#These are also default settings of a Cellsnake run without any configfile #basic paramaters min_cells: 3 #seurat defaults, recommended min_features: 200 #seurat defaults, recommended, nFeature_RNA max_features: Inf #seurat default, nFeature_RNA, 5000 can be a good cutoff max_molecules: Inf #seurat default, nCount_RNA, to filter potential doublets, doublet filtering is already default, so keep this Inf min_molecules: 0 #seurat default, nCount_RNA, min_features usually handles this so keep it 0 percent_mt: 10 #Mitochondrial genes maximum percentage (0-100), default 10, you can use "auto" percent_rp: 0 #Ribosomal genes minimum percentage (0-100), default no filtering highly_variable_features: 2000 #seurat defaults, recommended variable_selection_method: "vst" #seurat defaults, recommended #plotting paramaters min_percentage_to_plot: 2 #only plot clusters with more than 2% of cells, still all of them visible on HTMLs and on plots if labels are True show_labels: T #show labels on plots #doublet filtering, True:T or False:F doublet_filter: T #this may fail on some samples #clustering and normalization paramaters normalization_method: "LogNormalize" scale_factor: 10000 resolution: "0.8" #seurat default #Differential expression paramaters logfc_threshold: 0.25 test_use: "wilcox" marker_plots_per_cluster_n: 20 #plot summary marker plots for top markers umap_markers_plot: True tsne_markers_plot: False #enrichment paramaters mapping: "org.Hs.eg.db" #you may install others from Bioconductor, this is for human organism: "hsa" #alternatives https://www.genome.jp/kegg/catalog/org_list.html #SingleR reference singler_ref: "BlueprintEncodeData" # https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/data/experiment/vignettes/celldex/inst/doc/userguide.html#1_Overview singler_granulation: "label.main" #label.main or label.fine #celltypist celltypist_model: "Immune_All_Low.pkl" #refer to Celltypist for another model #krakendb settings kraken_db_folder: taxa: "genus" # available options "domain", "kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", "species" microbiome_min_cells: 1 microbiome_min_features: 3 confidence: 0.05 #see kraken2 manual min_hit_groups: 4 #see kraken2 manual #cellchat species: "human" #human or mouse is accepted, http://www.cellchat.org/cellchatdb/ #integration params dims: 30 reduction: "cca"