# h1 h1 === ## h2 h2 --- ### h3 #### h4 ##### h5 ###### h6 #h1 ##h2 ###h3 ####h4 #####h5 ######h6 # 测试一 ## 测试二 ### 测试三 # a/b c-d # Horizontal Line --- *** ___ - - - * * * _ _ _ # List - ul - ul - ul * ul * ul * ul + ul + ul + ul + ul - ul * ul - ul - ul - ul 1. ol 1. ol 1. ol - 1. ol 1. ol 1. ol 1. ol 1. ol 1. ol 1. ol 1. ol 1. ol --- # Text Formatting **bold** __bold__ *italic* _italic_ `inline code` > blockquote ## Combinations > first >> second > > > third > blockquote *`something`* **`something`** _`something`_ __`something`__ ***`something`*** ___`something`___ __*`something`*__ *__`something`__* **_`something`_** _**`something`**_ > `blockquote` > **`blockquote`** > ***`blockquote`*** --- # Link [link with inline URL](https://github.com/simov/markdown-viewer) [link with index][1] [named link][some-url] [some-url] [some-url][] [parentheses in URL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheme_(programming_language)) [escaped parentheses in URL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheme_\(programming_language\)) https://github.com/simov/markdown-viewer ## Combinations - italic - [*named link*][some-url] - *[named link][some-url]* - [_named link_][some-url] - _[named link][some-url]_ - bold - [**named link**][some-url] - **[named link][some-url]** - [__named link__][some-url] - __[named link][some-url]__ - bold italic - [***named link***][some-url] - ***[named link][some-url]*** - [___named link___][some-url] - ___[named link][some-url]___ - [*__named link__*][some-url] - [__*named link*__][some-url] - __*[named link][some-url]*__ - code - [`named link`][some-url] - code italic - *[`named link`][some-url]* - [*`named link`*][some-url] - _[`named link`][some-url]_ - [_`named link`_][some-url] - code bold - **[`named link`][some-url]** - [**`named link`**][some-url] - __[`named link`][some-url]__ - [__`named link`__][some-url] - code bold italic - [***`named link`***][some-url] - ***[`named link`][some-url]*** - [___`named link`___][some-url] - ___[`named link`][some-url]___ - [*__`named link`__*][some-url] - [__*`named link`*__][some-url] - __*[`named link`][some-url]*__ --- # Image ![named-image] ![2] ![2][] ![][2] [![3]][some-url] [![named-image]][some-url] ![](http://i.imgur.com/rKYxW.jpg "Inline Alt Text") [![](http://i.imgur.com/rKYxW.jpg)](https://github.com/simov/markdown-viewer) [1]: https://github.com/simov/markdown-viewer [2]: http://i.imgur.com/rKYxW.jpg (Image Index) [3]: http://i.imgur.com/rKYxW.jpg (Image Index with Link) [named-image]: http://i.imgur.com/rKYxW.jpg "Named Image" [some-url]: https://github.com/simov/markdown-viewer --- # Code Block code block using indentation ``` fenced code block using backtick ``` ~~~ fenced code block using tilde ~~~ --- # GFM ## Table table | col | col | col --- | :--- | :---: | ---: default | align left | centered | align right default left | align left left | something centered | something align right default | align left | centered | align right | table | col | col | col | - | :- | :-: | -: | default | align left | centered | align right | default left | align left left | something centered | something align right | default | align left | centered | align right ## Strikethrough ~~strikethrough~~ ~~`something`~~ ~~**`something`**~~ ~~***`something`***~~ ~~__`something`__~~ ~~___`something`___~~ ~~__*`something`*__~~ ~~*__`something`__*~~ ~~**_`something`_**~~ ~~_**`something`**_~~ > ~~**_`something`_**~~ ## Task List - [x] task - [ ] task ## Line Breaks > Line 1 > Line 2 > Line 3 ## Footnotes Something something[^named] And something else[^1], and a link[^2] [^1]: This reference footnote contains a paragraph... * ...and a list [^2]: https://github.com/simov/markdown-viewer [^named]: https://github.com/simov/markdown-viewer --- # HTML ## CSS Style


bold and underline

## Details/Summary
Open by Default - [x] task - [ ] task
Click to Expand ```js var code = 'block' ``` ### Inner Header [link](https://github.com/simov/markdown-viewer)
## Definition List
## KBD the kbd tag ## Supscript/subscript - 19th - H2O --- # Extras ## Syntax Highlighting - [Examples and Syntax](prism.md) ## MathJax - [Examples and Syntax](mathjax.md) ## Mermaid - [Examples and Syntax](mermaid.md) ## Emoji - shortcode: :wave: :alien: - unicode: 👋 👽 - ascii: :D :/ --- # Escapes HTML tags \\ \` \* \_ \{ \} \# \+ \- \. \! \[ \] \( \) `` `\(` `` ```` ``` fenced code block ``` ```` --- # Quirks ## Code block inside list 1. item 1 ``` code block ``` 2. item 2 3. item 3 ## Tables inside nested lists case 0: a table at indentation level 0, after a paragraph (at level 0) -- this should render the table not-indented |A|B| |-|-| |1|2| * case 1: a table at indentation level 1, after a list item at level 1 -- this should render the table indented once |A|B| |-|-| |1|2| * case 2: a table at indentation level 2, after a list item at level 2 -- this should render the table indented twice |A|B| |-|-| |1|2| case 3: a table at indentation level 1, after a a paragraph (at level 0) -- this should render the raw text into a code block |A|B| |-|-| |1|2| ## Empty table cells | | Test | |---|---------| | 1 | Problem | | Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |----------|----------|-----------| | This | Is | Correct | | | Rendered | Incorrect | ## h2 before # h1 ## Problem with spaces as new-line after bold/italics followed by a period https://github.com/simov/markdown-viewer/issues/124 line 1 \*\*bold follwed by period\*\*. line 2 line 3 \*\*bold\*\* line 4 line 5 \*italic follwed by period\*. line 6 line 7 \*italic\* line 8 line 9 text followed by period. line 10 line 11 text line 12 ## Blank line in code block breaks rendering https://github.com/simov/markdown-viewer/issues/125 * First support: ``` Bold Underline InvertColors ClearAttributes ResetAllAttributes Red IntenseRed OnRed OnIntenseRed ``` ## line breaks in CJK https://github.com/simov/markdown-viewer/issues/127 Markdown-Viewer是浏览器上最好的Markdown预览插件,能够对Md文件进行高度定制化的预 览,支持众多选项设置,易于安装,免费开源。