Version 3.0.2

- Hotfix to resolve issue with installation process (Thanks to Vauxs and Idle)

Version 3.0.1

- Fixed a typo in the checkmaker macro
- Fixed the thumbnail image filepaths for hosted users
- Swapped manifest links on Foundry website admin page to hopefully fix installation of older versions of the module

Version 3.0.0

- Breaking: Update manifest with minimum and verified V11 support and convert DB files to V11 format (this release is not compatible with V10 or V9)
- Add thumbnail and banner images for module and compendium packs
- Add a compendium folder for the module's packs
- Update deprecated authors field (PR by brendan-mccoy)

Version 2.3.1

- Fix typo in choiceset rule element for the aura granter item

Version 2.3.0

- Add aura effects

Version 2.2.1

- Forge version increment

Version 2.2.0

- Foundry V10 support

Version 2.1.0

- Transfer repo to Github

Version 2.0.1

- Fixed issues with contrast on lighting macros
- Fixed show art macro being set as chat instead of script

Version 2.0.0

- Exploration Effect macro which opens the compendium to allow choosing an activity with a single macro slot (Courtesy of Drental)
- "Show Art" macro
- Macros for various light sources (Modified from a macro written by Stwlam)

Version 1.0.1

- Updated version flags for V9 support
- Preliminary preparations for macro compendium support
- Added PF2E system dependency in module.json

Version 1.0.0

- Initial Release