# Pure # by Sindre Sorhus # https://github.com/sindresorhus/pure # MIT License # For my own and others sanity # git: # %b => current branch # %a => current action (rebase/merge) # prompt: # %F => color dict # %f => reset color # %~ => current path # %* => time # %n => username # %m => shortname host # %(?..) => prompt conditional - %(condition.true.false) # terminal codes: # \e7 => save cursor position # \e[2A => move cursor 2 lines up # \e[1G => go to position 1 in terminal # \e8 => restore cursor position # \e[K => clears everything after the cursor on the current line # \e[2K => clear everything on the current line # Turns seconds into human readable time. # 165392 => 1d 21h 56m 32s # https://github.com/sindresorhus/pretty-time-zsh prompt_pure_human_time_to_var() { local human total_seconds=$1 var=$2 local days=$(( total_seconds / 60 / 60 / 24 )) local hours=$(( total_seconds / 60 / 60 % 24 )) local minutes=$(( total_seconds / 60 % 60 )) local seconds=$(( total_seconds % 60 )) (( days > 0 )) && human+="${days}d " (( hours > 0 )) && human+="${hours}h " (( minutes > 0 )) && human+="${minutes}m " human+="${seconds}s" # Store human readable time in a variable as specified by the caller typeset -g "${var}"="${human}" } # Stores (into prompt_pure_cmd_exec_time) the execution # time of the last command if set threshold was exceeded. prompt_pure_check_cmd_exec_time() { integer elapsed (( elapsed = EPOCHSECONDS - ${prompt_pure_cmd_timestamp:-$EPOCHSECONDS} )) typeset -g prompt_pure_cmd_exec_time= (( elapsed > ${PURE_CMD_MAX_EXEC_TIME:-5} )) && { prompt_pure_human_time_to_var $elapsed "prompt_pure_cmd_exec_time" } } prompt_pure_set_title() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit # Emacs terminal does not support settings the title. (( ${+EMACS} || ${+INSIDE_EMACS} )) && return case $TTY in # Don't set title over serial console. /dev/ttyS[0-9]*) return;; esac # Show hostname if connected via SSH. local hostname= if [[ -n $prompt_pure_state[username] ]]; then # Expand in-place in case ignore-escape is used. hostname="${(%):-(%m) }" fi local -a opts case $1 in expand-prompt) opts=(-P);; ignore-escape) opts=(-r);; esac # Set title atomically in one print statement so that it works when XTRACE is enabled. print -n $opts $'\e]0;'${hostname}${2}$'\a' } prompt_pure_preexec() { if [[ -n $prompt_pure_git_fetch_pattern ]]; then # Detect when Git is performing pull/fetch, including Git aliases. local -H MATCH MBEGIN MEND match mbegin mend if [[ $2 =~ (git|hub)\ (.*\ )?($prompt_pure_git_fetch_pattern)(\ .*)?$ ]]; then # We must flush the async jobs to cancel our git fetch in order # to avoid conflicts with the user issued pull / fetch. async_flush_jobs 'prompt_pure' fi fi typeset -g prompt_pure_cmd_timestamp=$EPOCHSECONDS # Shows the current directory and executed command in the title while a process is active. prompt_pure_set_title 'ignore-escape' "$PWD:t: $2" # Disallow Python virtualenv from updating the prompt. Set it to 12 if # untouched by the user to indicate that Pure modified it. Here we use # the magic number 12, same as in `psvar`. export VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT=${VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT:-12} } # Change the colors if their value are different from the current ones. prompt_pure_set_colors() { local color_temp key value for key value in ${(kv)prompt_pure_colors}; do zstyle -t ":prompt:pure:$key" color "$value" case $? in 1) # The current style is different from the one from zstyle. zstyle -s ":prompt:pure:$key" color color_temp prompt_pure_colors[$key]=$color_temp ;; 2) # No style is defined. prompt_pure_colors[$key]=$prompt_pure_colors_default[$key] ;; esac done } prompt_pure_preprompt_render() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit unset prompt_pure_async_render_requested # Set color for Git branch/dirty status and change color if dirty checking has been delayed. local git_color=$prompt_pure_colors[git:branch] local git_dirty_color=$prompt_pure_colors[git:dirty] [[ -n ${prompt_pure_git_last_dirty_check_timestamp+x} ]] && git_color=$prompt_pure_colors[git:branch:cached] # Initialize the preprompt array. local -a preprompt_parts # Suspended jobs in background. if ((${(M)#jobstates:#suspended:*} != 0)); then preprompt_parts+='%F{$prompt_pure_colors[suspended_jobs]}✦' fi # Username and machine, if applicable. [[ -n $prompt_pure_state[username] ]] && preprompt_parts+=($prompt_pure_state[username]) # Set the path. preprompt_parts+=('%F{${prompt_pure_colors[path]}}%~%f') # Git branch and dirty status info. typeset -gA prompt_pure_vcs_info if [[ -n $prompt_pure_vcs_info[branch] ]]; then preprompt_parts+=("%F{$git_color}"'${prompt_pure_vcs_info[branch]}'"%F{$git_dirty_color}"'${prompt_pure_git_dirty}%f') fi # Git action (for example, merge). if [[ -n $prompt_pure_vcs_info[action] ]]; then preprompt_parts+=("%F{$prompt_pure_colors[git:action]}"'$prompt_pure_vcs_info[action]%f') fi # Git pull/push arrows. if [[ -n $prompt_pure_git_arrows ]]; then preprompt_parts+=('%F{$prompt_pure_colors[git:arrow]}${prompt_pure_git_arrows}%f') fi # Git stash symbol (if opted in). if [[ -n $prompt_pure_git_stash ]]; then preprompt_parts+=('%F{$prompt_pure_colors[git:stash]}${PURE_GIT_STASH_SYMBOL:-≡}%f') fi # Execution time. [[ -n $prompt_pure_cmd_exec_time ]] && preprompt_parts+=('%F{$prompt_pure_colors[execution_time]}${prompt_pure_cmd_exec_time}%f') local cleaned_ps1=$PROMPT local -H MATCH MBEGIN MEND if [[ $PROMPT = *$prompt_newline* ]]; then # Remove everything from the prompt until the newline. This # removes the preprompt and only the original PROMPT remains. cleaned_ps1=${PROMPT##*${prompt_newline}} fi unset MATCH MBEGIN MEND # Construct the new prompt with a clean preprompt. local -ah ps1 ps1=( ${(j. .)preprompt_parts} # Join parts, space separated. $prompt_newline # Separate preprompt and prompt. $cleaned_ps1 ) PROMPT="${(j..)ps1}" # Expand the prompt for future comparision. local expanded_prompt expanded_prompt="${(S%%)PROMPT}" if [[ $1 == precmd ]]; then # Initial newline, for spaciousness. print elif [[ $prompt_pure_last_prompt != $expanded_prompt ]]; then # Redraw the prompt. prompt_pure_reset_prompt fi typeset -g prompt_pure_last_prompt=$expanded_prompt } prompt_pure_precmd() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit # Check execution time and store it in a variable. prompt_pure_check_cmd_exec_time unset prompt_pure_cmd_timestamp # Shows the full path in the title. prompt_pure_set_title 'expand-prompt' '%~' # Modify the colors if some have changed.. prompt_pure_set_colors # Perform async Git dirty check and fetch. prompt_pure_async_tasks # Check if we should display the virtual env. We use a sufficiently high # index of psvar (12) here to avoid collisions with user defined entries. psvar[12]= # Check if a Conda environment is active and display its name. if [[ -n $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV ]]; then psvar[12]="${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV//[$'\t\r\n']}" fi # When VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT is empty, it was unset by the user and # Pure should take back control. if [[ -n $VIRTUAL_ENV ]] && [[ -z $VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT || $VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT = 12 ]]; then psvar[12]="${VIRTUAL_ENV:t}" export VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT=12 fi # Nix package manager integration. If used from within 'nix shell' - shell name is shown like so: # ~/Projects/flake-utils-plus master # flake-utils-plus ❯ if zstyle -T ":prompt:pure:environment:nix-shell" show; then if [[ -n $IN_NIX_SHELL ]]; then psvar[12]="${name:-nix-shell}" fi fi # Make sure VIM prompt is reset. prompt_pure_reset_prompt_symbol # Print the preprompt. prompt_pure_preprompt_render "precmd" if [[ -n $ZSH_THEME ]]; then print "WARNING: Oh My Zsh themes are enabled (ZSH_THEME='${ZSH_THEME}'). Pure might not be working correctly." print "For more information, see: https://github.com/sindresorhus/pure#oh-my-zsh" unset ZSH_THEME # Only show this warning once. fi } prompt_pure_async_git_aliases() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit local -a gitalias pullalias # List all aliases and split on newline. gitalias=(${(@f)"$(command git config --get-regexp "^alias\.")"}) for line in $gitalias; do parts=(${(@)=line}) # Split line on spaces. aliasname=${parts[1]#alias.} # Grab the name (alias.[name]). shift parts # Remove `aliasname` # Check alias for pull or fetch. Must be exact match. if [[ $parts =~ ^(.*\ )?(pull|fetch)(\ .*)?$ ]]; then pullalias+=($aliasname) fi done print -- ${(j:|:)pullalias} # Join on pipe, for use in regex. } prompt_pure_async_vcs_info() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit # Configure `vcs_info` inside an async task. This frees up `vcs_info` # to be used or configured as the user pleases. zstyle ':vcs_info:*' enable git zstyle ':vcs_info:*' use-simple true # Only export four message variables from `vcs_info`. zstyle ':vcs_info:*' max-exports 3 # Export branch (%b), Git toplevel (%R), action (rebase/cherry-pick) (%a) zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' formats '%b' '%R' '%a' zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' actionformats '%b' '%R' '%a' vcs_info local -A info info[pwd]=$PWD info[branch]=${vcs_info_msg_0_//\%/%%} info[top]=$vcs_info_msg_1_ info[action]=$vcs_info_msg_2_ print -r - ${(@kvq)info} } # Fastest possible way to check if a Git repo is dirty. prompt_pure_async_git_dirty() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit local untracked_dirty=$1 local untracked_git_mode=$(command git config --get status.showUntrackedFiles) if [[ "$untracked_git_mode" != 'no' ]]; then untracked_git_mode='normal' fi # Prevent e.g. `git status` from refreshing the index as a side effect. export GIT_OPTIONAL_LOCKS=0 if [[ $untracked_dirty = 0 ]]; then command git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code else test -z "$(command git status --porcelain -u${untracked_git_mode})" fi return $? } prompt_pure_async_git_fetch() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit local only_upstream=${1:-0} # Sets `GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0` to disable authentication prompt for Git fetch (Git 2.3+). export GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0 # Set SSH `BachMode` to disable all interactive SSH password prompting. export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="${GIT_SSH_COMMAND:-"ssh"} -o BatchMode=yes" # If gpg-agent is set to handle SSH keys for `git fetch`, make # sure it doesn't corrupt the parent TTY. # Setting an empty GPG_TTY forces pinentry-curses to close immediately rather # than stall indefinitely waiting for user input. export GPG_TTY= local -a remote if ((only_upstream)); then local ref ref=$(command git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) # Set remote to only fetch information for the current branch. remote=($(command git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream:remotename) %(refname)' $ref)) if [[ -z $remote[1] ]]; then # No remote specified for this branch, skip fetch. return 97 fi fi # Default return code, which indicates Git fetch failure. local fail_code=99 # Guard against all forms of password prompts. By setting the shell into # MONITOR mode we can notice when a child process prompts for user input # because it will be suspended. Since we are inside an async worker, we # have no way of transmitting the password and the only option is to # kill it. If we don't do it this way, the process will corrupt with the # async worker. setopt localtraps monitor # Make sure local HUP trap is unset to allow for signal propagation when # the async worker is flushed. trap - HUP trap ' # Unset trap to prevent infinite loop trap - CHLD if [[ $jobstates = suspended* ]]; then # Set fail code to password prompt and kill the fetch. fail_code=98 kill %% fi ' CHLD # Do git fetch and avoid fetching tags or # submodules to speed up the process. command git -c gc.auto=0 fetch \ --quiet \ --no-tags \ --recurse-submodules=no \ $remote &>/dev/null & wait $! || return $fail_code unsetopt monitor # Check arrow status after a successful `git fetch`. prompt_pure_async_git_arrows } prompt_pure_async_git_arrows() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit command git rev-list --left-right --count HEAD...@'{u}' } prompt_pure_async_git_stash() { git rev-list --walk-reflogs --count refs/stash } # Try to lower the priority of the worker so that disk heavy operations # like `git status` has less impact on the system responsivity. prompt_pure_async_renice() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit if command -v renice >/dev/null; then command renice +15 -p $$ fi if command -v ionice >/dev/null; then command ionice -c 3 -p $$ fi } prompt_pure_async_init() { typeset -g prompt_pure_async_inited if ((${prompt_pure_async_inited:-0})); then return fi prompt_pure_async_inited=1 async_start_worker "prompt_pure" -u -n async_register_callback "prompt_pure" prompt_pure_async_callback async_worker_eval "prompt_pure" prompt_pure_async_renice } prompt_pure_async_tasks() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit # Initialize the async worker. prompt_pure_async_init # Update the current working directory of the async worker. async_worker_eval "prompt_pure" builtin cd -q $PWD typeset -gA prompt_pure_vcs_info local -H MATCH MBEGIN MEND if [[ $PWD != ${prompt_pure_vcs_info[pwd]}* ]]; then # Stop any running async jobs. async_flush_jobs "prompt_pure" # Reset Git preprompt variables, switching working tree. unset prompt_pure_git_dirty unset prompt_pure_git_last_dirty_check_timestamp unset prompt_pure_git_arrows unset prompt_pure_git_stash unset prompt_pure_git_fetch_pattern prompt_pure_vcs_info[branch]= prompt_pure_vcs_info[top]= fi unset MATCH MBEGIN MEND async_job "prompt_pure" prompt_pure_async_vcs_info # Only perform tasks inside a Git working tree. [[ -n $prompt_pure_vcs_info[top] ]] || return prompt_pure_async_refresh } prompt_pure_async_refresh() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit if [[ -z $prompt_pure_git_fetch_pattern ]]; then # We set the pattern here to avoid redoing the pattern check until the # working tree has changed. Pull and fetch are always valid patterns. typeset -g prompt_pure_git_fetch_pattern="pull|fetch" async_job "prompt_pure" prompt_pure_async_git_aliases fi async_job "prompt_pure" prompt_pure_async_git_arrows # Do not perform `git fetch` if it is disabled or in home folder. if (( ${PURE_GIT_PULL:-1} )) && [[ $prompt_pure_vcs_info[top] != $HOME ]]; then zstyle -t :prompt:pure:git:fetch only_upstream local only_upstream=$((? == 0)) async_job "prompt_pure" prompt_pure_async_git_fetch $only_upstream fi # If dirty checking is sufficiently fast, # tell the worker to check it again, or wait for timeout. integer time_since_last_dirty_check=$(( EPOCHSECONDS - ${prompt_pure_git_last_dirty_check_timestamp:-0} )) if (( time_since_last_dirty_check > ${PURE_GIT_DELAY_DIRTY_CHECK:-1800} )); then unset prompt_pure_git_last_dirty_check_timestamp # Check check if there is anything to pull. async_job "prompt_pure" prompt_pure_async_git_dirty ${PURE_GIT_UNTRACKED_DIRTY:-1} fi # If stash is enabled, tell async worker to count stashes if zstyle -t ":prompt:pure:git:stash" show; then async_job "prompt_pure" prompt_pure_async_git_stash else unset prompt_pure_git_stash fi } prompt_pure_check_git_arrows() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit local arrows left=${1:-0} right=${2:-0} (( right > 0 )) && arrows+=${PURE_GIT_DOWN_ARROW:-⇣} (( left > 0 )) && arrows+=${PURE_GIT_UP_ARROW:-⇡} [[ -n $arrows ]] || return typeset -g REPLY=$arrows } prompt_pure_async_callback() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit local job=$1 code=$2 output=$3 exec_time=$4 next_pending=$6 local do_render=0 case $job in \[async]) # Handle all the errors that could indicate a crashed # async worker. See zsh-async documentation for the # definition of the exit codes. if (( code == 2 )) || (( code == 3 )) || (( code == 130 )); then # Our worker died unexpectedly, try to recover immediately. # TODO(mafredri): Do we need to handle next_pending # and defer the restart? typeset -g prompt_pure_async_inited=0 async_stop_worker prompt_pure prompt_pure_async_init # Reinit the worker. prompt_pure_async_tasks # Restart all tasks. # Reset render state due to restart. unset prompt_pure_async_render_requested fi ;; \[async/eval]) if (( code )); then # Looks like async_worker_eval failed, # rerun async tasks just in case. prompt_pure_async_tasks fi ;; prompt_pure_async_vcs_info) local -A info typeset -gA prompt_pure_vcs_info # Parse output (z) and unquote as array (Q@). info=("${(Q@)${(z)output}}") local -H MATCH MBEGIN MEND if [[ $info[pwd] != $PWD ]]; then # The path has changed since the check started, abort. return fi # Check if Git top-level has changed. if [[ $info[top] = $prompt_pure_vcs_info[top] ]]; then # If the stored pwd is part of $PWD, $PWD is shorter and likelier # to be top-level, so we update pwd. if [[ $prompt_pure_vcs_info[pwd] = ${PWD}* ]]; then prompt_pure_vcs_info[pwd]=$PWD fi else # Store $PWD to detect if we (maybe) left the Git path. prompt_pure_vcs_info[pwd]=$PWD fi unset MATCH MBEGIN MEND # The update has a Git top-level set, which means we just entered a new # Git directory. Run the async refresh tasks. [[ -n $info[top] ]] && [[ -z $prompt_pure_vcs_info[top] ]] && prompt_pure_async_refresh # Always update branch, top-level and stash. prompt_pure_vcs_info[branch]=$info[branch] prompt_pure_vcs_info[top]=$info[top] prompt_pure_vcs_info[action]=$info[action] do_render=1 ;; prompt_pure_async_git_aliases) if [[ -n $output ]]; then # Append custom Git aliases to the predefined ones. prompt_pure_git_fetch_pattern+="|$output" fi ;; prompt_pure_async_git_dirty) local prev_dirty=$prompt_pure_git_dirty if (( code == 0 )); then unset prompt_pure_git_dirty else typeset -g prompt_pure_git_dirty="*" fi [[ $prev_dirty != $prompt_pure_git_dirty ]] && do_render=1 # When `prompt_pure_git_last_dirty_check_timestamp` is set, the Git info is displayed # in a different color. To distinguish between a "fresh" and a "cached" result, the # preprompt is rendered before setting this variable. Thus, only upon the next # rendering of the preprompt will the result appear in a different color. (( $exec_time > 5 )) && prompt_pure_git_last_dirty_check_timestamp=$EPOCHSECONDS ;; prompt_pure_async_git_fetch|prompt_pure_async_git_arrows) # `prompt_pure_async_git_fetch` executes `prompt_pure_async_git_arrows` # after a successful fetch. case $code in 0) local REPLY prompt_pure_check_git_arrows ${(ps:\t:)output} if [[ $prompt_pure_git_arrows != $REPLY ]]; then typeset -g prompt_pure_git_arrows=$REPLY do_render=1 fi ;; 97) # No remote available, make sure to clear git arrows if set. if [[ -n $prompt_pure_git_arrows ]]; then typeset -g prompt_pure_git_arrows= do_render=1 fi ;; 99|98) # Git fetch failed. ;; *) # Non-zero exit status from `prompt_pure_async_git_arrows`, # indicating that there is no upstream configured. if [[ -n $prompt_pure_git_arrows ]]; then unset prompt_pure_git_arrows do_render=1 fi ;; esac ;; prompt_pure_async_git_stash) local prev_stash=$prompt_pure_git_stash typeset -g prompt_pure_git_stash=$output [[ $prev_stash != $prompt_pure_git_stash ]] && do_render=1 ;; esac if (( next_pending )); then (( do_render )) && typeset -g prompt_pure_async_render_requested=1 return fi [[ ${prompt_pure_async_render_requested:-$do_render} = 1 ]] && prompt_pure_preprompt_render unset prompt_pure_async_render_requested } prompt_pure_reset_prompt() { if [[ $CONTEXT == cont ]]; then # When the context is "cont", PS2 is active and calling # reset-prompt will have no effect on PS1, but it will # reset the execution context (%_) of PS2 which we don't # want. Unfortunately, we can't save the output of "%_" # either because it is only ever rendered as part of the # prompt, expanding in-place won't work. return fi zle && zle .reset-prompt } prompt_pure_reset_prompt_symbol() { prompt_pure_state[prompt]=${PURE_PROMPT_SYMBOL:-❯} } prompt_pure_update_vim_prompt_widget() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit prompt_pure_state[prompt]=${${KEYMAP/vicmd/${PURE_PROMPT_VICMD_SYMBOL:-❮}}/(main|viins)/${PURE_PROMPT_SYMBOL:-❯}} prompt_pure_reset_prompt } prompt_pure_reset_vim_prompt_widget() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit prompt_pure_reset_prompt_symbol # We can't perform a prompt reset at this point because it # removes the prompt marks inserted by macOS Terminal. } prompt_pure_state_setup() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit # Check SSH_CONNECTION and the current state. local ssh_connection=${SSH_CONNECTION:-$PROMPT_PURE_SSH_CONNECTION} local username hostname if [[ -z $ssh_connection ]] && (( $+commands[who] )); then # When changing user on a remote system, the $SSH_CONNECTION # environment variable can be lost. Attempt detection via `who`. local who_out who_out=$(who -m 2>/dev/null) if (( $? )); then # Who am I not supported, fallback to plain who. local -a who_in who_in=( ${(f)"$(who 2>/dev/null)"} ) who_out="${(M)who_in:#*[[:space:]]${TTY#/dev/}[[:space:]]*}" fi local reIPv6='(([0-9a-fA-F]+:)|:){2,}[0-9a-fA-F]+' # Simplified, only checks partial pattern. local reIPv4='([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]+' # Simplified, allows invalid ranges. # Here we assume two non-consecutive periods represents a # hostname. This matches `foo.bar.baz`, but not `foo.bar`. local reHostname='([.][^. ]+){2}' # Usually the remote address is surrounded by parenthesis, but # not on all systems (e.g. busybox). local -H MATCH MBEGIN MEND if [[ $who_out =~ "\(?($reIPv4|$reIPv6|$reHostname)\)?\$" ]]; then ssh_connection=$MATCH # Export variable to allow detection propagation inside # shells spawned by this one (e.g. tmux does not always # inherit the same tty, which breaks detection). export PROMPT_PURE_SSH_CONNECTION=$ssh_connection fi unset MATCH MBEGIN MEND fi hostname='%F{$prompt_pure_colors[host]}@%m%f' # Show `username@host` if logged in through SSH. [[ -n $ssh_connection ]] && username='%F{$prompt_pure_colors[user]}%n%f'"$hostname" # Show `username@host` if inside a container and not in GitHub Codespaces. [[ -z "${CODESPACES}" ]] && prompt_pure_is_inside_container && username='%F{$prompt_pure_colors[user]}%n%f'"$hostname" # Show `username@host` if root, with username in default color. [[ $UID -eq 0 ]] && username='%F{$prompt_pure_colors[user:root]}%n%f'"$hostname" typeset -gA prompt_pure_state prompt_pure_state[version]="1.23.0" prompt_pure_state+=( username "$username" prompt "${PURE_PROMPT_SYMBOL:-❯}" ) } # Return true if executing inside a Docker, OCI, LXC, or systemd-nspawn container. prompt_pure_is_inside_container() { local -r cgroup_file='/proc/1/cgroup' local -r nspawn_file='/run/host/container-manager' [[ -r "$cgroup_file" && "$(< $cgroup_file)" = *(lxc|docker)* ]] \ || [[ "$container" == "lxc" ]] \ || [[ "$container" == "oci" ]] \ || [[ "$container" == "podman" ]] \ || [[ -r "$nspawn_file" ]] } prompt_pure_system_report() { setopt localoptions noshwordsplit local shell=$SHELL if [[ -z $shell ]]; then shell=$commands[zsh] fi print - "- Zsh: $($shell --version) ($shell)" print -n - "- Operating system: " case "$(uname -s)" in Darwin) print "$(sw_vers -productName) $(sw_vers -productVersion) ($(sw_vers -buildVersion))";; *) print "$(uname -s) ($(uname -r) $(uname -v) $(uname -m) $(uname -o))";; esac print - "- Terminal program: ${TERM_PROGRAM:-unknown} (${TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION:-unknown})" print -n - "- Tmux: " [[ -n $TMUX ]] && print "yes" || print "no" local git_version git_version=($(git --version)) # Remove newlines, if hub is present. print - "- Git: $git_version" print - "- Pure state:" for k v in "${(@kv)prompt_pure_state}"; do print - " - $k: \`${(q-)v}\`" done print - "- zsh-async version: \`${ASYNC_VERSION}\`" print - "- PROMPT: \`$(typeset -p PROMPT)\`" print - "- Colors: \`$(typeset -p prompt_pure_colors)\`" print - "- TERM: \`$(typeset -p TERM)\`" print - "- Virtualenv: \`$(typeset -p VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT)\`" print - "- Conda: \`$(typeset -p CONDA_CHANGEPS1)\`" local ohmyzsh=0 typeset -la frameworks (( $+ANTIBODY_HOME )) && frameworks+=("Antibody") (( $+ADOTDIR )) && frameworks+=("Antigen") (( $+ANTIGEN_HS_HOME )) && frameworks+=("Antigen-hs") (( $+functions[upgrade_oh_my_zsh] )) && { ohmyzsh=1 frameworks+=("Oh My Zsh") } (( $+ZPREZTODIR )) && frameworks+=("Prezto") (( $+ZPLUG_ROOT )) && frameworks+=("Zplug") (( $+ZPLGM )) && frameworks+=("Zplugin") (( $#frameworks == 0 )) && frameworks+=("None") print - "- Detected frameworks: ${(j:, :)frameworks}" if (( ohmyzsh )); then print - " - Oh My Zsh:" print - " - Plugins: ${(j:, :)plugins}" fi } prompt_pure_setup() { # Prevent percentage showing up if output doesn't end with a newline. export PROMPT_EOL_MARK='' prompt_opts=(subst percent) # Borrowed from `promptinit`. Sets the prompt options in case Pure was not # initialized via `promptinit`. setopt noprompt{bang,cr,percent,subst} "prompt${^prompt_opts[@]}" if [[ -z $prompt_newline ]]; then # This variable needs to be set, usually set by promptinit. typeset -g prompt_newline=$'\n%{\r%}' fi zmodload zsh/datetime zmodload zsh/zle zmodload zsh/parameter zmodload zsh/zutil autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook autoload -Uz vcs_info autoload -Uz async && async # The `add-zle-hook-widget` function is not guaranteed to be available. # It was added in Zsh 5.3. autoload -Uz +X add-zle-hook-widget 2>/dev/null # Set the colors. typeset -gA prompt_pure_colors_default prompt_pure_colors prompt_pure_colors_default=( execution_time yellow git:arrow cyan git:stash cyan git:branch 242 git:branch:cached red git:action yellow git:dirty 218 host 242 path blue prompt:error red prompt:success magenta prompt:continuation 242 suspended_jobs red user 242 user:root default virtualenv 242 ) prompt_pure_colors=("${(@kv)prompt_pure_colors_default}") add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_pure_precmd add-zsh-hook preexec prompt_pure_preexec prompt_pure_state_setup zle -N prompt_pure_reset_prompt zle -N prompt_pure_update_vim_prompt_widget zle -N prompt_pure_reset_vim_prompt_widget if (( $+functions[add-zle-hook-widget] )); then add-zle-hook-widget zle-line-finish prompt_pure_reset_vim_prompt_widget add-zle-hook-widget zle-keymap-select prompt_pure_update_vim_prompt_widget fi # If a virtualenv is activated, display it in grey. PROMPT='%(12V.%F{$prompt_pure_colors[virtualenv]}%12v%f .)' # Prompt turns red if the previous command didn't exit with 0. local prompt_indicator='%(?.%F{$prompt_pure_colors[prompt:success]}.%F{$prompt_pure_colors[prompt:error]})${prompt_pure_state[prompt]}%f ' PROMPT+=$prompt_indicator # Indicate continuation prompt by … and use a darker color for it. PROMPT2='%F{$prompt_pure_colors[prompt:continuation]}… %(1_.%_ .%_)%f'$prompt_indicator # Store prompt expansion symbols for in-place expansion via (%). For # some reason it does not work without storing them in a variable first. typeset -ga prompt_pure_debug_depth prompt_pure_debug_depth=('%e' '%N' '%x') # Compare is used to check if %N equals %x. When they differ, the main # prompt is used to allow displaying both filename and function. When # they match, we use the secondary prompt to avoid displaying duplicate # information. local -A ps4_parts ps4_parts=( depth '%F{yellow}${(l:${(%)prompt_pure_debug_depth[1]}::+:)}%f' compare '${${(%)prompt_pure_debug_depth[2]}:#${(%)prompt_pure_debug_depth[3]}}' main '%F{blue}${${(%)prompt_pure_debug_depth[3]}:t}%f%F{242}:%I%f %F{242}@%f%F{blue}%N%f%F{242}:%i%f' secondary '%F{blue}%N%f%F{242}:%i' prompt '%F{242}>%f ' ) # Combine the parts with conditional logic. First the `:+` operator is # used to replace `compare` either with `main` or an ampty string. Then # the `:-` operator is used so that if `compare` becomes an empty # string, it is replaced with `secondary`. local ps4_symbols='${${'${ps4_parts[compare]}':+"'${ps4_parts[main]}'"}:-"'${ps4_parts[secondary]}'"}' # Improve the debug prompt (PS4), show depth by repeating the +-sign and # add colors to highlight essential parts like file and function name. PROMPT4="${ps4_parts[depth]} ${ps4_symbols}${ps4_parts[prompt]}" # Guard against Oh My Zsh themes overriding Pure. unset ZSH_THEME # Guard against (ana)conda changing the PS1 prompt # (we manually insert the env when it's available). export CONDA_CHANGEPS1=no } prompt_pure_setup "$@"