DetailedResearchScrolls:GetKnownResearchLineCount(craftSkill) returns integer DetailedResearchScrolls:GetIsResearchScroll(itemLink or itemId) DetailedResearchScrolls:GetRemainingResearchSeconds(craftSkill, researchLineIndex, traitIndex) returns integer or nil DetailedResearchScrolls:GetResearchStatusLines(itemLink or itemId) returns array of strings DetailedResearchScrolls:GetScrollResearchData(itemLink or itemId) returns a table with the following fields: craftSkills: array duration: integer seconds the scroll will deduct from research timers requiredResearchCount: number of active research timers required to not waste any of the scroll's value activeResearchCount: number of currently active research timers warningResearchCount: number of research timers that have less time remaining than the scroll duration activeResearch: array of tables containing information about traits currently being researched: researchLineIndex: research line being researched traitIndex: trait being researched secondsRemaining: number of seconds remaining on the timer for that trait longerThanScrollDuration: true if the time remaining is greater than the duration of the scroll DetailedResearchScrolls:GetWarningLine(itemLink or itemId) returns string or nil