# Fix whitespace-insensitive template indentation 💼 This rule is enabled in the ✅ `recommended` [config](https://github.com/sindresorhus/eslint-plugin-unicorn#preset-configs). 🔧 This rule is automatically fixable by the [`--fix` CLI option](https://eslint.org/docs/latest/user-guide/command-line-interface#--fix). [Tagged templates](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals#tagged_templates) often look ugly/jarring because their indentation doesn't match the code they're found in. In many cases, whitespace is insignificant, or a library like [strip-indent](https://www.npmjs.com/package/strip-indent) is used to remove the margin. See [proposal-string-dedent](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-string-dedent) (stage 1 at the time of writing) for a proposal on fixing this in JavaScript. This rule will automatically fix the indentation of multiline string templates, to keep them in alignment with the code they are found in. A configurable whitelist is used to ensure no whitespace-sensitive strings are edited. ## Fail ```js function foo() { const sqlQuery = sql` select * from students where first_name = ${x} and last_name = ${y} `; const gqlQuery = gql` query user(id: 5) { firstName lastName } `; const html = /* HTML */ `
`; } ``` ## Pass The above will auto-fix to: ```js function foo() { const sqlQuery = sql` select * from students where first_name = ${x} and last_name = ${y} `; const gqlQuery = gql` query user(id: 5) { firstName lastName } `; const html = /* HTML */ `
`; } ``` Under the hood, [strip-indent](https://npmjs.com/package/strip-indent) is used to determine how the template "should" look. Then a common indent is added to each line based on the margin of the line the template started at. This rule will *not* alter the relative whitespace between significant lines, it will only shift the content right or left so that it aligns sensibly with the surrounding code. ## Options The rule accepts lists of `tags`, `functions`, `selectors` and `comments` to match template literals. `tags` are tagged template literal identifiers, functions are names of utility functions like `stripIndent`, selectors can be any [ESLint selector](https://eslint.org/docs/developer-guide/selectors), and comments are `/* block-commented */` strings. Default configuration: ```js { 'unicorn/template-indent': [ 'warn', { tags: [ 'outdent', 'dedent', 'gql', 'sql', 'html', 'styled' ], functions: [ 'dedent', 'stripIndent' ], selectors: [], comments: [ 'HTML', 'indent' ] } ] } ``` You can use a selector for custom use-cases, like indenting *all* template literals, even those without template tags or function callers: ```js { 'unicorn/template-indent': [ 'warn', { tags: [], functions: [], selectors: [ 'TemplateLiteral' ] } ] } ``` Indentation will be done with tabs or spaces depending on the line of code that the template literal starts at. You can override this by supplying an `indent`, which should be either a number (of spaces) or a string consisting only of whitespace characters: ```js { 'unicorn/template-indent': [ 'warn', { indent: 8, } ] } ``` ```js { 'unicorn/template-indent': [ 'warn', { indent: '\t\t' } ] } ```