import {serial as test} from 'ava'; import delay from 'delay'; import inRange from 'in-range'; import timeSpan from 'time-span'; import m from './'; const input = [ [1, 300], [2, 400], [3, 200], Promise.resolve([4, 100]) // ensures promises work in the input ]; const tester = ([val, ms]) => delay(ms).then(() => val === 2 || val === 3); test('main', async t => { const end = timeSpan(); m(input, tester))[0], 2); t.true(inRange(end(), 370, 450), 'should be time of item `2`'); }); test('option {preserveOrder:false}', async t => { const end = timeSpan(); m(input, tester, {preserveOrder: false}))[0], 3); t.true(inRange(end(), 170, 250), 'should be time of item `3`'); }); test('option {concurrency:1}', async t => { const end = timeSpan(); m(input, tester, {concurrency: 1}))[0], 2); t.true(inRange(end(), 670, 750), 'should be time of items `1` and `2`, since they run serially'); }); test('returns `undefined` when nothing could be found', async t => { m([1, 2, 3], () => false)), undefined); }); test('rejected return value in `tester` rejects the promise', async t => { const fixtureErr = new Error('fixture'); await t.throws(m([1, 2, 3], () => Promise.reject(fixtureErr)), fixtureErr.message); });