# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## 1.0.3 ### Added - support for testing the library on [tonicdev.com](http://semver.org/) ## 1.0.2 ### Changed - minor edits to README ## 1.0.1 ### Changed - tried to make README more informative/entertaining ## 1.0.0 ### Added - the library is now divided into separate ES2015 modules, according to type classes and data types - more comments and examples - comprehensive tests for every function and line of code - test coverage reports are now available (coverage is 100%) - HTML documentation with JSDoc is now available - option to bundle the library with Browserify for use in the browser ### Changed - changed directory structure of library to make it more coherent - comments better conform to JSDoc expectations - fixed linting tools - updated dependencies - open source license is now ISC ## 0.9.10 ### Added - tests for all functions - coverage for all tests ### Changed - formatting for tests ## 0.9.0 ### Added - Monoid functions - Functor functions - Applicative functions - Monad functions - Do block - Foldable functions - Traversable functions - Maybe data type - more List functions - merge sort function - infinite lists - JSDoc comments on all functions ## 0.5.0 ### Added - unit tests for Tuple (tested with Mocha using the should.js assertion library) - .gitignore - .npmignore - .package.json ### Changed - created separate source and distribution directories for ES2015 and transpiled ES5 code, respectively ## 0.1.0 ### Added - Eq, Ord, and Tuple functions - utility functions for error handling - .babelrc - .eslintrc - README.md - LICENSE.txt - CHANGELOG.md