--- layout: page title: Tags no_toc: true --- {% assign page_tags = "" | split: ',' %} {% assign post_tags = "" | split: ',' %} {% assign all_tags = "" | split: ',' %} {% comment %} # get all post tags {% endcomment %} {% capture post_tags %} {% for tag in site.tags %} {{ tag[0] }} {% endfor %} {% endcapture %} {% assign tags = post_tags | strip_newlines | split:' ' %} {% comment %} # get all unique page tags {% endcomment %} {%- for page in site.pages -%} {% assign page_tags = page_tags | concat:page.tags %} {%- endfor -%} {%- assign post_tags = post_tags | remove: "\n" | split: " " -%} {% comment %} # debug prints post_tags {{post_tags | jsonify}} page_tags {{page_tags | jsonify}} {% endcomment %} {% comment %} # concat was injecting line breaks here, so had to hammer # it the old fashioned way to avoid concat {% endcomment %} {% for tag in post_tags %} {% assign all_tags = all_tags | push: tag %} {% endfor %} {% for tag in page_tags %} {% assign all_tags = all_tags | push: tag %} {% endfor %} {% assign sortedtags = all_tags | uniq | sort%} {% for tag in sortedtags %} {% assign all_tagged = "" | split: ',' %}

{{ tag }}

{% endfor %}