#!/usr/bin/python """ __author__ = Vijay, Zoho Corp Language = Python Tested in Ubuntu, Windows 8 """ import json import sys PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION = sys.version_info[0] REQUESTS_INSTALLED = None if PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION == 3: import urllib.request as urlconnection elif PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION == 2: import urllib2 as urlconnection ###################################### CONFIG SECTION START ########################################### url = "http://localhost:2379" ###################################### CONFIG SECTION START ########################################### DEFAULT_URL = "http://localhost:2379" proxy = urlconnection.ProxyHandler({}) opener = urlconnection.build_opener(proxy) urlconnection.install_opener(opener) # If any changes done in the plugin, plugin_version must be incremented by 1. For. E.g 2,3,4.. PLUGIN_VERSION = "1" # Setting this to true will alert you when there is a communication problem while posting plugin data to server HEARTBEAT = "true" STORE_METRICS = { "getsSuccess": "gets_success", "getsFail": "gets_fail", "setsSuccess": "sets_success", "setsFail": "sets_fail", "deleteSuccess": "delete_success", "deleteFail": "delete_fail", "updateSuccess": "update_success", "updateFail": "update_fail", "createSuccess": "create_success", "createFail": "create_fail", "compareAndSwapSuccess": "compare_and_swap_success", "compareAndSwapFail": "compare_and_swap_fail", "compareAndDeleteSuccess": "compare_and_delete_success", "compareAndDeleteFail": "compare_and_delete_fail", "expireCount": "expire_count", "watchers": "watchers" } class EtcdMon(): metrics = {} config = {} base_url = "" def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.base_url = self.get_data("url", DEFAULT_URL, "", None) def _get_metrics(self): self.metrics['plugin_version'] = PLUGIN_VERSION self.metrics['heartbeat_required'] = HEARTBEAT store_metrics = self._get_store_metrics() for key, val in STORE_METRICS.items(): self.metrics[val] = store_metrics[key] return self.metrics def _get_store_metrics(self): return self.__get_url_data(self.base_url+"/v2/stats/store") def __get_url_data(self, url): str_responseData = None try: response = urlconnection.urlopen(url) byte_responseData = response.read() str_responseData = byte_responseData.decode('UTF-8') except Exception as e: pass if str_responseData: return json.loads(str_responseData) def get_data(self, key, default_value, *invalid_values): if key in self.config: val = self.config.get(key) if val in invalid_values: return default_value else: return val return default_value if __name__ == '__main__': config = {} mon = EtcdMon(config) metrics = mon._get_metrics() print(json.dumps(metrics))