import {randomInt} from 'node:crypto'; import process from 'node:process'; import os from 'node:os'; import tty from 'node:tty'; import test from 'ava'; const currentNodeVersion = process.versions.node; const importFresh = async moduleName => import(`${moduleName}?${randomInt(100_000_000)}`); const importMain = async () => { const {default: main} = await importFresh('./index.js'); return main; }; test.beforeEach(() => { Object.defineProperty(process, 'platform', { value: 'linux', }); Object.defineProperty(process.versions, 'node', { value: currentNodeVersion, }); process.stdout.isTTY = true; process.argv = []; process.env = {}; tty.isatty = () => true; }); test('return true if `FORCE_COLOR` is in env', async t => { process.stdout.isTTY = false; process.env.FORCE_COLOR = 'true'; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 1); }); test('return true if `FORCE_COLOR` is in env, but honor 256', async t => { process.argv = ['--color=256']; process.env.FORCE_COLOR = 'true'; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 2); }); test('return true if `FORCE_COLOR` is in env, but honor 256 #2', async t => { process.argv = ['--color=256']; process.env.FORCE_COLOR = '1'; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 2); }); test('CLI color flags precede other color support checks', async t => { process.env.COLORTERM = 'truecolor'; process.argv = ['--color=256']; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 2); }); test('`FORCE_COLOR` environment variable precedes other color support checks', async t => { process.env.COLORTERM = 'truecolor'; process.env.FORCE_COLOR = '2'; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 2); }); test('return false if `FORCE_COLOR` is in env and is 0', async t => { process.env.FORCE_COLOR = '0'; const result = await importMain(); t.false(result.stdout); }); test('do not cache `FORCE_COLOR`', async t => { process.env.FORCE_COLOR = '0'; const {default: result, createSupportsColor} = await importFresh('./index.js'); t.false(result.stdout); process.env.FORCE_COLOR = '1'; const updatedStdOut = createSupportsColor({isTTY: tty.isatty(1)}); t.truthy(updatedStdOut); }); test('return false if not TTY', async t => { process.stdout.isTTY = false; const result = await importMain(); t.false(result.stdout); }); test('return false if --no-color flag is used', async t => { process.env = {TERM: 'xterm-256color'}; process.argv = ['--no-color']; const result = await importMain(); t.false(result.stdout); }); test('return false if --no-colors flag is used', async t => { process.env = {TERM: 'xterm-256color'}; process.argv = ['--no-colors']; const result = await importMain(); t.false(result.stdout); }); test('return true if --color flag is used', async t => { process.argv = ['--color']; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('return true if --colors flag is used', async t => { process.argv = ['--colors']; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('return true if `COLORTERM` is in env', async t => { process.env.COLORTERM = true; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('support `--color=true` flag', async t => { process.argv = ['--color=true']; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('support `--color=always` flag', async t => { process.argv = ['--color=always']; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('support `--color=false` flag', async t => { process.env = {TERM: 'xterm-256color'}; process.argv = ['--color=false']; const result = await importMain(); t.false(result.stdout); }); test('support `--color=256` flag', async t => { process.argv = ['--color=256']; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('level should be 2 if `--color=256` flag is used', async t => { process.argv = ['--color=256']; const result = await importMain();, 2); t.true(result.stdout.has256); }); test('support `--color=16m` flag', async t => { process.argv = ['--color=16m']; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('support `--color=full` flag', async t => { process.argv = ['--color=full']; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('support `--color=truecolor` flag', async t => { process.argv = ['--color=truecolor']; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('level should be 3 if `--color=16m` flag is used', async t => { process.argv = ['--color=16m']; const result = await importMain();, 3); t.true(result.stdout.has256); t.true(result.stdout.has16m); }); test('ignore post-terminator flags', async t => { process.argv = ['--color', '--', '--no-color']; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('allow tests of the properties on false', async t => { process.env = {TERM: 'xterm-256color'}; process.argv = ['--no-color']; const result = await importMain();, undefined);, undefined);, undefined); t.false(result.stdout.level > 0); }); test('return false if `CI` is in env', async t => { process.env.CI = 'AppVeyor'; const result = await importMain(); t.false(result.stdout); }); test('return true if `TRAVIS` is in env', async t => { process.env = {CI: 'Travis', TRAVIS: '1'}; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('return true if `CIRCLECI` is in env', async t => { process.env = {CI: true, CIRCLECI: true}; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('return true if `APPVEYOR` is in env', async t => { process.env = {CI: true, APPVEYOR: true}; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('return true if `GITLAB_CI` is in env', async t => { process.env = {CI: true, GITLAB_CI: true}; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('return true if `BUILDKITE` is in env', async t => { process.env = {CI: true, BUILDKITE: true}; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('return true if `DRONE` is in env', async t => { process.env = {CI: true, DRONE: true}; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout); }); test('return level 3 if `GITEA_ACTIONS` is in env', async t => { process.env = {CI: true, GITEA_ACTIONS: true}; const result = await importMain();, 3); }); test('return true if Codeship is in env', async t => { process.env = {CI: true, CI_NAME: 'codeship'}; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result); }); test('return false if `TEAMCITY_VERSION` is in env and is < 9.1', async t => { process.env.TEAMCITY_VERSION = '9.0.5 (build 32523)'; const result = await importMain(); t.false(result.stdout); }); test('return level 1 if `TEAMCITY_VERSION` is in env and is >= 9.1', async t => { process.env.TEAMCITY_VERSION = '9.1.0 (build 32523)'; const result = await importMain();, 1); }); test('support rxvt', async t => { process.env = {TERM: 'rxvt'}; const result = await importMain();, 1); }); test('prefer level 2/xterm over COLORTERM', async t => { process.env = {COLORTERM: '1', TERM: 'xterm-256color'}; const result = await importMain();, 2); }); test('support screen-256color', async t => { process.env = {TERM: 'screen-256color'}; const result = await importMain();, 2); }); test('support putty-256color', async t => { process.env = {TERM: 'putty-256color'}; const result = await importMain();, 2); }); test('level should be 3 when using iTerm 3.0', async t => { Object.defineProperty(process, 'platform', { value: 'darwin', }); process.env = { TERM_PROGRAM: '', TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION: '3.0.10', }; const result = await importMain();, 3); }); test('level should be 2 when using iTerm 2.9', async t => { Object.defineProperty(process, 'platform', { value: 'darwin', }); process.env = { TERM_PROGRAM: '', TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION: '2.9.3', }; const result = await importMain();, 2); }); test('return level 1 if on Windows earlier than 10 build 10586', async t => { Object.defineProperty(process, 'platform', { value: 'win32', }); Object.defineProperty(process.versions, 'node', { value: '8.0.0', }); os.release = () => '10.0.10240'; const result = await importMain();, 1); }); test('return level 2 if on Windows 10 build 10586 or later', async t => { Object.defineProperty(process, 'platform', { value: 'win32', }); Object.defineProperty(process.versions, 'node', { value: '8.0.0', }); os.release = () => '10.0.10586'; const result = await importMain();, 2); }); test('return level 3 if on Windows 10 build 14931 or later', async t => { Object.defineProperty(process, 'platform', { value: 'win32', }); Object.defineProperty(process.versions, 'node', { value: '8.0.0', }); os.release = () => '10.0.14931'; const result = await importMain();, 3); }); test('return level 2 when FORCE_COLOR is set when not TTY in xterm256', async t => { process.stdout.isTTY = false; process.env.FORCE_COLOR = 'true'; process.env.TERM = 'xterm-256color'; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 2); }); test('supports setting a color level using FORCE_COLOR', async t => { let result; process.env.FORCE_COLOR = '1'; result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 1); process.env.FORCE_COLOR = '2'; result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 2); process.env.FORCE_COLOR = '3'; result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 3); process.env.FORCE_COLOR = '0'; result = await importMain(); t.false(result.stdout); }); test('FORCE_COLOR maxes out at a value of 3', async t => { process.env.FORCE_COLOR = '4'; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 3); }); test('FORCE_COLOR works when set via command line (all values are strings)', async t => { let result; process.env.FORCE_COLOR = 'true'; result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 1); process.stdout.isTTY = false; process.env.FORCE_COLOR = 'true'; process.env.TERM = 'xterm-256color'; result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 2); process.env.FORCE_COLOR = 'false'; result = await importMain(); t.false(result.stdout); }); test('return false when `TERM` is set to dumb', async t => { process.env.TERM = 'dumb'; const result = await importMain(); t.false(result.stdout); }); test('return false when `TERM` is set to dumb when `TERM_PROGRAM` is set', async t => { process.env.TERM = 'dumb'; process.env.TERM_PROGRAM = 'Apple_Terminal'; const result = await importMain(); t.false(result.stdout); }); test('return false when `TERM` is set to dumb when run on Windows', async t => { Object.defineProperty(process, 'platform', { value: 'win32', }); Object.defineProperty(process.versions, 'node', { value: '10.13.0', }); os.release = () => '10.0.14931'; process.env.TERM = 'dumb'; const result = await importMain(); t.false(result.stdout); }); test('return level 1 when `TERM` is set to dumb when `FORCE_COLOR` is set', async t => { process.env.FORCE_COLOR = '1'; process.env.TERM = 'dumb'; const result = await importMain(); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 1); }); test('ignore flags when sniffFlags=false', async t => { process.argv = ['--color=256']; process.env.TERM = 'dumb'; const {default: result, createSupportsColor} = await importFresh('./index.js'); t.truthy(result.stdout);, 2); const sniffResult = createSupportsColor(process.stdout, {sniffFlags: true}); t.truthy(sniffResult);, 2); const nosniffResult = createSupportsColor(process.stdout, {sniffFlags: false}); t.falsy(nosniffResult); });