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One of the teaching aims at UNC is to encourage and integrate "diverse perspectives in the classroom". This can be especially challenging to do in a quantitative course, but I am hoping to at least make an effort by using your experiences to make my in-class examples! Before our next class, please shoot me an email to introduce yourself a bit (use subject line '[Your section number]::[Your last name]'). Besides telling me literally anything you'd like me to know about you, please tell me about one of the following: a cultural tradition, a holiday you celebrate, something about where you are from, your family history, or literally anything that significantly affects how you view the world. I will try to incorporate as much of the diverse perspectives of our class in my examples. Hopefully this will give us all a chance to learn about things that are significant to each of us.
Note: If you do not want me to (respectfully) use what you tell me in an example, that is totally understandable. Just let me know in your email.
############ ANSWER SECTION
I have sent Murph an email.
I have not sent Murph an email.