function [S,W,AW] = RSFS(features_train,features_dev,labels_train,labels_dev,varargin) % function [S,W,AW] = RSFS(features_train,features_dev,labels_train,labels_dev,varargin) % % Performs Random Subset Feature Selection (RSFS) for the given set of % features divided into training (features_train) and development % (features_devel) sets. % % Required inputs: % features_train: N X F matrix of features used to train KNN % classifier in RSFS, where N is the number % of samples and F is the total number of original % features. % features_devel: M x F matrix of features used to test KNN % classifier in RSFS, where M is the % number of samples in the development % set. % labels_train: N X 1 vector of class labels for train set samples. % labels_devel: M X 1 vector of class labels for dev set samples. % % Optional inputs: % % 'max_iters' Maximum number of iterations that RSFS is % run (default: 300 000). % % 'max_delta' Stopping criterion for feature set size % fluctuation (std(Siz)/mean(Siz) where Siz % is the size of the feature set during last % 1000 iterations. Default: 0.005 (i.e., 0.5% % fluctuation in relative size). Set this to % a negative value if you want to run RSFS up to % max_iters. % 'n_dummyfeats' Number of dummy features used to define chance % level relevance statistics (default: 100) % 'k' Number of neighbors used in KNN % classification (default: 3) % 'verbose' Print intermediate results on command line? (0/1) % % Outputs: % % S: Indices of the chosen features (from range [1-F]) % W: Relevance values of the chosen features. % AW: Relevance values of all input features % % Example 1: Stop at 20000 iterations or when the feature set has 1% fluctuation in size % % [S,W] = RSFS(features_train,features_devel,labels_train,labels_devel,'max_iters',20000,'max_delta',0.01) % % Example 2: Run all 300000 iterations (the default value) despite possible % earlier convergence in feature set size % % [S,W] = RSFS(features_train,features_devel,labels_train,labels_devel,'max_delta',-Inf) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % A very brief description of the algorithm: % RSFS repeatedly performs k-nearest neighbors (KNN) classification using % a randomly chosen subset of all possible features. Relevance of each % feature is updated according to its participation into well-performing % random subsets. Ultimately, the "good" features are chosen from the % entire feature pool by comparing the relevance values of the features % to random walk statistics. The algorithm is executed until 1) maximum % allowed fluctuation in feature set size is reached (max_delta) or 2) % the maximum number of iterations is reached (max_iters). % % Please see J. Pohjalainen, O. Rasanen & S. Kadioglu: "Feature Selection Methods and % Their Combinations in High-Dimensional Classification of Speaker Likability, % Intelligibility and Personality Traits", Computer Speech and Language, 2015, % or % Räsänen O. & Pohjalainen J., "Random subset feature selection in automatic recognition % of developmental disorders, affective states, and level of conflict from speech", % Proc. Interspeech'2013, Lyon, France, 2013, for more details. % % Above papers should be also cited in case of RSFS is being used in a % publication. % % NOTE: The algorithm uses unweighted average recall (UAR) as the default % performance criterion for relevance update. Modify the existing code at rows % 160 and 161 in order to introduce your own criterion function. % % NOTE 2: The algorithm uses KNN classifier by default. The classifier can % be changed on row 140. % % Author: Okko Rasanen, 2013. Mail: % % The algorithm can be freely used for research purposes. Please send your % bug reports or other comments to %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% max_iters=300000; n_dummyfeats=100; max_delta=0.005; k_neighbors=3; verbose=0; argidx = 1; while argidx max_delta) %feature_indices = randi(number_of_features,1,feats_to_take); % Select a subset of features randomly feature_indices = 1 + floor(number_of_features*rand(1,feats_to_take)); % Select a subset of features randomly % ----> REPLACE YOUR OWN CLASSIFIER BELOW <---- class_hypos = KNN(features_train(:,feature_indices),features_dev(:,feature_indices),labels_train,k_neighbors); % Measure class-specific accuracies correct = zeros(N_classes,1); wrong = zeros(N_classes,1); for j = 1:length(labels_dev) if(labels_dev(j) == class_hypos(j)) correct(labels_dev(j)) = correct(labels_dev(j))+1; else wrong(labels_dev(j)) = wrong(labels_dev(j))+1; end end % Update cumulative class-specific accuracies since first iteration totcorrect = totcorrect+correct; totwrong = totwrong+wrong; % ----> REPLACE YOUR OWN PERFORMANCE CRITERION BELOW <---- % Measure Unweighted Average Recall (UAR) of the current iteration performance_criterion = mean(correct./(correct+wrong).*100); expected_criterion_value = mean(totcorrect./(totcorrect+totwrong).*100); % Update relevance values for true features according to % r' <- r+c-E(c) where r is current relevance value % c is the current function value and E(c) is the expectation of the % criterion function value. relevance(feature_indices) = relevance(feature_indices)+(performance_criterion-expected_criterion_value); % Select a random dummy feature subset %dummy_indices = randi(n_dummyfeats,dummy_feats_to_take,1); dummy_indices = 1 + floor(n_dummyfeats*rand(dummy_feats_to_take,1)); % Update dummy feature relevancies similarly to the true features dummy_relevance(dummy_indices) = dummy_relevance(dummy_indices)+(performance_criterion-expected_criterion_value); % Get the probability that a true feature has a higher relevance % than the dummy features probs = normcdf(relevance,mean(dummy_relevance),std(dummy_relevance)); % Find how many features exceed p > 0.99 (i.e., are "chosen" so far). feat_N(iteration) = length(find(probs > 0.99)); if(mod(iteration,1000) == 0) if(verbose == 1) deltaval = std(feat_N(iteration-999:iteration))/mean(feat_N(iteration-999:iteration)); fprintf('RSFS: %d features chosen so far (iteration: %d/%d). Delta: %0.6f.\n',feat_N(iteration),iteration,max_iters,deltaval); end end iteration = iteration+1; end % Find features that are better than random with p < 0.01 S = find(probs > 0.99); % Get corresponding weights W = relevance(S); AW = relevance; % Sort features to the order of relevance [W,o] = sort(W,'descend'); S = S(o);