using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Linq; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Serialization; using AgenaTrader.API; using AgenaTrader.Custom; using AgenaTrader.Plugins; using AgenaTrader.Helper; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Text; using AgenaTrader.Plugins.MoneyHandler; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Net; using System.Globalization; /// /// Version: 2.0.1 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Simon Pucher 2018 /// Christian Kovar 2018 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Global utilities as a helper in Agena Trader Script. /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Namespace holds all indicators and is required. Do not change it. /// namespace AgenaTrader.UserCode { #region Constants /// /// Constants to use in Agena Trader Scripts /// public static class Const { //Default Files public static readonly string DefaultFileStatistic = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\Evaluation\\" + "Evaluation.csv"; //Default Strings public const string DefaultStringDatafeedPeriodicity = "Periodicity of your data feed is suboptimal for this indicator!"; public const string DefaultStringDatafeedBarsRequired = "Please increase bars required!"; public const string DefaultStringDatafeedBarsRequiredCount = "Please increase bars required property to a minimum of {0} bars!"; public const string DefaultStringErrorDuringCalculation = "A problem has occured during the calculation method!"; public const string DefaultExitReasonEOD = "End of day"; //Default values for indicators public const int DefaultOpenRangeSizeinMinutes = 60; //Default opacity for drawing public const int DefaultOpacity = 70; public const int DefaultLineWidth = 2; public const int DefaultLineWidth_small = 1; public const int DefaultLineWidth_large = 3; public static readonly Color DefaultArrowLongColor = Color.Lime; public static readonly Color DefaultArrowLong2Color = Color.Green; public static readonly Color DefaultArrowShortColor = Color.Tomato; public static readonly Color DefaultArrowShort2Color = Color.Red; public static readonly Color DefaultIndicatorColor = Color.Orange; public static readonly Color DefaultIndicatorColor_GreyedOut = Color.Gray; public static readonly DashStyle DefaultIndicatorDashStyle = DashStyle.Solid; //Fibonacci Retracements public const decimal DefaultFibonacciRetracement23_6 = 23.6m; public const decimal DefaultFibonacciRetracement38_2 = 38.2m; public const decimal DefaultFibonacciRetracement50 = 50; public const decimal DefaultFibonacciRetracement61_8 = 61.8m; public const decimal DefaultFibonacciRetracement100 = 100; //Fibonacci Extensions public const decimal DefaultFibonacciExtension161_8 = 161.8m; public const decimal DefaultFibonacciExtension200 = 200; public const decimal DefaultFibonacciExtension261_8 = 261.8m; public const decimal DefaultFibonacciExtension423_6 = 423.6m; } #endregion #region Global static Helper with functions and methods. /// /// Default Soundfiles by AT /// public enum Soundfile { Alert1, Alert2, Alert3, Alert4, Announcement, AutoBreakEven, AutoChase, AutoTrail, Blip, Buzz, Camera, cashreg, Connected, ConnectionLost, Limit_order_filled, New, notify, OffsettedChange, OrderCancelled, OrderFilled, OrderPending, PositionClosed, Reversing, ringin, ringout, SOUND136, StopFilled, Stop_limit_order_filled, Stop_order_filled, TargetFilled, WMonline } /// /// Global static Helper with functions and methods. /// public static class GlobalUtilities { #region Sounds /// /// Return the filename of the Soundfile. /// /// /// public static string GetSoundfile(Soundfile soundfile) { string returnfilename = null; returnfilename = soundfile.ToString().Replace("_", "-"); returnfilename = returnfilename + ".wav"; return returnfilename; } #endregion #region Colors /// /// Adjust the brightness of a color. /// e.g. use this function to create a similiar color in a button click event or on mouse hover. /// /// /// /// public static Color AdjustBrightness(Color originalColour, double brightnessFactor) { return Color.FromArgb(originalColour.A, (int)(originalColour.R * brightnessFactor), (int)(originalColour.G * brightnessFactor), (int)(originalColour.B * brightnessFactor)); } /// /// Adjust the opacity of a color. /// e.g. use this function to change the alpha channel of the Color. /// /// /// /// public static Color AdjustOpacity(Color originalColour, double opacityFactor) { return Color.FromArgb((int)(originalColour.A * opacityFactor), originalColour.R, originalColour.G, originalColour.B); } #endregion #region Email /// /// True if the email address is valid. /// /// /// public static bool IsValidEmail(string email) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { return false; } //todo one liner for .net 4.5 //Note that EmailAddressAttribute is less permissive than System.Net.Mail.MailAddress //if (new EmailAddressAttribute().IsValid(email)) // return true; //for .net 3.x try { var addr = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(email); return addr.Address == email; } catch { return false; } } ///// ///// Returns the standard subject for Entry Signal Emails ///// ///// ///// //public static string GetEmailSubjectEntrySignal(IInstrument instrument, OrderDirection orderaction) //{ // return "Entry Signal " + instrument.Symbol + " " + orderaction.ToString(); //} ///// ///// Returns the standard text for Entry Signal Emails ///// ///// ///// ///// //public static string GetEmailBodyEntrySignal(IInstrument instrument, OrderDirection orderaction, string strategyname, TimeFrame timeframe) //{ // StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); // str.AppendLine("Strategy: " + strategyname); // str.AppendLine("Instrument: " + instrument.Name); // str.AppendLine("OrderAction: " + orderaction.ToString()); // str.AppendLine("TimeFrame: " + timeframe.ToString()); // return str.ToString(); //} /// /// Returns the standard subject for emails on order execution. /// /// /// public static string GetEmailSubject(IExecution execution) { return execution.Instrument.Symbol + " Order " + execution.PositionType.ToString() + " executed"; } /// /// Returns the standard text for emails on order execution. /// /// /// /// public static string GetEmailText(IExecution execution, string strategyname) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.AppendLine("Strategy: " + strategyname); str.AppendLine("Order " + execution.Name + " on instrument " + execution.Instrument.Name + " was executed."); str.AppendLine("Position: " + execution.PositionType.ToString()); str.AppendLine("Quantity: " + (execution.Order.Quantity).ToString("F2")); str.AppendLine("Price: " + (execution.Order.Price).ToString("F2")); str.AppendLine("Investment: " + (execution.Order.Quantity * execution.Order.Price).ToString("F2")); return str.ToString(); } #endregion #region Markets /// /// Changes money from one currency into another. /// /// /// /// /// public static decimal MoneyExchange(double cashamount, Currencies current, Currencies target) { return new Money(cashamount, current).ConvertToCurrency(target).RoundedAmount; } /// /// Calculates the position size regarding to risk management. /// /// /// public static int AdjustPositionToRiskManagement(IAccountManager accountmanager, IPreferenceManager preferencemanager, IInstrument instrument, double lastprice) { //Get Risk Management from Account IAccount account = accountmanager.GetAccount(instrument, true, true); if (account == null) { return instrument.GetDefaultQuantity(); } //get the RiskParams on this account connection ConnectionRiskParams crp = preferencemanager.GetConnectionRiskParams(account.AccountConnection.ConnectionName); InstrumentRiskParams irp = crp.InstrumentRiskParams[instrument.InstrumentType]; double maxpositionsizeincash = 0.0; if (irp.BasePositionSizing == BasePositionSizing.OnAmountPerPosition) { maxpositionsizeincash = irp.InvestedAmountPerPosition; } else if (irp.BasePositionSizing == BasePositionSizing.OnRiskAmountPerTrade) { maxpositionsizeincash = account.CashValue / 100 * irp.MaxInvestedAmountPercentage; } else if (irp.BasePositionSizing == BasePositionSizing.OnInitialRisk) { //hack: because of backtesting maxpositionsizeincash = account.CashValue / 100 * irp.MaxInvestedAmountPercentage; } else { throw new NotImplementedException("AdjustPositionToRiskManagement: BasePositionSizing " + irp.BasePositionSizing.ToString() + " not implemented", null); } //Check the type of instrument & return the position size if (instrument.InstrumentType == InstrumentType.Index) { //return 1; return instrument.GetDefaultQuantity(); } if (instrument.InstrumentType == InstrumentType.Stock || instrument.InstrumentType == InstrumentType.CFD) { return (int)Math.Floor(decimal.ToDouble(MoneyExchange(maxpositionsizeincash, account.Currency, instrument.Currency)) / lastprice); } else if (instrument.InstrumentType == InstrumentType.CFD) { return instrument.GetDefaultQuantity(); } else { throw new NotImplementedException("AdjustPositionToRiskManagement: InstrumentType " + instrument.InstrumentType.ToString() + " not implemented", null); } } public static TimeSpan GetOfficialMarketOpeningTime(string Symbol) { //Gets official Stock Market Opening Time //Dirty hack to handle different pre-market times //technically we can not distinguish between pre-market and market data //e.g. use this function to determine opening time for Dax-Index (09.00) or Nasdaq-Index(15.30) if (Symbol.Contains("DE.30") || Symbol.Contains("DE-XTB")) { return new TimeSpan(9, 00, 00); } else if (Symbol.Contains("US.30") || Symbol.Contains("US-XTB")) { return new TimeSpan(15, 30, 00); } else { return new TimeSpan(9, 00, 00); } } public static TimeSpan GetOfficialMarketClosingTime(string Symbol) { //Gets official Stock Market Closing Time //e.g. use this function to determine closing time for Dax-Index (17.30) or Nasdaq-Index(22.00) if (Symbol.Contains("DE.30") || Symbol.Contains("DE-XTB")) { return new TimeSpan(17, 30, 00); } else if (Symbol.Contains("US.30") || Symbol.Contains("US-XTB")) { return new TimeSpan(22, 00, 00); } else { return new TimeSpan(17, 30, 00); } } #endregion #region web harvester private static decimal _vdax_new_value = 0; private static DateTime? _vdax_new_lastcheck = null; //Opening hours of VDAX are between: 08:50 - 17:50 private static TimeSpan _vdax_new_openinghours_open = new TimeSpan(8, 50, 0); private static TimeSpan _vdax_new_openinghours_close = new TimeSpan(17, 50, 0); private static TimeSpan _vdax_new_openinghours_marketdelay = new TimeSpan(0, 15, 0); /// /// dirty http request for the current VDAX-New value from the onvista website /// parsing is pretty dirty but does the job. anyway, expect some improvements or /// adaption as soon as the onvista site is changing :D /// /// vdax-new value public static decimal GetCurrentVdaxNew(int _CheckEveryXSeconds) { bool checkonline = false; //Check if we have not done this yet. if (_vdax_new_lastcheck == null) { checkonline = true; } //Check the online service each x seconds else if (_vdax_new_lastcheck.Value.AddSeconds(_CheckEveryXSeconds) <= DateTime.Now) { TimeSpan now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; //If the market is closed we do not need to ask the online service if ((now >= _vdax_new_openinghours_open) && (now <= _vdax_new_openinghours_close.Add(_vdax_new_openinghours_marketdelay))) { checkonline = true; } } //If true we check online for the data if (checkonline) { string url = ""; //Anfrage an die �bergebene URL starten HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url); //Antwort-Objekt erstellen HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); //Antwort Stream an Streamreader �bergeben StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); //Antwort (HTML Code) auslesen string html = sr.ReadToEnd(); //Streamreader und Webanfrage schlie�en sr.Close(); response.Close(); int first = html.IndexOf("
"); int EndOfValue = html.IndexOf("", first); string _vdax_new_string_value = (html.Substring(EndOfValue - 6, 5)); _vdax_new_string_value = _vdax_new_string_value.Replace(",", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator); _vdax_new_value = decimal.Parse(_vdax_new_string_value, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); _vdax_new_lastcheck = DateTime.Now; } return _vdax_new_value; } #endregion #region Bars /// /// Returns true if the currentbar is last day in the Bars object. /// We use this function to determine if the currentbar is a current active session or if this is the last shown trading day. /// /// /// /// public static bool IsCurrentBarLastDayInBars(IBars bars, IBar currentbar) { if (currentbar.Time.Date == bars.Last().Time.Date) { return true; } return false; } /// /// Returns the first Bar of the latest(=current) Session. /// /// /// /// public static IBar GetFirstBarOfCurrentSession(IBars Bars, DateTime Date) { return Bars.Where(x => x.Time.Date == Date).FirstOrDefault(); } /// /// Returns the Last Bar of the last Session /// During Simulation the latest session could also be a date older than today. /// /// /// /// public static IBar GetLastBarOfLastSession(IBars Bars, DateTime date) { return Bars.Where(x => x.Time.Date < date).LastOrDefault(); } /// /// HighestHigh Method is not available in Conditions, therefore this alternative can be used /// /// /// /// public static double GetHighestHigh(IBars Bars, int BarsAgo) { double HighestHigh = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= BarsAgo; i++) if (HighestHigh < Bars[i].High) { HighestHigh = Bars[i].High; } return HighestHigh; } /// /// LowestLow Method is not available in Conditions, therefore this alternative can be used /// /// /// /// public static double GetLowestLow(IBars Bars, int BarsAgo) { double LowestLow = 9999999999; for (int i = 1; i <= BarsAgo; i++) if (LowestLow > Bars[i].Low) { LowestLow = Bars[i].Low; } ; return LowestLow; } /// /// Return the target Bar, meaning a certain Bar in the future based on given timeFrame parameter /// eg getting 5 Bars in Future, this could be 5 days, or 75 Minutes in a 15M Chart /// /// /// /// /// /// public static DateTime GetTargetBar(IBars Bars, DateTime CurrentBarDateTime, ITimeFrame timeFrame, int BarsTilTarget) { DateTime Target = CurrentBarDateTime; int i = 0; do { switch (timeFrame.Periodicity) { case DatafeedHistoryPeriodicity.Minute: switch (timeFrame.PeriodicityValue) { case 1: Target = Target.AddMinutes(1); break; case 5: Target = Target.AddMinutes(5); break; case 15: Target = Target.AddMinutes(15); break; case 30: Target = Target.AddMinutes(30); break; } break; case DatafeedHistoryPeriodicity.Hour: switch (timeFrame.PeriodicityValue) { case 1: Target = Target.AddHours(1); break; case 5: Target = Target.AddHours(4); break; } break; case DatafeedHistoryPeriodicity.Day: Target = Target.AddDays(1); break; case DatafeedHistoryPeriodicity.Week: Target = Target.AddDays(7); break; default: return DateTime.MinValue; } if (Bars.IsDateTimeInMarket(Target) == true) { i++; } } while (i < BarsTilTarget); return Target; } #endregion #region Files /// /// Removes illegal letters on filenames and folders.. /// /// /// public static string CleanFileName(string filename) { filename = filename.Replace(" ", "_"); filename = filename.Replace(":", "_"); //filename = filename.Replace(".", "_"); return Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars().Aggregate(filename, (current, c) => current.Replace(c.ToString(), string.Empty)); //return string.Join("_", filename.Split(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())); } #endregion #region Chart /// /// Draws a standard alert text in the chart. /// /// /// public static void DrawAlertTextOnChart(UserIndicator indicator, string text) { indicator.AddChartTextFixed("AlertText", text, TextPosition.Center, Color.Red, new Font("Arial", 30), Color.Red, Color.Red, 20); } /// /// Draws a standard warning text in the chart. /// /// /// public static void DrawWarningTextOnChart(UserIndicator indicator, string text) { indicator.AddChartTextFixed("WarningText", text, TextPosition.Center, Color.Goldenrod, new Font("Arial", 30), Color.Goldenrod, Color.Goldenrod, 20); } /// /// Saves a snapshot of the current chart. /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void SaveSnapShot(string Indicator, String InstrumentName, IEnumerable AllCharts, IBars Bars, ITimeFrame TimeFrame) { string filepart = GlobalUtilities.CleanFileName(Indicator + "_" + TimeFrame.PeriodicityValue + TimeFrame.Periodicity + "_" + InstrumentName + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm")); string directory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\Auswertung\\SnapShot\\" + filepart + "\\"; string fileName = InstrumentName + "_" + TimeFrame.PeriodicityValue + TimeFrame.Periodicity + "_" + Bars[0].Time.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm") + ".jpg"; fileName = GlobalUtilities.CleanFileName(fileName); //take 20 Bars to future and 20 Bars from the past (but only if they exist, if not, just take first or last) DateTime ChartStart = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime ChartEnd = DateTime.MinValue; if (Bars.GetByIndex(Bars.GetBarIndex(Bars[0]) + 20) != null) { ChartEnd = Bars.GetByIndex(Bars.GetBarIndex(Bars[0]) + 20).Time; } else { ChartEnd = Bars.Last().Time; } if (Bars.GetByIndex(Bars.GetBarIndex(Bars[0]) - 20) != null) { ChartStart = Bars.GetByIndex(Bars.GetBarIndex(Bars[0]) - 20).Time; } else { ChartStart = Bars.First().Time; } //pick the right chart matching the current timeframe foreach (IChart chart in AllCharts) { if (chart.HistoryRequest.TimeFrame.Periodicity == TimeFrame.Periodicity && chart.HistoryRequest.TimeFrame.PeriodicityValue == TimeFrame.PeriodicityValue && chart.Instrument.Name == Bars.Instrument.Name) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); chart.SetDateRange(ChartStart, ChartEnd); chart.SaveChart(directory + fileName); } } } #endregion #region Basic Calculation static public decimal getPercentage(double whole, double part) { if (whole != 0) { return (decimal)((part / whole) * 100); } else { return 0; } } static public double getMinPosNumber(double n1, double n2, double n3) { List numbers = new List(); numbers.Add(n1); numbers.Add(n2); numbers.Add(n3); numbers.Sort(); numbers.RemoveAll(x => x <= 0); return numbers.Min(); } static public double getMaxNumber(double n1, double n2, double n3) { List numbers = new List(); numbers.Add(n1); numbers.Add(n2); numbers.Add(n3); return numbers.Max(); } #endregion #region DateTimeHelpers taken from public enum Quarter { First = 1, Second = 2, Third = 3, Fourth = 4 } public enum Month { January = 1, February = 2, March = 3, April = 4, May = 5, June = 6, July = 7, August = 8, September = 9, October = 10, November = 11, December = 12 } public static DateTime GetStartOfQuarter(int Year, Quarter Qtr) { if (Qtr == Quarter.First) // 1st Quarter = January 1 to March 31 return new DateTime(Year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); else if (Qtr == Quarter.Second) // 2nd Quarter = April 1 to June 30 return new DateTime(Year, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); else if (Qtr == Quarter.Third) // 3rd Quarter = July 1 to September 30 return new DateTime(Year, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); else // 4th Quarter = October 1 to December 31 return new DateTime(Year, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); } public static DateTime GetEndOfQuarter(int Year, Quarter Qtr) { if (Qtr == Quarter.First) // 1st Quarter = January 1 to March 31 return new DateTime(Year, 3, DateTime.DaysInMonth(Year, 3), 23, 59, 59, 999); else if (Qtr == Quarter.Second) // 2nd Quarter = April 1 to June 30 return new DateTime(Year, 6, DateTime.DaysInMonth(Year, 6), 23, 59, 59, 999); else if (Qtr == Quarter.Third) // 3rd Quarter = July 1 to September 30 return new DateTime(Year, 9, DateTime.DaysInMonth(Year, 9), 23, 59, 59, 999); else // 4th Quarter = October 1 to December 31 return new DateTime(Year, 12, DateTime.DaysInMonth(Year, 12), 23, 59, 59, 999); } public static Quarter GetQuarter(Month Month) { if (Month <= Month.March) // 1st Quarter = January 1 to March 31 return Quarter.First; else if ((Month >= Month.April) && (Month <= Month.June)) // 2nd Quarter = April 1 to June 30 return Quarter.Second; else if ((Month >= Month.July) && (Month <= Month.September)) // 3rd Quarter = July 1 to September 30 return Quarter.Third; else // 4th Quarter = October 1 to December 31 return Quarter.Fourth; } public static DateTime GetEndOfLastQuarter() { if ((Month)DateTime.Now.Month <= Month.March) //go to last quarter of previous year return GetEndOfQuarter(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, Quarter.Fourth); else //return last quarter of current year return GetEndOfQuarter(DateTime.Now.Year, GetQuarter((Month)DateTime.Now.Month)); } public static DateTime GetStartOfLastQuarter() { if ((Month)DateTime.Now.Month <= Month.March) //go to last quarter of previous year return GetStartOfQuarter(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, Quarter.Fourth); else //return last quarter of current year return GetStartOfQuarter(DateTime.Now.Year, GetQuarter((Month)DateTime.Now.Month)); } public static DateTime GetStartOfCurrentQuarter() { return GetStartOfQuarter(DateTime.Now.Year, GetQuarter((Month)DateTime.Now.Month)); } public static DateTime GetEndOfCurrentQuarter() { return GetEndOfQuarter(DateTime.Now.Year, GetQuarter((Month)DateTime.Now.Month)); } public static DateTime GetStartOfLastWeek() { int DaysToSubtract = (int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek + 7; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now.Subtract(System.TimeSpan.FromDays(DaysToSubtract)); return new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, 0, 0, 0, 0); } public static DateTime GetEndOfLastWeek() { DateTime dt = GetStartOfLastWeek().AddDays(6); return new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, 23, 59, 59, 999); } public static DateTime GetStartOfCurrentWeek() { int DaysToSubtract = (int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now.Subtract(System.TimeSpan.FromDays(DaysToSubtract)); return new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, 0, 0, 0, 0); } public static DateTime GetEndOfCurrentWeek() { DateTime dt = GetStartOfCurrentWeek().AddDays(6); return new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, 23, 59, 59, 999); } public static DateTime GetStartOfMonth(Month Month, int Year) { return new DateTime(Year, (int)Month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); } public static DateTime GetEndOfMonth(Month Month, int Year) { return new DateTime(Year, (int)Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(Year, (int)Month), 23, 59, 59, 999); } public static DateTime GetStartOfLastMonth() { if (DateTime.Now.Month == 1) return GetStartOfMonth((Month)12, DateTime.Now.Year - 1); else return GetStartOfMonth((Month)DateTime.Now.Month - 1, DateTime.Now.Year); } public static DateTime GetEndOfLastMonth() { if (DateTime.Now.Month == 1) return GetEndOfMonth((Month)12, DateTime.Now.Year - 1); else return GetEndOfMonth((Month)DateTime.Now.Month - 1, DateTime.Now.Year); } public static DateTime GetStartOfCurrentMonth() { return GetStartOfMonth((Month)DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Year); } public static DateTime GetEndOfCurrentMonth() { return GetEndOfMonth((Month)DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Year); } public static DateTime GetStartOfYear(int Year) { return new DateTime(Year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); } public static DateTime GetEndOfYear(int Year) { return new DateTime(Year, 12, DateTime.DaysInMonth(Year, 12), 23, 59, 59, 999); } public static DateTime GetStartOfLastYear() { return GetStartOfYear(DateTime.Now.Year - 1); } public static DateTime GetEndOfLastYear() { return GetEndOfYear(DateTime.Now.Year - 1); } public static DateTime GetStartOfCurrentYear() { return GetStartOfYear(DateTime.Now.Year); } public static DateTime GetEndOfCurrentYear() { return GetEndOfYear(DateTime.Now.Year); } public static DateTime GetStartOfDay(DateTime date) { return new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, 0, 0, 0, 0); } public static DateTime GetEndOfDay(DateTime date) { return new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, date.Day, 23, 59, 59, 999); } #endregion #region code utility // // Get the name of a static or instance property from a property access lambda. // Taken from: // // Type of the property // lambda expression of the form: '() => Class.Property' or '() => object.Property' // The name of the property public static string GetPropertyName(Expression> propertyLambda) { var me = propertyLambda.Body as MemberExpression; if (me == null) { throw new ArgumentException("You must pass a lambda of the form: '() => Class.Property' or '() => object.Property'"); } return me.Member.Name; } #endregion } #endregion #region Global defined classes /// /// Different types of order directions.s /// public enum OrderDirection_Enum : byte { OpenLong = 1, OpenShort = 2, CloseLong = 3, CloseShort = 4 } /// /// Class which holds all important data like the OrderDirection. /// We use this object as a global default return object for the calculate method in indicators. /// public class ResultValue { public bool ErrorOccured = false; public OrderDirection? Entry = null; public OrderDirection? Exit = null; } /// /// Statistic object to compare the performance of strategies. /// public class StatisticContainer { private List List = null; public StatisticContainer() { this.List = new List(); } /// /// Add a execution to our statistic (e.g. for backtesting). /// /// /// /// public void Add(ITradingManager tradingmanager, IStrategy strategy, IExecution execution) { Statistic statistic = new Statistic(tradingmanager, strategy, execution); //Set the counter, we are starting at 0 statistic.Counter = this.List.Count; //Add the item to the list this.List.Add(statistic); } /// /// Add a statistic obect (e.g. for backtesting). /// /// /// /// public void Add(Statistic statistic) { //Set the counter, we are starting at 0 statistic.Counter = this.List.Count; //Add the item to the list this.List.Add(statistic); } /// /// Copy the statistic csv file into the clipboard /// public void copyToClipboard() { try { string csvdata = this.getCSVData(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(csvdata)) { //Copy the csv data into clipboard Thread thread = new Thread(() => Clipboard.SetText(csvdata)); //Set the thread to STA thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); thread.Start(); thread.Join(); } } catch (Exception) { //todo log it } } /// /// Returns csv Data /// /// /// public string getCSVData() { StringBuilder returnvalue = new StringBuilder(); if (this.List != null && this.List.Count > 0) { returnvalue.AppendLine(Statistic.getCSVDataHeader()); foreach (Statistic item in this.List) { returnvalue.AppendLine(item.getCSVData()); } } return returnvalue.ToString(); } } /// /// Statistic object for each order. /// public class Statistic { //todo remove this method [Obsolete("Please use another constructor", false)] public Statistic(string nameofthestrategy) { this.NameOfTheStrategy = nameofthestrategy; } /// /// Standard constructor with finalised executions (all data from trade and order is available). /// You should use this when you create statistic data during a backtest when you are using executions. /// /// /// /// public Statistic(ITradingManager tradingmanager, IStrategy strategy, IExecution execution) { //Logging only on flat transactions then we have all data available (entry & exit) if (execution.PositionType == PositionType.Flat) { //get the trade with all data int tradeid = tradingmanager.GetTradeIdByExecutionId(execution.ExecutionId); ITradingTrade trade = tradingmanager.GetTrade(tradeid); if (trade != null) { //Log all data this.NameOfTheStrategy = strategy.DisplayName; this.Instrument = execution.Instrument.ToString(); this.TradeDirection = trade.EntryOrder.IsLong ? PositionType.Long : PositionType.Short; this.TimeFrame = execution.Order.TimeFrame.ToString(); this.ProfitLoss = trade.ProfitLoss; this.ProfitLossPercent = trade.ProfitLossPercent; this.ExitReason = trade.ExitReason; this.ExitPrice = trade.ExitPrice; //this.ExitDateTime = execution.Time; this.ExitDateTime = execution.Timestamp; this.ExitQuantity = execution.Quantity; this.ExitOrderType = execution.Order.OrderType; this.EntryDateTime = trade.EntryOrder.CreationTime; this.EntryPrice = trade.EntryOrder.Price; this.EntryQuantity = trade.EntryOrder.Quantity; this.EntryOrderType = trade.EntryOrder.Type; this.StopPrice = execution.Order.StopPrice; //everything is fine this.IsValid = true; } //we do not have a target. //this.TargetPrice } } /// /// Standard constructor with all statistical trades. /// You should use this when you create statistic data during a backtest with parameter optimization. /// In this case you also need to use the methods SetEntry() and SetExit(); /// /// /// /// public Statistic(IStrategy strategy, PositionType positiontype) { //Log all data //todo talk to christian concerning the unused properties and StopPrice this.NameOfTheStrategy = strategy.DisplayName; this.Instrument = strategy.Instrument.ToString(); this.TradeDirection = positiontype; this.TimeFrame = strategy.TimeFrame.ToString(); //this.ProfitLoss = trade.ProfitLoss; //this.ProfitLossPercent = trade.ProfitLossPercent; //this.ExitReason = trade.ExitReason; //this.StopPrice = execution.Order.StopPrice; //everything is fine this.IsValid = true; } public void SetEntry(string entryreason, int entry_quantity, double entry_price, DateTime entry_datetime, OrderType entry_ordertype) { this.EntryReason = entryreason; this.EntryDateTime = entry_datetime; this.EntryPrice = entry_price; this.EntryQuantity = entry_quantity; this.EntryOrderType = entry_ordertype; } public void SetExit(string exitreason, int exit_quantity, double exit_price, DateTime exit_datetime, OrderType exit_ordertype) { this.ExitReason = exitreason; this.ExitPrice = exit_price; this.ExitDateTime = exit_datetime; this.ExitQuantity = exit_quantity; this.ExitOrderType = exit_ordertype; } /// /// Returns a string with csv header text. /// ATTENTION: If you change parameters in this method, please also change it in the getCSVData() /// /// public static string getCSVDataHeader() { return "Id;Strategy;Instrument;TimeFrame;TradeDirection;EntryReason;EntryDateTime;EntryPrice;EntryQuantity;EntryOrderType;ExitDateTime;ExitPrice;MinutesInMarket;ExitReason;ExitQuantity;ExitOrderType;PointsDiff;PointsDiffPerc;ProfitLoss;ProfitLossPercent;StopPrice;TargetPrice"; } /// /// Returns a string with csv data. /// ATTENTION: If you change parameters in this method, please also change it in the getCSVDataHeader() /// /// public string getCSVData() { return string.Format("{0};{1};{2};{3};{4};{5};{6};{7};{8};{9};{10};{11};{12};{13};{14};{15};{16};{17};{18};{19};{20};{21}", this.Counter.ToString(), this.NameOfTheStrategy, this.Instrument, this.TimeFrame, this.TradeDirection.ToString(), this.EntryReason, this.EntryDateTime.ToString(), this.EntryPrice, this.EntryQuantity, this.EntryOrderType, this.ExitDateTime.ToString(), this.ExitPrice, this.MinutesInMarket, this.ExitReason, this.ExitQuantity, this.ExitOrderType, this.PointsDiff, this.PointsDiffPercentage, this.ProfitLoss, this.ProfitLossPercent, this.StopPrice, this.TargetPrice ); } /// /// Append csv data to a file /// public void AppendToFile() { string File = Const.DefaultFileStatistic; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(File); if (fi.Exists == false) { using (StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(File)) { stream.WriteLine(getCSVDataHeader()); } } using (StreamWriter stream = new FileInfo(File).AppendText()) { stream.WriteLine(getCSVData()); } } #region Properties private int _counter = 0; public int Counter { get { return _counter; } set { _counter = value; } } private bool _IsValid = false; public bool IsValid { get { return _IsValid; } set { _IsValid = value; } } private string _nameofthestrategy = null; public string NameOfTheStrategy { get { return _nameofthestrategy; } set { _nameofthestrategy = value; } } private string _TimeFrame = string.Empty; public string TimeFrame { get { return _TimeFrame; } set { _TimeFrame = value; } } private DateTime _entrydatetime = DateTime.MinValue; public DateTime EntryDateTime { get { return _entrydatetime; } set { _entrydatetime = value; } } private DateTime _exitdatetime = DateTime.MinValue; public DateTime ExitDateTime { get { return _exitdatetime; } set { _exitdatetime = value; } } private OrderType _EntryOrderType = OrderType.Unknown; public OrderType EntryOrderType { get { return _EntryOrderType; } set { _EntryOrderType = value; } } private OrderType _ExitOrderType = OrderType.Unknown; public OrderType ExitOrderType { get { return _ExitOrderType; } set { _ExitOrderType = value; } } public double MinutesInMarket { get { return this.ExitDateTime.Subtract(this.EntryDateTime).TotalMinutes; } } public double PointsDiff { get { //if (TradeDirection == Const.strLong) if (TradeDirection == PositionType.Long) { return ExitPrice - EntryPrice; } else { return EntryPrice - ExitPrice; } } } public double PointsDiffPercentage { get { if (TradeDirection == PositionType.Long) { return 1-(EntryPrice / ExitPrice ); } else { return 1-(ExitPrice/EntryPrice); } } } private string _instrument = String.Empty; public string Instrument { get { return _instrument; } set { _instrument = value; } } private PositionType _TradeDirection = PositionType.Flat; public PositionType TradeDirection { get { return _TradeDirection; } set { _TradeDirection = value; } } private double _EntryPrice = Double.MinValue; public double EntryPrice { get { return _EntryPrice; } set { _EntryPrice = value; } } private int _EntryQuantity = 0; public int EntryQuantity { get { return _EntryQuantity; } set { _EntryQuantity = value; } } private double _ExitPrice = Double.MinValue; public double ExitPrice { get { return _ExitPrice; } set { _ExitPrice = value; } } private String _EntryReason = String.Empty; public String EntryReason { get { return _EntryReason; } set { _EntryReason = value; } } private String _ExitReason = String.Empty; public String ExitReason { get { return _ExitReason; } set { _ExitReason = value; } } private int _ExitQuantity = 0; public int ExitQuantity { get { return _ExitQuantity; } set { _ExitQuantity = value; } } private double _ProfitLoss = 0; public double ProfitLoss { get { return _ProfitLoss; } set { _ProfitLoss = value; } } private double _ProfitLossPercent = 0; public double ProfitLossPercent { get { return _ProfitLossPercent; } set { _ProfitLossPercent = value; } } private double _StopPrice = 0; public double StopPrice { get { return _StopPrice; } set { _StopPrice = value; } } private double _TargetPrice = 0; public double TargetPrice { get { return _TargetPrice; } set { _TargetPrice = value; } } #endregion } /// /// Generic CSVExport (e.g. flat file for MatLab import) /// GitHub Fork /// /// /// CsvExport myExport = new CsvExport(); /// /// myExport.AddRow(); /// myExport["Region"] = "New York, USA"; /// myExport["Sales"] = 100000; /// myExport["Date Opened"] = new DateTime(2003, 12, 31); /// /// myExport.AddRow(); /// myExport["Region"] = "Sydney \"in\" Australia"; /// myExport["Sales"] = 50000; /// myExport["Date Opened"] = new DateTime(2005, 1, 1, 9, 30, 0); /// /// Then you can do any of the following three output options: /// string myCsv = myExport.Export(); /// myExport.ExportToFile("Somefile.csv"); /// byte[] myCsvData = myExport.ExportToBytes(); /// public class CsvExport { /// /// To keep the ordered list of column names /// List fields = new List(); /// /// The list of rows /// List> rows = new List>(); /// /// The current row /// Dictionary currentRow { get { return rows[rows.Count - 1]; } } /// /// Set a value on this column /// public object this[string field] { set { // Keep track of the field names, because the dictionary loses the ordering if (!fields.Contains(field)) fields.Add(field); currentRow[field] = value; } } /// /// Call this before setting any fields on a row /// public void AddRow() { rows.Add(new Dictionary()); } /// /// This method add the basic data rows for matlab import. /// Please do not change the Keys because we need this structure for matlab. /// public void AddRowBasicData(IStrategy strategy, IInstrument instrument, ITimeFrame timeframe, IBar bar, int ProcessingBarIndex) { this["Strategy"] = strategy.DisplayName; this["TimeFrame"] = timeframe.ToString(); this["Instrument"] = instrument.Name; this[GlobalUtilities.GetPropertyName(() => instrument.MainSector)] = instrument.MainSector; this[GlobalUtilities.GetPropertyName(() => instrument.DetailSector)] = instrument.DetailSector; this[GlobalUtilities.GetPropertyName(() => instrument.Currency)] = instrument.Currency; this["CurrentBar"] = ProcessingBarIndex; this[GlobalUtilities.GetPropertyName(() => bar.Time)] = bar.Time; this[GlobalUtilities.GetPropertyName(() => bar.Open)] = bar.Open; this[GlobalUtilities.GetPropertyName(() => bar.High)] = bar.High; this[GlobalUtilities.GetPropertyName(() => bar.Low)] = bar.Low; this[GlobalUtilities.GetPropertyName(() => bar.Close)] = bar.Close; this[GlobalUtilities.GetPropertyName(() => bar.Range)] = bar.Range; this[GlobalUtilities.GetPropertyName(() => bar.IsFalling)] = bar.IsFalling; this[GlobalUtilities.GetPropertyName(() => bar.IsGrowing)] = bar.IsGrowing; this[GlobalUtilities.GetPropertyName(() => bar.Volume)] = bar.Volume; } /// /// Converts a value to how it should output in a csv file /// If it has a comma, it needs surrounding with double quotes /// Eg Sydney, Australia -> "Sydney, Australia" /// Also if it contains any double quotes ("), then they need to be replaced with quad quotes[sic] ("") /// Eg "Dangerous Dan" McGrew -> """Dangerous Dan"" McGrew" /// string MakeValueCsvFriendly(object value) { if (value == null) return ""; if (value is INullable && ((INullable)value).IsNull) return ""; if (value is DateTime) { if (((DateTime)value).TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds == 0) return ((DateTime)value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); return ((DateTime)value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); } string output = value.ToString(); if (output.Contains(",") || output.Contains("\"")) output = '"' + output.Replace("\"", "\"\"") + '"'; return output; } /// /// Output all rows as a CSV returning a string /// public string Export() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // The header foreach (string field in fields) sb.Append(field).Append(","); sb.AppendLine(); // The rows foreach (Dictionary row in rows) { foreach (string field in fields) sb.Append(MakeValueCsvFriendly(row[field])).Append(","); sb.AppendLine(); } return sb.ToString(); } /// /// Copy the csv file into the clipboard /// public void CopyToClipboard() { try { string csvdata = this.Export(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(csvdata)) { //Copy the csv data into clipboard Thread thread = new Thread(() => Clipboard.SetText(csvdata)); //Set the thread to STA thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); thread.Start(); thread.Join(); } } catch (Exception) { //todo log it } } /// /// Exports to a file /// public void ExportToFile(string path) { File.WriteAllText(path, Export()); } /// /// Exports as raw UTF8 bytes /// public byte[] ExportToBytes() { return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Export()); } } /// /// We use this class to compare two IBar if they are equal on time. /// true when the time of the IBar is the same on x as on y. /// public class IBarTimeComparer : IEqualityComparer { bool IEqualityComparer.Equals(IBar x, IBar y) { return (x.Time.Equals(y.Time) && x.Time.Equals(y.Time)); } int IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(IBar obj) { if (Object.ReferenceEquals(obj, null)) return 0; return obj.Time.GetHashCode() + obj.Time.GetHashCode(); } } #endregion } #region ITradingOrderExtensions public static class IBarExtensions { public static DateTime GetTimestamp(this IBar item) { return item.Time; } } #endregion #region ITradingOrderExtensions public static class ITradingOrderExtensions { public static double GetThePrice(this ITradingOrder item) { double price = 0.0; switch (item.Type) { case OrderType.Stop: price = item.StopPrice; break; case OrderType.Limit: price = item.Price; break; case OrderType.StopLimit: price = item.StopPrice; break; case OrderType.Market: price = item.StopPrice; break; case OrderType.Unknown: break; default: break; } //if (price == 0.0) //{ // price = item.StopPrice; //} return price; } } #endregion #region IEnumerableExtensions /// /// This class contains all extension methods for IEnumerable. /// public static class IEnumerableExtensions { public static IEnumerable GetDateRange(this DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { if (endDate < startDate) throw new ArgumentException("endDate must be greater than or equal to startDate"); while (startDate <= endDate) { yield return startDate; startDate = startDate.AddDays(1); } } public static IEnumerable Append(this IEnumerable first, params object[] second) { return first.OfType().Concat(second); } public static IEnumerable Append(this IEnumerable first, params T[] second) { return first.Concat(second); } public static IEnumerable Prepend(this IEnumerable first, params object[] second) { return second.Concat(first.OfType()); } public static IEnumerable Prepend(this IEnumerable first, params T[] second) { return second.Concat(first); } } #endregion #region StringExtensions /// /// This class contains all extension methods for strings. /// public static class StringExtensions { /// /// Checks if the string contains a numeric value. /// /// The string to be tested. /// True if the string is numeric. public static bool IsNumeric(this string str) { long number; return long.TryParse(str, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out number); } /// /// Counts the words in a string. /// /// The string to be tested. /// The number of words. public static int WordCount(this String str) { return str.Split(new char[] { ' ', '.', '?' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length; } /// /// Removes illegal letters on strings for filenames and folders. /// /// /// public static string CleanFileName(this String str) { return CleanFileName(str); } } #endregion [Description("We use this indicator to share global code in AgenaTrader.")] [Category("GlobalUtility")] public class GlobalUtility : AgenaTrader.UserCode.UserIndicator { // }