#!/bin/bash #This Plugin executes the MulePlugin JAVA class to get the mule server details to monitor #######################################@FILE AND DIRECTORY COUNT@###################################### # INPUT : # PLUGIN_VERSION = Version of this Plugins - If there is any change in this Script. Need to increase the Plugin Version as 2,3,4 etc to # make the changes to take effect. # HEARTBEAT = true/false. If it true,Site24x7 will alert if the Plugins will not send the data for 5 mins # METRICS_UNITS = If you need Units for the attributes, then add Unit the given format ########################################################################################################## # Attributes Monitored: # memory_usage # min_processing_time # max_processing_time # avg_processing_time # processed_events # sync_events_received # async_events_received # execution_errors # fatal_errors ########################################################################################################## ##########INPUTS######################### export PLUGIN_VERSION="1" export HEARTBEAT="true" data=$(java -cp /opt/site24x7/monagent/plugins/mule MulePlugin) echo "$data|plugin_version:$PLUGIN_VERSION|heartbeat:$HEARTBEAT"