state("Spark the Electric Jester 3") {} startup { vars.Log = (Action)(output => print("[Spark the Electric Jester 3] " + output)); if (!File.Exists(@"Components\asl-help")) { print("No asl-help detected, downloading to Components folder"); vars.DownloadUnityHelperFunc = (Func)(() => { using (var client = new System.Net.WebClient()) { client.DownloadFile("", @"Components\asl-help"); } return 1; }); vars.DownloadUnityHelperFunc(); print("Downloaded asl-help"); } Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(@"Components\asl-help")).CreateInstance("Unity"); vars.Helper.GameName = "Spark the Electric Jester 3"; vars.Helper.LoadSceneManager = true; // Start of Settings settings.Add("splitResults", true, "Split on every results screen"); settings.Add("resetOnDelete", true, "Reset timer when you delete the same file you just played on"); vars.Helper.AlertGameTime(); vars.GameTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0); vars.totalPauseRTA = new TimeSpan(0); vars.previousRTA = new TimeSpan(0); vars.TotalTime = 0f; refreshRate = 60; } onStart {} onSplit {} onReset {} init { vars.Helper.TryLoad = (Func)(mono => { var save = mono["Save"]; var SaveFile = mono["SaveFile"]; var saves = mono.MakeArray("Save", "Saves"); var saveSlot = mono.Make("Save", "CurrentSaveSlot"); //vars.Unity.Make(save.Static, save["CurrentSaveSlot"]).Name = "saveSlot"; vars.GetCurrentSave = (Func)(() => { saves.Update(game); saveSlot.Update(game); return vars.Helper.Read(saves.Current[saveSlot.Current] + SaveFile["SlotInUse"]); }); //vars.Unity.Make(StageTimer.Static, StageTimer["StageTime"]).Name = "stageTime"; //vars.Unity.Make(PauseControl.Static, PauseControl["IsPaused"]).Name = "isPaused"; vars.Helper["stageTime"] = mono.Make("StageTimer", "StageTime"); vars.Helper["isPaused"] = mono.Make("PauseCotrol", "IsPaused"); return true; }); vars.Helper.Load(); //print(vars.GetCurrentSave().ToString()); //vars.Unity.Make(vars.GetCurrentSave(), vars.SaveFile["SlotInUse"]).Name = "slotInUse"; } update { if (!vars.Helper.Loaded) return false; vars.Helper.Update(); //print("Saves Pointer: " + vars.Unity["saves"].Current.ToString()); //print("Slot number: " + vars.Unity["saveSlot"].Current.ToString()); current.Scene = vars.Helper.Scenes.Active.Index; current.isPaused = vars.Helper["isPaused"].Current; current.stageTime = vars.Helper["stageTime"].Current; current.SlotInUse = vars.GetCurrentSave(); //print("Scene Index: " + current.Scene.ToString()); float deltaTime; TimeSpan? rawRTA = timer.CurrentTime.RealTime; TimeSpan currentRTA = new TimeSpan(0); if (rawRTA.HasValue) { currentRTA = new TimeSpan(0).Add(rawRTA.Value); } if (current.isPaused && !((current.Scene >= 3 && current.Scene <= 7) || current.Scene == 0)) { vars.totalPauseRTA = vars.totalPauseRTA.Add(currentRTA-vars.previousRTA); } deltaTime = current.stageTime - old.stageTime; if (deltaTime > 0 && deltaTime < 1) { vars.TotalTime += deltaTime; } vars.previousRTA = new TimeSpan(currentRTA.Ticks); } start { //vars.Unity.Make((vars.Unity["saves"].Current)[vars.Unity["saveSlot"].Current], vars.SaveFile["SlotInUse"]).Name = "slotInUse"; vars.TotalTime = 0f; vars.previousRTA = new TimeSpan(0); vars.totalPauseRTA = new TimeSpan(0); if (!old.SlotInUse && current.SlotInUse) { return true; } } split { if (current.Scene == 87 && old.Scene != 87 && settings["splitResults"]) return true; } reset { if (!current.SlotInUse && old.SlotInUse && settings["resetOnDelete"]) { return true; } } gameTime { return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(vars.TotalTime) + vars.totalPauseRTA; } isLoading { //return current.Scene == -1 || current.Scene == 3 || current.Scene == 4 || vars.Unity.Scenes.Count > 1; return true; } exit { vars.Helper.Dispose(); } shutdown { vars.Helper.Dispose(); }