User Guide ========== .. only:: html Dependencies & installation --------------------------- This project depends on - Python 3 - distro Python 3 package - jsonschema Python 3 package - PyYAML Python 3 package - GitPython Python 3 package - kconfiglib Python 3 package (optional, for menu plugin) - NEWT Python 3 distro package (optional, for menu plugin) To install kas into your python site-package repository, run:: $ sudo pip3 install . Usage ----- .. only:: html There are (at least) four options for using kas: - Install it locally via pip to get the ``kas`` command. - Use the container image locally. In this case, download the ``kas-container`` script from the kas repository and use it in place of the ``kas`` command. The script version corresponds to the kas tool and the kas image version. - Use the container image in CI. Specify ``[-isar][:]`` in your CI script that requests a container image as runtime environment. See and for all available images. - Use the **run-kas** wrapper from this directory. In this case, replace ``kas`` in the examples below with ``path/to/run-kas``. Start build:: $ kas build /path/to/kas-project.yml Alternatively, experienced bitbake users can invoke usual **bitbake** steps manually, e.g.:: $ kas shell /path/to/kas-project.yml -c 'bitbake dosfsutils-native' kas will place downloads and build artifacts under the current directory when being invoked. You can specify a different location via the environment variable `KAS_WORK_DIR`. Use Cases --------- 1. Initial build/setup:: $ mkdir $PROJECT_DIR $ cd $PROJECT_DIR $ git clone $PROJECT_URL meta-project $ kas build meta-project/kas-project.yml 2. Update/rebuild:: $ cd $PROJECT_DIR/meta-project $ git pull $ kas build kas-project.yml 3. Interactive configuration:: $ cd $PROJECT_DIR/meta-project $ kas menu $ kas build # optional, if not triggered via kas menu Plugins ------- kas sub-commands are implemented by a series of plugins. Each plugin typically provides a single command. .. only:: html ``build`` plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: userguide/plugins/ ``checkout`` plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: userguide/plugins/ ``dump`` plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: userguide/plugins/ ``for-all-repos`` plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: userguide/plugins/ ``menu`` plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: userguide/plugins/ ``shell`` plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: userguide/plugins/ .. only:: man :manpage:`kas-build(1)` build the project :manpage:`kas-checkout(1)` checkout all repos without building :manpage:`kas-dump(1)` dump the flattened configuration or lockfiles :manpage:`kas-for-all-repos(1)` run a command in each repository :manpage:`kas-menu(1)` interactive menu to configure the build :manpage:`kas-shell(1)` start a shell in the build environment Project Configuration --------------------- .. only:: html .. include:: userguide/ .. only:: man The project configuration file describes the build environment and the layers to be used. It is the main input to kas. For details, see :manpage:`kas-project-config(1)` .. _checkout-creds-label: Credential Handling ------------------- .. only:: html .. include:: userguide/ .. only:: man kas provides various mechanisms to inject credentials into the build. For details, see :manpage:`kas-credentials(1)`.