const express = require("express"); const http = require("http"); const app = express(); const path = require("path"); const { WebSocketServer } = require("ws"); const {readFileSync} = require("fs"); const server = http.createServer(app); const wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server}); const FLAG = readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "flag.txt")).toString(); wss.on("connection", ws => { console.log("New connection!"); let level = 0; let gameState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(levels[level])); let interval = setInterval(physicsLoop, 20); let goalTimer = 0; function physicsLoop() { applyVelocity(, gameState.rects); for (let obj of gameState.rects) { circleRectCollision(, obj); } if (circlesIntersecting(gameState.goal, { goalTimer++; } else { goalTimer = 0; } if (goalTimer > 50) { level++; if (level >= levels.length) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "congrats", value: process.env.GZCTF_FLAG })); ws.close(); return; } goalTimer = 0; gameState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(levels[level])); init(); } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "ball", value: { x:, y:, moving: + > 0 } })); } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "start" })); function init() { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "colliders", value: gameState.rects })); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "flag", value: gameState.goal })); } init(); ws.on("message", data => { let parsed; try { parsed = JSON.parse(data.toString?.()); } catch (e) {} if (!parsed) return; switch (parsed?.type) { case "launch": if (!parsed?.value) return; if (typeof parsed?.value?.dx !== "number") return; if (typeof parsed?.value?.dy !== "number") return; launchBall(, parsed.value); break; case "cheat": = gameState.goal.x; = gameState.goal.y; break; } }); ws.on("close", () => { clearInterval(interval); }); }) app.get("/", (req, res)=>{ res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, "public", "index.html")) }); const WALL_THICKNESS = 30; const MAX_SPEED = 52; const DECELERATION = 0.985; let levels = [{ goal: { x: 230, y: 420, r: 20 }, circle: { x: 200, y: 200, dx: 0, dy: 0, r: 12 }, rects: [ [150, 500, 1000, WALL_THICKNESS], [150, 300, WALL_THICKNESS, 230], [150, 300, 800, WALL_THICKNESS], [1150, 50, WALL_THICKNESS, 480], [150, 50, 1000, WALL_THICKNESS], [150, 50, WALL_THICKNESS, 280], [400, 50, WALL_THICKNESS, 180], [600, 150, WALL_THICKNESS, 150], [800, 50, WALL_THICKNESS, 180], [500, 400, 450, WALL_THICKNESS] ] },{ goal: { x: 340, y: 425, r: 20 }, circle: { x: 100, y: 100, dx: 0, dy: 0, r: 12 }, rects: [ [50, 50, 1200, WALL_THICKNESS], [1200 + WALL_THICKNESS, 50, WALL_THICKNESS, 700 + WALL_THICKNESS], [50, 50, WALL_THICKNESS, 700], [50, 750, 1200, WALL_THICKNESS], [50, 120, 1130, WALL_THICKNESS], [1150, 130, WALL_THICKNESS, 580], [120, 680, 1050, WALL_THICKNESS], [120, 200, WALL_THICKNESS, 500], [120, 200, 980, WALL_THICKNESS], [1070, 220, WALL_THICKNESS, 400], [200, 590, 900, WALL_THICKNESS], [200, 270, WALL_THICKNESS, 330], [200, 270, 800, WALL_THICKNESS], [1000, 270, WALL_THICKNESS, 270], [300, 510, 700, WALL_THICKNESS], [280, 340, WALL_THICKNESS, 200], [280, 330, 670, WALL_THICKNESS], [920, 330, WALL_THICKNESS, 140], // :3 [370, 390, 25, 25], [370, 440, 25, 25], [420, 370, 60, 25], [460, 370, 25, 110], [420, 415, 60, 25], [420, 460, 65, 25], ] },{ goal: { x: 1100, y: 630, r: 20 }, circle: { x: 250, y: 250, dx: 0, dy: 0, r: 12 }, rects: [ [50, 50, 400, WALL_THICKNESS], [50, 400, 420, WALL_THICKNESS], [50, 50, WALL_THICKNESS, 350], [450, 50, WALL_THICKNESS, 380], [700, 100, 200, WALL_THICKNESS], [700, 700, 500, WALL_THICKNESS], [700, 100, WALL_THICKNESS, 600], [900, 100, WALL_THICKNESS, 450], [900, 530, 300, WALL_THICKNESS], [1200, 530, WALL_THICKNESS, 200], ] }]; function circlesIntersecting(circle1, circle2) { return Math.sqrt((circle2.x - circle1.x) ** 2 + (circle2.y - circle1.y) ** 2) <= circle1.r + circle2.r; } function launchBall(circle, vel) { if (circle.dx === 0 && circle.dy === 0) { circle.dx = vel.dx; circle.dy = vel.dy; if (circle.dx > MAX_SPEED) { circle.dx = MAX_SPEED; } else if (circle.dx < -MAX_SPEED) { circle.dx = -MAX_SPEED; } if (circle.dy > MAX_SPEED) { circle.dy = MAX_SPEED; } else if (circle.dy < -MAX_SPEED) { circle.dy = -MAX_SPEED; } } } function applyVelocity(circle, rects) { let initialX = circle.x; let initialY = circle.y; while (initialX === circle.x && initialY === circle.y && (circle.dy !== 0 || circle.dx !== 0)) { circle.x += circle.dx; circle.y += circle.dy; for (let rect of rects) { if (circleRectCollision(circle, rect)) { circle.x = initialX; circle.y = initialY; while (circleRectCollision(circle, rect)) { circle.x += (circle.dx / Math.abs(circle.dx)) * circle.r; circle.y += (circle.dy / Math.abs(circle.dy)) * circle.r; } } } circle.dx = circle.dx * DECELERATION; circle.dy = circle.dy * DECELERATION; if (Math.abs(circle.dx * DECELERATION) < 0.15 && Math.abs(circle.dy * DECELERATION) < 0.15) { circle.dx = 0; circle.dy = 0; } } } function circleRectCollision(circle, rect) { let closestX = clamp(circle.x, rect[0], rect[0] + rect[2]); let closestY = clamp(circle.y, rect[1], rect[1] + rect[3]); let distanceX = circle.x - closestX; let distanceY = circle.y - closestY; let distanceSquared = (distanceX * distanceX) + (distanceY * distanceY); if (distanceSquared < (circle.r * circle.r)) { let distance = Math.sqrt(distanceSquared); let overlap = circle.r - distance; if (distance > 0) { circle.x += overlap * (distanceX / distance); circle.y += overlap * (distanceY / distance); } let velocityMagnitude = Math.sqrt(circle.dx * circle.dx + circle.dy * circle.dy); if (velocityMagnitude > 0) { let normalX = distanceX / distance; let normalY = distanceY / distance; let dotProduct = circle.dx * normalX + circle.dy * normalY; if (dotProduct < 0) { circle.dx -= 2 * dotProduct * normalX; circle.dy -= 2 * dotProduct * normalY; } } return true; } return false; } function clamp(value, min, max) { return Math.min(Math.max(value, min), max); } app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "public"))) server.listen(8080);