## 17-05-2020 VERSION 1.9.2 - Add: text wrap mappings can now be prefixed with a _count_ :tada: ([#103](../../issues/103) by @victorkristof) - Add: ability to **toggle** bold / italic / strikethrough / inline-code / link wrapping ([#101](../../issues/101) by @victorkristof) - Add: enhanced versions of gf and gx and [`g:mkdx#settings.gf_on_steroids`](#gmkdxsettingsgf_on_steroids) ([#100](../../issues/100) by @victorkristof and @samarulmeu) - Add: support YAML frontmatter - Add: ability to create multi-paragraph quotes - Add: toggling a quote with a multi-line selection no longer skips empty lines ([#94](../../issues/94) by @samarulmeu) - Add: toggling code will now toggle a code-block instead when in `V`isual-linewise mode ([#93](../../issues/93)) - Add: [CriticMarkup](http://criticmarkup.com/) highlighting - Fix: no-op folding functions when `g:markdown_folding` is enabled - Fix: allow mkdx to work with [plasticboy/vim-markdown](https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown) enabled - Fix: insertion of double quote marks on enter - Fix: removed duplicate helptag causing Vundle to crash ([#92](../../issues/92) by @samarulmeu) - Fix: `
` TOC not unindenting properly when `&sw` is `0` - Fix: typo in README ([#88](../../issues/88) by @Ginner) ## 10-05-2019 VERSION 1.9.1 - Fix: Handle non-ascii characters in header (TOC) links ([#85](../../pull/85) by @totpet) ## 23-11-2018 VERSION 1.9.0 - Add: Table of contents supports configurable nested details tags - Add: [g:mkdx#settings.toc.details.nesting_level](#gmkdxsettingstocdetailsnesting_level) to control nested details generation - Add: [g:mkdx#settings.toc.details.child_count](#gmkdxsettingstocdetailschild_count) to control after how many children a nested details tag will appear - Add: [g:mkdx#settings.toc.details.child_summary](#gmkdxsettingstocdetailschild_summary) to control summary text inside nested details ## 20-11-2018 VERSION 1.8.3 - Fix: handle unicode characters in list items ([#80](../../issues/80)) - Fix: handle unicode characters in CSV ([#81](../../issues/81)) ## 13-11-2018 VERSION 1.8.2 - Fix: handle `&shiftwidth = 0` (Thanks to [@marcdeop](https://github.com/marcdeop)) ## 09-09-2018 VERSION 1.8.1 - Add: Mkdx can convert tables [back to CSV](#convert-csv-to-table-and-back) - Fix: Only open quickfix when broken links are present([#56](../../pull/56)) - Fix: Table highlighting now stops at the end of a table ([#57](../../pull/57)) - Fix: Empty cells in CSV also get a border ([#61](../../pull/61)) - Fix: All `hasmapto` calls are mode specific ([#64](../../pull/64)) - Fix: `g:mkdx#settings.restore_visual` can now be disabled during runtime ([#65](../../pull/65)) - Fix: Wrapping at end of line no longer breaks when line ends with non word characters ([#67](../../pull/67)) - Fix: No longer pollute register when updating table of contents ([#68](../../issues/68)) - Fix: Empty setex-style headers are no longer added to quickfix headers or the table of contents ([#69](../../issues/69)) - Fix: Always empty quickfix list before showing dead links ([#70](../../issues/70)) ## 03-08-2018 VERSION 1.8.0 - Add: Setting to control updating TOC before writing the buffer ([#54](../../pull/54)) - Fix: Unable to position TOC as last header ([#53](../../pull/53)) ## 30-07-2018 VERSION 1.7.1 - Add: Pressing enter after an inline list item creates a new list item instead of a blank line ## 24-06-2018 VERSION 1.7.0 - Add: Support Setex style headings (`-` / `=` characters below nonblank line) - Add: Support Setex style headings in completion menu - Add: Support Setex style headings in TOC generation - Add: Support Setex style headings in header listing - Add: [Setting](#gmkdxsettingstokensstrike) to allow customizing strikethrough style ([#49](../../pull/49)) - Fix: TOC without any nested elements created too many closing tags when generated using `
` tag - Fix: Non-list items sometimes got detected as list items when starting with a number on shift+O - Fix: overriding `g:mkdx#settings` with `has('*dictwatcheradd')` crashing Vim ## 14-05-2018 VERSION 1.6.1 - Add: Highlighting for tables ([#42](../../pull/42)), `` shortcuts and `_**bolditalic**_` ([#43](../../pull/43)). - Add: [shift+enter](#inserting-list-items) support to create multiline items ([#44](../../pull/43)). - Fix: shift+enter no longer require double escape to exit insert mode ([#45](../../pull/45)). - Fix: Dead link detection, incorrect external label and relative links were [always skipped](https://github.com/SidOfc/mkdx/commit/f3c5d2884237dba1b97d915f3d80e03317877a18). - Fix: `grep` and `ggrep` do not count line column properly (byte-offset is converted now). ## 10-05-2018 VERSION 1.6.0 - Fix: Handle URLS starting with "../../" correctly. - Fix: Removed hardcoded hashtag as header identifier in function. - Fix: ([#35](../../pull/35)) Generating a TOC in the details didn't generate the final closing tags. - Fix: ([#40](../../pull/40)) Shift-o (`O`) prepending a list item to a line starting with a number. - Fix: ([#39](../../pull/39)) Set `autoindent`, it is enabled by default in Neovim but disabled by default in Vim. - Add: ([#41](../../pull/41)) Fold support for the table of contents and fenced code blocks (opt-in). - Add setting to enable folding: `g:mkdx#settings.fold.enable = 0`. - Add setting to modify what is folded: `g:mkdx#settings.fold.components = ['toc', 'fence']`. - NEOVIM - Add: ([#32](../../pull/32)) `dictionarywatcher` that watches settings and immediately updates the document, this includes: - TOC text - (`:let g:mkdx#settings.toc.text = 'string'`). - TOC position - (`:let g:mkdx#settings.toc.position = 2`). - TOC style - (`:let g:mkdx#settings.toc.details.enable = 1`). - TOC summary - (`:let g:mkdx#settings.toc.details.summary = 'new string'`). - Header style - (`:let g:mkdx#settings.tokens.header = '@'`). - Fence style - (`:let g:mkdx#settings.tokens.fence = '~'`). - Folds - (`:let g:mkdx#settings.tokens.components = ['toc']`). - Add: setting to control auto-updates: `g:mkdx#settings.auto_update.enable = 1`. ## 05-05-2018 VERSION 1.5.1 - [dead link detection](#dead-link-detection) uses a [grep program](#supported-grep-programs) and `job` when available - [jumping to headers](#jump-to-header) uses a [grep program](#supported-grep-programs) and `job` when available - [insert autocompletion](#insert-mode-fragment-completion) uses a [grep program](#supported-grep-programs) and `job` when available ## 28-04-2018 VERSION 1.5.0 - Add insert mode completion for [fragment links](#insert-mode-fragment-completion). - Add [setting](#gmkdxsettingslinksfragmentcomplete) to control completions. - Add support for anchor fragment links ([#24](../../issues/24)) (`` / ``) for [jumping](#jump-to-header), [detection](#dead-link-detection) and [completion](#insert-mode-fragment-completion). - Fix issue where double slashes in the URL would not be removed in external link checks. - Fix nested `` tags in generated TOC links. ## 27-04-2018 VERSION 1.4.3 - ([#17](../../issues/17)) Add a mapping to go to [fragment link location](#jump-to-header). - ([#18](../../issues/18)) Add [alignment options](#gmkdxsettingstablealign) for columns in a table generated from CSV. - ([#18](../../issues/18)) Add [alignment options](#gmkdxsettingstablealign) for specific column names or indexes in a table generated from CSV. - List items require a space after them to be recognized as a list item. ## 15-04-2018 VERSION 1.4.2 - [Convert CSV to table](#convert-csv-to-table) now also supports quoted CSV and TSV data ## 08-04-2018 VERSION 1.4.1 - [Dead link detection](#dead-link-detection) will now also scan any `href=""` attribute content. ## 08-04-2018 VERSION 1.4.0 - Update [Dead link detection](#dead-link-detection) to include support for external and relative links. - Add [new settings](#gmkdxsettingslinksexternalenable) to control request timeout and relative link host etc. ## 02-04-2018 VERSION 1.3.0 - Added feature: [Dead fragment link detection](#dead-link-detection) - Automatically remove `r` from `formatoptions` inside markdown files (buffer local override) - Fix table of contents "eating" a header when there is no blank line between the table of contents and the next heading - Cursor stays on the same line after updating table of contents - `mkdx#QuickfixHeaders()` shows amount of headers and doesn't open quickfix when no headers are present. ## 01-04-2018 VERSION 1.2.0 - Added feature: Support generating [table of contents inside `
` tag](#generate-or-update-toc-as-details). ## 31-03-2018 VERSION 1.1.0 - Stricter rules for highlighting (do not highlight bold markers at start of line as list items). - Fix TOC links using headings containing tags. - Fix deep merging of `g:mkdx#settings` hash. - Add setting to place TOC in fixed position. ## 25-03-2018 VERSION 1.0.2 - Fix incorrect mapping detection - Update README, add remapping section ## 24-03-2018 VERSION 1.0.1 - All mappings now use ``. ## 24-03-2018 VERSION 1.0.0 - Fix #11 - `mkdx#ToggleQuote` inserting `0` on empty lines - Fix #12 - Update (task-)lists inside a quote - Fix #13 - Add / remove (task-)lists inside a quote - Add `(mkdx-o)` in favor of directly mapping to `A` to trigger `mkdx#EnterHandler` - Add `(mkdx-shift-o)` in favor of directly mapping to `:call mkdx#ShiftOHandler()` ## 28-01-2018 VERSION 0.9.0 - Fix `mkdx#HeaderToQF` wrong function ref. - Fix `g:mkdx#settings.enter.enable` and `g:mkdx#settings.enter.shifto` can be disabled during runtime. - Fix insert mode "\~\~\~" and "\`\`\`" recursion. - Add support for [toggling \ shortcuts](#toggling-kbd--shortcuts) in normal and visual mode. ## 21-01-2018 VERSION 0.8.0 - Fix some issues with `mkdx#WrapLink`. - `mkdx#WrapLink` handles selections that include newline character correctly. - Headers can now also be toggled on / off using `mkdx#ToggleHeader`. - When deleting a list item anywhere in the list, following list items are decremented by 1. - Added more tests for - decrementing list items - promoting / demoting headers - Wrapping links and images ## 13-01-2018 VERSION 0.7.1 Add support for shift+O in addition to enter and O in normal mode. This will put your cursor on a new empty list item above the current line. ## 13-01-2018 VERSION 0.7.0 Add menu support in terminal vim and gvim if it `:has('menu')`. ## Version 0.6.1 Fixes a bug where wrapping text on a line with a single word would cause a space to be prepended. Imagine the cursor is the pipe character (`|`) in this line: `w|ord`, [wrapping as a link](#as-a-link) would cause the following result: ~~~ # this word [word](|) # now becomes this word [word](|) ~~~ ## Version 0.6.0 - This version adds _opt-in_ support for checkbox state highlighting. See [`g:mkdx#settings.highlight.enable`](#gmkdxsettingshighlightenable) for more information. ## Version 0.5.0 - This version introduces a mapping that opens a quickfix window with all your headers loaded. See [Open TOC in quickfix window](open-toc-in-quickfix-window) section for an example. ## Version - Fixes a critical issue with the enter handler functionality where often, it would crash due to missing out of bounds array check.