x days, hours, minutes'; $strFoundNoUsersToReport = 'Found No Users To Report On'; $strFreeOfCharge = 'Free of Charge'; $strFrequency = 'Frequency'; # Short for 'Friday' $strFri = 'Fri'; $strFriday = 'Friday'; # Two character (Maximum) abbreviation for 'Friday' $strFridayAbbr = 'Fr'; # e.g. from x to y $strFrom = 'From'; $strFromXResults = 'from %s results'; $strFullDay = 'Full Day'; $strFullDetails = 'Full Details'; $strFullNameCurrentUser = 'Full name of current user'; $strGBytes = 'GBytes'; $strGeneral = 'General'; $strGetHelp = 'Get Help'; $strGetHelpOnline = 'Get Help Online'; $strGlobalSignature = 'Global Signature'; $strGlobalSignatureDescription = 'A signature to insert at the bottom of outgoing emails. It\'s recommended that you begin this signature with two dashes, a space and a line feed.'; $strGlobalSignatureRemember = 'Remember that any changes here will be effective immediately and outgoing emails will carry the new signature.'; $strGo = 'Go'; $strGracePeriod = 'Grace Period'; $strGrandTotal = 'Grand Total'; $strGroup = 'Group'; $strGroupMembersAway = 'Group Members Away'; $strGroupMembership = 'Group Membership'; $strHandled = 'Handled'; # Incident 3 has been automatically moved to John's Action Needed queue, three %s variables in this: incident number, queue name, users name $strHasBeenAutoMovedToX = '%1$s has been automatically moved to %2$s\'s %3$s queue'; # Incident 3 has been moved to John's Action Needed queue, three %s variables in this: incident number, queue name, users name $strHasBeenMovedToX = '%1$s has been moved to %2$s\'s %3$s queue'; $strHAVESkills = 'HAVE Skills'; $strHaveForgottenUsername = 'Have you forgotten your username? If so you should contact an administrator.'; $strHeldEmailsNum = '%d Held Emails'; $strHelp = 'Help'; $strHelpAbout = 'About'; # A single character (e.g. question mark) used as a Help link, $strHelpChar = '?'; $strHelpContents = 'Help Contents'; $strHelpToTranslate = 'This page is to help translators translate SiT!'; $strHide = 'Hide'; $strHideCompleted = 'Hide Completed'; $strHideInPortal = 'Hide from portal'; $strHidingIncidentsOlderThan = 'Hiding incidents older than %s days'; $strHigh = 'High'; $strHigherPriority = 'Higher Priority'; $strHighPriority = 'High Priority'; $strHoldingQueue = 'Holding Queue'; $strHoldingQueueMinutes = 'Number of minutes the email has been in the holding queue'; $strHoliday = 'Holiday'; $strHolidayAfternoon = 'Make this afternoon only'; $strHolidayAfternoonOnly = 'Holiday this afternoon only'; $strHolidayAfternoonOnlyConfirm = 'Are you sure you want to make this afternoon only?'; $strHolidayApproverEmail = 'Email address of the holiday approver'; $strHolidayCancelConfirm = 'Are you sure you want to cancel this?'; $strHolidayCancel = 'Cancel this holiday'; $strHolidayFullDayConfirm = 'Are you sure you want to make this for the full day?'; $strHolidayFullDay = 'Make this for the full Day'; $strHolidayList = 'Holiday List'; $strHolidayMorningOnly = 'Make this morning only'; $strHolidayMorningOnlyConfirm = 'Are you sure you want to make this morning only?'; $strHolidays = 'Holidays'; $strHolidayEntitlement = 'Holiday Entitlement'; $strHolidayPlanner = 'Holiday Planner'; $strHolidayRequestNote = 'Holiday Request Note'; $strHolidayRequested = 'Holiday Requested'; $strHolidayRequests = 'Holiday Requests'; $strHolidayType = 'Holiday Type'; $strHolidayUsage = 'Holiday Usage'; $strHomeURL = 'Home URL'; $strHour = 'Hour'; $strHours = 'Hours'; # i.e. short for identification; unique number $strID = 'ID'; $strIconSet = 'Icon Set'; $strIfYourBrowserNotReload = 'If your browser does not reload the page within a few seconds'; $strIfYouShouldHaveAccess = 'If you feel that you should have access to this particular feature, please ask an administrator to grant you access'; $strImportant = 'Important'; $strInactive = 'Inactive'; $strInbound = 'Inbound'; $strInboundEmailIsDisabled = 'Inbound email is disabled in your SiT configuration'; $strInbox = 'Inbox'; $strIncident = 'Incident'; $strIncidentActivitiesIntro = 'This page is to keep track of activities relating to an incident where time spent dealing with the incident needs to be known'; $strIncidentAdded = 'Incident Added'; $strIncidentAssigned = 'Incident Assigned'; $strIncidentAssigner = 'Incident Assigner'; $strIncidentAssignmentWasForcedUserNotAccept = 'Incident assignment was forced because the user was not accepting'; $strIncidentsBySiteReportDesc = 'This report is a list of %s incidents for all sites that you selected'; $strIncidentCCList = 'Extra email addresses to CC regarding incidents'; $strIncidentClosed = 'Incident Closed'; $strIncidentCreated = 'Incident Created'; $strIncidentEmail = 'Incident Email'; $strIncidentEscalatedReportDesc = 'This report is a list of %1$s incidents for your selections of which %2$s where escalated'; $strIncidentID = 'Incident ID'; $strIncidentIsOpen = 'The incident is open and awaiting action'; $strIncidentLogOrder = 'Incident Log Order'; # help for strIncidentLogOrder config option $strIncidentLogOrderHelp = 'Choose \'asc\' for Ascending (oldest first), or \'desc\' for Descending (newest first)'; $strIncidentLoggedEngineer = 'An incident has now been added as incident number %s and logged to your account, you should now assign an engineer who is to deal with the incident'; $strIncidentMonitor = 'Incident Monitor'; $strIncidentNearingSLA = 'Incident Nearing SLA target time'; $strIncidentNoContract = 'This incident is not logged under contract'; $strIncidentNum = 'Incident %d'; $strIncidentNumOrSearchTerm = 'Incident # or search term'; # Abbreviation of incidents per owner $strIncidentPerOwnerAbbrev = 'inc per owner'; $strIncidentPoints = 'Incident Points'; $strIncidentPool = 'Incident Pool'; $strIncidentRate = 'Incident Rate'; $strIncidentPriority = 'Incident Priority'; $strIncidentRefresh = 'Incident Refresh'; $strIncidentRefunded = 'Incident Refunded'; $strIncidentResolved = 'The incident has been resolved or reprioritised.\nThe issue should now be brought to a close or a new problem definition created within the service level'; $strIncidentReviewDue = 'Incident Review Due'; $strIncidentTypeWasBlank = 'Incident type was blank'; $strIncidentUpdatedExternally = 'Incident Updated Externally'; $strIncidentUpdatedExternallyDesc = 'When an incident is updated by someone external'; $strIncidentUpdatedInternally = 'Incident Updated Internally'; $strIncidentUpdatedInternallyDesc = 'When an incident is updated by someone internal'; $strIncidents = 'Incidents'; $strIncidentsAvailable = 'Incidents Available'; $strIncidentsByEngineer = 'Incidents By Engineer'; $strIncidentsBySite = 'Incidents By Site'; $strIncidentsBySkill = 'Incidents By Skill'; $strIncidentsByVendor = 'Incidents By Vendor'; $strIncidentsClosedToday = '%s Incidents Closed Today'; $strIncidentsContactEmail = 'Email address of incident contact'; $strIncidentsDailySummary = 'Incidents Daily Summary'; $strIncidentsForEngineer = 'Incidents for %s (Engineer)'; $strIncidentsinQueue = 'Incidents in Queue'; $strIncidentsList = 'Incidents List'; $strIncidentsLoggedOpenClosed = 'Incidents Logged (Open/Closed)'; $strIncidentsLoggedToday = '%s Incidents Logged Today'; $strIncidentsMulti = '%s Incidents'; $strIncidentsOpenedEachDay = 'This report shows how many incidents were opened each day. Hover your mouse over each bar to see the daily figures.'; $strIncidentsRequiringReminderByPhone = 'Incidents requiring a reminder by phone'; # e.g. Incidents opened on 2007-12-03 $strIncidentsVerbOnDate = 'Incidents %1$s on %2$s'; # e.g. Incidents opened between 2007-12-03 and 2007-12-04 $strIncidentsVerbBetweenDates = 'Incidents %1$s between %2$s and %3$s'; $strIncidentOwner = 'Incident owner'; $strIncidentOwnersFullName = 'Full name of the person who owns the incident'; $strIncidentOwnersManagersFullName = 'Full name of the person who owns the incident manager'; $strIncidentOwnersEmail = 'Email address of the incident owner'; $strIncidentOwnersManagerEmail = 'Email address of the incident owner\'s manager'; $strIncidentsUsed = 'Incidents Used'; $strIncidentTemporaryOwner = 'Incident temporary owner'; $strIncidentTemporaryOwnersFullName = 'Full name of the person who temporarily owns the incident'; $strIncidentTemporaryOwnersEmail = 'Email address of the incident temporary owner'; $strIncidentTitle = 'Incident Title'; $strIncidentUpdatesPerPage = 'Incident Updates per page'; $strIncidentXIsClosed = 'Incident %s is closed'; $strInclude = 'Include'; $strIncoming = 'Incoming'; $strIncomingEmail = 'Incoming Email'; $strIncomingEmailSpam = 'Incoming email that is suspected to be spam'; $strIncomingEmailText = 'Incoming email that could not be handled automatically'; # Including $strIncorporating = 'Incorporating'; $strInfo = 'Info'; $strInformationSent = 'Information Sent'; $strInformationSentRegardingSettingPassword = 'We have sent instructions for setting a new password to the email address provided.'; $strInformX = 'Inform %s'; $strInitialResponse = 'Initial Response'; # e.g. An abbreviated version of 'Initial Response' $strInitialResponseAbv = 'IR'; $strInitialResponseBy = 'Initial Response by %s'; $strInitialResponseHasBeenMade = 'The Initial Response has been made'; $strInitialResponseSLA = 'Initial Response SLA'; $strInMeeting = 'In Meeting'; $strInMinutes = 'in minutes'; $strInOffice = 'In Office'; $strInOrderToDelete = 'In order to delete this record you must select another to receive the related objects'; # e.g. Used when checking if something is the same as something else $strIs = 'is'; # e.g. Used when checking if something is not the same as something else $strIsNot = 'is not'; $strInstall = 'Install'; $strInstallDashboardComponents = 'Install new dashboard component'; $strInstalled = 'Installed'; $strInterfaceStyle = 'Interface Style (Theme)'; $strInternalEngineer = 'Internal Engineer'; $strInternalEscalation = 'Internal Escalation'; $strInternalUseNotDisplayed = 'For Internal Use, not displayed'; $strInterval = 'Interval'; $strIntroduction = 'Introduction'; $strInvalidCredentials = 'Invalid username/password combination'; $strInvalidDetails = 'Invalid Details'; $strInvalidEmailAddress = 'Invalid email address'; $strInvalidIncidentID = 'Invalid Incident ID'; $strInvalidParameter = 'Invalid parameter'; $strInvalidUserID = 'Invalid user id'; $strInvalidUsername = 'Invalid username, please try another'; $strInventory = 'Inventory'; $strInventoryDesc = 'The inventory is a catalogue of site objects such as workstations, software, remote access etc., that belong to sites'; $strInventoryItems = 'Inventory Items'; $strIgnore = 'Ignore'; $strIgnoreThisAndDelete ='Ignore this reassignment and delete this notice'; # short for January $strJanAbbr = 'Jan'; # Month number 1: January $strJanuary = 'January'; $strJobTitle = 'Job Title'; $strJournal = 'Journal'; # Short for July $strJulAbbr = 'Jul'; # Month number 7: July $strJuly = 'July'; $strJumpTo = 'Jump to'; $strJumpToEntryLog = 'Jump to the entry log here'; $strJumpToIncident = 'Jump to Incident'; # Short for June $strJunAbbr = 'Jun'; # Month number 6: June $strJune = 'June'; # i.e. A moment ago $strJustNow = 'Just Now'; # Abbreviation for Knowledge base $strKBabbr = 'KB'; $strKBArticle = 'KB article'; $strKBytes = 'KBytes'; $strKBID = 'ID of the knowledge base article'; $strKeepCurrentLanguage = 'Keep current language'; #e.g. graph legend $strKey = 'Key'; $strKeywords = 'Keywords'; $strKnowledgeBase = 'Knowledge Base'; $strKnowledgeBaseArticle = 'Knowledge Base Article'; $strKnowledgeBaseArticleCreated = 'Knowledge Base Article Created'; $strKnowledgeBaseArticles = 'Knowledge Base Articles'; $strLanguage = 'Language'; $strLatestExpiry = 'Latest Expiry:'; # Last date a bill was generated $strLastBilled = 'Last Billed'; $strLastModifiedBy = 'Last modified by'; $strLastMonth = 'Last month'; # Last time an action was executed $strLastRan = 'Last Ran'; $strLastUpdated = 'Last Updated'; # The previous week to this one $strLastWeek = 'Last week'; # The previous year to this one $strLastYear = 'Last year'; # LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol $strLDAP = 'LDAP'; $strLDAPAdminGroupIncorrect = 'Admin Group Incorrect'; $strLDAPCustomerGroupIncorrect = 'Customer Group Incorrect'; $strLDAPManagerGroupIncorrect = 'Manager Group Incorrect'; $strLDAPTestSucessful = 'LDAP Connection Sucessful'; $strLDAPTestFailed = 'LDAP Connection Failed'; $strLDAPUserBaseDNIncorrect = 'User Base DN Incorrect'; $strLDAPUserGroupIncorrect = 'User Group Incorrect'; $strLeaveBlankForNewSection = 'When this question starts a new section enter information here and it will be shown above the question or leave this blank for no new section'; $strLength = 'Length'; $strLess = 'Less'; $strLicense = 'Licence'; $strLicenseAndCopyright = 'Licence & Copyright Information'; $strLicenseType = 'Licence Type'; $strLicenseTypes = 'Licence Types'; $strLicenseQuantity = 'Licence Quantity'; $strLifetime = 'Lifetime'; $strLink = 'Link'; $strLinkedSkills = 'Linked Skills'; $strLinkedToNumProducts = 'Linked to # Products'; $strLinkProducts = 'Link Products'; $strLinkText = 'Link Text'; $strLinks = 'Links'; $strLimit = 'Limit'; $strLimitTo = 'Limit to'; $strList = 'List'; $strListsAllTheCustomersProducts = 'Lists all the customers products regardless of selections made above'; $strListOfHolidays = 'A list of holidays being requested'; $strListProducts = 'List Products'; $strListShowsContacts = 'This list shows contacts that matched your search, if site-support is available you can add incidents for the site'; $strListShowsContracts = 'This list shows contracts, i.e. supported contacts and the products they are supported for. Click on the appropriate \'%s\' link to begin adding the incident'; $strListSkills = 'List Skills'; # List skills that users have $strListUserSkills = 'List User Skills'; $strListVendors = 'List Vendors'; $strLinkSkillToX = 'Link skill to %s'; $strLoading = 'Loading'; # Parameters defining location, language and regional preferences $strLocale = 'Locale'; $strLocation = 'Location'; $strLock = 'Lock'; $strLocked = 'Locked'; $strLockedByX = 'Locked by %s'; $strLoggedExternally = 'Logged externally'; $strLogged = 'Logged'; # E.g. Logged in as: admin, currently On Holiday and Not Accepting calls $strLoggedInAsXAndCurrentlyXAndX = 'Logged in as: %1$s, currently %2$s and %3$s'; $strLoggedUnder = 'This incident is logged under contract %d'; # Title for sign in page $strLogIn = 'Log In'; # Label on sign in button $strLogin = 'Login'; $strLoginLogoff = 'Login/Logoff'; # Label on sign out button $strLogout = 'Logout'; $strLogTriggerInJournal = 'log the action in the system journal'; $strLow = 'Low'; $strLowPriority = 'Low Priority'; $strMakeVisibleInPortal = 'Make visible in portal'; $strMakeAXLinkFromOrigTabXtoX = 'Make a %s link for origtab %s, origref %s'; $strMap = 'Map'; $strManageDashboardComponents = 'Manage Dashboard Components'; $strManageEmailTemplates = 'Manage Email Templates'; $strManageEscalationPaths = 'Manage Escalation Paths'; $strManageHolidays = 'Manage Holidays'; $strManagePlugins = 'Manage Plugins'; $strManageSystemTriggers = 'Manage System Triggers'; $strManageUsers = 'Manage Users'; $strManageUsersSkills = 'Manage Users Skills'; $strManageYourDashboard = 'Manage your Dashboard'; $strManageYourTriggers = 'Manage your Triggers'; $strManager = 'Manager'; $strManagerRemindedByPhone = 'Manager has been reminded by phone'; $strMandatoryMarked = 'Mandatory fields are marked %s'; $strManyThanks = 'Many thanks to everybody that has offered comments, ideas, suggestions, bug reports and helped with testing or has contributed code. In particular thanks go to: (in random order)'; # Short for March $strMarAbbr = 'Mar'; # Month number 3: March $strMarch = 'March'; $strMarkComplete = 'Mark Complete'; $strMarkedComplete = 'Marked Complete'; $strMarkedforclosure = 'Marked for closure'; $strMarkedforclosureby = 'Marked for closure by %s'; $strMarketingMailshot = 'Marketing Mailshot'; $strMarketingMailshotDesc = 'This report is a list of details for all customers that currently (or previously) have contracts for the products you selected but none of the products excluded'; $strMarkForClosure = 'Mark for Closure'; $strMaxCarryOverXDays = 'Max Carry-over %s days'; $strMaxInputVars = 'PHP Error: set \'max_input_vars {miv}\' or more in php.ini'; $strMaxResults = 'A maximum of %d results are displayed, your search might have returned more.'; # Short for the month of May (these happen to be the same in english) $strMayAbbr = 'May'; # Month number 5: May $strMay = 'May'; $strMaxVersion = 'Maximum Version'; $strMBytes = 'MBytes'; $strMedium = 'Medium'; $strMediumPriority = 'Medium Priority'; $strMenu = 'Menu'; $strMessage = 'Message'; # As in "The target was met" $strMet = 'Met'; $strMidnight = 'Midnight'; $strMine = 'Mine'; $strMinutes = 'minutes'; $strMinVersion = 'Minimum Version'; $strMobile = 'Mobile'; # Short for 'mobile' $strMob = 'Mob'; # Short for 'Monday' $strMon = 'Mon'; $strMonday = 'Monday'; # Two character (Maximum) abbreviation for 'Monday' $strMondayAbbr = 'Mo'; $strMonth = 'Month'; $strMonthly = 'Monthly'; $strMonthlyActivityTotals = 'Monthly Activity Totals'; $strMonthBreakdown = 'Month Breakdown'; $strMonthView = 'Month View'; $strMore = 'More'; $strMoreContactsThanContractSupports = 'There are more contacts linked than this contract should support'; $strMorning = 'Morning'; # Move (verb) Update (noun) $strMoveUpdate = 'Move Update'; # Move (verb) to incident (noun) $strMoveToIncident = 'Move to existing incident'; $strMovedFromXtoXbyX = 'Moved from %1$s -> %2$s by %3$s'; $strMultipleActivitiesRunning = 'Multiple Activities Running'; $strMultipleOptions = 'Multiple Options'; $strMustCompleteActivitiesBeforeClosure = 'You must complete all activities for the incident before closure.'; $strMustContainFourCharacters = 'Update must be 4 characters or more'; $strMyDashboard = 'My Dashboard'; $strMyDetails = 'My Details'; $strMyHolidays = 'My Holidays'; $strMyIncidents = 'My Incidents'; $strMyNotifications = 'My Notifications'; $strMyProfile = 'My Profile'; $strMySettings = 'My Settings'; $strMySkills = 'My Skills'; $strMySubstitutes = 'My Substitutes'; $strMyTriggers = 'My Triggers'; $strName = 'Name'; $strNamedContacts = 'Named Contacts'; # English suffix for second - 2nd $strnd = 'nd'; $strNeedsSubstitueEngineers = '%s need substitute engineers to be defined'; $strNegative = 'Negative'; $strNever = 'Never'; $strNew = 'New'; $strNewAction = 'New Action'; $strNewArticle = 'New Article'; $strNewBillingMatrix = 'New Billing Matrix'; $strNewContact = 'New Contact'; $strNewContract = 'New Contract'; $strNewDuration = 'New Duration'; $strNewEmail = 'New Email (none of the above)'; $strNewEntitlement = 'New Entitlement'; $strNewEscalationPath = 'New Escalation Path'; $strNewFeedbackForm = 'New Feedback Form'; $strNewFeedbackForms = 'New Feedback Forms'; $strNewHeldEmail = 'New Held Email'; $strNewestAtBottom = 'Newest at the bottom'; $strNewestAtTop = 'Newest at the top'; $strNewIncident = 'New Incident'; $strNewIncidentStatus = 'New Incident Status'; $strNewKBArticle = 'New Article'; $strNewLicenseType = 'New Licence Type'; $strNewLink = 'New Link'; $strNewNamedContact = 'New Named Contact'; $strNewNote = 'New Note'; $strNewNoteByX = 'New Note by %s'; $strNewNotification = 'New Notification'; $strNewPassword = 'New Password'; $strNewProduct = 'New Product'; $strNewProductInformation = 'New Product Information'; $strNewReseller = 'New Reseller'; $strNewRole = 'New Role'; $strNewPriority = 'New Priority'; $strNewProduct = 'New Product'; $strNewProductQuestion = 'New Product Question'; $strNewService = 'New Service'; $strNewServiceLevel = 'New Service Level'; $strNewSite = 'New Site'; $strNewSiteContact = 'New Site Contact'; $strNewSiteFailed = 'Creation of new site failed'; $strNewSiteSupportIncident = 'New Site Support Incident'; $strNewSiteType = 'New Site Type'; $strNewSkill = 'New Skill'; $strNewStatus = 'New Status'; $strNewSupportedContact = 'New Supported Contact'; $strNewTask = 'New Task'; $strNewTemplate = 'New Template'; $strNewTriggerInterface = 'New Triggers Interface'; $strNewUser = 'New User'; $strNewVendor = 'New Vendor'; $strNext = 'Next'; $strNextAction = 'Next Action'; $strNextRun = 'Next Run'; $strNextSLATarget = 'The next SLA target'; # Update (noun) $strNextUpdate = 'Next Update'; # No being the opposite of Yes $strNo = 'No'; $strNobody = 'Nobody'; $strNoAnswerGiven = 'No Answer Given'; $strNoActionSpecified = 'No action specified'; $strNoAvailablePlugins = 'No Available Plugins'; $strNoBillingMatrixDefined = 'No Billing Matrix defined'; # e.g. No engineers have this skill. $strNoEngineers = 'No Engineers'; $strNoEngineersForReassignment = 'No Engineers exist for Incident Reassignment'; $strNoFeedbackFormsAvailable = 'No Feedback Forms Available'; $strNoFiles = 'No Files'; $strnoFileUploaded = 'No File Uploaded'; $strNoneAvailable = 'None Available'; $strNonTerminatedContractsExpiredXdaysAgo = 'Non-Terminated Contracts that expired up to %s days ago'; $strNoBillingMatrixFound = 'No Billing Matrix Found'; $strNoCalls = 'No Calls'; $strNoChangesToMake = 'No changes to make'; $strNoContactsForSite = 'There are no contacts associated with this site'; $strNoContractsForSite = 'There are no contracts associated with this site'; $strNoContractsFound = 'No Contracts Found'; $strNoDashletsInstalled = 'There are no dashlets installed, please ask your administrator to install some'; $strNoDurationOnActivity = 'No duration on activity'; $strNoEmail = 'No Email'; $strNoEmailSet = 'You have no email address set, you must set one now'; $strNoFeedbackFound = 'No Feedback Found'; $strNoFeedbackFormsDefined = 'No Feedback Forms Defined'; $strNoFeedBackFormToCompleteHere = 'There is no feedback form waiting to be completed at this address, this could be because you have already provided feedback. Please check that the URL you entered is correct.'; $strNoFeedsCurrentlyPresent = 'No feeds currently present'; $strNoHolidayEntitlement = 'No holiday entitlement remaining for this year'; $strNoIncidents = 'No Incidents'; $strNoIncidentsBeingWatchOfType = 'No watches set up for this type'; $strNoLicense = 'No Licence'; $strNoLongerRelevant = 'No Longer Relevant'; $strNoMatchingTaskFound = 'No Matching Task Found'; $strNoNameAssociated = 'No Name Associated'; $strNoSLA = 'No SLA'; $strNone = 'None'; $strNoNewDashboardComponentsToInstall = 'No new dashboard components available'; $strNoMatchingTask = 'No Matching Task Found'; $strNoMatchingProduct = 'No Matching Product'; $strNoOpenIncidents = 'No Open Incidents'; $strNoOrphanedContacts = 'No orphaned contacts'; $strNotificationEmail = 'Notification Email'; $strNotifications = 'Notifications'; $strNotificationsAway = 'Notifications when away'; $strNotificationsAwayHelp = 'Which notifications to receive when your status is set to \'Not in Office\', \'Absent Sick\', \'On Holiday\' or \'Working Away\''; $strNotificationDescription = 'You can be notified in different ways when events occur, your current notifications are listed below.'; $strNotifyContact = 'Notify Contact'; $strNotifyContactEmail = 'The notify contact email of a contact (if set)'; $strNotifyContactOnClose = 'Whether the user requested to send a closing email (true or false)'; $strNotifyExternalEngineerOnClose = 'Whether the user requested to send a closing email to the external engineer (true or false)'; $strNotifyMinutes = 'Notify Minutes'; $strNotifyWhen = 'Notify When'; $strNotEscalated = 'Not Escalated'; $strNotInstalled = 'Not Installed'; $strNoServiceWithIDXFound = 'No service with ID %s found'; $strNoPermission = 'You do not have permission to view this page'; $strNoPost = 'No Post'; $strNoProductInfo = 'No Product Info'; $strNoProductsForThisVendor = 'No products for this vendor'; $strNoPublicTasks = 'No Public Tasks'; $strNoRecords = 'No Records'; $strNoReseller = 'No Reseller'; $strNoResponseFound = 'No Response Found'; $strNoResults = 'No Results'; $strNoResultsFor = 'No results for %s'; $strNoRoleSpecified = 'No role specified'; $strNoSchemaAvailableToUpgrade = 'No schema available to upgrade'; $strNOSkills = 'NO Skills'; $strNoSkillsDefined = 'NO Skills defined'; $strNoSkillsLinkedToProduct = 'No skills linked to product'; $strNoSubstitute = 'No substitute engineer set'; $strNoSubstitutes = 'No substitute engineers set'; $strNoTransactionsMatchYourSearch = 'No transactions match your search'; $strNoTransactionsFoundWithID = 'No transaction found with ID'; $strNoUpgradesForDashboardComponent = 'No upgrades for %s dashboard component'; $strNoTasks = 'No Tasks'; $strNotAccepting = 'Not Accepting'; $strNotAcceptingIncidents = 'Not accepting incidents'; # Short for not applicable $strNotApplicableAbbrev = 'N/A'; $strNotApproved = 'Not Approved'; $strNotCompleted = 'Not Completed'; $strNoticeTemplate = 'Notice Template'; $strNote = 'Note'; $strNoteAddedBy = 'Note added by %s'; $strNoteInsertExternalID = 'Note: insert \'%externalid%\' for automatic incident number insertion'; $strNotes = 'Notes'; $strNothingToDisplay = 'Nothing to Display'; $strNothingToLink = 'Nothing to link'; $strNotice = 'Notice'; $strNoticeIncidentAssignedDesc = 'Notifies of an incident assigned to an engineer'; $strNoticeIncidentAssigned = '{incidentpriority} priority incident {incidentid} - {incidenttitle} logged by {contactname} of {sitename} has been assigned to {userrealname}'; $strNoticeIncidentClosedDesc = 'Notifies of an incident closure'; $strNoticeIncidentClosed = '{incidentid} - {incidenttitle} has been closed by {userrealname}'; $strNoticeIncidentCreatedDesc = 'Notifies of an incident created'; $strNoticeIncidentCreated = '{incidentpriority} priority incident {incidentid} - {incidenttitle} logged by {contactname} of {sitename}'; $strNoticeIncidentNearingSLADesc = 'Notifies of a nearing Incident SLA'; $strNoticeIncidentNearingSLA = '{incidentowner}\'s incident {incidentid} - {incidenttitle}: {nextsla} due'; $strNoticeIncidentReviewDueDesc = 'Notifies of a nearing Incident review'; $strNoticeIncidentReviewDue = '{incidentowner}\'s incident {incidentid} - {incidenttitle} is due for review'; $strNoticeIncidentRequestClosedDesc = 'Notifies a user when an incident has been requested as closed'; $strNoticeIncidentRequestClosed = '{incidentid} has been requested as closed'; $strNoInicdentsToApprove = 'No Incidents to approve'; $strNoticeKBCreatedDesc = 'Notifies of a new KB article'; $strNoticeKBCreated = 'KB Article {kbname} has been created by {userrealname}'; $strNoticeLanguageDiffersDesc = 'Notifies a user that they\'re using a different language to their profile'; $strNoticeLanguageDiffers = 'Your current language ({currentlang}) is different from your profile language ({profilelang})'; $strNoticeMinsHeldEmailDesc = 'Notifies that an email has been in the holding queue for X minutes'; $strNoticeMinsHeldEmail = 'There has been an email in the holding queue for {holdingmins} minutes'; $strNoticeNewContactDesc = 'Notifies of a new contact added'; $strNoticeNewContact = '{contactname} has been added as a contact to {sitename} by {userrealname}'; $strNoticeNewHeldEmailDesc = 'Notifies of a new email in the holding queue'; $strNoticeNewHeldEmail = 'There is a new email in the holding queue'; $strNoticeNewContractDesc = 'Notifies of a new contract'; $strNoticeNewContract = '{contractproduct} contract has been added to {sitename} by {userrealname}'; $strNoticeNewSite = 'New site {sitename} has been added by {userrealname}'; $strNoticeNewSiteDesc = 'Notifies when a new site has been added'; $strNoticeNewUserDesc = 'Notifies of a new system user'; $strNoticeNewUser = '{userrealname} has been added as a new user to {applicationshortname}'; $strNotices = 'Notices'; $strNoticeSitUpgradedDesc = 'Notifies of a system upgrade'; $strNoticeSitUpgraded ='{applicationshortname} has been upgraded to {applicationversion}'; $strNoticeTaskDue = 'Task {taskid} - {taskname} is now due'; $strNoticeTaskDueDesc = 'Notifies of a due task.'; $strNoticeSchedulerTaskFailed = 'Scheduler task {schedulertask} failed'; $strNoticeSchedulerTaskFailedDesc = 'Notifies of a scheduler task failing'; $strNoticeUserChangedStatusDesc = 'Notifies of an user\'s status change'; $strNoticeUserChangedStatus = '{userrealname} has changed their status to {userstatus} and {useraccepting} incidents'; $strNoticesBlurb = 'This page allows you to post a new global notice. BB code is allowed.'; $strNotifications = 'Notifications'; $strNotificationMethod = 'Notification Method'; $strNotInOffice = 'Not In Office'; $strNotRequested = 'Not Requested'; $strNotSet = 'Not Set'; $strNotSettingArea = 'NOTE: Not setting one may slow down processing your incident'; $strNotUpdated = 'Not Updated'; $strNoUpgradesForDashboardComponent = 'No upgrades for %1$s dashboard component'; $strNoTypesDefined = 'Sorry, no types were found, contact your admin to create some'; # Short for November $strNovAbbr = 'Nov'; $strNoValidEmailEntered = 'No valid email address entered or wrong email address'; $strNoVendorsDefined = 'No Vendors Defined'; # Month number 11: November $strNovember = 'November'; $strNow = 'Now'; $strNumContactsAssignedToSite = 'There are %s contacts assigned to this site'; $strNumContractsAssignedToSite = 'There are %s contracts assigned to this site'; $strNumIncidents = '# Incidents'; $strNumOfIncidentsLoggedByX = 'Number of incidents logged by %s'; $strNumOfCalls = '# of calls'; $strNumOpenIncidents = '%s open'; $strNumOfUpdates = '# of Updates'; $strNumOfUpdatesPerIncident = '# Updates per incident'; $strOccurance = 'Occurance'; # Short for October $strOctAbbr = 'Oct'; # Month number 10: October $strOctober = 'October'; $strOffset = 'Offset'; $strOK = 'OK'; $strOldPassword = 'Old Password'; $strOnHoliday = 'On Holiday'; $strOffline = 'Offline'; $strOneOfTheSignaturesWillBeInserted = 'One of the signatures below will be chosen at random and inserted at the bottom of outgoing emails. It\'s recommended that you begin this signature with two dashes, a space and a line feed'; $strOnline = 'Online'; $strOnlyAvailableOnSupportIncidents = 'Only available on support incidents'; $strOnlyShowsClosedCalls = 'Only shows closed calls'; $strOnlyShowsContractsOfSameSLA = 'Only shows contracts of the same SLA'; $strOnlyShowNewerThan = 'Only show newer than %d days old'; $strOnlyShowSitesWithActiveContracts = 'Only show sites with active contracts'; $strOnTrainingCourse = 'On Training Course'; # e.g. on 16 July at 8:00am $strOnxAtY = 'On %1$s at %2$s'; $strOpen = 'Open'; $strOpened = 'Opened'; $strOpenActivities = 'Open Activities'; $strOpenedby = 'Opened by %s'; $strOpenedbyXonY = 'Opened by %1$s on %2$s'; $strOpenedViaThePortalByX = 'Opened via the portal by %s'; $strOpenForX = 'Open for %s'; $strOptionional = 'Optional'; $strOptions = 'Options'; $strOptionsOnePerLine = 'Options (one per line)'; $strOriginalMessageReceivedAt = 'Original message received at: %s'; $strOrphanedSites = 'Orphaned Sites'; $strOther = 'Other'; $strOtherIncidents = 'Other Incidents'; $strOtherLeave = 'Other Leave'; $strOutbound = 'Outbound'; $strOutput = 'Output'; $strOwnedBy = 'owned by'; $strOwner = 'Owner'; $strOwners = 'Owners'; $strOwnerXAcctingAgain = 'Owner %s accepting again'; $strOwnerXAndNotAccepting = 'Owner %s & not accepting'; $strOverview = 'Overview'; $strOverXHoursAgo = 'Over %x hours ago'; $strParameters = 'Parameters'; $strParametersX = 'Parameters: %s'; $strPassword = 'Password'; $strPasswordHasBeenReset = 'Your password has been reset, you can now login using the new details.'; $strPasswordIncorrect = 'Password Incorrect'; $strPasswordReset = 'Password reset'; $strPasswordResetURL = 'Hashed URL for password reset'; $strPasswordsDoNotMatch = 'Passwords do not match'; $strPastXDays = 'Past %s days'; $strPastXMonths = 'Past %s months'; # e.g. File system directory paths $strPaths = 'Paths'; $strPercentageEscalated = 'Percentage Escalated'; $strPerformSearches = 'Perform Searches'; $strPeriod = 'Period'; $strPeriodStarted = 'Period Started'; $strPersonalTemplates = 'Personal Templates'; $strPendingReassignments = 'Pending Re-Assignments'; $strPermission = 'Permission'; $strPermissionDenied = 'Permission Denied'; $strPermissionDeniedForX = 'Permission denied for %s'; $strPermissions = 'Permissions'; $strPermissionsInhereitedCannotBeChanged = 'Permissions that are inherited from the users role can not be changed.'; $strPerIncident = 'Per Incident'; $strPerUnit = 'Per Unit'; $strPerUser = 'Per User'; $strPreferred = 'Preferred'; $strPreReleaseNotice = 'You are using a pre-release version of SiT - %s, Pre-release versions are for you to test, provide feedback and to help with further development and should never be used in a live production environment'; $strPrevious = 'Previous'; $strPreviousIncidentOwner = 'Previous Incident Owner'; $strPreviousUpdate = 'Previous Update'; $strPreviousXDays = 'Previous %s days'; $strPreviousXMonths = 'Previous %s months'; $strProductX = 'Product: %s'; $strProductInformation = 'product information'; $strProductNoLongerAvailable = 'This product is no longer available'; $strProfileLanguage = 'The language the user has set in their profile'; $strPhonecallmadeby = 'Phonecall made by %s'; $strPhonecalltakenby = 'Phonecall taken by %s'; $strPlaceIncidentInWaitingQueue = 'Place incident in the waiting queue?'; $strPleaseCheckData = 'Please check the data you entered'; $strPleaseConfirmUsername = 'Please confirm your username'; $strPleaseWaitRedirect = 'Please wait while you are redirected'; $strPlugin = 'Plugin'; $strPlugins = 'Plugins'; $strPoints = 'Points'; $strPointsBased = 'Points Based'; $strPopularity = 'Popularity'; $strPortal = 'Portal'; $strPortalIncidentCreated = 'Portal incident created'; $strPortalIncidentRequestClosed = 'Portal incident requested closed'; $strPositive = 'Positive'; $strPositivity = 'Positivity'; $strPositivityXXfromXFormsCompleted = 'Positivity: %s (%s) from %s forms completed'; $strPossibleNewIncident = 'Possible new incident'; # Postal code $strPostcode = 'Postcode'; $strPostNewNotice = 'Post New Notice'; $strPostSystemNotices = 'Post System Notices'; $strPostOK = 'Post OK'; $strPostpone = 'Postpone'; # pm = After noon $strPM = 'pm'; $strPrevious = 'Previous'; $strPriority = 'Priority'; $strPrivacy = 'Privacy'; $strPrivate = 'Private'; $strProblemDefinition = 'Problem Definition'; $strProblemDefinitionby = 'Problem definition by %s'; $strProblemDefinitionSLA = 'Problem Definition SLA'; $strProblemDescription = 'Problem Description'; $strProblemDescriptionCustomerText = 'As much information as possible about the problem, enough for an engineer to begin researching the issue without having to contact you.'; $strProblemHasBeenDefined = 'The problem has been defined'; $strProblemReproduction = 'Problem Reproduction'; $strProblemReproductionCustomerText = 'Does the problem exist with more than one machine? What steps will an engineer need to take to reproduce this issue?'; $strProduct = 'Product'; $strProductQuestions = 'Product Questions'; $strProducts = 'Products'; $strProductsAndSkills = 'Products & Skills'; $strPublic = 'Public'; $strPublicHoliday = 'Public Holiday'; $strPublicSharedComputerIncreasedSecurity = 'Public/Shared Computer (Increased Security)'; $strPublish = 'Publish'; $strPublished = 'Published'; $strPublishedToday = 'Published Today'; $strPublishedOnX = 'Published on %s'; $strPutIncidentOnHoldUntil = 'Put incident on hold until'; $strQualifications = 'Qualifications'; $strQueryByExample = 'Query By Example'; $strQuestion = 'Question'; $strQuestions = 'Questions'; $strQuestionText = 'Question Text'; $strQuestionRequired = 'Questions marked with this symbol are required and must be answered before continuing'; $strQuestionXNeedsAnsweringBeforeContinuing = 'Question %s requires an answer before continuing.'; $strQueue = 'Queue'; $strRandomTip = 'Random Tip'; $strRating = 'Rating'; #English suffix for third - 3rd $strrd = 'rd'; $strReadWikiArticleHere = 'Read the full Wiki article here'; $strRealName = 'Real Name'; $strReassign = 'Reassign'; $strReassignIncident = 'Reassign Incident'; $strReassignIncidents = 'Reassign Incidents'; $strReassignIncidentsWhenUserNotAccepting = 'Reassign Incidents when user not accepting'; $strReason = 'Reason'; $strReassignTo = 'Reassign to'; $strReassignedToBy = 'Reassigned to %1$s by %2$s'; $strReassignText = 'Explain in detail why you are reassigning this incident and include instructions to the new owner as to what action should be taken next. Please be as detailed as possible and include full descriptions of any work you have performed.'; $strReceivedByEmail = 'This information was received in the email. It is not editable.'; $strReceiveFeedbackAgain = 'You can enable to receive feedback again in your portal settings'; $strRecent = 'Recent'; $strRecentIncidents = 'Recent Incidents'; $strReducedPrioritySLA = 'Reduced from %s according to SLA'; # e.g. Ref: 12 $strRefX = 'Ref: %s'; $strReferences = 'References'; $strRefresh = 'Refresh'; # Abbreviation for Reference ID $strRefID = 'Ref ID'; $strRefundIncident = 'Refund Incident'; $strRegister = 'Register'; $strRelated = 'Related'; $strRelatedContracts = 'Related Contracts'; $strRelatedIncidents = 'Related Incidents'; $strRelatingToIncident = 'Relating to incident'; $strRelations = 'Relations'; $strRelationship = 'Relationship'; $strRelationshipRemoved = 'Relationship Removed'; $strReleaseNotes = 'Release Notes'; $strReleaseNotesFor = 'Release Notes For %s'; $strRemaining = '%s Remaining'; $strRemainingBalance = 'Remaining Balance'; $strRememberToSave = 'Remember to save any changes you have made'; $strRemind = 'Remind'; $strRemindByPhone = 'Remind customer by phone'; $strRemindCustomer = 'Remind customer'; $strReminded = 'Reminded'; $strRemove = 'Remove'; $strRemoveASupportedContact = 'Remove a Supported Contact'; $strRemoveLinkContractAndSupportContact = 'Remove the link between a contract and a support contact'; $strRemoveLinkContractAndSupportContactText = 'This will mean that the contact will not be able to log any further support incidents for the related product'; $strRemoveTemporaryOwner = 'Remove Temporary Owner'; $strRemoveThisPermanently = 'Remove this permanently'; $strReopen = 'Reopen'; $strReopenIncident = 'Reopen Incident'; $strReopenIncidents = 'Reopen Incidents'; $strReopenIncidentAndAddUpdate = 'Reopen incident and add update?'; $strReopenedby = 'Reopened by %s'; $strRepeat = 'Repeat'; $strReply = 'Reply'; $strReplyTo = 'Reply To'; $strReportBug = 'Report a Bug'; $strReportedBug = 'Reported Bug'; $strReportIncidentsBySiteDesc = 'Total Number of incidents logged: %1$s, Logged externally: %2$s (%3$s%%)'; $strReportListsIncidentsLoggedThatEachSiteLoggedOverPastXMonths = 'This report lists the incidents that each site has logged over the past %s months'; $strReports = 'Reports'; $strReportDescBillableEngineerUtilisation = 'Displays the total number of billable hours performed by an engineer in a given time period'; $strReportDescContractsByProduct = 'Displays the number of contracts currently valid for each product available'; $strReportDescContractsBySkill = 'Displays the list of contracts which contain a skill'; $strReportDescCustomerContracts = 'Lists details of each valid contract per site and the names contacts for that contract'; $strReportDescCustomerProduct = 'Report on the products each site has valid contracts for including addresses'; $strReportDescCustomerProductsMatrix = 'Report on the products each site has valid contracts for in matrix format'; $strReportDescCustomers = 'Export details of the customers including contact details and products'; $strReportDescFeedback = 'Reports on the feedback received from customers and can be filtered by engineer, contact, site or product'; $strReportDescIncidentsAverageDuration = 'Displays on a monthly basis the average duration (time open) for an incident including number of updated and engineers working the incidents'; $strReportDescIncidentsBillable = 'List of all billable incidents between two optional dates'; $strReportDescIncidentsByCustomer = 'List number of incidents opened by sites in a given time period'; $strReportDescIncidentsByEngineer = 'List all incidents handled by an engineer in a given time period'; $strReportDescIncidentsBySite = 'List all incidents opened by a site, listing incident title, ID and customer contact'; $strReportDescIncidentsBySkill = 'Shows a break down of the number of incidents logged by skill and SLA in a given time period'; $strReportDescIncidentsByVendor = 'List the number of incidents for each vendor'; $strReportDescIncidentsDailySummary = 'Displays a day by day breakdown of the incidents logged and who they where assigned to'; $strReportDescIncidentsEscalated = 'Shows how incidents are distributed by extenernal engineer, this uses the external engineer name field'; $strReportDescIncidentsGraph = 'Displays the number of incidents opened and closed over the course of a year with the ability to look at previous years'; $strReportDescIncidentsRecent = 'Lists all incidents opened in the previous month'; $strReportDescMarketting = 'Export list of contact details based on site filters'; $strReportDescOrphansContacts = 'Show contacts which are not associated with an existing site'; $strReportDescQBE = 'Query By Example to directly query the database tables'; $strRepository = 'Repository'; $strRequestClosure = 'Request Closure'; $strRequested = 'Requested'; $strRequestClosureViaThePortalBy = 'Requested closure via the portal by'; $strRequestNoUsersToApprovePermissions = 'There are no users that can approve your request, only users with appropriate permissions can approve holiday requests and you cannot approve your own requests.'; $strRequestNoHolidaysAwaitingYourApproval = 'There are currently no holidays waiting for your approval'; $strRequestNotSent = 'Request not sent'; $strRequestSendComments = 'Send comments with your request: (or leave blank)'; $strRequestSent = 'Request Sent'; $strRequestSentToX = 'Request sent to %s'; $strRequired = 'Required'; $strRequirement = 'Requirement'; $strRequiredDataMissing = 'Required data missing'; $strResearchedby = 'Researched by %s'; $strResearching = 'Researching'; $strResearchNeeded = 'Research Needed'; $strResearchNotes = 'Research Notes'; $strReserved = 'Reserved'; $strReset = 'Reset'; $strResetDate = 'Reset Date'; $strResetHolidayEntitlementCarryOverNDaysOfUnusedHoliday = 'Reset holiday entitlement and carry-over up to n days of unused holiday'; $strResetPassword = 'Reset Password'; $strResolutionReprioritisation = 'Resolution/Reprioritisation'; $strResolutionReprioritisationSLA = 'Resolution/Reprioritisation SLA'; $strResolvedby = 'Resolved by %s'; $strReseller = 'Reseller'; $strResellers = 'Resellers'; $strResponsesToFeedbackForm = 'Responses to Feedback Form'; $strResponsesToAllFeedbackForms = 'Responses to All Feedback Forms'; $strRestricted = 'Restricted'; $strResult = 'Result'; $strResults = 'Results'; $strResultsNum = '%d Results'; $strReturnAfterSaving = 'Return to this page after saving'; $strReturnToOriginalOwner = 'Return to original owner'; $strReturnToPreviousPage = 'Return to previous page'; $strReturnToProductList = 'Return to product list'; $strReturnWithoutSaving = 'Return without saving'; # Show $strReveal = 'Reveal'; $strReverseLinks = 'Reverse Links'; $strReview = 'Review'; $strReviewby = 'Review %1$s by %2$s'; $strReviewDeleteIncidentUpdates = 'Review/Delete Incident updates'; $strReviewDueAgo = 'Review Due %s ago!'; $strReviewDueNow = 'Review Due Now!'; $strReviewHeldUpdates = 'Review Held Updates'; $strReviewIn = 'Review in %s'; $strRevoke = 'Revoke'; $strRole = 'Role'; $strRolePermissions = 'Role Permissions'; # eg. Role Permission: 3 - Edit existing site details $strRolePermissionsXY = 'Role Permission: %1$s - %2$s'; $strRSSAtomURL = 'RSS/Atom Feed URL'; $strRules = 'Rules'; $strRulesNotDefinable = 'Rules are not definable for this trigger action'; # SiT running on Apache at 12:52 $strRunningOn = 'running on %1$s at %2$s'; $strRunNow = 'Run Now'; $strRunManagementReports = 'Run Management Reports'; $strRunReport = 'Run Report'; $strRunReports = 'Run Reports'; $strSalesperson = 'Salesperson'; $strSalespersonSite = 'The site\'s salesperson'; $strSalespersonAssignedToContactsSiteEmail = 'The email address of the salesperson attached to the contacts site'; $strSalesIncidentsLegacy = 'Sales Incidents (Legacy}'; # short for 'Saturday' $strSat = 'Sat'; $strSaturday = 'Saturday'; # Two character (Maximum) abbreviation for 'Saturday' $strSaturdayAbbr = 'Sa'; $strSave = 'Save'; $strSaved = 'Saved'; $strSaveAsCSV = 'Save as CSV'; $strSaveDashbaordLayout = 'Save Dashboard Layout'; $strSaveDraft = 'Save Draft'; $strSaveTheMainFormFirst = 'Save the main form before adding questions'; $strSavePublish = 'Save and Publish'; $strScheduledTask = 'Name of the scheduler task'; $strScheduler = 'Scheduler'; $strSchedulerActionFailed = 'Scheduler Action Failed'; # The Scheduler does not appear to be running. You might want to check out $strSchedulerNotRunning = 'The Scheduler does not appear to be running. You might want to check out'; # Database structure version $strSchemaVersion = 'Schema Version'; $strScore = 'Score'; $strScores = 'Scores'; $strScreen = 'Screen'; $strSearch = 'Search'; $strSearchAgain = 'Search Again'; $strSearchInDomain = 'Searching for "%1$s" in %2$s…'; $strSearchInDomainNotAvailableYet = 'Searching in this domain not available yet'; $strSearchTooShort = 'The search term you used is too short, it must be 3 or more characters'; $strSearchYielded = 'Search yielded'; $strSeconds = 'Seconds'; $strSectionText = 'Section Text'; $strSeeHere = 'See here'; $strSeeOlderVersions = 'See Older Versions'; $strSelect = 'Select'; $strSelectAction = 'Select action'; $strSelectAFieldForTemplates = 'Select a field that supports template variables, then click a variable to insert it'; $strSelectDays = 'Select Days'; $strSelectionXmustNotBeEmpty = 'Selection %s Must Not Be Empty'; $strSelectKBSections = 'Select the sections you\'d like to include in the article by checking the boxes beside each heading, you can add further sections later. You don\'t need to include all sections, just use the ones that are relevant.'; $strSelectNoneAssumesAll = 'Select none assumes all'; $strSelectSkillsApplyToArticle = 'Select the skills that apply to this article'; $strSelectYourSkills = 'Select your skills. Having skills means that you are available to receive incidents with those skills.'; $strSelf = 'Self'; $strSendAnEmail = 'send an email based on'; $strSendEmail = 'Send Email'; $strSendEmails = 'Send Emails'; $strSendEmailExplainingIncidentClosure = 'Send an email to the customer explaining that the incident has been (or will be) closed.'; $strSendEmailExternalIncidentClosure = 'Send an email to %s asking for the external incident to be closed.'; $strSendOpeningEmail = 'Send opening email'; $strSendOpeningEmailDesc = 'Send opening email to incident contact?'; $strSendPassword = 'Send Password'; $strSendRequest = 'Send Request'; $strSendReminderRequest = 'Send Reminder Request'; $strSendRequestsTo = 'Send the request(s) to'; $strSentInformation = 'Sent Information'; $strSendTranslation = 'Save the text below as %1$s and place in the %2$s directory to use it. Send it to %3$s for it to be included with future SiT! releases for the benefit of other users.'; # Short for September $strSepAbbr = 'Sep'; # Month number 9: September $strSeptember = 'September'; $strService = 'Service'; $strServiceBalance = 'Service Balance'; $strServiceBalanceInfo = 'The amount of remaining service balance as a number e.g. "0.34"'; $strServiceBalanceString = 'The amount of remaining service as a percentage e.g. "34%"'; $strServiceHistory = 'Service History'; $strServiceID = 'Service ID'; $strServiceLevel = 'Service Level'; $strServiceLevelPreventsReopen = 'The service level of this incident prevents it being reopened'; $strServiceLevels = 'Service Levels'; $strServicePacksApplied = 'Service Packs Applied'; $strServicePeriod = 'Service Period'; $strSession = 'Session'; $strSessionExpired = 'Your session has expired, please login to continue'; $strSetContactFlags = 'Set Contact Flags'; $strSetDurationWithoutActivity = 'Set duration without activity '; $strSetNegativeTimeForDurationOnIncidents = 'Set negative time for duration on incidents '; $strSetPassword = 'Set Password'; $strSetPermissions = 'Set Permissions'; $strSetPermissionsForRoleX = 'Set permissions for role: %s'; $strSetPermissionsForUserX = 'Set permissions for user: %s'; $strSetPublicHolidays = 'Set Public Holidays'; $strSetRolePermissions = 'Set role permissions'; $strSetSkills = 'Set skills'; $strSetSubstitutes = 'Set substitutes'; $strSettings = 'Settings'; $strSetYourStatus = 'Set your Status'; $strShowActiveOnly = 'Show Active Only'; $strShowAll = 'Show All'; $strShowApproved = 'Show Approved'; $strShowClosedIncidents = 'Show closed incidents'; $strShowConfirmationMessagesOnDelete = 'Show confirmation messages ("Are you sure?") on delete'; $strShowConfirmationBeforeClosingAWindows = 'Show confirmation before closing a Window'; $strShowEmoticons = 'Show Emoticons'; $strShowEverybodys = 'Show Everybody\'s'; $strShowExpiredAsZero = 'Show Expired As Zero'; $strShowExpiredContracts = 'Show Expired Contracts'; $strShowingAllArticles = 'Showing all articles'; $strShowingAllClosedIncidents = 'Showing all closed incidents'; $strShowingXtoXofX = 'Showing %1$s to %2$s of %3$s'; $strShowingXofX = 'Showing %1$s of %2$s'; $strShowingOnlyRelevantArticles = 'Showing only relevant articles'; $strShowFreeOfCharge = 'Show Free of Charge'; $strShowFreeOfChargeAsZero = 'Show Free of Charge as Zero'; $strShowGeneralConfirmationMessages = 'Show general confirmation ("Are you sure?") messages'; $strShowInactive = 'Show Inactive'; $strShowInactiveData = 'Show Inactive Data'; $strShowIncidentDetails = 'Show Incident details'; $strShowNextAction = 'Show next action'; $strShowNextActionHelp = 'Show an incident\'s next action in the incident table'; $strShowMine = 'Show Mine'; $strShowOnlyRelevant = 'Show only relevant'; $strShowOpenIncidents = 'Show open incidents'; $strShowOrphanedContacts = 'Show orphaned contacts (no site)'; $strShowPaged = 'Show Paged'; $strShowPositivityGraph = 'This graph shows different levels of positivity of the contacts shown above'; $strShowProducts = 'Show Products'; $strShowQuote = 'Show quote'; $strShowRenewals = 'Show Renewals'; $strShowSitesThatHaveLoggedNoIncidents = 'Show sites that have logged no incidents'; $strShowSitesWhichHaveLoggedLessThanCalls = 'Show sites which have logged less than X calls'; $strShowSiteTotals = 'Show Site Totals'; $strShowTableLegends = 'Show table legends'; $strShowTotals = 'Show Totals'; $strSicknessOnlyBookedNowOrPast = 'Sickness, can only be booked for today or days that have passed'; $strSimpleHTMLallowed = 'Simple HTML allowed'; $strSinceX = 'since %s'; $strSingleIncident = '%s Incident'; $strSite = 'Site'; $strSiteAreYouSure = 'This incident will be logged against the customers SITE and NOT against a contract, you will be prompted to choose a service level. Are you sure you want to continue?'; # Break down the report by site $strSiteBreakDown = 'Site Breakdown'; $strSiteContracts = 'Site Contracts'; $strSiteDetails = 'Site Details'; $strSiteEdited = 'Site Edited'; $strSiteHasBillableContract = 'Site has billable contract'; $strSiteIncidents = 'Site Incidents'; $strSiteName = 'Site Name'; $strSiteNotes = 'Site Notes:'; $strSiteNotListed = 'Site not listed?'; $strSiteProducts = 'Site Products'; $strSiteProductsMatrix = 'Site Products Matrix'; $strSites = 'Sites'; $strSiteSupport = 'Site Support'; $strSiteType = 'Site Type'; $strSiteTypes = 'Site Types'; $strSiteXEdited = 'Site %s edited'; $strSitUpgraded = "{$CONFIG['application_shortname']} Upgraded"; $strSitUpgradedTo = '%1$s has been upgraded to %2$s'; $strSitUpgradedLink = 'What\'s new?'; $strSize = 'Size'; $strSkill = 'Skill'; $strSkills = 'Skills'; $strSkillAssignedToIncident = 'Skill assigned to an incident'; $strSkillsFor = 'Skills For %s'; $strSkillsMatrix = 'Skills Matrix'; $strSkillsSupportedUnderContract = 'Skills supported under this contract'; # abbr. for Service Level Agreement $strSLA = 'SLA'; $strSLAApproaching = 'SLA approaching'; $strSLAby = 'SLA: %1$s by %2$s'; $strSLADue = 'SLA due'; $strSLAXDueNow = '%s due now'; # E.g. Initial Response in 3 hours $strSLAInX = '%1$s in %2$s'; # E.g. Initial Response 3 hours late $strSLAXLate = '%1$s %2$s late'; $strSLAMissed = 'SLA missed'; $strSLAPerformance = 'SLA Performance'; $strSLATarget = 'SLA Target'; # Simple Object Access Protocol $strSOAP = 'SOAP'; $strSoftware = 'Software'; $strSoftwareVersion = 'Software Version'; $strSolution = 'Solution'; $strSolvedProblem = 'Solved Problem'; $strSomeActionsOptionalConditions = 'Some actions have optional conditions under which you can choose to be notified.'; $strSomeOfTheseIdentifiers = 'Some of these identifiers might not be available once you add a trigger'; $strSorryNoPermissionToAreas = 'Sorry, you do not have permission to the following areas'; $strSorryNoRecordsMatchingX = 'Sorry, unable to find any records matching %s'; $strSorryNoSearchResults = 'Sorry, your search yielded no results'; $strSorryProductCantBeDeleted = 'Sorry, the product can\'t be deleted, check if there are skills or contracts linked to it.'; $strSort = 'Sort'; $strSortAscending = 'Sort Ascending'; $strSortDescending = 'Sort Decending'; $strSortResults = 'Sort Results'; $strSource = 'Source'; $strSourceFailCannotBeFoundX = 'Source file cannot be found %s'; $strSpamEmail = 'Spam Email'; # Plural of strSpamEmail $strSpamEmails = 'Spam Emails'; $strSpecifyAddress = 'Specify an address for this contact that is different to the site'; # English suffix for first - 1st $strst = 'st'; $strStartDate = 'Start Date'; $strStartNewActivity = 'Start New Activity'; $strStatsFromDayStatistics = 'Statistics from %s'; $strStatisticsOnly = 'Statistics Only'; $strStatisticsWarningReassign = 'The statistics are approximation only. They don\'t take into consideration incidents reassigned'; $strStatus = 'Status'; $strStatusSummary = 'Status Summary'; # i.e. permanent $strSticky = 'Sticky'; $strStopActivity = 'Stop Activity'; $strStoreInLog = 'Store details in the Incident Log'; $strSubject = 'Subject'; $strSubstitute = 'Substitute'; $strSubstitutes = 'Substitutes'; $strSuccess = 'Success'; $strSuccessfully = 'Successfully'; $strSuccessfullyUpdated = 'Successfully Updated'; $strSummary = 'Summary'; $strSummaryOfProblem = 'A concise but full summary of the problem(s) that were encountered.'; $strSummaryOfProblemAndResolution = 'You should provide a summary of the problem and information about how it was resolved.'; # Short for 'Sunday' $strSun = 'Sun'; $strSunday = 'Sunday'; # Two character (Maximum) abbreviation for 'Sunday' $strSundayAbbr = 'Su'; $strSupport = 'Support'; $strSupportEmailAddress = 'Support Email Address'; $strSupportEmailDesc = 'Free text support email'; $strSupportExpired = 'Support Expired'; $strSupportManagersEmailAddress = 'Technical Support managers email address'; $strSupportedContacts = 'Supported Contacts'; $strSupportedContactsbySite = 'Supported Contacts by Site'; # Family name $strSurname = 'Surname'; $strSwitchUser = 'Switch User'; $strSymptoms = 'Symptoms'; $strSystem = 'System'; $strSystemActions = 'System Actions'; $strSystemPath = 'System base path'; $strSystemUrl = 'System URL'; $strTable = 'Table'; $strTag = 'Tag'; $strTagCloud = 'Tag Cloud'; $strTags = 'Tags'; $strTagsMulti = '%d Tags'; $strtaken = 'taken'; $strtakennextperiod = 'taken in next period'; $strTarget = 'Target'; $strTask = 'Task'; $strTaskDue = 'Task Due'; $strTaskDueDesc = 'When a task reaches its due date'; $strTaskMarkedCompleteByX = 'Task marked 100%% complete by %s'; $strTasks = 'Tasks'; $strTaskList = 'Task List'; $strTaskPrivateError = 'Sorry, you cannot view this task as it has been marked private and you are not the owner'; $srtrTaskStarted = 'Task started'; $strTBytes = 'TBytes'; $strTechnicalSupportAdmin = 'Technical Support Admin'; # Abbreviation for 'Telephone' $strTel = 'Tel'; $strTelephone = 'Telephone'; # Abbreviated 'Temporary'; $strTemp = 'Temp'; $strTemplate = 'Template'; $strTemplates = 'Templates'; $strTemplatesShouldNotBeginWith = 'Templates should not begin with any text that looks like an email header. (e.g. \'Name: \')'; $strTemplateType = 'Template Type'; $strTemplateVariables = 'Template Variables'; $strTemporarilyAssignedto = 'Temporarily assigned to %1$s by %2$s'; $strTemporaryFolderMissing = 'Temporary folder is missing'; $strTemporaryOwner = 'Temporary Owner'; $strTerminated = 'Terminated'; $strTerminatedContractsExpiredXdaysAgo = 'Terminated Contracts that expired up to %s days ago'; # As in 'Click to test triggers' $strTestTriggers = 'Test Triggers'; $strText = 'Text'; #English suffix for most numbers - 5th, 6th, 7th $strth = 'th'; $strThanksTo = 'Thanks To'; $strThankYou = 'Thank You'; $strThankYouCompleteForm = 'Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.'; $strTheDocumentation = 'The Documentation'; $strTheFollowingVariables = 'The following variables may be used:'; $strThereAreXcontractsAssignedToThisPerson = 'There are %s contracts assigned to this contact'; $strThereAreXIncidentsAssignedToThisContact = 'There are %s incidents assigned to this contact'; $strThereAreXIncidentsInThisList = 'There are %s incidents in this list'; $strThereWasAProblemSendingYourRequest = 'There was a problem sending your request'; $strTheInfoInThisArticle = 'The information in this article applies to'; # These files arrived by 'email' $strTheseFilesArrivedBy ='These files arrived by'; # Theme as in Interface Style $strTheme = 'Theme'; $strTheMoreInformation = 'The more information you can provide, the better'; $strThisListShowsCustomers = 'This list shows customers that matched your search, if site-support is available you can add incidents for the site.'; $strThisMonth = 'This month'; $strThisReportShowsIncidentsClosedInThisPeriod = 'This report shows incidents closed in the period'; $strThisReportShowsContactForSelectedSites = 'This report is a list of (%s) contact details for all sites that you selected'; $strThisWeek = 'This week'; $strThisYear = 'This year'; # Short for 'Thursday' $strThu = 'Thu'; $strThursday = 'Thursday'; # Two character (Maximum) abbreviation for 'Thursday' $strThursdayAbbr = 'Th'; $strTime = 'Time'; $strTimed = 'Timed'; $strTimeToNextAction = 'Time To Next Action'; $strTitle = 'Title'; $strTo = 'To'; $strToChangeBrackets = '(to change)'; $strToChangeContract = 'To change the contract close this incident and create a new one'; $strToChangePassword = 'To change your password, first enter your existing password and then type your new password twice to confirm it'; $strToday = 'Today'; $strTodaysDate = 'Today\'s Date'; $strTodaysStats = 'Today\'s Statistics'; $strToIncidentID = 'To Incident ID'; $strTotal = 'Total'; # Totals capitalised $strTOTALS = 'TOTALS'; $strTotalBillableUnits = 'Total Billable Units'; $strTotalCredit = 'Total Credit'; $strTotalDebit = 'Total Debit'; $strTotalDuration = 'Total Duration'; $strTotalMinutes = 'Total Minutes'; $strTotalOpen = 'Total Open'; $strTotalPoints = 'Total Points'; $strTotalUnits = 'Total Units'; $strTrackURL = 'Track URL'; $strTraining = 'Training'; $strTransactionApproved = 'Transaction approved'; $strTransactions = 'Transactions'; $strTransactionXnotAwaitingApproval = 'Transaction %s is not awaiting approval'; $strTransfer = 'Transfer'; # An example of transfering amounts between services $strTransferExamplePositiveService = 'Select the service which has a negative balance and transfer the amount from here, e.g. Service A is -100 to resolve this transfer 100 from here.'; $strTransferExampleNegativeService = 'Select a service which has a positive balance and transfer the amount from here, e.g. Service A is 100 to resolve this transfer -100 from here.'; $strTranslate = 'Translate'; $strTranslateTheString = 'Translate the english string on the left to your requested language on the right'; $strTranslation = 'Translation'; $strTrigger = 'Trigger'; $strTriggerActions = 'Trigger Actions'; $strTriggerContactResetPasswordDesc = 'When a contact wants their password resetting'; $strTriggerFooter = 'You are being sent this email by the Triggers system. To stop these emails, please change your settings or talk to your administrator'; $strTriggerHolidayRequestedDesc = 'When a user requests a holiday'; $strTriggerIncidentClosedDesc = 'When an incident is closed'; $strTriggerIncidentNearingSLADesc = 'When an incidents nears an SLA'; $strTriggerIncidentReviewDueDesc = 'When an incident is due a review'; $strTriggerKBArticleCreatedDesc = 'When a new Knowledgebase article is created'; $strTriggerLanguageDiffersDesc = 'When your current language setting is different to your profile setting'; $strTriggerNewContactDesc = 'When a new contact is added'; $strTriggerNewContractDesc = 'When a new contract is added'; $strTriggerNewHeldEmailDesc = 'When there is a new email in the holding queue'; $strTriggerNewHeldEmailMinsDesc = 'When there is a new email in the holding queue for X minutes'; $strTriggerNewIncidentAssignedDesc = 'When a new incident is assigned to a user'; $strTriggerNewIncidentCreatedDesc = 'When a new incident has been created'; $strTriggerNewSiteDesc = 'When a new site is added'; $strTriggerNewUserDesc = 'When a new user is added'; $strTriggerPortalIncidentCreated = 'When a new incident is created from the portal'; $strTriggerPortalIncidentRequestClosed = 'When an incident is requested to be closed'; $strTriggerSchedulerTaskFailedDesc = 'When a scheduled action fails'; $strTriggerSitUpgradedDesc = 'When the system is upgraded'; $strTriggerUserChangedStatusDesc = 'When one of your watched engineer changes status'; $strTriggerUserResetPasswordDesc = 'When a user wants their password resetting'; $strTriggers = 'Triggers'; $strTriggersFooter = 'The footer at the end of an email which explains where it has come from'; $strTriggerUserEmail = 'Email address to send an user trigger email to (if not the current user)'; # Short for 'Tuesday' $strTue = 'Tue'; $strTuesday = 'Tuesday'; # Two character (Maximum) abbreviation for 'Tuesday' $strTuesdayAbbr = 'Tu'; $strType = 'Type'; $strURLTitle = 'URL Title'; $strUp = 'Up'; $strUpgrade = 'Upgrade'; $strUpdate = 'Update'; $strUpdateIncidentBalance = 'Update Incident Balance'; $strUpdateFailed = 'Update Failed'; $strUpdated = 'Updated'; $strUpdatedAutomaticallyBy = 'Updated automatically by %s'; $strUpdatedby = 'Updated by %s'; $strUpdatedFromTask = 'Updated From Task'; $strUpdatedXbyX = 'Updated %1$s by %2$s'; # Update (verb) Incident (noun) $strUpdateIncident = 'Update Incident'; $strUpdateIncidents = 'Update Incidents'; $strUpdateIncidentFailed = 'Incident Update failed'; $strUpdateIncidentXsBalance = 'Update incident [%s]\'s balance'; $strUpdateNewUpdate = 'New update (none of the above)'; $strUpdatePerUserAbbrev = 'upd per user'; $strUpdateRolePermissionsFailed = 'Update of role permissions failed on pass 1'; $strUpdates = 'Updates'; $strUpdatedFromActivity = 'Updated from Activity by %s'; $strUpdateUserPermission = 'Update of user permission'; $strUpdatedViaThePortalBy = 'Updated via the portal by %1$s %2$s'; $strUpdateSuccessful = 'Update Successful'; $strUploadFailed = 'Upload failed!'; $strUpdateType = 'Update Type'; $strUploadedBy = 'Uploaded by %s'; $strUploadedXtoYAsZ = 'Updated %1$s to %2$s as %3$s'; $strUnableToChangeServiceAsUsed = 'Unable to change the credit amount or unit rates as transactions have already been recorded against the service (current balance does not equal the credeit balance) either through incidents or one time updates.'; $strUnapprovable = 'Unapprovable'; $strUnapprovableBilledIncidentsDesc = 'Some incidents are unapprovable this could be due to: No service present, No active service for the period, overdrafts are disabled and no service with credit has been found'; $strUnassigned = 'Unassigned'; $strUnassignedIncidents = 'Unassigned Incidents'; $strUnitRate = 'Unit Rate'; $strUnits = 'Units'; $strUnitsUsedLastXdays = 'Units used in last %d days'; $strUnitsRemaingSingleTime = 'Units remaing at 1x'; $strUnknown = 'Unknown'; $strUnknownServiceLevel = 'Unknown service level'; $strUnlimited = 'Unlimited'; $strUnlink = 'Unlink'; $strUnlinkSkillFromProduct = 'Unlink skill from product'; $strUnlock = 'Unlock'; $strUnlockThisToBeModifiedByOther = 'Unlock this update so it can be modified by someone else'; $strUnsolved = 'Unsolved'; $strUnsupported = 'Unsupported'; $strUntilSpecificDateAndTime = 'Until specific date and time'; $strUntilX = 'Until %s'; $strUntitled = 'Untitled'; # Not used $strUnused = 'Unused'; # Requiring immediate action or attention $strUrgent = 'Urgent'; $strUseASingleWindowForIncidentDetails = 'Use a single window for incident details'; $strUsed = 'Used'; $strUsedNofN = 'Used %1$s of %2$s'; $strUsedNofNDaysEntitlement = 'Used %1$s of %2$s days entitlement'; $strUser = 'User'; $strUsers = 'Users'; $strUserGroups = 'User Groups'; $strUsername = 'Username'; $strUsernameNotUnique = 'Username must be unique'; $strUsers = 'Users'; $strUserChangedStatus = 'User Changed Status'; $strUserManagement = 'User Management'; $strUserPermissionsEdited = 'User Permissions Edited'; $strUserXPermissionsEdited = 'User %s Permissions Edited'; # User Permission 3 - Edit existing site details $strUserPermissionXY = 'User Permission: %1$s - %2$s'; $strUserResetPassword = 'User Reset Password'; $strUserSettings = 'User Settings'; $strUsersHolidays = '%s\'s Holidays'; $strUserStatus = 'Status of the user'; $strUserStillAway = 'Your current status is not set to In Office, you can change it at the bottom of the front page'; $strUserIncidents = '%s\'s Incidents'; $strUsersNoGroup = 'Users with no group'; $strUsersBoldSkills = 'Users shows in bold typeface are known to have relevant skills'; $strUseThisInFuture = 'Use this in future'; # Offset from Coordinated Universal Time / Temps Universel Coordonné $strUTCOffset = 'UTC Offset (Timezone)'; $strValid = 'Valid'; $strValue = 'Value'; $strVariable = 'Variable'; # The upstream provider of a product $strVendor = 'Vendor'; $strVendorName = 'Vendor Name'; $strVendors = 'Vendors'; $strVersion = 'Version'; $strView = 'View'; $strViewAndLockHeldEmail = 'View and lock this held e-mail'; $strViewActivity = 'View Activity'; $strViewArticle = 'View Article'; $strViewBillingInformation = 'View Billing Information'; $strViewContact = 'View Contact'; $strViewContacts = 'View Contacts'; $strViewContract = 'View Contract'; $strViewContracts = 'View Contracts'; $strViewFeedback = 'View Feedback'; $strViewHiddenUpdates = 'View Hidden Updates'; $strViewHoldingQueue = 'View Holding Queue'; $strViewIncident = 'View Incident'; $strViewIncidentAttachments = 'View Incident Attachments'; $strViewIncidentDetails = 'View Incident Details'; $strViewIncidents = 'View Incidents'; $strViewKnowledgebaseArticles = 'View Knowledgebase Articles'; $strViewResponse = 'View Response'; $strViewRole = 'View Role'; # Legacy though we still have a permission for this $strViewSalesIncidents = 'View Sales Incidents'; $strViewServiceLevels = 'View Service Levels'; $strViewSite = 'View Site'; $strViewSites = 'View Sites'; $strViewStatus = 'View Status'; $strViewTask = 'View Task'; $strViewTasks = 'View Tasks'; $strViewTransactions = 'View Transactions'; $strViewUsers = 'View Users'; $strViewingAllIncidents = 'Viewing All Incidents'; $strViewProductsAndSoftware = 'View Products and Software'; $strViewSupportedProducts = 'View Supported Products'; $strViewYourCalendar = 'View Your Calendar'; $strViewYourTasks = 'View Your Tasks'; $strVisibleToCustomer = 'Visible To Customer'; $strVisibility = 'Visibility'; $strVisitHomepage = 'Visit Homepage'; $strWaiting = 'Waiting'; $strWaitingForCustomer = 'Waiting for customer'; $strWaitingForSupport = 'Waiting for support'; $strWaitingHeldEmail = 'Waiting Held Email'; $strWarning = 'Warning'; $strWatchAddFailed = 'Failed to add watch incident'; $strWatchAddSet = 'Add new set of watched incidents'; $strWatchDeleteFailed = 'Delete watch failed'; $strWatchIncidents = 'Watch Incidents'; $strWatchIncidentsAdded = 'Watch Incidents added'; $strWatchIncidentsRemovalSucceded = 'Watch incidents removal succeded'; $strWebupdate = 'Web update'; $strWebupdateBy = 'Web update by %s'; $strWebserver = 'Webserver'; # Short for 'Wednesday' $strWed = 'Wed'; $strWednesday = 'Wednesday'; # Two character (Maximum) abbreviation for 'Wednesday' $strWednesdayAbbr = 'We'; $strWeek = 'Week'; $strWelcome = 'Welcome'; $strWeekView = 'Week View'; $strWhatsNew = 'What\'s New?'; $strWhen = 'When'; $strWhichAction = 'Which action will the action apply to: \'all\' will add an entry for ALL users, \'system\' will add an action without a user, useful for e.g. automateid emails to customers.'; $strWhosAwayToday = 'Who\'s Away Today?'; $strWordList = 'Word List'; $strWorkaround = 'Workaround'; $strWorkAroundsAttempted = 'Workarounds Attempted'; $strWorkAroundsAttemptedCustomerText = 'What have you done to try and solve the issue? What config changes were made? What patches/service packs were installed?'; $strWorkingAway = 'Working Away'; $strWorkingFromHome = 'Working From Home'; $strWorkStatus = 'Work Status'; $strWebsite = 'Website'; $strWithheld = 'Withheld'; $strXDays = '%s days'; $strXInactive = '%s inactive'; $strXIncidentsLoggedViaPortal = '%s Incidents Logged via the Portal'; $strXIncidentsLeft = '%s Incidents Left'; $strXIsNoAcceptingIncidentAgain = '%s is now accepting incidents again. Previous status %s and not accepting.'; $strXHasAction = '%s Has Action'; $strXHour = '%s hour'; $strXHours = '%s hours'; # e.g. '5 minutes late' $strXLate = '%s late'; $strXMinutes = '%s minutes'; $strXMonths = '%s months'; # e.g. '5 days old' $strXold = '%s old'; # e.g. Linux Support for Example Site $strXProductForYSite = '%1$s for %2$s'; $strXPoint = '%s Point'; $strXPoints = '%s Points'; $strXTotal = '%s Total'; # e.g. 'Fred of ACME Inc'. i.e. 'Name' of 'Site' $strXofX = '%1$s of %2$s'; # e.g. '5 Records' $strXRecords = '%s Records'; # e.g. John's Activities $strXsActivities = '%s\'s Activities'; $strXSeconds = '%s seconds'; $strXUnitsAtX = '%d units @ %dx'; # e.g. John's Tasks $strXsTasks = '%s\'s Tasks'; $strXWorkingDay = '%s working day'; $strXWorkingDays = '%s working days'; $strXYears = '%s years'; $strYear = 'Year'; $strYearly = 'Yearly'; $strYearView = 'Year View'; $strYes = 'Yes'; $strYesterday = 'Yesterday'; # Second person, singular $strYou = 'You'; $strYouShouldNowDefineSubstituteEngineers = 'You should now define a substitute engineer for each skill'; $strYouACurrentlyNotAccepting = 'You are currently not accepting incidents. You can change this at the bottom of the main page.'; $strYouMustEnterIncidentTitle = 'You must enter an incident title.'; $strYouMustEnterYourNewPasswordTwice = 'You must enter your new password twice'; $strYouMustSelectAcontact = 'You must select a contact.'; $strYouMustSelectAmaintenanceContract = 'You must select a maintenance contract'; $strYouMustSelectAserviceLevel = 'You must select a service level'; $strYouMustSelectAsupportContact = 'You must select a support contact'; $strYourClosedIncidents = 'Your closed incidents'; $strYourCurrentIncidents = 'Your current incidents'; $strYourCurrentOpenIncidents = 'Your current open incidents'; $strYourCurrentLanguage = 'The current language differs from the one stored in your profile'; $strYourDetails = 'Your Details'; $strYourSitesClosedIncidents = 'Your site\'s other closed incidents'; $strYourSitesIncidents = 'Your site\'s other incidents'; $strYouHaveAction = 'You have action'; $strYourSupportEntitlement = 'Your support entitlement'; $strZeroRemaining = 'Zero remaining'; ?>