# SILK SUBLIME TEXT 2 SNIPPETS ## About A collection of [Silk](http://www.silkyweb.org) snippets for Sublime Text 2. ## Install Just grab the download, or clone, then put the snippets in your 'packages/User' directory. Alternatively use [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control). ## Usage Type the snippet tabTrigger/shortcode to complete the snippet. The snippets are listed below in no particular order. The '$1' indicates first editable section of the snippet. Some snippets have been set up so that pressing Tab jumps the caret to the next predefined editable section. If you want to contribute just fork this repository and submit a pull request, or fire your idea over to our mailing list. The more generic and reusable your contributions/ideas the better. ### Silk Component *skc*