package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "" "os" "strings" ) func isAnchorElement(n *html.Node) bool { return n.Type == html.ElementNode && n.Data == "a" } func isTextNode(n *html.Node) bool { return n.Type == html.TextNode } func isHasOnlyOneChild(n *html.Node) bool { return n.FirstChild != nil && n.FirstChild == n.LastChild } func getAttribute(n *html.Node, key string) (string, error) { for _, attr := range n.Attr { if attr.Key == key { return attr.Val, nil } } return "", errors.New(key + " not exist in attribute!") } func printRstLink(n *html.Node) { if !isHasOnlyOneChild(n) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Child number of anchor is not 1\n") return } if !isTextNode(n.FirstChild) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Child of anchor is not TextNode\n") return } text := strings.TrimSpace(n.FirstChild.Data) href, err := getAttribute(n, "href") if err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error()) return } rstLink := "`" + text + " <" + href + ">`__" fmt.Println(rstLink) }