import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import sys import requests def parseXML(xmlfile, splunk_ip, token, srctype): trip_name = xmlfile[4:-4] trip_name = trip_name[0:trip_name.index(',')+6].replace('_','-').replace(',','') + ' ' + trip_name[trip_name.index(',')+7:-3].replace('_',':') + trip_name[-2:] # create element tree object tree = ET.parse(xmlfile) # get root element root = tree.getroot() # iterate news items for item in root.findall('./trk/trkseg/trkpt'): # empty news dictionary news = {} # iterate child elements of item for child in item: # special checking for namespace object content:media if child.tag == 'extensions': for grandchild in child: news['s'] = grandchild.attrib['s'] try: news['c'] = grandchild.attrib['c'] except: news['c'] = '0' else: news[child.tag] = child.text news['trip'] = trip_name'http://'+splunk_ip+':8088/services/collector/raw?sourcetype='+srctype, headers={'Authorization': 'Splunk '+token}, json=news) meta_dict = {} for item in root.findall('./trk/extensions'): for child in item: for grandchild in child: if grandchild.tag == 'creationtime': meta_dict['time'] = grandchild.text else: meta_dict[grandchild.tag] = grandchild.text meta_dict['trip'] = trip_name'http://'+splunk_ip+':8088/services/collector/raw?sourcetype='+srctype, headers={'Authorization': 'Splunk '+token}, json=meta_dict) print(meta_dict) def cleanXML(filename): with open(filename) as fin, open('New_'+filename, "w+") as fout: for line in fin: line = line.replace("xmlns=\"\" ", "") fout.write(line) return 'New_'+filename file_inputs = sys.argv for file_input in file_inputs[1:]: # clean xml file new_file = cleanXML(file_input) # parse xml file parseXML(new_file, 'SPLUNK_IP', 'HEC_TOKEN', 'geotracker')