function [S,W] = SFS(X1,X2,y1,y2,k,t,N) % function [S,W] = SFS(X1,X2,y1,y2,k,t,N) % % Sequential Forward Selection (wrapper feature selection for classification) % % Reference: % A. W. Whitney: "A direct method of nonparametric measurement selection", % IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C-20, no. 9, pp. 1100-1103, % September 1971. % % This function performs sequential forward selection using two data sets, % X1 and X2, whose columns correspond to the same features, and their % associated class labels y1 and y2. Starting from an empty feature set, % one feature at a time is added, based on which feature gives the best % classification performance when used together with the previously % selected features. % % In this implementation, a k-nearest-neighbor classifier is % trained with a subset of columns of X1 and evaluated on the same subset % of columns of X2, and vice versa, possibly for multiple values of the k % (number of neighbors) parameter. The averaged classification score from % each test is used to decide whether to include the new candidate feature % in the selected feature set. A tolerance parameter t specifies how many % features are allowed to be added without improving upon the best % classification score obtained during the search. The maximum acceptable % size of feature set can be specified by parameter N. Increasing the size % of the feature set stops when either of the conditions (related to t and % N) is reached. % % Required inputs: % X1, X2: Two data matrices with the same number % of columns, equivalent to the total % number of features. As a special case, % X1 == X2 (training and testing on the % same data). % % y1, y2: True class labels of the rows of X1 and % X2 % % Optional inputs: % % k: Number of neighbors for kNN % classification. If k is a vector, kNN % is run on each value in the vector and % the results are averaged. % Default value = 5. % % t: The number of features that is allowed % to be included in the selected feature % set without improving the best overall % classification score previously seen % with smaller feature sets. % Default value = 0. % % N: The maximum number of features to be % selected. Default value equals the % number of columns (features) in X1 and % X2. % % % Outputs: % % S: Indices of the chosen features in the order % of selection. % % W: Classification score for each nested % feature set. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This function implements sequential forward selection as a "wrapper" % feature selection method, that is, it uses a classification algorithm to % evaluate each different feature subset. For further discussion on % different types of feature selection algorithms, see for example % J. Pohjalainen, O. Rasanen & S. Kadioglu: "Feature Selection Methods and % Their Combinations in High-Dimensional Classification of Speaker Likability, % Intelligibility and Personality Traits", Computer Speech and Language, % 2015. % % NOTE: The algorithm uses unweighted average recall (UAR) as the default % performance criterion for relevance update. Modify the function calls at % rows 136-137 in order to introduce your own criterion function. % % NOTE 2: The algorithm uses KNN classifier by default. The classifier can % be changed on rows 131-132. % % NOTE 3: The KNN implementation KNNI used here is able to incrementally % update the distance matrix, which can speed up computation of nested % feature sets like forward selection uses. % % Authors: Jouni Pohjalainen and Okko Rasanen, 2014. % Mail:, % % The algorithm can be freely used for research purposes. Please email your % bug reports or other comments to one of the above addresses. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if nargin<5 k = 5; end if nargin<6 t = 0; end if nargin<7 N = size(X1,2); end S = []; W = []; loop = 1+t; totalbestval = 0; % KNNI SPECIFIC: initialize KNN distance matrix D12 = 0; D21 = 0; while loop>0 % EVALUATE THE UNION OF THE CURRENTLY SELECTED FEATURES WITH EACH YET % UNSELECTED FEATURE bestval = 0; bestidx = 0; for i1=1:size(X1,2) if ~ismember(i1,S) % add the effect of the new feature to existing squared Euclidean distance matrix [y1_knn,newD21] = KNNI(X2(:,i1),X1(:,i1),y2,k,1,D21); % Do KNN classification with X2 as training data and X1 as test data [y2_knn,newD12] = KNNI(X1(:,i1),X2(:,i1),y1,k,1,D12); % Do KNN classification with X1 as training data and X2 as test data averagescore = 0; for i2=1:size(y1_knn,2) score_1 = uac(y1_knn(:,i2), y1); % Get classification performance on X1 score_2 = uac(y2_knn(:,i2), y2); % Get classification performance on X2 % Compute overall performance score averagescore = averagescore + size(X1,1)*score_1; averagescore = averagescore + size(X2,1)*score_2; % Weight according to X2 data size end averagescore = averagescore/(length(k)*(size(X1,1)+size(X2,1))); % average over two datasets and each different k value % Check whether obtained score is better than the old one, if % yes, set the currently included feature as the best candidate % and update the best score if averagescore>bestval bestval = averagescore; bestidx = i1; % KNNI SPECIFIC: store KNN distance matrix that contains the current next best feature bestD12 = newD12; bestD21 = newD21; statstr = ['SFS(' num2str(1+length(S)) ')/' num2str(i1) ': ' num2str(averagescore)]; if averagescore>=totalbestval statstr = [statstr ' *']; end disp(statstr); end end end % INCLUDE THE BEST FEATURE IN THE SET OF SELECTED FEATURES S = [S bestidx]; W = [W bestval]; % KNNI SPECIFIC: update KNN distance matrix with the chosen feature D12 = bestD12; D21 = bestD21; % STOPPING CONDITIONS % quit if specified maximum number of features has been achieved if length(S)>=N break; end if bestval<=totalbestval loop = loop - 1; % this feature set did not improve over the overall best score => decrease the counter else loop = 1+t; % improvement was obtained by adding the latest feature => reset the counter to its starting value totalbestval = bestval; end end % BACK OFF TO THE BEST PERFORMING FEATURE SET S = S(1:end-(t+1)+loop); W = W(1:end-(t+1)+loop);