#!/usr/bin/env python """ ======== udocker ======== Wrapper to execute basic docker containers without using docker. This tool is a last resort for the execution of docker containers where docker is unavailable. It only provides a limited set of functionalities. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import sys import os import stat import string import re import subprocess import time import pwd import grp import platform __author__ = "udocker@lip.pt" __credits__ = ["PRoot http://proot.me"] __license__ = "Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0" __version__ = "1.1.0-RC2" __date__ = "2017" # Python version major.minor PY_VER = "%d.%d" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) START_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import BytesIO as StringIO try: import uuid except ImportError: pass try: import random except ImportError: pass try: import base64 except ImportError: pass try: import hashlib except ImportError: pass try: from getpass import getpass except ImportError: getpass = raw_input try: long except: long = int try: raw_input except: raw_input = input if PY_VER < "2.6": try: import posixpath except ImportError: pass try: import json except ImportError: sys.path.append(START_PATH + "/../lib/simplejson") sys.path.append(os.path.expanduser('~') + "/.udocker/lib/simplejson") sys.path.append(str(os.getenv("UDOCKER_DIR")) + "/lib/simplejson") try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: pass def decode(obj): if not isinstance(obj, str): return obj.decode("utf-8") else: return obj def encode(obj): if isinstance(obj, str): return obj.encode("utf-8") else: return obj class Uprocess(object): """Provide alternative implementations for subprocess""" def _check_output(self, *popenargs, **kwargs): """Alternative to subprocess.check_output""" process = subprocess.Popen(*popenargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs) output, dummy = process.communicate() retcode = process.poll() if retcode: cmd = kwargs.get("args") if cmd is None: cmd = popenargs[0] raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) return output def check_output(self, *popenargs, **kwargs): """Select check_output implementation""" if PY_VER >= "2.7": return subprocess.check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs) else: return self._check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs) def get_output(self, cmd): """Execute a shell command and get its output""" try: content = self.check_output(cmd, shell=True, stderr=Msg.chlderr, close_fds=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None return decode(content).strip() class Config(object): """Default configuration values for the whole application. Changes to these values should be made via a configuration file read via self.user_init() and that can reside in ~/.udocker/udocker.conf """ try: verbose_level = int(os.getenv("UDOCKER_LOGLEVEL", "")) except ValueError: verbose_level = 3 homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/.udocker" topdir = homedir bindir = None libdir = None reposdir = None layersdir = None containersdir = None uid = os.getuid() gid = os.getgid() # udocker installation tarball tarball = ( "https://owncloud.indigo-datacloud.eu/index.php" "/s/lR6CsSP5HfEc5uZ/download" ) autoinstall = True config = "udocker.conf" keystore = "keystore" # for tmp files only tmpdir = "/tmp" # defaults for container execution cmd = ["/bin/bash", "-i"] # Comand to execute # dafault path for executables root_path = "/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin" user_path = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin" # directories to be mapped in contaners with: run --sysdirs sysdirs_list = ( "/dev", "/proc", "/sys", "/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/host.conf", "/lib/modules", ) # directories to be mapped in contaners with: run --hostauth hostauth_list = ( "/etc/passwd", "/etc/group", "/etc/shadow", "/etc/gshadow", ) # directories for DRI (direct rendering) dri_list = ( "/usr/lib64/dri", "/lib64/dri", "/usr/lib/dri", "/lib/dri", ) # container execution mode if not set via setup default_execution_mode = "P2" # PRoot override seccomp # proot_noseccomp = True proot_noseccomp = None # fakechroot engine get ld_library_paths from ld.so.cache ld_so_cache = "/etc/ld.so.cache" # fakechroot engine override fakechroot.so selection # fakechroot_so = "libfakechroot-CentOS-7-x86_64.so" fakechroot_so = None # fakechroot sharable library directories lib_dirs_list_essential = ( "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu", "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu", "/lib64", "/usr/lib64", "/lib", "/usr/lib", ) lib_dirs_list_append = (".", ) # access files, used to circunvent openmpi init issues in fakechroot access_files = ( "/sys/class/infiniband", "/dev/open-mx", "/dev/myri0", "/dev/myri1", "/dev/myri2", "/dev/myri3", "/dev/myri4", "/dev/myri5", "/dev/myri6", "/dev/myri7", "/dev/myri8", "/dev/myri9", "/dev/ipath", "/dev/kgni0", "/dev/mic/scif", "/dev/scif", ) # runc parameters runc_nomqueue = None # Pass host env variables valid_host_env = ("TERM", "PATH", ) # CPU affinity executables to use with: run --cpuset-cpus="1,2,3-4" cpu_affinity_exec_tools = ("taskset -c ", "numactl -C ") # Containers execution defaults location = "" # run container in this location # Curl settings http_proxy = "" # ex. socks5://user:pass@ timeout = 12 # default timeout (secs) download_timeout = 30 * 60 # file download timeout (secs) ctimeout = 6 # default TCP connect timeout (secs) http_agent = "" http_insecure = False # docker hub v1 dockerio_index_url = "https://index.docker.io" # docker hub v2 dockerio_registry_url = "https://registry-1.docker.io" # private repository v2 # dockerio_registry_url = "http://localhost:5000" # registries table docker_registries = {"docker.io": ["https://registry-1.docker.io" "https://index.docker.io"], } # ------------------------------------------------------------- def _verify_config(self): """Config verification""" if not Config.topdir: Msg().err("Error: UDOCKER directory not found") sys.exit(1) def _override_config(self): """Override config with environment""" Config.topdir = os.getenv("UDOCKER_DIR", Config.topdir) Config.bindir = os.getenv("UDOCKER_BIN", Config.bindir) Config.libdir = os.getenv("UDOCKER_LIB", Config.libdir) Config.reposdir = os.getenv("UDOCKER_REPOS", Config.reposdir) Config.layersdir = os.getenv("UDOCKER_LAYERS", Config.layersdir) Config.containersdir = os.getenv("UDOCKER_CONTAINERS", Config.containersdir) Config.dockerio_index_url = os.getenv("UDOCKER_INDEX", Config.dockerio_index_url) Config.dockerio_registry_url = os.getenv("UDOCKER_REGISTRY", Config.dockerio_registry_url) Config.tarball = os.getenv("UDOCKER_TARBALL", Config.tarball) Config.fakechroot_so = os.getenv("UDOCKER_FAKECHROOT_SO", Config.fakechroot_so) Config.tmpdir = os.getenv("UDOCKER_TMP", Config.tmpdir) def _read_config(self, config_file): """Interpret config file content""" if not config_file: return False cfile = FileUtil(config_file) if cfile.size() == -1: return False data = cfile.getdata() for line in data.split("\n"): if not line.strip() or "=" not in line or line.startswith("#"): continue (key, val) = line.strip().split("=", 1) key = key.strip() Msg().out(config_file, ":", key, "=", val, l=Msg.DBG) try: exec('Config.%s=%s' % (key, val)) except(NameError, AttributeError, TypeError, IndexError, SyntaxError): raise ValueError("config file: %s at: %s" % (config_file, line.strip())) if key == "verbose_level": Msg().setlevel(Config.verbose_level) return True def user_init(self, config_file): """ Try to load default values from config file Defaults should be in the form x = y """ try: self._read_config("/etc/" + Config.config) if self._read_config(config_file): return True self._read_config(Config.topdir + "/" + Config.config) if self.topdir != self.homedir: self._read_config(Config.homedir + "/" + Config.config) except ValueError as error: Msg().err("Error:", error) sys.exit(1) self._override_config() self._verify_config() def username(self): """Get username""" try: return pwd.getpwuid(Config.uid).pw_name except KeyError: return "" def arch(self): """Get the host system architecture""" arch = "" try: machine = platform.machine() bits = platform.architecture()[0] if machine == "x86_64": if bits == "32bit": arch = "i386" else: arch = "amd64" elif machine in ("i386", "i486", "i586", "i686"): arch = "i386" elif machine.startswith("arm"): if bits == "32bit": arch = "arm" else: arch = "arm64" except (NameError, AttributeError): pass return arch def osversion(self): """Get operating system""" try: return platform.system().lower() except (NameError, AttributeError): return "" def osdistribution(self): """Get operating system distribution""" (distribution, version, dummy) = platform.linux_distribution() return (distribution.split(" ")[0], version.split(".")[0]) def oskernel(self): """Get operating system""" try: return platform.release() except (NameError, AttributeError): return "3.2.1" def oskernel_isgreater(self, ref_version): """Compare kernel version is greater or equal than ref_version""" os_release = self.oskernel().split("-")[0] os_version = [int(x) for x in os_release.split(".")] for idx in (0, 1, 2): if os_version[idx] > ref_version[idx]: return True elif os_version[idx] < ref_version[idx]: return False return True class KeyStore(object): """Basic storage for authentication tokens to be used with dockerhub and private repositories """ def __init__(self, keystore_file): """Initialize keystone""" self.keystore_file = keystore_file self.credential = dict() def _verify_keystore(self): """Verify the keystore file and directory""" keystore_uid = FileUtil(self.keystore_file).uid() if keystore_uid != -1 and keystore_uid != Config.uid: raise IOError("not owner of keystore: %s" % (self.keystore_file)) keystore_dir = os.path.dirname(self.keystore_file) if FileUtil(keystore_dir).uid() != Config.uid: raise IOError("keystore dir not found or not owner: %s" % (keystore_dir)) if (keystore_uid != -1 and (os.stat(self.keystore_file).st_mode & 0o077)): raise IOError("keystore is accessible to group or others: %s" % (self.keystore_file)) def _read_all(self): """Read all credentials from file""" try: with open(self.keystore_file, "r") as filep: return json.load(filep) except (IOError, OSError, ValueError): return dict() def _shred(self): """Shred file content""" self._verify_keystore() try: size = os.stat(self.keystore_file).st_size with open(self.keystore_file, "rb+") as filep: filep.write((" " * size).encode()) except (IOError, OSError): return False return True def _write_all(self, auths): """Write all credentials to file""" self._verify_keystore() oldmask = None try: oldmask = os.umask(0o77) with open(self.keystore_file, "w") as filep: json.dump(auths, filep) os.umask(oldmask) except (IOError, OSError): if oldmask is not None: os.umask(oldmask) return False return True def get(self, url): """Get credential from keystore for given url""" auths = self._read_all() try: self.credential = auths[url] return self.credential["auth"] except KeyError: pass return "" def put(self, url, credential, email): """Put credential in keystore for given url""" if not credential: return False auths = self._read_all() auths[url] = {"auth": credential, "email": email, } self._shred() return self._write_all(auths) def delete(self, url): """Delete credential from keystore for given url""" self._verify_keystore() auths = self._read_all() try: del auths[url] except KeyError: return False self._shred() return self._write_all(auths) def erase(self): """Delete all credentials from keystore""" self._verify_keystore() try: self._shred() os.unlink(self.keystore_file) except (IOError, OSError): return False return True class Msg(object): """Write messages to stdout and stderr. Allows to filter the messages to be displayed through a verbose level, also allows to control if child process that produce output through a file descriptor should be redirected to /dev/null """ ERR = 0 MSG = 1 WAR = 2 INF = 3 VER = 4 DBG = 5 DEF = INF level = DEF nullfp = None chlderr = sys.stderr chldout = sys.stdout chldnul = sys.stderr def __init__(self, new_level=None): """ Initialize Msg level and /dev/null file pointers to be used in subprocess calls to obfuscate output and errors """ if new_level is not None: Msg.level = new_level try: if Msg.nullfp is None: Msg.nullfp = open("/dev/null", "w") except (IOError, OSError): Msg.chlderr = sys.stderr Msg.chldout = sys.stdout Msg.chldnul = sys.stderr else: Msg.chlderr = Msg.nullfp Msg.chldout = Msg.nullfp Msg.chldnul = Msg.nullfp def setlevel(self, new_level): """Define debug level""" Msg.level = new_level if Msg.level >= Msg.DBG: Msg.chlderr = sys.stderr Msg.chldout = sys.stdout else: Msg.chlderr = Msg.nullfp Msg.chldout = Msg.nullfp def out(self, *args, **kwargs): """Write text to stdout respecting verbose level""" level = Msg.MSG if "l" in kwargs: level = kwargs["l"] if level <= Msg.level: sys.stdout.write(" ".join([str(x) for x in args]) + '\n') def err(self, *args, **kwargs): """Write text to stderr respecting verbose level""" level = Msg.ERR if "l" in kwargs: level = kwargs["l"] if level <= Msg.level: sys.stderr.write(" ".join([str(x) for x in args]) + '\n') class Unique(object): """Produce unique identifiers for container names, temporary file names and other purposes. If module uuid does not exist it tries to use as last option the random generator. """ def __init__(self): self.string_set = "abcdef" self.def_name = "udocker" def _rnd(self, size): """Generate a random string""" return "".join( random.sample(self.string_set * 64 + string.digits * 64, size)) def uuid(self, name): """Get an ID""" if not name: name = self.def_name try: return str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.uuid4(), str(name) + str(time.time()))) except (NameError, AttributeError): return(("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s") % (self._rnd(8), self._rnd(4), self._rnd(4), self._rnd(4), self._rnd(12))) def imagename(self): """Get a container image name""" return self._rnd(16) def layer_v1(self): """Get a container layer name""" return self._rnd(64) def filename(self, filename): """Get a filename""" prefix = self.def_name + "-" + str(os.getpid()) + "-" try: return(prefix + str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.uuid4(), str(time.time()))) + "-" + str(filename)) except (NameError, AttributeError): return prefix + self.uuid(filename) + "-" + str(filename) class ChkSUM(object): """Checksumming for files""" def __init__(self): try: dummy = hashlib.sha256() self._sha256_call = self._hashlib_sha256 except NameError: self._sha256_call = self._openssl_sha256 def _hashlib_sha256(self, filename): """sha256 calculation using hashlib""" hash_sha256 = hashlib.sha256() try: with open(filename, "rb") as filep: for chunk in iter(lambda: filep.read(4096), b""): hash_sha256.update(chunk) return hash_sha256.hexdigest() except (IOError, OSError): return "" def _openssl_sha256(self, filename): """sha256 calculation using openssl""" cmd = "openssl dgst -hex -r -sha256 %s" % (filename) output = Uprocess().get_output(cmd) if output is None: return "" match = re.match("^(\\S+) ", output) if match: return match.group(1) return "" def sha256(self, filename): """ Call the actual sha256 implementation selected in __init__ """ return self._sha256_call(filename) class FileUtil(object): """Some utilities to manipulate files""" tmptrash = dict() safe_prefixes = [] orig_umask = None def __init__(self, filename=None): try: self.filename = os.path.abspath(filename) self.basename = os.path.basename(self.filename) except (AttributeError, TypeError): self.filename = filename self.basename = filename self._tmpdir = Config.tmpdir self._register_prefix(self._tmpdir) def _register_prefix(self, prefix): """Register directory prefixes where remove() is allowed""" if prefix not in FileUtil.safe_prefixes: filename = prefix if os.path.isdir(filename) and not filename.endswith("/"): FileUtil.safe_prefixes.append(filename + "/") FileUtil.safe_prefixes.append(os.path.realpath(filename) + "/") else: FileUtil.safe_prefixes.append(filename) FileUtil.safe_prefixes.append(os.path.realpath(filename)) def register_prefix(self): """Register self.filename as prefix where remove() is allowed""" self._register_prefix(self.filename) def umask(self, new_umask=None): """Set umask""" if new_umask is not None: try: old_umask = os.umask(new_umask) except (TypeError, ValueError): return False if FileUtil.orig_umask is None: FileUtil.orig_umask = old_umask else: try: os.umask(FileUtil.orig_umask) except (TypeError, ValueError): return False return True def mktmp(self): """Generate a temporary filename""" while True: tmp_file = self._tmpdir + "/" + \ Unique().filename(self.basename) if not os.path.exists(tmp_file): FileUtil.tmptrash[tmp_file] = True self.filename = tmp_file return tmp_file def mkdir(self): """Create directory""" try: os.makedirs(self.filename) except (OSError, IOError, AttributeError): return False return True def mktmpdir(self): """Create temporary directory""" dirname = self.mktmp() if FileUtil(dirname).mkdir(): return dirname return None def uid(self): """Get the file owner user id""" try: return os.stat(self.filename).st_uid except (IOError, OSError): return -1 def _is_safe_prefix(self, filename): """Check if file prefix falls under valid prefixes""" for safe_prefix in FileUtil.safe_prefixes: if filename.startswith(safe_prefix): return True return False def remove(self, force=False): """Delete files or directories""" if not os.path.exists(self.filename): pass elif self.filename.count("/") < 2: Msg().err("Error: delete pathname too short: ", self.filename) return False elif self.uid() != Config.uid: Msg().err("Error: delete not owner: ", self.filename) return False elif (not force) and (not self._is_safe_prefix(self.filename)): Msg().err("Error: delete outside of directory tree: ", self.filename) return False elif os.path.isfile(self.filename) or os.path.islink(self.filename): try: os.remove(self.filename) except (IOError, OSError): Msg().err("Error: deleting file: ", self.filename) return False elif os.path.isdir(self.filename): cmd = "/bin/rm -Rf %s || /bin/chmod -R u+w %s && /bin/rm -Rf %s" % \ (self.filename, self.filename, self.filename) if subprocess.call(cmd, stderr=Msg.chlderr, shell=True, close_fds=True, env=None): Msg().err("Error: deleting directory: ", self.filename) return False if self.filename in dict(FileUtil.tmptrash): del FileUtil.tmptrash[self.filename] return True def verify_tar(self): """Verify a tar file""" if not os.path.isfile(self.filename): return False else: cmd = "tar t" if Msg.level >= Msg.VER: cmd += "v" cmd += "f " + self.filename if subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=Msg.chlderr, stdout=Msg.chldnul, close_fds=True): return False else: return True def cleanup(self): """Delete all temporary files""" tmptrash_copy = dict(FileUtil.tmptrash) for filename in tmptrash_copy: FileUtil(filename).remove() def isdir(self): """Is filename a directory""" try: if os.path.isdir(self.filename): return True except (IOError, OSError, TypeError): pass return False def size(self): """File size in bytes""" try: fstat = os.stat(self.filename) return fstat.st_size except (IOError, OSError, TypeError): return -1 def getdata(self, mode="rb"): """Read file content to a buffer""" try: filep = open(self.filename, mode) except (IOError, OSError, TypeError): return "" else: buf = filep.read() filep.close() return decode(buf) def putdata(self, buf, mode="wb"): """Write buffer to file""" try: filep = open(self.filename, mode) except (IOError, OSError, TypeError): return "" else: filep.write(encode(buf)) filep.close() return buf def _find_exec(self, cmd_to_use): """This method is called by find_exec() invokes a command like /bin/which or type to obtain the full pathname of an executable """ exec_pathname = Uprocess().get_output(cmd_to_use) if exec_pathname is None: return "" if "not found" in exec_pathname: return "" if exec_pathname and exec_pathname.startswith("/"): return exec_pathname.strip() return "" def find_exec(self): """Find an executable pathname by using which or type -p""" cmd = self._find_exec("which " + self.basename) if cmd: return cmd cmd = self._find_exec("type -p " + self.basename) if cmd: return cmd return "" def find_inpath(self, path, rootdir=""): """Find file in a path set such as PATH=/usr/bin:/bin""" if isinstance(path, str): if "=" in path: path = "".join(path.split("=", 1)[1:]) path = path.split(":") if isinstance(path, list) or isinstance(path, tuple): for directory in path: full_path = rootdir + directory + "/" + self.basename if os.path.exists(full_path): return directory + "/" + self.basename return "" return "" def rename(self, dest_filename): """Rename/move file""" try: os.rename(self.filename, dest_filename) except (IOError, OSError): return False return True def copyto(self, dest_filename, mode="w"): """Copy self.filename to another file. We avoid shutil to have the fewest possible dependencies on other Python modules. """ try: fpsrc = open(self.filename, "rb") except (IOError, OSError): return False try: fpdst = open(dest_filename, mode + "b") except (IOError, OSError): fpsrc.close() return False while True: copy_buffer = fpsrc.read(1024 * 1024) if not copy_buffer: break fpdst.write(copy_buffer) fpsrc.close() fpdst.close() return True def find_file_in_dir(self, image_list): """Find and return first file of list in dir""" path_prefix = self.filename for image in image_list: image_path = path_prefix + "/" + image if os.path.exists(image_path): return image_path return "" def _link_set(self, f_path, root_path, force): """Actual convertion to container specific symbolic link""" l_path = os.readlink(f_path) if l_path.startswith("/") and not l_path.startswith(self.filename): p_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(f_path)) new_l_path = root_path + l_path if force and not os.access(p_path, os.W_OK): os.chmod(p_path, stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(p_path).st_mode) | stat.S_IWUSR) os.remove(f_path) os.symlink(new_l_path, f_path) os.chmod(p_path, stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(p_path).st_mode) & ~stat.S_IWUSR) else: os.remove(f_path) os.symlink(new_l_path, f_path) return True return False def _link_restore(self, f_path, root_path, force): """Actual convertion for host specific symbolic link""" l_path = os.readlink(f_path) new_l_path = "" if l_path.startswith(self.filename): new_l_path = l_path.replace(self.filename, "", 1) elif l_path.startswith(root_path): new_l_path = l_path.replace(root_path, "", 1) if new_l_path: p_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(f_path)) if force and not os.access(p_path, os.W_OK): os.chmod(p_path, stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(p_path).st_mode) | stat.S_IWUSR) os.remove(f_path) os.symlink(new_l_path, f_path) os.chmod(p_path, stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(p_path).st_mode) & ~stat.S_IWUSR) else: os.remove(f_path) os.symlink(new_l_path, f_path) return True return False def links_conv(self, force=False, to_container=True, root_path=""): """ Convert absolute symbolic links to relative symbolic links """ if not root_path: root_path = os.path.realpath(self.filename) links = [] if not self._is_safe_prefix(root_path): Msg().err("Error: links convertion outside of directory tree: ", root_path) return None for dir_path, dummy, files in os.walk(root_path): for f_name in files: try: f_path = dir_path + "/" + f_name if not os.path.islink(f_path): continue if os.lstat(f_path).st_uid != Config.uid: continue if to_container: if self._link_set(f_path, root_path, force): links.append(f_path) else: if self._link_restore(f_path, root_path, force): links.append(f_path) except OSError: continue return links class UdockerTools(object): """Download and setup of the udocker supporting tools Includes: proot and alternative python modules, these are downloaded to facilitate the installation by the end-user. """ def __init__(self, localrepo): self.localrepo = localrepo # LocalRepository object self._autoinstall = Config.autoinstall # True / False self._tarball = Config.tarball # URL or file self.curl = GetURL() def _version_isequal(self, filename): """Is version inside file equal to this udocker version""" version = FileUtil(filename).getdata().strip() return version and version == __version__ def is_available(self): """Are the tools already installed""" return self._version_isequal(self.localrepo.libdir + "/VERSION") def _download(self): """Get the tools tarball containing the binaries""" tarball_file = FileUtil("udockertools").mktmp() (hdr, dummy) = self.curl.get(self._tarball, ofile=tarball_file) if hdr.data["X-ND-CURLSTATUS"]: return "" else: return tarball_file def _verify_version(self, tarball_file): """verify the tarball version""" tmpdir = FileUtil("VERSION").mktmpdir() if not tmpdir: return False cmd = "cd " + tmpdir + " ; " cmd += "tar --strip-components=2 -x" if Msg.level >= Msg.VER: cmd += "v" cmd += "zf " + tarball_file + " udocker_dir/lib/VERSION ; " status = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, close_fds=True) if status: return False status = self._version_isequal(tmpdir + "/VERSION") FileUtil(tmpdir).remove() return status def purge(self): """Remove existing files in bin and lib""" for f_name in os.listdir(self.localrepo.bindir): FileUtil(self.localrepo.bindir + "/" + f_name).register_prefix() FileUtil(self.localrepo.bindir + "/" + f_name).remove() for f_name in os.listdir(self.localrepo.libdir): FileUtil(self.localrepo.libdir + "/" + f_name).register_prefix() FileUtil(self.localrepo.libdir + "/" + f_name).remove() def _install(self, tarball_file): """Install the tarball""" cmd = "cd " + self.localrepo.bindir + " ; " cmd += "tar --strip-components=2 -x" if Msg.level >= Msg.VER: cmd += "v" cmd += "zf " + tarball_file + " udocker_dir/bin ; " cmd += "/bin/chmod u+rx *" status = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, close_fds=True) if status: return False cmd = "cd " + self.localrepo.libdir + " ; " cmd += "tar --strip-components=2 -x" if Msg.level >= Msg.VER: cmd += "v" cmd += "zf " + tarball_file + " udocker_dir/lib ; " cmd += "/bin/chmod u+rx *" status = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, close_fds=True) if status: return False return True def _instructions(self): """ Udocker installation instructions are available at: https://indigo-dc.gitbooks.io/udocker/content/ Udocker requires additional tools to run. These are available in the tarball that comprises udocker. The tarballs are available at the INDIGO-DataCloud repository under tarballs at: http://repo.indigo-datacloud.eu/ Udocker can be installed with these instructions: 1) set UDOCKER_TARBALL to a remote URL or local filename e.g. $ export UDOCKER_TARBALL=http://host/path or $ export UDOCKER_TARBALL=/tmp/filename 2) run udocker and installation will proceed ./udocker version The correct tarball version for this udocker executable is: """ Msg().out(self._instructions.__doc__, __version__, l=Msg.ERR) def install(self, force=False): """Get the udocker tarball and install the binaries""" if self.is_available() and not force: return True elif not self._autoinstall and not force: Msg().out("Warning: no engine available and autoinstall disabled", l=Msg.WAR) return None elif not self._tarball: Msg().err("Error: UDOCKER_TARBALL not defined") self._instructions() return False else: Msg().out("Info: installing from tarball", __version__, l=Msg.INF) tarball_file = "" if "://" in self._tarball: Msg().out("Info: downloading: %s" % (self._tarball), l=Msg.INF) tarball_file = self._download() elif os.path.exists(self._tarball): tarball_file = self._tarball if not tarball_file: Msg().err("Error: accessing tarball:", self._tarball) self._instructions() else: if not self._verify_version(tarball_file): Msg().err("Error: wrong tarball version:", self._tarball) self._instructions() elif self._install(tarball_file): return True else: Msg().err("Error: installing tarball:", self._tarball) self._instructions() if "://" in self._tarball: FileUtil(tarball_file).remove() return False class ElfPatcher(object): """Patch container executables""" BIN = 1 LIB = 2 LOADER = 4 ABORT_ON_ERROR = 8 ONE_SUCCESS = 16 ONE_OUTPUT = 32 def __init__(self, localrepo, container_id): self._localrepo = localrepo self._container_dir = \ os.path.realpath(self._localrepo.cd_container(container_id)) if not self._container_dir: raise ValueError("invalid container id") self._container_root = self._container_dir + "/ROOT" self._container_ld_so_path = self._container_dir + "/ld.so.path" self._container_ld_so_orig = self._container_dir + "/ld.so.orig" self._container_ld_libdirs = self._container_dir + "/ld.lib.dirs" self._container_patch_time = self._container_dir + "/patch.time" self._container_patch_path = self._container_dir + "/patch.path" self._shlib = re.compile(r"^lib\S+\.so(\.\d+)*$") self._uid = Config.uid def select_patchelf(self): """Set patchelf executable""" conf = Config() arch = conf.arch() if arch == "amd64": image_list = ["patchelf-x86_64", "patchelf"] elif arch == "i386": image_list = ["patchelf-x86", "patchelf"] elif arch == "arm64": image_list = ["patchelf-arm64", "patchelf"] elif arch == "arm": image_list = ["patchelf-arm", "patchelf"] f_util = FileUtil(self._localrepo.bindir) patchelf_exec = f_util.find_file_in_dir(image_list) if not patchelf_exec: Msg().err("Error: patchelf executable not found") sys.exit(1) return patchelf_exec def _walk_fs(self, cmd, root_path, action=BIN): """Execute a shell command over each executable file in a given dir_path, action can be ABORT_ON_ERROR, return upon first success ONE_SUCCESS, or return upon the first non empty output. #f is the placeholder for the filename. """ status = False for dir_path, dummy, files in os.walk(root_path): for f_name in files: try: f_path = dir_path + "/" + f_name if os.path.islink(f_path): continue if os.stat(f_path).st_uid != self._uid: if action & self.ABORT_ON_ERROR: return None else: continue if ((action & self.BIN and os.access(f_path, os.X_OK)) or (action & self.LIB and self._shlib.match(f_name))): out = Uprocess().get_output(cmd.replace("#f", f_path)) if out: status = out if action & self.ABORT_ON_ERROR and status is None: return None elif action & self.ONE_SUCCESS and status is not None: return status elif action & self.ONE_OUTPUT and status: return status except OSError: pass return status def guess_elf_loader(self): """Search for executables and try to read the ld.so pathname""" patchelf_exec = self.select_patchelf() cmd = "%s -q --print-interpreter #f" % (patchelf_exec) for d_name in ("/bin", "/usr/bin", "/lib64"): elf_loader = self._walk_fs(cmd, self._container_root + d_name, self.ONE_OUTPUT | self.BIN) if elf_loader and ".so" in elf_loader: return elf_loader return "" def get_original_loader(self): """Get the pathname of the original ld.so""" if os.path.exists(self._container_ld_so_path): return FileUtil(self._container_ld_so_path).getdata().strip() elf_loader = self.guess_elf_loader() if elf_loader: FileUtil(self._container_ld_so_path).putdata(elf_loader) return elf_loader def get_container_loader(self): """Get an absolute pathname to the container ld.so""" elf_loader = self.get_original_loader() if not elf_loader: return "" elf_loader = self._container_root + "/" + elf_loader return elf_loader if os.path.exists(elf_loader) else "" def get_patch_last_path(self): """get last host pathname to the patched container""" last_path = FileUtil(self._container_patch_path).getdata() if last_path and isinstance(last_path, str): return last_path.strip() else: return "" def check_container(self): """verify if path to container is ok""" last_path = self.get_patch_last_path() if last_path and last_path != self._container_dir: Msg().err("Error: mismatch, convert execmode to P and then to F") sys.exit(1) def get_patch_last_time(self): """get time in seconds of last full patch of container""" last_time = FileUtil(self._container_patch_time).getdata() try: return str(int(last_time)) except ValueError: return "0" def patch_binaries(self): """Set all executables and libs to the ld.so absolute pathname""" self.check_container() last_time = "0" patchelf_exec = self.select_patchelf() elf_loader = self.get_container_loader() #cmd = "%s --set-interpreter %s --set-root-prefix %s #f" % \ # (patchelf_exec, elf_loader, self._container_root) cmd = "%s --set-root-prefix %s #f" % \ (patchelf_exec, self._container_root) self._walk_fs(cmd, self._container_root, self.BIN | self.LIB) newly_set = self.guess_elf_loader() if newly_set == elf_loader: try: last_time = str(int(time.time())) except ValueError: pass return (FileUtil(self._container_patch_time).putdata(last_time) and FileUtil(self._container_patch_path).putdata(self._container_dir)) return False def restore_binaries(self): """Restore all executables and libs to the original ld.so pathname""" patchelf_exec = self.select_patchelf() elf_loader = self.get_original_loader() last_path = self.get_patch_last_path() #cmd = "%s --set-interpreter %s --restore-root-prefix %s #f" % \ # (patchelf_exec, elf_loader, self._container_root) if last_path: cmd = "%s --restore-root-prefix %s #f" % \ (patchelf_exec, last_path + "/ROOT") else: cmd = "%s --restore-root-prefix %s #f" % \ (patchelf_exec, self._container_root) self._walk_fs(cmd, self._container_root, self.BIN | self.LIB) newly_set = self.guess_elf_loader() if newly_set == elf_loader: FileUtil(self._container_patch_path).remove() FileUtil(self._container_patch_time).remove() return newly_set == elf_loader def patch_ld(self, output_elf=None): """Patch ld.so""" self.check_container() elf_loader = self.get_container_loader() if FileUtil(self._container_ld_so_orig).size() == -1: status = FileUtil(elf_loader).copyto(self._container_ld_so_orig) if not status: return False ld_data = FileUtil(self._container_ld_so_orig).getdata() if not ld_data: ld_data = FileUtil(elf_loader).getdata() if not ld_data: return False nul = "\x00/\x00\x00\x00" etc = "\x00/etc" lib = "\x00/lib" usr = "\x00/usr" ld_data = ld_data.replace(etc, nul).replace(lib, nul).replace(usr, nul) ld_library_path_orig = "\x00LD_LIBRARY_PATH\x00" ld_library_path_new = "\x00LD_LIBRARY_REAL\x00" ld_data = ld_data.replace(ld_library_path_orig, ld_library_path_new) if output_elf is None: return bool(FileUtil(elf_loader).putdata(ld_data)) else: return bool(FileUtil(output_elf).putdata(ld_data)) def restore_ld(self): """Restore ld.so""" elf_loader = self.get_container_loader() if FileUtil(self._container_ld_so_orig).size() == -1: return False else: return FileUtil(self._container_ld_so_orig).copyto(elf_loader) def _get_ld_config(self): """Get get directories from container ld.so.cache""" cmd = "ldconfig -p -C %s/%s" % (self._container_root, Config.ld_so_cache) ld_dict = dict() ld_data = Uprocess().get_output(cmd) if not ld_data: return [] for line in ld_data.split("\n"): match = re.search("([^ ]+) => ([^ ]+)", line) if match: ld_dict[self._container_root + \ os.path.dirname(match.group(2))] = True return ld_dict.keys() def _find_ld_libdirs(self, root_path=None): """search for library directories in container""" if root_path is None: root_path = self._container_root ld_list = [] for dir_path, dummy, files in os.walk(root_path): for f_name in files: try: f_path = dir_path + "/" + f_name if not os.access(f_path, os.R_OK): continue elif os.path.isfile(f_path): if self._shlib.match(f_name): if dir_path not in ld_list: ld_list.append(dir_path) except OSError: continue return ld_list def get_ld_libdirs(self, force=False): """Get ld library paths""" self.check_container() if force or not os.path.exists(self._container_ld_libdirs): ld_list = self._find_ld_libdirs() ld_str = ":".join(ld_list) FileUtil(self._container_ld_libdirs).putdata(ld_str) return ld_list else: ld_str = FileUtil(self._container_ld_libdirs).getdata() return ld_str.split(":") def get_ld_library_path(self): """Get ld library paths""" ld_list = self._get_ld_config() ld_list.extend(self.get_ld_libdirs()) for ld_dir in Config.lib_dirs_list_essential: ld_dir = self._container_root + "/" + ld_dir if ld_dir not in ld_list: ld_list.insert(0, ld_dir) ld_list.extend(Config.lib_dirs_list_append) return ":".join(ld_list) class NixAuthentication(object): """Provides abstraction and useful methods to manage passwd and group based authentication, both for the host system and for the container. If passwd_file and group_file are None then the host system authentication databases are used. """ def __init__(self, passwd_file=None, group_file=None): self.passwd_file = passwd_file self.group_file = group_file def _get_user_from_host(self, wanted_user): """get user information from the host /etc/passwd""" wanted_uid = "" if (isinstance(wanted_user, (int, long)) or re.match("^\\d+$", wanted_user)): wanted_uid = str(wanted_user) wanted_user = "" if wanted_uid: try: usr = pwd.getpwuid(int(wanted_uid)) except (IOError, OSError, KeyError): return("", "", "", "", "", "") return(str(usr.pw_name), str(usr.pw_uid), str(usr.pw_gid), str(usr.pw_gecos), usr.pw_dir, usr.pw_shell) else: try: usr = pwd.getpwnam(wanted_user) except (IOError, OSError, KeyError): return("", "", "", "", "", "") return(str(usr.pw_name), str(usr.pw_uid), str(usr.pw_gid), str(usr.pw_gecos), usr.pw_dir, usr.pw_shell) def _get_group_from_host(self, wanted_group): """get group information from the host /etc/group""" wanted_gid = "" if (isinstance(wanted_group, (int, long)) or re.match("^\\d+$", wanted_group)): wanted_gid = str(wanted_group) wanted_group = "" if wanted_gid: try: hgr = grp.getgrgid(int(wanted_gid)) except (IOError, OSError, KeyError): return("", "", "") return(str(hgr.gr_name), str(hgr.gr_gid), str(hgr.gr_mem)) else: try: hgr = grp.getgrnam(wanted_group) except (IOError, OSError, KeyError): return("", "", "") return(str(hgr.gr_name), str(hgr.gr_gid), str(hgr.gr_mem)) def _get_user_from_file(self, wanted_user): """Get user from a passwd file""" wanted_uid = "" if (isinstance(wanted_user, (int, long)) or re.match("^\\d+$", wanted_user)): wanted_uid = str(wanted_user) wanted_user = "" try: inpasswd = open(self.passwd_file) except (IOError, OSError): return("", "", "", "", "", "") else: for line in inpasswd: (user, dummy, uid, gid, gecos, home, shell) = line.strip().split(":") if wanted_user and user == wanted_user: return(user, uid, gid, gecos, home, shell) if wanted_uid and uid == wanted_uid: return(user, uid, gid, gecos, home, shell) inpasswd.close() return("", "", "", "", "", "") def _get_group_from_file(self, wanted_group): """Get group from a group file""" wanted_gid = "" if (isinstance(wanted_group, (int, long)) or re.match("^\\d+$", wanted_group)): wanted_gid = str(wanted_group) wanted_group = "" try: ingroup = open(self.group_file) except (IOError, OSError): return("", "", "") else: for line in ingroup: (group, dummy, gid, users) = line.strip().split(":") if wanted_group and group == wanted_group: return(group, gid, users) if wanted_gid and gid == wanted_gid: return(group, gid, users) ingroup.close() return("", "", "") def add_user(self, user, passw, uid, gid, gecos, home, shell): """Add a *nix user to a /etc/passwd file""" try: outpasswd = open(self.passwd_file, "ab") except (IOError, OSError): return False else: outpasswd.write(("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n" % (user, passw, uid, gid, gecos, home, shell)).encode()) outpasswd.close() return True def add_group(self, group, gid): """Add a group to a /etc/passwd file""" try: outgroup = open(self.group_file, "ab") except (IOError, OSError): return False else: outgroup.write(("%s:x:%s:\n" % (group, gid)).encode()) outgroup.close() return True def get_user(self, wanted_user): """Get host or container user""" if self.passwd_file: return self._get_user_from_file(wanted_user) else: return self._get_user_from_host(wanted_user) def get_group(self, wanted_group): """Get host or container group""" if self.group_file: return self._get_group_from_file(wanted_group) else: return self._get_group_from_host(wanted_group) class FileBind(object): """Alternative method to allow host files to be visible inside a container when binding of files is not possible such as when using rootless namespaces. """ bind_dir = "/.bind_host_files" orig_dir = "/.bind_orig_files" def __init__(self, localrepo, container_id): self.localrepo = localrepo # LocalRepository object self.container_id = container_id # Container id self.container_dir = \ os.path.realpath(self.localrepo.cd_container(container_id)) self.container_root = self.container_dir + "/ROOT" self.container_bind_dir = self.container_root + self.bind_dir self.container_orig_dir = self.container_dir + self.orig_dir self.host_bind_dir = None def setup(self): """Prepare container for FileBind""" if not os.path.isdir(self.container_orig_dir): if not FileUtil(self.container_orig_dir).mkdir(): Msg().err("Error: creating dir:", self.container_orig_dir) return False return True def restore(self): """Restore container files after FileBind""" error = False if not os.path.isdir(self.container_orig_dir): return True for f_name in os.listdir(self.container_orig_dir): orig_file = self.container_orig_dir + "/" + f_name if not os.path.isfile(orig_file): continue cont_file = os.path.basename(f_name).replace('#', '/') cont_file = self.container_root + "/" + cont_file if os.path.islink(cont_file): FileUtil(cont_file).remove() elif os.path.exists(cont_file): continue if not FileUtil(orig_file).rename(cont_file): Msg().err("Error: restoring binded file:", cont_file) error = True if not error: FileUtil(self.container_orig_dir).remove() FileUtil(self.container_bind_dir).remove() def start(self, files_list): """Prepare to run""" self.host_bind_dir = FileUtil("BIND_FILES").mktmpdir() for f_name in files_list: if not os.path.isfile(f_name): continue orig_file = f_name.replace('/', '#') orig_file_path = self.container_orig_dir + "/" + orig_file cont_file = self.container_root + "/" + f_name link_path = self.bind_dir + "/" + orig_file if not os.path.exists(orig_file_path): os.rename(cont_file, orig_file_path) os.symlink(link_path, cont_file) FileUtil(orig_file_path).copyto(self.host_bind_dir) return (self.host_bind_dir, self.bind_dir) def finish(self): """Cleanup after run""" pass #return FileUtil(self.host_bind_dir).remove() def add(self, host_file, cont_file): """Add file to be made available inside container""" replace_file = cont_file.replace('/', '#') replace_file = self.host_bind_dir + "/" + replace_file FileUtil(replace_file).remove() FileUtil(host_file).copyto(replace_file) class ExecutionEngineCommon(object): """Docker container execution engine parent class Provides the container execution methods that are common to the execution drivers. """ def __init__(self, localrepo): self.localrepo = localrepo # LocalRepository instance self.container_id = "" # Container id self.container_dir = "" # Container directory self.container_root = "" # ROOT of container filesystem self.container_names = [] # Container names self.imagerepo = None # Imagerepo of container image self.hostauth_list = Config.hostauth_list # passwd and group self.exec_mode = None # ExecutionMode instance # Metadata defaults self.opt = dict() # Run options self.opt["nometa"] = False # Don't load metadata self.opt["nosysdirs"] = False # Bind host dirs self.opt["dri"] = False # Directories needed for DRI self.opt["bindhome"] = False # Bind user home dir self.opt["hostenv"] = False # Pass host env self.opt["hostauth"] = False # Use hostauth_list self.opt["novol"] = [] # Volume bindings to ignore self.opt["env"] = [] # Environment from container self.opt["vol"] = [] # Volumes to mount self.opt["cpuset"] = "" # Container CPU affinity self.opt["user"] = "" # User to run in the container self.opt["cwd"] = "" # Default dir in the container self.opt["entryp"] = "" # Container entrypoint self.opt["cmd"] = Config.cmd # Comand to execute self.opt["hostname"] = "" # Hostname TBD self.opt["domain"] = "" # Host domainname TBD self.opt["volfrom"] = [] # Mount vol from container TBD def _check_exposed_ports(self, exposed_ports): """TCP/UDP ports < 1024 in ExposedPorts JSON metadata The exposed ports format is ExposedPorts:{ "80/tcp":{}, } """ port_number = -1 if exposed_ports: for port in exposed_ports: try: port_number = int(port.split("/")[0]) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass else: if port_number < 1024: Msg().err("Error: this container exposes privileged" " TCP/IP ports (< 1024) not supported") return True if port_number != -1: Msg().out("Warning: this container exposes TCP/IP" " ports this may not work", l=Msg.WAR) return False def _set_cpu_affinity(self): """set the cpu affinity string for container run command""" # find set affinity executable cpu_affinity_exec = "" for exec_cmd in Config.cpu_affinity_exec_tools: exec_name = \ FileUtil(exec_cmd.split(" ", 1)[0]).find_exec() if exec_name: cpu_affinity_exec = exec_name + \ " " + exec_cmd.split(" ", 1)[1] # if no cpu affinity executable available ignore affinity set if not cpu_affinity_exec: self.opt["cpuset"] = "" return " " elif self.opt["cpuset"]: self.opt["cpuset"] = "'" + self.opt["cpuset"] + "'" return " %s %s " % (cpu_affinity_exec, self.opt["cpuset"]) else: self.opt["cpuset"] = "" return " " def _cont2host(self, pathname): """Translate container path to host path""" if not (pathname and pathname.startswith("/")): return "" path = "" real_container_root = os.path.realpath(self.container_root) for vol in self.opt["vol"]: if ":" in vol: (host_path, cont_path) = vol.split(":") if pathname.startswith(cont_path): path = host_path + pathname[len(cont_path):] break elif pathname.startswith(vol): path = pathname break if not path: path = real_container_root + "/" + pathname f_path = "" for d_comp in path.split("/")[1:]: f_path = f_path + "/" + d_comp while os.path.islink(f_path): real_path = os.readlink(f_path) if real_path.startswith("/"): if f_path.startswith(real_container_root): f_path = real_container_root + real_path else: f_path = real_path else: f_path = os.path.dirname(f_path) + "/" + real_path return os.path.realpath(f_path) def _create_mountpoint(self, host_path, cont_path): """Create mountpoint""" mountpoint = self.container_root + cont_path if not os.path.exists(host_path): return False if os.path.exists(mountpoint): return True if os.path.isfile(host_path): status = FileUtil(mountpoint).putdata("") elif os.path.isdir(host_path): status = FileUtil(mountpoint).mkdir() return status def _remove_invalid_volumes(self): for vol in list(self.opt["vol"]): if ":" in vol: (_, cont_path) = vol.split(":") if cont_path == "{}": self.opt["vol"].remove(vol) def _check_volumes(self): self._remove_invalid_volumes() """Check volume paths""" for vol in list(self.opt["vol"]): if ":" in vol: (host_path, cont_path) = vol.split(":") self._create_mountpoint(host_path, cont_path) else: host_path = vol cont_path = "" self._create_mountpoint(host_path, host_path) if cont_path and not cont_path.startswith("/"): Msg().err("Error: invalid volume destination path:", cont_path) return False elif not (host_path and host_path.startswith("/")): Msg().err("Error: invalid volume spec:", vol) return False elif not os.path.exists(host_path): if host_path in Config.dri_list: self.opt["vol"].remove(vol) else: Msg().err("Error: invalid host volume path:", host_path) return False return True def _get_bindhome(self): """Binding of the host $HOME in to the container $HOME""" if self.opt["bindhome"]: host_auth = NixAuthentication() (r_user, dummy, dummy, dummy, r_home, dummy) = host_auth.get_user(Config.uid) if r_user: return r_home return "" def _set_volume_bindings(self): """Set the volume bindings string for container run command""" # predefined volume bindings --sysdirs --hostauth --dri if not self.opt["nosysdirs"]: self.opt["vol"].extend(Config.sysdirs_list) if self.opt["hostauth"]: self.opt["vol"].extend(self.hostauth_list) if self.opt["dri"]: self.opt["vol"].extend(Config.dri_list) home = self._get_bindhome() if home: self.opt["vol"].append(home) # remove directory bindings specified with --novol for novolume in list(self.opt["novol"]): found = False for vol in list(self.opt["vol"]): if novolume == vol or novolume == vol.split(":")[0]: self.opt["vol"].remove(vol) found = True if not found: Msg().out("Warning: --novol %s not in volumes list" % novolume, l=Msg.WAR) return self._check_volumes() def _check_paths(self): """Make sure we have a reasonable default PATH and CWD""" if not self._getenv("PATH"): if self.opt["uid"] == "0": path = Config.root_path else: path = Config.user_path self.opt["env"].append("PATH=%s" % path) # verify if the working directory is valid and fix it if not self.opt["cwd"]: self.opt["cwd"] = self.opt["home"] if os.path.isdir(self._cont2host(self.opt["cwd"])): return True Msg().err("Error: invalid working directory: ", self.opt["cwd"]) return False def _quote(self, argv): """Iterate over argv and quote items containing spaces. This is useful in case an interpreter is used in the command e.g.: $ udocker.py run container bash -c 'echo hello' """ _argv = [] for arg in argv: if ' ' in arg: arg = "'{}'".format(arg) _argv.append(arg) return _argv def _check_executable(self): """Check if executable exists and has execute permissions""" path = self._getenv("PATH") if self.opt["entryp"] and isinstance(self.opt["entryp"], str): self.opt["cmd"] = self.opt["entryp"].strip().split(" ") elif self.opt["entryp"] and isinstance(self.opt["entryp"], list): if self.opt["cmd"]: # and cmd cmd_args = self.opt["cmd"] self.opt["cmd"] = self.opt["entryp"] self.opt["cmd"].extend(cmd_args) # cmd=args entryp else: self.opt["cmd"] = self.opt["entryp"] if not self.opt["cmd"]: self.opt["cmd"] = Config.cmd Msg().out("Warning: no command assuming:", self.opt["cmd"], l=Msg.WAR) exec_name = self.opt["cmd"][0] # exec pathname without args self.opt["cmd"] = self._quote(self.opt["cmd"]) if exec_name.startswith("/"): exec_path = exec_name elif exec_name.startswith("./") or exec_name.startswith("../"): exec_path = self.opt["cwd"] + "/" + exec_name else: exec_path = \ FileUtil(exec_name).find_inpath(path, self.container_root + "/") host_exec_path = self._cont2host(exec_path) if (os.path.isfile(host_exec_path) and os.access(host_exec_path, os.X_OK)): return host_exec_path Msg().err("Error: command not found or has no execute bit set: ", self.opt["cmd"]) return "" def _run_load_metadata(self, container_id): """Load container metadata from container JSON payload""" # get container metadata unless we are dealing with a simple directory # tree in which case we don't have metadata if Config.location: container_dir = "" container_json = [] else: container_structure = \ ContainerStructure(self.localrepo, container_id) (container_dir, container_json) = \ container_structure.get_container_attr() if not container_dir: return(None, None) # load metadata from container if not self.opt["nometa"]: if not self.opt["user"]: self.opt["user"] = \ container_structure.get_container_meta( "User", "", container_json) if not self.opt["cwd"]: self.opt["cwd"] = \ container_structure.get_container_meta( "WorkingDir", "", container_json) if not self.opt["hostname"]: self.opt["hostname"] = \ container_structure.get_container_meta( "Hostname", "", container_json) if not self.opt["domain"]: self.opt["domain"] = \ container_structure.get_container_meta( "Domainname", "", container_json) if not self.opt["cmd"]: self.opt["cmd"] = \ container_structure.get_container_meta( "Cmd", [], container_json) if not self.opt["entryp"]: self.opt["entryp"] = \ container_structure.get_container_meta( "Entrypoint", [], container_json) self.opt["vol"].extend( container_structure.get_container_meta( "Volumes", [], container_json)) exposed_ports = \ container_structure.get_container_meta( "ExposedPorts", [], container_json) self._check_exposed_ports(exposed_ports) meta_env = \ container_structure.get_container_meta( "Env", [], container_json) if meta_env: meta_env.extend(self.opt["env"]) self.opt["env"] = meta_env return(container_dir, container_json) def _check_env(self): """Sanitize the environment variables""" for pair in list(self.opt["env"]): if not pair: self.opt["env"].remove(pair) continue if "=" not in pair: self.opt["env"].remove(pair) val = os.getenv(pair, "") if val: self.opt["env"].append('%s="%s"' % (pair, val)) continue (key, val) = pair.split("=", 1) if " " in key or key[0] in string.digits: Msg().err("Error: in environment:", pair) return False if " " in pair and "'" not in pair and '"' not in pair: self.opt["env"].remove(pair) self.opt["env"].append('%s="%s"' % (key, val)) return True def _getenv(self, search_key): """A getenv() for the container environment metadata.""" for pair in self.opt["env"]: if pair: if "=" in pair: (key, val) = pair.split("=", 1) else: key = pair val = "" if key == search_key: return str(val) return None def _uid_gid_from_str(self, expression): """Parse strings containing uid:gid""" uid = None gid = None try: match = re.match("^(\\d+):(\\d+)$", expression) uid = match.group(1) gid = match.group(2) except AttributeError: Msg().err("Error: invalid syntax user must be uid:gid or username") return (uid, gid) def _select_auth_files(self): """Select authentication files to use /etc/passwd /etc/group""" cont_passwd = self.container_root + "/etc/passwd" cont_group = self.container_root + "/etc/group" bind_passwd = self.container_dir + FileBind.orig_dir + "/#etc#passwd" bind_group = self.container_dir + FileBind.orig_dir + "/#etc#group" # if os.path.islink(cont_passwd) and os.path.isfile(bind_passwd): passwd = bind_passwd else: passwd = cont_passwd if os.path.islink(cont_group) and os.path.isfile(bind_group): group = bind_group else: group = cont_group return (passwd, group) def _setup_container_user(self, user): """Once we know which username to use inside the container we need to check if it exists in the passwd file that will be used inside the container. Since we can override the usage of the container /etc/passwd and /etc/group with files passed from the host, then we must check if this username is in the appropriate file so: 1. check if the passwd will be the one of the host system either because we passwd --hostauth or because we did --volume=/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd 2. else we are using the container original /etc/passwd In either case the user specified may not exist, in which case we copy the passwd file to a new file and we create the intended user. The file is then passwd/mapped into the container. """ self.opt["user"] = "root" self.opt["uid"] = 0 self.opt["gid"] = 0 self.opt["home"] = "/" self.opt["gecos"] = "" self.opt["shell"] = "" host_auth = NixAuthentication() (passwd, group) = self._select_auth_files() container_auth = NixAuthentication(passwd, group) if not user: user = self.opt["user"] if ":" in user: (found_uid, found_gid) = self._uid_gid_from_str(user) if found_gid is None: return False if "/etc/passwd" in self.opt["vol"] or self.opt["hostauth"]: (found_user, dummy, dummy, found_gecos, found_home, found_shell) = host_auth.get_user(found_uid) else: (found_user, dummy, dummy, found_gecos, found_home, found_shell) = \ container_auth.get_user(found_uid) else: if "/etc/passwd" in self.opt["vol"] or self.opt["hostauth"]: (found_user, found_uid, found_gid, found_gecos, found_home, found_shell) = host_auth.get_user(user) else: (found_user, found_uid, found_gid, found_gecos, found_home, found_shell) = \ container_auth.get_user(user) if found_user: self.opt["user"] = found_user self.opt["uid"] = found_uid self.opt["gid"] = found_gid self.opt["home"] = found_home self.opt["gecos"] = found_gecos self.opt["shell"] = found_shell else: if "/etc/passwd" in self.opt["vol"] or self.opt["hostauth"]: Msg().err("Error: user not found") return False else: if ":" not in user: self.opt["user"] = user self.opt["uid"] = "" self.opt["gid"] = "" elif self.opt["uid"] > 0: self.opt["user"] = "" Msg().out("Warning: non-existing user will be created", l=Msg.WAR) self._create_user(container_auth, host_auth) return True def _create_user(self, container_auth, host_auth): """If we need to create a new user then we first copy /etc/passwd and /etc/group to new files and them we add the user account into these copied files which later are binding/mapped/passed to the container. So setup this binding as well via hostauth. """ FileUtil().umask(0o077) tmp_passwd = FileUtil("passwd").mktmp() tmp_group = FileUtil("group").mktmp() FileUtil(container_auth.passwd_file).copyto(tmp_passwd) FileUtil(container_auth.group_file).copyto(tmp_group) FileUtil().umask() if not self.opt["uid"]: self.opt["uid"] = str(Config.uid) if not self.opt["gid"]: self.opt["gid"] = str(Config.gid) if not self.opt["user"]: self.opt["user"] = "udoc" + self.opt["uid"][0:4] if self.opt["user"] == "root": self.opt["home"] = "/" elif not self.opt["home"]: self.opt["home"] = "/home/" + self.opt["user"] if not self.opt["shell"]: self.opt["shell"] = "/bin/sh" if not self.opt["gecos"]: self.opt["gecos"] = "*UDOCKER*" new_auth = NixAuthentication(tmp_passwd, tmp_group) if (not new_auth.add_user(self.opt["user"], "x", self.opt["uid"], self.opt["gid"], self.opt["gecos"], self.opt["home"], self.opt["shell"])): return False (group, dummy, dummy) = host_auth.get_group(self.opt["gid"]) if not group: group = self.opt["user"] new_auth.add_group(group, self.opt["gid"]) for sup_gid in os.getgroups(): new_auth.add_group("G" + str(sup_gid), str(sup_gid)) self.opt["hostauth"] = True self.hostauth_list = (tmp_passwd + ":/etc/passwd", tmp_group + ":/etc/group") return True def _run_banner(self, cmd, char="*"): """Print a container startup banner""" Msg().out("", "\n", char * 78, "\n", char, " " * 74, char, "\n", char, ("STARTING " + self.container_id).center(74, " "), char, "\n", char, " " * 74, char, "\n", char * 78, "\n", "executing:", os.path.basename(cmd), l=Msg.INF) def _run_env_cleanup(self): """Allow only to pass essential environment variables.""" environ_copy = os.environ.copy() for env_var in environ_copy: if env_var not in Config.valid_host_env: del os.environ[env_var] def _run_env_set(self): """Environment variables to set""" self.opt["env"].append("HOME=" + self.opt["home"]) self.opt["env"].append("USER=" + self.opt["user"]) self.opt["env"].append("LOGNAME=" + self.opt["user"]) self.opt["env"].append("USERNAME=" + self.opt["user"]) self.opt["env"].append(r"PS1=%s[\W]\$ " % self.container_id[:8]) self.opt["env"].append("SHLVL=0") self.opt["env"].append("container_ruser=" + Config().username()) self.opt["env"].append("container_root=" + self.container_root) self.opt["env"].append("container_uuid=" + self.container_id) self.opt["env"].append("container_execmode=" + self.exec_mode.get_mode()) #names = str(self.container_names).translate(None, " '\"[]") names = ",".join(self.container_names) self.opt["env"].append("container_names=" + names) def _run_init(self, container_id): """Prepare execution of the container To be called by the run() method of the actual ExecutionEngine """ try: (container_dir, dummy) = \ self._run_load_metadata(container_id) except (ValueError, TypeError): return "" if Config.location: # using specific root tree self.container_root = Config.location else: self.container_root = container_dir + "/ROOT" # container name(s) from container_id self.container_names = self.localrepo.get_container_name(container_id) self.container_id = container_id self.container_dir = container_dir # Execution Mode self.exec_mode = ExecutionMode(self.localrepo, self.container_id) # which user to use inside the container and setup its account if not self._setup_container_user(self.opt["user"]): return "" if not self._set_volume_bindings(): return "" if not self._check_paths(): return "" exec_path = self._check_executable() # exec_path = self._check_executable() # if not (self._check_paths() and exec_path): # return "" return exec_path class PRootEngine(ExecutionEngineCommon): """Docker container execution engine using PRoot Provides a chroot like environment to run containers. Uses PRoot both as chroot alternative and as emulator of the root identity and privileges. Inherits from ContainerEngine class """ def __init__(self, localrepo): super(PRootEngine, self).__init__(localrepo) conf = Config() self.proot_exec = None # PRoot self.proot_noseccomp = False # Noseccomp mode self._kernel = conf.oskernel() # Emulate kernel def _select_proot(self): """Set proot executable and related variables""" conf = Config() arch = conf.arch() if arch == "amd64": if conf.oskernel_isgreater((4, 8, 0)): image_list = ["proot-x86_64-4_8_0", "proot-x86_64", "proot"] else: image_list = ["proot-x86_64", "proot"] elif arch == "i386": if conf.oskernel_isgreater((4, 8, 0)): image_list = ["proot-x86-4_8_0", "proot-x86", "proot"] else: image_list = ["proot-x86", "proot"] elif arch == "arm64": if conf.oskernel_isgreater((4, 8, 0)): image_list = ["proot-arm64-4_8_0", "proot-arm64", "proot"] else: image_list = ["proot-arm64", "proot"] elif arch == "arm": if conf.oskernel_isgreater((4, 8, 0)): image_list = ["proot-arm-4_8_0", "proot-arm", "proot"] else: image_list = ["proot-arm", "proot"] f_util = FileUtil(self.localrepo.bindir) self.proot_exec = f_util.find_file_in_dir(image_list) if not self.proot_exec: Msg().err("Error: proot executable not found") sys.exit(1) if conf.oskernel_isgreater((4, 8, 0)): if conf.proot_noseccomp is not None: self.proot_noseccomp = conf.proot_noseccomp if self.exec_mode.get_mode() == "P2": self.proot_noseccomp = True def _set_uid_map(self): """Set the uid_map string for container run command""" if self.opt["uid"] == "0": uid_map = " -0 " else: uid_map = \ " -i " + self.opt["uid"] + ":" + self.opt["gid"] + " " return uid_map def _create_mountpoint(self, host_path, cont_path): """Override create mountpoint""" return True def _get_volume_bindings(self): """Get the volume bindings string for container run command""" if self.opt["vol"]: vol_str = " -b " + " -b ".join(self.opt["vol"]) else: vol_str = " " return vol_str def run(self, container_id): """Execute a Docker container using PRoot. This is the main method invoked to run the a container with PRoot. * argument: container_id or name * options: many via self.opt see the help """ # setup execution if not self._run_init(container_id): return 2 self._select_proot() # seccomp and ptrace behavior change on 4.8.0 onwards if self.proot_noseccomp or os.getenv("PROOT_NO_SECCOMP"): self.opt["env"].append("PROOT_NO_SECCOMP=1") if self.opt["kernel"]: self._kernel = self.opt["kernel"] # set environment variables self._run_env_set() if not self._check_env(): return 4 if Msg.level >= Msg.DBG: proot_verbose = " -v 9 " else: proot_verbose = "" # build the actual command cmd_t = (r"unset VTE_VERSION;", " ".join(self.opt["env"]), self._set_cpu_affinity(), self.proot_exec, proot_verbose, self._get_volume_bindings(), self._set_uid_map(), "-k", self._kernel, "-r", self.container_root, " ",) cmd = " ".join(cmd_t) if self.opt["cwd"]: # set current working directory cmd += " -w " + self.opt["cwd"] + " " cmd += " ".join(self.opt["cmd"]) Msg().out("CMD = " + cmd, l=Msg.VER) # if not --hostenv clean the environment if not self.opt["hostenv"]: self._run_env_cleanup() # execute self._run_banner(self.opt["cmd"][0]) status = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, close_fds=True) return status class RuncEngine(ExecutionEngineCommon): """Docker container execution engine using runc Provides a namespaces based user space container. Inherits from ContainerEngine class """ def __init__(self, localrepo): super(RuncEngine, self).__init__(localrepo) self.runc_exec = None # runc self._container_specjson = None self._container_specfile = None self._filebind = None self.execution_id = None def _select_runc(self): """Set runc executable and related variables""" conf = Config() arch = conf.arch() if arch == "amd64": image_list = ["runc-x86_64", "runc"] elif arch == "i386": image_list = ["runc-x86", "runc"] elif arch == "arm64": image_list = ["runc-arm64", "runc"] elif arch == "arm": image_list = ["runc-arm", "runc"] f_util = FileUtil(self.localrepo.bindir) self.runc_exec = f_util.find_file_in_dir(image_list) if not self.runc_exec: Msg().err("Error: runc executable not found") sys.exit(1) def _load_spec(self, new=False): """Generate runc spec file""" if FileUtil(self._container_specfile).size() != -1 and new: FileUtil(self._container_specfile).remove() if FileUtil(self._container_specfile).size() == -1: cmd = self.runc_exec + " spec --rootless --bundle " \ + os.path.realpath(self.container_dir) status = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=Msg.chlderr, close_fds=True) if status: return False json_obj = None infile = None try: infile = open(self._container_specfile) json_obj = json.load(infile) if (json_obj["platform"]["os"] != "linux" or json_obj["platform"]["arch"] != Config().arch()): json_obj = None except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): json_obj = None if infile: infile.close() self._container_specjson = json_obj return json_obj def _save_spec(self): """Save spec file""" outfile = None try: outfile = open(self._container_specfile, 'w') json.dump(self._container_specjson, outfile) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): if outfile: outfile.close() return False outfile.close() return True def _set_spec(self): """Set spec values""" json_obj = self._container_specjson json_obj["root"]["path"] = os.path.realpath(self.container_root) json_obj["root"]["readonly"] = False if "." in self.opt["hostname"]: json_obj["hostname"] = self.opt["hostname"] else: json_obj["hostname"] = platform.node() if self.opt["cwd"]: json_obj["process"]["cwd"] = self.opt["cwd"] json_obj["process"]["env"] = [] for env_str in self.opt["env"]: (env_var, value) = env_str.split("=", 1) if env_var: json_obj["process"]["env"].append("%s=%s" % (env_var, value)) for idmap in json_obj["linux"]["uidMappings"]: if "hostID" in idmap: idmap["hostID"] = os.getuid() for idmap in json_obj["linux"]["gidMappings"]: if "hostID" in idmap: idmap["hostID"] = os.getgid() json_obj["process"]["args"] = self.opt["cmd"] return json_obj def _uid_check(self): """Check the uid_map string for container run command""" if ("user" in self.opt and self.opt["user"] != "0" and self.opt["user"] != "root"): Msg().out("Warning: this engine only supports execution as root", l=Msg.WAR) def _create_mountpoint(self, host_path, cont_path): """Override create mountpoint""" return True def _add_mount_spec(self, host_source, cont_dest, rwmode=False): """Add one mount point""" if rwmode: mode = "rw" else: mode = "ro" mount = {"destination": cont_dest, "type": "none", "source": host_source, "options": ["rbind", "nosuid", "noexec", "nodev", mode, ], } self._container_specjson["mounts"].append(mount) def _del_mount_spec(self, host_source, cont_dest): """Remove one mount point""" for (index, mount) in enumerate(self._container_specjson["mounts"]): if (mount["destination"] == cont_dest and mount["source"] == host_source): del self._container_specjson["mounts"][index] def _add_volume_bindings(self): """Get the volume bindings string for runc""" (host_dir, cont_dir) = self._filebind.start(Config.sysdirs_list) self._add_mount_spec(host_dir, cont_dir, rwmode=True) for volume in self.opt["vol"]: try: (host_dir, cont_dir) = volume.split(":") except ValueError: host_dir = volume cont_dir = volume if os.path.isdir(host_dir): if host_dir == "/dev": Msg().out("Warning: this engine does not support -v", host_dir, l=Msg.WAR) continue self._add_mount_spec(host_dir, cont_dir, rwmode=True) elif os.path.isfile(host_dir): if cont_dir not in Config.sysdirs_list: Msg().err("Error: engine does not support file mounting:", host_dir) else: self._filebind.add(host_dir, cont_dir) def _check_env(self): """Sanitize environment variables Overriding parent ExecutionEngineCommon() class. """ for pair in list(self.opt["env"]): if not pair: self.opt["env"].remove(pair) continue if "=" not in pair: self.opt["env"].remove(pair) val = os.getenv(pair, "") if val: self.opt["env"].append('%s=%s' % (pair, val)) continue (key, val) = pair.split("=", 1) if " " in key or key[0] in string.digits: Msg().err("Error: in environment:", pair) return False return True def _run_env_addhost(self): """Add host env to spec""" container_env = [] for env_str in self.opt["env"]: (env_var, dummy) = env_str.split("=", 1) if env_var: container_env.append(env_var) for (env_var, value) in os.environ.items(): if not env_var: continue if env_var in ("VTE_VERSION") or env_var in container_env: continue self.opt["env"].append("%s=%s" % (env_var, value)) def _run_env_cleanup(self): """ Allow only to pass essential environment variables. Overriding parent ExecutionEngineCommon() class. """ for (index, env_str) in enumerate(self.opt["env"]): (env_var, dummy) = env_str.split("=", 1) if env_var not in Config.valid_host_env: del self.opt["env"][index] def run(self, container_id): """Execute a Docker container using runc. This is the main method invoked to run the a container with runc. * argument: container_id or name * options: many via self.opt see the help """ Config.sysdirs_list = ( "/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/host.conf", "/etc/passwd", "/etc/group", ) # setup execution if not self._run_init(container_id): return 2 self._container_specfile = self.container_dir + "/config.json" self._filebind = FileBind(self.localrepo, self.container_id) self._select_runc() # create new OCI spec file if not self._load_spec(new=True): return 4 self._uid_check() # if not --hostenv clean the environment if self.opt["hostenv"]: self._run_env_addhost() else: self._run_env_cleanup() # set environment variables self._run_env_set() if not self._check_env(): return 5 self._set_spec() if (Config.runc_nomqueue or (Config.runc_nomqueue is None and not Config().oskernel_isgreater("4.8.0"))): self._del_mount_spec("mqueue", "/dev/mqueue") self._add_volume_bindings() self._save_spec() if Msg.level >= Msg.DBG: runc_debug = " --debug " else: runc_debug = "" # build the actual command self.execution_id = Unique().uuid(self.container_id) cmd = self.runc_exec + runc_debug + " --root " + self.container_dir + \ " run --bundle " + self.container_dir + " " + self.execution_id Msg().out("CMD = " + cmd, l=Msg.VER) # execute self._run_banner(self.opt["cmd"][0], '%') status = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, close_fds=True) self._filebind.finish() return status class FakechrootEngine(ExecutionEngineCommon): """Docker container execution engine using Fakechroot Provides a chroot like environment to run containers. Uses Fakechroot as chroot alternative. Inherits from ContainerEngine class """ def __init__(self, localrepo): super(FakechrootEngine, self).__init__(localrepo) self._fakechroot_so = "" self._elfpatcher = None def _select_fakechroot_so(self): """Select fakechroot sharable object library""" conf = Config() if conf.fakechroot_so: if isinstance(conf.fakechroot_so, list): image_list = conf.fakechroot_so elif isinstance(conf.fakechroot_so, str): image_list = [conf.fakechroot_so, ] else: # Find /lib/libc.musl-x86_64.so.1 to see if the image is alpine libmusl_path = self._cont2host("/lib/libc.musl-x86_64.so.1") if os.path.isfile(libmusl_path) and os.access(libmusl_path, os.X_OK): image_list = ["libfakechroot-Alpine-x86_64.so"] else: lib = "libfakechroot" deflib = "libfakechroot.so" arch = conf.arch() (distro, version) = conf.osdistribution() version = version.split(".")[0] if arch == "amd64": image_list = ["%s-%s-%s-x86_64.so" % (lib, distro, version), "%s-%s-x86_64.so" % (lib, distro), "%s-x86_64.so" % (lib), deflib] elif arch == "i386": image_list = ["%s-%s-%s-x86.so" % (lib, distro, version), "%s-%s-x86.so" % (lib, distro), "%s-x86.so" % (lib), deflib] elif arch == "arm64": image_list = ["%s-%s-%s-arm64.so" % (lib, distro, version), "%s-%s-arm64.so" % (lib, distro), "%s-arm64.so" % (lib), deflib] elif arch == "arm": image_list = ["%s-%s-%s-arm.so" % (lib, distro, version), "%s-%s-arm.so" % (lib, distro), "%s-arm.so" % (lib), deflib] f_util = FileUtil(self.localrepo.libdir) fakechroot_so = f_util.find_file_in_dir(image_list) if not fakechroot_so: Msg().err("Error: no libfakechroot found for this host os") sys.exit(1) Msg().out("fakechroot_so:", fakechroot_so, l=Msg.DBG) return fakechroot_so def _uid_check(self): """Set the uid_map string for container run command""" if ("user" not in self.opt or (not self.opt["user"]) or self.opt["user"] == "root" or self.opt["user"] == "0"): Msg().out("Warning: running as uid 0 is not supported by this engine", l=Msg.WAR) self.opt["user"] = Config().username() def _setup_container_user(self, user): """ Override method ExecutionEngineCommon._setup_container_user() """ self.opt["user"] = Config().username() self.opt["uid"] = str(Config.uid) self.opt["gid"] = str(Config.gid) self.opt["home"] = "/" #self.opt["home"] = os.path.expanduser("~") self.opt["gecos"] = "" self.opt["shell"] = "" host_auth = NixAuthentication() container_auth = NixAuthentication(self.container_root + "/etc/passwd", self.container_root + "/etc/group") if not user: user = self.opt["user"] if ":" in user: (found_uid, found_gid) = self._uid_gid_from_str(user) if found_gid is None: return False if "/etc/passwd" in self.opt["vol"] or self.opt["hostauth"]: (found_user, dummy, dummy, found_gecos, found_home, found_shell) = host_auth.get_user(found_uid) else: (found_user, dummy, dummy, found_gecos, found_home, found_shell) = \ container_auth.get_user(found_uid) else: if "/etc/passwd" in self.opt["vol"] or self.opt["hostauth"]: (found_user, dummy, dummy, found_gecos, found_home, found_shell) = host_auth.get_user(user) else: (found_user, dummy, dummy, found_gecos, found_home, found_shell) = \ container_auth.get_user(user) if found_user: self.opt["user"] = found_user self.opt["home"] = found_home self.opt["gecos"] = found_gecos self.opt["shell"] = found_shell else: if "/etc/passwd" in self.opt["vol"] or self.opt["hostauth"]: Msg().err("Error: user not found") return False else: if ":" not in user: self.opt["user"] = user Msg().out("Warning: non-existing user will be created", l=Msg.WAR) self._create_user(container_auth, host_auth) return True def _get_volume_bindings(self): """Get the volume bindings string for fakechroot run""" host_volumes_list = [] map_volumes_list = [] map_volumes_dict = dict() for volume in self.opt["vol"]: try: (host_dir, cont_dir) = volume.split(":") except ValueError: host_dir = volume cont_dir = "" if (not cont_dir) or host_dir == cont_dir: host_volumes_list.append(host_dir) else: map_volumes_dict[cont_dir] = host_dir + "!" + cont_dir for cont_dir in sorted(map_volumes_dict, reverse=True): map_volumes_list.append(map_volumes_dict[cont_dir]) return (":".join(host_volumes_list), ":".join(map_volumes_list)) def _get_access_filesok(self): """ Circunvent mpi init issues when calling access() A list of certain existing files is provided """ file_list = [] for c_path in Config.access_files: h_file = self._cont2host(c_path) if h_file and os.path.exists(h_file): file_list.append(c_path) return ":".join(file_list) def _fakechroot_env_set(self): """fakechroot environment variables to set""" (host_volumes, map_volumes) = self._get_volume_bindings() self._fakechroot_so = self._select_fakechroot_so() access_filesok = self._get_access_filesok() # self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_BASE=" + os.path.realpath(self.container_root)) self.opt["env"].append("LD_PRELOAD=" + self._fakechroot_so) self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_AF_UNIX_PATH=" + Config.tmpdir) # if host_volumes: self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_EXCLUDE_PATH=" + host_volumes) if map_volumes: self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_DIR_MAP=" + map_volumes) if Msg.level >= Msg.DBG: self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_DEBUG=true") self.opt["env"].append("LD_DEBUG=libs:files") if access_filesok: self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_ACCESS_FILESOK=" + access_filesok) # execution mode ld_library_real = self._elfpatcher.get_ld_library_path() xmode = self.exec_mode.get_mode() if xmode == "F1": self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_ELFLOADER=" + self._elfpatcher.get_container_loader()) self.opt["env"].append("LD_LIBRARY_PATH=" + ld_library_real) elif xmode == "F2": self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_ELFLOADER=" + self._elfpatcher.get_container_loader()) self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_LIBRARY_ORIG=" + ld_library_real) self.opt["env"].append("LD_LIBRARY_REAL=" + ld_library_real) self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_DISALLOW_ENV_CHANGES=true") elif xmode == "F3": self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_LIBRARY_ORIG=" + ld_library_real) self.opt["env"].append("LD_LIBRARY_REAL=" + ld_library_real) self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_DISALLOW_ENV_CHANGES=true") elif xmode == "F4": self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_LIBRARY_ORIG=" + ld_library_real) self.opt["env"].append("LD_LIBRARY_REAL=" + ld_library_real) self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_DISALLOW_ENV_CHANGES=true") patchelf_exec = self._elfpatcher.select_patchelf() if patchelf_exec: self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_PATCH_PATCHELF=" + patchelf_exec) self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_PATCH_ELFLOADER=" + self._elfpatcher.get_container_loader()) self.opt["env"].append("FAKECHROOT_PATCH_LAST_TIME=" + self._elfpatcher.get_patch_last_time()) def run(self, container_id): """Execute a Docker container using Fakechroot. This is the main method invoked to run the a container with Fakechroot. * argument: container_id or name * options: many via self.opt see the help """ # this engine does not support root check and fix self._uid_check() # setup execution exec_path = self._run_init(container_id) if not exec_path: return 2 # execution mode and get patcher xmode = self.exec_mode.get_mode() self._elfpatcher = ElfPatcher(self.localrepo, self.container_id) # verify if container pathnames are correct for this mode self._elfpatcher.check_container() # set basic environment variables self._run_env_set() self._fakechroot_env_set() if not self._check_env(): return 4 # build the actual command self.opt["cmd"][0] = exec_path cmd_t = (r"unset VTE_VERSION;", " export ", "; export ".join(self.opt["env"]), " ; export PWD=" + self.opt["cwd"] + " ;", ) cmd = " ".join(cmd_t) if xmode in ("F1", "F2"): cmd += " " + self._elfpatcher.get_container_loader() + " " cmd += " ".join(self.opt["cmd"]) Msg().out("CMD = " + cmd, l=Msg.VER) # if not --hostenv clean the environment if not self.opt["hostenv"]: self._run_env_cleanup() # execute self._run_banner(self.opt["cmd"][0], "#") cwd = self._cont2host(self.opt["cwd"]) status = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, close_fds=True, cwd=cwd) return status class ExecutionMode(object): """Generic execution engine class to encapsulate the specific execution engines and their execution modes. P1: proot with seccomp P2: proot without seccomp (slower) F1: fakeroot running executables via direct loader invocation F2: similar to F1 with protected environment and modified ld.so F3: fakeroot patching the executables elf headers F4: similar to F3 with support to newly created executables dynamic patching of elf headers """ def __init__(self, localrepo, container_id): self.localrepo = localrepo # LocalRepository object self.container_id = container_id # Container id self.container_dir = \ os.path.realpath(self.localrepo.cd_container(container_id)) self.container_root = self.container_dir + "/ROOT" self.container_execmode = self.container_dir + "/execmode" self.exec_engine = None self.valid_modes = ("P1", "P2", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "R1") def get_mode(self): """Get execution mode""" xmode = FileUtil(self.container_execmode).getdata() if not xmode: xmode = Config.default_execution_mode return xmode def set_mode(self, xmode, force=False): """Set execution mode""" status = False prev_xmode = self.get_mode() elfpatcher = ElfPatcher(self.localrepo, self.container_id) filebind = FileBind(self.localrepo, self.container_id) if xmode not in self.valid_modes: Msg().err("Error: invalid execmode:", xmode) return status if not (force or xmode != prev_xmode): return True if prev_xmode in ("R1", ) and xmode not in ("R1", ): filebind.restore() if xmode.startswith("F"): if force or prev_xmode[0] in ("P", "R"): status = (FileUtil(self.container_root).links_conv(force, True) and elfpatcher.get_ld_libdirs(force)) if xmode in ("P1", "P2", "F1", "R1"): if force or prev_xmode in ("F2", "F3", "F4"): status = (elfpatcher.restore_ld() and elfpatcher.restore_binaries()) elif prev_xmode in ("P1", "P2", "R1"): status = True if xmode in ("R1", ): filebind.setup() elif xmode in ("F2", ): if force or prev_xmode in ("F3", "F4"): status = elfpatcher.restore_binaries() if force or prev_xmode in ("P1", "P2", "F1", "R1"): status = elfpatcher.patch_ld() elif xmode in ("F3", "F4"): if force or prev_xmode in ("P1", "P2", "F1", "F2", "R1"): status = (elfpatcher.patch_ld() and elfpatcher.patch_binaries()) elif prev_xmode in ("F3", "F4"): status = True if xmode[0] in ("P", "R"): if force or prev_xmode.startswith("F"): status = FileUtil(self.container_root).links_conv(force, False) if status: status = FileUtil(self.container_execmode).putdata(xmode) if not status: Msg().err("Error: container setup failed") return status def get_engine(self): """get execution engine instance""" xmode = self.get_mode() if xmode.startswith("P"): self.exec_engine = PRootEngine(self.localrepo) elif xmode.startswith("F"): self.exec_engine = FakechrootEngine(self.localrepo) elif xmode.startswith("R"): self.exec_engine = RuncEngine(self.localrepo) return self.exec_engine class ContainerStructure(object): """Docker container structure. Creation of a container filesystem from a repository image. Access to container metadata. """ def __init__(self, localrepo, container_id=None): self.localrepo = localrepo self.container_id = container_id self.tag = "" self.imagerepo = "" def get_container_attr(self): """Get container directory and JSON metadata by id or name""" if Config.location: container_dir = "" container_json = [] else: container_dir = self.localrepo.cd_container(self.container_id) if not container_dir: Msg().err("Error: container id or name not found") return(False, False) container_json = self.localrepo.load_json( container_dir + "/container.json") if not container_json: Msg().err("Error: invalid container json metadata") return(False, False) return(container_dir, container_json) def create(self, imagerepo, tag): """Create a container from an image in the repository. Since images are stored as layers in tar files, this step consists in extracting those layers into a ROOT directory in the appropriate sequence. first argument: imagerepo second argument: image tag in that repo """ self.imagerepo = imagerepo self.tag = tag image_dir = self.localrepo.cd_imagerepo(self.imagerepo, self.tag) if not image_dir: Msg().err("Error: create container: imagerepo is invalid") return False (container_json, layer_files) = self.localrepo.get_image_attributes() if not container_json: Msg().err("Error: create container: getting layers or json") return False container_id = Unique().uuid(os.path.basename(self.imagerepo)) container_dir = self.localrepo.setup_container( self.imagerepo, self.tag, container_id) if not container_dir: Msg().err("Error: create container: setting up container") return False self.localrepo.save_json( container_dir + "/container.json", container_json) status = self._untar_layers(layer_files, container_dir + "/ROOT") if not status: Msg().err("Error: creating container:", container_id) self.container_id = container_id return container_id def _apply_whiteouts(self, tarf, destdir): """The layered filesystem od docker uses whiteout files to identify files or directories to be removed. The format is .wh. """ cmd = r"tar tf %s '*\/\.wh\.*'" % (tarf) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=Msg.chlderr, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) while True: wh_filename = decode(proc.stdout.readline()).strip() if wh_filename: wh_basename = os.path.basename(wh_filename) if wh_basename.startswith(".wh."): rm_filename = destdir + "/" \ + os.path.dirname(wh_filename) + "/" \ + wh_basename.replace(".wh.", "", 1) FileUtil(rm_filename).remove() else: try: proc.stdout.close() proc.terminate() except(NameError, AttributeError): pass break return True def _untar_layers(self, tarfiles, destdir): """Untar all container layers. Each layer is extracted and permissions are changed to avoid file permission issues when extracting the next layer. """ status = True gid = str(os.getgid()) for tarf in tarfiles: self._apply_whiteouts(tarf, destdir) # cmd = "umask 022 ; tar -C %s -x --delay-directory-restore " % \ cmd = "umask 022 ; tar -C %s -x " % destdir if Msg.level >= Msg.VER: cmd += " -v " cmd += r" --one-file-system --no-same-owner " cmd += r"--no-same-permissions --overwrite -f " + tarf cmd += r"; find " + destdir cmd += r" \( -type d ! -perm -u=x -exec /bin/chmod u+x {} \; \) , " cmd += r" \( ! -perm -u=w -exec /bin/chmod u+w {} \; \) , " cmd += r" \( ! -gid " + gid + r" -exec /bin/chgrp " + gid cmd += r" {} \; \) , " cmd += r" \( -name '.wh.*' -exec " cmd += r" /bin/rm -f --preserve-root {} \; \)" status = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=Msg.chlderr, close_fds=True) if status: Msg().err("Error: while extracting image layer") return not status def get_container_meta(self, param, default, container_json): """Get the container metadata from the container""" if "config" in container_json: confidx = "config" elif "container_config" in container_json: confidx = "container_config" if param in container_json[confidx]: if container_json[confidx][param] is None: return default elif (isinstance(container_json[confidx][param], str) and ( isinstance(default, list) or isinstance(default, tuple))): return container_json[confidx][param].strip().split() elif (isinstance(default, str) and ( isinstance(container_json[confidx][param], list) or isinstance(container_json[confidx][param], tuple))): return " ".join(container_json[confidx][param]) elif (isinstance(default, str) and ( isinstance(container_json[confidx][param], dict))): return self._dict_to_str(container_json[confidx][param]) elif (isinstance(default, list) and ( isinstance(container_json[confidx][param], dict))): return self._dict_to_list(container_json[confidx][param]) else: return container_json[confidx][param] def _dict_to_str(self, in_dict): """Convert dict to str""" out_str = "" for (key, val) in in_dict.items(): out_str += "%s:%s " % (str(key), str(val)) return out_str def _dict_to_list(self, in_dict): """Convert dict to list""" out_list = [] for (key, val) in in_dict.items(): out_list.append("%s:%s" % (str(key), str(val))) return out_list class LocalRepository(object): """Implements a basic repository for images and containers. The repository will be usually in the user home directory. The repository has a simple directory structure: 1. layers : one dir containing all image layers so that layers shared among images are not duplicated 2. containers: has inside one directory per container, each dir has a ROOT with the extracted image 3. repos: has inside a directory tree of repos the leaf repo dirs are called tags and contain the image data (these are links both to layer tarballs and json metadata files. 4. bin: contains executables (PRoot) 5. lib: contains python libraries """ def __init__(self, topdir=None): if topdir: self.topdir = topdir else: self.topdir = Config.topdir self.bindir = Config.bindir self.libdir = Config.libdir self.reposdir = Config.reposdir self.layersdir = Config.layersdir self.containersdir = Config.containersdir self.homedir = Config.homedir if not self.bindir: self.bindir = self.topdir + "/bin" if not self.libdir: self.libdir = self.topdir + "/lib" if not self.reposdir: self.reposdir = self.topdir + "/repos" if not self.layersdir: self.layersdir = self.topdir + "/layers" if not self.containersdir: self.containersdir = self.topdir + "/containers" self.cur_repodir = "" self.cur_tagdir = "" self.cur_containerdir = "" FileUtil(self.reposdir).register_prefix() FileUtil(self.layersdir).register_prefix() FileUtil(self.containersdir).register_prefix() def setup(self, topdir=None): """change to a different localrepo""" self.__init__(topdir) def create_repo(self): """creates properties with pathnames for easy access to the several repository directories """ try: if not os.path.exists(self.topdir): os.makedirs(self.topdir) if not os.path.exists(self.reposdir): os.makedirs(self.reposdir) if not os.path.exists(self.layersdir): os.makedirs(self.layersdir) if not os.path.exists(self.containersdir): os.makedirs(self.containersdir) if not os.path.exists(self.bindir): os.makedirs(self.bindir) if not os.path.exists(self.libdir): os.makedirs(self.libdir) if not os.path.exists(self.homedir): os.makedirs(self.homedir) except(IOError, OSError): return False else: return True def is_repo(self): """check if directory structure corresponds to a repo""" dirs_exist = [os.path.exists(self.reposdir), os.path.exists(self.layersdir), os.path.exists(self.containersdir), os.path.exists(self.bindir), os.path.exists(self.libdir), os.path.exists(self.homedir)] return all(dirs_exist) def is_container_id(self, obj): """Verify if the provided object matches the format of a local container id. """ if not isinstance(obj, str): return False match = re.match( "^[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]+$", obj) if match: return True return False def protect_container(self, container_id): """Protect a container directory against deletion""" return self._protect(self.cd_container(container_id)) def unprotect_container(self, container_id): """Remove the protection against deletion""" return self._unprotect(self.cd_container(container_id)) def isprotected_container(self, container_id): """See if a container directory is protected""" return self._isprotected(self.cd_container(container_id)) def _protect(self, directory): """Set the protection mark in a container or image tag""" try: # touch create version file open(directory + "/PROTECT", 'w').close() return True except (IOError, OSError): return False def _unprotect(self, directory): """Remove protection mark from container or image tag""" return FileUtil(directory + "/PROTECT").remove() def _isprotected(self, directory): """See if container or image tag are protected""" return os.path.exists(directory + "/PROTECT") def iswriteable_container(self, container_id): """See if a container root dir is writable by this user""" container_root = self.cd_container(container_id) + "/ROOT" if not os.path.exists(container_root): return 2 if not os.path.isdir(container_root): return 3 if os.access(container_root, os.W_OK): return 1 return 0 def get_containers_list(self, dir_only=True): """Get a list of all containers in the local repo dir_only: is optional and indicates if True a summary list of container_ids and names if False an extended listing containing further container information """ containers_list = [] if not os.path.isdir(self.containersdir): return [] for fname in os.listdir(self.containersdir): container_dir = self.containersdir + "/" + fname if os.path.isdir(container_dir): try: filep = open(container_dir + "/imagerepo.name", "r") except (IOError, OSError): reponame = "" else: reponame = filep.read() filep.close() if dir_only: containers_list.append(container_dir) elif not os.path.islink(container_dir): names = self.get_container_name(fname) if not names: names = "" containers_list.append((fname, reponame, str(names))) return containers_list def del_container(self, container_id): """Delete a container tree, the image layers are untouched""" container_dir = self.cd_container(container_id) if not container_dir: return False else: if container_dir in self.get_containers_list(True): for name in self.get_container_name(container_id): self.del_container_name(name) # delete aliases links if FileUtil(container_dir).remove(): self.cur_containerdir = "" return True return False def cd_container(self, container_id): """Select a container directory for further operations""" container_dir = self.containersdir + "/" + str(container_id) if os.path.exists(container_dir): if container_dir in self.get_containers_list(True): return container_dir return "" def _relpath(self, path, start): """An alternative to os.path.relpath()""" if not path: raise ValueError("no path specified") start_list = posixpath.abspath(start).split(posixpath.sep) path_list = posixpath.abspath(path).split(posixpath.sep) # Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path. i = len(posixpath.commonprefix([start_list, path_list])) rel_list = [posixpath.pardir] * (len(start_list) - i) + path_list[i:] if not rel_list: return posixpath.curdir return posixpath.join(*rel_list) def _symlink(self, existing_file, link_file): """Create relative symbolic links""" if os.path.exists(link_file): return False try: rel_path_to_existing = os.path.relpath( existing_file, os.path.dirname(link_file)) except (AttributeError, NameError): rel_path_to_existing = self._relpath( existing_file, os.path.dirname(link_file)) try: os.symlink(rel_path_to_existing, link_file) except (IOError, OSError): return False return True def _name_is_valid(self, name): """Check name alias validity""" invalid_chars = ("/", ".", " ", "[", "]") if name and any(x in name for x in invalid_chars): return False return not len(name) > 2048 def set_container_name(self, container_id, name): """Associates a name to a container id The container can then be referenced either by its id or by its name. """ if self._name_is_valid(name): container_dir = self.cd_container(container_id) if container_dir: linkname = self.containersdir + "/" + name if os.path.exists(linkname): return False return self._symlink(container_dir, linkname) return False def del_container_name(self, name): """Remove a name previously associated to a container""" if self._name_is_valid(name): linkname = self.containersdir + "/" + name if os.path.exists(linkname): return FileUtil(linkname).remove() return False def get_container_id(self, container_name): """From a container name obtain its container_id""" if container_name: pathname = self.containersdir + "/" + container_name if os.path.islink(pathname): return os.path.basename(os.readlink(pathname)) elif os.path.isdir(pathname): return container_name return "" def get_container_name(self, container_id): """From a container_id obtain its name(s)""" if not os.path.isdir(self.containersdir): return [] link_list = [] for fname in os.listdir(self.containersdir): container = self.containersdir + "/" + fname if os.path.islink(container): real_container = os.readlink(container) if os.path.basename(real_container) == container_id: link_list.append(fname) return link_list def setup_container(self, imagerepo, tag, container_id): """Create the directory structure for a container""" container_dir = self.containersdir + "/" + str(container_id) if os.path.exists(container_dir): return "" try: os.makedirs(container_dir + "/ROOT") out_imagerepo = open(container_dir + "/imagerepo.name", 'w') except (IOError, OSError): return None else: out_imagerepo.write(imagerepo + ":" + tag) out_imagerepo.close() self.cur_containerdir = container_dir return container_dir def _is_tag(self, tag_dir): """Does this directory contain an image tag ? An image TAG indicates that this repo directory contains references to layers and metadata from which we can extract a container. """ try: if os.path.isfile(tag_dir + "/TAG"): return True except (IOError, OSError): pass return False def protect_imagerepo(self, imagerepo, tag): """Protect an image repo TAG against deletion""" return self._protect(self.reposdir + "/" + imagerepo + "/" + tag) def unprotect_imagerepo(self, imagerepo, tag): """Removes the deletion protection""" return self._unprotect(self.reposdir + "/" + imagerepo + "/" + tag) def isprotected_imagerepo(self, imagerepo, tag): """See if this image TAG is protected against deletion""" return self._isprotected(self.reposdir + "/" + imagerepo + "/" + tag) def cd_imagerepo(self, imagerepo, tag): """Select an image TAG for further operations""" if imagerepo and tag: tag_dir = self.reposdir + "/" + imagerepo + "/" + tag if os.path.exists(tag_dir): if self._is_tag(tag_dir): self.cur_repodir = self.reposdir + "/" + imagerepo self.cur_tagdir = self.cur_repodir + "/" + tag return self.cur_tagdir return "" def _find(self, filename, in_dir): """is a specific layer filename referenced by another image TAG""" found_list = [] if FileUtil(in_dir).isdir(): for fullname in os.listdir(in_dir): f_path = in_dir + "/" + fullname if os.path.islink(f_path): if filename in fullname: # match .layer or .json found_list.append(f_path) # found reference to layer elif os.path.isdir(f_path): found_list.extend(self._find(filename, f_path)) return found_list def _inrepository(self, filename): """Check if a given file is in the repository""" return self._find(filename, self.reposdir) def _remove_layers(self, tag_dir, force): """Remove link to image layer and corresponding layer if not being used by other images """ for fname in os.listdir(tag_dir): f_path = tag_dir + "/" + fname # link to layer if os.path.islink(f_path): layer_file = tag_dir + "/" + os.readlink(f_path) if not FileUtil(f_path).remove() and not force: return False if not self._inrepository(fname): # removing actual layers not reference by other repos if not FileUtil(layer_file).remove() and not force: return False return True def del_imagerepo(self, imagerepo, tag, force=False): """Delete an image repository and its layers""" tag_dir = self.cd_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag) if (tag_dir and self._remove_layers(tag_dir, force) and FileUtil(tag_dir).remove()): self.cur_repodir = "" self.cur_tagdir = "" return True else: return False def _get_tags(self, tag_dir): """Get image tags from repository The tags identify actual usable containers """ tag_list = [] if FileUtil(tag_dir).isdir(): for fname in os.listdir(tag_dir): f_path = tag_dir + "/" + fname if self._is_tag(f_path): tag_list.append( (tag_dir.replace(self.reposdir + "/", ""), fname)) elif os.path.isdir(f_path): tag_list.extend(self._get_tags(f_path)) return tag_list def get_imagerepos(self): """get all images repositories with tags""" return self._get_tags(self.reposdir) def get_layers(self, imagerepo, tag): """Get all layers for a given image image tag""" layers_list = [] tag_dir = self.cd_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag) if tag_dir: for fname in os.listdir(tag_dir): filename = tag_dir + "/" + fname if os.path.islink(filename): size = FileUtil(filename).size() layers_list.append((filename, size)) return layers_list def add_image_layer(self, filename): """Add a layer to an image TAG""" if not (self.cur_repodir and self.cur_tagdir): return False if not os.path.exists(filename): return False if not os.path.exists(self.cur_repodir): return False if not os.path.exists(self.cur_tagdir): return False linkname = self.cur_tagdir + "/" + os.path.basename(filename) if os.path.islink(linkname): FileUtil(linkname).remove() self._symlink(filename, linkname) return True def setup_imagerepo(self, imagerepo): """Create directory for an image repository""" if not imagerepo: return None directory = self.reposdir + "/" + imagerepo try: if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) self.cur_repodir = directory return True else: self.cur_repodir = directory return False except (IOError, OSError): return None def setup_tag(self, tag): """Create directory structure for an image TAG to be invoked after setup_imagerepo() """ directory = self.cur_repodir + "/" + tag try: if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) self.cur_tagdir = directory out_tag = open(directory + "/TAG", 'w') except (IOError, OSError): return False else: out_tag.write(self.cur_repodir + ":" + tag) out_tag.close() return True def set_version(self, version): """Set the version of the image TAG repository currently it supports Docker images with versions v1 and v2 to be invoked after setup_tag() """ if not (self.cur_repodir and self.cur_tagdir): return False if not os.path.exists(self.cur_repodir): return False if not os.path.exists(self.cur_tagdir): return False directory = self.cur_tagdir if (os.path.exists(directory + "/v1") and version != "v1" or os.path.exists(directory + "/v2") and version != "v2"): if len(os.listdir(directory)) == 1: try: FileUtil(directory + "/v1").remove() FileUtil(directory + "/v2").remove() except (IOError, OSError): pass if os.listdir(directory): return False try: # Create version file open(directory + "/" + version, 'a').close() except (IOError, OSError): return False return True def get_image_attributes(self): """Load attributes from image TAGs that have been previously selected via cd_imagerepo(). Supports images of type v1 and v2. Returns: (container JSON, list of layer files). """ files = [] directory = self.cur_tagdir if os.path.exists(directory + "/v1"): # if dockerhub API v1 layer_list = self.load_json("ancestry") if layer_list: for layer_id in reversed(layer_list): layer_file = directory + "/" + layer_id + ".layer" if not os.path.exists(layer_file): return(None, None) files.append(layer_file) json_file = directory + "/" + layer_list[0] + ".json" if os.path.exists(json_file): container_json = self.load_json(json_file) return(container_json, files) elif os.path.exists(directory + "/v2"): # if dockerhub API v1 manifest = self.load_json("manifest") if manifest: for layer in reversed(manifest["fsLayers"]): layer_file = directory + "/" + layer["blobSum"] if not os.path.exists(layer_file): return(None, None) files.append(layer_file) json_string = manifest["history"][0]["v1Compatibility"].strip() try: container_json = json.loads(json_string) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): return(None, None) return(container_json, files) return(None, None) def save_json(self, filename, data): """Save container json to a file in the image TAG directory that has been previously selected via cd_imagerepo() or if the file starts with "/" to that specific file. """ if filename.startswith("/"): out_filename = filename else: if not (self.cur_repodir and self.cur_tagdir): return False if not os.path.exists(self.cur_repodir): return False if not os.path.exists(self.cur_tagdir): return False out_filename = self.cur_tagdir + "/" + filename outfile = None try: outfile = open(out_filename, 'w') json.dump(data, outfile) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): if outfile: outfile.close() return False outfile.close() return True def load_json(self, filename): """Load container json from a file in the image TAG directory that has been previously selected via cd_imagerepo() or if the file starts with "/" from that specific file. """ if filename.startswith("/"): in_filename = filename else: if not (self.cur_repodir and self.cur_tagdir): return False if not os.path.exists(self.cur_repodir): return False if not os.path.exists(self.cur_tagdir): return False in_filename = self.cur_tagdir + "/" + filename json_obj = None infile = None try: infile = open(in_filename) json_obj = json.load(infile) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): pass if infile: infile.close() return json_obj def _load_structure(self, imagetagdir): """Scan the repository structure of a given image tag""" structure = {} structure["layers"] = dict() if FileUtil(imagetagdir).isdir(): for fname in os.listdir(imagetagdir): f_path = imagetagdir + "/" + fname if fname == "ancestry": structure["ancestry"] = self.load_json(f_path) elif fname == "manifest": structure["manifest"] = self.load_json(f_path) elif len(fname) >= 64: layer_id = fname.replace(".json", "").replace(".layer", "") if layer_id not in structure["layers"]: structure["layers"][layer_id] = dict() if fname.endswith("json"): structure["layers"][layer_id]["json"] = \ self.load_json(f_path) structure["layers"][layer_id]["json_f"] = f_path elif fname.endswith("layer"): structure["layers"][layer_id]["layer_f"] = f_path elif fname.startswith("sha"): structure["layers"][layer_id]["layer_f"] = f_path else: Msg().out("Warning: unkwnon file in layer:", f_path, l=Msg.WAR) elif fname in ("TAG", "v1", "v2", "PROTECT"): pass else: Msg().out("Warning: unkwnon file in image:", f_path, l=Msg.WAR) return structure def _find_top_layer_id(self, structure, my_layer_id=""): """Find the id of the top layer of a given image tag in a structure produced by _load_structure() """ if "layers" not in structure: return [] else: if not my_layer_id: my_layer_id = list(structure["layers"].keys())[0] found = "" for layer_id in structure["layers"]: if "json" not in structure["layers"][layer_id]: # v2 continue elif "parent" not in structure["layers"][layer_id]["json"]: continue elif (my_layer_id == structure["layers"][layer_id]["json"]["parent"]): found = self._find_top_layer_id(structure, layer_id) break if not found: return my_layer_id else: return found def _sorted_layers(self, structure, top_layer_id): """Return the image layers sorted""" sorted_layers = [] next_layer = top_layer_id while next_layer: sorted_layers.append(next_layer) if "json" not in structure["layers"][next_layer]: # v2 break if "parent" not in structure["layers"][next_layer]["json"]: break else: next_layer = structure["layers"][next_layer]["json"]["parent"] if not next_layer: break return sorted_layers def _verify_layer_file(self, structure, layer_id): """Verify layer file in repository""" layer_f = structure["layers"][layer_id]["layer_f"] if not (os.path.exists(layer_f) and os.path.islink(layer_f)): Msg().err("Error: layer data file symbolic link not found", layer_id) return False if not os.path.exists(self.cur_tagdir + "/" + os.readlink(layer_f)): Msg().err("Error: layer data file not found") return False if not FileUtil(layer_f).verify_tar(): Msg().err("Error: layer file not ok:", layer_f) return False match = re.search("/sha256:(\\S+)$", layer_f) if match: layer_f_chksum = ChkSUM().sha256(layer_f) if layer_f_chksum != match.group(1): Msg().err("Error: layer file chksum error:", layer_f) return False return True def verify_image(self): """Verify the structure of an image repository""" Msg().out("Info: loading structure", l=Msg.INF) structure = self._load_structure(self.cur_tagdir) if not structure: Msg().err("Error: load of image tag structure failed") return False Msg().out("Info: finding top layer id", l=Msg.INF) top_layer_id = self._find_top_layer_id(structure) if not top_layer_id: Msg().err("Error: finding top layer id") return False Msg().out("Info: sorting layers", l=Msg.INF) layers_list = self._sorted_layers(structure, top_layer_id) status = True if "ancestry" in structure: layer = iter(layers_list) for ancestry_layer in structure["ancestry"]: verify_layer = layer.next() if ancestry_layer != verify_layer: Msg().err("Error: ancestry and layers do not match", ancestry_layer, verify_layer) status = False continue elif "manifest" in structure: for manifest_layer in structure["manifest"]["fsLayers"]: if manifest_layer["blobSum"] not in structure["layers"]: Msg().err("Error: layer in manifest does not exist", " in repo", manifest_layer) status = False continue for layer_id in structure["layers"]: if "layer_f" not in structure["layers"][layer_id]: Msg().err("Error: layer file not found in structure", layer_id) status = False continue layer_status = self._verify_layer_file(structure, layer_id) if not layer_status: status = False continue Msg().out("Info: layer ok:", layer_id, l=Msg.INF) return status class CurlHeader(object): """An http header parser to be used with PyCurl Allows to retrieve the header fields and the status. Allows to obtain just the header by stopping the download (returning -1) e.g to get the content length this is useful if the RESTful interface or web server does not implement HEAD. """ def __init__(self): self.sizeonly = False self.data = dict() self.data["X-ND-HTTPSTATUS"] = "" self.data["X-ND-CURLSTATUS"] = "" def write(self, buff): """Write is called by Curl()""" pair = decode(buff).split(":", 1) if len(pair) == 2: key = pair[0].strip().lower() if key: self.data[key] = pair[1].strip() elif pair[0].startswith("HTTP/"): self.data["X-ND-HTTPSTATUS"] = decode(buff).strip() elif (self.sizeonly and pair[0].strip() == "" and "location" not in self.data): return -1 def setvalue_from_file(self, in_filename): """Load header content from file instead of from Curl() Alternative to write() to be used with the curl executable version. """ try: infile = open(in_filename) except (IOError, OSError): return False for line in infile: self.write(line) infile.close() return True def getvalue(self): """Return the curl data buffer""" return str(self.data) def __str__(self): """Return a string representation""" return str(self.data) class GetURL(object): """File downloader using PyCurl or a curl cli executable""" def __init__(self): """Load configuration common to the implementations""" self.timeout = Config.timeout self.ctimeout = Config.ctimeout self.download_timeout = Config.download_timeout self.agent = Config.http_agent self.http_proxy = Config.http_proxy self.cache_support = False self.insecure = Config.http_insecure self._select_implementation() # pylint: disable=redefined-variable-type # pylint: disable=locally-disabled def _select_implementation(self): """Select which implementation to use""" if GetURLexeCurl().is_available(): self._geturl = GetURLexeCurl() else: Msg().err("Error: need curl or pycurl to perform downloads") raise NameError('need curl or pycurl') def get_content_length(self, hdr): """Get content length from the http header""" try: return int(hdr.data["content-length"]) except (ValueError, TypeError): return -1 def set_insecure(self, bool_value=True): """Use insecure downloads no SSL verification""" self.insecure = bool_value def set_proxy(self, http_proxy): """Specify a socks http proxy""" self.http_proxy = http_proxy def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get URL using selected implementation Example: get(url, ctimeout=5, timeout=5, header=[]): """ if len(args) != 1: raise TypeError('wrong number of arguments') return self._geturl.get(*args, **kwargs) def post(self, *args, **kwargs): """POST using selected implementation""" if len(args) != 2: raise TypeError('wrong number of arguments') kwargs["post"] = args[1] return self._geturl.get(args[0], **kwargs) class GetURLexeCurl(GetURL): """Downloader implementation using curl cli executable""" def __init__(self): GetURL.__init__(self) self._opts = None self._files = None def is_available(self): """Can we use this approach for download""" return bool(FileUtil("curl").find_exec()) def _select_implementation(self): """Override the parent class method""" pass def _set_defaults(self): """Set defaults for curl command line options""" self._opts = { "insecure": "", "header": "", "verbose": "", "nobody": "", "proxy": "", "resume": "", "ctimeout": "--connect-timeout " + str(self.ctimeout), "timeout": "-m " + str(self.timeout), # Manually manage the redirection to solve #110 issue # "other": "--max-redirs 10 -s -q -S -L " "other": "-s -q -S" } if self.insecure: self._opts["insecure"] = "-k" if Msg().level > Msg.DBG: self._opts["verbose"] = "-v" self._files = { "url": "", "error_file": FileUtil("execurl_err").mktmp(), "output_file": FileUtil("execurl_out").mktmp(), "header_file": FileUtil("execurl_hdr").mktmp() } def _mkcurlcmd(self, *args, **kwargs): """Prepare curl command line according to invocation options""" self._files["url"] = str(args[0]) if "post" in kwargs: self._opts["post"] = "-X POST -H Content-Type: application/json' " self._opts["post"] += "-d '%s'" % (json.dumps(kwargs["post"])) if "ctimeout" in kwargs: self._opts["ctimeout"] = "--connect-timeout %s" \ % (str(kwargs["ctimeout"])) if "timeout" in kwargs: self._opts["timeout"] = "-m %s" % (str(kwargs["timeout"])) if "proxy" in kwargs and kwargs["proxy"]: self._opts["proxy"] = "--proxy '%s'" % (str(kwargs["proxy"])) elif self.http_proxy: self._opts["proxy"] = "--proxy '%s'" % (self.http_proxy) if "header" in kwargs: for header_item in kwargs["header"]: # in case of Signature in the url do not add the Authorization header if not str(header_item).startswith("Authorization: Bearer") or "Signature=" not in self._files["url"]: self._opts["header"] += "-H '%s'" % (str(header_item)) if "v" in kwargs and kwargs["v"]: self._opts["verbose"] = "-v" if "nobody" in kwargs and kwargs["nobody"]: self._opts["nobody"] = "--head" if "ofile" in kwargs: FileUtil(self._files["output_file"]).remove() self._files["output_file"] = kwargs["ofile"] + ".tmp" self._opts["timeout"] = "-m %s" % (str(self.download_timeout)) if "resume" in kwargs and kwargs["resume"]: self._opts["resume"] = "-C -" return("curl " + " ".join(self._opts.values()) + " -D %s -o %s --stderr %s '%s'" % (self._files["header_file"], self._files["output_file"], self._files["error_file"], self._files["url"])) def _get_status_code(self, status_line): """ get http status code from http status line. Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF """ parts = status_line.split(" ") return int(parts[1]) def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """http get implementation using the curl cli executable""" # Manually manage the redirection to solve #110 issue cont_redirs = 0 max_redirs = 10 status_code = 302 while status_code >= 300 and status_code <=308 and cont_redirs < max_redirs: cont_redirs += 1 hdr = CurlHeader() buf = StringIO() self._set_defaults() cmd = self._mkcurlcmd(*args, **kwargs) status = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, close_fds=True) hdr.setvalue_from_file(self._files["header_file"]) hdr.data["X-ND-CURLSTATUS"] = status if status: Msg().err("Error: in download: %s" % str(FileUtil(self._files["error_file"]).getdata())) return(hdr, buf) status_code = self._get_status_code(hdr.data["X-ND-HTTPSTATUS"]) if status_code >= 300 and status_code <= 308: args = (hdr.data['location'],) if "header" in kwargs: hdr.data["X-ND-HEADERS"] = kwargs["header"] if "ofile" in kwargs: if status_code == 401: # needs authentication pass elif status_code == 206 and "resume" in kwargs: os.rename(self._files["output_file"], kwargs["ofile"]) elif status_code == 416: if "resume" in kwargs: kwargs["resume"] = False (hdr, buf) = self.get(self._files["url"], **kwargs) elif status_code != 200: Msg().err("Error: in download: ", str( hdr.data["X-ND-HTTPSTATUS"]), ": ", str(status)) FileUtil(self._files["output_file"]).remove() else: # OK downloaded os.rename(self._files["output_file"], kwargs["ofile"]) else: try: buf = StringIO(encode(open(self._files["output_file"],"r").read())) except(IOError, OSError): Msg().err("Error: reading curl output file to buffer") FileUtil(self._files["output_file"]).remove() FileUtil(self._files["error_file"]).remove() FileUtil(self._files["header_file"]).remove() return(hdr, buf) class DockerIoAPI(object): """Class to encapsulate the access to the Docker Hub service Allows to search and download images from Docker Hub """ def __init__(self, localrepo): self.index_url = Config.dockerio_index_url self.registry_url = Config.dockerio_registry_url self.v1_auth_header = "" self.v2_auth_header = "" self.v2_auth_token = "" self.localrepo = localrepo self.curl = GetURL() self.docker_registry_domain = "docker.io" self.search_link = "" self.search_pause = True self.search_page = 0 self.search_lines = 25 self.search_link = "" self.search_ended = False def set_proxy(self, http_proxy): """Select a socks http proxy for API access and file download""" self.curl.set_proxy(http_proxy) def set_registry(self, registry_url): """Change docker registry url""" self.registry_url = registry_url def set_index(self, index_url): """Change docker index url""" self.index_url = index_url def is_repo_name(self, imagerepo): """Check if name matches authorized characters for a docker repo""" if imagerepo and re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-_./:]+$", imagerepo): return True Msg().err("Error: invalid repo name syntax") return False def _is_docker_registry(self): """Check if registry is dockerhub""" regexp = r"%s(\:\d+)?(\/)?$" % (self.docker_registry_domain) return re.search(regexp, self.registry_url) def _get_url(self, *args, **kwargs): """Encapsulates the call to GetURL.get() so that authentication for v1 and v2 repositories can be treated differently. Example: _get_url(url, ctimeout=5, timeout=5, header=[]): """ url = str(args[0]) if "RETRY" not in kwargs: kwargs["RETRY"] = 3 kwargs["RETRY"] -= 1 (hdr, buf) = self.curl.get(*args, **kwargs) Msg().out("header: %s" % (hdr.data), l=Msg.DBG) if ("X-ND-HTTPSTATUS" in hdr.data and "401" in hdr.data["X-ND-HTTPSTATUS"]): if "www-authenticate" in hdr.data and hdr.data["www-authenticate"]: if "RETRY" in kwargs and kwargs["RETRY"]: auth_header = "" if "/v2/" in url: auth_header = self._get_v2_auth( hdr.data["www-authenticate"], kwargs["RETRY"]) elif "/v1/" in url: auth_header = self._get_v1_auth( hdr.data["www-authenticate"]) auth_kwargs = kwargs.copy() auth_kwargs.update({"header": [auth_header]}) (hdr, buf) = self._get_url(*args, **auth_kwargs) else: hdr.data["X-ND-CURLSTATUS"] = 13 # Permission denied return(hdr, buf) def _get_file(self, url, filename, cache_mode): """Get a file and check its size. Optionally enable other capabilities such as caching to check if the file already exists locally and whether its size is the same to avoid downloaded it again. """ match = re.search("/sha256:(\\S+)$", filename) if match: layer_f_chksum = ChkSUM().sha256(filename) if layer_f_chksum == match.group(1): return True # is cached skip download else: cache_mode = 0 if self.curl.cache_support and cache_mode: if cache_mode == 1: (hdr, dummy) = self._get_url(url, nobody=1) elif cache_mode == 3: (hdr, dummy) = self._get_url(url, sizeonly=True) remote_size = self.curl.get_content_length(hdr) if remote_size == FileUtil(filename).size(): return True # is cached skip download else: remote_size = -1 resume = False if filename.endswith("layer"): resume = True (hdr, dummy) = self._get_url(url, ofile=filename, resume=resume) if remote_size == -1: remote_size = self.curl.get_content_length(hdr) if (remote_size != FileUtil(filename).size() and hdr.data["X-ND-CURLSTATUS"]): Msg().err("Error: file size mismatch:", filename, remote_size, FileUtil(filename).size()) return False return True def _split_fields(self, buf): """Split fields, used in the web authentication""" all_fields = dict() for field in buf.split(","): pair = field.split("=", 1) if len(pair) == 2: all_fields[pair[0]] = pair[1].strip('"') return all_fields def get_v1_repo(self, imagerepo): """Get list of images in a repo from Docker Hub""" url = self.index_url + "/v1/repositories/" + imagerepo + "/images" Msg().out("repo url:", url, l=Msg.DBG) (hdr, buf) = self._get_url(url, header=["X-Docker-Token: true"]) try: self.v1_auth_header = "Authorization: Token " + \ hdr.data["x-docker-token"] return hdr.data, json.loads(decode(buf.getvalue())) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError, KeyError): self.v1_auth_header = "" return hdr.data, [] def _get_v1_auth(self, www_authenticate): """Authentication for v1 API""" if "Token" in www_authenticate: return self.v1_auth_header else: return "" def get_v1_image_tags(self, endpoint, imagerepo): """Get list of tags in a repo from Docker Hub""" url = endpoint + "/v1/repositories/" + imagerepo + "/tags" Msg().out("tags url:", url, l=Msg.DBG) (hdr, buf) = self._get_url(url) try: return(hdr.data, json.loads(decode(buf.getvalue()))) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): return(hdr.data, []) def get_v1_image_tag(self, endpoint, imagerepo, tag): """Get list of tags in a repo from Docker Hub""" url = endpoint + "/v1/repositories/" + imagerepo + "/tags/" + tag Msg().out("tags url:", url, l=Msg.DBG) (hdr, buf) = self._get_url(url) try: return(hdr.data, json.loads(decode(buf.getvalue()))) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): return(hdr.data, []) def get_v1_image_ancestry(self, endpoint, image_id): """Get the ancestry which is an ordered list of layers""" url = endpoint + "/v1/images/" + image_id + "/ancestry" Msg().out("ancestry url:", url, l=Msg.DBG) (hdr, buf) = self._get_url(url) try: return(hdr.data, json.loads(decode(buf.getvalue()))) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): return(hdr.data, []) def get_v1_image_json(self, endpoint, layer_id): """Get the JSON metadata for a specific layer""" url = endpoint + "/v1/images/" + layer_id + "/json" Msg().out("json url:", url, l=Msg.DBG) filename = self.localrepo.layersdir + "/" + layer_id + ".json" if self._get_file(url, filename, 0): self.localrepo.add_image_layer(filename) return True return False def get_v1_image_layer(self, endpoint, layer_id): """Get a specific layer data file (layer files are tarballs)""" url = endpoint + "/v1/images/" + layer_id + "/layer" Msg().out("layer url:", url, l=Msg.DBG) filename = self.localrepo.layersdir + "/" + layer_id + ".layer" if self._get_file(url, filename, 3): self.localrepo.add_image_layer(filename) return True return False def get_v1_layers_all(self, endpoint, layer_list): """Using a layer list download data and metadata files""" files = [] if layer_list: for layer_id in reversed(layer_list): Msg().out("Downloading layer:", layer_id, l=Msg.INF) filesize = self.get_v1_image_json(endpoint, layer_id) if not filesize: return [] files.append(layer_id + ".json") filesize = self.get_v1_image_layer(endpoint, layer_id) if not filesize: return [] files.append(layer_id + ".layer") return files def _get_v2_auth(self, www_authenticate, retry): """Authentication for v2 API""" auth_header = "" (bearer, auth_data) = www_authenticate.rsplit(" ", 1) if bearer == "Bearer": auth_fields = self._split_fields(auth_data) if "realm" in auth_fields: auth_url = auth_fields["realm"] + "?" for field in auth_fields: if field != "realm": auth_url += field + "=" + auth_fields[field] + "&" header = [] if self.v2_auth_token: header = ["Authorization: Basic %s" % (self.v2_auth_token)] (dummy, auth_buf) = self._get_url(auth_url, header=header, RETRY=retry) token_buf = decode(auth_buf.getvalue()) if token_buf and "token" in token_buf: try: auth_token = json.loads(token_buf) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): return auth_header auth_header = "Authorization: Bearer " + \ auth_token["token"] self.v2_auth_header = auth_header return auth_header def get_v2_login_token(self, username, password): """Get a login token from username and password""" if not (username and password): return "" try: self.v2_auth_token = \ base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % (username, password)) except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError, NameError): self.v2_auth_token = "" return self.v2_auth_token def set_v2_login_token(self, v2_auth_token): """Load previously created login token""" self.v2_auth_token = v2_auth_token def is_v2(self): """Check if registry is of type v2""" (hdr, dummy) = self._get_url(self.registry_url + "/v2/") try: if ("200" in hdr.data["X-ND-HTTPSTATUS"] or "401" in hdr.data["X-ND-HTTPSTATUS"]): return True except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError): pass return False def get_v2_image_manifest(self, imagerepo, tag): """Get the image manifest which contains JSON metadata that is common to all layers in this image tag """ if self._is_docker_registry() and "/" not in imagerepo: url = self.registry_url + "/v2/library/" + \ imagerepo + "/manifests/" + tag else: url = self.registry_url + "/v2/" + imagerepo + \ "/manifests/" + tag Msg().out("manifest url:", url, l=Msg.DBG) (hdr, buf) = self._get_url(url) try: return(hdr.data, json.loads(decode(buf.getvalue()))) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): return(hdr.data, []) def get_v2_image_layer(self, imagerepo, layer_id): """Get one image layer data file (tarball)""" if self._is_docker_registry() and "/" not in imagerepo: url = self.registry_url + "/v2/library/" + \ imagerepo + "/blobs/" + layer_id else: url = self.registry_url + "/v2/" + imagerepo + \ "/blobs/" + layer_id Msg().out("layer url:", url, l=Msg.DBG) filename = self.localrepo.layersdir + "/" + layer_id if self._get_file(url, filename, 3): self.localrepo.add_image_layer(filename) return True return False def get_v2_layers_all(self, imagerepo, fslayers): """Get all layer data files belonging to a image tag""" files = [] if fslayers: for layer in reversed(fslayers): Msg().out("Downloading layer:", layer["blobSum"], l=Msg.INF) if not self.get_v2_image_layer(imagerepo, layer["blobSum"]): return [] files.append(layer["blobSum"]) return files def get_v2(self, imagerepo, tag): """Pull container with v2 API""" files = [] (dummy, manifest) = self.get_v2_image_manifest(imagerepo, tag) try: if not (self.localrepo.setup_tag(tag) and self.localrepo.set_version("v2")): Msg().err("Error: setting localrepo v2 tag and version") return [] self.localrepo.save_json("manifest", manifest) Msg().out("v2 layers: %s" % (imagerepo), l=Msg.DBG) files = self.get_v2_layers_all(imagerepo, manifest["fsLayers"]) except (KeyError, AttributeError, IndexError, ValueError, TypeError): pass return files def _get_v1_id_from_tags(self, tags_obj, tag): """Get image id from array of tags""" if isinstance(tags_obj, dict): try: return tags_obj[tag] except KeyError: pass elif isinstance(tags_obj, []): try: for tag_dict in tags_obj: if tag_dict["name"] == tag: return tag_dict["layer"] except KeyError: pass return "" def _get_v1_id_from_images(self, images_array, short_id): """Get long image id from array of images using the short id""" try: for image_dict in images_array: if image_dict["id"][0:8] == short_id: return image_dict["id"] except KeyError: pass return "" def get_v1(self, imagerepo, tag): """Pull container with v1 API""" Msg().out("v1 image id: %s" % (imagerepo), l=Msg.DBG) (hdr, images_array) = self.get_v1_repo(imagerepo) if not images_array: Msg().err("Error: image not found") return [] try: endpoint = "http://" + hdr["x-docker-endpoints"] except KeyError: endpoint = self.index_url (dummy, tags_array) = self.get_v1_image_tags(endpoint, imagerepo) image_id = self._get_v1_id_from_tags(tags_array, tag) if not image_id: Msg().err("Error: image tag not found") return [] if len(image_id) <= 8: image_id = self._get_v1_id_from_images(images_array, image_id) if not image_id: Msg().err("Error: image id not found") return [] if not (self.localrepo.setup_tag(tag) and self.localrepo.set_version("v1")): Msg().err("Error: setting localrepo v1 tag and version") return [] Msg().out("v1 ancestry: %s" % image_id, l=Msg.DBG) (dummy, ancestry) = self.get_v1_image_ancestry(endpoint, image_id) if not ancestry: Msg().err("Error: ancestry not found") return [] self.localrepo.save_json("ancestry", ancestry) Msg().out("v1 layers: %s" % image_id, l=Msg.DBG) files = self.get_v1_layers_all(endpoint, ancestry) return files def _parse_imagerepo(self, imagerepo): """Parse imagerepo to extract registry""" remoterepo = imagerepo registry = "" registry_url = "" index_url = "" components = imagerepo.split("/") if '.' in components[0] and len(components) >= 2: registry = components[0] if components[1] == "library": remoterepo = "/".join(components[2:]) del components[1] imagerepo = "/".join(components) else: remoterepo = "/".join(components[1:]) else: if components[0] == "library" and len(components) >= 1: del components[0] remoterepo = "/".join(components) imagerepo = "/".join(components) if registry: try: registry_url = Config.docker_registries[registry][0] index_url = Config.docker_registries[registry][1] except (KeyError, NameError, TypeError): registry_url = "https://%s" % registry index_url = registry_url if registry_url: self.registry_url = registry_url if index_url: self.index_url = index_url return (imagerepo, remoterepo) def get(self, imagerepo, tag): """Pull a docker image from a v2 registry or v1 index""" Msg().out("get imagerepo: %s tag: %s" % (imagerepo, tag), l=Msg.DBG) (imagerepo, remoterepo) = self._parse_imagerepo(imagerepo) if self.localrepo.cd_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag): new_repo = False else: self.localrepo.setup_imagerepo(imagerepo) new_repo = True if self.is_v2(): files = self.get_v2(remoterepo, tag) # try v2 else: files = self.get_v1(remoterepo, tag) # try v1 if new_repo and not files: self.localrepo.del_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag, False) return files def search_init(self, pause): """Setup new search""" self.search_pause = pause self.search_page = 0 self.search_link = "" self.search_ended = False def search_get_page_v1(self, expression): """Get search results from Docker Hub using v1 API""" if expression: url = self.index_url + "/v1/search?q=" + expression else: url = self.index_url + "/v1/search?" url += "&page=" + str(self.search_page) (dummy, buf) = self._get_url(url) try: repo_list = json.loads(decode(buf.getvalue())) if repo_list["page"] == repo_list["num_pages"]: self.search_ended = True return [] else: return repo_list except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): self.search_ended = True return [] def catalog_get_page_v2(self, lines): """Get search results from Docker Hub using v2 API""" url = self.registry_url + "/v2/_catalog" if self.search_pause: if self.search_page == 1: url += "?n=" + str(lines) else: url = self.registry_url + self.search_link (hdr, buf) = self._get_url(url) try: match = re.search(r"\<([^>]+)\>", hdr.data["link"]) if match: self.search_link = match.group(1) except (AttributeError, NameError, KeyError): self.search_ended = True try: return json.loads(decode(buf.getvalue())) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): self.search_ended = True return [] def search_get_page(self, expression): """Get search results from Docker Hub""" if self.search_ended: return [] else: self.search_page += 1 if self.is_v2() and not self._is_docker_registry(): return self.catalog_get_page_v2(self.search_lines) else: return self.search_get_page_v1(expression) class DockerLocalFileAPI(object): """Manipulate container and/or image files produced by Docker""" def __init__(self, localrepo): self.localrepo = localrepo def _load_structure(self, tmp_imagedir): """Load the structure of a Docker pulled image""" structure = {} structure["layers"] = dict() if FileUtil(tmp_imagedir).isdir(): for fname in os.listdir(tmp_imagedir): f_path = tmp_imagedir + "/" + fname if fname == "repositories": structure["repositories"] = ( self.localrepo.load_json(f_path)) elif fname == "manifest.json": pass elif len(fname) == 69 and fname.endswith(".json"): pass elif len(fname) == 64 and FileUtil(f_path).isdir(): layer_id = fname structure["layers"][layer_id] = dict() for layer_f in os.listdir(f_path): layer_f_path = f_path + "/" + layer_f if layer_f == "VERSION": structure["layers"][layer_id]["VERSION"] = \ self.localrepo.load_json(layer_f_path) elif layer_f == "json": structure["layers"][layer_id]["json"] = \ self.localrepo.load_json(layer_f_path) structure["layers"][layer_id]["json_f"] = ( layer_f_path) elif "layer" in layer_f: structure["layers"][layer_id]["layer_f"] = ( layer_f_path) else: Msg().out("Warning: unkwnon file in layer:", f_path, l=Msg.WAR) else: Msg().out("Warning: unkwnon file in image:", f_path, l=Msg.WAR) return structure def _find_top_layer_id(self, structure, my_layer_id=""): """Find the top layer within a Docker image""" if "layers" not in structure: return [] else: if not my_layer_id: my_layer_id = structure["layers"].keys()[0] found = "" for layer_id in structure["layers"]: if "parent" not in structure["layers"][layer_id]["json"]: continue elif (my_layer_id == structure["layers"][layer_id]["json"]["parent"]): found = self._find_top_layer_id(structure, layer_id) break if not found: return my_layer_id else: return found def _sorted_layers(self, structure, top_layer_id): """Return the layers sorted""" sorted_layers = [] next_layer = top_layer_id while next_layer: sorted_layers.append(next_layer) if "parent" not in structure["layers"][next_layer]["json"]: break else: next_layer = structure["layers"][next_layer]["json"]["parent"] if not next_layer: break return sorted_layers def _copy_layer_to_repo(self, filepath, layer_id): """Move an image layer file to a repository (mv or cp)""" if filepath.endswith("json"): target_file = self.localrepo.layersdir + "/" + layer_id + ".json" elif filepath.endswith("layer.tar"): target_file = self.localrepo.layersdir + "/" + layer_id + ".layer" else: return False try: os.rename(filepath, target_file) except(IOError, OSError): if not FileUtil(filepath).copyto(target_file): return False self.localrepo.add_image_layer(target_file) return True def _load_image(self, structure, imagerepo, tag): """Load a container image into a repository mimic docker load""" if self.localrepo.cd_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag): Msg().err("Error: repository and tag already exist", imagerepo, tag) return [] else: self.localrepo.setup_imagerepo(imagerepo) tag_dir = self.localrepo.setup_tag(tag) if not tag_dir: Msg().err("Error: setting up repository", imagerepo, tag) return [] if not self.localrepo.set_version("v1"): Msg().err("Error: setting repository version") return [] try: top_layer_id = structure["repositories"][imagerepo][tag] except (IndexError, NameError, KeyError): top_layer_id = self._find_top_layer_id(structure) for layer_id in self._sorted_layers(structure, top_layer_id): if str(structure["layers"][layer_id]["VERSION"]) != "1.0": Msg().err("Error: layer version unknown") return [] for layer_item in ("json_f", "layer_f"): filename = str(structure["layers"][layer_id][layer_item]) if not self._copy_layer_to_repo(filename, layer_id): Msg().err("Error: copying %s file %s" % (layer_item[:-2], filename)) return [] self.localrepo.save_json("ancestry", self._sorted_layers(structure, top_layer_id)) return [imagerepo + ":" + tag] def _load_repositories(self, structure): """Load other image repositories into this local repo""" if "repositories" not in structure: return False loaded_repositories = [] for imagerepo in structure["repositories"]: for tag in structure["repositories"][imagerepo]: if imagerepo and tag: if self._load_image(structure, imagerepo, tag): loaded_repositories.append(imagerepo + ":" + tag) return loaded_repositories def _untar_saved_container(self, tarfile, destdir): """Untar container created with docker save""" cmd = "umask 022 ; tar -C " + \ destdir + " -x --delay-directory-restore " if Msg.level >= Msg.VER: cmd += " -v " cmd += " --one-file-system --no-same-owner " cmd += " --no-same-permissions --overwrite -f " + tarfile status = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, stderr=Msg.chlderr, close_fds=True) return not status def load(self, imagefile): """Load a Docker file created with docker save, mimic Docker load. The file is a tarball containing several layers, each layer has metadata and data content (directory tree) stored as a tar file. """ if not os.path.exists(imagefile): Msg().err("Error: image file does not exist: ", imagefile) return False tmp_imagedir = FileUtil("import").mktmp() try: os.makedirs(tmp_imagedir) except (IOError, OSError): return False if not self._untar_saved_container(imagefile, tmp_imagedir): Msg().err("Error: failed to extract container:", imagefile) FileUtil(tmp_imagedir).remove() return False structure = self._load_structure(tmp_imagedir) if not structure: Msg().err("Error: failed to load image structure", imagefile) FileUtil(tmp_imagedir).remove() return False else: if "repositories" in structure and structure["repositories"]: repositories = self._load_repositories(structure) else: imagerepo = Unique().imagename() tag = "latest" repositories = self._load_image(structure, imagerepo, tag) FileUtil(tmp_imagedir).remove() return repositories def create_container_meta(self, layer_id, comment="created by udocker"): """Create metadata for a given container layer, used in import. A file for import is a tarball of a directory tree, does not contain metadata. This method creates minimal metadata. """ container_json = dict() container_json["id"] = layer_id container_json["comment"] = comment container_json["created"] = \ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000000000Z") container_json["architecture"] = Config().arch() container_json["os"] = Config().osversion() layer_file = self.localrepo.layersdir + "/" + layer_id + ".layer" container_json["size"] = FileUtil(layer_file).size() if container_json["size"] == -1: container_json["size"] = 0 container_json["container_config"] = { "Hostname": "", "Domainname": "", "User": "", "Memory": 0, "MemorySwap": 0, "CpusShares": 0, "Cpuset": "", "AttachStdin": False, "AttachStdout": False, "AttachStderr": False, "PortSpecs": None, "ExposedPorts": None, "Tty": False, "OpenStdin": False, "StdinOnce": False, "Env": None, "Cmd": None, "Image": "", "Volumes": None, "WorkingDir": "", "Entrypoint": None, "NetworkDisable": False, "MacAddress": "", "OnBuild": None, "Labels": None } container_json["config"] = { "Hostname": "", "Domainname": "", "User": "", "Memory": 0, "MemorySwap": 0, "CpusShares": 0, "Cpuset": "", "AttachStdin": False, "AttachStdout": False, "AttachStderr": False, "PortSpecs": None, "ExposedPorts": None, "Tty": False, "OpenStdin": False, "StdinOnce": False, "Env": None, "Cmd": None, "Image": "", "Volumes": None, "WorkingDir": "", "Entrypoint": None, "NetworkDisable": False, "MacAddress": "", "OnBuild": None, "Labels": None } return container_json def import_(self, tarfile, imagerepo, tag, move_tarball=True): """Import a tar file containing a simple directory tree possibly created with Docker export""" if not os.path.exists(tarfile): Msg().err("Error: tar file does not exist: ", tarfile) return False self.localrepo.setup_imagerepo(imagerepo) tag_dir = self.localrepo.cd_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag) if tag_dir: Msg().err("Error: tag already exists in repo: ", tag) return False tag_dir = self.localrepo.setup_tag(tag) if not tag_dir: Msg().err("Error: creating repo and tag") return False if not self.localrepo.set_version("v1"): Msg().err("Error: setting repository version") return False layer_id = Unique().layer_v1() layer_file = self.localrepo.layersdir + "/" + layer_id + ".layer" json_file = self.localrepo.layersdir + "/" + layer_id + ".json" if move_tarball: try: os.rename(tarfile, layer_file) except(IOError, OSError): pass if not os.path.exists(layer_file): if not FileUtil(tarfile).copyto(layer_file): Msg().err("Error: in move/copy file", tarfile) return False self.localrepo.add_image_layer(layer_file) self.localrepo.save_json("ancestry", [layer_id]) container_json = self.create_container_meta(layer_id) self.localrepo.save_json(json_file, container_json) self.localrepo.add_image_layer(json_file) Msg().out("Info: added layer", layer_id, l=Msg.INF) return layer_id class Udocker(object): """Implements most of the command line interface. These methods correspond directly to the commands that can be invoked via the command line interface. """ def __init__(self, localrepo): self.localrepo = localrepo self.dockerioapi = DockerIoAPI(localrepo) self.dockerlocalfileapi = DockerLocalFileAPI(localrepo) if Config.keystore.startswith("/"): self.keystore = KeyStore(Config.keystore) else: self.keystore = \ KeyStore(self.localrepo.homedir + "/" + Config.keystore) def _cdrepo(self, cmdp): """Select the top directory of a local repository""" topdir = cmdp.get("P1") if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False if not FileUtil(topdir).isdir(): Msg().out("Warning: localrepo directory is invalid: ", topdir, l=Msg.WAR) return False self.localrepo.setup(topdir) return True def _check_imagespec(self, imagespec): """Perform the image verification""" try: (imagerepo, tag) = imagespec.rsplit(":", 1) except (ValueError, AttributeError): imagerepo = imagespec tag = "latest" if not (imagerepo and tag and self.dockerioapi.is_repo_name(imagespec)): Msg().err("Error: must specify image:tag or repository/image:tag") return(None, None) return imagerepo, tag def do_mkrepo(self, cmdp): """ mkrepo: create a local repository in a specified directory mkrepo """ topdir = cmdp.get("P1") if not topdir or not os.path.exists(topdir): self.localrepo.setup(topdir) if self.localrepo.create_repo(): return True else: Msg().err("Error: localrepo creation failure: ", topdir) return False else: Msg().err("Error: localrepo directory already exists: ", topdir) return False def _search_print_v1(self, repo_list): """Print search results from v1 API""" for repo in repo_list["results"]: if repo["is_official"]: is_official = "[OK]" else: is_official = "----" description = "" for char in repo["description"]: if char in string.printable: description += char Msg().out("%-40.40s %8.8s %s" % (repo["name"], is_official, description)) def _search_print_v2(self, repo_list): """Print catalog results from v2 API""" for reponame in repo_list["repositories"]: Msg().out("%-40.40s %8.8s" % (reponame, " ")) def do_search(self, cmdp): """ search: search dockerhub for container images search [options] -a :do not pause --index=https://index.docker.io/v1 :docker index --registry=https://registry-1.docker.io :docker registry """ pause = not cmdp.get("-a") index_url = cmdp.get("--index=") registry_url = cmdp.get("--registry=") expression = cmdp.get("P1") if index_url: self.dockerioapi.set_index(index_url) if registry_url: self.dockerioapi.set_registry(registry_url) if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False Msg().out("%-40.40s %8.8s %s" % ("NAME", "OFFICIAL", "DESCRIPTION"), l=Msg.INF) self.dockerioapi.search_init(pause) v2_auth_token = self.keystore.get(self.dockerioapi.registry_url) self.dockerioapi.set_v2_login_token(v2_auth_token) while True: repo_list = self.dockerioapi.search_get_page(expression) if not repo_list: return True elif "results" in repo_list: self._search_print_v1(repo_list) elif "repositories" in repo_list: self._search_print_v2(repo_list) if pause and not self.dockerioapi.search_ended: key_press = raw_input("[press return or q to quit]") if key_press in ("q", "Q", "e", "E"): return True def do_load(self, cmdp): """ load: load a container image saved by docker with 'docker save' load --input= load -i """ imagefile = cmdp.get("--input=") if not imagefile: imagefile = cmdp.get("-i=") if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False if not imagefile: Msg().err("Error: must specify filename of docker exported image") return False repos = self.dockerlocalfileapi.load(imagefile) if not repos: Msg().err("Error: loading failed") return False else: for repo_item in repos: Msg().out(repo_item) return True def do_import(self, cmdp): """ import : import image (directory tree) from tar file import --mv :if possible move tar-file instead of copy """ tarfile = cmdp.get("P1") move_tarball = cmdp.get("--mv") if not tarfile: Msg().err("Error: must specify tar filename") return False (imagerepo, tag) = self._check_imagespec(cmdp.get("P2")) if (not imagerepo) or cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False if self.dockerlocalfileapi.import_(tarfile, imagerepo, tag, move_tarball): return True else: Msg().err("Error: importing file") return False def do_login(self, cmdp): """ login: authenticate into docker repository e.g. dockerhub --username=username --password=password --registry=https://registry-1.docker.io """ username = cmdp.get("--username=") password = cmdp.get("--password=") registry_url = cmdp.get("--registry=") if registry_url: self.dockerioapi.set_registry(registry_url) if not username: username = raw_input("username: ") if not password: password = getpass("password: ") if password and password == password.upper(): Msg().out("Warning: password in uppercase", "Caps Lock ?", l=Msg.WAR) v2_auth_token = \ self.dockerioapi.get_v2_login_token(username, password) if self.keystore.put(self.dockerioapi.registry_url, v2_auth_token, ""): return True else: Msg().err("Error: invalid credentials") return False def do_logout(self, cmdp): """ logout: authenticate into docker repository e.g. dockerhub -a remove all authentication credentials --registry=https://registry-1.docker.io """ all_credentials = cmdp.get("-a") registry_url = cmdp.get("--registry=") if registry_url: self.dockerioapi.set_registry(registry_url) if all_credentials: status = self.keystore.erase() else: status = self.keystore.delete(self.dockerioapi.registry_url) if not status: Msg().err("Error: deleting credentials") return status def do_pull(self, cmdp): """ pull: download images from docker hub pull [options] --httpproxy=socks4://user:pass@host:port :use http proxy --httpproxy=socks5://user:pass@host:port :use http proxy --httpproxy=socks4://host:port :use http proxy --httpproxy=socks5://host:port :use http proxy --index=https://index.docker.io/v1 :docker index --registry=https://registry-1.docker.io :docker registry """ index_url = cmdp.get("--index=") registry_url = cmdp.get("--registry=") http_proxy = cmdp.get("--httpproxy=") (imagerepo, tag) = self._check_imagespec(cmdp.get("P1")) if (not imagerepo) or cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False else: if http_proxy: self.dockerioapi.set_proxy(http_proxy) if index_url: self.dockerioapi.set_index(index_url) if registry_url: self.dockerioapi.set_registry(registry_url) v2_auth_token = self.keystore.get(self.dockerioapi.registry_url) self.dockerioapi.set_v2_login_token(v2_auth_token) files = self.dockerioapi.get(imagerepo, tag) if files: Msg().out(files) return True else: Msg().err("Error: no files downloaded") return False def do_create(self, cmdp): """ create: extract image layers and create a container create [options] --name=xxxx :set or change the name of the container """ imagespec = cmdp.get("P1") name = cmdp.get("--name=") if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False container_id = self._create(imagespec) if container_id: Msg().out(container_id) if name and not self.localrepo.set_container_name(container_id, name): Msg().err("Error: invalid container name may already exist " "or wrong format") return False else: return True return False def _create(self, imagespec): """Auxiliary to create(), performs the creation""" if not self.dockerioapi.is_repo_name(imagespec): Msg().err("Error: must specify image:tag or repository/image:tag") return False (imagerepo, tag) = self._check_imagespec(imagespec) if imagerepo: return ContainerStructure(self.localrepo).create(imagerepo, tag) return False def _get_run_options(self, cmdp, exec_engine=None): """Read command line options into variables""" cmdp.declare_options("-v= -e= -w= -u= -i -t -a") cmd_options = { "novol": { "fl": ("--novol=",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": True }, "vol": { "fl": ("-v=", "--volume=",), "act": "E", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": True }, "env": { "fl": ("-e=", "--env=",), "act": "E", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": True }, "user": { "fl": ("-u=", "--user=",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "cwd": { "fl": ("-w=", "--workdir=",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "entryp": { "fl": ("--entrypoint=",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "cpuset": { "fl": ("--cpuset-cpus=",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "hostauth": { "fl": ("--hostauth",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "nosysdirs": { "fl": ("--nosysdirs",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "hostenv": { "fl": ("--hostenv",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "bindhome": { "fl": ("--bindhome",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "nometa": { "fl": ("--nometa",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "dri": { "fl": ("--dri",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "cmd": { "fl": ("P+",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "volfrom": { "fl": ("--volumes-from=",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "dns": { "fl": ("--dns=",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "dnssearch": { "fl": ("--dns-search=",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False }, "kernel": { "fl": ("--kernel=",), "act": "R", "p2": "CMD_OPT", "p3": False } } for option, cmdp_args in cmd_options.items(): last_value = None for cmdp_fl in cmdp_args["fl"]: option_value = cmdp.get(cmdp_fl, cmdp_args["p2"], cmdp_args["p3"]) if not exec_engine: continue if cmdp_args["act"] == "R": # action is replace if option_value or last_value is None: exec_engine.opt[option] = option_value elif cmdp_args["act"] == "E": # action is extend exec_engine.opt[option].extend(option_value) last_value = option_value def do_run(self, cmdp): """ run: execute a container run [options] --rm :delete container upon exit --workdir=/home/userXX :working directory set to /home/userXX --user=userXX :run as userXX --user=root :run as root --volume=/data:/mnt :run mounting host directory /data in /mnt --novol=/proc :remove /proc from list of volumes to mount --env="MYTAG=xxx" :set environment variable --hostauth :bind the host /etc/passwd /etc/group ... --nosysdirs :do not bind the host /proc /sys /run /dev --nometa :ignore container metadata --dri :bind directories relevant for dri graphics --hostenv :pass the host environment to the container --cpuset-cpus=<1,2,3-4> :pass the host environment to the container --name= :set or change the name of the container --bindhome :bind the home directory into the container --location= :use root tree outside the repository --kernel= :use this Linux kernel identifier --entrypoint= :overwrite the default entrypoint set by the image """ self._get_run_options(cmdp) container_or_image = cmdp.get("P1") Config.location = cmdp.get("--location=") delete = cmdp.get("--rm") name = cmdp.get("--name=") # if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False if Config.location: container_id = "" else: container_id = self.localrepo.get_container_id(container_or_image) if not container_id: (imagerepo, tag) = self._check_imagespec(container_or_image) if (imagerepo and self.localrepo.cd_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag)): container_id = self._create(imagerepo+":"+tag) if not container_id: self.do_pull(cmdp) self.localrepo.cd_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag) container_id = self._create(imagerepo+":"+tag) if not container_id: Msg().err("Error: image or container not available") return False if name and container_id: if not self.localrepo.set_container_name(container_id, name): Msg().err("Error: invalid container name format") return False exec_engine = ExecutionMode(self.localrepo, container_id).get_engine() if not exec_engine: Msg().err("Error: no execution engine for this execmode") return False self._get_run_options(cmdp, exec_engine) status = exec_engine.run(container_id) if delete and not self.localrepo.isprotected_container(container_id): self.localrepo.del_container(container_id) return status def do_images(self, cmdp): """ images: list container images images [options] -l :long format """ verbose = cmdp.get("-l") if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False images_list = self.localrepo.get_imagerepos() Msg().out("REPOSITORY", l=Msg.INF) for (imagerepo, tag) in images_list: prot = (".", "P")[ self.localrepo.isprotected_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag)] Msg().out("%-60.60s %c" % (imagerepo + ":" + tag, prot)) if verbose: imagerepo_dir = self.localrepo.cd_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag) Msg().out(" %s" % (imagerepo_dir)) layers_list = self.localrepo.get_layers(imagerepo, tag) if layers_list: for (layer_name, size) in layers_list: file_size = size / (1024 * 1024) if not file_size and size: file_size = 1 Msg().out(" %s (%d MB)" % (layer_name.replace(imagerepo_dir, ""), file_size)) return True def do_ps(self, cmdp): """ ps: list containers """ if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False containers_list = self.localrepo.get_containers_list(False) Msg().out("%-36.36s %c %c %-18s %-s" % ("CONTAINER ID", "P", "M", "NAMES", "IMAGE"), l=Msg.INF) for (container_id, reponame, names) in containers_list: prot = (".", "P")[ self.localrepo.isprotected_container(container_id)] write = ("R", "W", "N", "D")[ self.localrepo.iswriteable_container(container_id)] Msg().out("%-36.36s %c %c %-18s %-s" % (container_id, prot, write, names, reponame)) def do_rm(self, cmdp): """ rm: delete a container rm """ container_id_list = cmdp.get("P*") if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False if not container_id_list: Msg().err("Error: must specify image:tag or repository/image:tag") return False status = True for container_id in cmdp.get("P*"): container_id = self.localrepo.get_container_id(container_id) if not container_id: Msg().err("Error: invalid container id", container_id) status = False continue else: if self.localrepo.isprotected_container(container_id): Msg().err("Error: container is protected") status = False continue Msg().out("Info: deleting container:", str(container_id), l=Msg.INF) if not self.localrepo.del_container(container_id): Msg().err("Error: deleting container") status = False return status def do_rmi(self, cmdp): """ rmi: delete an image in the local repository rmi [options] -f :force removal """ force = cmdp.get("-f") imagespec = str(cmdp.get("P1")) (imagerepo, tag) = self._check_imagespec(imagespec) if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False if not imagerepo: return False else: if self.localrepo.isprotected_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag): Msg().err("Error: image repository is protected") return False Msg().out("Info: deleting image:", imagespec, l=Msg.INF) if not self.localrepo.del_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag, force): Msg().err("Error: deleting image") return False return True def do_protect(self, cmdp): """ protect: protect a container or image against deletion protect """ arg = cmdp.get("P1") if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False if self.localrepo.get_container_id(arg): if not self.localrepo.protect_container(arg): Msg().err("Error: protect container failed") return False else: return True else: (imagerepo, tag) = self._check_imagespec(arg) if imagerepo: if self.localrepo.protect_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag): return True Msg().err("Error: protect image failed") return False def do_unprotect(self, cmdp): """ unprotect: remove delete protection unprotect """ arg = cmdp.get("P1") if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False if self.localrepo.get_container_id(arg): if not self.localrepo.unprotect_container(arg): Msg().err("Error: unprotect container failed") return False else: return True else: (imagerepo, tag) = self._check_imagespec(arg) if imagerepo: if self.localrepo.unprotect_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag): return True Msg().err("Error: unprotect image failed") return False def do_name(self, cmdp): """ name: give a name alias to a container name """ container_id = cmdp.get("P1") name = cmdp.get("P2") if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False if not (self.localrepo.get_container_id(container_id) and name): Msg().err("Error: invalid container id or name") return False if not self.localrepo.set_container_name(container_id, name): Msg().err("Error: invalid container name") return False return True def do_rmname(self, cmdp): """ rmname: remove name from container rmname """ name = cmdp.get("P1") if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False if not name: Msg().err("Error: invalid container id or name") return False if not self.localrepo.del_container_name(name): Msg().err("Error: removing container name") return False return True def do_inspect(self, cmdp): """ inspect: print container metadata JSON from an imagerepo or container inspect -p :print container directory path on host """ container_or_image = cmdp.get("P1") container_id = self.localrepo.get_container_id(container_or_image) print_dir = cmdp.get("-p") if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False if container_id: (container_dir, container_json) = ContainerStructure( self.localrepo, container_id).get_container_attr() else: (imagerepo, tag) = self._check_imagespec(container_or_image) if self.localrepo.cd_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag): (container_json, dummy) = self.localrepo.get_image_attributes() else: return False if print_dir: if container_id and container_dir: Msg().out(str(container_dir) + "/ROOT") return True elif container_json: try: Msg().out(json.dumps(container_json, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): Msg().out(container_json) return True return False def do_verify(self, cmdp): """ verify: verify an image verify """ (imagerepo, tag) = self._check_imagespec(cmdp.get("P1")) if (not imagerepo) or cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False else: Msg().out("Info: verifying: %s:%s" % (imagerepo, tag), l=Msg.INF) if not self.localrepo.cd_imagerepo(imagerepo, tag): Msg().err("Error: selecting image and tag") return False elif self.localrepo.verify_image(): Msg().out("Info: image Ok", l=Msg.INF) return True else: Msg().err("Error: image verification failure") return False def do_setup(self, cmdp): """ setup: change container execution settings setup [options] --execmode= :select execution mode --execmode= :select execution mode --force :force setup execution engines and their execution modes: P1: proot accelerated mode using seccomp P2: proot accelerated mode disabled F1: fakeroot starting executables via direct loader invocation F2: similar to F1 with protected environment and modified ld.so F3: fakeroot patching elf headers in libraries and executables F4: similar to F3 with support for newly created executables via dynamic patching elf headers of libraries and executables R1: runc rootless """ container_id = cmdp.get("P1") xmode = cmdp.get("--execmode=") force = cmdp.get("--force") if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False if not self.localrepo.cd_container(container_id): Msg().err("Error: invalid container id") return False elif xmode and self.localrepo.isprotected_container(container_id): Msg().err("Error: container is protected") return False exec_mode = ExecutionMode(self.localrepo, container_id) if xmode: return exec_mode.set_mode(xmode.upper(), force) else: Msg().out("execmode: %s" % (exec_mode.get_mode())) return True def do_install(self, cmdp): """ install: install udocker and its tools install [options] --force :force reinstall --purge :remove files (be careful) """ if cmdp is not None: force = cmdp.get("--force") purge = cmdp.get("--purge") else: force = False purge = False utools = UdockerTools(self.localrepo) if purge: utools.purge() status = utools.install(force) if status is not None and not status: Msg().err("Error: install of udockertools failed") def do_version(self, cmdp): """Print the version number""" if cmdp.missing_options(): # syntax error return False try: Msg().out("%s %s" % ("udocker", __version__)) except NameError: pass def do_help(self, cmdp): """ Syntax: udocker [command_options] Commands: search :Search dockerhub for container images pull :Pull container image from dockerhub images :List container images create :Create container from a pulled image ps :List created containers rm :Delete container run :Execute container inspect :Low level information on container name :Give name to container rmname :Delete name from container rmi :Delete image rm :Delete container import :Import tar file (exported by docker) load -i :Load container image saved by docker inspect :Return low level information on image verify :Verify a pulled image protect :Protect repository unprotect :Unprotect repository protect :Protect container unprotect :Unprotect container mkrepo :Create repository in another location setup :Change container execution settings login :Login into docker repository logout :Logout from docker repository help :This help run --help :Command specific help Options common to all commands must appear before the command: -D :Debug --quiet :Less verbosity --repo= :Use repository at directory Examples: 1. udocker search fedora 2. udocker pull fedora 3. udocker create --name=fed fedora 4. udocker run fed cat /etc/redhat-release 5. udocker run --hostauth --hostenv --bindhome fed 6. udocker run --user=root fed yum install firefox 7. udocker run --hostauth --hostenv --bindhome fed firefox 8. udocker run --hostauth --hostenv --bindhome fed /bin/bash -i 9. udocker run --user=root fed yum install cheese 10. udocker run --hostauth --hostenv --bindhome --dri fed cheese 11. udocker --repo=/home/x/.udocker images 12. udocker -D run --user=1001:5001 fedora Notes: 1. by default the following host directories are mounted in the container: /dev /proc /sys /etc/resolv.conf /etc/host.conf /etc/hostname 2. to prevent the mount of the above directories use: run --nosysdirs 3. additional host directories to be mounted are specified with: run --volume=/data:/mnt --volume=/etc/hosts run --nosysdirs --volume=/dev --volume=/proc """ cmd_help = cmdp.get("", "CMD") try: text = eval("self.do_" + cmd_help + ".__doc__") if text: Msg().out(text) return except AttributeError: pass Msg().out(self.do_help.__doc__) class CmdParser(object): """Implements a simple command line parser. Divides the command into parameters and options that can be queried for presence and value. The general command format is: $ udocker command arg1 arg2 --opta --optb=zzz """ def __init__(self): """constructor parses the user command line""" self._argv = "" self._argv_split = dict() self._argv_consumed_options = dict() self._argv_consumed_params = dict() self._argv_split['CMD'] = "" self._argv_split['GEN_OPT'] = [] self._argv_split['CMD_OPT'] = [] self._argv_consumed_options['GEN_OPT'] = [] self._argv_consumed_options['CMD_OPT'] = [] self._argv_consumed_params['GEN_OPT'] = [] self._argv_consumed_params['CMD_OPT'] = [] def parse(self, argv): """Parse a command line string passed to the constructor divides the string in three blocks: general_options, command name, and command options+arguments """ step = 1 for arg in argv[1:]: if step == 1: if arg[0] in string.ascii_letters: self._argv_split['CMD'] = arg step = 2 else: self._argv_split['GEN_OPT'].append(arg) elif step == 2: self._argv_split['CMD_OPT'].append(arg) return step == 2 def missing_options(self): """Get comamnd line options not used/fetched by Cmdp.get() """ all_opt = [] for pos in range(len(self._argv_split['GEN_OPT'])): if (pos not in self._argv_consumed_options['GEN_OPT'] and pos not in self._argv_consumed_params['GEN_OPT']): all_opt.append(self._argv_split['GEN_OPT'][pos]) for pos in range(len(self._argv_split['CMD_OPT'])): if (pos not in self._argv_consumed_options['CMD_OPT'] and pos not in self._argv_consumed_params['CMD_OPT']): all_opt.append(self._argv_split['CMD_OPT'][pos]) return all_opt def get(self, opt_name, opt_where="CMD_OPT", opt_multiple=False): """Get the value of a command line option --xyz= multiple=true multiple occurences of option can be present """ if opt_where == "CMD": return self._argv_split["CMD"] elif opt_where in ("CMD_OPT", "GEN_OPT"): if opt_name.startswith("P"): return(self._get_param(opt_name, self._argv_split[opt_where], self._argv_consumed_options[opt_where], self._argv_consumed_params[opt_where])) elif opt_name.startswith("-"): return(self._get_option(opt_name, self._argv_split[opt_where], self._argv_consumed_options[opt_where], opt_multiple)) return None def declare_options(self, opts_string, opt_where="CMD_OPT"): """Declare in advance options that are part of the command line """ pos = 0 opt_list = self._argv_split[opt_where] while pos < len(opt_list): for opt_name in opts_string.strip().split(): if opt_name.endswith("="): if opt_list[pos].startswith(opt_name): self._argv_consumed_options[opt_where].append(pos) elif opt_list[pos] == opt_name[:-1]: self._argv_consumed_options[opt_where].append(pos) if (pos < len(opt_list) and not opt_list[pos+1].startswith("-")): self._argv_consumed_options[opt_where].\ append(pos + 1) elif opt_list[pos] == opt_name: self._argv_consumed_options[opt_where].append(pos) pos += 1 def _get_option(self, opt_name, opt_list, consumed, opt_multiple): """Get command line options such as: -x -x= --x --x= The options may exist in the first and third part of the udocker command line. """ all_args = [] pos = 0 while pos < len(opt_list): opt_arg = None if ((not opt_list[pos].startswith("-")) and (pos < 1 or (pos not in consumed and not opt_list[pos-1].endswith("=")))): break # end of options and start of arguments elif opt_name.endswith("="): if opt_list[pos].startswith(opt_name): #opt_arg = opt_list[pos].split("=", 1)[1].strip().strip('"') opt_arg = opt_list[pos].split("=", 1)[1].strip() elif (opt_list[pos] == opt_name[:-1] and not opt_list[pos + 1].startswith("-")): consumed.append(pos) pos += 1 opt_arg = opt_list[pos] elif opt_list[pos] == opt_name: consumed.append(pos) opt_arg = True pos += 1 if opt_arg is None: continue else: consumed.append(pos-1) if opt_multiple: all_args.append(opt_arg) else: return opt_arg if opt_multiple: return all_args else: return False def _get_param(self, opt_name, opt_list, consumed, consumed_params): """Get command line parameters The CLI of udocker has 3 parts, first options, second command name third everything after the command name. The params are the arguments that do not start with - and may exist after the options. """ all_args = [] pos = 0 param_num = 0 skip_opts = True while pos < len(opt_list): if not (skip_opts and (opt_list[pos].startswith("-") or pos in consumed)): skip_opts = False param_num += 1 if opt_name[1:] == str(param_num): consumed_params.append(pos) return opt_list[pos] elif opt_name[1] == '*': consumed_params.append(pos) all_args.append(opt_list[pos]) elif opt_name[1] == '+' and param_num > 0: consumed_params.append(pos) all_args.append(opt_list[pos]) pos += 1 if opt_name[1] == '*': return all_args elif opt_name[1] == '+': return all_args[1:] else: return None class Main(object): """Get options, parse and execute the command line""" def __init__(self): self.cmdp = CmdParser() if not self.cmdp.parse(sys.argv): Msg().err("Error: parsing command line, use: udocker help") sys.exit(1) Config().user_init(self.cmdp.get("--config=", "GEN_OPT")) if (self.cmdp.get("--debug", "GEN_OPT") or self.cmdp.get("-D", "GEN_OPT")): Config.verbose_level = Msg.DBG elif (self.cmdp.get("--quiet", "GEN_OPT") or self.cmdp.get("-q", "GEN_OPT")): Config.verbose_level = Msg.MSG Msg().setlevel(Config.verbose_level) if self.cmdp.get("--insecure", "GEN_OPT"): Config.http_insecure = True if self.cmdp.get("--repo=", "GEN_OPT"): # override repo root tree Config.topdir = self.cmdp.get("--repo=", "GEN_OPT") if not LocalRepository(Config.topdir).is_repo(): Msg().err("Error: invalid udocker repository:", Config.topdir) sys.exit(1) self.localrepo = LocalRepository(Config.topdir) if not self.localrepo.is_repo(): Msg().out("Info: creating repo: " + Config.topdir, l=Msg.INF) self.localrepo.create_repo() self.udocker = Udocker(self.localrepo) # status = UdockerTools(self.localrepo).install() # if status is not None and not status: # Msg().err("Error: install of udockertools failed") def execute(self): """Command parsing and selection""" cmds = { "help": self.udocker.do_help, "search": self.udocker.do_search, "images": self.udocker.do_images, "pull": self.udocker.do_pull, "create": self.udocker.do_create, "ps": self.udocker.do_ps, "run": self.udocker.do_run, "version": self.udocker.do_version, "rmi": self.udocker.do_rmi, "mkrepo": self.udocker.do_mkrepo, "import": self.udocker.do_import, "load": self.udocker.do_load, "protect": self.udocker.do_protect, "rm": self.udocker.do_rm, "name": self.udocker.do_name, "rmname": self.udocker.do_rmname, "verify": self.udocker.do_verify, "logout": self.udocker.do_logout, "unprotect": self.udocker.do_unprotect, "inspect": self.udocker.do_inspect, "login": self.udocker.do_login, "setup":self.udocker.do_setup, "install":self.udocker.do_install, } if (self.cmdp.get("--help", "GEN_OPT") or self.cmdp.get("-h", "GEN_OPT")): self.udocker.do_help(self.cmdp) return 0 else: command = self.cmdp.get("", "CMD") if command in cmds: if command != "install": cmds["install"](None) if self.cmdp.get("--help") or self.cmdp.get("-h"): self.udocker.do_help(self.cmdp) # help on command return 0 status = cmds[command](self.cmdp) # executes the command if self.cmdp.missing_options(): Msg().err("Error: syntax error at: %s" % " ".join(self.cmdp.missing_options())) return 1 if isinstance(status, bool): return not status elif isinstance(status, (int, long)): return status # return command status else: Msg().err("Error: invalid command:", command, "\n") self.udocker.do_help(self.cmdp) def start(self): """Program start and exception handling""" try: exit_status = self.execute() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): FileUtil().cleanup() return 1 except: FileUtil().cleanup() raise else: FileUtil().cleanup() return exit_status if __name__ == "__main__": if not os.geteuid(): Msg().err("Error: do not run as root !") sys.exit(1) sys.exit(Main().start())