Version 1.4.1 (2022-03-11) -------------------------- - Improved support for Java 16+ (thanks to @kenwenzel for the patch!) - Dropped support for Java 8 Version 1.4.0 (2022-01-24) -------------------------- - Support Java 17 - Upgraded to ASM 9.2 - Dropped support for Scala 2.11 Version 1.3.1 (2019-06-24) -------------------------- - Upgraded to ASM 7.1 - Fixed class loader in parser generation - Added cross-build for Scala 2.13.0 - Dropped support for Scala 2.10 Version 1.3.0 (2019-01-23) -------------------------- - Upgraded to ASM 7.0 - Added Scala 2.13.0-M5 build Version 1.2.0 (2018-09-14) -------------------------- - Added support for `~~>` and friends in ReductionRules - Added support for PushRules to chain after ReductionRules - Upgraded to ASM 6.2.1 - Added Scala 2.13.0-M4 build - Dropped support for Java 1.5 Version 1.1.8 (2017-01-11) -------------------------- - Cross build for Scala 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12 - Upgrade to ASM 5.2 - Fixed "Utils.findConstructor doesn't match boolean parameter" (#94) - Added method for clearing class cache in AsmUtil Version 1.1.7 (2015-02-09) -------------------------- - Upgrade to Scala 2.11.4, cross build for Scala 2.9.2, 2.9.3, 2.10 and 2.11 - Upgrade to ASM 5.0.3, closed #76 - Make parboiled-java relocatable, closed #80 Version 1.1.6 (2013-08-22) -------------------------- - Core: - Improved error msg for unexpected end of input - Fixed error reporting for rules underneath testNot rules - Scala - Added support for ReductionRule1 inside oneOrMore/zeroOrMore while returning a subtype - Upgraded to Scala 2.10.2 Version 1.1.5 (2013-05-02) -------------------------- - General: Added missing OSGi Bundle metadata - Core: Fixed MemoMismatcher producing erroneous parsing results for subsequent parsing runs with the same parser instance - Java: Fixed problem AsmUtils - Scala: Upgraded to Scala 2.9.3 and 2.10.1 Version 1.1.4 (2012-11-27) -------------------------- Core: - Added parser automatic parser termination after matching 100K EOI, closed #52 - Extended IndentDedentBuffer with option to not swallow empty lines, closed #56 Java: - Upgraded to ASM 4.1 Scala: - Upgraded to Scala 2.10.0-RC3 Version 1.1.3 (2012-10-16) -------------------------- Core & Java: - Removed superfluous dependency on Scala library Version 1.1.2 (2012-10-15) -------------------------- Scala: - Fix cross-building path generation to include the full scala-version for unstable versions (milestones, RC) - Upgrade to Scala 2.10-RC1 Version 1.1.1 (2012-09-21) -------------------------- General: - Fixed incorrect scope for scalatest dependency - Upgraded to SBT 0.12.0 - Changed deployment target to sonatype (i.e. maven central) Scala: - Enabled proper scala-version cross-building - Upgraded to Scala 2.10-M7 Version 1.1 (2012-07-28) ------------------------ Java: - Added `NTimes` rule construction helper - Upgraded to ASM 4.0, closes #41 - Improved ABC example Scala: - Upgraded to Scala 2.10-M6 Version 1.0.2 (2011-09-30) -------------------------- Core: - Fixed #32 (ReportingParseRunner assumes only one parse error) Java: - Added 'NoneOf' rule constructor - Updated Java parser example - Fixed #22 (problem with parse tree creation for skipNode() matchers) - Fixed #24 (IllegalStateException in certain cases involving parser inheritance) - Fixed #30 (problem in action class naming resulting in NoSuchFieldError in certain cases) - Fixed #31 (incorrect handling of 'switch' statements in rule method extension) Scala: - Upgraded to Scala 2.9.1 - Fixed #29 (nTimes(1, "a") will throw ClassCastException) Version 1.0.1 (2011-07-05) -------------------------- Scala: - Upgraded to Scala 2.9.0-1 Version 1.0.0 (2011-05-13) -------------------------- Scala: - Upgraded to Scala Version 0.11.2 (2011-05-13) --------------------------- - Changed build system from Apache Buildr to SBT 0.7.7 (Scala Build Tool) Core: - Added convenience methods to Context and BaseActions returning the current location in the InputBuffer as a Position - Fixed another potential problem with ActionMatcher subcontext initialization - Fixed MissingFormatArgumentException in ParseRuntimeException when args array is empty Java: - Added convenience 'currentIndex()' method to BaseActions Scala: - Added '~:?' operator - Fixed 'withContext' not usable on '~%' operator problem - Turned all remaining references to Context[_] to Context[Any] (this is the last version built against Scala 2.8.1) Version 0.11.1 (2011-04-06) --------------------------- Core: - Fixed bug causing parser actions at the first position in sequences to sometimes inadvertently advance the match cursor, leading to hard-to-find input mismatches - Fix bug in TracingParseRunner.withLog - Added support for timeouts to RecoveringParseRunner Version 0.11.0 (2011-03-21) --------------------------- Core: - Major overhaul of RecoveryParseRunner, fixed numerous bugs, improved performance - Changed RecoveringParseRunner to not create additional ParseTreeNodes underneath error nodes - Added Context.inErrorRecovery method - Added "strict" flag to IndentDedentBuffer for enabling/disabling exception throwing on illegal indentations - Fixed bug in IndentDedentBuffer leaving blank lines on indented comments before EOI - Smaller fixes, cleanups and improvements Java: - Switched internal class name resolving from using the current Threads ContextClassLoader to using the respective class' own ClassLoader in an attempt to increase compatibility with a broader range of application environments Scala: - Simplified ParsingResult to be more scala idiomatic, removed "result", renamed "resultOption" to "result", removed "hasErrors" method - Renamed POPx rules to DROP, DROP2 and DROP3 - Removed Parser.withParseTreeBuilding method, changed Parser.buildParseTree from var to a def, which needs to be overridden in order to activate parse tree building - Removed empty parens on a number of rule marker methods - Added overloads with Rule2 parameter to optional, zeroOrMore, oneOrMore and nTimes Version 0.10.1 (2011-02-11) --------------------------- Core: - Added Context.getMatchLength() method and helpers - Added support for IndexRanges - Completely overhauled ParseRunner implementations architecture in preparation for coming extensions - Deprecated static run methods of main ParseRunners - Improved logging architecture for DebuggingValueStack and TracingParseRunner - Moved class InputBuffer.Position into package - Fixed small memory leak in DefaultValueStack - Completely rewrote IndentDedentBuffer implementation (the previous one had serious limitations) - Many smaller fixes, cleanups and improvements Java: - Added StringBuilderVar helper for parser actions - Fixed bug causing StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during parser extension for parsers without package prefix - Fixed NPE in AsmUtils caused by actions involving methods defined in super-interfaces - Upgraded to ASM 3.3.1 Scala: - Fixed bug in Rule0 causing ClassCastException in certain cases involving ReductionRule2s and PopRule2s - Moved Input.collectContents from scala module into core Version 0.10.0 (2011-01-13) --------------------------- - Switched build system from Ant to Apache Buildr - Completed mavenization, parboiled artifacts are now also available from the maven repository - Split source into several modules creating distinct artifacts - Changed to 3 part version numbering in preparation of the coming semantic versioning compatibility ( - Fixed VerifyError with certain Var<...> constructs - Fixed IllegalStateException during error recovery involving AnyMatchers - Fixed bug in creation of expected string error message for AnyOf matchers - Fixed bug in DebuggingValueStack (thx to Matthieu Baechler) - Fixed GH issue #10 (ParseTreeUtils.findNodeByLabel() methods are non static) - Fixed bug in ErrorUtils - Fixed Java parser example to support non-ascii chars in identifiers - Added pushFromContext rule creator to Scala facade - Improved Scala Input wrapper - Removed internal dependency on jetbrains annotations - Removed internal dependency on google collections - Upgraded to ASM 3.3 - Upgraded to Scala 2.8.1 - Many smaller cleanup and improvements Version (2010-10-04) ---------------------------- - BREAKING CHANGES: - Moved all named MatcherVisitor implementations from to new package org.parboiled.matchervisitors - Moved InputBuffer implementations from to to new package org.parboiled.buffers - Moved special character definitions from org.parboiled.Characters class into dedicated class org.parboiled.Characters - Decapitalized not-extended rule construction helper methods in BaseParser (e.g. ToRule -> toRule) for better compliance with the style guide - New MatcherPath implementation, not more "lastMatch" property in InvalidInputError - Significantly extended Scala facade: - Cleaner structure, faster rule building, faster rules (e.g. enabled fast-string-matching for FirstOf operator) - More flexible action functions (more action operators, 'withContext' actions) - Added missing variance annotations to rule types and aliases - Added org.parboiled.scala.testing.ParboiledTest trait for simplified parser testing - More and better scala wrappers (ParseRunners, ParsingResult, parsing Input) - Added TracingParseRunner as another important debugging tool - Added IndentDedentInputBuffer supporting line indentation based grammars - Added Context.getFirstMatchChar and helpers in Java and Scala - Added NothingMatcher as counterpart to the EmptyMatcher, along with respective rule constants - Added missing 'getStarterChar' functionality to CustomMatcher base class - Improved filtering of Node and Matcher tree printing with simple predicate logic - Fixed incorrect parse error reporting in some cases - Fixed in Scala facade: Some standard rule builders don't group their sub rules correctly - Fixed bug in RecoveringParseRunner causing NPE if very first char was not matched - Fixed bug in RecoveryParseRunner incorrectly executing pre-error sub rules of resync sequences - Fixed bug preventing the creation of 'action-only' rules - Fixed bug in FirstOfStringsMatcher preventing the matching of alternatives that are prefixes of other alternatives - Fixed matcher labelling problem in Scala facade - Many smaller cleanups and improvements Version (2010-08-13) ---------------------------- - BREAKING CHANGES: - Renamed BaseParser.FirstOf(string) overload to BaseParser.AnyOf - Renamed CharSetMatcher to AnyOfMatcher - Fixed bug in MemoMismatchesMatcher causing erroneous rule mismatches at input location 0 Version (2010-08-12) ---------------------------- - BREAKING CHANGE: - Renamed BaseParser.CharSet methods to BaseParser.FirstOf overloads - Fixed bug in RecoveringParseRunner producing inconsistenst value stack states during rule resynchronization - Added BaseParser.matchOrDefault() helper - Added ability to set ClassLoader for auxiliary classes (for parser extension) via the threads ContextClassLoader - Added a few more convenience overloads to Parser.zeroOrMore(...) and Parser.oneOrMore(...) in Scala facade - Added MemoMismatches rule option to Scala facade - Improved Javadoc and Scaladoc documentation as well as Scala examples Version (2010-08-10) ---------------------------- - BREAKING CHANGES: - Added a parser "Value Stack", retired parser value handling via parse tree decoration - Removed all action expression helpers for the old parse-tree-based value handling - Changed default parsing behavior from parse-tree-building to parse-tree-less, added @BuildParseTree annotation - Changed Eoi(), Any() and Empty() to public static final fields on the BaseParser - Renamed BaseParser.CharIgnoreCase and BaseParser.StringIgnoreCase to BaseParser.IgnoreCase - Fixed bug provoking an exception at the 65536th input character - Fixed bug in Test-/TestNotMatchers - Fixed some problems in Java Parser example - Added Scala facade for efficient parser building without byte code manipulation, featuring DSL elements for value stack operations with complete static type checking - Added a complete JsonParser as an example for using the Scala facade - Added a matcher specialization for fast string matching also in FirstOf-Rules (~10% speedup in JavaParser example) - Added overloads to standard rule builders OneOrMore(...), Optional(...), Test(...), TestNot(...) and ZeroOrMore(...) directly taking several sub rules as a sequence - Added @MemoMismatches and respective implementation (which is a first step towards "packratting" support) - Added ProfilingParseRunner and JavaParserProfiler example - Adapted build process to build two independent libraries, one for Java, one for Scala - Changed source directory structure to "Maven-style" Version (2010-07-09) ---------------------------- - Fixed several problems in parse error recovery - Added fast string matching (significant speed increase for languages relying on string matching) - Added additional error recovery strategy: Single character replacement - Added support for custom InputBuffer implementations - Removed superfluous CAPTURE constructs along with all related code Version (2010-06-14) ---------------------------- - BREAKING CHANGE: Tracking of locations in input text is now purely done via integer indices (was: instances of class org.parboiled.common.InputLocation) for a much reduced memory footprint and a significant performance increase, especially for large input files and rather simple grammars (most of the functionality of org.parboiled.common.InputLocation has been moved to org.parboiled.common.InputBuffer) - Added smaller extensions in a few support classes Version (2010-06-08) ---------------------------- - BREAKING CHANGE: Rule methods w/ parameters are now also automatically labelled, @Label now requires parameter! - Fixed action variable initializers not working as expected in certain scenarios - Fixed several bugs related to overriding of Rule methods in multi-level parser class hierarchies - Fixed "Constructor with descriptor '()V' not found" exception in certain action expressions - Fixed displaying of empty "expected" part in parse error messages caused by TestNot(...) failures - Fixed small problems with building against Java 6 - Added missing field and method private access verification for non-action instructions - Added Context.getPrevStartLocation() and Context.getPrevEndLocation() and respective helpers - Added convenience overload ErrorUtils.printParseErrors(ParsingResult) - Improved error reporting of parse errors caused by TestNot(...) failures - Improved parsing performance of Reporting- and RecoveringParseRunner by 10+ % at the expense of one more parsing run on invalid input - Improved calculator examples, added new CalculatorParser6 example demonstrating parse-tree-less parsing and action variables - Changed java example to exercise parboileds parse-tree-less instead of the parse-tree-based parsing performance Version (2010-04-28) ---------------------------- - Fixed exception during parser creation when parser contains action/capture expressions with constructor calls - Fixed NoSuchFieldError occuring in some scenarios with similar actions in derived parser classes - Fixed "Couldn't get field" exception during parser extension occuring in parsers accessing parent fields - Fixed bug in parser extension causing java.lang.VerifyError in some scenarios - Fixed Context.inPredicate() not working underneath TestNotMatchers - Fixed illegal context issue in action expressions recursing into themselves - Fixed problem in MutableTreeNodeImpl preventing the addition of new child nodes - Fixed unintended @SuppressNode on String/StringIgnoreCase rules (now:@SuppressSubnodes) - Added support for action variables ( - Added prevValue(), prevText() and prevChar() functionality for parse tree less AST node building - Added support for parser statistics (class org.parboiled.ParserStatistics) - Added @SkipActionsInPredicates and @DontSkipActionsInPredicates - Added BaseParser.newInstance() Version (2010-04-14) ---------------------------- - Fixed serious performance problem in construction of parse tree nodes with many subnodes - Fixed ClassCastException on caching of rule creating methods with primitive array parameters - Fixed smaller problems in Java parser example - MAJOR BREAKING CHANGES: - Renamed all methods returning Rule instances to begin with an uppercase character - Renamed all helper method defined in BaseActions class from all uppercase to "regular" Java method names - Renamed @Leaf to @SuppressSubnodes - Significantly improved parser extension logic for speed and memory requirements - Added support for action expressions in rule methods with parameters - Added support for accessing local variables and methods parameters from within action expressions - Added new overloads taking char[] for CharSet, String and StringIgnoreCase rule creators - Added BaseParser.FromCharArray(...) - Added support for explicit action expressions via BaseParser.ACTION(...) - Added UP2, UP3, UP4, UP5, UP6 and DOWN2, DOWN3, DOWN4, DOWN5, DOWN6 context switching helpers - Added @DontLabel annotation preventing the automatic labelling of rules created by parameterless rule methods - Added @SuppressNode and @SkipNode annotations and logic - Added CustomMatcher base class for custom matcher implementations - Added Context.lookAhead(int) - Added support for Captures (special closure-like constructs simplifying certain rule creation scenarios) - Improved Calculator examples - Smaller bug fixes and other improvements Version (2010-03-16) ---------------------------- - Fixed classLoader issue triggering an IOException(Class not found) exception in some environments - Added org.parboiled.examples.pegtranslator.PegTranslator example, thanks to Radu Vlasov for the contribution - Replaced BaseActions.NO_ERROR() with the inversed BaseActions.HAS_ERROR() - Small Javadoc improvements and other cosmetic changes Version (2010-03-02) ---------------------------- - Major update of basic matching architecture (some breaking changes) - Removed BaseParser.parse(...), introduced ParseRunner interface with 4 standard implementations - Implemented a completely new and much improved parse error reporting and recovery logic - Removed all, now obsolete, rule enforcement constructs like enforcedSequence(...) - Replaced a number of utility classes (like ImmutableList) with implementations from Google Collections - Added Proguard-based build step to perform unused class/member removal for more flexible use of external libraries - Smaller performance optimization (ca. 10% faster parsing of error free input over version - Corrected and improved API documentation - Many smaller bug fixes, refactorings and other improvements Version (2010-02-02) ---------------------------- - Added @Leaf annotation for marking rules as "creating parse tree leaf nodes" - Added @Label annotation - Significantly improved parsing speed (with some @Leaf usage: speedup factor of ca. 3) - Changed to, removed AbstractAction - Changed ParseError.context to ParseError.matcherPath - Removed Parboiled.RecoverFromErrors flag logic - Removed Failed-Rule-Memoization option due to limited effectiveness - Improved Java parser example, added performance test - Smaller bug fixes and architectural improvements Version (2010-01-29) ---------------------------- - Fixed @Cached problem with overloaded rule creation methods - Added BaseParser.charSet(...) and a few other standard rule definition overloads Version (2010-01-28) ---------------------------- - Added Failed-Rule-Memoization option - Added @Cached annotation logic for automatic caching of rule creating methods with parameters - Added parser extension caching for not recreating extension class upon repeated Parboiled.createParser(...) - Added ENFORCED() action expression helper - Improved character matchers for increased parsing speed - Renamed @DontExtend to @KeepAsIs - Removed BaseParser.fromUserObject(...), overwrite toRule(...) for the same effect - Smaller bug fixes and architectural improvements Version (2010-01-26) ---------------------------- Major rewrite of action and parser extension infrastructure, now based on bytecode analysis, action instructions separation and automatic action class generation/parser class rewriting. Many, many thanks to Ken Wenzel for the original idea as well as a sample implementation! - Removed ActionResult interface, actions can now be arbitrary boolean expressions - Removed now obsolete EQUALS, AND, OR, NOT as well as all CONVERT_XXX helpers - Removed dependency on cglib, parboiled JAR now has no non-SDK dependencies - Simplified running parboiled examples (now run via ANT) Version (2010-01-18) ---------------------------- - Fixed IllegalStateException on trying to label a rule from within a recursion - Fixed rare bug occurring in certain scenarios involving recursive test/testNot rules - Improved reporting of parse errors, also renamed ParserConstructionException to GrammarException and ParsingException to ActionException, introduced ParserRuntimeException - Enabled writing access to ParseError list returned by Context.getParseErrors() - Inlined MatcherContext.runMatcher(boolean) for reduced stack footprint and cleaner stack traces Version (2010-01-07) ---------------------------- - Fixed incorrect ordering of action calls when several calls are present in one rule - Fixed test/testNot rules throwing ParserConstructionException at EOI - Added action helpers: EQUALS, AND, OR, NOT, NEXT_CHAR, NODE_BY_LABEL and NODES_BY_LABEL - Added Time and RPN example (thanks to Reinier Zwitserloot from for the RPN code) - Added Action interface enabling stand-alone action objects within rule creation expressions - Added SplitParserTest, testing splitting of one grammar into several parser objects - Simplified ActionParameter infrastructure, now allows casting of action parameters - Changed access of BaseParser.toRule(s) from private to protected to allow for easy conversion of custom objects Version (2009-12-15) ---------------------------- - Improved parsing speed by factor 4 after first basic CPU profiling - Added @SkipInPredicates annotation for action methods - Added option for convenient rule creation from user objects (suggested by Manuel Brotz) Version (2009-12-11) ---------------------------- - Added option for manual rule label change - Added error filter to only report the first parse error at a specific input location - Added string matching optimization for one-letter strings - Added some more parser structure validation checks - Improved customizability of parse tree printouts - Improved naming of firstOf-rules in parse errors and parse tree printing - Updated SparqlParser example Version (2009-12-07) ---------------------------- - Fixed definition of special characters to be fully compatible with the unicode standard - Fixed IllegalStateException during parse error recovery of testNot() rules - Added support for case independent matching of characters and strings - Added SPARQL parser example (incl. test), thanks to Ken Wenzel from Version (2009-11-12) ---------------------------- first public release