false } section("Wallpaper URL") { input "wallpaperUrl", "text", title: "Wallpaper URL",defaultValue: "http://", required:false } section() { href "viewURL", title: "View URL" } } } def viewURL() { dynamicPage(name: "viewURL", title: "${title ?: location.name} Weather Pannel URL", install:false) { section() { paragraph "Copy the URL below to any modern browser to view your ${title ?: location.name}s' Weather Panel. Add a shortcut to home screen of your mobile device to run as a native app." input "weatherUrl", "text", title: "URL",defaultValue: "${generateURL("html")}", required:false href url:"${generateURL("html")}", style:"embedded", required:false, title:"View", description:"Tap to view, then click \"Done\"" } } } mappings { path("/html") { action: [ GET: "generateHtml", ] } path("/json") { action: [ GET: "generateJson", ] } } def installed() { log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}" initialize() } def updated() { log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}" unschedule() unsubscribe() initialize() } def initialize() { log.info "Weather Panel ${textVersion()} ${textCopyright()}" generateURL() } def generateHtml() { render contentType: "text/html", headers: ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"], data: "\n\n${head()}\n\n${body()}\n" } def generateJson() { render contentType: "application/json", headers: ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"], data: "${jsonData()}" } def head() { def color1 def color2 def font1 def font2 def font3 def iconW def temp1TA def temperatureScale = getTemperatureScale() def weatherDataContent switch (fontSize) { case "Large": font1 = "50" font2 = "20" font3 = "10" break; case "Medium": font1 = "48" font2 = "18" font3 = "10" break; case "Small": font1 = "46" font2 = "16" font3 = "10" break; case "xSmall": font1 = "44" font2 = "16" font3 = "7" break; } if (settings.fontColor) { color1 = "0,0,0" color2 = "255,255,255" } else { color1 = "255,255,255" color2 = "0,0,0" } if (showForcast == true) { iconW = "47" temp1TA = "right" weatherDataContent = """ content += '
'; content += '

' + item.temp1 + '°${temperatureScale} 

' + item.temp2 + '°${temperatureScale} 

'; content += '

' + item.cond + ' 

'; content += '

' + item.forecastDay + '
  ' + item.forecastDayHigh + '
' + item.forecastDayLow + '

'; content += '

' + item.forecastDay1 + '
  ' + item.forecastDayHigh1 + '
' + item.forecastDayLow1 + '

'; content += '

' + item.forecastDay2 + '
  ' + item.forecastDayHigh2 + '
' + item.forecastDayLow2 + '

'; content += '

' + item.forecastDay3 + '
  ' + item.forecastDayHigh3 + '
' + item.forecastDayLow3 + '

';""" } else { iconW = "100" temp1TA = "left" weatherDataContent = """ content += '
'; content += '

' + item.temp1 + '°${temperatureScale}

'; content += '

' + item.temp2 + '°${temperatureScale}

'; content += '

' + item.cond + ' 

';""" } """ Weather Panel """ } def body() { """
""" } def jsonData(){ //log.debug "refreshing weather" sendEvent(linkText:app.label, name:"weatherRefresh", value:"refreshing weather", descriptionText:"weatherRefresh is refreshing weather", eventType:"SOLUTION_EVENT", displayed: true) def alerts def astronomy def current def currentTemp def forecast def forecastDayHigh def forecastDayHigh1 def forecastDayHigh2 def forecastDayHigh3 def forecastDayLow def forecastDayLow1 def forecastDayLow2 def forecastDayLow3 def temperatureScale = getTemperatureScale() def weatherIcons = [] if (settings.stationID) { forecast = getTwcForecast() current = getTwcConditions() } else if (settings.zipcode) { forecast = getTwcForecast() current = getTwcConditions() } else { forecast = getTwcForecast() current = getTwcConditions() } if (settings.rainswitch) { if (current.wxPhraseLong.contains("Rain") || current.wxPhraseLong.contains("Shower") || current.wxPhraseLong.contains("storm") || current.wxPhraseLong.contains("Snow")) { if (settings.rainswitch.currentSwitch == "off") { settings.rainswitch.on() } log.debug "rain" log.debug current.wxPhraseLong } else{ if (settings.rainswitch.currentSwitch == "on") { settings.rainswitch.off() } log.debug "no rain" log.debug current.wxPhraseLong } } if (temperatureScale == "F") { currentTemp = current.temperature ?: "??" forecastDayHigh = forecast.temperatureMax[0] ?: current.temperatureMaxSince7Am forecastDayHigh1 = forecast.temperatureMax[1] ?: "??" forecastDayHigh2 = forecast.temperatureMax[2] ?: "??" forecastDayHigh3 = forecast.temperatureMax[3] ?: "??" forecastDayLow = forecast.temperatureMin[0] ?: current.temperatureMin24Hour forecastDayLow1 = forecast.temperatureMin[1] ?: "??" forecastDayLow2 = forecast.temperatureMin[2] ?: "??" forecastDayLow3 = forecast.temperatureMin[3] ?: "??" } else { currentTemp = Math.round(current.current_observation.temp_c) forecastDayHigh = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[0].high.celsius ?: "??" forecastDayHigh1 = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].high.celsius ?: "??" forecastDayHigh2 = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].high.celsius ?: "??" forecastDayHigh3 = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[3].high.celsius ?: "??" forecastDayLow = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[0].low.celsius ?: "??" forecastDayLow1 = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[1].low.celsius ?: "??" forecastDayLow2 = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[2].low.celsius ?: "??" forecastDayLow3 = forecast.forecast.simpleforecast.forecastday[3].low.celsius ?: "??" } if (current.dayOrNight == "D"){ weatherIcons = ["0" : "tornado", "1" : "hurricane", "2" : "hurricane", "3" : "day-thunderstorm", "4" : "day-thunderstorm", "5" : "day-rain-mix", "6" : "day-sleet", "7" : "day-sleet", "8" : "day-sleet", "9" : "day-sprinkle", "10" : "day-sleet", "11" : "day-sprinkle", "12" : "day-rain", "13" : "day-snow", "14" : "day-snow", "15" : "day-snow", "16" : "day-snow", "17" : "day-hail", "18" : "day-hail", "19" : "dust", "20" : "day-fog", "21" : "day-haze", "22" : "day-haze", "23" : "day-light-wind", "24" : "day-windy", "25" : "snowflake-cold", "26" : "day-cloudy", "27" : "day-cloudy", "28" : "day-cloudy", "29" : "night-alt-cloudy", "30" : "day-cloudy", "31" : "night-clear", "32" : "day-sunny", "33" : "night-clear", "34" : "day-sunny", "35" : "day-hail", "36" : "hot", "37" : "day-thunderstorm", "38" : "thunderstorm", "39" : "day-showers", "40" : "day-storm-showers", "41" : "day-snow", "42" : "day-snow", "43" : "day-snow", "44" : "na", "45" : "night-showers", "46" : "night-snow", "47" : "day-thunderstorm"]//} } else if (current.dayOrNight == "N"){ weatherIcons = ["0" : "tornado", "1" : "hurricane", "2" : "hurricane", "3" : "night-alt-thunderstorm", "4" : "night-alt-thunderstorm", "5" : "night-alt-rain-mix", "6" : "night-alt-sleet", "7" : "night-alt-sleet", "8" : "night-alt-sleet", "9" : "night-alt-sprinkle", "10" : "night-alt-sleet", "11" : "night-alt-sprinkle", "12" : "night-alt-rain", "13" : "night-alt-snow", "14" : "night-alt-snow", "15" : "night-alt-snow", "16" : "night-alt-snow", "17" : "night-alt-hail", "18" : "night-alt-hail", "19" : "dust", "20" : "night-fog", "21" : "night-fog", "22" : "night-fog", "23" : "night-alt-cloudy-windy", "24" : "night-alt-cloudy-gusts", "25" : "snowflake-cold", "26" : "night-alt-cloudy", "27" : "night-alt-cloudy", "28" : "night-alt-cloudy", "29" : "night-alt-cloudy", "30" : "night-alt-cloudy", "31" : "night-clear", "32" : "night-clear", "33" : "night-clear", "34" : "night-clear", "35" : "night-alt-hail", "36" : "hot", "37" : "night-alt-thunderstorm", "38" : "thunderstorm", "39" : "night-alt-showers", "40" : "night-alt-storm-showers", "41" : "night-alt-snow", "42" : "night-alt-snow", "43" : "night-alt-snow", "44" : "na", "45" : "night-showers", "46" : "night-snow", "47" : "night-alt-thunderstorm"] } else { weatherIcons = ["0" : "tornado", "1" : "hurricane", "2" : "hurricane", "3" : "thunderstorm", "4" : "thunderstorm", "5" : "rain-mix", "6" : "sleet", "7" : "sleet", "8" : "sleet", "9" : "sprinkle", "10" : "sleet", "11" : "sprinkle", "12" : "rain", "13" : "snow", "14" : "snow", "15" : "snow", "16" : "snow", "17" : "hail", "18" : "hail", "19" : "dust", "20" : "fog", "21" : "smoke", "22" : "smoke", "23" : "windy", "24" : "strong-wind", "25" : "snowflake-cold", "26" : "cloudy", "27" : "cloudy", "28" : "day-cloudy", "29" : "night-alt-cloudy", "30" : "day-cloudy", "31" : "night-clear", "32" : "day-sunny", "33" : "night-clear", "34" : "day-sunny", "35" : "day-hail", "36" : "hot", "37" : "day-thunderstorm", "38" : "thunderstorm", "39" : "day-showers", "40" : "storm-showers", "41" : "day-snow", "42" : "snow", "43" : "snow", "44" : "na", "45" : "night-showers", "46" : "night-snow", "47" : "thunderstorm"] } def forecastNow = weatherIcons[current.iconCode.toString()] def forecastDayIcon = weatherIcons[forecast.daypart[0].iconCode[0].toString()] ?: weatherIcons[forecast.daypart[0].iconCode[1].toString()] def forecastDay1Icon = weatherIcons[forecast.daypart[0].iconCode[2].toString()] def forecastDay2Icon = weatherIcons[forecast.daypart[0].iconCode[4].toString()] def forecastDay3Icon = weatherIcons[forecast.daypart[0].iconCode[6].toString()] def dop = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("E' - 'dd") def dip = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") def forcastDate = dip.parse(forecast.validTimeLocal[0]) def forcastDate1 = dip.parse(forecast.validTimeLocal[1]) def forcastDate2 = dip.parse(forecast.validTimeLocal[2]) def forcastDate3 = dip.parse(forecast.validTimeLocal[3]) """{"data": [{"icon":"${forecastNow}","cond":"${current.wxPhraseLong}","temp1":"${Math.round(insideTemp.currentValue("temperature"))}","temp2":"${Math.round(currentTemp)}" ,"forecastDay":"${dop.format(forcastDate)}","forecastIcon":"${forecastDayIcon}","forecastDayHigh":"${forecastDayHigh}","forecastDayLow":"${forecastDayLow}" ,"forecastDay1":"${dop.format(forcastDate1)}","forecastIcon1":"${forecastDay1Icon}","forecastDayHigh1":"${forecastDayHigh1}","forecastDayLow1":"${forecastDayLow1}" ,"forecastDay2":"${dop.format(forcastDate2)}","forecastIcon2":"${forecastDay2Icon}","forecastDayHigh2":"${forecastDayHigh2}","forecastDayLow2":"${forecastDayLow2}" ,"forecastDay3":"${dop.format(forcastDate3)}","forecastIcon3":"${forecastDay3Icon}","forecastDayHigh3":"${forecastDayHigh3}","forecastDayLow3":"${forecastDayLow3}"}]}""" } private def generateURL(data) { if (!state.accessToken) { try { createAccessToken() log.debug "Creating new Access Token: $state.accessToken" } catch (ex) { log.error "Enable OAuth in SmartApp IDE settings for Weather Panel" log.error ex } } def url = "${getApiServerUrl()}/api/smartapps/installations/${app.id}/${data}?access_token=${state.accessToken}" return "$url" } private def textVersion() { def text = "Version 2.4" } private def textCopyright() { def text = "Copyright © 2020 Sidjohn1" }