## Siteleaf Liquid support for Sublime Text This is a fork of the [shopify-liquid](https://bitbucket.org/granteagon/shopify-liquid) syntax, which was based off of the Djaniero package for Django. ## Installation **Suggested**: Install using [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/). Search for "Siteleaf Liquid Syntax". **Or** install manually: 1. Clone this repo 2. Put the contents of this repo directly inside: - OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ - Windows: %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ - Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages **After installing:** You might need to switch to the syntax mode. (`shift + cmd + p`, search for Liquid, "Set Syntax: HTML (Liquid)") ## Autocomplete To show the autocomplete suggestions, your cursor must be within a tag markup or output marker wrapper (`{% %}` or `{{ }}`) Then press `ctrl + spacebar`, or add the following to your user settings file: ``` "auto_complete_selector": "source - comment, text.html.liquid punctuation.output.liquid, text.html.liquid punctuation.tag.liquid" ``` ## Snippets Some handy snippets: **IF statement** ``` if + tab >>> {% if $1 %} $2 {% endif %} ``` **Tag markup** ``` % + tab >>> {% $1 %} ``` **Assign** ``` assign + tab >>> {% assign $1 = $2 %} ``` **Capture** ``` capture + tab >>> {% capture $1 %}$2{% endcapture %} ``` **Comment** ``` comment + tab >>> {% comment %}$0{% endcomment %} ``` **Context variable** ``` va + tab >>> {{ $1 }} ``` **Cycle** ``` cycle + tab >>> {% cycle $1 %} ``` **Else** ``` else + tab >>> {% else %} ``` **Elsif** ``` elsif + tab >>> {% elsif $1 %} ``` **Endcapture** ``` endcapture + tab >>> {% endcapture %} ``` **Endfor** ``` endfor + tab >>> {% endfor %} ``` **Endif** ``` endif + tab >>> {% endif %} ``` **Endraw** ``` endraw + tab >>> {% endraw %} ``` **For** ``` for + tab >>> {% for $1 in $2 %} $3 {% endfor %} ``` For a full list, check out the "Snippets" folder.