#!/bin/bash # Global constants readonly DEFAULT_SYSTEM_VOLUME="Macintosh HD" readonly DEFAULT_DATA_VOLUME="Macintosh HD - Data" # Text formating RED='\033[1;31m' GREEN='\033[1;32m' BLUE='\033[1;34m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' PURPLE='\033[1;35m' CYAN='\033[1;36m' NC='\033[0m' # Checks if a volume with the given name exists checkVolumeExistence() { local volumeLabel="$*" diskutil info "$volumeLabel" >/dev/null 2>&1 } # Returns the name of a volume with the given type getVolumeName() { local volumeType="$1" # Getting the APFS Container Disk Identifier apfsContainer=$(diskutil list internal physical | grep 'Container' | awk -F'Container ' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}') # Getting the Volume Information volumeInfo=$(diskutil ap list "$apfsContainer" | grep -A 5 "($volumeType)") # Extracting the Volume Name from the Volume Information volumeNameLine=$(echo "$volumeInfo" | grep 'Name:') # Removing unnecessary characters to get the clean Volume Name volumeName=$(echo "$volumeNameLine" | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d'(' -f1 | xargs) echo "$volumeName" } # Defines the path to a volume with the given default name and volume type defineVolumePath() { local defaultVolume=$1 local volumeType=$2 if checkVolumeExistence "$defaultVolume"; then echo "/Volumes/$defaultVolume" else local volumeName volumeName="$(getVolumeName "$volumeType")" echo "/Volumes/$volumeName" fi } # Mounts a volume at the given path mountVolume() { local volumePath=$1 if [ ! -d "$volumePath" ]; then diskutil mount "$volumePath" fi } echo -e "${CYAN}*-------------------*---------------------*${NC}" echo -e "${YELLOW}* Check MDM - Skip MDM Auto for MacOS by *${NC}" echo -e "${RED}* SKIPMDM.COM *${NC}" echo -e "${RED}* Phoenix Team *${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}*-------------------*---------------------*${NC}" echo "" PS3='Please enter your choice: ' options=("Autoypass on Recovery" "Check MDM Enrollment" "Reboot" "Exit") select opt in "${options[@]}"; do case $opt in "Autoypass on Recovery") echo -e "\n\t${GREEN}Bypass on Recovery${NC}\n" # Mount Volumes echo -e "${BLUE}Mounting volumes...${NC}" # Mount System Volume systemVolumePath=$(defineVolumePath "$DEFAULT_SYSTEM_VOLUME" "System") mountVolume "$systemVolumePath" # Mount Data Volume dataVolumePath=$(defineVolumePath "$DEFAULT_DATA_VOLUME" "Data") mountVolume "$dataVolumePath" echo -e "${GREEN}Volume preparation completed${NC}\n" # Create User echo -e "${BLUE}Checking user existence${NC}" dscl_path="$dataVolumePath/private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localUserDirPath="/Local/Default/Users" defaultUID="501" if ! dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -list "$localUserDirPath" UniqueID | grep -q "\<$defaultUID\>"; then echo -e "${CYAN}Create a new user / Tạo User mới${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Press Enter to continue, Note: Leaving it blank will default to the automatic user / Nhấn Enter để tiếp tục, Lưu ý: có thể không điền sẽ tự động nhận User mặc định${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}Enter Full Name (Default: Apple) / Nhập tên User (Mặc định: Apple)${NC}" read -rp "Full name: " fullName fullName="${fullName:=Apple}" echo -e "${CYAN}Nhận Username${NC} ${RED}WRITE WITHOUT SPACES / VIẾT LIỀN KHÔNG DẤU${NC} ${GREEN}(Mặc định: Apple)${NC}" read -rp "Username: " username username="${username:=Apple}" echo -e "${CYAN}Enter the User Password (default: 4 space) / Nhập mật khẩu (mặc định: 4 dấu cách)${NC}" read -rsp "Password: " userPassword userPassword="${userPassword:= }" echo -e "\n${BLUE}Creating User / Đang tạo User${NC}" dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "$localUserDirPath/$username" dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "$localUserDirPath/$username" UserShell "/bin/zsh" dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "$localUserDirPath/$username" RealName "$fullName" dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "$localUserDirPath/$username" UniqueID "$defaultUID" dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "$localUserDirPath/$username" PrimaryGroupID "20" mkdir "$dataVolumePath/Users/$username" dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -create "$localUserDirPath/$username" NFSHomeDirectory "/Users/$username" dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -passwd "$localUserDirPath/$username" "$userPassword" dscl -f "$dscl_path" localhost -append "/Local/Default/Groups/admin" GroupMembership "$username" echo -e "${GREEN}User created${NC}\n" else echo -e "${BLUE}User already created${NC}\n" fi # Block MDM hosts echo -e "${BLUE}Blocking MDM hosts...${NC}" hostsPath="$systemVolumePath/etc/hosts" blockedDomains=("deviceenrollment.apple.com" "mdmenrollment.apple.com" "iprofiles.apple.com") for domain in "${blockedDomains[@]}"; do echo " $domain" >>"$hostsPath" done echo -e "${GREEN}Successfully blocked host / Thành công chặn host${NC}\n" # Remove config profiles echo -e "${BLUE}Remove config profiles${NC}" configProfilesSettingsPath="$systemVolumePath/var/db/ConfigurationProfiles/Settings" touch "$dataVolumePath/private/var/db/.AppleSetupDone" rm -rf "$configProfilesSettingsPath/.cloudConfigHasActivationRecord" rm -rf "$configProfilesSettingsPath/.cloudConfigRecordFound" touch "$configProfilesSettingsPath/.cloudConfigProfileInstalled" touch "$configProfilesSettingsPath/.cloudConfigRecordNotFound" echo -e "${GREEN}Config profiles removed${NC}\n" echo -e "${GREEN}------ Autobypass SUCCESSFULLY / Autobypass HOÀN TẤT ------${NC}" echo -e "${CYAN}------ Exit Terminal. Reboot Macbook and ENJOY ! ------${NC}" break ;; "Check MDM Enrollment") if [ ! -f /usr/bin/profiles ]; then echo -e "\n\t${RED}Don't use this option in recovery${NC}\n" continue fi if ! sudo profiles show -type enrollment >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "\n\t${GREEN}Success${NC}\n" else echo -e "\n\t${RED}Failure${NC}\n" fi ;; "Reboot") echo -e "\n\t${BLUE}Rebooting...${NC}\n" reboot ;; "Exit") echo -e "\n\t${BLUE}Exiting...${NC}\n" exit ;; *) echo "Invalid option $REPLY" ;; esac done