#!/opt/anaconda3/envs/py27/bin/python # # python script to download selected files from rda.ucar.edu # after you save the file, don't forget to make it executable # i.e. - "chmod 755 " # import sys import os import urllib2 import cookielib import datetime import subprocess def dt2str(dt): a=[int(i) for i in str(dt).split()[0].split('-')] return str(a[0]*100*100+a[1]*100+a[2]) # #if (len(sys.argv) == 0): # print "usage: "+sys.argv[0]+" [-q] password_on_RDA_webserver" # print "-q suppresses the progress message for each file that is downloaded" # sys.exit(1) # passwd_idx=1 verbose=True if (len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == "-q"): passwd_idx=2 verbose=False # cj=cookielib.MozillaCookieJar() opener=urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) # # check for existing cookies file and authenticate if necessary do_authentication=False if (os.path.isfile("auth.rda.ucar.edu")): cj.load("auth.rda.ucar.edu",False,True) for cookie in cj: if (cookie.name == "sess" and cookie.is_expired()): do_authentication=True else: do_authentication=True if (do_authentication): # passwd=sys.argv[1] passwd='******' login=opener.open("https://rda.ucar.edu/cgi-bin/login","email=*****@***&password="+passwd+"&action=login") # # save the authentication cookies for future downloads # NOTE! - cookies are saved for future sessions because overly-frequent authentication to our server can cause your data access to be blocked cj.clear_session_cookies() cj.save("auth.rda.ucar.edu",True,True) # # download the data file(s) #os.system('/Users/kuang/bin/ncep.cs') path='/Users/WRF4.1/NCEP/FNL/' yrold=os.popen('ls -d '+path+'20*|tail -n1').read().strip('\n').split('/')[-1] blk=os.popen('ls '+path+yrold+'|tail -n1').read().strip('\n').split('_') try: begd=int(blk[1]) except: begd=(int(yrold)-1)*10000+1231 ldate = datetime.datetime(begd/100/100,begd/100%100,begd%100) bdate = ldate+datetime.timedelta(days=1) nowd = int(subprocess.check_output("date +%Y%m%d%H", shell=True)[:-3]) tdate = datetime.datetime(nowd/100/100,nowd/100%100,nowd%100) edate = tdate+datetime.timedelta(days=-2) E_B=str(edate-bdate) if 'day' not in E_B: leng=1 else: leng=int(str(edate-bdate).split('day')[0])+1 if leng<=0:sys.exit('no need to download, bdate='+str(bdate)+' edate='+str(edate)) ymds=[dt2str(bdate+datetime.timedelta(days=i)) for i in xrange(leng)] yrs=[ymd[:4] for ymd in ymds] #add new year directory if necessary for yr in yrs: os.system('mkdir -p '+path+'/'+yr) mos=[ymd[4:6] for ymd in ymds] head=['grib2/'+yr+'/'+yr+'.' for yr in yrs] med='/fnl_' udl='_' tail='_00.grib2' listoffiles=[head[i]+mos[i]+med+ymds[i]+udl+str(h)+tail for i in xrange(len(ymds)) for h in ['00','06','12','18']] #sys.exit('OK') for file in listoffiles: idx=file.rfind("/") if (idx > 0): ofile=file[idx+1:].replace(':','_') else: ofile=file.replace(':','_') yr=file.split('/')[1] path1=path+yr+'/' if os.path.isfile(path1+ofile):continue if (verbose): sys.stdout.write("downloading "+ofile+"...") sys.stdout.flush() try: infile=opener.open("http://rda.ucar.edu/data/ds083.2/"+file) except: continue outfile=open(ofile,"wb") outfile.write(infile.read()) outfile.close() if (verbose): sys.stdout.write("done.\n") os.system('mkdir -p '+path1[:-1]) os.system('mv '+ofile+' '+path1)