import sys import re import subprocess ### Monitoring iDRAC Servers - SNMPUtil ### It uses net-snmp packages to execut the snmp commands to get the data from the network devices ### snmpget, snmpwalk commands are supported ### ### Author: Anita, Zoho Corp ### Language : Python ### Tested in Ubuntu ### Tested for snmp version 2c # Utility class to execute snmp commands class SNMPPARSER: def __init__(self,command,HOST,VERSION,COMMUNITY,oids,MIB,elements = None): self.command = command = HOST self.snmp_version = VERSION self.snmp_community = COMMUNITY self.oids = oids self.mibs = MIB if elements != None: data = '' for _ in elements: data = data + _ + ',' self.elements = data.split(',') = {} def get_snmp_output(self, snmp_command): try: p = subprocess.Popen(snmp_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (output, err) = p.communicate() p_status = p.wait() output = output.rstrip() if type(output) != str : output = output.decode("utf-8") return p_status, output, err except Exception as e: print("snmp ", e) raise ValueError(e) def executeSNMPCommand(self): snmp_command = self.command+ ' -O q -v '+ self.snmp_version + ' -c ' + self.snmp_community +' '+ +' '+ self.oids #print(snmp_command) status, output, err = self.get_snmp_output(snmp_command) if status != 0: if 'Unknown Object Identifier' in output: raise ValueError('Unable to connect.Please check configurations.') elif 'Timeout:' in output: raise ValueError('SNMP timeout!') else: raise ValueError(err.decode("utf-8")) else: if self.command == 'snmpget' : return output else : return output.split('\n') # Parsing snmpget data def parseGetData(self): value = ''.join(self.output.split()[1:]) data = {} data[self.oids] = value return data # Parsing snmpget/snmpwalk data and return the raw data as output def getRawData(self): if self.command == 'snmpget':#retrieving data from a host self.output = self.executeSNMPCommand() elif self.command == 'snmpwalk':#retrieving lots of data at once self.output = self.executeSNMPCommand() else: raise Exception(self.command+" Not Supported") return self.output # Parsing snmpget,snmpwalk data def getData(self): if self.command == 'snmpget':#retrieving data from a host = self.getRawData() self.output = self.parseGetData() elif self.command == 'snmpwalk':#retrieving lots of data at once self.output = self.getRawData() = self.parseWalkData() else: print(self.command+" Not Supported") return # Parsing snmpwalk data def parseWalkData(self): data = {} pattern = '' for _ in self.elements: pattern += _ + "\." if _ != self.elements[-1]: pattern += "|" item = re.compile(pattern) for _ in self.output: if key = _.split()[0].split('::')[1].replace('"','') value = ' '.join(_.split()[1:]).replace('"','') #print(_.split()[1:]) data[key] = value return data