#!/bin/bash #trap Function To reset terminal colours func_exit() { tput sgr0 # Reset Terminal Colors exit 0 # Cleanly exit script } #Trap for ctr+c(SIGINT) and ctrl+z(SIGTSTP) trap func_exit SIGINT SIGTSTP # Agent and Plugin Directory plugin=apache_monitoring agent_dir=/opt/site24x7/monagent # Enable debian_path=/etc/apache2/mods-available centos_path=/etc/httpd/conf.d status_conf_file=status.conf endpoint="/server-status" content="\n\t\n\t\tSetHandler server-status\n\t\tRequire local\n\t" agent_path_change=false error_handler() { if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then tput setaf 1 echo "------------Error Occured---------" echo $2 tput sgr0 exit fi } agent_check(){ # Check if the service exists if ! [ -d $agent_dir"/bin" ]; then agent_path_change=true output=$(ls $agent_dir ) if ! echo "$output" | grep -qE ": Permission denied"; then error_handler $? $output fi tput setaf 3 if [ $i -eq 0 ]; then echo "The Site24x7LinuxAgent is not installed in the default $agent_dir directory." fi echo -e "Enter the path of the directory where the Site24x7LinuxAgent is installed: \c" read -r agent_dir tput sgr0 else if [ $i -gt 0 ] ; then echo "The agent Directory is $agent_dir" fi fi } for (( i=0; i<3; i++ )); do agent_check if [ -z $agent_dir ]; then tput setaf 1 echo echo "The Site24x7LinuxAgent is required to install the Apache plugin. Enter the correct directory path of the agent to proceed." agent_dir=/opt/site24x7/monagent tput sgr0 else agent_status=$($agent_dir/bin/monagent status) if ! echo "$agent_status" | grep -q "Site24x7 monitoring agent service" ; then tput setaf 1 echo echo "The Site24x7LinuxAgent is required to install the Apache plugin. Enter the correct directory path of the agent to proceed." tput sgr0 else break fi fi if [ $i -eq 2 ]; then echo "No such file or directory found. Install the Site24x7LinuxAgent and try installing the plugin again." exit fi done # Variables for the plugin installation temp_dir=$agent_dir/temp/plugins/$plugin plugin_dir=$agent_dir/plugins/ py_file="$temp_dir/$plugin.py" cfg_file="$temp_dir/$plugin.cfg" reinstall=false download_files() { file_name=$1 echo "Downloading: $file_name" echo output=$(wget -P $temp_dir $file_name 2>&1 ) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then tput setaf 1 error=$(grep -E 'HTTP' <<< "$output" ) echo $error if echo "$error" | grep -q "200"; then echo $output else error_handler $? "$output" fi tput sgr0 exit else tput setaf 2 echo $(grep -E 'HTTP' <<< "$output" ) echo $(grep -E 'saved' <<< "$output" ) tput sgr0 fi echo } install (){ if [[ -d $temp_dir ]] ; then if ( [[ -f $py_file ]] ) ; then rm $py_file fi if ( [[ -f $cfg_file ]] ) ; then rm $cfg_file fi download_files https://raw.githubusercontent.com/site24x7/plugins/master/apache_monitoring/apache_monitoring.py download_files https://raw.githubusercontent.com/site24x7/plugins/master/apache_monitoring/apache_monitoring.cfg else output=$(mkdir -p $temp_dir) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then tput setaf 1 echo "------------Error Occured------------" echo $output tput sgr0 exit fi download_files https://raw.githubusercontent.com/site24x7/plugins/master/apache_monitoring/apache_monitoring.py download_files https://raw.githubusercontent.com/site24x7/plugins/master/apache_monitoring/apache_monitoring.cfg fi } get_plugin_data() { default_url="http://localhost:80$endpoint?auto" default_username="None" default_password="None" tput setaf 3 echo echo "------------Connection Details------------" tput sgr0 echo echo " 1.Provide the URL and authentication credentials (if any) below to access the Apache status URL." echo " 2.Press Enter to keep the default values. If you hit Enter, the default values will be used for the connection." echo echo " $(tput setaf 3)$(tput bold)Note$(tput sgr0): The username and password you provide will be securely encrypted in the agent and will not be stored in any of the Site24x7 databases." echo tput setaf 6 tput bold read -r -p " Enter the required URL( default: $default_url ): " url if [ -z $url ] ; then url=$default_url fi read -r -p " Enter the User Name( default: $default_username ): " username if [ -z $username ] ; then username=$default_username fi read -r -p " Enter the Password( default: $default_password ): " password if [ -z $password ] ; then password=$default_password fi tput sgr0 } python_path_update() { echo "Checking for python3" output=$(which python3) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $(python3 --version) echo echo "Checking for python2" output=$(which python) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then tput setaf 1 echo "------------The Python path could not be updated------------" echo tput sgr0 echo $(python --version) exit else python=python output=$(sed -i "1s|^.*|#! $output|" $py_file) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then tput setaf 1 echo "------------The Python path could not be updated------------" echo tput sgr0 else echo "Python path updated with $(python --version 2>&1)" fi fi else python=python3 output=$(sed -i "1s|^.*|#! $output|" $py_file) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then tput setaf 1 echo "------------The Python path could not be updated------------" echo tput sgr0 else echo "Python path updated with $(python3 --version)" fi echo fi } check_plugin_execution() { output=$($python $py_file --url "$url" --username "$username" --password "$password") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then tput setaf 1 echo "------------Error Occured------------" echo $output echo echo $(grep -E '"status": 0' <<< "$output" ) echo $(grep -E '"msg": *' <<< "$output" ) tput sgr0 exit fi if grep -qE '"status": 0' <<< "$output" ; then tput setaf 1 echo "------------Error Occured------------" echo $output echo echo "Status and Error Message:" echo $(grep -E '"status": 0' <<< "$output" ) echo $(grep -E '"msg": *' <<< "$output" ) tput sgr0 exit elif ! echo "$output" | grep -qE "\"busy_workers\":|\"idle_workers\":"; then tput setaf 3 echo "The output does not contain metrics. Check if you have provided the correct endpoint for the status URL." echo "An example of a status URL: http://localhost:80$endpoint?auto" error_handler 1 "$output" else tput setaf 3 echo "------------Successful test execution------------" echo tput setaf 2 echo $output tput sgr0 fi } add_conf() { echo #echo "before" #cat $cfg_file output=$(sed -i "/^url*/c\url = \"$url\"" "$cfg_file") error_handler $? $output username=$(echo "$username" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g') output=$(sed -i "/^username*/c\username = \"$username\"" $cfg_file) error_handler $? $output password=$(echo "$password" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g') output=$(sed -i "/^password*/c\password = \"$password\"" $cfg_file) error_handler $? $output #echo "after" #cat $cfg_file } check_plugin_exists() { if [[ -d "$plugin_dir/$plugin" ]] ; then echo "The Apache monitoring plugin folder already exists in the Plugins directory." read -p "Do you want to reinstall the plugin? (y or n):" reinstall if [ -z "$reinstall" ] || [ $reinstall = "y" -o $reinstall = "Y" ] ; then rm -rf "$plugin_dir/$plugin" reinstall=true else echo "Process exited." exit fi fi } move_plugin() { output=$(mv $temp_dir $plugin_dir ) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then tput setaf 1 echo "------------Error Occured------------" tput sgr0 else echo "Completed." fi } check_if_dir_exists() { if [[ -d $status_conf_path ]] ; then echo "$status_conf_path directory exists." echo return 0 else echo "$status_conf_path directory does not exists." error_handler 1 return 1 fi } check_if_file_exists() { status_conf=$status_conf_path/$status_conf_file if [[ -f $status_conf ]] ; then echo "$status_conf_file file exists." echo tput setaf 3 echo echo "------------Checking if mod_status is enabled------------" echo tput sgr0 enabled_or_not return 0 else tput setaf 3 echo "------------Status.conf does not exist------------" echo tput sgr0 echo "The installer will create a status.conf file in the $status_conf_path directory and add the configuration below to enable mod_status." echo echo "The following configuration will be added in the $status_conf_file file:" echo -e $content echo read -p "Do you want to create the status.conf and enable mod_status??(y or n):" create_file if [ $create_file = "y" -o create_file = "Y" ] ; then echo "Creating the $status_conf_file file." output=$(touch $status_conf) error_handler $? $output echo echo "Adding the configuration to enable mod_status." output=$(echo -e $content >> $status_conf) error_handler $? $output echo "Completed." restart_apache return 1 else echo "Proceeding to plugin installation." fi fi } enabled_or_not() { output=$(grep -E "^[^#]*\" $status_conf ) exit_status=$? if [ $exit_status != 1 ] ; then error_handler $exit_status $output fi if [ -n "$output" ] ; then echo "mod_status is enabled." get_endpoint else echo "mod_status is not enabled" echo tput setaf 3 echo "------------Enable mod_status------------" echo tput sgr0 echo "The installer will add the configuration below to status.conf to enable mod_status in the $status_conf_path directory." echo echo "The following configuration will be added in the $status_conf_file file:" echo -e $content echo read -p "Do you want to enable mod_status??(y or n):" continue if [ $continue = "n" -o $continue = "N" ] ; then echo elif [ $continue = "y" -o $continue = "Y" ] ; then echo "Taking a backup of the $status_conf_file file." output=$(cp $status_conf $status_conf_path/$status_conf_file.bak.$(date +%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S)) error_handler $? $output echo echo "Adding the configuration to enable mod_status." add_content echo "Completed." restart_apache else echo "Invalid input" exit fi fi } get_endpoint(){ line=$(grep -nE "^[^#]*\" $status_conf | awk -F: '{print $1}') l_no=$(( $line-1 )) while [ $l_no -gt 0 ] ; do text=$(sed -n $l_no"p" $status_conf) if echo $text | grep -qE "^[^#]*\" ; then endpoint=$(echo $text | grep "^[^#]*\" | sed -n 's/^.*]*\)>.*/\1/p') echo "The endpoint of mod_status is: $endpoint" echo "Proceeding to install the plugin." echo break else l_no=$(( $l_no-1 )) fi done } add_content() { output=$(sed -i "/^/a\ $content" $status_conf) error_handler $? $output } restart_apache(){ echo "The configuration changes will only reflect after restarting or reloading the Apache web server." read -p "Do you want to restart the Apache web server? (y or n):" restart if [ -z "$restart" ] || [ $restart = "y" -o $restart = "Y" ] ; then echo "Restarting the Apache web server." if [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]] ; then output=$(systemctl restart apache2) error_handler $? $output echo "Completed." elif [[ -f /etc/redhat-release ]] ; then output=$(systemctl restart httpd) error_handler $? $output echo "Completed." fi else echo "Process exited." fi } restart_agent(){ if $reinstall ; then read -p "Do you want to restart the Site24x7LinuxAgent?(y or n): " re_agent if [ -z "$re_agent" ] || [ $re_agent = "y" -o $re_agent = "Y" ] ; then output=$($agent_dir/bin/monagent restart) error_handler $? $output echo "Completed." else echo "Process exited." fi fi } install_plugin() { check_plugin_exists tput setaf 3 echo echo "------------Downloading the plugin files------------" echo tput sgr0 install echo echo get_plugin_data add_conf python_path_update check_plugin_execution tput setaf 3 echo echo "------------Moving plugin files to the Site24x7 Plugins directory------------" echo tput sgr0 move_plugin tput setaf 3 echo echo "------------Plugin installed successfully------------" tput sgr0 restart_agent if $agent_path_change ; then echo "If you have installed the agent as non-root, execute the command below with appropriate details to allow the user access to the plugin folder." echo "For example, if the user is 'site24x7-agent' and the group is 'site24x7-group', the command would be:" echo "$(tput bold)chown -R site24x7-agent:site24x7-group $plugin_dir$plugin$(tput sgr0)" fi } if [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]] ; then status_conf_path=$debian_path elif [[ -f /etc/redhat-release ]] ; then status_conf_path=$centos_path else install_plugin exit fi tput setaf 3 echo echo "------------Checking if $status_conf_file exists------------" tput sgr0 echo check_if_dir_exists check_if_file_exists install_plugin