''' Quick little script to send email from python Author Siggi Bjarnason Copyright 2022 Following packages need to be installed as administrator pip install bs4 ''' # Import libraries import os import smtplib import email.message import email.policy import email.utils from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication import ssl import sys import subprocess try: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup except ImportError: subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", 'bs4']) finally: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # End imports # Define Few global Constants strPort = 465 bUseTLS = False bUseStartTLS = False iDebugLevel = 0 iTimeout = 15 # End constants def remove_tags(html): # parse html content soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") #for data in soup(['style', 'script']): # # Remove tags # data.decompose() # return data by retrieving the tag content #return ' '.join(soup.stripped_strings) return soup.get_text() def CleanExit(strCause): # placeholder for a function that closes everything down # and cleans things up before exiting from a error condition print (strCause) sys.exit(9) def LogEntry(strmsg): # placeholder for your event logging function. print(strmsg) def SendHTMLEmail(strSubject, strBody, strTo, strFrom,lstHeaders=[],strAttachment="",strAttachName=""): # Function that sends an email global strPort global bUseTLS global bUseStartTLS # Fetch the email server username from environment variable if os.getenv("EMAILUSER") != "" and os.getenv("EMAILUSER") is not None: strUser = os.getenv("EMAILUSER") else: return "FATAL ERROR: No email user name provided" # Fetch the email server password from environment variable, # please store securely in secrets manager like doppler if os.getenv("EMAILPWD") != "" and os.getenv("EMAILPWD") is not None: strPWD = os.getenv("EMAILPWD") else: return "FATAL ERROR: No email user password provided" # Fetch the email server FQDN from environment variable if os.getenv("EMAILSERVER") != "" and os.getenv("EMAILSERVER") is not None: strServer = os.getenv("EMAILSERVER") else: return "FATAL ERROR: No email server provided" # Fetch the email server SMTP port number from environment variable if os.getenv("EMAILPORT") != "" and os.getenv("EMAILPORT") is not None: strPort = os.getenv("EMAILPORT") else: LogEntry("No server port provided, using the default of {}".format(strPort)) # Fetch environment variable to indicate if SMTP connection supports SSL/TLS or not. Boolean if os.getenv("USESSL") != "" and os.getenv("USESSL") is not None: if os.getenv("USESSL").lower() == "true": bUseTLS = True else: bUseTLS = False else: LogEntry("No SSL directive provided, using the default of {}".format(bUseTLS)) # Fetch environment variable to indicate if SMTP connection supports STARTTLS or not. Boolean # Only applicable if bUseTLS is false if os.getenv("USESTARTTLS") != "" and os.getenv("USESTARTTLS") is not None: if os.getenv("USESTARTTLS").lower() == "true": bUseStartTLS = True else: bUseStartTLS = False else: LogEntry("No SSL directive provided, using the default of {}".format(bUseStartTLS)) # Compose the email message objMsg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') objMsg["To"] = strTo objMsg["From"] = strFrom objMsg["Subject"] = strSubject objMsg['Date'] = email.utils.formatdate(localtime=True) objMsg['Message-ID'] = email.utils.make_msgid() for strHead in lstHeaders: lstHeadParts = strHead.split(":") if len(lstHeadParts) == 2: strHeadName = lstHeadParts[0].strip() strHeadValue = lstHeadParts[1].strip() objMsg.add_header(strHeadName, strHeadValue) oPart1 = MIMEText(remove_tags(strBody), "plain") opart2 = MIMEText(strBody, "html") objMsg.attach(oPart1) objMsg.attach(opart2) #Create the attachment if strAttachment != "": if strAttachName == "": return "Error: Attachment provided but no attachment name" else: lstFileParts = strAttachName.split(".") objAttachment = MIMEApplication(strAttachment,_subtype=lstFileParts[1],name=strAttachName) objAttachment.add_header("content_disposition","attachment") objMsg.attach(objAttachment) # Send the email message try: if bUseTLS: objSMTP = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(strServer,strPort,timeout=iTimeout) else: objSMTP = smtplib.SMTP(strServer, strPort, timeout=iTimeout) if bUseStartTLS: objSMTP.starttls() objSMTP.set_debuglevel(iDebugLevel) objResponse = objSMTP.login(strUser,strPWD) LogEntry ("Response from login: {}".format(objResponse)) objSMTP.send_message(objMsg) objSMTP.quit() LogEntry ("Successfully sent email via {} port {} to {}".format(strServer,strPort,strTo)) return "SUCCESS" except ssl.SSLError as err: return "Got an SSL Error: {}".format(err) except smtplib.SMTPException as err: return "Error: unable to send email. {}".format(err) def csv2array(strFilename,strFieldDelim): objFile = open(strFilename,"r") strLines = objFile.readlines() objFile.close() lstReturn = [] for strLine in strLines: strLine = strLine.strip() if strFieldDelim in strLine: lstLineParts = strLine.split(strFieldDelim) lstReturn.append(lstLineParts) return lstReturn def array2html(lstTable): i = 1 strReturn = "" for lstLineParts in lstTable: if i == 1: strReturn += "
" + strLineFields.strip() + " | " strReturn += "\n
" + strLineFields.strip() + " | " strReturn += "\n
Here is a cute picture for you
\n" strBody += "\n" strBody += "Let's add a table for funsies!
\n" + strHTMLTable strBody += "\n\n" # Call the function with all the proper parameters strReturn = SendHTMLEmail(strSubject, strBody, strTO, strFrom, lstHeaders, strMDtable, strAttachName) # Evaluate the response from the function if strReturn == "SUCCESS": LogEntry("Email sent successfully") elif strReturn[:5] == "Error": LogEntry("unable to send email. {}".format(strReturn)) elif strReturn[:11] == "FATAL ERROR": LogEntry("Failed to send email. {}".format(strReturn)) else: LogEntry("other non-sucess: {}".format(strReturn)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()