/**************| * Development | **************/ // Uncomment to clear the app's local storage cache each time the app loads. //window.localStorage.clear(); // Set to true to see console.log() messages. Set to false when publishing app. Drupal.settings.debug = true; /****************************************| * Drupal Settings (provided by jDrupal) | ****************************************/ /* DRUPAL PATHS */ // Site Path (do not use a trailing slash) Drupal.settings.site_path = ''; // e.g. http://www.example.com // Default Services Endpoint Path Drupal.settings.endpoint = 'drupalgap'; // Files Directory Paths (use one or the other) Drupal.settings.file_public_path = 'sites/default/files'; //Drupal.settings.file_private_path = 'system/files'; // The Default Language Code Drupal.settings.language_default = 'und'; /* CACHING AND PERFORMANCE */ // Entity Caching Drupal.settings.cache.entity = { /* Globals (will be used if not overwritten below) */ enabled: false, expiration: 60, // # of seconds to cache, set to 0 to cache forever /* Entity types */ entity_types: { /* Comments */ /*comment: { bundles: {} },*/ /* Files */ /*file: { bundles: {} },*/ // Nodes /*node: { // Node Globals (will be used if not overwritten below) enabled: true, expiration: 120, // Content types (aka bundles) bundles: { article: { expiration: 3600 }, page: { enabled: false } } },*/ /* Terms */ /*taxonomy_term: { bundles: {} },*/ /* Vocabularies */ /*taxonomy_vocabulary: { bundles: {} },*/ /* Users */ /*user: { bundles: {} }*/ } }; /* Views Caching */ Drupal.settings.cache.views = { enabled: false, expiration: 3600 }; /*********************| * DrupalGap Settings | *********************/ // DrupalGap Mode (defaults to 'web-app') // 'web-app' - use this mode to build a web application for a browser window // 'phonegap' - use this mode to build a mobile application with phonegap drupalgap.settings.mode = 'web-app'; // Language Files - locale/[language-code].json drupalgap.settings.locale = { /* es: { } */ }; /*************| * Appearance | *************/ // App Title drupalgap.settings.title = 'DrupalGap'; // App Front Page drupalgap.settings.front = 'dashboard'; // Theme drupalgap.settings.theme = 'easystreet3'; // Logo drupalgap.settings.logo = 'themes/easystreet3/images/drupalgap.jpg'; // Offline Warning Message. Set to false to hide message. drupalgap.settings.offline_message = 'No connection found!'; // Exit app message. drupalgap.settings.exit_message = 'Exit ' + drupalgap.settings.title + '?'; // Loader Animations - http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.0/loader/ drupalgap.settings.loader = { enabled: true, loading: { text: 'Loading...', textVisible: true, theme: 'b' }, saving: { text: 'Saving...', textVisible: true, theme: 'b' }, deleting: { text: 'Deleting...', textVisible: true, theme: 'b' } }; /*****************************************| * Modules - http://drupalgap.org/node/74 | *****************************************/ /** Contributed Modules - www/app/modules **/ //Drupal.modules.contrib['example'] = {}; /** Custom Modules - www/app/modules/custom **/ //Drupal.modules.custom['my_module'] = {}; /***************************************| * Menus - http://drupalgap.org/node/85 | ***************************************/ drupalgap.settings.menus = {}; // Do not remove this line. // User Menu Anonymous drupalgap.settings.menus['user_menu_anonymous'] = { options: menu_popup_get_default_options(), links: [ { title: 'Login', path: 'user/login', options: { attributes: { 'data-icon': 'lock', 'class': 'ui-btn ui-btn-icon-right' } } }, { title: 'Create new account', path: 'user/register', options: { attributes: { 'data-icon': 'plus' } } } ] }; // User Menu Authenticated drupalgap.settings.menus['user_menu_authenticated'] = { options: menu_popup_get_default_options(), links: [ { title: 'My Account', path: 'user', options: { attributes: { 'data-icon': 'user', 'class': 'ui-btn ui-btn-icon-right' } } }, { title: 'Logout', path: 'user/logout', options: { attributes: { 'data-icon': 'delete' } } } ] }; // Main Menu drupalgap.settings.menus['main_menu'] = { options: menu_popup_get_default_options(), links: [ { title:'Content', path:'node', options:{ attributes: { 'data-icon': 'star', 'class': 'ui-btn ui-btn-icon-right' } } }, { title:'Taxonomy', path:'taxonomy/vocabularies', options:{ attributes:{ 'data-icon':'grid' } } }, { title:'Users', path:'user-listing', options:{ attributes:{ 'data-icon':'info' } } } ] }; /****************************************| * Blocks - http://drupalgap.org/node/83 | ****************************************/ drupalgap.settings.blocks = {}; // Do not remove this line. // Easy Street 3 Theme Blocks drupalgap.settings.blocks.easystreet3 = { header: { user_menu_anonymous: { roles: { value: ['anonymous user'], mode: 'include', } }, user_menu_authenticated: { roles: { value: ['authenticated user'], mode: 'include', } }, main_menu: { } }, sub_header: { title: { } }, navigation: { primary_local_tasks: { } }, content: { messages: { }, main: { } }, footer: { powered_by: { } } }; /****************************************************| * Region Menu Links - http://drupalgap.org/node/173 | ****************************************************/ drupalgap.settings.menus.regions = {}; // Do not remove this line. // Header Region Links drupalgap.settings.menus.regions['header'] = { links:[ /* Main Menu Popup Menu Button */ { options: { popup: true, popup_delta: 'main_menu', attributes: { 'class': 'ui-btn-left', 'data-icon': 'bars' } } }, /* Home Button */ { path: '', options: { attributes: { 'data-icon': 'home', 'data-iconpos': 'notext', 'class': 'ui-btn-left' } }, pages: { value: [''], mode: 'exclude' } }, /* Anonymous User Popup Menu Button */ { options: { popup: true, popup_delta: 'user_menu_anonymous', attributes: { 'class': 'ui-btn-right', 'data-icon': 'user' } }, roles: { value: ['anonymous user'], mode: 'include', } }, /* Authenticated User Popup Menu Button */ { options: { popup: true, popup_delta: 'user_menu_authenticated', attributes: { 'class': 'ui-btn-right', 'data-icon': 'user' } }, roles: { value: ['authenticated user'], mode: 'include', } } ] }; // Footer Region Links drupalgap.settings.menus.regions['footer'] = { links: [ /* Back Button */ { options: { attributes: { 'data-icon': 'back', 'data-iconpos': 'notext', 'class': 'ui-btn-right', 'onclick': 'javascript:drupalgap_back();' } }, pages: { value: [''], mode: 'exclude' } } ] }; /*********| * Camera | **********/ drupalgap.settings.camera = { quality: 90 }; /***********************| * Performance Settings | ***********************/ drupalgap.settings.cache = {}; // Do not remove this line. // Theme Registry - Set to true to load the page.tpl.html contents from cache. drupalgap.settings.cache.theme_registry = true;